10:27 |
awt |
$ticker btc usd |
10:28 |
busybot |
Current BTC price in USD: $20484.51 |
| |
~ 47 minutes ~ |
11:15 |
signpost |
heh, "is the empire dead yet?" (checks btc price) |
| |
↖ |
11:15 |
signpost |
nope, not dead yet |
11:21 |
billymg |
another good one: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/69695 |
11:21 |
bitbot |
Logged on 2022-10-07 14:22:28 signpost: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/69465 << pretty good speech. |
11:23 |
billymg |
also, twitter is now 4chan |
11:25 |
shinohai |
So far I have misgendered 250+ troons and am not banned yet. |
11:25 |
billymg |
lol |
11:26 |
* |
billymg waiting for the initial high to wear off to see if the changes actually lead to more productive/honest discussion |
11:27 |
signpost |
the format itself is prohibitive but the elon riot has been entertaining. |
11:30 |
asciilifeform |
what was this ? ( asciilifeform not followed subj in realtime ) |
11:30 |
signpost |
asciilifeform: musk bought twatter to (purportely) purge the censors |
11:31 |
asciilifeform |
aa. thought he spat it back out tho when discovered most of the users to be bots iirc ? |
11:32 |
signpost |
he did try to reduce the price with that, but didn't work out for him. |
11:32 |
asciilifeform |
a |
11:33 |
signpost |
"He who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind" << love this saying, haven't heard it before. |
11:33 |
signpost |
brings to mind an old mp discussion about the russian notion of "order" which mp said didn't carry over in common english. |
11:33 |
* |
asciilifeform recalls the fishwraps hype re subj, but not grasps what is the point of buying twatter -- if bought & converted to 8chan, a new one will be set up, resembling the old, and ~that~ one made Official, neh |
11:34 |
signpost |
maybe globohomo has served its purpose and the reich's ready to embrace/extend 4chan mercantilism |
11:35 |
asciilifeform |
afaik 4chanism can only exist in counterpoint to 'homo' tho -- rather like 'dissidents' evaporated away with sovok |
| |
↖ |
11:36 |
asciilifeform |
i.e. '2 poles of magnet' |
11:38 |
signpost |
I don't disagree but they might need to modify the globohomo end; even the gays are starting to reject the trans religion. |
11:40 |
signpost |
the first batch of kids they maimed is old enough to wonder what the hell happened to them by now. |
11:43 |
billymg |
yeah, they pushed it so far that "trad" is now counterculture. zoomer girls on tiktok openly promoting becoming a mother/housewife, young men eating right and exercising, etc. |
| |
↖ |
11:44 |
billymg |
it's no longer cool to be a globohomo faggot |
11:44 |
billymg |
or soiboi, or whore |
11:44 |
asciilifeform |
billymg: there's a thermodynamic ratchet tho -- move from 'trad' to '9000 kilometres of cock', 'costs 1$', but reverse -- '100' |
11:46 |
asciilifeform |
is simply 1 example. or take the 'trans' -- the mutilation aint reversible, the victims are perma-stuck justifying it to self & others |
11:47 |
* |
billymg could see some of the victims becoming "born again" activists of sorts, "it happened to me, don't let it happen to you" |
| |
↖ |
11:47 |
billymg |
some will react with suicide, for others it will flip some switch that causes them to dedicate their life to preventing it for others |
11:48 |
awt |
Dogecoin up 44% this week. |
11:49 |
billymg |
they cut their dick/tits off in the pursuit of "meaning", wainot now find meaning in saving others from their fate? |
11:52 |
asciilifeform |
afaik these folx still collecting 'women in kompyooting scholarships' etc. just as before |
11:55 |
billymg |
at least on the surface it appears that economic realities are starting to force companies to end those programs |
11:55 |
billymg |
or as putin put it: "But people cannot be fed with printed dollars and euros. You can't feed them with those pieces of paper, and the virtual, inflated capitalisation of western social media companies can't heat their homes." |
| |
↖ |
12:04 |
signpost |
http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2022-10-28#1014513 << this is happening; I've been touring various groups that I think will eventually benefit from pest. |
| |
↖ |
12:04 |
bitbot |
Logged on 2022-10-28 11:47:10 billymg: could see some of the victims becoming "born again" activists of sorts, "it happened to me, don't let it happen to you" |
12:05 |
signpost |
https://twitter.com/ChoooCole << one such example |
12:07 |
signpost |
http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2022-10-28#1014508 << even if tmsr withered prematurely, this *is* still emanating from bitcoin. |
12:07 |
bitbot |
Logged on 2022-10-28 11:43:18 billymg: yeah, they pushed it so far that "trad" is now counterculture. zoomer girls on tiktok openly promoting becoming a mother/housewife, young men eating right and exercising, etc. |
12:08 |
* |
signpost expects us to end up having been a century or two early, not that it'll matter to us. |
12:12 |
shinohai |
But signpost we can yell into the void from Valhalla about how we were there first! |
12:13 |
signpost |
better at least prepare a good death then. |
| |
~ 28 minutes ~ |
12:42 |
signpost |
billymg: also, the lesbians are never going to stand for the destruction of the babies. lesbianism is, I remain convinced, a natural and necessary reaction to existing in a sea of unsuitable and reprehensible men. |
12:42 |
signpost |
they're a fundamentally different thing than the male gays. |
12:43 |
signpost |
the women huddle together to save the babies; the men huddle together to hide from their fear of the women. |
12:47 |
billymg |
signpost: hadn't thought of it like that before but makes sense |
12:52 |
billymg |
imo one of the biggest lulz of the whole tranny thing is men (troonz) harassing/threatening women (which they call "TERFS") and calling it "progressive/inclusive" |
12:53 |
signpost |
the girls are built to take endless shit from reality, and it's male duty to see that this doesn't happen. |
12:53 |
signpost |
what, they're going to fight them off themselves? |
12:54 |
signpost |
so they've allowed this parasitism from all the decoy "babies". |
12:54 |
signpost |
*in the absence of masculinity that would not tolerate it. |
13:02 |
* |
billymg wasn't saying 'lulz' as in 'everyone laugh at the women getting harassed by troonz' but rather just pointing out the absurdity of it |
13:04 |
billymg |
some will say "serves them right, they voted for this" -- yeah, but who let them? |
13:05 |
* |
billymg agrees with signpost's assessment, the problems come from lack of men/masculinity and can't be blamed on women, who the men neglected to take care of |
13:05 |
signpost |
yeah mine was a counterpoint to yours, just elaboration of cause. |
13:05 |
asciilifeform |
'ratchet broke, but spring still springy'(tm)(r)(mp) |
13:05 |
signpost |
"men in skirts are beating the fuck out of our girls, wat do?" is this really a question? |
| |
↖ |
13:06 |
signpost |
*wasn't a counterpoint I mean |
13:07 |
* |
signpost still gives speeches to the court assembled when speaking here. |
13:07 |
asciilifeform |
http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2022-10-28#1014520 << curious to hear moar re subj |
13:07 |
bitbot |
Logged on 2022-10-28 12:04:40 signpost: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2022-10-28#1014513 << this is happening; I've been touring various groups that I think will eventually benefit from pest. |
13:08 |
signpost |
I want to seed it in the NH "free state" wot when I get up there, for example. |
| |
↖ |
13:13 |
* |
asciilifeform would expect these would want own net |
13:14 |
asciilifeform |
( and probably also -- gui client ) |
13:17 |
signpost |
yep. iirc shinohai has done experiments running jonsykkel's client on android. seems like that oughta mean it can be wrapped in a gui turd on same. |
13:17 |
signpost |
not the ideal client, but different people have different problems, and these are gonna need to hoover up normies. |
13:18 |
asciilifeform |
for pnojes & similar, need also nat penetrator to actuallywork |
13:18 |
signpost |
"WEF wants to keep you from voting in the primaries! check our pest feed for open polling stations!" etc |
13:18 |
signpost |
yup defo needed. |
13:18 |
asciilifeform |
(afaik ~100% of gsm modems sit under nat ) |
13:20 |
signpost |
and for thread completeness, oughta also be straightforward to use jonsykkel's from objc c interop on ios |
13:20 |
asciilifeform |
the 1 difficulty for such folx might be how to exchange keys (if they end up e.g. pasting'em into plaintext sms or the like, is worse than nuffin) but otherwise not need 'phd' to set up pestron |
13:20 |
shinohai |
Both awt's AND jonsykkel's clients run via termux on Android, current station is actually on spare droid phone using blatta lol. |
13:21 |
signpost |
asciilifeform: typically the dork clients do this via scan of QR code |
13:21 |
asciilifeform |
1 possible answer is 'display as qr' |
13:21 |
asciilifeform |
a |
13:21 |
signpost |
yup |
13:21 |
asciilifeform |
would need native pnoje port for this tho |
13:23 |
asciilifeform |
'ideal pestron' of course not pnoje, but (in fact could be physically similar) portable p2p radio |
13:24 |
signpost |
shinohai: yeah works if you're using android like a linux, but afaik using python in an apk would rely upon one of those balls of shit and twine that try to fake a static executible for the scriptlangs. probs want the c as a lib. |
13:24 |
signpost |
asciilifeform: btc gains that zero without sandwich also, and I'll help pay for that. |
| |
↖ |
13:25 |
* |
signpost meanwhile working toward putting more btc in his pocket with misc shitworld attempts at biznis 2 not yet worth mentioning. |
13:26 |
* |
shinohai built py2.7 from sauces, errything stored on a sd card for portability sake .... |
13:26 |
shinohai |
Python apk is pure trash |
13:28 |
jonsykkel |
rewrited client will for sure be enginered in less 30iq manner, with splited front end and "libpest" and wat not |
13:29 |
signpost |
ossum. |
13:31 |
shinohai |
🔥 |
13:31 |
signpost |
asciilifeform: I've also considered in what apps pest could be embedded as an unspoken implementation detail, later "freed". |
13:32 |
signpost |
"oh, here's a secure platform for interacting with your lawyers and accountants in context of privilege" |
13:36 |
signpost |
one could make several of these, pump them into various markets with traditional salesforces, then connect them all, and allahu-ackbar the businesses. |
| |
~ 16 minutes ~ |
13:52 |
asciilifeform |
signpost: pestron as 'easter egg' in ipnojeisms, nintendo cartridges, etc. prolly notbad idea |
13:52 |
asciilifeform |
anyffin w/ a nic (or gsm modem) in principle oughta host one |
13:53 |
asciilifeform |
( tho getting keys into it might be tricky, if no camera or app dunhave access rights to it ) |
13:56 |
asciilifeform |
http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2022-10-28#1014566 << fwiw there are nao ice40-compat. ('ecp5', ~83k LUTs) w/ gb nic, for signpost's old idea re 'filter for validly signed incoming packets in dc' |
| |
↖ ↖ ↖ |
13:56 |
bitbot |
Logged on 2022-10-28 13:24:28 signpost: asciilifeform: btc gains that zero without sandwich also, and I'll help pay for that. |
13:57 |
asciilifeform |
load keys via rs232, connect fire hose on 1 end, valid packets out the other. |
13:58 |
* |
asciilifeform suspects the need for this will be felt moar acutely once we've the luby file transfer thing |
13:59 |
signpost |
nice, that still seems like a good product to build. |
13:59 |
* |
signpost has written a lisp version of the encoder item, currently dog slow. |
13:59 |
* |
asciilifeform recalls |
14:01 |
signpost |
probably oughta put my big boy pants on and write in ada; it's perfectly amenable to working within fixed-length buffers. dynamic language is almost getting in the way, or my inept use of it. |
14:15 |
asciilifeform |
the board in question, ftr. ( asciilifeform picked up , not tried just yet tho ) |
14:16 |
signpost |
bummer, sold out |
14:19 |
asciilifeform |
instock on lulazon for couplabux moar |
14:19 |
asciilifeform |
(and possib. elsewhere) |
14:33 |
signpost |
cool, just got two sent here from amzn |
14:34 |
asciilifeform |
afaik the most spacious ice40-compat. demoboard atm |
14:34 |
* |
signpost will return to work on that encoder in a few weeks for a breather from the webshits projects. |
14:36 |
* |
asciilifeform mired as always in commercial liquishit, but occasionally comes up for air, and ~80% done w/ rewritten pest doc |
14:37 |
asciilifeform |
imho w/ new one , over9000x simpler to write correct client ( simplified mechanics of broadcast intake , as noted earlier, among other things ) |
14:37 |
bitbot |
Logged on 2022-10-25 13:05:07 asciilifeform[5]: nao, msg only held up if a) a chain precedent missing, and we getdata'd for it, ~1s b) hearsay arrives with bounce > alltime_minimum(speaker) -- give time for immed/lower-bounce to arrive |
14:39 |
asciilifeform |
notably, if gui/dedicated rather than irc frontend, not need to handle forks as such, simply provide indicator of what selfhash/nethash of a msg points to, then forkage apparent visually |
14:39 |
asciilifeform |
ditto missing chain links -- can represent with 'question mark' and fill in as getdata returns it |
14:40 |
asciilifeform |
the append-only irc frontend is a rather tight straightjacket. |
| |
~ 1 hours 42 minutes ~ |
16:22 |
crtdaydreams |
http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2022-10-28#1014579 << very cool; sadly now completely out of stock on lulzalon and other webshit. Instead got https://radiona.org/ulx3s/ |
16:22 |
bitbot |
Logged on 2022-10-28 13:56:27 asciilifeform[5]: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2022-10-28#1014566 << fwiw there are nao ice40-compat. ('ecp5', ~83k LUTs) w/ gb nic, for signpost's old idea re 'filter for validly signed incoming packets in dc' |
16:23 |
asciilifeform |
crtdaydreams: well, no nic on that one, but if yer simply getting into the subj, will suffice (tho arguably overkill for n00b) |
| |
↖ |
16:23 |
crtdaydreams |
Likely ULX3S will arrive before Icebreaker and TinyFPGA ordered in May |
16:24 |
crtdaydreams |
*from the same webshit mind you |
16:25 |
crtdaydreams |
don't need nic for what I want |
16:25 |
* |
asciilifeform recs to folx to get to the 'blink led at 1hz' stage before ponying up for fat fpga boards |
16:32 |
signpost |
crtdaydreams: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09X275SL6/ << says 5 left in stock over here, but could be oz-specific shortage on your end? |
16:33 |
crtdaydreams |
signpost: possibly? |
16:34 |
crtdaydreams |
http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2022-10-28#1014602 << wise words |
16:34 |
bitbot |
Logged on 2022-10-28 16:23:36 asciilifeform[5]: crtdaydreams: well, no nic on that one, but if yer simply getting into the subj, will suffice (tho arguably overkill for n00b) |
| |
~ 3 hours 25 minutes ~ |
19:59 |
asciilifeform |
meanwhile, in spec preview bits. |
| |
~ 23 minutes ~ |
20:22 |
shinohai |
$vwap |
20:22 |
busybot |
The 24-Hour VWAP for BTC is $ 20602.93 USD |