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| Results 3251 ... 3500 found in pest for 'from:signpost' |

2022-09-09 signpost currencies flopping around like mad
2022-09-08 signpost asciilifeform: ah ok, over here I saw everyone else join/part/etc, thought that meant I was doing the same outbound.
2022-09-08 signpost crtdaydreams: nah, distcc job that fell back to the puny box in question.
2022-09-08 signpost sorry about the noise. I loaded the shit out of the box that runs my pest station.
2022-09-08 signpost obvious to anyone with a pulse we've been at "hybrid war" with both parties for a long time.
2022-09-08 signpost scurrying out a "did not mean to say" was entertaining.
2022-09-08 signpost contextualizes the present conflict pretty well.
2022-09-08 * signpost recently read Unrestricted Warfare, mildly entertaining discussion of the then-upcoming hybrid war between china and US from 1998 from the cn perspective.
2022-09-08 signpost "Clarification: A Pentagon spokesperson said Bill LaPlante did not mean to say that Ukrainians were trained in the United States."
2022-09-08 signpost << dorks in openly bragging about training ukrs on the Harpoon system in the US.
2022-09-07 signpost ty.bmp
2022-09-07 signpost planning on turning this prototype into a little command line tool that can send/receive a given file to an IP:PORT
2022-09-07 signpost << in other news, onlinecodes lisp prototype works now. working through sbcl's optimization warnings atm, refactoring, etc
2022-09-06 signpost lol
2022-09-06 signpost later the zealots compromise the thing until it's actionable.
2022-09-06 signpost as I let that one continue to digest, eh, the prophet yields to no one.
2022-09-06 signpost life is also remarkably easy yet.
2022-09-06 signpost perhaps all the ways are closed. dying next to an art project isn't so bad.
2022-09-06 signpost equip the babes, instinctive cult-propagators that they are
2022-09-06 signpost huehue, but wife-net is not to be underestimated!
2022-09-06 * signpost would be happy at this stage of life to disintermediate "I have unpasteurized dairy products for sale".
2022-09-06 signpost and also
2022-09-06 signpost tmsr wanted to be the superstructure between sovereigns and no node present was.
2022-09-06 signpost all I'm saying.
2022-09-06 signpost asciilifeform: "what use is a baby"
2022-09-06 signpost in either case there's use in a protocol where folks can talk about each other and announce shit they have to sell.
2022-09-06 signpost not sure it was that, or hell, correctly noticing when mandate of heaven passed.
2022-09-06 signpost "I don't care how much noise I get back; I need this file and am willing to eat a lot of failed hashes to find it" vs "I'm deploying a server that belongs to me with an OS image and I'm willing to speed things up by using ally boxes"
2022-09-06 signpost I may at some times only want to consider offers to transfer the file from immediate peers, other times from l2, etc
2022-09-06 signpost wot may very well fit that definition at some point, perhaps involved in message propagation. say I issue a request for a given hash in the context of a filesharing system.
2022-09-06 signpost "required for dynamics of pest protocol itself" may be one way of dividing what becomes a message type.
2022-09-06 * signpost grows quite fond of this notion of a chain of structured social pronouncements.
2022-09-06 signpost asciilifeform: dipping on a bill among (former?) l1's pretty unimpressive.
2022-09-06 signpost $ticker btc usd
2022-09-06 signpost awt: linked from here
2022-09-06 signpost awt: << sounds like he's gonna continue here?
2022-09-04 signpost << this thing does A LOT of nutty shit in the "installer" script.
2022-09-02 * signpost bought a remarkable but went straight back to paper.
2022-09-02 signpost afaik koreader supports all of that.
2022-09-01 signpost
2022-09-01 signpost << "2008" took a lot longer than it seems in retrospect
2022-08-30 signpost meanwhile rip gorby
2022-08-30 signpost awt: what do you think the interest rate cut excuse is going to be?
2022-08-30 signpost the fake currency has to be strong for the buying the banker fucks are going to be doing somewhere in the next 6-12mos
2022-08-30 signpost fake assets I said though, not fake currencies
2022-08-30 signpost gotta restart the game back at the bottom
2022-08-30 signpost at this point the dampening scheme appears to apply to every fake asset, whether discussing goxbtc or gox401k
2022-08-29 signpost answer to so many things... "have you considered having real ones made?"
2022-08-29 signpost worked from home for too long and my toes spread out!
2022-08-29 signpost I recently noticed how much having my toes jammed together sucks, currently hunting for a good wide toe-box shoe.
2022-08-28 signpost hey mats, get a pest station already.
2022-08-28 signpost curious if these numbers are accurate:
2022-08-28 signpost more/less expected standard of living under socialism
2022-08-28 signpost yeah, being cold or without power is not an apocalypse, I agree.
2022-08-28 signpost I kinda want to buy a natgas etf, but I figure every time I have an urge like that I'm too late for the trade.
2022-08-28 signpost jonsykkel: ty for your incisive analysis :)
2022-08-28 signpost iirc jonsykkel is our only current eufag
2022-08-28 signpost for sure
2022-08-28 signpost I'm not aware that russia has budged on a thing, look like they're doing great atm.
2022-08-28 signpost if the question is whether people will do anything about lack of heat or power, no argument to the contrary here.
2022-08-28 signpost
2022-08-28 signpost billymg: german bureaucrats are already talking about begging to turn on nord stream 2.
2022-08-28 signpost why hard to believe?
2022-08-28 * signpost has his bag wide open, 50% off coupon pls.
2022-08-28 signpost << when the stock market takes another rip downward normies will be fleeing their goxcorn too.
2022-08-26 signpost guess I could've been sending one out tbh, but I can't find the residue of that particular embarassment in my noggin.
2022-08-26 signpost << >>
2022-08-26 signpost << doubt it; I was self-employed for a decade.
2022-08-25 signpost apu2's not a particularly beefy machine
2022-08-25 signpost yeah, or even use threading, given it's IO. the one place python can sorta multitask.
2022-08-25 signpost awt: any ideas on getting idle pest CPU usage down? seems to churn about 50% of one core on an APU2 consistently
2022-08-25 signpost fell down a rabbit hole of old logs looking for it, did not find.
2022-08-25 signpost I think I pasted an entire email from my dad one time.
2022-08-25 signpost huehue
2022-08-22 signpost
2022-08-22 signpost
2022-08-22 signpost
2022-08-22 signpost mhm!
2022-08-22 signpost I've either fucked something up in inner-encode or decode, grunting through it with tests
2022-08-22 signpost phf: << here's where I'm at on the CL rewrite, doesn't work yet.
2022-08-22 signpost when one of us gets killed for facilitating the sale of a brick of aluminum, pop the champagne.
2022-08-22 signpost "I am such-and-so identity and here are my wares."
2022-08-22 signpost importantly, not only say things, but sell things.
2022-08-22 signpost yup, I think that's worth building.
2022-08-22 signpost "I want to efficiently distribute this byte-array I just produced among my frens, and them among their frens"
2022-08-22 signpost it's why I like the warez idea; it tidily bundles together what one needs for decentralized publishing of w/e.
2022-08-22 signpost "sane" people are deplatformed every day. once this thing's a viable alternative it oughta be aggressively promoted to those folks, who then bring their horde of normies.
2022-08-22 signpost imho this was always the objective of TMSR, as illustrated by the failed weev episode and others.
2022-08-22 signpost wave-of-meat has its place, but I'd rather have the defense distributed guys in here, folks teaching el salvadorean abuelitas bitcoin, etc.
2022-08-22 signpost *what aims the meatsacks is feeding them, and that's it.
2022-08-22 signpost << seems to me that what aims
2022-08-22 signpost because I like living, and because my life relies upon centralized systems which are breaking or likely to break sooner than I feel like dying, seems reasonable to want to lift as many of those needs onto decentralized systems that will at worst survive, at best thrive in collapse.
2022-08-22 signpost re: why strive, hell, I like living. it's pretty good.
2022-08-22 signpost whatever I may be, the better world to inhabit is the one in the direction of the greatest men's striving, the world *made of* that striving.
2022-08-22 signpost it can be rightly said that the scope of that "sovereignty" is infinitesimal.
2022-08-22 signpost yup. my signature's still affixed to a declaration of my personal sovereignty.
2022-08-22 signpost (and of course, little things break through and become big at exactly that kind of time, when the incumbent falters)
2022-08-22 signpost making a correct call on what to do in this circumstance would be the bet of all time.
2022-08-22 * signpost doesn't see *any* human who can prevent that crash. not presidents, not anyone assembled here.
2022-08-22 signpost we're headed for a world where structure is collapsing, food scarcer, etc., right?
2022-08-22 signpost just pausing over here to think through what I want to say about it.
2022-08-22 signpost yeah, something like that, while references to items outside pestnet remain interesting, which'd be quite a while.
2022-08-22 * signpost can see himself publishing string->IP mappings, warez payloads, blog posts, w/e into same.
2022-08-22 signpost and I don't think we've even scratched the surface of what it means to have structured messages within a shared, decentralized log.
2022-08-22 signpost as far as immediate, practical usefulness goes, decentralized warez "site" remains top of my list for pestnet applications.
2022-08-22 signpost << there's some uninspected "democracy decides what is true" in here, seems like.
2022-08-22 signpost << I've definitely been getting my fill of summer. I also get quiet when I'm grunting out a piece of work.
2022-08-22 signpost << makes sense, ty for the explanation. it seemed to me that someone was reaching for whomever they could hit, and apparently missed even that.
2022-08-21 signpost phf: << what's your sense of the stature of Dugin in Russia?
2022-08-20 signpost np, just sign a message with the same key requesting the name change.
2022-08-20 signpost << not possible automatically, but I'm happy to do it for ya.
2022-08-20 * signpost just got back from a week on the beach at south padre island
2022-08-15 signpost that one's final genesis for the py impl
2022-08-15 signpost PeterL: I deleted the WIP genesis. latest is linked from the poast, can be found here
2022-08-10 signpost yeah, I need to unfuck the CSS a bit yet.
2022-08-10 signpost up with 9973
2022-08-10 signpost neato
2022-08-10 signpost awt: looks like a nice cleanup on message parsing eh?
2022-08-10 signpost in other news, I restricted the front page of to ratings given in the last 5yrs, and now it looks about how one'd expect
2022-08-10 signpost nice awt, will roll that out now
2022-08-10 signpost updooted
2022-08-10 signpost PeterL:
2022-08-10 signpost PeterL: nah, I refactored it a few times since then. lemme poast the latest py version.
2022-08-10 signpost pest's stable enough and folks are welcome to join if they can find a single person willing to peer.
2022-08-10 signpost yeah I hit my dose limit on amphetamine chatter and turned off IRC.
2022-08-09 * signpost currently focused on getting a lisp version out of my online-codes impl.
2022-08-09 signpost I guess the idea re: customization is you beg your changes into their official build via shithub, which isn't interesting.
2022-08-09 signpost can't really recommend it atm
2022-08-09 signpost I haven't tried to build my own OS image for it yet. last I was looking into it you could only run custom builds in their simulator due to a dependency on some closed binturd for the eink display.
2022-08-09 signpost phf: it feels a little cheap, plastic squeaks and flexes a bit.
2022-08-02 signpost this line of questioning will require a virgin to whip, that we may read the welts
2022-08-02 signpost couldn't handle being covered in shit all day like the rest of us.
2022-08-02 * signpost imagines the first guy who invented wiping his ass.
2022-08-02 signpost lol, that one bites hard.
2022-08-02 signpost
2022-08-02 signpost :D
2022-08-02 * signpost has both the mags and the cardio habit ftr!
2022-08-02 signpost there's also building things correctly, aside aspirations.
2022-08-02 signpost congrats gregornyssa, hearing you loud and clear.
2022-07-30 signpost congrats awt, fine place to have modularity.
2022-07-28 signpost the NE knuckledragger caste at some point adopted the urban affectations.
2022-07-28 signpost nothing checks all the boxes. new england's full of wiggers.
2022-07-28 signpost awt: nearby conroe there's a mega-suburb called the woodlands, in it, carlton woods -> "cartel woods"
2022-07-28 signpost probably eye-for-caste is a good measure of whether you know an area.
2022-07-28 signpost there's a caste system with the policing though and plenty of areas are safe.
2022-07-28 signpost conroe -> "corn row", greenspoint -> "gun's point" etc
2022-07-28 signpost yup, lots of shitholes in greater houston
2022-07-28 signpost and I lived 5min from this for a few years. one can get used to anything.
2022-07-28 signpost east side of houston is *rough*, "third ward"
2022-07-28 signpost yup
2022-07-28 signpost and climate has winter without being covered in 3ft of snow for months.
2022-07-28 signpost re: thread above this is sorta why I'm interested in south new hampshire. state govt increasingly populated by secessionist libertarians with guns, driving distance to boston
2022-07-28 signpost but when it's another country it's different and spookier.
2022-07-28 * signpost has plenty of areas of say austin or houston where I'd not likely go, and definitely not send my wife.
2022-07-28 signpost funny how this gets evaluated depending on familiarity with an area.
2022-07-28 signpost dead bums can be found in any US city
2022-07-27 signpost right, with phf the default assumption is not that he's doing "the x of y" superficial thinking.
2022-07-26 signpost one just has to manage american medical derps like they're household help.
2022-07-26 signpost at this point the shots have had significant effect, so doing even better.
2022-07-26 signpost makes sense, but I breathe through nose. even when I had worse allergies I was using a neti pot and antihistamine enough to keep my nose usable.
2022-07-26 signpost US inmates were well into "you pretend to pay us and we'll pretend to work" before the covid inflation.
2022-07-26 signpost sputtered some crap about getting close to the end of the vials.
2022-07-26 signpost unrelatedly, just had to point out an air-bubble to the nurse giving me allergy shots, wtf.
2022-07-26 signpost bbl, will hack at the lisp encoder today. I'll aim to produce an item that can fart an encoded file stream at a list of IPs and ports, either from disk or as received from somebody else.
2022-07-26 * signpost has kept the notion of eventually being on radio in mind, and one can imagine a station that broadcasts a particular payload with zero messages received from those listening. if one can estimate the lossiness of the channel, can properly tune OC such that there's strong assurance the receiver can reconstruct.
2022-07-26 signpost modeling after torrent, but on udp, gonna have to resurrect detection and retransmission of loss, whereas an erasure code efficiently tolerates loss.
2022-07-26 signpost phf: "online codes" is one of the kademlia d00d's work, seems a good fit to me.
2022-07-21 signpost I'd guess that since it's single-threaded getting a bunch of GETDATA from one or more peers might be one cause.
2022-07-21 signpost crtdaydreams: load up blatta in a profiler and look at what it's spending time on, if you want to investigate sources of lag.
2022-07-19 signpost bitcoin's not for everyone.
2022-07-19 signpost eh, buyers of those are just buying bitcoin for somebody else.
2022-07-19 signpost sounds nice, enjoy PeterL
2022-07-19 * signpost will poast a signed disk image when ironed out a bit more.
2022-07-19 signpost it's a bleeding edge gentoo, but hey, better than the mangina install it had before.
2022-07-19 signpost wew gentoo on pinebook lives.
2022-07-18 signpost well, when your studies yield a more reliable predictor than my butt I'll happily split your profits 50/50.
2022-07-18 signpost (but who knows)
2022-07-18 * signpost has a feeling in his butt that coins will be cheaper still.
2022-07-18 * signpost probably paraphrasing, but recalls mp telling me "you have no idea just how far the US has yet to fall"
2022-07-18 signpost if anybody recs a russian perspective on same, would gladly read.
2022-07-18 signpost translation of cn mil docs from 99 on hybrid warfare strategy against US.
2022-07-18 * signpost picked up Unrestricted Warfare, if anyone's curious how long the Chinese have had the USA's number.
2022-07-18 signpost most likely *as* "the world"
2022-07-18 signpost regarding nato's self-importance, and the rest of the world moving on.
2022-07-18 signpost nope, just leaving you bitch, for better.
2022-07-18 signpost "so that's it?! no nukes, no nothing?"
2022-07-18 signpost got this image in mind of a screeching woman disappointed that she wasn't important enough to hit.
2022-07-18 signpost hats off to russia; while the "west" has been twisting its nipples about whether there will be a traditional war in europe, russia's been winning the hybrid war.
2022-07-18 signpost << nord stream's off indefinitely.
2022-07-17 signpost thanks billymg! I've added those peerings.
2022-07-16 signpost yep
2022-07-16 signpost inb4 "disregard that I suck cox" as codified message type.
2022-07-16 signpost or PROD arrives and I see you have a hash I don't know, and I GETDATA you for it?
2022-07-16 signpost or udp gods sent that one to satan, get next message, meh.
2022-07-16 signpost which points self-chain at the questionable message that might've been hearsay or fake?
2022-07-16 signpost wouldn't a later direct message resolve?
2022-07-16 signpost where one swears before god and all, and where nobody can prove exactly who said what outside the cabal.
2022-07-16 signpost phf: I think there's utility in having both spaces.
2022-07-16 * signpost might need to sketch the idea out.
2022-07-16 signpost *you* don't have what to distinguish, but you'll have to be supplied it by who has in some form to know.
2022-07-16 signpost asciilifeform: there is what to distinguish. somebody peered with all bobs in question.
2022-07-16 signpost whoever knows the bobs must speak for them, convince others of their bobacity.
2022-07-16 signpost *think
2022-07-16 signpost I tihnk this problem requires some amount of gossip.
2022-07-16 signpost (specifically, update rating to head of real bobchain, negrate fake bobchain)
2022-07-16 signpost and that still requires the humans to figure out who's bob, which seems unavoidable
2022-07-16 signpost ratings after would resolve the split
2022-07-16 signpost ratings prior to the fraudulent extension would give one trust in the chain up to that point.
2022-07-15 * signpost might misunderstand the problem, invites correction if so.
2022-07-15 signpost if you have two people claiming to both be bob, crawl up their self-chains and figure out where they fall in your wot. let UI indicate this somehow, "bob before biff, ben, and beelzebub"
2022-07-15 signpost suppose a rating pointed to a given message to indicate identity. "I'm rating whomever produced this chain of messages"
2022-07-15 signpost upstack on wot, one's identity is what others call them. (NOT what one "identifies as")
2022-07-15 signpost having it in the REPL might be mighty handy.
2022-07-15 signpost phf: god damn that's nice
2022-07-15 signpost re: bobs problem, was thinking that a proper design of pesttronic wot might help solve.
2022-07-15 signpost phf: piiiix
2022-07-15 signpost would be nice to build such that eat-the-world is possible, even while avoiding the hubris of expecting to.
2022-07-15 signpost awt: the weird thing about the internet is that our dunbars aren't one group.
2022-07-15 signpost and even at the edges one can find it pretty likely, even if not mathematically provable.
2022-07-15 signpost everybody has as much assurance in their own copy of history as their relationships grant them.
2022-07-15 signpost non-opposable with hard assurance at l1, attenuates thereafter.
2022-07-15 signpost pest seems in the direction of the right model tbh, and not just a good-enough hack
2022-07-15 * signpost also finds himself still pulled by Voice of Authorization to contemplate WoT, has various items on desk in that direction.
2022-07-15 signpost one can start getting allergic about "PKI" but the problem there's the centralization and bureaucracy, not chains of trust.
2022-07-15 signpost re: observers and how truth propagates it's interesting. one could imagine swearing to having observed, and so on.
2022-07-15 signpost vpatches also need this, a place to be recorded.
2022-07-15 signpost there's a fundamental republican cultural object in there somewhere.
2022-07-15 signpost like, All. History.
2022-07-15 signpost I think this is right. ideologically speaking the log should contain all history.
2022-07-15 signpost upstack, regarding the wot database it should eventually be an entirely decentralized mechanism of some kind. me dying shouldn't mean shit.
2022-07-15 * signpost will see about fixing.
2022-07-15 signpost wot command might be borked, used to shit an sexp of wot.
2022-07-15 signpost personally I like the world where one swears to their sayings, but can see the above argument also.
2022-07-15 signpost whereas current model creates a cache which suggests you go ask the human about their rating if you like.
2022-07-15 signpost the argument for not compiling a database of signed ratings was that it creates proof of a relationship which The Man may use against you.
2022-07-15 signpost ^ let's see if this still works
2022-07-15 signpost !!wot
2022-07-15 signpost *steal
2022-07-15 signpost very serious trade secret pls no stela
2022-07-15 signpost well, most!
2022-07-15 signpost that should remove all of the tits
2022-07-15 signpost I can get behind a general rule of "n00bs don't make the front page" by requiring rating of >=2
2022-07-15 * signpost bbl
2022-07-15 signpost was having a bitch of a time getting the SVG to scale properly.
2022-07-15 signpost shinohai: PeterL: ty, will try to unfuck the CSS. might need to ask for halp from billymg.
2022-07-15 signpost ideally the page indicates who interesting folks outside one's own l2 may be.
2022-07-15 signpost asciilifeform: dun wanna remove human ratings for folks; I only removed deedbot's. but I'll give another level a try.
2022-07-15 signpost graphviz organized the thing pretty sensibly once I deleted deedbot and switched to "neato". perhaps I can persuade y'all to update your ratings as you currently see them.
2022-07-15 signpost there are plenty of names here I'd be happy to work with again as the world burns.
2022-07-15 signpost << I made this index page a little more useful by showing folks in my l3 with >=2 positive ratings from someone.
