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| Results 3001 ... 3250 found in pest for 'from:signpost' |

2022-10-31 signpost question from my own ignorance of subj, of course.
2022-10-31 signpost leaving aside the baggage of tor, would such a thing be useful for "onion" messages, say in the case where I lose contact with asciilifeform but hope that by peer propagation I can get a message to him? seems like if a hypothetical cipher like that could be had, the message could be unwrapped in more than one order.
2022-10-30 signpost if I'm not saturated on my end, I can ask P2, P3, etc for same, incrementally filling up the amount of my pipe I wish to dedicate to the transfer
2022-10-30 signpost yeah, perhaps something like you say. I initiate a transfer from peer p1 telling him "spray me packets at up to $limit" and p1 decides (or is limited by pipe) where beneath the limit the transfer operates (or above, nothing hard governs it obviously)
2022-10-30 signpost that's true. I'm thinking we don't want each peer to piss 1gb at receiver if file's 1gb though
2022-10-30 signpost the "do you have" can be used to get a sense of availability of $hash in your net
2022-10-30 signpost "do you have $hash?" -> "yep, and I call it foo, and it's $size" -> "pls canhaz 20mb of encoded fileblox"
2022-10-30 signpost yep that sounds right. I was thinking it might be nice to inform peers how much spray you want from each to conserve bandwidth also, just as a politeness mechanism.
2022-10-30 * signpost bed, night all
2022-10-30 signpost since later this thing will need to eat/shit files on disk, the in-memory mega-array will have to go anyway. who says what's to be broadcast/received fits in RAM. was just a place to start.
2022-10-30 signpost barring something smarter, I might just chop the thing into many non-displaced bit-vectors instead of trying to do everything in one giant bit-vector
2022-10-30 signpost << and tests
2022-10-30 signpost << current sauce
2022-10-30 signpost asciilifeform: phf: any notions re: efficient xor of subsequences of a given bit vector? seems like using displaced arrays nukes optimization of bit-xor
2022-10-30 signpost unnecessary recomputation of the alias method lookup table was bogging it down.
2022-10-30 signpost got that lisp encoder on par with the python impl. seems like there's plenty of optimization to be had yet.
2022-10-28 signpost crtdaydreams: << says 5 left in stock over here, but could be oz-specific shortage on your end?
2022-10-28 * signpost will return to work on that encoder in a few weeks for a breather from the webshits projects.
2022-10-28 signpost cool, just got two sent here from amzn
2022-10-28 signpost bummer, sold out
2022-10-28 signpost probably oughta put my big boy pants on and write in ada; it's perfectly amenable to working within fixed-length buffers. dynamic language is almost getting in the way, or my inept use of it.
2022-10-28 * signpost has written a lisp version of the encoder item, currently dog slow.
2022-10-28 signpost nice, that still seems like a good product to build.
2022-10-28 signpost one could make several of these, pump them into various markets with traditional salesforces, then connect them all, and allahu-ackbar the businesses.
2022-10-28 signpost "oh, here's a secure platform for interacting with your lawyers and accountants in context of privilege"
2022-10-28 signpost asciilifeform: I've also considered in what apps pest could be embedded as an unspoken implementation detail, later "freed".
2022-10-28 signpost ossum.
2022-10-28 * signpost meanwhile working toward putting more btc in his pocket with misc shitworld attempts at biznis 2 not yet worth mentioning.
2022-10-28 signpost asciilifeform: btc gains that zero without sandwich also, and I'll help pay for that.
2022-10-28 signpost shinohai: yeah works if you're using android like a linux, but afaik using python in an apk would rely upon one of those balls of shit and twine that try to fake a static executible for the scriptlangs. probs want the c as a lib.
2022-10-28 signpost yup
2022-10-28 signpost asciilifeform: typically the dork clients do this via scan of QR code
2022-10-28 signpost and for thread completeness, oughta also be straightforward to use jonsykkel's from objc c interop on ios
2022-10-28 signpost yup defo needed.
2022-10-28 signpost "WEF wants to keep you from voting in the primaries! check our pest feed for open polling stations!" etc
2022-10-28 signpost not the ideal client, but different people have different problems, and these are gonna need to hoover up normies.
2022-10-28 signpost yep. iirc shinohai has done experiments running jonsykkel's client on android. seems like that oughta mean it can be wrapped in a gui turd on same.
2022-10-28 signpost I want to seed it in the NH "free state" wot when I get up there, for example.
2022-10-28 * signpost still gives speeches to the court assembled when speaking here.
2022-10-28 signpost *wasn't a counterpoint I mean
2022-10-28 signpost "men in skirts are beating the fuck out of our girls, wat do?" is this really a question?
2022-10-28 signpost yeah mine was a counterpoint to yours, just elaboration of cause.
2022-10-28 signpost *in the absence of masculinity that would not tolerate it.
2022-10-28 signpost so they've allowed this parasitism from all the decoy "babies".
2022-10-28 signpost what, they're going to fight them off themselves?
2022-10-28 signpost the girls are built to take endless shit from reality, and it's male duty to see that this doesn't happen.
2022-10-28 signpost the women huddle together to save the babies; the men huddle together to hide from their fear of the women.
2022-10-28 signpost they're a fundamentally different thing than the male gays.
2022-10-28 signpost billymg: also, the lesbians are never going to stand for the destruction of the babies. lesbianism is, I remain convinced, a natural and necessary reaction to existing in a sea of unsuitable and reprehensible men.
2022-10-28 signpost better at least prepare a good death then.
2022-10-28 * signpost expects us to end up having been a century or two early, not that it'll matter to us.
2022-10-28 signpost << even if tmsr withered prematurely, this *is* still emanating from bitcoin.
2022-10-28 signpost << one such example
2022-10-28 signpost << this is happening; I've been touring various groups that I think will eventually benefit from pest.
2022-10-28 signpost the first batch of kids they maimed is old enough to wonder what the hell happened to them by now.
2022-10-28 signpost I don't disagree but they might need to modify the globohomo end; even the gays are starting to reject the trans religion.
2022-10-28 signpost maybe globohomo has served its purpose and the reich's ready to embrace/extend 4chan mercantilism
2022-10-28 signpost brings to mind an old mp discussion about the russian notion of "order" which mp said didn't carry over in common english.
2022-10-28 signpost "He who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind" << love this saying, haven't heard it before.
2022-10-28 signpost he did try to reduce the price with that, but didn't work out for him.
2022-10-28 signpost asciilifeform: musk bought twatter to (purportely) purge the censors
2022-10-28 signpost the format itself is prohibitive but the elon riot has been entertaining.
2022-10-28 signpost nope, not dead yet
2022-10-28 signpost heh, "is the empire dead yet?" (checks btc price)
2022-10-26 signpost don't forget to buy some bulletcoin while it's cheap.
2022-10-25 signpost the flailing entertains me, but hey, not for everybody.
2022-10-25 signpost oh sure, they're telling folks to buy in that article.
2022-10-25 signpost this is why I never sell coin.
2022-10-25 signpost curious if big money is already postioning for the increased BRRRRRRR
2022-10-25 signpost $ticker btc usd
2022-10-25 signpost that's fair; "party men" then.
2022-10-25 signpost if there's one thing that can be relied upon, it's that everything that is not a banker will be sacrificed first.
2022-10-25 signpost and I'm sure the bankers will make a killing all the way down
2022-10-25 * signpost no expert, but doesn't expect anything good from hyperinflation on one end, and sovereign debt crisis on the other
2022-10-25 signpost (who are mostly themselves banker-fuck leaks, lol)
2022-10-25 signpost << zh leaks
2022-10-25 signpost previous soup was mighty delicious already, but awesome
2022-10-25 signpost tldr, more "don't call it QE"
2022-10-25 signpost ah damn, they have the paywall for archivers now
2022-10-25 signpost <<
2022-10-25 signpost ty
2022-10-25 signpost asciilifeform: can't wait to read it.
2022-10-25 signpost $ticker btc usd
2022-10-24 signpost billymg:
2022-10-21 signpost << yeah man, happy to meet up.
2022-10-19 signpost bit of business in that too, but yeah, also the smearing shit on walls for sake of it.
2022-10-19 * signpost finds himself discussing the dichotomy of the "business of X" vs the "science of X" in just about everything these days. medicine, engineering, etc, etc.
2022-10-13 signpost that is looking beautiful.
2022-10-11 signpost pretty cool! looking forward to reading the new spec
2022-10-10 signpost although asciilifeform may win on a technicality this cycle as it's unclear whether USD in present form has enough time left to live.
2022-10-10 signpost asciilifeform: I still have no idea what you're talking about on that subj. there were huge price movements up in each 4 year cycle.
2022-10-10 signpost going to be hilarious when a return to zero interest rates coincides with the next halving.
2022-10-10 signpost all he has to do is achieve defensible borders and keep selling commodities to the rest of the world.
2022-10-10 signpost plenty of all of the above to go around.
2022-10-10 signpost dunno that it's russians helping that along, chinese, or just us blowing our own feet off.
2022-10-10 signpost shinohai: yeah, finance oligarchs on the NATO side are starting to talk about impending US bond market implosion.
2022-10-10 signpost awt: "hybrid warfare" is ongoing. food supply chain attacks as one example.
2022-10-10 signpost yeah, I'm referring to the incident where apparently boris johnson went and ordered them not to reach an agreement this year.
2022-10-10 signpost curious what leverage's being used on the ukraine side, such that they were apparently willing to negotiate back in what, april? but not now.
2022-10-10 signpost looks like ukraine's been getting lit up for about 12hrs.
2022-10-07 signpost << pretty good speech.
2022-10-05 signpost bahahaha
2022-10-05 signpost heh!
2022-10-05 signpost !!help
2022-10-05 signpost or does it have other peerings?
2022-10-05 signpost is your bot only connected through your personal node?
2022-10-05 signpost in my case the big lags were solved by that order buffer knob
2022-10-03 signpost btw welcome back!
2022-10-03 signpost shinohai:
2022-10-03 signpost shinohai: might want to lower your order buffer timeout knob for the bot
2022-10-02 signpost thanks y'all.
2022-10-01 signpost of this gen
2022-10-01 signpost yep, first in extended family too
2022-10-01 signpost ty!
2022-10-01 signpost when the world's ending, why not bet everything. you'll either win, or die, and you were going to die anyway.
2022-10-01 signpost and in fact, a little signpost that hasn't arrived yet has been to several of those.
2022-10-01 signpost saw Metric last night, great show
2022-10-01 signpost eat, drink, be merry, for tomorrow we die.
2022-10-01 signpost << yep, our household has gone to hm, 6-7 concerts this year?
2022-09-30 * signpost figures everybody's doing what can be done to get situated atm.
2022-09-30 signpost awt: congrats on your upcoming move
2022-09-24 signpost << good fucking christ.
2022-09-22 signpost that's how I like my wild speculations... unfalsifiable!
2022-09-22 signpost and yep, makes sense that selection pressure would weaken any such bio-wunderwaffe quickly
2022-09-22 signpost << has seemed to my admittedly amateur eye that heart issues like myocarditis have been happening to both the vaccinated and folks who got earlier variants of covid.
2022-09-22 signpost awt: I'm not saying it was a weapon to maim men of military age. I'm just saying that's who it ended up harming the most. :p
2022-09-21 signpost west does not want to live.
2022-09-21 signpost what I see is suicidality. if a person can be, why not the aggregate of persons?
2022-09-21 signpost awt: the "can't" may be all in their heads, but that doesn't make it trivial.
2022-09-21 signpost and he sounds like someone who doesn't like what he's going to be forced to do.
2022-09-21 signpost at any rate, what do I know about Putin, but he sounds sincere there.
2022-09-21 signpost front's probably right eh?
2022-09-21 signpost << wild to watch this ratchet click forward.
2022-09-18 signpost logs see me.
2022-09-18 signpost alrighty my blatta's also up to date.
2022-09-18 signpost thanks for the new release awt!
2022-09-18 signpost yep seems fine
2022-09-18 signpost !!help
2022-09-18 signpost his blatta saw that msg immediately
2022-09-18 * signpost pokes deedbot with a stick
2022-09-18 signpost !!help
2022-09-18 signpost got embargo at 1sec already in knobs
2022-09-18 signpost cpu usage is like 5%, nb!
2022-09-18 signpost yeah, was doing some getdata, now not sure, no output yet
2022-09-18 signpost !!help
2022-09-18 signpost (deedbot is up)
2022-09-18 signpost ok, up now with less mangled src
2022-09-18 signpost (unwanted touching!!!)
2022-09-18 signpost crash loop, sec
2022-09-18 signpost (to fix that bug)
2022-09-18 signpost yeah I'd hand-mangled the file already, my fault
2022-09-18 signpost lemme make sure that isn't my own src manglement, gonna re-press
2022-09-18 signpost awt: knob cast b00g
2022-09-18 signpost ah derp, should've read
2022-09-18 signpost ?
2022-09-18 signpost would you mind linking the mcrypt you recommend using?
2022-09-18 signpost oughta probably do the pivot on whether mcrypt is available on an ImportError handler
2022-09-18 signpost awt: fwiw the try...except blocks without specific errors to catch are going to swallow bugs and cause you pain later
2022-09-18 signpost awt: cool, will give that a try. will note any problems here, but don't take it as a demand to stop what you're doing and address immed.
2022-09-18 signpost awt: happy to test w/e you got.
2022-09-17 signpost anyway I don't know copypaste, but I associate imageboards with low-t pedos. "change my mind"
2022-09-17 signpost incidentally just got in from seeing the mountain goats, was great, if you're into that earnest folk music dork thing, which I am.
2022-09-17 signpost << it's why I called out the gay flattery.
2022-09-17 signpost << ah I like that song Excess by Perturbator. believe I've heard the other band but can't recall.
2022-09-16 signpost ah that's easy, just create a Trust and Safety committee which will return identities to their rightful owners.
2022-09-16 * signpost happy to take more wives, but a man's gotta have standards.
2022-09-16 signpost << subj
2022-09-16 signpost allergic to the shit
2022-09-16 signpost this thing where they chitter about how lazy they are, and why aren't you entertaining me. after all, I'm here! etc
2022-09-16 signpost lol
2022-09-16 signpost also "success of pest means masses all fart their quips into the thing" etc
2022-09-16 signpost "what's on tv"
2022-09-16 signpost << ah oldfag indeed
2022-09-16 signpost btw who'd you see?
2022-09-16 signpost << coupla covid-ish cases in my meatwot too, all mild
2022-09-16 signpost << onoes.
2022-09-16 signpost aaand furries on the twatter. okay.
2022-09-16 signpost << who is this crassly flattering dork anyway
2022-09-15 signpost for bitcoin one'd probably put the reputation layer in oh, say pest!
2022-09-15 * signpost actually wrote a wot for ethereum, have not done anything with it, just farted it out as an experiment.
2022-09-15 signpost tbh if one layers a wot atop, why not accept zero-conf txns of low sum.
2022-09-15 signpost pretty cool
2022-09-15 signpost what are they saving in?
2022-09-15 signpost whaack: did you happen to ask anybody how they feel about accepting buttcorns vs usd or colones? just curious
2022-09-15 signpost re: fraud rates smaller merchants operate narrower margins so uncommon-but-costly events can still kill 'em off
2022-09-15 signpost yep, proper solution looks not unlike the traditional model: a network of custodians with more incentive to collaborate than defect.
2022-09-15 signpost it's not negligible in that while it may be uncommon, the merchant that gets hit with the unexpected is fucked
2022-09-15 * signpost has some insight into e.g. credit card network fraud rates
2022-09-15 signpost *transaction
2022-09-15 signpost whaack: isn't clear that waiting 10min for an in-person transation will ever work. something approximating lightning isn't even a bad idea, though there's no reason it had to rely upon segwit.
2022-09-14 signpost !!help
2022-09-13 * signpost curious how the BRICS currency lands.
2022-09-13 signpost plenty of room for overt manipulation of btc too. see also: paper gold
2022-09-13 signpost "The dollar is our currency, but it's your problem."
2022-09-13 signpost might even be official US policy to help those collapses along (via stoking wars and self-sabotage) to create inflation sinks.
2022-09-13 signpost whole world's changing.
2022-09-13 signpost I don't think any of this is as simple as "number of dollar go up, price of btc go up"
2022-09-13 signpost what happens to the dollar if you print 1tril of them but other currencies collapsing creates 2tril of demand for dollars?
2022-09-13 signpost but yeah, more stimmies would potentially drive up prices since there's an excess of dollars sloshing around
2022-09-13 signpost the beoble went and bought more debt with the stimmies
2022-09-13 signpost think also about how much cheaply loaned printola is used in these goxes, whether they trade database-btc or stonks
2022-09-13 signpost the costs of other goods increasing and all other things being equal, there's less money to go chase an increasing amount of BTC.
2022-09-13 signpost how would you expect inflation to directly drive BTC price up?
2022-09-12 signpost deedbot seems to be doing fine on 9972 so I'll leave that station as is.
2022-09-12 signpost !!help
2022-09-12 signpost backed off to 9973 for now.
2022-09-12 signpost gonna leave mine up as is to see what other interesting stuff shakes loose
2022-09-12 * signpost "nices" his blatta to 19 for the time being
2022-09-12 signpost lol
2022-09-12 signpost yep pretty sure he said as much
2022-09-12 signpost cpu usage now bouncing between say 25-50% of one core on the apu2
2022-09-12 signpost deleting peerings with phf and billymg (neither of which were operative before I updated) stopped the foom of warnings, but the fact that their AT entries got updated with my station's own IP says something's broken.
2022-09-12 signpost asciilifeform: yup, I'm just reporting that it caused a bug in blatta.
2022-09-12 signpost I now see my own IP in AT for phf and billymg.
2022-09-12 signpost hm
2022-09-12 signpost now seeing a flurry of "Peer with duplicate address or handle" messages
2022-09-12 signpost I raised the address cast interval to 600
2022-09-12 signpost boog in lib/, needs cast to int on the get_knob call
2022-09-12 signpost anyway just reporting what I see, and updating node quickly after release to help shake things loose.
2022-09-12 signpost I wager I'm running this on one of the smaller boxes present
2022-09-12 signpost eventually the hot loop in Server.start is probably going to need attention
2022-09-12 signpost will give that a try
2022-09-12 signpost cpu usage of the blatta process has approx doubled since update
2022-09-12 signpost curious if the thing's preoccupied with these address cast messages and that's introducing delay in processing other messages.
2022-09-12 signpost nah still churning
2022-09-12 signpost maybe interaction between nodes of different version?
2022-09-12 signpost join/parts seem to have stopped. just a bunch of ADDRESS CASTs going on in logs.
2022-09-12 * signpost checks logs
2022-09-12 signpost hilarious storm of join/part on my end atm
2022-09-12 signpost asciilifeform: bet ya have multiple shinohai keys as I had for various.
2022-09-11 * signpost back to painting a room, bbl
2022-09-11 signpost cool, those are on latest now.
2022-09-11 signpost !!help
2022-09-11 signpost *now
2022-09-11 signpost cool, going to update deedbot's station onw
2022-09-11 signpost not sure how I ended up in that state. I see that deedbot's sqlite db also has a duplicate key for bitbot
2022-09-11 signpost deleting the unused key solved the warning message
2022-09-11 signpost and indeed deedbot has two keys in the keys table.
2022-09-11 signpost k the message originates from State.get_keyed_peers
2022-09-11 signpost gird thine autisms for some noise while I debug plz
2022-09-11 signpost dropping some print statements in
2022-09-11 signpost firing for deedbot still even though I unpeered crawlerbot
2022-09-11 signpost there are not. gotta be a bug in the is_duplicate thing
2022-09-11 signpost filling up my logs atm with multiple per second
2022-09-11 signpost which have neither the same address in AT nor same handle
2022-09-11 signpost it's complaining about deedbot and crawlerbot
2022-09-11 signpost awt: fired it up, getting a spray of error log messages regarding a peer with duplicate address or handle id.
2022-09-10 signpost happy to answer more specific questions
2022-09-10 signpost if you're trying to prepare the disk image for arm on amd64, look into cross-compiling or a combo of qemu-user and distcc.
2022-09-10 signpost crtdaydreams: yeah, that would mean one's arm and one's amd64, say.
