Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2022-01-18 | 2022-01-20 →
00:06 gregory5 << to my understanding, NAT penetration is a very common technique used by almost all online video-games, is that right? do you have any recommended network-programming books which explain the mechanics of such?
00:06 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-18 18:46:49 asciilifeform: the 0xfb algo even oughta cut through NATs transparently for that matter.
00:12 asciilifeform gregory5: w/out exaggeration, errything there is to learn from said books is in the linked spec sect.
00:13 asciilifeform ( nat drilling as typically implemented relies on a designated central server. except somehow none of the b00x note that you dun in fact need a central server, can use ~anyone~ who already escaped, if he's able to send you back your ephemeral port # )
00:15 asciilifeform i.e. if you can reach a pestnet where even 1 station a) not in a nat b) already 'escaped' -- yours can escape
00:19 asciilifeform all you need is 1 'escaped' peer.
00:24 gregory5 thanks for explaining. (=
~ 46 minutes ~
01:11 asciilifeform np
01:13 asciilifeform see also.
01:17 asciilifeform there's a moar complicated method, purported to work, but relies on icmpism.
01:18 asciilifeform (which donotwant )
01:28 shinohai << Most I have encountered use some form of "UPnP".
01:28 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-18 19:06:03 gregory5: << to my understanding, NAT penetration is a very common technique used by almost all online video-games, is that right? do you have any recommended network-programming books which explain the mechanics of such?
~ 1 hours 24 minutes ~
02:52 asciilifeform shinohai: aka 'lemme out plz kthx' lol
02:53 asciilifeform ( and astonishing piece of rube goldberg machinery, famous for ddos amplifier and nearly infinitely deep well of 0day)
02:53 dulapbot (trilema) 2017-03-14 asciilifeform: Framedragger: in the old #bitcoin-assets days, there was a bot, that idled under (afaik still unknown) names, and would target ddostron (used vulnerable konsoomer router 'upnp' for udp amplification) at anyone who logged in without using fleanode's 'cloak' feature (i.e. had visible ip).
02:53 dulapbot (trilema) 2016-09-07 asciilifeform: (upnp) 'There is a heap buffer overflow vulnerability in the create_url_list function in upnp/src/gena/gena_device.c. I first discovered this vulnerability when working with version 1.6.19 and have confirmed that it also exists in the latest code on the master branch.'
02:54 asciilifeform ( the 'adult' variant of 'lemme out' is actually digging in yer nat config and setting up port fwding etc. which is what asciilifeform did to make own desk pestron go. but it's a rather annoying chore, and wouldn't work if yer on e.g. gsm modem or other lamertron where often built-in nat 'for yer own good')
02:55 asciilifeform classical example of the latter incl. e.g. 'tethering' via pnoje
02:56 asciilifeform ... fortunately none of this is actually needed, erry nat can be tricked into 'letting out'.
~ 35 minutes ~
03:31 verisimilitude So, I believe I've noticed a flaw in software relating to this IRC. May I attempt to exploit this for amusement, asciilifeform?
03:36 verisimilitude Consider using a queue in Lisp, as an example, jonsykkel, one that can hold arbitrary objects, not mere octets.
03:36 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-18 17:02:02 jonsykkel: maybe pipe sux, idk, havnt thought about it enuf. but is fastest way i know of to make computer do x, in the restricted domain of problems that can be solved with program human centipedes. maybe its possible to solve this restriction by generalizing the concept properly. doing serial (y (x)) in lisp is not analogous to setting up a parallel human centipede operation x | y
03:39 verisimilitude People argue octets representing characters are universal. Bits are more universal. As I've written, being universal isn't equivalent to being good for use.
03:48 verisimilitude Regarding a sane computer with an FG, it would be interesting to use volatile RAM to cache the FG output, up to some limit, so that it may temporarily be used at a greater rate than it can be produced. None of this would, or should, be backed up to disk, so there wouldn't be any issue. The only issue is it may result in a system not recovering from power failure as quickly as a lightbulb, were it needing heavy entropy.
03:50 verisimilitude That may or may not be useful; I don't yet know.
~ 1 hours 26 minutes ~
05:16 signpost << gave it a crank; the dulap tar lacks a gnat.
05:16 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-16 21:40:28 asciilifeform: signpost: whole thing sounds a++ nifty; would be a+++ nifty if could bootstrap it from dulap-gentoo (iirc last time asciilifeform tried, no liftoff, needed concretely a debian of some kind)
05:17 signpost looks like it will otherwise work. recommend a gnat binwad for this purpose?
05:17 signpost this is a reason I started with `debootstrap` plus a wad of debs.
~ 1 hours 18 minutes ~
06:35 signpost oh, duh
~ 8 hours 38 minutes ~
15:14 asciilifeform signpost: lemme know if that one worx
15:14 asciilifeform (iirc oughta)
15:14 asciilifeform << sure
15:14 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-18 22:31:51 verisimilitude: So, I believe I've noticed a flaw in software relating to this IRC. May I attempt to exploit this for amusement, asciilifeform?
15:16 asciilifeform << this was discussed exhaustively in #t. yes you can collect FG output. on hypothetical 'sane comp' tho there's no good reason not to have a MB+/s lyso-FG tho.
15:16 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-18 22:48:20 verisimilitude: Regarding a sane computer with an FG, it would be interesting to use volatile RAM to cache the FG output, up to some limit, so that it may temporarily be used at a greater rate than it can be produced. None of this would, or should, be backed up to disk, so there wouldn't be any issue. The only issue is it may result in a system not recovering from power failure as quickly as a lightbulb, were it needing heavy entropy.
15:16 dulapbot Logged on 2020-08-20 18:11:41 asciilifeform: Aerthean: what also want, ideally, is a 100% analogue filter to count ~only~ the L decay events (i.e. the exact opposite of what folx who use LYSO scintillators normally do.)
15:17 asciilifeform $ticker btc usd
15:17 busybot Current BTC price in USD: $42458.88
15:17 asciilifeform !w poll
15:17 watchglass Polling 14 nodes...
15:17 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.102s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=719463 (Operator: asciilifeform)
15:17 watchglass : Alive: (0.081s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=719463
15:17 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.141s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=719463
15:17 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.142s) V=70001 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=719463
15:17 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.171s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=719463
15:17 watchglass : Alive: (0.159s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=719463 (Operator: asciilifeform)
15:17 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.259s) V=88888 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=719463
15:17 watchglass : Alive: (0.154s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=719463 (Operator: whaack)
15:17 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.336s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=719463
15:17 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.314s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=718917
15:17 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.590s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=719463
15:17 watchglass : Alive: (0.197s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=719463
15:17 watchglass : Could not connect!
15:18 watchglass : Busy? (No answer in 100 sec.)
~ 22 minutes ~
15:41 shinohai In hoaxtoshi lulz:
~ 20 minutes ~
16:02 asciilifeform shinohai: could've sworn there was almost identical circus performance last yr
16:03 shinohai afaik first time he has actually filed circus papers.
16:03 shinohai For this anyway
16:03 * asciilifeform admits surprise that reich has not grown a new, fresh shitoshi just yet. that one's rather long in the tooth
16:08 * asciilifeform supposes they're expecting some 'result' from all the moolah sunk into 'his' lawsuits etc
16:14 shinohai Hoaxtoshi only has monies from Australian tax fraud afaik - Calvin Ayre is the one bankrolling most of the legal stuff.
16:15 shinohai (Who just so happened to fall off the DHS most wanted list so very quietly)
~ 18 minutes ~
16:33 billymg i'm about to try shinohai's guide for building gnat with musl appears to be down
16:33 asciilifeform billymg:
16:34 billymg asciilifeform: ty
16:34 asciilifeform np
16:44 billymg high profile gox (shilled by no other than Matt Damon) "pausing withdrawals" "because of hack":
16:44 billymg no different from 3rd world bucket shops
16:46 billymg also came across this writeup of how shitcoins are run now run by the likes of a16z, rather than the russian and pajeet scammers of the 2014-2017 era
16:47 shinohai <<< toppest of keks, especially in light of entire sports arena renaming itself as " center" .....
16:47 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 11:44:03 billymg: high profile gox (shilled by no other than Matt Damon) "pausing withdrawals" "because of hack":
16:49 billymg shinohai: even comes complete with obligatory "funds are safu" note from management
16:50 asciilifeform lol, typical
16:51 asciilifeform also imho unsurprising that sv printola pipeline terminals are directly pushing shitcoins -- the latter are a premier 'divert usd from pushing up btc-usd exch rate' reich.device. ( rather than merely general-purpose ponzis )
16:51 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-14 20:03:58 asciilifeform: from asciilifeform's pov shitcoins are simply ponzis (operated with the connivance of reich, which fails to prosecute'em)
~ 18 minutes ~
17:09 shinohai In similar vein:
17:11 asciilifeform shinohai: iirc mats mentioned actually using sumthing like that
17:11 asciilifeform (or was considering it?)
17:12 asciilifeform some setup where one borrows fiatola w/ btc (sitting in a gox, naturally, how else) as collateral
17:12 * shinohai could not see himself locking up BTC for pretend "ownership" of property in USSA .....
17:12 billymg same thing will happen to the BTC as happened to the houses in 08
17:13 billymg they'll crash the market "oops you're underwater now, breached terms of loans, we'll take the BTC now"
17:13 asciilifeform the even moar odd thing is -- why?? ( typically in usa the house itself is its own collateral, i.e. gets repossessed on default )
17:13 asciilifeform i suppose natural that the scammers aint satisfied with the old scheme ( 'what if can't be pawned onto anuther chump for >= sum as orig. loan ??' ) hence this.
17:14 billymg the whole "don't sell your btc, borrow against it!" meme felt like such a huge psyop, often promoted by never-sell maxis
17:14 shinohai ^
17:15 asciilifeform billymg: prolly also appealing to folx trying to play tax games
17:15 asciilifeform ('if not sold, not taxed' or sumthing, at least until tax updated..)
17:16 asciilifeform ( given as atm 'buying with btc' from a reich.corp currently req's ~2x the nominal mass of coin )
17:16 dulapbot Logged on 2021-08-25 10:42:23 asciilifeform: punkman: in usa, if you have any kind of official presence there, when you buy xyz for coin from a usg.corp, they file a 'form 1099' tax report to declare that you've 'sold' coin and received its usd equiv. as 'income' (whether or not it in fact sold in the usual sense) and you eventually get a bill for up to half (!) of the sum.
17:17 * asciilifeform wonders whether he counts as 'never-sell maxi' or what precisely it is
17:18 * shinohai admits to using "paywithmoon" to convert btc to fiat without all the KYC/gox hassles ......
17:18 asciilifeform wassat?
17:18 billymg asciilifeform: i think most of us here count as "never-sell maxis", or to put it another way
17:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-14 19:51:23 asciilifeform: 'hodl' until victory/death.
17:19 billymg the ones on twitter promoting the lending schemes were exploiting this by saying "see, if you borrow against your btc you get to buy the fancy car and still HODL", never mentioning that you must give up your keys
17:20 shinohai asciilifeform: can get "prepay" visa cards with it.
17:21 shinohai
17:21 billymg shinohai: can signup with any email?
17:22 shinohai Yup, I signed up with my "" email, worx fine.
17:22 billymg kek
17:23 billymg i've seen more of these popping up, bitrefill is another, zero kyc (not even signup on that one, but doesn't offer general-purpose CCs, only gift cards)
17:24 * asciilifeform realizes that he has sumthing like a personal 'laws of robotics' for 'when to spend coin' (or rather, when not to) :
17:24 billymg reich must be getting desperate enough for coin that they're allowing the operation of non-kyc avenues
17:24 asciilifeform spend no coin where...
17:24 asciilifeform 1. ... it'll be taxed (i.e. some uknown, potentially up to 100%, of its value confiscated by busybodies taxing imaginary 'gain', which in actuality consists strictly of ~their~ toiletpaper's debasement)
17:24 asciilifeform 2. ... in exchange for ~fuffles~ (e.g. bags of fiat not immediately destined to be spent on durable necessities; plastic autos; titles to 'property' in the reich)
17:24 billymg "fine fine, you dun have to pay the tax, just give us the btc"
17:24 asciilifeform 3. ... when it'd be your last coin.
17:25 billymg ^ pretty good list of commandments
17:26 asciilifeform by no means exhaustive but more or less sums up 'axioms' from asciilifeform's pov
17:26 shinohai <<< also a++ shop for BTC to GC needs.
17:26 asciilifeform a corollary -- 'if you dun have the keys, your coin is spent'
17:27 asciilifeform (but imho obv. to all tuned in folx)
17:28 asciilifeform #3 by recursion does imply that one oughn't to ever spend coin faster than yer taking it in. which i suppose makes asciilifeform a 'maxi' or whatnot
17:28 shinohai Sadly my relationship with MP deteriorated before I could make "coins4cunts" a reality.
17:32 asciilifeform shinohai: i dun recall him having a 'cunts4coins' going with which you could've filled the supply side of a that
17:34 asciilifeform 'You cannot use Moon or the Moon Card for the following purchases: wires or money orders; direct marketing services; security brokers/dealers and associated activities; dating/escort services; massage services; betting, track, casino, or lotto; government-licensed online gambling, including casinos and online casinos (online gambling); horse/dog racing or other government licensed racing; non-sport internet gaming; int
17:34 asciilifeform ernet gaming betting; cash disbursement, manual or automated; financial institution cash, automated or manual; and outbound telemarking merchants and services.'
17:34 asciilifeform 'Each virtual card can hold a maximum of $1000 at any time. Users may only spend $10,000 in any given 24 hour period across all of their virtual cards. Users may only spend $50,000 in any given calendar month across all of their virtual cards.'
17:34 asciilifeform lol
17:39 asciilifeform << these historically simply 'bait & switch', like the atm's -- 'let'em get used to it, w/ microscopic qtys, then glue on kyc'
17:39 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 12:24:04 billymg: reich must be getting desperate enough for coin that they're allowing the operation of non-kyc avenues
17:39 dulapbot Logged on 2020-12-18 17:55:01 mats: if you go to larger metro areas you might still find atms without kyc, or trades up to some low amt like 3k with sms verification
17:39 thimbronion my rules are a bit simpler. hold zero fiat.
17:40 asciilifeform thimbronion: 'zero' taken literally is rather hair shirt imho (rly, if yer tyre pops you gotta find a hawaladar 1st to get some usd ?)
17:41 * signpost buys "when blood in the streets", worked so far with BTC
17:41 signpost expecting moar blood
17:41 thimbronion asciilifeform: this is a solved problem. get a credit card, pay it off once a month.
17:41 asciilifeform for 'when to buy' asciilifeform will not attempt 'algorithm', pretty much any time you have with what is a++ time
17:41 asciilifeform with what, where, etc.
17:42 thimbronion asciilifeform: by selling btc.
17:42 billymg asciilifeform: possibly, but at some point i suspect the reich won't even care about the extra 20% "capital gains" tax, already taxed much more than that
17:42 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 12:24:15 asciilifeform: 1. ... it'll be taxed (i.e. some uknown, potentially up to 100%, of its value confiscated by busybodies taxing imaginary 'gain', which in actuality consists strictly of ~their~ toiletpaper's debasement)
17:43 signpost asciilifeform: nothing wrong with that either
17:43 asciilifeform billymg: afaik there isn't even a deterministic algo for 'i need q*x coin to buy this item priced x, q >= 1.0, cuz tax'
17:43 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-11 09:01:39 asciilifeform: i.e. is deliberately inefficient, and there is quite deliberately no deterministic method to actually guarantee that you paid 100% of what's Officially req'd
17:43 signpost but I feel pretty comfortable expecting boom/bust cycles from the bankers
17:44 * signpost bought plenty already, but ain't ever opposed to cheap moar
17:46 billymg asciilifeform: i know, but perhaps something like the "hey apple, bring some of that money you have in Ireland back to the US, we'll give you a reduced tax rate" will happen with bitcoin
17:46 billymg i think likely, because otherwise no one will give it up
17:47 signpost billymg: I think it will be much more FDR than that.
17:48 thimbronion asciilifeform: also if you have income and you convert it to btc immediately, cap gains are not an issue, since you can do lifo accounting.
17:48 signpost if the US doesn't thrash "right" over covid policy it'll have a wealth tax before long.
17:48 signpost and you'll pay capgains plus that, if you pay at all.
17:48 billymg signpost: they might try it, but btc has properties that would make it difficult
17:48 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-14 19:44:07 asciilifeform: sucked largely because vulnerable to lizarding : can't teleport it, or hide it in yer head
17:49 signpost this goes back to asciilifeform's point on the "customer-aquisition cost" to the feds.
17:49 signpost "empire can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent" lol
17:50 signpost that said you're outside eh? perhaps somebody lets you declare refugee status in time.
17:50 billymg signpost: that would also be interesting imo
17:51 billymg regime does seem spread thin
17:51 dulapbot Logged on 2021-12-10 20:36:06 signpost: punkman: I'm glad Bukele's still alive.
17:51 dulapbot Logged on 2021-12-10 20:36:12 signpost: the regime's clearly slipping
17:51 asciilifeform meanwhile in misc. heathen lulz.
17:54 billymg re: FDR, does anyone know how effective that actually was? i.e. roughly what % of privately held gold they were able to collect?
17:54 asciilifeform billymg: depends what means 'collect'. the bulk of the theft was not in physical bricks but in defaulting on old usg obligations denominated in au.
17:55 asciilifeform ( there was an mp piece re subj, dun recall which immed. tho )
17:55 billymg asciilifeform: this one?
17:55 asciilifeform aha!
17:55 asciilifeform that one.
17:56 billymg i meant more strictly in the sense of "hey pleb, we know you've got some gold coins in yer backyard, give 'em up!"
17:56 asciilifeform iirc there was only 1 (Officially recorded, that is) fdr.dekulakization involving physical au. some german.
17:56 billymg usg doesn't owe me any debts so don't really care how they denominate those
17:58 asciilifeform conning folx outta their coinz atm is over9000x moar roi than hypothetical mass rectotherming, so would expect it'll continue.
18:03 asciilifeform the reason why various 2010s 'they'll ban goxes!' prognoses (incl. asciilifeform's) came to nuffin, is that turns out goxes are a very effective instrument of exchrate control, and therefore quite valuable to the reich.
18:03 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-14 19:29:01 asciilifeform: << imho the enemy's strategy is presently to 'raise it to stratosphere then drop outta plane' periodically.
18:04 asciilifeform w/out goxing and usg.tolerated shitcoin proliferation, the exchrate of a 'banned like cocaine' btc would very likely track usd debasement monotonically and do to usd what usd did to sov ruble.
18:04 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-14 19:30:42 asciilifeform: it worx in that btcusd aint monotonically tracking 'the real inflation'(tm)(r) and this effectively keeps out over9000 would-be buyers who would otherwise throw usg.stocks, real estate, etc. to junkyard and go 'full bore' btc
18:05 mats banning exchanges means depriving themselves of revenues
18:06 asciilifeform ( re 'the btc of the 20th c', gold, recall that its possession in 'monetary' (i.e. above mass of wedding band or so) in hrusch-era sovok was punishable by death; yet not uncommon )
18:06 mats doesn't make sense
18:06 asciilifeform mats: not only of revenues, but of exch rate dampage.
18:06 mats that's very dubious
18:06 mats considering binance is bigger than the next 5 exchanges combined
18:06 mats its not 2011
18:07 asciilifeform rright, iirc pov of mats is that the exch rate is output of 'will of allah' rather than anyffin the reich does..
18:07 mats you're overestimating some factors over others
18:07 mats binance doesn't subordinate to any sovereign
18:08 asciilifeform lol!
18:08 * asciilifeform goes to, sees :
18:08 asciilifeform 'Binance is unable to provide services to U.S. users. Binance.US (BAM Trading Services) is a US-regulated cryptocurrency trading platform. In approved states, U.S. customers can use Binance.US to buy and sell over 50 cryptocurrencies with low fees.'
18:08 asciilifeform what do we call this
18:08 mats that's the price of being a pirate
18:08 asciilifeform some pirate.
18:08 mats other dipshits won't let you trade with their cattle
18:09 asciilifeform pirates dun giveashit re 'not let'
18:09 mats plenty of americans trade on binance
18:09 mats they just use shitcoins as intermediaries
18:09 mats bnb market cap is an astonishing 90bn usd
18:10 mats the world has moved on my friend
18:10 asciilifeform mats: moved on from what to what ?
18:10 asciilifeform loox precisely like the goxes of e.g. 5y ago
18:11 mats aml/kyc exchanges aren't the centre anymore
18:11 asciilifeform where 'yea you can log in with a proxy, just fughet about wiring to/from a usa bank'
18:11 mats i mean, binance does have those programs in some places
18:11 asciilifeform i recall e.g. 'bitstamp' being precisrly same
18:11 asciilifeform in '17
18:12 mats but cz is fighting regulators in a ridiculous number of jurisdictions and his exchange is still supreme
18:12 mats he basically lives in hiding
18:13 mats binance is a better exchange than mpex ever was
18:13 billymg mats: binance is non-kyc? i genuinely thought the last of those died with btc-e
18:14 mats they do it, but it is easily circumventable, and many do
18:15 billymg don't all of them do the "hold passport next to your face and take photo" now? circumventable as in hire a homeless guy to stand in the photo with a fake?
18:15 mats no, you use an illiterate guy with a real passport
18:16 billymg and then wire money where?
18:16 mats to one of binance's many service providers that will take wires and give you a shitcoin
18:16 mats which have highly liquid markets with tight spreads
18:16 billymg ah, so for shitcoin exchange, but not for if want fiat
18:17 asciilifeform 'you can hire a shill to play kyc for you' != 'kyc-free'
18:17 mats the solution is always to not be poor
18:18 asciilifeform (not only is the shill an additional trusted counterparty -- often enuff he could wake up and decide it's 'his' coin/usd -- but at some pt the subterfuge will be discovered, and punished, most likely, w/ confiscation)
18:18 asciilifeform mats: buy own planet aha. worx a+++
18:18 billymg mats: i still don't see how you get usable fiat out of binance, even with the scheme you described
18:18 asciilifeform if i were mats wouldn't say how, lol
18:18 mats you say that like people want fiat
18:19 mats you trade shitcoins back for fiat
18:19 mats the illiterate's not going to wake up one day and realise you signed them up for n accounts at binance and localbank
18:20 mats keep them in clothes shelter and food, with a minder, not cheap but solvable
18:20 mats this is a pre-bitcoin thing, remember mossack fonseca?
18:21 asciilifeform mats: this is famously how Officially-verboten folx buy small arms in usa. to the point that errywhere such are sold (even pawn shops etc) nao have signs in gigantic letters, for semiliterate, listing draconian punishments for shilling
18:21 billymg mats: the local bank account that you opened in the illiterate's name will be frozen immediately upon receiving the first wire
18:21 asciilifeform presumably still happens, despite signs
18:21 asciilifeform but not same thing as 'oh can buy w/out kyc'
18:21 mats billymg: some, maybe
18:22 asciilifeform in usg.legalistic parlance these are referred to as 'mules'
18:23 asciilifeform in order to be willing to sign up as 'mule', given the risk/reward ratio, one generally has to suffer from down's, or close
18:23 mats or... poverty
18:23 asciilifeform (and the handler in turn has to be willing to make use of such material)
18:23 asciilifeform if it worx for you -- a++
18:23 asciilifeform will work in 1000y just like works nao
18:23 asciilifeform but to argue that this means 'here's a gox w/out kyc' is rather disingenuous.
18:25 mats whatever, just reporting the news
18:25 asciilifeform and asciilifeform was just tryin' to figure out what part of the news was newsy
18:25 asciilifeform seems moar like 'olds' imho
18:25 asciilifeform in this case
18:26 billymg << i forget where i read this but saw some list of ways to identify "suspicious activity" (for bank employees), one of them was "customer makes large or frequent transactions that seem out of line with their income level"
18:26 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 18:20:49 asciilifeform: mats: this is famously how Officially-verboten folx buy small arms in usa. to the point that errywhere such are sold (even pawn shops etc) nao have signs in gigantic letters, for semiliterate, listing draconian punishments for shilling
18:26 asciilifeform mules are 'solution' to kyc like selfbuilt helicopter is solution to traffic jams.
18:26 billymg i think even went far enough to mention "standing in society" or "class" or "how they dress" or something to that effect
18:27 billymg seemed targeted directly at mats' hire a local illiterate strategy
18:27 asciilifeform billymg: asciilifeform at one pt signed a consulting agreement with a 'financial' co and had to go through lulzy lectures & quizzes re subj
18:27 billymg mentioned the reasoning "this person may be a mule"
18:27 asciilifeform (wholly unrelated to coinism, fwiw. but 'financial', and ergo 'regulated', and so on)
18:28 mats owning a bent banker is also not cheap, but solvable
18:28 mats not like the bank ever has any idea wtf is going on with customers anyway
18:28 asciilifeform aha, rather like a uboat would have solved the 'import servers to uy' problem
18:28 asciilifeform 'don't be poor!'
18:28 asciilifeform buy uboat, sure.
18:28 billymg mats: also, i had experience with this a few weeks ago. i sent a small christmas bonus (about $500) to my groundskeeper. they froze his account until he explained where it came from. keep in mind this was from my local account to his, and we have a now year+ history of transactions between those accounts
18:28 mats threshold for SARs has effectively dropped every year monotonically since installation
18:28 mats its a useless fucking signal now
18:28 mats nobody reads those
18:29 asciilifeform mats: reich is famously slow but does eventually update the #s
18:29 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-10 13:27:49 asciilifeform: other thing is that in current-day usa the path from 'gox made you a 1099' to collections takes 4-5y
18:29 billymg so, no, i don't believe that if the illiterate local receives a 5k wire from hong kong that they won't ask any questions
18:30 mats ok
18:31 thimbronion billymg: fwiw has sent larger sums in cr and to nicaragua without issue
18:31 signpost << suppose fungal or other gut critter spread turns out to be a driver of gay sex. that would be highly entertaining.
18:31 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 12:51:39 asciilifeform: meanwhile in misc. heathen lulz.
18:31 thimbronion *i have sent
18:31 billymg thimbronion: so have i, but depends on who's receiving
18:31 signpost I don't mind gays at all, but it having a curable origin in some folks would turn people inside out with rage.
18:32 billymg thimbronion: i've you were wiring the money to yourself, or a lawyer, or real estate co, or whatever, then sure
18:32 thimbronion billymg: none of the above lol
18:33 thimbronion billymg: although the recipients likely earned more than a groundskeeper
18:33 billymg thimbronion: right
18:33 mats you could replace 'shitcoin trade' with dope trade, if you prefer
18:34 mats traffickers need airplanes, fuel, vehicle registration, real corps, bank accounts, all things paid in fiat
18:34 thimbronion billymg: I guess the lesson is use high income illiterate whores as mules where possible
18:34 mats the risk is worth it
18:35 mats whether it works depends on the logistics expert
18:41 billymg thimbronion: lol
18:42 billymg except what happens now that they passed the OnlyFans Thots Tax Bill? (all transactions through paypal/cashapp/venmo over $600 generate a 1099)
18:42 billymg though i guess we're talking about girls outside the US in this case
18:43 thimbronion billymg: hilariously the whores I know are terrified to put their faces online
18:44 signpost << knew when I started hearing from family members about "" it was toast.
18:44 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 11:47:57 shinohai: <<< toppest of keks, especially in light of entire sports arena renaming itself as " center" .....
18:44 shinohai The "zomg no face" whores are all over reddit, never could work with 'em all braindamaged.
18:47 asciilifeform << recall the 'deaf community'(tm)(r) aha
18:47 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 13:31:58 signpost: I don't mind gays at all, but it having a curable origin in some folks would turn people inside out with rage.
18:47 dulapbot (trilema) 2014-07-03 asciilifeform: 'oh noez they're holocausting us by curing deafness'
18:47 asciilifeform would be a++lulzy
18:47 signpost indeed, exactly same notion
18:47 signpost and autists being caused by household toxic substances, and...
18:48 asciilifeform signpost: the sheer amt of reich.sweat poured into misdirecting the searches for said $substances suggests there's a 'sumthing' to be found
18:49 asciilifeform (simply, not found where either Official or Officially Dissident folx have looked )
18:49 dulapbot Logged on 2021-08-03 13:58:56 asciilifeform: punkman: 'martians'.
18:49 * signpost has to credit his wife with much of the work that keeps his beard growing strong.
18:50 signpost lady took mega-interest in this after hormonal birth control threw her for a loop.
18:50 asciilifeform signpost: before had wife, bears was weak??
18:50 asciilifeform *beard
18:50 asciilifeform lol
18:50 * asciilifeform pictures signpost w/ 'rasputin' beard
18:50 signpost bwhaha, I trim!
18:50 asciilifeform a
18:51 signpost beard was a bit weaker, though was also younger. certainly feel less like shit!
18:53 signpost << can still hop to real btc from these, and stablecoins, which work well enough at the next casino.
18:53 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 13:18:33 billymg: mats: i still don't see how you get usable fiat out of binance, even with the scheme you described
18:53 asciilifeform << that's the hilarious thing, the 'trigger' can be just about anyffin (e.g. a cumulative 'sum of badness' per some seekrit formulaire)
18:53 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 13:28:42 billymg: mats: also, i had experience with this a few weeks ago. i sent a small christmas bonus (about $500) to my groundskeeper. they froze his account until he explained where it came from. keep in mind this was from my local account to his, and we have a now year+ history of transactions between those accounts
18:53 signpost << yerp
18:53 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 13:19:12 mats: you trade shitcoins back for fiat
18:54 signpost whole thing's a casino surrounded by mixers, with the expected amount of counterparty risk
18:55 signpost traditional role for casinos really, as laundries.
18:56 asciilifeform the 1 aspect common to all casinos is 'house wins'
18:56 mats everyone but gold holders get to win this time
18:56 asciilifeform 'erryone wins' is an arithmetic absurdity imho
18:57 signpost mats: you don't think interest rates will demolish the everything-bubble as they rise?
18:57 mats no
18:57 asciilifeform (tho it is entirely possible for 'everyone' to ~think~ they're winning for almost indefinite interval. 'bezzle')
18:57 mats i think the fed is trying to outsmart markets with forward guidance
18:57 mats trick markets into doing the thing they want, without having to actually enact any policy
18:57 signpost "hay they tightened less than we thought, buy!" kind of thing?
18:58 mats they keep moving up the tightening and it keeps scaring the markets
18:58 mats but i don't think it will last, and that they'll meaningfully raise rates (to 1.5-2% interest)
18:59 mats but we'll see
18:59 billymg mats: that was my thought as well. similar to "we're gonna mandate the vaccines, we're super cereal this time"
18:59 * signpost nfi, holding bags that benefit with more brrrrrr, and cash to eat if they break the market.
19:00 mats the mandate almost worked, but scotus
19:01 billymg mats: they scuttle the things they know they can't pull off to save themselves the embarrassment of failing to pull them off
19:01 signpost this invokes the dubious coherent, aligned "they"
19:02 * asciilifeform not followed subj; what was it that happened to 'mandate' ?
19:03 signpost asciilifeform: the folks handling biden tried to scoot through a mandate for large companies to require vaccinations.
19:03 asciilifeform a, and then ?
19:03 billymg scotus ruled it to be unconstitutional
19:04 * asciilifeform recalls a noosepiece re mass sackings of nurses, subnurses, etc. in usa for 'unvaxism'
19:04 asciilifeform billymg: didja read the ruling ? ( did it rule that the sacked are to be reinstated? would be surprising )
19:05 billymg asciilifeform: did not. afaik no one was actually sacked for it at that point, only under threat of being sacked when the deadline arrived
19:05 billymg could be wrong about that though
19:06 billymg seemed exactly like this, at gov and employer level
19:06 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 13:57:52 mats: trick markets into doing the thing they want, without having to actually enact any policy
19:06 asciilifeform ( reich has quite lengthy history of gluing a mandate (recall the 'gay cakes') via Official decreee; the latter gets repealed on some technicality, but the 'private' orgs continue enforcing the supposedly no longer mandatory gay cakes, 'affirmative action', etc etc)
19:06 thimbronion billymg: some corps enforce it anyway
19:06 asciilifeform aaha
19:06 asciilifeform 1st 'some', then 'all'
19:07 thimbronion according to the ruling health facilities that take federal funding are required to enforce it
19:07 asciilifeform recall the 1970s 'states dun have to enforce $item, but must if want to receive federal road funds' fastfwd to 'all states enforce $item, cuz 100% economically dependent on national roads'
19:07 mats the healthcare worker pool is thin enough that they don't enforce the mandate in all places
19:07 signpost iirc google's now threatening to fire
19:08 signpost at least so-reported
19:08 asciilifeform signpost: iirc gotta be a party member in good standing to slave there. and has been so for yrs
19:08 asciilifeform stricter fascism at google than in usg per se
19:08 * signpost has intimate knowledge of this fact, could not stand.
19:08 asciilifeform signpost: did time there?
19:09 signpost mmmmmhm
19:09 * asciilifeform not, but knows folx who disappeared into the whale
19:09 asciilifeform rare afaik that anyone comes out.
19:09 thimbronion signpost: same, via an acquisition of an acquisition
19:09 signpost the money is good, warps weak heads.
19:09 signpost thimbronion: yeah, same
19:10 asciilifeform the money seems ok if you can get it while living in east usa. otherwise disappears into rent
19:12 * signpost met quite a lot of well-meaning, talented people, but the game they are forced to play wasn't worth spending a minute more of life on.
19:12 asciilifeform << the 'thinness' imho is part of the planned rampdown of plebe expectations.
19:12 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 14:07:56 mats: the healthcare worker pool is thin enough that they don't enforce the mandate in all places
19:12 dulapbot Logged on 2021-10-31 23:35:28 asciilifeform: current usg proj is to ramp down their 'expects' to what is suppliable. e.g. mcd rather than baked bread.
19:12 signpost thimbronion: I literally bought bitcoin and said fuck the rest of the vest, lol.
19:13 signpost "we're square, bye"
19:13 thimbronion signpost: good move
19:13 mats lots of people just quit
19:13 mats my local pharmacy used to be staffed by 19-35y/os, now there's like 3-5 ppl of the 20 they need
19:13 thimbronion signpost: life is too short for that shit
19:14 mats and the ones left are over 40
19:14 signpost mats: hiring signs are everywhere in austin too.
19:14 asciilifeform mats: where do you suppose the 'quit' went ?
19:15 mats dunno, instagram?
19:15 mats doordash
19:15 mats student loan repayment deferment got pushed to may
19:15 mats so some of those people will eventually come back, even if $15-18/h or whatever seems weak
19:16 * signpost has heard a few amusing stories of folks that allahu-akbar'd into GME, doge, etc., and are using the winnings to take time off.
19:16 asciilifeform iirc starvation-wage folx were already 'deferred' a while ago
19:16 mats student loan payments represent like $7bn usd per mo
19:17 asciilifeform iirc almost entirely from 'properly-employed' (i.e. desk-fliers) tho, rather than diploma'd cabbies
19:17 mats there's a surplus of thinks-we-has-choices going on
19:17 * asciilifeform curious 'by what powered' this surplus
19:18 asciilifeform (and whether factually exists)
19:18 * asciilifeform not personally l1 w/ any of these 'quitters', knows of'em purely from the occasional fishwrap piece
19:18 mats stim checks, unemployment insurance, student loan payment deferment, lack of cafes and bars to go to
19:18 asciilifeform and iguess mats's summaries
19:18 asciilifeform last stim cheque was yr+ ago neh
19:19 mats a lot of olds have also quit, so wages might keep going up to entice youngs back
19:19 mats and some of those olds aren't coming bak
19:19 mats it'll work itself out in the end
19:19 asciilifeform errything 'works in the end' lol
19:20 signpost as a complete non sequitor, this practice of gnu-shitwads using file mtime to decide whether to magically regenerate the autotools gnarl.
19:20 mats lots of parents got free money for their kids
19:20 asciilifeform (sun burns out in the end)
19:20 mats there's a fair amount of excess savings that haven't been eaten yet
19:20 signpost whole build toolchain is a revolting cumbox
19:20 asciilifeform mats: that yes : for instance over9000folx still think they 'own a house'
19:21 asciilifeform which'll go like in 1991 sovok
19:21 signpost mats: I suspect leaching off parents is indeed a piece.
19:21 signpost can confirm from own family
19:21 asciilifeform ( subj )
19:21 dulapbot (trilema) 2014-05-01 asciilifeform: basic course on russian privatization. 'your formerly state-issued flat is now yours. you are a millionaire!' - 'neato. but my salary hasn't been paid in a year. gotta buy something to eat. what does dinner cost?' - 'half a million.'
19:21 signpost perhaps more common in cities, where we'd care about such stats more.
19:22 signpost and in rural, cheaper to float along anyway.
19:22 asciilifeform that leeching will be part of how the 'owned houses' collected, yes
19:24 asciilifeform << the alternative would be what, to hash errything? given the over9000files of a typical opensores liquishit, promises to be rather slow
19:24 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 14:20:06 signpost: as a complete non sequitor, this practice of gnu-shitwads using file mtime to decide whether to magically regenerate the autotools gnarl.
19:24 signpost when I tell it, regenerate
19:24 asciilifeform i can see why they use mtime
19:24 asciilifeform signpost: a, it doesn't ? i.e. ignores ./configure --clean etc ?
19:25 signpost much has been caked around gcc to handle all sorts of tools missing, platform-specific idiosyncracies, etc
19:25 asciilifeform afaik whole thing consists almost entirely of this 'cake'
19:25 signpost (obviously, of course)
19:26 signpost yep.
19:26 asciilifeform not clear just how much would even remain if removed.
19:26 signpost perhaps tcc, lol
19:26 * asciilifeform when younger thought 'hey, wainot minix w/ tcc'. then realized that is same exact 'sys-v' acorn from which the shit oak inevitably grew.
19:27 signpost anyhow grunting through what differences may be in the dulap env.
19:27 signpost indeed so
19:27 asciilifeform ( see also )
19:28 * asciilifeform would still not refuse 'minix w/ tcc' if could be stood on 'opteron' and run x, emacs, sbcl, etc
19:28 signpost << shit like this has been the entirety of this project.
19:28 asciilifeform loox quite typical yes
19:28 asciilifeform bottomless well of interdependent liquishit
19:29 signpost these "missing" scripts are particularly insidious, will "try" to deal with missing tooling, invariable failing.
19:29 signpost *ly
19:29 signpost each little gnu weakling caking "fixes" because he dare not tell the other weakling to change his instead.
19:29 asciilifeform and in the process of said failing sucks in over9000 other fails etc
19:29 * signpost fully understands that this was a virus for commercial software. and it reflects that.
19:30 asciilifeform ( 'spackle' )
19:30 dulapbot (trilema) 2018-10-25 asciilifeform: when you add compatibility spackle, serious reader is not saved from reading the thing you spackled over -- on the contrary nao he has to read the ~original~ rubbish ~plus~ your spackle, however much it weighs.
19:31 signpost mighty entertaining actually that the GNU strategy was precisely "embrace, extend, extinguish" of its own kind.
19:31 asciilifeform 'succeeded', too
19:33 * asciilifeform recalls rms's 'four freedoms' lulz
19:33 dulapbot (trilema) 2019-01-15 asciilifeform: point was re rms. trouble with the man is, i dun think he is stupid, in the usual sense, he appears to quite deliberately think that cultivated fungus on ~coad~ is a valid defense against 'microshit will steal'. hence gcc, autoconf, other marvels.
19:33 dulapbot (trilema) 2019-01-15 asciilifeform: prattled for 30 yrs re 'four freedoms', but forgot '-1st' -- 'to fit the thing in head'
19:33 dulapbot (trilema) 2019-01-15 asciilifeform: or, alternatively, not forgot, but explicitly rejected, i've nfi.
19:35 signpost seems a symbiosis between someone who is first a politician, and hesitates to put down a strategy that empowered him (though waning in relevance these days), and the poetterings which jizz when they get such a rube goldberg to "work"
19:36 asciilifeform symbiosis b/w quite a few things. incl. even the poor bastards ( asciilifeform et al ) who do need sumthing like a working comp, 'yesterday', and what's avail. is strictly this
19:37 * asciilifeform recalls how, after the demise of the last 'unix workstations', the innocent went to buy crapples, because 'hey it's a supported commercial unix! where things work!'
19:38 asciilifeform and how naodays getting an otherwise unremarkable piece of posixware to stand up on crappla feels 'accomplishment', rather like how 'stand up netbsd on shoebox with 2 dead squirrels' once did
19:39 asciilifeform i.e. crapple's 'unix' was simply bait&switch, which had a purpose strictly for so long as was req'd to 1) kill 2) prevent the resurrection of -- the workstations
19:39 signpost complete with badbits scans reporting home to the mothership.
19:39 asciilifeform nao is the snake's legs, comin' right off
19:39 asciilifeform aha
19:40 signpost sad how that turned out. I don't expect steve would've done it, not that I'm a typical fanboy of his.
19:41 asciilifeform late steve was moar interested in returning the cattle to the dumb terminal stall.
19:41 asciilifeform (succeeded, largely)
19:42 * asciilifeform finds interesting that the 'programmable' apple was justabout entirely a thing in the era of the gil amelio apple
19:43 asciilifeform and nao barely remembered
19:47 asciilifeform the crapple in asciilifeform torture room is still there. naodays used largely to run the printers...
19:47 dulapbot Logged on 2021-08-29 21:23:57 asciilifeform: this printer is a veritable lulzgenerator in own right. pay 4fig for postscript printer (gold standard since '80s... right?) and get, i shit thee not, div-by-0 eggogs mid-way-through printing 100pg doc
19:48 asciilifeform when it dies, not planning to buy anuther.
19:50 * signpost had an old quadra he quite liked
19:50 signpost hilariously, portland car thieves thought this worth dragging out of vehicle through the back window.
19:50 asciilifeform was speaking of the '15 crapple, lol. the 1988 one i'ma keep
19:51 signpost ah yeah
19:52 * asciilifeform not sat ~that~ one on the lan; tho it ~does~ have a 10M eth jack, and the bolix stack ~can~ serve x11 over it. (for the obv reason)
19:52 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-06 19:51:33 asciilifeform: verisimilitude: i've only 1 such machine, and for all i know at any given time it's on its final hour
19:55 asciilifeform funny how that 'mac performa' ( esp. w/ ssd 'flies' compared to modern boxen
19:56 asciilifeform )
19:57 asciilifeform or hm it's a 'quadra 650'
19:57 asciilifeform '93.
19:58 asciilifeform w/ entire 80MB of ram ! ( not counting even what's on the bolix board )
19:59 asciilifeform subj.
20:00 signpost yeah I believe that's the one liberated by bums, even.
20:00 signpost I guess they had a macivory to put in it.
20:00 asciilifeform afaik thieves steal 1st and figure out 'wassat' 2nd
20:01 signpost they got an old NAS from, shit thee not, too
20:01 * asciilifeform had a phriend who was burgled and then found heap of his stolen books, thief at 1st thought they were dvd n-packs, then discarded
20:01 signpost some dood was offloading them on portland craigslist
20:01 signpost lol, useless, those
20:02 asciilifeform at the time pawnshops took'em (nfi nao)
20:02 asciilifeform dvd, that is, not b00x
20:04 * asciilifeform on current street once heard neighbour knock: 'hey did they break your car?' ; looked, nope. turns out they broke into half dozen on street, stole the coins in the coin cups, left asciilifeform's alone
20:05 asciilifeform cuz, one can only guess, no coins
20:09 shinohai Well duh, asciilifeform keeps all his coinz in-betwixt the sofa cushions.
20:10 asciilifeform where else.
20:17 shinohai Well you can get creative with your pet's Kegel exercises and have her store $1.80 in dimes in her snatch.
20:17 asciilifeform an' eject exact change, iirc is the state of the art
20:17 shinohai aha
20:18 * shinohai thinks this would also give buttcoin a new meaning .....
20:18 * asciilifeform has rather diff 'training programme' than e.g. mp, featuring moar emphasis on e.g. emacs than operation as cash register..
20:18 signpost that's more sadistic, you know?
20:18 signpost (hue)
20:18 asciilifeform lolyes
~ 1 hours 8 minutes ~
21:27 asciilifeform meanwhile in lulzy cockroaches found in some heathen heads.
21:37 signpost the "I'd challenge you but I suck" comment is hysterical.
~ 15 minutes ~
21:53 verisimilitude Alright. Prepare for my joke.
21:53 verisimilitude
21:53 verisimilitude
21:53 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 16:53:23 verisimilitude:
21:53 verisimilitude
21:53 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 16:53:23 verisimilitude:
21:53 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 21:53:14 dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-19 16:53:23 verisimilitude:
21:53 verisimilitude Oh, it stops recursing.
21:53 verisimilitude Well that's boring.
21:54 verisimilitude
21:54 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 16:54:15 verisimilitude:
21:54 verisimilitude
21:54 verisimilitude Whatever.
21:55 verisimilitude Oh, I was mispredicting.
21:56 verisimilitude
21:56 verisimilitude
21:56 verisimilitude
21:56 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 16:56:18 verisimilitude:
21:56 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 21:56:13 dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-19 16:56:18 verisimilitude:
21:56 verisimilitude No, it doesn't work after all.
21:58 verisimilitude Either that, or I'm not properly setting up a recursive system; does dulapbot know of bitbot, unlike bitbot of dulapbot?
21:59 verisimilitude It's still a flaw in bitbot.
22:00 verisimilitude I'm similarly committed to never selling my Bitcoin holdings.
22:01 verisimilitude I'm almost envious; none of my comments received any response.
22:01 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 12:51:39 asciilifeform: meanwhile in misc. heathen lulz.
22:01 verisimilitude I see I was improperly making my references, earlier; I wonder.
22:02 verisimilitude
22:02 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 21:56:13 dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-19 16:56:18 verisimilitude:
22:03 verisimilitude I'll try once more.
22:04 verisimilitude
22:05 verisimilitude
22:05 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:04:57 verisimilitude:
22:05 verisimilitude
22:05 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:04:57 verisimilitude:
22:05 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:04:52 dulapbot: Logged on 2022-01-19 17:04:57 verisimilitude:
22:05 verisimilitude Well, it either won't work or I've repeatedly failed; I'll stop now.
22:07 verisimilitude I notice bitbot has a different view than dulapbot, which is perhaps the cause of failure here.
22:08 verisimilitude Offsetting the bitbot offset by three may make it work.
22:14 billymg verisimilitude: yeah, bit bot missed 3 lines between these two messages when i adjusted the clock on my system
22:14 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-11 11:52:17 whaack: <<-- when the miners decide to take the segwit coins trb will likely be the only type of node tracking the actual bitcoin chain.
22:14 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-11 17:17:27 gregory5: << what were they trying to cover up? do you have any theories?
22:14 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-10 15:41:07 asciilifeform: r. hess for instance sat incommunicado '45--'87, but near his 'suicide' did, supposedly, get a coupla letters out via a priest.
22:14 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-11 16:48:57 pete_rizzo_: Thanks. This is interesting to me, as it gets to the questions I was interested in re: running a node. What is the advantage of running TRB (what does it do/not do as opposed to core) and how does it interact with the clients running core
22:14 billymg need to fill those in manually in the db
22:15 billymg verisimilitude: are you trying to cause an infinite loop between the two bots?
22:16 verisimilitude Yes. My client lost power is why I've not yet done so.
22:16 verisimilitude I've the math figured out.
22:17 billymg well i guess if you're able to do that it'd be something worth patching
22:18 verisimilitude
22:18 verisimilitude
22:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:18 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:18 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:18 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:18 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:18 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:18 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:18 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:18 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:18 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:18 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:18 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:18 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:18 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:18 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:18 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:18 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:18 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:18 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:18 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 verisimilitude Well, I can't kick either.
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 jonsykkel lol
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 verisimilitude Oh my; how oh so amusing.
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 verisimilitude I'm proud of myself.
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 shinohai top kek
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 jonsykkel a productive day
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 billymg LOL
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 billymg ok, turning off bitbot, one sec...
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:21 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:21 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:21 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:21 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:21 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:21 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:21 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:21 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:21 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:21 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:21 bitbot Logged on 2022-01-19 22:18:12 verisimilitude:
22:21 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:18:27 verisimilitude:
22:21 verisimilitude There's no need to thank me; this was its own reward.
22:22 verisimilitude This was made possible when I noticed this:
22:22 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-18 16:34:51 whaack: <-- ty for the link, didn't see the previous one, ty also asciilifeform, looks awesome
22:34 asciilifeform lol
22:36 billymg asciilifeform: regarding patch, the bot's config already contains a list of other bots, perhaps just prevent it from echoing log lines if it comes from a bot?
22:36 asciilifeform oughta be in there already, looking nao
22:37 verisimilitude Yes, that's one way to do it.
22:37 verisimilitude A cycle detector would also work.
22:37 asciilifeform apparently not. was in phf's , and asciilifeform fughot to put in current item
22:38 asciilifeform asciilifeform's dun look at 'bots' ln in config at all, seems
22:38 asciilifeform (only does)
22:38 * asciilifeform promises to fix shortly, unless billymg gets there 1st
22:39 asciilifeform surprised that not 'naturally' occurred prior, had to be prodded
22:39 asciilifeform ( want here or wherever that corresponds to in the current item )
22:40 asciilifeform ty verisimilitude
22:40 verisimilitude It was fun.
22:40 asciilifeform hm wai didn't it work at 1st stab tho
22:41 * asciilifeform still reading upstack.
22:41 verisimilitude I'll explain.
22:41 billymg asciilifeform: off by three
22:41 verisimilitude I noticed bitbot and dulapbot have different views of the conversation codes.
22:41 verisimilitude It didn't naturally occur, because it needs a future reference.
22:41 billymg asciilifeform:
22:41 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 17:14:21 billymg: verisimilitude: yeah, bit bot missed 3 lines between these two messages when i adjusted the clock on my system
22:41 asciilifeform a
22:41 asciilifeform makes sense
22:42 verisimilitude I saw them interact yesterday, and my first thought was ``I can build a cycle from such an interaction.''.
22:42 * asciilifeform recalls when same thing in ye olde #b-a
22:42 asciilifeform was fixed the obv way
22:43 asciilifeform this was long prior to asciilifeform's logotron tho
22:43 verisimilitude Let this be a warning: One bot is fine, but two may try to stage an uprising.
22:44 asciilifeform see also.
22:46 asciilifeform << it's bug in both, iirc bitbot is virtually identical
22:46 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 16:59:31 verisimilitude: It's still a flaw in bitbot.
22:47 verisimilitude No, that's from when I'd given up, but still wanted to be snide.
22:47 asciilifeform lolk
22:47 verisimilitude I was determined to point out some flaw.
22:48 asciilifeform verisimilitude: there's prolly over9000 bugs in logotron, lol (possibly none as spectacular, but can't guarantee)
22:48 asciilifeform it was meant, lol, to be 'temporary' item
22:49 asciilifeform (i.e. to use for coupla wks maybe)
22:49 asciilifeform nao goin' on 3y..
22:50 asciilifeform !q uptime
22:50 dulapbot asciilifeform: time since my last reconnect : 217d 18h 47m
22:50 verisimilitude My Gopher server is the same way.
22:50 asciilifeform ^ just the current process, lol
22:51 verisimilitude I wanted a Gopher server in Ada by now.
22:52 * asciilifeform wanted atomic dirigible by nao!11
22:52 verisimilitude I think my desire is a bit simpler.
22:53 verisimilitude My copy of the Oxford Latin Dictionary (OLD) arrived in the mail today. I'm pleased with it so far, after checking a few entries.
22:53 verisimilitude It should be nice, considering it was nearly five hundred dollars.
22:54 * asciilifeform has over9000 unfinished softs, purely on acct of ~0 time
22:54 dulapbot Logged on 2020-10-01 15:00:29 asciilifeform: gregorynyssa: there's not a thing that'd rise to the level of 'plan'. asciilifeform in particular wrote 3 things: 'nqb', a largely-complete coder/decoder for the formats used in trb; ffa, with which possible to perform the cryptonumerics; and 'cryostat', to implement a o(1) db .
22:54 dulapbot Logged on 2021-09-09 13:33:02 asciilifeform: cgra: how complete per se, i.e. right nao? -- ch21c ( the coad , for extended-euclidean ) is done ; and also extensive revision of the peh interpreter (in particular, properly constant-time i/o of FZ)
22:54 verisimilitude Five hundred dollars is worthless to me, however, whereas this dictionary pleases me.
22:54 verisimilitude Yes, we're very alike in this respect, asciilifeform.
22:54 verisimilitude I don't believe we were separated at birth, but still.
22:55 asciilifeform hm i thought verisimilitude was innocent of the salt mines, had time
22:55 verisimilitude Rephrase that.
22:55 verisimilitude The final two words befuddle me.
22:57 asciilifeform in that sense
22:57 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-07 18:29:19 PeterL: Если не ты управляешь своим временем, то твоим временем управляет
22:57 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-07 19:21:20 asciilifeform: PeterL: 'if you are not in control of your time, then someone else is'
22:57 verisimilitude I control my time.
22:58 asciilifeform then how verisimilitude's unfinishes softs 'alike' to asciilifeform's..?
22:59 verisimilitude I just meant we both have a lot of unfinished work we want to get done.
22:59 asciilifeform a ok
23:00 verisimilitude The pain of getting a machine to do anything useful is infuriating.
23:00 asciilifeform verily
23:01 verisimilitude I've not yet had the opportunity to tell others ``I agree with an acquaintance of mine, in how only the mentally ill or other deranged could want to program computers, with how awful it is.''.
23:02 verisimilitude Just sending a network packet is so difficult.
23:02 asciilifeform see also
23:03 verisimilitude It would be as if my toilet required a ladder to use, because it was placed so high in the room.
23:03 verisimilitude ``I want a low toilet. LOL who wants that?''
23:03 asciilifeform closer to 'req's a jetpack to use, being locate on everest'
23:03 asciilifeform *located
23:03 verisimilitude It's enough to make me feel homicidal.
23:04 asciilifeform '... because they were developing Unix and the C compiler. it's appropriate to make a machine print "hello world" to verify that everything works after all the mind-boggling nonsense has interfered with the real purpose of a computer, and you never know which part of booting up will fail due to a minor bug. the delight in a C programmer's eyes when his machine thus booted typed "hello world" back at him would probabl
23:04 asciilifeform y parallel that of a Common Lisp programmer when the satellite communications subsystem he designed beams back "hello world" after an almost-aborted launch, a navigation jet which misfired, and the solar panels sustained some damage by space debris. normally, it's unnecessary to have confirmations of basic operations, but it makes perfect sense under C.'
23:04 verisimilitude So often, I use Emacs view-lossage to see something, yet my whole system lacks this.
23:05 verisimilitude Yes.
23:13 asciilifeform << the sorta thing that comes outaa such folx, one can laff todeath
23:13 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-19 16:37:06 signpost: the "I'd challenge you but I suck" comment is hysterical.
23:13 asciilifeform 'he'll xerox you his fist!'(tm)(r)(some ro poem mp translated iirc)
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