Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2017-04-06 | 2017-04-08 →
00:01 BingoBoingo "Support our troops" took Dubya approval ratings from toilet to 80%+ Imagine what a war that ended would do!
00:01 mircea_popescu ~nothing ?
00:02 BingoBoingo Sure, but it would look like something.
00:02 mircea_popescu more accurately, it'd look like what a thing that looked like something used to look.
00:02 BingoBoingo Serious onion theory problem, but sure.
00:04 BingoBoingo "Member when we had a white president who liked our country"
00:05 mircea_popescu make the country of africa great again!
00:06 BingoBoingo Rhodesian Pride!
00:06 BingoBoingo Anyways onion is fine model for the cognitive dissonance possessed by typical USer
00:09 mircea_popescu meanwhile in good boobjobs,
00:09 BingoBoingo A+++ surgeon
00:14 mircea_popescu whereas in "things to brag about",
00:18 deedbot deeds online
~ 25 minutes ~
00:44 mircea_popescu btw, whosoever wants a good dose of mosfilm in english, try "west point story". cagney's blond even.
00:55 asciilifeform elsewhere: 'the swamp drained trump, and all is back to normal'
~ 33 minutes ~
01:29 mircea_popescu lulz
~ 38 minutes ~
02:07 deedbot << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1561...9013 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <>; ' (Unknown RU)
02:07 deedbot << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1774...5533 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <>; ' (Unknown RU)
~ 27 minutes ~
02:35 CompanionCube 'An attacker within range may be able to execute arbitrary code on the Wi-Fi chip'
~ 4 hours 7 minutes ~
06:42 mircea_popescu << ah check it out, soon deedbot will be celebrating 1k trilema articles fed!
~ 1 hours 8 minutes ~
07:51 Framedragger olook our friend leah resurfaces again:
07:51 mircea_popescu did she discover trump's birth certiuficate ?
07:51 Framedragger bhah she's actually retracting her words so i guess not!
07:51 Framedragger 'i fucked up and also was on drugs'
07:51 Framedragger ok leah
07:52 Framedragger !$getarchive
07:52 scriba Previously archived URL: (this was archived by scriba: yes)
07:52 mircea_popescu tits for btc -> redemption.
07:52 Framedragger :)
~ 19 minutes ~
08:11 trinque
08:13 mircea_popescu is this a good thing ?
08:14 trinque maybe erdogan gassed the poar syrians
08:15 trinque guy seems like he's gunning for sandfuhrer 2020
08:17 mircea_popescu im kinda surprised they sat by with the mosul base did ~nothing
08:19 mircea_popescu a look, they're all "must oust assad".
~ 51 minutes ~
09:11 Framedragger << fwiw the siphnos cacher requests index stats page every 30min now, + /phuctored and /dupes once per hour (at different times, not simultaneously). so my guess would be google et al. web crawlers :/
09:11 a111 Logged on 2017-04-06 19:00 asciilifeform: in other noose, phuctor stats now ~unloadable
09:12 trinque simple fix is to crap out a stats page static file at interval.
09:12 trinque or we can just wait patiently as phuctor toils for the republic
09:13 Framedragger yes indeed, however asciilifeform's initial objection (besides other less clear unwillingness) was the requirement for phuctor to show 'live data'. which imho is not necessary.
09:14 Framedragger especially as regards *aggregated* stats (the index stats page) - so what if it lags for up to $interval
09:14 trinque no such thing, only varying degrees of delayed data
09:15 Framedragger something something lightspeed
09:16 mircea_popescu the problem was that db waits for writes to read iirc.
09:16 Framedragger current situation is that it does that for every web request..
09:19 mircea_popescu there is that
09:26 asciilifeform << correct
09:26 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 13:16 mircea_popescu: the problem was that db waits for writes to read iirc.
09:29 asciilifeform << i would like to static the whole thing, but currently have nfi how to do that while retaining the 'what are all keys with mod M ?' , 'what are all mods with factor F?' , 'search for string S in userids' etc
09:29 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 13:13 Framedragger: yes indeed, however asciilifeform's initial objection (besides other less clear unwillingness) was the requirement for phuctor to show 'live data'. which imho is not necessary.
09:32 asciilifeform << in point of fact this is not simple -- right now the thing is wholly reactive -- proggy only runs per request. and is written in a lang having no actual threading...
09:32 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 13:12 trinque: simple fix is to crap out a stats page static file at interval.
09:33 trinque there's already a function that renders that page...
09:33 mircea_popescu as in, the www worker ?
09:33 asciilifeform the use of python for frontend was a mistake. i did it to avoid having to write gpg disasmer from 0, and www liquishit from 0
09:33 asciilifeform trinque: correct
09:34 asciilifeform the problem is that there is simply not enough db 'bandwidth'
09:34 asciilifeform to run it regularly and still be able to do anything else.
09:34 asciilifeform postgres must die.
09:35 mircea_popescu try mysql
09:35 asciilifeform mno.
09:35 mircea_popescu why!
09:35 * asciilifeform has tried it in the past.
09:35 mircea_popescu ah
09:35 asciilifeform all sqltrons have same fundamental problem.
09:35 mircea_popescu it DOES read while writing.
09:36 asciilifeform pg also claims to. the knob did 0.
09:36 mircea_popescu yes but i know it in fact does from you know, running trilema.
09:36 trinque man, I've worked on pg databases that did nothing but write *and* read concurrently while sitting on a few hundred million rows
09:37 asciilifeform who is writing 1000 writes / sec to trilema ?!
09:37 trinque the politics of asciilifeform doth seep into the use of thing he doesn't like
09:37 trinque no shame in that, but it's what that is
09:37 * mircea_popescu whenever i do maintenances.
09:37 asciilifeform trinque: one of these days you gotta expand on how you did it
09:38 trinque successive aggregate calculation tables aside main table
09:38 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: db vacuum is not a sequence of writes for the purpose of subj
09:38 trinque can even fire the updates inside the db with triggers, so everything is transactionally accurate
09:38 trinque i.e. counts are always correct
09:39 mircea_popescu asciilifeform no, i on occasion do multi-row updates. such as (lolz) recently when i made every entry of the 50k items in article db read the same thing.
09:39 mircea_popescu these can take minutes, and the site isn't down during, at all.
09:39 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: fwiw i was not able to load trilema while this was taking place.
09:39 asciilifeform or was that after
09:39 mircea_popescu pretty sure you weren't able to do it after i fucked it
09:40 asciilifeform but ues
09:40 asciilifeform yes
09:40 mircea_popescu table got marked crashed, so all you could load would be the comments, sorta funny half-trilema
09:40 asciilifeform formatting disk is fast!11
09:40 mircea_popescu lel
09:40 asciilifeform and so is 'set all row to c'
09:40 mircea_popescu your updates consist of "set a to b" neh ?
09:40 asciilifeform no, if only
09:41 mircea_popescu then ?
09:41 mircea_popescu set a to a*b ?
09:41 asciilifeform observe how phuctor is structured
09:41 mircea_popescu yes...
09:42 asciilifeform new key entered? must find if we know its mods, any of them, already
09:42 asciilifeform and for that matter, if key is new at all
09:42 mircea_popescu this is index search not update is it ?
09:43 asciilifeform and yes this can be done in bursts, as mircea_popescu described a while ago. but still gotta query whole db for mods
09:43 asciilifeform maybe i misunderstand what means 'update' ?
09:44 trinque two thoughts, beyond which a look at the actual thing would be needed. 1) queues and workers, always 2) db acts as your queue, schema reflects the stages of work
09:45 trinque oh and 3) rendering www is a stage of work
09:45 trinque doing all this in the request/response cycle will kill ya eventually
09:45 mircea_popescu a db write is either insert or update ; finding out things is usually a select. it ~may~ be worthwhile to separate your reads from the writes, because it is technically possible (thopugh i'd hope unlikely) the db is dumb enough to put write locks in for something like "update x on y" even though it should be "select y if z then update x".
09:46 asciilifeform ^ good idea
09:46 * asciilifeform puts on list.
09:46 asciilifeform unfortunately not doable without full rewrite.
09:46 mircea_popescu this is ~what trinque said except his is more general.
09:48 asciilifeform and yes trinque is right, it needs multiprocess queues, etc
09:48 asciilifeform ergo depythonization
09:52 trinque yar
09:52 trinque only way to deal with the nonsense that one "must" respond to allcomers "now"
09:52 trinque on the www
09:52 asciilifeform another gotcha is that the process that does the actual crunching is written in c and communicates solely via the db. it spends ~3min a day reading, but then ~all day checking 'do we already have this factor? ' writing it, in short bursts. but each of these bursts must show up in rss.
09:52 asciilifeform it would not do to have them all come out at once
09:53 trinque could get me a pg connection and I could listen for pg_notify on a trigger of that table
09:54 asciilifeform what's that do
09:54 asciilifeform instead of rss?!
09:54 asciilifeform mno. i refuse to marry sql db !!!
09:54 mircea_popescu asciilifeform trilema ~delays~ rss, you udnerstasnd me ?
09:54 trinque k so suffer
09:54 trinque lol
09:55 trinque yes, send me the bursts as they happen, don't render the RSS each time
09:55 trinque from db
09:55 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: trilema doesn't potentially update 100 / day
09:55 mircea_popescu no, you don't take my meaning.
09:55 mircea_popescu go right ahead, produce a list of 5k rss items, THEN dole them out slowly.
09:55 asciilifeform aah
09:55 mircea_popescu have a rss queue, what.
09:55 asciilifeform this - yes
09:55 trinque this is www born nonsense that communication may only run one way, client can't listen for changes
09:55 asciilifeform but again needs multithreaded proggy.
09:56 asciilifeform that can actually do things without being prodded.
09:56 asciilifeform and yes trinque
09:56 asciilifeform www is fundamentally retarded paradigm
09:57 asciilifeform << vanished...
09:57 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 05:29 mircea_popescu: lulz
09:57 trinque which is why I interact with it through means that do *not* block as it does
09:57 mircea_popescu (ftr, at least once in itgs history trilema updated 6.5k times/day
09:58 asciilifeform the wikilicks dump?
09:58 mircea_popescu yeh
09:58 asciilifeform << also vanished?
09:58 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 11:51 Framedragger: olook our friend leah resurfaces again:
09:58 mircea_popescu asciilifeform re thehill : nah, they are just braindamaged. trilema works by bits, eg, takes you to article
09:58 mircea_popescu does not take you to
09:58 asciilifeform aah
09:58 mircea_popescu because you know, HOW COULD IT POSSIBLY guess.
09:59 mircea_popescu better do a 404 be sure.
09:59 asciilifeform lel
10:00 mircea_popescu typical "republican" "conservative" nonsense mindset.
10:00 Framedragger asciilifeform: have you tried postgres index-only scans? have you tried materialised views? if not, the "postgres must die" sounds sorta surface-level, imho
10:00 asciilifeform Framedragger: briefly describe what these do ?
10:01 asciilifeform do they create risk of data loss ?
10:01 Framedragger index-only scans allow to search in a table without 'touching', or 'locking' the actual rows (which may be simultaneously written-to, at the same time)
10:01 Framedragger not afaik. these are to do with *reading* only. but trinque may chime in
10:01 asciilifeform do they create chance of reading liquishit ?
10:01 Framedragger materialised views - ditto regarding *reading only*
10:02 asciilifeform what actually happens if you read a row being written
10:02 Framedragger again, no, and as per ACID, no dirty reads (*not a bad thing here*)
10:02 Framedragger hm.
10:02 asciilifeform so why then is this not standard? why locks exist at all ?!
10:03 * Framedragger refreshes self on
10:03 Framedragger obtw which postgres version on phuctor asciilifeform? those two features not available in old versions. i don't remember which ver is in debian stable
10:04 trinque materialized views are nothing more than a named query which stores its results in a table
10:04 trinque and which you can refresh at interval
10:04 asciilifeform a very recent one . but i'll have to get back to you Framedragger re : which
10:04 shinohai lol Jason Dreyzehner "Head of Design" at buttpay followed me on twitter. Perhaps staring at T&A will be useful in making UI decisions.
10:04 trinque they are useful for calculating aggregates as I was describing.
10:04 trinque can cron the "refresh materialized view"
10:04 trinque at sane interval
10:04 Framedragger and ^ is effectively a cache of sorts (useful here)
10:05 asciilifeform trinque: that sounds potentially useful. i'll have to investigate
10:05 trinque these as queue tables for stages of work are also useful
10:05 asciilifeform trinque: i don't like state
10:05 trinque however it may be saner to completely divorce the algorithmic part from sql
10:06 trinque just fart results into sql for wwwtron
10:06 asciilifeform and i certainly don't want html in my db wtf
10:06 trinque nobody said that
10:06 Framedragger, lol, the *results* are 'cached', you still regen html (but this is computationally trivial neh)
10:07 asciilifeform aah yeah
10:07 trinque so here's what relational db was supposed to be for, like bash originally had a 'supposed to be for'
10:08 trinque it's a goddamned spreadsheet; you're supposed to compute elsewhere and then fart your results in there so somebody managerial can ask it questions
10:08 Framedragger btw, i once screwed around with memoization in flask. iirc something can be done here as well, asciilifeform (it may be as trivial as adding a decorator before the function which handles GET request)
10:08 trinque it grew beyond this scope the same reason bash did, or anything else that was originally a user interface
10:08 asciilifeform Framedragger: i have it already
10:08 Framedragger ah okok.
10:09 asciilifeform Framedragger: problem is that the cache gotta expire some time.
10:09 mircea_popescu trinque> materialized views are nothing more than a named query which stores its results in a table << this is a convenience not a speed-up
10:09 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i think he was proposing it as an ad hoc parallelism
10:09 mircea_popescu shinohai you're prolly twitter famous.
10:09 trinque it's a speedup for someone loading the stats page
10:10 trinque and keeps him from reading the same table he's writing
10:10 trinque thing's designed for parallelism yes, but of the same exact data in same spot is a big ask
10:10 trinque move the data around
10:10 Framedragger mircea_popescu: in materialized view, postgres can persist results of query in table-like form. so it *does* cache them; hence you can't say it's convenience only.
10:11 Framedragger (when you query a mat view, data is returned directly from it, without touching the source live table)
10:11 Framedragger (unless i've misunderstood horribly)
10:11 trinque no, that is accurate.
10:11 mircea_popescu might as well just make a proper cache table.
10:12 asciilifeform trinque: another problem: i thought of having new submissions go to a queue, instead of main db. but! that would nuke the vey valuable 'paste in an unknown pgp key and know ~immediately~' feature.
10:12 mircea_popescu is it immediate ?
10:12 asciilifeform it is.
10:12 trinque which is only a thing because www is 'daddy buy me a pony now!'
10:12 mircea_popescu ah i always thought i should consult later
10:12 trinque irc could just tell you when done
10:13 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: not the phuctoring!
10:13 asciilifeform the 'do we know it'
10:13 mircea_popescu ah ah ah
10:13 asciilifeform yes.
10:13 mircea_popescu yes that's very nice.
10:13 mircea_popescu half the time saves me the wait.
10:13 asciilifeform aha, nice, but not compatible with queueing.
10:14 trinque so... lol. the other insanity people commit here is starting n pythons
10:14 asciilifeform now i can make a separate queuer just for offline subs
10:14 trinque because GIL or whatever they called the lock
10:14 asciilifeform but now it means two wholly separate subsystems
10:14 mircea_popescu trinque what'd you have him do it in, c ?
10:14 trinque oh I proposed nothing for this fractal hell!
10:14 asciilifeform i'd luvvv to know in what to redo this
10:14 trinque haha, but hey sbcl is threaded and hunchentoot exists.
10:14 trinque works great
10:15 asciilifeform trinque: you wanna write gpg parser ? that handles all cases ?
10:15 asciilifeform it dun exist
10:15 asciilifeform in cl
10:15 asciilifeform remember, it also has to handle arbitrary binary garbage without misbehaving.
10:16 mircea_popescu yeah, fuzz tip
10:17 asciilifeform and yes, originally phuctor front end was to be a cl proggy
10:17 asciilifeform but turns out, the necessary work is gargantuan.
10:17 asciilifeform if i had insisted, phuctor would still be a waited-for thing
10:17 asciilifeform instead of working-but-complained-about.
10:18 mircea_popescu open question whether cl would be fast enough. though i know there's some people itching to answer it.
10:18 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: python certainly isn't
10:18 trinque python's slower, and astonishingly so when threading
10:19 mircea_popescu there is that.
10:19 mircea_popescu are there any known documented and running cl-anythings more or less the size phuctor'd be ?
10:19 asciilifeform orbitz
10:21 asciilifeform << 'put wifi in everything! only an unteasonable terrorist would refuse!!' -- everyone not-tmsr
10:21 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 06:35 CompanionCube: 'An attacker within range may be able to execute arbitrary code on the Wi-Fi chip'
10:21 asciilifeform *unreasonable
10:21 trinque asciilifeform: if stuck on python, which I grant is practical, can't really refuse the customary sins to make it go
10:22 asciilifeform trinque: i'd much like to get off it
10:23 asciilifeform which is why fixes that retain it, seem like total waste of time to me ( i put a good deal of time into experimenting with db configs the last time we had this thread. and it made 0 measurable difference, for instance. )
10:23 trinque I could tune my truck's engine all day and hauling 7000lbs vs 2000lbs will have greater effect
10:23 trinque but I take your meaning
10:26 trinque really the right thing to do here is sell a buncha fuckgoats, get asciilifeform rich, hire stable boy
10:26 trinque not optimize this
10:26 asciilifeform tbh i dun think anybody is getting rich on fg...
10:26 mircea_popescu what's the stable boy to do ?
10:27 trinque things that are cheap that can later be thrown away
10:27 trinque while more expensive people continue to think long-term
10:28 * trinque expects to throw away any www he builds by weight 5x over the lifetime
10:28 asciilifeform aaaaaah looks like i gotta paste in again
10:28 a111 Logged on 2017-02-19 03:54 asciilifeform: (iirc we had a thread where i described how corporate ameritards, if given a problem like phuctor, would happily soak up a few $mil and megawatt of iron)
10:28 trinque otherwise yes, compromises overrun the thing
10:29 trinque asciilifeform: I threw away first bot, and second bot, and we sit here with the 3rd
10:29 trinque did not burn any $mil or megawatt
10:29 asciilifeform trinque: understand, first thing, and only thing , that a brute labourer would say re phuctor, is 'buy $mil of replication', 'use clouds', etc
10:31 asciilifeform trinque: your bot, while very spiffy, and necessary, is not an intrinsically heavy item
10:31 trinque nor the www part of your thing
10:31 asciilifeform this remains to be seen
10:32 asciilifeform that is, just how separable the light is from the heavy
10:32 asciilifeform while retaining what must be retained
10:32 trinque I'll close with the observation that asciilifeform's "fits in head" serves "build to iterate and throw away" very well.
10:33 asciilifeform it does.
10:33 asciilifeform phuctor, for instance, dropped ~half of its length each time i rewrote.
10:34 asciilifeform imho this is proper.
10:34 trinque aha
10:38 mircea_popescu trinque this stable boy notion needs more thinking.
10:40 shinohai <<< This is what I said to Steemit evangelist R. Hilarski a few days ago when he accused me of just hating on altcoins. "When you lose all your BTC in scams, at least your wife is kinda hot so she can come by trilema and bare her tits for bits."
10:40 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 11:52 mircea_popescu: tits for btc -> redemption.
10:44 trinque mircea_popescu: more clearly stated, I do not see a www as part of the algorithm of phuctor. it is one source of input where there could be many, and one output idem. with a clearly defined line between www and phuctor (even allowing for that www may require cached copies of phuctor data to operate properly), this gives you something you can nuke later and replace.
10:45 trinque without this separation the idiocies of www will creep in, such as "must respond to user accurately and *now*"
10:46 trinque meanwhile asciilifeform has no business adopting sql perversions as tools of thought; it would be demeaning
10:47 trinque thus the notion of sticking someone in the www toilet, who manages commands of specific outputs and inputs, and above all keeps the shit in the shithouse
10:48 Framedragger the 'www side can live on another server, even' degree of separation may be most easily achievable (given lack of resources to rewrite everything as of now) via pg notify / streaming replication. but maybe asciilifeform would insist that this is 'marrying the db'
10:48 trinque and when gossipd comes around and asciilifeform can dispense with www entirely, dispense with shithouse *and* shithouse creature
10:48 trinque clean break on both
10:49 mircea_popescu no i don't mean that. i just mean, yes in principl;e doing something with the plebs is not a bad idea ; but the exact what and wherefore coulo use more conteplation.
10:49 trinque ah k
10:57 Framedragger << where possible, new-enough postgres will automagically perform index-only scans. `EXPLAIN ANALYZE your-query-here` output would be interesting to see here
10:57 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 14:02 asciilifeform: so why then is this not standard? why locks exist at all ?!
~ 31 minutes ~
11:28 asciilifeform << imho this is a mistake. the presentation of results is not ~cleanly~ separable from the generation, because certain situations (dupes, or the omission of a concordance factor/modulus/key linkage) must be HARD-guaranteed not to happen
11:28 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 14:44 trinque: mircea_popescu: more clearly stated, I do not see a www as part of the algorithm of phuctor. it is one source of input where there could be many, and one output idem. with a clearly defined line between www and phuctor (even allowing for that www may require cached copies of phuctor data to operate properly), this gives you something you can nuke later and replace.
11:29 asciilifeform and this requires guaranteed consistency. right now i have this guarantee because there is one db, and not a multilevel morass.
11:29 asciilifeform << i'll say that being able to paste in an unknown base64 pgp key and see a search result NOW, is not negotiable.
11:29 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 14:45 trinque: without this separation the idiocies of www will creep in, such as "must respond to user accurately and *now*"
11:29 asciilifeform it is one of the main reasons for phuctor at all.
11:30 asciilifeform << is it not obvious how creating MORE things that gotta be 'nuked later' is a problem ?
11:30 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 14:48 Framedragger: the 'www side can live on another server, even' degree of separation may be most easily achievable (given lack of resources to rewrite everything as of now) via pg notify / streaming replication. but maybe asciilifeform would insist that this is 'marrying the db'
11:30 asciilifeform this is how winblowz ended up with bookcase-length api, people.
11:31 asciilifeform 'haha we can always get rid of $item later', mmmnope.
11:31 asciilifeform ~never happens.
11:37 mircea_popescu it happens here, we got rid of all sorts of intermediate steps
11:45 Framedragger asciilifeform: the parallel to "this is how winblowz blew up" breaks, imho, if you consider the splitting-off of www not as an addition, but as actual splitting-off, i.e., the box with phuctor on it may no longer have a www interface (just an option, i know you may be against it). if you picture it that way, it's more about modularisation vs. fixing and inflating a single monolithic thing.
11:45 Framedragger (granted, these are just nice abstract words.)
11:47 shinohai The conspiracy theories begin, Trump leaves the runways intact:
11:48 shinohai Naturally, this was to appease Russia.
11:53 asciilifeform intact ?! and somebody claims to see this from linked photo ??
11:54 shinohai yup.
11:54 asciilifeform Framedragger: now you're talking about having 2 boxes ? do you have an idea what the ~one~ costs ?
11:54 asciilifeform ( ever read the s.nsa broadcast ? )
11:55 shinohai Also, strikes were designed to create moar refugees which Trump could laugh at and turn away.
11:55 asciilifeform lol
11:55 asciilifeform Framedragger: think about how much complexity in the liquishit we call 'modern comp' comes from these attempted modularizations.
11:55 asciilifeform 'oh gotta have clipboard be a separate process'
11:56 asciilifeform 'oh disk cache gotta be separate from kernel'
11:56 Framedragger asciilifeform: hold on. the idea was to separate reads from writes. having a separate box for www which gets updates from phuctor box, and having pg indices on it for quick search is *not* resource-intensive. i can cite examples but basically i'm quite certain that a <= 16gb memory box would suffice. phuctor box is 256 gigs yes, but it does *so much more*.
11:57 asciilifeform Framedragger: why are you regarding the added complexity (100x what i have now!) as 'free' ?
11:57 Framedragger of course being able to point to a working prototype would do so much more than arguments. unfortunately that would most likely require the needed modifications on the phuctor box, so a bit of chicken-and-egg.
11:58 asciilifeform and the work of shepherding 2+ machines.
11:58 asciilifeform not to mention their bandwidth.
11:58 Framedragger bandwidth? bandwidth required for phuctor box would be "what's needed to send new rows to this other box".
11:59 Framedragger bandwidth required for the www box would be ~same as what's currently needed from phuctor.
12:00 asciilifeform Framedragger: you're talking about replication. replication, generally speaking, doesn't work. certainly not on posgres or any other free db, and certainly not without titanic sweat and inevitable increases in attack surface.
12:00 Framedragger now, complexity management-wise.. maybe; having same person manage both boxes may not be best idea (and the alternative has its own advantages). but the current "phuctor is down, i don't know why, it's a black box" isn't the greatest example of current setup, either. (this may be a red herring, i'm not sure)
12:01 asciilifeform understand, Framedragger, it is 600 lines, now.
12:01 Framedragger well, i'm not that certain, but i am assuming you have more experience there with me. i will only remark that you merely need a *read slave*, not an actual mirror db which can handle writes and sync state. the syncing would go one way only. (hence the multiple references to pg streaming replication.)
12:02 Framedragger (again tho, it's very easy to just point finger at features, so i'll gladly shut up)
12:02 asciilifeform theoretically this can be done on one box. but -- for my enlightenment, Framedragger , describe to me :
12:02 asciilifeform what happens when a user submits a gpg key ?
12:02 asciilifeform under your hypothetical system
12:03 asciilifeform where does it go ?
12:03 asciilifeform does he IMMEDIATELY get a bookmarkable link based on the key's hash ? that he can come back to next hour, next day, next decade ? if so, how ??
12:03 asciilifeform if the 'www db' isn't writable
12:03 Framedragger asciilifeform: aha, right, that. i literally forgot about that lol. but wait, first we need to clear up the question about whether you want an immediate result to be shown to user upon gpg key submission.
12:03 asciilifeform aaaahahahahahaha
12:03 Framedragger are you absolutely unwilling to have a delay there?
12:03 asciilifeform ABSOLUTELY
12:03 Framedragger "but whyy"
12:04 asciilifeform EVERYBODY thinks they're soooo much cleverer than dumb old asciilifeform
12:04 Framedragger because gotta serve all the our democracy right here and now?
12:04 asciilifeform 'i can make it BETTER, FASTER, STRONGER!1111'
12:04 asciilifeform 'but does it do the same job ?' 'ummmmm didn't think of it'
12:04 asciilifeform Framedragger: it ain't about 'demoocracy', it is about actually doing the job
12:05 asciilifeform the job where it takes you from a base64 gpg key you found on some godforsaken usenet post, to a permanent link in phuctor
12:05 asciilifeform which, note, replaces, e.g., sks and other heathen idiocies.
12:06 Framedragger hold on, hold on. first of all, regarding the permalink: you can have this anyway, because the hash is computed in python anyway (i ~recall the procedure that you once gave me). so,
12:06 Framedragger you can give permalink to user on the www read-only box.
12:06 asciilifeform it isn't merely 'hash is computed', it shows if anyone else at any point in history ever had the mods.
12:06 asciilifeform including the guy who submitted 5 seconds ago.
12:06 asciilifeform think about this last part.
12:07 asciilifeform 'but asciilifeform ! real roquefort is soooo expensive ! let's replace SOME of it with petro-roquefort'
12:07 asciilifeform no pasaran.
12:07 Framedragger yes that's the tricky part. my natural answer to that would be to "drop it, have user be able to come back right away - to a permalink - but results only displayed when the upstream db actually processes and inserts the new entry. (this entry would then get fed into the slave via streaming replication)"
12:07 Framedragger however, you won't agree to drop it, i take it.
12:08 asciilifeform aha.
12:08 Framedragger fuckety fuck
12:09 asciilifeform what i'ma have to do, eventually, is to replace all of the idiocy. ditch the python, ditch the sql.
12:09 asciilifeform custom (bitwise, and using mmap) db, with fixed-length fields.
12:09 asciilifeform and O(1) access.
12:09 asciilifeform but this won't be happening today.
12:10 CompanionCube would phuctor be ada-ized?
12:10 asciilifeform CompanionCube: inevitably
12:10 asciilifeform it's the only serious long-term pill.
12:11 Framedragger alright. i will grant you that the end system wouldn't be "oh so elegantly simple", because you would have to have a submission queue (maybe something that trinque had in mind). user submits key; gets permalink (immediately); meanwhile key gets sent to master (immediately), and master puts it into "to be inserted" queue. under normal loads, the insertion happens ~immediately,
12:11 Framedragger and you get your 5 seconds. if the db is loaded, it gets inserted "fast", and user is able to see results upon refresh (because when it gets inserted, update gets immediately sent to slave via trigger rule.)
12:11 asciilifeform Framedragger: this is quite similar to what already happens.
12:12 asciilifeform with the difference that the queueing takes place inside pg
12:12 asciilifeform and so 'looks slow'
12:12 Framedragger can you not picture this setup with a read-only slave, with a *separate* "give new key to master" interface (separate so that the replication doesn't become write-write but stays write-read)
12:13 asciilifeform i can easily picture it . it is how commercial ( ) db work. google et al. i am specifically uninterested in taking that approach.
12:13 a111 Logged on 2017-02-19 03:54 asciilifeform: (iirc we had a thread where i described how corporate ameritards, if given a problem like phuctor, would happily soak up a few $mil and megawatt of iron)
12:13 Framedragger (again, i did realise that the "oh very simple" angle isn't strong here)
12:13 asciilifeform because the CORRECT answer is a sane db that isn't written by motherfucking wreckers
12:13 asciilifeform and isn't slow as molasses.
12:13 asciilifeform and knows how to read while writing without stepping on own shoelaces.
12:14 asciilifeform the disk can push 150 MB/sec. if the db cannot do 150 MB/sec, it is retarded and must burn.
12:14 asciilifeform it is -- quite obviously -- doing work that dun need doing. behind the curtain. 'for your own good.'
12:15 asciilifeform see the userland fs thread, with the rebalances.
12:15 Framedragger you are presenting a false dichotomy consisting of {current phuctor; $multi-mil db setup}. you propose to escape it by writing new db as the only way to escape it.
12:15 Framedragger people are telling you that there is a setup which is better but not multi-mil. it does require planning, etc.
12:16 Framedragger it was retarded of me to just throw keywords at you saying "that would do it".
12:16 asciilifeform i am quite aware that 'software industry' today consists of multiple layers of shit sandwitch, each and every one of which consisted of 'great optimization! all you gotta do is add this 5000 lines of code and 40 layer tree of state that gotta be kept consistent'
12:16 asciilifeform asciilifeform specifically does not do this.
12:17 * Framedragger quite certain he would get erection from that small c program in phuctor, and that is great
12:17 asciilifeform having two databases sounds superficially like a great thing, until you realize that the read-write thing applies just the same to the 'front' one as it does to the existing single.
12:18 asciilifeform you are STILL stuck writing new submissions to the front.
12:18 asciilifeform understand, if i paste a gpg key into phuctor, and cannot then ~immediately~ link to it in-chan -- phuctor is broken!!
12:19 Framedragger but you no longer reading from the front (in the sense of sql queries), which in db-land is good for performance.
12:19 Framedragger are*
12:19 asciilifeform every url fetch reads.
12:19 asciilifeform and from where, do you think, it reads ?
12:19 Framedragger it reads from the cached copy, damnit.
12:19 asciilifeform and the cached copy is updated when ?
12:19 Framedragger it is updated in ~realtime from the master via streaming replication
12:20 Framedragger which means, "whenever new row, send it off [without having to execute a new select query etc]"
12:20 asciilifeform again, every key submission potentially affects multiple rows.
12:21 asciilifeform because a key breaks down into moduli, fingerprints, and -- potentially -- known factors
12:21 Framedragger that is fine, and a postgres trigger would mean that any affected row gets sent off. i do understand that new-key-addition is a db-intense process, of course
12:21 asciilifeform and if ANY of these exist previously, incl. from a submission 5 seconds ago -- they gotta be correctly linked
12:21 asciilifeform instead of created.
12:23 trinque << imma seriously start calling this russing over the issue if we get one more of y'all in here doing that.
12:23 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 15:30 asciilifeform: this is how winblowz ended up with bookcase-length api, people.
12:24 Framedragger (just so i don't feel like just throwing random verbiage at you, what i mean is something like `CREATE TRIGGER setup_send_update AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON phuctor FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE send_update);` - it wouldn't be hard to try.)
12:24 asciilifeform which issue trinque
12:24 trinque my proposal was to put your turdworks in a box
12:24 trinque not let them seep all through
12:24 asciilifeform trinque: sorta what Framedragger was discussing, neh
12:24 trinque you *have* turdworks by your own decision to use www (which I think is reasonable)
12:24 asciilifeform i don't presently see them as cleanly cuttable apart
12:24 asciilifeform while retaining what i see as the non-negotiable features.
12:25 asciilifeform (immediate linkability of newly-pasted-in gpg key.)
12:25 asciilifeform this is not even to mention the complexity cost.
12:26 asciilifeform or the cost of getting a 2nd box with five-nines uptime.
12:28 asciilifeform and if you think rewriting 600 ln. of python is painful -- try rewriting 60,000. which is what is being proposed : to give asciilifeform 60,000 lines to later inevitably rewrite.
12:28 Framedragger asciilifeform: fwiw i'd be willing to set up a read slave on 16gb dedi box (siphnos, unmetered connection) for fri, that part is not hard imho. sure, if/when decision would be made to *actually expose it to everyone*, things could be moved (and maintained by someone else), but this is one way to prototype things.
12:29 Framedragger rewriting 60000 lines for this.. how does that follow..
12:29 asciilifeform at one point i thought that giving it to other folx could be a reasonable thing. now i ~definitely~ do not
12:29 asciilifeform given that i found that various otherwise reasonable people are willing to make all kinds of compromises
12:29 asciilifeform that i do ~not~ support
12:29 asciilifeform ( to dispense, for instance, with immediate linkability )
12:30 asciilifeform the apparent willingness of, e.g., Framedragger , to introduce petro-cheese is quite depressing
12:30 * trinque catches up on thread, 1sec
12:30 Framedragger if people decide to compromise on things after an agreement was made not to, i mean.. fuck those people
12:30 Framedragger asciilifeform: yeah i said some stupid things, apologies for depressing you there
12:31 asciilifeform the performance wins described in this thread by Framedragger and trinque can only come at the cost of 1) massive increase in complexity, and in particularly state 2) loss of immediate linkability of freshly pasted keys.
12:31 asciilifeform per my current understanding.
12:31 trinque I find the notion that asciilifeform here is the only guy capable of adhering to own standards lulzy
12:31 trinque if so dispense with republic, bring on teh stalin
12:31 asciilifeform trinque: speaking strictly of this particular problem.
12:31 trinque asciilifeform: you did not seriously cogitate on anything I sad for more than 5 seconds
12:31 trinque *said
12:31 asciilifeform i must point out, that i am unwilling to solve it by redefining the problem.
12:31 asciilifeform 'oh you don't need immediate links!'
12:32 trinque ^ find reference for this pls
12:32 asciilifeform the dual db thing
12:32 asciilifeform it flows inescapably from it
12:32 trinque so you're talking to me about Framedragger's whatever, k
12:33 asciilifeform this in re the dual-db optimization, yes
12:33 asciilifeform trinque has entirely different algo ?
12:33 Framedragger (i'll just note that the *permalink* can be derived on the slave box, and nowhere did i say something contradicting this)
12:33 trinque I refuse to retype it
12:33 asciilifeform trinque: i'ma reread the trinque lines from log.
12:33 asciilifeform see if missed something.
12:34 asciilifeform but meanwhile i also must address the 'stable boy' thing
12:34 asciilifeform imho to even suggest such a thing, betrays a very serious misunderstanding of the concept. dumb humans are in every respect an inferior version of the machine. the only thing more agonizing than programming comp, is programming dumb humans.
12:35 asciilifeform i do not need 'stable boy' for anything. there is no conceivable room, imho, for any such thing in any of my systems.
12:35 trinque I'm not defending that because it's not what I said.
12:35 asciilifeform maybe i misunderstood the idea ? what was meant ?
12:35 trinque you conflate the paper delivery kid with the printing works and the writers and, and, at your own design
12:36 asciilifeform this presupposes that the task can be cut.
12:36 asciilifeform into 'paperboy' and 'writer'.
12:36 asciilifeform maybe -- could. but i do not see how it can be done without losing something important.
12:37 asciilifeform and yes, if you were to throw out the realtime query ability, you could run phuctor as a 'newspaper'.
12:37 asciilifeform even, hell, distribute printed edition, like telephone book.
12:37 asciilifeform but that ain't a solution imho.
12:37 asciilifeform it's a petrocheese.
12:38 asciilifeform and a ~very~ serious, imho, surrender. 'oh, this thing that you could do whenever you wanted in 2013? can't do it no moar.'
12:39 Framedragger last note before i fuck off: the "user submits key; gets permalink (immediately); meanwhile key gets sent to master (immediately), and master puts it into "to be inserted" queue" + "all inserted + updated rows get sent back to slave via streaming replication and pg trigger" doesn't look like petrocheese to me. is all.
12:39 asciilifeform Framedragger: it means that the user doesn't immediately learn the 'do we know this key?' answer.
12:39 asciilifeform srsly.
12:39 asciilifeform not hard concept.
12:39 trinque the fuck is hard about whether a unique constraint bumped into something
12:40 asciilifeform trinque: expand plox
12:41 trinque you have a keys table, factors table, factors has a unique constraint on value column of factors, there is a join table called key_factor which joins key and factor
12:42 asciilifeform factors get created by the werker process (in c, and unable to do anything whatsoever other than to search for whether a particular factor already exists)
12:42 asciilifeform do to the db, i mean.
12:43 asciilifeform it handles 3 cases : new factor of old modulus that had some known factors; new factor of modulus that had no known factors; old factor of modulus that had some known factors.
12:45 asciilifeform trinque: what happens if a unique constraint is violated ? afaik -- query eggogs
12:45 asciilifeform is this in point of fact any faster than running a search and ensuring that there is no eggog query submitted ?
12:46 trinque well one sec, so you're trying to establish relationship between keys and factors in the db, yes?
12:46 asciilifeform right
12:47 trinque the "unique" is just an index which yes eggogs if insert happens and is already present. the eggog is just a matter of how do you want to find out about this
12:47 jurov coinbr public announcement: there are some stuck orders, and it came at worst possible time. During the weekend I should be able to fix.
12:48 trinque can do also: select exists(select 1 from factors where value = ?);
12:48 trinque where value is indexed
12:48 trinque I'm of course shooting in the dark as to what happens when in what you have.
12:48 asciilifeform trinque: can i , purely using sql query, force it to not attempt write ( and -- importantly -- to take no locks ! ) if an item already exists ?
12:49 trinque insert into factors (val) values (3) where not exists (select 1 from factors where value = 3);
12:49 trinque or thereabouts
12:51 asciilifeform thing is, it also has to update the respective mod's factors indices array
12:51 asciilifeform ( a factor belongs to ~one or more~ mods )
12:51 asciilifeform it can potentially belong to 10,000,001 mods.
12:52 asciilifeform for some of whom -- we may already know it, and have it in the indices
12:52 trinque the insert statement can return its id to a calling update statement
12:52 trinque one sec.
12:53 * asciilifeform dusts off notebook, listens to trinque
12:55 trinque array type in db or join table?
12:55 asciilifeform array
12:55 asciilifeform and hey iirc i posted entire db (11 GB or so!) here...
12:55 trinque hm, shit I missed.
12:56 trinque know mod IDs to update at this point?
12:57 asciilifeform which point
13:00 trinque does this query look up the mod IDs to append their factor arrays, or does your worker already know those
13:00 asciilifeform knows
13:04 trinque asciilifeform:
13:06 asciilifeform trinque: this looks like it does exactly same thing as my current routine
13:08 trinque << was direct response to this
13:08 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 16:48 asciilifeform: trinque: can i , purely using sql query, force it to not attempt write ( and -- importantly -- to take no locks ! ) if an item already exists ?
13:10 asciilifeform aah
13:10 asciilifeform i'ma have to do some rtfm, to figure out how trinque's snippet worx.
13:11 trinque alrighty
13:12 asciilifeform ty for taking the sweat to puzzle over this, trinque .
13:13 trinque any time
13:18 shinohai bn
13:22 danielpbarron << why didn't this work?
13:22 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 03:19 danielpbarron: !!deed
13:26 trinque danielpbarron: let ya know
13:27 danielpbarron file is 682M -- maybe that's too big?
13:27 trinque got 10s of gigs over there free, nah
13:27 trinque mod6 did some pretty big ones
13:27 danielpbarron i was voiced obviously, but maybe deedbot had reconnected since then, and didn't see me as authed anymore?
13:27 shinohai I was gonna say, all those trb artifacts were huge
13:30 danielpbarron on a related note, which openbsd cds are specifically wanted? i did 5.5 cd1 because i have that pack opened already, and because the more useful cd2 (containing amd64) got damaged when i tried to remove it from one of my iMac G3s that wouldn't spit it back out (it also has ppc -- probably the arch of interest)
13:30 trinque when we get it to work, all, far as I'm concerned
13:31 danielpbarron i can do an unboxing video or something. i have 5.5 through 5.8 in original sealed packaging
13:31 danielpbarron i even have the missprint 5.8 and the replacement cd they sent afterwards
13:33 danielpbarron will be interesting to see if my unopened 5.5 cd1 is the same bitwise as the one in the above mentioned deed
13:33 danielpbarron got them from different stores even
13:46 trinque I'm getting on the previous batch of deeds that I have insufficient funds, which is bullshit.
13:46 trinque so, gotta untwist that
13:47 shinohai deedbot got gabriel_ladell'ed
13:47 trinque then also danielpbarron this project with ISOs might take rewriting the downloader, will have to look at it
13:47 trinque shinohai: loool
13:47 trinque danielpbarron: lets work on getting those in next week
13:48 danielpbarron ok
13:48 danielpbarron also please let me know if my format was right. I emulated mod6's thing but maybe there's a better way to do it with iso
13:49 danielpbarron tar.gz only compressed it from ~708 to 682
13:49 trinque curl $url | head -n 30 looks fine
13:50 danielpbarron and is it redundant to include sha512 on both the tar.gz and the iso?
13:51 trinque danielpbarron: seems ok, maybe my tar or gzip has the HIV
13:51 danielpbarron yeh
13:56 shinohai !!up eulenspiegel
13:56 deedbot eulenspiegel voiced for 30 minutes.
13:59 mircea_popescu << python
13:59 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 16:17 Framedragger quite certain he would get erection from that small c program in phuctor, and that is great
13:59 mircea_popescu eulenspiegel hehe not bad
14:00 mircea_popescu << not exactly broken, but certainly degraded.
14:00 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 16:18 asciilifeform: understand, if i paste a gpg key into phuctor, and cannot then ~immediately~ link to it in-chan -- phuctor is broken!!
14:04 jhvh1 eulenspiegel, who is your Daddy and what does he do?
14:06 * mircea_popescu is enjoying this log.
14:08 Framedragger mircea_popescu: i thought one of the parts was a c proggy. quite certain it is, asciilifeform mentioned it multiple times. python is the web backend afaik
14:08 mircea_popescu ah yeah there is a part
14:09 mircea_popescu << could in principle derive it and "nothing here" until backend figures out wtf is going on i guess.
14:09 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 16:33 Framedragger: (i'll just note that the *permalink* can be derived on the slave box, and nowhere did i say something contradicting this)
14:10 mircea_popescu << this is a matter of personal preference. i favour humanses.
14:10 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 16:34 asciilifeform: imho to even suggest such a thing, betrays a very serious misunderstanding of the concept. dumb humans are in every respect an inferior version of the machine. the only thing more agonizing than programming comp, is programming dumb humans.
14:12 Framedragger mircea_popescu: re "nothing here" the idea would be that upon user submitting gpg key, page reloads *instantly* (vs. near-instant page load on current phuctor - reloads only after key inserted into db), shows permalink and "waiting for insertion" msg; html could have property to auto refresh every second until master responds with any links to other keys. but i understand asciilifeform's reasons against this
14:13 mircea_popescu you may snag some decidability issues (depending exactly how unique id is generated -- remember keys are not unique in this sense, kinda the point of phuctor)\
14:15 asciilifeform << Framedragger is correct, there is a wwwtronic (and rfc4880-parsing) front end, that is in python; and a wholly separate werker that actually does the number crunching, in c.
14:15 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 18:08 Framedragger: mircea_popescu: i thought one of the parts was a c proggy. quite certain it is, asciilifeform mentioned it multiple times. python is the web backend afaik
14:15 mircea_popescu yeh.
14:17 asciilifeform << folx who are good at usefully programming humanses are called mircea_popescus and we here, luckily -- do have one!!
14:17 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 18:10 mircea_popescu: << this is a matter of personal preference. i favour humanses.
14:17 mircea_popescu unrelatedly, << last call for this, prolly getting done weekend/early next
14:17 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: looks good imho
14:17 asciilifeform << i wonder if we hit some hidden koch limit
14:17 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 17:27 danielpbarron: file is 682M -- maybe that's too big?
14:17 asciilifeform ( wouldn't be the first time )
14:19 mircea_popescu it's important to de-equivocate dumb ; there's two kinds of machine that may be casually referred to as dumb : one that is very slow (eg, z80) / one that is very demanding on the programmer (eg, windows). good programmer wouldn't really call z80 dumb, bad programmer wouldn't really call windows dumb. this directly translates to humans, there's a kind of dumb the incompetent identify mostly disjunct from the kind of dumb the c
14:19 mircea_popescu ompetent identify.
14:20 asciilifeform slow-but-guaranteed-correct-answer is not dumb at all.
14:21 asciilifeform ( could be impractical -- we all die before answer is emitted -- but that ain't 'dumb' )
14:22 asciilifeform and yes i'm familiar with 'prussian' model of command, where 'a good soldier follows directions, doesn't sit and think' etc.
14:22 asciilifeform it has a point.
14:22 asciilifeform but imho the logical end of it is proper mechanization.
14:22 mircea_popescu it all depends.
14:24 mircea_popescu no, let's also de-equivocate think. there's two kinds of think, one's a forge/reflow/examination of trees resulting in analytical consumption of inputs with actionable outputs guaranteed ; the other is a neurotic behaviour perhaps best described as spinning, whereby specific emotional triggers / detriggers are visited in succession. the prussian model was never concerned with the former in any sense, but merely aimed to elimi
14:24 mircea_popescu nate the latter ; under the (broadly correct) assumption that a quiet head works and a loud one doesn't. this isn't so different from, eg, buddhism.
14:25 mircea_popescu as a general rule, people who can't produce genus/difference definitions for all the symbols in their own output are better off not thinking yet, as what they think thinking is isn't.
14:25 mircea_popescu to go back to the machine model : until you're running symbolix, don't pretend like you're computing.
14:31 mircea_popescu and to link it to blogging : the point of blogging (daily!) is that it forces an easy and painless transition from type 2 to type 1 in the heads of the practitioners. there's no promise as to the rate of conversion, but then again that's the best you can get for painless.
14:33 asciilifeform this is reminiscent of marksmanship training, where trainee fights his idiot reflexes -- overaiming, oversqueezing
14:33 * Framedragger builds hasty internal map of 'mp type 1 is kahneman type 2, mp type 2 is kahneman type 1'..
14:33 mircea_popescu quite.
14:33 asciilifeform and, from what i read -- of pilotage school also
14:33 mircea_popescu which is why prussians came up with it. fought a helluva lot of recruit idiocy to arrive to the concept.
14:33 asciilifeform ( according to the b00k, most folx die in airplane because of ~thinking~ )
14:33 mircea_popescu Framedragger works.
14:34 mircea_popescu if you're wondering, mp doesn't use the reference because the introduction de novo is a paragraph, the discussion of differentiation is a book.
14:36 Framedragger yeah this is nicely self-contained
14:36 mircea_popescu moreover wtf was he doing he sorted them backwards!
14:37 mircea_popescu SORTING is the most important activity of the human brain. and you should see how much trouble well experienced slavegirls encounter when their words are interpreted on a first-priority basis.
14:37 mircea_popescu "you couldn't have meant that because if you did mean it you'd have lead with it."
14:37 Framedragger well historically in terms of planet timespan, type 1 got our asses to here..
14:37 mircea_popescu so ?
14:37 Framedragger yeah i see.
14:37 mircea_popescu you propose we also sort planets with earth in center and main sequence stars from the sun onwards ?
14:38 Framedragger also just to note, (obvs) type 1 (mp-type 2) has its merits and is important. but yeah i got your point
14:38 mircea_popescu expand on these merits when you will.
14:39 Framedragger ok, shall try later on, deferring for now.
14:40 Framedragger but you don't see merits of heuristics and biases in humans?
14:40 mircea_popescu asciilifeform often happens, which is why people insist they follow manual and procedure, which is what opens the whole thing up to mp going
14:40 a111 Logged on 2015-08-24 18:01 mircea_popescu: previous flight lost an engine foil, concorde ran it over, it cut a wheel, wheel exploded, large fragment of tyre hit underwing, shockwave broke a fuel tanker, fuel gushed out and caught, engineer cut the engine next, at which point they had 2km worth of runway left and needed 3 to abort.
14:40 mircea_popescu Framedragger neither of those fall under mp1.
14:41 Framedragger they are mp2, the one with lower ordinal, and my point was that it's still hella useful. can you employ the methodical and analytical mp1 when you touch hand on hot stove? no time to route through brain.
14:41 hanbot !~ticker
14:41 jhvh1 hanbot: Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 1193.1, Best ask: 1193.6, Bid-ask spread: 0.50000, Last trade: 1193.5, 24 hour volume: 26474.85631301, 24 hour low: 1176.7, 24 hour high: 1206.4, 24 hour vwap: None
14:42 mircea_popescu Framedragger reflexes are not a proper subject of this discussion, seeing how we're discussing "thinking" as in, brain phenomena.
14:42 Framedragger (but i'm probably conflating things too much, maybe you'd call such reactions something else)
14:42 mircea_popescu i would.
14:42 Framedragger kk. yeah i won't argue further without doing some decent mp1 thought here :)
14:43 mircea_popescu anyway. heuristics are not involved in watching daytime drama, which is what the type 2 described above is.
14:43 trinque comes from the spine doesn't it, or even more locally
14:43 mircea_popescu all those shots of people both facing the camera grimacing ? 18month old baby fare.
14:45 mircea_popescu trinque yeah, a proper reflex closes in the spine. there's opf course conditioned reflexes which close in the "brain", but not a very conscious part thereof afawk
14:46 mircea_popescu it's iffy, human body comes out of the hackpile, inc. labs
14:47 Framedragger i wonder how you'd categorise the 'affect heuristic' as kahneman et al. call it.; i.e., when you make decision with at least partial influence of current emotion. it's very *fast* (thereby falls under kahneman's type 1). ridiculous scenario where it's useful: i'm chased by tiger, see two paths in woods, one has sign 'DANGER' in red, i don't have time to even parse word without making decision,
14:47 Framedragger i just decide to go with the other path.
14:47 Framedragger horrible primitive heuristic, but useful.
14:47 mircea_popescu i would characterise it as "they got confused on their own terminology and backported orphan chains into the story"
14:47 Framedragger (probably bad example.)
14:47 Framedragger :)
14:47 Framedragger yeah i can see that
14:48 mircea_popescu transparently, screamingly a case of "now that we got something, let's let church and state back in". hurr.
14:58 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: re rocket attack : 'Российское военное ведомство сообщило, что были уничтожены склад, учебный корпус, столовая, шесть находившихся в ремонтных ангарах самолетов МиГ-23 и радиолокационная станция.' << not just asphalt, apparently
14:58 mircea_popescu aha
14:59 mircea_popescu well, 100mn in tomahawks just about worth 100mn in migs.
14:59 mircea_popescu fair deal.
15:01 asciilifeform << ruin pics
15:04 asciilifeform ru pulled out of mutual air warning agreement.
15:04 mircea_popescu yeah things are warming up a little.
15:06 asciilifeform sam rockets, it was proclaimed, are nao fair game.
15:10 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: in other delectable memoryholes,
15:10 asciilifeform ^ 'daily mail' deletes 2013 article re obummer's plan for false flag gas attack in syria.
15:11 mircea_popescu aww
~ 18 minutes ~
15:29 asciilifeform in other 'run moar winblowz' noose,
15:30 mircea_popescu << eh relax you.
15:30 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 16:04 asciilifeform: EVERYBODY thinks they're soooo much cleverer than dumb old asciilifeform
15:34 ben_vulpes and , if anyone's interested in piles of chairs anymore
15:37 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: here's an even worse,
15:37 asciilifeform i asked the fella who sent me the link, 'how does this beat irc?' and answered, 'but it has LOGS!'
15:37 ben_vulpes *jazz hands*
15:38 asciilifeform there is pretty clear effort being expended to 'heathenize' gossipd.
15:38 mircea_popescu kek
15:39 asciilifeform ( in the minds of the perpetrators, probably the operative historical example is hurd )
15:39 mircea_popescu really, logs ?
15:39 asciilifeform logs.
15:39 ben_vulpes 500 characters per post!
15:39 mircea_popescu >> well no, sks etc are "come back later and see"
15:39 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 16:05 asciilifeform: which, note, replaces, e.g., sks and other heathen idiocies.
15:39 ben_vulpes could possibly expose some tiny fraction of user base' actual literacy skills
15:40 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes i find it's very important to establish aforehand what each barbie doll will wear, do or say at the dollhouse teaparty.
15:40 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: sks does in fact find a key immediately if such is known.
15:40 mircea_popescu 500 characters, brainstorming meeting!
15:40 asciilifeform or at least did once.
15:40 mircea_popescu yes, but not gives you link if not known
15:40 asciilifeform aaah yea
15:41 ben_vulpes there is also 'discord'
15:41 mircea_popescu dis cord or dat cord ?
15:41 ben_vulpes no i snipped dat cord
15:41 asciilifeform 'Scuttlebutt is a decent(ralised) secure gossip platform.'
15:41 asciilifeform didjaknow.
15:42 mircea_popescu oh, wordplay!
15:42 mircea_popescu i find wordplay a fine substitute for competent engineering. it betrays such a wordliness in the cunning linguist responsible.
15:42 asciilifeform 'Other Projects ... Ethereum ... Zerocoin ... MaidSafe .. Solid ' didjaalsoknow.
15:43 asciilifeform tardanoization, ever the favourite idiot gambit.
15:44 asciilifeform server-process.js << lol
15:45 asciilifeform looks like we can all go home and eat nagant folx!11111 a hero has risen , and written gossipd in gendercommitlang!11111
15:46 ben_vulpes 'a hero' can an hero
15:46 mircea_popescu lel
15:48 ben_vulpes while we're surveying and lest anyone call us princeton, there is also
15:49 asciilifeform 'Matrix provides state of the art end-to-end encryption in beta using the Olm and Megolm cryptographic ratchets, and ensuring that only explicitly authorized devices can participate in a conversation. Based on the Double Ratchet Algorithm popularised by Signal...'
15:49 asciilifeform do i have to read this ?
15:49 phf i was excited about scuttlebutt for couple of minutes. usually hacks that come out of "digital nomad" circles are at least worth looking at since they have a lot of uncommon requirements built in (must work over 14.4 dialup, etc.). until i realized it's written in javascript by a hacker with "200 packages in npm"
15:49 asciilifeform phf: all of the linked examples thus far, fit this pattern
15:50 ben_vulpes wake me up when they work over shortwave
15:51 asciilifeform lol.
15:51 phf ben_vulpes: that's easy, someone always adds a shortwave bridge.
15:51 asciilifeform gendercommits propagate instantaneously , ben_vulpes
15:51 asciilifeform telepathically.
15:51 mircea_popescu asciilifeform nope
15:51 ben_vulpes ftl egalitarianism!
15:53 asciilifeform 'developed by Trevor Perrin and Moxie Marlinspike in 2013'
15:53 mircea_popescu lel k
15:53 phf it's hard to push anything interesting over shortwave though, unless you're prepared to do pirate broadcasting, because of crypto. can't broadcast encrypted stuff
15:54 mircea_popescu "we have a lot of 3 people we keep recycling into stuff"
15:54 mircea_popescu phf lol rly ?
15:54 asciilifeform phf: naturally pirate, and frequency hop pattern exchanged cryptographically
15:55 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: aha, Official amateur radio international treaty forbids crypto (and... music)
15:55 phf you still have good old "fox hunt" though
15:55 mircea_popescu "everything must be incompatible with fiat legal/political systems" is a fundamental requirement of republican work.
15:55 mircea_popescu if it "obeys the law" i pointedly don't want it, and FOR THAT REASON.
15:55 asciilifeform phf: fox hunt when transmitter walks from dc to daylight is a difficult proposition, unless you're in near field (inductive) range already
15:55 mircea_popescu and this includes "standards".
15:56 asciilifeform phf: likewise when it operates in msec bursts
15:56 asciilifeform (gru knew this simple fact in 1950s. don't morse by hand, morse with paper tape rolled by clockwork, over in 1s or so. apparatus fit in suitcase.)
15:57 phf well, they didn't print this simple fact in "young electronic" so i wouldn't know, i like the idea of msec bursts though
15:57 asciilifeform ideally ( and this was in the gps jammer thread ) your transmitter won't be a point source, either -- but a chorus of ~synchronized~ transmitters far apart, in polygonal pattern
15:58 mircea_popescu the idea of getting signal picked up/repeated by the old "item attached to someone else's car" is the golden ticket.
15:58 mircea_popescu get a network of these thick enough in urban setting, an' farewell to arms.
15:59 mircea_popescu eminently the sort of thing resisting civillian population can do with little risk to disrupt obama-gestapo.
16:04 asciilifeform incidentally, esp8266 has an analogue-in
16:04 phf i'm weary of things that require Wasp lifestyle though, can be done, good to be able to do it, but it's not something you can bootstrap from normal state
16:04 asciilifeform makes an ok walkie-talkie
16:04 BingoBoingo <jurov> coinbr public announcement: there are some stuck orders, and it came at worst possible time. During the weekend I should be able to fix. << Have some thank you cake
16:04 asciilifeform phf: aha, if civilian traffic stops -- goodbye to the car transmitters
16:04 asciilifeform but they can be deniably planted elsewhere (e.g. roofs)
16:05 mircea_popescu phf what's "wasp lifestyle" ? white protestant ?!
16:05 ben_vulpes fictional saboteur story
16:05 phf you get sloppy with opsec and that 3 people team that's been drawing paycheck on your assignment for the past 4 years is going to close in
16:05 asciilifeform aah ~that~ wasp
16:05 mircea_popescu and get shot in the face.
16:06 mircea_popescu what, there's a rule pigs don't bleed ?
16:06 Framedragger btw supposedly there's a new iteration/model of esp8266, anyone has an opinion?
16:06 asciilifeform Framedragger: i never found a bulk souce of the ~old~ one
16:06 Framedragger ah the english word is 'successor', forgot
16:06 Framedragger sad!
16:07 asciilifeform Framedragger: as it is i have here a crate of 20 modulized ones. but strictly for experiments.
16:07 Framedragger (for logs, keyword of new one is esp32)
16:07 asciilifeform this is quite different from finding a ~bulk~ source
16:07 Framedragger yeah i understand :/
16:07 trinque english though impoverished has "iteration" too
16:07 asciilifeform i.e. one where 1) they cost less than the retail model 2) linearly less with quantity
16:07 asciilifeform 3) not attached to pcb already
16:09 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: on contemplation, cars may not be a very good hiding place, they ( esp in usa ) routinely move through chokepoints - toll archs, and these are already equipped with camera and radio receivers
16:09 asciilifeform would not be so difficult for enemy to determine who has one.
16:09 mircea_popescu was $example
16:10 asciilifeform right
16:10 mircea_popescu let enemy invest in that, move to something else...
16:13 ben_vulpes comms net while attractive is complex
16:13 ben_vulpes one could rack up quite a bill just splicing cell jammers into mobile power busses, eg cars
16:16 mircea_popescu one could also rack up quite a bill paying the wife for blowjobs.
16:16 ben_vulpes bill /for the state/
16:16 ben_vulpes customers complain about random outages, att/verizon/$provider wastes a pile of money doing infrastructure testing and then calls in fcc vans for triangulation rolls
16:17 mircea_popescu << one of the (~the~ ?) advantage of tmsr work for intelligent folk is that there isn't a braindamaged/choiceless manager in the loop going "i know it's stupid but it must be done".
16:17 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 16:11 Framedragger: alright. i will grant you that the end system wouldn't be "oh so elegantly simple", because you would have to have a submission queue (maybe something that trinque had in mind). user submits key; gets permalink (immediately); meanwhile key gets sent to master (immediately), and master puts it into "to be inserted" queue. under normal loads, the insertion happens ~immediately,
16:18 mircea_popescu the immediate (not even spoken, because they don't want to say it because they don't want it discussed because they want it to be forever true) retort from the empire'd be that "well, this doesn't work". except... it does work.
~ 15 minutes ~
16:33 ben_vulpes anyone ever see a trb/buildroot run hang at `checking for gcc float-conversion bug...` ?
16:33 asciilifeform not i
16:34 asciilifeform what kind of box ? which gcc ?
16:34 ben_vulpes powerpc, don't recall which gcc
16:34 asciilifeform thank the nice folx who created autoconf.
16:34 asciilifeform for this 'gift'.
16:35 asciilifeform i've had it hang on other occasions, never found out why.
16:35 ben_vulpes it's not strictly speaking hung afaict; cursor blinks, newlines and other chars write to term
16:35 asciilifeform well of course they will
16:35 asciilifeform it ain't your ~shell~ that hung.
16:35 ben_vulpes mright
16:36 trinque reminds me I gotta buy the HD screws for g5 cheese-grater
16:47 asciilifeform in other noose, swedish lulz.
16:47 asciilifeform diesel snackbar in stockholm.
16:51 phf dat variety speak overflow
~ 48 minutes ~
17:40 * shinohai wonders if he should write an article on how an airstrike in response for killing of children results in death of 4 children ....
17:45 mircea_popescu dead babiez meme!
17:46 shinohai
17:50 mircea_popescu << are you sure this is equiv to select * where something=something and if nothing is selected insert, ie, does the insert take read locks while it looks for the where ?
17:50 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 16:49 trinque: insert into factors (val) values (3) where not exists (select 1 from factors where value = 3);
17:50 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: on contemplation, cars may not be a very good hiding place, they ( esp in usa ) routinely move through chokepoints - toll archs, and these are already equipped with camera and radio receivers << Depends on region and car
17:52 pete_dushenski BingoBoingo: always depends on car!
17:52 pete_dushenski Framedragger: new command added to directory yesterday, just fyi :)
17:53 pete_dushenski also !~tits added!
17:53 trinque mircea_popescu: << "Internally, data consistency is maintained by using a multiversion model (Multiversion Concurrency Control, MVCC). This means that each SQL statement sees a snapshot of data (a database version) as it was some time ago, regardless of the current state of the underlying data. This prevents statements from viewing inconsistent
17:53 * BingoBoingo amazed by fake news wank over Assad dropped sarin vs. Assad bomed, sarin happened to be in bomb's way
17:53 trinque data produced by concurrent transactions performing updates on the same data rows, providing transaction isolation for each database session. MVCC, by eschewing the locking methodologies of traditional database systems, minimizes lock contention in order to allow for reasonable performance in multiuser environments."
17:54 mircea_popescu i am not advanced enough for this
17:54 trinque and "reading never blocks writing and writing never blocks reading"
17:54 BingoBoingo Trump needed contrast to Obama/watches too much television, and needs a pretext to come into friendship with Putin honestly if MWGA is to happen
17:54 shinohai <<< lol thx pete_dushenski
17:54 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 21:53 pete_dushenski: also !~tits added!
17:54 trinque the thing forks the database upon each write and reads happen in the snapshot of state they began
17:55 mircea_popescu trinque so an insert if not exists where a = b does NOT block a different select while it checks the where clause ?
17:55 trinque absolutely not per my understanding of pg
17:55 mircea_popescu alright.
17:55 trinque two writes may
17:55 trinque n writes.
17:55 mircea_popescu wait
17:56 trinque if you and I are trying to update the same table your update may block until after mine
17:56 pete_dushenski shinohai: cheers :) also (belatedly) wd on lordship nomination! very well deserved
17:56 mircea_popescu suppose S = "insert if not exists where a = b" prototype. suppose S takes time T composed of ti for the insert and tw for the where clause. Suppose thjere's 5 concurrent S presented to db, S1..S5. are you saying that IN NO CASE will Sn wait for a Twi where i != n ?
17:57 mircea_popescu ie, s5 is NOT waiting to do EITHER its insert or its where check because S3 is doing EITHER its insert or its where check ?
17:58 shinohai ty pete_dushenski ... gonna buy me a celebratory mercedes? :)
17:59 pete_dushenski haha well mine is for sale... could always gift. can you give me a tax receipt for your needy cause ?
17:59 shinohai Hmmm .... the foundation for the preservation of slutty tits ?
18:00 pete_dushenski it'd be discriminatory NOT to give to that cause!
18:00 shinohai And selling the mercedes! O.o
18:00 pete_dushenski making room for more nazisleds ;)
18:01 shinohai Oh ha .... werd
18:01 pete_dushenski but the replacement is still hush-hush. stay tuned.
18:02 trinque mircea_popescu: reads block nobody, never block. I understand the where clause of an insert statement to be a condition on a read query that gets fed into a write, just as my "common table expressions" ('with' keyword) feed into each other.
18:02 mircea_popescu aite.
18:04 * BingoBoingo awaits pete_dushenski's eventual conversion to plasticar and panel replacement that requires only a good flat head screwdriver
18:05 trinque << values part of an insert is a table literal
18:07 trinque equiv to select 1,2,3 ; and you can use that if you like
18:13 trinque << in other concurrency issues
18:14 pete_dushenski BingoBoingo: only 'domestic' i'd touch is f-150. new citroen 'h van' is my kinda plastic though. frp. tres retrocool aussi.
18:15 BingoBoingo Bah
18:15 trinque by the nato precedent set by turkey, I'd expect russia can down an american plane or two without risking a nuclear exchange, eh?
18:16 pete_dushenski in other boosts, asicboost is back as the segwit saviour : (gmaxwell)
18:17 pete_dushenski trinque: russia could down 1/16 us aircraft carrieres without risking nukage.
18:17 asciilifeform pete_dushenski: this is an ancient (circa 2014 or so) snorefest
18:18 pete_dushenski asciilifeform: apparently snores are fuel for core lulz. like logs in fire.
18:19 ben_vulpes !~tits
18:19 jhvh1 ( . Y . ) ( . Y . )
18:19 ben_vulpes oh
18:19 ben_vulpes i was hoping for a bait reimplementation
18:20 pete_dushenski why hope when you can read directory ?
18:20 ben_vulpes i'm not going to crack a web browser when the bot's right there
18:21 pete_dushenski << more of the same sadness as above. strap double gas mask on for this one. 'sam cole founder of kncminer' is functionally illiterate.
18:21 pete_dushenski ben_vulpes: mk.
18:34 pete_dushenski "Well I was a major miner for over two years and I lost out because other people had a lower CoC. I had to say goodbye to a business that I built from the ground up. I’m not calling fowl play and throwing my toys out of the pram. Its called business and its what enables people to invest in bitcoin." ~sam cole (tm). so fowl. so chicken. cluck cluck!
18:35 pete_dushenski it can't really be any wonder that knc sunk. not after reading this.
18:37 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: 'twas 4.7
18:38 asciilifeform gcc?
18:38 ben_vulpes mhm
18:38 ben_vulpes compiling 4.9 here, will try again.
18:39 ben_vulpes honestly i'll be surprised if it compiles
18:41 asciilifeform oh unrelatedly to anything,
18:42 asciilifeform asciilifeform finally found a rng-usable beta decay source that is permitted in every country's post office, available worldwide, and for a few bux per kg : ordinary KCl.
18:44 asciilifeform K consists of K-40 at 120 ppm
18:44 asciilifeform half life ~1.3 x 10^9 yrs.
18:45 pete_dushenski BingoBoingo: before you totally bah at frpmobile
18:45 pete_dushenski asciilifeform: cost for kcl ?
18:46 asciilifeform pete_dushenski: check your favourite grocery shop
18:46 pete_dushenski eh, minibucks don't buy much. prolly 2x what you'd pay!
18:46 asciilifeform or anywhere gardening supplies are sold
18:46 asciilifeform or weight lifter's shop
18:46 asciilifeform or, or.
18:46 asciilifeform in usa it is sold as 'diet salt'
18:48 pete_dushenski looks like ~$100/kg on scamazon
18:49 asciilifeform in what, zimbabwe dollars ?
18:49 ben_vulpes << 27.99
18:49 ben_vulpes 10 lbs
18:49 pete_dushenski asciilifeform: cad, so close
18:50 asciilifeform that looks like ~6 $ u.s / kg.
18:51 pete_dushenski cheapest kg i'm seeing is cad$20+40 for shipping = cad$60
18:51 asciilifeform buy at corner store.
18:51 pete_dushenski sure sure
18:52 asciilifeform anyway entire bag would power several thou. pin diode
18:59 deedbot << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Installing OpenBSD on MacPPC
19:00 pete_dushenski ^eventually got it :D
19:03 shinohai
19:06 asciilifeform lolwut
19:09 shinohai Now you make me want to buy one of these ppc's pete_dushenski
19:19 pete_dushenski that's exactly my scheme to bid up the prices of g5s. bwahaha!
19:22 shinohai >:3
19:23 * pete_dushenski to go skate on nhl ice.
19:24 shinohai In batshit crazy racial news:
~ 55 minutes ~
20:19 asciilifeform << in other lulz
20:26 shinohai "conspiring with top brass" lmfao
~ 2 hours 27 minutes ~
22:53 asciilifeform << lol, gasenwagen! , compare >>
22:53 a111 Logged on 2017-04-07 22:45 pete_dushenski: BingoBoingo: before you totally bah at frpmobile
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