| Results 501 ... 728 found in all logged channels for 'ai'

2015-10-16 mircea_popescu J'ai eu tord." #trilema
2015-10-16 mircea_popescu "Faisant fi des conseils avisés de nombre d'entre vous, j'ai persévéré avec cette personne, me disant que je dois arrêter d'abandonner juste avant la ligne d'arrivée, ne pas m'arrêter à la première hésitation, penser par moi-même et non par les autres, etc. #trilema
2015-10-10 mircea_popescu unsurprisingly, as it's the one bit of ai we actually turn out to need (as opposed to starstrucklingly WANT, a la sussman & co) #trilema
2015-10-05 mircea_popescu anyway. the original point ofthings likethe mit ai lab, or the xerox parc, or etc, was that people could grab each other by the tie in the hallway #trilema
2015-09-29 mircea_popescu let there be a monotonous measurable system S. let Mi be measurements made at moments-in-time Ti. let average-per-unit-time delta values be reported for each Ti as Ai = (Mi - Mi-1) / (Ti - Ti-1). let an arbitrary "reporting unit" R be defined so that a finite count of Ti fit in each such unit Rj. Let Ais be plainly averaged so that A' = (Ak +...+ Am) / (m-k) where k, m are the first and last i's for Tis fitting in Rj. #trilema
2015-09-27 mircea_popescu they were probably the magnum opus of some ambitious intern wanting to be vp / dubious hire a la charles ryan dude implementing ai in java #trilema
2015-09-25 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-09-2015#1285635 << exactly the wrong kind of fucking ai. a) not actually intelligent ; b) negative - the last thing i fucking want to see is mechanically powered women nagging ; c) not self contained - at least the stupid nag you can beat into the ground. #trilema
2015-09-15 mircea_popescu because the thing shows some very promising AI in arranging the boxes. #trilema
2015-09-09 mircea_popescu ie, the "bayesian" twerps have it all wrong. it's dumbass to try and protect an inbox with regexp, and especially their halfbaked regexp based ai #trilema
2015-09-08 mircea_popescu not that the general problem of "i will now emit a string of bits and you tell me if this is a function" isn't a very interesting ai topic. #trilema
2015-09-04 pete_dushenski https://stronglang.wordpress.com/2015/09/03/new-voice-transcription-feature-in-google-docs-censors-some-swearwords/ << the future of voice recognition software. "oh, we don't need keyboards, we just need next-gen ai so we can mommy blog while we're changing diapers." #trilema
2015-08-29 asciilifeform the lisp thing (goes far beyond a style of programming language, but concepts like dynamic type and garbage collection and a number of other concepts) started at stanford under mccarthy himself, then mit 'project mac' (nothing to do with apple), then mit ai lab and 'lispmachine' #trilema
2015-08-28 mircea_popescu (these three males) + (belonging to that guy) = ai aceluia ; (this single female) + (belonging to that group of females) = a acelora. #trilema
2015-08-21 assbot Слова песни N-ai fost acolo, текст песни ... ( http://bit.ly/1NAUI7A ) #trilema
2015-08-21 gribble Pânza de minciuni. | Scriu pentru ca nimeni nu asculta..: <https://bineledinrau.wordpress.com/>; Dan Necşa | Trăieşte, iubeşte, respectă, ai grijă, dar nu te ataşa!: <https://dannecsa.wordpress.com/>; La mormantul lui ARSENIE BOCA. Parintele a lasat cu limba de ...: <https://intamplarisavante.wordpress.com/2010/11/28/la-mormantul-lui-arsenie-boca-parintele-a-lasat-cu- (1 more message) #trilema
2015-08-21 mircea_popescu ;;google "N-ai fost acolo s-auzi tot ce-am auzit. N-ai fost acolo sa vezi tot ce am vazut. N-ai fost acolo sa vezi tot ce am facut. N-ai fost acolo sa vezi prin tot ce am trecut." #trilema
2015-08-19 mircea_popescu in the end, it was not the ai lab and lisp that provided the best approximation of a computer companion. #trilema
2015-08-05 mircea_popescu the "rocks fall, everyone dies" of ai : "write mp emulator" #trilema
2015-08-04 mircea_popescu but derived from it, a decent pseudo-AI project would be to make a long list of propositions, sort them in a thousand or so lists (ie blogs) and "publish" "articles". #trilema
2015-07-03 mircea_popescu mats i mean i could see it in usage like "e transilvanean de-ai nostri", ie, "he's one of ours". but that's for a minuscule and very culturally coherent ethnic group. #trilema
2015-05-21 mircea_popescu i think the point here is more along the lines of AD not AI #trilema
2015-05-21 jurov yes, there are atempts to use an AI to continue online activity of the deceased #trilema
2015-05-19 bitstein pete_dushenski: midwit-level analysis of AI aside, I wish they had explored Nathan's fear of his own invention more. I also thought that it ended two minutes later than it should have. #trilema
2015-05-19 mats camera at the door takes his pic, prints access card with his face on it, but for whatever reason a super-secure AI dev facility doesn't so much as use the pic for user verification #trilema
2015-05-19 * williamdunne wonders why people are worried about an AI takeover #trilema
2015-05-15 mircea_popescu basically, a video game producer's view of MIT AI lab is "hey, it was a field-sized Daikatana" #trilema
2015-05-15 mircea_popescu it is my considered belief that it was SPECIFICALLY the unwarranted delusion that ai is special that ruined it. #trilema
2015-05-15 mircea_popescu so no, ai wasn't special. #trilema
2015-05-15 asciilifeform ai was a little more like 'hot fusion' #trilema
2015-05-15 asciilifeform i would argue that the overvaluation of games was considerably less dramatic than of ai #trilema
2015-05-15 mircea_popescu supposedly ai had much brighter minds at its disposal. what made the difference ? #trilema
2015-05-15 mircea_popescu asciilifeform here's a snippet that will be perhaps insturctive. the ai winter and the vg winter happened almost in tandem. the latter resolved within a year.by the end of the decade vg was WAY ahead of the beginning. #trilema
2015-05-15 asciilifeform the collapse of ai ('ai winter') quite arguably created a black hole with sufficient suction to take -all- of computing with it #trilema
2015-05-15 mircea_popescu where is the mit ai lab ? it was SO respectable in the 60s #trilema
2015-05-15 mircea_popescu or even closer to home : ai. #trilema
2015-04-13 nubbins` log says "fran?ais" in my browser and log1 says "franais" #trilema
2015-04-05 gribble Toma Caragiu - "N-ai pe cineva?" - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTILCHYAvfA>; Toma Caragiu : N-ai pe cineva ! - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESZ4EhwKIlA>; N-ai pe cineva ? - Toma Caragiu - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQTCyL10vqI> #trilema
2015-04-05 mircea_popescu ;;google toma caragiu n-ai pe cineva #trilema
2015-04-05 mircea_popescu literally, "n-ai pe cineva... ?" ie , "don't you have someone..." #trilema
2015-03-25 mircea_popescu inb4 danielpbarron accidentally builds ai #trilema
2015-03-20 trinque kind of reminds me of the AI in that #trilema
2015-03-20 asciilifeform in mr k's view, the hypothetical ai is alive and building it 'friendly' (to use mr y's term) is an act of diabolical cruelty #trilema
2015-03-19 mircea_popescu asciilifeform this discussion inspires me to the following ai standard : a computer that can distinguish code from data is rational. #trilema
2015-03-19 mircea_popescu farg is probably one of the better approaches to the ai problem, at any rate. #trilema
2015-03-19 asciilifeform at the time he actually was trying to scarf up all there was written re: ai, hoping to build something new #trilema
2015-03-19 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: the idea is that the mega-ai appears and has, somehow (forget physics for a moment) a total record of all things #trilema
2015-03-19 mircea_popescu "Roko's basilisk is a thought experiment that assumes that an otherwise benevolent future artificial intelligence (AI) would torture the simulated selves of the people who did not help bring about the AI's existence. [...] The concept was proposed in 2010 by contributor Roko in a discussion on LessWrong. Yudkowsky deleted the posts regarding it and banned further discussion of Roko's basilisk on LessWrong after it had #trilema
2015-03-19 decimation but fear the great AI demon! #trilema
2015-03-19 trinque asciilifeform: yudkowski even invented the beast or satan or w/e, that AI that resolves to abuse your eternal soul forever if you oppose it #trilema
2015-03-19 asciilifeform much less anything actually hard like ai #trilema
2015-03-16 asciilifeform (did i mention his 'human-equivalent ai' was to be written in it? this is, of course, before he pronounced fatwa on anyone contemplating such a thing) #trilema
2015-03-09 asciilifeform sorta like the 'if it works, it's not AI' thing #trilema
2015-03-08 thestringpuller only LISP use in my undergrad program is in the AI courses #trilema
2015-03-07 Vexual *ai #trilema
2015-03-07 Vexual my ai prefers wrongness #trilema
2015-02-28 asciilifeform 1) ocr doesn't work because 99.99% is still ludicrously low - human reader -who fully understands the text- still required 2) no ocr exists or is reasonably likely to ever exist for anything rich in notation 3) the machine-readability of most mathematical work is a fully ai-complete problem #trilema
2015-02-20 mircea_popescu "oh, i also built natural language ai" #trilema
2015-02-18 asciilifeform the thread-will-meet-the-arse-correctly-but-without-foreknowledge is called 'intelligence' and folks call any solution that calls for it 'ai-complete' #trilema
2015-02-06 the_scourge asciilifeform: thanks. historically all i know about is really the AI lab stuff. i went through a phase where i read the jargon book and some more 'original' sources about the AI labs. but this was almost 20 years ago #trilema
2015-02-02 mircea_popescu exact fucking equivalent of the "expert systems" failed msword&excel-based approach to hard ai #trilema
2015-01-24 mats because 'hard ai' doesn't exist yet. #trilema
2015-01-17 mircea_popescu a well, so much for ai. #trilema
2015-01-10 thestringpuller i'd love to have asciilifeform AI controlling my house #trilema
2015-01-10 thestringpuller asciilifeform i hope they model an AI construct after you one day. #trilema
2015-01-06 mircea_popescu the reason this is even specced is to provide some sanity while everyone wastes their life in that ai quest. #trilema
2015-01-03 decimation well, the problem ai planes & ai soldiers is that the poorly wrought heuristics that went into the design would quickly be learned and exploited by the enemy #trilema
2015-01-03 ascii_modem ai soldier - aha #trilema
2015-01-03 decimation re: air war attrition << manned aircraft are on the way out anyway, with proper secure comms and a decent AI, a robot army of aircraft makes more sense #trilema
2015-01-03 mircea_popescu cazalla it's emerging ai huh ? #trilema
2014-12-10 decimation asciilifeform: and fearing the ai holocaust #trilema
2014-12-10 undata seems like the AI doom scenario is just the inverted singularity #trilema
2014-12-10 decimation so I find these AI doomsayers highly amusing. most of them would laugh at a Christian's claim of revelation (knowledge which comes neither through induction nor deduction) but are more than happy to jump on board the eliezer yudkowsky tard train because "I know it is true" #trilema
2014-12-08 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: mr y & friends believe in an ai equivalent of fermi's 'ignition of the atmosphere' hypothetical catastrophe. #trilema
2014-12-08 mircea_popescu perhaps this latter also different from a purely numeric ai #trilema
2014-12-08 mircea_popescu that's different from a mathematically bound ai, no matter how clever #trilema
2014-12-08 mircea_popescu they're thinking of a politically relevant ai. #trilema
2014-12-08 mircea_popescu who was that guy all worried about hostile ai ? #trilema
2014-12-08 mircea_popescu http://cdn.collarspace.com/photos/2036091.jpg << said ai. #trilema
2014-12-08 mircea_popescu asciilifeform incidentally, until such a time as natural language works for coding, there won't be the "evil ai" whatever guy's worried about. #trilema
2014-12-03 mircea_popescu hence well trained pilots, and training ai and so on #trilema
2014-12-03 kakobrekla since we are pasting links re ai; http://i1.kym-cdn.com/news_feeds/icons/original/000/015/610/48a.gif #trilema
2014-12-03 decimation I have an AI cult to sell #trilema
2014-12-02 mircea_popescu problem is i can build a machine with zero crosstalk and i won't have built an ai. #trilema
2014-11-26 mircea_popescu and yes, one of the many different reasons bayesianism is little more than "a cult of ai without moon or minsky aka stupid" #trilema
2014-11-21 assbot xkcd: AI-Box Experiment ... ( http://bit.ly/1xYdihM ) #trilema
2014-11-14 mircea_popescu well it all started with you asking for a definition of ai. #trilema
2014-11-14 mircea_popescu otherwise windows is ai for crying out loud. #trilema
2014-11-14 mircea_popescu <mircea_popescu> any computer program of which identifiable components can be unambiguously named is not capable of displaying AI. << this obviously requires you to be allowed under the hood. #trilema
2014-11-14 asciilifeform this goes back to my complaint about the ai wishers. they aren't asking for 'intelligence', just a mechanical but recognizable version of themselves #trilema
2014-11-14 mircea_popescu so your argument is that ant meets my definition of ai ? #trilema
2014-11-14 asciilifeform (from a hypothetical 'ai') #trilema
2014-11-14 mircea_popescu i superficially suspect this discussion proves there can never be turing ai., #trilema
2014-11-14 mircea_popescu well yeah but if it did violate restatement then either i'm wrong or no ai can be made to run on lisp machine. #trilema
2014-11-14 asciilifeform it's a humble tool, no ai to it at all #trilema
2014-11-14 asciilifeform what 'ai and stupidity' was about, was an actual pestilence of pseudoscience, where folks convinced themselves and others that they were accomplishing 'great things' while really pulling each other's dicks in a most stultifying way #trilema
2014-11-14 mircea_popescu any computer program of which identifiable components can be unambiguously named is not capable of displaying AI. #trilema
2014-11-14 mircea_popescu mp's lemma of artificial intelligence requires any computer program that exhibits in fact ai to depend in its functioning on the naming of its functions, and that self-metaprogramming be a part of its working. #trilema
2014-11-14 asciilifeform it's an epic paper, that not merely rained but pissed on the exuberant 'ai' parade of the '70s academe. #trilema
2014-11-13 assbot Some AI Koans #trilema
2014-11-07 assbot Logged on 25-09-2014 21:26:13; mircea_popescu: really the proposition of making a living with trading bots is the response of the engineer who confronted with the fundamental impossibility of making money picking stocks decides to write a hard ai to do it. #trilema
2014-11-04 mircea_popescu bounce but one specifically optimised for the role of following you around taking pictures of things. like a sort of gopro with ai. #trilema
2014-10-28 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: guy learned russian phonetically, it sounds totally like ai << gets worse. 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmAxM5GixMM 2) (danger! bagpipe) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep0LMkJBBbs #trilema
2014-10-28 mircea_popescu guy learned russian phonetically, it sounds totally like ai. #trilema
2014-10-27 undata it's like Elon Musk recently with AI. He's been calling that "potentially more dangerous than nukes" #trilema
2014-10-26 jurov something like that may pass after well done scare of "child raping AI" but I don't see how it can be enforced in practice #trilema
2014-10-26 asciilifeform re: elon musk: two thing happening. a fella named yudkowsky has been pushing for 'regulate ai, or it will destroy us all!' line for a little short of a decade now. with him, of course, to be the fuhrer. (see lenat discussion. he considers anyone trying to resurrect lenat's work, assuming it wasn't fraudulent - we don't actually know this - to be a dangerous criminal worthy of extermination.) #trilema
2014-10-26 bounce next we'll learn that the collective twits twittering on twittar causes AI #trilema
2014-10-26 jurov http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/innovations/wp/2014/10/24/elon-musk-with-artificial-intelligence-we-are-summoning-the-demon/ another AI expert #trilema
2014-10-21 mircea_popescu "i know, let's pay bob from Consultancy DerpAces LLC a million funbux so he can write an AI expert system that'll generate the text our readers would have put out! Save them the trouble!" #trilema
2014-10-17 TheNewDeal this an accurate translation, or is it butchered by AI - Wittgenstein , " Whereof one can not speak, thereof one must be silent #trilema
2014-10-17 Vexual ;;later tel xinxi whats the difference between an expert system and ai? #trilema
2014-09-29 bounce txtspk, bringing humanity into easy AI territory from the other end #trilema
2014-09-27 assbot The Voice of the Turtle: Whatever Happened to AI? | Lenat | AI Magazine #trilema
2014-09-25 decimation ascii hopefully we can share the hard-ai-god's gasenwagen #trilema
2014-09-25 mircea_popescu i got the space, just, some derpy kid's idea of ai will prolly be to try and "loic" it #trilema
2014-09-25 asciilifeform now we can finally destroy the universe by enabling any kid to build rogue ai. #trilema
2014-09-25 mircea_popescu really the proposition of making a living with trading bots is the response of the engineer who confronted with the fundamental impossibility of making money picking stocks decides to write a hard ai to do it. #trilema
2014-09-25 mircea_popescu one of the biggest promises of hard ai is the computer that slaps the human upside the head #trilema
2014-09-20 moriarty did he watch too much AI doomsday movies? #trilema
2014-09-20 decimation yeah I guess there's this fantasy that he can personally steer research toward non-angry-ai-god ai #trilema
2014-09-20 mircea_popescu "ETA: How concerned should we be that DARPA is going full steam ahead for strong AI? Perhaps not very much, given the failure of at least two of their projects along these lines" #trilema
2014-09-20 jurov Comment author: Eliezer_Yudkowsky This is a road that does not lead to Friendly AI, only to AGI. I doubt this has anything to do with Lenat's motives - but I'm glad the source code isn't published and I don't think you'd be doing a service to the human species by trying to reimplement it. #trilema
2014-09-20 moriarty with respect to AI #trilema
2014-09-20 bounce you're saying hard AI needs hardware with specific lisp support? #trilema
2014-09-20 moriarty i see copumpkin on here, he's also into AI :) #trilema
2014-09-20 asciilifeform moriarty: no. went to uni, ordinary 'cs', but vomited from 'ai' courses. #trilema
2014-09-20 moriarty asciilifeform, fair enough, still if you've formally undertaken AI as a major, that's something #trilema
2014-09-20 mircea_popescu so the idea is, the tool required (os/stack/machine) has no industrial utility and without convincing the industry it needs ai to sponsor the thing, there's never going to be either ? #trilema
2014-09-20 moriarty i recognise some AI practitioners on here #trilema
2014-09-20 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: the final doom of smbx corp. was sealed by 'ai winter.' in turn, the demise of the lm ensured that there would be no 'spring' - because carrying on the work in a non-homoiconic language is much like attempting algebra with roman digits. #trilema
2014-09-20 moriarty asciilifeform, and they didn't inform you that hard AI was a largely abandoned endeavour #trilema
2014-09-20 moriarty asciilifeform, everybody who ventures into AI informally makes that exact same mistake #trilema
2014-09-20 asciilifeform i used to be rather into the idea of 'hard ai' before realized that we don't even know how to build a computer. #trilema
2014-09-20 moriarty decimation, when i was studying and eventually doing research in AI, we got to use anything we like #trilema
2014-09-20 moriarty decimation, heh the modern AI researcher uses any language at his disposal #trilema
2014-09-20 bounce AI cure for gayness? #trilema
2014-09-20 asciilifeform decimation: you won't. because 'ai winter.' (and you also won't hear many people discuss how such 'winters' are the flip sides of 'summers', bacchanalia of grantsmanship and graft) #trilema
2014-09-20 decimation asciilifeform: one day I hope to find a modern 'ai researcher' who admits to have tried programming in lisp #trilema
2014-09-20 moriarty attempts at understanding AI #trilema
2014-09-20 moriarty at least formally i have worked in the field of AI and have come across lesswrong in my past #trilema
2014-09-20 decimation on the pain of offending the almighty future-ai-god, I claim that he won't exist #trilema
2014-09-20 decimation mircea_popescu: re: lesswrong they push that 'hard-ai' bullshit pretty hard #trilema
2014-09-16 nubbins` the fonts in the .ai file weren't outlined, and i don't have the fonts on my system #trilema
2014-09-05 asciilifeform 'Dear Zelda, Hardly a day passes in which I don't receive an email, usually one that's widely distributed and from a more senior member of our community, using the pronoun 'myself' incorrectly. It's my own pet peeve, but I imagine our 5-Eyes partners questioning our reliability when they see our seniors making this basic mistake. Furthermore, my boss regularly misuses a relatively common word. It hangs in the ai #trilema
2014-08-30 mircea_popescu sadly... no ai. #trilema
2014-08-30 mircea_popescu this would have been a perfect application for ai #trilema
2014-08-27 mircea_popescu asciilifeform: lol re: the notion of 'controlling' a hypothetical 'superintelligent' machine. <<< i've controlled superintelligent womenz, they luv'd it. why'd the ai necessarily not enjoy it ? #trilema
2014-08-26 jurov How to control superintelligent AI is really the most important task of our time -- yet, it is almost completely ignored. #trilema
2014-08-20 thestringpuller okay can we email you gpg encrypted AI file and then go from there? #trilema
2014-08-20 nubbins` not really much to go over. graphics in vector format, preferably .AI with spot colors #trilema
2014-07-13 benkay <syntheticsky> anyone interested in starting a new altcoin based on the concept of strong artificial intelligence? I run an AI project. please /join #syntheticsky if interested #trilema
2014-06-29 kakobrekla even better than this is half wetware half hardware ai brain deciding case by case what should it be. #trilema
2014-06-28 BingoBoingo benkay: Just add "for robots" to your proposal and suddenly the LISP, AI, and expert systems are marketable again. #trilema
2014-06-28 asciilifeform that ship sailed. ai winter. #trilema
2014-06-28 benkay who can i sell this AI snake oil to... #trilema
2014-06-13 assbot Some AI Koans #trilema
2014-06-13 nubbins` .ai, .pdf. .eps #trilema
2014-06-10 asciilifeform due for a really good ai << np-complete. good luck. #trilema
2014-06-10 decimation seems like that problem is due for a really good ai based solver #trilema
2014-06-06 xmj such AI, many lulz, much fun #trilema
2014-06-06 fluffypony such AI #trilema
2014-06-05 asciilifeform one of the golden age mit ai lab folks #trilema
2014-06-05 asciilifeform if i knew what thinking actually is, i'd be talking to me pet ai right now. #trilema
2014-06-01 benkay that demonic AI in between you and the gearbox will prevent you doing anything to burn fuel at a rate sufficient to eke performance out of the thing. #trilema
2014-05-03 ozbot Iepurasule, ai basca ? pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. #trilema
2014-04-25 asciilifeform jurov: at the time i simply itched to write 'something with ai' that 'could money' #trilema
2014-04-22 rammy2k2 cool, i always apreciate AI #trilema
2014-04-20 thestringpuller kako = assbot = robot = ai #trilema
2014-04-18 fluffypony I'm not an advanced enough AI to use an Autodesk product #trilema
2014-03-31 mircea_popescu we're lucky there's no hard ai. #trilema
2014-03-31 Namworld Forum server if it had an AI: "Please, help, oh why!? Stop feeding me this type of data!" #trilema
2014-03-25 thestringpuller wao-ender: so you're going to create an AI bot? #trilema
2014-03-23 benkay til mircea_popescu is actually a composite personality of a bunch of humans educated by some well engineered weak ai #trilema
2014-03-23 mircea_popescu benkay victorian ai / army ? #trilema
2014-03-22 asciilifeform this is a well-known fact. the 'ai winters' were merely the flip sides of 'ai summers', bacchanalia of graft of every variety #trilema
2014-03-22 asciilifeform minksy & papert showed that single-layer NN cannot even learn 'XOR'. this touched off the first 'ai winter.' #trilema
2014-03-21 ozbot B.U.G. Mafia - N-ai Fost Acolo - YouTube #trilema
2014-03-14 cads "The Skynet hypothesis is a boogeyman intended to scare the young and the paranoid. The real threat from AI is that it will become so good at the pointless tasks that we have given it that those pointless tasks will become a black hole of resources." I am reading an article about a concept the author calls malignant computing - computing that increases itself and hurts the market in an effort to perpetuate itself. http://radar.oreilly. #trilema
2014-03-11 mircea_popescu "Love what your doing but I see you do not send to the UK. My company are about to leash a few ATMs on the UK and would love to get a hold of perhaps your ai or pdf so I could print some off to give to everyone who is attending our launch in Feb." #trilema
2014-03-10 ThickAsThieves they just need better suggestion ai #trilema
2014-03-01 mircea_popescu let's play "help evil ai MP infiltrate human society", a society game. #trilema
2014-03-01 mircea_popescu fucking hell i need ai. #trilema
2014-03-01 asciilifeform the problem of 'tell shit from shinola programmatically' is ai-complete #trilema
2014-02-27 nubbins` j'ai vécu au Québec pour un été #trilema
2014-02-27 mircea_popescu they don't have ai that good. #trilema
2014-02-23 benkay a local businessman asked me about Ethereum and its "distributed autonomous corporations" recently. i sent him back a tome the gist of which was "come on man you run a business do you really think these nerds are going to code up an AI that can handle the ambiguity and indeterminacy of what we do? it mighta worked for S.D. and J.D. but shit at the end of the day those were driven just fine by humans!" #trilema
2014-02-21 greenspan_fan it's kind of like feature discovery in AI #trilema
2014-02-20 mircea_popescu ’ de miliard, iara tu nu poti fura mai mult de citeva milioane in cash, dat fiind ca n-ai cum ii duce. De fapt exact asa s-a ajuns si la regula ca-ti da bancherul oriciti bani si te lasa sa pleci, singura victorie a oamenilor antisociali in raport cu societatea din istoria moderna. #trilema
2014-02-16 cads it's the classic romanian "you know theory but you don't know practice" attack "o ai cu teoria. Dar practica te omoare." classic because every romanian has heard it from every other romanian they know, in one situation or another. #trilema
2014-02-15 cads I came up with the idea of encrypted computing when I was thinking how to design an autonomous AI agent that cannot ever have its state vector interrogated or partially simulated. #trilema
2014-02-13 mircea_popescu Puis j’ai mis en route un sèche-linge, deux plaques électriques, et un emerge -u1avDN world, le tout en musique grâce à un ampli à tubes. Comme il faisait un peu noir j’ai allumé les 8 ampoules halogènes qui étaient à ma disposition. Et comme il faisait un peu chaud avec tout ça, j’ai ouvert la porte de mon réfrigérateur. #trilema
2014-02-13 mircea_popescu Pour manifester mon soutien à cette initiative trop peu médiatisée, j’ai éteint à 20h30 les deux ampoules à LED qui m’éclairaient. #trilema
2014-02-13 mircea_popescu suis aujourd'hui orpheline et je n'ai plus personne pour m'aider et pour #trilema
2014-02-06 Mats_cd03 if his english wasnt inconsistently shite id wonder if BingoBoingo was an AI #trilema
2014-02-01 mircea_popescu my magical future predictive ai (whose name is joan) fails to predict any possible alternative to this thing taking over altspace. #trilema
2014-02-01 mircea_popescu asciilifeform that was afaik the best thing ai experts ever came up with. #trilema
2014-01-30 deadweasel AI making AI, what has the world come to?! #trilema
2014-01-30 assbot his AI is almost as good as mine #trilema
2014-01-29 mircea_popescu it's not really possible to make a google without ai. #trilema
2014-01-24 Vexual such ai #trilema
2014-01-08 Vexual i can make my boat look like its anywhere on ais #trilema
2014-01-08 randomcloud Does that thing have an AI or is someone just talking through its account? #trilema
2013-12-27 Vexual they make ai for comutergames and robots and shit #trilema
2013-12-20 mircea_popescu sigh. no ai yet, eh google ? #trilema
2013-12-15 mircea_popescu bwahaha kakobrekla you hear that ? teh ai is borkt! #trilema
2013-12-15 sundun_ this chat's ai is kind of confusing #trilema
2013-12-10 asciilifeform nubbins`: correct. there's been some brouhaha about go ai, but it pertains mainly to games on undersized boards. #trilema
2013-12-10 asciilifeform no point in 'policing' the arena for AI, i've met people who play rather like machines. #trilema
2013-12-10 asciilifeform go works. chess devolves to AI contest. #trilema
2013-12-10 mike_c AI challenges.. #trilema
2013-12-10 thestringpuller with AI and stuff #trilema
2013-12-08 mircea_popescu j'ai formater mon disque dure et j'ai perdu ma wallet et j'ai que la clé. est ce que je peut recuperer mon bitcoin a partir de la clé #trilema
2013-12-01 benkay what kind of lame ai can't recurse? #trilema
2013-11-16 thestringpuller j'ai oublie tu es francais... #trilema
2013-11-14 mircea_popescu but i can envision when we finally get ai that'll be how s.ai will sell it : #trilema
2013-11-14 mircea_popescu no ai yet. #trilema
2013-10-27 darby ai is the new ui #trilema
2013-10-08 pankkake j'ai besoin d'une nouvelle arnaque maintenant ! #trilema
2013-10-08 nubbins` j'ai besoin d'une nouvelle scam maintenant! #trilema
2013-08-29 mircea_popescu lol ai wins #trilema
2013-08-14 mircea_popescu nice ai you got in ozbot Scrat. soon to be hurt butt. #trilema
2013-08-13 Namworld Well I can't wait for robots with true AI #trilema
2013-07-09 jurov i don't know, maybe they are AIs #trilema
2013-07-08 davout he has romanian slaves working in sweatshops for the AI, it's going to rock #trilema
2013-05-28 ThickAsThieves i didnt discover it til i had bought most apps ai wanted #trilema
2013-05-20 ThickAsThieves its like saying ai wish i had a tine machine #trilema
2013-05-05 cads in any case, the full problem is an interesting problem in the logging literature and in the AI literature - given some collection of possibly contradictory logs, process them into a single, more trustworthy digest log #trilema
2013-04-30 jurov maybe bitcoin became sentient AI and hates competitors and it's hungry for drama #trilema
