Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2016-10-22 | 2016-10-24 →
00:14 BingoBoingo ty ben_vulpes
00:25 deedbot << CH - Halloween pre-fab
~ 56 minutes ~
01:21 deedbot << Bingo Blog - Is So Unfair Cycle 4
01:21 BingoBoingo And now finally ... Or is this finally not really the finally
01:24 BingoBoingo
01:26 BingoBoingo Spoiler alert, Cycle 4 is not last cycle
01:37 ben_vulpes haha
01:37 ben_vulpes i love a good plinthing.
01:37 BingoBoingo ty ben_vulpes Where is your fanfic?
01:39 ben_vulpes you know honestly i'd not considered writing an ode to the plinths marvelous utility as a bludgeon
01:39 ben_vulpes until tonight
01:39 BingoBoingo Y not?
01:41 ben_vulpes i simply hadn't the yreka moment i soupose
01:43 BingoBoingo Go forth young Mr Fox and write.
01:43 ben_vulpes oh hey checkout this block chain technology with a twee fukkin name
01:44 ben_vulpes << i think the words are supposed to be here
01:45 ben_vulpes BingoBoingo: i am currently taking a break from trying to beat portage into recompiling postfix with postgresql support
01:45 ben_vulpes no time for fanfic
01:46 BingoBoingo That's what you are taking a break from, but what are you taking a break with?
~ 19 minutes ~
02:05 ben_vulpes a shitty namespace:
~ 1 hours 5 minutes ~
03:11 phf ben_vulpes: uploaded your sig to btcbase
03:14 ben_vulpes thanks phf!
~ 4 hours 38 minutes ~
07:52 adlai the only namespace is strings .bitcoin/blocks/*
~ 1 hours 27 minutes ~
09:20 thestringpuller !~seen shinohai
09:20 jhvh1 thestringpuller: shinohai was last seen in #trilema 14 hours, 50 minutes, and 31 seconds ago: <shinohai> I know, of which you have discussed before
~ 35 minutes ~
09:55 mircea_popescu asciilifeform no that was a different, "secured" city, kirkuk.
09:57 deedbot << Bingo Blog - Is So Unfair Cycle 5
09:59 mircea_popescu lol BingoBoingo is gonna win the bitcoin by default isn't he.
10:00 * BingoBoingo would be disappoint over lack of competition, but contests don't exactly have a rich history of attracting a wide field of enterants.
10:01 BingoBoingo Perhaps hanbot has something in the works?
10:03 BingoBoingo Maybe alf? Surely danielpbarron and shinohai must have Halloween surpises baking.
10:03 mircea_popescu mebbe.
10:04 shinohai With competition such as yourself BingoBoingo, I am content merely to read your submissions with glad heart.
10:04 mircea_popescu Apr 19, 2016: Across all industries the average results for UK SME email marketing campaigns were: Open rate: 22.87% (2013: 21.47%) Click-through rate: 3.26% (3.16%) Unsubscription rate: 0.53% (0.47%)
10:05 mircea_popescu a FIFTH.
10:05 mircea_popescu this is some of the lulziest shit i've seen.
10:06 BingoBoingo OMG people run emails that let the sender know shit was opened?
10:06 mircea_popescu heh. the only pill against that is locked dns.
10:07 BingoBoingo shinohai: You can prolly readily beat me at least in word count.
10:08 shinohai word count != substance
10:11 BingoBoingo It's fiction. Length creates oppotunities to do something with the words.
10:12 BingoBoingo But I think my Qntra habit has trapped my brain in short form. Hence the serial.
10:15 BingoBoingo << "Yeah. Well, yeah. I guess that - I guess we are definitely - us corrupt journalists are definitely the ones who are in the danger zone here. But the real problem here is - let's presume - and all the polls are pointing in this direction - Hillary Clinton wins. You know, we could be having..." - (Stooge who sent is work to John Podesta for Approval)
10:18 BingoBoingo In other news I completely forgot when it was news... Qntra has crossed 1500 published pieces, was 1500
10:20 BingoBoingo << OMG the CIA's "Hacker name" is leaked per
10:27 shinohai You can't even see the "hack" in firefox if you use noscript, 'tis a simple xss injection
10:28 shinohai to ... 000webhost no less
10:42 mircea_popescu lolk
10:43 mircea_popescu so is vigilante good now ?
10:43 shinohai It's ok when you do it under banner of the usg
10:45 mircea_popescu i thought they were these guys from like montana with guns etc.
10:47 BingoBoingo No they are homos from soho
10:48 mircea_popescu
~ 32 minutes ~
11:21 shinohai !~later tell BingoBoingo <<< blockquote issue fixed, spellcheck was changing it.
11:21 jhvh1 shinohai: The operation succeeded.
11:32 asciilifeform << in other lelz.
11:40 deedbot << Qntra - Peace On Earth: AdultFriendFinder Data Liberated Again
11:41 asciilifeform 'In a police interview, Amir A. confessed to the crime; telling officers the incident had been "a sexual emergency", as his wife had remained in Iraq and he "had not had sex in four months". ... However, in a bizarre twist, the Supreme Court yesterday overturned the conviction, accepting the defence lawyer's claim that the original court had not done enough to ascertain whether or not the rapist realised the child was saying no.'
11:44 BingoBoingo In MP fanfic leaking into James Lafond presents Baltimore:
11:49 asciilifeform << from same rag, 'GERMANY'S infamous “Nazi Grandma” – an 87-year-old Third Reich fanatic repeatedly up before the courts for denying that the Holocaust took place – has been handed down a new 11-month term behind bars.'
11:52 BingoBoingo brb
~ 57 minutes ~
12:49 asciilifeform in re the 'crackpot alts' thread, apparently attempts at 'communist coins' are still a thing, e.g., -- 'When new Bitcoins are created, only some Bitcoin users (the miners) are given new Bitcoins, while everyone else get nothing. We believe this is the first injustice.'
12:49 asciilifeform ^ reading this, i could not shake the 'this has to be a gag' -- but apparently it is not
12:51 asciilifeform 'The freedom to access resources: because we all should have access to economic & monetary resources'
12:51 shinohai (-__\)
~ 17 minutes ~
13:09 thestringpuller !~later tell shinohai
13:09 jhvh1 thestringpuller: The operation succeeded.
13:16 asciilifeform in an unsurprising continuation of a very vintage lul, , --> << aslr bypass on intel iron.
13:16 a111 Logged on 2015-07-07 04:11 asciilifeform: mats: as a rule, i am entirely uninterested in 'mitigations'
13:21 trinque it's almost like the machine has to know where executable code is
13:29 asciilifeform << wat? no. srsly, wtf, just switch off images in email reader.
13:29 a111 Logged on 2016-10-23 14:06 mircea_popescu: heh. the only pill against that is locked dns.
13:30 asciilifeform 1990s state-of-antispam-art.
13:30 trinque << add that to the endless examples of socialist hells rendering what is personal and individual an instrument of statal rape; meet chicom-wot
13:30 asciilifeform trinque: last year's noose, iirc
13:31 asciilifeform and a very modest extension on american 'credit ratings', 'terrorism ratings', etc.
13:31 trinque yes, the side-lul is this being something unique to china
13:31 trinque but look at the consolidation! such progress
13:43 shinohai Because 10 cents per trick-or-treater won't break my 0.05 btc budget.
13:51 ben_vulpes << in which oracle is found to use sexprs of a sort for config files o.O
13:52 trinque hah
13:52 trinque that equals sign is probably to keep the lisp-innocent "feeling safe"
13:54 trinque and don't worry; there's probably a migration to JSON underway
13:54 ben_vulpes ugh
13:54 ben_vulpes plz no bully
13:54 ben_vulpes wait hang on i don't actually care
13:58 ben_vulpes my trb node just breached 4950 megs in virt and 3470 megs in res
~ 1 hours 16 minutes ~
15:14 mircea_popescu lmao sexual emergency building over 4 months
15:15 mircea_popescu no ok that was a pretty good bag. "we all" 'should' "have accees" ? stop raping gaia omaigerd.
15:16 mircea_popescu all the beta orbiters at last night's event didn't think they should also have access to the subbie herd. they were very content they got to watch /nobody kicked them out while the girls did girly things.
15:17 mircea_popescu and this in noesunpaispbore!
15:18 mircea_popescu btw, who wants to be the official tmsr envoy to hell ? shinohai ? danielpbarron ? who's russoflexible enough
15:19 shinohai mircea_popescu what hell is that? btctalk?
15:19 mircea_popescu nah, hacker forum
15:20 shinohai Guess I could venture out
15:21 mircea_popescu check it out. after you make a handle or w/e i'll issue you accreditations ? if you even want such.
15:22 shinohai which forum, the tardy hackforums?
15:22 mircea_popescu dawg doth not read his very own dogfood
15:22 mircea_popescu Peace further stated to Motherboard that the current breach was accomplished by opening "a backdoor that had been publicized on the hacking forum Hell" The Russian language forum was the site where the data from the previous hack was listed for sale at a price of 70 BTC.
15:23 shinohai oh that one
15:23 asciilifeform ...russoflexible??
15:23 asciilifeform wat
15:24 mircea_popescu it's an expression!
15:25 shinohai lol costs 0.1 BTC to join
15:27 shinohai
15:27 mircea_popescu post addy
15:27 mircea_popescu in like text format.
15:27 shinohai 1PjA1ae26XGN6Z94nswSnCY5wNu9amevWr
15:29 mod6 "only" 10 million units.
15:31 mircea_popescu tis the correct design, what. mpex works the same way
15:33 mod6 haha. alright.
15:34 mircea_popescu i expect 60 bux keeps the entire "rich democratic western world" well out.
15:34 shinohai Awaiting blue button
15:34 mircea_popescu did it get paid ?
15:35 shinohai I see tx on ... mebbe it needs 1 confirm
15:35 mircea_popescu i wonder if anyone thinks it a good idea to doublespend this lol.
15:35 mod6 heheh
15:37 shinohai Probably what they are awaiting to see if one does, despite the 60-second "We promise"
15:37 mircea_popescu and speaking of fine dining,
15:40 mod6 mmm, leche
15:40 asciilifeform in other 'news', antonouwhateverderp apparently gave a talk to 'sv investors' et al where he plagiarized protocol-vs-promise wholesale and made up own terminology, etc.
15:40 mircea_popescu awww, isn't that cute.
15:40 shinohai What's new there. He always makes up own terminology.
15:40 mircea_popescu what are all these self-important dorks gonna do when we start charging 0.1 ?
15:40 asciilifeform fella is reminiscent of the zombies in 'quake', apparently 1 death doesn't kill him quite enough
15:41 mircea_popescu me suspects you look too highly upon "collection of three waitresses and twelve busboys from greater san diego area"
15:41 mod6 "my ideas are important and unique!"
15:41 mircea_popescu sv investors are about what "baby im a producer"s were at 1980s parties. one step above skinny guy in stained overcoat.
15:42 mircea_popescu point in case : do you know WHO attends the al smith dinner under the guise of "new york elite" ?
15:44 mircea_popescu people like maggie haberman, katie couric etc.
15:44 mod6 yeah, Maria B. etc.
15:44 mircea_popescu ie, the zsa zsa gabors of a new generation, the 1% of media whores who married well and are now held up before the twentysomething herd as a sort of cunt frenzying fetish
15:45 mircea_popescu "oh baby, how about you suck cock for free, and if you suck as much as couric you too cold one day be worth 10mn"
15:45 * asciilifeform is behind the times, had never even heard of 'al smith dinner' until today
15:45 asciilifeform or possibly yesterday
15:45 mircea_popescu twas in the logs yest yeah
15:49 shinohai <<< attack? there was no attack.
15:50 mircea_popescu << lol you SO don't understand how software worx...
15:50 a111 Logged on 2016-10-23 17:29 asciilifeform: << wat? no. srsly, wtf, just switch off images in email reader.
15:52 mircea_popescu << it may scale with penis.
15:52 a111 Logged on 2016-10-23 17:58 ben_vulpes: my trb node just breached 4950 megs in virt and 3470 megs in res
15:55 mircea_popescu trinque re that "china wants to" bit, best i can figure there's two thugs and a whore ; and the "new york elites" running the whore's mouth (writing plenty of checks its ass can't actually cash) have arbitrarily decided thug #1 is good, thug #2 is bad. in which contexts pieces like "look what thug X is doing" simply serve as a psychologically-defended mechanism for the mouth to try and direct the movements of the ass.
15:56 mircea_popescu ie "china wants to make a consolidated version of our flylists, credit scores, etc [therefore they are good" ; or "russia wants trump president [therefore "we" should not vote for him".
15:56 mircea_popescu it's funny when the "elites" in question fall to the level of abjection of not even being able to discuss courses of action other than in the terms of "what do actual people do".
15:58 mircea_popescu but then again, it is the necessary fate of isolated motherhood. they've set out to build AI and ended up building a meta-Lucy instead. apparently spontaneous organisation emerges in chimps with "humanities" degrees before it emerges in doped silicone.
~ 28 minutes ~
16:26 shinohai mircea_popescu: 4 confirmations .... yet the page still has not confirmed membership :/
16:26 mircea_popescu onoes, scam ?!
16:28 shinohai either that or human-reviewed. will keep page open
16:28 mircea_popescu and in other inexplicable arcana : someone actually thought this is a good idea
16:29 * shinohai buys Ceci a nosehair trimmer
16:29 mircea_popescu i have no idea why they don't do "acne awareness month", they've done ~about everything else, including "mes del amigo" and whatnot.
16:30 mircea_popescu it's a huge problem here, somehow.
16:30 shinohai Like Butt-injections, can't get Retin-A in Argentina ?
16:30 mircea_popescu that's no excuse.
16:34 mircea_popescu and in other "entrepreneurial california" news,
~ 24 minutes ~
16:59 mircea_popescu << see alf, if you only lived in a third world shithole, you too could be closer to a nobel prize!
17:09 asciilifeform QUANTUM!!!11111111111111
17:10 mircea_popescu they're from a different place, these people.
17:10 asciilifeform snoar
17:10 * asciilifeform wanders back out to the outhouse with giant laser and 0 net pipe
17:11 mircea_popescu enjoy
~ 46 minutes ~
17:58 shinohai !~later tell thestringpuller
17:58 jhvh1 shinohai: The operation succeeded.
17:58 shinohai Also mircea_popescu HeLL forum is still in limbo ... appears scam indeed
17:59 shinohai Deposit now shows 10 confirmations
18:00 mircea_popescu tsk tsk
18:00 mircea_popescu give em time tho, peeps be dorky by nature.
~ 38 minutes ~
18:39 shinohai !~later tell BingoBoingo
18:39 jhvh1 shinohai: The operation succeeded.
~ 21 minutes ~
19:00 deedbot << Ossasepia - A Party Called My Party – by Elliot Rodger and his spellchecker
19:14 mircea_popescu o.O
19:15 mircea_popescu teh plot, it thickens!
19:16 diana_coman didn't want to let BingoBoingo alone
19:16 mircea_popescu pretty cool
19:16 * shinohai pops popcorn
~ 24 minutes ~
19:40 ben_vulpes in other nyooz, i have discovered the neighborhood bar with: fast wifi, wine that is not ripple, and a playpen
19:41 ben_vulpes if i can accustom myself to thirteen diagonal inches, i might never return to the office
19:41 ben_vulpes or haus!
19:44 mircea_popescu ripple, the us take on amontillado ?
~ 1 hours 3 minutes ~
20:48 ben_vulpes couldn't tell ya, only remotely familiar with it from cultural bushwhacking
~ 15 minutes ~
21:04 shinohai <<< another video game with eth ico
~ 18 minutes ~
21:23 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Comment no longer in Limbo
21:28 deedbot << Qntra - Chicom "Internet Of Things" Confirms No One Gives A Fuck About Securing "Internet Of Things"
21:30 BingoBoingo lol diana_coman OMG that is wonderful
21:31 BingoBoingo Anyways the saga of Elliot and James is still not over.
~ 29 minutes ~
22:00 mircea_popescu and in other slut news,
22:11 mircea_popescu lmao dis shit is epic. "I also noticed that there was truly exquisite food on one side of the room: there was ham and salami and even sausages that looked as exceptional as I had ever seen."
22:19 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> ripple, the us take on amontillado ? << Nah, that's Cisco
22:19 deedbot << Bingo Blog - Is So Unfair Cycle 6
22:19 mircea_popescu oh
22:20 BingoBoingo The legally mandated disclaimer on Cisco reads: "This is not a wine cooler 8 servings"
22:23 BingoBoingo Also the US take on dry white wines
22:23 mircea_popescu lol
22:27 BingoBoingo Ripple gets sorted in with "others"
22:33 * BingoBoingo still unsure how many parts the fanfic has. At least two more are plotted out
22:43 BingoBoingo
22:44 BingoBoingo ^ 4 pete_dushenski
22:52 mircea_popescu and speaking of plotting out,
22:54 shinohai Ahoy there.
22:55 mircea_popescu << check out her butt dampener.
22:58 mod6 ahoy, indeed!
23:00 shinohai More girls with firearms:
~ 46 minutes ~
23:47 deedbot << Bingo Blog - Is So Unfair Cycle 7
23:55 BingoBoingo The question of the day: Will will have wheels when they are needed?
23:58 deedbot << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 32094612339948189447948179783588092796973784028146716183449249266595409637294065230814599652546614172003881897026799 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <
← 2016-10-22 | 2016-10-24 →