Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2016-03-23 | 2016-03-25 →
00:01 asciilifeform that thing is glorious.
~ 1 hours 5 minutes ~
01:06 punkman doesn't that mean that a lot of people that have never showed up can affect #b-a voice
01:06 assbot Logged on 24-03-2016 00:32:07; kakobrekla: that being said, i believe b-a should be self regulating and not depended on what mp or kako thinks, the solution, already in effect, is: the condition to self-voice is no longer L1>0 || L2>0 but instead L1 + L2 > 0, which also goes along the notion that lordship no longer exists. the power is your hands now, people.
01:20 punkman 2016, year of the jumped sharks
~ 1 hours 23 minutes ~
02:43 davout ohai all
02:43 davout mircea_popescu:
02:43 assbot ... ( )
~ 49 minutes ~
03:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27456 @ 0.00044447 = 12.2034 BTC [+]
~ 38 minutes ~
04:11 mircea_popescu davout says change pending approval, you prolly have to do something.
04:14 BingoBoingo <pete_dushenski> lol more than a few of us probably also thought we'd be riding the btc-waves to being deca+millionaires by 2016. this bitcoin thing is taking far longer than i, at least, had anticipated. << You've gotta have a fief to contribute to these things
~ 2 hours 12 minutes ~
06:26 davout mircea_popescu: domain received!
~ 45 minutes ~
07:12 BingoBoingo !v assbot:BingoBoingo.rate.nubbins`.-1:5bcc9d3025009d7e886943a450883f4affda67942c36153ef93d1e0bca224614
07:12 assbot Successfully added a rating of -1 for nubbins` with note:
07:23 shinohai <<< Preeeeet is a flash-in-the pan twitter star!
07:23 assbot Twitter boost for Preet Bharara after indictment announcement | Newsday ... ( )
07:30 davout !gettrust assbot nubbins`
07:30 assbot Trust relationship from user assbot to user nubbins`: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 0 via 12 connections. | |
07:44 danielpbarron oo
07:44 danielpbarron !down nubbins`
07:45 danielpbarron oh right, needs to add up to 0, so one more
07:55 nubbins` lol.
07:56 nubbins` this place really went full-rage overnight.
07:56 nubbins` mp says
07:56 nubbins` kako says no and tells mp he's a baby
07:57 nubbins` just wanted to take this opportunity, while i can still self-voice, to let you all know that most of you are weeaboo basement-dwelling troglodytes and i respect very few of you
07:58 nubbins` << this and following statements are tubo-lulzy.
07:58 assbot Logged on 24-03-2016 00:30:23; kakobrekla: << haha! how pretentious. its almost as entertaining as the miners konspiraci. anyway, unlike bitbet which was a shared toy between us and was damaged beyond repair by your foolish actions for which you dont care to take responsibility (but will be, on the end, enforecd upon you), let the record state #b-a is solely my creation and you inhabited the
07:59 nubbins` not as lulzy as mp trying -- and failing -- to just ignore me
08:00 nubbins` asciilifeform fwiw you now fall under the "people i no longer respect" category, have fun licking mp's toes
08:01 nubbins` i hear they taste like the toes of a man so lazy and slothful that he thought his indigestion was pancreatic cancer
08:01 davout nubbins`: seriously, is someone supposed to care about who you respect or not? does making a point really justify being obnoxious about it?
08:02 nubbins` nope
08:02 nubbins` i'd be surprised if any rational adult thought what internet-friendz thought of them
08:03 nubbins` *cared what
08:03 davout are you done?
08:04 nubbins` hard to say. probably.
08:04 nubbins` done with this festering shit-hole anyway
08:05 nubbins` reeks like mp and hanbot in here
08:05 davout do you care?
08:05 nubbins` course not
08:06 nubbins` just poking them both w/ stick
08:06 nubbins` it's funny how mp spent the past X years in here being the biggest salty adult-baby he could, but then once someone else tries acting like an asshole towards mp, the entire place falls apart.
08:07 nubbins` says a lot about the glue that held the place together
08:08 asciilifeform nubbins`: fwiw you got my - because you refuse to quit shitting in the kitchen. i waited for weeks, thinking you would tire of it, but no dice. if you want to constructively nemesis mp, start a blog, ffs.
08:09 davout nubbins`: you're not acting like an asshole to mp, you're acting like an asshole to everyone. let me know when you're done if you ever feel like getting !unrate'd
08:09 asciilifeform ^
08:09 asciilifeform which is why my rating was 'tilt'
08:10 davout !v assbot:davout.rate.nubbins`.-1:973f14720f4b2f4766ec4a84bb8d7261dbc3a8be796e1271b37f782ae2d03efb
08:10 assbot Successfully added a rating of -1 for nubbins` with note:
08:10 davout !down nubbins`
08:10 punkman heh
08:10 davout blergh
08:10 * asciilifeform takes off hat.
08:10 davout !gettrust assbot nubbins`
08:10 assbot Trust relationship from user assbot to user nubbins`: Level 1: 1, Level 2: -1 via 13 connections. | |
08:10 davout !down nubbins`
08:11 nubbins` *cough*
08:11 nubbins` asciilifeform this isn't a kitchen, it's an outhouse
08:11 nubbins` it's just smelled like food for a while
08:11 davout kakobrekla: ^ isn't it supposed to werk that way?
08:11 nubbins` davout third time's a charm?
08:12 nubbins` probably just a holdover in the code where a self-!upped person can't be !downed by someone else
08:12 davout til a new expression
08:12 nubbins` :D
08:12 asciilifeform nubbins`: your outhouse, my kitchen. which is why this.
08:12 nubbins` asciilifeform your kitchen smells of poo :(
08:12 asciilifeform nubbins`: no shit
08:13 nubbins` actually, yes shit
08:13 nubbins` reek streams in all the way from Bs.As.
08:14 nubbins` note that without mp scamz0ring, i didn't have any other outstanding issues
08:14 nubbins` aside from the general level of brown-nosing and illogic
08:14 nubbins` but i'm more than okay with how this trade has worked out
08:14 davout cool story lord
08:14 nubbins` no lords, didn't ya get the message?
08:15 nubbins` mp decreed
08:15 punkman the lords are shit, the logs are shit, bitcoin is shit, trb is shit
08:15 davout ugh, shit's becoming mainstream apparently
08:15 thestringpuller tis a shit blizzard randy
08:15 asciilifeform nubbins`: somehow you ended up stuck on 1 subj, which is why folks are trying to unplug ya. try starting a blog? i - will read it, fwiw.
08:15 nubbins`
08:15 assbot Logged on 24-03-2016 00:31:10; kakobrekla: < and i actually suspect, given your recent reckless behaviour followed by destructive actions you have been compromised by that very same fiat system and are on a good way of dismantling the republic (simulate a world where mp admits a mistake and eats his own cooking and see how it compares to this)
08:16 davout anyway, ttyl all
08:16 nubbins` cheers
08:16 nubbins` asciilifeform ^ that stmt from kako was directed towards.... me?
08:16 punkman asciilifeform: talking about 1 subject, how about the mega-debate about stakes, twice a day
08:16 nubbins` asciilifeform or... mp?
08:16 punkman not that I endorse all of nubbins` trollin'
08:17 nubbins` endorsement not necessary
08:17 nubbins` doing this for me, not you :)
08:17 asciilifeform punkman: which one, the one re whether stake gotta be thick vs thin? we only do that one biweekly!1111
08:17 punkman oh it has been amusing at times nubbins`
08:18 nubbins` thanks, i'd hoped so
08:20 nubbins` god, how humiliating for mp. he explicitly ordered that i be banished and it didn't happen
08:20 asciilifeform i enjoyed nubbins` 's b000kz. and wish he didn't insist on building his outhouse here.
08:20 nubbins` asciilifeform we all gotta shit somewhere buddy
08:20 punkman I guess not very amusing for the folks losing money
08:20 nubbins` punkman well, that's why all the negrates
08:21 asciilifeform ftr i lost 0
08:21 nubbins` i as well
08:21 nubbins` although my eternally-useless stock warrant will likely remain useless, i don't think my actions had any direct effect on that
08:21 punkman hey was actually making some moneyz
08:21 nubbins` overall i think i'm up about 20 btc from this place
08:21 asciilifeform nubbins`: you could perhaps sell it?
08:22 nubbins` asciilifeform unfortunately no. warrant sez.
08:22 thestringpuller exercise the warrant and sell the stock?
08:22 punkman you gotta put coin in to get the stock right?
08:22 nubbins` "S.MG will not process or administer any assignments of this Warrant
08:22 nubbins` by or among third parties. The administration of any such contracts
08:22 nubbins` remains the sole responsibility of the respective parties involved."
08:22 nubbins` thestringpuller lol, at a loss?!
08:22 thestringpuller oh it'd be a loss?
08:22 nubbins` punkman it's a warrant to purchase stock at a certain price
08:22 punkman !t m
08:22 assbot [MPEX:S.MG] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 0.00009 / 0.00009 / 0.0000902 (422055 shares, 37.98 BTC), 30D: 0.00009 / 0.00009 / 0.0000902 (422055 shares, 37.98 BTC)
08:23 punkman what's the price you got nubbins`?
08:23 thestringpuller actually there are no bids
08:24 nubbins`
08:24 assbot Eulora October update on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( )
08:24 thestringpuller 906 bids at 9000 satosh then 2000 at 2500 satosh
08:24 nubbins` 1.3x
08:24 nubbins` thestringpuller surprised? :S
08:24 nubbins` current state of eulora will be current state of eulora in 10 years
08:24 asciilifeform i bet there's a chan. somewhere with pankkake, thickasthieves, et al. perhaps nubbins` will get invitation! it is, i suspect, an interesting place.
08:24 nubbins` because mp doesn't want to build things, he wants to glue people to him
08:25 nubbins` hence why he didn't just hire alf at a reasonable wage for a couple years
08:25 nubbins` hence why eulora was a part-time project for 1 developer
08:25 nubbins` etc
08:25 nubbins` y'know, the way "billionaires" build things.
08:25 asciilifeform nubbins`: fella dun believe in wage labour, i actually did not think this was outrageous
08:25 nubbins` glacially slow, entwining otherwise productive people in the process
08:26 nubbins` asciilifeform the rate of progress on all mp projects is what's outrageous
08:26 nubbins` you don't believe in gravity, you're still stuck to the floor, no?
08:27 asciilifeform hey it worked for medieval cathedrals. but this is fair complaint. if you like speed, go to the races, not to me, i am the turtle.
08:30 asciilifeform nubbins`: srsly i recommend, to blog. try it. you certainly have enough material, for once.
08:31 danielpbarron asciilifeform, they have a voice chat thing
08:31 danielpbarron and he has a blog, it just isn't used much
08:31 asciilifeform danielpbarron: waiwut
08:31 asciilifeform who has?
08:31 danielpbarron TaT et al
08:31 danielpbarron "whale club"
08:31 asciilifeform lol,srsly?
08:32 danielpbarron idk if pankakke is there
08:39 nubbins` i don't have a blog
08:39 asciilifeform nubbins`: start?
08:40 nubbins` you may have mistaken madcaptomfoolery as my personal blog, judging by the fact that i noticed it on your "friends" links list the same day it was removed
08:40 nubbins` but it's not
08:40 nubbins` and i have no desire to start writing a blog
08:42 nubbins` asciilifeform you know how much shit you're gonna catch from mp for saying my name this many times?
08:43 PeterL mp only gets mad if asciilifeform says his name, not if he says your name
08:43 asciilifeform nubbins`: l0l i dun know why you think this is about him. it is about how we log in and it is #nubbins
08:44 asciilifeform this is why even the folks who thought nubbins` had a point, are pissed
08:50 * asciilifeform bbl.
08:52 nubbins` PeterL oh, right
08:52 nubbins` asciilifeform the people who /thought/ i had a point, hey?
08:53 nubbins` i guess they're the sort of people who can disavow logic if the person spelling it out for them is annoying
08:53 * nubbins` applauds
08:55 PeterL nubbins` would you rather he used the present tense? the people who agree with your position do not like you repeating it over and over
08:56 nubbins` i'd rather people say what they mean, yes
08:56 nubbins` trouble with this place is you need to repeat yourself endlessly to cut through the echoes.
08:57 PeterL everything is in the log, no need to repeat yourself
08:57 nubbins` not everything; i did a great article write-up for qntra a couple weeks ago about how this bbet stuff was gonna cleave the lordship in half etc
08:57 nubbins` bingo didn't publish it, likely to his chagrin
09:01 nubbins` anyway, i sorta knew from the start that most people would just blithely ignore mp's wrongdoings. this is a chan where you can scam as long as you're "in the crew"
09:01 nubbins` see TaT's PMB scam for reference
09:01 nubbins` hell, see mpex's PMB scam for reference.
09:03 nubbins` at the very least, it's heartwarming to see the actual people who actually do stuff (jurov, kako) seeing the light and calling out mp's shenanigans
09:04 nubbins` i'll almost miss this place
09:07 davout nubbins`: not like anyone'll insist on throwing you out if you simply cut the haet
09:07 davout well, not necessarily the haet but its constant repetition
09:09 nubbins` duod the next time i de-voice i can't re-voice
09:09 nubbins` this is the finish line
09:09 nubbins` i got negrated by too many fanbois
09:10 PeterL does - in l2 superceed + in l1?
09:11 nubbins` iirc the new rule is L1+L2 > 0
09:11 nubbins` as of yesterday when mp tried to get kako to kick me out and kako said no
09:11 PeterL people can still !up you though
09:11 nubbins` sure, but zzzzz.
09:12 nubbins` why would any self-respecting adult want to deal with that
09:17 davout nubbins`: because people don't negrate because they're fanbois, they negrate because you behave like an obnoxious child
09:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29200 @ 0.00044447 = 12.9785 BTC [+]
09:20 nubbins` i have 5 negative ratings: 4 of them are from mp, hanbot, dpb, trinque.
09:20 nubbins` you sure they don't do it because fanboi?
09:25 davout i do not speak for others, mine is not.
09:25 davout anyway, this is a waste of everyone's time, bbl.
09:37 PeterL kakobrekla if nubbins` is still in L1, and rage negrates everybody -10, would that keep a bunch of people from self-voicing?
09:39 PeterL << heh, if lordship was seeded now, I might have made the cut?
09:39 assbot Logged on 23-03-2016 23:43:30; mircea_popescu: and to be perfectly clear - it ~was~ my stupid fucking idea of seeding the lordship off the stats page on roughly the basis of activity that got us in this mess.
09:52 nubbins` PeterL correct
09:53 nubbins` the lordship list was never more than "a list of people mp felt were more-or-less beholden to his awesomeness"
09:53 PeterL hmm, maybe I should not have said that where nubbins` could hear it? oops
09:53 nubbins` lel
09:54 nubbins` besides, i don't think anyone who actually talks in here has so few + ratings that i could negrate them into silence
09:54 PeterL me?
09:54 nubbins` but i like you
09:54 PeterL gee, thanks
09:54 nubbins` fwiw, hey
09:58 fluffypony I think other people would counterbalance the ratings if it came down to that
09:59 fluffypony the WoT is a benevolent god
10:00 nubbins` !gettrust assbot nubbins`
10:00 assbot Trust relationship from user assbot to user nubbins`: Level 1: 1, Level 2: -1 via 13 connections. | |
10:01 nubbins` scary!
10:06 jurov eh, go to tvtropes with these sentiments
10:06 assbot Logged on 24-03-2016 13:03:58; nubbins`: at the very least, it's heartwarming to see the actual people who actually do stuff (jurov, kako) seeing the light and calling out mp's shenanigans
10:06 nubbins` ;/
10:06 * nubbins` unsure if he should go to tvtropes, reddit, forum first
10:07 thestringpuller lol ver is bragging his website loads > doherty threshold.
10:10 jurov the last thing i need is to convince myself i see more light than $someone . was bitten too many times by that.
10:16 nubbins` smart man
10:16 nubbins` !up joesmoe
10:17 nubbins` thestringpuller depends on the width of the tube, no?
10:22 nubbins` !up Blazed
10:25 thestringpuller nubbins`: doherty threshold is psychological. you are more likely to get distracted with another task if the computer doesn't respond under 400ms
10:25 thestringpuller so loading in 3.9 seconds is atrocious
10:25 nubbins` sure.
10:25 nubbins` but to an extend, that depends on my internet connection
10:25 nubbins` *extent
10:26 nubbins` all ver can control is the size of the pipes on HIS end.
10:26 nubbins` brb
10:26 thestringpuller well the size of the load
10:27 thestringpuller front page of qntra < 1MB
10:27 nubbins` how long to load 1MB on, e.g., ISDN?
10:29 thestringpuller 18.19s on 50kbps throttling
10:30 thestringpuller that's the images tho.
10:30 thestringpuller hogan.gif
10:34 BingoBoingo
10:34 assbot ... ( )
10:35 BingoBoingo
10:35 assbot ... ( )
~ 32 minutes ~
11:08 mircea_popescu heh, so in the end kakobrekla fix does not actually work ? word.
11:12 mircea_popescu anyway, i'm not going to read the latest installments in fiatista turdology, much like hte prev ones. nor do i need to, they're perpetually the same crud. in any case : loyalty is not a bad thing. loyalty to bad people is a bad thing, but loyalty in general is the only saving grace of manhood. the one probem socialism generally encounters is loyalty, which is why the whole song and dance.
11:12 mircea_popescu people new to the topic of how the democratic cancer spreads may just as well read orlov's last bit linked by alf, or any other of ten billion treatises on the topic.
11:21 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: you didn't miss much
11:22 fluffypony sorry but the rule is you have to read the logs, no exceptions
11:22 fluffypony otherwise you learn nothing and you're forever forced to wallow in your own ignorance
11:22 mircea_popescu word.
11:24 mircea_popescu see asciilifeform tis not "the enemy!" that's having the most lulz. by and large such enemy is either too petrified to laugh for a decade+, or else if too dumb to be so petrified, also too dumb to see the humour. nah, most laughs are had by people doing other things, a la fluffy here. fine position to both appreciate the humour of it and remote enough to not go into seizures over it.
11:30 BingoBoingo
11:30 assbot Microsoft Left Impaired AI To Suffer Twitter Humiliation | Qntra ... ( )
11:38 kakobrekla < ahh i think i forgot to edit the !down part, did just the !up
11:38 assbot Logged on 24-03-2016 12:10:37; davout: !down nubbins`
11:38 kakobrekla i mean instaed
11:38 assbot Logged on 24-03-2016 12:11:43; davout: kakobrekla: ^ isn't it supposed to werk that way?
11:43 kakobrekla < blind loyalty is a bad thing in any case
11:43 assbot Logged on 24-03-2016 15:12:01; mircea_popescu: anyway, i'm not going to read the latest installments in fiatista turdology, much like hte prev ones. nor do i need to, they're perpetually the same crud. in any case : loyalty is not a bad thing. loyalty to bad people is a bad thing, but loyalty in general is the only saving grace of manhood. the one probem socialism generally encounters is loyalty, which is why the whole song and dance.
11:43 mircea_popescu there is no such thing as "seeing" loyalty. loyalty is always blind. when it's not blind it's called seeing your interest.
11:44 kakobrekla being loyal to jumping out of window is stupid
11:44 mircea_popescu being loyal is "stupid" for any fiat definition of stupidity.
11:44 mircea_popescu it fails to maximize your collection of hamburgers.
11:44 kakobrekla the other one can cost you your sanity.
11:45 mircea_popescu quite so.
11:46 kakobrekla that is a bad thing.
11:46 mircea_popescu if it happens, yeah. then again... is it better to have loved and lost sanity than to never have sanitized at all.
11:48 kakobrekla im not too fond of Egyptian style of burial where a bunch of live folk gets sealed in the tomb together with the mummy
11:48 kakobrekla serves very little purpose
11:48 mircea_popescu for whom ?
11:49 kakobrekla anyone
11:49 mircea_popescu romania's all time best ballerina killed herself when her husband died. a lot more common than readily admitted, this.
11:49 mircea_popescu people's purposes are theirs to weigh.
11:49 asciilifeform suti!
11:49 mircea_popescu asciilifeform guy wrote the silver toothed boar thing, and others.
11:49 mircea_popescu very talented poet guy.
11:49 asciilifeform i'm fond of the japanese admirals, myself
11:50 asciilifeform incidentally 'my commander is dead'-seppuku was sop for a while.
11:50 asciilifeform but, i will point out, they also had 'my commander is an arse'-seppuku.
11:51 kakobrekla hehe
11:51 mircea_popescu we're opening way too many historical casks with this thing huh
11:51 mircea_popescu #bitcoin-amontillado
11:51 asciilifeform comes with the territory!11
11:51 asciilifeform 'for ze luvvv of gawwwd, monTrezor!!11'
11:59 shinohai Preet is going to save us from Iranian hackers too apparently:
11:59 assbot Iranians Hacked From Wall Street to New York Dam, U.S. Says - Bloomberg Business ... ( )
12:00 mircea_popescu is this a redo of the "chinese hackers" fail from a coupla years back, just tried with a smaller power that's not as likely to make them eat their hands ?
12:00 mircea_popescu i suppose they found the proof in saddam's biochem weapons cache or somesuch.
12:02 BingoBoingo Already Qntra'd
12:02 assbot US May Accuse Iran Of Office Computer Infection | Qntra ... ( )
12:03 shinohai ^ ah ha!
12:11 mircea_popescu kik \
12:14 danielpbarron << no. the way ratings work, since assbot gave everyone only +1, that is the most that can be passed along into its L2. The most a lord can do to another lord is take them down 2 points (if they already had giving them a postive rating and switched it to negative)
12:14 assbot Logged on 24-03-2016 13:37:36; PeterL: kakobrekla if nubbins` is still in L1, and rage negrates everybody -10, would that keep a bunch of people from self-voicing?
~ 18 minutes ~
12:32 BingoBoingo ;;ticker --market all
12:32 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 416.9, vol: 3596.31424340 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 415.499, vol: 4204.68191 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 416.7, vol: 9303.992626609999 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 422.0, vol: 0.36 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 418.49933, vol: 26006.15910000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 416.388, vol: 1470.69507641 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 420.4056, vol: 37.3704864 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message)
12:32 BingoBoingo ;;more
12:32 gribble 417.644532412
~ 26 minutes ~
12:58 PeterL << here is one for BingoBoingo
12:59 assbot Have an Accident With a Car Owned by Illinois? You're Out of Luck - Hit & Run : ... ( )
13:00 BingoBoingo PeterL: Not surprising.
~ 31 minutes ~
13:31 shinohai ;;8ball Will serenity return to tmsr ?
13:31 gribble It is so.
13:35 PeterL No, serenity is finished along with the rest of Firefly
13:43 asciilifeform moar lulz:
13:43 assbot Rockefellers Dump Exxon Holdings That Made Family's Fortune - Bloomberg Business ... ( )
13:48 PeterL what is bitcoind doing when it flushes wallet.dat?
13:48 BingoBoingo squatting?
13:56 mircea_popescu PeterL bitcoin [still] uses berkleydb which uses a strange sort of self-memory caching, which makes the data saved on disk during functioning insufficient to reconstruct the db situation.
13:57 mircea_popescu when it flushes, it just makes the disk image sufficient.
13:57 PeterL and does it have a reason to flush every 8 minutes (or just a magic number)?
13:58 mircea_popescu this question is extremely hard to answer.
13:58 PeterL does that make it a good question or a bad question?
13:59 mircea_popescu i have nfi
13:59 asciilifeform the answer appears to be block time.
13:59 mircea_popescu asciilifeform blocktime+delta neh ?
14:00 asciilifeform aha
14:00 mircea_popescu it's like you know, "what makes the smoke raise up like smoke". turbulence is complicated, son.
14:00 mircea_popescu do not upset ye gods.
14:01 asciilifeform the db is the single most retarded bit.
14:01 PeterL I thought blocks were 10 minutes?
14:01 asciilifeform PeterL: this is 'bang-bang corrected'
14:01 mircea_popescu ^
14:02 PeterL so, the 8 minutes is more like 'about a block time'?
14:04 mircea_popescu somethinglikethat
14:04 mircea_popescu and in other news,
14:04 assbot Nancy Sinatra Bang Bang - YouTube ... ( )
~ 30 minutes ~
14:34 deedbot- [Qntra] Rockefeller Family Fund Divests From Industry That Made Rockefeller Family Fortune -
14:35 ben_vulpes
14:35 assbot Creepily Realistic NSFW Porcelain Dolls By Russian Artist | Bored Panda ... ( )
~ 1 hours 46 minutes ~
16:21 mircea_popescu nice articulation work at any rate.
16:24 BingoBoingo
16:24 assbot ... ( )
16:25 ben_vulpes << the white metallic ink pilot g2's have arrived.
16:25 assbot ... ( )
16:26 BingoBoingo Oh, no dickbutt?
16:29 mircea_popescu in other mews, no panties, either.
16:29 assbot ... ( )
16:38 ben_vulpes BingoBoingo: pentagrams only.
16:38 ben_vulpes when i get my sigil of lilith down i'll do those too
16:39 BingoBoingo What about a cunch of pentagrams arranged into a dickbutt?
16:39 ben_vulpes talk to trinque about that
16:39 ben_vulpes > cunch
16:40 ben_vulpes related:
16:40 assbot sigil tattoo - Google Search | tattoo | Pinterest | Occult, Symbols and Tattoos and body art ... ( )
~ 16 minutes ~
16:57 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: You know, a cunch. Like a bunch but more pelvic.
~ 43 minutes ~
17:40 punkman
17:40 assbot GitHub - mimoo/Diffie-Hellman_Backdoor: How to backdoor Diffie-Hellman ... ( )
17:50 asciilifeform 'The person who pushed the commit is Gerhard Rieger who is the same person who fixed it a year later. In the comment he refers to an Oracle employee at the time who has yet to comment on his mistake. It also seems like his github account and his personnal websites were deleted the day this security advisory was published.
17:51 asciilifeform '
17:51 asciilifeform l0l!!
17:53 BingoBoingo Aha follow up to:
17:53 BingoBoingo ;;google socat
17:53 gribble Oracle Employee Wrecked Socat Security | Qntra: <>; Qntra | Reporting the Intersection of Bitcoin, Technology, and Politics: <>; Bitcoin Mining Difficulty Crosses 144 Billion With 20.06% Rise | Qntra: < (1 more message)
17:54 asciilifeform i recall this
17:54 asciilifeform but not the github detail
17:59 BingoBoingo Yeah, this github is lulzy, but not sure if news
~ 2 hours 46 minutes ~
20:45 shinohai ded
~ 51 minutes ~
21:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23580 @ 0.00045109 = 10.6367 BTC [+]
~ 50 minutes ~
22:27 deedbot- [» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] PSA: Don’t pay the bitcoin ransom. -
~ 38 minutes ~
23:06 asciilifeform << lulz
23:06 assbot [Cryptography] On the Impending Crypto Monoculture ... ( )
23:07 asciilifeform 'A number of IETF standards groups are currently in the process of applying the second-system effect to redesigning their crypto protocols. A major feature of these changes includes the dropping of traditional encryption algorithms and mechanisms like RSA, DH, ECDH/ECDSA, SHA-2, and AES, for a completely different set of mechanisms, including Curve25519 (designed by Dan Bernstein et al), EdDSA (Bernstein and colleagues), Poly
23:07 asciilifeform 1305 (Bernstein again) and ChaCha20 (by, you guessed it, Bernstein).'
23:07 asciilifeform ^ whole thing actually interesting and worth reading.
23:14 ben_vulpes the "not a vote for b, but a vote against everything else" line made me tilt my head.
23:14 asciilifeform 'the one-eyed man is king' (tm) (r)
~ 27 minutes ~
23:42 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: ever mess around much with cola/jolt/pepsi/idst/friends?
23:43 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: barfed after reading the written materials.
23:43 asciilifeform long ago.
23:43 * asciilifeform quite deeply uninterested in c-os for c-machine.
23:43 asciilifeform or whatever else on c-machine.
23:44 ben_vulpes i hadn't realized it to be an os
23:44 asciilifeform vaguely smalltalkish.
23:44 ben_vulpes mhm.
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