Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2014-02-05 | 2014-02-07 →
00:00 Vexual points for goa trance
00:04 Vexual
00:04 ozbot Aeon Flux - The Complete Animated Collection Trailer - YouTube
00:07 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10800 @ 0.00092681 = 10.0095 BTC [-]
00:11 Mats_cd03 .bait
00:11 ozbot
00:12 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: with info i dumped today I limited the population that coul be me to even rather naive lusers to 1
00:13 Vexual you forgot to sa ratio
00:15 Vexual
00:15 ozbot Die Antwoord - Zef Side. - YouTube
00:15 BingoBoingo Vexual: Finite things have answers in the world that aren't numbers though
00:16 Vexual tell my oncologist
00:17 BingoBoingo Vexual: methotrexate
00:21 Vexual
00:21 ozbot Seeed: Aufstehn - (official Video) - YouTube
00:26 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.105 BTC [-]
00:26 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4196 @ 0.00092614 = 3.8861 BTC [-]
00:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10950 @ 0.00092033 = 10.0776 BTC [-]
00:34 Vexual
00:34 ozbot Die Antwoord - I Don't Need You (Unofficial) - YouTube
00:36 BingoBoingo Vexual: You self chemo yet?
00:37 Vexual no
00:38 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 2323 @ 0.0030001 = 6.9692 BTC [-] {4}
00:41 Vexual damn
00:55 Mats_cd03 1.9bln views
00:57 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 28 @ 0.00458895 = 0.1285 BTC [-]
00:58 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 47 @ 0.00458894 = 0.2157 BTC [-] {2}
00:58 Namworld Do you know the consequences of having bids at 10000 and asks at 500 bugged on the orderbook? All shorts/margins are considered in the profits massively. And you can just margin to the max based on fake profits. Apparently.
00:59 Namworld And run your account into the red when the actual last price makes shorts/calls execute.
00:59 Namworld Someone put a screenshot in markets channel
00:59 Namworld
01:01 Namworld Or actually they don't get executed based on last price... not sure.
01:01 Namworld Either way
01:01 Namworld If whoever put those orders in there removes them... might cause a mass execute of all margin orders.
01:02 Namworld Because it seems the current situation gives everyone on finex more or less infinite margin.
01:05 BingoBoingo 45 minutes
01:15 herbijudlestoids whats that sound that the quarry makes
01:15 herbijudlestoids in flinstones at the end of the day
01:15 herbijudlestoids that noise just went off in my head
01:15 herbijudlestoids yabbadabbadoo
01:22 Bugpowder So is gox finally imploding?
01:23 BingoBoingo Bugpowder: We can hope
01:24 Bugpowder Just shut it down for the love of god
01:26 BingoBoingo Bugpowder: When dicks can eat themselves
01:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7750 @ 0.00086293 = 6.6877 BTC [-]
01:33 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.11839999 = 0.592 BTC [+] {3}
01:34 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.11999999 = 0.48 BTC [+]
01:35 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 9 @ 0.12111111 = 1.09 BTC [+] {2}
01:36 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.12428571 = 0.87 BTC [+] {2}
01:37 herbijudlestoids Namworld: any ideas how it happened?
01:37 herbijudlestoids bug in the orderbook?
01:37 herbijudlestoids poor matching system?
01:37 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.12666666 = 0.38 BTC [+] {2}
01:38 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 11 @ 0.13045453 = 1.435 BTC [+] {2}
01:39 Apocalyptic hey Bugpowder, long time no see
01:40 Bugpowder yo
01:46 benkay asssssses
01:46 benkay whats up mah neeeeeg
01:47 herbijudlestoids Bugpowder: there has certainly been some complaints on /r/BitCoin which i check once a week or so
01:49 Namworld Bug in the orderbook. Someone managed to place a fucked order and it's stuck there, it seems.
01:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.00012949 = 0.1295 BTC [+]
01:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [MS] 23 @ 0.005 = 0.115 BTC
01:52 benkay vexual i didn't know you were a seeed fan
01:53 herbijudlestoids Namworld: any indications why the order wasnt matched in auction correctly?
01:53 herbijudlestoids or why the exch admins havent matched manually?
01:54 herbijudlestoids how can there be any margin liquidations if the orderbook is broken :P
01:54 Namworld Because something must be botched in the code and it doesn't work, obviously.
01:54 herbijudlestoids not like they can clear any orders in the market on customers with margin calls
01:55 Namworld Luk hiere, thangs ir bork'd op.
01:55 Namworld Margin liquidation can happen on finex. People can withdraw LTC/BTC
01:55 Namworld All numbers are borked up.
01:55 herbijudlestoids how are the liquidations happening
01:56 herbijudlestoids sorry if im pestering
01:56 Namworld How would I freaking now?
01:56 Namworld Code is borked is borked.
01:56 Namworld Seems quite simple.
01:56 Namworld It's the Bitopocalypse.
01:57 benkay derpy web app developers match orders manually? don't make me laugh, herbijudlestoids
01:57 benkay Namworld herbijudlestoids how do we profit off of all this incompetence?
01:57 herbijudlestoids short bitfinex on MPEX? :P
01:57 Namworld We don't.
01:57 herbijudlestoids ^
01:58 herbijudlestoids do not get involved
01:58 herbijudlestoids best risk/reward ratio
01:58 Namworld I tested with a small amount. No orders/margins go through. Withdrawals occurs.
01:59 Namworld I would guess wallet would have gone empty OR Bitstamp would have been crashed/pumped infinitely if people managed to exploit it.
01:59 herbijudlestoids it doesnt make sense to me unless the exchange is flawed by design
01:59 herbijudlestoids youre saying the wide orders placed in the book jammed it up
01:59 herbijudlestoids margin liquidations happen into the orderbook
01:59 BingoBoingo Namworld: Bitocolypse was 11 months ago
02:00 herbijudlestoids if liquidations are happening without going into the market then the exchange is taking on liabilities which might not be available when the market returns at the correct volumes
02:00 kakobrekla mornin
02:00 herbijudlestoids hullo kako :)
02:00 herbijudlestoids whats your 2c?
02:00 kakobrekla ;;ticker
02:00 gribble MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 851.51234, Best ask: 853.0, Bid-ask spread: 1.48766, Last trade: 853.0, 24 hour volume: 17904.66180588, 24 hour low: 801.0, 24 hour high: 933.51848, 24 hour vwap: 868.59757
02:01 kakobrekla i need coffee
02:01 Namworld kako
02:01 kakobrekla m?
02:01 Namworld Bitfinex huge derping
02:01 kakobrekla gox stuck?
02:01 Namworld Have a laugh this morning
02:01 Namworld No, Bitfinex...
02:01 kakobrekla hm
02:01 BingoBoingo kakobrekla: gox finally bleeds
02:01 herbijudlestoids woah, the GHs/BTC price on has finally crashed too
02:01 Namworld Someone managed to stuck a 10000 USD bid and a 500 USD ask that won't go away.
02:01 kakobrekla wait isnt bitfinex just passing orders through
02:02 Namworld So all margins, trades, etc are derping hard
02:02 kakobrekla bah im outta power again
02:02 kakobrekla mother fuckers
02:02 kakobrekla later.
02:02 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Cex was always scam
02:02 Namworld Awww...
02:02 kakobrekla brb asap
02:02 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: ? what do you mean? i thought the GHs/BTC price was always destined to go down, not a scam simply as a function of the ROI on 1GHs
02:03 herbijudlestoids i been watching it since it was 0.18 lol
02:03 herbijudlestoids if only you could short it
02:03 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9267 @ 0.00082189 = 7.6165 BTC [-]
02:03 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: scam on the Doge/Itallian style
02:04 herbijudlestoids in the sense of, its not a good investment to put money into versus just holding BTC?
02:04 herbijudlestoids sorry, im retarded
02:04 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: As in btter answer in 40 mins
02:04 herbijudlestoids you gotta explain things real slow for retards
02:05 Mats_cd03 hes as clueless about what that means as you are
02:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.19376446 = 0.3875 BTC [+]
02:07 Mats_cd03 if his english wasnt inconsistently shite id wonder if BingoBoingo was an AI
02:09 herbijudlestoids
02:09 ozbot EFF Challenges New Jersey Subpoena Issued to MIT Student Bitcoin Developers | Electronic Frontier Fo
02:09 assbot [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 500 @ 0.00172845 = 0.8642 BTC [-]
02:10 herbijudlestoids lol this is a pretty hilarious article
02:10 jayk BingoBoingo
02:10 herbijudlestoids "We explained to the New Jersey Attorney General that Tidbit's code as configured was incapable of mining for Bitcoins, meaning it could not provide much of the information requested in the subpoena. Plus, New Jersey had no jurisdiction to issue a subpoena to Rubin, who lived in Massachusetts, or Tidbit, which had no connections to New Jersey at all; the server housing the code is not located in New Jersey and Tid
02:11 jayk
02:11 ozbot Richard Sherman violently owns a troll on Twitter with Lombardi Trophy -
02:11 jayk lol
02:11 jayk he lost his twitter account ha ha
02:16 BingoBoingo Mats_cd03 Nikkers
02:16 KRS-One Major bitfinex fuckup
02:16 KRS-One Trading halted
02:16 herbijudlestoids KRS-One: scroll up namworld has some screenshots and a small amt info
02:16 BingoBoingo KRS-One: Which fuckup counts nao?
02:17 Namworld Old news, KRS
02:18 jayk oh
02:18 benkay Namworld herbijudlestoids how do we profit off of all this incompetence?
02:18 kakobrekla that was fast.
02:18 Namworld You apparently can't, benkay
02:19 kakobrekla hehe
02:19 BingoBoingo benkay: Looks like Richard sherman could use a few BJ's
02:19 benkay buh kill ring
02:20 jayk poor sherman
02:20 jayk he's probably celebrated out
02:20 KRS-One holy shits
02:20 KRS-One this is messed up
02:20 BingoBoingo jayk: He still kept Dever from going long all game. Dunno how a cornerback could be better, He owned that shit.
02:21 KRS-One I shorted almost 1000 LTC since amost $ its what, $14?
02:21 BingoBoingo KRS-One: What scammed you nao? Doge?
02:21 jayk they didn't talk about him though i was surprised
02:21 kakobrekla how is it messed up, they have nice css
02:21 KRS-One BingoBoingo: I only touch BTC/LTC.
02:21 BingoBoingo jayk: The didn't need because he was good.
02:22 BingoBoingo KRS-One: If you touch LTC Goat touches you... at night... quietly...
02:22 kakobrekla haha
02:22 KRS-One Just my f'n luck..wonder if I'll wake up and LTC is $22
02:23 jayk i should add a section to wiki with bold text face Peyten's Fumble
02:23 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 63 @ 0.4987529 = 31.4214 BTC [+] {4}
02:23 BingoBoingo jayk: No reason, was a boring game
02:23 KRS-One and yet tweens are doubling, tripling their money on cryptsy of all exchanges with "doggie" coin and I got thousands sitting here I cant touch.
02:23 jayk it'll be in the reels though in future games and bloopers
02:24 jayk He'll be known for this forever.
02:24 jayk at the store today i talked about it with complete strangers
02:24 BingoBoingo Some Nigga post this to Slashdot then we vote it immortal
02:25 BingoBoingo 'Cous Somalia
02:25 Namworld Well one user posted this earlier:
02:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2910 @ 0.00082988 = 2.415 BTC [+]
02:25 Namworld It's a good condensed explanation.
02:26 Namworld They say a picture is worth a thousand word after all.
02:26 BingoBoingo Namworld: I will still loan for your tumor and revenge as collateral.
02:26 BingoBoingo Goat kind of ruined the market though with the scam lambo
02:28 Namworld Tumor and revenge as collateral?
02:28 Namworld What?
02:29 benkay scam lambo? what?
02:29 BingoBoingo Namworld: I'll give you that roughly 300 btc if you can perfectly surgically extract a lobe of your lung. Remember. Nao ignore. DO better or be a bit hobo.
02:30 BingoBoingo benkay: GOat's lambo. Made of pure filtered scam.
02:30 benkay in that paid for with scam or doctored photos?
02:30 BingoBoingo Goat is maybe 3 degrees warmer than thermos.
02:30 BingoBoingo Goat is such scam.
02:32 BingoBoingo I am glad I dun let drunk me know cold storage addresses because 12 years a Goat would get an Oscar.
02:32 herbijudlestoids uh oh
02:32 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo did you put another bottle of vodka in ur butt again
02:33 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Doesn't matter I am 30 miles from the nearest person with the right to care.
02:34 BingoBoingo Also I take my vodka in the mouth. And I regret that traitorous Kentucky existed.
02:34 Namworld
02:34 ozbot
02:34 Namworld Courtesy lolcode
02:34 BingoBoingo Namworld: Was nevar a thing
02:35 Namworld Bitfinex had a brain fart.
02:35 herbijudlestoids
02:35 ozbot Argentine Banking System Archives Destroyed By Deadly Fire | Zero Hedge
02:35 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Ain't deadly with a body count
02:36 Namworld That zerohedge article... it's gonna be good... in a sad sad way. I can feel it.
02:37 BingoBoingo Namworld: Zeroedge is worse than Business insider, except they can know it.
02:37 benkay wow they actually murdered people to cover up the bank malfeasance
02:37 BingoBoingo Does Open Genera need money? Who would donate to tit?
02:38 BingoBoingo benkay: Does cause 'Murica sound familar?
02:38 Namworld
02:38 ozbot Order book - Bitstamp
02:38 Namworld Well I haven't seen such an orderbook in a while.
02:40 BingoBoingo Namworld: mandingo fight?
02:40 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.12 BTC [-]
02:41 BingoBoingo I have like, never wanted to enter a three month coma before like ever in my short ass life.
02:41 BingoBoingo I blame the Cipher Anglo Trannie
02:41 BingoBoingo For promoting scams
02:42 Namworld What are you talking about? I don't have a clue what all you're saying is supposed to be about.
02:42 BingoBoingo Namworld: Forum less, read moar.
02:42 Namworld I barely use the forum.
02:43 BingoBoingo Namworld: At least start with Aristotle's physics. That makes Altcoins special kind of purty.
02:45 BingoBoingo I doubt I could hate White people more than BTC pushes me to.
02:45 BingoBoingo I'd hate green people moar, but
02:48 Namworld Are you on drugs right now? Each line seems either incoherent or unrelated to the previous one, more or less.
02:49 herbijudlestoids is there any demand for physical wallets?
02:49 BingoBoingo Namworld: Each next line seems more coherent than your last. Am I beating you on some sort on glacier sense olympics?
02:49 herbijudlestoids cold storage wallets i mean
02:50 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Quite a bit for good ones
02:50 BingoBoingo A lot of business there
02:50 herbijudlestoids cos i was just looking at the coldcoins website cache, they were doing 5 for 50USD, laser engraved steel of BIP38 encrypted wallets
02:50 herbijudlestoids and they closed down, citing not enough demand
02:51 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: what constitutes a good one?
02:51 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Maybe their product was wrong?
02:51 jayk christina o
02:51 benkay business model, likely.
02:51 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Find what makes a good cold wallet?
02:51 benkay you're not going to run a fab shop on wallets.
02:52 benkay wallets might make a nice revenue stream for a fab shop, however.
02:52 BingoBoingo ^^
02:52 herbijudlestoids but a steel engraving machine only costs 700AUD?
02:52 benkay subtle distinction that these programmerrers will never get.
02:52 benkay well you gotta operate it, keep lights on, run a business you know.
02:54 benkay business as waterwheel; water must flow. business must come through the operation. if business is a whole bunch of metalworking work, then wallets can be a small fraction of the biz and still work. if biz throughput is just wallet engravings, well, that sustains a much smaller operation.
02:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16250 @ 0.00082531 = 13.4113 BTC [-]
03:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MG] 1000 @ 0.0001001 = 0.1001 BTC [-]
03:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MG] 1900 @ 0.00010001 = 0.19 BTC [-]
03:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 220 @ 0.00082687 = 0.1819 BTC [+]
03:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.NSA] 5000 @ 0.000107 = 0.535 BTC [-]
03:11 herbijudlestoids ^ portfolio trade
03:12 benkay missing bbet
03:13 benkay who buys mg and not bbet? one throws off divs.
03:13 BingoBoingo worse benkay
03:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 600 @ 0.00082687 = 0.4961 BTC [+]
03:14 BingoBoingo benkay: Mircea likes gurls who do BBEt math
03:17 benkay BingoBoingo you ain't makin no sense no mo
03:18 BingoBoingo Depends. Am I niggers.txt or
03:22 assbot [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 110 @ 0.00447453 = 0.4922 BTC [-] {5}
03:22 BingoBoingo benkay: What can Yogi handle? Oh Lord Jesus its a fire? Fuck no!
03:26 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28180 @ 0.00082687 = 23.3012 BTC [+]
03:31 BingoBoingo Who shorted functional gardens though...
03:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17500 @ 0.00082613 = 14.4573 BTC [-] {2}
03:32 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 2897 @ 0.00078874 = 2.285 BTC [-] {17}
03:33 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 1825 @ 0.00065221 = 1.1903 BTC [-] {8}
03:34 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1446 @ 0.00012937 = 0.1871 BTC [+] {2}
03:36 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 4373 @ 0.00051933 = 2.271 BTC [-] {17}
03:36 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.1245 = 1.245 BTC [+] {2}
03:38 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12340 @ 0.00082988 = 10.2407 BTC [+]
03:41 Mats_cd03 I want to use amazon to move all my non furniture shit across the country
03:41 Mats_cd03 Why is moving still so expensive? Jesus
03:42 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20350 @ 0.00083282 = 16.9479 BTC [+]
03:42 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.125 BTC [+]
03:43 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 1015 @ 0.00080063 = 0.8126 BTC [+] {2}
03:44 Mats_cd03 Also ozbot needs a voteban command
03:47 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.19376446 = 0.5813 BTC [+]
03:56 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.52839998 BTC [+]
04:03 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1087 @ 0.0001293 = 0.1405 BTC [-]
04:09 cazalla i always found moving cheap
04:09 cazalla but then i only needed to move a desktop + clothes until i bought a home
04:15 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 207 @ 0.00072513 = 0.1501 BTC [-] {4}
~ 18 minutes ~
04:33 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 286 @ 0.0007 = 0.2002 BTC [-]
04:39 Rick_ hi
04:40 Rick_ Mircea is here?
04:41 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 895 @ 0.00012939 = 0.1158 BTC [+] {2}
04:46 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.19376446 = 0.5813 BTC [+]
04:49 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.19376446 = 0.9688 BTC [+]
04:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38000 @ 0.00084336 = 32.0477 BTC [+]
04:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.12 = 0.6 BTC [-]
04:58 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.12 = 0.6 BTC [-]
04:58 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.075 = 0.375 BTC [-]
04:59 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.19376446 = 0.9688 BTC [+]
04:59 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.12 = 0.6 BTC [-]
05:00 herbijudlestoids
05:00 ozbot Athletes and journalists start to check into Sochi. - Imgur
05:03 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.19376446 = 0.9688 BTC [+]
05:07 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.12 = 0.6 BTC [-]
05:09 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 500 @ 0.0004137 = 0.2069 BTC [-] {6}
05:10 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.00012302 = 0.123 BTC [-] {9}
05:11 assbot [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 200 @ 0.00434141 = 0.8683 BTC [-] {11}
05:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22300 @ 0.00084864 = 18.9247 BTC [+]
05:26 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.075 = 0.375 BTC [-]
05:27 grazs lifestyle journalists who are spoiled brats, refreshing
~ 19 minutes ~
05:47 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.12 = 0.72 BTC [-]
05:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.12 = 0.6 BTC [-]
05:53 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.12 = 1.2 BTC [-] {2}
06:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.04909987 = 0.2455 BTC [+]
~ 49 minutes ~
06:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.19376446 = 0.9688 BTC [+]
06:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8250 @ 0.0008588 = 7.0851 BTC [+]
07:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29400 @ 0.00085437 = 25.1185 BTC [-] {2}
07:04 ThickAsThieves Current transaction count: 4,819; stuck transaction outputs: 55,546.70 BTC (as of Feb 06 2014 12:03:21 UTC)
07:08 kakobrekla gox?
07:10 truffles ruined my 1st car yay
07:11 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.500101 BTC [-]
07:13 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 7 @ 0.49717171 = 3.4802 BTC [-] {4}
07:17 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 13 @ 0.06846306 = 0.89 BTC [-] {10}
07:17 truffles hi Chaaang-Noi
07:19 ThickAsThieves yep gox
07:19 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 11 @ 0.05872727 = 0.646 BTC [-] {4}
07:20 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 300 @ 0.000795 = 0.2385 BTC [-]
07:21 ThickAsThieves
07:21 ozbot Mt.Gox Withdrawals -
07:21 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 630 @ 0.0008 = 0.504 BTC [+]
07:22 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 203 @ 0.00084288 = 0.1711 BTC [+]
~ 15 minutes ~
07:38 ThickAsThieves MaxCoin, the new crypto currency founded by Max Keiser will launch on February 5 and it has a good chance of crossing $20 million in market cap its first month of mining.
07:38 ThickAsThieves With over 88 altcoins listed on Coin Market Cap, it’s getting tougher to find the winners, but MaxCoin really stands out and here is why.
07:38 ThickAsThieves
07:38 ThickAsThieves MaxKeiserTV has 39K subscribers. His “personal” twitter handle has close to 91K followers and the Maxcoin “official” twitter handle has 4.2K followers. Pretty impressive for a coin that hasn’t launched yet!
07:38 ThickAsThieves
07:38 ThickAsThieves fukn autolinks
07:38 ThickAsThieves MaxCoin’s mining difficulty will be retargeted using the kimoto gravity well algorithm. Recently, the Dogecoin developers have been thinking of retargeting this way as well
07:39 kakobrekla algorhitmic dorra dorra bills yo
07:42 ThickAsThieves
07:42 ozbot Twitter / TheRealAltcoin: @maxkeiser @KeiserReport ...
07:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17150 @ 0.00085692 = 14.6962 BTC [+]
07:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 7150 @ 0.00012975 = 0.9277 BTC [+] {9}
07:54 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 325 @ 0.003 = 0.975 BTC [+]
07:58 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 175 @ 0.003 = 0.525 BTC [+]
08:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 4000 @ 0.00012987 = 0.5195 BTC [+] {2}
08:11 truffles keisercoin sounds cooler imo
08:12 truffles sounds close ro kaiser
08:12 ThickAsThieves do you even mine?
08:12 truffles i dont even alt no
08:13 truffles i was optimistic about the coins now after seeing it unfold ive gone cynic
08:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22400 @ 0.00085791 = 19.2172 BTC [+] {2}
08:27 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.12799999 BTC [+]
08:31 grazs he's a tool
08:41 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.128 BTC [+]
08:42 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35400 @ 0.00085412 = 30.2358 BTC [-] {3}
08:43 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 4518 @ 0.00012201 = 0.5512 BTC [-] {4}
08:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1916 @ 0.00011903 = 0.2281 BTC [-] {2}
09:01 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.52826801 BTC [+]
09:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.52827001 = 1.0565 BTC [+] {2}
09:03 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 17 @ 0.52826894 = 8.9806 BTC [-] {3}
09:04 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.52839898 = 1.0568 BTC [+] {2}
09:04 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 1 @ 0.19376446 BTC [+]
09:05 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.52839899 = 2.642 BTC [+]
09:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29312 @ 0.00085386 = 25.0283 BTC [-]
09:06 KRS-One delusions of self importance
09:07 truffles just about everyone :p
09:07 KRS-One everyone what?
09:07 truffles thinks highly of self
09:07 KRS-One not those who have been humbled..
09:08 KRS-One might even take a few times..
09:08 truffles ya
09:08 KRS-One I think everyone needs to be put to that test.
09:08 KRS-One World might even be a better place.
09:08 KRS-One And with more bait, of course.
09:08 KRS-One .bait
09:08 ozbot
09:08 KRS-One :O
09:09 truffles id start with something else, like empathy
09:09 KRS-One that ones like..BAM
09:09 truffles booooobs
09:09 truffles why is the lower region on display, is that like appealing?
09:09 KRS-One those breastestes look down right uncomfortable.
09:10 KRS-One truffles: not even
09:10 truffles im sure there are some who enjoy that..
09:10 KRS-One she better not travel quickly though any areas of great pressure difference or there could be a big ole mess.
09:11 truffles face not even important enough ..
09:11 truffles tv show had woman fall from respectable height into water, massive boobs popped heh
09:11 KRS-One Nothing special at all..kind of beavis like...
09:12 KRS-One Yeah! I heard abou tthat.
09:12 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23000 @ 0.00085461 = 19.656 BTC [+]
09:12 KRS-One and the one bitch on the airplane.
09:12 KRS-One Could you imagine getting some of the fallout on you?? I'd be scared for life.
09:13 truffles dunno if we're on the same ppl, but doubt they consider that when purchasing
09:13 ThickAsThieves Altcoin Update:
09:13 truffles u mean the person who bought or random?
09:13 KRS-One ThickAsThieves: This was just for the lulz right?
09:14 truffles silicone feels nice afaik
09:14 KRS-One Is it traded on any exchanges yet?
09:14 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves did you ever get the code ?
09:14 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.04909987 = 0.2455 BTC [+]
09:14 ThickAsThieves no
09:14 ThickAsThieves i'm still crossing my fingers pankakke can help or it magically appears
09:15 ThickAsThieves otherwise i guess i'll post bounties to strangers
09:15 mircea_popescu da fuck is matt doing.
09:15 truffles "Fight the fight, sing the song" hehe
09:16 ThickAsThieves <KRS-One> ThickAsThieves: This was just for the lulz right? << as much as anything in life
09:16 truffles haha
09:17 mircea_popescu depends on whose life.
09:17 mircea_popescu lyfe*
09:17 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.04909986 = 0.1473 BTC [-]
09:17 ThickAsThieves all values are dynamic, you taught me that
09:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28400 @ 0.00085557 = 24.2982 BTC [+]
09:18 truffles even honey badger name drops hmm
09:18 mircea_popescu if doge had the sense to start all addresses with Derp
09:18 Duffer1 hehe
09:18 mircea_popescu then the association of herpetologist s could have made herpcoin
09:19 mircea_popescu and we could have had herpderp altcoin wars
09:19 mircea_popescu people. no strategic lulzforesight at all.
09:19 truffles dodge envy itc
09:19 dexX7
09:21 truffles TAT what happens when some random noob gets pissed at u
09:22 ThickAsThieves depends
09:22 Duffer1 who would get mad at tat?
09:22 truffles me?
09:22 Apocalyptic someone who bought X-BOND above the buyback price ?
09:22 Duffer1 hehe
09:22 ThickAsThieves i can think of more
09:22 ThickAsThieves hehe
09:23 ThickAsThieves i'll either handle it, or i won't, or the crowd will
09:23 truffles Apocalyptic have u played BingoBoingo yet?
09:23 Apocalyptic yeah, was a one time thing though
09:23 truffles im unhappy with the win loss ratio
09:24 truffles why
09:24 ThickAsThieves gavin hes lego hair
09:24 ThickAsThieves has*
09:24 truffles was he snail pace?
09:24 Apocalyptic we call it playmobil hair here
09:24 ThickAsThieves hehe
09:25 truffles yes no???
09:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34050 @ 0.00085406 = 29.0807 BTC [-] {4}
09:27 PsychoticBoy_ all assets are crap and virtual
09:27 PsychoticBoy_ not backed by anything but air
09:27 ThickAsThieves is keiser promoting maxcoin legal? i mean it's like 99% ponzi no?
09:27 PsychoticBoy_ whole MPex for example
09:27 PsychoticBoy_ ppl still buying that degrading shit
09:28 ThickAsThieves you were asking who gets mad at TAT?
09:28 ThickAsThieves enter PBoy
09:28 PsychoticBoy_ no I am not mad
09:28 truffles Usao Scoin
09:28 Apocalyptic u mad bro ?
09:28 PsychoticBoy_ yup and the bigest terrorist is the USA
09:29 PsychoticBoy_ hopefully THEY get hat they deserve :)
09:29 PsychoticBoy_ f the usa
09:29 mircea_popescu PsychoticBoy_ listen here, just because you ran a shit asset on the global scam exchange
09:29 PsychoticBoy_ come on Russia bomb USA
09:29 mircea_popescu doesn't mean everyone's you.
09:29 PsychoticBoy_ lol
09:29 PsychoticBoy_ gypsy king is speaking
09:29 mircea_popescu easiest thing to do this, i'm stupid so therefore the world's dumb.
09:30 mircea_popescu and that "degrading shit", for your information, has been here while you've been taking your goat sabbatical
09:30 PsychoticBoy_ goat?
09:30 mircea_popescu "o herpderp i take a year off come back everyone forgot everything"
09:30 PsychoticBoy_ fuck goat
09:30 PsychoticBoy_ the scamming thai bitch
09:30 mircea_popescu i can't distinguish between you glbse set.
09:30 mircea_popescu but anyway. got shit to do so, later.
09:30 truffles Goat is scammer?
09:30 truffles :(
09:30 PsychoticBoy_ uhhh you did not know
09:30 PsychoticBoy_ lol
09:31 Apocalyptic goat ran pirate's PT
09:31 truffles PT?
09:31 truffles link?
09:31 Duffer1 passthrough
09:31 Apocalyptic passthrough
09:31 Apocalyptic link ? check the forums, it's common knowledge here
09:31 PsychoticBoy_ chaaang noi is banned at most places
09:32 PsychoticBoy_ changes his name every day on bitcointalk
09:32 PsychoticBoy_ says enough
09:32 ThickAsThieves how many days between when you change names?
09:32 PsychoticBoy_ I?
09:32 truffles well thats disappointing
09:33 PsychoticBoy_ I do not change name because I am a very very reputable member of this community :)
09:33 PsychoticBoy_ unlike others
09:33 PsychoticBoy_ many know me personal
09:33 Duffer1 ;;gpg info psychoticboy_
09:33 gribble No such user registered.
09:33 PsychoticBoy_ like all people on conferences
09:34 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.04800001 = 0.288 BTC [-] {2}
09:39 ThickAsThieves did you go to the Amsterdam one?
09:40 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7294 @ 0.00085309 = 6.2224 BTC [-]
09:54 assbot [MPEX] [O] [O.USD.C155T] 20 @ 0.00792262 = 0.1585 BTC [-]
09:54 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.50025452 BTC [-]
09:56 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.128 BTC [+]
10:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27756 @ 0.00085494 = 23.7297 BTC [+] {2}
10:02 PsychoticBoy_ yes I was at the Amsterdam con
10:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 67 @ 0.00339001 = 0.2271 BTC [+]
10:02 PsychoticBoy_ 45 min drive so it was around the corner
10:05 ThickAsThieves maybe we met
10:05 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.04909984 = 0.1964 BTC [+] {2}
10:07 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19454 @ 0.00085851 = 16.7015 BTC [+]
10:10 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 8 @ 0.54104998 = 4.3284 BTC [+] {6}
10:13 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.128 = 1.28 BTC [+] {2}
10:14 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.129 = 0.645 BTC [+]
10:15 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 13 @ 0.075 = 0.975 BTC [-]
~ 16 minutes ~
10:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17900 @ 0.00086017 = 15.397 BTC [+] {2}
10:34 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.04909986 = 0.3928 BTC [+]
10:34 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.130001 BTC [+]
10:34 Chaaang-Noi hi truffles was sleeping :)\
10:41 mike_c ;;bc,24hprc
10:42 gribble 813.68
10:42 mike_c this is the real problem with not announcing option excercies. we don't get to watch the drama unfold :)
10:42 mike_c i bet the option whale is having a bad day.
10:44 pankkake I thought they were at the end of the month?
10:45 kakobrekla cheaper today
10:45 pankkake oh
10:46 pankkake lol, it looks like the only way to change your havelock password is to do "forgot password"
10:46 mike_c ;;calc ((500/813) - .1) - .4879146
10:46 gribble 0.0270915500615
10:47 mike_c whale sold the puts, so mpoe could excercise for a mpex profit today
10:53 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 300 @ 0.04967205 = 14.9016 BTC [+] {12}
11:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14774 @ 0.00086697 = 12.8086 BTC [+]
11:04 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 424 @ 0.00302 = 1.2805 BTC [+]
11:13 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 21 @ 0.00480099 = 0.1008 BTC [+]
11:14 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 300 @ 0.0030469 = 0.9141 BTC [+]
11:22 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1498 @ 0.00304689 = 4.5642 BTC [-]
11:27 Duffer1
11:27 ozbot New lawsuit against Bitcoin miner manufacturer alleges fraud, negligence | Ars Technica
11:27 Duffer1 it's about time
11:30 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 200 @ 0.0030469 = 0.6094 BTC [+]
11:31 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 2645 @ 0.00307646 = 8.1372 BTC [+] {10}
11:33 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 2655 @ 0.00305301 = 8.1057 BTC [-] {5}
11:37 pankkake "One of the world’s most mysterious Bitcoin-related companies" lol
11:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 200 @ 0.00487092 = 0.9742 BTC [+] {8}
11:47 nubbins` hi
11:47 nubbins` so it seems the inturnet is really upset about apple pulling from the app store, hey?
11:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [MS] 94 @ 0.005 = 0.47 BTC
11:52 ThickAsThieves indeed
11:53 ThickAsThieves god forbid Apple has a good reason
11:54 pankkake I'm surprised it was allowed in the first place
11:54 nubbins` but, but, i disagree with their reason
11:54 nubbins` pankkake, the only reason it got in there in the first place was a sneak attack
11:55 kakobrekla how so?
11:55 pankkake introduce the app without X features, then introduce the features?
11:55 pankkake that never works with Apple
11:56 pankkake by the way, they don't even have to provide a reason for refusals :)))
12:01 ThickAsThieves accepting bitcoin is the new "IPO"
12:02 ThickAsThieves Overstock and Tigerdirect etc get a few extra hundred thousand and fade away
12:02 Duffer1 i accept bitcoin
12:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 0.76834323 BTC to 801 shares, 95923 satoshi per share
12:02 Duffer1 and lambos
12:02 pankkake well, they deliver, at least
12:02 ThickAsThieves indeed
12:02 pankkake IPO was getting a lot of coins without accountability
12:02 pankkake if accepting bitcoins means a lot of publicity and sales, that's not bad :)
12:04 pankkake are lambos a good store of value?
12:05 nubbins` heh
12:05 Duffer1 i have yet to receive one, i'll let you know if that happens
12:05 pankkake I'm waiting for
12:05 nubbins` pankkake: the wallet features were hidden by default
12:05 pankkake lol hidden
12:05 nubbins` yeah
12:05 nubbins` you had to open a blockchain account
12:05 pankkake reminds me of the flash light app that had a secret feature
12:05 nubbins` via web
12:06 nubbins` then some sort of thing like keep the account open for 2 weeks
12:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [MS] 212 @ 0.005 = 1.06 BTC
12:06 pankkake interestingly, apple does not review the code of the app
12:06 pankkake so you can sneak things… but usually not for long
12:06 nubbins` then open the iphone app via the same ip address that you've previously logged in with on the website
12:06 pankkake lol
12:06 pankkake amazing
12:06 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
12:06 nubbins` yeah
12:06 nubbins` it was a real fuckaround
12:07 nubbins` but they flew under the radar for years
12:07 kakobrekla lol
12:07 pankkake and in the same way, you can sneak malware. rendering the whole thing "for your protection" a lie
12:07 nubbins` in practice, this made the app really unreliable when on the go
12:07 nubbins` they do automatic code reviews
12:07 nubbins` no manual tho
12:08 nubbins` unless there's a problem suspected
12:08 diametric automatic code reviews.. what a joke
12:08 nubbins` i agree
12:08 nubbins` it's more for catching bugs than anything
12:08 nubbins` mem leaks etc
12:10 ThickAsThieves
12:10 pankkake he probably doesn't know any respectable bitcoin service ends in .io
12:15 nubbins` heh
12:16 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.12997221 = 1.0398 BTC [-] {4}
12:16 nubbins` anyway, on a related note, xcode comes with some great code analysis tools
12:17 nubbins` the IDE itself isn't the greatest, and Interface Builder is pretty derpy
12:17 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.130001 BTC [+]
12:17 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 24 @ 0.0047894 = 0.1149 BTC [-]
12:17 nubbins` but the code analysis features are top-notch
12:20 pankkake powered by llvm?
12:26 asciilifeform nubbins`: last i checked, those were just a thin gui skin on top of gdb and gprof.
12:26 nubbins` pankkake, osx does use llvm-gcc
12:26 nubbins` asciilifeform: could be, i never dug under the skin too much
12:27 nubbins` afaik the whole thing is based on gnu tools tho
12:28 asciilifeform well, Next's perverted gcc fork, anyway.
12:28 nubbins` nod
12:28 nubbins` this caused problems when trying to compile the last eulora release for osx
12:28 nubbins` terrible, terrible problems
12:29 asciilifeform apple died in '99.
12:29 asciilifeform replaced by Next. (with name changed to 'apple')
12:29 nubbins` nod
12:29 nubbins` even the objects show relics of this
12:29 BingoBoingo Apple died in 1984 replaced by Macintosh
12:29 nubbins` NSString, etc
12:30 nubbins` btw, objective-c is a brutal language to comprehend
12:30 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.13 BTC [-]
12:30 BingoBoingo Well, not entirely until about 89, but it was on its way
12:30 nubbins` took me the better part of 2 months just to decipher method calls
12:31 nubbins` nothing shows a more callous disregard for developers than code relics
12:31 nubbins` sharepoint was brutal for this
12:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32500 @ 0.00086805 = 28.2116 BTC [+] {2}
12:31 nubbins` first they misappropropriated all these common words like "site" and "web" and "part"
12:32 nubbins` then in one major release, they reassigned the names to different things
12:32 nubbins` what was once called a site is now a web, etc
12:32 nubbins` but all the old class names remained the same
12:32 nubbins` so Web w = new Web(); creates a new Site, etc
12:32 nubbins` it's enough to make you walk away
12:32 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 5000 @ 0.00012909 = 0.6455 BTC [+] {9}
12:33 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 6000 @ 0.00012985 = 0.7791 BTC [+] {5}
12:34 asciilifeform in the '90s, i never imagined i'd miss the 'old apple'
12:34 nubbins` old apple was before my time
12:35 nubbins` hackintosh in '08 was my first non-casual exposure
12:35 asciilifeform nubbins`: mostly - but not entirely - before my time:
12:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31465 @ 0.00086396 = 27.1845 BTC [-] {4}
12:36 nubbins` ah, haha, this is like vb
12:37 nubbins` or interface builder, to a lesser extent
12:37 asciilifeform nubbins`: in exactly the same way that a junkyard full of bricks, roof tiles, etc. resembles a house.
12:37 pankkake there'se a language where the keywords can be either French or English
12:38 nubbins` hah
12:38 nubbins` legos, even
12:39 nubbins` anyway, good article
12:39 nubbins` there's a steady push towards an apple device being a device of consumption rather than production
12:39 nubbins` this has been pretty much perfected in iDevices
12:40 nubbins` osx is slowly following suit
12:41 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.19376446 = 0.9688 BTC [+]
12:42 ThickAsThieves watch neckbeards selftechmutilate
12:42 ozbot Long Live Cryptic Urgencies - Buttcoin - The P2P crypto-currency for butts. - Buttcoin - It's Bitcoi
12:45 ThickAsThieves all these guys smashed their phones cuz some reddite said he'd give out money to the first 5 people
12:45 ThickAsThieves no wthe post is gone
12:45 Duffer1 didn't he escrow?
12:45 nubbins` well ya know.
12:45 kakobrekla so in a few days they will say "sry, you can has btc"
12:45 nubbins` i'll send 100btc to everyone who smashes their dick with a hammer
12:45 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.05610001 = 0.1122 BTC [-]
12:46 nubbins` 200btc if you upload it to redtube
12:46 kakobrekla and fanbois will be "oh noes gotta get new iphone 5"
12:46 kakobrekla apple makes more monies.
12:46 ThickAsThieves lol
12:46 nubbins` "know what'll hurt apple? if i smash my on-contract phone that they've already been paid for, in full"
12:46 kakobrekla and then get a new one
12:46 Diablo-D3 nubbins`: lol
12:47 nubbins` naw dude, they're totally going for a windows phone this time ;p
12:47 Diablo-D3 hurting apple doesnt even make sense
12:47 ThickAsThieves itd hurt apple way more to sell it secondhand
12:47 Diablo-D3 its a fucking company
12:47 Diablo-D3 its not real
12:47 nubbins` tat, the first video is already brutal
12:47 Diablo-D3 go focus on actually real shit like starving africans and chinese death camps
12:47 nubbins` some wizard with a dart hangin out of his face
12:47 nubbins` "this is not acceptable"
12:48 nubbins` *smashes $700 phone*
12:48 dexX7 <Duffer1> didn't he escrow? << he did
12:48 Diablo-D3 smashing a phone is basically telling the people who suffered in china to make it their lives have no meaning and they are dying in vain.
12:48 Diablo-D3 so, good job there.
12:48 Duffer1 oh hey dex, haven't seen you in irc in a while, stayin busy man?
12:48 ThickAsThieves smash the chinese then?
12:48 pankkake they should ask themselves why they bought it in the first place, and make their auto-critique
12:48 ThickAsThieves i'm so confused
12:48 Diablo-D3 ThickAsThieves: I'd love to smash the chinese government
12:48 ThickAsThieves what do i smash to get my way?
12:48 dexX7 hey :) yea, kinda
12:49 nubbins` wait, he's going to strikeAAAAHHH
12:49 Diablo-D3 just wipe all those fucks off the face of the earth
12:49 kakobrekla smash diablo
12:49 Diablo-D3 but it'd take the entirety of the western world to get rid of them
12:49 Diablo-D3 and I dont see our rich fucks going to war with their rich fucks any time soon
12:49 kakobrekla maybe some ltc will fall out
12:49 ThickAsThieves can we not turn this into the viability of world wars?
12:49 ThickAsThieves thank you
12:50 Diablo-D3 ThickAsThieves: rich people wars are not real wars
12:50 Diablo-D3 they fight wars with cash, not dollars
12:50 Diablo-D3 er
12:50 Diablo-D3 cash not bullets
12:50 ThickAsThieves agreed
12:51 nubbins` man oh man
12:51 nubbins` i'm actually a bit upset here
12:51 Duffer1 upset that no one has stepped forward to smash their dicks?
12:51 kakobrekla smash the phone
12:51 ThickAsThieves i'm so bad at Apple I refuse to reproduce!
12:54 Diablo-D3 *mad
12:55 nubbins` Duffer1, upset at the stupidity of these retards
12:55 nubbins` HULK SMASH
12:55 nubbins` that'll show apple
12:58 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 100 @ 0.003065 = 0.3065 BTC [-]
12:59 Duffer1 don't even worry about what retards do
12:59 Duffer1 that's PR's job
12:59 Duffer1 :P
13:01 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.1069323 = 0.2139 BTC [-] {2}
13:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 110 @ 0.003065 = 0.3372 BTC [-]
13:06 nubbins` heh
13:06 nubbins` "really sending a message to apple here"
13:07 assbot [HAVELOCK] [MS] 65 @ 0.005 = 0.325 BTC
13:07 nubbins` tat had it right, if he really wanted to stick it to apple, he would have sold his phone ;p
13:08 nubbins` this is like if that single dad who paid us $400 for a bespoke kid's book said "fuck pink eye" and put his book in the shredder
13:08 nubbins` we'd say "yes, fuck us" while smoking his money
13:08 ThickAsThieves "i'm going sprint down 300 yards and try and get this rifle on target as fast as possible"
13:08 ThickAsThieves
13:08 ozbot R3 Destroys anti bitcoin iPhone with a rifle in exchange for a Nexus 5 - YouTube
13:09 ThickAsThieves
13:09 ozbot iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
13:10 asciilifeform soviet version of the joke: 'man buys a ticket, rips it up and walks - to spite the trolley conductor.'
13:10 nubbins` side note, what's with all these fucking idiots laying their phones on concrete and striking them with metal tools?
13:11 nubbins` do they even eyes?
13:11 ThickAsThieves metal tools are more organic
13:11 nubbins` heh
13:11 nubbins` srsly, the only part of these videos where i cringe is when i see a metal implement striking concrete
13:12 ThickAsThieves when will someone put one in a microwave?
13:12 nubbins` as soon as i finish submitting this post to reddit
13:12 nubbins` lel, i kid ;(
13:13 ThickAsThieves :()
13:13 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 50 @ 0.49816901 = 24.9085 BTC [-] {16}
13:14 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 42 @ 0.0047894 = 0.2012 BTC [-]
13:15 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 183 @ 0.00306469 = 0.5608 BTC [-] {2}
13:16 nubbins` did i mention the problem i was having with my iphone the other day?
13:16 nubbins` fuckin thing completely stopped charging, 9 days out of warranty
13:16 ThickAsThieves you are charging it wrong
13:17 ThickAsThieves "We have surveillance video from the hotels that shows people turn on the shower, direct the nozzle at the wall and then leave the room for the whole day," the official told members of the press, according to The Wall Street Journal.
13:17 ThickAsThieves Kozak was attempting to argue that foreign journalists were biased against Russia and were intentionally working to paint the Sochi games as a disaster. But in the process, he may have just spooked everyone assigned hotel rooms to attend the games.
13:17 nubbins` cajoled apple into fixing it for free, later realized that the bottom of the port had a bunch of impacted lint
13:17 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 72 @ 0.00307801 = 0.2216 BTC [+]
13:17 nubbins` so i guess i get a free box in the mail any day now ;p
13:17 ThickAsThieves they let you keep the old one when replacing?
13:17 nubbins` no, they mail you a box to return your broken phone in
13:18 ThickAsThieves ah
13:18 nubbins` literally an hour after i hung up, i scooped the lint out
13:18 nubbins` works like a charm now
13:18 Duffer1 so they have video footage of peoples showers?
13:18 nubbins` Duffer1, +1 heh
13:19 Duffer1 seems like a terrible thing to tell the press, but what do i know
13:19 ThickAsThieves yep
13:19 Duffer1 didn't you get your phone replaced though nub?
13:19 ThickAsThieves right in the shower head apparently
13:19 nubbins` tat, got a link?
13:19 asciilifeform someone should teach these folks about 'parallel construction.'
13:19 nubbins` Duffer1, nah, have had this for just over a year
13:19 ThickAsThieves
13:19 ozbot Russian official says government has video surveillance of Sochi hotel room showers | The Verge
13:19 Duffer1 what'r you waiting for then, free nexus 5 go
13:19 ThickAsThieves wsj source
13:20 ThickAsThieves
13:20 ozbot Russian Officials Fire Back at Olympic Critics -
13:20 ThickAsThieves The Iron Shower Curtain
13:21 nubbins` HAHAHAH
13:21 Duffer1
13:23 benkay
13:23 benkay so basically it should be trivial for anyone to accept any altcoin
13:23 benkay but running a full satoshi client for each chain is a little, ah, shall we say wasteful.
13:26 ThickAsThieves dammit I need to get this Altcoin source going
13:27 benkay what's the Altcoin magic value?
13:27 nubbins` over 9000
13:27 benkay also i know this is an oldlink but it still delivars chuckles:
13:27 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 816 @ 0.003065 = 2.501 BTC [-]
13:27 nubbins` so, anyone buying rentalstarter tomorrow?
13:27 ThickAsThieves i think it has been between .00000300 and .00000100btc so far
13:28 benkay ThickAsThieves: the "magic value" is a header in the protocol that identifies which network a client is a part of
13:29 ThickAsThieves and what a client network?
13:29 ThickAsThieves is
13:29 Duffer1 nubbins' if i had anything left - no i wouldn't
13:29 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.13 BTC [-]
13:29 benkay in this case network referring to the network of nodes broadcasting and verifying transactions
13:29 ThickAsThieves is the same question as "do you have a dump of the genesis block?"
13:29 benkay a client being the Satoshi implementation or bitcoinj or multibit w/e
13:29 benkay no.
13:30 Duffer1 i like almost everything about it but I'm sure btc itself will do significantly better
13:30 ThickAsThieves well it was made from
13:30 benkay magic value is a part of a header sent between nodes. genesis block is the root of the merkle tree.
13:30 ThickAsThieves and i can get source for other coins made by them
13:31 benkay if you had the source for alt you could ack "magic" and find it pretty quickly
13:31 ThickAsThieves for my alt, or any alt made the from same codebase?
13:31 ThickAsThieves my issue is the source code doesnt exist anymore
13:32 ThickAsThieves and i am waiting on coingen to make an identical one so we can reverse create source for the orginal
13:32 nubbins` Duffer1, +1
13:32 nubbins` i don't see rental properties outperforming btc
13:32 ThickAsThieves yes, my comprehension of the details you describe is pretty low
13:33 benkay ah well i'm giving the wrong instructions anyways. it's a bit obfuscated:
13:33 ThickAsThieves but i am willing to pay to get this solved so i can then pay to have pools made or whaver
13:33 ThickAsThieves get it listed on exchanges
13:33 ThickAsThieves etc
13:34 benkay it'll be interesting to see if clients built from the regenerated source code will be able to talk to clients in the wild
13:34 nubbins` what are you gonna do when people start actually wasting/losing money on atc?
13:34 benkay cash out, obviously.
13:34 ThickAsThieves i dont even own any
13:34 nubbins` doesn't matter
13:35 nubbins` people are going to take it seriously and they're going to lose money
13:35 nubbins` and you're enabling that
13:35 ThickAsThieves ...
13:36 Duffer1 he's not wrong there TaT hehe
13:36 nubbins` i know it's a big lel, but you should kill this before it grows legs
13:36 ThickAsThieves i'm not sure he's right either
13:36 benkay yeah but that's the "kids are going to hurt themselves with guns" argument
13:36 ThickAsThieves also who's to say?
13:36 benkay teach some firearm use, let the idiots die.
13:36 ThickAsThieves maybe it really does kill all the other alts
13:36 pankkake lol, the coinget coin I took the source from even has the same port number
13:36 pankkake coingen
13:37 nubbins` maybe it really does, yep
13:37 benkay why would you change the port number?
13:37 mike_c yeah, where's the hate for bernankoin? as long as he doesn't pump/dump, what's the crime?
13:37 pankkake because it's anothe coin
13:37 benkay also the n-coin game will go forever
13:37 pankkake mike_c: there's no hate for bernankoin
13:37 pankkake it's *impossible* to premine anyway!
13:38 ThickAsThieves nubbins ive decided your argument is not sound
13:38 ThickAsThieves you had me worried
13:38 ThickAsThieves but no
13:38 nubbins` you've decided that the guy selling apples w/ razors to creepy old men is not at fault, because he's not the one handing them out to kids?
13:38 mike_c i guess nobody will lose money on bernankoin cuz you can always just print more to keep people from losing money
13:38 nubbins` "lel pre-razored apples, what a riot!"
13:38 Duffer1 lol
13:39 nubbins` and we all have a chuckle and a kid slices his neck open
13:39 pankkake well anyone printing it for more than a few hours is a fool
13:39 ThickAsThieves in a world where there can be any number of alts, all on same codebase, no one alt is better than the other
13:39 nubbins` but hey, fuck him, he shoulda checked!
13:39 ThickAsThieves that includes bitcoin really
13:40 nubbins` alts have two purposes: to experiment with ideas and to have a lel/run a scam
13:40 ThickAsThieves says who
13:40 asciilifeform eventually, mining breakthrough, and people will regret having undermined the whole concept of blockchain by having a swarm of little chains
13:40 mike_c that's three purposes
13:40 nubbins` says me
13:40 nubbins` mike_c: the lel/scam is the same thing
13:40 asciilifeform 'fail to hang together, and you will hang separately'
13:41 ThickAsThieves mining breakthrough?
13:41 asciilifeform hypothetically.
13:42 ThickAsThieves but really, what makes bitcoin better than an altcoin other than its adoption level?
13:42 ThickAsThieves it's all the same shit
13:43 nubbins` one's real and the other is for fleecing rubes, that's what
13:43 asciilifeform entirely ignoring the 'features' (many vs. few coins, frequents vs. rare blocks, etc) and premining,
13:43 asciilifeform the difference is: who has it.
13:43 nubbins` if you're fine with rubes being fleeced, then there's no difference, no
13:43 asciilifeform every cryptocoin can be seen as an attempt to 'replay the history of money'
13:43 asciilifeform with (optionally) different winners.
13:43 nubbins` ^
13:44 asciilifeform much depends on who these winners are.
13:44 mike_c there is a difference between selling real estate in florida that is secretly swampland, and openly selling swamps.
13:44 ThickAsThieves and it's impossible to have two coins coexist and be healthy?
13:44 asciilifeform hard to sell swamp to people who understand what a swamp is.
13:44 mike_c right, which is why you haven't bought any ATC
13:45 nubbins` it's impossible for a rubecoin to be healthy, yes
13:45 ThickAsThieves is it impossible an altcoin will become the winner over bitcoin?
13:45 asciilifeform it isn't impossible. we live in a world with ms-winblows, for example.
13:45 nubbins` let's be clear, your experiment isn't intended to become a winner over bitcoin
13:45 asciilifeform there are many such 'winners'.
13:45 nubbins` it's intended to have a chuckle
13:45 benkay even if there is a mining breakthrough, the compute deployed against alts couldn't save bitcoin...
13:45 nubbins` but the funny thing about intentions...
13:45 ThickAsThieves says you
13:46 nubbins` says me, yes
13:46 nubbins` says you, as well
13:46 ThickAsThieves no actually
13:46 ThickAsThieves says the miners
13:46 ThickAsThieves thats all really
13:46 TomServo ThickAsThieves: You saying you don't own any and won't mine any doesn't preclude that?
13:46 ThickAsThieves preclude what
13:47 TomServo It winning over btc
13:47 ThickAsThieves what i say doesnt mean much
13:47 nubbins` that's becoming clear ;D
13:47 ThickAsThieves seriously
13:47 ThickAsThieves i know i fuck around
13:48 nubbins` i do too
13:48 nubbins` the suckers being suckered don't
13:48 ThickAsThieves but you guys arent giving real arguments here
13:48 ThickAsThieves you act like i'm inventing altcoins
13:48 asciilifeform whether a particular alt is 'trying to win over btc' can be determined by looking at what it is being traded for.
13:48 Duffer1 it's a subjective moral argument
13:48 asciilifeform if it is being parcelled out in exchange for btc...
13:48 asciilifeform then it is clear which coin the author regards as genuine and having a future.
13:49 Duffer1 based entirely on what you believe is moral or amoral
13:49 nubbins` duffer, it boils down to this, yes
13:49 nubbins` promoting a lelcoin as being serious is amoral
13:49 nubbins` in my view
13:49 ThickAsThieves what if the other just wants to do create the thing to see what happens
13:49 nubbins` others disagree
13:49 asciilifeform would you happily part with gold, for instance, if you believe that 'gold standard' will make a comeback?
13:49 Mats_cd03 so what was the size of the mpex whale fee
13:49 nubbins` what if i just want to stuff a cigarette with match heads to see what happens?
13:49 mike_c nubbins`: do you think it was immoral to flip houses during the housing bubble?
13:49 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.11900001 BTC [-]
13:50 ThickAsThieves so far its mostly been an expression for me, some luls sure, but kinda performance art
13:50 ThickAsThieves i havent even pondered what my investment strategy might be for it
13:50 ThickAsThieves i dont care
13:50 ThickAsThieves maybe i buy some
13:50 ThickAsThieves maybe i dont
13:50 nubbins` mike_c, there was a housing bubble? ;p
13:51 nubbins` i think it's immoral to sell a cardboard box painted up like a house to a new family
13:51 ThickAsThieves thats not what this is
13:51 nubbins` bernankoin, you read the spec and have a lel
13:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.119 BTC [-]
13:52 nubbins` dogecoin, you see people actually losing things of value
13:52 nubbins` intentions don't matter, what people do with the thing you've made does matter
13:53 mike_c bah. and bitcoin is to blame for assasinationmarket
13:53 benkay is running a gambling house a moral operation, nubbins`?
13:53 nubbins` benkay, no
13:53 nubbins` mike_c: assassinations are purchased with or without bitcoin
13:53 nubbins` rubes losing money on ATC doesn't happen without ATC
13:54 mike_c of course it does.
13:54 mike_c that money is lost simply by rubes having it.
13:54 ThickAsThieves you cant die from frostbite while bathing in lava either
13:54 asciilifeform 'if i hadn't picked his pocket, some other fellow would've.'
13:55 nubbins` ^
13:55 ThickAsThieves except i'm not picking pockets
13:55 nubbins` nice rationalization, isn't it
13:55 nubbins` no, you're just selling tongs
13:55 ThickAsThieves no
13:55 nubbins` yyyep
13:55 ThickAsThieves i'm selling streets
13:55 nubbins` streets serve a useful purpose
13:55 ThickAsThieves maybe people get robbed on them
13:55 ThickAsThieves so does currency
13:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18450 @ 0.00085735 = 15.8181 BTC [-] {2}
13:56 ThickAsThieves maybe people build businesses on them
13:56 Duffer1 this argument is why i never made Hodorcoin, in the end, someone was going to lose money on it
13:56 nubbins` if you can justify it to yourself, there's not much i can do to convince you otherwise
13:56 nubbins` just wanted to offer a perspective
13:56 mike_c i lost money on mpex once. mp is a scammor.
13:56 benkay everything is a scam
13:56 ThickAsThieves i can say i dont want to hurt anyone
13:56 ThickAsThieves surely
13:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35005 @ 0.00085841 = 30.0486 BTC [+] {2}
13:57 ThickAsThieves but i cant say that i wont sell knives
13:57 nubbins` sure, and you can offer perpetual mining turds that anyone with a brain would know is a bad purchase
13:57 asciilifeform take classic btc. it was a net gain in wealth, rather than simply a machine from moving money from one pocket to another, because it made new things possible. what new things does the altcoin-of-the-day make possible?
13:57 nubbins` but you can't say that you're not intentionally fleecing rubes
13:58 asciilifeform 'my ferrari' is one answer. but not an answer that will satisfy skeptics.
13:58 ThickAsThieves well if we go buy the Altcoin's mission it's purpose is to get everyone to stop mining every other altcoin
13:58 ThickAsThieves would you count marginal success in that as a good thing?
13:58 kakobrekla allowing for txes when 1mb limit is being hit for one but thats where it ends
13:58 nubbins` would you count getting people off heroin and into crack as a good thing?
13:59 jborkl not to the dealers
13:59 ThickAsThieves i dont think that's a proper comparison
13:59 asciilifeform this is more like getting all of the addicts to buy from one large dealer instead of quitting
13:59 nubbins` sure it is, they're trading one terrible choice for another
13:59 mike_c if you accept the axiom that any coin besides bitcoin has no value.
13:59 ThickAsThieves the problem is you are making assumptions that are false
13:59 Mats_cd03 Some people just lack enough empathy
14:00 nubbins` do tell!
14:00 asciilifeform just asking the question of where the added value is.
14:00 asciilifeform it's a legitimate question.
14:00 ThickAsThieves you assume all altcoins are a loss/waste
14:00 ThickAsThieves i do not
14:00 nubbins` i don't assume that
14:00 nubbins` altcoins are a great way to test out new concepts
14:00 asciilifeform if there's added value ('i've an nsa-resistant work-function, here, look') we're all ears.
14:00 nubbins` but a big machine that spits out slightly tweaked alts isn't
14:01 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 500 @ 0.003078 = 1.539 BTC [+]
14:01 ThickAsThieves again i think this is a false assumption as well, alts needing new concepts
14:01 nubbins` nobody's saying you NEED to test new concepts
14:01 ThickAsThieves no,
14:01 TomServo ThickAsThieves: is it a "preformance piece" or "maybe a viable altcoin, we'll see"?
14:01 asciilifeform then your real proposition is 'i ought to be Satoshi and will use the powers for Good'
14:01 nubbins` just that there's the potential for learning, growth, new thought processes, etc
14:01 ThickAsThieves you are saying the NEED is required for value to exist
14:01 ThickAsThieves it;s not a fact
14:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.11833333 = 0.355 BTC [-] {2}
14:02 ThickAsThieves there are no powers i get or use
14:03 asciilifeform 'a) repaint your black car. it should be blue. b) why should i ? a) blue is just as good as black b) wtf a) here, i'll sell you some paint b) what's the value to me a) it doesn't need added value, blue is better '
14:04 denlove I wish I had someone send bitcoin to please. 16ZdMuyrVuuupSjVZyPmBWwjHsbcweKGUk
14:04 nubbins` denlove, eat a bag of dicks
14:04 ThickAsThieves blue is different
14:04 ThickAsThieves doesnt need to be better
14:04 kakobrekla I wish blowjob and icecream
14:04 nubbins` you're trying to rationalize your lelcoin right now, in this conversation
14:04 asciilifeform ThickAsThieves: good luck with the chump harvesting.
14:04 nubbins` ^
14:05 ThickAsThieves seriously, you cant definitively win one argument and now i'm a shill
14:05 nubbins` what's with "winning" "arguments"?
14:05 TomServo TomServo | ThickAsThieves: is it a "preformance piece" or "maybe a viable altcoin, we'll see"?
14:05 ThickAsThieves i dont know
14:05 ThickAsThieves it just is
14:05 asciilifeform the trouble with chump harvesting, morals aside, is that there is always a new, slicker chump-harvesting artist coming to town.
14:06 asciilifeform whose 'no added value needed' proposition is 'just as good' as yours
14:06 asciilifeform but new/exciting.
14:06 mike_c that's not trouble if he's not trying to harvest chumps
14:06 nubbins` so value, many excite
14:06 ThickAsThieves so
14:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 150 @ 0.003078 = 0.4617 BTC [+]
14:06 ThickAsThieves let them compete, idc
14:06 asciilifeform live by the chumps, die by the chumps. who are fickle.
14:06 ThickAsThieves its nothing to do with chumping people
14:06 nubbins` let them eat cake!
14:07 ThickAsThieves there will be wealth in more coins than bitcoin, for as long as this paradigm can even exist
14:07 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25070 @ 0.00085996 = 21.5592 BTC [+] {3}
14:07 pankkake well, I'm stuck :(
14:08 ThickAsThieves your arguments live in some imaginary ending where only bitcoin is left
14:08 asciilifeform the other thing, your alt may be 'honest', but plenty are not. say, quite soon governments will begin herding people (through guile or force) into national altcoins.
14:08 asciilifeform with central control.
14:08 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.1289 BTC [+]
14:08 asciilifeform the proliferation of chumpcoins sets the stage for this
14:08 asciilifeform by destroying the Schelling point.
14:08 ThickAsThieves so
14:08 asciilifeform 'divide & conquer'
14:08 Duffer1 interesting proposition
14:08 ThickAsThieves you cant stop it if thats the path
14:08 ThickAsThieves and it certainly wont be because i made Altcoin
14:08 pankkake it's pchMessageStart, but I'm not sure how to reverse-engineer it
14:09 asciilifeform 'no drop of water believes that it is to blame for the flood' etc.
14:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21450 @ 0.00086492 = 18.5525 BTC [+]
14:09 ThickAsThieves lol
14:10 ThickAsThieves altcoins are seeking their place, itll always be dynamic, but they will have a place
14:10 ThickAsThieves it's our reality
14:10 ThickAsThieves you cant will it away
14:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28800 @ 0.00086998 = 25.0554 BTC [+] {2}
14:10 Duffer1 lets put aside the moralizing and focus on the likely outcome of the experiment
14:10 mike_c imagine a grid with 100 tiny squares and 1 enormous square. Add as many tiny squares as you want, the Schelling point remains.
14:10 Rick_ mircea is here?
14:11 asciilifeform Duffer1: we already know the outcome. that's what makes it a distinctly disappointing experiment.
14:11 Duffer1 paging mircea_popescu , mircea_popescu to the desk please
14:11 ThickAsThieves oh you do?
14:11 ThickAsThieves intersting
14:11 ThickAsThieves e
14:11 Duffer1 i believe that is the likely outcome as well ascii
14:12 asciilifeform somewhere in russia, a drunk is unzipping, preparing to piss in an apartment lobby. you prod him, he answers 'drunks will always piss in lobbies. you can't just will it away.'
14:12 Duffer1 getting from here to there would probably be very interesting though
14:12 pankkake does anyone here know basic C? how do I print, say, 0x0b? I want it to be 0x0b on the screen, or similar
14:12 asciilifeform 'besides it already stinks'
14:12 ThickAsThieves no, you are trying to say pissing shouldnt happen at all
14:13 asciilifeform pankkake: printf("%x", foo)
14:13 ThickAsThieves or that there is only one place to piss
14:13 ThickAsThieves i dunno
14:13 pankkake thanks, this is also what I found :)
14:13 pankkake I need to find something interesting to write in C
14:13 asciilifeform ThickAsThieves: merely that the world would stink less if people could agree to piss in toilets, or the woods, but not apartment lobby.
14:13 nubbins` what he's saying is piss in the fucking toilet
14:13 nubbins` not in people's faces
14:13 ThickAsThieves by that argument why do we allow more than one fiat?
14:14 ThickAsThieves why hasnt that been cleaned up?
14:14 ThickAsThieves didnt require bitcoin to do so
14:14 asciilifeform for the same reason that a town has more than one burglar
14:14 ThickAsThieves you really see it that way?
14:15 asciilifeform very basic game theory.
14:15 mike_c pankkake: take something slow in one of your python programs and write a C module for it
14:16 ThickAsThieves and what of this grand plan to make a better
14:16 ThickAsThieves mircea is scammer too?
14:17 nubbins` "a better"
14:17 nubbins` atc = "a better" alt?
14:17 jurov pankkake: rewrite pympex (but dunno if there's portable gpg C library)
14:17 nubbins` PMTs = "a better" way to invest?
14:17 pankkake I doubt the performance issues of pympex are in the Python code ;)
14:17 ThickAsThieves amazing
14:17 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
14:18 ThickAsThieves so enabling the more efficient creation of Altcoins is moral, but making one is not
14:18 jurov i had in mind portability issues
14:18 nubbins` nobody's saying that
14:18 pankkake there are many gpg python libs, which all suck in a different way
14:18 ThickAsThieves so it's just a fleecing of rubes plan of mp's?
14:19 nubbins` nobody's saying that either
14:19 jurov pankkake: yep, even some forks with same name
14:19 nubbins` making a new compiler != creating exploits
14:19 asciilifeform ignoring morality entirely. if you'd like to live in a future where crypto-coins are a useful thing, vs. a fogotten fad, think twice about cranking out spamcoins.
14:19 pankkake in the end, for what I wanted to do, I ended up calling gpg directly
14:19 nubbins` signal-to-noise-ratiocoin
14:20 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 900 @ 0.00307922 = 2.7713 BTC [+] {2}
14:20 benkay asciilifeform: would you elaborate on how cranking out altcoins will do *anything* to bitcoin?
14:21 mike_c pankkake: curious what you were trying to do that was not working with the python gpg lib?
14:21 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 750 @ 0.0030798 = 2.3099 BTC [+]
14:21 asciilifeform benkay: one of the big strengths of classic btc is that it is a schelling point.
14:22 asciilifeform now every idiot wants 'his own' blockchain. and soon, every government, with master keys baked in, naturally
14:22 pankkake it's wasn't really about working, but I didn't want to add a dependency for nothing
14:22 mike_c ah
14:23 pankkake in the end most of the feature is calling gpgv
14:23 asciilifeform in the latter, fiat infusions will make these boobycoins appear to be (temporarily) valuable
14:23 asciilifeform and chumps will flock to them.
14:23 pankkake which is also portable :)
14:23 asciilifeform getting used to central control, pre-mining by national mints, and all of the traditional joys of fiat.
14:24 asciilifeform 'embrace and extinguish.'
14:24 mike_c i think you are vastly overestimating public knowledge of even the existence of altcoins
14:25 ThickAsThieves I think you have limited the possible futures too much
14:25 Duffer1 Max Keiser ‏@maxkeiser 17m
14:25 Duffer1 #maxcoin mining and buying panic is building... all system look good to go. @maxcoinproject
14:25 Duffer1 >.<
14:25 nubbins` ^
14:25 asciilifeform naturally, people will shit out alts. nothing i can say here would put the slightest dent in it. just as they will continue to throw cigarette butts from cars.
14:25 nubbins` replace max with alt
14:25 asciilifeform every cig thrower is king of his own universe for a few seconds
14:25 asciilifeform just like the alt author.
14:25 nubbins` ^
14:26 mike_c i like that analogy. so TaT threw a cig butt on the ground. who cares?
14:26 ThickAsThieves the burning forest!
14:26 kakobrekla green peace
14:26 pankkake fucking fuck, now it connects, but every block is an orphan to it…
14:26 nubbins` mike_c: yeah, who cares! we can do this forever!
14:27 mike_c yes, we can. the world has not yet crumbled from tossed cig butts.
14:27 nubbins` fuck everything, it's the road's fault for being there
14:27 nubbins` "not yet"
14:27 nubbins` you've got that part right, at least
14:27 nubbins` "it hasn't happened yet!"
14:27 nubbins` ergo, it never will!
14:28 ThickAsThieves again a bad analogy
14:28 nubbins` when can we expect mike_ccoin?
14:28 mike_c never, i own one ATC. hence my position :)
14:28 asciilifeform
14:28 asciilifeform life in garbage world, sans cleanup crews.
14:29 benkay but "good money drives out bad", asciilifeform. every local government can print their own fiat, demand taxes in their own shitcoin, and all of the wealth will stay in bitcoin.
14:29 nubbins` "so what if we're helping turn cryptocurrency into a digital liberia"
14:29 nubbins` "fuck the signal, here's some more noise"
14:29 asciilifeform the question we're about to learn the answer to is close to: 'does the average person actually appreciate toilets and garbage trucks? or would be be just as happy using his local beach?'
14:29 mike_c this is like imagining that the btctalk retardation will hurt bitcoin.
14:30 benkay there is only noise in the universe. moments of signal are rare and unusual and vanish rapidly. thermodynamics at work.
14:30 nubbins` benkay, that's about two steps from "what IS reality?"
14:30 mike_c but he threw his butt in the toilet. it was announced on btctalk.
14:30 kakobrekla everything is locel on the net
14:30 kakobrekla local
14:31 benkay not hardly. it's more along the lines of "seeing clearly in the fog is difficult", nubbins`. not "everything is foggy so fuck it".
14:31 nubbins` mike_c, ah, the toilet? that's okay, then
14:31 nubbins` once you flush things down the toilet, they're gone
14:31 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 545 @ 0.0031181 = 1.6994 BTC [+] {3}
14:31 ThickAsThieves Maybe, I make Altcoin, it does pretty good, then something goes bad and people lose a bunch of money. Then I admit you guys were right. The guilt eats my soul til I realize I must now design the best coin ever. I do, and it kills bitcoin, and the world basks in a new dawn of finance. I load up IRC "sup fuckers, good thing I made Altcoin!"
14:31 benkay just because the signal is loud and clear today is not a reason why it should remain that way.
14:31 nubbins` "well, the tanker was leaking oil something fierce, so we towed it outside the environment"
14:32 nubbins` "into another environment?"
14:32 nubbins` "no, OUT of the environment"
14:32 mike_c ok, i give up. let's debate abortion and gun control instead.
14:32 kakobrekla kill fetuses with guns!
14:32 nubbins` ThickAsThieves: ...
14:32 ThickAsThieves :)
14:32 asciilifeform ThickAsThieves: i, for one, had no notion of convincing you that bamboozling people is wrong. only that you are ultimately burning your own furniture for heat.
14:33 mike_c they aren't fetuses they are human beings. murderer.
14:33 kakobrekla no, guns kill people, not people. not a murderer
14:33 pankkake to make a "successful" altcoin nowadays you need more than releasing it
14:33 asciilifeform right now, alt enthusiasts are shitting on a relatively clean beach.
14:33 Duffer1 when i argue against something, i take the time later to try to argue for it, i can't think of any arguments for altcoin atm (but that could very likely be user error) hehe
14:34 ThickAsThieves asciilifeform, you are likely right, but it is already shaping up to be an interesting excercise
14:34 asciilifeform they happily take their btc earnings from selling the alts and enjoy the valuable, relatively-stable coin.
14:34 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 96 @ 0.00312 = 0.2995 BTC [+]
14:34 nubbins` "can we trust this ThickAsThieves fellow?" "of course you can trust me, neobee, AM, etc" "but what about the perpetual mining turd and the altcoin thing?" "no no no, those were just a lel"
14:35 nubbins` ^ this is the other side of it
14:35 kakobrekla someone has to be on the other side of the sell asciilifeform
14:35 jborkl so what did I miss about GOX? just read a article that bitcoin withdraws are not working now? (not that I use them anymore)
14:35 nubbins` you asked me if mp was running a scam by making a better coingen. i ask you if there's a mirceacoin
14:35 asciilifeform nubbins`: 'Bob the Bridge Builder.'
14:35 nubbins` wait, the same bob who sucks dicks?
14:36 nubbins` i've heard of him
14:36 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 99 @ 0.0030795 = 0.3049 BTC [-]
14:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 76373 @ 0.00086841 = 66.3231 BTC [-]
14:36 ThickAsThieves i do wish mircea was here, because even if i'm outright in the wrong, he'd at least be able to make that clear. i'm having real trouble with these arguments.
14:37 ThickAsThieves and to comment on TAT.VM
14:37 asciilifeform not sure even karl friedrich gauss could make this any more clear.
14:37 nubbins` HEH
14:37 ThickAsThieves First, I didn't really realize what would happen, and I really did not intend to harm. However, I do regret it.
14:38 nubbins` ^ picture yourself saying this about ATC 6 months from now
14:38 benkay it's fine
14:38 nubbins` please
14:38 benkay you've done nothing
14:38 ThickAsThieves And that regret did have an affect on my latter movs.
14:38 asciilifeform ThickAsThieves: if this is true, it isn't too late to publicly repent and call the thing off.
14:38 ThickAsThieves moves
14:38 asciilifeform it would be a very educational act.
14:38 nubbins` ^
14:38 benkay how are you going to do that?
14:38 ThickAsThieves i will not
14:38 asciilifeform well, we tried.
14:39 ThickAsThieves if it dies it will be due to my attention span more likely
14:39 nubbins` SMH
14:39 jborkl What are you doing anywy Tat, I missed that part
14:39 Duffer1 Altcoin jborkl
14:39 nubbins` jborkl, helping scammers fleece rubes
14:39 nubbins` or inventing the future of crypto
14:39 ThickAsThieves in a meta moment i made a meta altcoin
14:39 nubbins` we can't agree
14:39 mike_c
14:39 ozbot The Real Altcoin (ATC) - Never mine another altcoin again.
14:40 ThickAsThieves look the slogan is also the disclaimer
14:40 ThickAsThieves what more can i do
14:40 mike_c btw, i disagree that an honestly run buisness that ends in failure is tarnishing to a reputation.
14:40 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1200 @ 0.003078 = 3.6936 BTC [-] {4}
14:41 ThickAsThieves are you referring to TAT.VM?
14:41 asciilifeform mike_c: if pump'n'dump is a type of honest business, i'd hate to see what a scam is now
14:41 mike_c he's not pumping & dumping!
14:41 nubbins` mike_c: you disagree that displaying a shocking lack of foresight is tarnishing to a reputation?
14:41 nubbins` jesus
14:41 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 147 @ 0.003078 = 0.4525 BTC [-]
14:42 benkay what is this shocking lack of foresight?
14:42 mike_c a shocking lack of foresight? super harsh. a lot of entrepeneurs fail
14:42 nubbins` benkay, mike_c: TAT.VM
14:42 nubbins` [16:07:54] <ThickAsThieves> First, I didn't really realize what would happen, and I really did not intend to harm. However, I do regret it.
14:42 ThickAsThieves i dont regret it as a failure
14:43 ThickAsThieves i'm not sure i'd even call it a failure
14:43 nubbins` maybe you could whip up a regretcoin, premine a bunch, and send them to the rubes who got fleeced
14:43 benkay how was vm a failure?
14:43 asciilifeform ThickAsThieves: maybe i missed something... but where's the source code?
14:43 nubbins` benkay: it wasn't a failure for TAT
14:43 ThickAsThieves you missed something ;)
14:43 benkay that's part and parcel of the story, asciilifeform. he didn't pay for the source.
14:43 nubbins` mike_c was the one who mentioned failute
14:43 nubbins` *failure
14:43 asciilifeform who in his right mind would run this
14:43 ThickAsThieves i regret that some people really did not understand what they were buying, despite utter transparency
14:44 asciilifeform 7MB is room for all of the world's trojans, etc
14:44 nubbins` do you regret that you really did not understand what you were selling?
14:44 ThickAsThieves which wouldnt be so bad
14:44 benkay nubbins`: it's a perpetual mining bond. pay btc now for a thing that becomes rapidly more useless.
14:44 ThickAsThieves if it werent for the dramatic mining diff changes that came like 1 week after release
14:44 nubbins` benkay: yes, that's correct
14:44 ThickAsThieves i knew what i was selling
14:44 nubbins` ooh
14:44 asciilifeform pay for the source?
14:44 nubbins` that's worse
14:44 ThickAsThieves it was spelled out quite clearly
14:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.12020001 BTC [-]
14:44 nubbins` you knew you were selling overpriced turds?
14:44 benkay it was crystal clear.
14:45 asciilifeform as if it took more than ten minutes to grab a copy of bitcoind src and change the constants
14:45 mike_c do you hate JD too? people have lost more on that then they will ever lose on atc.
14:45 nubbins` [16:07:54] <ThickAsThieves> First, I didn't really realize what would happen
14:45 nubbins` [16:14:38] <ThickAsThieves> i knew what i was selling
14:45 mike_c and people don't "understand" volatility or EV
14:45 ThickAsThieves am i a criminal for profiting off jurov when he did the opposite?
14:45 benkay yes well this is the world in which we live, asciilifeform. people can't grep source and depend on web apps to make altcoins from them.
14:45 ThickAsThieves i sold mining futures
14:45 nubbins` i'm not saying you're a criminal, i'm saying you're hurting other people as well as yourself
14:46 ThickAsThieves oh i did not hurt myself
14:46 asciilifeform i changed my mind. we should all love Altcoin. anyone who runs a 7MB turd of unknown provenance deserves the lessons contained therein.
14:46 ThickAsThieves i gained some very valuable experience
14:46 nubbins` oh, you hurt yourself, even if you don't realize it yet
14:46 asciilifeform ThickAsThieves: i hope you stuffed some serious 0day strange in there.
14:46 ThickAsThieves i didnt even make it
14:46 ThickAsThieves bluematt did
14:47 nubbins` "i didn't put the razor in the apple, i just gave it to the kid"
14:47 mike_c now that they are making a mistake out of security ignorance instead of financial ignorance it's better :)
14:47 nubbins` we're going to run out of soap if this hand-washing continues
14:47 mike_c we're already out of soap boxes.
14:47 nubbins` oh, zing
14:47 mike_c hehe
14:47 nubbins` luckily everyone's already standing on one
14:48 ThickAsThieves consider also that tatvm enabled me to do every release after it
14:48 ThickAsThieves xbond, neo
14:49 nubbins` consider that pirate's scam enabled him to buy a bunch of blow
14:49 ThickAsThieves so xbond was blow?
14:49 nubbins` consider that tatvm has tainted everything you've done since
14:49 ThickAsThieves and your integrity is flawless?
14:50 ThickAsThieves so basically i hath been judged by nubbins long ago?
14:50 nubbins` go dig up some dirt on me, i'll wait here
14:50 nubbins` and basically, yep
14:50 ThickAsThieves good to know i guess
14:51 nubbins` good to know if you take something away from it
14:51 nubbins` useless to know otherwise
14:53 Duffer1 i still <3 you TaT
14:54 Duffer1 another haiku!
14:54 TomServo Well fascinating conversation, either way.
14:55 nubbins` indeed
14:55 mike_c roosevelt had something to say about this
14:55 nubbins` mike_c: did he say "if your friends have to issue public warnings not to invest in things you create, you're probably a legit businessman with a future"?
14:55 TomServo Something I think asciilifeform touched on, judging the merits of all cryptocurrencies... isn't hashrate pretty much the end-all-be-all?
14:56 mike_c i don't think that was it
14:56 asciilifeform TomServo: hash rate isn't all of it. lack of seigniorage is another.
14:56 nubbins` mike_c: i'm terrible with quotes
14:57 mike_c i have had friends start buisnesses that i would not invest in. that didn't make them scum.
14:57 TomServo asciilifeform: Ah yes, with that being equal though?
14:57 mike_c why do i keep misspelling business?
14:57 asciilifeform there's a difference between 'use my thing. because it's better' and 'use my thing. it's better, really. and oh btw, if you buy in it will pay for my 1kg/day coke habit.'
14:58 ThickAsThieves wtf
14:58 TomServo I thought it was pretty interesting to see the LTC DOGE hashrate intersect, and then re-intersect and what those implications might be.
14:58 mike_c yeah, tat is rolling in blow from atc.
14:59 asciilifeform seigniorage is an actual problem. i personally know perfectly reasonable, intelligent people who won't go near btc because of Satoshi's coins.
14:59 kakobrekla TomServo the implication is, people can get fooled more than once
15:02 nubbins` good a time for a break as any
15:02 nubbins` coffee!
15:04 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.1282 BTC [+]
15:05 pankkake I give up on making a source for Altcoin… I don't understand why it orphans the blocks
15:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 252 @ 0.00307 = 0.7736 BTC [+]
15:06 pankkake the only thing I didn't chaneg is[0].scriptSig and I have no idea what it is, if it matters, and how to find its value
15:07 pankkake OK maybe I can get it in the first transaction, which seems isn't me… weird
15:09 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.06999 = 0.14 BTC [-]
15:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40250 @ 0.00086847 = 34.9559 BTC [+] {2}
15:12 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 200 @ 0.00084288 = 0.1686 BTC [+]
15:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24350 @ 0.00086705 = 21.1127 BTC [-]
15:15 nubbins` bee bee el, pan-frying cod
15:15 pankkake lol getrawtranscation doesn't work for the firt tx it seems
15:17 pankkake meh, anyway I don't know what to do with it
15:17 pankkake waste of time :(
15:18 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 200 @ 0.0008429 = 0.1686 BTC [+]
15:23 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 240 @ 0.0008429 = 0.2023 BTC [+]
15:25 the20year Tomorrow is the big day :D
15:26 Duffer1 just reopening trading or are you going for another round of financing?
15:26 Duffer1 have i asked that?
15:26 the20year another round of funding via havelock
15:26 Duffer1 ah ok
15:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19950 @ 0.00086705 = 17.2976 BTC [-]
15:43 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.19376446 = 0.3875 BTC [+]
15:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 36 @ 0.00302808 = 0.109 BTC [-] {3}
15:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13450 @ 0.0008684 = 11.68 BTC [+] {2}
15:45 benkay man fuck a gym. just keep free weights at your house and fuckin' use 'em.
15:46 TomServo Dangit. I got pulled away.
15:47 nubbins` benkay: i use the gym for the bikes in winter :)
15:47 TomServo asciilifeform: I somehow mis-read seigniorage as sovereign, so derp on my part. But I see your point.
15:49 benkay nubbins`: are you a cardio guy?
15:52 chipug there's a parody keiser coin now?!
15:52 TomServo Not sure it's a parody.
15:52 nubbins` benkay: i'm a bike guy :D
15:53 nubbins` too treacherous outside to ride in the winter tho, even with studded tires
15:53 benkay i love bikes
15:54 benkay
15:54 ozbot Fat Sand Fat Cruiser
15:54 benkay ozbot is back!
15:54 benkay .bait
15:54 ozbot
15:55 nubbins` i see a bike around town sometimes with wheels like that
15:55 nubbins`
15:55 ozbot Skinny Puppy Wants Compensation For Music Used in US Interrogations - Slashdot
15:56 TomServo nubbins`: saw that, my sides.
15:56 nubbins` ^ one of canada's greatest musical exports
15:56 nubbins` five bucks says they used BRAP vols. 3/4
15:57 nubbins` wow, ALL the comments so far are about the "new look" of /.
15:57 nubbins` do they even internet?
15:57 TomServo I know, it's crazy.
15:57 TomServo Every story.
16:02 chipug this isn't a parody?!
16:03 nubbins` ahahahah
16:03 nubbins` lel @ name
16:03 benkay dudes does anyone know where the initial peers are stored in the litecoin codebase?
16:03 TomServo chipug: Oh, hadn't seen that. I thought you meant Max's actual coin.
16:04 chipug TomServo: no i think this just popped up today in response to maxcoin
16:04 chipug max keiser's twitter page gives me a headache
16:04 ThickAsThieves I swear it wasn't me!
16:04 Duffer1 hehe
16:05 chipug ThickAsThieves: ..... you suuuure??
16:05 chipug lol
16:05 ThickAsThieves :)
16:06 Duffer1 even odds it's someone from this chan
16:06 chipug i love the banana
16:07 chipug please put nipple tassles on him also!!
16:09 asciilifeform from the circus:
16:09 asciilifeform
16:09 ThickAsThieves [16:06] <BlueMatt> sorry for the delay.....
16:09 ThickAsThieves [16:07] <BlueMatt> anyway, the coin is gonna rebuild with a slightly different genesis block
16:09 ThickAsThieves [16:07] <BlueMatt> the original download can be found at instead of
16:09 ThickAsThieves [16:07] <BlueMatt> well, all you have to do is figure out the genesis block change
16:09 ThickAsThieves [16:07] <BlueMatt> but, I dont have a way to readily do that
16:09 ThickAsThieves [16:08] <ThickAsThieves> but the person that dumped the genblock can?
16:09 ThickAsThieves [16:08] <BlueMatt> sure
16:10 ThickAsThieves would be the landing link
16:10 ThickAsThieves in case you still have any fight left in you pankakke ^
16:11 pankkake well, that won't really help me, as I only tried the genesis block change and other magic values, no renaming etc. before I was sure it worked
16:14 ThickAsThieves maybe it was something bad about the source you worked from?
16:18 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.12820001 = 0.5128 BTC [+]
16:18 chipug asciilifeform: what was that?
16:19 asciilifeform chipug: trial of u.s. sailor. described in
16:20 chipug thanks
16:20 Namworld It looks like Bitfinex just fixed the glitch and are back in business and everyone is happy or something.
16:20 Namworld And that nothing was stolen =/
16:21 Namworld Okay... I was expecting them to have long gone under.
16:21 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 303 @ 0.00300357 = 0.9101 BTC [-] {12}
16:22 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 623 @ 0.00309335 = 1.9272 BTC [+] {6}
16:22 Duffer1 or run with the money
16:23 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 376 @ 0.0031 = 1.1656 BTC [+] {2}
16:25 dexX7 there were coins stolen?
16:25 Apocalyptic Namworld, they gonna slowly recover the stolen part with the fees and delay payouts if necessary imo
16:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11500 @ 0.00086788 = 9.9806 BTC [-]
16:31 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 2000 @ 0.00312134 = 6.2427 BTC [+] {5}
16:32 nubbins` making dinner, recipe calls for a lightly beaten egg
16:32 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 351 @ 0.00312699 = 1.0976 BTC [+]
16:32 nubbins` so i announce "i like my women the way i like my eggs!!"
16:32 nubbins` wife says "lightly beaten?!"
16:32 nubbins` and i say "no, white"
16:33 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 36 @ 0.00312699 = 0.1126 BTC [+]
16:34 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 22 @ 0.04999991 = 1.1 BTC [-] {2}
16:43 dub poached, scrambled and scotch?
16:43 dub fertilised?
16:43 TomServo mmm. scotch.
16:43 TomServo There's a Laphroaig in my near future.
16:44 nubbins` lovely
16:44 nubbins` the trick with these "the way i like my women" jokes is to fool people into assuming the wrong thing
16:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [COG] 15 @ 0.04070104 = 0.6105 BTC [-] {5}
16:46 nubbins` i like my coffee the way i like my women!
16:46 nubbins` "hot?"
16:46 nubbins` "nope. strong, black, and slightly bitter"
16:50 pankkake The company also reported a net loss of $645m
16:50 ozbot BBC News - Shares in Twitter plummet after user growth slows
16:51 ThickAsThieves just when i started using it!
16:53 dub its coz I stopped using twitter
16:53 assbot [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 349 @ 0.00172845 = 0.6032 BTC [-]
~ 20 minutes ~
17:14 Rick_ any one can reach mircea?
17:16 Duffer1 anything we might be able to help you with?
17:16 Rick_ i withdrawed some btc
17:16 Rick_ but i cant reach him now
17:17 Duffer1 do you know how to send a PM?
17:18 Rick_ no
17:18 Rick_ how
17:18 Duffer1 <---double click his name, type stuff in the new window, he'll probably get back to you when he's around
17:18 dub you could try emailing
17:18 Rick_ i used query,but he seems not there
17:19 Rick_ I emailed him yesterday,no reply yet
17:19 dub withdrawals are not automatic in case you were wondering, usually processed daily iirc
17:19 Rick_ he is not here for last hours?
17:19 dub ;;seen mircea_popescu
17:19 gribble mircea_popescu was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 7 hours, 49 minutes, and 14 seconds ago: <mircea_popescu> but anyway. got shit to do so, later.
17:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14095 @ 0.00086853 = 12.2419 BTC [+]
17:20 Rick_ okay,thank you everyonw
17:20 Rick_ everyone
17:20 KRS-One .bait
17:20 ozbot
17:21 pankkake nipplelicious
17:23 KRS-One .bait
17:23 ozbot
17:23 ThickAsThieves pankakke, plz note pm, in case you missed it
17:23 pankkake I saw it, I'm working
17:24 KRS-One those are the kind of girls that when you see them wake up in the morning without the hair and makeup they look like hell
17:24 ThickAsThieves cool cool
17:24 pankkake actually it seems you were right, using the source from bluematt seems to WORK!!
17:24 ThickAsThieves i jate being right
17:24 ThickAsThieves hate
17:24 pankkake some of the magic changed values I guessed were already changed, including the one I couldn't figure out
17:24 pankkake and now it's syncing
17:25 ThickAsThieves awesome
17:28 dub Please be advised that BTC on MtGox are not fractional.
17:29 dub we just don't have enough to cash erryone out
17:29 ThickAsThieves but how will we send small transactions!
17:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6900 @ 0.00086853 = 5.9929 BTC [+]
17:29 ThickAsThieves guess we'll have to use altcoins
17:30 dub Im long doge
17:30 dub in anticipation
17:31 benkay in case your curious what kind of work i do, client number one just cut over and emerged from embargo
17:31 benkay you're
17:31 benkay
17:31 ThickAsThieves you build carts?
17:32 dub you fuck plants?
17:32 truffles you're curious?
17:32 ThickAsThieves well i'm vegan at least
17:32 truffles oh no
17:32 benkay we dragged the frontend kicking and screaming into 2014, dragged an ancient django application from 1.2 to 1.4, delivered myriad performance improvements totalling in excess of 10x across the whole stack, and implemented distributed work queues to decrease the risk of large data processing jobs
17:33 ThickAsThieves it looks nice
17:33 mike_c why 1.4 instead of 1.6?
17:33 ThickAsThieves i wouldnt even feel scammed if i sent them money
17:34 ThickAsThieves hmm it's not even a cart
17:34 benkay the next development iteration is going to focus on putting a 'buy' button next to each plant, redesigning the remaining pages that look like they're from 2006, taking people's money when they do click buy and turning into a plant on their doorstep, using the 56+ nurseries the site owner already has relationships with for distributed development
17:34 ThickAsThieves oops
17:34 ThickAsThieves ah
17:34 KRS-One fuck plants, they are boring.
17:34 benkay distributed fulfillment
17:35 mike_c boring is good. no scooping poop.
17:35 truffles plants take work man
17:35 Duffer1 infinite scroll would be nice
17:35 benkay 1.4 was necessary for some particular features, i forget what precisely. chose to not go all the way to 1.6 to mitigate risk.
17:35 benkay oh yeah, did i mention the stack automation and rearchitecture?
17:36 Duffer1 it's a great looking sight though, i love the homepage
17:36 benkay there was enough risk in this project that 1.6 made me uncomfortable and i stopped the upgrade at the release that bought us the features we needed.
17:36 truffles they should have a subcategory "exotic plants"
17:36 benkay thanks! the owner did the wires and we implemented it.
17:36 benkay anyways, we have availability for other projects.
17:36 mike_c i upgraded to 1.6 recently without many bumps. but i think i went from 1.4, so less risk
17:37 truffles fruits*
17:39 ThickAsThieves benkay, have you ever done anything in online education software
17:39 mike_c bitcointalk is unusable. if only they had thousands of btc to improve the site with.
17:40 benkay i've played with plenty.
17:40 benkay is there something specific to the online education software domain that's not applicable to general webappery?
17:40 ThickAsThieves nope
17:41 benkay what are you curious about?
17:41 ThickAsThieves just having a bad run with the team on it
17:41 ThickAsThieves and the two before that
17:41 benkay ouch
17:41 benkay what's the stack?
17:41 ThickAsThieves i'm pretty far removed from it now
17:42 ThickAsThieves it's LAMP
17:42 truffles wonder how this tastes , looks interesting
17:42 ozbot Solanum muricatum | Pepino Dulce | Pear Melon | Sweet Cucumber| plant lust
17:42 ThickAsThieves PHP
17:42 benkay phpbrekla's your man for that
17:43 ThickAsThieves he'd probly cry at this code
17:43 dub I heard tux might be in the market
17:43 benkay company line on php is "we're only interested in the project if the client is prepared to make a large investment in moving away from php"
17:43 benkay that said we can always manage a project and assemble a team for the right price.
17:43 benkay there is a php fee tho :(
17:44 ThickAsThieves the investment, in my eyes, would be in a team that can be counted on and is proficient
17:44 ThickAsThieves the PHP is incidental
17:44 pankkake I used to be in a php shop, but we did pass twice on a project that was simply… impossible to comprehend
17:44 ThickAsThieves of course cost determines all in the end
17:45 ThickAsThieves they are finally installing the new version of the software onto a live server this week
17:45 ThickAsThieves after like 18mos
17:45 benkay ka yikes
17:45 benkay first thing we typically do is set up infrastructure, CI and low-friction deploys.
17:45 ThickAsThieves and I had bigger plans for it, so it needs ongoing work
17:46 jurov
17:46 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11844 @ 0.00086853 = 10.2869 BTC [+]
17:46 truffles too free?
17:47 benkay There is a clear need for governments to be able to hold internet users accountable for their actions if they are engaged in performing or supporting illegal activities.
17:47 benkay my ass
17:47 truffles end of irc?
17:47 benkay there is a clear need for networks that route around governments.
17:48 dub cracknet at it again
17:48 benkay anyways, thanks for enduring my pitch, -assets.
17:48 truffles makes me think of this
17:49 ozbot April Jones: Matthew Woods jailed over explicit Facebook comments | UK news | The Guardian
17:49 Duffer1
17:49 ozbot #bitcoin-assets log
17:49 ThickAsThieves benkay i was considering a business path of: 1. Implement and use it with this school, work out bugs, add anything obviously needed 2. Approach several clients in other training fields (Hazardous Goods Shipping for example) and offer hosted solutions, making the software cater to more industries 3. Convert to SaaS DIY Training Lesson Builder
17:50 ThickAsThieves it's been a while since i looked into possible competition though
17:50 benkay sounds like a great model
17:50 benkay eh i wouldn't worry about competition. instead, focus on landing clients, making them happy and taking their money.
17:51 ThickAsThieves well as things form i may hit you up for costing
17:52 dub Duffer1: oh boy
17:53 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 100 @ 0.0031191 = 0.3119 BTC [+] {2}
17:54 dub wake up the philosoraptor
17:55 truffles " we have contacted or been contacted by law enforcement agencies and provided our co-operation" but why :(
17:55 truffles irc srs biz
17:55 ThickAsThieves whats that truffles?
17:55 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 49 @ 0.0031 = 0.1519 BTC [-]
17:56 truffles didnt know these networks would invovle law into matters with users
17:56 Duffer1 TaT it's from Jurov's link above
17:57 Duffer1 GCHQ ddosing irc
17:57 jayk government?
17:57 jayk yeah quakenet
17:57 jayk lame
18:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10465 @ 0.00087194 = 9.1249 BTC [+]
18:07 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 132 @ 0.00084299 = 0.1113 BTC [+]
18:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8800 @ 0.00086976 = 7.6539 BTC [-] {2}
18:13 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 130 @ 0.00084299 = 0.1096 BTC [+]
18:14 pankkake [2014-02-07 00:11:21] Network difficulty changed to 62.7k (449.0Gh/s)
18:14 pankkake I guess I should still be able to find blocks solo
18:17 dub doge?
18:17 pankkake Altcoin
18:21 KRS-One U guys ready for teh pump
18:21 KRS-One lol@sturles
18:24 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 36 @ 0.00301007 = 0.1084 BTC [-] {2}
18:24 ThickAsThieves sourcecodez!
18:25 ThickAsThieves someone plz confirm i github'd that right
18:25 ThickAsThieves i'm a newb
18:25 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 289 @ 0.00300075 = 0.8672 BTC [-] {3}
18:26 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1000 @ 0.0030003 = 3.0003 BTC [-]
18:26 pankkake that works
18:26 ThickAsThieves cool
18:33 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 40 @ 0.00311964 = 0.1248 BTC [+]
18:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13900 @ 0.00086813 = 12.067 BTC [-]
18:44 dub need to make another build box
18:45 dub can't play with the other kids
18:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18150 @ 0.00086782 = 15.7509 BTC [-] {2}
19:00 assbot [HAVELOCK] [MS] 300 @ 0.005 = 1.5 BTC
19:03 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.129 = 0.645 BTC [+]
19:07 herbijudlestoids hullos
19:10 ThickAsThieves hi
19:12 herbijudlestoids woah nelly!
19:14 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.04837803 = 0.4838 BTC [-]
19:14 herbijudlestoids,t5FOySy,fGcgGH1,eSixHLf distribution, vols, volume, DPO
19:14 ozbot imgur: the simple image sharer
19:14 herbijudlestoids hectic..what happened to MPOE
19:15 KRS-One Pussy Riot was on Colbert Report today
19:15 KRS-One something sexy about the cryllic language spoken by young hot womens.
19:15 KRS-One .bait
19:15 ozbot
19:17 herbijudlestoids was there a dividend payout or something?
19:17 pankkake
19:17 ozbot Wozniak To Apple: Consider Building an Android Phone - Slashdot
19:18 Duffer1 still wouldn't buy it
19:19 ThickAsThieves Wozniak To Apple: Aren't You Glad I'm Not Your Boss?
19:19 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13700 @ 0.0008678 = 11.8889 BTC [-] {2}
19:19 pankkake .bait quality bait lately
19:19 ozbot
19:19 pankkake :(
19:19 ThickAsThieves jinxed it
19:21 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.04837802 = 0.2419 BTC [-]
19:33 herbijudlestoids so KRS-One did bitfinex come good last night? or still busted?
19:34 ThickAsThieves some lols:
19:34 ThickAsThieves This and
19:34 ThickAsThieves
19:34 ozbot iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
19:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12500 @ 0.00086813 = 10.8516 BTC [+]
19:40 herbijudlestoids ThickAsThieves: lel
19:43 punkman1 "There iz only one good substitute for the endearments ov a sister, and that iz the endearments ov sum other pheller's sister."
19:43 punkman1 .bait
19:43 ozbot
19:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2000 @ 0.00086705 = 1.7341 BTC [-]
19:54 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1350 @ 0.00311923 = 4.211 BTC [+] {13}
19:55 benkay if you're upset about apple not allowing bitcoins on the iphone, you understand neither apple's business models nor bitcoin.
19:55 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1000 @ 0.00312349 = 3.1235 BTC [+] {2}
19:57 wao-ender price rush
19:58 wao-ender .bait
19:58 ozbot
19:58 wao-ender ThickAsThieves: lol
20:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15050 @ 0.00086813 = 13.0654 BTC [+]
20:05 pankkake nice tittoo
20:11 nubbins`
20:11 ozbot iPhone 5 phones destroyed in protest against Apple's anti-Bitcoin actions
20:11 benkay dumb and dumberer.
20:12 nubbins` with updated graph
20:12 benkay nubbins`:
20:12 nubbins` benkay, +1
20:20 sypher_ hi all
20:20 Duffer1 hello sir
20:21 benkay good evening
20:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25800 @ 0.00086813 = 22.3978 BTC [+]
20:24 sypher_ any hindsight on whats happening now?
20:24 benkay ;;ticker --market btcavg
20:24 gribble BitcoinAverage BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 771.23, Best ask: 773.38, Bid-ask spread: 2.15000, Last trade: 772.88, 24 hour volume: 56992.51, 24 hour low: None, 24 hour high: None, 24 hour vwap: 798.18
20:24 benkay gox is falling apart and everyone's trying to cover?
20:24 sypher_ aight.
20:24 benkay dunno man ask a speculator
20:24 sypher_ was looking at the gox graph of cleared transactions, few minutes ago they started clearing them in bulk ...
20:25 sypher_ or pretending to do so.
20:25 benkay how would they go about pretending to clear them?
20:26 sypher_ graph data is coming off their servers afaik.
20:28 herbijudlestoids sypher_: got a link to the graph?
20:28 sypher_
20:28 ozbot Mt.Gox Withdrawals -
20:30 benkay dat average withdrawal size lol
20:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14170 @ 0.00086705 = 12.2861 BTC [-]
20:33 herbijudlestoids sypher_: thoughts?
20:33 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 7386 @ 0.00012998 = 0.96 BTC [+] {4}
20:33 herbijudlestoids to me it looks like they have been clearing the smaller transactions
20:33 herbijudlestoids that is why the avg withdrawal transaction amount is going down
20:34 sypher_ herbijudlestoids, i'm just a noob so i may have completely wrong thoughts.
20:35 sypher_ I'm thinking that big ones are playing to make it go down so they can buy in cheaper, having it rebound later
20:35 herbijudlestoids well they can already buy it on bitstamp or other exchanges for significantly cheaper than the mtgox price
20:36 sypher_ not talking mtgox
20:36 sypher_ looking at btce and bitstamp
20:36 herbijudlestoids err no, i meant opinions on the withdrawal transactoins...nevermind
20:36 sypher_ sorry, told you, noobish.
20:36 sypher_ :)
20:37 sypher_ was just here to try and understand that pattern there ;)
20:37 herbijudlestoids which pattern where
20:38 sypher_ btce, big sell orders that aren't getting fulfilled, seems to me that many are panic selling under those and thats driving it down quite a bit
20:39 sypher_ then the big sell order gets cancelled and put at a lower price, but not getting fulfilled... doing like that since 165 earlier.
20:39 sypher_ 765 sorry.
20:39 herbijudlestoids ignore the orders in the book
20:39 herbijudlestoids real volume hits the market directly
20:39 nubbins` fun fact, if you have btc or usd in mtgox, you're part of the problem! :D
20:40 sypher_ glad i don't have them then :-) just bought in at 162 on btce, now I'm in almost panic selling mode. :D
20:41 herbijudlestoids sypher_: my guess is its much simpler and that the price on the shitty exchanges is going down to match the price on the good exchanges
20:41 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3500 @ 0.00013001 = 0.455 BTC [+]
20:41 sypher_ herbijudlestoids, name a couple good exchanges?
20:42 nubbins` ^ trick question
20:42 sypher_ lol, why is that nubbins` ?
20:42 nubbins` obvious answer is correct one ;D
20:42 sypher_ haha. :)
20:42 herbijudlestoids the ones clearing transactions successfully, at high volume and with no regulatory issues
20:42 herbijudlestoids check the bid/ask spread to see which has the narrowest and most liquid spread
20:43 sypher_ seems like naming them is out of the etiquette here, sorry for the question, didn't know
20:43 sypher_ will do
20:43 nubbins` i kid
20:43 herbijudlestoids its not out of etiquette, i dunno for sure so im not gonna name a name
20:43 Duffer1 the point was there aren't any to name hehe
20:43 nubbins` implication is that there aren't good exchanges, just varying degrees of shitty
20:43 herbijudlestoids like i said, you can verify quantitatively by analysis of the bdi/ask spread
20:44 sypher_ ah, got you guys, thanks for the hand holding
20:45 herbijudlestoids on mtgox right now the spread is $5, bitfinex $0 bitstamp $2, btc $1 and icbit $4
20:45 herbijudlestoids so i would just discard mtgox and icbit for analysis, concentrate on the liquidity of the spread for bitfinex and bitstamp
20:45 herbijudlestoids err s/btc/btce
20:45 sypher_ why excluding btce?
20:46 sypher_ i mean, why only bitfinex and bistamp, not btce?
20:46 herbijudlestoids ^
20:46 herbijudlestoids i did include btce sorry, there was a typo
20:46 herbijudlestoids use yer brain
20:46 sypher_ ;) i meant on the one that you would concentrate ;)
20:47 herbijudlestoids use your brain, interpret what im saying. dont let a typo trip you up
20:47 sypher_ aight :)
20:53 herbijudlestoids i feel like the space left by and coldcoins is an interesting space
20:54 herbijudlestoids any thoughts on what it might take to do it right?
20:55 Duffer1 don't live in the US?
20:55 sypher_ lol
20:55 herbijudlestoids i dont
20:55 Duffer1 comply with your local money transmitter laws and you're probably ok
20:56 herbijudlestoids so, sell on darkmarkets instead? lol
20:57 punkman1 why do you think physical coins are interesting?
20:57 herbijudlestoids not so much physical coins as metal (i.e. fireproof) cold storage
20:58 herbijudlestoids i think its interesting because its a necessary dimension for all who might want to save bitcoins securely for a long duration
20:58 punkman1 I don't see the advantage
20:58 herbijudlestoids where is mircea_popescu when you need him
20:58 herbijudlestoids punkman1: advantage over...a USB key?
20:59 sypher_ herbijudlestoids, wouldn't it just be simpler to print it yourself instead of a metal trinket with an embedded key somewhere?
20:59 punkman1 sure
20:59 herbijudlestoids sypher_: if you print it, ink fades, paper burns, etc
20:59 herbijudlestoids punkman1: well lets say i put 1,000 BTC into a USB key and encrypt it securely etc and then my house burns down
20:59 punkman1 why would you not have a backup of that?
21:00 Duffer1 casc coins don't solve that herb hehe
21:00 sypher_ herbijudlestoids, chroma life 100years, printed on photographic paper; USB key with a backup in a bank safety box
21:00 herbijudlestoids Duffer1: les casc and more cold in that use case
21:00 Duffer1 mill out a qr code on aluminum would do nicely
21:01 sypher_ but i do like the idea of metal coins; if only, as 'ego' items ...
21:01 punkman1 herbijudlestoids: I think it's a solution looking for a problem
21:02 sypher_ i also dig the usb - bit coin enabled key on almost human tv series :-)
21:02 herbijudlestoids punkman1: appreciate the opinion :)
21:02 herbijudlestoids its well out of my realm of understanding
21:03 punkman1 it's pretty much the same as backing up any other piece of data
21:03 punkman1 if your house burns down, you got fetch it from the offsite backup
21:03 herbijudlestoids i guess i get what youre saying, that having the wallet files stored in multiple locations securely is probly as good as a cold storage device itself
21:04 punkman1 wallet file, long brainwallet key, whatever
21:04 herbijudlestoids yea
21:09 sypher_ and I'm back in fiat.
21:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8873 @ 0.00086703 = 7.6932 BTC [-] {2}
21:15 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 94 @ 0.00313499 = 0.2947 BTC [-]
21:21 nubbins` herbijudlestoids: an embossed labelmaker with some aluminum ribbon, say
21:30 herbijudlestoids nubbins`: why not, for example, laser engraving direct to steel?
21:31 asciilifeform simple recipe:
21:31 asciilifeform etch a circuit board
21:31 nubbins` sure, bit of a higher barrier to entry.
21:31 nubbins` i don't have a laser
21:31 asciilifeform about $50 in supplies
21:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7000 @ 0.00086813 = 6.0769 BTC [+]
21:31 asciilifeform fiberglass will last centuries, copper might corrode but will still be readable.
21:31 asciilifeform (gold plate it if you want to be sure.)
21:31 nubbins` don't you need caustic chemicals for that?
21:32 herbijudlestoids but how does it handle in a fire asciilifeform? :D
21:32 asciilifeform nope
21:32 asciilifeform handles great in fire.
21:32 asciilifeform will look very ugly but keep its shape.
21:32 nubbins` hm, i'm obviously not up to speed
21:32 herbijudlestoids hmmm, i havent etched a board since i was in high school
21:32 assbot [HAVELOCK] [MS] 27 @ 0.005 = 0.135 BTC
21:32 asciilifeform ferric chloride will do
21:32 nubbins` wait, you said no corrosive chems!
21:33 asciilifeform corrosive to copper, that's it
21:34 nubbins` not manflesh?
21:34 asciilifeform not particularly.
21:34 asciilifeform don't eat it.
21:34 nubbins` interesting
21:44 pankkake
21:45 ThickAsThieves lol
21:45 sypher_
21:45 ThickAsThieves read-only
21:46 sypher_ russia seems gone >_>
21:46 nubbins` mydoge on ios
21:46 nubbins` ah, my sides
21:46 nubbins` smash all the things!
21:46 asciilifeform meanwhile,
21:47 nubbins` ^ read that, actually not bad
21:47 nubbins` canada post already sells numismatic coins from the mint
21:47 nubbins` and postal money orders, of course
21:47 nubbins` so it's not a huge leap
21:48 sypher_ was reading about the USPS but its just a few talks atm, even the article itself is cautious
21:50 nubbins` nod
21:50 nubbins` high-level meeting
21:53 KRS-One such wow. much credibility.
21:53 KRS-One
21:53 nubbins` KRS-One, scroll up nine lines.
21:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4882 @ 0.00086813 = 4.2382 BTC [+]
22:03 assbot [HAVELOCK] [MS] 21 @ 0.005 = 0.105 BTC {2}
22:05 nubbins`
22:05 ozbot Silver Gold Bull - 1 oz 2014 BitCON Silver Round - Silver
22:05 nubbins` heh
22:05 nubbins` another lame round from Silver Beatoff Silver Shit
22:08 sypher_ uff, when's it gonna stop falling ... i wanna go to sleep! ... >_>
22:09 herbijudlestoids sypher_: what kind of games are you playing that youre losing sleep over the movement
22:10 sypher_ nothing, just excited to see the troll box on BTCe with all the boys shouting ... i just wanna buy back in when its gonna stop fallin; exited at a loss some time ago.
22:11 herbijudlestoids what price did you want to buy at?
22:12 sypher_ 722 would be my target
22:13 herbijudlestoids why not do a options spread on MPex? short the 722 puts
22:14 herbijudlestoids and long whatever appropriately derisks you
22:14 herbijudlestoids price goes to 722 and you get exercised, if not collect premium
22:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9800 @ 0.00086838 = 8.5101 BTC [+] {2}
22:16 sypher_ you're way over my understanding grade. I'm at the 'buy low; sell high' phase; which i could translate in 'i'm an idiot'. :-)
22:17 herbijudlestoids options give you the right but not the obligation to long/short the underlying asset at a given strike price and date ...e.g the option to long BTCUSD at 1000 regardless of the price as of Jan 2014
22:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7400 @ 0.00086849 = 6.4268 BTC [+]
22:18 herbijudlestoids option to long is a call, option to short is a put. if you sell a put, youre selling the right for someone to short at a given price
22:18 herbijudlestoids so you sell someone the contract which gives them the right to short BTCUSD at 722. they will never exercise this contract unless the price is <= 722
22:19 KRS-One heh thanks nubbins`
22:19 nubbins` :D
22:19 KRS-One oops
22:19 herbijudlestoids if the contract expires or the price doesnt go below 722, you get to keep the "premium", the cost of the contract you sold
22:19 herbijudlestoids if it does, then they exercise and short BTCUSD at 722, leaving you long BTCUSD at 722
22:20 herbijudlestoids i dun know if MPEX supports naked short the contracts, looks like they only allow you to do what they call a SPLIT order, otherwise known as an options spread, so you short the 722 puts and long some distant strike call, like 1000 calls.
22:21 nubbins` sorry for the stupid question, but i'm exceptionally thick with this sort of thing
22:21 nubbins` that orgy of puts that was purchased the other day
22:21 nubbins` purchaser is expecting btc to fall below ~500 or whatever it was?
22:22 herbijudlestoids its impossible to tell really
22:22 herbijudlestoids they could be insuring long contracts on another exchange or other options
22:22 herbijudlestoids maybe they hold 1000BTC on bitstamp and want to insure against the price going below 500
22:22 nubbins` slightly different question, purchaser profits if btc falls below 500?
22:23 herbijudlestoids depends entirely on implied vol
22:23 nubbins` just based on those actions
22:23 herbijudlestoids if the price goes to 500 but IV when puts were purchased was at 50% and goes down to 20% then the puts might still be worthless
22:23 benkay herbijudlestoids: no naked shorts on MPEx.
22:24 herbijudlestoids value of option includes delta, theta, vega etc
22:24 sypher_ herbijudlestoids, thanks for the explanation, I'm trying to get my head around it
22:25 herbijudlestoids nubbins`: buying puts tends to be more of a call on IV than anything else...term structure also plays a part in profit, take a look at the NYSE listed VXX ETF versus VIX for an example of what term structure being in contango can do to a rolling IV long
22:25 dexX7 huh wasn't it the other way around aka. this guy sold puts?
22:25 herbijudlestoids well, someone obviously sold the puts to the buyer
22:25 nubbins` D:
22:25 herbijudlestoids if there is no naked puts then they must have been written against something
22:25 dexX7 the guyer was mpex/oe?
22:26 herbijudlestoids i doubt its possible to know
22:26 nubbins` afaik mpoe uses bond deposits to back options
22:27 nubbins` although i'm barely at the level of understanding what i just said
22:27 herbijudlestoids no i think youre correct, but i dont know anything about it specifically
22:27 dexX7
22:27 ozbot #bitcoin-assets log
22:27 herbijudlestoids yea
22:28 dexX7 soo.. if i understand correctly, when the price goes up, this guy wins, right?
22:28 dexX7 just to be sure hehe
22:29 nubbins` no idea anymore
22:29 herbijudlestoids so the trader is shorting BTCUSD 500 puts
22:29 herbijudlestoids the trade is a bet on IV being high and leveling off or going down, and that they wont get exercised (i.e. the price wont go below 500)
22:30 herbijudlestoids if BTCUSD goes to 1200 in 1s then IV will go up and the value of the puts will increase commensurately...when puts are fare OTM (out of the money) then their intrinsic value is mostly comprised of IV
22:31 herbijudlestoids if BTCUSD stays at 750 for 2 weeks without budging and IV goes down then the value of the puts goes down and whoever short them profits
22:31 herbijudlestoids IV==implied volatility
22:31 herbijudlestoids am i making sense?
22:32 herbijudlestoids the value of the option isnt dependent just on price
22:32 nubbins` you're talking about a foot above my head here, but the failing is mine, not yours
22:33 sypher_ nubbins`, think about how i feel; knowing that you're a whole 2 legs over my head. :-)
22:33 nubbins` i'm a tall man :D
22:33 herbijudlestoids there is no set in stone method to calculate the value of an option. there is the black scholes model which has its proponents and detractors. regardless of which model you use, there is a bunch of standard inputs called the greeks
22:33 nubbins` sure
22:34 herbijudlestoids delta, vega, theta, rho
22:34 herbijudlestoids there is also some others like lambda and gamma, depending on your model
22:35 herbijudlestoids now aside from all of this, there is the current market price that the options are worth
22:35 herbijudlestoids lets stick with the example of a JAN 2015 $2000 BTCUSD CALL
22:35 nubbins` okay
22:35 herbijudlestoids the market price of the options "imply" what the market is considering the value of those greeks will be at settlement
22:36 nubbins` the greeks are seismographs, for lack of a better analogy, correct?
22:36 herbijudlestoids does that make sense? the market price of any given option might be very far away from what your model reckons it should be
22:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10050 @ 0.00086849 = 8.7283 BTC [+]
22:36 nubbins` yes, sure
22:36 herbijudlestoids so the market is implying, forecasting, trying to get the best price for what they think the options are worth
22:37 herbijudlestoids the forecast isnt just for where the price of BTCUSD will be relativeto $2000 in a years time
22:37 herbijudlestoids its also forecasting vega, delta etc
22:37 herbijudlestoids some of the greeks are numeric values that you can simply calculate, like theta, which is the time value of the option.
22:38 herbijudlestoids depending how far ITM/OTM (in the money or out of the money) the option is depends on what the market price of the option actually consists of
22:38 herbijudlestoids for example, if the option is far OTM (e.g. the price of BTCUSD is $1 and the call is for $2000) then the value of the option will consist mostly of vega and theta (which is decaying as time goes on)
22:39 nubbins` is it fair to say that the price of a given option indicates not only an expectation of price, but of volatility?
22:39 herbijudlestoids like i said, depends how far ITM/OTM
22:39 benkay yes. that is a core valuation principle.
22:39 benkay sometimes a heavier factor than other times.
22:40 herbijudlestoids now options have some synthetic equivalency
22:40 sypher_ uhm.
22:41 sypher_ herbijudlestoids, nubbins`, got an account at gox?
22:41 herbijudlestoids i.e. shorting a $2000 call has the same/similar payoff profile (at settlement) to long $2000 put
22:41 herbijudlestoids sypher_: no
22:41 herbijudlestoids i own 0.02BTC
22:41 sypher_ there's a kinda bad news I'm reading on the troll box
22:41 herbijudlestoids pastebin it
22:41 sypher_ gox hacked
22:41 herbijudlestoids pastebin!
22:41 sypher_
22:42 copumpkin isn't that hte old one?
22:42 ozbot Twitter / revishere: RT @deletesec: @MtGox ...
22:42 nubbins` that tweet is from yesterday
22:43 nubbins` and to answer your question, no, i don't have an account at gox
22:43 copumpkin the tweet might be
22:43 copumpkin but is the list ancient?
22:43 dexX7 it's the old one from 2011
22:43 dexX7 matches one to one
22:43 copumpkin yeah
22:44 sypher_ then fake >_>
22:44 dexX7 yup fake. if you want to compare the lists
22:44 herbijudlestoids nubbins`: need more or make sense now?
22:45 nubbins` herbijudlestoids, that clarifies things a bit, but i think what i really need is to visit the library
22:45 herbijudlestoids nubbins`: there is this awesome blogger bill luby, he does ...hardcore options geekery explained for the masses.
22:45 herbijudlestoids mostly for regular markets but its all the same maths
22:46 nubbins` ah, like the Scientific American of finance
22:47 herbijudlestoids i actually got a kickass long vol model for NYSE index ETFs, probly wouldnt work on MPex
22:47 mike_c nubbins, options are entirely about volatility. option pricing is "known", with volatility being the only variable in the equation.
22:48 herbijudlestoids nubbins`: one last point is that you can build positions that are much more dependent on IV than price, for example if i buy a call and buy a put for the same strike and expiry
22:48 herbijudlestoids mike_c: err, well the underlying price isnt known :P
22:49 mike_c strike price is known, spot price is known
22:49 mike_c IV is the only variable
22:52 herbijudlestoids lemme know how your IV only model works if MPBOR decides to move or whatever
22:53 mike_c :) are you saying mpbor is a risk-free interest rate?
22:54 herbijudlestoids well in the case of MPex options are you saying there is no rho?
22:54 herbijudlestoids is the market so locally inefficient that price forecasting ability plays no role in alpha generation?
22:54 herbijudlestoids i doubt
22:55 benkay lol mpbonds risk free
22:56 nubbins` ^
22:57 mike_c sry herb, yes. i am saying rho=0
22:59 herbijudlestoids well in that case ok
23:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6700 @ 0.00086849 = 5.8189 BTC [+]
23:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.496 = 0.992 BTC [-] {2}
23:07 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.13 BTC [+]
23:11 nubbins` ;;seen thestringpuller
23:11 gribble thestringpuller was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 3 days, 8 hours, 1 minute, and 56 seconds ago: <thestringpuller> ;;ticker
23:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5294 @ 0.00086763 = 4.5932 BTC [-]
23:29 mod6 $vwap ^OIX
23:29 mpexbot mod6: ^OIX 1 day: no data 7 day: average: 106.61730011 high: 106.48204971 low: 122.22370491 volume: 1556 btc: 33.85537371 30 day: no data
23:32 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 62 @ 0.003135 = 0.1944 BTC [+]
~ 17 minutes ~
23:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8880 @ 0.00086849 = 7.7122 BTC [+]
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