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← 2017-03-28 | 2017-03-30 →
00:21 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> where exactly does it work reliably. << AMD E350 board works splendidly
~ 1 hours 29 minutes ~
01:51 mircea_popescu some of the new microfibers aren't bad.
01:51 mircea_popescu !!key pablosanchez
01:51 deedbot http://wot.deedbot.org/3994674855BFE2FEB424C61AE132E59120368DFB.asc
~ 16 minutes ~
02:07 deedbot http://www.contravex.com/2017/03/29/canadian-economic-bitcoin-nodes-more-like-canadian-derpatronic-altcoin-hoes/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Canadian Economic [Bitcoin] Nodes? More like Canadian Derpatronic Altcoin Hoes.
02:13 ben_vulpes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y92bmIf6B_w
02:13 ben_vulpes the waves are just
02:13 ben_vulpes very /large/
02:14 mircea_popescu o wow, 6-7 meters high huh
02:27 mircea_popescu meanwhile in romantic dinners, http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2lc7aCRQx1r9ms9mo1_1280.jpg
02:27 ben_vulpes now tickle her feet
02:27 mircea_popescu no mercy, huh
02:32 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski lol what the fuck. canadian bitcoin orange revolution!!
02:33 mircea_popescu "we represent the whole world*!!!" * as understood by whatever 3rd echelon bureaucrat in the us dept of our democracy that "handles" "canada".
02:47 ben_vulpes http://btcbase.org/log/2015-07-02#1184584 << ho ho ho stumbled over this personally relevant gem looking for something else entirely...
02:47 a111 Logged on 2015-07-02 21:36 phf: mircea_popescu: i'll keep that i mind. i'd like to give it a try, but i still have memories of tedium and despair from last time i tried building a crystal space project on mac
02:48 mircea_popescu lel
02:48 mircea_popescu didja get blender to stand up yet ?
02:49 ben_vulpes not yet, no
02:49 mircea_popescu ;/
02:49 ben_vulpes thick thick trenchfoot
02:50 mircea_popescu son of a bitch. wtf is its current problem ?
02:50 ben_vulpes on one iteration it popped an x11 window and then segfaulted!
02:50 mircea_popescu are you doing it for the mac ?
02:50 ben_vulpes the req'd historical version does not even begin to run on current os x
02:50 mircea_popescu aha
02:50 ben_vulpes VERY SURPRISINGLY
02:51 ben_vulpes i have more permutations and combinations to run
02:51 mircea_popescu i hope you're keeping very elaboratedly detailed notes
02:51 mircea_popescu for your blog.
02:52 ben_vulpes poor neglected blog
02:52 ben_vulpes drift slut gets all the attention these days
02:52 mircea_popescu if you're doing all the trenching anyway, actually documenting it is not much more load, and totally worth it.
02:53 ben_vulpes i take entirely adequate notes, tyvm
02:53 mircea_popescu cool
02:54 ben_vulpes if you don't you end up like gabriel_laddel_p
02:54 mircea_popescu howssat
02:54 ben_vulpes mess of incantations locked in his head, hasta actually bang on each and every box
02:54 mircea_popescu i always thought that was by choice rather than necessity.
02:55 mircea_popescu there's a certain artisan's "i will touch all the items" vein in there.
02:56 ben_vulpes who could even really say
02:56 ben_vulpes oops there i go being nonjudgemental again
02:56 mircea_popescu in other random lulz : there are many diseases of the foot, all of them rather similar : capilaries die, then the skin gets colonized by fungus and bacteria, then the nerves die and then gangrene sets in. frostbite is not necessary ; nor is diabethes -- something as simple as keeping the feet in warm mud for half a day, or wet for a few days in the same socks will do it.
02:57 mircea_popescu this, as you might imagine, was a major problem in ww1, which is why it's even called "trench foot". it was then discovered the best solution to the problem is pairing all the soldiers and having each responsible for the feet of the other
02:57 mircea_popescu because if it's your own feet, you may well not be bothered to dry them out each day.
02:58 mircea_popescu this directly relates to the sad observation of labour activists in the 19th century, that labour is entirely disinterested in its own welfare, and will readily take jobs ~well known~ to be harmful, overly risky, etc. (radium girls go right in here).
02:59 mircea_popescu they drew the conclusion that optionality is not enough, and work safety must be provided through regulation.
02:59 ben_vulpes 'army of lovers' / http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-17#1614973
02:59 a111 Logged on 2017-02-17 05:12 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the washing thing is a serious problem. turns out that if no women around, people stop seeing the point.
02:59 mircea_popescu also relates, i bet.
02:59 ben_vulpes although i imagine less 'army of lovers' and more 'everyone who *didn't* shit in the codebase is doing pushups'
03:00 mircea_popescu lol
03:00 mircea_popescu it's a fact though, she's going to keep herself cleaner for you than she's going to for herself ; and this stands even if you don't say anything.
03:05 ben_vulpes 'woman -- lives for man. man -- lives for beer.'
03:05 mircea_popescu eh get out. who do you know that actually lives for beer ?
03:06 mircea_popescu alcoholics usually have better taste than soda swill.
03:06 ben_vulpes come now, not serious in the slightest
03:06 mircea_popescu no, you said!
03:06 ben_vulpes could just have readily have been 'conquest' if i were in a pandering mood
03:06 ben_vulpes unrelatedly, this isn't entirely inscrutable: https://github.com/cforler/Ada-Crypto-Library/blob/master/src/crypto-asymmetric-ecdsa.adb#L79
03:09 ben_vulpes the implicit return of previously-defined return values or whatever-the-hell-is-actually-going-on there is pretty nifty
03:09 * ben_vulpes has clearly not read the ada books
03:10 * ben_vulpes also off
~ 15 minutes ~
03:26 mircea_popescu http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/good-shit-sign-me-the-fuck-up << the fucking cancer. tl;dr : random transvestite mashed kbd last year, this is now documented as if it somehow mattered.
~ 41 minutes ~
04:08 mircea_popescu in other lulz, mosul successfuly conquered ; russian reports of mass bombing of civilians entirely untrue. don't fall for fake imitations, always read only the genuinotrue Real News (tm) !
~ 1 hours 41 minutes ~
05:50 deedbot http://trilema.com/2017/spurious-graphs-and-such/ << Trilema - Spurious graphs and such
~ 1 hours 24 minutes ~
07:14 jurov https://www.quantamagazine.org/20170328-statistician-proves-gaussian-correlation-inequality/ << yet other ppl avoid both mathematica and LaTeX and use...Word.
~ 49 minutes ~
08:03 asciilifeform omfg jurov mathematica ain't a typesetting system!
08:04 asciilifeform ( in principle, it can be abused as one, but only because it knows how to shit latex )
08:08 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633699 << it is a notbad library to study (no external deps!) -- but it DOES use heap.
08:08 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 07:06 ben_vulpes: unrelatedly, this isn't entirely inscrutable: https://github.com/cforler/Ada-Crypto-Library/blob/master/src/crypto-asymmetric-ecdsa.adb#L79
08:10 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633641 << what do they do in a fire ? under sunlight ? in acids ? can you make them without any petro ?
08:10 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 05:51 mircea_popescu: some of the new microfibers aren't bad.
08:23 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633679 << hey, d00d specialized in 'building space lift is easy, all you gotta do is to stack rocks like-so'
08:23 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 06:55 mircea_popescu: there's a certain artisan's "i will touch all the items" vein in there.
08:24 asciilifeform this is not 'artisan', in my pov, but something like what small children do, brute force algo
08:25 asciilifeform brute force can even get results if the problem is inherently susceptible (e.g. clearing mine field) -- or, failing that, if at least one bothers to start from unexplored point in solution space
08:25 asciilifeform but neither applies to him
08:29 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633701 << i regret to inform ben_vulpes that reading the book (pick anything that is about ada95 or post) is actually necessary -- a number of things (e.g., the very 'fascist' access variable rules) will make 0 sense until you do
08:29 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 07:09 ben_vulpes has clearly not read the ada books
~ 20 minutes ~
08:49 mod6 mornin'
08:50 mod6 i have to say that some of the ada stuff is a bit non-obvious by syntax only.
08:51 mod6 i've been going through ada95, and it helps with some of the weird stuff like X` and P` or whatever.
~ 26 minutes ~
09:17 asciilifeform mod6: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Ada_Programming/Attributes << almost all of the attributes, in helpful list
09:20 asciilifeform fwiw the part i found most painful was the 'access' (pointer) rules. generally you can't have a pointer unless you can demonstrate that it can never dangle
09:20 asciilifeform (or use 'unchecked' but then you may as well write in c )
09:21 mod6 thanks for the link.
09:21 mod6 yah, im not sure im quite there yet. what i really need to start in on is a decent enough sample program.
09:22 mod6 something to get into it a bit, but not too deep. before I try to dig into anything on the btctron level.
09:23 mod6 was thinking maybe something V-like, since it's fresh in my mind. but the string manip might get tedious and ugly and detract from the overall goal.
09:24 mod6 will think on sample projects to get me into the groove.
09:24 asciilifeform mod6: http://ideone.com/a1ky4l << mandelbrot in ada.
09:24 * mod6 looks
09:25 mod6 right, ya, something like that. i've got the links to all the sample proggies from before too. so, maybe i'll extend one of them, or that one, or make my own.
09:26 asciilifeform there is no substitute for actually writing proggies, aha
09:27 mod6 yeah, def. i learn best by doing, indeed.
09:27 asciilifeform ada in particular is 'a harsh mistress', you can sit for 3 hrs and your thing simply won't build, gcc won't eat it, and you gotta actually open the book and grasp the reason why, brute force knob-twiddling will get you 0 result.
09:28 mod6 i've quite noticed that actually. i was trying to figure out "packages" and did an evening worth of headbanging.
09:28 mod6 over something that should have been totally trivial.
09:29 asciilifeform then later it dawns on you that the 'could have been trivial' would have been at the cost of becoming c.
09:29 mod6 right. fair enough. and reasonable advise.
09:29 asciilifeform the pointer rules are the clearest case of this.
09:30 asciilifeform in most cases you can't even point to a thing in ~your current scope~
09:30 asciilifeform because machine has nfi which items in ~current~ scope will go out of scope first...
09:30 mod6 yah hmm.
09:31 mod6 I hope it's not too prohibitive.
09:32 asciilifeform mod6: in principle you can always beg compiler for mercy and introduce 'unchecked', c-isms. or even (1 line, in fact) import arbitrary c.
09:33 asciilifeform but it is only 'last resort'
09:33 asciilifeform and more or less any problem that doesn't involve os calls, can be solved in some other way.
09:34 asciilifeform but it does require letting go of n decades of 'c thinking', where you reflexively litter the proggy with pointers to whatevers
09:38 asciilifeform there ~are~ considerable wins in convenience -- you can ask an array how big it is; and where it starts/ends (indices are not from zero, but can be from anything to anything, as can types -- you can have a type 'integers from 12 to 15', say.)
09:41 asciilifeform but yes, you will do 2-3x the work, subjectively, as when writing c proggy. but it is not ~wasted~ work, just as the work of using v instead of 'git' etc. is not wasted.
09:41 asciilifeform the end result -- is different.
09:46 * shinohai finds V far easier than git now for some reason .....
09:48 asciilifeform i don't bring them up together out of superficial similarity, but from fundamental one -- v rejects 'merge' as a concept; ada rejects the promiscuous pointer and cast
09:48 asciilifeform both are items 'civilians' are quite accustomed to, to the point of 'how the fuck can anyone even think of living without'
09:49 asciilifeform eventually one -- learns. and then you begin to see the monkeys who 'why should i have to look for a special place before taking a shit, i can do it wherever' as the loathesome things they are.
~ 23 minutes ~
10:13 asciilifeform in other lulz, http://archive.is/3Ycl6 >> kako finally turns off +m , and it is revealed! that the 'gimme money pleeez' folx still exist. just as years ago.
10:23 shinohai I think those types will always exist .... I found it mirthful that they showed up in the comments section of the dao hacker article on trilema.
10:33 asciilifeform ohai mircea_popescu
10:33 mircea_popescu hola!
10:33 asciilifeform how's the new bananistan
10:33 mircea_popescu pondering whether ima need to order generators etc.
10:34 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633707 << eh get out!1 ofcourseitis
10:34 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 12:03 asciilifeform: omfg jurov mathematica ain't a typesetting system!
10:36 * asciilifeform pulls out map, for guess o'the'day :
10:36 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: salvador.
10:36 mircea_popescu not salvador.
10:36 asciilifeform aw.
10:36 mircea_popescu this is gonna be more fun than i had thought.
10:36 asciilifeform it's gonna end up a trick, 'ahaha i'm on OTHER END of buenos aires', lel
10:37 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633711 << buy a new car take the "upholstery" apart, it's 99% gonna be microfiber. what does it do under sun ? nothing. if you pour coke on it ? nothing. if you pour sulphuric acid it melts, for sure.
10:37 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 12:10 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633641 << what do they do in a fire ? under sunlight ? in acids ? can you make them without any petro ?
10:37 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: behind glass is not 'under sun', ~no uv
10:37 mircea_popescu that's polyester/polyamide extruded a certain way
10:38 mircea_popescu the original item is of course goretex, 1960s tech, where you heat teflon and suddenly pull on it, makes this 8-9-1k% the size microporous structure.
10:38 mircea_popescu asciilifeform so buy a used convertible in la.
10:39 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: don't these typically have leather inside ?
10:39 mircea_popescu also go to five star hotel, check out their towels. or buy one of those new and cuddly bathrobes for gf. also microfiber
10:39 asciilifeform ( even my fairly ordinary auto -- is all leather )
10:39 mircea_popescu it's no longer legal to make items with animal leatherf in the us pretty sure.
10:39 asciilifeform waiwat
10:39 mircea_popescu animal products yo.
10:39 shinohai My guess of the day: Belize
10:39 asciilifeform shinohai: we already had belize
10:40 mircea_popescu lawyer sent me memo ten years ago "careful about taking your cane on trip, they're insane" etc.
10:40 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: iirc there was a ban on 'red book' animals etc
10:40 asciilifeform not beef.
10:40 mircea_popescu what can i tell ye.
10:40 shinohai ack missed that - cat logs.txt | grep 'whereindafuqismircea_popescu'
10:41 mircea_popescu actually i can tell ye this : in the above context, "not legal" also includes situations where it's technically legal but more expensive to comply than worth bothering (worth as defined by mass scale producers)
10:42 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: on my home planet this was known as 'Докажи, что ты не верблюд'
10:42 asciilifeform 'prove that you are not a camel'
10:43 asciilifeform originates from old tale : a hare is galloping across the steppe. he meets a wolf, who asks :
10:43 asciilifeform 'why are you running like mad?'
10:43 mircea_popescu anyway, the greater point here being that the last battle for sanity is being fought : after chem killind most everything ("ecoleather" destroyed leather industry, for instance, rayon/nylon murdered silk, fake news killed linen etc etc), cotton, the last survival natural fiber is under attack.
10:44 mircea_popescu it's a point of fact microfibre feels softer, and that's probably that.
10:44 asciilifeform hare : 'i heard they catch camels round here, and when caught, you get buggered, then castrated'
10:44 asciilifeform wolf : 'so what the fuck are you worried about, you ain't a camel'
10:44 asciilifeform hare : 'ah, but see, they'll take you in, bugger, castrate, THEN go and prove that you ain't a camel.'
10:44 mircea_popescu asciilifeform haha. mmmyeah.
10:45 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: iirc vinylon (aka 'juche fiber', i shit thee not) not only feels slightly stiffer than nylon, but is undyable
10:45 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> this is gonna be more fun than i had thought. << Ecuador?
10:45 asciilifeform which was the absolute deal-killer for the phree world.
10:46 asciilifeform (plus is that it never fades or gets visibly dirty)
10:46 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo nope. iirc was also guessed already ?
10:47 mircea_popescu asciilifeform juche fiber eh ? lol.
10:47 BingoBoingo Well I was going to guess Liberia, but you said unsure about generators
10:48 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: re camels, see also mega-poem, https://www.stihi.ru/2012/01/19/6202
10:48 BingoBoingo Juche fiber is best fiber, from best people, for Best Korea
10:48 mircea_popescu the only worthy equiv in ro is the one with the hedgehog's hole which im sure i recounted.
10:49 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: chile?
10:49 mircea_popescu tis not chile, which is why i had french wine with my fish yest.
10:49 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: north kr was exporting high quality industrial gear when south kr was == congo
10:50 BingoBoingo Which is why BEST korea
10:50 mircea_popescu asciilifeform so what. turkey was building the first university when england was == mongolia.
10:52 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633724 << speaking of верблюд lol
10:52 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 13:20 asciilifeform: fwiw the part i found most painful was the 'access' (pointer) rules. generally you can't have a pointer unless you can demonstrate that it can never dangle
10:54 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633736 << this might actually be crucial ingredient in any drepper-safe item.
10:54 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 13:27 asciilifeform: ada in particular is 'a harsh mistress', you can sit for 3 hrs and your thing simply won't build, gcc won't eat it, and you gotta actually open the book and grasp the reason why, brute force knob-twiddling will get you 0 result.
10:54 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: aha!
10:54 asciilifeform iirc we had a small thread about this.
10:54 mircea_popescu one or two ya
10:57 mircea_popescu and a few about having a http://trilema.com/2017/global-warming-on-triton/#selection-177.0-189.40 aka expert sex change.
10:59 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633751 << quite. like work in cleaning operating room before operating is not wasted. "I JUST WANNA GET TO THE KNIFIGN!!" "then might i suggest a back alley knife fight somewhere ?"
10:59 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 13:41 asciilifeform: but yes, you will do 2-3x the work, subjectively, as when writing c proggy. but it is not ~wasted~ work, just as the work of using v instead of 'git' etc. is not wasted.
11:03 asciilifeform ^
11:05 mircea_popescu "this is surgery among my tribe" scarce consolation / legal defense.
11:08 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: it is interesting that programmers often lament 'we have no union', but in fact managed a 'confederacy of dunces' so strong and monolithic that they get away with crapola that'd get any other kind of artisan, mass-hanged
11:09 asciilifeform builders, for instance, who thought 'i'll just lay a pile of whatevers and call it a house' were buried alive by fucking hammurabi.
11:09 asciilifeform well-deservedly.
11:15 diana_coman http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633736 <- I actually think that is a characteristic worth knowing how to replicate in one's own programs: after all the horrors I saw, I quite find it a bad thing that well done code tends to be basically too forgiving on idiots
11:15 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 13:27 asciilifeform: ada in particular is 'a harsh mistress', you can sit for 3 hrs and your thing simply won't build, gcc won't eat it, and you gotta actually open the book and grasp the reason why, brute force knob-twiddling will get you 0 result.
11:17 asciilifeform see also, diana_coman , http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-14#1482737
11:17 a111 Logged on 2016-06-14 14:25 asciilifeform: did we ever do a 'postel's law not only considered harmful but a disaster of epic proportions, quite comparable to leaded petrol' thread ?
11:18 asciilifeform or, hm, rather http://btcbase.org/log/2016-01-11#1366610 .
11:18 a111 Logged on 2016-01-11 16:56 ascii_butugychag: for n00bz, 'postel's law' went something like 'be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept.'
11:18 mircea_popescu asciilifeform either h or gravity lol
11:20 mircea_popescu diana_coman this is a problem more fundamental than code. consider : well run us, relying on the wealth amassed by people whose toes today's imbeciles aren't qualified to kiss, the carnegies and rockefellers and etc of the golden age, readily allowed inept management the APPEARANCE of working, at least initially. 1970s us still appeared like it has a future, notwithstanding it had all the future of argentina. why ? because pi
11:20 mircea_popescu le of preexisting wealth makes it unapparent just how idiotic mark cuban / virgin branson / dan voiculescu / etc actually are.
11:21 asciilifeform orlol called it 'catabolic collapse'
11:21 asciilifeform where there's enough stored fat not to notice that intake has stopped
11:22 mircea_popescu also consider how methyl alcohol poisoning works (you ever wondered how the rfuck is it possible this STILL occurs today ?) : there's a sudden transition from dosing which the body absorbs without signal to dose wich renders one blind. the animal, without exception, ends up with a source of methyl alcohol. drinks some, is ok. drinks some more tomorrow, is ok. then goes to wedding/party/is depressed, drinks a lot. is blind.
11:22 mircea_popescu "but it was ok before" "yes, and you're a rodent."
11:22 mircea_popescu asciilifeform quite exactly, these systems with delayed backfeed are generally beyond the ability of the common human brain to administer.
11:22 diana_coman certainly more fundamental; I talked about code because I write code, not because the issue is not clearly visible otherwise
11:22 mircea_popescu yeah.
11:23 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: the term i usually use is 'ecological problem' -- and it is tricky, because how do you demonstrate that something is one, beyond dispute. this may be why various derps like to go straight to masquerading as ecologists...
11:24 mircea_popescu and that's just how the code trap works too : it takes a while for the cost of shitty practices to accrue to the point where it exceeds the cost of having used alternative practices.
11:24 asciilifeform mircea_popescu has a thread a few days ago re sister-fucking, as example
11:24 mircea_popescu which is why 2012 btc dev team thinks mp is being eccentric and couldn't possibly ever get wiped.
11:24 phf fwiw ada is a harsh mistress is an illusion. if it were to become fashionable to write ada among the hacker news crowd, there will be rapid attempts at modernization. common lisp went through that process
11:24 mircea_popescu phf yeh i recall that threat.
11:24 mircea_popescu thread*
11:24 diana_coman but essentially it is so far the only sort of approach that stands a chance against the mass of idiots basically; still a field of study for me re actual deployment, but anyways
11:25 asciilifeform phf: i have a hard time picturing said 'modernization' as looking like anything other than 'let's turn it into cpp'
11:25 mircea_popescu and ?
11:25 mircea_popescu understand, there's dorks on tardstalk TODAY going "oh, mp keeps saying things and they keep not happening."
11:25 asciilifeform then again, i could be wrong, they could shit out 'tools' that 'autogenerate the hard parts' or whatnot.
11:25 phf etc.
11:25 mircea_popescu there's absolutely no meaning involved in the affairs of the subhuman.
11:25 asciilifeform phf: it'd be entertaining to see what, exactly, they'd do.
11:25 mircea_popescu the above works. "Turn it into cpp."
11:26 asciilifeform i suspect that this will not happen, however. the language has 0 appeal ~other than~ for the safety.
11:26 asciilifeform it is a very ugly sibling of pascal.
11:26 mircea_popescu define "has appeal"
11:27 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: the animal, imho, doesn't have a skin that anyone might care to wear. if you remove the safety, it simply becomes a muchly verbose cpp.
11:27 diana_coman asciilifeform, the "appeal" from an idiot perspective is "it's popular" ; that means that at some point (late, but anyways) they WILL find it appealing
11:27 mircea_popescu the way we do things has no appeal except to serve the way we think. yet, ape-ing is constant. stealing bits of trilema is like chuka raiding rtg in siberia, yet chukas do raid. on it goes.
11:27 asciilifeform diana_coman: it's been sitting there since 1982, so far ~0 uptake among these folx.
11:27 diana_coman anything you do and works and becomes useful WILL encounter the mass of idiots jumping on it
11:27 mircea_popescu asciilifeform the problem is one of labels not one of contents. you keep thinking in utility terms.
11:27 phf anything can have a pose. if it becomes so that "no real hacker", you're going to have plenty of "real hackers" at ada hackathons wearing "ada: make you hack better, bitch" tshirts
11:28 mircea_popescu there's no utility involved. suburban ustard wears item because of ~how it makes her feel~ to ~be seen~ as ~being one of the~ rather than any use.
11:28 phf ^
11:28 mircea_popescu what, you think black and decker power tools hanging from power cords around the neck could NEVER become a "music industry" standard ?
11:29 mircea_popescu holy shit, purported usage of weapons IN EXACT CONTRADICTION TO THEIR UTILITY is a holywood standard today!
11:29 asciilifeform notice that nobody walks around with hydraulic presses hanging from neck as fashion statement.
11:29 asciilifeform nor pneumatic drills.
11:29 mircea_popescu ever fucking tried firing one of those shits indoors ? just for lulz ?
11:29 phf asciilifeform: it's too big of an item, but ~they still totally do~ you just need to go to burning man. plenty of people are "i build art for the big burn, can handle big machines"
11:29 mircea_popescu asciilifeform this is sadly a form of special pleading. consider the tribe of americans in the nation of africa with the deformed heads / elongated necks / etc.
11:30 mircea_popescu they'll wear the pneumatic drills alright.
11:30 mircea_popescu phf aha!
11:30 mircea_popescu burning lamerman.
11:30 asciilifeform hey it isn't impossible.
11:31 diana_coman asciilifeform, ~everything has been sitting there since ages until someone comes and does something useful (for him) with it and THEN, (as in: too late) everybody starts doing something with it hence popular etc
11:32 mircea_popescu incidentally, the fact that people can not ~naturally~ drive on ice is sufficient case study to illustrate just how poor the human brain is at handling delayed backfeed.
11:32 asciilifeform the interesting q to ask re a system is not 'can idiots make a sham version' but 'can i tell that this was done'
11:32 mircea_popescu consider : running a destornillador comes out of the box ; skating - nope.
11:32 diana_coman asciilifeform, urgh, I'd rather ask: how I can PREVENT this being done
11:32 asciilifeform as it is, if grep -i -r unchecked * returns nil, and proggy builds in my gnat -- it is kosher ada
11:33 asciilifeform and there is very little that a monkey can do .
11:33 mircea_popescu asciilifeform technically speaking this is universally guaranteed. as per the ancient "idiot -- can not have idea ; mp saying x and idiot saying x are not the same", the mere fact of your using it enacts it as a ~substantially~ different item than what they use.
11:33 mircea_popescu this is trivially true and directly verified with eg irc, or gpg, or any other item we deigned to use.
11:33 phf (speaking of common lisp. asdf the system dependency tool turned from 30k in version 1 into a asdf/uiop 900k monster in version 2. in a systemd move took over most of the compatability packages and is now present ~in every single lisp distribution~. with the did accomplished, Fare posts the following http://fare.livejournal.com/188429.html )
11:33 asciilifeform phf: i saw this, it was quite sad
11:34 asciilifeform it and 'quicklisp'.
11:34 mircea_popescu phf deed
11:34 phf yeah, i was about to *, but i keep doing this, where i type equivalent sounding words all over the place
11:34 mircea_popescu it'll fix itself if gf keeps correcting you.
11:34 mircea_popescu i know from experience.
11:36 asciilifeform to revisit upstack, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633867 << naggum's observation 'cl does not support posers, no one will land a job by pretending to know it, you can expose him in 5 minutes' was only half-true -- turns out there is a process whereby vermin colonize a field, it is quite similar to the way in which lichens break apart a stone into soil
11:36 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 15:27 diana_coman: asciilifeform, the "appeal" from an idiot perspective is "it's popular" ; that means that at some point (late, but anyways) they WILL find it appealing
11:37 phf asciilifeform: i actually tried replacing my asdf with asdf1 and the failure is that of thousand cuts. small, completely inconsequential additions to asdf file or some pointless uiop:foo-bar somewhere deep in code. some asdf files have hardcoded #-asdf3(error "asdf3 required") but then still work, etc.
11:37 asciilifeform phf: they did it to emacs, even
11:37 asciilifeform ( see last year's 'flycheck' thread )
11:37 asciilifeform same exact thing.
11:37 phf right, so you grok the method
11:38 asciilifeform 'wanna install widget W ? ok, now install auto-liquishit-pump so it can download 10,001 turds and THEIR dependencies, and gender-fixes'
11:38 asciilifeform the important thing is that this process is exactly like the growth of fungus in aids patient
11:39 asciilifeform it is simply not possible if there are active graybeards, forming a perimeter defense
11:39 asciilifeform the fungus comes -- when they die.
11:39 mircea_popescu asciilifeform essentially, "no one will" holds for as long as there's an imaginary fixed point to hang it of -- actual management in this case. what happens once obama is in charge of hiring ? why, one CAN!! sudden;y get job by pretending to know, and ONLY by pretending. no nsa for oyu!
11:39 asciilifeform well yes -- the fungus.
11:39 mircea_popescu aha
11:40 diana_coman "you can expose him in 5 minutes" is not enough and moreover it is in favour of the idiots simply because ..mass
11:40 diana_coman so you expose 1 and then 10 and then 100 and so what; infinite points are on their side
11:40 mircea_popescu i don't need five minutes to expose a bad collegiate paper, what's the exposure do ?
11:40 mircea_popescu "but it was too much too read! it's hard!"
11:40 diana_coman I read there "kick him out" for "exposing"
11:40 asciilifeform it does very little good, for the drowning sailor, to 'expose' the water, aha
11:41 diana_coman but myeah
11:41 mircea_popescu aha!
11:41 mircea_popescu "come see the violence inherent in the glub glub glub!"
11:41 diana_coman trouble is that unless the kick out is intrinsic, simply a machine function
11:41 asciilifeform need mechanism, to separate self from the water.
11:41 asciilifeform aka boat.
11:41 diana_coman it can and will be overrun from what I can see
11:42 mircea_popescu phf that's kinda how/why we're stuck maintaining the world. gotta do the purges once and share. this "one man against horde of rats" is why people don't have sane tools today.
11:42 mircea_popescu it's more than what any sane mind can do, to fix ALL THE ONES HE NEEDS.
11:42 mircea_popescu it's not however more to fix one or two of them ; and if this work can be pooled then a complete system becomes quite feasible.
11:43 asciilifeform the result of merely kicking out the current crop of dreppers is more raft than boat, it oughta be remembered
11:44 asciilifeform the process that breeds them is inherent in c machine.
11:44 mircea_popescu technically speaking all land on earth is more raft than boat.
11:44 mircea_popescu floats on magma.
11:46 mircea_popescu it doesn't fall in not because hull, like boat, but because mutual reinforcement. which is imo the idea of "maintain world" for us too. clearly tmsr world will be bigger than usg/whatever world. if it is also sufficiently rigid, gravity or seaworthyness are no longer considerations : it can't fall in because of itself not leaving room to.
11:50 mircea_popescu PS: Here are ways that Racket is indeed vastly superior to CL, that make me believe it's the future of Lisp: First and foremost, Racket keeps evolving, and not just "above" the base language, but importantly *below*. This alone makes it vastly superior to CL (that has evolved tremendously "above" its base abstractions, but hasn't evolved "below", except for FFI purpose, in the last 20 years), and superior to most languages (t
11:50 mircea_popescu hat tend to not evolve much "above", and not at all "below" their base abstractions).
11:51 mircea_popescu omfg this is the dumbest thing i read all week! and i read beginner's essays penned by 20yo sluts!!
11:51 asciilifeform lol python3ism
11:51 mircea_popescu holy shit wtf, "evolving" abstractions ?
11:51 asciilifeform 'you ain't evolving, when's the last time you redefined the number four'
11:51 mircea_popescu any evolution whatsoever means i don't want to touch that item.
11:51 mircea_popescu dude who the fuck cares what fare says/does, his head is more broken than anything you'd drag out of a colombian by the hour hotel.
11:51 asciilifeform the fungi rely on 'evolution of fundamentals', aka putrescence
11:52 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: the sad part is that d00d used to be ~sane
11:52 mircea_popescu i do not believe this.
11:52 mircea_popescu one doesn't simply become dumb.
11:53 asciilifeform does mircea_popescu also disbelieve , e.g., http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-27#1632836 ?
11:53 a111 Logged on 2017-03-27 17:57 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-27#1632826 << by the way rich felker is the author of musl
11:53 mircea_popescu not yet.
11:53 mircea_popescu show me similar heartfelt idiocy, and i will, yes.
11:53 asciilifeform mircea_popescu must not have read the links in ^thread
11:54 mircea_popescu i thought i had
11:54 mircea_popescu but what's in a reread. lessee.
11:54 asciilifeform felker is 1,001 'leahs', if you will, if measured as horsepower is in horses
11:54 asciilifeform ... and at the same time wrote, and maintains, musl.
11:56 mircea_popescu asciilifeform it's not clear to me we're on the page here. is https://eindhoven.cr.yp.to/false-statements-by-henry-de-valence.txt the point of interest ?
11:56 asciilifeform no
11:56 mircea_popescu i'm supposed to give a shit what tweets some dood tweeted ?
11:56 asciilifeform that's where he talks.
11:56 mircea_popescu i'm sorry, twitter is not a platform. anyone can say whatever the fuyck they want 140 chars at a time and i'll ignore it just like i ignore smsn
11:56 mircea_popescu then he is using it correctly, can say w/e the fuck.
11:57 mircea_popescu also why the fuck won't bernstein SIGN random text snippers.
11:58 phf i don't think fare was ever sane, but he at some point existed in similar space to asciilifeform, so people would mix the two together. i don't think anything he ever wrote was as lucid as "seven laws of sane computing", but a lot of highly abstract verbiage on imaginary systems designs
11:58 mircea_popescu there's a very strict difference between technical competence and trustworthyness.
11:59 mircea_popescu i know plenty of 15yos who could recite factoids about fast cars i would nevertheless not permit to drive my fast car.
11:59 mircea_popescu chiefly because it never fails to come to something like this.
11:59 asciilifeform phf: there was a considerable shadow world of folx with 'big dreams' re sane comp, but ~0 technical capability, e.g., r. kulisz
12:00 mircea_popescu is this your mental placing of gladdel fellow ?
12:00 asciilifeform and various others ( i think some of them are still linked from my www, they were 'in the birdlessness, my arse is a nightingale' )
12:00 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: it is.
12:00 asciilifeform he falls exactly into that bin, sadly.
12:01 asciilifeform ted nelson is a patron saint, of these folx
12:01 mircea_popescu i thought that guy with the failed lcd restaurant would have been.
12:01 mircea_popescu da fuck is his name.
12:01 asciilifeform ( d00d who invented hyperlink, and spent half a century (!) and counting, trying to actually build something, even $mil's from john walker didn't help )
12:01 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: jwz?
12:02 mircea_popescu no no. ex amiga iirc investor.
12:02 mircea_popescu made a bunch of money out of consumer plastication of computing, went on to "be entrepreneur"
12:02 mircea_popescu failed universally over 20-30 different tries.
12:03 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: atari, not amiga
12:03 asciilifeform bushnell ?
12:03 mircea_popescu it's somewhat funny, in the side pocket, how paul graham's idle verbiage about "the power of tech entrepreneurs to reinvest and create wealth" ENTIRELY ignores how without exceptrion his chosen field consists of mark cubans, ie dorks who made away with a large pile of corporate loot in a very madoffian manner and then just kept piddling it away.
12:04 phf i met fare at one of international lisp conference's and i thought he was kind of off, but the kind of work he did on asdf3 precisely corresponds to his personal and writing styles. sort of like a dirty kid that you have to constantly remind to like fucking go wash yourself dude, omg
12:05 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yes! pizza time theatre!
12:05 asciilifeform phf: i definitely know the ~type~ aha
12:08 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: or how 'create wealth' means 'drill into the printolade pipeline'
12:09 mircea_popescu in other news, toshiba seems headed for the ex-bin. after the "we made up 7bn profits over the past 6 years and are really losing 5bn a year atm" 2016 lulz, they've announced a 3.5bn looting by the usg this year.
12:09 asciilifeform (y'know, the way nigerian villagers 'create wealth', by augering petropipe and standing around with buckets)
12:09 mircea_popescu asciilifeform the problem being that they can't reproduce it.
12:10 mircea_popescu (basically, long story short, usg financed a coupla units in georgia and ncarolina with japan's money, ain't giving it back. loss is whatever you want it to be, 3 to 10 bn)
12:10 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: usg will loot everyone who is still worth anything who has any vulnerable limbs in usgdom -- just as it looted 'olympus'
12:10 mircea_popescu aha. just making a modest stab at chronicling the process
12:10 mircea_popescu not like you can find it anyuwhere else.
12:12 asciilifeform as uncle al schwartz wrote, re mexico's nationalization of syntex co (maker of 1st synthetic progesterone) -- 'it died, and as always they called it 'bad luck''
12:12 mircea_popescu the scam is very fuinny in particular because usg-run toshiba subsidiary westinghouse negotiated "fixed price" contracts with local baronies ; they happen to understate actual cost by at least 60%. unsurprisingly, the "undue enrichment" concepts were temporarily suspended. had it gone the other way, and toshiba managed to make off with 250% what it was owed, it'd be all "Corruption scandal" and whatnot, of course.
12:12 asciilifeform expect moar 'back lucks' as usg burns the furniture.
12:13 mircea_popescu if usg asks for an apple and you bid a dollar and then they decide to define "apple" as a sack of potatoes, you owe two dollars in merchandise.
12:13 mircea_popescu if usg asks for an apple, you bid a dollar, and nobody underbids you, they'll decide they must "inspect" to "investigate" etcetera, and won't you agree to a three dollar fine ?
12:16 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: iirc jp is not the only head on the chopping block;
12:17 asciilifeform they are nailing, e.g., samsung
12:17 asciilifeform ('corruption' !!)
12:17 asciilifeform 'hey we heard you had a bag of money, need help... carrying it'
12:18 asciilifeform 'folx like you, straining, carrying bag, could have Problems!'
12:18 mircea_popescu aha
12:18 mircea_popescu whatever, i never liked toshiba.
12:19 asciilifeform i liked toshiba.
12:20 phf pretty sure my first vhs was toshiba
12:20 asciilifeform it (even now!) makes a z80. and bunch of truly own weirdo cpu.
12:20 asciilifeform phf: mine also
12:20 mircea_popescu kinda why i didn't like it. made all these bs lower market tvs.
12:20 mircea_popescu wtf is wrong with you know, siemens!
12:20 asciilifeform with death of toshiba, microcontrollers will take a serious step to the same shithole in which pc cpu sits
12:20 asciilifeform where there are 1-2 makers
12:20 asciilifeform and ~1 arch
12:21 mircea_popescu asciilifeform the japs are trying to insulate it from the loss, it may survive in parts.
12:21 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: siemens turned out to be nsaware, recall.
12:21 mircea_popescu not in the 80s!
12:21 asciilifeform which was sad but unsurprising, given what post-'45 germany is.
12:21 mircea_popescu we're discussing 30 years ago sorta thing.
12:21 asciilifeform there did not exist nsaware in '80s.
12:21 mircea_popescu well, not mass market anyway
12:21 asciilifeform (other than, perhaps, cryptoAG's mechanical ciphrators)
12:23 phf i vaguely suspect japan is actively shedding u.s. assets, so all these "investigations" might be u.s. attempt to extract whatever they can still extract
12:23 mircea_popescu this is just about the case.
12:24 mircea_popescu japan is actually finding itself in a very great conjuncture, reminiscent of early 1900s. both russia and china need it. the usg... who cares.
12:24 mircea_popescu which is why the "exotic" nationalist party, abe & co, keep pushing for army.
12:24 Framedragger re. FUCKGOATS customs hold-up in UK: according to their story the hold-up with uk customs was due to them having to apply import duty (had to pay a bit) from u.s., *even though* i've had plenty of shit sent in from u.s. of a. before, so who knows (they wouldn't tell me more) :D
12:25 asciilifeform they have sound vans, advertising 'hey folx, remember when we were a COUNTRY!?'
12:25 mircea_popescu Framedragger how much did you end up paying per unit, and under what title was it extracted ?
12:25 Framedragger it *could* be that it's because asciilifeform nicely noted down a dollar value on the parcel but then if he didn't he'd technically be breaking some law or another i'm sure
12:25 mircea_popescu if you find it within yoruself to post forms you were issued that'd be grand.
12:25 Framedragger minimum import duty amount ~£8, *but* there is a tax for the tax (not kiddin) - administrative fee - which is also £8, so £16 in total for import (lololol)
12:25 asciilifeform iirc i declared it as '50 usd'
12:25 mircea_popescu makes for a great post at any rate.
12:26 mircea_popescu z
12:26 Framedragger asciilifeform: yes correct
12:26 Framedragger the only form they gave me was basically a fucking postcard saying "you gotta pay us if you want it"
12:26 mircea_popescu asciilifeform why bother ? not like it's insured, what's the upside.
12:26 Framedragger i can post it later but need to finish a thing tonight
12:26 mircea_popescu no rush
12:27 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i've had parcels marked 'gifts' disappear mysteriously
12:27 mircea_popescu at #16 it's cheaper to reorder lol
12:27 asciilifeform ( china --> usa usually gets away with it , usa --> wherever -- not so much)
12:28 phf only thing they shipping usa -> wherever is drugs. so it's a pretty safe bet to investigate
12:28 Framedragger (i also called them to inquire but teh law is that they can't tell me more than on a postcard (which gives amount to pay, basically, i mean for srs). i may have gleaned something more by showing up at relevant delivery office (not the closest one) but i didn't bother (paid online and got it posted to my door))
12:28 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: actually tricky bit, say btc goes to 5k, then buyer may well be rather pissed, rather than 'oh i'll reorder'
12:28 mircea_popescu yeah i guess. sucks to live in a shitty jurisdiction huh.
12:29 mircea_popescu no real way to insulate victim.
12:29 asciilifeform phf: i am fairly certain the post clerk thought i was sending $contraband
12:29 mircea_popescu ftr, mp put > 200kgs worth of mostly electronica through customes at $mystery-location. took all of 5 minutes and $0 in fees.
12:29 mircea_popescu though i did give a fiddy to the porter who handled all of it, dude earned it. also made his day quite evidently.
12:30 asciilifeform 'd00d walks in, knapsack of fat white envelopes to $monkeystans'
12:30 mircea_popescu lol. for srs.
12:30 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i did get that trunk of pogos through .ar customs. though it made for interesting conversation
12:31 mircea_popescu lol how'd that go
12:31 mircea_popescu btw -- here's a new mp rule : if the airport you land at does not have porters waiting at the ready, you have landed in the third world.
12:32 mircea_popescu i don't give a shit about any excuses. this is the first, and the most important criterion of any place. no airport coolies, not civilised.
12:32 asciilifeform approx, d00d : 'what is this' asciilifeform : 'technical samples' d00d : 'promise you'll take them back where you came from' asciilifeform : 'mmok'
12:32 asciilifeform $0 tax
12:32 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i didn't perjure you, they didn't get sold or left in argentina, so. all good.
12:33 asciilifeform lulwin.
12:33 asciilifeform btw they'll run 'nqb' pretty well, i suspect.
12:33 asciilifeform ( an' just about anything else, other than ye olde hog )
12:33 mircea_popescu yeah they're not bad at all.
12:34 asciilifeform i still have several here, am quite fond of them.
12:35 * phf imagines carefully packed pogos in one of those old travel trunks, numbered "trunk #49: pogos" next to "trunk #50: hats"
12:35 asciilifeform phf: not far from reality, lel
12:36 mircea_popescu but aside from a whole crate with like 50 pogos in their original packaging, i carried over two granite mortar&pestle arrangements. because fu, i gotta have my pie spices hand ground.
12:36 asciilifeform ( see also http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-08#1537269 )
12:36 a111 Logged on 2016-09-08 15:47 asciilifeform: a c-grinder will also, should its lid come off, happily continue to fly (yes) around the kitchen, grinding whatever ends up in its path, drywall, chairs, people, van goghs, stradivaris, crates of ammunition, dogs, dildos.
12:36 mircea_popescu approaching muslim levels from prev thread over here.
12:36 asciilifeform hey mircea_popescu asciilifeform's family brought dishes, meat grinder, etc. to usa.
12:37 asciilifeform 'what, leave'em at home?!'
12:37 mircea_popescu lel.
12:37 mircea_popescu amusingly, it is way the fuck cheaper to overweight flights than to fedex. by a factor of like, 2.
12:37 mircea_popescu i have nfi wtf scam this is, but it makes entirely no sense whatsoever.
12:37 asciilifeform the funny bit, is that all of the junk went by ~boat~, in special container
12:37 phf oh yeah i have those two, i bought one in india last time, and it's as close as you can get to "rock with hole, another rock for mashing"
12:37 asciilifeform and by the time it came : 1) 2/3 was missing 2) the remainder -- was utterly redundant
12:38 mircea_popescu asciilifeform if i were actually doing > 2 tons or so i'd have bothered. but really didn't have enough to juysrtify actual shipping
12:38 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: could have brought your diesel!11
12:38 mircea_popescu phf nah these are quite elegant actually. and ferous granite also, it's a slpendor.
12:38 mircea_popescu asciilifeform you have no idea. it's worth 150% there of what it'd be worth anywhere else.
12:38 asciilifeform lol granite... ever go over it with geiger ? (or the food..)
12:39 asciilifeform dunno if i want alpha emitters in my phood.
12:39 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yep. it's lower than water!
12:39 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: trick q, geiger won't pick up alpha
12:39 asciilifeform (unless you have exotic 'pancake' probe)
12:39 mircea_popescu yeah well. if it dun have one it dun't have any!
12:41 asciilifeform speaking of which, asciilifeform finally discovered how to make a decay-based rng that doesn't wear out or need high voltage -- use PIN diode. the q was always what to use for an emitter, that won't be stolen by post office of half the globe. granite, it occurs to me, is probably a good bet.
12:41 mircea_popescu this isn't simil-granite for putting on yoru wall ; actual rock dug out from ground and polished. imo better than jade.
12:41 asciilifeform well yes, that very same granite
12:41 asciilifeform faux granite dun have any U in it.
12:41 mircea_popescu it does because same reason as the cinder thing
12:42 asciilifeform i thought faux-granite were a bakelite-like substance.
12:42 mircea_popescu i thought it was just a specially treated waste disposal method
12:42 mircea_popescu possibly we're talking of two things.
12:42 asciilifeform possible.
12:43 mircea_popescu http://fare.livejournal.com/tag/ad%20hominem << lol at the "i write my text on windows" part ; but that aside the dude has a point.
12:43 mircea_popescu wtf is his problem anyway ?
12:44 mircea_popescu this "kitten is apparently half-capable of thought" scenarios always disturb me.
12:44 phf asciilifeform: why'd you say this. now i won't be able to make spices until i check. not like it would've killed me otherwise (tm)!
12:44 mircea_popescu phf alpha does nothing to you anyway.
12:45 asciilifeform tell that to litvinenko lol.
12:45 mircea_popescu is he going to EAT the pestle ?!
12:45 asciilifeform i dun think the pestle is immune to friction
12:46 mircea_popescu but by the microgram!
12:46 asciilifeform radon is also eaten by microgram, neh.
12:46 asciilifeform hey if it's any comfort, plastic spoons are probably more lethal.
12:46 mircea_popescu neh. radon is problematic for being immersed in.
12:47 mircea_popescu and plastic spoons are pretty bad. imagine -- i got silver silverware here!
12:53 mircea_popescu anyway, to not misguide noobs : litvenko, usg agent that got murdered by the fsb in london, was poisoned with polonium. the alpha emitter effect of the metal, while present, was not necessarily. polonium is chemically toxic, much more so than cyanide, ld50 being in the microgram range (ie 1000ths of a grain of salt).
12:54 asciilifeform why not then , e.g., osmium.
12:54 asciilifeform cheaper.
12:54 asciilifeform and just as 'golden toilet' demonstrative.
12:54 mircea_popescu i don't explain the weird.
12:55 mircea_popescu why not the proven-to-work ricin thing, neh. who knows these things.
12:55 mircea_popescu anyway. polonium doth naturally exist and accumulate
12:56 mircea_popescu possibly one reason the eskimos are retarded, for instance.
12:56 asciilifeform naturally?!
12:56 mircea_popescu yea.
12:56 mircea_popescu polonium occurs from uranium decay ; and chemically masquerades sulphur which makes it a joker in many biological pathways.
12:57 mircea_popescu (it's for instance one of the very few legitimate causes of cancer-from-smoking, notwithstanding the blanket nonsense spewing from ourdemocracytards.)
12:58 mircea_popescu seafood also contributes a healthy dose. especially these days.
13:08 mircea_popescu in other "twentysomething metrosexual guys masquerading as neurotic, sexually neglected middle aged gals" news, check this shit out : http://jacobappelbaum.net/
13:08 mircea_popescu a collective!!1
13:10 mircea_popescu "I was in an abusive relationship with Jake for six months in 2009. We parted on ostensibly amicable terms and have had little contact since then. When the accusations of professional misconduct and predatory sexual behavior were made public, I believed them, not just because I value and respect the men and women who made these accusations, but also because they sounded just like him. I saw him use those same strategies years
13:10 mircea_popescu ago."
13:12 mircea_popescu "During these discussions there was a lot of gaslighting. One discussion in particular, he claimed that I had somehow deeply injured him (I don't remember what I did) and was inconsolable. I kept asking him what I could do, and finally he insisted that for him to feel better I needed to clean his floors naked. And I did it. I cried the whole time, in surreal horror. He cheered up and took photos of me, crying and naked, scrub
13:12 mircea_popescu bing his floor. I want to be perfectly clear that there was nothing fun or kinky about this. I don't enjoy humiliation, and it was not a consensual part of our sex life."
13:12 mircea_popescu lots and lots of this, mostly mildly entertaining brat (term of art) upset she sucks at it and GETTING EVEN!!11
13:13 deedbot http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C892F08463D98CB6B5BACC2AE59A9736B0FB94ADF1ECD40E6F5CA6BBAA176640 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1411...7717 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (188-27-236-125.rdsnet.ro. RO IS)
13:13 deedbot http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C892F08463D98CB6B5BACC2AE59A9736B0FB94ADF1ECD40E6F5CA6BBAA176640 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1523...9893 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (188-27-236-125.rdsnet.ro. RO IS)
13:15 mircea_popescu but anyway, back to the upstream : https://archive.is/9zD8D#selection-9.3336-9.4865 the whole thing is rather damaging of bernstein's own standing and credibility. he engages in this sort of behaviours, he isn't much of a man, and certainly the sordid tale of his misbehaviour disabused me of any intention of rating him on the basis of his work.
13:24 mircea_popescu idiot actually wrote a 12k word about this inept bullshit. where's his fucking 12k word discussion of any of his ACTUAL FUCKING WORK
~ 20 minutes ~
13:45 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: bernstein ?! has multi-MB www of unique and valuable work
13:45 asciilifeform incl. the motherfucking smooth integers algo.
13:46 asciilifeform https://cr.yp.to/djb.html << subj.
13:46 mircea_popescu find all pages > 12kb of detailed narrative wordage.
13:46 mircea_popescu guy is as terse as if he'd be writing with ass clicker when doing actual work
13:47 mircea_popescu suddenly he's a novelist when these grease spots are concerned
13:47 asciilifeform or how about bernstein vs. unitedstates.
13:47 mircea_popescu i am very offended by the behavious.
13:47 asciilifeform https://cr.yp.to/export.html
13:47 mircea_popescu asciilifeform he "will spend significant time" to find... "Research" tasks adequate to that fuckdolls "level" yet he can't be bothered to figure out how deedbot works ?
13:47 mircea_popescu defend this, i wish to hear it.
13:48 mircea_popescu i'm fucking pissed off.
13:48 asciilifeform i have nothing with which to explain it. or, e.g., taleb.
13:48 mircea_popescu anyone got an email of the dork ?
13:49 Framedragger mircea_popescu: i thought he was being a bit satirical and snarky in that particular passage you quote (those two paras), from when i read it first. not that his general pose of presenting an excuse (if diligently detailed) of this kind of a good sign, of course. just that the tone is not *that* bad. (but, okay, perhaps bad enough when the piece is considered in whole.)
13:49 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: https://cr.yp.to/contact.html
13:49 asciilifeform fwiw i wrote to him after i deployed phuctor-cum-bernsteintron. 0 answer.
13:49 asciilifeform then again apparently nobody ever answers when asciilifeform writes
13:50 mircea_popescu not for a fucking second. he is enabling the misbehaviour of 30yo children. i gotta do more work bitchlapping these idiot cunts into the ground because he buys them food and doesn't makle them pay for the shiot they break.
13:50 asciilifeform not the lispm folx, not bernstein, whoever.
13:50 mircea_popescu he's as antisocial as it fucking gets!
13:50 Framedragger s/of a good sign/is a good sign/
13:50 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i don't give a shit about answers. i perceive i must send him a one liner "you should be ashamed of yourself", because HE SHOULD FUCKING BE ASHAMED OF HIMSELF.
13:51 asciilifeform put on trilema, then he's doomed to see...
13:52 mircea_popescu im doing a different article, but anyway.
13:53 asciilifeform re ' "Research" tasks adequate to that fuckdolls "level" ', the sad thing is that herding pigs is his ~day job~
13:53 mircea_popescu this is supposed to be mitigation ?
13:53 asciilifeform y'know, sorta how winblowz internals is asciilifeform's
13:53 mircea_popescu it's not mitigation.
13:54 asciilifeform it is possible to have a worse one.
13:54 mircea_popescu i'm sorry ?
13:54 asciilifeform worse job.
13:54 mircea_popescu how ?
13:54 asciilifeform could be, e.g., nsa stooge
13:54 asciilifeform or a poettering
13:55 asciilifeform or for that matter could be one of those 999/1000 academics who churn out shannonized crapola.
13:56 asciilifeform instead, d00d is (and only one currently living, afaik) actual cryptographer in... cryptography
13:56 asciilifeform though in this capacity he may well be spent, and his useful life -- behind
13:56 mircea_popescu http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/oUNgB/?raw=true in other lulz.
13:56 Framedragger but this is along the lines of "could be coal miner, chucking coal 18h/day". well yeah...
13:57 asciilifeform lol, pretty barbaric spam filter
13:58 mircea_popescu they're ~all the same.
13:59 asciilifeform well there's 2 types, one is this, the other is when you let nsa filter the spam (google's)
13:59 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i am not of the persuasion that poettering, ie, out and out wrecker, is in any sane sense worse than jwz, ie, "i'm just going to silently and passively enable the valence idiots".
13:59 mircea_popescu i will certainly hang the "nice people" in preference of the poetterings. just like trump does.
13:59 mircea_popescu correct strategy when dealing with the empire of idiots -- hang the idiots, not their handlers.
14:00 asciilifeform philosophically, the d00d who lights the match, and the one who stands and watches, are 'same' ; in practice -- different, in that if you shoot the latter, very soon your kingdom is empty
14:00 mircea_popescu had mp not happened to make a comment and alf to insist and mp to read this bullshit, mp'd have never known what miserable immoral acts bernstein engages in regularly. and nobody'd have told him.
14:00 mircea_popescu meanwhile poettering, i wasn't going to miss.
14:00 asciilifeform this point actually figured quite prominently in the north vs south kr wars
14:01 asciilifeform north -- shot the japanese collaborationists
14:01 asciilifeform south -- used'em, incl. the dictators
14:01 mircea_popescu i would much prefer an empty kingdom. i utterly have no use of these softie surogate idiot-usian parenting types.
14:02 ben_vulpes http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633709 << you wrote heapless ecdsa routines for nqb?
14:02 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 12:08 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633699 << it is a notbad library to study (no external deps!) -- but it DOES use heap.
14:02 mircea_popescu so he said yest.
14:03 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: the 'nq' in 'nqb'
14:03 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu is citing http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633614 ?
14:03 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 00:47 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: presently it eats blocks and tx in a heapless and demonstrably nonoverflowable way, into a general-purpose fixed space (no tx can >1MB) representation that is operable in O(1)
14:03 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: means 'not quite'. there is no script processing.
14:03 ben_vulpes but verifies signatures?
14:03 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes that illuminated by previous comments / my understanding of his work.
14:03 asciilifeform it isn't a btctron. only demonstration of db algo
14:03 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: no crypto
14:03 ben_vulpes this is what i am asking
14:03 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: can't verify sigs. or generate'em.
14:03 mircea_popescu asciilifeform ah so wait, no sig verify ?
14:04 mircea_popescu aah
14:04 asciilifeform not yet!
14:04 mircea_popescu i had the idea it actually does verify sigs just not scripts.
14:04 asciilifeform it's an exploration of 'how to store tx?'
14:04 asciilifeform nooo
14:04 asciilifeform if it could verify sigs!
14:04 asciilifeform it'd be a btctron.
14:04 mircea_popescu then why specifically mention scripts lol.
14:04 mircea_popescu well, arguably. notrly. but anyway.
14:04 asciilifeform because gotta ~store~ them.
14:04 ben_vulpes be ye not afraid of appearing retarded in the republic, for questions you might not ask for fear of appearing stupid turn out to illuminate all sorts of things.
14:04 mircea_popescu ah i c.
14:05 ben_vulpes just, don't actually be stupid.
14:05 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes word. muh misunderstandings!
14:05 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: actually implementing script verification is a serious work, quite likely to take entire year.
14:05 mircea_popescu depends on which kindergarten one went to amirite alfier
14:05 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: why bother?
14:05 ben_vulpes trb just looks through the script for pubkey or pubkey hash opcodes
14:05 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: 'fleet in being'
14:06 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: and nope. http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/script.cpp?v=makefiles
14:06 asciilifeform ^ does not 'just look for sig opcode'
14:06 asciilifeform sadly.
14:06 asciilifeform implements good chunk of shitoshi's liquishit.
14:06 ben_vulpes ah, i must misremember.
14:06 ben_vulpes perhaps i am thinking of isMine?
14:07 asciilifeform to revisit upstack : yes, it is possible to implement ecdsa in constant space. after all, the sigs are of constant size, and the payload is maxed at 10,000Bt.
14:07 asciilifeform but no, i have not done this.
14:07 asciilifeform perhaps ben_vulpes -- will do it.
14:08 ben_vulpes doubtful
14:09 asciilifeform currently i suspect that a complete btctron can fit in 10k-line of ada.
14:09 asciilifeform but it remains, to demonstrate experimentally.
14:09 asciilifeform it is less useful per se, than as a demonstration of principle.
14:10 asciilifeform e.g. that it is possible to operate on a thing of bitcoin's complexity, in constant space AND time
14:10 asciilifeform (or at the very least, in ~predictably~ nonconstant time)
14:10 asciilifeform and with well-defined behaviour, in ALL cases.
14:10 asciilifeform (i.e. demonstrably nonoverflowable, nonhangable.)
14:13 asciilifeform some example snips : http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/mJAHZ/?raw=true << handling of shitoshi's var-ints
14:13 ben_vulpes oh neat
14:16 asciilifeform http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/i8cY6/?raw=true << handling btc transactions to/from traditional/sane formats
14:16 asciilifeform etc.
14:17 asciilifeform ( several routines used but not included, this is not meant to be runnable genesis, but to show flavour )
14:17 mircea_popescu the principle is very useful, yes.
14:18 asciilifeform tested, btw, by taking a multitude of blocks (from eatblock), parsing'em in, then back out, and diff.
14:18 asciilifeform (identical.)
14:18 asciilifeform then afterwards by fuzzing, e.g. crafting shitoshivarints that want to overrun arrays
14:19 asciilifeform this does 0 , because bounds checking, and we in fact learn where.
14:20 asciilifeform aaaand eventually the thing can get a correctness proof.
14:20 asciilifeform but this comes -- later.
14:25 asciilifeform !!up adlai
14:25 deedbot adlai voiced for 30 minutes.
14:25 adlai http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/main.h?v=makefiles#0030 << Transactions'MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH oughtta be 1MiB = 10^6
14:25 asciilifeform eagle eye, adlai , http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/main.h?v=makefiles#0030
14:26 asciilifeform ahha he got it.
14:26 asciilifeform indeed it is a decimal (hdd maker's) 'megabyte'.
14:27 asciilifeform see also mircea_popescu's 'magic numbers' article.
14:31 * asciilifeform idly wonders how many folx who implemented 'btc protocol' also used 'the wrong megabyte'
14:32 asciilifeform the other constants, i looked up, but this one, naively memorized as 'megabyte'...
14:40 asciilifeform but overall folx oughta remember mircea_popescu's observation from c3, that any attempt to reimplement ye olde grandfather's pistol from scratch, will almost certainly have at least one lethal 'accepts something the old -- would not' defect.
14:41 asciilifeform which is not necessarily as fixable as 'fix the constant'
14:41 mircea_popescu i thought we're pretty much aware it's 1000000, but anytway
14:42 mircea_popescu vaguely recall this being discussed round the original crisis.
14:42 asciilifeform decimal mb, wtf, srsly.
14:42 asciilifeform what does somebody have to smoke, to think of it.
14:43 mircea_popescu way ofg the windows.
14:49 ben_vulpes and to continue the thread http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633564 , https://68.media.tumblr.com/23040c080667cf8e80427caf495cb435/tumblr_oge2frqsL81ve4x7to1_400.gif
14:49 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 00:18 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-28#1633429 << we did https://68.media.tumblr.com/fa9a2501411802f10f1ddcaf88a17b7f/tumblr_o218aqlfjI1sk3xdpo1_500.gif I take it ?
14:49 mircea_popescu lel
15:01 * shinohai takes note of ben_vulpes new interest, vows to find irl doggy girls to suit ....
15:03 ben_vulpes find me an office slut, shinohai
15:04 trinque that second one just seems like she's on coke
15:04 phf i thought you need an office for an office slut
15:04 ben_vulpes hey just because i fired everyone doesn't mean i'm not wandering around naked in the cavernous echo chamber of my own delusion every day
15:05 shinohai Wanted: One office slut. Must be flexible, fit under desks, and be able to emulate canine behaviours. No collar required.
15:06 phf i sort of assume that people who quit job to be with family look and act like derek ireland at the end of one of his yoga videos
15:06 mircea_popescu lel phf crits
15:06 mircea_popescu 's teh problem, he can just turn part of the corvette into an office!
15:08 mircea_popescu phf http://www.burrenyoga.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Yoga-retreat-in-Ireland-R.jpg ?
15:08 ben_vulpes corvette's too cramped to even get road head in halfway conveniently
15:09 trinque corvette activites are meant to be done on the hood
15:09 ben_vulpes duh hoy
15:09 phf mircea_popescu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ua1yKneI2Mw&t=12m10s
15:09 ben_vulpes shinohai: honestly the only canine behaviors i really want are "sit" and "shut up"
15:09 trinque !~bash 1
15:09 jhvh1 Last 1 lines bashed and pending publication
15:10 mircea_popescu i much prefer fetch.
15:11 ben_vulpes no chewing the mail though
15:11 ben_vulpes chewing the /male/ though...
15:11 * mircea_popescu has girls out fetching things lamost continuously.
15:11 mircea_popescu and in fairness i dun think i have to bid anyoine shut up once a week.
15:12 ben_vulpes you've been at it, what, a decade and a half at this point?
15:12 mircea_popescu just about.
15:12 mircea_popescu the merit is mostly the girls'.
15:12 ben_vulpes magical self-training harem
15:12 phf i think "sit" and "shut up" is aspirational. when you're at that point, you kind of want something practical out
15:13 ben_vulpes phf: mhm ya think?
15:13 ben_vulpes but also those are just the canine behaviors, neh?
15:14 mircea_popescu phf word.
15:14 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes notrly. i mean i dunno, to my eyes the whole "dog as pet" thing is kinda inept. get a hunting dog, go hunting with it, suddenly it's a lot more respectable an animal.
15:15 phf well, it's a telling selection of canine behaviors is my point. my dog was a lot more useful than "sit" and "shut up"
15:15 mircea_popescu dog-pets work fine for 5 to maybe 11 or 12yo boys, but this mostly because the kid will pull its ears etc.
15:15 trinque guy was possibly making a joke
15:15 ben_vulpes i don't find any of you funny either
15:15 mircea_popescu no quarter for joeks! this is srs bzns!!1
15:15 trinque lol
15:16 trinque but yes, kind of like these folks that never put anything in the back of their truck
15:16 trinque "maybe you're the mini cooper type..."
15:16 mircea_popescu "this truck shoulda been a limo amirite"
15:17 ben_vulpes canine also high value spawn innoculator
15:17 trinque read: lol there is poop in my mouth
15:17 mircea_popescu o.O
15:17 ben_vulpes stretch pickup: http://www.customautosbytim.com/csa_008.jpg
15:17 trinque oh god, the regular extended cab is bad enough.
15:19 ben_vulpes trinque: there is poop everywhere
15:20 mircea_popescu he has a point though, there's good reason kids should be raised with puppies not kittenbs.
15:20 ben_vulpes moreover one large reason americans are so sick is a dangerous obsession with the sterile living environment.
15:21 mircea_popescu this is up to a point unavoidable -- the cheaper synthetics they use, especially fibers, stink.
15:21 ben_vulpes take 'em outside, roll them in dirt, make sure they eat some.
15:21 ben_vulpes what does the stink have to do with the sterility obsession?
15:21 ben_vulpes or is this in re the fragrance obsession
15:21 trinque also http://i.imgur.com/LaG8aNd.gif vs https://thesciencedog.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/baby-sitting-on-dog.jpg
15:22 deedbot http://trilema.com/2017/stop-being-so-fucking-poor/ << Trilema - Stop being so fucking poor!
15:22 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes well you gotta keep the bacteria away.
15:22 ben_vulpes trinque: oh boy i gotta show you "Master Vulpes and His Hound" some day
15:22 mircea_popescu let's consider a simple illustration : normal milk going sour becomes a different kind of aliment - sour milk. usian milk going sour becomes this utterly bitter horror.
15:23 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: i don't follow the connection between the 'stinky' synthetic fabrics and the bacteria
15:23 asciilifeform not long ago i walked to post office along different, for no good reason, path, to mail a FG, and saw the largest and most impressive dog i ever saw
15:23 mircea_popescu what do you think makes things stink ben_vulpes ?!
15:23 asciilifeform he was in his own yard, even, 3 metre iron fence on all sides
15:23 asciilifeform hound of the baskervilles.
15:23 mircea_popescu didja pat it ? :D
15:23 asciilifeform made a quite respectable sound, would not sound out of place in a zoo.
15:24 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: i dunno, you implied the stink came from the synthetics alone!
15:24 asciilifeform i did not put hand in, no.
15:24 mircea_popescu all things "that stink" are your brain identifying the metabolic byproduct of bacterial life ; and knowing from experience their presence doesn't mix well with your continued existence.
15:24 mircea_popescu plastics make a splendid substrate for bacteria, much better than anything else.
15:24 ben_vulpes aah
15:25 mircea_popescu moreover it selects for unfriendly kinds of bacteria (hence the milk example -- tho0ugh there the uht process does the selection)
15:25 mircea_popescu so you're up to a certain point stuck overwashing once you buy the plastic angle.
15:27 ben_vulpes heh and this ocmpounds, because now your kids don't have an immune system because your surfaces are overcolonized (and with the most ahistorical of populations at that), so not only do you have to clean the stink away but also keep ~everything out of the kid's mouths.
15:27 mircea_popescu much like opting to have a natural compost pile in a shady spot in the garden instead of fertilizer and "modern our democracy" will result in a much better ecosystem, with birds and earthworms and so on ; just like a good cheese and yogurt diet rather than taking peptobismol will result in a happier digestion ; just so havinga house full of linens rather than nylons will result in a much happier overal environment to live in,
15:27 mircea_popescu with fewer cunt rashes etc.
15:27 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes yes.
15:27 mircea_popescu 2nd and 3rd order effects are even more important than the direct
15:28 mircea_popescu (3rd order : the best fungicide is... bacteria. the best antiseptic is... bacteria. that's why your skin stays healthy -- you are covered by your friends.)
15:28 ben_vulpes funny how all manifestations of modernity look alike. entertain even a smidge of wokeness and you'll wake up in trans camp.
15:28 mircea_popescu myeah.
15:28 asciilifeform i have said this before, but everyday life in usa makes the good doktor mengele's stitch-his-head-to-his-arse look like harmless hobby
15:29 mircea_popescu by now there's just too many of these small and "in itself defensible" idiocies piled up.
15:29 asciilifeform half a billion bonsaikittens.
15:29 asciilifeform ( incl. per http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-24#1632388 )
15:29 a111 Logged on 2017-03-24 20:47 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-24#1632355 << orlol discussed this, and it was 100% true, 'homo americanus' has some very serious damage that is very expensive to build prosthesis for -- he has no family , no friends, no one will lend him money other than at extortionate rates, has no one alive whom he could live with in small hut, 5 to 10 sq. metres, without killing one another
15:30 ben_vulpes yo ho yo ho, a caravan life for me
15:32 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: possibly misbounded quoteblock in latest trilema
15:32 asciilifeform ( http://trilema.com/2017/stop-being-so-fucking-poor/#selection-187.0-195.21 )
15:35 mircea_popescu asciilifeform missing ~ to properly indicate authorsheep
~ 1 hours 48 minutes ~
17:24 ben_vulpes in other non-solutions: https://journal.standardnotes.org/vpns-are-absolutely-a-solution-to-a-policy-problem-3b88af699bcd
17:35 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: i never understood 'vpn service' -- why not hire a cheapo commercial linux box and route whateverses through it.
17:35 asciilifeform y'know -- with hands
17:35 ben_vulpes why hands when mathematica lets you do it with arse!
17:35 asciilifeform as in http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2017-February/000252.html
17:36 CompanionCube asciilifeform: presumably because they are too lazy for that
17:36 CompanionCube or want a turnkey hands-off solution
17:36 asciilifeform it ain't like you have to write sshd from scratch.
17:36 CompanionCube nope, but from their perspective it may as well be. Not that I'd agree though.
17:37 phf y'all never tried configuring openvpn
17:37 asciilifeform i did, actually, it was a misery
17:39 phf i suspect back in the day it allowed vendors to optimize for usage patterns. "unlimited traffic vpn" vs running it on a tightly metered box
17:39 trinque tincd also misery
17:40 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: frightening heathen pit, btw, that site.
17:41 * CompanionCube hasn't used tincd as a VPN-to-the-internet, only as a virtual LAN equivalent.
17:41 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: indubitably.
17:41 CompanionCube it looks almost exactly like Medium. Are you sure it isn't?
17:42 ben_vulpes "software developers must save our privacy" and other such nonsense
17:42 ben_vulpes CompanionCube: five bucks says it is
17:42 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1634135 >> lul, btw >>
17:42 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 17:13 deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C892F08463D98CB6B5BACC2AE59A9736B0FB94ADF1ECD40E6F5CA6BBAA176640 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1523...9893 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (188-27-236-125.rdsnet.ro. RO IS)
17:43 asciilifeform >> 'e to thee, Osiris, Lord of eternity, King of the Gods, whose names are manifold, whose forms are holy, thou being of hidden form in the temples, whose Ka is holy. ...'
17:43 CompanionCube did you take that as me saying it's not Medium
17:43 asciilifeform >> 'Avocatura este tot atat de veche ca si magistratura, tot atat de
17:43 asciilifeform nobila ca si virtutea, tot atat de necesara ca si justitia'
17:43 CompanionCube because I was saying that it either was or is a deliberate clone
17:44 asciilifeform CompanionCube: certainly looks quite like it.
17:44 CompanionCube found in the DOM: '<script charset="UTF-8" src="https://cdn-static-1.medium.com/_/fp/gen-js/main-base.bundle.a2iyA8Q63Pk153QZP5oV8A.js" async=""></script>'
17:44 asciilifeform lol!
17:45 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: complete with a 'basic income' article.
17:45 ben_vulpes hey basic income is happening
17:46 asciilifeform and 'end to end encryption' crapolade, and other mandatory pravda
17:46 ben_vulpes giant towers with water, calories and internet piped directly to the basics
17:46 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: iirc it already happens, but you gotta paint yerself black 1st
17:47 ben_vulpes nah, not the same at all
17:49 asciilifeform how not
17:52 ben_vulpes there are conditions beyond "being black"
17:53 asciilifeform the 'let's give EVERYBODY $income' thing goes beyond mere retardation; make the folx who play lotteries, and even pyramids, look brilliant. at least ~somebody~ wins, in a pyramid
17:56 asciilifeform ( the other funny detail, it certainly ain't ~everyone~ who'd get payola. certainly not dirty kulaks. )
17:56 asciilifeform pretty lulzy stealth-dekulakization scheme.
17:57 asciilifeform 'we won't take even 1$ from you -- we'll simply give 1$ to everyone not-you.'
17:57 phf the obamacare strategy
17:58 ben_vulpes obamacare took plenty from me
17:58 asciilifeform ^
17:58 ben_vulpes dilution of the dollar to pay for encampment of takers i'm hedged against
17:59 ben_vulpes taxation and forced-purchase-of-bunk-paper, not so much.
17:59 asciilifeform phun phakt : tax rate in north kr is...
17:59 asciilifeform 0.
18:00 ben_vulpes and?
18:00 asciilifeform they still charge tax, it simply gets rolled into electric bill, etc.
18:01 phf ben_vulpes: i'm sure there's some ideological angle where two are not the same, but from where i sit...
18:02 ben_vulpes phf: not ideological, financial! you can hedge against devaluation. what is the hedge against moar taxes?
18:03 BingoBoingo http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1634099 << There are many kinds of faux granite from inkjet printed plastic to rocks and resin simulation
18:03 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 16:42 mircea_popescu: possibly we're talking of two things.
18:08 phf ben_vulpes: if your hendging against devaluation happens in bezzle terms, but your more tax is the "guberment done it", than this distinction makes sense. i don't think that in reality more tax just happens, it's a process by which devaluation graph gets readjusted
18:09 asciilifeform waitasec didn't we have this exact thread last week
18:11 ben_vulpes liink?
18:12 asciilifeform can't seem to find -- maybe i dreamed it.
18:15 asciilifeform but there was that old mircea_popescu thread. where, approx, 'a dollar usg collects from mr.pleb in tax isn't so that usg can spend a dollar, it can spend $trillion, or ten, without collecting anything; it collects the dollar because otherwise mr.pleb will use it to bid up turkeys'
18:20 asciilifeform bidding up, e.g., cardboard houses, or better still, ornate paper -- things of which no conceivable shortage exists, or could ever begin to exist -- is , notice, a-ok by lizard lights.
18:20 phf it's the diff between bezzle and tide. tax increase happens in sync with devaluation because otherwise you discover that there's not enough aspirin.
18:21 asciilifeform ^ aha, what i just said
18:29 phf i don't think aspirin though is a good example, because "obviously" there aren't any aspirin shortages. likewise there are obviously no housing shortages, doctor shortages, etc. etc.
18:30 asciilifeform re shortages, lulzy trend in washington region of building block after block after block of cardboard condo towers ~which then stand dark, for years on end~ continues
18:30 trinque how chinese
18:30 asciilifeform process is not in any way plugged into 'is anybody buying' loop
18:30 asciilifeform and they still 'cost' 400-700k usd , even when 1000s stand dark.
18:31 asciilifeform every time i walk by these, i wonder if they even have plumbing fixtures, mains sockets, etc
18:32 asciilifeform or simply cardboard box.
18:32 asciilifeform (why waste money installing these 'useless' parts, when they aren't needed?)
18:32 asciilifeform perhaps on the rare occasions someone buys -- they get one of the 1-2 units in the bldg that has'em
18:33 asciilifeform 'on demand'
18:34 asciilifeform point being, a mighty fine and historically effective way to relieve plebs of excess dough is -- artificial shortages
18:34 asciilifeform ( in '90s ru, rumours of massive warehouses where cheese rotted, milk soured, meat fed maggots -- proliferated. and i'm quite convinced they are not baseless. )
18:35 asciilifeform in '30s usa -- they burned crops.
18:39 asciilifeform ( modern lizards, i picture, understood -- correctly -- that if these bovines didn't take to arms and burn down the capital when crops were burned in the '30s -- they certainly won't revolt today. )
18:43 phf i still think that the reason is that there are no lizards in a recognizable form (i.e. the 1984, hugo boss clad), it's all a chomsky style dependency graph, and the complexity so high, micro level so varied, that nobody can make sense of it
18:43 asciilifeform eh soros is still around; buffett; et al
18:44 asciilifeform nobody cancelled the petro-kings of saud, either
18:45 asciilifeform ( incidentally, gotta wonder, why can't asciilifeform buy a vinylon suit ? )
18:50 phf same reason you can't buy запаÑожеÑ
18:50 phf oh ffs, i gotta fix my client
18:50 asciilifeform бнопня вхрюк
18:51 phf zaporozhets
18:51 asciilifeform mno.
18:52 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633636 << thread.
18:52 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 03:39 asciilifeform: phunphakt : the only synthetic cloth fiber that isn't shit ( as, e.g., nylon : flammable, melts on skin, crumbling under sunlight, etc ) is made in... north kr! >> https://fas.org/nuke/guide/dprk/facility/industry38.htm
18:52 asciilifeform superior in every respect a man might give half a shit about, to what's available in 'civilized' world.
18:53 asciilifeform ( yes it can't be painted. but also shows 0 dirt, laughs at uv, acids, bases, solvents, fire. )
18:53 phf well, "a man might give half a shit about". you're talking about GOST style global optimization "plant makes same material for parachutes and fasihonable summer dresses"
18:57 phf it's same reason why every american has an inflatable plastic mattress for guests, but not a raskladushka
18:57 asciilifeform right now we have, de facto, opposite, 'man's coat is made from same faux silk gurl's panties are made from', 'so what if it melts into your skin in a fire', 'so what if sunlight dissolves it, so much the better for AmerikaGreatAgain'
18:58 asciilifeform phf: and plastic car, etc
18:58 phf correct, that's the 80s "choice" that was made, you either get zvezdniy gorodok or jeens
18:58 asciilifeform they would have plastic cocks, if they could.
18:58 asciilifeform 'generation that chose pepsi' (tm)(r)
18:59 ben_vulpes are y'all going to just skip right over the anti-combustible chemicals with which nearly every new thing is impregnated these days?
18:59 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: another thing you dun need in vinylon...
19:00 ben_vulpes tell me something i don't know
19:01 phf imo the problem is not the chosen product, but the mechanism by which the choice was made (and is continously remade in many micro instances)
19:01 asciilifeform 'choice'
19:01 ben_vulpes aaah i had a cot for many years!
19:01 asciilifeform oblignaggum, http://btcbase.org/log/2013-12-22#429394
19:01 a111 Logged on 2013-12-22 16:56 asciilifeform: 'what people “want” is a function of what they learn is available. e.g., do Americans want three-ring binders, and Europeans four-ring binders? or do they want binders and take whatever number of holes they come with? or do they want something that can help them organize their papers and take whatever is available? or do they really want a less cluttered office and ease of storage and retrieval of the infor
19:01 ben_vulpes army surplus thing, was amazing until i handled it roughly packing up from a burn and bent one of the struts.
19:02 ben_vulpes i imagine there's some "oh no, you couldn't possibly imagine the superiority of the su raskladushka" inbound
19:02 asciilifeform i slept on one for 1st decade of life
19:02 asciilifeform it was steel, quite indestructible
19:03 asciilifeform for some reason parents called it a 'chopper'
19:03 asciilifeform (вертолет)
19:04 phf ben_vulpes: nah it was a piece of shit. i got one from walmart and it's pretty good. advantage though was that you could repair it for years, and since there was only ~one~ type, you could also replace parts for years, etc.
19:04 asciilifeform there were aluminum ones, pieces'o'shit, aha, i have one even here
19:04 ben_vulpes phf: some days i dream of making a car like that
19:04 asciilifeform and yeah if you have a hammer -- repairs
19:05 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: speaking of which, tell me, how come i can't buy a car where if it dents, i can just take off a panel and put in new one ?
19:05 asciilifeform with bolts.
19:05 asciilifeform and then re-flatten old one - with hammer, on anvil.
19:05 asciilifeform or, say, where the bumper is OF RUBBER
19:05 asciilifeform like a motherfucking bumper ought to be.
19:06 phf ben_vulpes: that was my zaporozhets comment. ultimate piece of shit car, with the main perk: can be repaired in a shortages economy
19:06 phf everything down to the engine
19:07 phf "working class car for working class people" etc.
19:07 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: fashion, unfortunately.
19:08 ben_vulpes modern car loses 90% of value after 5 years and 100kmi, an industrial piece like a freightliner loses at most 70% after a decade and A MILLION MILES
19:08 * ben_vulpes has a shirt awaiting deconstruction into patterns sitting at home
19:08 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: do you remember mircea_popescu's article about his friend who went to usa and tried to build a house of stone ?
19:09 asciilifeform and nearly jailed
19:09 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: no, link?
19:10 asciilifeform again 0 result from search
19:10 asciilifeform lessee if mircea_popescu recalls, when he wakesup
19:11 asciilifeform there's also, e.g.,
19:11 asciilifeform !#s ethacridine
19:11 a111 4 results for "ethacridine", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=ethacridine
19:11 asciilifeform countless examples.
19:11 asciilifeform su 'everyday' good, that's either unknown -- or banned -- in 'free' world.
19:13 asciilifeform ( speaking even strictly of technologies, not even touching on subjs such as children free to walk around on their own, to make explosives, etc )
19:16 phf asciilifeform: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWSxev7eJvs
19:16 * phf cackles
19:16 asciilifeform aaah
19:17 asciilifeform iirc the boy drank to death in '90s.
19:18 ben_vulpes what even is this
19:18 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: nostalgatron from home planet.
19:19 ben_vulpes looks great
19:19 asciilifeform http://lyricstranslate.com/en/prekrasnoe-dalyoko-prekrasnoe-daleko-glorious-future.html << a not wholly barfalicious transl.
19:20 asciilifeform 5 of'em, even.
19:21 asciilifeform i can already picture mircea_popescu's barfometer redzoning, tho.
19:22 CompanionCube I think the video is from this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guest_from_the_Future
19:23 asciilifeform well yes
19:23 asciilifeform from where else.
19:23 asciilifeform and lol, i had nfi it had an english pedipage.
19:23 ben_vulpes silly me, i thought the movie was called "nostalgatron from home planet"
19:23 asciilifeform lol!
19:25 ben_vulpes lol taaki got locked up for fighting in syria?
19:25 asciilifeform waiawt
19:25 asciilifeform where
19:26 ben_vulpes https://assets.wired.com/photos/w_1058/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/amirtaaki.jpg
19:26 asciilifeform lol!
19:27 ben_vulpes "When Taaki reached the camp on the Syrian side of the border, he says, he tried to explain to the elderly officer in charge that he’d come to Rojava to offer his tech skills in one of Rojava’s cities, not to fight. But as Taaki tells it, the man waved away his protests and conscripted him into a unit with the other foreigners."
19:27 ben_vulpes oh god i know conde nasty is persona non grata but this is gold
19:28 asciilifeform https://archive.is/a86cG << subj, apparently
19:29 asciilifeform and for all i know -- whole thing is disinfo
19:29 ben_vulpes did he always have a paunch?
19:29 ben_vulpes definitely some amount of "no leaving the states, pleb" in action, sure
19:30 asciilifeform no leaving, everybody understands; but why did idiot COME BACK
19:30 asciilifeform srsly, once you made it out of monkeystan, found work (soldiering is honest work), whythefuck COME BACK omfg
19:31 ben_vulpes "found the west calling to him"
19:31 phf aka where the white women at
19:31 asciilifeform ain't the kurd army supposed to have chix in it
19:32 asciilifeform wasn't that the whole point, of joining.
19:32 ben_vulpes girl who said she'd get him reassigned bought the farm
19:32 ben_vulpes and in other wonders of "ai": http://boingboing.net/2017/03/29/countermeasures-are-a-thing.html
19:33 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: see also http://btcbase.org/log/2016-01-26#1386298 .
19:33 a111 Logged on 2016-01-26 17:20 ascii_butugychag: (there was a spiffy talk at shmoo, which mentioned how nn used in image recognition usually imprints on what - to a human - would be an entirely accidental cluster of pixels, and if you flip'em, it will recognize an obvious, e.g,. cat, as a refrigerator, etc)
19:33 asciilifeform old noose.
19:38 asciilifeform 'And Taaki began to believe that returning to the UK and completing Dark Wallet’s development would allow him to help Rojava better use bitcoin as a fundraising tool, one that would circumvent the US and EU sanctions that prevent any funds from being transferred into Syria.' << wat.
19:38 CompanionCube why would you want to to the *UK* for that
19:38 CompanionCube it has pretty shitty laws for that kind of thing. See: RIPA.
19:38 asciilifeform whole yard makes ~0 sense.
19:38 asciilifeform *yarn
19:39 CompanionCube fuck, even the US'd be a better place. There there isn't a law that literally states you must disclose encryption keys on-demand.
19:40 ben_vulpes you still get locked up for not complying, CompanionCube.
19:40 ben_vulpes "contempt of court" most recently.
19:41 asciilifeform !#s coke machine
19:41 a111 62 results for "coke machine", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=coke%20machine
19:41 asciilifeform nobody's even counting the de-facto lifers who won't give password to inquisitor.
19:41 asciilifeform any moar.
19:41 asciilifeform longest is, what, 7 yrs now?
19:41 asciilifeform 8?
19:42 asciilifeform less time than many folx in, e.g., ru, do for murder.
19:50 * trinque would read an asciilifeform sci-fi short on coke machine.
19:50 trinque would fit nicely into mircea_popescu's future dystopia
19:51 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2015-09-25#1285753 << thread, for n00bz
19:51 a111 Logged on 2015-09-25 20:10 ascii_field: this is precisely the condition needed for the coke machine
19:54 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2015-06-24#1174350 << possibly the 1st mention.
19:54 a111 Logged on 2015-06-24 17:28 ascii_field: it will be replaced - question of ~when~, not ~if~ - by something like an oubliette with a vending machine
19:56 phf coke machine story should be set in the same universe/time as the pgp key story
19:57 asciilifeform mircea_popescu was right, imho, tho, it wouldn't make good story, 0 element of 'future' in it
19:57 asciilifeform quite boringly familiar
19:57 asciilifeform 'exactly like 2017 but with slightly more automation'
20:02 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1634548 << ~moar~ time, lol
20:02 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 23:42 asciilifeform: less time than many folx in, e.g., ru, do for murder.
20:07 phf https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2017/03/28/new-toronto-institute-aims-to-be-worldwide-supplier-of-artificial-intelligence-capability.html
20:08 phf i think i should go back to just pasting titles tho
20:08 asciilifeform 'Italy could soon offer menstrual leave Parliament is considering a bill that, if approved, would require employers to grant women three days of paid leave every month.' << from same rag
20:09 asciilifeform 'TTC delays launch of anti-harassment app The "Safe TTC" app will allow passengers to report harassment, assault, vandalism, and other offences.' << from same rag..
20:09 asciilifeform pretty great.
~ 51 minutes ~
21:00 trinque I'd thought that perhaps coke machines are what patrol looking for folks outside their VR wombs.
~ 21 minutes ~
21:22 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1634383 << i lollered. ftr, baroul suceava = the bar association of suceava county.
21:22 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 21:43 asciilifeform: >> 'Avocatura este tot atat de veche ca si magistratura, tot atat de
21:23 ben_vulpes menstrual leave!
21:23 ben_vulpes amazing
21:25 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1634411 << this is a lulzy notion. if you could hedge against such a wonder, the lido'd still be a thing.
21:25 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 22:02 ben_vulpes: phf: not ideological, financial! you can hedge against devaluation. what is the hedge against moar taxes?
21:26 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1634418 << called sterilization of currency. especially relevant when you know, foreign devils show up with botload of gold.
21:26 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 22:15 asciilifeform: but there was that old mircea_popescu thread. where, approx, 'a dollar usg collects from mr.pleb in tax isn't so that usg can spend a dollar, it can spend $trillion, or ten, without collecting anything; it collects the dollar because otherwise mr.pleb will use it to bid up turkeys'
21:28 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1634443 << pretty sure you can buy that
21:28 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 22:51 phf: zaporozhets
21:33 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1634476 << you'd much enjoy cairo.
21:33 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 23:05 asciilifeform: and then re-flatten old one - with hammer, on anvil.
21:33 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1634483 << boats actually GAIN value in about 1/3 of their years.
21:33 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 23:08 ben_vulpes: modern car loses 90% of value after 5 years and 100kmi, an industrial piece like a freightliner loses at most 70% after a decade and A MILLION MILES
21:35 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2014-03-04#546042 re http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1634489
21:35 a111 Logged on 2014-03-04 22:05 mircea_popescu: which means, concrete foundation, brick walls
21:35 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 23:10 asciilifeform: lessee if mircea_popescu recalls, when he wakesup
21:36 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1634495 << to be beaten into a pulp for being the obnoxious sort of fag who'd bitch at djb about someone touching him / listen to depeche mode / etcetera...
21:36 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 23:13 asciilifeform: ( speaking even strictly of technologies, not even touching on subjs such as children free to walk around on their own, to make explosives, etc )
21:38 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1634515 << well this is certainly a damn sight better than "coding"
21:38 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 23:26 ben_vulpes: https://assets.wired.com/photos/w_1058/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/amirtaaki.jpg
21:41 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1634530 << all i can say is doh, as well as http://btcbase.org/log/2016-01-12#1368457
21:41 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 23:32 ben_vulpes: and in other wonders of "ai": http://boingboing.net/2017/03/29/countermeasures-are-a-thing.html
21:41 a111 Logged on 2016-01-12 19:24 mircea_popescu: as someone once said, "their tricks work for them only a short distance of their run, and for us the whole run."
21:42 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1634535 << because he lived off the overgenerous uk dole his entire life.
21:42 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 23:38 CompanionCube: why would you want to to the *UK* for that
21:42 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2017/stop-being-so-fucking-poor/ very deeply fucking related.
21:44 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-30#1634562 << in that case at least.
21:44 a111 Logged on 2017-03-30 00:08 phf: i think i should go back to just pasting titles tho
~ 20 minutes ~
22:04 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> phf: and plastic car, etc << Plastic car's not so bad. When plastic fails replace with metal and slowly get metal car
22:06 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> ben_vulpes: speaking of which, tell me, how come i can't buy a car where if it dents, i can just take off a panel and put in new one ? << I have exactly this fucking thing. Also most incidents that would dent metal don't dent.
22:06 mircea_popescu https://www.hdevalence.ca/blog/2016-05-28-capitalism-and-arithmetic-and-casting-out-nines << item that convinces the wise curve25519 is utterly unsafe.
22:07 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> and then re-flatten old one - with hammer, on anvil. << Oh, there's the catch
22:12 * BingoBoingo probably ought to update section in his copy of L-Series Haynes manual on "special connectors" with up to date "special connectors.
~ 57 minutes ~
23:09 mod6 this mso1104Z-s is pretty sweet
23:24 shinohai You got it in already mog? o.O
23:24 shinohai * mod6
23:30 mod6 yuuup
23:30 mod6 ima have to dig in a bit tomorrow.
23:34 pete_dushenski http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1634474 << what you really want is http://cdn2.autoexpress.co.uk/sites/autoexpressuk/files/styles/gallery_adv/public/0/63/4_8_0_0_0.jpg?itok=9Yt1kgFK http://goautomedia.cdn.on.net/gallery/citroen/c4%20cactus/HIRES-Citroen%20Cactus%20003.jpg a citroen!
23:34 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 23:05 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: speaking of which, tell me, how come i can't buy a car where if it dents, i can just take off a panel and put in new one ?
23:34 pete_dushenski not for sale in north america but you probably already guessed that it's a shithole anyways
23:37 pete_dushenski http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1634483 << ubercheap lease rates are actually predicated on absurdly high residuals and so are resulting in cars that are losing only 40% after 3 years. this is a bigger problem in the states than, say, uk. but still an increasingly noticeable phenomenon for manufacturers and dealers to prop up new sales figures in the face of a secular decline in interest.
23:37 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 23:08 ben_vulpes: modern car loses 90% of value after 5 years and 100kmi, an industrial piece like a freightliner loses at most 70% after a decade and A MILLION MILES
23:42 pete_dushenski http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633653 << heh. exactly this. i thought these kids and their 'bitcoin embassy' died in 2013. apparently still around doing who knows the fuck what. having 'meetups' with increasingly aged and decrepit demographics no doubt.
23:42 a111 Logged on 2017-03-29 06:33 mircea_popescu: "we represent the whole world*!!!" * as understood by whatever 3rd echelon bureaucrat in the us dept of our democracy that "handles" "canada".
23:46 pete_dushenski in other sanities, having a business dispute ? don't look to the fiat bureacracy for help http://archive.is/AHtKB ("In Brooklyn’s Kosher Pizza War, Modern Tastes Battle Ancient Law")
23:52 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-30#1634606 << nonsense. i see 1) curved panels 2) not held on with external bolts
23:52 a111 Logged on 2017-03-30 03:34 pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1634474 << what you really want is http://cdn2.autoexpress.co.uk/sites/autoexpressuk/files/styles/gallery_adv/public/0/63/4_8_0_0_0.jpg?itok=9Yt1kgFK http://goautomedia.cdn.on.net/gallery/citroen/c4%20cactus/HIRES-Citroen%20Cactus%20003.jpg a citroen!
23:53 pete_dushenski but no dents, you see
23:53 asciilifeform i see places where you could dent it.
23:53 asciilifeform and it'll stay dented.
23:53 asciilifeform so snore.
23:54 asciilifeform the hypothetical subj would look something like a t34
23:54 pete_dushenski this is like seeing girl with freckly "see pete, not perfect!"
23:54 asciilifeform not a frufru shitmobile.
23:54 pete_dushenski freckle*
23:54 pete_dushenski so buy t34. metal. whatyouwant.
23:55 asciilifeform well, more btr than t
23:55 asciilifeform but you get the idea.
23:55 pete_dushenski oh but you want to afford it ? well, buy citroen
23:55 asciilifeform flat iron sheets.
23:55 pete_dushenski not for plebs like us, sorry. golden toilet budget only.
23:56 asciilifeform pete_dushenski: whole point would be to piss on the fashionista faggotry and get a cheap, practical, repairable (yes, they lied to you, CAN have all 3) machine.
23:57 pete_dushenski cheap ironmobile ? lolz
23:57 pete_dushenski this is planet3, yes ?
23:58 pete_dushenski there aren't enough alfs on this rock for cheap ironmobiles with 'all 3'
23:59 pete_dushenski some scale (and assembly) required
23:59 asciilifeform su cars -- were of iron.
23:59 asciilifeform just like old american ones.
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