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← 2018-08-30 | 2018-09-01 →
00:05 mircea_popescu http://www.ilblogdellestelle.it/ << i dunno if anyone knows about this lulzy italian... "movement" ? basically, a 60yo comedian joined up with an online advertising "strategist" and created a haphazardly dysfunctional http://trilema.com/2014/bitcoin-in-argentina-exactly-nothing-to-do-with-the-derps/#selection-197.0-197.39 which nevertheless coallesced a fifth or so of the italian voting public.
00:05 mircea_popescu anyway, it's the lulz of all time.
00:12 ben_vulpes horee shit mircea_popescu in stunna shades will wonders never cease
00:19 mats as for the tls collection work, i purchased a 4tb hdd feralhosting box and walked the various Certificate Transparency log servers https://www.gstatic.com/ct/log_list/log_list.json using https://github.com/CaliDog/Axeman to yield ~1tb / 400mn+ certs after deduplication
00:31 mircea_popescu mats what's next on yer plate ?
00:31 mats if you want to do your own analysis, you can download a compressed tarball of the csv i created for your convenience here http://merr.ourea.feralhosting.com/ct.csv.tar.gz with the rows n,e,pem_cert (you'll have to prepend&append "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n", "\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----" to this field). i would grab this sooner than later, bill payment for this box stops Sep21
00:31 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes wonders will crease!
00:32 mircea_popescu both in&de
00:32 mats i neglected to parse for extended attributes, so i expect this csv will come in handy sooner rather than later. the n will aid a faster zgrep, sorry for the trouble
00:36 mats mircea_popescu: over the next couple months, i'm going to reproduce the esp8266 experiment linked yesterday, and try to identify an even lower usable power state
00:39 mircea_popescu not bad. got a blog going yet ?
00:40 mats depending on how that goes, i'll explore different power plants, and if THAT goes well, there's a gnat port to build future ffa-gossipd
00:41 mats no, not yet.
00:41 mircea_popescu so make one, that way you have where to put the story of that attempt, and we have what to link against.
00:42 deedbot http://thewhet.net/2018/08/hanbots-znc-bouncer-notes/ << The Whet - hanbot's ZNC bouncer notes
00:42 mats you got it
00:42 hanbot ^ of possible Mocky interest
00:43 Mocky thx! will take a look
00:47 Mocky 'depilation treatment' lol
00:48 mircea_popescu that said, some field investigation of powerplants is actually quite sorely needed. i suspect there's a decent gap between words online and objects the chinese ship, exactly in the vein of hanbot 's story above.
00:50 mircea_popescu "what ~exactly~ can be had from https://www.amazon.com/Glamorway-TEC1-12706-Thermoelectric-Cooling-Peltier/dp/B00IKDL22O or https://www.amazon.com/AOSHIKE-Polycrystalline-Silicon-Photovoltaic-Charger/ in the woods behind my house / on the roof of my windowsil" etc entirely not wasted effort.
00:56 mats for the record, vultr and feralhosting were uncooperative regarding abuse complaints
00:56 mats scaleway didn't give me any lip tho
00:59 mircea_popescu who the hell would complain ?!
01:01 mats koreans
01:02 mats http://archive.is/2923P#selection-9.1294-9.1761 << i got half a dozen of these sorts
01:02 mats cause knocking on the door is criminal, or something
~ 20 minutes ~
01:23 mircea_popescu nutty
01:23 mircea_popescu wait, wtf sql injection ? you were getting certs or ?
01:24 mircea_popescu um... you did this in... 2016 ?!
01:29 mats sorry for the confusion, i got similar complaints for doing the ipv4 ssh/http/https/ssl scans
01:31 mats thats not my complaint above, just has identical wording. i can't see the original complaints, as accounts were banned by the various providers
01:37 mats oops - ssh/http/tls
~ 40 minutes ~
02:18 mircea_popescu ah
~ 6 hours 48 minutes ~
09:06 lobbes !Qlater tell mircea_popescu #e logs are updating again >> http://logs.minigame.biz/latest.log.html
09:06 lobbesbot lobbes: The operation succeeded.
09:15 lobbes so I have a question for the more experienced server operators out there: As of yesterday I found that I can no longer ssh into my rockchip (eggog: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/PKeSK/?raw=true)
09:15 lobbes In addition: any attempts at reaching the www results in 403 errors.. (http://blog.lobbesblog.com/)
09:15 lobbes the weird thing (to me), is that it seems that I can -only- connect on port 5000 (which is the port I configured ZNC to use and the port through which I am speaking through -right now-)
09:17 lobbes any ideas from anyone will be appreciated. I suspect znc is the culprit (problem started after setting that up) but I can't even diagnose without getting into the thing
09:17 * lobbes off to sit on stake for 8 hours. bbl
09:18 BingoBoingo lobbes: Do you want me to check your sshd_config?
09:18 asciilifeform lobbes: loox like you zapped your pubkey somehow ?
09:18 asciilifeform ( or chmodded it so cannot load )
09:20 asciilifeform lobbes: rockchip boxen do not have vga/kbd consoles. so if this is so, the only way to recover your unit is to move the disk to another box and manually enable pw'd root login
09:20 BingoBoingo I got hit with that error yesterday, rockchip was unresponsive to pings. Ended up pulling the drive, going over sshd_cofig and power cycling my Rockchip
09:20 asciilifeform folx, make separate user for znc
09:21 asciilifeform ( with /sbin/nologin as shell )
09:21 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: plox cure lobbes's rk . but in the future, this will prolly have to cost something, as it uses hands.
09:22 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: the quickest cure is simply to walk there and unplug his mains, and stick the disk in your lappy.
09:22 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: That's what I did on mine.
09:23 BingoBoingo lobbes is the D machine?
09:24 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: .194 is A, ... 199 : F
09:27 BingoBoingo Aite, going to caffinate a bit more. I would like to wait for lobbes to confirm the order.
09:29 asciilifeform aite
~ 26 minutes ~
09:56 deedbot http://qntra.net/2018/08/new-york-jewtropolis-name-live-on-snapchat-zillow-other-sites-briefly/ << Qntra - New York 'Jewtropolis' Name Live On SnapChat, Zillow, Other Sites Briefly
~ 29 minutes ~
10:25 lobbes BingoBoingo, asciilifeform: sry about the radio silence; was in transit to $saltmines. I can confirm I'm fine with BingoBoingo working his magic on the box (Im also fine with the idea of paying a 'service fee', this was most likely my doing)
10:27 BingoBoingo lobbes: ty, will head down soon then. Got another Qntra to squeeze out.
10:27 lobbes http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-31#1846134 << aha, while I did make a seperate user for znc.. I did not do the sbin/nologin as shell. Will make this standard practice going forward
10:27 a111 Logged on 2018-08-31 13:21 asciilifeform: ( with /sbin/nologin as shell )
10:27 lobbes BingoBoingo: take yer time. Im stuck in $mines for the next 7 hours or so anyways
10:28 lobbes But also: ty
10:31 deedbot http://qntra.net/2018/08/usg-lawyer-changes-story-in-appellate-trial-7-years-after-case-started-working-through-courts/ << Qntra - USG Lawyer Changes Story In Appellate Trial, 7 Years After Case Started Working Through Courts
10:44 Mocky BingoBoingo, "to play *be* its own rulebook"
10:44 BingoBoingo Mocky: ty fxd
~ 1 hours 9 minutes ~
11:54 mircea_popescu http://logs.bvulpes.com/eulora?d=2018-8-31#421453 << i had nfi muslims are that into micromanagement.
11:54 lobbesbot mircea_popescu: Sent 2 hours and 47 minutes ago: <lobbes> #e logs are updating again >> http://logs.minigame.biz/latest.log.html
11:54 mimisbrunnr Logged on 2018-08-31 13:35 rkta: Αⅼlаh iѕ dഠiᥒɡ
11:54 lobbesbot mircea_popescu: Sent 36 minutes ago: <Mocky> http://logs.bvulpes.com/eulora?d=2018-8-31#421381 << we're on the same page. bot looks for You practiced Gathering but you don't seem to get any better at it. in fact, looks only for You practiced
11:54 mimisbrunnr Logged on 2018-08-31 06:35 mircea_popescu: Mocky i realise now i misspoke ; the idea is for the bot to stop when it sees the "you gain experience but don't seem to improve" message ; not when you level up a skill
11:55 BingoBoingo lobbes: Looks from here like you are good to go
11:57 mircea_popescu o btw re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-21#1828392 : ever screened http://trilema.com/2011/cel-mai-bun-film/#selection-55.0-55.14 for her ? it occurs to me it's possibly the best resource for student, genuine work of art, simplest language i can imagine.
11:57 a111 Logged on 2018-06-21 19:00 asciilifeform: asciilifeform's pet is working through learning ru, and periodically succumbs to temptation of google translate as 'learning tool', with predictably lulzy result
12:05 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-31#1846134 << this. znc has no business sharing your user, and ESPECIALLY not root.
12:05 a111 Logged on 2018-08-31 13:21 asciilifeform: ( with /sbin/nologin as shell )
12:08 asciilifeform ohai mircea_popescu
12:08 * mircea_popescu wavws
12:08 asciilifeform re znc -- it's a terrifying crock o'shit, but afaik there's no working replacement of yet
12:09 asciilifeform fwiw i configged mine without the www plugin, but was a while ago
12:09 mircea_popescu we seem to be collecting these.
12:11 asciilifeform the sad part, it doesn't even do very much, could prolly be replaced with slightly refined trinqueian irc bot
12:12 asciilifeform ( tho znc does dance the fleanode-demanded ssl crapola dance )
12:12 mircea_popescu i expect, yes. 99% of the function is basically an irc proxy ; i expect 99% of the code is other dumb shit
12:12 asciilifeform aha, proxy/reconnector + buncha ???? ( www configurator, fuckknowswhatelse )
12:13 mod6 Ok, so this whole pricing thing with Pizarro. (Thread begins here: http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-8-31#419975). We've been discussing this for a few days now. And anyone who has month-to-month service has been made correct in their pricing for August, as well as anyone who has established new "Shared Hosting" in August (nicoleci).
12:13 mircea_popescu evidently a lot of republicans, and even a bunch of lords use, so it'd be entirely not wasted effort if someone wants to flatten the ircbot into this role.
12:13 mircea_popescu especiallty considering most people who run a bot also want a znc -- if most people who want a znc get a free bot in the process it won't hurt anything.
12:13 asciilifeform i set up a znc box in '16, has been working since ~continuously ( moved 1ce, disk burned out 1nce )
12:14 asciilifeform you give it a user, /sbin/nologin, put the thing itself in cron @reboot , that's it
12:14 mod6 There are five (I previously thought there were four) accounts that have longer dated contracts, people who have signed up for a full year, or multiple months. We want to compensate those accounts for a mis-pricing posted since May 29th. The idea was to credit them 0.001 BTC/mo for June, July, and August.
12:16 mod6 Initially, I thought this was the right approach. But also could see that maybe, this wasn't square enough for longer dated contracts. However, this sets a bad precedent of reprincing active contracts if pricing or circumstances change.
12:17 mod6 mircea_popescu, for instance is paying for one of these for Mocky.
12:18 mod6 This one was setup on May 3rd, and goes through the end of 2018.
12:18 mircea_popescu mod6 i really wouldn't bother ; prices can fluctuate, it's the nature of the beast, what are youi going to do, liquify all contracts and keep track of back and forth movements ? it's insanity.
12:18 mircea_popescu the only thing it does is make accounting overexpensive.
12:19 mod6 I agree, it makes everything a nightmare really.
12:19 mircea_popescu people sign up for what they sign up for ; if that changes it's one thing to give them the more favourable price going forward ; but you can't do this retroactive thing ?
12:20 mod6 I can see that too, Sir. I just wanna make sure we're doing the Right Thing (tm).
12:21 mircea_popescu you seriously can't be sitting there spending hours on this pennies thing.
12:21 trinque if you're trying to guard reputation, all you need to do is communicate clearly about the mechanism, and be done with it.
12:21 trinque and then yeah, go get some ads up or something much more important
12:22 mod6 trinque: Thank you, fair enough.
12:22 mircea_popescu it seriously can not be worth your time, this. i mean we're talking 0.001 or something ? 'cmon.
12:22 mod6 Fair point, I just didn't want to judge if how much someones money is worth to them outright.
12:22 mod6 Without some considedration, anyway.
12:22 trinque speaking for myself, I'm gonna be way crankier if I've got 0.3BTC of hardware down there that's suddenly homeless
12:23 trinque than over w/e beer money on the shared hosting
12:23 mircea_popescu for one thing.
12:23 mircea_popescu for the other fucking thing -- suppose the price went the OTHER way. what, you're gonna hit everyone with pesky small extra bills ?
12:23 mod6 True enough.
12:23 mircea_popescu people who don't want long term contracts, ie don't want the fx risk, don't get long term contracts. it's that simple really.
12:23 mod6 *nod* agreed,
12:24 mod6 s/,/./
12:24 mod6 Well with that, I'm glad I brought this up in here. The guidence is going to be: Pizarro won't do anything at this time for existing contracts. Upon renewal, you'll pay the posted price.
12:24 mircea_popescu as i'm 100% certain i'd have rejected a bill with the heading "see mp, it's more expensive nao than when we shook hands", i'm correspondingly 100% certain i don't care what happened. cuz that's why i'd have rejected it, "i don't care what happened".
12:25 mod6 Right.
12:25 mod6 I think I just needed some setting straight. I appreciate that.
12:26 mircea_popescu dun mention it.
12:26 mod6 o7
12:36 diana_coman mod6, as pizarro customer on a year-long contract I can confirm I do *not want* anything to be done; one upside of going longterm is precisely that it's set for some time and it doesn't require any additional ongoing attention essentially
12:37 mod6 Hi diana_coman! Thank you for your feedback.
12:38 hanbot hey mod6, all this talk about znc being a crock and so on is a little unnerving. did http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-8-30#420622 change in meanwhile? anything you'd like me to do?
12:38 mimisbrunnr Logged on 2018-08-30 00:31 hanbot: q for the management --can i set up znc on UY3?
12:39 mod6 Hi, I've always stayed clear of znc, so have never used it myself. Let me take a look at what asciilifeform said above.
12:42 mod6 Regardless, we trust you to set it up and manage it -- It may be reasonable to find an alternative if one comes around that's suitble.
12:44 mod6 In your blog, you point out that you are using xchat. For me, since I use irssi (this might be helpful to others on the shared-environemt), it could be started up in a screen session, and simply ssh in attach your screen (or tmux?) to irc.
12:44 mod6 Or even a rockchip could be a good home for a remote irc boxen.
12:48 mod6 asciilifeform is our resident expert on these matters; are we still ok to let users run znc (at least for now)?
12:48 mircea_popescu i suppose putting together a standard ircing recipe can't hurt anything
12:48 asciilifeform mod6: znc (or whatever else) on rk box is between user and his gods
12:48 mod6 sure, but what about UY1?
12:48 asciilifeform mod6: if on the shared machine, gotta avoid stepping on one another's feet, say which port you're gonna listen on
12:49 asciilifeform ( say in #p , or here, but so as next user knows what ports in use )
12:49 asciilifeform this is elementaryt
12:49 asciilifeform *elementary
12:49 mod6 Aha. hanbot did give us her port number
12:49 * mod6 digs up log-link
12:49 asciilifeform so then where is problem
12:49 mod6 She's just making sure, since you noted what a pile of garbage it is.
12:50 asciilifeform it's a pile of shit, just like emacs, kernel, gcc, all the rest of the sad sack of shit errybody is stuck using.
12:50 asciilifeform set it up once, pour cement, leave it alone.
12:50 mod6 here's that link: http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-8-31#421340
12:50 mimisbrunnr Logged on 2018-08-31 04:22 hanbot: i've got znc running on UY1:50321, ftr.
12:51 mircea_popescu asciilifeform prolly publish your recipe.
12:51 asciilifeform this sounds like a local port
12:51 asciilifeform i.e. cannot connect from outside
12:51 asciilifeform hanbot: this actually worked ?
12:52 hanbot yes, am connected thusly atm.
12:52 mircea_popescu lmao
12:52 asciilifeform neato.
12:52 mircea_popescu i thought ports that high weren't forwarded.
12:52 asciilifeform mod6: cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_reserved_ports on uy box plox
12:52 mod6 Sure
12:53 mod6 0x0a
12:53 asciilifeform i.e. nil
12:53 mod6 yup
12:53 asciilifeform apparently not set by default on recent linuxen
12:53 mircea_popescu yeah but upstream ? impressivbe.
12:53 asciilifeform i see no particular reason to care
12:53 mircea_popescu me either. just, not what i remembered.
12:53 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: traditionally >=32768 aha
12:54 mircea_popescu right. i had no idea they even route.
12:54 asciilifeform 0..65535 routs.
12:54 asciilifeform linux traditionally had a cutoff where 'localhost only'
12:54 asciilifeform above 32k.
12:55 asciilifeform it's convention, is all, the high ports were reserved for the local ends of tcp pipes
12:57 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: seems like hanbot already posted working recipe.
12:57 * asciilifeform just nao read
12:57 mircea_popescu well yeah ; it doesn't include hwatever sbin setting you were discussing though. i guess leave as a comment.
12:59 asciilifeform http://thewhet.net/2018/08/hanbots-znc-bouncer-notes/comment-page-1/#comment-54996 ftr.
13:03 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-31#1846107 << specifically : "if burried cold plate six inches deep among roots on moss side of tree and nailed warm plate six inches high on opposite side of tree, power output throughout a year at x lat y long looks like this : "
13:03 a111 Logged on 2018-08-31 04:50 mircea_popescu: "what ~exactly~ can be had from https://www.amazon.com/Glamorway-TEC1-12706-Thermoelectric-Cooling-Peltier/dp/B00IKDL22O or https://www.amazon.com/AOSHIKE-Polycrystalline-Silicon-Photovoltaic-Charger/ in the woods behind my house / on the roof of my windowsil" etc entirely not wasted effort.
13:04 mircea_popescu "day and nigth power output of solar panel throughout the year is here : ; observe the full moon on y and the blood moon on z" and so fucking on.
13:06 mircea_popescu https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_moon_prophecy << for the lulz files.
13:08 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: goes best with a http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-16#1842253
13:08 a111 Logged on 2018-08-16 18:18 asciilifeform: in other noose, asciilifeform obtained and testing a LTC3108 , 'energy harvester', they've become cheapo
13:09 mircea_popescu i expect ya
13:09 asciilifeform ( there's several similar chips on the market, afaik that's the cheapest )
13:09 mircea_popescu in field use ; for research, something that records voltages i guess
13:12 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: want to record not simply voltage, but just how many milliwatts/hrs available from the harvester ( in field practice you cannot do much of anything with e.g. peltier without harvester )
13:13 asciilifeform how to do : it charges cap ( the demo unit i have here from china, has 4 1F 2.2v caps ) and runs a boost converter from these, as well as lighting up 'power good' pin when 3.3v (from the latter) is available. so you put a test load on the 3.3v out ( say , 1W 100 ohm resistor ) and record events when 'power good' signal changes.
13:14 asciilifeform from this, can calculate practical energy availability.
13:15 asciilifeform from this, in turn, can say, e.g., 'in the daytime, september, such-and-such latitude, can get J joules/sec , then after sundown, J', ... ' etc
13:16 asciilifeform ltc3108 has an intake transformer . the demo board is sold in two variants, one where it has a low:high winding ( for peltiers, solar ) and one where high:low ( for piezos ). the latter is for noise/vibratory harvester -- e.g. tree branch in the wind.
13:17 asciilifeform think of the harvester as an impedance matcher between the physical source of energy, and the consuming device.
13:19 mod6 meat,brb
13:20 mircea_popescu asciilifeform this is actually a good approach yeah.
13:21 mircea_popescu just record the light switching.
13:21 mircea_popescu to get fancy can make something like ben_vulpes 's block follower, make it do hourly reports in a chan, review whenever
13:23 asciilifeform wire it up to a (battery-powered) universal remote thing, with the rx end indoors , where you can log.
13:23 asciilifeform from the intervals, can compute energy in.
13:23 mircea_popescu yep.
13:23 mircea_popescu and by reporting it "live" as it were, solve all the data integrity problems etc.
13:23 asciilifeform aha.
13:24 mircea_popescu nice.
13:24 asciilifeform ( don't put logger in the box per se, will miss good % of the flips, as e.g. sd card eats ridiculous current , which the harvester may or may not at a given time be able to supply )
13:25 asciilifeform btw peltier, solar, piezo are not the only possib harvests. there is also inductive coupling from mains cabling ( street lights, etc , user yer imagination )
13:25 asciilifeform *use
13:25 mircea_popescu certainly this counts as qualification for lab physicist. many ways available to introduce systematic errors.
13:26 asciilifeform for inductive coupler, 5-6 turns of insulated copper around $victim will suffice
13:26 asciilifeform ( use the high:low variant )
13:26 asciilifeform think back to the old-school noncontact ac voltmeter, same principle.
13:26 mircea_popescu but yes, judging by how ubiquitous "computer mouse thrown over power lines" are in urban environment (when it's not sneakers, at any rate) might be very practical approach -- put the inductive coil in the mouse cable ; and the transmitter in the body.
13:27 asciilifeform can get tens of watts, this way.
13:27 asciilifeform 24/7.
13:27 mircea_popescu on a high power line, can get a lot yes.
13:28 asciilifeform even on street light line. certainly enuff to run just about anything you might care to fit in the box.
13:28 mircea_popescu http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5470/9290272320_8f198ac9e7_z.jpg
13:29 asciilifeform i'd avoid ^ these , cable with multi-kV insulation aint cheap
13:29 asciilifeform and 'sapper errs once'
13:29 asciilifeform ordinary city lamps will suffice.
13:29 mircea_popescu i suspect those are .5MV
13:30 asciilifeform for these, frying pan wound with magnet wire ~at ground level~, as tuned circuit, is actually enuff
13:30 mircea_popescu yup.
13:30 mircea_popescu that's what i was going to say, you don't have to get THAT close. if air is no longer dielectric you're too close.
13:30 mircea_popescu energy abundantly available well before you get that close.
13:31 asciilifeform just stand in the near field. ( recall the folx with unplugged fluorescent lamps )
13:31 mircea_popescu quite.
13:31 mircea_popescu can prolly even bury stuff along the lines. nobody will ever fucking find.
13:31 mircea_popescu one inch of dirt's worth one mile of otp tape.
13:32 asciilifeform in some places they guard'em, but usually not (picture the cost), typically proprietor figures that monkeying near hv lines is self-punishing
13:33 asciilifeform the spread of copper bandits might change the equation tho.
13:33 mircea_popescu quite.
13:33 mircea_popescu it's not practical to "guard".
13:33 asciilifeform ( i can picture a near future when hv line rights of way are mined, say )
13:33 mircea_popescu if you had people that entreprising...
13:33 mircea_popescu you don't. the cowsies just wanna.
13:34 asciilifeform not mined by usg, lol. by copper hunters..
13:34 mircea_popescu anyway, shall bbl!
13:34 asciilifeform ( but no, at least over here we dun have 'enterprising'. we have repair crews that barely repair )
13:34 asciilifeform laters.
13:45 BingoBoingo And I just got jewed by a chicken
13:45 asciilifeform lolwat
13:46 BingoBoingo So I'm putting together my healthy 4 egg veggie scramble, and one of the eggs didn't have a yolk
~ 57 minutes ~
14:43 asciilifeform in other lulz, the 'bernstein as nsa stooge' concept slowly percolates from the republic, https://sporaw.livejournal.com/538323.html
~ 1 hours 37 minutes ~
16:20 mod6 jurov: how's it going with the move of the ML?
16:21 mod6 lol BingoBoingo
16:21 mod6 don't choke your chicken too hard
16:22 BingoBoingo lol, I just can't believe this chicken I've never met cheated my out of the good stuff
~ 23 minutes ~
16:45 mod6 !!sent-invoices
16:45 deedbot http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/bNbaL/?raw=true
16:46 mod6 !!ledger
16:46 deedbot http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/HDxDs/?raw=true
17:00 trinque !!v E783E315B43F405D3C8C6F78BCA856C021A0451C4E44E4049C89A760640BEC6B
17:00 deedbot trinque paid mod6 invoice 5
17:00 mod6 Thanks Sir!
17:00 trinque quite welcome
17:06 mod6 jurov: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/c6LEj/?raw=true
~ 2 hours 39 minutes ~
19:46 trinque hey mod6, when's the next auction?
20:00 mircea_popescu trinque i think you have to do it ; reverse auction still not there.
20:07 mod6 trinque: yeah, not sure how that'd work. i'd like to see more price points. but if we can't receive dollars bought, then I dunno.
20:08 mod6 right now I'm working on buying some dollars and wires in place. but I don't have a price point yet.
20:08 mod6 as soon as I have one, I'll be sending out the invoices immediately.
20:11 mod6 We could do some sort of open outcry auction in here. Where Pizarro auctions off 1 BTC, and the winner send funds to specified destinations.
20:12 mircea_popescu mod6 that part is what does not work, lobbesbot not yet capable of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-09#1833029
20:12 a111 Logged on 2018-07-09 22:25 mircea_popescu: the correct solution is to distinguish selling and buying auctions. change the "A#285" lede into either "B#285" or "S#285" and then if it's a S have it work as it works now, but if it's a B have it work ~reverse~, so smaller bids overbid larger bids.
20:12 mircea_popescu instead ~he~ gotta auction the fiatola.
20:13 mod6 right.
20:13 lobbes http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-31#1846157 << muchas gracias. I can confirm I can ssh in; www is back up
20:13 a111 Logged on 2018-08-31 15:55 BingoBoingo: lobbes: Looks from here like you are good to go
20:13 lobbes however I ended up purging the znc user and all traces from the thing. Coming live now from irssi from pizarro shared hosting (used danielpbarron's spiffy guide >> http://danielpbarron.com/2018/irssi-on-pizarro-shared-hosting/)
20:13 lobbes and now I can get ass back in year on auctionbot
20:13 lobbes *gear
20:13 mod6 i'm just saying, doing it 'botless'. like I say, "this auction is open for 72 hours, closes on X date at X time. Selling 1 BTC for USD. Winner of auction sends whatever wires seller specifies."
20:15 mod6 people just bid by saying what their bid is in #trilema.
20:15 mircea_popescu ah
20:16 mircea_popescu you really got it in for maximizing administration etc, huh ?
20:16 mod6 lol. I'd rather not do it that way. I'd love to use the bot, but sometimes gotta do things by hand when we don't have the tools.
20:18 mod6 I guess, either that, or we just wait until lobbes is ready.
20:18 mircea_popescu yes, and that's fine, however a "by hand" approximation of bot function is nutty. doing flight "by hand" means flapping wings like birds, not trying to fart hot gasses like jet engine. sewing by hand means, with needle, not trying to do sewing machine. and dealing by hand dun mean "let's make noises like an auction bot by moving fingers on kbd", just talk to whoever set it up without the formalism.
20:18 mircea_popescu alternatively, he can just auction whatever chunk of fiatola he wants to dispense with.
20:19 mod6 ah, i see, so for instance trinque could say, "selling 4000 USD for ECU", exactly like yourself with the last one
20:20 mod6 that'd be fine as long as usd can be wired.
20:21 mircea_popescu right ?
20:21 mod6 yup, totally.
20:21 trinque what was the problem y'all had with receiving?
20:21 mircea_popescu trinque twas with sending, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-23#1843936
20:21 a111 Logged on 2018-08-23 21:45 mircea_popescu: mod6 i'm sorry, but ima have to refund you. whole exercise turned into a massive pile of idiocy. im closing an entire bank out of the loop over their idiotic misbehaviour ; we'll have to try this again later on.
20:22 mircea_popescu dollar to doughnuts, uppity female that's not being beaten enough at home ended up spuriously involved in the process.
20:23 mircea_popescu problem is, there's SO DAMNED MANY of them these days, structural measures gotta be taken.
20:23 deedbot http://qntra.net/2018/09/qntra-s-qntr-august-2018-report/ << Qntra - Qntra (S.QNTR) August 2018 Report
20:23 mircea_popescu we should not have permitted the whole house to be termited up, but then again, we did. in the sense dumbass dad did, anyway.
20:24 trinque ah got it. bank shenanigans never end.
20:25 trinque iirc BingoBoingo received my WF, if that's still acceptable
20:25 mod6 aha skulduggery
20:25 trinque *WU rather
20:26 mod6 we should ask him, I'm under the impression that doing stable wires to his bank actually shows "stability" and helps with his residency or whatever.
20:26 mod6 the DC needs a wire direct tho.
20:29 mircea_popescu very similar to, "what was the fucking problerm with namecheap ?" " http://trilema.com/2014/namecheap-goes-off-the-deep-end-anyone-know-a-decent-domain-registrar/ aka, uppity" "and with fetlife ?!" " http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-08#1787189 aka THE FUCKINBG SAME!!" "and with everything else ?" "you guessed it... start beating the sheherd."
20:29 a111 Logged on 2018-03-08 00:21 mircea_popescu: this entire exercise in idiocy has, practically speaking, resulted in me paying various hard working ticos a grand or so, to the people fucking in the ass the "security" paradigm of pantsuit.fetlife. IN LIEU of having paid that much, and rather more, to the fetlife itself.
20:29 mod6 BingoBoingo: do you have a preference re wire or WU (see above)
20:29 mircea_popescu trinque it'd prolly be a good idea to get wires going as a "freedom of navigation" exercise.
20:29 * mircea_popescu is certainly working on that, this inept bs can not stand.
20:31 mircea_popescu typically female interests & preoccupations, "security" "redesign" etcetera NOT FUCKING SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE.
20:35 BingoBoingo <mod6> BingoBoingo: do you have a preference re wire or WU (see above) << Either works
20:38 mod6 mircea_popescu does have a point re 'freedom of navigation' tho. but ya, if it doesn't matter to BingoBoingo, I'm game.
20:40 mod6 !Qcalc 2500/7000
20:40 lobbesbot mod6: 0.357142857143
20:41 mod6 BingoBoingo: good with that for the remainder of the Wildcat Bonus ^
~ 17 minutes ~
20:59 BingoBoingo mod6: Looks good
21:00 mod6 Ok great, thanks BingoBoingo
21:01 mod6 !!pay BingoBoingo 0.35714285
21:02 deedbot Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/V3Lqv/?raw=true
21:07 mod6 !!v 110744A1BF3E2324C5AC28B3108804B9B53138C82DDC4608C856B92A1FBF67F6
21:07 deedbot mod6 paid BingoBoingo 0.35714285
21:07 mod6 !!ledger
21:07 deedbot http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/RAn1l/?raw=true
21:08 BingoBoingo ty
21:09 mod6 yw!
21:09 mod6 The BTC-Dev Mailing List is still down...
21:10 mod6 Lords and Ladies of The Most Serene Republic, I have placed the signed STATE OF BITCOIN ADDRESS on my site, if you wish to read: http://www.mod6.net/2018/September/1/btcf_address_201808.txt
~ 21 minutes ~
21:31 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-01#1846365 << the truly astonishing twist, is that asciilifeform not once yet had problem with swift tx.
21:31 a111 Logged on 2018-09-01 00:22 mircea_popescu: dollar to doughnuts, uppity female that's not being beaten enough at home ended up spuriously involved in the process.
21:32 asciilifeform ( tho i expect that if i ever do, it will more than pay back for the lack of any to date, and take the form of cork-lined cellar )
~ 25 minutes ~
21:57 mircea_popescu mod6 could it be maybe time to repatriate mailing list into mpwp format ? i mean, is there any advantage to sticking to email process ?
22:00 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: link preservation
22:01 mircea_popescu can always declare arbitrary links for mpwp redirection.
22:01 asciilifeform theoretically yes
22:01 asciilifeform how would submit work in a mpwp ?
22:02 asciilifeform ye olde ml, took anyffing from l1, automagically, with jurov's clever script
22:03 mircea_popescu for one thing, mpwp admits post-by-email, which'd be 100% replication of that state of the art, w/o any clever scripts
22:03 mircea_popescu otherwise, can have comments, can have users made for anyone,
22:03 mircea_popescu it's flexible.
22:03 asciilifeform tests pgp detached sigs, attachments, all exists in mpwp already ?
22:04 mircea_popescu nah, sig test would have to be added.
22:06 asciilifeform i confess that i actually am fond of the ancient ml format. no stylesheets, no buttons, just 80col text.
22:07 asciilifeform ( if posting via email worked, would be heaven.. )
22:07 mircea_popescu but it means keeping email in republican process. this is something you actually want ?
22:08 asciilifeform nah email dead
22:08 asciilifeform hence 'if only'
22:09 asciilifeform ( recall, i was never able to use the email knob on jurov's box reliably at all, but instead use www intake hopper )
22:10 mircea_popescu well, is it worth our while to maintain two publishing mechanisms ?
22:10 asciilifeform depends on how much maintenance it takes, neh
22:11 mircea_popescu which is why i never mentioned b4.
22:11 asciilifeform if it worx for aeons without opening hood -- worth
22:11 mircea_popescu nobody really opens hoods of working machinery.
22:12 asciilifeform seems like jurov had sad isp, naught to do with mltron per se
22:12 asciilifeform ( if i'm mistaken , jurov , plox to correct )
22:13 mircea_popescu how's ml verifier work, gpg shell callout ?
22:13 asciilifeform pretty sure nobody has any other gpg eater than callout to koch
22:14 mircea_popescu hanbot feel like implementing a sig verifier in php ? :D
22:14 asciilifeform ( phuctor is only exception i know of , but not general purpose )
22:14 mircea_popescu does it python ?
22:15 asciilifeform jurov's ? no idea, let's ask him
22:15 mircea_popescu phuctor's.
22:15 asciilifeform aa it - yes, old rfc2440 eater in py
22:16 asciilifeform whole reason i ended up baking the www end in py
22:16 mircea_popescu apparently php also has prewritten something. http://php.net/manual/en/function.gnupg-verify.php
22:17 asciilifeform loox like callout to gpg
22:17 mircea_popescu well, "pecl" w/e that is
22:18 asciilifeform http://php.net/manual/en/function.gnupg-init.php << to gpg
22:18 asciilifeform unsurprisingly
22:19 mircea_popescu pecl = "php extensions", basically looks like some sort of fancy callout system. and yes, here to gpgme
22:20 mircea_popescu though honestly, none of that's needed to check a sig.
22:21 asciilifeform i dun know of a rcf2440 eater & rsatron in php, tho certainly could be made
22:21 asciilifeform ( rather 'malbolge' exercise tho imho )
22:21 mircea_popescu why ?
22:22 asciilifeform cuz php, lol
22:22 mircea_popescu yeah, i'm not sure why i'd want automated sig verification in this context.
22:24 asciilifeform well, it dispenses with the pretense of 'www login state' which imho is a win.
22:25 mircea_popescu hm
22:25 asciilifeform i stole whole idea, when pushing jurov to do it, from mpex, lol
22:25 hanbot mircea_popescu i'd be happy to try, though i doubt i could deliver in the rightnao sorta timeframe lack of ml suggests.
22:25 * mircea_popescu is thinking about it, could have muchly simplified mpwp, whereby if i sign it it's an article, if you sign it it's a comment, you can even have a golden border
22:25 mircea_popescu if no one signs it it's an anon comment... goes to modqueue...
22:25 asciilifeform aha, that'd rock
22:25 mircea_popescu take email out ALTOGETHER.
22:25 asciilifeform i tried to write one of these
22:26 mircea_popescu the problem is though... things like pics. wtf i'd do about those ?
22:26 asciilifeform uuencod!111
22:26 mircea_popescu and it guesses format ?
22:26 asciilifeform png or gohome..
22:26 mircea_popescu i use jpg all the time, for excellent reasons.
22:27 mircea_popescu trilema would have to waste >10GB of disk if i switched to png
22:27 asciilifeform then jpg or gohome
22:27 asciilifeform but pick 1 and live with it, why not
22:27 mircea_popescu yes but i use png SOMETIMES (neat coplors, like screen captures, jpg fucks up)
22:27 asciilifeform hm
22:27 mircea_popescu it is an open problem for me ;/
22:27 asciilifeform they have header, so why is this even megaproblem
22:27 mircea_popescu im not sure it's megaproblem yet.
22:27 asciilifeform parse header and pass to correct eater.
22:28 mircea_popescu i'm also not sure if i want to make you use signer every time you leave a ocmment.
22:28 asciilifeform this is where i left it
22:28 mircea_popescu the "secret string" of email seems sufficient./
22:28 asciilifeform i like the idea of eternal 0effort spam genocide tho.
22:29 mircea_popescu mpwp dun have much problem with spam anyways.
22:29 mircea_popescu the "no web login" was interesting, but hm.
22:29 asciilifeform it only has no prob because current crop of spammers dumb as rock.
22:29 mircea_popescu i doubt it.
22:30 asciilifeform large pool of bots could still fill mod queue with megatonne of liquishit.
22:30 mircea_popescu nope. experimentally verified, over decade+ of functioning, during which more "large pool of bots" than anyone's lived springs.
22:31 asciilifeform having not yet read mpwp, i cannot say further
22:32 mircea_popescu hanbot how many items did you have to call spam/ham since running it ?
22:32 mircea_popescu looks like i clicked "spam" 11 times this month.
22:32 hanbot ~500. ~2 yrs.
22:36 mircea_popescu meanwhile current count is 126582 ; last month ended at 125355. so it accepted 154, auto-tagged 62, asked about 11 and rejected...
22:36 mircea_popescu 62022
22:37 mircea_popescu well... at LEAST 62k, there's some classes of rejects i can't count.
22:38 mircea_popescu ah, figures further mucked up by a manually deleted mocky comment, i recall.
22:38 mircea_popescu nothing's ever exact ;/
22:45 mod6 <+asciilifeform> i confess that i actually am fond of the ancient ml format. no stylesheets, no buttons, just 80col text. << i've grown pretty fond of it too.
22:46 mod6 we'll have to see what jurov says, but yeah, I think it's an isp related issue.
22:47 mod6 mircea_popescu's idea of a very stripped down wpmp might be pretty interesting with "signed aritcle" or "signed comment".
22:52 deedbot http://qntra.net/2018/09/saudis-advertise-plan-to-physically-isolate-qatar-with-canal-and-nuclear-waste/ << Qntra - Saudis Advertise Plan To Physically Isolate Qatar With Canal And Nuclear Waste
~ 17 minutes ~
23:10 mircea_popescu anyone feel like going to qatar btw ?
23:15 asciilifeform i wouldn't refuse iran
23:15 asciilifeform ( genuine, imho, if dimwitted, enemy of the reich )
~ 18 minutes ~
23:33 mircea_popescu sooo... go ?
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