Results 1 ... 250 found in all logged channels for 'from:fluffypony' |

2016-03-24 fluffypony otherwise you learn nothing and you're forever forced to wallow in your own ignorance #trilema
2016-03-24 fluffypony sorry but the rule is you have to read the logs, no exceptions #trilema
2016-03-24 fluffypony the WoT is a benevolent god #trilema
2016-03-24 fluffypony I think other people would counterbalance the ratings if it came down to that #trilema
2016-03-23 fluffypony you're on a list! #trilema
2016-03-23 fluffypony but still #trilema
2016-03-23 fluffypony ok you're the only one there #trilema
2016-03-23 fluffypony nubbins`: I've added you to my Official 2016 T-shirt Printer List #trilema
2016-03-18 fluffypony AC will just annoy you #trilema
2016-03-18 fluffypony yeah DC will kill you #trilema
2016-03-13 fluffypony lol #trilema
2016-03-13 fluffypony well you can build iOS apps on just about everything, so you can't get away from that #trilema
2016-03-13 fluffypony lulling him into a false sense of security #trilema
2016-03-13 fluffypony danielpbarron: it's his strategy #trilema
2016-03-12 fluffypony I can trigger it on my wife's phone, but I have to put on an accent :-P #trilema
2016-03-12 fluffypony punkman: that doesn't work anymore, with iOS 9 it does reasonable voice recognition #trilema
2016-03-11 fluffypony I have no words #trilema
2016-03-11 fluffypony #trilema
2016-03-10 fluffypony all rational, thinking people have known this to be the expected outcome from the very beginning #trilema
2016-03-10 fluffypony kodemurani: this is not new information #trilema
2016-03-10 fluffypony most people building crap on top of "a blockchain" have no idea why they're doing so #trilema
2016-03-10 fluffypony and I asked them why they were building on Ethereum, and despite much hand-waving they couldn't give me an actual reason #trilema
2016-03-10 fluffypony davout: I made that exact argument at a meetup in Berlin last year where someone presented some junk they're building on Ethereum #trilema
2016-03-09 fluffypony #trilema
2016-03-09 fluffypony yeah, seemed a colossal waste of time in the end #trilema
2016-03-09 fluffypony yeah #trilema
2016-03-09 * fluffypony has a vague recollection #trilema
2016-03-09 fluffypony wasn't he the headhunter trying to hire staff for everyone? #trilema
2016-03-09 fluffypony I dunno #trilema
2016-03-09 fluffypony I generally agree with the "don't be a giant douchenozzle" principle, and as long as employees are operating in any capacity representing one of my companies they don't have permission to be a giant douchenozzle on my behalf (what they do in their own time and of their own volition I don't care about) #trilema
2016-03-09 fluffypony BingoBoingo: we signed it by show of hands - it was just a commitment to encourage tolerance and respect in the ecosystem, and if any of our employees overstep that we will reprimand them #trilema
2016-03-08 fluffypony my wife breaks my joystick like all the time #trilema
2016-03-08 * fluffypony sings #trilema
2016-03-08 fluffypony quelle triste destinée! #trilema
2016-03-08 fluffypony best read consecutively or in conjunction #trilema
2016-03-08 fluffypony this one: #trilema
2016-03-08 fluffypony no, it's a review of the Bitcoin Sidechains whitepaper #trilema
2016-03-08 fluffypony mircea_popescu: which thing? #trilema
2016-03-08 fluffypony sure, but what if that's just a blatant rip off of this: #trilema
2016-03-08 fluffypony Jorge Stolfi at his best #trilema
2016-03-08 fluffypony #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony but a question of whether or not he was invited #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony I don't think there was a question of whether or not he would come #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony this one was in Sandpiper Bay in Florida #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony first one was on an island #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony mostly in the context of "we should have invited him to add a voice to this, but I doubt he'd come to the USA" #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony mircea_popescu came up a couple of times #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony equal parts interesting and frustrating #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony I'm not kicking anything, I just find it amusing #trilema
2016-03-05 * fluffypony chuckles #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony ah yes, the asciilifeform "everything is bad except this hardware thing I've been working on for 4 years and still can't finish" argument #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony fin. #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony so your argument adds an astonishingly nonsensical case that presents dubious privacy risks #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony for everyone else your special case doesn't apply #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony so in this one special case you have to maybe blacklist outputs and not mix with them #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony sure #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony so there's a bucket of tens of thousands of outputs, and you routinely reveal outputs, so there's a 100% chance you're going to mix with a previously revealed output? #trilema
2016-03-05 * fluffypony lols #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony there's absolutely nothing fancy about this #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony consider what the chance is of you mixing with an output you've already revealed to an attacker #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony but you can blacklist those outputs in your personal capacity #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony yes - so in any future transaction if you happen to use the same output in a ring then one of those is out #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony if you reveal it then you reveal which of the outputs was really yours #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony so if an input appears to come from 20 outputs on the blockchain there is an equiprobable chance that each of those 20 outputs is the real one #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony so then you understand that the ring signatures are only on inputs #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony really, in 30 seconds? #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony READ THE WHITEPAPER #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony dude #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony (by nothing I mean its effects are cryptographically negligible) #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony unless you're in the habit of publicly revealing this information for all your transactions it does nothing #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony there's actual maths in it #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony seriously, read the whitepaper #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony all it does is allow a recreation of the key images for that transaction in order to verify that you actually created it #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony you have multiple options, the easiest of which is reveal the private key for that transaction #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony RingCT obscures transaction amounts, that's in MRL5 #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony definitions of both of those terms are in the whitepaper #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony stealth addresses provide unlinkability, ring signatures provide untraceability #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony they're in the whitepaper #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony but you asked for proofs #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony nobody said there was #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony the MRL1, MRL4, and MRL5 papers are most relevant to the more enhancements we've made or are making #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony proofs are at the end #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony and the original CryptoNote whitepaper: #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony asciilifeform: #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony asciilifeform: by removing the ability for miners to identify your transaction without, say, compromising your machine #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony but as to whether they can tell if a transaction is yours, yes, that's something we solve #trilema
2016-03-05 fluffypony punkman: miners can block whatever they want #trilema
2016-03-03 fluffypony and "Galvin" Andresen #trilema
2016-03-03 fluffypony it's a davout: #trilema
2016-02-29 fluffypony #trilema
2016-02-29 fluffypony btw did anyone else notice that RealSolid is back? #trilema
2016-02-29 fluffypony Bitcoin should switch to the Timekoin codebase #trilema
2016-02-29 fluffypony everything should just be written in PHP #trilema
2016-02-29 fluffypony ben_vulpes: because PHP is secure and easy to use #trilema
2016-02-23 fluffypony no, you're a profiteer #trilema
2016-02-20 fluffypony :( #trilema
2016-02-19 fluffypony asciilifeform: well he has to write the notes down somewhere #trilema
2016-02-12 fluffypony polarbeard: I once met <insert name here> #trilema
2016-02-12 fluffypony polarbeard: point #trilema
2016-02-12 fluffypony mircea_popescu: he said he wanted to be famous, so I was namedropping his name like he's famous :) #trilema
2016-02-12 fluffypony I was joking - he wanted to be famous, so I was name-dropping #trilema
2016-02-12 fluffypony oh #trilema
2016-02-12 fluffypony mircea_popescu: where was what? #trilema
2016-02-12 fluffypony ask Tom #trilema
2016-02-12 fluffypony he's chill af #trilema
2016-02-12 fluffypony you know guys, I once met polarbeard #trilema
2016-02-12 fluffypony polarbeard: your wish has been granted! #trilema
2016-02-12 fluffypony hence the pseudo :-P #trilema
2016-02-09 fluffypony shinohai: hah hah, me too #trilema
2016-02-09 fluffypony hah hah, 10/10 #trilema
2016-02-09 * fluffypony clicks #trilema
2016-02-07 fluffypony "It's not clear why WhatsApp settled on the oddly specific number, but it'll be good news for those users for whom 100 just wasn't big enough." #trilema
2016-02-07 fluffypony #trilema
2016-02-06 fluffypony I'm basically addicted to Asphalt 8 #trilema
2016-02-06 fluffypony and so on #trilema
2016-02-06 fluffypony "And in those days god spake unto Terry. And he said unto him: 'Terry', for that was name. And he proceeded to say: 'Terry, we need to talk about Windows.'" #trilema
2016-02-06 fluffypony danielpbarron: duh, he's quoting 1 Terry 7:38 #trilema
2016-02-01 fluffypony :-P #trilema
2016-02-01 fluffypony no you're only pretending, now we know the truth #trilema
2016-02-01 fluffypony [01:29:21] <JackH>he seems quite certain of himself and even writes that he refuses to accept it wont work #trilema
2016-02-01 fluffypony [01:29:45] <JackH>in his universe, his words are absolute - its quite funny to read #trilema
2016-02-01 fluffypony [01:51:12] <psztorc>JackH: He does that on purpose, to manipulate the type of people who choose to read his blog. #trilema
2016-02-01 fluffypony [01:51:34] <psztorc>The secret is that he isn't arrogant at all -- only pretending. #trilema
2016-02-01 fluffypony sorry mircea_popescu, your secret is out #trilema
2016-01-29 fluffypony best military manual ever: #trilema
2016-01-29 fluffypony for anyone reading the logs I apologise for not providing a trigger warning #trilema
2016-01-29 fluffypony you're right, this is a safe space #trilema
2016-01-29 fluffypony have you tried maybe not kissing the computer? #trilema
2016-01-29 fluffypony lol #trilema
2016-01-28 * fluffypony makes joke #trilema
2016-01-28 fluffypony well to be fair, it is only "pretty good" #trilema
2016-01-25 fluffypony #trilema
2016-01-25 fluffypony clearly his language preference is BrainFuck #trilema
2016-01-25 fluffypony truly one of the great minds of this generation #trilema
2016-01-23 fluffypony heh #trilema
2016-01-23 fluffypony with the candlestick? #trilema
2016-01-20 fluffypony if there's a contentious fork then Bitcoin Core will fork to change the PoW #trilema
2016-01-20 fluffypony #trilema
2016-01-19 fluffypony oh I lie, he's not, but he's in #kovri-dev #trilema
2016-01-19 fluffypony he's in #monero via the irc2p relay #trilema
2016-01-19 fluffypony Tor says unable to connect #trilema
2016-01-19 fluffypony copypaste: nope, what is it? #trilema
2016-01-19 fluffypony he's not working for me, he's working with us :) #trilema
2016-01-19 fluffypony oh he's awesome #trilema
2016-01-19 fluffypony copypaste: psi? #trilema
2016-01-16 fluffypony godspeed, and good luck #trilema
2016-01-16 fluffypony you're on your own #trilema
2016-01-16 fluffypony nobody #trilema
2016-01-16 fluffypony nobody knows #trilema
2016-01-16 fluffypony #trilema
2016-01-16 fluffypony thestringpuller: exactly, only white Europeans are racist #trilema
2016-01-16 fluffypony :-P #trilema
2016-01-16 fluffypony #TRIGGERWARNING #trilema
2016-01-16 fluffypony copypaste: b) applies to Monero, and has applied to Monero for the past 20 months, so there's that #trilema
2016-01-16 fluffypony #trilema
2016-01-16 fluffypony let's be fair, though, the chances of Monero ever becoming the largest cryptocurrency is about the same as the chances of mircea_popescu secretly being a woman all along #trilema
2016-01-16 * fluffypony tries to find the Highlander theme song #trilema
2016-01-16 fluffypony mircea_popescu: they're welcome to want whatever they'd like, and we're welcome to disregard their "feelings" #trilema
2016-01-16 fluffypony or improbable #trilema
2016-01-16 fluffypony that's physically impossible #trilema
2016-01-16 fluffypony copypaste: how would that work #trilema
2016-01-16 fluffypony adlai: we'll probably move to annual later on, but yes #trilema
2016-01-16 fluffypony frikkin annoying #trilema
2016-01-16 fluffypony adlai: I've also been receiving those Ethereum spam messages #trilema
2016-01-16 * fluffypony has been pinged #trilema
2016-01-16 fluffypony BitCattle #trilema
2016-01-16 fluffypony we only trade in cattle here #trilema
2016-01-16 fluffypony lol BingoBoingo #trilema
2016-01-14 fluffypony BingoBoingo: he's the exception to the rule, you also get the occasional light-skinned Nigerian :) #trilema
2016-01-14 fluffypony yeah #trilema
2016-01-14 fluffypony to a South African most "African Americans" look mixed-race #trilema
2016-01-14 fluffypony but in a movie where a small green hobbit-creature is a major star, I don't know if that counts #trilema
2016-01-14 fluffypony punkman: Lando Calrissian was the only memorable on-screen black character, tho #trilema
2016-01-14 fluffypony #GunganLivesMatter #trilema
2016-01-14 fluffypony "there weren't enough Gungans in the original trilogy!" #trilema
2016-01-14 fluffypony but they had a bunch of aliens, so it's a dumb argument #trilema
2016-01-14 fluffypony I guess the running joke is that most of the films only had 1 (visible) black actor/actress #trilema
2016-01-14 fluffypony yeah, that's why I said I doubt many people knew that Darth Vader's voice was a black guy #trilema
2016-01-14 fluffypony and in the prequels there was Samuel L Jackson #trilema
2016-01-14 fluffypony I mean James Earl Jones, not David Prowse #trilema
2016-01-14 fluffypony but I doubt many people knew it #trilema
2016-01-14 fluffypony David Prowse was black #trilema
2016-01-14 fluffypony it kinda did #trilema
2016-01-14 fluffypony well #trilema
2016-01-14 fluffypony and he's black as night #trilema
2016-01-14 fluffypony Billy Dee Williams (who played Lando Calrissian) was in Empire Strikes Back and in Return of the Jedi #trilema
2016-01-04 fluffypony and here I thought a Dutch oven was when you farted under the blankets #trilema
2016-01-04 fluffypony hashtag poniesforchange #trilema
2016-01-04 fluffypony I want to represent myself as a strong black woman pony #trilema
2016-01-04 fluffypony I'm so glad, I was worried there wouldn't be a way to change the colour of the pony emoji #trilema
2016-01-02 fluffypony #trilema
2016-01-01 fluffypony 1 out of 1 punkmans agree #trilema
2015-12-29 fluffypony my sincere condolences #trilema
2015-12-29 fluffypony #trilema
2015-12-29 fluffypony you made the list! congratulations #trilema
2015-12-29 fluffypony davout #trilema
2015-12-28 fluffypony right after I file to be recognised as a "thought leader" #trilema
2015-12-28 fluffypony omg I'm going to apply for that #trilema
2015-12-28 fluffypony if it's not Monte-sorry it's not worth talking about #trilema
2015-12-28 fluffypony /ragequit #trilema
2015-12-28 fluffypony so l33t his password is 1337 #trilema
2015-12-28 fluffypony A CASCADIAN HAXXER #trilema
2015-12-28 fluffypony mats: didn't you have a small hedge against your bet? #trilema
2015-12-24 fluffypony it's still going? who knew #trilema
2015-12-23 fluffypony wut #trilema
2015-12-23 fluffypony #trilema
2015-12-16 fluffypony json rpc api compatibility, I guess #trilema
2015-12-16 fluffypony #trilema
2015-12-16 fluffypony kakobrekla: that's a PR overstatement, it's the Conformal / btcd guys #trilema
2015-12-11 fluffypony not enough wine #trilema
2015-12-11 * fluffypony can't parse that sentence #trilema
2015-12-11 fluffypony so I think it's more to "encourage unity" or something equally stupid #trilema
2015-12-11 fluffypony adlai: you can disable subreddit styles, and mobile clients like Alien Blue ignore styling anyway #trilema
2015-12-10 fluffypony yup #trilema
2015-12-10 fluffypony no more hard forks ever, and you have thousands of useless zombie nodes #trilema
2015-12-10 fluffypony and then in the old chain we just store pointers to data in the new chain #trilema
2015-12-10 fluffypony every time there's a new feature we just create a new separate chain #trilema
2015-12-10 fluffypony punkman I have an idea #trilema
2015-12-09 fluffypony #trilema
2015-12-09 fluffypony mircea_popescu: pretty sure that was a joke #trilema
2015-12-07 fluffypony #trilema
2015-12-07 fluffypony lol #trilema
2015-12-07 fluffypony [11:03:56] <+davout>i know folks with 4-digit btc that also 'invested' in ethereum... <- a fool and his money... #trilema
2015-12-06 fluffypony Plus they sound like they're in Fawlty Towers the way they say it #trilema
2015-12-06 fluffypony pete_dushenski: I agree #trilema
2015-11-30 fluffypony #trilema
2015-11-26 fluffypony #trilema
2015-11-26 fluffypony making sure they don't run dangerous programs like the AMD CCC #trilema
2015-11-26 fluffypony jurov: Microsoft is just looking out for its users #trilema
2015-11-25 fluffypony #trilema
2015-11-22 fluffypony :-P #trilema
2015-11-22 fluffypony ORDER BY last_disgusted_date DESC; #trilema
2015-11-22 fluffypony SELECT * FROM kakobrekla_brain WHERE is_disgusting=1; #trilema
2015-11-22 fluffypony kakobrekla: I write raw queries a few times a week #trilema
2015-11-14 fluffypony "First time since 1945 that France has declared a nationwide state of emergency. Means state can control the press and enter private homes at any time (according to the French Government website)" #trilema
2015-11-14 fluffypony also they declared a state of emergency for the first time in decades #trilema
2015-11-14 fluffypony punkman: yeah it's crazy #trilema
2015-11-09 fluffypony also this: #trilema
2015-11-09 fluffypony #trilema
2015-11-09 fluffypony humanity is the world's worst startup, then :-P #trilema
2015-11-09 fluffypony lol #trilema
2015-11-08 fluffypony #trilema
2015-11-08 fluffypony #trilema
2015-11-06 fluffypony unhackable of course #trilema
2015-11-04 fluffypony lol #trilema
2015-11-04 fluffypony cray cray #trilema
2015-11-04 fluffypony "32 people died (and a lot more in critical condition) because of a fire in a club last Friday. The problem is that the the local authorities allowed that club to function without even the most basic fire-precaution measures, which essentially led to the fire and that many victims (150 injured and as i said before quite a few in critical condition). With a bit of a bribe you can do anything in Romania." #trilema
2015-11-04 fluffypony #trilema
2015-11-04 fluffypony wow major protests happening in Romania #trilema
2015-11-02 fluffypony that is awesome #trilema
