| Results 251 ... 500 found in all logged channels for 'ai' |

2017-05-17 mircea_popescu aka "we don't need ai, we got google data!!!" #trilema
2017-05-17 a111 Logged on 2017-05-17 14:03 phf: there's an earlier talk he made, maybe 10 years ago, where he basically said "we used to do all these analytical algorithms to AI, but turns out you don't need none of that, because we have massive datasets instead." #trilema
2017-05-17 phf there's an earlier talk he made, maybe 10 years ago, where he basically said "we used to do all these analytical algorithms to AI, but turns out you don't need none of that, because we have massive datasets instead." #trilema
2017-05-17 phf well, he also wrote an ai textbook with exemplary lisp #trilema
2017-05-17 asciilifeform phf: same norvig who wrote ai textbook with 0 lisp #trilema
2017-05-15 a111 Logged on 2017-05-08 17:04 mircea_popescu: i don't think you either know or could meet if you dedicated a year to it someone possessed of an ai capable of identifying who the fuck to shoot. #trilema
2017-05-12 phf` “First-Ever LSD Microdosing Study Will Pit the Human Brain Against AI (vice.com)” #trilema
2017-05-09 mircea_popescu reddit users were rendered obsolete by "ai" back in the days of minsky. #trilema
2017-05-08 mircea_popescu i have a pretty good guess by now : ai. #trilema
2017-05-08 asciilifeform gotta also love the 'imminent mega-ai' from the same folx who brought us crashing microshit excel. #trilema
2017-05-08 mircea_popescu well... maybe the tremendously ever-improving ai opens up a whole bunch of galaxies' worth of new leaves, like sf promised. #trilema
2017-05-08 mircea_popescu i don't think you either know or could meet if you dedicated a year to it someone possessed of an ai capable of identifying who the fuck to shoot. #trilema
2017-05-08 gizmolearner After many years of slow growth, AI is currently looking to be on an unstoppable path. If a machine that costs $.25 an hour to run can out think a person who costs $50 an hour. What should the people do? Capatilism says the machines should win the jobs. So no you have factories and things that require almost no people, but still produce as much as ever. And a lot of unemployable people. #trilema
2017-04-22 mircea_popescu imo the exact same drive is behind "let's build ai to make friends" and "let's make use of the higher transistor count to reflexivitize the cpu". it's a sort of triumf des willens all of its own. #trilema
2017-04-13 ben_vulpes in other constantly increasing costs of cross-referencing all of the inanity all of the time, "'ai' picks up biases from texts on which it's trained" #trilema
2017-04-13 mircea_popescu huge fucking loss in human control over human affairs, and meanwhile the idiots are sitting around worrying about "Evil ai". hey, guess what, you don't need the ai to fuck you over. #trilema
2017-04-12 mircea_popescu your expectation of divinity in your bots is of the same root as an expectation of friendship supplementation in computers aka "ai". #trilema
2017-04-11 ben_vulpes spoiler alert: ai can't in2 dicks afaict #trilema
2017-04-10 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: problem is, 'database' as commonly seen in sqlworld is not 'collection of btrees, rtrees, etc.' in encyclopaedic algorithmic form, but a misbegotten attempt at ai. #trilema
2017-04-09 asciilifeform at the ai lab. #trilema
2017-04-09 asciilifeform 1970s mit ai lab != modern mit #trilema
2017-04-09 asciilifeform again it wasn't 'mit', it was 'mit's ai lab', wholly - at the time - unique assemblage. #trilema
2017-04-09 asciilifeform ai lab strictly. #trilema
2017-04-03 phf mircea_popescu: of course not predict. likewise no concept of AI is involved anywhere #trilema
2017-04-03 asciilifeform take my old example, 'boobytrap an fpga.' elementarily you WILL need to somehow fit an ai in there, to create any serious problem for UNKNOWN bitstream #trilema
2017-03-29 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 23:32 ben_vulpes: and in other wonders of "ai": http://boingboing.net/2017/03/29/countermeasures-are-a-thing.html #trilema
2017-03-29 ben_vulpes and in other wonders of "ai": http://boingboing.net/2017/03/29/countermeasures-are-a-thing.html #trilema
2017-03-28 mircea_popescu about half of what droive the whole "image recognition ai" wank #trilema
2017-03-28 mircea_popescu ie, "this sounds great and explains nothing" ; much like the void thinking (void) ai program. #trilema
2017-03-22 ben_vulpes oooh and make a bunch of work for 'ai' image recognition programmers #trilema
2017-03-10 asciilifeform the ai lab d00d also had nfi that the source existed. #trilema
2017-03-10 asciilifeform made friends with d00d who worked in ai lab, he gave me a working alpha (i was a student, and had $0) and FULL set of bolix docs. which i still have. #trilema
2017-03-10 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-10#1624395 << your emulator stil lsucks what can i tell you. ai winter! #trilema
2017-03-09 trinque mod6: the thing should really have one of those google AIs to figure out which goes with which #trilema
2017-03-09 mircea_popescu meanwhile in ai news, http://68.media.tumblr.com/4277bdf9e99091bd0846649df6201385/tumblr_o6dkfiaXG61umjwnoo1_400.gif #trilema
2017-03-02 mircea_popescu well... "ai" at any rate. #trilema
2017-03-02 mircea_popescu otherwise this too much resembles the ai problem of thought(); #trilema
2017-02-28 mircea_popescu there's nothing andressen has to contribute to any discussion. if you want copy/paste "ugc" you can just as well use google "ai", for the exact same result. #trilema
2017-02-28 trinque that the character which embodies this is "AI" is not important; it's behavior is entirely human #trilema
2017-02-23 a111 Logged on 2017-02-22 07:26 mircea_popescu: anyway, there's a common thread going through the google go ai, attempts to "secure the banking system against risk", the surveillance state / internet of things / smart cars and so on. #trilema
2017-02-22 ben_vulpes mhm "even google ai is better at driving than most people" #trilema
2017-02-22 ben_vulpes aah. hey is the fed ai yet? #trilema
2017-02-22 ben_vulpes 'ai' to handle the unexpected situation/'unknowns problem'? #trilema
2017-02-22 mircea_popescu anyway, there's a common thread going through the google go ai, attempts to "secure the banking system against risk", the surveillance state / internet of things / smart cars and so on. #trilema
2017-02-22 ben_vulpes to use it against other 'ai'? #trilema
2017-02-22 mircea_popescu yes yes, except it's as far from a fact as it could possibly get. it is, in nucet, the HOPE of usg "ai" work. #trilema
2017-02-13 mircea_popescu now, SOMETIMES, it's like in the case of the lisp ai, where i was lazy and didn't actually provision properly. #trilema
2017-02-10 thestringpuller "After further investigation, it turned out that the two AIs were communicating using a novel symmetric key cipher, and the key that ended up being uncrackable by the third AI was simply '12345', the kind of password an idiot would have on his luggage." #trilema
2017-01-26 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i don't do ai. i do ia. #trilema
2017-01-26 mircea_popescu asciilifeform you keep trying to design-for-ai. there's no need and no call for that ; moreover no practical way to ever do it. wot permitted me to ascertain enough information to eg behead that adlai schmuck most recently. there's no way "for you to explain how i reasoned to a machine", or even in general, and that doesn't hurt or stop me. moreover if there was such a way, then he'd simply act differently next time. and ther #trilema
2017-01-25 mircea_popescu v links add value ; which couldn't have been made by "an ai" #trilema
2017-01-25 mircea_popescu AI to power unauthorized access against foreign state and non-state actors, then both code and design could be interpreted as defense items. Then it could fall under Title 50 of US Code, appear on the United States Munitions List, Category XVII (Classified Articles, Technical Data, and Defense Services Not Otherwise Enumerated) and therefore be subject the Arms Export Control Act. Once under DoD control those examples of QC c #trilema
2017-01-20 mircea_popescu really not worth doing ai for this. #trilema
2017-01-19 mircea_popescu the problem with "string" isn't there just to fuck with mp's ai bot. #trilema
2017-01-16 ben_vulpes ai! #trilema
2017-01-15 mircea_popescu dang these ai lisp bots are getting better by the day #trilema
2017-01-15 ben_vulpes and in other ai herpderps: https://www.inverse.com/article/26054-google-home-bots-falling-in-love-on-twitch-is-the-best-romance-of-2017 #trilema
2017-01-15 mircea_popescu "we created ai that can pass any college exam. it... counts letters." #trilema
2017-01-13 mircea_popescu "evil ai" or "genetically modified" or you know, something. #trilema
2017-01-13 mircea_popescu as good a statement as any re why moore law can't ever produce ai. #trilema
2017-01-13 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: many of your parens escapes did not work in ai post #trilema
2017-01-13 deedbot http://trilema.com/2017/my-three-days-of-ai/ << Trilema - My three days of AI #trilema
2017-01-11 phf typically people recommend http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/ and it's a sort of "rails for beginners" kind of book, but i think best cl option is http://www.norvig.com/paip.html. norvig's paradigms of artificial intelligence programming. it's not so much about "ai", but about some very useful symbolic algorithms, written in ~very elegant~ lisp code #trilema
2017-01-11 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-11#1601428 << poker 'solving' ai per se is ~uninteresting. the genuinely nifty thing would be a 'realistic humanlike' (e.g., 'loose') player. #trilema
2017-01-11 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski ftr, poker needs no such thing as "ai". poker is a deterministic game if you wish, can program machine to play extremely tight, will beat most humans. #trilema
2017-01-11 pete_dushenski speaking of better than average ai, looks like some boys from the u of a cracked heads-up no-limit texas https://arxiv.org/pdf/1701.01724v2.pdf #trilema
2017-01-10 ben_vulpes ai is impossible and bugs are invariant #trilema
2017-01-10 mircea_popescu i thought lisp makes ai possible and bugs impossible. #trilema
2017-01-09 a111 Logged on 2017-01-07 18:04 mircea_popescu: ah. the way i was thinking this'd work would be : the bot answers to any lines where its name is mentioned ; and i can update its "brain" with a !^ url style command. whereby it replaces its "ai" code with the content of the file. #trilema
2017-01-08 deedbot http://trilema.com/2017/my-ai-problems-a-humble-confession/ << Trilema - My AI problems, a humble confession. #trilema
2017-01-08 asciilifeform 'It is my opinion that the fans of this family of hardware/vaporware, consistent advocates of The New Age of Computing, have serious AI problems. Here's a sample quote on cellular automata: "I guess they really are like us." Well, if you want to build a computing device in order to have a relationship with it, maybe a cellular automaton will do the trick. Although I'd recommend to first check the fine selection of Homo Sapiens we have #trilema
2017-01-08 a111 Logged on 2017-01-08 13:54 mircea_popescu: and the other thing : that entire "it is unclear whether people aiming to make an artificial friend have seriously considered the much cheaper, ordinary kind" which i can't fucking find in the log for some reason goes A LOT deeper than generally realised. it's not "oh, i'm not discussing ai so it's not about me". yes, IT IS about you. if the software you're contemplating aims to take fifty hours of engineer work to replace fi #trilema
2017-01-08 mircea_popescu and the other thing : that entire "it is unclear whether people aiming to make an artificial friend have seriously considered the much cheaper, ordinary kind" which i can't fucking find in the log for some reason goes A LOT deeper than generally realised. it's not "oh, i'm not discussing ai so it's not about me". yes, IT IS about you. if the software you're contemplating aims to take fifty hours of engineer work to replace fi #trilema
2017-01-08 a111 Logged on 2015-09-25 21:50 mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-09-2015#1285635 << exactly the wrong kind of fucking ai. a) not actually intelligent ; b) negative - the last thing i fucking want to see is mechanically powered women nagging ; c) not self contained - at least the stupid nag you can beat into the ground. #trilema
2017-01-07 a111 Logged on 2017-01-07 18:15 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-07#1598258 << you know those guys that periodically stop by lisper venues, and they don't really program, but they want to use LISP to build an AI, because metacircularity of code is data is giving them mystical visions..? #trilema
2017-01-07 phf http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-07#1598258 << you know those guys that periodically stop by lisper venues, and they don't really program, but they want to use LISP to build an AI, because metacircularity of code is data is giving them mystical visions..? #trilema
2017-01-07 mircea_popescu ah. the way i was thinking this'd work would be : the bot answers to any lines where its name is mentioned ; and i can update its "brain" with a !^ url style command. whereby it replaces its "ai" code with the content of the file. #trilema
2017-01-07 * mircea_popescu kind-of has a hankering to dick around with "ai", but no time to fuck with linux eigenstates. #trilema
2017-01-06 asciilifeform 'friendly ai' was thiel. #trilema
2017-01-06 mircea_popescu (ftr, the musk "friendly ai" thingee had NINE employees. to medium's 150.) #trilema
2017-01-06 mircea_popescu i fail to see this potential. looks entirely like "hey guise, let's agree on definition of ai that allows the pretense of sv technologee to survive a little longer plox " #trilema
2017-01-03 mircea_popescu this is obviously true ai problem. #trilema
2016-12-27 mircea_popescu for that matter, "ai" wouldn't be confused with a large bank of switches. #trilema
2016-12-24 mircea_popescu https://twitter.com/BunnyFuxalot/status/793954128657412097 << in other lulz the twitter hate speech ai detector is working like a charm. #trilema
2016-12-24 asciilifeform so that it can look like 'ai'. #trilema
2016-12-24 mircea_popescu anyway, the fate of the socialist empire in its eternal historical cyclicity is fascinating. so - nazis put everything on large tanks ; and failed. but then soviets put everything on a particular notion of industrialization (steel-per-capita industrialization, so to speak) and... failed. so the one socialist empire left standing is putting it all on "ai". and... #trilema
2016-12-24 mircea_popescu basically, the ~one hope of the imperial technologistic church of some sort of practical results is a peculiar form of ai. they're doubling down on it exactly in the manner usg doubled down on "alternative fuels". #trilema
2016-12-22 mircea_popescu Joi Ito, who runs the MIT Media Lab, said a wonderful thing in a recent conversation with President Obama: "This may upset some of my students at MIT, but one of my concerns is that it's been a predominantly male gang of kids, mostly white, who are building the core computer science around AI, and they're more comfortable talking to computers than to human beings. A lot of them feel that if they could just make that science-f #trilema
2016-12-22 mircea_popescu iction, generalized AI, we wouldn't have to worry about all the messy stuff like politics and society. They think machines will just figure it all out for us." #trilema
2016-12-22 asciilifeform 'AI risk is string theory for computer programmers. It's fun to think about, interesting, and completely inaccessible to experiment given our current technology. You can build crystal palaces of thought, working from first principles, then climb up inside them and pull the ladder up behind you.' #trilema
2016-12-22 a111 Logged on 2016-12-11 19:54 mircea_popescu: phf suppose you make an ai expert system to beat us at go. this gives you two practical options : either include 10gb worth of binary flags preset ; or else have us beat it at go for 10 centuries before it gets to where it plays like a freshly fucked 19yo. #trilema
2016-12-18 phf i'm pretty sure that ai memos are enough to rebuild computing from scratch. has architectural descriptions, cpu design, fabrication, language designs, text editors ("emacs" before it was taken over by rms is described in one of the ai-memos, both as a standalone thing and as set of TECO marcos), various algorithms #trilema
2016-12-18 phf i think "ai research" is a mislabel, because the promise of ai was used to keep the funding going, and there is a lot of failed hacks on the subject, but the bulk of actual work was more about how to do computers #trilema
2016-12-18 phf mircea_popescu: csail (mit ai lab then) published "ai memos" from 1959 to sometime in early 2000s where they described a lot of "firsts" in computing in general. scheme spec was published by sussman and steele, lisp 1.5 compiler (first "self-hosting"), lisp machine architecture, etc. most papers are not so much ai as computing in general. #trilema
2016-12-18 mircea_popescu phf hey, at least unlike the 15-20 years of "ai research", this ~actually does something~. #trilema
2016-12-17 mircea_popescu incidentally, is there such a thing as an "ai code commenter" ? specifically, rather than the hard problem of "human speech" or junk of that nature, is there any machine approach to turning compileable code into literate code (kuhn) ? #trilema
2016-12-16 mircea_popescu anyway. for completeness let it be stated that perceived problems of thought-computing mismatch are thoroughly a matter of perception, and in principle can not be fixed (other than fixing the perception). it's the fundamental problem of "ai", as derided often enough here (see the "what if you name the procedures something other than "understanding" etc ; see also chomski's attacks on "ai" centered on the constructed repeating #trilema
2016-12-12 asciilifeform and, for instance, also had to outwit the 'ai' in the thing to keep it from 'recognizing state machine' and ADDING GATES wtfomfgh #trilema
2016-12-11 mircea_popescu phf suppose you make an ai expert system to beat us at go. this gives you two practical options : either include 10gb worth of binary flags preset ; or else have us beat it at go for 10 centuries before it gets to where it plays like a freshly fucked 19yo. #trilema
2016-12-06 trinque at any rate the AI thing is exactly "discover the meaning of life" #trilema
2016-12-06 mircea_popescu the same 60-70 years that failed to produce anything woreth the mention in ai also failed to produce an even vaguely coherent model of the state, or of any sort of identity in any field, or of you pick it. not even their distribution models work. #trilema
2016-12-06 mircea_popescu but then again : the most hardcore anti-ai stance, and the one to which i vaguely subscribe, is to observe that the 1 is entirely illusory #trilema
2016-12-06 mircea_popescu now then : the issue of arbitrarily hard ai existing / being produced is separate of same being produced ~by you~. for any definition of you. #trilema
2016-12-06 mircea_popescu i can grant that ai is a psychiatric issue of plenty of computer programmers ; i can even grant that it is perhaps best to pretend like ai is "impossible" in the sense he means to perhaps cure the idiots. #trilema
2016-12-06 asciilifeform there are 2 types of ai skeptic, the 'vitalists' ('immortal soul') and the 'shambling horror of computer', 'we don't even know how to make a spreadshit that dun crash' folk. #trilema
2016-12-06 mircea_popescu i guess in his terms this makes me an ai weenie. you know, like hofstadter. #trilema
2016-12-06 mircea_popescu as the idea is to make ai not a"i". THAT we already have. #trilema
2016-12-06 mircea_popescu oney if you mention AI anywhere in your business plan." #trilema
2016-12-06 mircea_popescu but on the other side of the coin, "As you probably already know, but my trademark thoroughness still obliges me to say, AI stands for "Artificial Intelligence" and comes in two flavors, "deterministic" (like minmax) and "statistical" (like SVM). The combined efforts of various researches lead to an important breakthrough in this field, known to meteorologists as "the AI winter". This is the season when you can't get any VC m #trilema
2016-12-05 mircea_popescu be that as it may, the conceptual item solves two major open questions here in tmsr forum : a) "why is this proggy 100mb ?!?" "because it has 100mn datapoints in the ai massager, let it be" ; b) "why does this proggy want to call home ?" "because whenever you accept a design and put it in production, all other installations want to review the datapoint, it's valuable." #trilema
2016-12-05 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: google (or rather, the firm it bought) had 0 original ai. it was 1990s-era techniques, they simply licensed the code and threw iron at it #trilema
2016-12-05 mircea_popescu fror bonus points - steal google's go playing ai and modify it. the problem of routing is grid-discretizable. #trilema
2016-12-02 mircea_popescu and there's a damned good reason you don't, nor is it a service you offer : the difficulty of "looking at the data, establish its validity" exceeds building the ai. #trilema
2016-11-12 mircea_popescu this thing's developing ai. #trilema
2016-11-10 a111 Logged on 2016-10-31 15:12 mircea_popescu: very weird, the list of nonsense these people sprout. it's as if they have 0 reflexive capacity whatsoever, how am i supposed to distinguish google "ai" from some douche who spits out " Your style of just summarily shitting on how the author wrote this piece adds no value to the discussion." ? #trilema
2016-10-31 mircea_popescu very weird, the list of nonsense these people sprout. it's as if they have 0 reflexive capacity whatsoever, how am i supposed to distinguish google "ai" from some douche who spits out " Your style of just summarily shitting on how the author wrote this piece adds no value to the discussion." ? #trilema
2016-10-29 phf oh by the time a111 can recover from all possible freenode failures we've achieved the dream of hard ai #trilema
2016-10-28 a111 Logged on 2016-10-28 15:49 pete_dushenski: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1610.06918v1.pdf << latest lulz from google 'ai' dept of 'cryptosystems' #trilema
2016-10-28 pete_dushenski https://arxiv.org/pdf/1610.06918v1.pdf << latest lulz from google 'ai' dept of 'cryptosystems' #trilema
2016-10-23 mircea_popescu but then again, it is the necessary fate of isolated motherhood. they've set out to build AI and ended up building a meta-Lucy instead. apparently spontaneous organisation emerges in chimps with "humanities" degrees before it emerges in doped silicone. #trilema
2016-10-21 mircea_popescu heh the ai-nsfw crap is almost amusing. #trilema
2016-10-11 mircea_popescu is this the guy who ran some sort of "AI" to make predictions and then decided to "turn it off" because something sounding a lot like yakowsky or w/e the harry potter fanfic writer's name is ? #trilema
2016-09-23 phf asciilifeform is really the last self aware symbolics 3640, that they didn't destroy during the great ai purge in the 80s. (lisp of course succeeded, DoD panicked and wiped out all traces of ai, save for one..) #trilema
2016-09-14 mircea_popescu "writ large". see alf ? the go "ai" is already taking over "science". #trilema
2016-09-07 mircea_popescu "all ais are subject to registration. any ai found without proper registration will be destroyed." #trilema
2016-09-07 mircea_popescu but yes, we cameto a crossroad, where ai denizens are actually a significant enough portion of the republic's cohorts. #trilema
2016-09-07 mircea_popescu #trilema, at the forefront of ai research. #trilema
2016-08-24 mircea_popescu (it stands to reason that if YOU are trying to find the enemy / rabbit / whatever you want to take stationary positions and watch ; yet people don't usually want to play a game against ai that does mostly this.) #trilema
2016-08-24 phf stealth computer games are best suited for ai problems, because the algorithms fall under a very specific category of differential blind search games with mobile hider studied and analyzed since the 60s as part of differential games subfield of game theory (DoD likes to throw money at stuff like that, and the first treatment of subject is by a RAND corporation guy). there's no known optimal strategy for >2 node networks, but there are #trilema
2016-08-24 thestringpuller http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-25#1529126 << probably why stealth games have the most "interesting" ai. It's a puzzle with many solutions. :P #trilema
2016-08-24 a111 Logged on 2016-08-25 00:56 mircea_popescu: "better ai" is no improvement when it traduces in practice to "must play a game with known/computable solution" . #trilema
2016-08-24 thestringpuller Sure. But the notion of game AI "knowing the player's location" isn't really a thing these days. #trilema
2016-08-24 mircea_popescu thestringpuller ai is ai, sensory advantages are sensory advantages. different categories. #trilema
2016-08-24 a111 Logged on 2016-08-25 00:48 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-24#1529001 << seeing through walls is not ai. #trilema
2016-08-24 mircea_popescu "better ai" is no improvement when it traduces in practice to "must play a game with known/computable solution" . #trilema
2016-08-24 BingoBoingo Classic Pac Man also has way to soundly defeat AI #trilema
2016-08-24 mircea_popescu imo the best ai any game ever displayed to date was pacman. #trilema
2016-08-24 a111 Logged on 2016-08-24 18:49 thestringpuller: game AI is pretty advance on most fronts, it's not trying "to be human". For instance being hunted in a stealth game. If they really wanted to, they could make the AI find you EVERY time. A game of hide and go seek that's impossible to win. So the in-between is this "puzzle-like" element. #trilema
2016-08-24 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-24#1529001 << seeing through walls is not ai. #trilema
2016-08-24 phf yes, you can make ai that can smell you all through the field, but then it's equivalent to "knowing where you are", and no ai is involved. it's simply a machine that can pinpoint a location based on small with p reliability #trilema
2016-08-24 phf the impossibility in this case is inverse relation to "knowing where you are", not to "ai". because making ai with limited sensors (like by say using same set of sensors as what you have) find you is a tricky problem #trilema
2016-08-24 thestringpuller asciilifeform: okay. so in game of hide and go seek in kojima's world. AI is like player but more liek child. It can see, it can hear, it can even smell. So if player is running in rain and footsteps appear, AI follows players trail. If AI hears suspicious noise in certain area it goes and "looks around". The thoroughness of its hunt is relative to difficulty. I was saying more if you want to go the "purist" route. You can make the hi #trilema
2016-08-24 asciilifeform thestringpuller: which is why games like civ1 had braindead computer opponent, and certain others - e.g., galciv - were famous for 'interesting ai' #trilema
2016-08-24 asciilifeform thestringpuller: ai that finds you because it ~knows where you are~ is not ai. #trilema
2016-08-24 thestringpuller game AI is pretty advance on most fronts, it's not trying "to be human". For instance being hunted in a stealth game. If they really wanted to, they could make the AI find you EVERY time. A game of hide and go seek that's impossible to win. So the in-between is this "puzzle-like" element. #trilema
2016-08-24 mircea_popescu "oh your world won't work, demiurge" "no problem, i'll add ai to it" "idiot" #trilema
2016-08-24 mircea_popescu which is a loud testament of their idiocy - much harder to do BOTH world AND AI at the same time. #trilema
2016-08-15 thestringpuller mod6: it's insane man. the AI in Absolution is a beast. when you kill someone normally, like with gun or fiber wire, it leaves marks on the body, and AI will see that. so they detect someone is there. however, there are ways people can die where the AI is just like "Huh. That's a shitty way to go." For instance I put some kinda acid in this d00ds hair regrowing gel or whatever. he puts it on, and it melts his head off and everyone aro #trilema
2016-08-06 mircea_popescu there isn't ai. and it costs too damn much to actually hand-eval contracts. #trilema
2016-07-18 trinque AI my foot #trilema
2016-07-18 asciilifeform Framedragger: this may very well turn out to be an ai-complete program, because most gigantic db have various optimizations for speed, that do not map in a straightforward way to display. #trilema
2016-07-07 mircea_popescu "Fiind mai negru ca ţiganii ce-ai tot cerşit la noi cu anii, tu, cel primit cu dor de sus nici bogdaproste nu ne-ai spus. Cu dar de pâine şi de sare, cu vin din beciul nostru mare te-am ospătat. Iar tu în zori râzând, te-ai scîrnăvit în flori. Apoi prin codri de milenii ai tot umblat de dragul lelii. Ei, vezi atunci? Pun mâna-n foc: tu n-ai fost cal arab, ci porc!" #trilema
2016-07-05 shinohai I am convinced that asciilifeform is really just some sort of AI comprised of Elbrus chips. #trilema
2016-06-28 asciilifeform incidentally it is interesting to recall that at one point ai game player folks were interested in heuristic generators and the like - mechanisms that were ~applicable across domains~ #trilema
2016-06-28 asciilifeform now we have lenat's 'cyc' failed ai. #trilema
2016-06-28 mircea_popescu more hopeless than ai for go ? #trilema
2016-06-28 mircea_popescu ocr is really a good fit for the markov chains as ai they do #trilema
2016-06-23 diana_coman it's actually part of why I quickly became disenchanted with the whole AI school (well, all of them really): I don't get why the focus on *always right* when no living intelligence (which is supposedly the model in any case) is *always* right #trilema
2016-06-23 mircea_popescu and yes, the google "ai" rule based bs is giving a bad name to all this, but abstracting the usg.idiots for a second, before we throw out the bath #trilema
2016-06-20 mircea_popescu "mult stimate ion caciula, om al muncii fara scula : cit ai degete si limba, legea tarii nu se schimba." #trilema
2016-06-07 mircea_popescu weren't we making "rogue ai" ? #trilema
2016-06-07 asciilifeform y wants to form an all-powerful usg-like stooge force to get between anyone who might be crafting 'rogue ai' (ai not designed by y and sycophants) and their work #trilema
2016-06-07 a111 Logged on 2015-03-20 03:35 mircea_popescu: "Roko's basilisk is a thought experiment that assumes that an otherwise benevolent future artificial intelligence (AI) would torture the simulated selves of the people who did not help bring about the AI's existence. [...] The concept was proposed in 2010 by contributor Roko in a discussion on LessWrong. Yudkowsky deleted the posts regarding it and banned further discussion of Roko's basilisk on LessWrong af #trilema
2016-05-24 asciilifeform ¡ai caramba! #trilema
2016-05-05 mircea_popescu asciilifeform> why couldn't hitler have picked a plausible shitoshi ? << was just discussing this with the gurlz. you gotta appreciate hitler is not a person ; hitler is the fucking google ai, practically. #trilema
2016-05-02 ben_vulpes not an expert system, not ai, not anything special. #trilema
2016-04-24 mircea_popescu we'll end up with #ai eventually at this rate. #trilema
2016-04-13 mircea_popescu thinking of text in "ai" terms, the more complex the graph / strlen, the tenser. #trilema
2016-04-07 mircea_popescu it is, in places such as ada, "must use contiguity" the EXACT equivalent of "my ai program thinks because the procedure is called <<understanding>>" #trilema
2016-04-06 mircea_popescu we're actually building a sort of cyber-ai-implant here, it's obvious by now. #trilema
2016-04-04 mircea_popescu ai no longer a threat ? #trilema
2016-04-04 phf kind of like rms bringing back mit ai lab, when all the cool kids left for smbx #trilema
2016-04-01 mircea_popescu these are associative arrays, key ai, value bi. #trilema
2016-03-31 mircea_popescu arguably easier (or at least more accessible) work than slaving butt off to recreate ai like phf's been trying. #trilema
2016-03-30 mircea_popescu you understand you're trying to build ai, yes ? #trilema
2016-03-29 mircea_popescu it'd be pretty epic you know ? actually a very good ground for ai development, cuz so formalized and well scored. #trilema
2016-03-29 mircea_popescu DianaComan actually i suppose one could try and make ai for foxybot #trilema
2016-03-28 mircea_popescu it's of the nature of "it is possible, at least by napkin pullulation, that one day we have AI". #trilema
2016-03-25 assbot Microsoft Left Impaired AI To Suffer Twitter Humiliation | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/25oghQW ) #trilema
2016-03-24 assbot Microsoft Left Impaired AI To Suffer Twitter Humiliation | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1VJognr ) #trilema
2016-03-20 mircea_popescu possibly the one place for ai in intelligent discourse. #trilema
2016-03-20 assbot South Korea trumpets $860-million AI fund after AlphaGo 'shock' : Nature News & Comment ... ( http://bit.ly/1R7iEkQ ) #trilema
2016-03-15 assbot Logged on 15-03-2016 13:22:03; mircea_popescu: in the "i bet you don't understand what the bayesian approach to spam filtering turned into pretend-ai after its failure to filter spam" means for your country : the next step is for most all the jobs that are still left to be replaced by this kind of ai - it's cheaper. so you go to the hair salon and you get a hairdo - 80% of the time. hey, accidents happen, here's a free coupon for another one. and #trilema
2016-03-15 mircea_popescu in the "i bet you don't understand what the bayesian approach to spam filtering turned into pretend-ai after its failure to filter spam" means for your country : the next step is for most all the jobs that are still left to be replaced by this kind of ai - it's cheaper. so you go to the hair salon and you get a hairdo - 80% of the time. hey, accidents happen, here's a free coupon for another one. and yes, you want a we #trilema
2016-03-14 thestringpuller that seems to be a practical problem of neural nets. had an ex who's best friend's dad at the time worked on AI. He told me this story about how they were training a neural net to identify enemy tanks from allied tanks. well all the allied tanks had good pictures. the enemy tanks were recon photos taken at night. So the nn ended up learning to tell difference between photos taken at night vs day #trilema
2016-03-14 assbot Logged on 09-03-2016 16:19:22; asciilifeform: thestringpuller: there were once two schools of thought re: how to do 'ai' #trilema
2016-03-14 thestringpuller I'll text-ify it later. But I guess point it, don't you think computational power plays a role in what AI does in practice? #trilema
2016-03-14 thestringpuller that's why that article was so interesting to me as a 13 year old since the AI in games was exhibiting emergent behavior not seen previously. (or at least throughout my childhood) #trilema
2016-03-14 thestringpuller asciilifeform: http://www.wired.com/2002/03/aigames/ << although a snorefest to you, this is the article that got me into AI #trilema
2016-03-13 mircea_popescu they apparently didn't realise this going in. no ai in pr, yet. #trilema
2016-03-11 thestringpuller meh. being a huge fan of AI, I understand the harware yet exists to create more formative models of "intelligence" #trilema
2016-03-11 thestringpuller this ties into Big Data "alchemist's AI" discussion #trilema
2016-03-09 asciilifeform notice, it had to die ~in this specific way~, that is, by ~unthinking ai~ #trilema
2016-03-09 thestringpuller well i was more under the assumption philosopher stone of AI (a sorta Star Trek TNG "Data") doesn't currently have a means of existing #trilema
2016-03-09 thestringpuller asciilifeform: perhaps different outlook, knowing you can't emulate human mind on current machines. perhaps the only way to "true AI" is some cyborg thing of a brain plugged up to machinery... #trilema
2016-03-09 asciilifeform because all of the idiot grind ai teaches us NOTHING about thought. #trilema
2016-03-09 trinque it also seems to suggest that mind-amplification is a much nearer goal than AI, as the brain's own ability to handle new inputs can be leaned upon #trilema
2016-03-09 thestringpuller I really don't think you can actually decipher the nature of 'real thought' on current hardware. AI will always be an emulation of the authentic thing. #trilema
2016-03-09 asciilifeform thestringpuller: there were once two schools of thought re: how to do 'ai' #trilema
2016-03-09 asciilifeform consider, the bot was not the product of the 'knowing wtf you're doing' school of ai (which is long dead) #trilema
2016-03-08 punkman "S. Korean Go player lowers expectations before facing Google AI" #trilema
2016-03-04 mircea_popescu yeah yeah, and bullshit textbook on ai that leads nowhere. #trilema
2016-02-28 asciilifeform and the miscellaneous (e.g., ai lab) legends. #trilema
2016-02-28 mircea_popescu note that it is not said "have more WOMAN, as in, have more of the romanian chick at mit who wrote the ai guy's eulogy" #trilema
2016-02-25 mircea_popescu (prolly not worth caring to, afaik the only utility of "NN"/"AI" image recognition to date is to recognize films) #trilema
2016-02-21 gribble BitBet - AlphaGo will defeat Lee Sedol overall in March 2016 match ...: <https://bitbet.us/bet/1249/alphago-will-defeat-lee-sedol-overall-in-march/>; Computer Go player 'AlphaGo' defeats pro in even game for first time ...: <https://gogameguru.com/alpha-go-fan-hui/>; In a Huge Breakthrough, Google's AI Beats a Top Player at the ...: <http://www.wired.com/2016/01/in-a-huge- (1 more message) #trilema
2016-02-18 mircea_popescu in other automotive news, some dudes found some lost ais! http://45.media.tumblr.com/7395a7aed479216b428b227839d80468/tumblr_n7e3e6zO7M1qlne6uo1_400.gif #trilema
2016-02-18 asciilifeform adlai: these folks really itching for another 'ai winter' aren't they. #trilema
2016-02-15 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-02-2016#1406244 <<< actually i'm persuaded ai's learning, if actually present, is in principle not translatable to "human terms" ie some readily fih heuristic. #trilema
2016-02-15 mats fan hui shit himself during the match and i think folks are overrating the ai strength #trilema
2016-02-14 BingoBoingo Seriously. Reddit level AI bot was linking nothing but facebook and such a variety of things there's no other way to prevent it from reemerging. #trilema
2016-02-14 BingoBoingo AI at work #trilema
2016-02-10 mircea_popescu as a curio - this was a very promising field just about the time of mit ai being a very promising field #trilema
2016-02-07 adlai "ai must come from within" #trilema
2016-02-07 ben_vulpes thank you for the 6 pairs of 'ai' that you saved me from typing over the next month #trilema
2016-01-31 mircea_popescu so that what, the idiot fbheads can click the correct emotional response icon to help the evil ai segment them ? #trilema
2016-01-31 mircea_popescu about the dangers of evil ai ? #trilema
2016-01-29 mircea_popescu (for one thing : if IT could find the right ones, add that to gossipd and we have essentially built passive autonomous system software, ie, the evil ai.) #trilema
2016-01-27 punkman "Earlier on Wednesday, Facebook's chief executive had said its own AI project had been "getting close" to beating humans at Go." #trilema
2016-01-27 assbot Google achieves AI 'breakthrough' by beating Go champion - BBC News ... ( http://bit.ly/1nyFDul ) #trilema
2016-01-26 ascii_butugychag mircea_popescu: minsky's proof bulldozed funding for 'ai' for many years; often called the first 'ai winter' #trilema
2016-01-26 * adlai defers to an oft-repeated meniism: "if you care about friendly AI, donate to stephen wolfram" (or was it that other fanfic author?) #trilema
2016-01-26 mircea_popescu i think there's fewer people paying their own bloomberg terminal than there's people with a legitimate research interest in ai. #trilema
2016-01-26 asciilifeform (inventor of neural network and cofounder of ai lab with j. mccarthy, for n00bz) #trilema
2016-01-26 asciilifeform echnology companies such as Google and Facebook getting involved the field of AI. "We have to get rid of the big companies and go back to giving support to individuals who have new ideas because attempting to commercialise existing things hasn't worked very well," he said.' #trilema
2016-01-26 assbot AI pioneer Marvin Minsky dies aged 88 - BBC News ... ( http://bit.ly/1OMp9ak ) #trilema
2016-01-16 mircea_popescu "The largest criticisms of Symbolics in the article are that Symbolics believed AI would take off and that Symbolics mistakenly pushed its view that proprietary hardware was the way to go for AI." #trilema
2016-01-15 mircea_popescu rather good "ai" #trilema
2016-01-15 mircea_popescu "ai", in the sense not of intelligence, but in the sense of "not distinguishable from average human". #trilema
2016-01-12 mircea_popescu "And outside the US there were major Lisp efforts, including Cambridge Lisp and Le-Lisp. The humble US grassroots effort did not seek membership from outside the US, and one can safely regard that as a mistake. Frankly, it never occurred to the Common Lisp group that this purely American effort would be of interest outside the US, because very few of the group saw a future in AI that would extend the needs for a standa #trilema
2016-01-12 mircea_popescu "The largest criticisms of Symbolics in the article are that Symbolics believed AI would take off and that Symbolics mistakenly pushed its view that proprietary hardware was the way to go for AI." #trilema
2016-01-11 mircea_popescu but as far the machine is concerned, there is no difference between sum-sigma and letter-sigma. nor any meaning to any symbol. and so the whole "oh we gotta have universal quantifier as a symbol" is to my eyes an exercise of naming the function "understanding" so as to get ai. #trilema
2015-12-19 mircea_popescu ;;google m-ai facut din om neom, cind ma pis ma tin de pom. #trilema
2015-12-18 mircea_popescu (in other news, okcupid's "ai" matching system is an utter useless pos. my own network creates usable hits with a 50% probability or better, by the 100s/day - and i didn't even KNOW i know chicks on okcupid in the first place. their crapolade made me click no about five hundred times in a row.) #trilema
2015-12-13 assbot Logged on 13-12-2015 06:40:55; asciilifeform: 'We believe AI should be an extension of individual human wills and, in the spirit of liberty, as broadly and evenly distributed as is possible safely.' << interesting turn of phrase #trilema
2015-12-13 asciilifeform 'We believe AI should be an extension of individual human wills and, in the spirit of liberty, as broadly and evenly distributed as is possible safely.' << interesting turn of phrase #trilema
2015-12-08 mircea_popescu tous les mots doux, les coups de sang... mais dans mes reves, j'y ai droit. #trilema
2015-12-04 mircea_popescu <ascii_field> ^ our filipinos! <<< exactly like the mechanical turk of yore, the faux ai scam is still with us. #trilema
2015-11-22 jurov but that's hard AI, I'm afrraid #trilema
2015-11-22 mircea_popescu phf the problem with the village of ugly women is that well, there's probably something wrong with the water. yes the people now involved may be subpar for whatever reason or explanation to do with them. maybe. or maybe THIS offshot of the hope to ai is just as rotten as the rest of the various attempts to ai that preceded it. #trilema
2015-11-19 asciilifeform phf was not exaggerating when he wrote that one can take ai lab algos from 1980s and use UNCHANGED #trilema
2015-11-19 phf yeah, can pick up any code from cmu's ai repository and run on modern cl unchanged #trilema
2015-11-14 mircea_popescu "− Je me dois à la Société, c'est juste, − et j'ai raison. − Vous aussi, vous avez raison, pour aujourd'hui. Au fond, vous ne voyez en votre principe que poésie subjective : votre obstination à regagner le râtelier universitaire, − pardon! − le prouve ! Mais vous finirez toujours comme un satisfait qui n'a rien fait, n'ayant voulu rien faire. Sans compter que votre poésie subjective sera toujours horri #trilema
2015-11-11 pete_dushenski https://twitter.com/TamerlaneBlog/status/664186730451333120 << lol fuckin askjeeves. the original web-based ai ! #trilema
2015-11-09 mircea_popescu nobody needs to actulaly be fooled. just as long as they keep churning out this sort of crud and it's being reacted to, it's really no different from the idiot who "ai"replies to emails and imagines that this imbalance of power with his readership is useful to him #trilema
2015-11-06 ascii_field 'if it works, it's not AI' #trilema
2015-11-01 v_diddy ai pobre #trilema
2015-10-29 Garmin pete_dushenski < is tricked by shinohai meat bot AI =) #trilema
2015-10-27 mircea_popescu te-am vazut, mi-ai placut, ce ramine de facut ? indraznesc sa-ti vorbesc : te iubesc! daca-n ochi m-ai privit si-ai ramas indragostit nu gresesti sa-mi spui ca ma iubesti. #trilema
2015-10-27 assbot Madalina Manole - Te-am Vazut , Mi-ai Placut - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1ie9TXC ) #trilema
