Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2016-08-24 | 2016-08-26 →
00:19 phf man, this story is going to give me nightmares, it's a nightmare in which i'm reading the story and can't get out
00:23 phf i thought there's a happy ending, but i made a mistake of googling the guy after part one
~ 17 minutes ~
00:41 mircea_popescu aww.
00:41 mircea_popescu im just about to publish part three.
00:42 mircea_popescu so now you can't go to sleep.
00:46 BingoBoingo lol
00:49 mircea_popescu aaand it's on
00:50 * asciilifeform reads
~ 17 minutes ~
01:07 deedbot << Trilema - The Story of Elliot Rodger. By Elliot Rodger. Adnotated. Part Three.
01:11 phf i soon started to develop great envy
01:14 mircea_popescu at least your moon unit dweezildruid is level 60.
01:27 mircea_popescu holy shit, these people redefined the (rather common) name of Marcel!
01:27 mircea_popescu i had no idea Proust was "married celibate"
01:29 mircea_popescu the most shocking thing to me re anglospace is and remains the incredible textual productions of people who evidently master no references. it's an endless outpour of "music" from people who don't recognize any notes.
01:42 BingoBoingo "My parents shocked me with very horrible news. They were planning on sending me to Taft High School. Taft had five times as many students as Crespi, it was a public school, it had girls in it, and it had a bad reputation. I had never been so scared in my entire life. How could they do this to me, after knowing what I went through at Crespi? Taft High School would eat me alive and spit me out. I felt so betrayed by my parents." << AHA, I
01:42 BingoBoingo was waiting for his parents to give up on him!
01:48 mircea_popescu srsly.
02:00 BingoBoingo "This was the most horrible thing she could do to me, to take away my only source of joy left in the world." << lol nope. He still had a joy. Mebbe they should have sent him to drugs.
02:02 mircea_popescu it's so fucking weird - kid evidently comes from money. he didn't find a brothel ? a roach peddler ? nuttin' ?
02:04 BingoBoingo Seriously
02:06 BingoBoingo Anyways this explains why the lizard DEA made heroin trendy again. The drug kids with WoW thing backfired.
02:06 BingoBoingo $up indoor_jellyfish
02:06 deedbot indoor_jellyfish voiced for 30 minutes.
02:07 indoor_jellyfish < It's amazing (to me at least) that there is no mention of google anywhere in this whole story. He never spent a moment just clicking around on whatever looked interesting because "hey, what's this?"
02:07 a111 Logged on 2016-08-25 06:02 mircea_popescu: it's so fucking weird - kid evidently comes from money. he didn't find a brothel ? a roach peddler ? nuttin' ?
02:14 BingoBoingo If Elliot Rodger was poor and discovered google
02:17 indoor_jellyfish The obsession with social status is bizzare. Are neighborhoods so clearly ordered good through bad? How much time did the adults in his life spend discussing this within earshot?
02:20 BingoBoingo Yes, neighborhoods are exactly that clearly ordered if one is the sort of defective that counts by primary colors and names building after their shape.
02:23 indoor_jellyfish "A large source of the incredible tedium of his prose is that where you see predicates and subjects with their determinants he just runs a mess of copulative constructions in pre-cut forms ; his idea of English phraseology is essentially a trainload of nouns." < a part-chinaman trying for hieroglyphs
~ 33 minutes ~
02:56 diana_coman true; at the same time and funnily enough in this particular case, the parents of this guy actually called the police on him and apparently tried to get him out of the way -within the confines of what was acceptable- but essentially everybody else disagreed with the parents' own view that he wasn't fit to live among others as he was at the time.
02:56 a111 Logged on 2016-08-25 00:29 mircea_popescu: << not all the children are fit to live ; all the parents are liable to lie to themselves on this score. this impedance mismatch is the first and in plenty of approximations the only business of social science.
02:57 diana_coman culturally acceptable I mean there
02:59 deedbot << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Some things are not for sale.
03:03 mircea_popescu diana_coman i guess so huh.
03:04 mircea_popescu indoor_jellyfish a lot of the stuff is pretty perplexing.
03:04 mircea_popescu $up t2yax
03:04 deedbot t2yax voiced for 30 minutes.
03:04 mircea_popescu $gettrust deedbot t2yax
03:04 deedbot L1: 0, L2: 1 by 1 connections.
03:04 mircea_popescu t2yax you can voice yourself, just say $up to the bot
03:07 t2yax what trilema means ?
03:07 mircea_popescu now that's complicated.
03:17 Framedragger i always thought it was a play on 'dilemma'. something something hegelian triad
03:18 Framedragger asciilifeform: i need to dig out those banners, will ping you if/when this happens
03:26 mircea_popescu the naming of the thing is now hazed in the mists of history.
03:26 mircea_popescu alcohol was probably involved.
03:29 Framedragger "dialectics and alcohol" sounds like a great mix imho!
~ 6 hours 1 minutes ~
09:31 shinohai $up khaos49
09:31 deedbot khaos49 voiced for 30 minutes.
09:31 shinohai $key khaos49
09:31 deedbot
09:34 shinohai ;;later tell mircea_popescu new Eulora blood awaits your arrival.
09:34 gribble The operation succeeded.
09:37 mircea_popescu shinohai here i am
09:37 shinohai mircea_popescu: khaos49 has key, needs acct
09:38 mircea_popescu ooon it.
09:38 mircea_popescu $key khaos49
09:38 deedbot
09:40 * shinohai wonders when mircea_popescu will offer him full-time staff position as curator of players and tits
09:41 mircea_popescu khaos49
09:41 mircea_popescu lol shinohai
09:41 shinohai ^.^
09:43 shinohai ;;later tell mod6 success ... this is the coolest thing yet.
09:43 gribble The operation succeeded.
09:43 mircea_popescu im making some slag tro make some mining tools in a bit here ; you can have some if you want then you can either use them or sell them to noobs.
09:53 mircea_popescu $key pi2u
09:53 deedbot
09:55 phf << when i used to drink heavily back in philadelphia my собутыльники (literally "those who share bottles", a derisive way of saying that the thing we had in common was an excuse to drink) was a small group of european philosophy ph.d.-s from upenn program. those guys would habitually get blackout drunk, which they thought was most important skill of a philosopher. usually we'd end up at one of
09:55 a111 Logged on 2016-08-25 07:29 Framedragger: "dialectics and alcohol" sounds like a great mix imho!
09:55 phf their tiny apartments, and this polish guy piotr would sit me down and go "now look philip, this is not how you think. if debord was part of philosophical discourse, he'd know that blah blah blah has completely demolished his argument, let me tell you" and on and on and on
09:57 mircea_popescu the exact equivalent of these kids in romania would then have to wake up early because they had class with mp, who was ONE YEAR THEIR JUNIOR, and he'd flunk them all eventually, but they were too petrified of him anyway.
~ 38 minutes ~
10:35 BingoBoingo phf: Amazing! When I was in a graduate philosophy program it was dominated by the same ethos!!! Also, there's always one or more polish students in philosophy program.
10:37 diana_coman mircea_popescu, that sounds then like an excellent class in waking up early, but with dubious results philosophy-wise :p
10:37 mircea_popescu it wasn't early, it was 10 to 12 wtf.
10:39 diana_coman oh, I thought they woke up early as in woke up at 6am to read for the class out of fear or something
10:39 mircea_popescu no, just, you know, "early"
10:41 diana_coman since we had classes starting usually at 8am if not 7:30 at uni on most days (they surely wouldn't have all fitted otherwise in a week/daytime if starting any later), I did not grasp the early concept correctly, lol
10:42 diana_coman my point though was that petrified people don't seem to be able to learn much while being statues
10:45 mircea_popescu this is because you also don't grasp the concept of "learning" correctly. there is no required participation of the fucking subject in learning actual matter, such as philosophy. if i were teaching them cooking i'd be interested in their own fucking contribution and whatever. but the point of philosophy is to shut the fuck up and LEARN. what "the text makes you think" and what "you feel about X" is entirely uninteresting, bec
10:45 mircea_popescu ause you're fucking there specifically because your thinker and feeler are absent, broken or in the best case filthy.
10:47 mircea_popescu the current us fashion of asking kids for "their opinion" is as good a proof as needed that there exist no qualified philosophy teachers in that country, for instance.
10:47 shinohai BingoBoingo just when you thought Pokemon Go couldn't do anymore damage:
10:47 mircea_popescu did he find shiny ?
10:48 BingoBoingo OMG Tragedy! Neckbeard kills endangered species!
10:48 shinohai lmao
10:48 mircea_popescu they should totally make an app which gives you "secret loot" when you butcher people.
10:49 mircea_popescu you know, just like wow.
10:49 diana_coman shutting up and learning != being petrified
10:49 mircea_popescu how ?
10:49 diana_coman being petrified shuts down entirely everything including hearing/learning, hence "statue"
10:49 mircea_popescu diana_coman in english, "petrified" denotes the situation of the mouse beset by snake, who can't move away ; not the situation of sodomites turned to salt by a vengeful god.
10:50 mircea_popescu (the snake is, for merit, the symbol of wisdom, by the way. specifically that in the mice's reaction to it, they bring to mind philosophy students in a half decent oxford class.)
10:51 shinohai If this were so, Southern US would contain more salt than the mines of Siberia, to hear evangelicals speak.
10:51 mircea_popescu besides, if you were god wouldn't you make them sald-shaped dicks ?
10:51 mircea_popescu what is this pillar nonfigurative nonsense.
10:51 phf BingoBoingo: the whole group was like a walking stereotype. a tall sickly looking polish guy with bowl haircut. an italian with unruly hair who was pretending to be an upper-class englishman. i don't think i've ever seen them sober, i suspect they were pretty dull otherwise
10:52 BingoBoingo phf: Kinda why I switched to Library School on a different campus. That and the "hold pattern for a decade and phd" thing lost its appeal.
10:56 asciilifeform << nobody asks the maggot recruits 'what they feel' in maths lecture either, wtf
10:56 a111 Logged on 2016-08-25 14:45 mircea_popescu: this is because you also don't grasp the concept of "learning" correctly. there is no required participation of the fucking subject in learning actual matter, such as philosophy. if i were teaching them cooking i'd be interested in their own fucking contribution and whatever. but the point of philosophy is to shut the fuck up and LEARN. what "the text makes you think" and what "you feel about X" is entirely uninteresting, bec
10:56 diana_coman mouse just gets eaten though; snake can have lots of wisdom to impart to those who are fascinated by it, but those who go over into petrified are just its food
10:56 mircea_popescu "so mr elliot, do you think it's fair that bijective functions have to also be continuos to qualify ?"
10:57 trinque diana_coman was commenting on the biological fact that being permanently afraid shuts down memory retention
10:57 trinque which runs contrary to learning
10:57 diana_coman myeah, the what do you feel or even what do you think is just a bone to pick with current idiocy , nothing to do with what I was saying
10:57 trinque being afraid at useful times, sure
10:57 phf BingoBoingo: i have no idea what their endgame was, i think that they had some old fashioned notion of bad student, that they were committed to living out for as long their livers last. to be fair a "brilliant", but "misunderstood" alcoholic student is a european stereotype (it used to be mocked, but then there's a handful of books, where their genius is recognized type deal). i think u.s. philosophy majors carry alcoholism as a kind of
10:57 phf misguided dedication to old world tradition, trying to parrot french cafe culture, etc.
10:58 trinque but one can say that it is upon the student to nut-up and stop being afraid in the face of the snake
10:58 trinque not upon the snake to un-snake
10:58 mircea_popescu trinque petrified as you represent it and as it actually works are pretty disjunct. ask a proper rape victim - she'll recall EVERYTHING in great detail except what she did. because she did nothing. because petrified.
10:58 mircea_popescu she'll remember it for the entire rest of her life, long after she's forgotten the face of her first husband.
10:58 mircea_popescu that's education for you - via petrification.
10:59 BingoBoingo phf: At this point it seems all the Muricans want to be "The Hunter S. Thompson of" X
11:01 asciilifeform in other noose,
11:03 trinque mircea_popescu: hm, right. I'm describing a particular brand of neurotic american stress, not petrification.
11:04 trinque I see it.
11:04 mircea_popescu "if the victim perceives they have the luxury to shut down memory, they're evidently not petrified enough."
11:05 * asciilifeform pictures first day of mircea_popescu's lecture. n00bz walk in, find small road cone on each chair. 'no, gentlemen, these are glued on. have a seat.'
11:05 mircea_popescu (this also plays out in the harem, esp with mid-recent girls. she gets in trouble, then gets in trouble and catches the beating of her life for having forgotten what she got in trouble for.)
11:06 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i'm not much of a prop comic myself. you're the one bringing little boards and probiscii and whatnot!
11:06 asciilifeform illustrative!1111
11:06 mircea_popescu :)
~ 19 minutes ~
11:25 BingoBoingo brb
~ 1 hours 21 minutes ~
12:46 asciilifeform in other noose, << world's largest dirigible, british (originally american) crashes.
12:47 asciilifeform on its 2nd flight, no less.
12:47 asciilifeform BingoBoingo ^
12:48 asciilifeform £25m, lel.
12:48 asciilifeform << see also.
12:51 phf i'm glad TONY MEREVICK pictured here has an opinion about the shape of £25m flying machine
12:51 asciilifeform lol!
12:52 asciilifeform y'know, thing ~is~ a flying arse, even if donald duck were the one to point it out.
12:53 phf "Tony Merevick joined BuzzFeed as a reporter in the fall of 2013 to focus on national LGBT news. He is the co-founder and former editor-in-chief of Chicago Phoenix, an innovative LGBT news startup in the Midwest." about self "Cities News Editor @Thrillist. Formerly @BuzzFeedNews. Coffee, wine, and bourbon, please. Send tips to"
12:53 asciilifeform and i suspect that there is a journatard bootcamp somewhere, where they make this haircut. why have i seen 1,001 turdmeisters with it..?
12:54 mircea_popescu lmao lgbt start-up
12:54 mircea_popescu is it viagra powered ?
12:54 asciilifeform spamiagra-powered.
12:54 asciilifeform (what ~is~ in spam viagra..?)
12:55 * asciilifeform vaguely recalls article from decade ago where some dude with an idle gc/ms setup actually ordered a coupla dozen spam viagras & tested, but lost link long ago
12:58 phf asciilifeform: donald duck had edge compared to all these clowns
12:58 asciilifeform in at least that there was only 1 of him
12:58 asciilifeform rather than 1 spread across 1,000,001 maggots
13:01 mircea_popescu donald duck had tons of edge, you kidding me ?
13:02 mircea_popescu easily the most ... advanced cartoon character of the classical era.
13:02 phf here's him doing backup dancing for boyd rice
13:02 mircea_popescu up there with popeye (the drawn, not the filmed)
~ 18 minutes ~
13:21 deedbot << Trilema - The Story of Elliot Rodger. By Elliot Rodger. Adnotated. Part Four.
13:28 ben_vulpes << 0dayz burned
13:31 phf who would've thought that actual "cyberwarfare" would be exactly like those old cyberpunk games. "you have 1 iceBr34ker that you can deploy againt level3 nav agent v4, there's 15 of those agents, choose wisely"
13:32 asciilifeform phf: on the level of ft meade's 'star trek captain's chair' (one of the recent demented generals literally had one installed) - quite certainly.
13:33 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: 'Unless, of course, the text is the product of an unrelated adult, whose involvement with the whole thing is not emotional nor personal, and who therefore simply forgot about that detail.' << sorta like the fire-proof, bomb-proof, smudge-proof passports invariably found on corpse of every 'dead terrorist' in usa.
~ 1 hours 4 minutes ~
14:37 phf ok, let's see
14:38 phf heh, well, this is promising "Error in function UNIX::SIGSEGV-HANDLER: Segmentation Violation at #xF7A94D06."
14:40 asciilifeform phf: is this a routine cmuclism ?
14:40 asciilifeform or genuine strange
14:41 asciilifeform phf: do you have a (safety 0) in there or wat
14:41 asciilifeform (ffi to c crapola ?)
14:41 asciilifeform (else how does one even ~get~ a sigsegv in a cl proggy..?)
14:42 phf i wouldn't be surprised if somebody sets safety 0, that's something that i should actually grep for, but i think it's gpgme that's doing it
14:42 phf i rebuilt the core from scratch since there was a handful of reload-breaking updates, and that's first thing i'm getting on load
14:42 asciilifeform is there a gpg segfault in /var/log/messages ?
14:42 asciilifeform (thing spawns gpg as process, neh ?)
14:43 asciilifeform perhaps phf struck gold ?
14:43 phf the mother lode!
14:44 asciilifeform can haz ?
14:44 phf (in-pankage ...
14:45 asciilifeform ..?
14:45 phf asciilifeform: fwiw, cmucl has all kinds of nooks and crannies that i don't want to bring up on account of our recurring "why cmucl" conversation
14:45 asciilifeform sbcl also has
14:46 phf and the way i'm using it is non-traditional (or perhaps very traditional depending on how you look at it)
14:46 asciilifeform asciilifeform is specifically interested in the 'foo' in 'gpg --blah .... < foo' -> sigsegv
14:47 phf i figured, but i suspect it's a much more mundate explanation. nothing's change in gpg/gpgme setup from the previous core, so this must be something novel in the way cmucl is packing itself to a core file, or perhaps it's not reloading those foreign libs properly
14:48 asciilifeform i dun think i've ever sigsegv'd a pure-lisp process that didn't (safety 0)
14:49 thestringpuller << So charlie shrem is 100% socialist now after going to club fed.
14:51 phf asciilifeform: it's ffi, C-GPGME-OP-VERIFY on asciilifeform-kills-integer-retardation.vpatch.asciilifeform.sig
14:52 asciilifeform phf: does your copy verify by hand ?
14:52 phf what do you mean?
14:52 phf you mean do i call out to a v? no, it ~is~ a v
14:52 asciilifeform same .vpatch.sig, vpatch, key --- what does gpg from command line output ?
14:53 asciilifeform when you attempt the thing the ffi does, but using bare hands
14:53 phf oh, it definitely works. i can load a previous core and that same set of patches passes
14:54 shinohai thestringpuller: and do you like how he is now unwittingly officially the face of their ponzi
14:54 shinohai It all seems too perfect.
14:57 asciilifeform << lulzy - the sheer number of obvious gag keys for gavin
14:57 asciilifeform now somebody oughta generate crapolade keys for the names which signed the 'non-gag' ones, and sign the gags, etc.
14:57 asciilifeform recurse.
14:58 asciilifeform mircea_popescu described this algo for reddit, easily applicable here.
~ 15 minutes ~
15:13 phf asciilifeform: unfortunately nothing exciting, i had a stale gpgme ctx
15:13 asciilifeform lolk
15:26 phf hmm
15:27 phf ok, i'll fix that later
15:27 phf let's see if it syncs
15:32 phf test
15:33 phf ok. recovery code seems to be working, except for that changing host issue
15:46 mats I just noticed skype squatting on port 80, serving up a blank page
15:46 mats ???
15:46 trinque lol
15:49 jurov mats: no surprise, skype was originally p2p and using port 80 has an advantage there
~ 22 minutes ~
16:11 asciilifeform ;;later tell BingoBoingo << possibly of interest
16:11 gribble The operation succeeded.
~ 1 hours 43 minutes ~
17:55 asciilifeform 'My laptop was getting slower and slower. It wasn’t a very powerful laptop, but it was the only computer I had to play WoW on. This was really frustrating me, because eventually it became so slow that it ruined my gaming experience. I kept pestering my mother and father to get me a faster laptop that was more efficient for gaming.' (from rodger part 4)
17:56 asciilifeform and here i thought this only 'happened' to old folks.
~ 40 minutes ~
18:36 mod6 <+shinohai> ;;later tell mod6 success ... this is the coolest thing yet. << nice! thanks for testing that :]
18:37 mircea_popescu o hai
18:39 asciilifeform mircea_popescu jailbroke adlai or wat.
18:40 adlai nah i just DIDN'T lose my key
18:40 mircea_popescu naah
18:40 adlai ok ok you're right, they twisted my toenails until i screamed my password
18:41 mircea_popescu i was talking to him!
18:42 adlai re: the revocation thread from a couple days ago: why not require/expect keys, ratings, and revocations to be at least deeded, or better yet, spammed into the chain itself?
18:43 trinque deeded requires signed, and if the right material is signed, doesn't need to be a deed.
18:43 mircea_popescu because it's ultimately nobody else's business.
18:43 adlai (rationale for spamming: it's not a lot of data, and adding a cost to the process gives the process a cost)
18:44 adlai wasn't the whole thread about the fact that there's no unquestionable ordering?
18:44 asciilifeform adlai: this is not the only problem with concept of 'revocation'.
18:44 trinque sure there is; hash of last signed rating
18:44 mircea_popescu << the very notion of gaming on a laptop...
18:44 adlai trinque: i think you're describing an imaginary system that doesn't actually exist in any of the existing wotbots/
18:45 mircea_popescu the whole thread was about how key owner does NOT control the process in any shape or form. this is the logical equivalent of "the organism pumping blood through the tits does not control the tit pinching that goes on with the tits."
18:46 asciilifeform adlai: the entire notion of pubkeys posted publicly in a way that implies that strangers can take and use'em for something, is probably going away.
18:46 mircea_popescu pretense to the contrary has a cost ; and we're not gonna be paying it.
18:47 * adlai wonders whether this extends to the entire notion of s/pubkeys/ratings/, too
18:48 asciilifeform adlai: currently there is a very comical situation where chumps download a pubkey, from ?????, and then try to authenticate published material (found on mitmable www sites, naturally) ~TO~ it, rather than the reverse (found signed material, then determined matching pubkey)
18:48 mircea_popescu i thought at least re ratings it was obvious from original wot article.
18:48 mod6 <+mircea_popescu> o hai << hey! also had some lulz reading part III of Rodger on the train.
18:48 mircea_popescu " However, this is something that Joe can evaluate by himself, without having any need for Moe, and without needing to ask him anything" <<
18:48 asciilifeform (or worse yet, they encrypt a transmission ~to~ a key without any attempt at climbing to it in their actual wot)
18:48 mircea_popescu mod6 cheers :)
18:49 mod6 There are so many gems.
18:49 adlai it is possible to trust (up to a certain minimal degree) keys encountered "in the wild"
18:49 mod6 like this: "What the fuck is wrong with these people." << i mean right?
18:49 mircea_popescu it is possible to eat shit, as an individual. it is not possible to enact a shiteating diet.
18:49 asciilifeform adlai: must also point out, 'read signed document and then found matching pubkey' still conceivably leaves you behind a 'great firewall' where all pgp sigs visible match chairman mao's key perfectly
18:49 mircea_popescu don't confuse what one can do with what's to be done.
18:50 mod6 An honest question to ponder for our times: "Why the fuck do US kids even go to school anymore ?"
18:50 mircea_popescu ikr?
18:50 asciilifeform mod6: same reason they went in 1900. to be kept out of labour market.
18:50 asciilifeform propping up wages.
18:50 adlai asciilifeform: true
18:51 mircea_popescu aha, the equivalent of the boarded up bank-house
18:51 mod6 but! think of the alt! Sitting there playing wow while pumped full of antibiotics and just shitting in place for months at a time seems like it'd save on costs.
18:51 mircea_popescu "this cunt is not for sale - she has great future in front of her, going to college"
18:51 mircea_popescu "bitch... i'm not gonna pay more for her as she's older and dumber"
18:51 * trinque sees how wot ratings propagating over gossipd make more sense than anything taped together on this gossipd-less side of things
18:52 adlai mod6: reminds me of some article that tl;dred to "i should have procrastinated my phd for as long as possible, finishing it was a mistake"
18:52 trinque and in that case they hold only as much credence as your trust of peered nodes
18:52 trinque and order is when you saw it
18:52 asciilifeform trinque: current situation is more or less worst possible - one reads arbitrary, sig-less string from a remote box, in the clear.
18:52 mircea_popescu trinque it's really immersive, this new dream, huh.
18:53 trinque shapes so much behavior.
18:53 adlai so when do we officially acknowledge that the first attempt at addressing the gossipd RFC was a failure, and solicit a second?
18:53 adlai oh sorry, "there is no we, there is only V". so when do U ...?
18:53 mircea_popescu "we" ?
18:53 asciilifeform adlai: i can speak only for me.
18:53 mircea_popescu what've they been feeding you in the booby hatch ?
18:53 asciilifeform and iirc phf also had one.
18:53 adlai yeah i just corrected myself
18:53 asciilifeform and i forget who else.
18:54 asciilifeform nobody yet published, because various details remain to be worked.
18:54 adlai then maybe the RFC should be for a protocol, rather than an implementation? or at least, a reference implementation that ~nobody uses, like V
18:55 * adlai is not calling users of mod6-V "nobody", but just suggesting that "most" users, write their own
18:55 mircea_popescu what is this guy on about.
18:55 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: gossipd
18:55 trinque adlai: I use it.
18:55 mircea_popescu i dun think so.
18:55 asciilifeform adlai: i thought you were referring to my original v as 'reference'
18:56 asciilifeform in which case you would be almost correct, afaik no one but me uses it.
18:56 mircea_popescu motherfucker "corrected himself" in the sense of admitting his original idiocy has no possible subject ; and then gleefully proceeds to act as if he said something.
18:56 trinque also is to be valued by number of shithub stars
18:56 mod6 <+trinque> adlai: I use it. << actually, this really was cool.
18:57 asciilifeform phf: log dead ?
18:57 mod6 not only do people use it throught the build script directly, etc.. but trinque published his irc bot code with it. and that kinda blew my hair back. so thanks trinque!
18:57 phf asciilifeform: i'll look into it in an hour or so
18:57 trinque thank you; thing's great.
18:57 mircea_popescu mod6 was a pretty cool moment huh.
18:57 mod6 ya, that was pretty awesome.
18:57 mircea_popescu yeah.
18:57 adlai asciilifeform: again, i stand corrected. maybe it's past my bedtime, if mircea_popescu hears 'glee' in my keystrokes.
18:58 mircea_popescu i think it is past your bedtime, yes. come back fresh tomorrow.
18:58 adlai ok time for one last bit of irony
18:58 * adlai waves goodnight to mircea_popescu
18:58 mircea_popescu lol
18:59 mod6 this morning shinohai successfully tested the offline build script that i create (a slight varient from the original one).
18:59 mod6 *created
18:59 mod6 so that's pretty nifty.
18:59 mircea_popescu shinohai's been a busy little rabbit has he.
19:00 mod6 yeah, done a ton of testing for me this month.
19:00 mircea_popescu in between laying pipe in colombia and helping noobs collect bitcents in eulora...
19:00 mod6 I'm currently working on the makefile(s) that will replace the build scripts etc. but there's some elbow grease to put in there.
19:01 mod6 nice!
19:01 mod6 i heard they concluded some peace there just yesterday?
19:02 mod6 anyway, will be looking forward to feeding deedbot the next 14 buildroot deps here shortly. the vetting process is on going but, so far, so good.
19:02 mod6 busy month...
19:03 mod6 hopefully by the end of the month we'll have fourteen new deedbot deps for buildroot placed, a new V99994 build script, and an offline build script.
19:04 mod6 Work will continue on the makefile(s). Exciting stuff.
19:05 mod6 </update>
19:07 mod6 Didn't mean to take over the chamber, sorry. lol.
19:08 shinohai Make benefit glorious serene republic
19:09 shinohai no the new build script is gonna be next step in v evolution to me
19:09 shinohai i like it
19:09 asciilifeform filtration system, a marvel to behooold!1111 (tm) (r)
19:13 deedbot << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 126845615151026431976406479 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'SlowFax <>; '
19:14 mod6 Tell your brother I said this thing was cool.
19:14 asciilifeform lolk
19:23 asciilifeform mirrorolade.
~ 19 minutes ~
19:43 mircea_popescu mod6 sounds pretty solid.
19:53 mircea_popescu aaaand in other news,
19:58 shinohai ;;bc.stats
19:58 gribble Error: "bc.stats" is not a valid command.
19:58 shinohai ;;bc,stats
19:58 gribble Current Blocks: 426861 | Current Difficulty: 2.1737548275723764E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 427391 | Next Difficulty In: 530 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 4 days, 4 hours, 9 minutes, and 26 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
~ 1 hours 11 minutes ~
21:10 phf adlai: i think gossip spec is fine, just nobody took it to release. asciilifeform has significant changes to the spec, but if you ignore those you can still build a working implementation. in fact, unless you're ascii, i think it's better to ignore further discussion and just stick to what mp wrote. i also think it's one of those ideas you don't want nailed down at protocol level. mine for example slings gpg packets
21:10 phf (section 4.) over tcp. i have an incremental packet parser that you can attach to tcp stream and it'll give you packet-by-packet on the other end. that's probably not the right solution for going to war though
21:13 phf i got bogged down in config files and other such minutia, but that's because i wrote it in c and i'm not yet at a level where i can produce elegant c solutions. i also used knuth's web, and since there aren't systems that support web/c syntax highlighting and indent the whole process was very much "grinding your own telescope lens by hand"
21:15 mircea_popescu back in the days trinque was called undata i made the point to him that merely because management is not apparent is a sign that management is extremely competent ; not an invitation to try and scare up some "management stone soup".
21:15 mircea_popescu apparently this is a very easy mistake to make ; understandably too, anglosphere management is da pits.
21:19 trinque heh, reading one's own old logs is a trip.
21:23 trinque relatedly, the mental compressor doth not always yield fruitful search terms.
21:24 trinque I remember the conversation clearly, aside from *any* of the phrasing whatsoever :p
21:24 trinque $up Sinclair6
21:24 deedbot Sinclair6 voiced for 30 minutes.
21:33 mircea_popescu ehehe
21:34 trinque oh oh! I found the other thing.
21:34 trinque <<
21:34 a111 Logged on 2016-08-24 02:10 trinque: << << mentioned here but probably in reference to the logs sought
21:34 a111 Logged on 2015-08-21 01:13 trinque: must've been some serious run-away dick selection in human history
21:34 mircea_popescu aha! tyvm!
21:37 mircea_popescu phf in practice, once tmsr-rsa is here, i'd expect to do exactly the "sling packets" thing
~ 15 minutes ~
21:52 trinque <<
21:52 a111 Logged on 2016-08-26 01:15 mircea_popescu: back in the days trinque was called undata i made the point to him that merely because management is not apparent is a sign that management is extremely competent ; not an invitation to try and scare up some "management stone soup".
21:52 a111 Logged on 2014-10-30 23:55 mircea_popescu: undata: if only there were some way to organize the efforts of a large number of people around projects <<< there is. you're watching it. just because leadership is not in your face doesn't necessarily mean leadership is absent and it's your time to shine. it may also mean leadership is extremely good at what it does.
21:52 trinque boom!
21:53 mircea_popescu o hey.
21:53 mircea_popescu your btclog-search-fu amazes
22:02 phf trinque: hey what's the current frequency that you send pings and timeout, 30 60?
22:07 mircea_popescu hm, anyone has a link handy to that epic steph kegels library public masturbation thing ?
22:10 shinohai only one i know is flash mircea_popescu, at yer own risk
22:10 mircea_popescu meh i'd rather gif.
22:10 mircea_popescu anyway, i guess i;ll just use a shitty fragment.
22:11 shinohai there was an mp4 of that somewhere but i dnt remember
22:11 mircea_popescu chick should be studied in school.
22:12 shinohai xD
22:12 mircea_popescu "this is what i mean by enthusiasm, bitch."
22:13 trinque phf: yep, those.
22:14 phf so essentially one ping goes out at 3, and then there's another 30 to get it back
22:14 phf that's what i had in my old bot implementation too
22:14 shinohai
22:14 phf *err at 30
22:15 shinohai bit of a voluptuous girl there mircea_popescu !
22:16 mircea_popescu sure.
22:17 mircea_popescu phf you available to give peter l some pointers re osx build process in #eulora ?
22:18 shinohai
22:18 phf mircea_popescu: oof, there aren't any. i've not updated the build scripts for the new version and it's not a "some pointers" kind of process
22:18 mircea_popescu shinohai does he speak american ?
22:19 mircea_popescu phf kk
22:19 phf i can put new urls into the build scripts and see if it still works (unlikely but who knows, if dev team hasn't touched build process might still be operational)
22:22 phf is this up to date ?
22:28 mircea_popescu yeah
22:41 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i got a puzzler:
22:41 asciilifeform from rodger pt. 4: 'You would think it strange that he has such intense feelings yet doesn't apply the obvious resolution available for them : go up to these betters, prostrate himself and beg them to accept him as their slave. He'll do anything, just as long as they use him. Why not ? ... what they should have been fucking saying were variations of the theme of, "take off your clothes, crawl to them on hands and knees and lick their
22:41 asciilifeform shoewear."'
22:42 asciilifeform how is this 'resolution' ? dude was, afaik, straight, not only preferred to eat a pistol rather than do any of this, but in fact ~did~
22:43 mircea_popescu so ?
22:43 asciilifeform so what am i missing
22:43 mircea_popescu i dunno ?
22:43 asciilifeform why not likewise say 'the obvious resolution ... eating a pound of broken glass'
22:44 mircea_popescu "you have diabethes. the cure is to stop eating sweets." "i'm not stopping eating sweets." "then you will die." "i prefer to die." "fine, but just for the record - stopping with the sweets STILL is the cure for diabethes."
22:44 asciilifeform nah this here's aids, not diabetes.
22:44 asciilifeform no cure.
22:44 mircea_popescu unwarranted delusions of independence are his problem, entire.
22:44 mircea_popescu he's born a slave, like it or not. either fuck or get off the pig.
22:45 asciilifeform whole flavour of the piece, in my reading, is that this was a dude with no solution.
22:45 mircea_popescu that he got off the pig doesn't invalidate the fucking.
22:45 mircea_popescu there's a blessing for everything, my dear alf.
22:45 asciilifeform if he could have become some arbitrary thing that he was not, he would not have even ended up on this microscope slide in formalin.
22:45 mircea_popescu so ?
22:46 asciilifeform so he could have as 'easily' grown taller as learned to enjoy slaving.
22:46 mircea_popescu this is posited but not proven.
22:46 asciilifeform hard to ~prove~ a could-have about corpse, neh
22:47 mircea_popescu well... so then why do we care.
22:49 asciilifeform imho it is an interesting question - was rodger a terminal case.
22:50 asciilifeform mircea_popescu's commentary suggested that there was some... 'place' for him, that he could have learned to live in
22:50 mircea_popescu not so. i don't believe he biologically had a complete set of mechanisms. there was nothign for him.
22:50 asciilifeform the 'ought to have learned to kiss shoes' thing suggested otherwise.
22:51 asciilifeform but ok.
22:51 mircea_popescu nevertheless, for another in his position but not with his condition, the solutions would have been plurious, from the prostration onwards.
22:51 asciilifeform how might one end up 'in his position but not with his condition' ?
22:52 asciilifeform i am having problem picturing this.
22:53 mircea_popescu now that i do not know.
22:53 mircea_popescu but bad parenting perhaps ?
22:54 asciilifeform this would put in the 'condition' neh?
22:54 mircea_popescu neh.
22:54 mircea_popescu bad parenting is mere nurture
22:56 asciilifeform bad parenting enlarges natural fissures, if you will, often to some quite impressive dr. mengele results.
22:57 mircea_popescu maybe.
23:01 asciilifeform if mircea_popescu had written that rodgier ought to have ~been buggered~, or enslaved by arabs, or similar, i would have no dispute. but it is just as fantastic to posit schmuck going into pederasty willingly, as to picture him growing taller by effort of will
23:02 mircea_popescu this is posited but not proven.
23:02 asciilifeform esp. considering that his most grotesque, as far as i can see , defect, was precisely atrophied will.
23:03 asciilifeform (will, i am quite convinced, is an organ, no less so than memory)
23:03 phf well, guy was pathological, but perhaps the idea is that people with lesser manifestations of similar issues should considering serving
23:04 phf he couldn't talk to girls, ok, but he could talk to those same guys that he hated.
23:06 asciilifeform phf: but they did not, going by the telling, hate ~him~
23:06 mircea_popescu so ?
23:06 asciilifeform duded don't really come equipped with this circuit that turns on, in dan mocsny's words, 'motorized statue' mode when within 100 metres of a rodgier
23:06 asciilifeform *dudes
23:06 phf asciilifeform: right, but if he recognized them as his betters, he could learn from them is my point, by talking to them, by "serving" them, etc.
23:07 asciilifeform possibly
23:08 phf instead he hated them, precisely because he thought that he's no worse. it's all through his narrative "girls dig cruel people" and all that stuff. the idea of, say, learning to become cruel (accepting his modality) somehow didn't really enter his mind
23:08 asciilifeform though it is not as if young boys are apt to take 'apprentices'
23:08 asciilifeform 'hey gurlz, just ignore this short ugly dude following me around watching, he's my understudy' ?
23:09 mircea_popescu the notion that "he's no worse" is certainly the largest part of the problem. how the utter fuck is he no worse ? he's the absolute worst.
23:09 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i actually did that. they did ignore.
23:09 mircea_popescu guy saw tits for the first time in lyf!
23:09 BingoBoingo ;;later tell adlai You work step 1 yet?
23:09 gribble The operation succeeded.
23:09 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: interesting! what became of apprentice ?
23:09 mircea_popescu nothing.
23:09 mircea_popescu and i did not say understudy ; i said dog.
23:10 asciilifeform as in the 4-legged kind ?
23:10 mircea_popescu well yeah.
23:10 asciilifeform try it with a human dog.
23:10 mircea_popescu huh ?!
23:10 asciilifeform well, a rodgier on a leash, or sumthing
23:11 mircea_popescu yes dawg. ugly, pockmarked, hunchback kid with poor hygiene habits.
23:11 mircea_popescu i told him to touch nothing and speak not a word lest i behead him ; girls wanted to know who's that and i said pay no mind whatsoever, i got a new dog.
23:11 asciilifeform ah so 2-legged.
23:12 mircea_popescu it did exactly nothing either way.
23:12 asciilifeform how did mr. dog merit this 'treat' ?
23:12 mircea_popescu i dun exactly recall ; something about whining about very rodgeresque matters within earshot.
23:13 * asciilifeform brb, food
23:14 phf mircea_popescu: i misplaced my eulora account, can i get a password reset?
23:14 mircea_popescu blrightht
23:14 phf it's for a good cause
23:15 mircea_popescu
23:19 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> if mircea_popescu had written that rodgier ought to have ~been buggered~, or enslaved by arabs, or similar, i would have no dispute. but it is just as fantastic to posit schmuck going into pederasty willingly, as to picture him growing taller by effort of will << He probably would enthusiastically have embraced getting buggered if he was a level 70 chocolate elfhole while recieving buggery
23:21 phf it sort of works, doesn't load any textures though. i'm going to push the update to the scripts, but i won't be able to look at it proper for another couple of weeks
23:26 mircea_popescu PeterL ^ if that helps.
23:32 BingoBoingo That's a pretty good looking horror game there
23:34 phf i think it might be failing to pick up eulora specific assets
23:35 BingoBoingo "I left around the beginning of August. This was my first time traveling alone, and I didn’t know what to expect. Father signed me up to have supervised travel assistance to help me along the way, otherwise I would get lost in the airport." << LOL Airport Special ED!
23:38 mircea_popescu oya.
23:38 mircea_popescu hey, some airports were designed by the mentally retarded
23:38 mircea_popescu de gaulle first on the fucking list
23:42 BingoBoingo I don't airport.
23:49 deedbot << Trilema - The Story of Elliot Rodger. By Elliot Rodger. Adnotated. Part Five.
23:53 phf he's like an incredibly dull, millenial take on a gothic hero, a modern day maldoror
23:57 BingoBoingo phf: The pollsters say millenials are actually not fucking very much. Too much world of snapchat.
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