| Results 501 ... 750 found in all logged channels for 'cl' |

2017-12-28 esthlos phf: alright, I will have to read up. my practice v implementation will be in CL, and I was thinking of implementing mcilroy for educational purposes. if such an implementation sounds useful, let me know #trilema
2017-12-28 phf but the main reason is that i realized that cl-irc probably doesn't properly split lines, which needs to be solved #trilema
2017-12-21 a111 Logged on 2017-12-20 18:35 asciilifeform: this is possible. when's the last time you saw a cpu-bound proggy in cl tho #trilema
2017-12-20 asciilifeform this is possible. when's the last time you saw a cpu-bound proggy in cl tho #trilema
2017-12-18 mircea_popescu yes. if you want you cal look up tje log for ben_vulpes ' item or else write your own in cl and compare after. #trilema
2017-12-18 asciilifeform ben_vulpes had something resembling a CL one #trilema
2017-12-18 esthlos so probably CL #trilema
2017-12-05 ben_vulpes dunno what i'd least prefer soiling myself with; crap ass cl wrapper around java or...java #trilema
2017-11-23 a111 Logged on 2017-11-23 16:45 ben_vulpes: whaack: i hastily stripped the cl i use behind mimisbrunnr for block parsing and transaction extracting into this tar for you: cascadianhacker.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/blockparser.tgz #trilema
2017-11-23 ben_vulpes whaack: i hastily stripped the cl i use behind mimisbrunnr for block parsing and transaction extracting into this tar for you: cascadianhacker.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/blockparser.tgz #trilema
2017-11-23 asciilifeform whaack: if you have the time, why not write a sha256 from scratch in cl. it's a needed, unfortunately, piece. and afaik there isn't a proper one published. #trilema
2017-11-23 whaack asciilifeform: okay I plan to use ironclad to do the actual hashing in the cl implementation unless there is a better recommendation #trilema
2017-11-23 whaack http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741795 << I have code to take his blocks and count up all the satoshis in the outputs that have undeterminable destinations. This is not very useful without also subtracting the coins when they are spent. This requires storing the txn hash and output index while I count up the satoshis. However ben_vulpes's api does not provide the txn hash and I have no CL code (yet) to calculate it. #trilema
2017-11-21 phf you also want to have a custom symbol reader, because reading cl::foo is going to explode with a "locked package" error #trilema
2017-11-17 a111 Logged on 2017-11-08 23:54 ben_vulpes: cl and legacy pyshits mostly #trilema
2017-11-15 phf emacs's cl-lib vs cl, etc. #trilema
2017-11-15 phf asciilifeform: uses cl-async which is an ffi to libuv #trilema
2017-11-08 ben_vulpes cl and legacy pyshits mostly #trilema
2017-10-12 ben_vulpes so i'm fiddling with some source delivery pipeline, and i discover that some asshole has put executable code into his cl .asd files; which i suppose is fine in some circumstances, but i'm doing Terrible Things over here and the asd's aren't getting concatenated with everything else and so just to add another entry to my list of folks whose decisions have made my life harder i look this dude up and can ya #trilema
2017-10-08 asciilifeform ^ represented by 'CL' in above. #trilema
2017-10-07 asciilifeform but 2 ) the python example is of course not closed form, and it is imho meaningless to even attempt to write the closed form item in a language like python or cl #trilema
2017-08-31 gabriel_laddel_p no emacs, but rather a CL editor & so forth. #trilema
2017-08-30 deedbot http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/46C27AD0AF3FE033C2E7C3002569514FFBD45D3011FC4BFA3476F874B9FB203B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1699...9987 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (ns.sercompruiz.cl. CL RM) #trilema
2017-08-30 deedbot http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/46C27AD0AF3FE033C2E7C3002569514FFBD45D3011FC4BFA3476F874B9FB203B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1481...2367 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (ns.sercompruiz.cl. CL RM) #trilema
2017-08-10 a111 Logged on 2017-07-13 15:18 phf: for the longest time i thought that common lisp spec is a magic paper against modernization. not so, and you can see it with the recent evolution of sbcl. for example they made it an error to locally shadow cl package symbols, e.g. (flet ((first (...))) ...) will fail, breaking a lot of reasonable old code. many historic idioms likewise produce compilation warnings, etc. #trilema
2017-08-09 mircea_popescu honestly i don't believe the somewhat more cl is such a problem. #trilema
2017-08-02 phf also it would be handy to mark some of the files as text/plain in nginx so that browser doesn't autodownload: ltv, lst, cl, lisp, doc #trilema
2017-07-14 phf hmm, odd because cl-irc defines a default handler for it.. #trilema
2017-07-13 a111 Logged on 2017-07-13 21:07 mircea_popescu: phf "they made it an error to locally shadow cl package symbols," is this direct centralism then, "we own the names in your machine -- not you" ? #trilema
2017-07-13 mircea_popescu phf "they made it an error to locally shadow cl package symbols," is this direct centralism then, "we own the names in your machine -- not you" ? #trilema
2017-07-13 phf for the longest time i thought that common lisp spec is a magic paper against modernization. not so, and you can see it with the recent evolution of sbcl. for example they made it an error to locally shadow cl package symbols, e.g. (flet ((first (...))) ...) will fail, breaking a lot of reasonable old code. many historic idioms likewise produce compilation warnings, etc. #trilema
2017-06-30 ben_vulpes cl runs 3-4x longer than the go impl after attending to all the compiler notes i can; probably need a pointer on profiling common lisp code to squeeze much more out of it #trilema
2017-06-12 asciilifeform naggum had an interesting discussion re cl ( and iirc also mentioned ada, his other-language ) in re discouragement of 'easy to write small throwaway programs' as a factor in building durable infrastructure ( vs liquishit, which in his time consisted of microshit and of perlism ) #trilema
2017-06-10 mircea_popescu so there's a python, a golang and a cl version nao ? #trilema
2017-06-09 sina ben_vulpes: also per above my halfscrew won't take any action if the len(a) is 1, can you confirm cl behaviour? #trilema
2017-06-09 sina changing it to the value of the iterator per ben_vulpes cl code fixed it #trilema
2017-05-19 ben_vulpes eh, i find it funny that he went from doing stuff in cl to the clojure fingertrap #trilema
2017-04-28 mircea_popescu not "download the latest cl framework". that's the opposite approach/. #trilema
2017-04-28 mircea_popescu see, naggum's (correct) advice in that piece ##crypto barfed at was... MAKE YOUR TAILORED CL! #trilema
2017-04-27 asciilifeform i wonder if there is any other language, than cl and ada, in reasonably common use today, that does not presuppose 8-bit bytes. #trilema
2017-04-27 asciilifeform kyoto cl. clisp. franz. lispworks. scineer. (last one - i never tried, cannot say with certainty how standard-compliant) #trilema
2017-04-27 mircea_popescu ah, cl is properly specified multi implementation ? #trilema
2017-04-22 Framedragger re the tarpit, ooh a blog written in CL with sane commenting system (yet to be seen, of course) sounds interesting enough #trilema
2017-04-21 trinque I see that I'm not the only one who reads CL personals for teh lulz #trilema
2017-04-15 ben_vulpes i'm halfway curious about the cl it poops out #trilema
2017-04-15 asciilifeform 'yay! we finally can haz opaque blobs of liquishit running in our cl proggies!11111' #trilema
2017-04-15 asciilifeform what the fuck is the point of running a cl runtime so as to run llvm bytecode ? #trilema
2017-04-15 asciilifeform linked item is a llvm bytecode to cl translator ( undergrad homework ) #trilema
2017-04-07 mircea_popescu are there any known documented and running cl-anythings more or less the size phuctor'd be ? #trilema
2017-04-07 mircea_popescu open question whether cl would be fast enough. though i know there's some people itching to answer it. #trilema
2017-04-07 asciilifeform and yes, originally phuctor front end was to be a cl proggy #trilema
2017-04-07 asciilifeform in cl #trilema
2017-04-05 asciilifeform i have a cl interface to selenium written from some years ago, i used it to cheat spammers #trilema
2017-03-29 mircea_popescu PS: Here are ways that Racket is indeed vastly superior to CL, that make me believe it's the future of Lisp: First and foremost, Racket keeps evolving, and not just "above" the base language, but importantly *below*. This alone makes it vastly superior to CL (that has evolved tremendously "above" its base abstractions, but hasn't evolved "below", except for FFI purpose, in the last 20 years), and superior to most languages (t #trilema
2017-03-29 asciilifeform to revisit upstack, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633867 << naggum's observation 'cl does not support posers, no one will land a job by pretending to know it, you can expose him in 5 minutes' was only half-true -- turns out there is a process whereby vermin colonize a field, it is quite similar to the way in which lichens break apart a stone into soil #trilema
2017-03-23 gabriel_laddel_p the general lesson of that trip: "I'm not learning anything by hacking CL anymore, time to do something new" #trilema
2017-03-20 ben_vulpes who says phf works in cl? #trilema
2017-03-10 a111 Logged on 2017-03-10 19:39 trinque: we'll make a CL lib for p #trilema
2017-03-10 a111 Logged on 2017-03-10 19:38 asciilifeform: trinque: then i'll need a cl pgp parser #trilema
2017-03-10 trinque we'll make a CL lib for p #trilema
2017-03-10 asciilifeform trinque: then i'll need a cl pgp parser #trilema
2017-03-08 a111 Logged on 2017-02-19 15:51 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1507131 << in related news, gbyers, the original systems guru of ccl, who responded to every "modernization" attempt with "sure, if you can explain me what's the point" stepped down. within a day, clozure cl was moved to github, with current list of "issues" https://github.com/Clozure/ccl/issues. in case anyone was wondering "what happens when linus steps down" #trilema
2017-02-25 trinque I have a gpg wrapper CL item I wrote #trilema
2017-02-19 phf http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1507131 << in related news, gbyers, the original systems guru of ccl, who responded to every "modernization" attempt with "sure, if you can explain me what's the point" stepped down. within a day, clozure cl was moved to github, with current list of "issues" https://github.com/Clozure/ccl/issues. in case anyone was wondering "what happens when linus steps down" #trilema
2017-02-13 gabriel_laddel_p asciilifeform: very little of this is CL. The save-page-complete and save-page-as-text comes as part of the conkeror browser, and I just drive it with CL. #trilema
2017-02-13 asciilifeform gabriel_laddel_p: what part of the thing is something other than standard cl ? #trilema
2017-01-30 trinque we could implement the stuff ircbot actually uses in cl-irc as one macro, a socket, and a ping/pong loop #trilema
2017-01-30 ben_vulpes trinque puzzlingly enough subclassing logbot and defining an ircbot-connect :after method to add the relevant hook (ctcp-action-message, in case anyone is looking for cl-irc action message hooks later) did not result in a hook landing in the connection object that the message-dispatcher would poop into #trilema
2017-01-30 gabriel_laddel_p shapefiles are heathen nonsense, but it turns out they can be easily converted to json, which CL has plenty of parsers for. #trilema
2017-01-23 a111 Logged on 2017-01-23 21:47 asciilifeform: !~later tell phf do you know of any public cl implementation where all os-specific liquishit is reasonably compartmentalized ? (it isn't in sbcl, cmucl, or ccl, and did i miss anything..??) #trilema
2017-01-23 asciilifeform !~later tell phf do you know of any public cl implementation where all os-specific liquishit is reasonably compartmentalized ? (it isn't in sbcl, cmucl, or ccl, and did i miss anything..??) #trilema
2017-01-19 phf scheme48 comes closets to sane lisp imo, it was written on a lisp machine, and comes with a lot of very sane batteries (the library is clearly inspired by cl) #trilema
2017-01-19 asciilifeform without megatonne of 'libraries' that make the overall mass of the system quickly approach and exceed that of cl #trilema
2017-01-19 asciilifeform phf: to be fair, the main (other than lisp1-ness) semantic diff b/w scheme and lisp1.5 was static scope. which made its way into cl. #trilema
2017-01-19 mod6 'cl' is like 'lisp' formal right? #trilema
2017-01-13 asciilifeform ^ actually a discussion of cl strings! #trilema
2017-01-12 asciilifeform davout: cl chars ain't bytes #trilema
2017-01-12 davout would the same functionality, included in cl's standard be deemed heretic? #trilema
2017-01-11 phf typically people recommend http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/ and it's a sort of "rails for beginners" kind of book, but i think best cl option is http://www.norvig.com/paip.html. norvig's paradigms of artificial intelligence programming. it's not so much about "ai", but about some very useful symbolic algorithms, written in ~very elegant~ lisp code #trilema
2017-01-10 deedbot http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B1AF4E1B6BE3A118BE517BC8D843C35C238AAD69FA9219B3B5FB8660990D9D52 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1762...9629 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (Unknown CL RM) #trilema
2017-01-10 deedbot http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/54192E76AC6988FE7803667BD05672C504CE3E654F837FEF0CDEBC0FEF9F29A1 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1762...9629 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (200-50-117-80.static.tie.cl. CL RM) #trilema
2017-01-10 deedbot http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/2E42405024F84070A0D774445DAE4C553A05472FAEC57EA2B91103CC49AD5776 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1762...9629 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (200-50-117-123.static.tie.cl. CL RM) #trilema
2017-01-09 asciilifeform forth is not cl, with bottomless pits of lore and despair, MOPs, eldritch corners of standard, feuding committees. #trilema
2017-01-07 a111 Logged on 2017-01-08 00:48 ben_vulpes: beirc shits itself when i run it naively. complaints re no generic function for cl-irc:nickname or the like #trilema
2017-01-07 ben_vulpes beirc shits itself when i run it naively. complaints re no generic function for cl-irc:nickname or the like #trilema
2017-01-07 gabriel_laddel_p phf: instead of having "web applications" we have a +v, invite only irc channel where our CL programs communicate. Well-formed messages are treated as FTP endpoints to download arbitrary information. #trilema
2017-01-07 phf wait how does cl-ftp ties into ircing? #trilema
2017-01-07 gabriel_laddel_p adlai: ^ another thing you can do. The patch to fix CL-FTP is in the logs. #trilema
2017-01-07 gabriel_laddel_p phf: anyways, I have suggested using a +v irc channel + CL-FTP + beirc as a "CLIM-web" so we can ditch the browser tomorrow #trilema
2017-01-07 mircea_popescu ah google has an airfinder thing too ? had no idea. apparently written in cl indeed. #trilema
2017-01-07 gabriel_laddel_p All simulations should be written in CL. #trilema
2017-01-07 gabriel_laddel_p http://rigetti.com/ < USG.MAGA also uses CL, though I'm not clear on the particulars atm #trilema
2017-01-07 trinque it could be said that insofar as the CL standard does not specify a machine, it is drastically incomplete #trilema
2017-01-07 asciilifeform 'At one point in time I reviewed ALL CL codebases.' << d00d read & fit-in-head all of macsyma ? i'd luv to see. #trilema
2017-01-06 asciilifeform 'The KDE and Gnome projects were forced to form the freedesktop.org project to extend and enhance X Window System standards because XFree86 refused even to participate in the process.' << this is lulzily reminiscent of naggum's opponents and their 'we MUST MODERNIZE cl despite the HIDEBOUND standards committee refusing to consider our crackpotteries' #trilema
2017-01-06 mircea_popescu gotta solve this dispute somehow. the correct somehow is to start bolting down parts. first we check this, then we can see if it's a matter of cl implementation is fine, ui is bad. #trilema
2017-01-06 asciilifeform gentoo could theoretically be improved -- but not by bolting a hacked-together cl layer ON TOP OF pythonic emerge #trilema
2017-01-06 trinque I think he would've been wiser to say "I wish to replace emacs with a CL environment" than "this is a step towards sane computing" or somesuch #trilema
2016-12-27 asciilifeform i will add that it is not clear that you want to link whatever in cl. #trilema
2016-12-27 a111 Logged on 2016-12-27 22:16 ben_vulpes: not indefinitely postpone releasing this vpatch while i wait for stan to release an ada cryptor and link that from cl #trilema
2016-12-27 ben_vulpes not indefinitely postpone releasing this vpatch while i wait for stan to release an ada cryptor and link that from cl #trilema
2016-12-24 gabriel_laddel for some reason this required a restart of the application, which _should not be a thing_ in cl. #trilema
2016-12-24 gabriel_laddel Re-created (some of) dired in CL last night, perhaps I accidentally deleted it... #trilema
2016-12-22 * Framedragger thanks ben_vulpes for the CL implementation #trilema
2016-12-22 phf another take on this might be common lisp vs scheme. cl was standardized after the fact, existed and evolved on lisp machines. i'm looking at mit's cadr at the moment, and at a certain point you have maclisp, interlisp, zetalisp and "common lisp" all coexisting on the same machine, 10 years before the standard was written. scheme on the other hand was esparantoed for a purpose. the result is that as you move closer to speaking common #trilema
2016-12-22 ben_vulpes mod6, asciilifeform, trinque, phf, mircea_popescu, and anyone else tracking vtronic gnashing: i dusted off and rewrote my cl V implementation. i'll follow up sometime tomorrow with more demo usage, and a more robust demonstration of wot-variant pressing. http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/juTpM/?raw=true #trilema
2016-12-11 adlai my proper fix to this would be writing vdiff in zero-dependency ANSI CL, and replacing the "long career of idiot special case patches" with a short career of specific kelvin-reducing patches #trilema
2016-12-06 phf ben_vulpes: if you were to use bind everywhere you can use it (e.g. as a replacement for let, destructuring-bind) your code is going to look sufficiently different that it's not clear if you're even programming in common lisp at that point. makes the result less readable for other cl programmers, and code becomes harder to future proof. the tradeoff is generally seen as not worth it (too intrusive for little payoff) #trilema
2016-12-06 a111 Logged on 2016-12-06 02:33 ben_vulpes: does the lispy lordship have opinions to share about cl extension libs like "alexandria" and "metabang-bind"? #trilema
2016-12-06 a111 Logged on 2016-12-06 02:33 ben_vulpes: does the lispy lordship have opinions to share about cl extension libs like "alexandria" and "metabang-bind"? #trilema
2016-12-05 ben_vulpes does the lispy lordship have opinions to share about cl extension libs like "alexandria" and "metabang-bind"? #trilema
2016-12-04 phf so apparently cl-who's escape-string which produces the &#xf0... bits simply takes character's char-code which in sbcl corresponds to character's unicode code point #trilema
2016-11-30 gabriel_laddel er equery/emerge (more details later) 4. using this *stable* platform to do simulations for sane computing in CL 5. supporting this venture by leveraging lisp/clim/climacs/macsyma/sbcl against the rest of the world, which cannot produce GUIs / code / production systems as quickly. #trilema
2016-11-30 gabriel_laddel mircea_popescu: no. throw out the unix nonsense and make predictions about how long it will take to write CL, which I can reason about. #trilema
2016-11-27 phf ah, i guess main advantage of xhtmlambda over cl-who is that it preserves indentation #trilema
2016-11-27 trinque xhtmlambda based solely on that it has yet to offend me, then cl-graph and graphviz for the svg #trilema
2016-11-21 phf http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-21#1571777 << looks like it, i think it might be a bug with cl-irc, i'll look into it #trilema
2016-11-18 gabriel_laddel the lisp environment runs parenscript, so you can sorta-kinda drive it with CL. #trilema
2016-11-18 mircea_popescu gabriel_laddel is this cl-fpt an apache replacement then ? #trilema
2016-11-18 gabriel_laddel ^ patch the lastest CL-FTP with that ftp.lisp and it'll work #trilema
2016-11-18 gabriel_laddel tsmr~ web can now be a thing: I fixed CL-FTP #trilema
2016-10-31 trinque fwiw ben_vulpes already had a cl-V in the works #trilema
2016-10-31 gabriel_laddel http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-31#1560799 < the only way to distribute CLIM using CL codebases IMHO is as a "world" that is a livecd + the ability to install itself on another x86_64 machine, with all the sources. #trilema
2016-10-31 trinque gabriel_laddel can tell me when I can rewrite all my elisp in CL #trilema
2016-10-19 gabriel_laddel Franz Inc. implemented an entirely new CL GUI toolkit on top of windows and pay people to update it when windows updates. #trilema
2016-10-04 a111 Logged on 2016-10-04 04:58 adlai: wtf, i know of no cl lib that takes this long to build. even with sbcl. wtf. #trilema
2016-10-04 adlai wtf, i know of no cl lib that takes this long to build. even with sbcl. wtf. #trilema
2016-10-03 adlai http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-03#1551821 << after reading preceding thread (and i must say: machine code logs > all other logs), i now wonder if i'm not a lisp programmer, nor a cl programmer, nor even an sbcl or ccl programmer, but a "ql:quickload programmer" #trilema
2016-10-03 trinque clozure cl seems to work for what I need #trilema
2016-09-18 phf ben_vulpes: actually right now i'm heathen-ing it, by using quicklisp too. problem is btcbase depends on 35 different projects (like hunchentoot pulls 8 deps, cl-irc 2, etc.) so cmucl version i had all 35 hand patched to various degrees. the right way seems to be giving all those project the v treatment: pull them in, strip them of fluff, genesis, etc. #trilema
2016-09-16 asciilifeform trinque: nfi where, it is the fastest cl i've personally used, hands-down (hand-massaged certain items in it to beat the shit out of cpp original, even) #trilema
2016-09-16 adlai cl+ssl is ffi to openssl #trilema
2016-09-16 adlai asciilifeform: i suspect the culprit is the one CL lib of such quality that it has a plus in its name #trilema
2016-09-14 phf asciilifeform: being updated in a sense that we can't have a meaningful v conversation, since your b-t is from 2009, mine is from 2011 and trinque's is from 2016 most likely. all logbot has is a pointer to "cl-log". for all i know tomorrow's version of cl-log is not even going to have b-t in ir #trilema
2016-09-14 phf (asciilifeform: have you tried reading bordeaux-threads that cl-irc depends on? that thing is nasty. kind of defeats the whole "here's a clean irc bot vpatch" if you're pulling dodgy, constantly changing dependencies) #trilema
2016-09-08 asciilifeform ( most cl-using folk keep a copy on own disk. it is even a gentoo port . ) #trilema
2016-09-08 gabriel_laddel Fucking Yegge and everyone else who was involved with CL, even tangentially did a huge disservice to the language. He (and rich hicky) complains and complains about issues that can be solved with a few macros. #trilema
2016-09-06 trinque well, I took CL so you'll have to in ada. #trilema
2016-09-05 deedbot trinque rated phf 2 at 2016/02/09 09:32:36 << provided example CL code for next deedbot, made excellent v-patch viewer, intelligent fellow #trilema
2016-08-30 g_l For the record: I totally underestimated the amount of support there was out there for a 100% CL GUI. #trilema
2016-08-30 asciilifeform (he wrote a cl vtron and possibly other items) #trilema
2016-08-29 trinque mircea_popescu: for all my bot functions, yes. this is however why ircbot preceeds logbot. ircbot simply establishes and maintains connection, and one can attach to cl-irc hooks for whatever he wants. #trilema
2016-08-25 asciilifeform (else how does one even ~get~ a sigsegv in a cl proggy..?) #trilema
2016-08-12 mircea_popescu is the cl process that talks directly to the hardware part of "kernel" or part of "user space" ? #trilema
2016-08-12 gabriel_laddel you simply have a CL process that talks directly to the hardware #trilema
2016-08-12 gabriel_laddel phf: that's not what I'm saying. truetype is in CL. McCLIM is 100% CL. But it /communicates/ with X, which has cario and all this other nonsense integrated with it, and it's causing problems. #trilema
2016-08-12 asciilifeform of what ? rewriting truetype in cl ? #trilema
2016-08-12 gabriel_laddel ben_vulpes: do you have an intern who wants to make a couple hundred bucks here and there writing CL for McCLIM? #trilema
2016-08-10 PeterL Might need to be F-HC=C=CH-Cl #trilema
2016-08-10 PeterL HCl is inorganic, it has Cl not C #trilema
2016-08-06 trinque relatedly I've read cl-irc and the thing is a haphazard mess #trilema
2016-07-20 phf i saw one of those operators in action yesterday, rme of clozure cl is doing "open office hours" on irc, and They come. "why are you using ccldoc instead of BIG PACKAGE NAME??? i want to change docs to BIG PACKAGE NAME for increased adoption" "why are there stale useless files? i want to remove them to improve maintainability" etc. #trilema
2016-07-19 trinque no one will stop you from using the tools you like. we've already got cl, python, perl, shell script, et al, floating around various places #trilema
2016-07-04 asciilifeform 'Reg reader Rob has uncovered evidence that a botnet (i.e. automated computer program rather than human) is stuffing the second referendum ballot. There are 2,371 signatures from The Vatican - a place that only has a population of 1,000,” Rob notes. Also the json data shows 2735 signatures from the Antarctic and 23,694 signatures from North Korea.” A blackhat hacker from Syria claimed responsibility for the “hack” which he cl #trilema
2016-07-03 phf trinque: coleslaw is a static site generator written in cl #trilema
2016-07-03 * trinque hated on the wiki recently; maybe I'll write a CL html generator sometime soon #trilema
2016-06-30 trinque makes me feel better that so far I've stuck with int representations of time in my CL programs #trilema
2016-06-30 phf i got exposed to library as part of my attempt to revive cl-ledger, that actually doesn't need time component at all. as an accounting tool it almost entirely deals with dates (except in its timetracking functionality) #trilema
2016-06-30 phf like i'm not convinced that cyrillic, greek etc. should be implemented on cl's character level, as opposed to something like ccl's concept of Rune #trilema
2016-06-23 a111 Logged on 2016-06-24 02:05 phf: i'm sure you've seen cl-6502, and i think there's a compiler from the same guy (or perhaps cl-6502 has a compiler too i don't quite remember) #trilema
2016-06-23 phf i'm sure you've seen cl-6502, and i think there's a compiler from the same guy (or perhaps cl-6502 has a compiler too i don't quite remember) #trilema
2016-06-23 phf i once managed to follow rainer joswig's instructions to bring cl-http up, but i couldn't reproduce it last time i tried #trilema
2016-06-23 asciilifeform cl-http is the mega-classic (by the nsa bloke who bought symbolics !! iirc) but it had a very strange license which prohibited just about any practical use, and so did not catch on #trilema
2016-06-16 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: would be. but i never finished my cl rewrite of phuctor. #trilema
2016-06-07 gabriel_laddel asciilifeform: one step at a time. I cut out all the "backends" and got the LoC count to 100,803 lines of CL. #trilema
2016-06-03 ben_vulpes implications of clozure cl being licensed under apache 2.0 #trilema
2016-05-04 trinque asciilifeform │ and how cruel, how unreasonable << notrly, deedbot went from golang to CL for example #trilema
2016-04-27 mircea_popescu Drakma/2.0.1_(Clozure_Common_Lisp_Version_1.10-r16531M << check iot out there exists a cl web browser ? #trilema
2016-04-26 asciilifeform it's deadly simple, analogous to, say, cl-who in commonlisp #trilema
2016-04-22 trinque I ended up writing CL because I got drunk at ben_vulpes' shop one night; knew of it but hadn't bothered with it yet. #trilema
2016-04-21 a111 Logged on 2016-04-22 00:46 phf: oh i understand. it's like the cl mode. they've been fighting cl mode for years, without success, because it's hellof useful. not only has cl mode now been replaced with cl-lib which prefixes ~everything~ with cl- (cl-first, cl-defstruct, cl-fuck-your-mother) but they also disabled highlight of all the cl forms. so cl-defstruct highlights, defstruct doesn't. to discourage the sins of the flesh, y'see. #trilema
2016-04-21 phf can still (require 'cl), and it will work, but discouraged from writing since there's no highlighting. next release using cl functions directly is going to produce deprecation warnings. #trilema
2016-04-21 phf oh i understand. it's like the cl mode. they've been fighting cl mode for years, without success, because it's hellof useful. not only has cl mode now been replaced with cl-lib which prefixes ~everything~ with cl- (cl-first, cl-defstruct, cl-fuck-your-mother) but they also disabled highlight of all the cl forms. so cl-defstruct highlights, defstruct doesn't. to discourage the sins of the flesh, y'see. #trilema
2016-04-14 trinque yep, it can make use of cl+ssl #trilema
2016-04-14 asciilifeform is it part of cl-irc package ? #trilema
2016-04-01 trinque old deedbot- will handle feeds til I make an rsstron for the CL guy #trilema
2016-03-29 phf asciilifeform: well, you don't have to go to that extreme, you can just import a symbol from own package and shadow cl:+ but that's not to be confused with builtin mechanism of "this function dispatches on many types" #trilema
2016-03-21 trinque the cl-irc rewrite is nearly done... among other things, it can now, you know, stay online! #trilema
2016-03-16 assbot Logged on 16-03-2016 11:21:59; thestringpuller: you ever read mimsy and the borogoves? short sci-fi story by Lewis Padgett (a pseudonym for CL Moore and some other person that wrote as a duo) #trilema
2016-03-16 thestringpuller you ever read mimsy and the borogoves? short sci-fi story by Lewis Padgett (a pseudonym for CL Moore and some other person that wrote as a duo) #trilema
2016-03-09 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: bottle at room temp for few hrs != city water tower (which has cl, etc) #trilema
2016-02-28 mircea_popescu phf ithought we were disucssing the cl vs scheme thing ? #trilema
2016-02-28 ben_vulpes error in process filter: net-read error: (cl-assertion-failed (cl-plusp length)) #trilema
2016-02-21 phf once i bootstrap entire cl you mean? (define-macro (destructuring-bind ... #trilema
2016-02-20 phf alexandria cffi flexi-streams net-telent-date trivial-features usocket araneida cl-irc gpg-error rfc2388 trivial-gray-streams v babel defservice gpgme split-sequence uiop #trilema
2016-02-09 assbot Successfully added a rating of 2 for phf with note: provided example CL code for next deedbot, made excellent v-patch viewer, intelligent fellow #trilema
2016-02-09 trinque !rate phf 2 provided example CL code for next deedbot, made excellent v-patch viewer, intelligent fellow #trilema
2016-02-08 asciilifeform the process whereby we got the cl standard is every bit as ugly as the standard itself #trilema
2016-02-07 ascii_rear and yes, eternal comp.lang.lisp holy war re: it constituting a heathen small language within cl #trilema
2016-02-07 adlai re:CL, i suggest at some point taking http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382968 seriously and going over the spec cover to cover, not to grok its content, but rather - the structure #trilema
2016-02-07 ben_vulpes adlai: do you know how to rebind a var to a specific value at the beginning of every iteration through a loop in cl? #trilema
2016-02-03 trinque ben_vulpes: new deedbot code's all CL; would be nice and tidy to be crapping sexp commands into shiva from it #trilema
2016-02-01 ben_vulpes jurov: i committed violence to asciilifeform's original v in a harebrained attempt to add tests, was roundly caned for the violence, left his implementation to him and hared off to reimplement in cl. #trilema
2016-01-31 * adlai wonders at the boundedness of CL vtrons... probably nonexistent #trilema
2016-01-31 adlai phf: this web-facing thing is part of your CL vtron? #trilema
2016-01-31 asciilifeform adlai: ergo why i did not pick cl #trilema
2016-01-31 adlai modern CL (as opposed to the ANSI doorstop) is a tool that evolved from a standard. r5rs is a standard. tinyscheme is a tool. etc etc... vita brevis, but there are at least a couple usable artes #trilema
2016-01-31 asciilifeform 'scheme is the good half of cl' #trilema
2016-01-31 ben_vulpes it nominally offers a lot over standard cl cffi, but i have not verified that myself. #trilema
2016-01-30 asciilifeform jurov: this is sorta like 'save-lisp-and-die' in the cl world #trilema
2016-01-29 adlai to me, and i imagine to programmers who have done CL work recently, "slime" means a lot of things that you do NOT want #trilema
2016-01-29 adlai ascii_butugychag: yes, i've been following along quietly. not sure what you mean by "a slime", literally interpreted this is rather meaningless as most of the swank-backends is highly CL specific stuff... i guess you mean a less literal interpretation :) #trilema
2016-01-23 adlai asciilifeform: my point is that it takes years of working in CL to have multiple opportunities to use each of those symbols to solve original problems #trilema
2016-01-23 adlai thestringpuller: if you really want to learn CL, get used to feeling lost because it takes a couple years / decades to reach all the keys on this piano #trilema
2016-01-18 phf first -> cl-first, defstruct -> cl-defstruct, etc. shitgnomery #trilema
2016-01-18 phf there "was", there was a standard package (require 'cl) that various parties were trying to kill. stefan monnier spent his emacs maintainer tenure deprecating, and i think succeeded. now you're supposed to use cl-lib, to the point that elisp goes out of the way to not highlight various cl forms #trilema
2016-01-18 ben_vulpes wasn't there some cl-in-elisp thinger? #trilema
2016-01-16 mod6 ben_vulpes's version in CL looks neat, but i can't even figure out how to run it since im a lisptard. #trilema
2016-01-16 mod6 And ben_vulpes wrote one in CL #trilema
2016-01-14 asciilifeform (implemented on a cl, yes, but is really a specialist tool) #trilema
2016-01-12 gabriel_laddel non-CL lispers by-and-large, fail to understand why they're using lisp at all. #trilema
2016-01-12 gabriel_laddel mircea_popescu: After SMBX died CL had to be re-implemented. #trilema
2016-01-12 phf gabriel_laddel: i'm saying that it's only worthwhile to bring in zen if you want to ultimately do x11 support for foreign code. right now your problem is clim+xlib, you want your problem to be clim+xlib+zen+cl-opengl+glx. if the ultimate goal is drop x, then might as well try and retarget clim to framebuffer. the two (adding zen and framebuffer clim) or at 100% identical in the amount of effort #trilema
2016-01-12 ascii_butugychat a proper language lets you make operators, as in http://www.loper-os.org/?p=103 where i solved mr mold's puzzle by turning a running cl into his language #trilema
2016-01-12 ascii_butugychag cl is not, e.g., haskell, does not attempt mechanical type inference #trilema
2016-01-11 phf the only redeeming quality in this case, that there aren't better standards available, except for maybe Ada (i've not looked). you end up with trade offs, or hard constraints that make the result non-portable. a positive aspect of cl standard is that you get reasonably similar behavior on very wide range of hardware, but i agree that things could always be better #trilema
2016-01-11 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: there is NOT a 'the alphabet' in the cl standard ! #trilema
2016-01-11 phf apropos i like how cl does it, there's a set of characters that are predefined to be standard and portable, and it's basically an mp set: alphabet, digits, top row, handful of controls like newline. each character has a numeric code and a verbose name #\a #\b #\space #\newline. there's a handful of predicates that let you query characters basic nature, upcasep/downcasep/whitespacep. that's it. an implementation though can choose to #trilema
2016-01-11 assbot Logged on 11-01-2016 03:54:29; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-01-2016#1366025 << y'know, reimplementing portage in cl (or whatever, fuck, in fortran if you want) instead of python doesn't magically unbreak the foss ecosystem #trilema
2016-01-10 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-01-2016#1366025 << y'know, reimplementing portage in cl (or whatever, fuck, in fortran if you want) instead of python doesn't magically unbreak the foss ecosystem #trilema
2016-01-10 adlai ben_vulpes: have you followed "cl os" thread much? #trilema
2016-01-09 assbot Logged on 09-01-2016 09:38:41; gabriel_laddel: phf: I've browsed through it, but didn't find what I was looking for. Perhaps if I state my problem someone will know what I need. The goal is to 'fold' the whole notion of X client / server directly into CL function calls. I would like details of how *exactly* X talks to the hardware (Cee sources, yeah) and a large, obvious table as to what all the error codes / X requests are. #trilema
2016-01-09 gabriel_laddel phf: I've browsed through it, but didn't find what I was looking for. Perhaps if I state my problem someone will know what I need. The goal is to 'fold' the whole notion of X client / server directly into CL function calls. I would like details of how *exactly* X talks to the hardware (Cee sources, yeah) and a large, obvious table as to what all the error codes / X requests are. #trilema
2016-01-09 gabriel_laddel Has anyone played around with Zen, the CL X server, or does anyone have links to OLD X documentation / proggies that would be useful for debugging issues deep(?) in the X server / help me understand wtf the X protocol is? I googled around for X docs and found a mess. #trilema
2016-01-08 adlai BingoBoingo: cl blogotrons exist, these days my blog-time is spent 'auditing' coleslaw vs hyde. scalpl, otoh, is pretty much one of a kind; cf ascii_butugychag on professional vs plebescite tooling... #trilema
2016-01-08 BingoBoingo adlai: Anyways wouldn't writing a simple CL blogotron for your own use be a welcome sanity break from the scalplsd #trilema
2016-01-06 assbot Logged on 06-01-2016 04:07:24; phf: asciilifeform, ben_vulpes, adlai: edi weitz (cl-ppcre, hunchentoot, flexi-streams rest of ediware) published a book of common lisp recipes http://www.amazon.com/o/asin/1484211774 #trilema
2016-01-05 assbot Logged on 06-01-2016 04:07:24; phf: asciilifeform, ben_vulpes, adlai: edi weitz (cl-ppcre, hunchentoot, flexi-streams rest of ediware) published a book of common lisp recipes http://www.amazon.com/o/asin/1484211774 #trilema
2016-01-05 phf asciilifeform, ben_vulpes, adlai: edi weitz (cl-ppcre, hunchentoot, flexi-streams rest of ediware) published a book of common lisp recipes http://www.amazon.com/o/asin/1484211774 #trilema
2016-01-01 assbot Re: Upper limits of CL - Naggum cll archive ... ( http://bit.ly/22CuBE7 ) #trilema
2015-12-30 adlai ;;later read-the-fine-logs asciilifeform please keep reminding me about that blog post, evidently murder-for-hire and shipping-for-fire aren't enough to crank thepress, but i'm sure a good cl impl of V will turn the churn #trilema
2015-12-30 adlai ;;later asciilifeform please keep reminding me about that blog post, evidently murder-for-hire and shipping-for-fire aren't enough to crank thepress, but i'm sure a good cl impl of V will turn the churn #trilema
2015-12-27 trinque coupla more weekends and I'll shoot the python one in the head, then make the CL one eat his own code #trilema
2015-12-27 trinque in other deedbot news, I've got a CL bot that knows how to ghost and get his name back #trilema
2015-12-11 trinque adlai: best blogware is probably rolling something using cl-markup or the like. #trilema
2015-12-11 adlai the debate is about bitcoin in c++ or cl, not js #trilema
2015-12-10 ben_vulpes > one homogenous thing << in the same way that the cl compiler's available to user code? or some level higher? #trilema
2015-12-03 ben_vulpes thing about non-cl lisp-like things is that just the few tools that clojure provides are enough for me to get my hands around the neck of, say, the whole wwwstack #trilema
2015-11-23 asciilifeform phf: it only makes sense to do gossipd in cl if you reimplement the crypto #trilema
2015-11-22 trinque "because SQL" << and now we're back to me writing a CL RDBMS #trilema
2015-11-19 asciilifeform as in EVERY MOTHERFUCKING LINE was ansi-compliant cl. #trilema
2015-11-19 asciilifeform the last time i did serious work in cl, it was to run a set of laboratory machines. the only i/o i needed was rs-232. #trilema
2015-11-19 asciilifeform unlike c-on-unix, i can use cl without any libs #trilema
2015-11-19 phf yeah, can pick up any code from cmu's ai repository and run on modern cl unchanged #trilema
2015-11-19 asciilifeform gotta love the let's-embed-moar-weird-c-turds-in-cl folks #trilema
2015-11-19 asciilifeform 'Cl-async has swapped its backend from libevent to libuv. Please see the v0.6.x upgrade guide if you have not already. There are a number of reasons for swapping out libevent: Libuv is more actively maintained......' #trilema
2015-11-19 * ben_vulpes is seeing the rot in webtech takeover of cl #trilema
2015-11-12 ben_vulpes i've included some barebones instructions on how to set up a cl for testing, shinohai. #trilema
2015-11-09 trinque phf: thanks for the example code for cl-irc; works well. I'm now porting over the deed handling code from my wad of python. #trilema
2015-11-09 asciilifeform phf: and i specifically didn't go with cl because this thing CANNOT cons #trilema
