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← 2014-08-28 | 2014-08-30 →
00:00 asciilifeform ;;google project sanguine
00:00 gribble Project Sanguine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Sanguine>; BLDGBLOG: Project Sanguine and the Dead Hand: <http://bldgblog.blogspot.com/2013/01/project-sanguine-and-dead-hand.html>; the world's largest “radio” station - UW High Energy Physics: <http://www.hep.wisc.edu/~prepost/ELF.pdf>
00:00 decimation asciilifeform: that 'websdr' page allows you to listen to existing elf/vlf transmitters like DHO38 (it comes in loud and strong) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VLF_transmitter_DHO38
00:00 assbot VLF transmitter DHO38 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
00:01 decimation decoding the enciphered stream is an exercise for the interested reader :)
00:04 BingoBoingo http://trilema.com/2012/orgia-studenteasca/ << Grammar here is very... "Gymnastic"
00:04 assbot Orgia studenteasca pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
00:07 decimation asciilifeform: there's also the "HAARP" http://vlf.stanford.edu/pubs/multi-hop-whistler-mode-elfvlf-signals-and-triggered-emissions-excited-haarp-hf-heater
00:07 assbot Multi-hop whistler-mode ELF/VLF signals and triggered emissions excited by the HAARP HF heater | Stanford VLF Group
00:07 asciilifeform HAARP << defunct, if i recall
00:07 asciilifeform ^ was used at least as much for academwankage as for any military purpose.
00:07 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo indeed.
00:07 decimation asciilifeform: yes, I think you are right http://www.arrl.org/news/haarp-facility-shuts-down << hams hated it because of the HF spam
00:07 assbot HAARP Facility Shuts Down
00:07 * asciilifeform once inhabited an office with a mostly complete set of haarp manuals
00:08 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> ^ was used at least as much for academwankage as for any military purpose. << Academewagen
00:10 decimation "HAARP put the world on notice two years ago that it would be shutting down and did not submit a budget request for FY 15, Keeney said, “but no one paid any attention.” Now, he says, they’re complaining. “People came unglued,” Keeney said, noting that he’s already had inquiries from Congress. Universities that depended upon HAARP research grants also are upset, he said."
00:10 decimation "we deserve free money in exchange for derp"
00:10 asciilifeform decimation: more like 'mr derp's corner derp shop remains funded, why not us'
00:14 asciilifeform ;;google golden fleece award
00:14 gribble Golden Fleece Award - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Fleece_Award>; William Proxmire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Proxmire>; What Proxmire's Golden fleece Did For--And To--Science | The ...: <http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/10030/title/What-Proxmire-s-Golden-fleece-Did-For (1 more message)
00:16 decimation perhaps said Congressmen could find a few hundred welfare recipients of various kinds to give up their benefits for ionospheric research
00:16 asciilifeform lol
00:17 asciilifeform usa is a circus for the eternal war between welfare leeches with degrees and ones without
00:17 mircea_popescu ^
00:18 decimation of course I would rank haarp research far above most social science derpage, at least they are building stuff, trying ideas
00:18 asciilifeform built. tried.
00:18 decimation good point.
00:19 asciilifeform it was also good flypaper for envirowhiners
00:19 decimation like all gov't programs, nothing ever dies
00:19 asciilifeform who were freed up now to climatederp
00:20 asciilifeform (idea of pumping the ionosphere to solve the 'mains socket in your pocket' problem is quite old. dates to at least n. tesla.)
00:20 decimation the us is too poor to afford leeches who climatederp all day
00:21 decimation the ionosphere is a worthy research target, I'm just not sure a giant HF transmitter will help much in unraveling its secrets
00:22 penguirker New blog post: http://www.bcoinnews.com/btc-e-bitcoin-exchange-security/
00:23 asciilifeform electric airplane, laser pistol, etc. would be neat.
00:24 decimation it's just too bad that batteries are so terrible
00:24 asciilifeform arguably even the concept of a 'good' battery has fundamental problems
00:24 asciilifeform (fast discharge - explode.)
00:25 asciilifeform the one known solution is called... fuels.
00:25 asciilifeform we use them.
00:26 decimation yeah it's hard to get much more 'nano' than ripping apart hydrocarbons for energy
00:27 asciilifeform not a 'sexy' answer. no grantola for decimation.
00:28 decimation I once spoke with an ee prof who explained that he had to justify his error correction/information theory research in terms of helping poor minorities
00:29 asciilifeform never read grant applications. 'you can't unread it.'
00:29 decimation one wonders about the brain-damaged minions employed by usg to oversee such things
00:30 asciilifeform the braindamage is baked in. a hypothetical set of intelligent minions would just despair and fellate their pistols.
00:31 decimation or take a well-paid sinecure in 'industry'
00:31 mircea_popescu <decimation> the us is too poor to afford leeches who climatederp all day << they doin';t really cost as much as all that.
00:31 decimation mircea_popescu: in the 'street beggar' sense?
00:32 mircea_popescu decimation suppose you meet one of them, and you really like each other.
00:32 mircea_popescu can she afford to come over for a fuck ?
00:32 decimation so their cost is well distributed among the population (group)
00:33 mircea_popescu seems to me if she can't even afford to get fucked she must be pretty damned cheap.
00:33 mircea_popescu self-projected pretense to the contrary notwithstanding
00:34 mircea_popescu (and for a needed counterbalance in all the "onoes pesos" derpage : argentinian hipster chick - mostly can)
00:34 decimation I suspect half of the 'occupy' protesters were either unpaid 'interns' or students living on mommy's stipend
00:34 asciilifeform can she afford to come over for a fuck >> in usa, transport is massively subsidized (see earlier discussions re: silicon valley & slave labour for why)
00:34 mircea_popescu asciilifeform only justified transport.
00:34 asciilifeform so pretty much everyone imagines that they merit a personal box on wheels, and carries on living the pretense
00:35 ben_vulpes these wheelboxen drive me insane
00:35 decimation usg does much to encourage this notion among the masses
00:35 ben_vulpes get on a bike.
00:35 ben_vulpes push your meat around.
00:35 ben_vulpes quit wasting precious hydrocarbons ffs
00:35 asciilifeform to the point that, ask american, what he will do immediately prior to starving, he'll answer - 'live in car'
00:35 asciilifeform this scenario actually plays out routinely
00:35 decimation definitely, it's easy to find 'car bums'
00:36 asciilifeform in that folks will liquidate their dwelling, clothes, etc. - to fuel the beast.
00:36 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i saw this yes.
00:36 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: a transition in the lifecycle
00:36 asciilifeform (for the psychiatric rumunations re: how & why - straight to herr orlov)
00:37 asciilifeform there even exist special grounds devoted to shanty towns where people live in (normally engine-less) trailers.
00:37 decimation there is something deeply weird about the average usian's compunction to get in a car to go 1/2 mile
00:38 decimation like, the entire population is ready for some weird road warrior future maybe?
00:38 asciilifeform war - required fuel.
00:39 * asciilifeform can't help but remember that atrocious film, where the last remaining tanker, still full, inhabited by motorcycle (!) gang, which smokes.
00:40 asciilifeform ^ 'water world.'
00:40 decimation heh that was a terrible movie, vague remember that part.
00:41 decimation I remember when that movie came out it was big news how terrible it was
00:41 decimation somehow all the terrible movies today don't make the same news
00:41 asciilifeform i vaguely recall that it broke records for cost
00:42 decimation "nobody knows anything"
00:42 decimation indeed http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_expensive_films
00:42 assbot List of most expensive films - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
00:43 decimation at least 80% of the movies on that list are turds. goes to show that money doesn't buy shit in hollywood
00:44 asciilifeform in modern usa, any 'mega-project' - whether film, golden airplane, whatever - is at least partially a 'laundry.'
00:46 decimation http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/how-marvel-became-envy-scourge-720363
00:46 assbot How Marvel Became the Envy (and Scourge) of Hollywood
00:46 asciilifeform mike church was ripped a new arse here, but he had a good piece on how such 'laundries' work
00:46 decimation "Then came one of the most spectacular eight-film runs in history, with a combined gross of $6.1 billion for Marvel Studios movies. But the 71-year-old Perlmutter hasn't mellowed. Under his tightfisted management, Marvel has become one of the most admired, envied and, in some quarters, resented entertainment companies. The 300-employee outfit has thrived despite insistence on ever-stricter creative controls and a reputation for
00:46 decimation extreme cheapness that strikes many accustomed to old-school industry dealings as disrespectful."
00:47 asciilifeform e.g., a faux 'startup' will distribute bezzlars by creating 'leadership positions' for high-born idiots to occupy
00:47 decimation asciilifeform: the purpose being to attract more bezzle funding?
00:47 asciilifeform why the latter can't draw the bezzlars straight from the 'printing press' - ask them, not me
00:48 asciilifeform purpose is to 'wash' the bezzlars and maintain 'merit' illusion for the lumpens to swallow
00:48 asciilifeform at least, according to church
00:48 asciilifeform (i haven't a more parsimonious hypothesis)
00:48 decimation which would partially explain why the midwestern kulaks flock to silicon valley to pay to work for google et. al.
00:50 decimation "Perlmutter is not featured on Disney's website (conversely, the heads of its Pixar and Lucasfilm divisions are), but he has shown no sign of relaxing on fiscal control simply because Marvel has become part of a big conglomerate. "
00:50 asciilifeform http://michaelochurch.wordpress.com/2014/06/09/silicon-valley-and-the-rise-of-the-disneypreneur << that one
00:50 assbot Silicon Valley and the Rise of the Disneypreneur | Michael O. Church
00:50 asciilifeform or maybe it was another
00:50 decimation Taleb would probably say that being cheap is antifragile, the less you spend the lower your risk and the more likely random events will pay off
00:51 decimation asciilifeform: it's a good theory, but it pretty much goes along the lines of "you go to harvard so you can be roommates with the billionaires' son"
00:53 asciilifeform church's version is more like 'you go to harvard if you're the billionaire's son and need to be merit-washed before being awarded your crown grant - or if you're an idiot, took bait, had parents with good credit'
00:54 asciilifeform 'merit-washing' is a real thing, even if herr church pulled it fortuitously out of own arse
00:54 asciilifeform consider the career of, e.g, senator j. mccain.
00:55 decimation he was in some ways fortunate to end up in the hanoi hilton
00:55 asciilifeform rumour has it that he crashed virtually every machine he had the misfortune to sit in
00:55 asciilifeform and may even have destroyed a ship (own goal)
00:56 decimation unsurprising given his obviously random & hotheaded nature
00:58 asciilifeform a more fanciful rumour is that the character 'launchpad mcquack' in disney's 'duck tales' cartoon - who crashes every machine he sits in - was based on herr mccain.
00:58 decimation "Their [VC's] ability to coast, and to fund suboptimal founders, rests on the fact that no one is paying attention to whether they do their jobs well, the assumption being that we (technologists) will stay on their manor, passively keeping our heads down and saying, “politics is someone else’s job; I just want to solve hard problems.”"
00:58 asciilifeform though he doesn't appear as a commander
00:58 decimation asciilifeform: I hadn't heard that one, hilarious
00:59 asciilifeform church (evidently in some other piece, forget which) likens the vc circus to the process whereby american 'pop musicians' are industrially manufactured by, among other outfits, disney corp.
00:59 decimation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1967_USS_Forrestal_fire << LOL I didn't realize it was Mccain's plane that fired the missile
00:59 assbot 1967 USS Forrestal fire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
01:00 asciilifeform where a well-born (though not always - gotta have the lumpenbait) hack is carefully groomed, lipstick is put on the sow, is heavily advertised, 'a star' is made
01:00 decimation groomers rake in bank over the hype and then move on...
01:01 asciilifeform and in the process, 'merit-washed' bezzlars are distributed into the preordained pockets.
01:02 asciilifeform this is how the anglo 'nobility' solved the primogeniture problem.
01:02 asciilifeform they don't bequeath their fortunes/lands/etc in the traditional way
01:03 decimation oh I misread the wiki article, mccain's plane was the probable 'victim'
01:03 asciilifeform (and were happy to have this taxed out of existence to zap the 'middle')
01:04 decimation asciilifeform: so you are saying that the landed barons would 'ensure' that their eldest sons were worthy - or fail to inherit?
01:05 asciilifeform different point - that the modern 'nobles' finessed the problem of having a finite fiefdom to bequeath
01:05 asciilifeform (and necessarily subdivide into insignificance or follow primogeniture)
01:06 asciilifeform problem is solved using a device called a bezzlar.
01:06 mircea_popescu *BingoBoingo wonders as a lifelong USian what professions might exist in actual economies <<< here's one. while sitting idly after a dinner of delicious empanadas, i did the math with the girls. the profit selling them in the street (like people do)'d have been 5 to 10 pesos a pop. any one of them could have easily cleared 2-3-5k pesos a day, more than enough to live by.
01:06 asciilifeform and the above hypothesis concerns one of the mechanisms for disbursing bezzlars in a 'socially acceptable' way.
01:06 mircea_popescu there's no "profession" in the real world, just skill ability and utility.
01:08 asciilifeform decimation: are you surprised that the official story has mccain as a bystander ?
01:09 decimation asciilifeform: no, and all of the documentaries I've seen on the subject failed to mention his involvement
01:09 asciilifeform 'wouldn't do - polite society!'
01:11 decimation the thing is, Admiral McCain probably didn't have to issue any special instructions to 'finesse' the investigation, the investigators probably all thought it would be a brilliant plan
01:11 asciilifeform special instruction are rarely needed.
01:11 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: It's this sort of thing I've wondered about. The proverbial "hotdog stand" where a person serves good tacos al pastor or canitas in urbanity.
01:11 mircea_popescu yup
01:12 asciilifeform most muppets know just what to do, without being spoken to - like athletes on a multinational sporting team.
01:12 mircea_popescu and the thing is, if police hassles you, which is unlikely in the first place, yo ucan just give them one
01:12 mircea_popescu it's not a bribe per se. it';s a PROOF.
01:12 mircea_popescu ie, if your shit's good you can stay.
01:13 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-03-2014#546863
01:13 assbot Logged on 05-03-2014 02:01:37; asciilifeform: 'amer. gulag, 5 yrs on the starred-and-striped cot'
01:13 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-03-2014#546880
01:14 assbot Logged on 05-03-2014 02:05:11; asciilifeform: 'american does not believe the man in the uniform to be a bandit, with whom one can come to an understanding. he believes him to be a robot, who must be feared. american law enforcers are able to, by pressing on the keyboard of a multitude of laws and regulations, 'transmute' the most insignificant peccadillo into a monstrous deed. FBI did not need to beat up Monica or toss into her purse heroin or am
01:17 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Alternate idea is rent some space and run a "business center" where the presence of a Gringo can radiate Norte Americano sitcoinness upon their internet browsing
01:17 decimation working for the democratic police, democratic gov't, etc is always going to be a raw deal
01:18 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo doubt that'll work.
01:18 decimation if you actually have skills and are worth your wages, the lumpens will hate with envy. There's no one 'in charge' to decide who gets to be paid well and who gets to be fired
01:20 decimation mircea_popescu: your point a few days ago: how much would you have to pay your enemy to help you in a time of need is apropos
01:21 mircea_popescu tis a problme.
01:22 asciilifeform 'feminglish' has a term, 'frienemy', for what is essentially a symbiotic enemy. what's that? see, e.g., microshit bailing out apple corp. in the '90s.
01:22 asciilifeform this kind of 'enemy' - you pay, and cherish - because without him, nothing.
01:23 decimation asciilifeform: but microsoft only needed apple to save themselves from usg's monopoly busting agencies
01:23 asciilifeform not necessarily.
01:24 asciilifeform usg is learning the cost of letting its cherished frienemy pop
01:24 decimation what? the ukraine?
01:24 asciilifeform ussr
01:25 * asciilifeform recently ran into the fellow who once used to own the place he lives in. the man lamented how his belt tightened when ussr popped - was 'sovietologist' of a kind
01:25 decimation I suspect much of the upper dod management are 'old sovietologists'
01:26 decimation they were the least likely to find a 'job' in industry
01:26 asciilifeform but this connects here not from the starvation of 'sovietologists', but the dismal fate of every 'coke' who loses his 'pepsi'
01:26 asciilifeform the proverbial deer on the island where last wolf dies, etc.
01:27 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo doubt that'll work. << If anything seems like it has greater capitol requirements and a lesser return than slinging carnitas
01:28 decimation like haarp, the ussr provided a ready excuse for all kinds of usg spending
01:28 asciilifeform or, the traditional explanation for how italy went from an interesting place to pesthold (unification. warring states - think. unified empire - stagnates)
01:29 * asciilifeform might ruminate re: u.s. collapse as an autoimmune pathology, but must go to bed.
01:30 decimation yeah me too, but that's an interesting thought, and I think it is visible with this ukraine business
01:34 pete_dushenski !s migraine
01:34 assbot 6 results for 'migraine' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=migraine
01:35 pete_dushenski http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-08-2014#802814
01:35 assbot Logged on 20-08-2014 13:50:52; mircea_popescu: nubbins` reminds me of the woman that claimed she can'tr fuck because migraine
01:35 pete_dushenski so s/migraines with "sad" and "hormones"
01:36 pete_dushenski that card had been played before, and it had worked before
01:36 pete_dushenski but not ce soir.
01:36 pete_dushenski result? "i love you"
01:36 pete_dushenski win.
01:37 pete_dushenski it's like i'm becoming a man or something. feels good.
01:39 pete_dushenski decimation: mircea_popescu: growing up in the 90's I witnessed Brahmin culture shift from vaguely rock 'n roll to thug rap << now it's all skinny jeans, flanel shirts, piercings, tats, and drinking from mason jars
01:40 decimation pete_dushenski: which is interestingly close to 'redneck', generally the hipster's enemy
01:40 pete_dushenski it's definitely a hybrid between the two
01:41 pete_dushenski "now that mason jars are on top, now that my fellow executives and I are goddamn beverage conquistadors, we’re going to enjoy this cocaine-fueled rocket ride for as long as it lasts. I’m blasting off to fucking Mars, dicksuckers, and I’m headed straight through the belly of the goddamn sun!" - James E. Lillie, CEO, Ball Mason Jars
01:41 pete_dushenski http://www.theonion.com/articles/were-going-to-enjoy-this-cocainefueled-mason-jar-r,36779/
01:41 assbot Were Going To Enjoy This Cocaine-Fueled Mason Jar Rocket Ride For As Long As It Lasts | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
01:44 pete_dushenski ben_vulpes: all hail the benevolent socialist state of oregon << ontario, biggest province, has this as well. since gm and ford went to mexico this is the only thing keeping their head above water.
01:45 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: <BingoBoingo> Also ""WARNING: Do not attempt to take any firearm into Mexico << i carried a .45 all through the us customs, into mexico and back into europe. nobody gave a shit. << dayum. did they even check the chamber?
01:45 pete_dushenski well i guess there's xrays
01:47 midnightmagic flannel :)
01:49 penguirker New blog post: http://trilema.com/2014/of-mendacity-mold-bugs-and-other-things/
01:51 pete_dushenski ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: negrated him for pimping pirate << meh. i got the same shit from usagi. it's a badge of honour nao
01:54 pete_dushenski decimation: a more interesting question is: how does 'black music' go from louis armstrong to thug rap in 50 years? << dad, is that you in there?
01:55 pete_dushenski must've heard 1000x about "real black people's music"
01:56 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: ww2. most of the better frenchmen got shot. << i thought the point of surrendering was precisely so that this didn't happen, as it did in ww1, n'est pas?
02:02 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: inasmuch as bitcoin is a lot more fascist than stalin ever got... i guess prepare for a helluva lot o' love. << cuddles and hugs for everyone!
02:04 mircea_popescu lol
02:05 danielpbarron !up Beyond_Bitcoin
02:05 Beyond_Bitcoin what is bitcoin assets all about?
02:05 Beyond_Bitcoin there we go thats a good start ;)
02:05 mircea_popescu Beyond_Bitcoin bitcoin.
02:05 Beyond_Bitcoin cool you have a little freenode up and running
02:06 danielpbarron ;;rate Beyond_Bitcoin 1 https://twitter.com/Beyond_Bitcoin
02:06 assbot ben keyhotee (Beyond_Bitcoin) auf Twitter
02:06 gribble Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings.
02:06 Beyond_Bitcoin thanks for that, but i mean the "assets" part
02:07 danielpbarron a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality.
02:07 Beyond_Bitcoin with regard to bitcoin
02:08 danielpbarron things and people who are useful or valuable to bitcoin
02:08 Beyond_Bitcoin this is a cool little deal you've got going here
02:08 Beyond_Bitcoin i like the links up top to your blog(s)
02:09 danielpbarron what is beyond bitcoin?
02:10 Beyond_Bitcoin an umbrella term
02:10 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> or, the traditional explanation for how italy went from an interesting place to pesthold (unification. warring states - think. unified empire - stagnates) << this is not a very good explanation.
02:10 mircea_popescu the better explanation is that continental bureaucracy went from inept to able, and so the charles that once was content to just fuck the best whores in venice as a prize for his winnings
02:10 mircea_popescu soon decided he wants to administer the place instead.
02:11 Beyond_Bitcoin essentially it is a platform for low barrier to setting up/attending virtual event
02:11 Beyond_Bitcoin excuse me: Low barrier to entry*
02:11 pete_dushenski Beyond_Bitcoin: the barrier to entry isn't as low as it used to be
02:12 pete_dushenski #b-a now employs the +v model whereby you have to have a gpg registered identity and a rating from someone already in the club
02:12 TheNewDeal that's fluffypony's email << priceless
02:12 Beyond_Bitcoin we have a Mumble server setup so anyone can set up their own dev hangouts, meetups and other events...invite crypto-enthusiasts and journalists to attend the events, record in real time without paying entry fees or having to travel long distances
02:13 pete_dushenski Beyond_Bitcoin: and how's that going?
02:13 mircea_popescu mircea_popescu: ww2. most of the better frenchmen got shot. << i thought the point of surrendering was precisely so that this didn't happen, as it did in ww1, n'est pas? <<< maybe. who's to know.
02:13 pete_dushenski fair enough
02:13 Beyond_Bitcoin actually not bad. i personally focus on bitshares but the server is open to others who like different tech
02:14 RagnarDanneskjol oh no not bitshares
02:14 mircea_popescu !s bitshares
02:14 assbot 21 results for 'bitshares' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=bitshares
02:14 Beyond_Bitcoin actually bitshares itself is far better than most people think
02:14 danielpbarron https://twitter.com/Beyond_Bitcoin/status/504603208858488832
02:14 assbot /hashtag/BitsharesX?src=hash is proof that cryptocurrency developers have no grasp of basic economics.I'm kinda embarrassed for Larimer.
02:15 Beyond_Bitcoin actually daniel...thanks
02:15 Beyond_Bitcoin that link pretty much sums it up
02:16 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: have you read de maistre?
02:16 Beyond_Bitcoin link?
02:16 Beyond_Bitcoin i am not only talking about bitsharesx btw..
02:16 Beyond_Bitcoin it is important to make that distinction
02:16 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski have not
02:16 BingoBoingo Why all of this making logs when Imma trying to read Trilema?
02:16 mircea_popescu unless you mean lemaitre ?
02:17 Beyond_Bitcoin with that said, if you look at cryptocurrencies as towns...bitcoin is one of the only ones with any semblance of infrastructure that accepts it.
02:17 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: a i do not. i only ask because de maistre came up in britannica's articles on fascism.
02:17 Beyond_Bitcoin sure there are a few coins that have a few interesting ways of paying for stuff, but all altcoins are relatively "ghost towns"
02:18 Beyond_Bitcoin reallly have no reason to be valuable because they cannot really be easily transferred for services of value.
02:18 mircea_popescu <Beyond_Bitcoin> invite crypto-enthusiasts and journalists to attend the events, record in real time without paying entry fees or having to travel long distances <<< so was there an actual journalist ?
02:18 TheNewDeal it's better than shit?
02:18 Beyond_Bitcoin define "actual journalist"
02:19 mircea_popescu someone who doesn't write crap for free.
02:19 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski i guess now ima have to fill this hole.
02:20 Beyond_Bitcoin damn man...that is kind of tough. almost like diane feinstein saying "bloggers aren't journalists and shouldn't have 1st amendment protections"
02:20 mircea_popescu !s reutersemily
02:20 assbot 235 results for 'reutersemily' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=reutersemily
02:20 mircea_popescu i don't recall all the others. this chick stuck because she was uniquely sensible.
02:21 pete_dushenski "Maistre, writing in The St. Petersburg Dialogues that 'all power, all subordination rests on the executioner: he is the horror and the bond of human association. Remove this incomprehensible agent from the world, and the very moment order gives way to chaos, thrones topple, and society disappears.'"
02:21 mircea_popescu seems a tad rich.
02:22 pete_dushenski "De Maistre condemned the 18th-century Enlightenment for having subverted the dominance of traditional religion and traditional elites and paid homage to the public executioner as the protector of a divinely sanctioned social hierarchy."
02:22 Beyond_Bitcoin btw...love the name of your bot
02:22 Beyond_Bitcoin fucking classic
02:22 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu he seems a bit on the religious and bloody side
02:23 mircea_popescu Beyond_Bitcoin it pretty much is a bitcoin classic yeah.
02:23 Beyond_Bitcoin you guys really should consider stopping by the mumble
02:25 mircea_popescu why ?
02:25 mircea_popescu the bitcoin rift guild had a mumble, nobody really used it.
02:25 Beyond_Bitcoin We'll be bringing on the dev from the FollowmyVote DAC that is soon to be launched
02:25 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Remember the journalist that quit forbes and annoys congressmen nao? What was her nick? I remember her name was Boring.
02:25 mircea_popescu prissygirl something
02:25 Beyond_Bitcoin we use it to organize community events/meetups...etc.
02:25 pete_dushenski perianne
02:26 pete_dushenski i think her nick was bitcoingirl
02:26 mircea_popescu a yes
02:27 pete_dushenski she's speaking alongside krawisz at some upcoming disneyland "conference"
02:36 pete_dushenski "In 1926 Taittinger declared that the primary goal of his Patriotic Youth was to “defeat the progress of communism by any means necessary,” adding that “We defend the hierarchy of classes.…Everyone knows that there will always be different social levels, the strong and the weak, the rich and the poor, the governing and the governed.”"
02:37 pete_dushenski in addition to his youth group, french pete also ran a little champagne bizniz
02:38 pete_dushenski a champagne brand that lives to this day and was, get this, the "official champagne of the 2014 fifa world cup"
02:38 pete_dushenski i gotta get me a bottle of this stuff nao
02:38 pete_dushenski http://www.taittinger.com/fifa2014/html/en/
02:38 assbot Taittinger - Official Champagne of the 2014 FIFA WORLD CUP
02:39 mircea_popescu tittinger ?
02:40 pete_dushenski lol
02:41 pete_dushenski just found a bottle NV Taittinger Brut Reserve: 40% Chardonnay, 35% Pinot Noir, 25% Pinot Meunier by my place for $55
02:41 pete_dushenski that's happening
02:41 pete_dushenski cheaper than veuve
02:42 mircea_popescu blog it!
02:45 pete_dushenski will do :)
02:46 pete_dushenski "Although circumstances sometimes made accommodation to political liberalism necessary, fascists condemned this doctrine for placing the rights of the individual above the needs of the Volk, encouraging “divisiveness” (i.e., political pluralism), tolerating “decadent” values, and limiting the power of the state."
02:47 pete_dushenski not sure that i see bitcoin following this bit of "fascist doctrine"
02:47 pete_dushenski "Fascist propagandists also attacked cultural liberalism, claiming that it encouraged moral relativism, godless materialism, and selfish individualism and thereby undermined traditional morality."
02:49 pete_dushenski this is closer
02:49 pete_dushenski good question then: does bitcoin have an "-ism?"
02:49 pete_dushenski i want to say no
02:49 pete_dushenski for -isms are the professions of things.
02:49 pete_dushenski that is, their label rather than their utility and ability
02:49 pete_dushenski but maybe there's a flexible and subtle enough label out there for our little world eater
02:49 pete_dushenski ye olde exercise for the alert reader
02:51 pete_dushenski http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/202210/fascism << source of quotes above
02:51 assbot fascism (politics) -- Encyclopedia Britannica
02:51 RagnarDanneskjol objectivism?
02:51 pete_dushenski ;;ud objectivism
02:51 gribble http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=objectivism | The philosophical ideals populated by Ayn Rand that a man (or woman) is only entitled to what he has earned. It also promotes the right to life, a life free from ...
02:54 RagnarDanneskjol yea, I kno. you dig into that book yet?
02:54 pete_dushenski about 70 pages in
02:54 pete_dushenski enjoying it so far :)
02:54 RagnarDanneskjol cool
02:54 pete_dushenski ya i'm just getting into it but it's a big thing to lug to latvia and estonia so i'll have to put it down for a few weeks
02:54 pete_dushenski off on saturday!
02:55 RagnarDanneskjol neat. watch out for vampires
02:55 pete_dushenski i survived romania, should be ok
02:56 pete_dushenski it's the legal whoors you gotta watch out for
02:56 pete_dushenski slip a little g in your drink… bam! no wallet.
02:57 pete_dushenski that's why i wear nail polish
02:59 RagnarDanneskjol ahah
02:59 pete_dushenski ;;later tell ben_vulpes Live From 504 is probably my all-time fave ;D
02:59 gribble The operation succeeded.
03:10 BingoBoingo OMG ben_vulpes is winning reddit http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2evkc6/conformal_are_the_real_bitcoin_core_devs/
03:10 assbot Conformal are the Real Bitcoin Core Devs : Bitcoin
03:14 BingoBoingo lol at the username http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2evkc6/conformal_are_the_real_bitcoin_core_devs/ck3i8yj
03:14 assbot unsavorygarnish comments on Conformal are the Real Bitcoin Core Devs
03:14 RagnarDanneskjol yea, btcd is the shit. only real work being done in bitcoin. i forked the day they published last year - prompted me to learn golang, which is also the shit
03:14 RagnarDanneskjol ha
03:26 pete_dushenski ben_vulpes: see? blogging is cool! welcome back.
03:26 xmj ha
03:26 pete_dushenski a right. bon soir b-a!
03:27 cazalla http://www.brw.com.au/p/business/bitcoin_might_become_money_says_PWgFfk3KR80TEaWuRLQ52I "There are 13 million Bitcoins in circulation around the globe, with a market value of $US6.4 billion ($6.9 billion). About 7 per cent of the coins in circulation are believed to be held by Australians." I wonder how they figure that?
03:27 assbot Bitcoin might become money, says Tax Office
03:28 cazalla unless zhou and tradefortress stole that many
03:28 BingoBoingo cazalla: You forget Vexual
03:28 BingoBoingo Vexual holds either 0 or all of the coins
03:42 BingoBoingo This has to be the shadiest thing with glossy ads http://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/news/gawminers-hashlet-sells-bitcoin-sales-per-day-overstock/2014/08/28
03:42 assbot GAWMiners' Hashlet Sells More in Bitcoin Sales Per Day than Overstock
03:42 mircea_popescu justusranvier is all over it too.
03:42 mircea_popescu wd.
03:44 mircea_popescu "Investment banks don't like people acting in ways that make them look bad. Image is everything when your customers are rich elites. The antagonism going on with the Conformal team is not maximizing the dollar value they are being paid to do work. A cooperative effort where teams share ideas and cross-pollinate with less ego gets more done.
03:44 mircea_popescu Since Conformal doesn't act this way, either they have a like-minded funder who enjoys watching strife, or their funder doesn't know how badly they're behaving."
03:44 mircea_popescu omg fu derps. they're NOT behaving badly. you are.
03:44 mircea_popescu also your mother is a sickly whore.
03:48 fluffypony lol
03:48 fluffypony this whole thing has barrelled into such aggression and anger
03:48 fluffypony and all because of Mike having a Hearn-ia
03:48 fluffypony *du du dish*
03:49 mircea_popescu no.
03:49 mircea_popescu because gavin not listening to what i told him to do when i told him to do it.
03:49 mircea_popescu people have this idiotic attide whereby "whatever, i do what i want"
03:49 fluffypony Gavin is very busy dressing up like a mad scientist to accept awards on behalf of Satoshi Nakamoto
03:49 fluffypony because that's funny, right guise? guise?
03:49 mircea_popescu then six months down the road let's wonder why the asshole's stretched and there's no path back to innocence.
03:49 mircea_popescu his problem.
03:50 mircea_popescu karpeles was too busy to obey too, there's a never ending string.
03:50 mircea_popescu but no difference, the gallows hold.
03:50 fluffypony mircea_popescu: I can actually see you in a robe and wizard hat standing on a bridge going "YOU SHALL NOT PASS"
03:50 fluffypony nubbins needs to make that into a t-shirt
03:50 mircea_popescu i spend most of my time that way.
03:51 mircea_popescu "what is your favorite hole ?"
03:51 mircea_popescu "WRONG ANSWER!"
03:51 midnightmagic mircea_popescu: Bitcoin Core devs behaving badly does not preclude the Conformal team behaving badly. This is not a binary condition.
03:52 mircea_popescu midnightmagic certainly.
03:52 mircea_popescu when in shit, much more important than finding saints, is steadily applying nooses to the worst behaved.
03:52 mircea_popescu problem fixes itself over time.
03:53 midnightmagic mircea_popescu: I'm not a bitcoin core dev. Are you saying *I* specifically am behaving badly, or are you using me as a bitcoin core rep to make comments about them?
03:53 mircea_popescu you'll need to supply some context.
03:53 midnightmagic 00:44 <+mircea_popescu> omg fu derps. they're NOT behaving badly. you are.
03:53 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 9 @ 0.27543277 = 2.4789 BTC [+] {3}
03:54 midnightmagic that's after you quoted my comment on reddit
03:54 mircea_popescu i had no idea it's yours, but at issue is the nonsensical "k. A cooperative effort where teams share ideas and cross-pollinate with less ego gets more done"
03:54 mircea_popescu this isn't kansas.
03:55 midnightmagic It works. When teams can't work directly together, as in NetBSD and OpenBSD, the two teams can cooperate very effectively as separate teams.
03:55 mircea_popescu the misbehaviour is to display this sort of behavior.
03:55 mircea_popescu it only works in environments other people maintain for your benefit.
03:55 mircea_popescu it does not work in environments which have to self-maintain, especially not against significantly hostile pressure.
03:55 midnightmagic And yet I just pointed out an counter-example to your assertion.
03:56 mircea_popescu you think you did at any rate.
03:56 mircea_popescu look at what exactly happened in openbsd once the teeth of the nsa stooges were felt.
03:56 midnightmagic That was fud.
03:56 mircea_popescu de raadt kicked all the misbehaving doods to the curb.
03:56 mircea_popescu no, it was not fud.
03:57 midnightmagic No, they excised themselves and left deRaadt holding the bag.
03:57 mircea_popescu you're more than welcome to continue livng in your imaginary blind kitten fantasyland. you're too old to be particularly useful in any political sense anyway.
03:57 mircea_popescu just, don't be amazed that nobody with actual involvement cares for your nonsense.
03:57 cazalla BingoBoingo, you know that scammy site is in google news, such a joke
03:58 mircea_popescu once we've hung dutta, hearn and so forth and the bitcoin republic is well established, if you're still alive, you can come back and teach at the university or w/e you can do.
03:58 fluffypony cazalla: which one, coindusk?
03:59 cazalla fluffypony, that too but i am referring to cryptocoinsnews
03:59 midnightmagic Hush now, that silliness doesn't work on me tonight. What do you care what I say about Conformal?
04:00 mircea_popescu i don't. i care enough about the perniciously castrated "o noes, don't argue boys, cocksuckers getr more done" to point out it doesn't belong in bitcoin, or generally among grown-ups.
04:00 midnightmagic Really all you're telling me is when I mention an inconvenient truth it bothers you. You know I'm right. Regardless of whether you think I matter or not.
04:00 mircea_popescu i'm sure it's all the rage at the mahjongg club, but again, to exist that retirement house in florida needs a lot of externalities in place.
04:01 midnightmagic ehh, don't feel like arguing anymore. Enough, enough.. I'll stop.
04:10 BingoBoingo cazalla: I'm less concerned about the news site than the product they are shilling
04:18 cazalla scammers gon' scam but it's easier with enablers like ccn
04:30 punkman TheNewDeal, got some more lulz from that scammer in the end: http://dpaste.com/2T582KP
04:30 assbot dpaste: 2T582KP
04:34 jurov BingoBoingo wonders how long Coinroll contributed << it's set till september 1
04:34 BingoBoingo jurov: Cool, I'll try to get something new up in the next 12 hours to try to lure more people.
04:49 mircea_popescu interesting, who knew ads have a motivational function for the publisher.
04:51 pankkake I suppose since the ads are per site, I can't have an account for a bunch of sites? it wouldn't make sense for advertisers anyway…
04:51 mircea_popescu punkman why is the guy trying to scam dollars anyway.
04:51 mircea_popescu fucking noobs.
04:52 mircea_popescu pankkake the idea is to have good sites.
04:52 punkman mircea_popescu: no idea, but I like that I trolled him twice with "o hey sent money to address I already had"
04:53 punkman he wanted my BTC too, but told him both time I didn't have any
04:54 punkman not enough lulz ROI in any case. next time I'm ignoring
04:58 pankkake maybe create a blog "scamming scammers"?
04:58 mircea_popescu aite well, enough excitement for one day. later all.
04:58 BingoBoingo pankkake: Well 419 hunting is a thing
04:58 pankkake I know, I've read some hilarious ones
04:59 punkman this guy scammed like $2500 and 30 BTC http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=gawzirabaws
04:59 assbot Rating Details for User 'gawzirabaws'
04:59 punkman I only gave him $100 so meh
05:00 punkman but my new rule is to avoid anyone with reputation on btcjam
05:00 pankkake good idea
05:00 pankkake ;;rate punkman 1 scams scammers
05:00 gribble Error: For identification purposes, you must be authenticated to use the rating system.
05:01 pankkake ;;rate punkman 1 scams scammers
05:01 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user punkman has been recorded.
05:01 punkman I totally failed at scamming them
05:02 pankkake ;;gettrust gawzirabaws
05:02 gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user pankkake to user gawzirabaws: Level 1: 0, Level 2: -1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=pankkake&dest=gawzirabaws | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=gawzirabaws | Rated since: Thu Jun 19 21:31:33 2014
05:02 pankkake the intention is there
05:03 punkman ;;rate gawzirabaws -10 took my money and stopped responding. owes me 0.2 BTC. has 30 BTC outstanding on btcjam
05:03 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating for user gawzirabaws has changed from -1 to -10.
05:09 punkman http://www.dominatrixbunny.com/site/pay-my-bills/
05:09 assbot Pay My Bills | Dominatrix Bunny
05:09 punkman (dude's paypal led to that dominatrix)
05:09 punkman wonder if it's gf or mum
05:10 punkman or maybe he's just very commited to paying her bills
05:14 pankkake wtf
05:15 punkman the worst is all the otc people going "gawzirabaws iz a scammer? no wai!"
05:16 BingoBoingo Social engineering is the big threat.
05:16 BingoBoingo Not halfassed impersonation
05:18 punkman dem splits
05:22 BingoBoingo Ya rly
05:23 BingoBoingo !s medium.com
05:23 assbot 38 results for 'medium.com' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=medium.com
~ 26 minutes ~
05:50 BingoBoingo !up bats_cd03
~ 1 hours 12 minutes ~
07:03 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 9 @ 0.25798922 = 2.3219 BTC [-] {6}
~ 1 hours 25 minutes ~
08:28 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 40 @ 0.2511175 = 10.0447 BTC [-] {11}
~ 49 minutes ~
09:18 assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 500 @ 0.00399998 = 2 BTC [+] {4}
~ 1 hours 28 minutes ~
10:46 punkman ;;ident rdekley
10:46 gribble Nick 'rdekley', with hostmask 'rdekley!sid32464@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xhjblalcpfvcvsgb', is not identified.
10:47 punkman ;;ident xe4l
10:47 gribble Nick 'xe4l', with hostmask 'xe4l!~unknown@', is not identified.
10:47 kakobrekla BingoBoingo first link is broked
10:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 9 @ 0.24711111 = 2.224 BTC [-] {2}
~ 21 minutes ~
11:14 pankkake https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2014/08/isis_threatens_.html
11:14 assbot Schneier on Security: ISIS Threatens US with Terrorism
11:16 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22400 @ 0.00085271 = 19.1007 BTC [+] {2}
11:19 asciilifeform https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2014/08/the_problems_wi_4.html << lol, check out him & the other shills.
11:19 assbot Schneier on Security: The Problems with PGP
11:19 * asciilifeform hasn't read schneier in a while
11:32 asciilifeform http://eng.kremlin.ru/news/22863 (english)
11:32 assbot President of Russia
~ 27 minutes ~
12:00 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.58649525 BTC to 15`045 shares, 10545 satoshi per share
12:01 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] [PAID] 8.46391168 BTC to 1`149`988 shares, 736 satoshi per share
12:04 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] [PAID] 1.94879560 BTC to 29`438 shares, 6620 satoshi per share
~ 19 minutes ~
12:23 TomServo I was recently asked if I had any examples of economists that have 'jumped ship' to bitcoin and didn't readily have any. Do you folks know some?
12:27 asciilifeform looks like conformal co. passed the 'test.'
12:27 asciilifeform https://blog.conformal.com/bip0064-not-yet/#comment-667
12:27 assbot BIP0064 – Not yet. | Conformal Systems, LLC.
12:27 danielpbarron TomServo, Peter Schiff, perhaps.. but I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "jumped ship to bitcoin"
12:28 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 753 @ 0.00068769 = 0.5178 BTC [-] {12}
12:29 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1986 @ 0.00063248 = 1.2561 BTC [-] {14}
12:30 pankkake "I prefer test-to-fail instead of test-to-pass type development" :)
12:30 asciilifeform see herr dijkstra re: bugs.
12:31 asciilifeform 'testing can reveal the presence [of bugs] but never the absence.'
12:31 pankkake it's on a book?
12:31 TomServo danielpbarron: Not a bad example I suppose. Hard to relay the context in which it was asked..closest I can come to is: Was previously balls deep in the bezzel economy and rejecting of bitcoin and has since 'saw the light', as it were.
12:31 pankkake I should read the great masters/elders
12:32 pankkake Price: $67.36 why :(
12:34 asciilifeform price of what
12:34 Apocalyptic the book I guess
12:35 pankkake http://www.amazon.com/Discipline-Programming-Edsger-W-Dijkstra/dp/013215871X
12:35 assbot A Discipline of Programming: Edsger W. Dijkstra: 9780132158718: Amazon.com: Books
12:37 TomServo I was _not_ expecting those two MP comments to be approved.
12:38 asciilifeform pankkake: http://flibusta.net/b/182253/download
12:38 Apocalyptic pankkake, how come you order on amazon.com and not amazon.fr ?
12:38 pankkake I don't, I just took the first google result
12:39 kakobrekla amazon is a scam
12:40 kakobrekla sometimes its totally worth checking com/uk/de/fr
12:40 kakobrekla but you need to go to the last step, each time.
12:40 Apocalyptic except .com calcules shipping from US
12:40 pankkake I have a browser extension that does that
12:40 kakobrekla lol
12:41 kakobrekla now i feel like an even bigger idiot
12:41 pankkake http://www.shoptimate.com/
12:41 assbot Shoptimate : automatic price comparison on None - Shoptimate.com
12:41 kakobrekla aha
12:41 kakobrekla who would have thought.
12:42 pankkake anyway, I often buy used
12:43 kakobrekla btw does theat shop ASSistant take shipping into account
12:45 punkman this one is handy sometimes https://pricenoia.com/
12:45 assbot Pricenoia.com - Compare amazon prices
12:46 asciilifeform http://s000.tinyupload.com/download.php?file_id=15526354107396586672&t=1552635410739658667298845
12:46 assbot TinyUpload.com - best file hosting solution, with no limits, totaly free
12:46 asciilifeform ^ in english
12:47 asciilifeform pankkake ^
12:47 pankkake thanks
12:48 thestringpuller kakobrekla: i demand assbot be open source!
12:48 pankkake Apparently Calibre can convert it for my reader!
12:48 thestringpuller You are hiding functionality from us!
12:48 thestringpuller assbot is not transparent!
12:48 thestringpuller etc. etc. etc.
12:48 pankkake I should read Knuth too, but I might not have enough of one life
12:49 asciilifeform pankkake: know that if you convert djvu to, e.g, pdf, it baloons 25-50x in size
12:49 asciilifeform (djvu is the canonical b00k w4r3z format - wavelet compression)
12:50 pankkake oh it's images
12:50 asciilifeform naturally.
12:50 asciilifeform where do you imagine these come from? some russian kid with camera
12:50 pankkake lol, that must be such fun to read. I think I'll buy the book ;)
12:51 asciilifeform must be such fun to read << imho this is the true purpose of the 'tablet' machines
12:51 asciilifeform buy whichever has the most pixels - and you're golden.
12:52 pankkake I have a rather standard e-ink device
12:52 asciilifeform these typically don't come with the cpu horsepower to unpack djvu
12:52 asciilifeform (although the latest unofficial russian patch for 'kindle dx' mostly works, if a bit laggy)
12:52 pankkake well that's why there's Calibre, it should convert it to another format
12:53 asciilifeform yeah, 200mB of pdf.
12:53 thestringpuller okay I will be stashing paper wallets at dragon con in a scavenger hunt. you guys think 0.01 per paper wallet is cool?
12:54 asciilifeform (nice thing about 'djvu' is that it automagically decompresses to whatever your native device resolution is, with no scaling op. hence speed.)
12:54 pankkake why not. just fill them early enough so the tx fee won't be too high
12:54 pankkake oh, that's nice. I was expecting some blurry image as a result
13:04 ben_vulpes who runs penguirker?
13:05 ben_vulpes ;;later tell pete_dushenski "it's going down it's going down like there's a whale in the boat"
13:05 gribble The operation succeeded.
13:06 ben_vulpes ;;late tell pete_dushenski also: "if it ain't about money i go/nowhere i'm nailed to the floor"
13:06 gribble Error: "late" is not a valid command.
13:06 ben_vulpes ;;later tell pete_dushenski also: "if it ain't about money i go/nowhere i'm nailed to the floor"
13:06 gribble The operation succeeded.
13:09 pankkake ben_vulpes: me, it's fed by the http://blogs.bitcoin-assets.com/ updater
13:09 assbot Assets Assimilated
13:09 ben_vulpes ah hi pankkake
13:09 ben_vulpes i derped a feed together for cascadianhacker.com
13:10 ben_vulpes http://www.feedyes.com/feed.php?f=exEp8PurpCu1tA0F
13:10 assbot missives from the post-megastate frontier
13:11 pankkake I thought it already had a feed - http://cascadianhacker.com/index.xml (though it looks broken)
13:11 assbot cascadian hacker
13:11 kakobrekla ocred http://smpake.com/tmp/A.Discipline.Of.Programming_Dijkstra.txt
13:11 ben_vulpes yeah that xml is totes broken.
13:11 ben_vulpes my life is a patchwork of duct tape
13:11 ben_vulpes van is a flawless crystal of tests tho
13:11 ben_vulpes (hue)
13:12 ben_vulpes (it's a joke)
13:12 pankkake ok, I updated the URL + your nick
13:12 pankkake you're not ashamed of that .php? :p
13:14 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/08/27_city-of-bridges-here-and-there.html
13:14 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/04/28_prefer-emacs-in-terminal-to-emacs-with-native-ui.html
13:14 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/05/16_look-at-this-ridiculous-american-penny.html
13:14 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/05/14_bitcoins-still-too-small-to-matter.html
13:14 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/05/20_this-is-why-distributed-exchanges-are-doomed-to-failure.html
13:14 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/05/18_relics-of-a-bygone-era.html
13:14 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/05/15_import-the-sweet-export-the-crude.html
13:14 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/08/21_andreas-antonopolous-as-canonical-example-of-why-you-cant-trust-someone-not-in-the-wot.html
13:14 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/08/18_digging-out-of-ones-own-holes.html
13:14 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/05/18_where-the-sidewalk-ends-an-exercise-in-creative-technology-use.html
13:14 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/05/15_sslcacertfile-fingerprint-on-disk.html
13:14 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/05/15_there-are-127-million-lines-of-code-in-mysql.html
13:14 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/04/25_scams-everywhere-nobody-cares-though.html
13:14 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/08/28_conformal-are-the-real-bitcoin-core-devs.html
13:14 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/05/14_some-things-that-bug-me-about-clojure.html
13:14 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/04/28_the-unfungibility-of-the-usd.html
13:14 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/05/16_punking-ms-users-via-the-blockchain.html
13:14 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/05/15_cascadian-hacker-now-with-ads.html
13:14 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/08/18_nothing-beats-reading-the-source-boto-and-s3-and-multiple-arity-edition.html
13:14 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/05/15_greece-imposing-33-tax-on-their-saviors.html
13:14 asciilifeform aaaa
13:14 pankkake sorry :(
13:15 pankkake I didn't think the links would change
13:16 kakobrekla these book readers you keep talking about, which is the one to get atm
13:16 pankkake the sony ones looked interesting, but they are stopping making them
13:16 pankkake I have a Kobo, it's nice enough, and reads epub
13:17 ben_vulpes <pankkake> you're not ashamed of that .php? :p << not my service
13:18 ben_vulpes they also emailed me my password in plaintext
13:18 ben_vulpes dat fractal of bad design
13:18 ben_vulpes oh god that's bad. "."?
13:18 ben_vulpes never mind pankkake. sorry to bother everyone.
13:18 pankkake the /./ is rewritten as / by most software, but I'm not doing any special processing to the url
13:19 ben_vulpes kakobrekla: i use a kindle, would like a kindle dx.
13:19 asciilifeform pankkake: penalty kick!
13:19 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-03-2014#595672
13:19 assbot Logged on 31-03-2014 20:28:18; asciilifeform: 1btc for the motherland.
13:19 thestringpuller ddue what the actual fuck just happened?
13:19 kakobrekla yeah i think ill have to cover for that in the end. :)
13:19 thestringpuller i'm never reading cascadian hacker again
13:20 asciilifeform let him expiate his sin
13:20 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: afaik the dx is out of production, but can still be had.
13:20 kakobrekla ascii you have a kindle or like seven different readers?
13:21 asciilifeform kakobrekla: 'kindle dx' for ordinary stuff, 'nexus 10' for high-res scans (like that dijkstra)
13:21 kakobrekla isnt that like a phone or something
13:21 asciilifeform ('nexus' - 2560x1600)
13:22 kakobrekla ;;google nexus 10
13:22 gribble Nexus 10 - Google: <http://www.google.com/nexus/10/>; Nexus 10 (16GB) - Devices on Google Play: <https://play.google.com/store/devices/details/Nexus_10_16GB?id=nexus_10_16gb&hl=en>; Amazon.com : Google Nexus 10 (Wi-Fi only, 32 GB) : Tablet ...: <http://www.amazon.com/Google-Nexus-10-Wi-Fi-only/dp/B00ACVI202>
13:22 asciilifeform nope. it's a heavy bugger of a 'tablet'
13:22 kakobrekla a not a phone.
13:22 asciilifeform bought solely because it had moar pixels.
13:23 thestringpuller there's a nexus 10 now?
13:23 thestringpuller lol what?
13:23 thestringpuller is this what old people feel like. "new tech!?!?!?" "no that's been out for a year" "oh."
13:23 ben_vulpes world keeps moving forwards while you're playing at being a dragon, thestringpuller
13:23 ben_vulpes ;;google fuck you i'm a dragon
13:23 gribble Fuck you, I'm a dragon! - Encyclopedia Dramatica: <https://encyclopediadramatica.es/Fuck_you,_I'm_a_dragon!>; Starblade Enkai - WikiFur, the furry encyclopedia: <http://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Starblade_Enkai>; Fuck you, I'm a Dragon.: <http://peasy93.tumblr.com/>
13:24 thestringpuller The world keeps moving forward while I hack in vi which is older than all of us except mircea_popescu
13:24 thestringpuller since he's clearly like 50 or 60
13:24 ben_vulpes uh ho
13:24 ben_vulpes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYArYehhyPg
13:24 assbot Pallas Cat Kittens -- 5 months old pt1 - YouTube
13:24 thestringpuller lol cute kitten videos are universal
13:26 asciilifeform damn why'd moiety have to starve
13:28 TheNewDeal thestringpuller vi and not vim?
13:30 kakobrekla ba failed to provide for the receptionist.
13:40 ben_vulpes receptionist rates were too high
13:41 ben_vulpes bitcoins now vs bitcoins later i guess
13:41 ben_vulpes hard for anyone to value properly
13:46 TomServo danielpbarron: your drama is lulzy
13:46 * TomServo is amused.
13:46 danielpbarron it's actually really boring; it just looks interesting from the few public fragments
13:46 TomServo Ah - just got a chuckle out of that last rating.
13:53 asciilifeform so i notice inscription on a pen i've been writing with for ages.
13:53 asciilifeform http://imgur.com/3pvm0sd
13:53 assbot where'd this come from. - Imgur
13:54 TomServo The truth is finally revealed!
13:54 asciilifeform what's a day without a little mindfuck.
13:57 punkman asciilifeform: is the cardano late because you can't figure out how to backdoor it?
13:57 asciilifeform consignment of coke & virgins from the fuhrer is late.
13:57 asciilifeform lol
13:58 kakobrekla cardano backdoor? its that nsa pens fault.
13:58 kakobrekla they forgot to put the label off
13:58 punkman did you check the pen for backdoors?
13:58 kakobrekla and how 'fast' is the pen?
13:59 asciilifeform very slow.
14:00 asciilifeform didn't even notice the ad on the barrel until took it apart (pen wouldn't fit through base hole of instrument that needed a plinth drilled to mount it, took out nib)
14:00 kakobrekla spam filter filters
14:01 thestringpuller TheNewDeal: i have vi aliased to vim. but the underlying of vim (vi) is old
14:07 * asciilifeform waits to find a 'www.meta-nsa.lizard' pen under his pillow when waking up.
14:07 BingoBoingo http://recode.net/2014/08/28/the-worthless-currency-exchange-at-burning-mans-camp-bitcoin/
14:07 assbot The “Worthless Currency Exchange” at Burning Man’s Camp Bitcoin | Re/code
14:07 asciilifeform (horse heads are expensive these days)
14:09 BingoBoingo Well, that's kind of the point of the horse head. Khartoum was a very expensive horse.
14:09 asciilifeform lol
14:10 BingoBoingo Wouldn't have the same impact if it were a glue horse.
14:13 punkman "“The Bitcoin leader was arrested right before Burning Man ’cause he was maybe helping the FBI, and … Anyway, we’re the Dogecoin Camp now,” "
14:15 punkman http://www.coindesk.com/burning-mans-camp-bitcoin-became-camp-dogecoin/
14:15 assbot How Burning Man's Camp Bitcoin Became Camp Dogecoin
14:19 TheNewDeal oh no
14:27 TomServo Lachance’s web page about the camp lists only three rules, and one is: “Dogecoin must be pronounced ‘dogh-gee-coin’, not ‘dohj-coin’.”
14:27 TomServo Well at least they got that going for them.
14:27 kakobrekla no more dodgecoin? :(
14:30 kakobrekla https://btctrip.com < heh, testimonial #1: charlie shrem, says: "btc trip is amazing"
14:30 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
14:30 assbot BTCTrip - One for All, All for One!
14:30 jurov doge is love!
14:31 kakobrekla taaki also does not fail to mention the word.
14:32 TomServo "After coding Bitcoin, I fly with btctrip. -Satoshi" sad
14:32 kakobrekla yup
14:33 asciilifeform even mentions Turdmeister.
14:33 kakobrekla lel
14:33 TomServo haha!
14:34 TheNewDeal Satoshi's position was labeled "cryptocurrency prophet"
14:34 TheNewDeal love it
14:35 * TomServo wonders what the 3 musketeers saying has to do with anything.
~ 21 minutes ~
14:56 danielpbarron !up guest8374
14:58 devthedev Is anyone in possession of a Trezor?
14:59 jurov i am
14:59 devthedev I'm having trouble with the mytrezor site
14:59 devthedev Balances don't seem to be loading
15:00 asciilifeform jurov: consider posting a photo of the internals
15:00 thestringpuller is the trezor guy in wot?
15:00 devthedev It's slush
15:00 Apocalyptic ;;gpg info slush
15:00 gribble User 'slush', with keyid 71D5C7F995DA2743, fingerprint 79BE846DC805C820FAD332CA71D5C7F995DA2743, and bitcoin address 1NQZT6jh3igPBME7T4ujejZGxdbjMub9DE, registered on Mon Apr 11 19:49:01 2011, last authed on Mon Mar 11 13:10:00 2013. http://b-otc.com/vg?nick=slush . Currently not authenticated.
15:02 jurov asciilifeform i have no idea how to pry it open.. maybe it'll go better with platic version
15:03 jurov hmm, mytrezor site does not react to clicks
15:04 asciilifeform http://doc.satoshilabs.com/trezor-tech/hardware.html
15:04 assbot Hardware — TREZOR Technical Manual 1.0 documentation
15:04 asciilifeform ^ interesting things here for the alert reader
15:05 * asciilifeform no longer needs to buy the machine
15:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 100 @ 0.0650305 = 6.5031 BTC [+] {9}
15:06 asciilifeform jurov: do you own a scope ?
15:06 jurov no
15:06 asciilifeform damn.
15:06 thestringpuller slush is russian no?
15:06 jurov no, czech
15:06 thestringpuller or is it czhech
15:07 thestringpuller dman beat me to it
15:07 jurov if i come around a scope, what am i to look for?
15:07 asciilifeform чех, lol.
15:07 asciilifeform jurov: watch the usb ground pin.
15:08 kakobrekla ground compared to real ground ?
15:08 asciilifeform compared to a distant ground, yes
15:14 thestringpuller asciilifeform: what will that show?
15:15 asciilifeform thestringpuller: a bit of hiss, with likely a few bits of key mixed in.
15:16 asciilifeform jurov: strictly speaking you don't need to open the unit for this.
15:17 asciilifeform jurov: just tap a cheap microusb cable on the 'thin' end.
15:23 kakobrekla battery power solves this neh ?
15:23 jurov well, they will be like "of course don't use with untrusted cables"
15:23 asciilifeform kakobrekla: afaik that product has no provision for use with own battery
15:23 kakobrekla ur untrusted batteries
15:23 kakobrekla myea would require a mod
15:24 asciilifeform would require more than a simple electrical mod
15:24 thestringpuller asciilifeform: but what will that accomplish. ELI5?
15:24 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1000 @ 0.00060947 = 0.6095 BTC [-] {7}
15:24 asciilifeform ;;google differential power analysis
15:24 gribble Power analysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_analysis>; Differential Power Analysis - Cryptography Research: <http://www.cryptography.com/public/pdf/DPA.pdf>; Introduction to Differential Power Analysis and Related Attacks: <http://www.cryptography.com/public/pdf/DPATechInfo.pdf>
15:24 thestringpuller !last m s.mpoe
15:24 assbot Last trade for S.MPOE on MPEX was at 0.00085271 BTC [+]
15:24 asciilifeform thestringpuller ^
15:24 thestringpuller I'll take a look asciilifeform
15:24 kakobrekla didnt say simple :D
15:25 thestringpuller actually I think a 5 year old could understand the wiki article
15:25 thestringpuller much appreciated ascii
15:25 asciilifeform enjoy
15:26 thestringpuller so basically you're attempting to hack the trezor via DPA?
15:26 thestringpuller "hack"
15:26 asciilifeform from the published circuit, it seems to be asking for it.
15:32 kakobrekla ill donate you a trezor if you want to attack it
15:32 asciilifeform kakobrekla: perhaps after my current work is done
15:33 asciilifeform kakobrekla: in the meantime, feel welcome to try it personally
~ 25 minutes ~
15:58 assbot Last 6 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/17FTR4B.txt )
15:58 thestringpuller !b 6
16:13 jurov Last 6 lines unbashed.
16:14 ben_vulpes so here's an interesting interpersonal situation
16:14 ben_vulpes there's client a, hosting company b, and consultants c
16:14 ben_vulpes client brings in consultants to look at their security, and consultants ask for shell access to the server on which client sites are running. hosting company b flat declines consultants access to hardware.
16:15 ben_vulpes assume that client a has the most cash flowing through the box by 2 orders of magnitude. is hosting company b's behavior reasonable?
16:16 ben_vulpes keep in mind this is a wp hosting company using plesk.
16:16 jurov did the client buy shell access? no? case dismissed.
16:18 assbot Last 6 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0YFK8ZS.txt )
16:18 BingoBoingo !b 6
16:20 ben_vulpes twist: wherever consultant suggests hosting move, that's where hosting will move.
16:21 ben_vulpes but i see where you're coming from, jurov.
16:23 jurov well.. that's fate of any company without admin capable to build stuff on bare metal
16:26 BingoBoingo So my phone just got a bunch of MMS messages from phone numbers in Chicago which are registed as "landlines"
16:27 kakobrekla nasa
16:27 BingoBoingo Prolly.
16:28 kakobrekla (its what i use instead of 'nsa' for not to raise suspicion)
16:29 jurov the messages were empty?
16:29 jurov or you did not dare open?
16:29 BingoBoingo Or to raise better kinds of suspicion. So you get a space ship instead of a phone
16:29 BingoBoingo jurov: Dare not open
16:30 BingoBoingo Even though I already treat the phone as tainted by design
16:33 ben_vulpes open it open it open it
16:34 BingoBoingo Fine
16:35 BingoBoingo So this is really odd. The messages are fucking pictures of text. It's like these fuckers are texting over van-ads. What the fuck.
16:37 ben_vulpes they're texting photos of van?
16:38 ben_vulpes wat
16:38 BingoBoingo They are sending photos of text
16:38 ben_vulpes what kind of text?
16:38 ben_vulpes show meeeee
16:39 thestringpuller who si they?
16:39 thestringpuller is*
16:40 kakobrekla you mean it looks like a ransom note?
16:47 BingoBoingo It reads like some teachers gossiping about their students.
16:47 ben_vulpes SHARE
16:49 BingoBoingo Already been deleted. If the FBI wants to investigate a FERPA violation they can check my phone records, like they probably already are doing and check out those 630 phone numbers
16:49 ben_vulpes probably the wise thing.
16:50 BingoBoingo 630 being the area code and not the number of messages.
~ 16 minutes ~
17:06 jurov http://www.coindesk.com/citi-miners-merchants-keeping-bitcoin-prices-check/ from dept.obvious
17:06 assbot Citi: Miners and Merchants Are Keeping Bitcoin Prices Low
17:07 jurov ;;bc,halfreward
17:07 gribble Error: "bc,halfreward" is not a valid command.
17:07 TheNewDeal lol
17:07 BingoBoingo Is this someone from here commenting on ZeroHedge? http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-08-28/man-many-perversions-%E2%80%93-federal-cybersecurity-head-convicted-child-porn-charges#comment-5157757
17:07 assbot "A Man Of Many Perversions" Federal Cybersecurity Head Convicted Of Child Porn Charges | Zero Hedge
17:07 BingoBoingo If it isn't I'm impressed
17:08 jurov ;;halfreward
17:08 gribble Estimated time of bitcoin block reward halving: Sat Aug 6 05:47:51 2016 UTC | Time remaining: 1 year, 48 weeks, 6 days, 8 hours, 40 minutes, and 0 seconds.
17:09 BingoBoingo Fucking 20% diff increases, going to make the halving cum early
17:09 TheNewDeal block 420000 it is?
17:10 jurov 20% means max. 4 months earlier
17:10 Apocalyptic do you compound it ?
17:11 jurov it does not compund. it just means every period is 20% shorter.
17:12 Apocalyptic right
17:13 TheNewDeal ;;calc 600*.8*(420000-318140)/86400
17:13 gribble 565.888888889
17:14 TheNewDeal gribble says 707 days
17:15 kakobrekla http://bitcoinclock.com
17:15 assbot Bitcoin Clock
17:15 TheNewDeal clock says 707 days as well
17:16 jurov obv they don't count with 20% increases
17:16 TheNewDeal ;;calc 707*86400/((420000-318140)*600)
17:16 gribble 0.999489495386
17:17 TheNewDeal thats a 600 second block time eh
17:18 jurov dunno why they don't extrapolate from sliding window or such
17:19 TheNewDeal what do you mean?
17:20 jurov use average time for last 10000 blocks instead of 10 minutes
17:21 kakobrekla but that would make time go backwards at times!
17:21 TheNewDeal hahaha
17:21 kakobrekla fuck backwards going clocks.
17:21 jurov in bitcoin it does. get used to it.
17:21 kakobrekla only 10 min at a time
17:22 BingoBoingo ;;tslb
17:22 gribble Time since last block: 4 minutes and 26 seconds
17:23 jurov actually i realized bitcoin is the only software project with milestones going sooner than expected
17:23 jurov *estimated
17:25 jurov with caveat thet ETA for rigorous spec is Inf
17:34 BingoBoingo http://www.themaneater.com/stories/2014/8/28/beards-mullets-out/
17:34 assbot Beards In, Mullets Out – The Maneater
~ 26 minutes ~
18:00 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/08/29_all-about-the-mpex-derps.html
18:01 ben_vulpes i guess that period's fine after all
~ 23 minutes ~
18:24 TheNewDeal bunch of quitters
18:38 BingoBoingo !up x4nthyos
18:39 TheNewDeal ;;ident x4nthyos
18:39 gribble Nick 'x4nthyos', with hostmask 'x4nthyos!~xanthyos@c-174-63-38-125.hsd1.ma.comcast.net', is not identified.
18:48 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.24003 = 0.9601 BTC [-] {3}
18:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 20 @ 0.23557 = 4.7114 BTC [-] {6}
19:05 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 394 @ 0.0021002 = 0.8275 BTC [-] {7}
~ 22 minutes ~
19:28 BingoBoingo http://arstechnica.com/business/2014/08/tripping-through-ibms-astonishingly-insane-1937-corporate-songbook/
19:28 assbot Tripping through IBMs astonishingly insane 1937 corporate songbook | Ars Technica
19:29 kakobrekla yeah they called themselfs fags back then iirc
19:30 kakobrekla yeah, page 14
19:36 TheNewDeal nice call
19:42 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.2222 = 0.8888 BTC [+]
19:43 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.22204 = 1.1102 BTC [-] {2}
19:48 ben_vulpes i have beaten aws into submission
19:50 ben_vulpes i can now provision my app cannon onto arbitrary amazon accounts
~ 15 minutes ~
20:05 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1363 @ 0.00058476 = 0.797 BTC [-] {22}
20:10 RagnarDanneskjol ;;later tell mircea_popescu pls ping me when yur back in the hood
20:10 gribble The operation succeeded.
20:16 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10700 @ 0.00085058 = 9.1012 BTC [-] {2}
20:19 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18955 @ 0.00085039 = 16.1191 BTC [-]
20:20 TheNewDeal bc,stats
20:20 TheNewDeal ;;bc,stats
20:21 gribble Current Blocks: 318162 | Current Difficulty: 2.38446700388033E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 318527 | Next Difficulty In: 365 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 3 hours, 50 minutes, and 3 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 26786940350.7 | Estimated Percent Change: 12.33932
20:29 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 40 @ 0.0217227 = 0.8689 BTC [-] {2}
20:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1745 @ 0.0008496 = 1.4826 BTC [-]
20:32 ben_vulpes http://blog.coinbase.com/post/95927658922/coinbase-insured << but not for cold storage
20:32 assbot The Coinbase Blog Coinbase Insured
20:37 mircea_popescu RagnarDanneskjol well like nao
20:41 RagnarDanneskjol pmming momentarily
20:42 mircea_popescu lycerion ce din genuni rasari cu-o-ntreaga lume,
20:42 mircea_popescu nu cere fapte si minuni care n-au chip si nume.
20:44 RagnarDanneskjol !up MolokoDeck
20:46 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2014/of-mendacity-mold-bugs-and-other-things/#comment-106873 >> lmao check out douchecanoe
20:46 assbot Of mendacity, mold, bugs and other things. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
20:46 mircea_popescu i mean contravex
20:47 mircea_popescu le
20:47 mircea_popescu whoops
20:47 MolokoDeck hello.
20:49 mircea_popescu MolokoDeck hey. so as i was telling RagnarDanneskjol, i have no problem covering you if you can deliver the thing by what was it, end of sept ?
20:49 MolokoDeck ready to talk about details for completing the cryptocontract bot. most of the unit tests are in place, but it's a good idea to fill in any desiderata or necessities to reasonable detail.
20:49 ben_vulpes hey does anyone have a link to that thing where coinbase straight up blocks certain addrs?
20:49 mircea_popescu ;;later tell peterl " This got me thinking about the topic, so I decided to write up some thought I had on the subject a while ago." <<< the "i decided" device is the absolute worst intro mechanism for a blog post possible. it connotes this guy : http://trilema.com/2011/cred-ca-pe-alocuri-se-exagereaza/
20:49 assbot Cred ca pe alocuri se exagereaza pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
20:49 gribble The operation succeeded.
20:50 MolokoDeck end of september seems easily doable to have a working version going and available as source in a GIT repository.
20:50 mircea_popescu cool.
20:50 mircea_popescu so tell me again what you think this is, best way to go about thisa
20:51 MolokoDeck one wants to time-stamp and "notarize" documents that are signed by counterparties with verifiable cryptosignatures registered with #bitcoin-otc WebOfTrust.
20:52 mircea_popescu ;;later tell peterl otherwise, the point that "bitcoin is the chosen" by the very code is quite sound and an intelligent way to go about it.
20:52 gribble The operation succeeded.
20:52 mircea_popescu MolokoDeck nevermind what one wants, say what the thing does.
20:52 MolokoDeck a bot would sit in whatever channel (this one) and someone would invoke it with something like .notarize http://domian.tld/contract_0001.txt nick1, nick2, nick3 ... nickN
20:53 mircea_popescu no.
20:53 MolokoDeck the bot would respond that all of the cryptosignatures of the listed nicks were registered with #bitocin-otc, their public key hashes matched and all the signatures were good.
20:53 mircea_popescu it would extract the nicks from the signatures in the .txt. the mechanism to do this relies on gribble, did you see that ping ?
20:54 MolokoDeck then the bot would return an SHA256 hash of the document, encode it as a bitcoin address and make a minimum non-spendable transaction, and log to a repository or blog the document with the sha256 hash and the transaction ID containing the encoded hash, and the block number it's in. It would wait to get a confirmation before doing this so the transaction would be in the blockchain.
20:55 RagnarDanneskjol i think we;re still one step off here molo
20:55 MolokoDeck if the signatures could be extracted from the document without knowing the corresponding public key, which I'm getting out of the public key registry that wot uses, that would be good.
20:56 mircea_popescu MolokoDeck it cabn, gimme a sec to find the solution.
20:56 MolokoDeck but so far I haven't dug in enough to know if that's doable given command line GPG, I think you have to validate against a public key.
20:56 mircea_popescu in the endless desert of logs
20:56 RagnarDanneskjol so much lawgs
20:56 mircea_popescu !s nick from:gribble
20:56 assbot 1190 results for 'nick from:gribble' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=nick+from%3Agribble
20:57 MolokoDeck simply having valid signatures doesn't guarantee that the people who made the contract signed it. which is why I'm using wot as an authority to find the registered keys for the parties asserted to have been signatories.
20:57 mircea_popescu ;;seen bluemeanie4
20:57 gribble bluemeanie4 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 days, 23 hours, 9 minutes, and 6 seconds ago: <BlueMeanie4> later
20:57 ben_vulpes does anyone have a link to the lawsuit by the guy who sued the usg for the gold they 'borrowed'?
20:57 ben_vulpes i don't even recall the name of the suit.
20:57 mircea_popescu MolokoDeck http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-08-2014#792431
20:57 assbot Logged on 12-08-2014 03:25:41; gribble: (gpg info [--key|--address] <nick>) -- Returns the registration details of registered user <nick>. If '--key' option is given, interpret <nick> as a GPG key ID.
20:57 mircea_popescu ;;ident
20:57 gribble Nick 'mircea_popescu', with hostmask 'mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu', is identified as user 'mircea_popescu', with GPG key id 8A736F0E2FB7B452, key fingerprint 6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452, and bitcoin address None
20:58 mircea_popescu ;;gpginfo --key 0E2FB7B452
20:58 gribble Error: "gpginfo" is not a valid command.
20:58 MolokoDeck since the idea of a cryptocontract is that it's unenforceable and the value of performing as per the contract is one's reputation, it seemed important to make sure the claimed signatories are probably the signatories.
20:58 mircea_popescu ;;gpg info --key 0E2FB7B452
20:58 gribble No such user registered.
20:58 mircea_popescu grr
20:58 mircea_popescu ;;gpg info --key 6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452
20:58 gribble No such user registered.
20:58 MolokoDeck I can show you the unit tests doing that.
20:59 MolokoDeck not sure I want the test server's URL going into a channel log though.
20:59 mircea_popescu ;;gpg info --key 8A736F0E2FB7B452
20:59 gribble User 'mircea_popescu', with keyid 8A736F0E2FB7B452, fingerprint 6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452, and bitcoin address None, registered on Fri Jul 22 08:39:10 2011, last authed on Fri Aug 29 20:36:13 2014. http://b-otc.com/vg?nick=mircea_popescu . Currently authenticated from hostmask mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu .
20:59 mircea_popescu there!
20:59 ben_vulpes you can message gribble privately, MolokoDeck
20:59 MolokoDeck actually, if one invites Tao_Jones in here and voices the bot some of these functions already work.
20:59 RagnarDanneskjol he already jas it implemented in his bot
20:59 MolokoDeck right, I could use gribble as an API.
20:59 mircea_popescu MolokoDeck so basically, bot reads each document, extracts declared sig, puts it to gribble
20:59 mircea_popescu this way you don't have to keep updated keyrings locally or verify signatures in any wya
21:00 MolokoDeck instead I'm using the wot API and the associated public key server, adding the public key to the bot's keyring each time a contract is validated, then verifying the signatures.
21:00 MolokoDeck I presume gribble uses the wot api.
21:00 MolokoDeck ok. so you want to use gribble as an open agent.
21:00 MolokoDeck that's fine and easier.
21:01 MolokoDeck the way i've done it makes it somewhat stand-alone. if the public key registry is replaced it would be general cryptocontracts.
21:01 mircea_popescu so i figure why no give clueless noobs a chance. send an order " http://mediaparty.info/2014/ << find the afterparty". half hour later, "i can't find anything. nobody is sayinga word on sm, there's ONE picture of a guy and some wine on twitter without enough background to find where it is or anything".
21:01 assbot Hacks/Hackers BA Media Party, Buenos Aires, Argentina
21:01 mircea_popescu all these fucking successful derps for crying out loud.
21:01 MolokoDeck ok. not having to sweat keyring security seems a good idea since everyone trusts gribble.
21:01 mircea_popescu MolokoDeck yup.
21:02 ben_vulpes what's the "no congress shall be held to the agreements of a previous congress" citation?
21:02 ben_vulpes regarding borrowing gold and refusing to pay it back?
21:02 ben_vulpes i'm dying here halp pl
21:02 ben_vulpes zlp
21:02 mircea_popescu ;;google trilema story endless korea
21:02 ben_vulpes zplzplpzlpzlpz
21:02 gribble Decembrie 2013 pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/2013/12>; ZoneHedge Wow. Such Durden. Much info. About useless ... - Trilema: <http://trilema.com/2013/zonehedge-wow-such-durden-much-info-about-useless/>; Understanding Argentina's Coming Default, For Real This ... - Trilema: <http://trilema.com/2014/understanding-argentinas-coming-default-for-real- (1 more message)
21:03 MolokoDeck what is of concern is that to make a valid transaction to the bitcoin blockchain one has to manage a web wallet. The first cut is going to use block.io since they have a simple API that includes the testnet (which I'm using in such a rudimentary way it doesn't matter whether it's obsolete features exist or not. the subset of features is common to the latest bitcoind)
21:03 mircea_popescu MolokoDeck so what's the concern ?
21:03 ben_vulpes john m kerry thanks mircea_popescu !
21:03 MolokoDeck probably none, other than that the software has to store the passphrase somewhere. like... on a server.
21:03 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes it goes back all the fucking way to 1930.
21:03 mircea_popescu MolokoDeck it's never going to own more than a bitcent or w/e
21:04 MolokoDeck or if the bot is started with a shell command the parameters end up in the process list.
21:04 mircea_popescu if someone breaks in and steals the bitcent, hey, more power to them.
21:04 MolokoDeck yeah, it's like 5 cents a document, about the cost of a xerox copy.
21:04 mircea_popescu ok, so say what the thing is again, let's see if i say yes this time.
21:04 MolokoDeck so the wallet just has to have a few centiBTC in it at a time.
21:05 MolokoDeck if security concerns are de minimus I'm ready to finish it as planned.
21:06 RagnarDanneskjol wanna run it down one more time for clarity molo? what it does exactly
21:07 MolokoDeck bot sits in here. People point it at a cryptocontract with multiple signatories. it verifies the signatures. if they're good it creates an unspendable bitcoin transaction with the address encoding the SHA256 hash of the contract. When that transaction clears and is on the blockchain, it notifies the IRC channel and gives the URL of a logged copy of the document, it's associated hash, and a pointer to the blockchain transac
21:07 MolokoDeck tion ID and/or block number.
21:08 mircea_popescu no.
21:08 mircea_popescu it does not verify the signatures. it merely extracts w/e signature gpg sees in the document.
21:09 MolokoDeck it also logs the documents to some kind of repostory or blog. Knowing the preferred format and web address of that ahead of time may be good, but that's like a quick mod to make it do whatever wherever.
21:09 mircea_popescu o, that what you meant, "verifies" via google ?
21:09 mircea_popescu shit. via gribble i mean.
21:09 mircea_popescu i need more coffee, amphetamines and cuntjuice over here.
21:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11905 @ 0.00085367 = 10.1629 BTC [+] {2}
21:10 MolokoDeck searching and indexing that blog sounds like a website backend function, not part of the bot.
21:10 * RagnarDanneskjol wonders if single use wallets are better for this
21:10 mircea_popescu RagnarDanneskjol nah i want it to always send from the same address.
21:10 MolokoDeck some sort of "give the bot another wallet" IRC commandline function would work for that.
21:10 mircea_popescu no bother.
21:10 MolokoDeck ok. so it's presumed the signatures are valid?
21:11 mircea_popescu if gribble says so, yes.
21:11 MolokoDeck verifies using GPG or gribble.
21:11 RagnarDanneskjol mmk
21:11 mircea_popescu no, not using gpg. using gribble.
21:11 mircea_popescu when you feed a string to gpg you either get a "nonsense" complaint or a "signed by X" response, with a warning that "we can't know who x is "
21:12 mircea_popescu this warning we squarely ignore, because if gribble knows who x is so do we
21:14 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo "Now this wasn't particularly notable at all. Now a lot of mining companies are crawling" << you are not allowed to use now as the first word in two consecutive sentences
21:14 mircea_popescu what is this, kansas ?
21:15 mircea_popescu !up MolokoDeck
21:15 ben_vulpes gribble does sigver?
21:15 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes nope.
21:15 MolokoDeck you need the hash of the public key ... to get that it seems you need the public key. the PGP cryptosignatures on a document are kind of opaque if you don't have the public key already, apparently it uses the public key to determine whether the signatures match the unaltered document and are from the person who owns the private key matching the public key.
21:15 MolokoDeck at least to do what I'm already doing with it. If this is easier than that then it's as good as done.
21:15 MolokoDeck it's easy to spiff a static address with a few satoshi.
21:15 MolokoDeck rather than keep signing up for more block.io addresses.
21:15 MolokoDeck I just sent you a link to the unit tests.
21:16 mircea_popescu MolokoDeck it's included in the signature block of the signed thing.
21:16 ben_vulpes MolokoDeck: care to share ?
21:16 ben_vulpes i have two whole beers to get through before i knock off for the long weekend i want to read more unit tests
21:16 ben_vulpes hue
21:16 mircea_popescu lol
21:17 ben_vulpes (mircea_popescu: it's like "i find this amusing, even though nobody else probably does, or someone's trolling me, but it's not quite lolworthy")
21:17 ben_vulpes !s ben_vulpes lol
21:17 assbot 25 results for 'ben_vulpes lol' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=ben_vulpes+lol
21:17 RagnarDanneskjol he likes to keep things quiet until they're ready for primetime
21:17 RagnarDanneskjol something of a coder primadonna
21:17 MolokoDeck I think that use of "now" requires a comma in the first sentence, since it's used as a colloquialism or interjection.
21:18 mircea_popescu no ppl i r not insane tyvm stop pming me. i am aware that through the process as described signatures never get in fact verified and one could create a colision and sign for someone else. this is not a bug, it's a fucking feature. you ARE supposed to check YOURSELF the fucking sigs if you intend to rely on the signed documents. it's the only way to implement this correctly.
21:19 ben_vulpes so signed by "x" does not imply that the signature is valid?
21:20 ben_vulpes or that the signature is valid for hash "x" but that there may be collisions?
21:20 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes gpg saying "signed by x" means nothing if you don't have x's pubkey to check.
21:20 mircea_popescu a point so fucking readily lost on derpjournos you wouldn't begin to believe.
21:20 ben_vulpes what is "x" in this case - hash or name + email fields?
21:20 mircea_popescu nsa reads like a third of their "secure" comms on this basis.
21:21 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes the keyid above.
21:22 mircea_popescu !up CHRIX
21:22 ben_vulpes hash == keyid, right? where does gpg get the hash? from the signature itself?
21:22 mircea_popescu yes.
21:22 ben_vulpes okay, great
21:22 ben_vulpes and gpg verifies that the keyid is valid for the sig?
21:22 mircea_popescu so having a "signature apparently by 8A736F0E2FB7B452, could not verify" is one thing. "good signature from user MP 8A736F0E2FB7B452" is another thing.
21:23 ben_vulpes in the latter case it compares the known pubkey to the sig
21:23 ben_vulpes in the former all it does is...
21:23 ben_vulpes can you even verify a signature without a public key?
21:23 asciilifeform http://www.loper-os.org/pub/rfc4880.html
21:23 assbot RFC 4880 - OpenPGP Message Format
21:23 mircea_popescu it compares the pubkey it has stored (and which you hopefully signed) to the shit in the hash of the signed document to establish it was not merely signed but actually signed by x.
21:24 mircea_popescu !up MolokoDesk
21:24 MolokoDesk that's why I'm getting the public key out of the WOT registry at: http://pool.sks-keyservers.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xAF65AE980C825691
21:24 assbot Public Key Server -- Get "0xaf65ae980c825691 "
21:24 mircea_popescu this is not something that may or can be centralised.
21:24 mircea_popescu MolokoDeck don't.
21:24 MolokoDesk ok.
21:25 mircea_popescu simply do this : separate the pastebin into individual signed bits, put each through gpg, take the apparent, unverified signer id, put it through grible to verify wot id, put it through gribble again to verify assbot linkage and you're done.
21:25 MolokoDesk including the public keys in the document then signing it with those public keys would lock this in.
21:25 ben_vulpes but in the case of an unknown key, pgp cannot determine if a signature is valid.
21:25 MolokoDesk sure, that's what I wanted to do initially, get the public key from the signature.
21:25 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes all it determines is that the document formally looks like one signed by that guy.
21:26 ben_vulpes in that there is a signature and a keyid.
21:26 ben_vulpes gotcha.
21:26 asciilifeform MolokoDeck: please, absolutely must, take the time to understand how pgp actually works.
21:26 mircea_popescu just like irl, the registrar of deeds does not verify your signature, merely looks that this shitwas signed
21:26 mircea_popescu if a matter of repudiation arises, then that is dealt with by testing the sig.
21:26 MolokoDesk ok. can GPG extract the public key from a cryptosignature without knowing which public key was used to make the cryptosignature?
21:27 mircea_popescu MolokoDeck it can extract a keyid from the signature block.
21:27 MolokoDesk I didn't see any obvious way to do that.
21:27 mircea_popescu try it.
21:27 MolokoDesk I did, which is why I resorted to using wot's key registry.
21:27 MolokoDesk oh it CAN extract it.
21:27 mircea_popescu gimme a pastebin with something you signed please.
21:27 MolokoDesk hmn.
21:27 mircea_popescu don't make it something stupid.
21:28 MolokoDesk heh. I haven't tested this with documents signed by anyone else yet. sec.
21:30 MolokoDesk ok. is the rationale here that if counterparties signed a document, they usually know who they are and since the contract is not enforceable by an external party, only by their cooperation, it doesn't matter who actually signed it if they all know they did.
21:30 mircea_popescu MolokoDesk the signature of someone you don't know is worthless to you.
21:31 mircea_popescu the verification of identity relies on acts by they who know who you are.
21:31 MolokoDesk and it's provable that the contract hasn't been altered since signed and timelogged to the blockchain.
21:31 mircea_popescu quite.
21:31 mircea_popescu (and signed).
21:31 MolokoDesk ok. if this is easier than what I've done so be it.
21:31 mircea_popescu welcome to philosophically sound software design (tm). i hope to see a lot more of it in the future.
21:32 mircea_popescu computational soundness is so 1970s.
21:32 decimation mircea_popescu: thinking about your definitions of socialism v. fascism, it occurs to me that one quickly leads to another
21:33 mircea_popescu which is supported by practice.
21:34 decimation for example, "I demand that the the group give me a "gun free" life" becomes "give us your gun or go to the gulag" for the neighbor
21:35 MolokoDesk one of the many defiitions of "government" is "that faction that has a monopoly on the use of force in a geographic area"
21:35 MolokoDesk definitiions
21:35 mircea_popescu all the politics of infantilism, where one makes demands of god, are suddenly exposed to reality, because in either of these degenerate systems of governmance (really, sides of same coin) one actualy may entertain the delusion of it.
21:36 mircea_popescu hence musolini's famous "i demand god strike me down"
21:36 ben_vulpes https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8244876
21:36 assbot You are right, but if Bitcoin ever goes mainstream that kind of regulation that ... | Hacker News
21:36 decimation MolokoDesk: I disagree, "monopoly on violence" is a refrain of modern apologists for the state
21:37 mircea_popescu no state ever had or ever actually used any sort of "monopoly" on "violence"
21:37 mircea_popescu first off, violence is a subjective psychogenic construct.
21:37 MolokoDesk there's no such monopoly in practice, of course.
21:37 mircea_popescu what one woman takes as violence another takes as courtship, a point the state is desperate to hide from the more unfortunate of youze.
21:38 mircea_popescu MolokoDesk ok, so one final time, to check this off.
21:38 mircea_popescu hit me.
21:39 decimation re: infantilism, charity << http://hopelesslysane.blogspot.com/2014/08/gratitude.html " I watched one brave/stupid older woman approach a very large woman with six kids hanging off her cart ($420+ of free stuff), and tell her "I know gratitude is beyond you, the least you could do is be polite." The oldest of the boys, about 12ish, menaced her, got in her face and said, "Fuck you, bitch! You owe us!", while momma smirked in approval.
21:39 assbot The Lonely Libertarian: Gratitude
21:39 decimation "
21:39 mircea_popescu asciilifeform why is the pgp corp named twice in the rfc ?
21:39 mircea_popescu i never noticed b4
21:40 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i did wonder this when printed my copy
21:40 asciilifeform my guess was - missing parentheses
21:40 mircea_popescu asciilifeform you know you need to fix the links.
21:40 MolokoDesk assuming everything suggested regarding validating blind signatures is doable: someone points the bot at a cryptosigned document. The bot sniffs the signatures. if all the signatures are valid for that document, it issues a transaction encoding an SHA Hash of the document, waits for the transaction to appear on the block chain, then informs the irc channel of the transaction ID, block number and a pointer to a logged copy
21:40 MolokoDesk of the document. If the signatures flunk it tells the channel that. try again.
21:41 decimation asciilifeform: re: djvu vs pdf << but surely you ocr your digital library
21:41 mircea_popescu MolokoDesk what do you mean by "are valid" ?
21:41 asciilifeform that thing is on my box as mirror, as i'm convinced that our phriends will soon begin to monkey with various documents in transit by url
21:41 MolokoDesk GPG says the signatures are valid.
21:41 mircea_popescu mno.
21:41 asciilifeform (yeah i should probably sign the copy i actually read)
21:41 mircea_popescu we're not getting too far here, lemme write it out as a formal spec.
21:41 RagnarDanneskjol test msg http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=5hrDQdR4
21:43 ben_vulpes ;;gettrust midnightmagic
21:43 gribble Currently authenticated from hostmask midnightmagic!~midnightm@unaffiliated/midnightmagic. Trust relationship from user ben_vulpes to user midnightmagic: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=ben_vulpes&dest=midnightmagic | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=midnightmagic | Rated since: Mon Mar 7 15:45:54 2011
21:43 MolokoDesk I've basically worked up a construction kit for such a bot. I presume the set of functions I have working, or some subset of them, can be used to implement anything we've discussed here.
21:44 mircea_popescu RagnarDanneskjol MolokoDesk http://pastebin.com/yrL9xW6z
21:44 assbot $ gpg -v -v gpg: Go ahead and type your message ... -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESS - Pastebin.com
21:44 mircea_popescu of interest is the signature packet: algo 1, keyid 35D2E1A0457E6498 line
21:44 ben_vulpes ;;rate midnightmagic -1
21:44 gribble Error: For identification purposes, you must be authenticated to use the rating system.
21:44 mircea_popescu ;;gpg info --key 35D2E1A0457E6498
21:44 gribble User 'RagnarDanneskjol', with keyid 35D2E1A0457E6498, fingerprint B4AF6458D7D8A2846F91807935D2E1A0457E6498, and bitcoin address 14ixghmHMcB4szGL3ue5WJ1qnjnWnQXiP6, registered on Thu Jun 5 04:07:21 2014, last authed on Fri Aug 29 21:22:04 2014. http://b-otc.com/vg?nick=RagnarDanneskjol . Currently authenticated from hostmask (1 more message)
21:44 ben_vulpes ;;eauth ben_vulpes
21:44 gribble Request successful for user ben_vulpes, hostmask ben_vulpes!~user@unaffiliated/benkay. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/2AFA1A9FD2D031DA
21:44 MolokoDesk the only thing i haven't tested fully is spending via block.io's api (i have the encoded wallet address already), and getting PGP keys or key IDs/hashes from a signed document without knowing the public keys already.
21:44 mircea_popescu checked. see ?
21:44 ben_vulpes ;;everify if we're defending against collisions, extracting keyids doesn't help much.
21:44 gribble (everify <otp>) -- Verify the latest encrypt-authentication request by providing your decrypted one-time password. If verified, you'll be authenticated for the duration of the bot's or your IRC session on channel (whichever is shorter).
21:44 ben_vulpes ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:3848beb16b68ec5ecee1475ddbe35c09c87cb06bfa9f07946cc58571
21:44 gribble You are now authenticated for user ben_vulpes with key 2AFA1A9FD2D031DA
21:44 ben_vulpes ;;rate midnightmagic -1
21:44 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user midnightmagic has been recorded.
21:45 midnightmagic now what?
21:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2993 @ 0.00085148 = 2.5485 BTC [-]
21:45 MolokoDesk ok. working backwards from the document, get the pubic key IDs of the signatories then look them up with gribble.
21:45 mircea_popescu yup.
21:45 mircea_popescu one sec ima write it out plainly.
21:46 MolokoDesk that's probably the most expedient way to get what you want.
21:46 decimation ought these pubkeys be cached by the bot or grabbed from the keyserver per request ?
21:46 ben_vulpes midnightmagic: is this you? http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2evkc6/conformal_are_the_real_bitcoin_core_devs/ck3kwf4
21:47 assbot midmagic comments on Conformal are the Real Bitcoin Core Devs
21:47 * midnightmagic looks..
21:47 MolokoDesk so this is more a "bot, tell me what you know about this purported contract document, and save a copy, and if the contract isn't obviously bogus, notarize it to the blockchain with a hash"
21:47 midnightmagic yup.
21:49 ben_vulpes there is no playing nice with bitcoin-core.
21:49 MolokoDesk the unit tests grabs the keys from the public key registry every time and updates them in the keyring. that may not be what we're talking about doing now.
21:49 ben_vulpes conformal is not misbehaving.
21:49 RagnarDanneskjol i think the 'obviously bogus' part isn't really even a consideration
21:49 * asciilifeform sees 'golang' as a mild misbehaviour, but won't try to convince people
21:49 ben_vulpes you're the lone positive supporter of ninjaspamgun.
21:50 ben_vulpes and what is this charitable thing?
21:50 midnightmagic I'm not his supporter. I've seen his type before.
21:50 ben_vulpes ;;gettrust midnightmagic ninjashogun
21:50 ben_vulpes orly gribs?
21:51 midnightmagic The charitable thing is the project he's involved with re: children-oriented music education.
21:51 decimation asciilifeform: should it be in LISP?
21:51 gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user midnightmagic to user ninjashogun: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=midnightmagic&dest=ninjashogun | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=ninjashogun | Rated since: Thu Jun 26 19:05:58 2014
21:51 asciilifeform decimation: for all i care - fortran
21:51 asciilifeform but google proprietary crud gives me the willies.
21:51 decimation asciilifeform: agreed. why not python?
21:52 asciilifeform which python.
21:52 asciilifeform the fact that i can ask this question - is my answer
21:52 decimation heh. 2
21:52 decimation good point.
21:52 mircea_popescu MolokoDesk http://pastebin.com/iuk6rard
21:52 assbot Deeds bot : 1. Bot idles in chan. Upon receipt of command including pastebin - Pastebin.com
21:53 ben_vulpes pythugh
21:53 mircea_popescu <decimation> ought these pubkeys be cached by the bot or grabbed from the keyserver per request ? << ?
21:54 MolokoDesk bundling the documents every 5 minutes or so. and storing the hash of that. I was focusing too much on indivdual documents. The bundling feature was in my unit test notes.
21:54 mircea_popescu * asciilifeform sees 'golang' as a mild misbehaviour, but won't try to convince people << be fgucking thankful it's not ruby.
21:54 mircea_popescu MolokoDesk 1 hr.
21:54 mircea_popescu !up MolokoDesk
21:54 MolokoDesk that can be variable
21:54 MolokoDesk I see you've specified about 1 per hour.
21:55 mircea_popescu i'd rather have it fixed.
21:55 mircea_popescu of course server may be under load or w/e.
21:55 mircea_popescu but the idea is, once an hour.
21:55 decimation mircea_popescu: I guess the question is about how much you trust the keyserver to serve valid keys
21:55 MolokoDesk It's simple enough to parmeterize it, i didn't mean changing it from IRC. sure.
21:55 * asciilifeform generally believes that safety-critical code must be written in such a way that auditor can see a tight correspondence between every line and what machine physically does. note that this doesn't entail 'use C!' but can also mean different machine.
21:55 mircea_popescu mp service philosophy : "make small, absolute promises"
21:56 decimation asciilifeform: which is why Knuth wrote MIX
21:56 mircea_popescu decimation at no point are keys examined in this process at all.
21:56 mircea_popescu kinda what the whole discussion has been about
21:56 mircea_popescu well, 80% of it anyway
21:56 asciilifeform MIX << herr knuth wanted no 'holy war' re: why he picked architecture, nor was he interested in commercial endorsement of the existing hardware
21:56 asciilifeform he was, after all, writing mathematics, not ad copy
21:57 midnightmagic ben_vulpes: The last time I was anything but civil to the ninjawhatever type, it turned into 2-year siege that culminated in .. like three (apparent) lawsuits because "ops blah blah exceeding authority blah". Why would I want to risk that a second time when it costs me virtually nothing to report on what I see?
21:57 mircea_popescu i'd be so curious to fuck the imaginary daughter of knuth and buffett.
21:57 MolokoDesk I see you prefer the block number to the transaction number.
21:57 midnightmagic And conformal IS misbehaving. You go idle in their IRC channels.
21:57 mircea_popescu sadly, gay marriage wasn't a thing then.
21:57 ben_vulpes midnightmagic: i did for quite some time.
21:57 MolokoDesk there are multiple transactions in a block.
21:57 chetty The U.S. Forest Service on Friday published a nearly 700-word article on how to safely roast marshmallows, all in preparation for Saturday, which is National Roasted Marshmallow Day.
21:57 mircea_popescu MolokoDesk block-and-address.
21:57 ben_vulpes midnightmagic: what is this lawsuit?
21:57 mircea_popescu comes to fewer bytes than tx id
21:58 mircea_popescu also, tx id is not as reliable.
21:58 ben_vulpes oh not actually ninjashogun
21:58 midnightmagic ben_vulpes: Completely baseless, time-wasting lawsuit because bitcoins hit the multi-hundreds of dollars and random $greek_person found a lawfirm willing to launch defamation nonsense.
21:58 MolokoDesk ok. still have to do a bit of work to find the address in the block. knowing the trasnaction ID is more specific. I'm not arguing the case, this is find.
21:58 MolokoDesk fine.
21:58 mircea_popescu yeah it's an extra step.
21:59 mircea_popescu midnightmagic the one advantage of living in the us : afaik it's actually illegal to try and colect on euro defamation cases there.
21:59 mircea_popescu might be just uk, i dun recall.
22:00 midnightmagic Hope so.
22:00 MolokoDesk so the burden of concatenating the document blob is done by some other agent and sent to pastebin.
22:00 mircea_popescu MolokoDesk that's not really your problem. one person could send five documents in one pastebin. three other people two each
22:00 MolokoDesk I had been intending to accumulate individual documents and bundle them periodically then announce the bundle/blog location
22:01 mircea_popescu you've now got 11 things to string together and that's that.
22:01 mircea_popescu !up guest8374
22:01 MolokoDesk yeah, if this is finally it there's not much more to say, I'll just do it.
22:01 mircea_popescu cool. address ?
22:02 MolokoDesk you want to discuss what happens when it's done that's fine. I'm already good to start on this based on previous email relayed.
22:02 mircea_popescu well once it's done it'll be on github and hosted somewhere.
22:02 MolokoDesk right.
22:02 mircea_popescu what you writing this in ?
22:02 MolokoDesk php
22:02 MolokoDesk there's an option to translate it to python later, but it'll be done sooner in php.
22:02 RagnarDanneskjol for starters - then pyth pref
22:02 mircea_popescu then you'd best include notes on how to get a stock php server into a stater where it can run your code.
22:03 mircea_popescu i dun care.
22:03 MolokoDesk php is decent for rapid prototyping.
22:03 ben_vulpes oh jesus you guys
22:03 ben_vulpes look at this reddit angst
22:03 ben_vulpes http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2evkc6/conformal_are_the_real_bitcoin_core_devs/ck3t55d
22:03 assbot tozee comments on Conformal are the Real Bitcoin Core Devs
22:03 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes for the most part, we're here to escape the teenage angst of the interwebs.
22:03 ben_vulpes oh
22:03 ben_vulpes my
22:03 ben_vulpes shits
22:03 MolokoDesk I'm hosting a bot in ragnar's channel already.
22:04 ben_vulpes anyways, midnightmagic there is no playing nice with "core" dev "team".
22:04 MolokoDesk install notes with the php code.
22:05 RagnarDanneskjol well its not MY channel, i just do all the talkin
22:05 mircea_popescu RagnarDanneskjol i got #trilema like that, it consists of me and some other cool kids logging into gribble.
22:05 midnightmagic ben_vulpes: Do you mind if we go PM? I don't want to disturb channel.
22:05 RagnarDanneskjol ooh I'm there
22:05 mircea_popescu MolokoDesk i dunno how you get gpg for php for instance.
22:06 mircea_popescu but it sounds like just the sort of thing to become a nightmare.
22:06 MolokoDesk i open a pipe for stdio, stdin and stderr.
22:07 MolokoDesk a pipe to gpg works well, gpg outputs it's valdiation spew to stderr so most people have trouble using it from inside php.
22:08 mircea_popescu php does pipes ?
22:08 MolokoDesk yes.
22:08 mircea_popescu o wow. what a band name.
22:08 mircea_popescu ;;google php does pipes ? the band
22:08 gribble Pipe Band: Music: Alma College: <http://www.alma.edu/academics/music/pipe-band.php>; Calendar - RSPBA - The Heart of the Pipe Band World: <http://www.rspba.org/html/calendar.php>; Pipe Band Magazine - RSPBA - The Heart of the Pipe Band World: <http://www.rspba.org/html/magazine.php>
22:08 RagnarDanneskjol haha
22:09 mircea_popescu MolokoDesk and you actually have php irc bots somewhere ?!
22:09 mircea_popescu i thought it was mostly py
22:09 MolokoDesk invite Tao_Jones into this channel if you want to see the bot.
22:09 MolokoDesk it'll need voice.
22:09 RagnarDanneskjol he has a very cool bot that I talk to all the time
22:10 MolokoDesk or you can drop into one of the channels it's already in.
22:10 mircea_popescu um how did this shit go
22:10 RagnarDanneskjol can we kick the bot after - it can get a bit floody at times
22:10 MolokoDesk I'm using a lot of scraping to get data in some cases so some modules require periodic maintenance.
22:10 mircea_popescu !up Tao_Jones
22:10 RagnarDanneskjol .chart4h
22:10 Tao_Jones ---+------------------------------------+-----------------------513
22:10 Tao_Jones | ++ + |BTC-e BTCUSD
22:10 Tao_Jones | + +++++ ++++ ++ |ask 503
22:10 Tao_Jones | ++ + + ++ + |bid 503.056
22:10 Tao_Jones | ++ + + + + ++++ + +++|
22:10 Tao_Jones |+ + + ++ ++++ ++ ++ |499.0100
22:10 Tao_Jones | ++++ + + + |
22:10 kakobrekla such noobs.
22:10 Tao_Jones | + |22-Aug 11:12:09
22:10 Tao_Jones | + + |30-Aug 02:10:23
22:10 Tao_Jones | |33 seconds ago
22:10 Tao_Jones ------------+---------------------------------------------------485.02
22:11 mircea_popescu souch
22:11 MolokoDesk .wot ragnarrdanneskjol
22:11 Tao_Jones no wot entry for: ragnarrdanneskjol
22:11 MolokoDesk .wot ragnardanneskjol
22:11 Tao_Jones id=11613 keyid=35D2E1A0457E6498 fingerprint=B4AF6458D7D8A2846F91807935D2E1A0457E6498 bitcoinaddress=14ixghmHMcB4szGL3ue5WJ1qnjnWnQXiP6 registered_at=2014-Jun-05 08:07:21 UTC nick=RagnarDanneskjol last_authed_at=2014-Aug-30 01:22:04 UTC is_authed=1
22:11 Tao_Jones Public Key for RagnarDanneskjol at http://pool.sks-keyservers.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x35D2E1A0457E6498
22:11 assbot Public Key Server -- Get "0x35d2e1a0457e6498 "
22:11 MolokoDesk duelling bots.
22:11 mircea_popescu kakobrekla yeah but it had to be invited
22:11 mircea_popescu that chart thing is fucking evil.
22:12 RagnarDanneskjol i love it
22:12 * mircea_popescu waves at DoctorBTC
22:12 DoctorBTC does it do ascii video playback
22:12 decimation is that supposed to be one of those 'ascii art' key hash things?
22:12 kakobrekla anyone can invite since its not +i ?
22:12 DoctorBTC hey mircea_popescu
22:12 mircea_popescu RagnarDanneskjol i don't think tao can stay unless it starts answering ,chart in pm only
22:12 ben_vulpes wow that's quite the paste
22:12 MolokoDesk I notice that cryptsy has so many altcoins now that trying to load the entire json spew for them all crashes the quote-reading module.
22:12 mircea_popescu DoctorBTC i don't recall what i wanted to commend you about, but it was something.
22:12 DoctorBTC saw your shoutout the other night
22:12 RagnarDanneskjol right agreed
22:13 ben_vulpes midnightmagic: if you don't understand why this conversation belongs in #bitcoin-assets...
22:13 decimation oh I see it's btc/dollar
22:13 MolokoDesk .wolfram derivative 5*x^2-15x+12
22:13 Tao_Jones d/dx(5 x^2-15 x+12) = 5 (2 x-3) = line = integral 5 (-3+2 x) dx = 5 (x^2-3 x)+constant
22:13 mircea_popescu ahahha geekbot.
22:13 ben_vulpes midnightmagic: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2evkc6/conformal_are_the_real_bitcoin_core_devs/ck3l0cg << what the hell does that even mean
22:13 assbot midmagic comments on Conformal are the Real Bitcoin Core Devs
22:13 decimation does that query wolfram alpha?
22:13 MolokoDesk ?BTC
22:13 Tao_Jones bitstamp: BTCUSD last=507.94 high=514.98 low=501.25 vol=7354 Sat 30-Aug 02:13:31 UTC
22:13 Tao_Jones BTC-e: BTCUSD last= buy= sell= high=hi low= vol= Thu Jan-01 00:00:00
22:13 Tao_Jones bitstamp: BTCUSD bid=506.43 ask=507.95 high=514.98 low=501.25 vol=7353.59436112 time=Sat 30-Aug 02:13:31
22:13 Tao_Jones vircurex: BTCUSD last=551.0 bid=551.0 ask=570.0 vol=0.22212299 time=Thu 01-Jan 00:00:00
22:13 Tao_Jones Invalid argument supplied for foreach() coinbase.php LINE 96
22:13 Tao_Jones No coinbase data for currency symbol: usd
22:13 Tao_Jones bitfinex: BTCUSD last=503.96 bid=503.97 ask=504.72 time=Sat 30-Aug 02:13:43
22:13 mircea_popescu yeah this is a pm bot srsly.
22:13 kakobrekla if this shit continues imma +m
22:14 mircea_popescu ^
22:14 MolokoDesk yeah, i'm scraping wolfram alpha, but if you pay them there's an API that is somewhat more flexible.
22:14 ben_vulpes !down Tao_Jones
22:14 ben_vulpes sry
22:14 RagnarDanneskjol molo - lets hold on Tao floods
22:14 ben_vulpes cannot deal
22:14 MolokoDesk ok. no more bot demo.
22:14 RagnarDanneskjol sorry, like I said
22:14 decimation lol scraping 'human' interface
22:14 ben_vulpes midnightmagic: ratings are not for "politeness"
22:14 MolokoDesk it's morbidly verbose.
22:14 ben_vulpes or "civility"
22:14 mircea_popescu it's cool and all, but it has to pm to the commanding nick
22:14 MolokoDesk kick the bot is my suggestion.
22:14 ben_vulpes they are for trustworthiness and trustworthiness only.
22:15 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes you really can't say what process a third party uses to discern trustworthyness
22:15 mircea_popescu it
22:15 mircea_popescu s like water.
22:15 MolokoDesk the bot also maintains a link log page, searchable.
22:15 * ben_vulpes drums fingers angrily
22:16 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes think of it the only right way to thinl of it : any restriction on the process for others is tantamount to a restriction on the domain of the trng.
22:16 mircea_popescu only nsa wants that.,
22:16 ben_vulpes well i've got my WoT over here, mkay?
22:16 ben_vulpes it's got these pluses
22:16 ben_vulpes and these other minuses
22:17 ben_vulpes this minus is for this set of things.
22:17 mircea_popescu and your skull over there too, with this brain matter in a wet soup, also got its pluses and minuses.
22:17 mircea_popescu which are the better ?
22:17 mircea_popescu teh pluses or teh minuses ? sodium or -oxigen ?
22:18 ben_vulpes all right all right!
22:18 MolokoDesk I was considering that the other night, having a web of trust data structure as a graph, then different algorithms to assess inheritance or diffusion of trust, various wieghtings of different endorsements, graph topology analysis to detect mutual endorsement cartels, that sort of thing
22:18 ben_vulpes shit's just mad suspicious.
22:18 ben_vulpes throwing fud at Conformal for "politeness"
22:18 mircea_popescu MolokoDesk welcome to irl.
22:18 ben_vulpes rating ninjashogun positively for "politeness"
22:18 mircea_popescu so you don't trust the guy.
22:18 ben_vulpes yeah well
22:18 ben_vulpes like i said
22:19 ben_vulpes this negrating is for this set of things.
22:19 mircea_popescu a a yeah. missed that part.
22:19 midnightmagic ben_vulpes: It means the constant claim of credit for work bitcoin core does, the regular snipes and badmouthing of dev activity, the adoption, nearly wholesale, of bitcoin features and ideas without any attribution, and the denial that either someone with access to the conformal code created a fork after rejecting a conformal-mined block, or someone who has a custom bitcoind that doesn't crash on a huge long testnet fork even
22:19 midnightmagic when everyone else's bitcoind did, is evidence that conformal is misbehaving or at least wilfully misinforming people.
22:19 ben_vulpes access to the conformal code
22:19 midnightmagic The rating had nothing to do with "civility."
22:20 ben_vulpes lol what the ever locing fuck
22:20 ben_vulpes do you mean this shit on github?
22:20 midnightmagic Correct. The mining code, which was unavailable at the time the fork occurred.
22:20 mircea_popescu midnightmagic plenty of people have custom clients that don't get crushed by the hearn introduced nsa bug.
22:20 ben_vulpes https://github.com/conformal/btcd/
22:20 assbot conformal/btcd GitHub
22:20 midnightmagic mircea_popescu: That's another issue.
22:20 mircea_popescu what, you really thought we seriously let you people do the coding ?
22:20 midnightmagic I'm not a dev. s/You/those/
22:20 mircea_popescu s/you/those/
22:21 ben_vulpes and yet with the vim
22:21 mircea_popescu i mean even fucking karpeles had his own (bad) sauce ffs.
22:21 ben_vulpes phpsauce
22:21 midnightmagic Yeah that was b-s. He was a menace. Nobody who relies on me lost any money at MtGox.
22:21 mircea_popescu this is true, you're one of the very few people who were around during pirate even, didn't go all nuts about it.
22:22 midnightmagic Not a dime. I did get ruled by BFL though.
22:22 justusranvier I just spent the last three days supporting a code sprint with four Monetas coders and Dave Collins while they work on btcwallet. Midnightmagic's story about btcd forking testnet is complete BS
22:22 ben_vulpes midnightmagic: still waiting on an explanation of http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2evkc6/conformal_are_the_real_bitcoin_core_devs/ck3l0cg
22:22 assbot midmagic comments on Conformal are the Real Bitcoin Core Devs
22:22 mircea_popescu which is why i'm not negrating you, myself. but hey, everyone his own wot sauce.
22:22 mircea_popescu justusranvier hey there reddit boy :D
22:22 mircea_popescu we were having lulz reading that entire thing
22:22 ben_vulpes hey justusranvier i see you collecting btctips off my work
22:23 justusranvier ?
22:23 mircea_popescu lmao asshat
22:23 ben_vulpes http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2evkc6/conformal_are_the_real_bitcoin_core_devs/ck3ebmn
22:23 assbot changetip comments on Conformal are the Real Bitcoin Core Devs
22:23 ben_vulpes nah mostly joshin ;)
22:23 midnightmagic justusranvier: It was one or the other. They deny it was them. From the perspective of an outsider, what's the truth? Who knows? But the fork started at a block CONFORMAL built, and went for hundreds of testnet blocks. It's not b-s. Conformal's logic is false about the origin.
22:23 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes you got the worthless traffic, can't he have the worthless tips ?
22:23 ben_vulpes traffic is worthless. tips?
22:24 mircea_popescu what did he even get, 20 doge ?
22:24 justusranvier ben_vulpes: that was your article?
22:24 ben_vulpes what's a thousandth of a coin worth in three decades?
22:24 mircea_popescu "php does pipes ?" nubbins` !
22:24 ben_vulpes ;;calc 0.001/21000000
22:24 gribble 0
22:24 mircea_popescu make it happen! sign them! nude chicks with tubes on their head singing the ocarina!
22:24 * nubbins` snorts, awakens
22:24 nubbins` buh?!
22:24 ben_vulpes justusranvier: yeah, i run ch
22:24 ben_vulpes and van-ads.com
22:25 midnightmagic ben_vulpes: A user put a forced garbage collection at the wrong spot in Conformal's btcd, and Go segfaulted for no good reason. The code is not as high-quality as everyone thinks it is.
22:25 justusranvier I've actually got to run for about 30-45 minutes, but when I get back I can explain what actually happened on testnet.
22:25 RagnarDanneskjol !up MolokoDesk
22:25 mircea_popescu midnightmagic people like the fact that it's not in shitlanguage and it's better written than the bitcoind. this is not a comment on th\e actual code quality.
22:25 RagnarDanneskjol mircea_popescu - are you confident molo is clear on the reqs? MolokoDesk - are you clear on the reqs?
22:26 mircea_popescu i would think so.
22:26 nubbins` process pictures, for those of you waiting on posters: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=756955.40
22:26 assbot [PRE-ORDER] "What is Bitcoin?" silkscreened posters [15/50 left]
22:26 ben_vulpes midnightmagic: user did idiot shit with code, code broke. surprise!
22:26 justusranvier In any case, check the timestamps on the testnet blocks on the day when btcd announced they'd entered beta
22:26 mircea_popescu RagnarDanneskjol hence http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-08-2014#815547
22:26 assbot Logged on 30-08-2014 02:01:35; mircea_popescu: cool. address ?
22:26 justusranvier You'll see something interesting
22:26 ben_vulpes this is precisely the fud.
22:26 RagnarDanneskjol i kno
22:27 ben_vulpes ;;gettrust justusranvier
22:27 gribble Currently authenticated from hostmask justusranvier!~justus@unaffiliated/justusranvier. Trust relationship from user ben_vulpes to user justusranvier: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=ben_vulpes&dest=justusranvier | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=justusranvier | Rated since: Mon Feb 11 19:56:55 2013
22:27 midnightmagic ben_vulpes: That's total nonsense. It means the codebase is fragile, or the language itself is fragile.
22:27 mircea_popescu golang isn't all that fragile, gwon.
22:28 ben_vulpes i'll posit you the other scenario: bisect the codebase inserting GC calls until we find one innocuously positioned that can discredit the btcd team
22:28 mircea_popescu nubbins` haha shiot sherlock, that satuff should bne on your blog.
22:29 midnightmagic ben_vulpes: leprechauns? Seriously?
22:29 ben_vulpes un savory garnishes
22:29 mircea_popescu seems eulora is actually getting some models made woot.
22:29 nubbins` mircea_popescu pretty proud of it so far
22:29 ben_vulpes why a gc call? why there? what the ever loving fuck is the story?
22:29 nubbins` the split fountain on the sky is particularly nice
22:29 MolokoDesk ok. if we're in agreement about what to do and when to do it I can send you a bitcoin address and get to work.
22:29 mircea_popescu MolokoDesk just paste it here.
22:30 mircea_popescu what the hell has life in the police state done to you ppls!
22:30 MolokoDesk I may want to talk about the deliveries and such in /msg
22:30 MolokoDesk but it's not an issue to get started for me.
22:30 MolokoDesk ok. finding the address.
22:30 ben_vulpes nubbins`: looking good frere!
22:30 nubbins` tyvm!
22:31 nubbins` you're going to lel when you see the next layer
22:31 mircea_popescu dongs ?
22:31 nubbins` nonono
22:31 ben_vulpes errywhere
22:31 ben_vulpes plz or cunts
22:31 mircea_popescu COME PLAY WTH USS
22:31 kakobrekla just hairy balls this time.
22:31 nubbins` reminds me of a thread on gigposters.com, the place i learned my craft -- question was "what's your fave show poster"
22:32 nubbins` all these world-class poster artists saying "space dicks" "yep, space dicks"
22:32 kakobrekla you know what I DONT LIKE IT ALREADY!
22:32 nubbins` i'm thinking wtf? search the archives
22:32 kakobrekla sorry, LOVE.
22:32 ben_vulpes aight mes ami
22:32 nubbins` finally come across this Melvins poster w/ mcdonald's characters on the moon with huge 10' tall cocks growing out of the surface
22:32 ben_vulpes babe calls dinner is ready
22:32 mircea_popescu as per https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z0WmWUT2rM : Plutesc purtat de tate-naripate cu aripi din vata de zahar pe spate ma poatra-n ceruri roz cu nori pufosi pe care fac bule dinozauri somnorosi. In zbor trec buci cu lungi siraguri de margele si-un cartof rustic rastignit pe acadele. Mai trece si un peste de otel si-un urs din muci cu degetel dar iata, hiii, acolo-n zare marea vulva cum rasare.
22:32 assbot RObotzi.S03.Ep13.Sugstanta - YouTube
22:33 ben_vulpes can't be arsed. here's to the sybils!
22:33 MolokoDesk address for project related to contract bot: 1TaoJrnsQzfyBto2PmwPAssce9DGzsHg3
22:33 mircea_popescu "i float carried on tits with wings of cotton candy on their backs, they carry me through pink skies and fluffy clouds upon which bubble sleepy dinosaurs. flying by go butts with lengthy bead strings, and a rustic potato crucified on lolips " etc
22:34 kakobrekla and dont do stdin/out when you have a gpg wrapper
22:35 MolokoDesk noted.
22:35 mircea_popescu what is it ?
22:35 kakobrekla what is it what
22:36 mircea_popescu the wrapper
22:36 kakobrekla http://php.net/manual/en/book.gnupg.php
22:36 assbot PHP: GnuPG - Manual
22:36 MolokoDesk heh. Was going to have to look into that.
22:36 MolokoDesk there's probably an includable object in php that does PGP operations that doesn't use the command line. some PGP or GPG library wrapper.
22:37 kakobrekla didnt i just link to it?
22:37 MolokoDesk generally anything shell() or exec() -like is a bad practice.
22:37 MolokoDesk yeah, I guess you did.
22:37 mircea_popescu ;;ticker
22:37 kakobrekla <kakobrekla> didnt i just link to it? < twice, first time was a /notice
22:37 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 506.2, Best ask: 507.83, Bid-ask spread: 1.63000, Last trade: 506.58, 24 hour volume: 7309.58172579, 24 hour low: 501.25, 24 hour high: 514.98, 24 hour vwap: 508.106868918
22:39 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HASH] 488 @ 0.00115757 = 0.5649 BTC [-] {6}
22:39 mircea_popescu MolokoDesk done.
22:40 MolokoDesk do you want progress reports or just let you know when it's demonstratable first cut for comments feedback and midcourse corrections if any?
22:40 mircea_popescu ;;gettrust assbot MolokoDesk
22:40 gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user MolokoDesk: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=MolokoDesk | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=MolokoDesk | Rated since: never
22:40 MolokoDesk yeah yeah, I'm not in wot.
22:40 mircea_popescu ;;rate MolokoDesk 1 dev.
22:40 gribble Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings.
22:41 mircea_popescu get in the wot, you can get rated, then you can just voice yourself and add whatever relevant whenever relevant.
22:41 mircea_popescu why aren';t you in the wot anyway.
22:41 MolokoDesk it's just another thing to maintain.
22:41 MolokoDesk but I see why it's the thing to do now, since I'm going to be in here a bit.
22:41 mircea_popescu no it's not. your future ability to obtain work here, as well as your ability to benefit from the positive exposure you worked for today strictly hinges on you having a wot acct.
22:42 MolokoDesk I do understand the utility of it, obviously.
22:42 RagnarDanneskjol i been tellin him this forever
22:42 MolokoDesk I'm in. I'll get that set up in a while.
22:43 MolokoDesk it's a bit of work to "not lose a private key". I jest somewhat.
22:43 MolokoDesk eternal vigiliance is the price etc etc...
22:43 mircea_popescu it's also a bit of work not to lose your penis.
22:43 diametric there really isn't anything to maintain..
22:43 MolokoDesk so far I'm not worried about that.
22:43 mircea_popescu the former is a better use of your time.
22:44 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: penis << dulap!
22:44 MolokoDesk agreed. we'll see how it scales in the future.
22:44 mircea_popescu <MolokoDesk> so far I'm not worried about that. << freud would beg to differ.
22:44 mircea_popescu asciilifeform lol you liked that didja.
22:44 asciilifeform mega-educational.
22:44 mircea_popescu MolokoDesk your penis ? sorry to be the harbringer of sad news, but... it doesn't scale in the future, it shrinks in the future.
22:45 MolokoDesk freudian entropy.
22:45 RagnarDanneskjol AHAHa
22:45 mircea_popescu cunts enlarge with use. cocks just sorta diminish
22:45 MolokoDesk these asymmetries.
22:45 DoctorBTC the future is like the cold pacific ocean...
22:45 MolokoDesk I gotta get back to the pacific. Surf's up.
22:46 mircea_popescu i wonder what the divorce rate would look like if it worked the other way areound. doing it five times a week = +1 inch a year.
22:47 asciilifeform plus wear-hardening.
22:47 mircea_popescu "i've been married for 28 years your honor! ENOUGH!"
22:47 MolokoDesk sometimes there's something to be said for equlibrium.
22:47 MolokoDesk pacific... seasteads.. molecular biology research enclaves...
22:48 asciilifeform !s king neptune
22:48 assbot 1 results for 'king neptune' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=king+neptune
22:51 decimation asciilifeform: what is your favored djvu reading device? kindle dx?
22:51 mircea_popescu so i see coinroll add on bitbet, click, decide to try it out.
22:51 asciilifeform decimation: 'nexus-10'
22:51 mircea_popescu http://postimg.org/image/rl12aetz7/
22:51 assbot View image: coinroll
22:51 mircea_popescu SCAM!
22:51 asciilifeform decimation: 'kindle dx' with russian os patch will read djvu, but only really makes sense for very good, high-contrast b&w scans.
22:51 mircea_popescu ;;calc .5 ** 4
22:51 gribble 0.0625
22:51 mircea_popescu CLEARLY!!1
22:52 asciilifeform decimation: 'librerator'
22:52 decimation for mac desktop I've found that "Devonthink" works well to search/index pdfs
22:52 decimation that's the name of the warez?
22:52 * asciilifeform doesn't read scans on normal computer
22:52 asciilifeform decimation: of the patch
22:52 decimation reading scans on the computer sucks, but it's useful for searching references
22:52 mircea_popescu but srlsy jurov, it looks neat and is quite visually appealing.
22:53 mircea_popescu nice design job.
22:53 asciilifeform decimation: most of these aren't meaningfully searchable anyway
22:53 decimation yeah, more for textbooks, not prose
22:54 decimation herr walker has a review on a bio of Maxwell: http://www.fourmilab.ch/fourmilog/archives/2014-08/001530.html
22:54 assbot Reading List: The Man Who Changed Everything (Fourmilog: None Dare Call It Reason)
22:54 asciilifeform read it.
22:54 asciilifeform also recommend: 'the maxwellians' (b. j. hunt)
22:56 decimation one wonders with the ease of finding scans/native text of a great many published textbooks - how long until the college bookstore becomes a thing of the past?
22:56 asciilifeform decimation: this almost happened when cheap 'xerox' copiers appeared
22:56 asciilifeform decimation: the textbook racket responded by changing books (mainly exercises) around as often as they could
22:57 midnightmagic It's already a good chunk of the way there. Many courses at local universities have entirely virtual course materials and reading lists.
22:57 decimation for undergrad subjects at any rate, you would be a pretty poor professor if you couldn't write your own text
22:58 mircea_popescu and they are very poor professors.
22:58 kanzure unfortunately it is not yet profitable to buy textbooks and resell directly to pulp recyclers :(
22:58 mircea_popescu the average call girl makes a lot better money than the average uni prof.
22:58 mircea_popescu and arguably, for much more socialy useful work, too.
22:59 decimation considering scholars 500 years ago would transcribe the professor as he lectured, and then take turns reading the only copy of the course text, kids today have it great
22:59 kakobrekla <asciilifeform> decimation: this almost happened when cheap 'xerox' copiers appeared < when i was in high school you could legally copy 70% of the book .... at once.
22:59 asciilifeform many american 'public' unis publish complete lists of who's paid what - where i live, this is required by law
22:59 asciilifeform and yes - it's true
22:59 chetty <mircea_popescu> the average call girl makes a lot better money than the average uni prof.// but much shorter career
22:59 kanzure the textbook industry spends about $3B/year on marketing- but have you ever seen an ad for a textbook?
22:59 mircea_popescu chetty not so, not really.
22:59 kanzure it's all spent on elaborate vacations for professors
22:59 asciilifeform most (scientific) profs also moonlight as industrial consultants though
22:59 mircea_popescu most uni profs fail to get their tenure in their late 30s
22:59 decimation asciilifeform: most 'public' schools in the us require the same, always a source of amusement for the young ones
23:00 mircea_popescu most call girls can push it past 40ish if they want to
23:00 mircea_popescu the call girl however can start at 12.
23:00 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/08/29_so-you-want-to-coordinate-an-ec2-instance-and-an-rds-instance-in-a-vpc-from-scratch.html
23:00 penguirker New blog post: http://cascadianhacker.com/./blog/2014/08/29_coinbase-insurance-cold-storage-uninsured-nothing-insured-against-the-government.html
23:00 asciilifeform obligatory:
23:00 asciilifeform !s greenspun
23:00 assbot 16 results for 'greenspun' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=greenspun
23:00 mircea_popescu the uni prof can't start at 22.
23:01 kakobrekla the problem with this search is - now there will be 18 results
23:01 asciilifeform lol
23:01 mircea_popescu not necessarily a problem
23:02 decimation that's like grepping ps to find... your grep of ps
23:02 mircea_popescu it does convey the information that the thing was searched later, and you can exclude bots if you wish.
23:02 kakobrekla you can?
23:02 mircea_popescu but for the average noob, history | grep history yields a lot of... "history | grep history"
23:03 mircea_popescu kakobrekla im pretty sure it had a command
23:03 kakobrekla do tell
23:03 mircea_popescu mthreat how did the exclusion clauses work in search agai ?
23:05 decimation "Then the whole RoseArt versus Crayola battle. The kids at the Salvation Army fair got RoseArt, almost half the cost of Crayola, and that's what the vouchers covered. But the RoseArt supplies were hardly touched and the Crayola was wiped out. At the registers, the fights started over, "My kids don't want none of that RoseArt shit, are you saying they ain't good enough for the good stuff? Only white kids get the good stuff?""
23:05 mircea_popescu "yes. shut up and cook me some beans"
23:07 asciilifeform http://hopelesslysane.blogspot.com/2014/08/gratitude.html << she went to lolmart
23:07 assbot The Lonely Libertarian: Gratitude
23:08 mircea_popescu libertarian is lonely through his own fault. shoulda made a wot.
23:09 asciilifeform her.
23:10 kakobrekla mircea_popescu and its not the bots one wants to filter - its lines starting with '!s' and assbots replies 'x results for ..'
23:10 justusranvier http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/26h3o8/btcd_beta_announcement/chr3a3i
23:10 assbot midmagic comments on Btcd Beta Announcement
23:10 kakobrekla anyway i go.
23:10 decimation hehe yeah the other link at the bottom is good too: http://hopelesslysane.blogspot.com/2014/08/the-other-entitlement-class.html "We have millions of these privileged entitlement folks. They are the ones populating the Ivy League schools preparing for their rise to power over the nation. They have never worked a real job, never produced anything, never been allowed to fall on their faces, never been allowed to fail and deal with the
23:10 assbot The Lonely Libertarian: The other entitlement class
23:10 decimation fallout. They have no concept of reality, and sadly, most of us know them personally. "
23:10 mircea_popescu She wasn't talking to me, but I could hear her saying, "It wasn't supposed to be like this, they're so ugly, it's just so wrong." << woman met the orcs, hasn't even been raped yet.
23:11 mircea_popescu decimation i actually don't know any personally.
23:11 asciilifeform like tolkien's orcs, these were built artificially and with great care.
23:11 justusranvier http://blockexplorer.com/testnet/block/00000000000fe8aefd4cda07e13cc54eefc71cfffbacdd82d68f97f018f939f6
23:11 assbot Block 222996 - TEST Bitcoin Block Explorer
23:11 decimation " The oldest of the boys, about 12ish, menaced her, got in her face and said, "Fuck you, bitch! You owe us!", while momma smirked in approval. "
23:12 mircea_popescu "Not these chirrin, my older chirrin! They needs these for they lunches!"
23:12 mircea_popescu lol
23:12 mircea_popescu asciilifeform an orc's an orc.
23:12 decimation you gotta admit the pure chutzpah of trying to buy beer with 'school supply' donations
23:12 justusranvier A few hours after dhill tweeted btcd's first ever mined testnet block, somebody showed up with enough hashing power to find 100 blocks/hour and started conducting history rewriting attacks
23:12 mircea_popescu (only artificial orcs exist. mp knows, for mp has lived all over the world. actual poor people are more pleasant than actual civilised people)
23:13 kanzure why would someone bother doing that on testnet?
23:13 kanzure seems like they would have an easier time using regtest
23:13 justusranvier kanzure: Well, do don't know for sure.
23:13 mircea_popescu kanzure why not ? trolling is trolling.
23:14 justusranvier All we know is they had the capability to do so, and they just so happened to reorg out of existance btcd's first ever mined block, and just so happened to start doing it after they publicly announced having done so.
23:14 kanzure was it only btcd's block?
23:14 justusranvier The history rewriting attacks were 100+ blocks long
23:14 justusranvier More than one of them
23:14 kanzure that doesn't answer my question, actually
23:15 justusranvier We don't know exactly at what height their block was originally mined
23:15 kanzure i see
23:15 justusranvier Because they didn't save it, and the blockexplorer site doesn't save orphan chains
23:15 kanzure too bad
23:16 mircea_popescu the entire thing is really a meaningless exercise. who the fuck cares what happens on testnet.
23:16 mircea_popescu it's not a blockchain of record.
23:16 mircea_popescu it's much like natural experimentation : if unreproducible,
23:16 justusranvier But they know their block wasn't bad because they submitted it to a local, isolated bitcoind before they broadcast it to the network
23:16 mircea_popescu discarded.
23:17 justusranvier It's just pathetic to watch the Bitcoin Core team and/or their fanboys compete on FUD when they can't compete on code quality
23:17 asciilifeform re: orcs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCTL69saJVQ
23:17 assbot 10 Orks (subtitle eng) - YouTube
23:18 mircea_popescu justusranvier lol they can't compete on fud, this is a long established point.
23:18 justusranvier They are trying, though
23:19 mircea_popescu i dun see it.
23:19 mircea_popescu gotta let people have fun, what.
23:20 justusranvier So some companies, including mining pools, are interested in running btcd. For some reason, said companies sometimes ask the Bitcoin Core team for advice before doing so. FUD ensues.
23:20 mircea_popescu you're really making too much of this.
23:21 justusranvier I'm not sure what you mean.
23:21 mircea_popescu can you see why reorging some new guy's block out of this world is funny ?
23:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12500 @ 0.00085394 = 10.6743 BTC [+] {2}
23:22 justusranvier Oh that? Of course I can see how it's funny. The pathetic part is how people lie about what happened.
23:23 mircea_popescu so people have issues with humor, what. i dun care, you dun care, foggedaboutit
23:23 decimation asciilifeform: lol
23:23 mircea_popescu !up altoz
23:23 altoz hey mircea
23:23 mircea_popescu hey unknown person from the interwebs
23:24 asciilifeform 'conformal' smells suspiciously like a 'good-cop' half of a 'good-cop / bad-cop' act.
23:24 mircea_popescu asciilifeform whay, just because old dod contractor ?
23:24 asciilifeform nope.
23:24 mircea_popescu using a sexy language and being generally sane ?
23:24 asciilifeform yes.
23:24 decimation asciilifeform: why not focus on producing a readable RFC first is the question..
23:25 mircea_popescu you are ALSO making too much of it :D
23:25 asciilifeform plus continuing with 'the code is the spec' derpatron.
23:25 mircea_popescu that's a forced mistake.
23:25 mircea_popescu what are they going to do, write out a spec then have the bitcoind horde pretend "it fails" ?
23:26 mircea_popescu forcing specification through mutually disjunct implementations is the best we get.
23:27 asciilifeform i must confess that the conformal/power-ranger war does not concern me personally, because 'happy is the man who has one leg, one sock doesn't tear, one boot isn't needed' - and i intend to solve the pertinent problem with own hands before it begins to concern me personally.
23:27 mircea_popescu which is why i took exception to the "why cant we all get along" derpage from midnightmagic yest.
23:27 mircea_popescu asciilifeform a sound approach.
23:27 mircea_popescu as i was saying earlier : so has erryone.
23:27 justusranvier Speaking of specs, davec found parts of bitcoind script validation that involved behavior undefined by the C++ spec, meaning it's theoritically possible to compile it with a non-gcc compiler and get two bitcoinds that will fork on a carefully-crafted transactions.
23:28 mircea_popescu justusranvier "code is the spec" means "the compiler we use is the spec" too.
23:29 decimation because the code wasn't machine code or MIX...
23:29 mircea_popescu mix dun werk.
23:29 asciilifeform not only google, but apple, and microshit before them, turned away from traditional 'gcc' suite and proclaimed elaborate crud in its place. i could only ever assume - for ease of 'thompsoning' people.
23:29 mircea_popescu for that matter, fucking machine code dun werk.
23:30 decimation indeed, one must then blindly trust the logic designer and chip maker
23:30 asciilifeform the wider the conceptual gap between what programmer sees, and what machine physically does - the more room for turdage - whether of the constructed or accidental kind.
23:30 decimation asciilifeform: I thought apple was trying to get on board with LLVM
23:31 mircea_popescu this can be a decent graduate exercise. "write the longest asm program that does the same thing on all platforms. you may pick what it does yourself."
23:31 asciilifeform ''
23:31 * asciilifeform wins
23:31 mircea_popescu exactly. a succession of "sleep"
23:31 asciilifeform nah, a string of zero length.
23:31 mircea_popescu (the point being not to win, but like in any koan, to contemplate what the win means)
23:31 mircea_popescu ~longest~
23:32 asciilifeform longest.
23:32 * asciilifeform assumed 'platforms' include all known cpu archs
23:32 mircea_popescu lol
23:32 mircea_popescu i was (in retrospect, mistakenly) taking an "observable" approach to "same thing"
23:33 decimation supposedly gcc was made intentionally obscure so that stallman can use it as a crowbar
23:33 asciilifeform for your puzzle, famous example - http://code.google.com/p/corkami << grep for 'polyglot'
23:33 assbot corkami - Reverse engineering & visual documentations - Google Project Hosting
23:34 asciilifeform decimation: crowbar ?
23:34 decimation people just copy & paste the whole thing with GPL to all platforms
23:35 asciilifeform versus what ?
23:36 decimation http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-01-2014#458755
23:36 assbot Logged on 24-01-2014 22:15:54; nubbins`: http://news.slashdot.org/story/14/01/24/1838241/fsfs-richard-stallman-calls-llvm-a-terrible-setback
23:37 decimation "The existence of LLVM is a terrible setback for our community precisely because it is not copylefted and can be used as the basis for nonfree compilers — so that all contribution to LLVM directly helps proprietary software as much as it helps us.'"
23:37 asciilifeform it was a terrible setback, though not for the reasons herr stallman gives
23:37 asciilifeform because http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-08-2014#815988
23:37 assbot Logged on 30-08-2014 03:30:44; asciilifeform: the wider the conceptual gap between what programmer sees, and what machine physically does - the more room for turdage - whether of the constructed or accidental kind.
23:38 decimation asciilifeform: because better compiler = more people thinking they don't have to understand what the machine is doing?
23:38 asciilifeform decimation: when 'better compiler' sits on 'same old cpu' - yes
23:38 decimation Sounds legit. kinda like the existence of google translate is given as a reason not to learn another language
23:39 mircea_popescu uh no it's not
23:39 mircea_popescu it's a good entrypoint
23:40 asciilifeform it's such a bad entry point that it probably encourages folks to study languages.
23:40 decimation yeah, I agree. for me, it's motivating when I see how shitty its output looks, and it makes me want to translate more
23:40 asciilifeform showcases how little the 'dictionary approach' gives.
23:40 decimation now with idioms!
23:41 asciilifeform back to subject - imho btc client is 'safety critical code' - but none of the existing implementations rise to even the most basic standard for such.
23:42 decimation asciilifeform: do you mean to separate "btc client" from "btc node"?
23:42 asciilifeform that being - that someone, somewhere, is willing to answer with his arse for what every character in the code actually causes the hardware to do.
23:42 asciilifeform node.
23:43 * asciilifeform is in the process of meeting this standard for a different application, and it is very labour-intensive. but necessary.
23:44 asciilifeform just as with the discovery of ionizing radiation, people suffer needlessly because they 'intuitively' believe that invisible thing can't kill them
23:45 asciilifeform somehow everyone understands that parachute, airplane, etc. have to be designed in certain ways - but mention programs? and 'you're a nut'
23:45 decimation or inversely they believe that it's everywhere and out to get them.
23:46 asciilifeform entropy, at least, -is- always out to get you.
23:46 asciilifeform pick an arbitrary bit in memory image of 'bitcoind.'
23:46 asciilifeform flip.
23:46 asciilifeform contest / student exercise - find the most interesting one.
23:47 asciilifeform your choice of cpu.
23:47 decimation next step: find out how to flip that bit in said machine running with crap-o-soft os
23:47 asciilifeform not even speaking of enemy action here
23:47 asciilifeform just the now-ubiquitous non-error-correcting memory.
23:48 decimation probably the majority of btc nodes run non-ecc ram
23:48 asciilifeform example:
23:48 asciilifeform !s bitsquatting
23:48 assbot 0 results for 'bitsquatting' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=bitsquatting
23:48 asciilifeform ;;google bitsquatting
23:48 gribble Bitsquatting: DNS Hijacking without exploitation - dinaburg.org: <http://dinaburg.org/bitsquatting.html>; Bitsquatting - [media.blackhat.com] - Audio and Video from Black Hat: <https://media.blackhat.com/bh-us-11/Dinaburg/BH_US_11_Dinaburg_Bitsquatting_WP.pdf>; Examining the Bitsquatting Attack Surface - Cisco Blog: <http://blogs.cisco.com/wp-content/uploads/Schultz- (1 more message)
23:50 decimation the fun version of this would be to squat on a domain predicted to be used by a popular bot
23:50 * asciilifeform might have confessed before - is running 7+ yr. old hardware, because non-intel ECC hardware has become virtually unobtainable
23:51 * decimation has an HP amd-based 'microserver' with ecc ram
23:51 asciilifeform decimation: popular bot << no need for 'bitsquat' here. most of the clever sort of botnet use domains generated weekly, based on time of day. but, clever folks also use rsa signatures for payload auth.
23:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8650 @ 0.00085345 = 7.3823 BTC [-] {2}
23:52 decimation asciilifeform: wouldn't there be an "id trail" from the registrar to the bot herder?
23:53 asciilifeform decimation: at least a few registrars take btc and don't ask too many questions
23:54 decimation even with payload crypto it would be interesting to watch the incoming packets
23:54 asciilifeform decimation: you can watch all you like - run a 'tor' exit.
23:56 * decimation does not want to become a zek
23:58 asciilifeform decimation: if you have a strict isp, do it in one of those 'nature preserves' where it is officially encouraged (e.g. 'amazon ec2')
23:59 asciilifeform but must understand, this is likely a popular 'sport' and anything you see - will have been seen by plenty of others
23:59 decimation perhaps I could change the bitcoin addresses to something friendly :) http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-01-2014#435478
23:59 assbot Logged on 03-01-2014 03:15:35; asciilifeform: there are tor exits silently pumping ascii through 'sed' or the like, slipping 'friendly' btc addrs in place of originals.
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