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← 2014-10-23 | 2014-10-25 →
00:00 decimation as in, pop spy
00:00 asciilifeform aha
00:00 asciilifeform stierlitz
00:00 decimation yeah
00:00 asciilifeform but not at all like james bond
00:00 asciilifeform other than being a fictional hero
00:00 asciilifeform quite the polar opposite, in most ways
00:00 asciilifeform ;;google seventeen moments of spring
00:00 gribble Seventeen Moments of Spring - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seventeen_Moments_of_Spring>; 17 Moments of Spring - 1/12 - 1/7 - YouTube: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIzOma9Pyv8>; Semnadtsat mgnoveniy vesny (TV Mini-Series 1973) - IMDb: <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0069628/>
00:01 TheNewDeal damn ascii, this is a lengthy piece
00:01 mircea_popescu <TheNewDeal> but did anyone go to jail, get fined by sec, etc? << no.
00:02 TheNewDeal ;;ticker
00:02 mircea_popescu asciilifeform> wtf even means 'like james bond'. everyone he fucked died same day? << lmao
00:02 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 352.01, Best ask: 353.34, Bid-ask spread: 1.33000, Last trade: 353.38, 24 hour volume: 25593.98759498, 24 hour low: 344.34, 24 hour high: 380.28, 24 hour vwap: 362.289581503
00:02 mircea_popescu "my sperm got is how they invented spermicide, bitch!"
00:03 mircea_popescu actually that loper-os artic le is how stan ended up on hanbot's list iirc.
00:03 asciilifeform aha.
00:04 mircea_popescu ("list of people writing about bitcoin that are not obviously total idiots")
00:05 thestringpuller asciilifeform: that article is ahead of its time lol
00:05 thestringpuller good read
00:06 decimation as I recall, reading about stan's encounter and further correspondence on that post is what interested me in this channel
00:06 asciilifeform http://pastebin.com/f4TeW4zQ
00:06 asciilifeform now declassif1ed!
00:07 thestringpuller "And, what is far sadder, fools invariably show up, ready to part with their Bitcoins on their own free will. They give them up in exchange for promises, backed by nothing at all." << timeless
00:07 mircea_popescu yeah that sounds about right.
00:08 * asciilifeform must admit for the record that he did not know about nanotube's 'wot'
00:08 asciilifeform when wrote that piece.
00:08 asciilifeform or possibly saw it, and did not digest
00:09 asciilifeform but did, sadly, actually have the concept in head, and did nothing useful with it
00:09 asciilifeform !s kyristor
00:09 assbot 3 results for 'kyristor' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=kyristor
00:09 mircea_popescu anyway, this is funny because of all the forum derps going "oh, mpoe-pr hates everything!!1"
00:10 mircea_popescu yeah, like that asshole teacher that flunks the entire class, which is unfair, because THE ENTIRE CLASS
00:10 asciilifeform 'entire cl455! except for those bozos who cheated by studying'
00:10 decimation being an asshole is bad pr in the short run, but it's great for making history in the long run (if you are right)
00:10 mircea_popescu that's the immortal gambit, isn't it.
00:14 thestringpuller mpoe-pr was more of a public service
00:14 thestringpuller paid to by mp to educate the masses
00:14 * asciilifeform misses the mpoepr essays
00:14 thestringpuller MPOE-PSA
00:16 BingoBoingo So is Thermos still holding GLBSE asset lists hostage?
00:16 mircea_popescu yeah but the woman was slowly going insane. and really, today's poor aren't actually worth it.
00:16 mircea_popescu two years ago it was a different story.
00:17 thestringpuller BingoBoingo: I think issuers got their lists
00:17 TheNewDeal where can one get a hold of said mpoe-pr eas
00:17 TheNewDeal essays*
00:17 thestringpuller bitcointa.lk
00:17 BingoBoingo bitcointa.lk seems to have stopped keeping up
00:18 thestringpuller TheNewDeal: https://bitcointa.lk/threads/so-you-think-youre-going-to-start-a-bitcoin-business-right.73270/ << that's a good one
00:18 TheNewDeal read that one a handful of times
00:18 TheNewDeal thought that was MP for some reason...
00:18 * asciilifeform read them all many times
00:18 asciilifeform and the immortal...
00:19 asciilifeform !s shall be delivered
00:19 assbot 17 results for 'shall be delivered' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=shall+be+delivered
00:19 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> yeah but the woman was slowly going insane. and really, today's poor aren't actually worth it. << Also the part where you stick by saying cares about that venue are over has its own value
00:19 mircea_popescu i didn't parse that.
00:20 mircea_popescu anyway, basically she's a naggum without the ulcer.
00:20 mircea_popescu (did get gastritis tho)
00:21 BingoBoingo Eh, when you write off a venue like bitcointalk as worthless, best to stand by that decision unless something material about the venue changes for the better.
00:21 mircea_popescu and perhaps 5k posts or so, i forget the exact count, is not quite equal to that guy's usenet count.
00:21 thestringpuller http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x73/_tarel_/1206481667896.gif
00:21 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo a, yeah, that ain't happening.
00:22 BingoBoingo Well not with Thermos for sure, probably not with his successor
00:22 thestringpuller yet bitcointalk keeps getting donations
00:22 Apocalyptic what's Hannah's blog address btw ?
00:22 thestringpuller http://thewhet.net
00:23 Apocalyptic thank you
00:23 mircea_popescu re-reading that, incredible how little has changed since Nov 15, 2012. "get in the wot, read the logs"
00:24 thestringpuller 6 months thing hasn't changed either
00:24 decimation fyi there's an increased chance of a severe geomagnetic storm happening in the next week or two
00:25 Apocalyptic <thestringpuller> 6 months thing hasn't changed either // should be 12 maybe
00:25 asciilifeform when i read 'shall be delivered', i knew virtually nothing about the author -- but instant respect, of the deepest kind.
00:26 asciilifeform respect as in 'i wish this person to do the privilege of being my kaishakunin.'
00:26 asciilifeform ;;ud kaishakunin
00:26 gribble http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Kaishakunin&defid=1111214 | Samurai Who Performs Kaishaku During Seppuku. The Kaishakunin Used A Katana Known As A Dotanuki.
00:26 decimation he's the guy who witnesses right?
00:27 asciilifeform not only witnesses.
00:27 BingoBoingo <Apocalyptic> <thestringpuller> 6 months thing hasn't changed either // should be 12 maybe << Nah it is the same six months, test is picking the right 6
00:28 mircea_popescu ^
00:28 mircea_popescu i like this right 6 theory
00:28 decimation we are all in the same big zone together, might as well let the string be 'zekd'
00:28 mircea_popescu "master, how to learn dao ?" "read a coupla lines on it" "which ones ?" "yes"
00:28 thestringpuller Who is inaba again?
00:28 asciilifeform as i understand, one's kaishakunin would typically be a respected teacher, who approves of you enough to take the risk of embarrassing himself by chopping incorrectly.
00:29 Apocalyptic so it's either the noob gets the 6 right or gets only a subset, if the cardinal of this subset is low enough it doesn't help in any way
00:29 thestringpuller "My point was that I have run and continue to run successful business(s) on the Bitcoin platform and yet somehow I've managed to do this without WOT... again shooting your theory to hell and gone." << Don't know what businesses he is talking about.
00:29 mircea_popescu thestringpuller "we".
00:29 mircea_popescu !up eth3
00:29 mircea_popescu ennumeration!
00:29 decimation !s eth2
00:29 assbot 2 results for 'eth2' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=eth2
00:29 eth3 hi
00:30 eth3 heh had to change nicks to get in mintpal's channel
00:30 eth3 moolah didn't like being called out on his scam
00:30 mircea_popescu i thought you were just fighting systemv
00:30 eth3 nah just snooping over there see if there was any action ;p
00:31 decimation asciilifeform: I booted rhel7 today to find out what lennart has been up to
00:31 decimation it's been 'chromed', looks like lame osx
00:31 decimation even the server version
00:31 mircea_popescu anyway, inaba is the original bfl forum shill / organiser of the original "bfl will deliver" scambets.
00:31 BingoBoingo thestringpuller: Inaba is BFL-PR
00:31 thestringpuller "You hold up MPEx and Satoshi Dice as successful businesses, and give them valuation in the millions of dollars. I mean, seriously, what is there to argue? I've already provided you evidence and reasons as to why the utter nonsense you're claiming is evidence for your arguments is false and you just keep providing the same nonsensical arguments over and over. BFL has sold tons of hardware, that is verifiable proo
00:31 thestringpuller "
00:32 thestringpuller ^- wow it's just funny to read this stuff now.
00:32 mircea_popescu he's got a legitimate business trading ciggs for socks and sweaters in jail now or what.
00:32 asciilifeform trading something else.
00:32 decimation no cigs aren't allowed anymore I think
00:32 decimation they trade tins of sardines
00:32 * BingoBoingo still feels warm fuzzies about winning the S.BBET over S.DICE bet win
00:33 mircea_popescu o right it was herring
00:33 decimation http://online.wsj.com/articles/SB122290720439096481
00:33 decimation "There's been a mackerel economy in federal prisons since about 2004, former inmates and some prison consultants say. That's when federal prisons prohibited smoking and, by default, the cigarette pack, which was the earlier gold standard."
00:33 thestringpuller BFL hadn't even delivered at that point, those sales were just "preorders". Geeze.
00:37 * asciilifeform when read about this for the first time, wondered if some 'lifer' inmate will file a 'cruel and unusual punishment' claim against the u.s. department of prisons for potentially extending his lifespan and thus adding years to his sentence without a judge's say-so
00:37 decimation lol asciilifeform that's a good point
00:37 mircea_popescu interesting argument
00:37 mircea_popescu may even get to scotus
00:37 asciilifeform lol
00:38 decimation yeah they decide hard-hitting cases like that these days
00:38 mircea_popescu they recently heard a case about fucking beards.
00:38 TheNewDeal beard fucking?
00:38 asciilifeform except that one must appreciate the kind of monsters methodist/puritans are. e.g., not only are various measures taken to prevent inmates from offing themselves, but those condemned to death are on 24/7 'suicide watch'.
00:38 TheNewDeal ;;google beard fucking scotus
00:38 gribble Sadly, No! » Fuck the Fucking Supreme Court: <http://www.sadlyno.com/archives/39909>; This Better Not Be the Beginning of the End for Beards - Jezebel: <http://jezebel.com/this-better-not-be-the-beginning-of-the-end-for-beards-894969588>; Supreme Court Facial Hair | Josh Blackman's Blog: <http://joshblackman.com/blog/2013/11/05/supreme-court-facial-hair/>
00:38 asciilifeform lest they deprive the crown of its entertainment.
00:38 decimation scotus is so frightened of making another 'roe v wade' and thus lose their 'prestige'
00:38 decimation that they have neutered themselves from making any decisions
00:39 decimation and will thus fade into irrelevance like the president and congress
00:40 mircea_popescu the president can't fade into irrelevance.
00:41 decimation well, there's no doubt that there's a megaphone attached to his lips, but what does he actually say anymore?
00:41 BingoBoingo Ebama simply summons Obola to crush dissent
00:41 mircea_popescu the content ain't that important.
00:41 decimation asciilifeform: maybe as a mercy gesture the prisons stock high-mercury mackerel
00:42 BingoBoingo <decimation> asciilifeform: maybe as a mercy gesture the prisons stock high-mercury mackerel << Heavy metal poisoning is slow
00:42 decimation perhaps the presidency will slowly transform into 'the official scapegoat'
00:42 mircea_popescu seems dubious, but maybe.
00:43 asciilifeform ze fuhrer says through his megaphone - whatever he is asked to say. for example, '38400 baud.' >> http://imgur.com/a/oZSiI
00:44 asciilifeform 'At the 1980 Olympics, Brezhnev begins his speech. "O!"—applause. "O!"—an ovation. "O!!!"—the whole audience stands up and applauds. An aide comes running to the podium and whispers, "Leonid Ilyich, those are the Olympic logo rings, you don't need to read all of them!"'
00:44 decimation one of the few unifying opinions in the us today is 'the politicians suck'
00:45 decimation a fact highlighted daily by bureaucrats and their media minions
00:46 mircea_popescu by the way, is yarvin still writing or lives in memory only ?
00:46 asciilifeform ask him
00:46 decimation he put a post up a few months ago that kinda ended it
00:47 asciilifeform http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2014/08/hiatus.html
00:47 assbot Unqualified Reservations: Hiatus
00:47 decimation he's apparently gotten himself roped into the silly-con valley circus (again)
00:47 mircea_popescu aha
00:48 decimation I think urbit is still around
00:48 decimation maybe they are in 'stealth mode'
00:48 asciilifeform searched using google, for 'urbit', via a few proxies, cookieless browser - and discovered that...
00:49 asciilifeform BingoBoingo's 'review' - and mine - are on front page.
00:49 decimation lol
00:49 decimation I'm sure when they are done with 'stealth mode' urbit will be awesome ;)
00:49 mircea_popescu http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/10/22/facebook_uk_2013_accounts_corporation_tax/
00:49 assbot Facebook pays INFINITELY MORE UK corp tax than in 2012 The Register
00:49 * BingoBoingo was probably the least technical person to compel Urbit to the gallows
00:49 asciilifeform i'm also still, for some reason, on their mailing list, and mostly nothing has happened there in a while
00:50 asciilifeform doesn't mean mr mold isn't grinding away in his cellar again like before.
00:50 asciilifeform but, stopped posting, it seems.
00:50 decimation probably with mr. theil's cash
00:50 asciilifeform no secret, this
00:50 asciilifeform unless he's blown it on 'paid best friends'
00:51 decimation eh, he can probably gain a small staff of unpaid 'interns'
00:51 asciilifeform i'm sorta glad he did the escapade, because those were the easiest four-and-half btc i ever made
00:52 decimation heh. I just got a destroyer, and after rebuilding the code about 5 times I said 'fuck this'
00:52 decimation plus, the intentionally annoying 'language'
00:52 asciilifeform http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1352
00:52 assbot Loper OS » Dukedom for Sale.
00:53 decimation having to learn runes to read beowulf is one thing, acting as some weirdo's bitch is another
00:54 asciilifeform decimation: actually i must disagree. i followed mr mold's project since the day i ferreted out the semi-public dump where he kept it
00:54 asciilifeform decimation: i'm willing to believe him where he swore to me that he never learned 'haskell', 'ml', or the like.
00:55 asciilifeform decimation: but he certainly sat in comp sci grad school long enough to suffer the braindamage which produced those monstrosities
00:55 asciilifeform until i realized this, following the work was actually enjoyable
00:56 asciilifeform there was ever the possibility that he - wouldn't - do... well, what he did.
00:56 BingoBoingo Fucking Jets
00:56 asciilifeform i eagerly and secretly learned his languages from the scant posted notes and the system sources.
00:57 asciilifeform there are not so many of us.
00:57 asciilifeform os crackpots, that is
00:58 asciilifeform can't set the bozo bit on a fellow so quickly, i thought, esp. one who somehow begged/borrowed/stole enough free time to actually achieve something tangible
00:58 * BingoBoingo thinks TempleOS guy is best OS crackpot guy of the crowd shipping nao
00:58 asciilifeform when mr mold posted a begging box some years ago (prior to public urbit) - i gave...
00:59 asciilifeform (his 'fuckyoumoney' was, he said, actually just 'temporarily fuckyou' and had run through. his dependopotamus had birthed.)
00:59 mircea_popescu ahahhah "temporary fuck you"
00:59 * mircea_popescu boggles
01:00 BingoBoingo ^ mircea_popescu contemplating Usian contempt for fertile women
01:00 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2010/01/mencius-moldbug-babysitting-fund.html
01:00 assbot Unqualified Reservations: The Mencius Moldbug Babysitting Fund
01:00 decimation asciilifeform: I also gave a couple btc to his pot
01:00 mircea_popescu is this like "i don't eat anything for as many as 20 hours a day, so i'm therefore anorexic" ?
01:01 decimation I don't disagree with your assessment, it just makes me feel weird to try to learn something that's so esoteric
01:01 mircea_popescu i mean the temporary fuck you is the exact definition of the non-fuck you
01:01 asciilifeform he had, according to his confession at least, what turned out to be a battery rather than a perpetuum mobile.
01:01 decimation asciilifeform: yeah I was disappointed when he cut off blogging after I gave
01:01 asciilifeform same
01:01 mircea_popescu now that happens
01:02 asciilifeform though he did specify 'i won't promise to do anything interesting now'
01:02 asciilifeform sorta admited that he was spent
01:02 decimation he might have had the unwashed masses who followed him 'go to his head'
01:03 asciilifeform 'plan was to make some money in Silicon Valley and then retire as an independent scholar...' << notice, mr mold also didn't much care for arbeit macht frei.
01:04 decimation asciilifeform: I was thinking about this today, you are right. it's fantastically expensive to feed and house yourself in the us, especially with dependents
01:04 mircea_popescu i have no idea how well it applies, but i have seen this "independently wealthy" affectation too often to count, both online and off. it is usually the carpace of the shy, socialy awkward, intelligent young male.
01:04 BingoBoingo decimation: Only if you stay in income trapzors
01:04 mircea_popescu pretty much every whore i ever talked to readily identifies it in the field as mere pretense.
01:05 asciilifeform and woe be unto you if you have some calling that is more costly than watching tv.
01:05 decimation BingoBoingo: like, live off of usg welfare checks?
01:05 mircea_popescu plenty of blogs start on that basis, which assuages the author's mindvoices long enough to write something
01:05 asciilifeform usg welfare << terry davis!
01:05 mircea_popescu then as a sense of familiarity develops, more of truth can be let out.
01:05 BingoBoingo decimation: No, like somewhere rent is $300/month instead of $maxint/month
01:06 decimation To me "independently wealthy" implies owning a revenue stream that is sufficient for a reasonable standard of living, plus cushion
01:06 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo i guess it depends on whether decimation means by dependents any 16 yo kids like in the youtube vid.
01:06 decimation heh no mine are very young
01:06 BingoBoingo Ah, $maxint child induced damage
01:07 BingoBoingo Seriously thoug Ohio is a place. The20YearIRCloud does well renting mud huts in the wastes of Ohio
01:07 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: "independently wealthy" affectation too often to count << not hard to tell the fake perpetuum mobile - it sorta grinds to a halt at some point...
01:07 decimation right, but then I wouingld have to drive an hour to do... anyth
01:07 mircea_popescu i'd rather raise children in chiapas than ohio.
01:08 asciilifeform what does it cost in ohio to get 1Gb/s fiber?
01:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13197 @ 0.00074258 = 9.7998 BTC [+]
01:08 mircea_popescu asciilifeform why do you need 1gb/s ?
01:08 asciilifeform how many volumes in ru or de in the topology section of the largest academic library in ohio?
01:09 mircea_popescu decimation owning "revenue streams" is not so unlike owning women, the original... stream.
01:09 asciilifeform what does it cost to take next-day delivery of a crate of taiwanese FETs in rural (cheap) ohio?
01:09 asciilifeform etc
01:09 decimation asciilifeform: there's this guy in akron who is trying to run a 'startup' https://tiny-circuits.com/blog/
01:09 assbot TinyCircuits Blog
01:09 decimation he can rent industrial space for cheap
01:09 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i don't imagine post charges differently ?!
01:09 decimation can't hire anybody
01:10 decimation yeah ascii I bet it's cheaper to ship there than to dc
01:10 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: u.s. post is worthless. private carriers will only deliver to reasonably large population centers, at least given normal 'human' (vs courier, $maxint) service.
01:10 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> how many volumes in ru or de in the topology section of the largest academic library in ohio? << At OSU prolly a lot and you can walk them out the door forever
01:10 decimation I bet the ohio state university library is as good or better than maryland, but it's also not near any cheap housing
01:11 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i dunno, man. fedex delivered to timisoara nad to luxor
01:11 mircea_popescu both in the 100k range, nowhere.
01:11 mircea_popescu akron is what, 1mn ? 2mn ?
01:12 decimation 200k
01:12 mircea_popescu well in that sense boston is 50k lol.
01:12 mircea_popescu 200k + 700k
01:12 asciilifeform at any rate, darkest ohio is a paltry 1-2x cheaper than where i am.
01:12 * fluffypony stretches
01:12 BingoBoingo I mean even if must live in the bay area, Oakland is a place...
01:12 decimation asciilifeform: yeah that's the problem
01:13 decimation you can rent an apartment for 1k instead of 2k
01:13 * asciilifeform no longer fits in a flat
01:13 BingoBoingo I have never spent 4 digit integer dollars on apartment.
01:14 decimation asciilifeform: has your landlord bothered you about your various 'hobbies'
01:14 asciilifeform decimation: he lives in ca.
01:14 decimation the problem with renting homes in the us is that 99.99% of the 'landlords' are just some other chump with the mortgage
01:14 asciilifeform yes, that kind, as i understand
01:14 decimation the general business strategy is to spend nothing on maintenance and maximize rent
01:14 asciilifeform not a pro, owns just this one bldg
01:15 asciilifeform amortizes all maintenance using insurance co.
01:15 decimation which is why renting is not a thing for most folks
01:15 decimation lol like he files claims?
01:15 asciilifeform right
01:15 asciilifeform this is SOP apparently
01:15 decimation I thought insurance companies drop you like a hot potato if you pull that
01:16 asciilifeform so long as it's, e.g., new refrigerator every 15 yrs and not 15 months
01:16 decimation the reason why this works out (even if the guy is losing money) is that real estate is favored by usg tax code
01:16 asciilifeform at any rate, no sc4mz0r, he, i've no complaints. house does exactly what was printed on the tin.
01:16 decimation one can depreciate the house to $0 over 30 years
01:16 asciilifeform yes
01:18 decimation but it's not just housing, food, petrol, etc, all is priced to essentially rob most of your discretionary income
01:18 asciilifeform don't forget tax.
01:18 BingoBoingo <decimation> one can depreciate the house to $0 over 30 years << One can depreciate house to a liability within a day
01:18 decimation lol
01:18 decimation asciilifeform: yeah even with the tax breaks above, a person is going to pay at least 30-40% tax
01:19 decimation this would have been considered ridiculous even by roman tax farmers
01:20 asciilifeform roman slaves had more disposable income than most people in usa.
01:20 asciilifeform more in sense of buying power
01:21 decimation most of that tax is paid by kulaks, to fund programs that assault their dignity and liberty
01:23 decimation http://www.denverpost.com/entertainment/ci_26742711/did-diversity-miss-train-union-stations-architecture << semi-related
01:23 assbot Did diversity miss the train in Union Station's architecture? - The Denver Post
01:23 decimation apparently the boring train station that hosts successful business is 'racist', because it doesn't have an african corner or something
01:24 * BingoBoingo sometimes forgets abused Usians aspire towards more than 200 square feet and a flush toilet in their residence
01:27 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: some aspire to, e.g., electron microscope, or six-axis vertical mill, or ion beam workstation.
01:28 asciilifeform other - healthier folks - to bathtub for burial in cocaine.
01:28 BingoBoingo This is true
01:29 asciilifeform but the real treasure - unlimited free time - makes ion beam workstation look like a 'dollar store' souvenir.
01:30 decimation guten morgen
01:30 decimation !up smidge
01:31 decimation asciilifeform: even though hardly anyone is involved in producing food, we are still not free from wage-bondage
01:31 asciilifeform http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_sdKX5Hq8cnk/SZVX52DsPoI/AAAAAAAAAOM/eE5uWEMVxNM/s400/2008_slumdog.jpg
01:32 asciilifeform decimation: arbeit macht frei!
01:33 decimation the uncertain money supply contributes to over-bidding of assets
01:35 decimation heh stierlitz is available with english subtitles on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIzOma9Pyv8
01:35 assbot 17 Moments of Spring - 1/12 - 1/7 - YouTube
01:36 asciilifeform yes.
01:36 * asciilifeform has not read the subs, not sure about quality of translation
~ 17 minutes ~
01:54 asciilifeform decimation: http://i.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/4/9/4/170494.jpg?v=1
~ 24 minutes ~
02:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1400 @ 0.00073994 = 1.0359 BTC [-]
02:21 cazalla mircea_popescu: http://qntra.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/01.jpg << me thinks is is like too fucking much to scrool through. but anyway. <<< it is but i'd rather scroll 10 images than click 10, pdf is included anyway :P
~ 35 minutes ~
02:56 RagnarDanneskjol http://ftalphaville.ft.com/2014/10/23/2017742/beware-the-chinese-fx-reserve-fall/
02:56 assbot Beware the Chinese FX reserve fall | FT Alphaville
~ 33 minutes ~
03:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5100 @ 0.00073754 = 3.7615 BTC [-] {2}
~ 1 hours 12 minutes ~
04:41 cazalla http://qntra.net/2014/10/swedish-enforcement-agency-to-look-if-debtors-own-bitcoin/
04:41 assbot Swedish Enforcement Agency To Look If Debtors Own Bitcoin | Qntra.net
04:45 RagnarDanneskjol http://online.wsj.com/articles/u-k-will-have-to-pay-an-extra-2-6-billion-to-eu-budget-1414137927
04:45 assbot U.K. Will Have to Pay an Extra $2.6 Billion to EU Budget - WSJ - WSJ
04:56 punkman did assbot change how it sends PMs? It keeps opening new windows in my client every time it sends a line.
04:56 punkman "Eurostat arrived at the €2.1bn figure on the basis of new methods of calculating member states’ GNI since 1995, taking account of previously unreported or under-reported black economy elements, such as drug dealing and consumption or the sex industry."
04:57 punkman (without paywall http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/23/uk-european-commission-eu-budget-contribution)
04:57 assbot 404 Page not found
04:58 punkman I wonder what these eutards are smoking
05:12 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8550 @ 0.00073878 = 6.3166 BTC [+]
05:18 mircea_popescu lol and how are they going to do that.
05:18 mircea_popescu also, http://trilema.com/2014/caged-tit/
05:18 assbot Caged Tit pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
05:19 mircea_popescu punkman basically desperation is what they're smoking.
~ 1 hours 7 minutes ~
06:27 bounce "we're looking for a junior database developer. you will also be our DBA. we do big data and require tsql skills. we're active in 80% of the country's hospitals. we're an entirely microsoft shop." -- this advert frightens me.
06:39 jurov mircea_popescu: jurov's blog is not vulnerable to the wp reflected ddos thing << cuz it's not wp
06:40 jurov asciilifeform: yea i'm doing mailinglist
06:41 jurov mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you know who ? linus. << actually he was so disgusted to unity he switched back to kde
06:43 jurov *by unity
~ 50 minutes ~
07:33 ben_vulpes ;;isup trilema.com
07:33 gribble trilema.com is up
07:34 ben_vulpes dns is wacky around here
07:44 ben_vulpes log.bitcoin-assets.com dns also whacked for me
07:44 ben_vulpes although log1's accessible
07:50 ben_vulpes re messages: ditch it
08:00 ben_vulpes http://41.media.tumblr.com/8cc2aee47829b9afd6e0eeaba1f1a909/tumblr_nbyj6adjGj1tlnaoto1_1280.jpg << tin woman
~ 26 minutes ~
08:27 ben_vulpes <mircea_popescu> (did get gastritis tho) << http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=cortisol+from%3Abenkay lol toldja
08:27 ben_vulpes <mircea_popescu> (did get gastritis tho) << http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=cortisol+from%3Abenkay lol toldja
~ 35 minutes ~
09:02 ben_vulpes BingoBoingo: did you produce a blob of Satoshi's writings on the crypto mailing list?
09:07 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11642 @ 0.00073554 = 8.5632 BTC [-]
09:13 ben_vulpes cazalla: http://www.dailydot.com/crime/silk-road-murder-charges-ross-ulbricht/
09:13 assbot The mystery of the disappearing Silk Road murder charges
~ 32 minutes ~
09:46 ben_vulpes f9beb4d9.org ?
09:47 kakobrekla https://i.imgur.com/Fsbud2o.gifv
09:47 kakobrekla autocat
09:50 ben_vulpes best cat
~ 18 minutes ~
10:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15500 @ 0.0007351 = 11.3941 BTC [-] {2}
10:21 assbot ziggamon +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
10:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5300 @ 0.00073449 = 3.8928 BTC [-] {2}
10:23 bounce !up ziggamon
10:23 bounce !up ziggamon
10:24 ziggamon thanks for voice :) Want to show you guys a little project of mine, looking for feedback
10:25 ziggamon www.bitrefill.com, it’s a site where one can top up prepaid mobile minutes, currently works in 115 countries.
10:26 ziggamon figured I’d post it here before announcing wider, if something’s horribly broken I’m sure you’ll let me know
10:26 mike_c hard to know without trying it.
10:26 mike_c doesn't seem like a terrible idea.
10:28 bounce need to kick that osx thingy of yours to make it stop substituting fancy utf8 for simple apostrophes
10:28 bounce who're you going through to get that many countries?
10:29 ziggamon bounce: it’s a distributor for now. If we manage to get usage we’ll go straight to operators, and then prices will be much lower as well
10:31 * bounce happens to not have a number in a supported country so can't check. I don't suppose you have a list of fees and stuff somewhere?
10:32 ziggamon it’s different for different countries. but markup is generally 10-20%. each supported operator has a pricelist that can be checked through the ”supported countries” bar
10:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6133 @ 0.00073449 = 4.5046 BTC [-]
10:35 mike_c dafuq is a "bits"?
10:38 ben_vulpes ...
10:38 ben_vulpes context?
10:39 ziggamon :) 100 satoshis. trying to get it newb friendly, gives more readable numbers for price comparison
10:40 ziggamon will make it optional eventually. the actual invoice shows the price in normal decimal bitcoin
10:40 FabianB what's wrong with satoshis?
10:40 bounce what'd the progression be then? satoshi, bits, nybbles, bytes, cents ?
10:41 mike_c to me it feels a bit confusing. i look at the price list and it says "for 10 usd pay this bits" and I really don't know how much I'm paying.
10:42 bounce probably not a good idea to invent new terms in support of catering to the stupid, causing more confusion
10:42 mike_c but overall i think it's fine. undifferentiated field so it's largely just a marketing challenge.
10:42 undata yeah I think "bits" emerged from /r/bitcoin
10:42 undata or at least that's where there was a lot of rabble regarding
10:42 ben_vulpes rabble rabble rabble
10:42 ziggamon fair enough. yeah, there’s been a lot of talk about that. not super happy about the bits word, but I do think moving the decimal separator makes sense
10:43 FabianB still have no idea why have decimals at all
10:43 xanthyos https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B0rwJzqCAAEowWp.jpg
10:44 RagnarDanneskjol 'Topup is delivered the second the transaction clears' - how do you characterize a 'cleared' transaction and what method/process is used to fill the phone account
10:45 bounce the saddest thing is that the SI has quite a neat system in place already, but nobody deigns to use it.
10:46 kakobrekla hmm
10:46 kakobrekla https://blockchain.info/tx/9654c0477b576e6244ceb1e48ef14d3bfb349d6614876e04f204f1bd656f86d4
10:46 assbot Bitcoin Transaction 9654c0477b576e6244ceb1e48ef14d3bfb349d6614876e04f204f1bd656f86d4
10:46 ziggamon when the service determins it to be sufficiently confirmed. figured I’d experiment with that. currently it happens at one confirmation, will be adjusted depending on feedback, fraud etc
10:46 kakobrekla why would somebody intentionally make change
10:46 kakobrekla broken client?
10:47 mike_c custom code?
10:47 ziggamon the topup method is for most cases a direct-to-mobile, bitrefill sends a request to the distributor, who then sends a request to the operator, and the user gets a nice sms saying ”your account was topped up”
10:47 mike_c why did you notice?
10:47 kakobrekla mike_c still it doesnt make sense
10:48 kakobrekla you just make tx larger and next ouputs smaller
10:48 kakobrekla double fail
10:48 kakobrekla outputs*
10:48 mike_c yes, i didn't mean "really good custom code"
10:48 mike_c somebody had on their ledger two amounts they owed that guy and their code made two outputs in the tx.
10:49 mike_c although.. that may not be totally retarded.
10:49 kakobrekla i own the incoming address
10:49 kakobrekla its not what you describe
10:49 mike_c do you know who sent it to you?
10:50 kakobrekla some bit4x user
10:50 * mircea_popescu is now curious what ppl are discussing, loads up the logs
10:50 kakobrekla nothing significant prolly
10:50 ben_vulpes interesting, blockchain barfs on calculating transacted total
10:51 kakobrekla i just cant make sense of it
10:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9339 @ 0.00073705 = 6.8833 BTC [+]
10:51 mike_c not the only time it happened from that address.
10:51 mike_c https://blockchain.info/tx/18d8d42c2e09fce04f1613869e4e60beb17a4d311e0dfa452311fb06598c6a0e
10:51 assbot Bitcoin Transaction 18d8d42c2e09fce04f1613869e4e60beb17a4d311e0dfa452311fb06598c6a0e
10:51 mircea_popescu bounce: "we're looking for a junior database developer. you will also be our DBA. we do big data and require tsql skills. we're active in 80% of the country's hospitals. we're an entirely microsoft shop." -- this advert frightens me. <<< omfg holy shit.
10:51 mircea_popescu jurov: mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you know who ? linus. << actually he was so disgusted to unity he switched back to kde <<< he kept switching between gnome and kde, at least two or three back and forths.
10:52 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: p. sure i know that company
10:52 ben_vulpes hilarious technology choices
10:52 mircea_popescu so, the junior db guy is going to be the dba ?
10:52 ben_vulpes "the" dba
10:52 mircea_popescu "we are looking to hire a young cowhand, you will also be our napoleon"
10:52 ben_vulpes impling "the" db
10:52 mircea_popescu oh ?!
10:52 kakobrekla i see mike_c heh. that one isnt pointing towards me though.
10:53 ben_vulpes if it's the same company, they've got one in every single customer dc
10:53 mike_c yeah, just saying. he's doing some odd tx's.
10:53 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes i guess you know your cortisols huh.
10:53 kakobrekla i think im gonna ask him
10:53 ben_vulpes *shrug* i don't 'em as hot as you do i guess
10:54 ben_vulpes *run 'em
10:54 kakobrekla what sort of black magicks is he performing
10:54 ben_vulpes !up ziggamon
10:54 ben_vulpes !up ziggamon
10:54 ben_vulpes whatever you say, assbot.
10:56 bounce yes, the original had "you will be our dba"; also implying probably the only dedicated tech guy to work with the eggheads in analytics
10:56 ben_vulpes if that's the case, they're not the same company at all.
10:56 mircea_popescu "your job will be to write another leveldb to excel 11.2.5 translation tool
10:56 mircea_popescu the previous one broke when we upgraded from excel 10"
10:58 * mircea_popescu imagines little shops of horror where excel spreadsheets have little magic cells where one puts magic values in order to cause an excel-to-db commit
10:59 bounce there's plenty of those in tdwtf, no need to imagine.
10:59 undata mircea_popescu: at a previous gig in a consulting shop, we encountered a (subsequently rejected) potential client which did exactly this
10:59 ben_vulpes ;;ud tdwtf
10:59 gribble http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=TDWTF | Nov 5, 2008 ... The Daily What The Fuck. A website containing random IT stuff that make you go WTF. Dear god. This bastardised site looks like from TDWTF.
10:59 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes: cazalla: http://www.dailydot.com/crime/silk-road-murder-charges-ross-ulbricht/ <<<< cazalla this totally needs all the research you can throw at it. what the fuck is the story there, they got raped on the "undercover" work ? how ? why ? major point loss for the omni-impotent usg.
10:59 assbot The mystery of the disappearing Silk Road murder charges
10:59 mircea_popescu undata sigh.
11:00 undata mircea_popescu: the effort that guy poured into learning excel "macros" or whatever their called could've been spent on lvl2 php
11:01 mircea_popescu excel has "macros" in the sense people trying to emulate my sex life through jacking off have lipstick on their balls.
11:02 mircea_popescu microsoft just heard there's this thing "emacs" that has these things "macros" so they put a brick in their thing with MCRAO written on it.
11:02 jurov cazalla how is cryptomoneyexpo different from all the other chumpferences?
11:02 bounce it's got a name. "visual basic for applications". great for macro viruses and such. one stop shop for all your office document infection needs.
11:03 mircea_popescu is it actually visual basic ?
11:03 jurov how actually? basically it is
11:04 mircea_popescu lol "visual basic for applications". "c for seafaring vessels. java for flowing liquids. ruby for rings". what the fuck is a language for, applications, right ? what the fuck else, gramas ?
11:04 jurov cazalla i missed footnote 12. nevermind
11:04 mircea_popescu jurov does it have cell-aware goto ? so could you write a basic program in a 2d array that's the excel spreadshit ?
11:05 * bounce has so far successfully avoided more understanding than to look away in a hurry as soon as anything like it comes into view, so can't help you there. so not sorry.
11:05 mircea_popescu and i asked if it actually is basic because microsoft could just as well rape perl and call it "visual basic for backscratching"
11:05 jurov lol it's not inside spreadsheet. i never used it, tho
11:06 undata http://www.tushar-mehta.com/publish_train/xl_vba_cases/0906%20conways%20game%20of%20life.shtml
11:06 assbot Conway's Game of Life
11:06 mod6 <+mircea_popescu> "we are looking to hire a young cowhand, you will also be our napoleon" << haha
11:06 mircea_popescu excel gol ?
11:06 mircea_popescu kinda cool.
11:06 jurov embedding scripting lang in the app isn't anything unusual... how m$ did it is another story
11:07 jurov my opinion on excel? "yeah call me when it is able to simply read back csv excereted by itself."
11:08 bounce that was entirely true to form: they announced they'd do it. everybody assumed it'd be bodged all to hell and back again. they released it. someone figured out a virus for it. [x] bodging confirmed.
11:08 mircea_popescu ziggamon: it’s different for different countries. but markup is generally 10-20%. << what i don't get is, most countries have local shops that even give discount. why would someone pay a premium ? what's the usecase like ?
11:08 kakobrekla lazy?
11:08 jurov mircea_popescu anonimity for the poor
11:09 mircea_popescu ;;ud bodged
11:09 gribble http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bodge | bodge. A quick and dirty job, something done very hastily. Make it look good for the next day or two and if it falls down after that, it's alright. 1> You bodged ...
11:09 mircea_popescu til.
11:09 mircea_popescu jurov but i can buy refill cards here anonymously too. and phones, for that matter.
11:09 mircea_popescu i guess it's an outside-of-us-only type of deal ?
11:09 jurov in the EU? that's not so easy
11:09 mircea_popescu ic.
11:10 jurov but then i'm 100% sure it doesn't have eu in the list anyway. there were such services before.
11:11 kakobrekla theres france
11:11 kakobrekla but thats not really eu
11:11 jurov exception culturelle
11:11 kakobrekla also spain
11:11 ziggamon mircea_popescu: You are right about the fees. Use cases are sometimes people want to do it online and now they can. Fees are lower than equivalent services that take credit card. Also there is a remittance use case for bitcoiners.
11:12 ziggamon the goal is, with enough usage I’ll be able to negotiate better prices from the distributor, and eventually set up agreements with operators directly, only then will it be competitive with the kiosk
11:12 bounce you running any sort of turnover already?
11:13 mircea_popescu ziggamon: :) 100 satoshis. <<< this at least he got right, bitcoin is powers of two powers, not powers of three.
11:13 mircea_popescu as discussed http://trilema.com/2013/mpex-one-year-of-dividends/#footnote_4_47551 because trilema, again a year ahead of public discourse in the space.
11:13 assbot MPEx : one year of dividends pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
11:14 ziggamon bounce: not yet, slow launching now, here, on my personal FB/twitter and such. but I’ve gotten a few orders from around the world already and everything seems to be working. will be doing more promotion during the weekend
11:14 bounce 100 isn't a power of two
11:14 mircea_popescu jurov thing is, since all of eu is basically supplied by a british and a french operator, france is good enough, just buy orange there.
11:15 mircea_popescu bounce 10*2, where 2 is a power of 2.
11:15 mircea_popescu as opposed to 10**3, where 3 is a power of 3.
11:15 bounce yay, new series!
11:16 mircea_popescu basically, 1`000, 1`000`000, 1`000`000`000 is bullshit whereas 100, 10`000, 1`000`000, 100`000`000 is where it's at is the idea.
11:17 jurov 10000 satoshi shall be named mircibitcoin and 100 popescibitcoin in the honor of...
11:17 mircea_popescu that doesn't sound like it has a chance.
11:17 mircea_popescu i don't see myself saying "popescibitcoin"
11:17 bounce SI gives single singe digit shifts, at least until it hits 10^3 and 10^-3
11:18 jurov decidecibitcoin :D
11:18 bounce s/single single/single/ just a single single please
11:18 mircea_popescu bounce talk about nonsense in standards, right. "oh, single digit then three digit. because fatlogic."
11:18 jurov how is that nonsense?
11:18 mircea_popescu and because "use double digit throughout is too hard, you definitely need and use patent nonsense like deciliter"
11:18 mike_c mircea_popescu: the use case is mostly not for your phone. you are in US and topping up mom's phone in mexico.
11:19 * asciilifeform remembers recent machining textbook (american) which defended barbarian units of measure as 'intuitive to humans'
11:19 mircea_popescu mike_c wouldn't you send her btc and she can do it locally ? guess not.
11:19 bounce gives a good range and is still fine grained for the ones more often in use. not nonsense to me.
11:19 mircea_popescu asciilifeform there is some value to that, amusingly, in exactly an end-of-world context. because you can measure feet and inches without rulers better than you can measure cms.
11:20 asciilifeform my index finger knuckle-to-tip is a вершок to 1 %.
11:20 jurov that's just because there are entrenched foot sizes
11:20 jurov nonmetrical
11:20 mircea_popescu bounce it may not be to you, but it's proven nonsense in practice. your beer is not 5 deciliters, but most likely 50 cl or 500ml.
11:21 jurov if i knew my feet are of size 27cm then i could measure accurately
11:21 mircea_popescu jurov and we could call you A4jurov
11:22 bounce hm? plenty glasses are marked with dl, not cl and marking with ml would be misleading
11:22 mircea_popescu i gotta see one of these beers marked in dl.
11:22 mats_cd03 i've never seen dl.
11:22 mircea_popescu me either.
11:23 jurov and i'm not convinced about inches, too.. everyone still has to check their size anyway before using it
11:23 asciilifeform in the apocalyptic dark future of kello kitty (TM) - the billion iPnohes may not power up, but they'll remain the same size... somehow people forget that the planet is cluttered up with a nearly-bottomless supply of objects of very exactly known sizes.
11:24 asciilifeform so my accurate '1U of server' knuckle will not be asked after.
11:24 jurov lol you remember the onscreen ruler app? with zoom function?
11:24 asciilifeform wat
11:24 mircea_popescu asciilifeform rounded corners therefore your argument is ivalid.
11:24 mircea_popescu iValid*
11:24 asciilifeform lol!
11:25 mircea_popescu jurov tits measure! nipple to nipple capilicker!
11:26 jurov too bouncy
11:27 mircea_popescu anyway, logical scale, if you must have it log for fine-ness : 10**0 orign, then 10**1, 10**3, 10**5, 10**9, 10**13, 10**17, 20**21, then 10**29 and add 8 seven more times so on.
11:27 mircea_popescu god's scale, because it allows you to integrate everyday important stuff like the atomcount on a planet.
11:28 jurov well, one'd need to start writing numbers like 10'0000'00'00'0
11:28 mircea_popescu jurov still, i don't believe there's enough day to day humiliation for alleged females with cupsizes under c.
11:28 mircea_popescu aaaand what's wrong with that ?
11:29 jurov not saying its wrong
11:29 mircea_popescu pity there's not more hipser listening in on -assets, this could be the new bored math grad student trent
11:29 mircea_popescu trend*
11:30 jurov another system would mess with my perception
11:30 bounce trent, the bored math grad hipster
11:30 mircea_popescu that's the definition of hipsterism.
11:30 jurov i started to split fractional part by 4 digits
11:30 mircea_popescu ;;google pula lui terente
11:30 gribble Nu e deloc ușor să colecționezi penisuri | VICE Romania: <http://www.vice.com/ro/read/nu-e-deloc-usor-sa-colectionezi-penisuri>; Ko-Rupt - Sa-mi bag pula-n ma-ta - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rnerrjKI-0>; IPJ Gorj Perchezitii contrabanda tigari Matasari 1 oct - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx-gN9lU3M8>
11:30 jurov and it bit me outside bitcoin
11:30 jurov so i must be careful
11:31 mircea_popescu true story : early 1900s romanian outlaw and rapist, hung like a horse, after execution penis kept by museum of natural history.
11:31 mircea_popescu allegedly womenz left the door unlocked because fancied a fuck. so then he;'d also rob the place.
11:33 jurov very expensive escort service
11:33 mircea_popescu well generally the women fancying the fuck were young hussies, the people owning the place/jools not young hussies, so it works out eh ?
11:34 mircea_popescu sorta like fuck-welfare, you get laid, govt picks up the bill.
11:34 jurov and how we come to that topic? my client dropped a line somhow?
11:34 mircea_popescu we were discussing trent
11:34 mircea_popescu the bored hipster grad student.
11:35 jurov ;;google trent, the bored math grad hipster
11:35 gribble Stranded: A Wayward Ink Publishing Anthology - Kindle edition by ...: <http://www.amazon.com/Stranded-Wayward-Ink-Publishing-Anthology-ebook/dp/B00O3A3DY8>; collision detection: Blogonomics: My latest story in New York ...: <http://www.collisiondetection.net/mt/archives/2006/02/blogonomics_my.php>; Kanye West ChicagoVerseUniteD: Chicago Scene Salvation: (1 more message)
11:36 jurov ?
11:37 mircea_popescu it's in the logs lol. <bounce> trent, the bored math grad hipster
11:37 bounce oh, stick me with the blame, why don't you
11:38 mircea_popescu big cocks are no blame.
11:38 jurov oh it's not any preexisting (fictional or real) character?
11:39 mircea_popescu no, we just made it up. because we're creative like that.
11:39 bounce that's it, cock au vin for dinner tonight
11:39 mircea_popescu with our very large mindpenis.
11:39 jurov i was interested in his stories... guess imma have to write it myself
11:39 bounce argl. s/ck/q/ but the damage is done now anyway
11:39 mircea_popescu jurov actually, trent the GAY bored math grad student hipster would be even better.
11:39 jurov yest id' make him a fag
11:40 jurov yes i'd make him a fag
11:40 mircea_popescu not really a fag all the way tho. maybe just the gaytip ?
11:40 bounce as in happy. these are supposed to be happy stories.
11:41 bounce gay just as soon as it's hip to be gay. now wouldn't that be an interesting trend.
11:41 mircea_popescu would be ? how about is ?
11:41 bounce have they caught on themselves?
11:41 jurov that's called "gay curious" or such
11:41 jurov bi curious
11:41 mircea_popescu i dunno, but the complaint of all the actual faggots i know in the us is that "all the kids pretending like they're gay make life impossible"
11:42 jurov lol
11:42 bounce that was the point, yes. the pretension and then not carrying through.
11:42 ben_vulpes "these kids have no idea what it meant to be gay even a decade ago!"
11:42 mircea_popescu it's really pretty heavy duty trollage of the gay community by mainstream hot topic teenagers. think about it, what if all the chicks in discos were really trannies.
11:42 mircea_popescu ^
11:43 mircea_popescu "just because i'm gay he thinks i want him to stick his penis into me ?!?!?!?!"
11:43 mircea_popescu "can't we all just be platonigay ?"
11:44 jurov eternal friendzone
11:44 mircea_popescu gayzone is best friendzone!
11:47 mircea_popescu jurov is he sjw also ? or just a lot of aloof ennui on political topics ?
11:47 jurov our trent is totally starring in porn under "hung hipster" nick
11:47 mircea_popescu well, camwhoring at any rate.
11:48 jurov woud prolly be better story if some sjw is his bitch
11:48 mircea_popescu well, online-only bitch at any rate.
11:49 mircea_popescu maybe the pilot episode is the nsa trying to recruit him
11:49 mircea_popescu and he's all like...
11:49 mircea_popescu jurov you ever seen le grand blond ?
11:49 jurov which nsa? interacting with our stan would be fun
11:50 mircea_popescu no no the other nsa.
11:50 bounce pretending to be starring, of course. couldn't be a hipster if it was for real.
11:50 jurov not seen
11:50 mircea_popescu then he turns them down and takes a job for stan's nsa.
11:50 mircea_popescu jurov oh you absolutely must.
11:50 mircea_popescu ;;google le grand blond avec une chaussure noire
11:50 gribble The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe (1972) - IMDb: <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068655/>; The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe - Wikipedia, the free ...: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tall_Blond_Man_with_One_Black_Shoe>; The Return of the Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe - Wikipedia ...: (1 more message)
11:51 jurov maybe i did but mostly forgot
11:52 mircea_popescu pierre richard got the derpy cool.
11:53 mircea_popescu and mireille d'arc is the hottie soubrette soumise from le grand restaurant
11:53 mircea_popescu ;;google site:trilema.com mireille darc
11:55 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2014/les-veinards/ <
11:55 assbot Les veinards pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
11:55 gribble Les veinards pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/les-veinards>
11:56 asciilifeform nsa tries to recruit derpy math kid << 'good will hunting' (film)
11:57 mircea_popescu mat damon is too much of a fucking ham for this.
11:58 ben_vulpes trilema dns still borkd for me
11:58 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes is it cached locally ?
11:59 ben_vulpes derpy consumer route? it's possible but...not likely.
12:00 ben_vulpes log as well which is kinda odd
12:00 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes what's dig say ?
12:00 ben_vulpes http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=betczLmN
12:01 mircea_popescu SERVER: is usually your own router.
12:01 ben_vulpes log unborkt
12:01 ben_vulpes so yes then
12:02 * ben_vulpes goes for more coffee
12:02 ben_vulpes der derp derp derp derp
12:02 mircea_popescu lol
12:03 mircea_popescu i can understand caching an answer. but caching a nonanswer ? who the fuck is the bright excel spreadsheet that came up with that idea.
12:03 ben_vulpes excel based routing tables
12:03 bounce randomly clicking http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:21st-century_American_male_actors yields http://www.danamboyer.com/ who thus benefits from his surname starting with an a
12:03 assbot Category:21st-century American male actors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
12:03 assbot dan amboyer - home
12:03 ben_vulpes what could go wrong
12:06 mircea_popescu bounce google came up with the fucktarded idea of basically replacing their algorithm with a by-hand list (yeah, just at the top, which is like saying "just where it matters"). as a result, all sorts of shitholes like facebook, wikipedia etc are basically google spam repositories.
12:07 wywialm i will buy put options on usd, eur, possibly unescrowed, short or mid-term
12:07 mircea_popescu !s put options
12:07 assbot 80 results for 'put options' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=put+options
12:10 wywialm not much relevant content, unfortunately
12:11 wywialm mircea_popescu, you don't trade options now, do you?
12:12 mircea_popescu wyrdmantis i just meant it for los_pantalones observation that yu can't afford buying put options
12:12 mircea_popescu which somehow isn't in there it seems.
12:13 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-09-2014#834057 http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-09-2014#834220 etc.
12:13 assbot Logged on 18-09-2014 18:12:54; los_pantalones: long puts, no matter the market
12:13 assbot Logged on 18-09-2014 19:46:44; los_pantalones: what did i say earlier about long puts?
12:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2600 @ 0.00073449 = 1.9097 BTC [-]
12:14 wywialm didn't he mean btc puts? i look for usd or eur btc-denominated puts
12:16 mircea_popescu so put on btc paid in eur say ?
12:16 kakobrekla ben_vulpes you can run your own instance of logs if you want.
12:16 wywialm put on eur paid in btc delivered in eur
12:17 wywialm aka put on x.eur but without having to register on paymium
12:17 wywialm s/aka/a la/
12:17 mike_c wywialm: isn't that bit4x.com?
12:17 kakobrekla or anyone else who is trustworthy.
12:18 wywialm i'll see the bit4x.com. kakobrekla: i'm precisely in the process of looking for such trustworthy person :)
12:18 kakobrekla uh? i was talking about logs.
12:19 mircea_popescu im completely confused now. isn't bit4x usd/eur pair ?!
12:19 mike_c wait, nvmd. i think i misunderstood you.
12:19 kakobrekla bit4x is many pairs none of which are btc.
12:19 mike_c his put on this denominated in that delivered by bananas twisted my brain for a second.
12:19 wywialm and bit4x.com trades options? i cannot find any reference to that
12:19 kakobrekla nope, not options.
12:19 mike_c no, forget bit4x.
12:20 kakobrekla its a scam anyway.
12:20 mike_c and the customer service!
12:20 kakobrekla the worst part!
12:21 wywialm mike_c, it's actually simpler than options on btc/usd rate. if you properly treat btc as the center of this financial universe, the usd and eur are foreign assets and they should be deliverd
12:21 mircea_popescu what do california, subsaharan africa and the poorest parts of india have in common ?
12:21 mircea_popescu http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/01/Grafik_pest.png
12:21 mike_c ;;gettrust wywialm davout
12:21 gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user wywialm to user davout: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 3 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=wywialm&dest=davout | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=davout | Rated since: Thu Jan 27 16:22:24 2011
12:21 mike_c why are you trying to avoid paymium?
12:22 mircea_popescu wywialm anyway, talk to los_pantalones, he might write something but i doubt you'll want the premium.
12:22 ben_vulpes kakobrekla: interdasting notion, but i'm taking like 3 things into production over the next month and can't handle the overhead.
12:22 wywialm i'm not trying to avoid it, i simply would like to have it simple
12:23 mircea_popescu wywialm but if you're taking that foreign asset delivery, you will need a method. bag of cash ? or what's your idea of simple ?
12:23 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: bring out yer dead!
12:23 kakobrekla ben_vulpes no pressure.
12:23 asciilifeform !s plague
12:23 assbot 69 results for 'plague' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=plague
12:23 wywialm wire/sepa is not that bad
12:23 kakobrekla but im not dead yet!
12:23 ben_vulpes kakobrekla: are you trying to get it off of your plate?
12:23 wywialm paymium is a layer on top of it
12:23 asciilifeform http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg17223184.000-did-bubonic-plague-really-cause-the-black-death.html << linked this a few days ago
12:23 assbot Did bubonic plague really cause the Black Death? - health - 24 November 2001 - New Scientist
12:24 mircea_popescu wywialm yeah but wanting someone to make a custom thing for you rather than just using something already in place takes you from a few btcs to a few thousand btcs volume you know.
12:24 asciilifeform (and yes, knew about the crackpot hypotheses before reading that; but good overview)
12:24 wywialm ok, i could be convinced to buy puts on x.eur
12:24 mircea_popescu asciilifeform is this the school arguingit was really ebola ?
12:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5510 @ 0.00073705 = 4.0611 BTC [+]
12:24 kakobrekla ben_vulpes since everyone is eating i dont see why we should limit ourselfs to one plate :)
12:24 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: ebola-esque haemorrhagic fever, yeah
12:24 asciilifeform not necessarily modern ebola
12:25 * mircea_popescu is unconvinced.
12:25 los_pantalones wywialm how long dated a put are you looking for ?
12:25 wywialm i'm merely trying to explore possibilities
12:25 mircea_popescu it was clearly bacterial.
12:25 los_pantalones and where would you want to trade them ?
12:25 asciilifeform clearly?
12:25 mircea_popescu clearly.
12:25 wywialm 30-60 days
12:25 los_pantalones strike ?
12:25 los_pantalones in USD
12:26 wywialm 400
12:27 los_pantalones $60/$80
12:27 asciilifeform unrelated - is the standard unix 'patch' util braindamaged, or am i? specifically, the ludicrously elephantine output when deleting files
12:27 los_pantalones for a 45 day put
12:28 mircea_popescu los_pantalones interesting quoting, and he can pick whether he wants 60 or 80 ? :D
12:28 mircea_popescu or is it by volume or what.
12:28 los_pantalones haha
12:28 los_pantalones he can sell me $60's or buy $80's
12:28 mircea_popescu o the spread. ic.
12:28 los_pantalones yeah, kinda wide, i could tighten if he shows some int
12:28 los_pantalones and where he wants to clear
12:28 mircea_popescu no, actually, it's pretty narrow.
12:29 mircea_popescu all things considered.
12:29 los_pantalones alright, ty for the stamp of approval
12:29 wywialm i'd suppose 30% spread is pretty wide :)
12:29 mircea_popescu american put @400, 45 days out i'd almost buy at 80.
12:31 los_pantalones wywialm any int?
12:31 mircea_popescu if only there was some sort of spot that wasn't a total fucking joke.
12:32 wywialm but it's confusing to quote puts on usd in usd. you mean that usd will be delivered if 400 or higher?
12:32 wywialm thats why i tried to spell it in btc
12:32 mircea_popescu wywialm if you want to be delivered fiat, wtf would you quote it in o.O
12:33 wywialm mircea_popescu, if you bought options on S.MPOE would you quote it in terms of S.MPOE or btc?
12:33 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: I'm not old enought to have originals to make an authoritative checksum. ATM Nakamoto Institute is probably your best bet
12:33 mircea_popescu wywialm i thought you said you want to be paid in fiat.
12:34 wywialm nonono, i would like to pay btc for an option of fiat delivery, excuse me being not clear enough
12:35 mircea_popescu so i guess you can pay the 80 in btc at whatever current prevailing rate.
12:36 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: best i turned up is: bitcoin-0.3.21-linux.tar.gz (leeched jun 2 2011) - sha256: 7e49fd93e9db98d57df31b789eb3cc46e94854958c86961514ff5cb1c7264071
12:36 BingoBoingo Thx
12:36 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: could've sworn i had others, but no dice, must've actually cleaned disk at one point
12:37 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: back when i gave even less of a damn
12:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17700 @ 0.00073728 = 13.0499 BTC [+] {2}
12:41 mircea_popescu well that's interesting, https://codeload.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/legacy.tar.gz/v0.3.21 spits out a turd that's sha256: 8c62d735a13d89c25c35996c828bcee96aa6e00adcffd294c494ae8d8b5924bb
12:41 asciilifeform size?
12:41 mircea_popescu asciilifeform diff the two wouldja ? maybe there's a qntra story in here
12:41 kakobrekla diff?
12:41 asciilifeform 1sec
12:41 mircea_popescu 383958 bytes
12:42 wywialm los_pantalones, could you deliver by sepa?
12:42 wywialm or is it cash-only?
12:43 wywialm i.e. btc-only?
12:43 asciilifeform aha mine had bins
12:43 asciilifeform as well as src
12:44 asciilifeform why? hell knows
12:44 mircea_popescu ah that's wtf it is
12:45 asciilifeform source - identical.
12:45 asciilifeform no story.
12:46 los_pantalones wywialm i could clear on atlas, would be pretty easy way to do this
12:46 los_pantalones they have a 12/31 expiry option, would fit your time frame pretty well
12:46 los_pantalones but i'm not sure it's the contract you want
12:48 wywialm let me have a look at it
12:49 mircea_popescu methinks he wouldn't be on atlas.
12:49 TheNewDeal Im also interested in supplying if you cant find something that works
12:49 mircea_popescu i had nfi they do anything besides grains anyway
12:50 los_pantalones https://atlasats.com/
12:50 assbot Atlas ATS
12:50 mircea_popescu oh not cme's atlasmarkets.com ?
12:50 los_pantalones no, not that one
12:50 los_pantalones these guys in nyc, i see them all the time
12:50 mircea_popescu a nm then
12:51 mircea_popescu im too old school for school o.o
12:52 wywialm i can't see any reference to options or futures there
12:52 los_pantalones no futs, options
12:52 los_pantalones seems you are right re: no info though
12:52 los_pantalones let me see if i can find a link for you
12:53 mircea_popescu !up Mikayla
12:54 kakobrekla !up Mikayla
12:55 kakobrekla !up Mikayla
12:55 wywialm TheNewDeal, you mean options?
12:56 TheNewDeal Yaya
12:56 TheNewDeal Sell call. Ya
12:57 Mikayla Was told by a friend to come here?
12:57 HeySteve hello
12:58 HeySteve yeah, it was me Mikayla
12:58 TheNewDeal Cash only preferred, but may bend if its a well structured deal
12:58 HeySteve Mikayla was curious about bits for tits
12:58 Mikayla lol...
12:59 wywialm ok, then. for start i would buy put option, delivering 100$ unescrowed, as a sort of unit test, at 0.25 btc per 100$ strike, i offer 0.03 btc, matures in 21 days. is it ok, los_pantalones or TheNewDeal?
12:59 mircea_popescu Mikayla http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/
12:59 assbot I’ll pay for your tits pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
13:00 los_pantalones first glance, too small for my interests but i'll look at the terms a bit more
13:01 TheNewDeal Can you explain that in a different way please
13:01 los_pantalones can you explain a little more why you want to do this way ?
13:01 TheNewDeal Strike price $400, quantity .25 , fee .03?
13:01 wywialm TheNewDeal yes
13:02 TheNewDeal Expiry date is?
13:03 wywialm i'd like to test if it is feasible have fiat delivered - that's why the form, i have not yet traded options on WoT that's why so small
13:03 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19550 @ 0.00074018 = 14.4705 BTC [+] {2}
13:03 TheNewDeal Definitely not doing a fiat delivery at that price
13:03 TheNewDeal Charge would be more than the fee
13:04 TheNewDeal Will do btc delivery
13:04 wywialm SEPA is free of charge
13:06 TheNewDeal Thats a bold claim
13:06 mircea_popescu what's a wire these days, like 50 plus whatever admin costs on one's side ?
13:06 wywialm ok, at least most banks offer sepa free of charge in poland, i might be generalizing
13:06 TheNewDeal Definitely not in n polland
13:07 wywialm oh, seems that i'm generalizing too much now
13:07 los_pantalones https://atlasats.com/optionsguide
13:07 assbot Atlas ATS
13:08 mircea_popescu wywialm you gotta appreciate business people keep chicks around a special room for the sole purpose of sending out mail and keeping track of mail and taking the cock. and they are paid a salary, and that's then taxed.
13:08 mircea_popescu make your unit test 10k not 100.
13:08 * asciilifeform looks in here and it's... actually on topic! bitcoin, assets. rich folks playing mathematical games.
13:08 * asciilifeform goes back to work
13:08 wywialm :)
13:09 Mikayla ok what do I do? :)
13:09 mircea_popescu Mikayla as per a, link to your previous work, then i'll give you a string you can take your pic.
13:09 Mikayla previous work?
13:09 Mikayla like dcc a pic?
13:10 mircea_popescu "Has previously posted nudie selfshots on the web. You will be required to prove this by supplying a link.".
13:10 HeySteve here is Mikayla: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/t1.0-9/1362_45056770867_1473_n.jpg?oh=c1f57205c00094451d0b653ae69bb0b3&oe=54B30676&__gda__=1420689177_7164727e301038dce99c41246bde41f8
13:10 Mikayla I don't have nude shots on the web?
13:10 mircea_popescu this'd be your first time ?!
13:11 Mikayla well I have a picture with black tape on my nipples?
13:11 mircea_popescu yeah, well, that won't work.
13:11 mircea_popescu gotta go bare.
13:11 Mikayla well I will take a picture :)
13:11 Mikayla I have done nude once, but it isn't online
13:12 Mikayla it's in an art gallery
13:12 Mikayla if it's even still there
13:12 mircea_popescu Mikayla alrighty. one second
13:12 Mikayla also you won't be able to tell it is me - slow shutter speed - "ghost shots"
13:12 wywialm ok, TheNewDeal, what would be your price? would you deliver SEPA? let's say 100 EUR, strike 0.32 per 100 EUR, premium 0.04 btc?
13:12 mircea_popescu write 0bc8870d, take a pic, post link.
13:13 Mikayla where do I link it to?
13:13 mircea_popescu you post the link here, it'll go in the article.
13:13 asciilifeform lol, mircea_popescu is doing his whole pubkey ?
13:13 Mikayla Please explain it basically. I only know how to dcc
13:13 mircea_popescu Mikayla and we gotta be able to tell it's you, that's the whole idea.
13:13 Mikayla unless there is a place where I can link such a photo to
13:13 mircea_popescu asciilifeform sha256sum "mikayla"
13:13 Mikayla never done it before :P
13:13 asciilifeform aha
13:14 mircea_popescu Mikayla i guess you can email me the pic then.
13:14 HeySteve there is Mikayla, picpaste or imgur work fine
13:14 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/office.jpg
13:14 Mikayla HeySteve link?
13:15 HeySteve well, you'll need a Bitcoin wallet too... you kinda jumped ahead
13:15 Mikayla LOL
13:15 mircea_popescu she's that eager huh ? nice trait :)
13:16 mircea_popescu anyway, i got lunch now. wil be back in a coupla hours.
13:17 wywialm los_pantalones TheNewDeal if physical delivery is too much fuss then btc settlement is ok
13:18 TheNewDeal Definitely not delivering for a contract of maximum 100
13:18 TheNewDeal Add a zero or two and ide consider
13:18 wywialm cash settlement?
13:19 wywialm i.e. btc settlement?
13:22 thestringpuller https://bitcomsec.true.io/bitcomsec/tracking-a-bitcoin-thief-cryptorush-hack/
13:23 TheNewDeal Yes, but give me the contract terms
13:23 TheNewDeal Strike price, quantity, premium, expiry date
13:24 thestringpuller ^- you trading options?
13:25 TheNewDeal Considering it
13:25 wywialm strike 0.0025 usd/btc, quantity 100 usd, 0.03 btc premium, 14.11 expires, put option.
13:26 TheNewDeal Its not a put
13:26 BingoBoingo !up Mikayla
13:26 wywialm am i missing something?
13:27 TheNewDeal If i sell you the opportunity to purchase btc at 400, im selling a call
13:27 TheNewDeal You are purchasing it
13:28 TheNewDeal Clear?
13:28 los_pantalones i agree w/ that
13:29 wywialm yeah, of course you are right, i should "deliver" (btc settlement) the quantity in case of put
13:30 los_pantalones such tortured language
13:30 los_pantalones can we take a quick step back
13:30 los_pantalones what are you trying to do? what's the purpose of the option?
13:30 los_pantalones what are you protecting ?
13:31 TheNewDeal Just read what i said
13:31 mike_c deliver in bananas, it's easier.
13:32 TheNewDeal Were going to flip the terminology
13:33 BingoBoingo !up Mikayla
13:33 Mikayla http://picpaste.com/webcam-toy-photo10-rU1NwxNF.jpg
13:33 assbot PicPaste - webcam-toy-photo10-rU1NwxNF.jpg
13:33 wywialm los_pantalones, let's say i'm protecting a hypotetical receipt of fiat
13:34 TheNewDeal Strike 400 usd/btc (shitstamp) , quantity .25 btc, expiry nov 14, fee 0.055 btc
13:37 The20YearIRCloud BingoBoingo: don't bash our Ohio mudhuts. They're 10x nicer than what Europeans call 'homes'
13:37 asciilifeform The20YearIRCloud: main problem with these huts is that the only industry for the occupants to work in is meth production.
13:37 thestringpuller The20YearIRCloud: you're from Ohio?
13:37 thestringpuller North or South?
13:38 The20YearIRCloud Columbus area
13:38 wywialm TheNewDeal, much too expensive, los_pantalones offered the same for 45 days not 22
13:39 thestringpuller Ah. My mom grew up in Cleveland and Canton.
13:39 thestringpuller Cleveland is slowly turning into Detroit.
13:39 The20YearIRCloud It's been pretty close to there for a while. Cleveland is extraordinarily poorly managed
13:39 thestringpuller I blame Ford Motors.
13:39 los_pantalones haha, and we've come full circle
13:39 The20YearIRCloud But not as bad as detroit, and Ohio has a pretty great senate/house that keeps the rest of the state from turning into a cesspool.
13:39 los_pantalones options on btc are damned expensive
13:40 los_pantalones hahaha
13:40 los_pantalones tyvm
13:40 The20YearIRCloud Akron/Canton is run by the mob
13:40 HeySteve hey The20YearIRCloud, get any further with black soldier fly?
13:41 The20YearIRCloud HeySteve: I really want to do it if/when I get property in the country
13:43 asciilifeform http://www.superconductors.org/28c_rtsc.htm << whatever happened to this?
13:43 HeySteve k I am running a trial at the moment, fish eating it
13:44 HeySteve if I can eliminate feed costs this way, should help aquaculture business a lot
13:47 asciilifeform http://cryptome.org/2014/10/BTAgent-cpe-backdoor.htm
13:47 wywialm los_pantalones, TheNewDeal thanks anyway for your offers
13:47 TheNewDeal Ill think about a little longer
13:47 TheNewDeal Im at work now
13:48 asciilifeform '...This ELA technique is used to visually detect any conflicting compression levels in an "photo"; indicating composite fakery in an image... On 19 June 2014, in relation to discoveries published on my media fakery blog, my home in Shropshire was raided by six police/intelligence officers; only two of whom identified themselves. An undocumented quantity of electronics equipment, including modems, computers, me
13:48 asciilifeform dia storage devices, and paperwork was seized. The actual grounds for my arrest was cited as "harassment". This concerned a suspected fake news story that had been exposed on my blog.'
13:49 asciilifeform 'During the police interview -- both in the "informal chat" before the official interview itself, and during that formal tape-recording grilling -- I was probed by detectives on topics quite unrelated to my arrest. In wholly irrelevant circumstances, I was grilled over my role in "unlocking" these CPE, and in my motives for doing so. Not in any way relevant to the accusations filed against me. In interview, I b
13:49 asciilifeform rushed aside the serious espionage implications of having backdoors in CPE; believing that -- for whatever reason -- everyone has a right to choose what software is running on electronic equipment installed in their own home or office. Nevertheless, I am expected to appear in court in a couple of weeks...'
13:49 thestringpuller http://qntra.net/2014/10/cryptsy-and-shavers-sued-by-victims/
13:50 The20YearIRCloud asciilifeform: why has nothing more been said about that superconductor?
13:50 asciilifeform CPE being 'customer premise equipment' - the modem orifices in question
13:50 asciilifeform The20YearIRCloud: that was my question to the rest of you
13:50 TheNewDeal Wywialm you were actually interested in buying a put i see. I had it backwards
13:50 wywialm but i too got it confused
13:50 TheNewDeal wywialm ^
13:51 TheNewDeal Are you sure?
13:51 wywialm yes, i was incorrectly asking you to deliver through sepa while having in mind asking you to accept sepa delivery
13:52 TheNewDeal Mp , how did you settle your usd options in btc only
13:53 wywialm i might ask in name of mp, if i'm wrong he certainly will correct me - the options were on btcusd exchange rate and thus delivered 1 btc.
13:54 HeySteve mircea_popescu, Mikayla will be back tomorrow after I've explained process further
13:54 wywialm s/ask/answer/
13:54 TheNewDeal Would it just be the differnce of (actual - strike) convertes into btc at current rate?
13:55 TheNewDeal wywialm explain how delivery (btc only) would occur in your mind
13:55 wywialm TheNewDeal, it would be the case if the options were on usd (that is approximately what i have in mind).
13:56 thestringpuller TheNewDeal: ( strike - market price ) / market price
13:56 thestringpuller or the opposite depending on call/put
13:56 thestringpuller the above is all in USD
13:56 TheNewDeal Yah opp for call
13:56 thestringpuller when you divide it all out you get BTC denomination
13:57 wywialm now usd is approx. 0.002788 btc per 1 usd, if strike for put is 0.0025 then if usd is lower than that you pay me (usdbtc_rate - 0.0025) x notional_quantity, am i right?
13:57 TheNewDeal wywialm let's talk more about a december 1 delivery
13:58 TheNewDeal Please for gods sake quote it in btc/usd
13:58 wywialm sure
13:58 wywialm i just thought it might be a good idea to quote it as x.eur is quoted
13:58 los_pantalones no
13:59 wywialm los_pantalones, of course, 0.0025 - usdbtc_rate
14:01 TheNewDeal If i were to write a call for a stock option. It would be quoted in stock/usd not the other way around
14:02 wywialm well it is common to refer to premiums as % of underlying
14:02 wywialm but they are quoted either in dollar terms or implied vol
14:04 TheNewDeal Ive never seen that, but ive really only looked on finance.yahoo
14:05 TheNewDeal Everything was priced in usd, all contracts covered 100 of underlying
14:05 los_pantalones in markets that don't move 7.5% overnight
14:05 los_pantalones yeah, worrying about the width as a % of the underlying is not a bad way to look at things
14:06 TheNewDeal wywialm would you consider a dec 1 expiry?
14:07 wywialm yes, i would - as i said i would even consider 60 days, but then it wouldn't be much of unit testing
14:09 wywialm re: quoting. i imagined that if usd is the currency at, say, CBOE, and they quote options in usd, and here the currency is btc, we should quote options on eur or usd in btc and in usdbtc exchange rate :)
14:10 wywialm we will perhaps return to that later
14:10 wywialm now i have to go.
14:11 TheNewDeal Ill be on later too
14:11 wywialm bye
14:13 thestringpuller just do it how MP did it
14:17 TheNewDeal No shit, aye?
14:18 TheNewDeal Just wanted to make sure I remembered how he did it
14:21 thestringpuller that was more at wywialm
14:25 TheNewDeal Gotcha.
14:25 TheNewDeal Im just getting excited thinking about options
14:26 thestringpuller good way to lose a lot of money
14:30 TheNewDeal Agreed, but .25 btc underlying is tiny
14:30 thestringpuller lol
14:30 TheNewDeal Good chance for me to get some rep
14:31 TheNewDeal Ide consider going up to 10, for the right price
14:32 TheNewDeal And a strike that wasnt 10 % out of tge monay
14:32 thestringpuller jesus
14:32 thestringpuller lol
14:33 thestringpuller i don't fuck /w options no more
14:34 TheNewDeal Theyre exremely useful for cash delivery
14:38 TheNewDeal Problem with btc options is the convexity
14:38 TheNewDeal Price jumps or drops by a factor of 10, everything gets fucked
14:39 asciilifeform mircea_popescu, jurov, ben_vulpes, decimation, (who else?) --- is there a reason to keep the json rpc apparatus in bitcoind ? imho all of its functions can be carried out by crafted command line arguments and parsing stdout...
14:40 ben_vulpes at some point calling bitcoind cli args started talking to the json rpc api
14:40 ben_vulpes with*
14:40 ben_vulpes i don't know precisely when that was.
14:41 asciilifeform am i the only one who wants that thing gone?
14:41 ben_vulpes hardly.
14:41 ben_vulpes ripping out is a grand idea.
14:41 asciilifeform it's a hearnia.
14:41 jurov asciilifeform: how do you want to communicate with the daemon?
14:41 jurov signals?
14:41 asciilifeform jurov: argv
14:42 mike_c argv isn't the best cross-process communication strategy.
14:42 jurov it§s running x days, you want to get getinfo()
14:42 jurov how?
14:43 asciilifeform aha
14:43 asciilifeform there - signals
14:43 asciilifeform but this is beginning to sound like actual work
14:46 ben_vulpes arbeit macht frei
14:46 asciilifeform nah, the good kind of work. the kind for which arbeit macht frei leaves precious little time.
14:47 ben_vulpes as much as i'd like it gone, i'd also like something in the wild before the stoolies attempt to fork.
14:48 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: so far i got qt and ssl snipped. mega-triumph! lol
14:48 ben_vulpes bubbles for stan!
14:49 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: this has exactly zero effect on the build - no sane person builds with those flags anyway
14:49 asciilifeform but - less turd to read.
14:49 ben_vulpes what else do you want to do to the thing?
14:49 jurov yup. i am in, only it will take few days till i'll do the gpg-only mailman and assure myself it can go online
14:49 asciilifeform what i personally would like is: the smallest subset of the satoshi turdball that will still operate on the network in the customary way.
14:49 BingoBoingo !up Mikayla
14:49 asciilifeform everything after that - is luxury.
14:50 Mikayla hello :)
14:50 asciilifeform but this - is essential.
14:50 ben_vulpes rpc removal is essential?
14:50 ben_vulpes * is rpc removal essential?
14:50 asciilifeform so far, only those removals which do not require something built in their stead.
14:50 jurov if you snip off the blockchain so that it just relates transactions, then most of the complexity goes away
14:51 jurov but not sure this is useful
14:51 ben_vulpes lol notrly no
14:51 asciilifeform jurov: doesn't operate in expected way, no, then
14:53 ben_vulpes well asciilifeform if you're willing to perform the surgery do it. otherwise, it'll have to wait right?
14:53 asciilifeform first the basic delousing.
14:53 asciilifeform surgery - after.
14:53 ben_vulpes sounds like a decision to me
14:53 asciilifeform the ms vc liquishit is to be burned as well.
14:54 asciilifeform there is no reason ever to use it - for anything
14:54 asciilifeform even virii can be built with mingw, with superior result in every and all cases.
14:56 ben_vulpes why even bother with windows?
14:56 asciilifeform i've no idea!
14:56 asciilifeform one of you weirdos wanted the thing buildable under it
14:56 asciilifeform forget who
14:56 ben_vulpes BingoBoingo if memory serves
14:56 ben_vulpes he wants it to build on mac s/e as well
14:57 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: Nah
14:58 ben_vulpes ah well.
14:59 ben_vulpes my mistake.
14:59 ben_vulpes anyways. is bitcoin not here to also end m$?
15:01 asciilifeform so can we zap the win32 crap?
15:01 mike_c no
15:01 ben_vulpes why not?
15:01 asciilifeform what do we need it for ?
15:01 asciilifeform bundling bitcoind in malware?
15:02 mike_c because what is the average windows bitcoin user supposed to use now? the foundation binary?
15:02 ben_vulpes the average windows user shuts the fuck up and uses unix.
15:02 ben_vulpes gets the fuck out of bitcoin.
15:02 thestringpuller sounds liek something larry page would say
15:02 thestringpuller oh wait he did
15:03 mike_c mhm. perhaps the average windows user gets the fuck out of b-a, but kicking them out of bitcoin seems a bit much.
15:03 jurov we already decided to nix qt, so no avg windows user
15:03 jurov i don't get this discussion
15:03 ben_vulpes if qt's nixed, the average user's nixed as well.
15:03 ben_vulpes this is a *tool* for people who *use tools*, not consumers.
15:03 mike_c avg user can run armory on top of b-a bitcoind.
15:04 mike_c maybe
15:04 ben_vulpes avg user should throw down 200 dollars for a netbook and fucking run unix.
15:04 thestringpuller they could always use multibit!
15:04 thestringpuller XD
15:04 thestringpuller or electrum et. al
15:04 thestringpuller or bitcoinj
15:05 mod6 someone could make a worthy ui to interact with the baseline b-a bitcoind. then qt is out of core, and lives in someother project.
15:05 BingoBoingo or cygwin
15:05 jurov mod6 qt is neeeded only for wallet management
15:05 asciilifeform thing is
15:05 ben_vulpes win32 stuff isn't necessary to run the thing under cygwin, correct?
15:05 asciilifeform anyone is free to grab this thing
15:05 jurov if this is split off, qt is not needed
15:05 asciilifeform and bolt on whatever
15:06 asciilifeform but there is no reason for that crap to be part of the Koraktor
15:06 asciilifeform (evil magic book)
15:06 mike_c i am struggling to defend my position.
15:07 mike_c perhaps there is no use case.
15:08 mike_c the only thing i use bitcoin on windows for is watching wallets.
15:08 mike_c what about that case?
15:08 mats_cd03 bitcoind on windows could live in qemu or whatever
15:09 Mikayla not worried about trusting windows too much?
15:09 asciilifeform once again - anyone who wants to run on winblows, or VAX, or Elektronika BK0010 - can add whatever kludges he needs to
15:09 asciilifeform and it'll be between him and his gods
15:09 Mikayla wouldn't linux be safer?
15:09 ben_vulpes mike_c: watch wallets on blockchain.info
15:09 ben_vulpes and watch addrs, not wallets.
15:09 mats_cd03 safety is relative.
15:10 ben_vulpes mats_cd03: also illusory and elusive
15:11 Mikayla Just takes one man, or a group, to excell in hacking and to pick you as a target
15:11 mike_c how would you watch a wallet on blockchain?
15:12 jurov mike_c i just pulled all the addresses from the wallets and imported them (into electrum)
15:12 jurov *privkeys
15:13 jurov and electrum can do the watching without privkeys, too
15:13 ben_vulpes ^
15:13 asciilifeform i'll leave mingw in for now
15:13 asciilifeform but the vs crap is gone.
15:13 asciilifeform there is no reason for it, ever
15:13 jurov it's about a year in production, no complaint from coinr users
15:16 mike_c hm. i wonder if this would be a useful web service. upload your electrum/armory public key and it will watch your wallet.
15:16 asciilifeform will it brush your teeth, too?
15:16 asciilifeform and chew your food?
15:16 mike_c anyway, fine, windows support no good.
15:17 mats_cd03 what would it do? send you an email when coins move?
15:17 mike_c well, primarily it would provide web access to a watch-only version of your wallet.
15:17 mike_c alerts could be part of it.
15:18 mike_c if it gets hacked.. well, then you should create a new wallet for privacy.
15:18 mike_c i guess. really who cares.
15:18 mike_c premium version will chew your food.
15:18 mike_c but you can brush your own teeth.
15:20 mats_cd03 scam.
15:20 mike_c use case #1: a business could allow public web access to a wallet and interested parties would know it is solvent and where money is going.
15:21 bounce asciilifeform: by the by, you familiar with "patch -u"? though there's really no shortcut for "delete this file", you still get to see the whole of what is being deleted even if it is the entire file.
15:21 asciilifeform bounce: that is precisely what i was whining about
15:21 asciilifeform bounce: i don't want to see it
15:23 asciilifeform bounce: the turds clutter the patches. i want the latter - small.
15:24 bounce could argue it's an oversight in patch. for collaboration it's still better to show what's being done than to just say "stuff got deleted" ('yes, but what then?')
15:25 asciilifeform incidentally!
15:25 asciilifeform this is yet another case of compounding failure.
15:25 asciilifeform even the humble unix 'patch' utility - was not designed from birth for keeping the world small, 'fits in head'
15:25 asciilifeform it spews turd.
15:26 asciilifeform !up Mikayla
15:26 asciilifeform !up Mikayla
15:26 Mikayla I would like to open a bit wallet but not sure about the links I see online. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance
15:28 jurov Mikayla: it's best to try them all
15:28 Mikayla the way some of them look I don't know.... lol
15:29 TheNewDeal Usagi will open one for you, just send him a,pm
15:29 undata Mikayla: don't let someone else hold your wallet for you ^
15:29 Mikayla is it best to pick on in your own country?
15:29 TheNewDeal I kid, I kid
15:30 Mikayla undata I'm not that stupid :) thank you :)
15:30 TheNewDeal No such thing mikayla, its like software
15:30 TheNewDeal I think bitcoin.org explains the differences
15:30 Mikayla The fact that there are over 100 links makes me nervous
15:30 Mikayla I really don't want to be screwed over
15:30 asciilifeform Mikayla: what exactly do you hope to achieve, personally, by making use of bitcoin ?
15:31 asciilifeform Mikayla: generally noobs do better if they can answer this question in their heads
15:31 Mikayla receive payments
15:31 Mikayla that's all it is for
15:31 jurov https://bitcoin.org/en/choose-your-wallet << not exactly million
15:31 assbot Choose your wallet - Bitcoin
15:31 undata Mikayla: define "own country"
15:31 Mikayla a local website
15:32 Mikayla opening all the links thanks
15:32 jurov Mikayla: bitcoins are *not* accessed via website
15:32 Mikayla considering any person can make a website I prefer to ask for reputable ones
15:32 jurov you pick safe computer or appliacne
15:32 jurov install wallet software
15:32 Mikayla I appreciate the help for me the noob :)
15:32 undata Mikayla: highest value here would be legitimate, not local
15:33 Mikayla A friend suggested it and had to offline, that's how I ended up here and I'm trying to learn but a lot looks suspect
15:33 undata and ensuring that what you downloaded is what was purported
15:33 Mikayla okay got it. awesome.
15:33 undata surely there's a trilema bootstrapping post
15:33 ben_vulpes this is a pretty funny conversation given the previous conversations about noobs and bitcoin
15:34 jurov Mikayla how do they looks suspect? can you explain an example?
15:35 undata ben_vulpes: oh hey, btw. I will at some point use a fresh pi and thermal printer to print some paper wallets, then destroy the pi
15:35 undata seem like a plan?
15:35 ben_vulpes thermal printing's durable?
15:35 jurov if you go so far then destroy the printer too
15:36 asciilifeform undata: better destroy the designer of the turd (broadcom)
15:36 asciilifeform undata: or the folks with the master key to the pi rng.
15:36 Mikayla ben_vulpes they show different values
15:36 Mikayla in the same currency
15:36 undata ben_vulpes: that would be a consideration
15:36 jurov asciilifeform: you don't have to use it, by default it is even switched off (raspbian)
15:37 asciilifeform jurov: and what is used in its place ?
15:37 jurov Mikayla: because there is no official exchange rate
15:37 undata the qr code could be transferred to something more durable thereafter, maybe
15:37 jurov asciilifeform: std linux stuff (keyboard or whatnot)
15:37 Mikayla so best I wait for my friend tomorrow?
15:37 mircea_popescu hola!
15:37 mircea_popescu how goes Mikayla ?
15:37 undata asciilifeform: that however would do the idea in for sure.
15:37 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: we have a patient for you!
15:37 mircea_popescu do tell!
15:37 ben_vulpes undata: live cd/usb, boot regular device in "silent" mode, print stuff.
15:37 davout undata: dice + wordlist, use the pi to transform the passphrase into something you can send coins to
15:38 ben_vulpes <Mikayla> http://picpaste.com/webcam-toy-photo10-rU1NwxNF.jpg
15:38 assbot PicPaste - webcam-toy-photo10-rU1NwxNF.jpg
15:38 asciilifeform mircea_popescu >> Mikayla <<
15:38 mircea_popescu uh. what is that!
15:38 undata davout: ah ok, that gets around asciilifeform's criticism, correct?
15:38 asciilifeform davout, undata: nope.
15:39 asciilifeform davout, undata: rng is used at other times also.
15:39 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i am not a big fan of rpc.
15:39 asciilifeform sometimes i despair, and think - what else will you folks agree to play with without learning how it works first.
15:39 mircea_popescu so my vote is an unblocking no.
15:39 davout asciilifeform undata it's the best way to remove any kind of prng from the key-generation process
15:40 undata asciilifeform: less despair, more education
15:40 davout signing is a different story
15:40 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: see discussion about how at 0.5.3 rpc is sorta glued in, and will take some actual work to rip out
15:40 undata asciilifeform: how best to generate a safe paper wallet?
15:40 mircea_popescu im going through the logs nao
15:40 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: the shitgnomes glued it in, to learn how, read source
15:41 asciilifeform undata: safe from what
15:41 undata asciilifeform: anything of which you think I should be wary.
15:42 mircea_popescu !up tpt_toolbox
15:43 jurov btw this is actually good food for thought - is there a process one can cryptograpically safely *on paper* generate public key (btc address) from private key?
15:43 mod6 Ok, so this is what we came up with for a Bitcoin Foundation charter: http://dpaste.com/0A9NGC9
15:43 assbot dpaste: 0A9NGC9
15:43 asciilifeform jurov: in principle - yes
15:44 mircea_popescu asciilifeform: http://cryptome.org/2014/10/BTAgent-cpe-backdoor.htm <<< this shit's pretty insane. cazalla i think we want to show some support ?
15:44 asciilifeform jurov: church-turing.
15:44 mircea_popescu jurov yes. but documenting it would be a very good thing to do.
15:44 mircea_popescu anyone wanna write a qntra article titled "how to calculate your own bitcoin address, pen on paper only" ? it'd be a great thing.
15:45 Duffer1 i believe reddit beat you to that one
15:45 Duffer1 oh nm that was pen n paper mining
15:46 jurov church-turing on pediwiki seems to be something unrelated
15:46 mircea_popescu Duffer1 link beats claim ?
15:46 asciilifeform jurov: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Church-TuringThesis.html
15:46 assbot Church-Turing Thesis -- from Wolfram MathWorld
15:46 jurov i had in mind RSA something.. multiplying 200digit numbers would be tedious but doable
15:46 Mikayla hi mircea_popescu sorry was on a call
15:46 jurov with emphasis on *doable*
15:47 mircea_popescu not more tedious than 100 multiplications of two digit numbers
15:47 undata maybe a pi image could be built which would help with the "by hand" calculations?
15:47 mircea_popescu Mikayla make a proper pic will you.
15:47 asciilifeform undata: or 'help'
15:48 Mikayla how so?
15:48 TheNewDeal ;;Ud pi
15:48 jurov hmmm... and if we can admit 1990s desktop calculator...
15:48 gribble http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pi | Pi is an irrational number (meaning the digits never end or have a repeating pattern) that is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter...this ratio is a ...
15:48 mircea_popescu Mikayla do you see the girls in the article ? they are clearly visible in good light. your thing looks is neither.
15:49 Mikayla I wasn't sure about exposing my face and it is night time here :)
15:49 TheNewDeal Street whores article?
15:49 mircea_popescu Mikayla none of the previous girls died of face exposure so far.
15:49 mircea_popescu TheNewDeal that's a different one.
15:50 mircea_popescu thestringpuller: just do it how MP did it <<< wiser words were never spoken :)
15:52 mircea_popescu TheNewDeal: Problem with btc options is the convexity <<< prolly the largest, right after "no actual spot"
15:52 Mikayla will try. I use energy saving bulbs in my home which isn't very friendly with my webcam
15:52 Mikayla I'm pro earth :)
15:52 mircea_popescu so do it tomorrow in the sun, this place isn't going anywhere.
15:52 undata asciilifeform: help may just be a calculator, no?
15:52 asciilifeform mod6: why we need the charter thing, again ?
15:53 Mikayla so I've wasted my time finding better light?
15:53 Mikayla ;)
15:53 asciilifeform undata: need calculator, use a pocket calculator.
15:53 mircea_popescu asciilifeform what can it hurt ?
15:53 mod6 to outline the foundations mission
15:53 ben_vulpes nobody's going to complain, Mikayla ;)
15:53 Mikayla do you want clear quality to as the image?
15:53 mircea_popescu Mikayla show me and ill tell you.
15:53 undata asciilifeform: yep, as old as possible
15:53 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: what can it hurt << cruft
15:53 Mikayla my webcam may be too weak
15:53 jurov to get 1024bits you'll need 400 dice throws. and lesser rsa is vulnerable
15:53 mircea_popescu asciilifeform didja read the thing ? it ain't cruft.
15:53 Mikayla lol
15:54 * asciilifeform actually reads
15:54 mircea_popescu jurov http://trilema.com/2012/romanian-dicelist/
15:54 assbot Romanian Dicelist pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
15:54 mircea_popescu not 400 no
15:54 mircea_popescu Mikayla all you got is a webcam thingee ?
15:54 Mikayla but I look so good in eerie glow :P
15:54 asciilifeform jurov: usg breaks 1024 without breaking a sweat.
15:55 Mikayla I have an s4 but my fat friends foot stood on it
15:55 Mikayla so...
15:55 mircea_popescu Mikayla you're young, you look good anyway.
15:55 mircea_popescu mike_c: argv isn't the best cross-process communication strategy. <<< this is true. and at least the best debugged anyway.
15:55 Mikayla not winning with this eerie glow
15:55 Mikayla im using my built in webcam
15:56 Mikayla told you I'm new to this :P
15:56 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: it isn't a cross-process apparatus at all, sadly.
15:56 jurov mircea_popescu: but the problem is, how to compute bitcoin address from it without exposing privkey to electronics
15:56 Mikayla my code will be recycled...
15:56 mircea_popescu Mikayla no, it's yours 4lyf.
15:56 mircea_popescu jurov not a bad q.
15:56 mircea_popescu !up vicdoc
15:57 mircea_popescu !up Mikayla
15:57 asciilifeform jurov: charles babbage's engine ?
15:57 mircea_popescu Mikayla where you from anyway ?
15:57 Mikayla ask no questions tell no lies :)
15:57 mircea_popescu asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: so far i got qt and ssl snipped. mega-triumph! lol << weren't you supposed to work for nsa anyway!!1
15:58 jurov sha2-type algo will work fine even with 100 bits from dice, but computation is tedious
15:58 mircea_popescu Mikayla well somehow i don't think you hacked into a south african ip.
15:58 Mikayla hush :P
15:58 thestringpuller LOL
15:59 mircea_popescu do you know fluffypony ? he's really hawt!
15:59 bounce such hax
15:59 Mikayla maybe i'm a really fat guy?
15:59 fluffypony lol
15:59 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i'd like this shit done, so six month from now i can get the damned book.
15:59 thestringpuller Mikayla: your tits prove otherwise?
15:59 mircea_popescu asciilifeform okok
15:59 fluffypony ;;later tell BingoBongo http://i.imgur.com/6g3gDzB.jpg
15:59 gribble The operation succeeded.
15:59 mircea_popescu thestringpuller i've seen fat guys with really big tits...
16:00 mircea_popescu fluffypony lol good strat.
16:00 asciilifeform http://www.leviathansecurity.com/blog/the-case-of-the-modified-binaries << thanks to diametric
16:00 assbot The Case of the Modified Binaries | Leviathan Security Group
16:00 thestringpuller mircea_popescu: smooth and hairless like the ones posted?
16:00 asciilifeform tor exe diddler finally caught in the wild
16:00 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes: what else do you want to do to the thing? << yeah this question scares me too.
16:00 fluffypony asciilifeform: yeah was an excellet read
16:00 fluffypony *excellent
16:01 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: also i seem to be the only one here (afaik) with a 100 % working build setup...
16:02 mircea_popescu so the data is in, my .5.x copies from early 2013 do not match the shas of the stuff available for download now, but if you diff the source it does match.
16:02 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: but i kinda hope that i can put this down for a while after jurov proclaims a mailing list box that works to gpg spec
16:02 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: and i can drop me turd there
16:02 Mikayla sorry was on a call again
16:02 Mikayla headed out with a gay friend tonight
16:03 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: didja get the 'git' crud out?
16:03 Mikayla managed to find an angle without the eerie witch look
16:03 mircea_popescu Mikayla what on call is that ? you videochat or what.
16:03 Mikayla someone called me :)
16:03 Mikayla on my phone :)P
16:03 mircea_popescu :p
16:03 mircea_popescu asciilifeform sort-of.
16:04 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: unpack, deturdulate, and diff -Nur oldturddir newturddir
16:04 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes: why even bother with windows? << because satoshi was the sort of idjit that ran his workstation on windows.
16:04 mircea_popescu it's sad, but it's true.
16:04 ben_vulpes fml really?
16:04 mircea_popescu yes. really.
16:04 ben_vulpes how do--
16:04 ben_vulpes nevermind.
16:04 mircea_popescu i know. it's like the darkest deepest secret of bitcoin.
16:04 ben_vulpes was he one of those "cryptographers" who run on windows?
16:04 asciilifeform or wanted to pretend to be that sort, yes.
16:04 mircea_popescu he wasn't a crpytographer at all.
16:04 ben_vulpes burn
16:04 ben_vulpes it
16:04 ben_vulpes with
16:04 mircea_popescu not anymore than you're a rocket scientist, at any rate.
16:04 ben_vulpes fire
16:05 ben_vulpes oh zing
16:05 * ben_vulpes thinks
16:05 ben_vulpes i'm pretty sure i only ever claimed to fuck around with the tools in us 'college'
16:05 thestringpuller goo afternoon pete_dushenski
16:05 pete_dushenski thestringpuller goo pm!
16:05 kakobrekla ben_vulpes just claim the downed pilot story and move on.
16:05 pete_dushenski http://www.contravex.com/2014/10/24/the-greatest-men-arent-necessarily-the-happiest-men/
16:05 assbot The Greatest Men Aren’t Necessarily The Happiest Men | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski
16:06 Mikayla why do I upload again?
16:06 Mikayla need to washing my eye linger off me
16:06 Mikayla haha
16:06 mircea_popescu Mikayla just email.
16:06 Mikayla #nomakeuptoplessselfie
16:06 Mikayla not the other link?
16:06 mircea_popescu asciilifeform anyway, washing the code in bleach to get winblowze off is a good idea.
16:06 thestringpuller good*
16:06 asciilifeform i'da done this long ago, if i had any reason to
16:07 thestringpuller pete_dushenski: /window 42
16:07 mircea_popescu Mikayla either way.
16:07 thestringpuller Wow i need to get better at using irssi
16:07 asciilifeform i'd like to plant the tree of 'koraktor' book of src, so when i actually have time to do the deed with it, it's there.
16:08 asciilifeform (substitute name if anyone has name)
16:08 davout mircea_popescu: "because satoshi was the sort of idjit that ran his workstation on windows" <<< did it even matter that much before bitcoin was invented anyway?
16:08 TheNewDeal Satoshi wasnt a cyrptographer?
16:08 Mikayla give meail or link pls
16:08 asciilifeform davout: does washing matter if there is no one to smell ?
16:08 asciilifeform davout: how about shitting in toilet instead of pants?
16:08 TheNewDeal No. The answer is no
16:08 davout asciilifeform: the answer to this question is less obvious than it seems
16:08 asciilifeform davout: who said it was obvious.
16:09 Mikayla on phone to friend agin.
16:09 Mikayla en route to pick me up,
16:09 davout asciilifeform: i said it seemed obvious, not that it was :-)
16:09 Mikayla mircea_popescu link or email addy?
16:09 mircea_popescu davout yes. gpg existed before bitcoin.
16:09 kakobrekla the fuckin noise hole on this chick...
16:09 Mikayla would you be talking about me?
16:10 kakobrekla me? yes.
16:10 * Mikayla sighs
16:10 mircea_popescu Mikayla http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/office.jpg
16:10 Mikayla just doing as instructed
16:10 mircea_popescu <davout> asciilifeform: the answer to this question is less obvious than it seems << spoken like a tru frenchman :D
16:11 Mikayla sent
16:11 Mikayla ciao ciao
16:11 mircea_popescu mike_c: because what is the average windows bitcoin user supposed to use now? the foundation binary? << the average bitcoin user is welcome to get fucked.
16:12 asciilifeform ^^^^^^^
16:12 mike_c yes yes, we agreed.
16:12 mircea_popescu oh, i wanna be in bitcoin but i can't afford a computer lalala.
16:12 * asciilifeform resharpens shears
16:12 mircea_popescu this is like wanting to do options on 100 bux. no such thing.
16:12 mike_c because everyone should come to bitcoin fully formed superuser.
16:12 mircea_popescu mike_c in so many words, yes.
16:12 ben_vulpes or make mistakes get burned and learn
16:12 mircea_popescu why, SWIFT takes people off the street ?
16:12 asciilifeform though, fat lot of good, if the n00bs get poetteringed instead...
16:13 mike_c so why did mpoe-pr spend so much time on forums trying to guide noobs?
16:13 ben_vulpes side note: classic python exception-oriented-programming https://github.com/nanotube/supybot-bitcoin-marketmonitor/blob/master/RatingSystem/plugin.py#L40
16:13 assbot supybot-bitcoin-marketmonitor/plugin.py at master nanotube/supybot-bitcoin-marketmonitor GitHub
16:13 ben_vulpes mike_c: why, PR for mpex!
16:13 mats_cd03 http://www.leviathansecurity.com/blog/the-case-of-the-modified-binaries/
16:13 assbot The Case of the Modified Binaries | Leviathan Security Group
16:13 mircea_popescu asciilifeform fuck em, the ycan have their five btc together and do whatever they do with it. it'll be like the 192.x.x.x ip space
16:13 mircea_popescu mike_c 2010 is not 2014.
16:13 asciilifeform mats_cd03: posted a few minutes ago, for some reason nobody commented
16:13 mircea_popescu in 1700 you could be a senator by being a farmer in the us.
16:13 mircea_popescu today, fuck you.
16:13 mats_cd03 woops.
16:14 mike_c running a bitcoin wallet is not being in the senate.
16:14 mircea_popescu running a secure one is, yes.
16:14 mircea_popescu running a sorta-secure one is delegating the vote.
16:14 asciilifeform mats_cd03: and yes, that particular circus trick is trivial, and the node operator is quite dumb to be caught so easily. come on, first pillage, then burn. patch exe only after typical usage pattern in captured packet stream! (indicative of luser - 'facebook', etc.)
16:14 mircea_popescu sure, maybe your elected reps won't fuck you over. it's possible.
16:15 mike_c yes, that i agree with. i thought it might be nice to have some wallet software available to the lower tier that doesn't phone home every time you open it and lose your coin everytime SSL gets probed.
16:15 mircea_popescu so then they can download the FREE linux distro of their choice
16:15 mike_c but it's fine, i capitulated.
16:15 asciilifeform mike_c: 'things must be made as simple as possible, but not simpler'
16:15 mircea_popescu o god no, untinkable, lifting buttcheek of couch!!11
16:15 mircea_popescu so user unfriendly, srsly.
16:16 asciilifeform free distro << poettering rubs his hands, cackles.
16:16 davout mircea_popescu: "mike_c 2010 is not 2014." <<< you weren't there in 2010
16:16 davout :p
16:16 mircea_popescu davout yes, but the activity of 2011/2012 is based on the state of the world previous.
16:16 mike_c listen you pack of elitist fucks, bitcoin is for the masses and dogecoin is going back to the moon.
16:16 davout you have a point
16:16 mircea_popescu just like the shit we're talking about here will be a thing in 2015 and then
16:16 mats_cd03 remember kids, examine the checksum before install. esp with tor involved.
16:16 mircea_popescu mike_c only thing going to the moon is undata.
16:17 bounce The Moon is Waxing Crescent (1% of Full)
16:17 mircea_popescu and he has to pay a big... i mean long ... i mean thick price for it.
16:17 asciilifeform mats_cd03, mircea_popescu, et. al: here's a little project i've procrastinated for, ~1 year now, that perhaps someone would like to pick up: read gpg pubkeys (from wherever - wot, keyservs, etc) through tor.
16:18 asciilifeform and look for diddlanomalies
16:18 mircea_popescu so that after i do that i can write an article about how tor is insecure ?
16:18 asciilifeform lol
16:18 mircea_popescu :p
16:18 asciilifeform other suggested experiments
16:18 mats_cd03 sounds easy. there are only a thousand exit nodes, no?
16:18 asciilifeform set up honeypot, log in (successfully, via various protocols) to it through tor
16:18 asciilifeform and then watch for the unaccounted for login.
16:19 mircea_popescu asciilifeform this will only get lamers.
16:19 asciilifeform ultimate project: wall of shame, hosted in neutral country, which displays all easily-parseable login/pw pairs from a few Gb/sec worth of exit node.
16:20 mircea_popescu mod6: someone could make a worthy ui to interact with the baseline b-a bitcoind. then qt is out of core, and lives in someother project. << a good idea, but kinda what armory will end up being
16:20 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: only lamers << it's a nature preserve for lamers, so far mostly untouched by zoologists.
16:20 mircea_popescu whether they're aware yet or not.
16:20 mircea_popescu asciilifeform neutral country ? what are you, a dyslexig santaist ?
16:20 asciilifeform shorthand for ru
16:20 asciilifeform lol
16:21 mircea_popescu mike_c:the only thing i use bitcoin on windows for is watching wallets. what about that case? >> i dunno, pipe grep ?
16:21 asciilifeform host on blockchain telegraph, whatever.
16:22 mircea_popescu asciilifeform also on the list of surgeries : motherfucker memory management holy shit omfg.
16:22 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: mempool ?
16:23 mircea_popescu i STILL suspect there's a couple unaccounted leaks in the code
16:23 asciilifeform anybody ever bother to valgrind?
16:23 mircea_popescu nobody that knows how to use valgrind.
16:23 asciilifeform wtf
16:23 asciilifeform srsly ?!!
16:23 mircea_popescu well the power rangers, but i have little faith.
16:23 asciilifeform and here i was, thinking that someone actually gave a damn
16:24 mircea_popescu depends what you mean by "give"
16:24 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: after this is over, you gotta tell us which soviet calculator you've been using, since '11, for your bitcoin needs.
16:24 mircea_popescu no.
16:24 asciilifeform lelz
16:24 assbot Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3PCG7SV.txt )
16:24 asciilifeform !b 3
16:24 mircea_popescu maybe once it's over in the sense of, we're all drunk in the retirement home.
16:25 TheNewDeal The $900k coin days?
16:25 asciilifeform perhaps one day we meet old woman, and she'll say 'i was a five-output NAND gate in mr p's bitcoin circuit...'
16:25 TheNewDeal !B 1
16:25 mircea_popescu speaking of which, chick was just over, she stripped, and apparently left. now i have a sundress and a bra on my counter.
16:26 mircea_popescu wtf is she and what is she doing there naked.
16:26 TheNewDeal Hahaha
16:27 mircea_popescu this nand gating ...
16:27 bounce best irc
16:27 asciilifeform well some fella did write 'i was hitler's valet' or somesuch
16:28 asciilifeform obligatory:
16:28 asciilifeform ;;google when computers were human
16:28 gribble Grier, D.A.: When Computers Were Human (eBook and Paperback).: <http://press.princeton.edu/titles/7999.html>; When Computers Were Human: David Alan Grier: 9780691133829 ...: <http://www.amazon.com/When-Computers-Human-David-Grier/dp/0691133824>; The Age of Female Computers - The New Atlantis: <http://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/the-age-of-female-computers>
16:29 mircea_popescu mike_c: premium version will chew your food. << you know, i'm not personally that advanced, but having girly crack your pumpkin seeds/pistachio nuts for you is not so bad.
16:29 mircea_popescu chewing food seems more for the very sick.
16:29 asciilifeform people constantly ask for functionality that is quite equivalent to chewing food.
16:30 asciilifeform it confuses me also.
16:30 mircea_popescu TheNewDeal: Usagi will open one for you, just send him a,pm << dudes you gotta stop with this "sarcasm" directed at noobs.
16:30 mircea_popescu sarcasm is generally the lowest form of wit, but when addressed to people who openly admit not having a clue so therefore not being able to catch it it's just irredeemably stupid.
16:30 mike_c confuses? it's quite simple, "chewing food" is relative.
16:31 mike_c but i'm done defending the noobs. i'm not a complete noob anymore, so fuck 'em.
16:31 mircea_popescu lol
16:31 mircea_popescu ok, that sarcasm was pretty good.
16:32 mircea_popescu hater.
16:32 davout lol
16:33 mod6 so speaking of n00bs. can we add a link to the log.bitcoin-assets.com page that takes a person to the first day of logs availble?
16:33 davout ;;seen pankkake
16:33 gribble pankkake was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 weeks, 5 days, 6 hours, 52 minutes, and 51 seconds ago: <pankkake> here is 0.000195.
16:33 asciilifeform thing is, we're not fucking the noob
16:33 mike_c also, kakobrekla, low pri bug report: links_only is busted on logs.
16:34 mircea_popescu mod6 it does that if you use the calendar.
16:34 asciilifeform just preventing him (or rather, his chumpmeister) from fucking us
16:34 mod6 oh! ok
16:34 * mod6 looks
16:34 asciilifeform no reason why someone suicidally willing to take responsibility for the inevitable, can't add winblows support
16:35 asciilifeform but - i won't. and i can't picture who will.
16:35 mod6 ahh, ic. thanks :)
16:35 mircea_popescu asciilifeform generally, people who can compile it can also secure windows to a sufficient degree
16:35 mike_c reason #342 why this should be v0.1
16:35 asciilifeform secure winblows lol
16:35 kakobrekla mike_c i see what i did there will fix.
16:36 asciilifeform thing is, portability to winblows has costs.
16:36 asciilifeform beyond mere weight
16:37 asciilifeform e.g., wanna use your custom '/dev/random'? tough
16:37 mike_c not tough. platform layer is not a difficult thing to implement.
16:37 asciilifeform want raw block device access for weaning the thing off bdb? tough
16:37 asciilifeform mike_c: aha and now you'll be up to your knees in microshit
16:37 mike_c but isolated.
16:38 mircea_popescu "Evidence of media fakery that implied corruption in the local health authority and indeed in NHS England. It was one of many similar fake news stories - viz the engineered "Mid Staffs Crisis" used to provide the pretext for rationalising and closing health facilities across the country."
16:38 mircea_popescu asswipes.
16:38 undata mircea_popescu | mike_c only thing going to the moon is undata. << maybe I'll luck out and Elon's overcompensating
16:38 mircea_popescu undata you know i hear that's the appeal of the trannies ?
16:38 mircea_popescu can be safely gay knowing you won't be splayed by too big a tool.
16:39 undata ha
16:39 mircea_popescu mike_c yeah isolated. from your friends and family.
16:39 asciilifeform mike_c: isolated << if you want to write this, and sign it, who am i to say you oughtn't.
16:39 asciilifeform but - i do so hate the sea of ifdefs.
16:39 TheNewDeal Mp as far as the shitty spot price goes, couldnt one set up some actual usd deverable calls/puts at certain prices to protect against a rigged signal?
16:39 mike_c <+asciilifeform> but - i do so hate the sea of ifdefs. << totally agreed on this.
16:40 * asciilifeform cocks blaster, prepares to zap crud
16:42 * ben_vulpes jumps and chortles in glee
~ 19 minutes ~
17:02 mircea_popescu TheNewDeal notrly.
17:04 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: the idea is for people to be able to go "i support the bitcoin foundation" and for derps to go oh, this thing ? and for people to lol superiorly at their cluelessness. << fwiw i can see it.
17:04 jurov options between x.eur/mpexbtc are doable. but no one is willing to put his balls into there
17:04 * mircea_popescu scrolls back for mod6's thing
17:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9850 @ 0.00073863 = 7.2755 BTC [-]
17:05 mircea_popescu "``THE BITCOIN FOUNDATION'' will endeavour to provide these, while fostering
17:05 mircea_popescu community growth and development, under the general principle that if and
17:05 mircea_popescu when any other thing conflicts with Bitcoin, that other thing must either be
17:05 mircea_popescu discontinued or ammended in such a way as to no longer conflict with Bitcoin."
17:05 mircea_popescu methinks amend takes one m
17:06 mircea_popescu otherwise seems pretty cool.
17:06 mircea_popescu shouldn't have something about budget ?
17:06 ben_vulpes charter first, budget later
17:07 ben_vulpes if there's a budget, something can be said about it
17:07 mircea_popescu a promise should be made for accounts publishing at the least
17:07 mircea_popescu to differentiate from the scam currently masquerading as a bitcoin "foundation"
17:07 ben_vulpes well then the thing wants a treasurer as well.
17:08 asciilifeform wai wat budget ?
17:08 ben_vulpes 's what i said.
17:08 asciilifeform budget for what? coffee?
17:08 mircea_popescu bounties i guess ? i dunno. mostly to satisfy the people who would like to contribute but have no skills/time to offer.
17:08 ben_vulpes dns, hosting
17:09 mircea_popescu not like the chairs have to spend it. it can end up like fcuking princeton, owning a billion dolars in investments.
17:09 ben_vulpes f9beb4d9.org << btw
17:09 asciilifeform i'm not even convinced this needs hosting
17:09 thestringpuller ^- would be interesting to not have it hosted anywhere
17:10 asciilifeform just a bag of shit passed round'nround
17:10 asciilifeform signed by, well, people
17:10 ben_vulpes jurov's list at least
17:10 ben_vulpes sure that's a slice less complexity
17:10 ben_vulpes no site no css no problem
17:11 jurov lol passing it as lore?
17:11 asciilifeform passed like a bottle
17:13 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2014/usgavin-the-lolcow/#comment-109197 << gotta love all this "expertise"
17:13 assbot USGavin, the lolcow pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
17:13 thestringpuller +asciilifeform> just a bag of shit passed round'nround
17:13 mircea_popescu "o, mp, what would be ~your~ suggestion for fixing this problem we invented ?!?!? huh ?!?!?"
17:13 thestringpuller asciilifeform just a bag of shit passed round'nround << what's with the obsession with poop?
17:13 mircea_popescu "i dunno... kiling you and fucking your mother again, maybe this time she spits out something functional"
17:13 asciilifeform cpp code is what, exactly, if not excrement
17:13 jurov thestringpuller: you know, anal stage
17:13 asciilifeform show me the programmer who's passed anal stage
17:14 thestringpuller ;;google jim leahy shit-isms
17:14 gribble Jim Lahey's Shitisms - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R8At-Qno_o>; Shit Analogies 101 - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcQW04AQ_Ok>; Jim Lahey's Shit Storm - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjMkqFmRGL4>
17:14 jurov as coined by norman mailer iirc
17:14 asciilifeform and i'll show you a coprophagiac.
17:14 mircea_popescu lmao
17:14 mircea_popescu oral phase is AFTER anal phase yo.
17:14 asciilifeform precisely.
17:14 mircea_popescu where by after we mean afore.
17:15 mircea_popescu oral stage's the first.
17:15 asciilifeform for programmer - after.
17:16 mircea_popescu and the third then is ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVtapIMHTXs
17:16 assbot Viata de care noi nu stim - YouTube
17:16 mircea_popescu (du-te-n pizda ma-tii, go in[to] your mother's cunt)
17:22 mircea_popescu !up brayden
17:24 mircea_popescu !s sierra leone
17:24 assbot 7 results for 'sierra leone' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=sierra+leone
17:27 asciilifeform who can remember how to force 'diff' to create patch that removes binary files?
17:27 asciilifeform without crapping in the output
17:29 ben_vulpes diffing whole trees?
17:29 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu speaking of commenter "expertise" : http://www.contravex.com/2014/03/31/biting-into-the-wot-elephant-and-irc-nicknames/#comment-3870
17:29 assbot Biting Into The WoT Elephant (And IRC Nicknames) | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski
17:29 asciilifeform ben_vulpes; yes
17:30 ben_vulpes meep.
17:30 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski i have no idea wtf he's saying.
17:30 pete_dushenski problems!
17:30 pete_dushenski they're everywhere!
17:30 pete_dushenski sorta like oxygen, tis all around us.
17:31 asciilifeform no one knows answer?
17:31 asciilifeform because not only i, but anyone who'd agree to do this in my place, will need this answer.
17:32 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: do they have common suffixes?
17:32 asciilifeform ?
17:32 ben_vulpes the binaries
17:32 asciilifeform trying to include a zap for the entire qt dir
17:32 asciilifeform which contains png turdlets
17:32 asciilifeform diff -uNr does not zap these
17:33 ben_vulpes -x ?
17:33 ben_vulpes documentation for diffutils suggests --exclude or -x (pattern)
17:33 thestringpuller asciilifeform you are good at the turdisms...do you have a list somewhere?
17:33 asciilifeform no good.
17:34 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: i just want the cursed thing gone
17:34 asciilifeform without having to specify it
17:34 ben_vulpes command line hell
17:34 asciilifeform or rather, its contents
17:34 ben_vulpes my life
17:34 asciilifeform i mean wtf, do i have to distribute perl scripts instead of diffs?
17:34 asciilifeform and who will agree to run them?
17:38 ben_vulpes assume no qt?
17:38 asciilifeform i want a 100 percent mechanical a->b.
17:38 asciilifeform using unix patch, fuckit
17:38 asciilifeform if this is not possible, unix patch is retarded.
17:39 ben_vulpes what is a in this context? 0.5.3?
17:39 asciilifeform yes.
17:39 asciilifeform https://codeload.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/legacy.tar.gz/v0.5.3
17:39 asciilifeform sha256 == aab1f8ea8c7f131ff69dfa3b9437ba35531018be760132dd6373f41a591f6382
17:39 asciilifeform but it doesn't matter specifically
17:40 asciilifeform just want to remove a dir with binaries, and have the resulting diff file reflect this fact
17:40 asciilifeform in such a way that 'patch' applies it.
17:40 asciilifeform try it with just a dir with a turd from /dev/null in it.
17:40 asciilifeform */dev/zero
17:40 asciilifeform or random, whatever
17:41 cazalla mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes: cazalla: http://www.dailydot.com/crime/silk-road-murder-charges-ross-ulbricht/ <<<< cazalla this totally needs all the research you can throw at it. what the fuck is the story there, they got raped on the "undercover" work ? how ? why ? major point loss for the omni-impotent usg. <<< please to be sending tech/law leads to BingoBoingo
17:41 assbot The mystery of the disappearing Silk Road murder charges
17:42 cazalla jurov: cazalla how is cryptomoneyexpo different from all the other chumpferences? <<< it's not, it's a bunch of friends using bots to fill up their habbo hotel to bang coinfire outta 10k
17:42 mircea_popescu cazalla good point
17:43 cazalla mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: http://cryptome.org/2014/10/BTAgent-cpe-backdoor.htm <<< this shit's pretty insane. cazalla i think we want to show some support ? <<< BB better suited to these leads
17:43 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> without having to specify it <<< ahhahahaha.
17:43 mircea_popescu take a seat son.
17:43 asciilifeform without having to specify the contents!
17:43 asciilifeform want to delete turd by path.
17:43 cazalla i mean, i could masquerade of having some understanding and write something up but i'd rather not
17:44 asciilifeform not by magic
17:44 asciilifeform but seems like posix diff is actually retarded, and cannot operate on file system basis at all, but only by lines!
17:44 mircea_popescu diff only works by line.
17:44 mircea_popescu there's some derivatives tho iirc.
17:44 asciilifeform thought so.
17:45 asciilifeform ben_vulpes, mircea_popescu, others: you must appreciate why this is necessary. it is direly important. our patch set must start with a known, traditional tree, and end with the end product.
17:45 asciilifeform no manual monkey business, nothing specified 'in human language' other than 'run this like so.'
17:45 asciilifeform or no sane man with skin in the game will use it.
17:45 asciilifeform pedigree.
17:45 mircea_popescu i don't dispute its important
17:45 mircea_popescu im bemused by your apparent expectation for it to be easy
17:46 asciilifeform did not expect easy. in fact, undertook this exercise partly from ulterior motive to demonstrate the sheer amount of braindamage.
17:47 asciilifeform i want people to see what i spoke of when said 'cannot polish turd'
17:47 asciilifeform on their own hides.
17:47 asciilifeform 'flush_turds.sh' it is.
17:48 asciilifeform until someone suggests alternative.
17:48 ben_vulpes nope.
17:49 asciilifeform incidentally, there's a larger lesson here. folks have been using 'version control' gizmos for so long, that approximately no one even notices that 'diff' is broken.
17:49 asciilifeform don't believe? search the net.
17:49 asciilifeform no complaints whatsoever, that i was able to find, about deleting bins.
17:49 ben_vulpes no asciilifeform you've got it all wrong!
17:49 ben_vulpes "don't commit binaries to VCS!"
17:49 mircea_popescu yeah you don't understand how the world works.
17:49 asciilifeform ehehe.
17:49 ben_vulpes "why?"
17:49 mircea_popescu fucking russkies will be the end of the civilised world.
17:50 * asciilifeform beats hare, teaches it to light matches.
17:50 ben_vulpes "diff and patch can't handle binaries. so don't commit them, duh."
17:52 * asciilifeform is floored by the stink of the turd he's stepped in
17:53 asciilifeform 'don't commit binaries' - where do people keep bitmaps? up their arses?
17:53 ben_vulpes oh no, they commit them.
17:53 asciilifeform ...and?
17:53 ben_vulpes along with database passwords
17:54 asciilifeform what do the diffs end up looking like?
17:54 ben_vulpes horrible.
17:54 ben_vulpes people committing binaries are also using Github or other tools that paper over the horror.
17:54 asciilifeform try to appreciate how i got here. i want --short-- diffs.
17:54 asciilifeform that you, i, mircea_popescu, putin, whoever, can read.
17:54 asciilifeform as in, actually read.
17:55 asciilifeform short as in - not much more than levenshtein distance between the trees.
17:56 asciilifeform if we have a meg of extraneous turd in a diff, then we're in 'infinity' in the one, two, three, infinity hierarchy of being.
17:56 asciilifeform of weight.
17:56 asciilifeform meaning, does not fit in head.
17:57 asciilifeform meaning, we may as well be asking folks to run arbitrary binary turd that mr. sp4mz0r built in his cellar, for winblows 98.
17:57 jurov asciilifeform: what about two diffs, one with only removed files
17:57 jurov and other one with other changes
17:57 asciilifeform jurov: i want a single 'nixed qt' diff, for example.
17:57 asciilifeform and it ought to be about 1kb long.
17:57 asciilifeform i'm getting 2MB !
17:58 asciilifeform because png fucktardation
17:58 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2014/modern-medicine-and-the-benefits-of-democracy/ << this piece is guaranteed to get you thinking.
17:58 assbot Modern medicine and the benefits of democracy pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
18:01 * asciilifeform eagerly awaits suggestions for quandary posted earlier.
18:02 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: re: article: 'the hunchback will straighten in the grave.'
18:02 mircea_popescu asciilifeform patch diff to say "binary path/file snipped in principle" ?
18:02 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: aha now we've got our own diff...?
18:02 asciilifeform why not own os, own cpu, ahaha.
18:02 mircea_popescu fu
18:02 mircea_popescu i just work here.
18:02 asciilifeform !s spittoon
18:02 assbot 6 results for 'spittoon' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=spittoon
18:03 jurov i still think having two patches is easiest way out
18:03 asciilifeform with one of them 2MB?!!!
18:03 jurov the larger can be easily verified that there are only removals
18:03 mircea_popescu practically that's having one.
18:03 asciilifeform consisting of unprintable chars!
18:03 asciilifeform http://pastebin.com/rG1TxJt2
18:03 assbot The Spittoon - Pastebin.com
18:03 jurov ok, so script then...
18:03 asciilifeform ^ obligatory
18:03 mircea_popescu !s obligatory
18:03 assbot 140 results for 'obligatory' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=obligatory
18:03 mircea_popescu 140 is too many!
18:04 asciilifeform 140 uniques?
18:04 mircea_popescu what sort of twitter is this!
18:10 asciilifeform and here's a thought:
18:11 asciilifeform everybody's read of the old experiments with the dogs, the electrically-boobytrapped floor of the cages, and 'learned helplessness'
18:11 asciilifeform one could reformulate the old vivisectors' conclusions in the following way:
18:11 asciilifeform that any system where the 'patient' sees a blurred boundary between the trivial and the absolutely impossible - will produce the learned helplessness.
18:12 asciilifeform 'don't commit binaries.'
18:12 asciilifeform 'don't roll yer own crypto'
18:12 asciilifeform !s science doesn't work
18:12 assbot 2 results for 'science doesn't work' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=science+doesn%27t+work
18:13 mircea_popescu perhaps a point.
18:13 mircea_popescu i srsly don't see the problem with a patched diff.
18:14 mircea_popescu the practical problem, that is.
18:14 mircea_popescu the theoretical problem is well obvious.
18:16 jurov asciilifeform: what about outputtting ed format with added !rm src/qt/file commands? :DDDD
18:21 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5550 @ 0.00073863 = 4.0994 BTC [-]
18:22 mircea_popescu lol asciilifeform is fuming
18:22 BingoBoingo ;;ticker
18:22 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 356.44, Best ask: 356.9, Bid-ask spread: 0.46000, Last trade: 356.91, 24 hour volume: 16273.08680258, 24 hour low: 344.34, 24 hour high: 363.71, 24 hour vwap: 355.938607705
18:23 mircea_popescu lol "o let's sell all these <<confiscated>> coins"
18:24 BingoBoingo mats_cd03: Interesting in writing a qntra piece or two?
18:30 * asciilifeform cut gordian knot
18:31 * asciilifeform will kick off 'bitcoin' tree by posting manifest of subset of original tree with turdlets snipped. anyone who wants to determine that these, in fact, came from original tarball, can do his own homework.
18:32 mircea_popescu make sure you include adequately quotable quote in there.
18:32 mircea_popescu first github block and so on
18:32 asciilifeform github block?
18:32 mircea_popescu you know, genesis github.
18:32 * mircea_popescu contemplates how his handcranked, slave operated blockchain is actually self-emerging, as predicted by some knowledgeable people.
18:33 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-10-2014#894058 << that one ?
18:33 assbot Logged on 24-10-2014 21:39:23; asciilifeform: https://codeload.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/legacy.tar.gz/v0.5.3
18:34 mircea_popescu asciilifeform the joke being how your " kick off 'bitcoin' tree" is genesis-y
18:34 asciilifeform no one unearthed a copy they're willing to certify as having been leached when new
18:34 asciilifeform ehe
18:37 asciilifeform !up MosesEX
18:38 MosesEX YAY
18:38 ben_vulpes what's today's panic, MosesEX
18:39 MosesEX ?
18:40 MosesEX what you mean by panic?
18:41 Bet placed: 3 BTC for Yes on "20% difficulty increase before 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1036/ Odds: 40(Y):60(N) by coin, 42(Y):58(N) by weight. Total bet: 30.73541987 BTC. Current weight: 41,530.
18:41 MosesEX does amazon use bitcoin
18:41 Duffer1 not that i'm aware of
18:42 Duffer1 they will eventually i'm sure
18:44 mircea_popescu !up frb
18:46 ben_vulpes jurov and i bring a pm regarding treasury duties for a theoretical -assets foundation
18:46 ben_vulpes ...to the forum
18:46 mircea_popescu waitwut?
18:46 jurov ^ was my reaction too
18:47 asciilifeform wat
18:47 ben_vulpes mod6 and i are states-based.
18:47 ben_vulpes if there are donations, someone must be responsible for said donations.
18:47 mircea_popescu a so jurov treasurer ? okay.
18:47 asciilifeform unless donation is to buy me coffee
18:47 asciilifeform then i can be responsible for drinking it
18:47 mircea_popescu i thought bitcoins are for tits.
18:47 bounce as long as you drink responsibly
18:47 ben_vulpes well there are no plans for expenditures on the table atm
18:48 mircea_popescu basically just hold on to 'em ?
18:48 asciilifeform can't think of what part of this costs anything, really
18:48 mircea_popescu asciilifeform of any human endeavour ever conceived this much is true : better to have money than not.
18:48 mircea_popescu jurov so you wanna be teh treasurer of btc foundation ?
18:49 ben_vulpes pretty please?
18:49 jurov moment i want to have a clue how we eventually switch to dispensing from the treasury
18:49 mircea_popescu well they order it and you pay it
18:49 mircea_popescu except if they order more than you got, in which case you throw an exception
18:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4446 @ 0.00073564 = 3.2707 BTC [-]
18:49 jurov but this looks to strict p2p project
18:50 mircea_popescu "this" ?
18:50 jurov everyone in assbot l2 can publish patches
18:50 mircea_popescu o, stan's work and the foundation are unrelated
18:50 jurov can they ask from treasury, too?
18:50 mircea_popescu which is why he's not getting any tits
18:50 mircea_popescu i mean coffee
18:50 asciilifeform lol
18:50 jurov ahhhm
18:50 * asciilifeform is now curious what foundation will do, if not this shit
18:51 ben_vulpes be a target
18:51 mircea_popescu asciilifeform maybe buy you a complimentary book copy of the code ?
18:51 asciilifeform it's gotta be more interesting thatn this
18:51 mircea_popescu fuck mne if i know.
18:51 asciilifeform hehe
18:51 ben_vulpes herd cats, write spec?
18:51 mod6 luckally, im good with cats.
18:51 mircea_popescu maybe pay chicks to do lapdances for coder ppls reading the scipt
18:52 ben_vulpes nfi really either
18:52 MosesEX HFS+ is utter crap
18:52 mircea_popescu have an official bitcoin watersports event ?
18:52 mircea_popescu piss on people freely and abundantly for two days.
18:52 jurov i want to ask for modest remuneration, like, 1BTC/year.
18:53 mircea_popescu 1btc / year not to exceed 1% of funds collected ?
18:53 bounce bidding war for treasuryship?
18:53 jurov yeah with 1% limit
18:53 mike_c i'll do it for 2btc/yr
18:53 jurov heh
18:53 mircea_popescu kik.
18:54 ben_vulpes you're in the big zone mike_c :P
18:54 mike_c just trying to win the bidding war
18:54 mircea_popescu widding the binning wars!
18:55 ben_vulpes wed the banging whores?
18:55 mircea_popescu no, but bang the wedded whores.
18:55 jurov truly a treasurer's duty :DDD
18:55 ben_vulpes treasurer's duty's to audit the booty
18:55 mod6 :]
18:56 ben_vulpes errant apostrophe
18:56 mircea_popescu what's that mean, keep ear on pubis to detect internal queefs if and as they happen ?
18:56 bounce that does imply a 100xbt donation drive every year
18:56 jurov will make poof of reserves for reddit
18:56 mircea_popescu bounce hopefully it will go "we got a lot of btc, give us more!"
18:56 ben_vulpes or a zero payout to treasurer
18:57 jurov ben_vulpes 1% is limit not threshold
18:58 ben_vulpes well, negligible.
18:58 mircea_popescu actually, maybe sponsor a worthy young lady to come to april conference. that's a decent way to spend foundation moneyz i say!
18:58 jurov or the rectothermal-themed male beauty calendar?
18:58 ben_vulpes mpex's paid enough to the worthy ladies already
18:58 mircea_popescu jurov also.
18:59 ben_vulpes soldering porn
18:59 mircea_popescu The Soldering Soldiers - Anal Annealing Volume 8
18:59 * mod6 torrents
18:59 ben_vulpes a++
19:00 ben_vulpes would burn again
19:00 mod6 ha
19:00 mircea_popescu maybe sponsor a bitcoin comic
19:00 mircea_popescu generally, once there's a pile of money, stupid ways to waste it can be devised.
19:00 ben_vulpes hahaha
19:00 jurov we need cultural attachee then... any nominations?
19:00 ben_vulpes chair duties
19:00 ben_vulpes i'll just sit here and have the culture attached in my lap please
19:01 mircea_popescu jurov the cockfest rules clearly say that no foundation can grow past 3 members unless it involves a good looking woman.
19:01 bounce is there a general goal and or purpose for starting the hoard in the first place?
19:01 bounce "there be dragons" is maybe a little weak in this context.
19:01 ben_vulpes there's no goal for the hoard
19:01 mircea_popescu bounce so that people who don't have the time or the skills to contribute can still contribute.
19:01 ben_vulpes the point is to provide the opportunity for btc to flow in
19:01 ben_vulpes and to have a contingency plan for that happening
19:02 mircea_popescu generally the idea is to spend none, or else with very high roi.
19:02 ben_vulpes let's not pretend anyone actually cares.
19:02 asciilifeform how on earth can people without time or skills contribute?
19:02 mircea_popescu asciilifeform sendtx
19:02 asciilifeform say mr putin drops 10000 btc in the piggy
19:02 jurov to bellyfeel the serenissima
19:02 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: primes
19:02 bounce so, a bitcoin indulgence?
19:02 asciilifeform how does that help ben_vulpes, or me, or jurov, or, or, crap out whatevers?
19:02 mircea_popescu asciilifeform how would i know ?
19:03 ben_vulpes it doesn't help, but not having the intake hole hurts.
19:03 mircea_popescu if it does, it's better to have it than not
19:03 mircea_popescu and until it does it can be safely kept
19:03 mircea_popescu not like bitcoin deteriorates.
19:03 jurov perhaps it can be used for loans for member in good standing
19:03 mircea_popescu on bitfinex
19:04 jurov haha
19:04 ben_vulpes emergency asciilifeform gravity escape device
19:04 mircea_popescu but seriously, old people in eastern europe have this thing, like a loan co-op
19:06 * bounce tries to feel old. nope. no instant riches.
19:06 mircea_popescu bounce nah they pay into it five bux or w/e each time they get a ss check, and then get a loan once a year to replace the washing machine or w/e
19:09 * jurov throws the dices and launches the necessary ECDSA pen&paper computations
19:10 jurov just about 300 multiplications, 400 sums of 256bit numbers
19:11 mircea_popescu no mistakes now!
19:11 mircea_popescu btw, a crc self-correcting system of computation should be devised.
19:13 jurov not needed,they say the result can be easily checked with some 100 operations
19:14 mircea_popescu l;ol
19:14 mircea_popescu these soviet jokes...
19:14 asciilifeform and now...
19:14 asciilifeform http://loper-os.org/pub/chicken.tar.gz
19:14 asciilifeform gentlemen, start your engines.
19:15 mircea_popescu but why is it so small ?
19:15 mircea_popescu seriously asciilifeform, who do you expect to take 19kb seriously ?
19:15 asciilifeform you'll see
19:15 mircea_popescu can't we put some pngs in there or something ? .o files ?
19:15 asciilifeform incidentally...
19:15 asciilifeform kernel: patch[28805]: segfault at 0 ip 0000000000403f35 sp 00007fffbc2fc8e0 error 4 in patch[400000+26000]
19:16 asciilifeform ^ the gods love a joke
19:16 mircea_popescu i just don't feel that stuff under 1mb can properly be called code.
19:16 mircea_popescu more like a script. put some xml wrappers around it ?
19:17 mod6 asciilifeform: did you spend any time playing corewars?
19:17 asciilifeform mod6: howdyaguess
19:17 mod6 its an old fav. good times.
19:18 asciilifeform linked turd is fresh but includes only a simple turd excision - removal of qt
19:18 asciilifeform just to demonstrate concept
19:19 mircea_popescu asciilifeform at 19kb it's eminently printable now.
19:19 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: lelz
19:19 asciilifeform mircea_popescu possibly should consider looking inside
19:19 jurov ;;ident asciilifeform
19:19 gribble Nick 'asciilifeform', with hostmask 'asciilifeform!~asciilife@pool-71-191-53-82.washdc.fios.verizon.net', is identified as user 'asciilifeform', with GPG key id B98228A001ABFFC7, key fingerprint 17215D118B7239507FAFED98B98228A001ABFFC7, and bitcoin address None
19:19 mircea_popescu !up WhiteCrane
19:19 WhiteCrane whats up
19:20 mircea_popescu urmom.
19:20 asciilifeform jurov is alert reader
19:20 WhiteCrane is it possible to get bitcoin money the ski mask way?
19:20 assbot Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/37MTSBR.txt )
19:20 asciilifeform !b 1
19:20 WhiteCrane its a joke
19:20 mircea_popescu ./scripts/qt/make_windows_icon.py ? srsly ?
19:21 jurov WhiteCrane: not needed, we have internet
19:21 WhiteCrane you know what ski mask way means right?
19:21 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: yes, it was there.
19:21 asciilifeform incidentally, the 'chicken', if built, should produce a binary bitwise identical with original.
19:22 asciilifeform because all that was done in patch 1, is remove ifdef crud
19:23 mod6 yah, cool. :)
19:24 asciilifeform anyone here built?
19:24 * ben_vulpes is reading first
19:24 WhiteCrane how much bitcoin can i get for $4?
19:25 ben_vulpes ;;calc 4 / [ticker --last]
19:25 gribble 0.0111678811737
19:25 ben_vulpes WhiteCrane:
19:25 jurov any trick how do i clean the sources to leave only what's in manifest?
19:25 asciilifeform with hands.
19:25 asciilifeform or favourite scripting lang
19:25 WhiteCrane is it possible to make a profit on bitcoin?
19:25 asciilifeform e.g., awk
19:26 asciilifeform this was the only way to not have the binary turdlets live in the mailing list set
19:27 jurov cut -d ' ' -f 3- bitcoin-0.5.3-no-crud.sha256.manifest does
19:27 mircea_popescu !down WhiteCrane
19:27 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: incidentally, that was 'meow mix'
19:27 asciilifeform kakobrekla: host ban?
19:27 mircea_popescu remarkable, the guy's patience.
19:28 mircea_popescu anyway, why bother with a ban ? let him be ground into either a shape or nothingness.
19:31 asciilifeform chicken.tar.gz is proof of concept.
19:32 asciilifeform anyone who thinks this is a waste of time - say.
19:33 asciilifeform jurov's gadget, if he follows this suggestion, will be such that patch can be mailed to it, and if signature (must be detached, because gpg mutilates the plaintext otherwise...) passes, includes patch in a build process
19:33 asciilifeform or simply in a mail-to-other-folks process
19:33 jurov oh was thinking it will be for discussion
19:33 asciilifeform also works
19:34 jurov i see
19:34 asciilifeform if someone wants to cough up a build script, go ahead
19:34 asciilifeform i have, as some may know, other projects
19:34 ben_vulpes sigs check
19:35 mircea_popescu lol asciilifeform's getting post partum depression.
19:35 asciilifeform lulz
19:36 jurov it builds
19:36 asciilifeform congrats jurov
19:36 asciilifeform incidentally, any gentoo user having problems with db4.8:
19:36 asciilifeform BDB_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/db4.8/ make -f makefile.unix
19:37 asciilifeform ^ pill
19:37 jurov yes did not occur to me to post
19:39 asciilifeform jurov: cut -d ...... << be so kind as to include patch for CHICKEN instructions in your patch
19:39 asciilifeform what more useful thing could there be, than correct instructions.
19:40 jurov bitcoin-bitcoin-a8def6b/src/bitcoind chicken/src/bitcoind differ: byte 41, line 1
19:40 asciilifeform show?
19:41 jurov maybe debug info?
19:41 jurov show what?
19:41 asciilifeform strip'em
19:41 asciilifeform & diff
19:41 gribble 3.598564026507623E10
19:41 asciilifeform lol
19:42 jurov now they are identical
19:42 asciilifeform there we go.
19:43 asciilifeform diff output of readelf or objdump if you give a damn why this happened
19:44 jurov line numbers
19:44 asciilifeform aha
19:50 asciilifeform lol, there's still wx crapola in there!
19:50 * asciilifeform removes barf bag from under keyboard, pulls pin
19:54 jurov um..i forgot to patch at first
19:54 jurov now recompiled with patch, stripped binary different
19:54 asciilifeform show?
19:59 jurov http://pastebin.com/4kRzMAwq objdump diff
19:59 assbot --- origdump 2014-10-25 01:53:15.339116615 +0200 +++ patchdump 2014-10-25 - Pastebin.com
19:59 asciilifeform ty
19:59 jurov some template riffraff
19:59 asciilifeform methinks it's from nixing qtui.h
20:00 * asciilifeform invites everyone still awake to read patch, see if 'chef chopped the wrong carrot'
20:01 jurov i am inclined to suspect boost expands __line__ somewhere
20:01 asciilifeform boost needs to burn in hell.
20:01 mod6 yeah, im havin the same problem.
20:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31896 @ 0.00073812 = 23.5431 BTC [+] {4}
20:03 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4800 @ 0.00073968 = 3.5505 BTC [+]
20:05 mod6 http://dpaste.com/1Q2VHWT
20:05 assbot dpaste: 1Q2VHWT
20:06 asciilifeform mod6: able to build original ?
20:06 mod6 this is a good point. lemme see.
20:07 * asciilifeform predicts 'no'
20:07 jurov boost-1.52.0-r7 here
20:07 asciilifeform build with 'period' libs
20:07 asciilifeform or all bets off
20:08 mod6 asciilifeform predicts 'no' << correct.
20:09 mod6 anyway, same error.
20:09 asciilifeform first - build original.
20:09 asciilifeform then - hunt gremlins.
20:10 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: ideas for what, if anything, to do to checkpoints?
20:14 jurov gotta go, tmrw waking early and afk most of the day
20:14 asciilifeform goodnight jurov
20:15 jurov 'night!
20:20 ben_vulpes http://www.funker530.com/jihadist-attacks-nypd-officers-with-axe-shot-dead/
20:20 assbot FUNKER530 » Military Videos And Veteran Community With Army, Navy, Air Force News. » Jihadist Attacks NYPD Officers With Axe, Shot Dead
20:22 asciilifeform lol, they took the carcass away in a police car ?!
20:23 asciilifeform (traditionally in usa it is done by an ambulance)
20:25 ben_vulpes where are you reading that?
20:25 asciilifeform nowhere. watched the film clip
20:25 asciilifeform from above link.
20:26 ben_vulpes ah, no bw here.
20:29 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: tried building the turd from earlier?
20:35 mod6 i think he bounced.
20:35 mod6 im gonna give it a shot with some older libs
~ 20 minutes ~
20:56 mod6 ok built.
20:56 mod6 now will 'clean' and apply patches
21:01 mod6 ok, built with patch, np: http://dpaste.com/080PFXN
21:01 assbot dpaste: 080PFXN
21:01 asciilifeform congrats mod6
21:02 mod6 hehe forgot that the host i'm on is new. needed the libs that ben_vulpes listed in his script.
21:03 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15790 @ 0.0007411 = 11.702 BTC [+] {2}
21:06 * asciilifeform hopes that folks have the sense to think about the merits of the approach, rather than simply start doing it
21:07 mircea_popescu PeterL what' scoopbot do ?
21:08 cazalla qntra down
21:08 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: ideas for what, if anything, to do to checkpoints? << you mean blockchain checkpoints ?
21:09 asciilifeform them
21:09 mircea_popescu user-configurable only, set to default = rnd
21:09 asciilifeform as in the seed nodes
21:10 * asciilifeform only really hot and bothered for one patch (beyond all the chopping) - split off private key operations to $redacted machine connected via optoisolator.
21:11 PeterL mircea_popescu: scoopbot is a replacement for penguiker
21:12 mircea_popescu ah right.
21:12 PeterL I think it is almost ready, just testing it right now
21:12 asciilifeform ^ if anyone has above patch please share...
21:12 asciilifeform doscoin.
21:15 mircea_popescu "A lot of people follow their own faiths. Most were indoctrinated since birth. That makes it very easy to believe the dogma. Yet, how in anybody’s right mind could they, as an adult, suddenly be told that the magic man in the sky says you need to start wearing a dress (even though you’re a dude), put your face on the ground five times a day and pray, and oh yeah, kill all the non-believers? Not happening to anybody
21:15 mircea_popescu that’s anywhere near sane. These sick dirt-bags had wires twisted in their heads, and they were frustrated, but they weren’t Muslims."
21:16 mircea_popescu the logics in here are fabulous.
21:16 mircea_popescu totally, how could a dude wear a dress!!1
21:16 mircea_popescu i think agent indignant cracked this case wide open.
21:23 cazalla mircea_popescu, qntra being dossed? it's up and down
21:24 mircea_popescu cazalla yup.
21:25 mircea_popescu punkman bot ? :D
21:26 mircea_popescu PeterL "Then in 10 months there will be 1`000`000 shares and the share number will be inflating at, if the paper makes 0.1 btc profit that month and the shares trade at 10 P/E, then the price will be 0.000012 per share. " << something missing in there ?
21:27 PeterL what did I miss?
21:27 mircea_popescu i dunno, needs somethin after and ?
21:28 mircea_popescu at*
21:28 mircea_popescu doesn't gramatically parse
21:29 PeterL ah, I see it now, there should be a number between the at and comma, 1% per month?
21:29 mircea_popescu ah yea
21:29 mircea_popescu course i think the most interesting thing in there will be the nonlinear effects due to the numerous feedback loops.
21:29 PeterL other than that, does the analysis make sense?
21:29 mircea_popescu for instance : the more popular/relevant/powerful it becomes, the more likely it is to attract share buyers, authors and income. all three.
21:30 mircea_popescu but two work one way, the third the other way
21:30 mircea_popescu it does yes.
21:31 PeterL feedback loops make it hard to get a good number for the future
21:31 mircea_popescu anyway, i think as designed this share price is eminently modelable, to great modelling benefits
21:31 mircea_popescu will obviously be a lot more interesting to work on a history than trying nude predictions
21:31 PeterL designed or not designed?
21:32 mircea_popescu hm ?
21:33 PeterL did they design the price or just leave out design and let it fall where it may?
21:33 mircea_popescu the share is designed so as to work an interesting way.
21:33 mircea_popescu because the contract is written that way
21:36 decimation asciilifeform: is that a picture of stierlitz in the upper right of the anti-soviet-portrayals-of-hollywood image you linked? if so, hilarious
21:39 cazalla http://qntra.net/2014/10/canadian-vpn-provider-surfeasy-team-up-with-bitpay/
21:41 mircea_popescu dude wtf is it systemv or systemd
21:41 mircea_popescu !s systemv
21:41 assbot 4 results for 'systemv' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=systemv
21:41 mircea_popescu !s systemd
21:41 assbot 115 results for 'systemd' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=systemd
21:42 mircea_popescu holy shit i surrepetitiously renamed it.
21:42 mircea_popescu nuts.
21:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9350 @ 0.00074286 = 6.9457 BTC [+] {2}
21:49 decimation asciilifeform: json rpc api: out!
21:53 mike_c PeterL: did you see my take on it?
21:54 PeterL yes, it looked good
21:54 mike_c i think we ended up in the same ballpark
21:55 PeterL as close as one could expect
21:55 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: system v is a classical unix
21:56 asciilifeform ;;google unix system v
21:56 gribble UNIX System V - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNIX_System_V>; The UNIX System -- History and Timeline -- UNIX History: <http://www.unix.org/what_is_unix/history_timeline.html>; What are System V Unix and SVR4?: <https://kb.iu.edu/d/agjs>
21:56 asciilifeform decimation: stierlitz << looks quite like it. that was my thought.
21:56 asciilifeform decimation: not so easy to rip out of 0.5.3. see log.
21:57 asciilifeform will have to be done, though.
21:57 * asciilifeform must note that there is only so much turdsmithing he is willing to do without a good reason.
22:07 decimation asciilifeform: it would be interesting to run turd through valgrind
22:07 asciilifeform whatchawaitingfor
22:08 decimation that guy who inspected the toyota embedded computer had a whole lecture on code coverage/testing/complexity tools
22:08 asciilifeform i always hated the emphasis on those
22:09 asciilifeform because the only genuinely curative pill is: fits-in-head.
22:09 decimation yeah, I agree, like you need a computer that tells you what fits in your head
22:10 decimation I like the templeos guy, he has a fixed number of lines of code for his project, and wants to make it smaller
22:10 * asciilifeform is actually rather sure that 'boost' itself leaks.
22:13 decimation asciilifeform: I have more 'learned helplessness' w.r.t. programming that drives me nuts: 'don't use goto'
22:14 decimation the other day I was testing a pile of python code that was driving hardware, and I wanted to just skip X lines
22:14 decimation can't do it, 'because bad'
22:21 ben_vulpes <asciilifeform> ben_vulpes: tried building the turd from earlier? << got started, ran out of bandwidth in dive bar
22:22 ben_vulpes moving slowly, endeavoring to grok and verify each and every stemp.
22:22 ben_vulpes step*
22:22 ben_vulpes but -- friday night, now stealing time away from familial sabbath drinking party to irc
22:23 mircea_popescu ;;isup qntra.net
22:23 gribble qntra.net is up
22:24 decimation apparently our ddosing friend is also busy
22:24 mircea_popescu !up duduqa
22:24 mircea_popescu get in the wot, eh.
22:25 TheNewDeal Mp whats it called when you double your bet in a 50/50 game, every time, until you win (or lose a large sum)
22:26 kakobrekla martingale
22:26 mircea_popescu ^
22:27 PeterL lets you win a tiny amount or lose it all
22:30 mircea_popescu http://qntra.net/2014/10/cryptsy-and-shavers-sued-by-victims/ << pirate investors eh.
22:30 assbot Cryptsy and Shavers Sued by Victims | Qntra.net
22:30 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: system v is a classical unix <<< i know. apparently somethign shorted in my brain
22:32 mircea_popescu * asciilifeform is actually rather sure that 'boost' itself leaks. << oh shit you know what that's prolly it.
~ 15 minutes ~
22:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44956 @ 0.0007435 = 33.4248 BTC [+] {3}
22:54 decimation did anyone get asciilifeform's no-crud manifest to check?
23:01 asciilifeform find . -xtype f -print0 | xargs -0 sha256sum > ../bitcoin-0.5.3.sha256.manifest
23:01 asciilifeform while in src dir
23:01 asciilifeform i suppose i should've thrown that in there.
23:02 asciilifeform ah well.
23:03 asciilifeform ^ crud manifest. for no-crud, similar
23:04 decimation I was using sha256sum -c
23:12 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4000 @ 0.00074416 = 2.9766 BTC [+]
~ 16 minutes ~
23:28 mircea_popescu http://pastebin.com/vCiDF8DS << classic syn flood.
23:28 assbot netstat -a Active Internet connections (servers and established) Proto Recv-Q - Pastebin.com
23:36 cazalla getting hit with xrumer type comment spam too since around time dos started
23:43 mircea_popescu xruner lol
23:43 mircea_popescu that shit still exists ?!
23:44 asciilifeform 'Hey, I have been looking to buy xrunner but can't find it. I have tried spelling it different ways. Anyone able to direct me?' --- first 'google' hit
23:44 asciilifeform lulz
23:44 mircea_popescu nuts
23:44 mircea_popescu tcp 0 0 www.fraudalertservice:38410 SYN_RECV << all sorts of lulz like that.
23:46 asciilifeform amazing company.
23:46 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
23:49 decimation lol << usg
23:50 asciilifeform no chumpnet without a few of those can be considered complete.
23:52 mod6 so slashing out rpc coudln't have possibly been that easy. but it compiled and ran fine, it seems, just no way to get info without re-adding these options as command line args. that might take some time.
23:52 mod6 anyway, not that i'm gonna keep going that direction for now, just wanted to kinda poke around and see a bit.
23:52 asciilifeform mod6: check out what the command line cmds actually do in 0.5.3
23:53 asciilifeform mod6: you've created a deafmute bitcoind
23:53 mod6 they're all rpc args it looks like
23:53 asciilifeform correct
23:53 mod6 yeah, call it hellen keller
23:54 asciilifeform mod6: when shitgnomes glue their crap on, they use paste with broken glass.
23:54 asciilifeform can't just gently peel it off.
23:54 mod6 well, i guess she was blind or whatever, so lol
23:54 asciilifeform or it would've been peeled off long ago.
23:54 mircea_popescu asciilifeform mod6 actually, could it be made to work so as to simply spit specified streams as it runs ?
23:54 mod6 yeah, it seems that way ascii
23:55 mircea_popescu start it with particular switches depending on what you want it to spit out
23:55 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: is it gonna transmit tx via polling too? lol
23:55 mircea_popescu asciilifeform how you mean ?
23:55 mod6 <+mircea_popescu> asciilifeform mod6 actually, could it be made to work so as to simply spit specified streams as it runs ? << not 100% positive but it seems that some of the debug stuff almost does that when turned on fully.
23:56 asciilifeform well, presumably you may occasionally want to transmit a tx
23:56 mod6 but.. we'll figure something out, yeah
23:56 asciilifeform or generate an addr
23:56 asciilifeform the correct solution is that (now unix-only) turdcoind will listen on a tty. serial tty.
23:57 mod6 int ret = CommandLineRPC(argc, argv); << lollertron
23:57 asciilifeform (nonblocking fopen)
23:57 decimation ^^ agreed
23:57 mod6 i forgot how obnoxious some of this code was.
23:57 mircea_popescu asciilifeform so make it work like top basically ?
23:57 * asciilifeform trying to remember why he was even doing this
23:57 asciilifeform mircea_popescu aye
23:57 mod6 i think i just tried to put it out of my mind.
23:57 mircea_popescu this may be an idea ctually.
23:58 mircea_popescu mod6 it's nightmare fuel with a side dish of fridge logic.
23:58 mircea_popescu asciilifeform you gonna meld pinentry in there too ?
23:58 asciilifeform pinentry?
23:59 asciilifeform for privkey decrypt?
23:59 mircea_popescu well, for everything you do.
23:59 asciilifeform why? that belong on the other side of optoisolator
23:59 asciilifeform where tx is baked
23:59 mircea_popescu so actually make it a two machine thing ?
23:59 asciilifeform aye
23:59 asciilifeform if doing this, why not do correctly
23:59 mircea_popescu fucking open source mpex, what is this.
00:00 asciilifeform and no need for bdb, boost, turdolate on other box
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