Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2022-10-19 | 2022-10-21 →
10:19 asciilifeform billymg: loox like yer bot awol from #a ?
10:20 dulapbot (asciilifeform) 2022-10-20 d4: Oh, it's bitdash
10:20 billymg asciilifeform: ugh, will restart
10:20 billymg and see if i can figure out why
10:21 asciilifeform ty
~ 50 minutes ~
11:11 billymg !. uptime
11:11 bitbot billymg: time since my last reconnect : 98d 20h 34m
~ 5 hours 15 minutes ~
16:26 billymg signpost: i'll be in your neck of the woods in the next few months, let me know if you'll be around:
← 2022-10-19 | 2022-10-21 →