Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2015-01-10 | 2015-01-12 →
00:03 asciilifeform << for the lazy, the scene described earlier
00:03 assbot Иди и смотри 2 серия - YouTube ... ( )
00:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22000 @ 0.00065213 = 14.3469 BTC [-]
~ 16 minutes ~
00:20 ben_vulpes hey mircea_popescu what's the going rate for a box of tampons in bsas? the "tampon shortage" is making the rounds on jezebe
00:20 ben_vulpes jezebel*
00:26 cazalla ben_vulpes: also hey qntra would you drop gravatar for the "here's my domain, please serve domain/avatar.png" icon model? <<< done
00:29 ben_vulpes speedy delivery eh
00:32 assbot bitcoin/serialize.h at master · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub ... ( )
00:32 assbot bitcoin/transaction.h at master · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub ... ( )
00:34 ben_vulpes iff
00:34 ben_vulpes berp nm
00:37 asciilifeform what is notable re: this particular bit of cpp cruft?
00:38 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes lol i dunno, 5 bux ?
00:38 mircea_popescu hanbot hey, what's tampons cost ? inquiring male minds wish to know
00:38 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: yeah turns out some source mindlessly subbed "dollars" for "pesos"
00:38 asciilifeform the unit cost of menstruettes is roughly same as cigarettes (afaik)
00:39 mircea_popescu heh.
00:39 mircea_popescu so what, ended up with 70 dollar tampons ?
00:39 ben_vulpes in the game of retarded telephone that is the us link reposting scam masquerading as 'nooz'
00:39 artifexd mircea_popescu: can you elaborate on "a pgp-signed document by the for key certifying the validity of the IPs public key with an expiration unixtimev in case the for field differs and a nickname"?
00:39 asciilifeform 70 dollar tampon << pure win
00:39 mircea_popescu artifexd i can. what specifically ?
00:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10150 @ 0.00064082 = 6.5043 BTC [-] {2}
00:39 artifexd I don't understand what you mean
00:40 artifexd All the words make sense but when you put them in that order...
00:40 asciilifeform artifexd: may help to read a certain thread:
00:40 asciilifeform !s ephemeral key
00:40 assbot 13 results for 'ephemeral key' :
00:40 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: consider it an otherwise unremarkable arrowhead from the dig
00:41 mircea_popescu let A connect to B. let A pass a message to B in the format "A for X, sup". B must find in the hello message through which A connected to it a document where X signs A's privkey,
00:41 ben_vulpes me i'm just fascinated that the savages can bang such arms together with basalt and obsidian
00:41 asciilifeform artifexd: generally, one ought not to connect one's wot private key to an automated, net-live apparatus. hence you sign another key with it, and use that.
00:41 mircea_popescu that document must include a unixtime indicating expiry.
00:41 artifexd What is the format of said document?
00:41 mircea_popescu your problme.
00:42 asciilifeform artifexd: the signature itself will almost certainly start life as a gpg output.
00:42 ben_vulpes artifexd: formal grammar!
00:42 ben_vulpes ignore me
00:42 mircea_popescu formally or merely, ben_vulpes ?
00:42 asciilifeform ben_vulpes is volunteering to write a backus-naur grammar ?
00:42 ben_vulpes 'twas an exhortation to make a bnf
00:42 artifexd I am currently using pointers to exported key files instead of trying to shoehorn keys into config files.
00:42 mircea_popescu baccus moar like it, amirite.
00:43 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu knows my format :P
00:43 mircea_popescu artifexd pointers, what kind ?
00:43 artifexd filename
00:43 mircea_popescu seems you're shoehorning the filesystem into it instead ?
00:43 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: no sir my hands are full with cpp backports
00:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21150 @ 0.00063831 = 13.5003 BTC [-] {2}
00:48 mircea_popescu o look, somebody ddosed qntra earlier ?
00:48 BingoBoingo How'd they do it this time?
00:49 mats fun fact: the python stdlib had an enigma implementation til 2.4
00:49 asciilifeform l0l!
00:50 asciilifeform goes great with 'telefunken' modem and other artifacts from alternate nazi universe
00:50 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo i dunno, but it's a bw depletion rather than the prev ram/cpu/state depletion. doesn't seem to have done anything.
00:51 mircea_popescu asciilifeform ynot van W inciudentally ?
00:51 BingoBoingo Maybe just a compulsive reloader? Perhaps some derp was serving one of our pages in their iframe?
00:52 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo unlikely, it peaked around 2gpbs or so
00:52 BingoBoingo Ah
00:53 asciilifeform van w ?
00:53 mircea_popescu whatever algol did. waasomething.
00:53 mircea_popescu van Wijngaarden, google informs us.
00:54 asciilifeform nah everybody knows nazi internet runs on konrad zuse's gizmo.
00:54 mircea_popescu i always liked the "fuck you, they're strings, and concatenation is the only operation" approach.
00:54 mircea_popescu so did knuth iirc.
00:54 asciilifeform see also SNOBOL.
00:55 asciilifeform (which i will always imagine as a 'snob cobol' no matter how many times told that 'snowball')
00:55 artifexd mircea_popescu: A << in the logs caused to get half eaten, so I reposted it without that line. Hence the double post.
00:55 assbot [Artifexd] A better ircd [RFC] pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( )
00:55 mircea_popescu well... it
00:55 mircea_popescu 's pearlier than perl...
00:56 mircea_popescu artifexd waitwut?
00:56 mircea_popescu ends in "mircea_popescu: sure". that seems right neh ?
00:57 artifexd meh
00:57 mircea_popescu oh nm i see what you mean
00:58 artifexd Tip to future copy/pasters: Don't include << in the text or everything after it will get routed to /dev/null
00:59 mircea_popescu yeah html hates < separators. but for some reason they seem the best way to convey the intent here
00:59 mircea_popescu this , incidentally, is why computer standards are such a royal bitch.
00:59 mircea_popescu "don't use <" "why not!" "fuck you!" "NO U!"
01:00 asciilifeform in-band signalling is inevitably lame.
01:00 asciilifeform recall jurov's turdatron.
01:01 mircea_popescu and multi band maintenance is inevitably a hassle.
01:01 asciilifeform not necessarily. a binary signed with pgp is example of out-of-band.
01:01 mircea_popescu and not a hassle ?
01:01 mircea_popescu "not for me" "fuck you!" "NO U!"
01:02 asciilifeform
01:02 assbot Logged on 29-10-2014 01:36:19; asciilifeform: because plain ascii is like naked people
01:02 assbot Logged on 29-10-2014 01:36:30; asciilifeform: everything feels free to manipulate the hanging bits
01:03 mircea_popescu ;;google nudism is the natural state
01:03 gribble Naturism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>; Natural state Synonyms, Natural state Antonyms | <>; Nudity - RationalWiki: <>
01:03 mircea_popescu o shit, rationalwiki is on it ?!
01:03 mircea_popescu hide the clitoral hoods, abscond the mounds, science is on the field!
01:05 asciilifeform the yudkowsky cult is like 'borg' from 'star trek', digest and regurgitate everything. eventually they will annotate #b-a and claim that all of the interesting ideas belong to selves
01:05 asciilifeform no one will notice except for thiel, who will sign another cheque
01:06 asciilifeform which mr. y will spend on six concubines fresh in their crates.
01:06 mircea_popescu by the way : pretty much every kitchen shop here has, along the pots and pans, kitchen aprons.
01:06 mircea_popescu and inevitably one must represent a naked hot woman.
01:06 mircea_popescu they';re so common i'm persuaded a good fraction of local women actually go about the house in those things.
01:07 asciilifeform 'talmudic' cheat, naked without naked
01:07 mircea_popescu << check it out, the little girl has a vulva even!
01:07 assbot ... ( )
01:07 asciilifeform l0l!
01:08 artifexd One more question: Any objection to adding a timestamp to the trust ratings in gossipd?
01:09 mircea_popescu See also "Cunt Fatwa Hypnotic breast enlargement"
01:09 mircea_popescu dude... this rational wiki thing is comedic!
01:09 BingoBoingo
01:09 assbot Chef Patrick O'Connell Questions Washingtonian's Ethics for Demoting the Inn at Little Washington | In the Magazine | Washingtonian ... ( )
01:12 mircea_popescu “All of us at The Inn at Little Washington have much to be grateful for as we enter the new year. The Inn remains the longest-tenured Forbes Five Star and AAA Five Diamond restaurant in America. We possess the highest Zagat rating (29, 29, 29) in the world. Once again, The Inn has received The Washington Post’s highest 4-star rating from restaurant reviewer Tom Sietsema. Most of us understand that, in today’s wor
01:12 mircea_popescu ld, as print media struggles for survival, creating controversy sells magazines whether it’s ethical or not.”
01:12 mircea_popescu aahaha
01:12 mircea_popescu "we're bigger than you, stfu"
01:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34300 @ 0.00062973 = 21.5997 BTC [-] {4}
01:13 asciilifeform what was the matter, somebody spread rumour that their shitter wasn't chemically-pure gold but engineering-grade ?
01:14 mircea_popescu i dunno, something about oversalted leberwurst.
01:16 asciilifeform highest 4-star rating from restaurant reviewer << are there whorehouse reviewers? if not, why not ?
01:16 mircea_popescu there are, yes.
01:18 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> i dunno, something about oversalted leberwurst. << Also the shift from a menu one can get full eating to some sort of "trendy" tasting menu based on appetizers.
01:18 mircea_popescu yeah you're probably right.
01:18 BingoBoingo Reviewer wants to get full on their per diem
01:19 mircea_popescu anyone saw "le grand restaurant" ? de funes, he orders... a radish.
01:19 BingoBoingo Restaurant wants to milk every seat for max profit.
01:20 * asciilifeform vaguely recalls an article, last year, re: a u.s. restaurant for moneyed fools that served lion, tiger, etc. - which went under supposedly on account of a review site claiming it was open on weekends when in fact not
01:21 mircea_popescu who'dwant to eat cat ?!
01:22 asciilifeform a) chinese b) idiots c) who even knows what species they actually cooked
01:23 mircea_popescu incidentally, anyone saw i vitelloni ?
01:23 mircea_popescu great fellini film, esp for closing scene.
01:23 * asciilifeform has wondered why carnivorous sea life is perfectly edible, while land animals, not so much
01:24 mircea_popescu what's your definition of carnivorous sea life /
01:25 asciilifeform fish eating fish
01:25 asciilifeform etc
01:25 mircea_popescu afaik no sea creature eats venison
01:25 mircea_popescu well...
01:25 asciilifeform lol
01:25 asciilifeform the standard hypothesis for 'why carnivores aren't good for the table' is bioaccumulation
01:25 mircea_popescu of plant poison
01:25 asciilifeform which is just as much of a fact in the sea as on land
01:25 mircea_popescu (really, all plants are pretty much poison standing)
01:25 asciilifeform aha
01:26 mircea_popescu no, it's not, because not same poisons.,
01:26 asciilifeform sea plant life less poisonous? that would do it
01:26 mircea_popescu not less. more, but differently.
01:27 * asciilifeform recalls pathologically extreme case of this, 'shellfish toxin'
01:27 mircea_popescu bioaccumulation (heavy metals, etc) is much more a concern for fish eating than otherwise.
01:27 mircea_popescu however, the meat doesn't TASTE bad.
01:27 mircea_popescu taste being, of course, an evolutionary mechanism.
01:27 asciilifeform lead, famously, supposedly tastes great.
01:30 mircea_popescu
01:30 assbot ... ( )
01:30 mircea_popescu HF is sickly sweet too.
01:31 asciilifeform mircea_popescu:
01:31 assbot Logged on 22-08-2014 02:36:18; asciilifeform: 'The smell of diborane is known to a few experimenters, but they cannot tell us what it is.'
01:32 mircea_popescu lol
01:33 mircea_popescu it's not THAT bad is it ?
01:36 asciilifeform pediwik claims 'sickly sweet smell'
01:36 asciilifeform wonder if 'sweet' is the default for own-meat-dissolving taste.
01:38 mircea_popescu hm, it is often reported... seems poisons are either bitter or sweet. rarely you hear "salty"
01:40 asciilifeform 'best' poison - colourless, tasteless
01:41 asciilifeform (has anyone, incidentally, described the taste of Po-84 ?)
01:41 BingoBoingo sweet is probably common in poisons because of the large class of poisons that are almost biologically useful...
01:43 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo might also be because of particular interference with gustative nerve arrangmenets - many are neurotoxins
01:44 BingoBoingo Of course, and many of those are almost sugars.
01:46 mircea_popescu yeah.
01:46 mircea_popescu diboron's almost ethanol huh :D
01:49 BingoBoingo Yeah. Also there any number of poisonous alcohols more similar to various sugars than ethanol.
01:49 mats
01:49 assbot 404 Not Found ... ( )
01:56 mircea_popescu "MP is such a pompous prick. I hope he chokes on his pansy lemonade flavored pop sickle stick."
01:56 mircea_popescu bwahaha
01:57 mircea_popescu isn't it fascinating how deeply i bothar these ppls ?
02:04 gabriel_laddel I've shown several people in Silly Con valley the rabits article. Fear flashes through their eyes and they hand the laptop back without reading it all the way through.
02:05 gabriel_laddel I think, all of the sudden they understand on some level that this era of prosperous morons is coming to a close.
02:07 mircea_popescu lol interesting.
02:07 mircea_popescu i guess at some point it'll come to pass that someone makes a tumblr, TFWT.
02:07 mircea_popescu Their Face When Trilema
02:08 mircea_popescu same principle, give laptop over but wiht camera on.
02:08 gabriel_laddel lol. twould be more entertaining than all of the bezzle 'media' output circa 2014
02:08 mircea_popescu i guess it'd depend for whom
02:09 mircea_popescu but i suspect it'd amuse me
~ 33 minutes ~
02:42 undata hehehe TFWT
02:43 undata due to the random article upon loading the homepage I am careful where I pull up trilema
02:43 undata could be tits
02:45 BingoBoingo Or Buttcoin, or fried chicken
02:47 mircea_popescu gabriel_laddel wait, wasn't the rabbit article in romanian ? what're they to read ?!
02:50 gabriel_laddel mircea_popescu: this is how I know they've not read it. I tell them it is Romanian and pull up google translate in another tab, show them the keybinding to switch tabs.
02:50 gabriel_laddel E.G., one fellow sees pictures - hands back.
02:52 gabriel_laddel some of the luzly ones read... re-read... re-read and eventually ask "Does he hate women or...?" (Not rabbits article)
02:52 gabriel_laddel people fucking flip over slaves licking up their own vomit.
02:54 BingoBoingo How else did Rome handle the vomit problem?
02:55 gabriel_laddel Har, remembering: Girl tells me she wants to crowdfund art. I link to She never responds.
02:57 gabriel_laddel Etherum guy tells me that he wants a "Holarchy" instead of an explicit hierarchy cause trilema articles are scary.
02:58 gabriel_laddel Me kicked out of place I'm staying - being called "the next hitler"
03:03 gabriel_laddel Me: "so what do you think of MPEX"? He: "What they do is illegal!! You can't take money from investors in the united states without explicit approval of USG!"
03:03 gabriel_laddel "but bitcoin isn't money yet?"
03:03 gabriel_laddel etc.
03:04 BingoBoingo Money isn't Bitcoin Yet
03:10 mircea_popescu lol
03:10 * mircea_popescu is starting to understand why people pay for credit
03:10 mircea_popescu s
03:11 mircea_popescu btw, the vomit thing actually happened. girl had to eat catfood, out of bowl, no hands. long hair, one hair ended up in there, she had to eat it, it made her puke, she had to eat that, which she did. one strange half hour.
03:12 BingoBoingo I honestly don't know what can scare Obama more than that.
03:13 mircea_popescu why obama specfically ?
03:14 mircea_popescu and what's holarchy lol
03:14 BingoBoingo That dedication to task which he can't get from his acolytpes
03:14 mircea_popescu ah. there's a fine reason to prefer women. if well trained... hard to match.
~ 22 minutes ~
03:37 gabriel_laddel does anyone have recommendations for books on Russia's "roaring nineties"?
03:40 BingoBoingo
03:40 assbot Teixobactin: A New Antibiotic From a New Platform?. In the Pipeline: ... ( )
03:44 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo wow.
03:45 BingoBoingo Who woulda thunk there's be worthwhile shit in stuff that doesn't culture as cheaply as possible?
03:46 mircea_popescu as the guy aptly points out, it's never been a better time to be a biochemist.
03:47 mircea_popescu i am telling you, wetware before any hard physics breakthrough.
03:49 BingoBoingo I mean the past century has mostly been about refining tools while methods for using tools atrophied. A lot of potential in just... pointing those tools somethere else in an informed way instead of doing the microscope hammer thing.
03:50 mircea_popescu mhm
03:52 mircea_popescu As an aside, if you're outside the field, you might wonder why it's worth working so hard to find natural products when we have so many synthetic organic chemists in the world cranking out new compounds. One big reason is the ridiculous, insane hugeness of chemical space: the number of possible compounds at or under the molecular weight of teixobactin defies description, and I mean that in a completely literal sense. T
03:52 mircea_popescu here are not enough resources on Earth, or in our entire solar system, to do enough organic synthesis to make any noticeable dent in that array. The idea of having compounds that bind to things like Lipid II is a good one, but they're going to have to be large compounds, and exploring that space is daunting.
03:52 mircea_popescu heh.
03:53 BingoBoingo It's basically like good number space for Keys.
03:54 BingoBoingo And why the distributed protein folding stuff is mostly a noisemaking lottery machine.
03:54 mircea_popescu looks like what, 1.2k - 1.3k molar mass ?
03:55 BingoBoingo 1242
03:55 mircea_popescu say about 1k carbons, each with 4 valences.
03:55 mircea_popescu wait srsly ?!
03:55 mircea_popescu ahahahaha! god i win so much.
03:56 BingoBoingo Yeah. Lighter than Vancomycin's 1449 as a further illustration of the sheer size of the space.
03:56 mircea_popescu ;;calc 4 ** 1000
03:56 gribble Error: The answer exceeded 1.79769313486e+308 or so.
03:56 mircea_popescu not bad.
03:58 mircea_popescu very quick and dirty "all carbons" evaluation, but still, as a general hint
03:59 BingoBoingo Right. Teixobactin prolly isn't going to get used much orally aside from GI tract stuff like c Diff... If it targets c Diff at all.
04:04 mircea_popescu i think the main point is, you won't be able to take a shit in the forest without hitting one of these chips soon enough
04:04 thestringpuller holy shit comatose is me
04:04 BingoBoingo Yeah
04:05 BingoBoingo Also hard to say when those chips are comming to toilets.
04:05 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo apparently c diff is particularly vuln
04:05 BingoBoingo Ah, didn't see that part.
04:05 mircea_popescu b anthracis also.
04:06 mircea_popescu check it out, anti-antrhax gel!
04:06 BingoBoingo Hopefully it holds together well in DMSO
04:07 mircea_popescu also tb and yes, mrsa.
04:07 mircea_popescu and pneumonia. they found gold, what.
04:09 BingoBoingo Pretty much just hooked one of those asteroids full of gold and smashed kansas with it.
04:10 BingoBoingo And yet farmed morel mushrooms are a pipe dream
04:13 ben_vulpes does anyone know what precisely the "private key" dumped by bitcoin is? is that the secret that can be used with EC_KEY_regenerate_key to regenerate a key?
04:13 mircea_popescu apparently very quick clearance tho
04:14 thestringpuller It's 0 C outside right now, but 28 c in b-a
04:14 thestringpuller i kinda hate you right now MP
04:15 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes for lulz :
04:15 assbot CKey::SetSecret BIGNUM leak · Issue #650 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub ... ( )
04:15 mircea_popescu thestringpuller i tell you, air conditioning blowing on one's ballsac post coitally is one of those refined pleasures of civilisation
04:15 mircea_popescu like hot baths.
04:15 ben_vulpes saw it, was too tired to even muster a chuckle
04:16 mircea_popescu but otherwise yes, it should be the priv key.
04:16 mircea_popescu you work it to get the pubkey and then the address.
04:18 mircea_popescu also instructive, fro mthe days before btctalk became tardstalk.
04:18 assbot ECDSA in python | ... ( )
04:18 ben_vulpes is there a distinction between "the priv key" vs the "secret" used to regenerate a key?
04:19 punkman ben_vulpes:
04:20 assbot bitcoin/key.h at v0.5.3 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub ... ( )
04:20 mircea_popescu he has it
04:21 ben_vulpes << thanks, punkman
04:21 assbot bitcoin/key.h at v0.5.3 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub ... ( )
04:22 ben_vulpes *sigh*
04:22 ben_vulpes how did i not see this until now
04:23 punkman this c++ is hard to read
04:25 punkman anyone looked into that cbitcoin thing?
04:25 assbot Logged on 12-02-2014 01:35:50; jurov: prolly i confused it with this:
04:25 thestringpuller punkman: that's Boost C++ for you. Dunno why Satoshi used it...
04:25 punkman oh even has a website
04:25 assbot An Open-Source Bitcoin Library in C ... ( )
04:26 thestringpuller it is much easier to read
04:29 mircea_popescu punkman ancient bitcoin-in-c thing i thought was abandoned cca 2012 ?
04:29 BingoBoingo
04:29 assbot The Pen Is Mightier Than the Sword, But This Ativan Tho | GomerBlog ... ( )
04:30 punkman mircea_popescu: seems recently updated
04:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27900 @ 0.00061546 = 17.1713 BTC [-] {5}
04:31 mircea_popescu from what i recasll the guy was strugling with memory leaks and other such joyspots.
04:31 mircea_popescu wasn't at any point ready, looking for help.
04:31 ben_vulpes !up Vexual
04:32 ben_vulpes << repost?
04:32 assbot The Cool Kids love Erlang - Gustav Simonsson, Henning Diedrich - Berlin Erlang Factory Lite on Vimeo ... ( )
04:32 Vexual really?
04:33 Vexual who?\
04:33 ben_vulpes couldn't be, it's only three weeks old
04:33 ben_vulpes and Vexual found it
04:46 BingoBoingo
04:46 assbot 'OpenNTPD 5.7p1 Released' - MARC ... ( )
04:47 Vexual yeah boii
04:47 Vexual also on oil...
04:48 Vexual ssay you're an opec produced making bank
04:49 BingoBoingo This Cook fellow finding OpenBSD is one of the best things to happen to linux in a decade.
04:55 Vexual your secondary business is the world economy, and theres no exceptions
04:56 Vexual sure as shit cheap oil aint about making exactly 11 texases fit into australia, so whats left over?
05:05 BingoBoingo !up Vexual
05:07 Vexual >prolly a repost
05:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11807 @ 0.00060584 = 7.1532 BTC [-] {2}
05:15 cazalla 180 coins.. gone, kept his passwords etc in gmail by looks of it
05:15 assbot 180 Coins Stolen From my wallet 1GpUcrJ1Zo6ZJWgw7HQT7nADijY5a3dcCh ... ( )
05:15 Vexual same old shit caz
05:16 Vexual he prolly used his email password on the latest scam fucker website
05:16 cazalla yeah but think of all the machines they trojan only to find like 0.1 btc
05:16 cazalla what a pay day for this guy
05:18 Vexual as rime goes by, stealing bitcoin will feel like a really bad idea
05:21 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23850 @ 0.00061247 = 14.6074 BTC [+]
05:24 Vexual you really dont know what judiciary you might be dealing with
05:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8856 @ 0.00061247 = 5.424 BTC [+]
05:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9300 @ 0.00059909 = 5.5715 BTC [-] {3}
~ 22 minutes ~
05:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19493 @ 0.00063577 = 12.3931 BTC [+] {2}
06:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12207 @ 0.0006423 = 7.8406 BTC [+]
06:19 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8856 @ 0.00064668 = 5.727 BTC [+]
~ 57 minutes ~
07:17 mats
07:17 assbot Travis Goodspeed's Blog: Hillbilly Tracking of Low Earth Orbit Satellites ... ( )
~ 30 minutes ~
07:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14100 @ 0.0006509 = 9.1777 BTC [+]
08:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15337 @ 0.00064668 = 9.9181 BTC [-]
08:03 mats
08:03 assbot DEF CON 22 - Shahar Tal - I Hunt TR-069 Admins: Pwning ISPs Like a Boss - YouTube ... ( )
08:17 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9900 @ 0.00062671 = 6.2044 BTC [-]
~ 18 minutes ~
08:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9800 @ 0.00061925 = 6.0687 BTC [-]
~ 32 minutes ~
09:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19596 @ 0.00062162 = 12.1813 BTC [+] {2}
09:08 fluffypony lol
09:08 fluffypony
09:08 assbot Andreas Antonopoulos is shoadow-banned! : Bitcoin ... ( )
09:11 BigBitz He's an idiot.
09:12 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5787 @ 0.0006127 = 3.5457 BTC [-]
09:24 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2528 @ 0.0008899 = 2.2497 BTC [+]
09:32 midnightmagic what is a shadowban?
09:37 assbot Anduck +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
09:50 mats comments are visible to just the poster
10:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24000 @ 0.00060485 = 14.5164 BTC [-] {4}
10:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25683 @ 0.00064222 = 16.4941 BTC [+]
~ 32 minutes ~
10:41 decimation << re: Teixobactin
10:41 assbot New Antibiotic from Soil Bacteria | The Scientist Magazine® ... ( )
10:45 decimation “The bacteriology community needs to get away from culturing bacteria on agar plates, because this will not lead to new antibiotics.”
10:46 decimation it seems to me biology has regressed while becoming infatuated with computing
10:46 kakobrekla
10:46 assbot Analysis: Bitstamp Hacker Almost Stole Additional $1.75 Million ... ( )
10:46 kakobrekla lol
10:46 kakobrekla i missed that
10:50 decimation asciilifeform: re: jaron lanier << his "open source is stealing the future" idea seems rather silly
10:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3129 @ 0.00064967 = 2.0328 BTC [+]
10:58 BigBitz did Bitstamp confirm the attack vector?
11:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17200 @ 0.00064967 = 11.1743 BTC [+]
11:17 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6717 @ 0.00063549 = 4.2686 BTC [-] {2}
~ 24 minutes ~
11:42 punkman
11:42 assbot romanz/amodem · GitHub ... ( )
11:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34850 @ 0.00060123 = 20.9529 BTC [-] {2}
11:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16020 @ 0.00061732 = 9.8895 BTC [+]
11:59 mircea_popescu cazalla that thread's a fine example of why bitcoin "needs to be more accessible". so that more people who have no business running a computer can tell their friends about how bad bitcoin is.
12:00 mircea_popescu "Imagine if we poured 1.7 trillion dollars a year into ending aging instead of satiating Tea Party fucks need to bomb brown people?" and stuff.
12:00 mircea_popescu pretty good.
12:03 mircea_popescu << ha cool shit!
12:03 assbot Travis Goodspeed's Blog: Hillbilly Tracking of Low Earth Orbit Satellites ... ( )
12:05 decimation that amodem project is interesting
12:06 punkman decimation, there's also an electrum plugin for it
12:06 decimation in theory it could be used on shortwave, if you had the hardware for it
12:06 decimation 32 kHz seems excessively wide though
12:08 punkman probably need to go lower if not using cable
12:09 mircea_popescu midnightmagic: what is a shadowban? << graham came up with this brilliant "let's ban users but not tell them" on the theory that users are idiots and won't notice anyway.
12:09 mircea_popescu unsurprisingly, this never worked before reddit, but it works splendidly there.
12:09 punkman decimation: see also
12:09 assbot kamalmostafa/minimodem · GitHub ... ( )
12:09 mircea_popescu probably has to do with how, to quote altman, "It’s interesting to note that during my very brief tenure, reddit added more users than Hacker News has in total."
12:12 fluffypony it's so that the spammers don't realise they're banned
12:13 mircea_popescu because nobody has a watcher ip ?
12:13 decimation minimodem is a much more robust waveform, but would transfer more slowly
12:14 decimation it ought to work over crap audio channels though
12:15 mircea_popescu decimation i don't like it, because : as a way to transfer data between the two computers where there's a cable, it's stupid. even serial protocol is better, but we have tcp etc. as an airgapped solution is stupid, because sound.
12:15 mircea_popescu the correct airgap solution is optics.
12:16 mircea_popescu anyway, i imagine it's just some "play around with computor" thing, not seriously proposed as a solution to anything
12:16 decimation agreed.
12:16 decimation although I would point out that you could use this without cables, but through an air interface
12:16 kakobrekla qr guns are too limited.
12:17 mircea_popescu sound is too easy to overhear.
12:17 * kakobrekla not for sound.
12:17 mircea_popescu qr guns easier to shield ; you can use an optoelement w/e it's called, if you wish.
12:17 decimation the 'adult' solution is a one-way fiber link
12:18 mircea_popescu hack them out of optic mice or w/e.
12:20 mircea_popescu unrelatedly, /me is still reeling over a shocking ad hoc test where he discovered that a widespread inability to distinguish internet and web does not apparent;y prevent young'uns from commenting on...
12:20 mircea_popescu well it's not clear what, "either" is improper. "commenting on nothing while misrepresenting themselves as talking about one or the other."
12:20 * kakobrekla has a serial cable with a buffer with visual confirmation of the data and it does not need to be plugged to both computers at same time
12:21 decimation mircea_popescu: what was your 'ad hoc test'?
12:21 mircea_popescu i call it the moruzov discovery. check it out yourself, see what % of authors using both terms in the same text display an awareness of their meaning.
12:21 mircea_popescu decimation asked a buncha "hackers"
12:21 mircea_popescu pop quiz lol.
12:22 decimation are we chatting on the web now?
12:22 mircea_popescu such q's, right.
12:24 decimation kakobrekla: yeah, serial works too, and one can clip out the return path if desired
12:24 decimation plus lots of cheap gear exists to inspect serial connections
12:24 mircea_popescu "would the web go away if there were no links between websites ?" "no because they'd still be on the internet" prolly the best one.
12:25 mircea_popescu words are apparently brands, which is to say names. they don't need to mean anything anymore than popescu needs to mean something. (which it does, but who cares)
12:26 kakobrekla decimation i have put a mcu + lcd screen + sd card mid cable. and some buttons. probably doesnt need an explanation.
12:26 mircea_popescu kakobrekla but if you could be bothered to make a blogpost like the guy's with the dish...
12:27 kakobrekla yeah too bad i dont have a blog.
12:27 decimation there's a guy who is much more advanced in messing around with satellites:
12:27 assbot USA-Satcom | Monitoring worldwide communications on HF through Microwaves… ... ( )
12:27 decimation he wrote his own software to decode Imarsat streams
12:27 mircea_popescu yeah.
12:27 mircea_popescu is that legal ?
12:28 decimation more or less. in the us, it is generally safe to listen to anything that isn't encrypted
12:29 decimation even if you decrypt it, it might not be illegal as long as you don't disclose it
12:30 mircea_popescu i recall that's how it was for a while
12:30 mircea_popescu imagined it prolly changed.
12:30 mircea_popescu (used to be it was legal even if encrypted, if you disclose to the media)
12:31 decimation << usg provides a useful 'help' page
12:31 assbot Interception and Divulgence of Radio Communications | ... ( )
12:34 mircea_popescu decimation so i can't find a stealing the future reference re one jaron lanier. any link or anything ?
12:35 decimation yeah I think it was from a podcast. let me dig
12:36 decimation
12:36 assbot Jaron Lanier: We’re Being Enslaved by Free Information - IEEE Spectrum ... ( )
12:36 mircea_popescu lol divulgence, like indulgence. regular english flexion! who knew!
12:36 mircea_popescu aty
12:38 mircea_popescu "Jaron Lanier is one of the world’s great polymaths. He’s a computer scientist, composer, visual artist, and the author of a new book, Who Owns the Future?, published last month "
12:38 mircea_popescu perhaps they dunno what polymath means ?
12:41 mircea_popescu decimation ok this discussion is too retarded to read, i threw up a bunch of warnings but a critical error at "So in terms of networks, what happens is, if you have people all competing for their place to be sorted by a single central hub, then you get a power law."
12:42 decimation lol yeah
12:42 mircea_popescu this is exactly incorrect. power laws only result when the group is decentralizedly sorting the group. only then.
12:42 mircea_popescu which is why the internet is when we firs saw them.
12:42 mircea_popescu regardless of this, i do agree with the original statement that the particular way in which intellectual property is handled today makes the world richer rather than poorer.
12:42 decimation his basic point is: if we have free wikipedias, who is going to pay people like me to 'be creative'?
12:43 mircea_popescu specifically because by buying and selling stuff like watsapp or instagram or whatever as if they were representative of something they're merely SYMBOLIC of (their user's aggregated intellectual work) we're in essence going about carring handles of suitcases
12:43 mircea_popescu and stories of how great our various wardrobes are
12:43 mircea_popescu all nude.
12:43 mircea_popescu decimation it's not as bad an argument as it seems.
12:44 decimation yeah, it kinda connects with your rms discussion over the last days
12:44 mircea_popescu it's not necessarily or striclty a matter of "pay" as in, the obvious direct "gimme 20 bux i need for mcdonalds".
12:44 decimation by they way there's a typo in your RMS article: there is an "RSM"
12:44 mircea_popescu payment and generally managing capital flux is first and foremost a matter of direction.
12:45 mircea_popescu suppose nobody bothers to manage (ie, even TELL kids when they're saying something smart or stupid) because everyone that could be that is too busy attenting the teacher's unions meetings where they discuss which class is more valuable.
12:45 mircea_popescu well... no class will be fucking valuable like that!
12:45 mircea_popescu why is reddit so fucking stupid ? "because it has stupid people in it" no. not because of that, stupid people are universally present and as inert as dirt.
12:46 mircea_popescu it's because the smart people that should be scoring them left their spots in the local hierarchy, because "better things to do" and now a retard like altman is left herding them around, as best he can.
12:46 mircea_popescu it's as if every teacher in the hs left to go attend pravda readings, and the children are now stuck with the cleanning ladies.
12:46 mircea_popescu how is this not making everyone poorer ?
12:47 mircea_popescu decimation fixed typo ty
12:48 mircea_popescu " i do agree with the original statement that the particular way in which intellectual property is handled today makes the world richer rather than poorer." << meant it exactly backwards. poorer rather than richer.
12:49 decimation so in summary, wikipedia is the result of a bunch of smart people without direction?
12:49 mircea_popescu no. it's the result of a bunch of stupid people without any sort of feedback or signal.
12:50 mircea_popescu "everyone can edit it", because "nobody is here to manage it" sounds great only on the surface. but in essence, what it means is that "nobody intelligent agrees this is worth doing"
12:50 decimation actually, they only get 'positive' feedback in the sense that they have now edited X+1 articles
12:50 mircea_popescu so they have to backport hierarchy into it under the cover of darkness, so to speak
12:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1457 @ 0.00086046 = 1.2537 BTC [-] {24}
12:50 mircea_popescu decimation but that's not feedback. how is it feedback ?
12:51 mircea_popescu then they have the problem that "google has so much money, we don't!" well... of course ?
12:51 mircea_popescu "well if you all made the same decision you'll be poor too and there wouldn't be a difference to make us sad"
12:51 mircea_popescu "sure. fuck you."
12:52 decimation what do you call feedback if it is disconnected from the circuit?
12:52 mircea_popescu that's pretty much the wikipedia-side of the web2.0 utopia (and it has nothingm to do with o'reilly.)
12:52 mircea_popescu decimation quite.
12:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2138 @ 0.00085012 = 1.8176 BTC [-] {3}
12:54 mircea_popescu having someone to say "hey, this is great" "omfg that's fucking stupid" is the very essence of economy. you can disagree with them, or pick a different one, or create special methods for their working or measuring or announcing or whatever, it's endless. but if you remove it altogether, creating essentially a flat surface instead of a 3d shape, you WILL be poorer.
12:54 mircea_popescu unavoidable. you literally chose to be poor, that's strictly it.
12:57 mircea_popescu contrairiwise, the first step towards not being quite so poor is "giving people control of the fruits of their own work", aka not taxing them 100% (what is social media but an experimental regime of 100% tax ?)
12:57 mircea_popescu once that happens, people naturally start to control the work, and hierarchy forms, and value springs from it, and prosperity is everywhere.
12:58 decimation there is some 'backdoor' literature that demonstrates this point in the us
12:58 mircea_popescu but an imaginary "social media platform" where value is UGS but all work is somehow, magically owned by the name, which is being bought and sold as *the thing it stands for*... well ?
12:58 mircea_popescu the only possible way that goes is myspace.
12:59 mircea_popescu people of course like to pretend mysapce is a circumstance rather than a fundamental.
12:59 decimation
12:59 assbot Bowling Alone ... ( )
12:59 mircea_popescu amusingly, this "thing as its name" approach is very much empowered by legal abstractions such the corporation,
12:59 mircea_popescu however, the mechanisms that ensured value actually moves with the name there aren't present here.
13:00 mircea_popescu suitcase handles, i tell you.
13:04 decimation Charles Murray writes on this topic too:
13:04 assbot America isn’t polarized about politics but responsibility ... ( )
13:04 decimation "So that’s my working hypothesis: it’s not merely that politics is an epiphenomenon and that deeper personal qualities account for what we call political polarization, but that one specific dimension—our respective attitudes toward personal responsibility—accounts for a huge proportion of the polarization all by itself."
13:04 mircea_popescu that i can see.
13:04 mircea_popescu fundamentally, some people wish to be told WHAT they did is right and WHAT is wrong. and perhaps why. perhaps. half the time maybe they care.
13:05 mircea_popescu some people enjoy trying to puzzle this out. WHETHER it is one or the other.
13:05 mircea_popescu these are very different sorts, and the classical representation of man holds him to be equally both.
13:05 thestringpuller it's fucking 4 c here while mircea_popescu gets to chill in 32 c
13:05 mircea_popescu that's what the "voter" is supposed to be. but ... he isn't.
13:05 thestringpuller i need to burn more shit
13:06 mircea_popescu decimation the much decried "penitentiary industrial system" doesn't exist because evil white aliens from alpha centauri opress the world into doing it.
13:06 mircea_popescu it exists naturally, because it provides for a need, and it is an actual social solution to a social problem.
13:07 mircea_popescu not the best ? perhaps. but a nude statement of unbestness is as useful as an aeroplane made out of air.
13:07 mircea_popescu gotta have better.
13:07 decimation indeed. it's a retarded version of classical slavery really
13:07 mircea_popescu it is.
13:07 mircea_popescu "oh, lincoln ended slavery"
13:07 mircea_popescu no lol, he didn't. you can't "end" things that exist.
13:07 mircea_popescu they'll end, when they run out.
13:08 mircea_popescu "the civil war was an important fashion battle in the manner of shackles to be used"
13:09 decimation yes, the religious fanatics went to war to make the government-stamped shackles the fashion
13:10 mircea_popescu because "centralize all the things" was the fashionable motto at the time of the manifest destiny and so on.
13:10 mircea_popescu now obviously the opposite is the fashionable motto.
13:10 mircea_popescu thestringpuller my daiquiri salutes you.
13:11 decimation it is too bad the french were to fucktarded to keep their lands in north america. it would be interesting to know the history of the Bourbon West
13:11 mircea_popescu but essentially... they didn't care.
13:12 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1728 @ 0.00083501 = 1.4429 BTC [-] {6}
13:12 mircea_popescu it's by and large easier to not give a shit. that's why all divorces succeed, and all independence movements succeed, and why imperialism and colonialism and so on are all doomed.
13:12 mircea_popescu because it is in all times and places cheaper to NOT carry other people's actions in your mind than to do so.
13:12 decimation yeah that's a good point
13:13 mircea_popescu this is why it's cheaper to "publish" if you're twitter than if you're the [classical] new york times, and why the current nyt is twitter in another color scheme.
13:13 mircea_popescu it's... damned... cheaper.
13:13 mircea_popescu obviously that means it's not better, because that's how it gets to be cheaper.
13:13 thestringpuller d00d, just read updates on this thread
13:13 thestringpuller how did hanbot not have an anurism?!?
13:13 mircea_popescu "but people have a voice". orly ? turns out people don't want a voice, especially not in a fucking void. they really want signal and feedback more than they want voice.
13:13 thestringpuller 2-3 years of this?
13:14 mircea_popescu thestringpuller ask her lol. i dunno.
13:14 mircea_popescu women are resilient ? boobage amortises ?
13:14 thestringpuller ;;later tell hanbot how did you not have a stroke while in the trenches of super retardism?
13:14 gribble The operation succeeded.
13:14 decimation perhaps that's another good replacement phrase for "chronic kinglessness": "the people want for feedback"
13:15 mircea_popescu "so they want signal and feedback that's ok, we'll add some buttons and call them feedback" herp.
13:15 thestringpuller "We want free things. Make it all free! We don't want to pay for nice things! We are entitled to the world cause our parents told us so!"
13:15 mircea_popescu "Some people have to have a world of evidence before they can come anywhere in the neighborhood of believing anything; but for me, when a man tells me that he has "seen the engravings which are upon the plates," and not only that, but an angel was there at the time, and saw him see them, and probably took his receipt for it, I am very far on the road to conviction, no matter whether I ever heard of that man before or n
13:15 mircea_popescu ot, and even if I do not know the name of the angel, or his nationality either."
13:16 mircea_popescu clemens, centuries ago. "i don't care what people say that i don't know". duh.
13:17 mircea_popescu reddit has to shadowban users because spam. bitcoin-assets does not. because wot works and "Feedback" doesn't ? awww, who knew.
13:17 decimation who could have predicted?
13:18 mircea_popescu experiment can be carried out in absolutely any class. start marking the papers accurately.
13:18 mircea_popescu out of 30 kids, 27 will fucking riot, 3 will buckle down and do fucking homework. that they don't strictly have to do.
13:18 mircea_popescu don't do that, all 30 kids are undistinguishable. up until, of course, they run against feynman's nature, that which can't be fooled.
13:18 mircea_popescu at which point, suddenly, yes. "who could have predicted".
13:19 mircea_popescu (accurately, of course, means nothing objective. accurately in this context strictly means "so nobody gets a full A half the time". because you're looking for flaws, not to prop self esteem.)
13:21 thestringpuller well reddit wants more users without having to pay for anything
13:21 thestringpuller if user makes too many post too soon, they lose money
13:21 thestringpuller wihtout them the users*
13:21 mircea_popescu they lose jack. i suspect it's merely a fetish.
13:22 thestringpuller perhaps. reddit does have a ridiculously hard time paying the bills with their own money.
13:22 thestringpuller they need big brothers and parents to help pay their way.
13:22 mircea_popescu wonder why. lol.
13:22 thestringpuller this is why I think the ycombinator "seed funding" thing is a bit non-sensical.
13:23 mircea_popescu why ?
13:23 thestringpuller it gets this young people thinking "Yo, if I have a good idea people will pay for me to live, even if it makes no money"
13:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23500 @ 0.00059946 = 14.0873 BTC [-] {2}
13:23 mircea_popescu how's it a good idea then ?
13:23 thestringpuller "good idea"
13:23 thestringpuller lets say "good idea that's really bad idea, but is dressed up to look like good idea somehow and fools people"
13:23 thestringpuller :P
13:24 mircea_popescu a good idea that makes no money is a bit like a norwegian blue that's pining for the fjords. beautiful plumage...
13:26 thestringpuller it's just mind boggling these children in suits feel so entitled.
13:28 thestringpuller maybe it's how hanbot put it, its "Due to a horrible accident involving, perhaps, various radioactive equipment including a twinkie"
13:28 mircea_popescu suits comingback in fashion ?
13:28 mircea_popescu i thought it was all tshirts and how do you call those african footwear things ?
13:28 thestringpuller crocs?
13:28 thestringpuller LOL
13:28 mircea_popescu flip flops
13:29 thestringpuller ;;google homeless entrepreneurs san francisco
13:29 gribble Maker Movement Rescues San Francisco Tech Entrepreneur: <>; Homeless In San Francisco Get Marketing Makeover, Clever Signs ...: < (1 more message)
13:29 thestringpuller i read a story somewhere that there is a whole slew of entrepreneurs in SF that are homeless
13:29 thestringpuller running their business out of their cars and stuff
13:32 midnightmagic lol @ shadowban
13:33 mircea_popescu thestringpuller i wonder if there's many whores working out of their car in sf.
13:34 thestringpuller whores do real work, so I'm pretty sure they have housing
13:37 mircea_popescu it's quite common in yurp actually.
13:37 mircea_popescu girl and her wv beetle or w/e.
13:45 asciilifeform kakobrekla's serial buffer shuttle << good project. and he said enough such that anyone who wants, can build!
13:47 mircea_popescu
13:47 assbot Silent Farewell - BIZARRE Sketch with John Byner - YouTube ... ( )
13:52 thestringpuller lol jon matonis randomly followed me on twitter
13:52 thestringpuller dunno if I'm a target now...
13:52 danielpbarron me too
13:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 72100 @ 0.00059655 = 43.0113 BTC [-] {2}
13:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 72100 @ 0.00059655 = 43.0113 BTC [-] {2}
13:58 mircea_popescu "i have to tell you miss lopez, you seem to have caught the egyptian flu."
13:58 mircea_popescu "what ?!"
13:58 mircea_popescu "you're going to be a mommy."
13:59 thestringpuller danielpbarron: "keep your enemies closer?" lol
14:00 danielpbarron he also followed davout, cazalla, saifedean, BingoBoingo
14:02 thestringpuller oh boi. the lines are being drawn.
14:02 thestringpuller my first gig as a war profiteer!
14:03 thestringpuller i wonder if he'll make some kind of contact, "Yo guise, stop stirring up the pot. You're making our hijacking job too hard."
14:06 mircea_popescu kinda lulzy he wasn't following none of these b4 ?
14:06 mircea_popescu derp.
14:17 danielpbarron
14:17 assbot I’ve now been unbanned from reddit. The drama is over.
14:18 danielpbarron .@aantonop Being banned by Reddit is almost as worse as @rogerkver not being allowed in the US
14:19 mircea_popescu "Good permission-less distribution of coins is not possible without some inflation, that's exactly what's happening. Only private and semi-private systems have all shares distributed to stakeholders in one go, money don't work that way, sorry."
14:19 mircea_popescu derp.
14:19 mircea_popescu people with no money expressing views asa to how money works. because clearly... they;'d know.
14:20 mircea_popescu danielpbarron almost as worse ? wtf is wrong with these college grads!
14:21 thestringpuller it's like a secretary telling me I need a heart transplant because he saw it on TV
14:21 thestringpuller guess we still haven't left the ages of people wanting to play bitcoin banker
14:24 thestringpuller d00d this shadowban drama is nuts
14:24 thestringpuller people are like "Yo he broke the rules but didn't know. Don't punish him too hard, just give him a warning."
14:24 mircea_popescu danielpbarron "This whole hard fork drama is part of the bigger brain-damaged notion that Bitcoin isn't about money." << you actuyally have an excellent point here.
14:24 thestringpuller What the fuck happened to ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it.
14:25 mircea_popescu the way "embrace, extend and extinguish" is dressed up in foundation/power ranger internal communication is, "to maximize bitcoin the ideal approach is to not define bitcoin any particular way". this neatly matches their refusal to specify the protocol, and its direct implication is
14:26 mircea_popescu that should tomorrow tide agree to rebrand its detergent as "bitcoin", then it will be okay if there's n omore bitcoin. because bitcoin has no identity but is merely a name, and since the empty name is "more widely used" the project is nominally "more successful"
14:26 mircea_popescu this directly dovetails into the "going around naked holding just the handles of missing suitcases, telling each other stories about wonderous wardrobes" point discussed earlier.
14:27 mircea_popescu and as to the question of "how was gavin turned", the answer is obvious : cultural immersion. he happens to be part of the problem, much like if you put ximenez in charge of the supreme court you'll get burnings at the stake out of the legal process irrespective what the laws say.
14:29 thestringpuller what is the other side of the problem?
14:29 thestringpuller its like the CIA turning jihadist into CIA assets.
14:30 thestringpuller his early posts are relatively sane
14:36 mircea_popescu Confirmed total: 21122 BTC sheeit it crossed 20kdidn't evne notice.
14:36 mircea_popescu ;;calc 21122 / 13347
14:36 gribble 1.58252790889
14:36 mircea_popescu still over 1btc o.o
~ 35 minutes ~
15:12 mircea_popescu
15:12 assbot Hong Kong Sex Workers Forced to Pay for Good Reviews Online · Global Voices ... ( )
15:13 mircea_popescu heh. airbnb is good, and the cab thing is good, but this is bad. the difference ?
15:13 mircea_popescu well... silicon valley got ED.
15:13 mircea_popescu someone should 'revolutionize' whoredom.
15:14 ben_vulpes disrupt the whore-er-archy!
15:16 * mircea_popescu never thought much of the average pimp
15:16 mircea_popescu there's something about that market that always selects for ineptitude
15:17 mircea_popescu maybe because a pimp's essentially an actor playing the cuckold role, i dunno.
15:24 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 5200 @ 0.00083509 = 4.3425 BTC [-] {9}
15:25 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 5198 @ 0.00083509 = 4.3408 BTC [-] {8}
15:25 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 5164 @ 0.00083504 = 4.3121 BTC [-] {7}
15:25 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 4927 @ 0.000835 = 4.114 BTC [-]
15:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13549 @ 0.00062311 = 8.4425 BTC [+]
15:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13549 @ 0.00062311 = 8.4425 BTC [+]
15:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13549 @ 0.00062311 = 8.4425 BTC [+]
15:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13549 @ 0.00062311 = 8.4425 BTC [+]
15:34 jurov mircea_popescu: when the fork hits the fan, will you allow us to withdraw our part of gavincoins from mpex?
15:35 jurov or you plan to sell them all yourself?
15:43 danielpbarron no private key, no coin :p
15:46 kakobrekla ;
15:46 assbot Btw, we are actually working on a charger that automatically moves out from the wall & connects like a solid metal snake. For realz.
15:46 assbot Logged on 16-02-2014 00:31:00; asciilifeform: 2 yrs. ago i figured out how to flex a fairly ordinary multi-conductor cable in an arbitrary spot, at an arbitrary angle, purely electrically.
15:58 thestringpuller << dunno if semantics or what?
15:58 thestringpuller cazalla: i'll submit revision to article if we can vet what he's saying.
15:59 cazalla thestringpuller, sure, just need to get a few cuppas into me, look at all this drama i've woken up to because of you!
16:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9924 @ 0.00059619 = 5.9166 BTC [-] {2}
16:00 cazalla just approved a couple of comments on your article as well
16:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24609 @ 0.00059181 = 14.5639 BTC [-] {5}
16:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24609 @ 0.00059181 = 14.5639 BTC [-] {5}
16:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24609 @ 0.00059181 = 14.5639 BTC [-] {5}
16:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14685 @ 0.00058887 = 8.6476 BTC [-] {3}
16:02 thestringpuller Ah. Didn't know everyone was gonna go Xbox live on each other - "I FUCKED YOUR MOM" and shit.
16:02 thestringpuller ;;ident
16:02 gribble Nick 'thestringpuller', with hostmask 'thestringpuller!~leflor@unaffiliated/thestringpuller', is not identified.
16:03 thestringpuller ;;ident
16:03 gribble Nick 'thestringpuller', with hostmask 'thestringpuller!~leflor@unaffiliated/thestringpuller', is identified as user 'thestringpuller', with GPG key id 0FF2943DA179E169, key fingerprint 6ACE36E786F39A4ADC4506DE0FF2943DA179E169, and bitcoin address None
16:03 thestringpuller cazalla: this is my proposed edit (place at bottom of article)
16:04 cazalla thestringpuller, email it or pm
16:04 thestringpuller kay
16:04 danielpbarron ;;rate railzand 1
16:04 assbot, Gavin, do you really want to lose little people their coins? Or could you just let it drop?
16:04 gribble Error: For identification purposes, you must be authenticated to use the rating system.
16:04 * danielpbarron stabs gribble
16:04 adlai << grammar pls
16:04 assbot Logged on 11-01-2015 19:18:11; danielpbarron: .@aantonop Being banned by Reddit is almost as worse as @rogerkver not being allowed in the US
16:10 adlai so being a little anal retentive here... is really just asking "does switch to gigacoin"
16:10 assbot BitBet - Bitcoin main net block size to increase in 2015 :: 0.03 B (3%) on Yes, 1.07 B (97%) on No | closing in 10 months 1 week| weight: 97`257 (100`000 to 1) ... ( )
16:12 adlai a better phrasing might talk about the block size of the highest difficulty chain at the resolution date
16:13 kakobrekla i agree.
16:16 * adlai can see himself holding opposite sides of such bets, depending on the exact timing of shenanigans
16:17 adlai oh, this wording also leaves unspecified what happens if bc.i serve up both chains
16:17 * adlai goes back to studying lojban
16:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4186 @ 0.00062311 = 2.6083 BTC [+]
16:19 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4186 @ 0.00062311 = 2.6083 BTC [+]
16:19 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4186 @ 0.00062311 = 2.6083 BTC [+]
16:19 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4186 @ 0.00062311 = 2.6083 BTC [+]
16:24 decimation adlai: are you going to try to speak lojban?
16:24 adlai ie
16:26 decimation heh
16:27 danielpbarron Advertised sites are not endorsed by the Bitcoin Forum. They may be unsafe, untrustworthy, or illegal in your jurisdiction. Advertise here.
16:35 jurov adlai actually if bc.i serves both then it will be YES
16:37 jurov "is the gigablock visible on bc.i?" "yes but.." "not but"
16:37 jurov *"no but"
16:37 kakobrekla no but only butt.
16:40 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5950 @ 0.00062342 = 3.7093 BTC [+] {2}
16:40 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5950 @ 0.00062342 = 3.7093 BTC [+] {2}
16:40 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5950 @ 0.00062342 = 3.7093 BTC [+] {2}
16:40 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5950 @ 0.00062342 = 3.7093 BTC [+] {2}
16:44 adlai there are butts, this is not how the bet is worded... but this is the pot calling the kettle empty
16:48 jurov and how else it is worded? do say
16:57 mircea_popescu jurov i wasn't planning anything on that line
16:57 mircea_popescu thestringpuller if you mean todd's comment, he is correct.
16:57 mircea_popescu there never was a hard fork before. the march event was an observed fork which was resolved by abandoning the new chain.
16:58 jurov would be quite a perk for mpex users... "liquidate" positions according to last month report and allow to withdraw all the gigacoin
16:59 jurov but i see, it can't be predicted in advance
16:59 mircea_popescu i was thinking more along the lines of a publicly accessible splitter service
16:59 mircea_popescu pay some pool to provide it
16:59 mircea_popescu "I agree a big discussion is necessary before changes are made, but we shouldn't act like a hard fork is somehow inherently an issue."
16:59 mircea_popescu derp.
16:59 mircea_popescu gavin does NOT have the authority to create a hard fork.
17:00 mircea_popescu a hard fork that's not been ok'd by the bitcoin foundation (the real one, not vessenes' scam) is automatically an issue fort the obvious reason :
17:00 mircea_popescu it's an attempt of unrelated third parties to run away with bitcoin.
17:00 mircea_popescu "If the community can't hardfork today we could stop using bitcoin now and look for the better suited alt coin. If bitcoin can't fork-update it has no value."
17:01 mircea_popescu yeah, get lost. obviously bitcoin HAS NO VALUE TO YOU,
17:01 mircea_popescu but that;'s because you were expecting to defraud the faith others put in bitcoin by inflating it.
17:01 mircea_popescu bitcoin does not do that, specifically, and so yeah, pack it and get lost.
17:01 mircea_popescu "we" my fucking foot.
17:01 mircea_popescu bejesus reddit is practically full of fake accounts with a party line.
17:02 kakobrekla this 'this foundation can and the other cant' i very arbitrary except for one being 'us' and one 'them'.
17:02 kakobrekla s/i/is
17:02 * mircea_popescu shrugs.
17:03 mircea_popescu "you can't fuck her unless she agrees" "that seems arbitrary, why her and not me ?"
17:03 mircea_popescu "i know what you agree to, fucker"
17:05 mircea_popescu meh this'll have to be a post.
17:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1742 @ 0.00081945 = 1.4275 BTC [-] {10}
17:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 6244 @ 0.00080813 = 5.046 BTC [-] {16}
17:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 8664 @ 0.00080583 = 6.9817 BTC [-] {22}
17:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 8396 @ 0.00080503 = 6.759 BTC [-] {20}
17:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 7896 @ 0.00080346 = 6.3441 BTC [-] {18}
17:07 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 6922 @ 0.00080242 = 5.5544 BTC [-] {12}
17:07 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2420 @ 0.0008 = 1.936 BTC [-] {6}
17:07 davout mircea_popescu: <<< kind of what i figured when reading "The machine handling encryption and decryption on the MPEx side never connects to the Internet" from mpex's faq
17:07 assbot Logged on 11-01-2015 17:15:59; mircea_popescu: the correct airgap solution is optics.
17:08 mircea_popescu enjoy.
17:08 benjamindees thank-you, sir
17:09 BigBitz optics are not an airgap solution - if you mean fibre optics - or do you mean actual optics as in vision/eyes?
17:09 benjamindees Mircea, no one is going to inflate Bitcoin... where do you get that idea?
17:10 mircea_popescu benjamindees how much of this discussion have you read ?
17:10 adlai << "with a timestamp in 2015 and at least 50 confirmations"
17:10 assbot Logged on 11-01-2015 21:48:31; jurov: and how else it is worded? do say
17:10 davout kakobrekla: <<< the visual confirmation of transferred data sounds pretty neat too
17:10 assbot Logged on 11-01-2015 17:20:51; *: kakobrekla has a serial cable with a buffer with visual confirmation of the data and it does not need to be plugged to both computers at same time
17:10 benjamindees well, I was under the impression it was quite a bit, but I may have missed some things
17:11 mircea_popescu define inflation ?
17:11 davout BigBitz: yeah sure, but ethernet-over-optical-fiber isn't really the idea
17:11 benjamindees I agree that perhaps some people might secretly like to continue block rewards forever
17:11 benjamindees but that's not going to happen
17:11 mircea_popescu BigBitz optics as the element that goes over the airgap. rather than sound.
17:11 mircea_popescu benjamindees can ye answer the question ?
17:11 jurov adlais so the issue is not about publishing or not? i'm confused now
17:12 benjamindees inflation is an increase in the money supply, of course
17:12 davout i don't think sound is inherently flawed, as long as you are in a controlled environment
17:13 BigBitz ethernet-over-optical-fibre lolwut.
17:13 BigBitz do you even network bro.
17:13 davout because if you manage to put some microphone somewhere and sniff audio, nothing theoretically prevents you from sniffing optic signal leaks as well, guess it all depends on the implementation specfics
17:13 decimation optical ethernet is quite common in large installations
17:13 * adlai is just pointing out possible corner cases in the wording, and that it's not measuring exactly "is a hardfork successful"
17:13 BigBitz optical ethernet. wut.
17:14 BigBitz There is no such thing as optical ethernet.
17:14 davout BigBitz: "do you even network bro." <<< the point is precisely not to
17:14 mircea_popescu benjamindees inflation is the increase in the supply. whatever it is.
17:15 mircea_popescu if suddenly there's a lot of noobs here, there'll be an inflaiton of noobs.
17:15 kakobrekla "is a hardfork successful" < since this is bb, hf successful only if mp submits.
17:15 mircea_popescu where originally the occasional noob might be something people want to help, if there's a lot of them that well will be run dry. which is what happened in 1993.
17:15 adlai the point, if i follow correctly, is to establish a channel for conveying specific data across the airgap, as opposed to ethernet-over-fiber, which would defeat the purpose of the airgap
17:16 mircea_popescu adlai that bet doesn't measure "successful" was discussed before, and i said "well, yeah, but it's better to err this way, give the bet a chance"
17:16 * adlai leaves dead horses to rot
17:16 mircea_popescu davout optics easier to shield.
17:16 decimation adlai: generally 1000Base-LX or similar have a physical laser for transmitting and some kind of photodetector for receive
17:16 mircea_popescu was the statement when that was discussed.
17:17 benjamindees mircea_popescu, lol, okay, listen I think you're over-reacting a bit. It'll work out.
17:17 davout adlai: ethernet-over-fiber being merely the image of 'unsupervised permanently connected automatic optical transmission device'
17:17 mircea_popescu benjamindees of course it will.
17:17 mircea_popescu that's never been in contention.
17:17 davout mircea_popescu: i agree, it's a difference in degree not in kind though
17:17 mircea_popescu just, it will work out my way. not mtgox's way, not pirate's way, not reddit's way or the forum's way or vessenes' way
17:17 mircea_popescu like it ALWAYS has to date, mind you.
17:18 davout benjamindees: inflation of block space supply doesn't count as inflation to you?
17:18 mircea_popescu davout it's a very hard problem this, spying on light.
17:18 decimation adlai: my point being that one can physically disconnect a link end, if one wishes to prevent two-way transfer
17:18 adlai davout, decimation, i know you guys understand this, i think i understand it, the person who seemet to be confused is BigBitz
17:18 BigBitz confused...
17:18 BigBitz I don't think so.
17:19 BigBitz I'm au fait with optics.
17:19 adlai then i misunderstood you, sorry
17:19 BigBitz Don't apologise.
17:19 BigBitz :)
17:19 adlai don't tell me what not to do!
17:20 kakobrekla imo the blockchain size would ideally be set so that we get most tx fees. the answer to that is not simple.
17:20 kakobrekla but on that i think we are still way under limit.
17:20 * adlai tends to avoid apologies although misunderstandings can lead to lots of strife so they're worth avoiding
17:21 adlai somewhere... there was a comparison of this to the laffer curve
17:21 adlai although it may have been in my head
17:22 adlai blocksize limit + tx fees as the taxation apparatus of bitcoin's decentralized regulatory body
17:22 adlai with the economic issues that arise from optimizing a tax system
17:23 davout adlai: what BigBitz was saying is that an optic fiber isn't a proper airgap, which i concurred with saying that the idea of the airgap is definitely not to have some sort of permanent connection like ethernet over optical fiber should such a thing exist
17:23 kakobrekla anyway think of the poor miners.
17:23 adlai mircea_popescu: ever thought you'd find yourself leading the charge for higher taxation? :P
17:23 benjamindees davout, no, it doesn't. Bitcoin isn't ultimately equivalent to debt-issued currencies in the way velocity is measured, or in the way it impacts the value. it just appears to be at the moment because inflation (issuance) is high.
17:24 mircea_popescu <kakobrekla> but on that i think we are still way under limit. << and i think women are overweight, by and large. what do we do ?
17:24 adlai risperidone in the stratosphere
17:24 mircea_popescu that's a valid point from benjamindees
17:25 kakobrekla mircea_popescu start a foundation?
17:25 mircea_popescu no, i just let 'em be.
17:25 adlai if we look at the blocksize limit as a parameter of the tax system, this isn't inflation, it's a tax cut - which we may wish to reverse in the future
17:25 mircea_popescu adlai nobody asked "we" anything.
17:25 mircea_popescu "we" are not in charge of things just because pelosi likes to pretend so.
17:26 davout benjamindees: i may be thick here, but i fail to see how this relates, as a miner i might not one someone forcing a scarce resource that i sell, such as space in a block, to be inflated away
17:26 adlai if we the people having this discussion look at the ... which we the people cutting the taxes may wish to...
17:27 davout s/i might not/i might not agree with some/
17:28 benjamindees davout, well, the thing is, by the time it even matters, mining may be irrelevant anyways. I wouldn't bank on having a mining oligopoly twenty years from now. Mining is mostly a means of distribution.
17:28 kakobrekla and network will be secured how ?
17:29 adlai if you think mining is primarily a means of distribution, you should consider studying the problems with systems that preceeded bitcoin
17:29 decimation pelosi will take care of the mining.
17:29 adlai "systems" may be an exaggeration, a better word: "proposals"
17:31 decimation !up rootstat
17:31 davout does anyone know if current bitcoin nodes would actually blacklist/disconnect from nodes broadcasting >1m or otherwise invalid blocks?
17:31 davout would transactions still propagated accross fork branches in the event of a hard fork scenario?
17:31 BingoBoingo !up rootstat
17:33 davout trying to figure out how easy/hard it would be to actually split coins reliably accross forks
17:33 danielpbarron all it takes is anyone watching both chains and telling each about the other's transactions; all the ones that aren't doublespends should get accepted by both chains
17:33 adlai nodes get penalized for relaying junk
17:33 davout danielpbarron: yeah, that's a good point
17:33 adlai i'm not certain if they'd get disconnected right away, but a node sending invalid-to-you blocks won't last long in your node's connection list
17:33 kakobrekla how do other envision the future when reward goes towards 0. either a btc is worth half a planet or the fees amount per block go up a few orders of magnitude or network is dead
17:33 kakobrekla which?
17:34 davout adlai: yeah, but danielpbarron has a point, there only needs to be one node bridging transactions for a double-spend to be harder to pull off, obviously not impossible, but it would be harder than trivial
17:34 benjamindees Just consider that, when Satoshi said "gain a new territory of freedom for several years," he had a reason. Bitcoin is not the end-all-be-all of systems. Mining may not be a long-term solution. But inflation is non-negotiable, regardless.
17:34 adlai you can broadcast transactions on both chains, miners could even be incentivized to scan both chains for transactions valid in the chain they're mining on - but p2p broadcast probably won't work on its own, once the network has forked properly
17:35 danielpbarron "confirming blocks for just the transaction fee is a losing venture, but we intend to make up for it in volume"
17:35 adlai double spends are easy today, they'll be far easier in such a situation
17:35 danielpbarron davout, if you can probably beat them to it if it's your intention to doublespend
17:35 decimation well, if the network is dead, no one cares. If bitcoin can be traded for half a planet, the implication is that mining is costly
17:36 kakobrekla no, but you cant secure a network on 0.05 if its not half a planet each.
17:36 mircea_popescu <davout> would transactions still propagated accross fork branches in the event of a hard fork scenario? <>< hard to tell, but mostly yes.
17:37 mircea_popescu <benjamindees> Just consider that, when Satoshi said "gain a new territory of freedom for several years," he had a reason. Bitcoin is not the end-all-be-all of systems. << that's not the reason he had. here is the reason he had :
17:37 assbot Digging through archives yields gold pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( )
17:37 decimation kakobrekla: if mining is costly, the miners won't relay dust
17:37 mircea_popescu "The big and easy government attacks on money target a single central money issuer, as with the first of the modern political attacks, the French Assignat of 1792, but in the late nineteenth century political attacks on financial networks began, as for example the Federal reserve act of 1913, the goal always being to wind up the network into a single too big to fail entity, and they have been getting progressively bigg
17:37 mircea_popescu er, more serious, and more disastrous, as with the most recent one. Each attack is hugely successful, and after the cataclysm that the attack causes the attackers are hailed as saviors of the poor, the oppressed, and the nation generally, and the blame for the the bad consequences is dumped elsewhere, usually on Jews, greedy bankers, speculators, etc, because such attacks are difficult for ordinary people understand. I
17:37 mircea_popescu have trouble understanding your proposal - ordinary users will be easily bamboozled by a government sponsored security update. Further, when the crisis hits, to disagree with the line, to doubt that the regulators are right, and the problem is the evil speculators, becomes political suicide, as it did in America in 2007, sometimes physical suicide, as in Weimar Germany."
17:38 kakobrekla decimation from miners perspective they would include everything and their mother if she has half a dime.
17:38 mircea_popescu the slowly creeping usg-isation of bitcoin has to be nipped in the bud.
17:38 kakobrekla "if im not picking this cent up, next miner will in next block."
17:39 decimation kakobrekla: by that logic, airlines would fly a bum for five bux if there were an empty seat
17:39 mircea_popescu kakobrekla this is a point. all the people derping about "economy" fail to have read that old mpoe-pr article about buffett and textile industry on the forum.
17:39 kakobrekla yes but miners arent airplane liners.
17:39 mircea_popescu hanbot got a link ?
17:39 davout decimation: they totally would if they had to bear the costs of flying empty airplanes anyway
17:40 mircea_popescu ^
17:40 mircea_popescu they ... actually do.
17:40 mircea_popescu there's a system where you only fly if they have empty seats, costs bupkiss
17:40 decimation in the us, most airlines have done away with that
17:40 decimation not sure about the rest of the world
17:40 mircea_popescu ah k.
17:41 decimation the reason being, the 'airline system' is running at capacity
17:41 davout my favourite pilot joke: "see this baby? that's a C-130. I fly a C-150"
17:42 assbot Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
17:42 adlai !b 1
17:42 decimation at any rate, this is a problem for actual miners to solve in the future, and they will likely despise any actions taken today on their behalf
17:43 davout trying to solve other people's problems that don't exist yet, the recipe for success :D
17:44 davout !up hanbot
17:45 hanbot ty davout
17:45 davout hanbot: so, how's the tampon market in bsas?
17:45 hanbot mircea_popescu iirc
17:45 assbot BITBOND update and request for feedback | Page 2 | ... ( )
17:46 mircea_popescu hanbot a there we go.
17:46 hanbot davout lol, i don't know what the hubub's about. they're like two bux a box'a 16.
17:46 mircea_popescu ^ benjamindees read that.
17:47 hanbot ^^ ben_vulpes
17:47 mircea_popescu <davout> trying to solve other people's problems that don't exist yet, the recipe for success :D <<< kinda the meat and potatoes of socialist government eh.
17:48 davout also product managers
17:48 hanbot they come with a sanity tax tho', box waxes on unpoetic about how you the buyer are a unique woman whose dreams become reality etc.
17:49 decimation mircea_popescu: the unborn make the perfect socialist workers. they never complain and always eager for the next five year plan
17:50 mircea_popescu quite.
17:50 adlai i like how the idf doesn't put the number in the name (though they are planned for five), calling them just "multi-year plans", as though resigned in advance to the inevitable delays
17:51 mircea_popescu that's exactly it, in the quest to "we promise to over-react, please re-elect us" the socialist politicians are stuck moving the goalposts in the future. their ideal pov is to resolve problems for which no being alive can now hang them
17:57 decimation this phenomenon is demonstrated in obamacare, for instance. the 40% tax on "cadillac" health plans will start in 2018, presumably after a republican president takes office
17:57 hi kids
17:59 joecool hi nick, are you still mad at me?
18:00 benjamindees mircea_popescu, you understand that the next, "bigger" too-big-to-fail entity is China, right? It's not Bitcoin... bankers don't take non-inflationary currency seriously.
18:01 davout benjamindees: it's not really as if bitcoin was taking banking too seriously either
18:01 mircea_popescu benjamindees heh.
18:01 mircea_popescu how many "bankers" do you know ?
18:03 benjamindees just one, personally
18:04 mircea_popescu
18:04 assbot Let's address some of the more common pseudo-arguments raised by the very stupid people that like the Gavin scamcoin proposal pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( )
18:04 mircea_popescu fresh offa da presses.
18:05 mircea_popescu benjamindees an' he doesn't take bitcoin seriously
18:05 benjamindees not as a currency
18:06 benjamindees as an asset, sure, assets are easy to control with conventional means -- threats, taxation, theft, etc
18:07 "All readers are entitled to five free articles each week." <-- How do I go about getting my five free articles?
18:07 adlai by not using the proxy
18:08 mircea_popescu [\\\] simply load the site.
18:08 adlai proxies socialize away your free articles
18:08 it redirected to the page
18:08 assbot Paid content pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( )
18:08 I had to go back to the original and refresh
18:09 mircea_popescu lol adlai
18:10 adlai, I'm not using a proxy. I have no such need.
18:11 mircea_popescu not behind seven proxies ?!!?
18:11 mircea_popescu the internetity!
18:12 It'd just route to North Korea anyway.
18:12 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14650 @ 0.00059589 = 8.7298 BTC [-]
18:12 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14650 @ 0.00059589 = 8.7298 BTC [-]
18:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14650 @ 0.00059589 = 8.7298 BTC [-]
18:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14650 @ 0.00059589 = 8.7298 BTC [-]
18:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14650 @ 0.00059589 = 8.7298 BTC [-]
18:15 decimation !up hanbot
18:25 scoopbot New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu:
18:28 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10200 @ 0.00059202 = 6.0386 BTC [-]
18:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10200 @ 0.00059202 = 6.0386 BTC [-]
18:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10200 @ 0.00059202 = 6.0386 BTC [-]
18:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10200 @ 0.00059202 = 6.0386 BTC [-]
18:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10200 @ 0.00059202 = 6.0386 BTC [-]
18:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10200 @ 0.00059202 = 6.0386 BTC [-]
18:31 scoopbot New post on by cazalla:
18:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 76800 @ 0.00059589 = 45.7644 BTC [+]
18:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 76800 @ 0.00059589 = 45.7644 BTC [+]
18:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 76800 @ 0.00059589 = 45.7644 BTC [+]
18:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 76800 @ 0.00059589 = 45.7644 BTC [+]
18:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 76800 @ 0.00059589 = 45.7644 BTC [+]
18:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 76800 @ 0.00059589 = 45.7644 BTC [+]
18:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 76800 @ 0.00059589 = 45.7644 BTC [+]
18:32 davout sgornick: as danielpbarron points out "Yes, that's why it will be so dangerous to accept payments from anyone that includes coins tainted with post-fork coinbases." is not completely accurate
18:33 davout since you would be able to split coins, ie. even if your incoming tx isn't tainted with a post-fork coinbase you could receive funds that aren't spendable on both chains
18:34 sgornick Why? 100% of those will be rejected on the side of the fork from nodes without the hard-fork implemented.
18:35 davout i'm not sure i follow what you're saying
18:37 sgornick Oh, ... I think I see -- you are saying I didn't go far enough? Not only are trxs with post-fork taint worthless, but there could be trxs with no taint that would confirm on one side but would be invalid as they were already spent on the other side?
18:38 davout exactly
18:39 adlai cazalla: "Schzultz"
18:39 sgornick First, gotta get some vocabulary simplified. When we had the unplanned hard-fork March 2013, we had the protocol "pre-v0.8' and "v0.8" . What do we call this protocol with the hard fork implemented vs. that without the hard fork (i.e., unchanged? )
18:39 cazalla adlai, ty
18:40 sgornick Or .. maybe daniel's works best ... "bitcoin" vs. "gavincoin"
18:40 davout sgornick: it wasn't a hard fork in the sense that no rule was changed
18:40 sgornick Sure was ... v0.8 changed the rule in allowing more than the pre-v0.8 side did.
18:41 adlai and there wasn't a well-defined set of nodes that would prefer one block over another - the pre-v0.8 side would nondeterministically reject certain valid blocks
18:42 davout sgornick: it was a hard fork in the sense that not all implementations behaved the same way, not in the sense that a rule was changed
18:45 sgornick The (bdb) rule wasn't (widely) known before v0.8 caused the fork, but it was coded into v0.8.1.
18:50 davout sgornick: an implementation detail in some older client does not count as a protocol rule in my book, if proof was needed that the 'teh-code-is-teh-spec' approach is fundamentally braindamaged, well, look no further
18:50 mircea_popescu <sgornick> First, gotta get some vocabulary simplified. When we had the unplanned hard-fork March 2013, we had the protocol "pre-v0.8' and "v0.8" . What do we call this protocol with the hard fork implemented vs. that without the hard fork (i.e., unchanged? ) << bitcoin vs gavincoin.
18:50 mircea_popescu obviously.
18:50 mircea_popescu inasmuch as the old thing is bitcoin, and the new thing some shit gavin made.
18:51 artifexd Have we already passed the point of separation? Is it possible that I have bitcoins that are actually gavincoins?
18:51 mircea_popescu <sgornick> The (bdb) rule wasn't (widely) known before v0.8 caused the fork, but it was coded into v0.8.1. << it is technially correct to say that the 8.1. version is in fact more restrictive than the pre 8.0 version.
18:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 3739 @ 0.00084798 = 3.1706 BTC [+] {2}
18:51 mircea_popescu what people knew about it was important then, but is not really germane
18:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 7222 @ 0.00084836 = 6.1269 BTC [+] {4}
18:51 mircea_popescu artifexd nope.
18:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 7222 @ 0.00084836 = 6.1269 BTC [+] {4}
18:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 7222 @ 0.00084836 = 6.1269 BTC [+] {4}
18:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 7222 @ 0.00084836 = 6.1269 BTC [+] {4}
18:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 7222 @ 0.00084836 = 6.1269 BTC [+] {4}
18:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 7222 @ 0.00084836 = 6.1269 BTC [+] {4}
18:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 7222 @ 0.00084836 = 6.1269 BTC [+] {4}
18:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 7222 @ 0.00084836 = 6.1269 BTC [+] {4}
18:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 7222 @ 0.00084836 = 6.1269 BTC [+] {4}
18:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 3483 @ 0.00084878 = 2.9563 BTC [+] {2}
18:53 mircea_popescu davout if proof was needed that the 'teh-code-is-teh-spec' approach is fundamentally braindamaged, well, look no further <>< clearly. not to mention the recent ecdsa openssl debacle, which is pretty much exactly a replay of the bdb stuff. "oh, we included code but we had no idea what it does" sort of approach to code-is-spec specwork
18:58 davout mircea_popescu: <<< hearn, in reply to me: "because some parts of the protocol are directly exposed to underlying libraries like OpenSSL, you have to match their behaviour exactly as well, including all their bugs."
18:58 assbot Formalised Bitcoin Protocol Standard ... ( )
18:58 assbot Formalised Bitcoin Protocol Standard ... ( )
18:59 davout whoops, double link
18:59 davout who could have predicted?
19:00 mircea_popescu heh.
19:02 mircea_popescu "This is how the max block size will be increased, hopefully with the same 2-year delay. By the time the change actually happens, everyone will be using a client with the new rules because that's the only type of client that will have been advertised on and elsewhere for 2+ years. You'd have to go massively out of your way to download a version without the new rules."
19:02 mircea_popescu derp.
19:02 mircea_popescu the fake bitcoin foundation is going to make it for two years ? bwahahaha gimme a break.
19:07 mircea_popescu Gavin educates, make his points and tries convince community without antagonizing anyone. Popescu is probably the biggest jerk in the community, and his flock are such a dickheads that I'd be happy to see them using separate chain just so they can circlejerk and pretend they are the kings of the crypto-word in their own sandbox. Anything they write is so repugnant, that it's just impossible to argue with them. It's fun
19:07 mircea_popescu ny how they define "THE community" linking between blogs of handful of people.
19:08 mircea_popescu dude, reddit really likes being educated, provided the "education" in question consists of telling them how great and important they are.
19:09 mircea_popescu "However, I also expect Bitcoin to become a) more forgetful and think that b), there could be a systems that puts the burden of validating a transaction on the sender of the transaction instead of the network. So that maybe, maybe, in the more distant future, all that needs to be kept of the decentralized blockchain are the headers, which is less than a CD-ROM full of data for 100years."
19:09 mircea_popescu :D
19:10 mircea_popescu ahh all this exposure to that other community.
19:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33986 @ 0.00062101 = 21.1056 BTC [+] {3}
19:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33986 @ 0.00062101 = 21.1056 BTC [+] {3}
19:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33986 @ 0.00062101 = 21.1056 BTC [+] {3}
19:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33986 @ 0.00062101 = 21.1056 BTC [+] {3}
19:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33986 @ 0.00062101 = 21.1056 BTC [+] {3}
19:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33986 @ 0.00062101 = 21.1056 BTC [+] {3}
19:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33986 @ 0.00062101 = 21.1056 BTC [+] {3}
19:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33986 @ 0.00062101 = 21.1056 BTC [+] {3}
19:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33986 @ 0.00062101 = 21.1056 BTC [+] {3}
19:12 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33986 @ 0.00062101 = 21.1056 BTC [+] {3}
19:12 adlai what if satoshi sells on the original chain
19:12 adlai (directed by m night shamalayan)
19:12 mircea_popescu "Dude that runs Mpex is a crazy narcissist that happened to get rich (if he cashed out) from being an early adopter. I think the MPEX buy-in was 10k coins just for a seat at the table even after the price hit $30. He also just consented to a $50k fine from the SEC for selling unregistered securities."
19:12 mircea_popescu o.O
19:13 mircea_popescu adlai yeah, all this "satoshi this satoshi that" will be heard until the 1mn hoard quietly splits one night.
19:13 mircea_popescu then it sudden;y won't ever be a topic mentioned again by the ~500 or so fake reddit accounts working at creating "consensus" of "the community"
19:14 kakobrekla no he didnt cash out, he is still poor.
19:14 kakobrekla o wait this isnt the forum
19:15 mircea_popescu ima ask the sec to give me 50k i apparently paid them ?
19:15 BigBitz SEC. lol.
19:15 mircea_popescu brb where's that email address...
19:15 mircea_popescu "This guy owns enough BTC to crash the price to 0 on the fork if it develops. Basically imagine launching an altcoin that starts out with the current blockchain as genesis. Then imagine a huge holder acting to destroy this altcoin to protect the original Bitcoin."
19:15 BigBitz in Romania. LOL.
19:16 mircea_popescu "This is one of the shittiest pieces of fear mongering I've ever read. Hard forking is and should be a natural and regular occurance and never has any hard fork ever threatened the block chain. It's called natural selection. Have a little faith in the educated masses"
19:16 mircea_popescu dude...
19:17 mircea_popescu reddit is actually pretty great lulz
19:20 cazalla easter eggs on shelves here in australia and it's only 2nd week of january lol
19:20 mircea_popescu ew
19:20 mircea_popescu how long are those supposed to keep
19:20 cazalla forever i think
19:25 mircea_popescu sounds unappetizing
19:27 kakobrekla you dont actually eat them.
19:27 davout cazalla: not very surprising coming from a people that sells oysters already opened
19:28 davout oysters. they're opened. right.
19:28 mircea_popescu lol
19:28 mircea_popescu plenty o\f restaurants bring them open to the table tho
19:28 davout that's even a worse offense to humanity than vegemite and the australian accent combined
19:29 mircea_popescu da fuck is vegemite
19:29 decimation yeah in the us it is common to get oysters seved open
19:29 decimation it's the shit at the bottom of a beer barrel after fermentation is done
19:29 davout mircea_popescu: of course, i'm speaking about stores, where the oysters are presented like that
19:29 mircea_popescu o lordy.
19:30 mircea_popescu davout ever showed you the alleged "salmon" that was jet black ?
19:30 davout god forbid you confuse vegemite for nutella. YOU'RE GONNA HAVE A BAD TIME
19:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17179 @ 0.00062638 = 10.7606 BTC [+] {2}
19:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17179 @ 0.00062638 = 10.7606 BTC [+] {2}
19:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27650 @ 0.00062835 = 17.3739 BTC [+] {3}
19:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27650 @ 0.00062835 = 17.3739 BTC [+] {3}
19:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27650 @ 0.00062835 = 17.3739 BTC [+] {3}
19:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27650 @ 0.00062835 = 17.3739 BTC [+] {3}
19:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27650 @ 0.00062835 = 17.3739 BTC [+] {3}
19:31 davout mircea_popescu: that sort of rings a bell, was that in bsas? i kind of remember you mentioning some sort of cheese too
19:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27650 @ 0.00062835 = 17.3739 BTC [+] {3}
19:31 mircea_popescu yeah it was
19:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27650 @ 0.00062835 = 17.3739 BTC [+] {3}
19:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27650 @ 0.00062835 = 17.3739 BTC [+] {3}
19:31 decimation <<
19:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10471 @ 0.00063159 = 6.6134 BTC [+]
19:31 assbot Vegemite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( )
19:31 decimation Vegemite (/ˈvɛdʒɨmaɪt/ VEJ-ə-myt)[2][3] is a dark brown Australian food paste made from leftover brewers' yeast extract with various vegetable and spice additives developed by Cyril P. Callister in Melbourne, Victoria, in 1922.[4] A popular spread for sandwiches, toast, crumpets and cracker biscuits as well as a filling for pastries, Vegemite is similar to British, New Zealand and South African Marmite, Australian Promite,
19:31 decimation Swiss Cenovis and German Hefeextrakt.
19:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10471 @ 0.00063159 = 6.6134 BTC [+]
19:31 decimation mmm bread with yeast shit on top
19:32 davout a filling. for pastries.
19:32 davout wtf
19:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28950 @ 0.0006145 = 17.7898 BTC [-]
19:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28950 @ 0.0006145 = 17.7898 BTC [-]
19:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28950 @ 0.0006145 = 17.7898 BTC [-]
19:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28950 @ 0.0006145 = 17.7898 BTC [-]
19:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28950 @ 0.0006145 = 17.7898 BTC [-]
19:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28950 @ 0.0006145 = 17.7898 BTC [-]
19:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28950 @ 0.0006145 = 17.7898 BTC [-]
19:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28950 @ 0.0006145 = 17.7898 BTC [-]
19:33 decimation in france they fill pastries with almond paste; in australia, with yeast shit
19:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 75770 @ 0.00060258 = 45.6575 BTC [-] {5}
19:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 98770 @ 0.00059821 = 59.0852 BTC [-] {6}
19:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 91686 @ 0.00058866 = 53.9719 BTC [-] {10}
19:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 91686 @ 0.00058866 = 53.9719 BTC [-] {10}
19:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 91686 @ 0.00058866 = 53.9719 BTC [-] {10}
19:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 91686 @ 0.00058866 = 53.9719 BTC [-] {10}
19:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 91686 @ 0.00058866 = 53.9719 BTC [-] {10}
19:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 91686 @ 0.00058866 = 53.9719 BTC [-] {10}
19:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 91686 @ 0.00058866 = 53.9719 BTC [-] {10}
19:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 91686 @ 0.00058866 = 53.9719 BTC [-] {10}
19:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44866 @ 0.00058183 = 26.1044 BTC [-] {6}
19:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21866 @ 0.00057975 = 12.6768 BTC [-] {5}
19:34 davout decimation: tbh the almond pastry thing is usually bakeries recycling yesterday's pastries
19:35 mircea_popescu i think that may actually be required for people with no better source of b complex / colon flora
19:35 davout "oh that croissant from yesterday is hard? let's just soak it in that delicious milk+almonds thing and sell it under a different name" delicious nonetheless
19:35 mircea_popescu well either that or shit transplant from europeans
19:35 decimation heh interesting, didn't know that
19:35 decimation mircea_popescu: yeah that's a good theory
19:36 decimation gut flora are probably more important than we know
19:37 davout "Devs, Miners, Traders: they are the three branches of Bitcoin Government. They check and balance each other. Traders and miners have ruled too long. Their power is waning. It's time for devs to bring hope and change to the Bitcoin community. Then we can come back stronger."
19:37 assbot Fork off ... ( )
19:37 mircea_popescu we kinda know...
19:37 mircea_popescu lolwut
19:38 davout the interesting in this bit is that if you s/devs/power rangers/ it works just as fucking well, if not better
19:39 mircea_popescu quite stable this abstract grammar.
19:40 davout what ?
19:43 mircea_popescu whatever bitcointalk speaks, it's very stable.
19:43 mircea_popescu resists transforms.
19:43 asciilifeform 'It's time for devs to bring hope and change to the Bitcoin community' << trololol!
19:43 asciilifeform can any of these really be 'for real' ?
19:43 davout oic
19:43 mircea_popescu asciilifeform no but see ? lol
19:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1840 @ 0.00081198 = 1.494 BTC [-] {8}
19:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2100 @ 0.00081098 = 1.7031 BTC [-] {10}
19:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2100 @ 0.00081098 = 1.7031 BTC [-] {10}
19:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2100 @ 0.00081098 = 1.7031 BTC [-] {10}
19:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2100 @ 0.00081098 = 1.7031 BTC [-] {10}
19:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2100 @ 0.00081098 = 1.7031 BTC [-] {10}
19:44 mircea_popescu i doubt it was ever in history the case that idiots supporting something did so much damage to it by its attempts at supporting it.
19:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2100 @ 0.00081098 = 1.7031 BTC [-] {10}
19:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2100 @ 0.00081098 = 1.7031 BTC [-] {10}
19:44 mircea_popescu kinda a resplendent showcase of why one does not really want to be on the side of idiots.
19:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2100 @ 0.00081098 = 1.7031 BTC [-] {10}
19:45 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1406 @ 0.0008056 = 1.1327 BTC [-] {6}
19:46 mircea_popescu s/its/their/
19:47 asciilifeform "oh, we included code but we had no idea what it does" sort of approach to code-is-spec specwork << this is actually a very serious boojum, beyond what most realize. i'll give example.
19:48 mircea_popescu i kinda think we realise...
19:48 asciilifeform if you're doing crypto-whatever (e.g., 'gossipd') and you're gonna process signatures from pgp
19:48 asciilifeform now have to decide 'OAEP' or 'PKCS#1' ?
19:48 asciilifeform and how does your $library actually implement this
19:48 asciilifeform etc
19:49 asciilifeform imho this is the crevice where the remaining mice live, for the record.
19:49 oglafbot
19:49 assbot panacea ... ( )
19:49 asciilifeform idiotically complex solution to a quite simple problem, and there is no opting out if you want compatibility with anything
19:51 mircea_popescu asciilifeform nah, all code statically linked.
19:51 mircea_popescu everything gossipd uses is thereby forked and frozen.
19:51 asciilifeform naturally
19:51 mircea_popescu and that's that.
19:52 asciilifeform that doesn't solve the mystery meat problem
19:52 mircea_popescu it specifies the mystery meat is all.
19:53 * asciilifeform was answering 'we included code but we had no idea what it does'
19:54 asciilifeform do artifexd, mircea_popescu, (who else in there?) understand the 'oeap' or 'pkcs#1' routine that is to be used in 'gossip' ?
19:54 asciilifeform just as one example
19:54 mircea_popescu << fwiw, cooler heads seem to have caught on and are in danger of prevaling. which'll make this play out exactly as a mtgox 2.0 (i asked for tux' head on a platter in april, "community" protected him for a few months, i got head delivered february next. wonder if gavin makes it that long)_
19:54 assbot Fork off ... ( )
19:54 mircea_popescu asciilifeform the original complaint was more of a "we include names, do not know what code they stand for"
19:55 asciilifeform hm.
19:55 mircea_popescu slighjtly more egregious violation of same principle.
19:55 mircea_popescu bvut the recent openss; ecdsa library issue ? it's because they pulled "ecdsa"
19:55 mircea_popescu not specified code, just a name
19:55 mircea_popescu code had changed.
19:55 asciilifeform that kind of behaviour is more or less the same as asking for a, e.g., 'ld_preload attack' or the like.
19:56 mircea_popescu quite.
19:57 mircea_popescu but it's how they're bringing "hope and change" to bitcoin, or w/e it was they were bringing.
19:57 cazalla <davout> cazalla: not very surprising coming from a people that sells oysters already opened <<< ever had Sydney rock oysters?
20:00 davout cazalla: never. been to sydney only a couple of days, lived in melbourne for a while tho, where i witnessed the unspeakable horror of these oysters being sold already opened
20:00 cazalla davout, well agreed there, i won't buy and eat them from fish market in melbourne but while living near Sydney, happy to shove as many down my gullet as possible
20:01 davout they look pretty different from what i'm used to, pretty fat and appealing :D
20:01 decimation asciilifeform: re: tieteixobactin << My outsider view is that microbiology has been more busy derping with 'computing dna' rather than actually studying microbes
20:02 BingoBoingo decimation: And that's why the people who made the jump to culturing forest organisms in dirt found a useful.
20:03 cazalla davout, in fact, Melbourne is all round pretty shit for seafood besides king george whiting
20:04 davout no trouble beliebing that
20:06 danielpbarron they are starting to call the real bitcoin "MPcoin"
20:07 mircea_popescu lol
20:07 mircea_popescu flattering huh.
20:08 mircea_popescu "mp got bitcoin renamed in his honor by not doing things! now that's the true entrepreneurial spirit!"
20:13 assbot Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
20:13 BingoBoingo !b 1
20:16 cazalla ;;rate -100000 davout__ doesn't like vegemite, attacks vegemite
20:16 gribble Error: 'davout__' is not a valid integer.
20:16 mircea_popescu no really this shit is beautiful. so, libertards that think they're part of bitcoin come up with the idea to fork bitcoin to make it moar libertardcoin. mp says "fu and your gavincoin". now, they do understand that leaving the issue as bitcoin vs gavincoin pretty much settles the propaganda angle.
20:16 cazalla i'm not sure if there is anything better than butter soaked bread topped with an inch of vegemite
20:17 davout ;;rate -10000 cazalla__ lives upside down
20:17 gribble Error: 'cazalla__' is not a valid integer.
20:17 mircea_popescu so they'd rather it be mpcoin vs "bitcoin". except... if the gavincoin chain fails, this in effect renames bitcoin after me.
20:17 mircea_popescu so their attempt to fork bitcoin escalated, because before they can in earnest get to that, they have to resolve a namefork
20:17 mircea_popescu holy shit is postmodernity amusing.
20:17 BingoBoingo It really is.
20:18 mircea_popescu i wonder which way they end up solving it.
20:18 BingoBoingo I'm surprised it took so long for the coin name for issue to resolve
20:18 mircea_popescu ie, how soon do they concede defeat.
20:18 mircea_popescu cuz it's hard!
20:19 BingoBoingo Well, they are going to stop saying MP coin soon I imagine, because... They still base their idea of MP wealth on that dorky tortilla chart from god knows how long ago.
20:19 BingoBoingo Not the handlers, but the muppets.
20:20 BingoBoingo Or maybe the handlers too.
20:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40150 @ 0.00053706 = 21.563 BTC [-] {3}
20:29 BingoBoingo !up soypirate
20:29 BingoBoingo !up sinetek
20:29 BingoBoingo << lol
20:29 assbot zomg_pwn comments on Is Bitpay spending too much? 9 employees were laid off last week. ... ( )
20:32 artifexd ;;later tell nubbins` Do you have an common casascius coins you want to sell? I sold a dozen and would like to replace them.
20:32 gribble The operation succeeded.
20:32 kakobrekla how much?
20:33 artifexd Me?
20:33 kakobrekla yes
20:33 artifexd 2BTC each
20:34 artifexd If I can replace them for 1.35BTC each (or less), I will.
20:34 kakobrekla the brass is .35 when btc is 100 or 1000.
20:34 kakobrekla pure brass.
20:34 artifexd Yep
20:35 kakobrekla or 1 btc for idijots.
20:36 artifexd Pretty much.
20:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26265 @ 0.00053217 = 13.9774 BTC [-] {3}
20:37 decimation ;;ticker
20:37 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 266.89, Best ask: 267.49, Bid-ask spread: 0.60000, Last trade: 267.49, 24 hour volume: 12512.85539594, 24 hour low: 262.08, 24 hour high: 280.94, 24 hour vwap: 0
20:38 kakobrekla 266, previous top.
20:38 kakobrekla gonner.
20:38 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22669 @ 0.00050355 = 11.415 BTC [-] {4}
20:47 cazalla lulz, poor krebs
20:47 assbot Don't get smoked
20:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16200 @ 0.00050323 = 8.1523 BTC [-]
20:51 BingoBoingo Retard, that's not a bullet with the name on it that's just a fucking casing.
20:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26768 @ 0.00050323 = 13.4705 BTC [-]
20:55 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo seems qntra is doing pretty well these days huh
20:55 kakobrekla lots of 'impressions' ? :)
20:56 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Yeah. It really does. It's been a fight getting credibility from people on the fence. Took a few days for people to realize the BitPay layoff article wasn't bullshit.
20:57 mircea_popescu aha
20:58 BingoBoingo f3d1b8ad2e31887ad33695f3e58a4df946cf8020e6f98ce598528ba5d6583bd3
20:59 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23600 @ 0.00054405 = 12.8396 BTC [+] {2}
21:04 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1243 @ 0.0008275 = 1.0286 BTC [-] {6}
21:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8800 @ 0.00054411 = 4.7882 BTC [+]
21:08 mircea_popescu $depth s.qntr
21:08 empyex mircea_popescu: [S.QNTR] Bids: 2000 @ 0.00015000 7089 @ 0.00013514 20000 @ 0.00012995 100000 @ 0.00009995
21:08 empyex mircea_popescu: [S.QNTR] Asks: 50 @ 0.00017400 550 @ 0.00017500 50 @ 0.00030000
21:08 mircea_popescu dat imbalance O.o
21:09 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 20 @ 0.10513001 = 2.1026 BTC [-]
21:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.00054411 = 5.4411 BTC [+] {2}
21:18 BingoBoingo Wax sealing, making a comeback
21:18 assbot The Pawn | Bitcoin Wax Stamp ... ( )
~ 16 minutes ~
21:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23993 @ 0.00050323 = 12.074 BTC [-]
21:39 BingoBoingo
21:39 assbot . /btc_feed Really you aren't going to cite the source you quote in your layoffs article
21:40 BingoBoingo ^ San Francisco Ethics
21:46 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo shameful.
21:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11700 @ 0.00051462 = 6.0211 BTC [+]
21:56 asciilifeform re: fork wars << i find it strange that the phoundation folks are derping around with block size, etc. rather than shooting for straight dekulakization.
21:57 mircea_popescu this is just as good, if it passed.
21:57 asciilifeform or is this more of a 'camel's nose' affair
21:57 kakobrekla my guess is nobody really knows what the actual fuck is going on.
21:57 thestringpuller BingoBoingo: you know. we used to have a "no alcohol on sunday" policy.
21:58 thestringpuller used to not affect, me. Today, I'm like "Sweet time to get beer".
21:58 asciilifeform what even is the point of gigantic blocks ?
21:58 mircea_popescu kakobrekla quite certain you're right
21:59 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> what even is the point of gigantic blocks ? << More pretend businesses for the Mr Spamzors
21:59 * kakobrekla beats sexyginger.
21:59 mircea_popescu asciilifeform you understand what the bloom filters thing is supposed to do AFTER that right ?
21:59 asciilifeform i can guess.
21:59 mircea_popescu so then ? huge instablocks, miners running into the disaster of textile
22:00 mircea_popescu "a well, bitcoin was a great idea, unfortunately it failed. clearly ron paul can't win office"
22:01 BingoBoingo thestringpuller: Things happen
22:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65150 @ 0.00053569 = 34.9002 BTC [+] {3}
22:04 mircea_popescu thestringpuller btw, how does it feel to like hit it with article ?
22:04 thestringpuller Meh. Can I go into hiding like hanbot now?
22:05 mircea_popescu lol
22:05 mircea_popescu getting hassled ?
22:07 mircea_popescu "An as yet unknown1 individual or group has taken up the mantle of DPR and launched the next iteration of the Silk Road marketplace, but this time around it's not accessible via Tor."
22:07 mircea_popescu heh.
22:08 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: where was this ?
22:08 thestringpuller mircea_popescu: So, I'm a big Dave Chappelle fan. Anyhow when he got heckled and ragequitting off stage during one of his last stand up shows he came back out and said something to the audience: "You know why my show is good? Because the network officials say you're not smart enough to get what I'm doing, and every day I fight for you. I tell them how smart you are. Turns out, I was wrong. You people are stupid." This is how I
22:08 mircea_popescu asciilifeform qntra
22:09 mircea_popescu thestringpuller i recall that.
22:09 mircea_popescu Basically they fired the guy who blew $1.5Million and only 5 Transactions (probably sub $10) to show for it.
22:09 mircea_popescu BitPay will soon be dead. They probably make $1000 per month revenue and burn around $500K.
22:09 mircea_popescu wait.... reddit no longer loves bitpay ?
22:09 mircea_popescu that leaves what, propping the scam foundation ?
22:10 mircea_popescu no, fred wilson on twitter isn't it. i mean business.
22:11 mircea_popescu "I think the bigger issue is that Bitpay doesn't have a long term business model. Even assuming that Bitcoin adoption grows, transfer of Bitcoin to fiat is a programmable function. People will immediately cut out the middle man if it becomes less expensive, and its a bit of a race to the bottom as people compete in the space for the best rates, quickest conversion and most apis."
22:11 mircea_popescu heh.
22:11 mircea_popescu no moat, eh ? aww.
22:12 mircea_popescu << if anyone wants to point out to bruce fenton that isn't selling worth a crap. and it's damned cheap too.
22:12 assbot bruce_fenton comments on Is Bitpay spending too much? 9 employees were laid off last week. ... ( )
22:12 assbot D.BPAY last 2@0.23999999 ... ( )
22:14 hanbot ty!
22:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7833 @ 0.00050297 = 3.9398 BTC [-] {2}
22:15 cazalla mircea_popescu, done
22:15 hanbot <thestringpuller> how did you not have a stroke while in the trenches of super retardism? << what matters are facts; doesn't matter how often idiocy is repeated by idiots, or how exotic it gets. also, cold showers.
22:16 hanbot lol mircea_popescu
22:16 assbot "The woman's job is to find a great man (not good, by the way), suck his cock, wash his socks and write his eulogy." Bitcoin thought leader Mircea Popescu enlightens. : Buttcoin ... ( )
22:16 mircea_popescu awww, internets no like eulogy talk ?
22:17 hanbot i guess it's more fun to play unobservant psych undergrad than to think.
22:23 mircea_popescu hanbot i wonder how many of these milktoothed experts of letters and matters even understands what the sockwashing reference is.
22:23 mircea_popescu judging by teh arguments, i guess now.
22:23 mircea_popescu not*
22:28 hanbot judging by the arguments, i'd be surprised if the thing was read beyond the title's first nine words.
22:31 mircea_popescu i guess that also.
22:33 BingoBoingo lulz!!!
22:33 assbot Bernie Sanders opens a new front in the battle for the future of the Democratic Party - Vox ... ( )
22:34 mircea_popescu o.O
22:42 mircea_popescu
22:42 assbot BitBet - LTC to top one bitcent before March :: 0.04 B (4%) on Yes, 1.06 B (96%) on No | closing in 1 month 1 week| weight: 93`098 (100`000 to 1) ... ( )
22:42 mircea_popescu 25:1. i guess not huh.
22:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6244 @ 0.00050427 = 3.1487 BTC [+] {2}
22:46 * asciilifeform still waiting for 'slavecoin'
22:48 mircea_popescu proof of cum ?
22:48 is there a cumcoin yet?
22:49 mircea_popescu not afaik
22:56 BingoBoingo !up undata
22:57 BingoBoingo !up Tiraspol
22:57 undata BingoBoingo: ty sir
23:00 undata I should script auth better instead of doing it by hand like a derp each time.
23:01 BingoBoingo Nah
23:01 undata but eh, bouncer makes me lazy
23:02 BingoBoingo !up bitstein
23:02 hanbot <mircea_popescu> hanbot i wonder how many of these milktoothed experts of letters and matters even understands what the sockwashing reference is. << is it that bogart-bacall in the desert episode?
23:03 mircea_popescu african queen yup
23:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5500 @ 0.00051548 = 2.8351 BTC [+]
23:13 thestringpuller damn that's a good movie
23:13 thestringpuller the d00d from maltese falcon and shit
23:13 thestringpuller that guy was a dynamic actor.
23:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38878 @ 0.00050292 = 19.5525 BTC [-]
23:15 mircea_popescu kinda so-so, that one. to have and have not, the big sleep, stuff like that rather.
23:15 thestringpuller the big sleep had some dope "slang"
23:15 mircea_popescu hepburn's outright annoying as a love interest.
23:15 mircea_popescu she does a splendid eleanor of aquitanie and generally dowager roles,
23:16 mircea_popescu but i don't see anyone'd ever want to fuck her.
23:16 thestringpuller not as annoying as marilyn monroe in some like it hot :P
23:16 mircea_popescu what, dumb blonde to perfection.
23:16 thestringpuller maybe I'm just not into the dumb blonde type!
23:16 mircea_popescu i guess my very heavy "not a whore, not a woman" bias is showing.
23:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5888 @ 0.00051548 = 3.0351 BTC [+]
23:23 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2068 @ 0.00081965 = 1.695 BTC [-] {2}
~ 23 minutes ~
23:46 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13458 @ 0.00051851 = 6.9781 BTC [+]
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