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← 2015-09-12 | 2015-09-14 →
00:14 pete_dushenski ben_vulpes: i'm similarly skeptical but there's been nary a hiccup in the first season at least. it'll take another few before i can say much more than that.
00:14 pete_dushenski and i'm not exactly easy on it myself :P
00:17 pete_dushenski ben_vulpes: and how many macbooks have you burnt through in past 5-7 years ?
00:18 pete_dushenski i have '08 aluminum that's a bit bogged down with cruft but otherwise excellent
00:20 pete_dushenski and '13 'air' with two keys that have their bad days (delete, a) and a weird screen deformity that makes everything a bit washed out but isn't worth $1k to fix
00:21 pete_dushenski then again, i almost certainly don't push them as hard as you do
00:22 pete_dushenski i'm just doing web, text, odd bit of video, once-in-a-blue-moon editing
00:22 * asciilifeform just popped a crate with ~2kg of orwell. before anyone asks, no, nothing like even 20% of his output is on the net. in the 1968 four-volume set, there is perhaps 90% of it.
00:23 asciilifeform you can get this for somewhere north of a benjie.
00:23 asciilifeform mega-recommended.
00:23 asciilifeform somewhere there is also a set of his correspondence, a good chunk of it in fr, that i don't yet have.
00:24 pete_dushenski in fr ? monsieur blair !
00:24 asciilifeform aha.
00:26 asciilifeform pete_dushenski: the keyboards don't come out of these things any more ?
00:26 asciilifeform otherwise i can't fathom why anyone would live with dead keys
00:27 pete_dushenski 1. 'air' is sealed tighter than an 80yo nun, 2. it's like once a month for some reason.
00:27 asciilifeform i have an 'air' that i've replaced virtually all of at one time or another...
00:28 pete_dushenski ;;google replace macbook air keyboard
00:28 gribble Replacing the MacBook air keyboard - MacBook Air Models A1237 ...: <https://www.ifixit.com/Answers/View/6820/Replacing+the+MacBook+air+keyboard>; MacBook Air Repair - iFixit: <https://www.ifixit.com/Device/MacBook_Air>; Macbook Air A1369 A1466 Keyboard Repair & Replacement - how ...: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PyhbiwUkE0>
00:28 asciilifeform it comes out if you lift the mb.
00:29 asciilifeform 'air' is a dream to open compared to the old g4 'powerbooks' where you needed a spudger
00:29 asciilifeform (old bank cards make the best spudgers imho)
00:31 pete_dushenski well shows what i know about wrenching on apple hardware!
00:32 pete_dushenski i also recently cracked open ~2kg of dead tree goodness : a history of private lives, volumes i-iv
00:32 asciilifeform i only have vol. 1
00:32 pete_dushenski actually, probably more like ~4kg for the set
00:33 pete_dushenski asciilifeform: aha. this is the only one i've yet cracked
00:33 asciilifeform it is spiffy
00:33 pete_dushenski fantastic reading. highly recommended
00:33 asciilifeform i tried at one time to find some info re: 'troat hunting' where a deer is coralled and its screams attract others - mentioned therein
00:35 asciilifeform never found any mention of it elsewhere.
00:36 pete_dushenski i have it right in front of me and i see neither 'troat' nor 'hunting' in the index. hmm
00:36 asciilifeform https://books.google.com/books?id=BqXQUQ4nW4gC&pg=PA487&lpg=PA487&dq=troat+hunting&source=bl&ots=HaKp0SI9MW&sig=GyI_tnyqggTtUj32C3zdmaK7_HI&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCEQ6AEwAGoVChMIh--v8ZfzxwIVxB4eCh2LPgr_#v=onepage&q=troat%20hunting&f=false
00:36 assbot A History of Private Life: From Pagan Rome to Byzantium - Paul Veyne - Google Books ... ( http://bit.ly/1K4GbMD )
00:39 pete_dushenski ^ shame that images are missing. the artwork collected therein is really quite lovely
00:41 pete_dushenski "The old Celtic practice today known as chasse au brame, troat-hunting, involved placing a rutting stag in a U-shaped trap of trees and nets; when the stag began to troat, does and other stags would approach and be caught."
00:46 pete_dushenski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gg3HhnZg5Q << modern day equivalent uses horn of sorts to mimic troating stag
00:46 assbot chasse du cerf au brame 2014 - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1UM2aSI )
00:48 pete_dushenski ;;seen dignork
00:48 gribble dignork was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 8 weeks, 3 days, 19 hours, 4 minutes, and 6 seconds ago: <dignork> Genius - https://github.com/tessalt/echo-chamber-js
00:48 pete_dushenski hm. some lord.
00:49 pete_dushenski ;;seen artifexd
00:49 gribble artifexd was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 20 weeks, 3 days, 6 hours, 32 minutes, and 26 seconds ago: <artifexd> I'm comfortable calling it a review. Not just of what it is but what it was and how it got to where it is.
00:49 pete_dushenski ouch. even worse.
~ 33 minutes ~
01:22 pete_dushenski "Nationwide The building society says its customers can withdraw up to £2,000 per account a day. “However, if they want to withdraw more than £500, it is best to pre-book the amount with the branch to ensure that it has the cash available." << derp/
01:23 pete_dushenski http://www.theguardian.com/money/2015/sep/12/big-cash-withdrawals-bank-barclays-denied-access
01:23 assbot Want to make a big cash withdrawal? Don’t bank on being allowed | Money | The Guardian ... ( http://bit.ly/1Kj0bi3 )
01:23 pete_dushenski £500 buys what in england these days, a sweatshirt ? a rental car for the weekend ?
~ 18 minutes ~
01:41 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51800 @ 0.00075183 = 38.9448 BTC [-] {5}
01:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61000 @ 0.00074875 = 45.6738 BTC [-] {2}
01:55 cazalla http://venturebeat.com/2015/09/04/ad-blocking-in-apples-ios-9-highlights-rift-over-ads-with-app-publishers/ <<< what's in it for apple to support this? just a measure to get people to buy the next iphone or what
01:55 assbot Ad blocking in Apple's iOS 9 highlights rift over ads with app publishers | GamesBeat | Games | by Dean Takahashi ... ( http://bit.ly/1EV8PD4 )
02:00 pete_dushenski more like another revenue stream for apple.
02:01 pete_dushenski now only 'privileged' advertisers will be allowed
02:01 pete_dushenski like ff 'adblocker' does iirc
02:02 pete_dushenski 'adblock plus'
02:02 cazalla at least you have the option to use ublock with ff now.. doesn't apple have it's own ad network though, iads if memory serves
02:03 pete_dushenski for apps, yes. i guess they're moving that philosophy over to safari or w/e
02:08 pete_dushenski !up warptangent
~ 30 minutes ~
02:38 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28350 @ 0.00074786 = 21.2018 BTC [-] {2}
~ 20 minutes ~
02:59 punkman http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/homeopathy-conference-ends-in-chaos-after-delegates-take-hallucinogenic-drug-10491114.html
02:59 assbot Homeopathy conference ends in chaos after delegates take hallucinogenic drug - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent ... ( http://bit.ly/1i7Guig )
03:04 mircea_popescu cigs were always the cheapest in the soviet empire.
03:10 punkman http://40.media.tumblr.com/0bf15563ede547037b904012017c52b8/tumblr_nuk57qofmu1ugq5jto1_1280.jpg
03:10 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1i7HKSn )
03:10 mircea_popescu assbot> Want to make a big cash withdrawal? Don’t bank on being allowed | << the advantage of the internet. what "bank run" ? sit at the computer and cry like the little bitch that you are.
~ 15 minutes ~
03:25 punkman heh http://www.droneinjurieslawyer.com/
03:26 assbot Drone Injuries Lawyer Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1i7JB9Q )
03:29 mircea_popescu "hello sir i am an injured drone" ?
03:29 punkman not yet, but soon enough
03:33 mircea_popescu actualy, drones that broadcast the cries of injured children / burn unit victims / rape victims etc would make a pretty decent terrorism application.
03:33 mircea_popescu sorta troat hunting ++
03:34 mircea_popescu the cats would love to drive them around also.
03:35 mircea_popescu Regretfully, all the aspirations of “reformers” of American mathematical education go in the opposite direction. Mastery of algorithms makes students self-sufficient - get away from it, make them dependent on Texas Instruments. Logical proofs develop
03:35 mircea_popescu students’ mental discipline - get away from them also. Traditional word problems allow to determine the right answer - get away from them also.
03:35 mircea_popescu What the “reformers” promote, that is open-ended problems, “real-world” problems with clouds of answers, activities instead of problems, create a fuzzy world, ~~~in which students always have to guess the teacher’s mind and can not learn to discriminate between right and wrong by their own means. ~~~
03:35 mircea_popescu aaaand the truth emerges.
03:35 mircea_popescu what the us is producing is slaves, not people.
03:36 punkman https://pbs.twimg.com/media/COvAcV9WgAAnepS.jpg:large that twinkle in his eye
03:36 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1NwQHCo )
03:50 Naphex punkman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQOTbv5jTSA homeopathy by one if the biggest med-scammers; enjoy :))
03:50 assbot Water, Wine and Homeopathy - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1i7MdVd )
03:51 Naphex punkman: this guy scammed ~100mil $ USD from dumb americans and then moved to budapest and went insane :)
03:52 Naphex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wx4siPRmd5k
03:52 assbot Sugar Coated Message To Media from Desire Dubounet - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1i7Mojg )
03:52 Naphex o.O;
03:53 Naphex actually met this guy in Budapest when a friend of mine got sent by his rich mother to help solve his cluster headaches
03:53 Naphex one of the most insane experiences in my life lol
03:54 Naphex he is now selling SCIO 'bio-resonance' machines for ~25k USD around europe
03:55 mircea_popescu lmao
03:55 Naphex hi device obviously cure everything from cancer to aids
03:55 Naphex his*
03:56 mircea_popescu wait. a transvestite scammed a bunch of retarded usians for 100mn ?
03:56 Naphex yep
03:56 Naphex well before he was a tranvestite
03:56 mircea_popescu http://desiredubounet.com/2012/02/03/desire-dubounet-the-pin-up-girl/
03:57 Naphex he is scamming europeans as a tranvestite
03:58 Naphex his lakeys play it like his a insane genius
03:58 Naphex he assumed the life of Bill Nelson (some us senator that worked for nasa) since their name is so similar
03:59 punkman http://www.quantumenergywellness.com/index-7.htm
03:59 assbot Quantum Energy Wellness - How does the SCIO Work? ... ( http://bit.ly/1i7NbAG )
03:59 Naphex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vJwe8pSN-Q
03:59 assbot Professor Bill Nelson, inventor of the amazing QXCI diagnost - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1i7NdIM )
04:01 Naphex it's pure crazyness. and people still fall for it
04:01 Naphex http://www.badscience.net/2008/08/bill-nelson-wins-the-internet/
04:01 assbot Bill Nelson wins the internet. – Bad Science ... ( http://bit.ly/1i7NqvG )
04:01 Naphex this is his 'amazing' device
04:01 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
04:02 Naphex they still hold seminars and sells and other junk around
04:02 Naphex and bribe doctors to present/have the device or call it interesting
04:04 mircea_popescu o quantum right ?
04:04 Naphex yep..
04:04 mircea_popescu yeah makes sense.
04:05 Naphex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ChyxfWuYAs he tried getting his scam to run in Canada, but got owned by the mainstream press
04:05 assbot Miracle Makers or Money Takers? | CBC News Marketplace - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1i7NMCo )
04:05 Naphex has a 8 story block in budapest that houses everything from the programmers and device developers, to makeshift porn studios
04:06 Naphex i was trying to explain my retarded rich friends that he was a scammer and gave them resources
04:06 Naphex the responses i got back 'well if you're so smart, why don't you have 100mn"
04:07 mircea_popescu logic.
04:08 mircea_popescu http://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/Tests/xrroid.html
04:08 assbot Some Notes on the Quantum Xrroid (QXCI) and William C. Nelson ... ( http://bit.ly/1i7Ocsv )
04:09 mircea_popescu Naphex apparently he's been working at it for 25 years. which may explain why he has "100mn" and you don't.
04:10 Naphex yeah
04:10 Naphex but it's pure crazyness you shouldn't even be able to fall for this shit with a IQ higher than 75
04:10 Naphex but it works and people shower him with moneys
04:10 mircea_popescu QX Ltd. has stated that more than 3,000 Xrroid devices have been sold worldwide. The 2002 price for the interface device, software, user manual, and basic training was $13,000.
04:10 mircea_popescu this seems a little short of 100mn.
04:11 Naphex sec i'll find the article that referenced the 100mn
04:12 mircea_popescu Records from the U.S. District Court of the District of Columbia indicate that Nelson was indicted for mail fraud in June 1996 and was placed on the fugitive list several months later
04:13 mircea_popescu "Upon studying the software I also found pornographic images embedded in it, for what reason I was unable to determine."
04:13 mircea_popescu ahahaha
04:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30671 @ 0.00075571 = 23.1784 BTC [+]
04:13 mircea_popescu this thing is starting to sound like a bitcoin!
04:13 Naphex http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/how-one-mans-invention-is-part-of-a-growing-worldwide-scam-that-snares-the-desperately-ill/
04:13 assbot How one man’s invention is part of a growing worldwide scam that snares the desperately ill | The Seattle Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1XYTZ4E )
04:14 Naphex mircea_popescu: it's a full blown cult, and the programs are extended with training and all other social bullshit that will cost everyone
04:14 Naphex and his recent devices cost some 25k
04:15 mircea_popescu well honestly... i'd much rather a deranged tranny get all the moneys, than a bunch of retards getting to keep it.
04:16 mircea_popescu at least he's lulzy. these idiots are just stolidly boring.
04:16 Naphex haha yep
04:16 Naphex they are in a rush also to give him money so..
04:17 mircea_popescu how's he worse than tim cook anyway.
04:18 Naphex well i guess this guys quantum devices get tumors to fall off o.O;
04:18 mircea_popescu http://desiredubounet.com/files/2012/05/Vargas-Pin-Up-Girl-Pic-to-stop-her-they-had-to-slur-her-663x1024.jpg
04:18 assbot Oops, servers overloaded ... ( http://bit.ly/1XYUvjc )
04:18 Naphex mircea_popescu: https://youtu.be/6ChyxfWuYAs?t=813
04:18 assbot Miracle Makers or Money Takers? | CBC News Marketplace - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1XYUxaH )
04:18 mircea_popescu http://desiredubounet.com/files/2012/05/Vargas-Pin-Up-Girl-Pic-7-682x1024.jpg << can someone explai nthis one ?
04:18 assbot Oops, servers overloaded ... ( http://bit.ly/1XYUxHO )
04:19 mircea_popescu anyway, very respectable boob job.
04:19 Naphex 5 sessions and an in-operable tumor just fell off
04:19 Naphex brain tumor*
04:20 deedbot- [Trilema] A bunch of assholes. - http://trilema.com/2015/a-bunch-of-assholes/
04:20 Naphex anyway my whole experence was 3 weeks trying to prove my rich friend and his mother that his aa scammer; this culminated in dinner with him in budapest
04:20 mircea_popescu fell off, hitting the amygdala and bruising the brainstem, causing death.
04:20 Naphex and spending the night in his guest room at his hq
04:20 mircea_popescu o.O
04:21 mircea_popescu so didja get him to invest in a new invention like quantum teledildonics or something ?
04:21 cazalla Naphex, not even worth your time, they want to be scammed - my mother is/was into John Edwards as is an aunty, and they rave about him, went to a live show and all
04:22 mircea_popescu how come it's mostly women
04:22 Naphex nah I passed; too much crazyness; he does pay shitloads of guys insane money for building his scam sites / software and everything else
04:22 mircea_popescu cazalla the ex-senator ?!
04:23 cazalla no, the speaking with dead people one
04:24 cazalla you know, a few years ago i put an advertisement in gumtree (aussie craigslist) for free psychic readings and you would not believe the barrage of phone calls
04:24 punkman cazalla: so why don't you have $100mil yet
04:24 Naphex yeah good question
04:24 cazalla punkman, well it was for a laugh, not to actually scam monies
04:25 mircea_popescu da fuck is wron with people already.
04:25 mircea_popescu i suppose ima retire to this, eventually. "i will guess how much your bike cost!"
04:26 BingoBoingo Oh, TI-92 arrived yesterday. Much larger than I imagined
04:28 BingoBoingo Much larger than I expected. About 1/2 the desk footprint of laptop
04:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11129 @ 0.00075571 = 8.4103 BTC [+]
04:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45121 @ 0.00075503 = 34.0677 BTC [-] {3}
04:38 punkman "According to the 2012 census, the total population was 44,928,923. The under 15 age group represented 44.1% of the population." << tanzania's pretty young eh
04:40 phf asciilifeform: btw i take back 'inria was once useful' << inria is behind caml and presently maintains ocaml, they also do Cog, but i think that's pushing the limit of "useful"
04:43 cazalla i wonder if there is a tanzanian bitcoin embassy
04:46 phf i know there's some tension between yaron minsky's (of jane street capital) extensions to core library and inria's core, but someone with better knowledge of language can chime if inria is in the wrong
~ 17 minutes ~
05:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43961 @ 0.00074689 = 32.834 BTC [-] {3}
05:12 phf ben_vulpes: reference material http://michaelgmunz.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/thats-a-paddlin-30027.jpg
05:12 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1iGfmY4 )
05:15 phf ben_vulpes: also it was 90s russia, lots of people did "revenue numbers are none of your goddamn concern", and it mostly looked like playing lottery. shipping european clothing from turkey, or driving bmw's from germany for resale, all the while hoping that your criminal "roof" was stronger then the neighbor's
05:18 phf unless you come across a genuine opportunity (e.g. your uncle is a general, or your dad was director of a factory/storage/pipeline), imho it was basically like throwing out genuine education for half a million dollars in cash
05:24 phf i suspect that mp made profit on the decade since he's a bit older then myself, i started at the tail end, and when king yeltsin abdicated that was pretty much the end of it
05:33 mircea_popescu lol. people were still insisting "it's never gonna end" in 2004.
05:34 mircea_popescu anyway, the moral therein being : it's much better to spend stormy weather in a lake than in an ocean. which is why people figuring on doing the whole "survivalist" schtick in the us are basically retarded.
05:37 mircea_popescu but that aside : 500k in cash is still a better deal than what present day usians get. they still have no education, but -500k in cash to go with it too.
05:38 mircea_popescu and caml was, iirc, 1995.
05:38 mircea_popescu i don't really see oo bullshit as anything more than wank, but then again that's me.
~ 30 minutes ~
06:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21921 @ 0.00075722 = 16.599 BTC [+]
~ 35 minutes ~
06:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47982 @ 0.00075765 = 36.3536 BTC [+] {3}
06:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36400 @ 0.00075865 = 27.6149 BTC [+] {4}
~ 21 minutes ~
07:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11662 @ 0.00075722 = 8.8307 BTC [-]
~ 2 hours 17 minutes ~
09:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 156800 @ 0.00074373 = 116.6169 BTC [-] {5}
~ 15 minutes ~
09:45 shinohai https://hacked.com/mit-triumphs-insecure-university-us-study-reveals/ <<< HUE
09:45 assbot MIT Triumphs as the Most Insecure University in the US, Study Reveals | Hacked ... ( http://bit.ly/1i8oBjn )
09:56 thestringpuller So glad I went to Georgia Tech over MIT these days.
09:56 thestringpuller except for the lack of women during my years there.
~ 54 minutes ~
10:50 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1272545 <<<<>>>> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=03-01-2015#963976
10:50 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 09:38:51; mircea_popescu: i don't really see oo bullshit as anything more than wank, but then again that's me.
10:50 assbot Logged on 03-01-2015 20:01:05; ascii_modem: for the record, 'clos' is, as of today, the only non-retarded incarnation of that concept yet built
10:50 asciilifeform !s clos
10:50 assbot 51 results for 'clos' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=clos
11:01 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1272433 << described in agonizing detail by john t gatto
11:01 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 07:35:35; mircea_popescu: What the “reformers” promote, that is open-ended problems, “real-world” problems with clouds of answers, activities instead of problems, create a fuzzy world, ~~~in which students always have to guess the teacher’s mind and can not learn to discriminate between right and wrong by their own means. ~~~
11:05 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1272528 << it has a keyboard. and this was before the age of 'must use a toothpick for this qwerty' idiocy.
11:05 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 08:28:00; BingoBoingo: Much larger than I expected. About 1/2 the desk footprint of laptop
11:09 asciilifeform https://getaddr.bitnodes.io/nodes/?q=/%3Cimg%20src=%27http://imgur.com/SUGvmvd.jpg%27%3E:0.11.0 << l0l
11:09 assbot Network Snapshot - Bitnodes ... ( http://bit.ly/1LrGXTI )
11:10 thestringpuller hahahaha. i'm excited for 'creative' user-agents in the future
11:11 chetty << it has a keyboard. and this was before the age of 'must use a toothpick for this qwerty' idiocy.// is there a thumb equivalent of carpal tunnel yet?
~ 22 minutes ~
11:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55800 @ 0.00074331 = 41.4767 BTC [-]
~ 29 minutes ~
12:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71031 @ 0.00074283 = 52.764 BTC [-] {4}
~ 49 minutes ~
12:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 108300 @ 0.00074374 = 80.547 BTC [+] {5}
12:54 asciilifeform 'In my own CAS development experience, I've found it nearly impossible to do what the TI-89 does, that is, automatically perform these simplifications without wrapping them in a 'hint' function. I've found that both in terms of computational cost, and in pure software engineering difficulty, this is basically impossible to do. Every CAS I've ever built has involved horrendous debugging of infinite recursion and similar bugs du
12:54 asciilifeform e to attempting to match the TI-89's level of automation. The fact that Mathematica, Sage, etc. also will not perform these simplifications without a 'hint' makes me feel a little better, but the question remains: How on earth did the TI engineers manage to do this with literally a tiny, tiny fraction of the computing power a desktop has?'
12:54 asciilifeform (re: 'derive' & friends. from http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/348809/computer-algebra-how-does-the-ti-89-do-it )
12:54 assbot Computer Algebra: How does the TI-89 do it? - Mathematics Stack Exchange ... ( http://bit.ly/1MkIH79 )
12:54 ben_vulpes ;;later tell pete_dushenski remarkably few, actually. i have one 15" mbp from ~08 i think that's holding up remarkably well.
12:54 gribble The operation succeeded.
12:54 ben_vulpes myriad other office devices in various stages of decrepitude.
12:56 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: that could easily be the last remaining such machine, the nvidia ball grid plague killed them all, i thought.
12:57 ben_vulpes c'est possible
12:57 ben_vulpes might be 2010, now that i think of it.
12:57 asciilifeform iirc machines from 2007-2011 affected.
12:57 asciilifeform and for all i know, every single nvidia anything ever made.
12:57 asciilifeform including now.
~ 29 minutes ~
13:27 asciilifeform 'Pick your favorite expression that is zero but not easily simplified to zero by the CAS. Then divide by this zero and deduce all kinds of absurdities.'
13:28 asciilifeform http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~fateman/papers/y=z2w.pdf << also interesting
13:28 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1Y03j8j )
13:28 asciilifeform (and NO it can't exist as txt, fuck you, buy a printer.)
~ 22 minutes ~
13:51 thestringpuller why you hate nvidia asciilifeform ?
14:00 * trinque listens to the neighbor kid screaming "no" at his single mother for the 8th time
14:00 trinque my parents would've cracked my ass the other direction by now
~ 17 minutes ~
14:18 asciilifeform thestringpuller: because it is one of the great evils of our time.
~ 26 minutes ~
14:45 thestringpuller the CEO is so dope tho
14:45 thestringpuller asciilifeform: http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/06/08/nvidias-boss-kill-your-company-a-bit-every-day/
14:45 thestringpuller “The C.E.O. has to be the virus,” Mr. Huang said. “To build a great company, you have to kill it a bit every day.”
14:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42000 @ 0.00075049 = 31.5206 BTC [+] {3}
~ 16 minutes ~
15:03 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8133 @ 0.00074713 = 6.0764 BTC [-]
~ 16 minutes ~
15:20 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> ... << it has a keyboard. and this was before the age of 'must use a toothpick for this qwerty' idiocy. << It is truly a more impressive machine than I was anticipating. The screen is actually usefully large.
15:32 shinohai ;;later tell mod6 cukes worked swimmingly, thanks again.
15:32 gribble The operation succeeded.
15:34 nubbins` asciilifeform: re: the cost of bicycles -- i'm reminded of your rant about how in computing, there's no "professional grade equipment", i.e. people who code for a living are using the same hw as people who check facebook all day long
15:34 nubbins` $100 will buy you what is commonly referred to as a BSO -- a Bicycle-Shaped Object
15:34 nubbins` $500+ will buy you something you can rely on to, e.g., get you to work/school/market every day for years without failure
15:35 nubbins` most of the cost is in components; a frame is a frame (to some extent), but having your brake discs machined vs stamped from sheet makes a big difference for longevity as well as maintenance
15:36 nubbins` most cheap bicycles simply do not work for any reasonable definition of "work"
15:37 nubbins` constant chain derailments, heavy friction wear from parts grinding, frame failures from bad welds...
15:38 nubbins` https://www.google.ca/search?q=bicycle+frame+failure&tbm=isch is not smth you want happening while you're doing 60km/h in traffic
15:38 assbot bicycle frame failure - Google Search ... ( http://bit.ly/1UNt50m )
15:40 nubbins` it's not uncommon for serious cyclists (touring 100km+, racing, etc) to purchase high quality steel frames that were made 20+ years ago
15:41 nubbins` unrelated: http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-election-2015-rick-hillier-refugees-military-christmas-1.3225732
15:41 assbot Rick Hillier says military can help bring in 50,000 refugees by Christmas - Politics - CBC News ... ( http://bit.ly/1UNtkZp )
15:41 trinque didn't these people see Children of Men?
15:41 nubbins` this whole refugee thing is really bringing the complete fucking idiots out of the woodwork
15:42 trinque they're the ultimate victims
15:42 trinque and the socialist state loves those
15:43 nubbins` lots of people pointing to pictures of, e.g., mattresses & trash left behind in train stations, refugees holding "$600 cell phones"
15:43 nubbins` as if somehow it makes more sense to bring a goddamn mattress on a train instead of your only link to the outside world
15:43 nubbins` as if the mattresses were not brought there by local citizens
15:43 nubbins` as if you can't buy a used smartphone for $100
15:43 nubbins` etc
15:43 shinohai Just ignore the problem and play refugee Mario.
15:44 shinohai On your smartphone.
15:44 nubbins` i'm actually playing captain toad treasure tracker atm
15:45 mod6 shinohai: cool!
15:45 trinque mega-lol @ germany committing to allowing in a million refugees and closing its borders within a span of days
15:45 nubbins` "look, see? refugees throwing rocks at police" under a photograph of a football riot from 2012.
15:45 nubbins` trinque my understanding is that it's not the numbers but the timing.
15:45 nubbins` i can drink 18 beers, but not in an hour
15:46 trinque the idea that a million or more people are going to peacefully integrate with a country of roughly 80 million is questionable
15:47 trinque to say the very least
15:48 nubbins` the cynic in me wonders if the whole "refugee quotas" thing is germany's push to cripple other EU economies
15:49 shinohai I'll bet Islamic extremists are foaming at the mouth hoping to recruit a few.
15:49 trinque whether it's intended, it surely will head that direction.
15:49 nubbins` "saudi arabia can house X refugees, why aren't they heading there?"
15:49 trinque europe cannot maintain the political myth that people are equal, fungible, interchangable without accepting these refugees.
15:50 nubbins` as if anyone in the fucking world wants to live in saudi arabia
15:50 nubbins` might as well suggest the refugees head to usa.
15:51 trinque really, no one says there has to be any sane solution
15:51 nubbins` ^
15:52 trinque heh, the era of the clusterfuck
15:53 nubbins` anyway, who knows?
15:54 nubbins` this whole part of the country i live in was mainly settled by irish escaping the potato famine
15:54 nubbins` refugees escaping an oppressive regime
15:54 nubbins` and we're (arguably) doing ok now
15:56 trinque the distinction I see is that those were still rather culturally similar to the folks already there, no?
15:56 trinque muslims seem to be a few degrees more willing to go apeshit in the streets, or worse
15:56 trinque and I'm imagining *that* demanding ever more socialism
15:57 nubbins` trinque, if you'd asked the british whether the irish were rather culturally similar, they'd have said no
15:57 trinque it seems to be the perfect thing to suck the socialist state completely dry
15:57 nubbins` going apeshit in the streets is generally a direct result of treatment, either by other citizens or government
15:58 nubbins` mp can probably relate tales of .ro folk going apeshit in streets in late 80s, early 90s, and they weren't muslim
15:58 nubbins` just tired of boots on their throats
15:59 trinque could go many ways.
15:59 nubbins` will be quite the spectacle either way, yep.
16:00 nubbins` o look, one of the local prostitutes seems to be pregnant
16:04 danielpbarron http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-09-2015#1271941 << I got arrested in the principal's office when a librarian who had a grudge against me (she was the mother of some kids in the military and didn't like that i didn't stand for the "pledge of allegiance") ratted me out for yelling "i'm gonna kill you" (not in earnest, it was just the thing to say at the time) at some kids who made a habit of teasing me
16:04 assbot Logged on 12-09-2015 22:49:42; cazalla: trinque, i threatened to shoot a bunch of kids at my school via icq.. made front page of local rag and blurred out face on local tv, no name though :\ probably get 10 years like that isis kid these days
16:13 trinque american public school is prison
16:13 trinque they want you to know that they can bring you back to prison at any moment
16:16 nubbins` buncha miscreants
16:17 nubbins` in fairness, you guys are all pretty weird
16:17 nubbins` cazalla i had a similar device to your sky3ds or w/e for my original DS
16:19 trinque nubbins`: trying to stamp out weird is precisely the sin of the socialist state
16:19 trinque weird is where everything interesting comes from.
16:19 danielpbarron oh and I think I have a "3ds" that someone left with me as collateral over a bitcoin deal and later said keep it
16:19 trinque let the cattle have their safe public school where they memorize a few useful facts, and let the miscreants join some academy where their mistakes blow their hands off
16:20 nubbins` trinque only the socialist state?
16:20 nubbins` danielpbarron let's go halfsies on a game
16:22 danielpbarron i'm looking up images now, and it looks like i might have the "DS"
16:22 nubbins` i think they look pretty similar
16:22 nubbins` nfi really
16:23 nubbins` i had two actual DS carts (mario kart korean version, advance wars 2) before i bought an SD loader
16:23 trinque nubbins`: not at all; the western christian church has gotten equally boring.
16:23 danielpbarron i'll try to find out which it is and get back to you, but if it's compatible I think i'd like to take you up on the offer
16:23 danielpbarron you said it's like lemmings?
16:23 nubbins` luckily for me, all the text in korean mario kart was just transliterated english
16:24 nubbins` danielpbarron seems so. and there's a level creation/sharing thing
16:24 nubbins` so you can grab cool new levels that others have created, etc
16:24 danielpbarron i used to love that game, never finished it
16:24 nubbins` we had a few lemmings games, always fun
16:25 nubbins` the game's only $20usd, but they give you the wii u AND 3ds versions with purchase, and i don't have a 3ds
16:25 trinque ah I loved playing lemmings on DOS
16:25 danielpbarron i think i played it on DOS or windows 95
16:25 trinque great music too
16:25 nubbins` lemmings is actually why we bought our first mouse
16:25 nubbins` so i guess it was DOS
16:25 nubbins` https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemmings_2:_The_Tribes
16:25 assbot Lemmings 2: The Tribes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1OOgpzv )
16:25 nubbins` ^ best lemmings
16:26 danielpbarron oh i just realized i was thinking of a different game, but this one was also great.
16:27 nubbins` heh
16:27 nubbins` you were thinking of Worms, maybe?
16:27 danielpbarron i was thinking of "Pushover"
16:27 nubbins` ah
16:28 danielpbarron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXHEuQH0q_4
16:28 assbot Pushover Gameplay - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1OOgBi1 )
16:28 danielpbarron level starts with dominoes set up, and you have to move them around so that you can push one and have them all fall over. And there are different types that react different ways
16:29 cazalla danielpbarron, copper asked me multiple time if i actually had guns heh, this was shortly after the columbine shootings mind you
16:29 danielpbarron same here
16:29 nubbins` fun
16:29 cazalla nubbins`, the sky3ds is pretty sweet, but will only load 3ds games, not backward compatible
16:29 nubbins` shame
16:30 nubbins` i had an R4DS cart for my ds, took microsd
16:30 cazalla same
16:30 nubbins` oh, there's an R4 3DS now.
16:30 cazalla apparently there are better carts than the sky3ds but at the time, that is all that was available for the firmware my 3ds has
16:31 trinque what parent would let cops and bureaucrats educate their children at all?
16:31 nubbins` yeah it's a constant battle
16:31 cazalla trinque, parents who would rather be doing something else than parenting
16:31 trinque kid: "I'm going to kill you all." parent: *SLAP* kid: "I'm very sorry."
16:32 nubbins` http://cointelegraph.com/news/115266/bitcoin-will-be-the-technology-that-unifies-a-united-states-of-africa
16:32 assbot ‘Bitcoin will be the Technology that Unifies a United States of Africa’ ... ( http://bit.ly/1OOgVgS )
16:32 nubbins` lel
16:32 nubbins` isn't robert mugabe the current head of the AU?
16:33 trinque danielpbarron: this game with the dominoes looks fun
16:33 danielpbarron yeah i'm still watching the video, makes me want to get it again
16:33 nubbins` heh.
16:33 nubbins` i'm tempted to grab Worms 2
16:34 cazalla trinque, tbh, that made me even more determined, not saying not to hit kids but i think it needs to be applied in a manner my own parents failed to do
16:34 nubbins` but: gotta focus
16:34 nubbins` 1 level left to complete in captain toad
16:34 trinque cazalla: sure, I only got my ass kicked when I was being a moron.
16:34 trinque and I still have all my parts functional
16:34 trinque :p
16:38 trinque and I think on the other side, without that, you leave the child without the ability to exercise self-restraint at all
16:38 trinque like my oft-mentioned case of seeing the kid punching his mother in the tit at the grocery store
16:38 trinque isn't just a disservice to her; that kid's going to be fucking useless
16:39 cazalla not sure, but i think that is pretty normal for kids to lash out at their parents
16:40 cazalla of course now, the parents don't respond by hitting back but by taking the kid through a circus of doctors
16:41 trinque sure it's normal once, and normal for the kid to be corrected right then
16:42 trinque this bitch was like "Now whateveryourname, that isn't very nice is it?"
16:43 cazalla let's say she turns around and clips the kid across the face, in public
16:43 danielpbarron CPS called, kid confiscated
16:44 cazalla you'd have no shortage of do-gooders running to the kid's rescue.. difficult to raise kids properly in the welfare state because big daddy comes and clips you one too
16:44 nubbins` lelel
16:44 nubbins` THAT ISN'T VERY NICE IS IT
16:44 trinque http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1272637
16:44 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 19:51:08; trinque: really, no one says there has to be any sane solution
16:44 nubbins` as if being not very nice is a thing this animal would abhor
16:44 trinque lol yeah
16:44 trinque just appeal to his inner reason!
16:45 nubbins` nevermind that his brain won't work like that for another half-decade at best
16:45 trinque because reason is something you fall out of the womb with, not something carved into your haphazard mess of a brain
16:45 nubbins` "don't run away, sweetie, someone might take you!" to a 3yo
16:45 trinque "now poopsiekins!"
16:45 nubbins` as if "take you" has any meaning to a toddler
16:45 trinque kid was precisely cartman
16:46 cazalla i don't think dishing out some old fashioned discipline to the toddler is really going to help either
16:46 trinque well no, cartman had cunning; I wont give him that compliment
16:46 nubbins` anyway, i'm way too selfish and irresponsible to sire a child
16:46 trinque cazalla: why is that?
16:46 nubbins` so all this is "other people's problems"
16:46 trinque seems a simple formula: If you hit this thing that feeds you, it's going to kill you instead.
16:47 cazalla trinque, i really don't think they'd understand or be able to make a connection between their behaviour and your reaction
16:47 nubbins` 2250 coins, level 19
16:47 nubbins` so close, not even close
16:47 cazalla at least that is what i've observed with my own son.. telling him no does seem to encourage the behaviour more, so we usually ignore or draw as little attention to it as possible
16:50 trinque I'm advocating the swift kick in the ass, not saying "no".
16:50 trinque and I understood that just fine when I was little
16:51 cazalla not at 20 months, maybe 6-7 years of age.. but who knows, maybe i've grown soft having not had a fight or been punched in some time
16:52 trinque ah sure that young, they're going to scream and do all sorts of nonsensical things
16:52 trinque but when they start developing a personality, that's where I think you can do great damage by not teaching them self-restraint
16:53 trinque or more specifically allowing them to think that the world is something which brings you what you want when you scream
16:53 danielpbarron nubbins`> "don't run away, sweetie, someone might take you!" to a 3yo << reminds me of this odd phrase a friend's son uses: "what's it gonna do to me?" // I suspect it's the result of public school teaching him that anything not blessed by the state is dangerous
16:53 shinohai http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-09-12/russian-bank-caught-using-fake-gold-reserve-capital <<< More mircea_popescu was right abt gold news.
16:53 assbot Bank Caught Using Fake Gold As Reserve Capital In Russia | Zero Hedge ... ( http://bit.ly/1Lb2Cnw )
16:55 trinque cazalla: I'd say by about 2 or 3 you could encounter a mild pop on the ass in my family for screaming fits and other carrying on
16:57 cazalla trinque, i copped it from a young age too and these are the only memories I have around the ages of 4-5 , not convinced it would actually do my son any benefit
16:57 cazalla of course, was more than a kick in the ass
16:58 cazalla so perhaps you're right and it's just the dosage
16:58 trinque difference between medicine and poison right?
17:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41850 @ 0.00074713 = 31.2674 BTC [-]
17:04 cazalla goes beyond the parents these days though, kids are seen as owned by the community and all that shit, i expect to meet a lot of opposition and resistance in the years ahead
17:06 cazalla kids are sorta like housing in that you're expected to pay for it, look after it, maintain it but in no way can you actually do what you want with it because you don't really own it.. as mentioned here many times
17:07 trinque what a world
17:07 trinque at least when the dulap comes they can claim they helped make the kid, lol
17:11 cazalla run more windows, raised more kids in the western world type deal eh
17:13 nubbins` canada sold all its gold, save 3 tons, in ~2006
17:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18367 @ 0.00074713 = 13.7225 BTC [-]
17:21 nubbins` http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user5/imageroot/2012/09/fake%20gold%203.jpg
17:21 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1Lb5bGb )
17:23 BingoBoingo http://www.theguardian.com/science/2015/sep/10/aliens-modern-messages-earths-equality-diversity-seti-yuri-milner
17:23 assbot Send aliens modern messages of Earth's equality and diversity, say scientists | Science | The Guardian ... ( http://bit.ly/1Lb5lNJ )
17:25 nubbins` lel.
17:26 nubbins` if you sent aliens an accurate picture of the current state of affairs, they'd turn us into space dust
17:26 trinque god yes, lets project our weakness as far as possible into space
17:28 shinohai !up anton_osika
17:28 BingoBoingo anton_osika: There really anything I can advise other than working to develop a time machine so you could have made better backups.
17:29 nubbins` back up your backups
17:29 BingoBoingo Or maybe try to uncorrupt youre backup, but I have no idea where you could start on that
17:30 anton_osika Right, the way I see it is just that I had a business deal regarding delivery but I lost my hands so I can sign no more documents.
17:31 anton_osika Comparing it to a non-digital situation it would seem that there was another solution of delivering as stated here: http://pastebin.com/NbPrZS9A
17:31 assbot -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Future Delivery Contract Fo - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1QiQ39M )
17:32 BingoBoingo Well, you've not only lost your hands, you've lsot the idea of having hands
17:33 trinque the idea that the contract is tied to the gpg identity is inherent to the very fact that the fucking thing's signed by that gpg key
17:36 anton_osika I see it as fingerprints as a tool for simplifying proofs of physical identities, not replacing them. Might be good for the sake of lowering worries when entering contracts to be able to specify point of delivery, if unquestioned, with an alternative identification?
17:37 anton_osika trinque: It's not explicitly tied to a gpg key in the contract, rather antonosika
17:37 nubbins` looks like it's tied to a payout address and nothing else
17:37 nubbins` why you gotta sign something?
17:38 trinque anton_osika: it specifies your key fingerprints right there
17:41 anton_osika nubbins`: You mean the BTC payout address is enough?
17:41 mircea_popescu hola!
17:41 anton_osika Hola!
17:41 nubbins` anton_osika not my contract so i have NFI. but i don't see anything in there that requires you to take any further action
17:41 nubbins` o hi mp
17:42 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1272551 << lol
17:42 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 13:45:56; shinohai: https://hacked.com/mit-triumphs-insecure-university-us-study-reveals/ <<< HUE
17:42 anton_osika mircea_popescu: Hey since I read your first draft of the contract between you and me I have learnt a lot.
17:42 mircea_popescu cool!
17:44 anton_osika I still don't see that it explicitly states that antonosika needs a signature for delivery however :)
17:45 nubbins` it doesn't.
17:45 mircea_popescu ...
17:45 anton_osika Could you let me have this with my freenode auth, if no one else claims to be antonosika, and I will stop pestering you and how is a man of his words?
17:45 anton_osika Would be quite inspirational.
17:45 mircea_popescu mnop. cuz i don't want to encourage the world of nubins and anton_osika. i want to encourage the world of wot and signatures.
17:45 mircea_popescu the way i see it, it would be inspirational of undesirables.
17:45 mircea_popescu this way, it's inspirational of the people i actually like.
17:45 nubbins` lel. maybe you shoulda worded the contract such.
17:46 mircea_popescu it IS worded such.
17:46 nubbins` uh huh
17:46 trinque there's no "eth" payout address in the contract
17:46 anton_osika mircea_popescu: I see it as encouraging for new users to use WoT without being afraid.
17:46 mircea_popescu that's the very point.
17:46 mircea_popescu why should they not be affraid ?
17:46 mircea_popescu new uisers should be affraid.
17:46 mircea_popescu that is what "new" means.
17:47 anton_osika Well the power of WoT lies in how large it will scale.
17:47 phf asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: that could easily be the last remaining such machine, the nvidia ball grid plague killed them all, i thought. << have one of those, you can manually switch with some hacks which video card is used at all times, i have it running on integrated, which prevents real 3d from happening, but hopefully extends life
17:47 nubbins` oh look at that, the contract literally does not state how the ETH will be delivered
17:47 nubbins` yep, anton done fucked up
17:47 trinque nubbins`: yeah, just that some guy with a particular gpg key would receive the eth
17:47 nubbins` SFYL
17:47 nubbins` (NSFYL)
17:48 nubbins` specifically, this snipped sealed your fate: "in a manner to be agreed upon thence"
17:49 anton_osika My aim was to settle this with as much of my physical credibility at stake as possible. Which is why Anton Osika is my real username, with everything publicaly available on me (I'm in the phonebook). If ones physical identity can be a backup for WoT then it might strengthen WoT.
17:49 nubbins` since you can't prove you're you, nothing can be agreed upon thence
17:49 mircea_popescu there exists no suych thing as "physical credibility".
17:49 mircea_popescu this is crypto land. cryptographical credibility is required, and it has a unique and very clearly defined underpinning.
17:49 mircea_popescu go sign.
17:50 anton_osika nubbins`: Would you say the same thing to someone that Lost his right hand for signing documents and is looking you dead in the face?
17:50 anton_osika mircea_popescu: How do you mean clearly defined underpinning?
17:51 nubbins` anton_osika you're asking me if i would reach the same conclusion if the situation were entirely different?
17:51 nubbins` o.O
17:51 nubbins` FWIW, you can still sign documents without hands.
17:51 mircea_popescu i mean that without your signature you have no rights and properly speaking don't even exist.
17:51 nubbins` the illiterate used to draw an X. you could do that with your mouth.
17:52 nubbins` there is no cryptographic equivalent of this.
17:52 nubbins` mircea_popescu and fwiw "world of nubbins" is a world in which contracts are entered and people retain their keys
17:52 nubbins` ;;ident
17:52 gribble Nick 'nubbins`', with hostmask 'nubbins`!~leel@unaffiliated/nubbins', is identified as user 'nubbins`', with GPG key id CF2950F23C844002, key fingerprint 5015BD3D0AE659C8B8632F31CF2950F23C844002, and bitcoin address None
17:52 nubbins` know what i mean? 8)
17:52 mircea_popescu nubbins` if there was an address i'd have sent teh eth already.
17:52 nubbins` mircea_popescu nod.
17:52 mircea_popescu and so far your only fault is not reading carefully :)
17:52 nubbins` guy does not seem to get this point.
17:53 nubbins` hey, come on, i re-read :D
17:53 mircea_popescu true, true.
17:53 mircea_popescu don';t get the wrong idea, anton_osika : i actually like you.
17:53 nubbins` if i were the sort of jackass who went around losing keys, i'd probably sign some messages preemptively to take care of things in case that happened
17:54 nubbins` but if i'm the sort of person who loses keys, i'm also the sort of person who loses signed statements.
17:54 nubbins` sooooo
17:54 anton_osika mircea_popescu: Well my situation is regarding my life savings so it does matter a bit less as of now.
17:54 mircea_popescu nubbins` it's a risky but perhaps useful approach. "All assignables belonging to key X should henceforth be transferred to key X which has full authority to bla bla"
17:54 trinque 3btc == live savings?
17:54 trinque *life
17:54 nubbins` mircea_popescu i'm not 100% sure that our contract allows such
17:55 mircea_popescu anton_osika i would propose you're not experienced enough to crypto to make it the repository of your life savings.
17:55 mircea_popescu nubbins` iirc, yes.
17:55 * mircea_popescu goes to read
17:55 anton_osika Poor students you know.
17:56 nubbins` "S.MG will not process or administer any assignments of this Warrant by or among third parties. The administration of any such contracts remains the sole responsibility of the respective parties involved."
17:56 mircea_popescu o.O
17:56 mircea_popescu that doesn't sound like it does, nubbins`
17:56 nubbins` tbh i have no idea what second sentence has to do with first
17:56 nubbins` but first seems to explicitly disallow a signed "plz deliver to this key instead" message.
17:56 mircea_popescu the assignment of a negotiable can only be a contract.
17:56 trinque anton_osika: so you're out what, 700 bucks?
17:57 mircea_popescu trinque well no, since the eth was WAY later than what they originally promised, the short lived launch bubble happened right around now.
17:57 trinque yeah but that was the upside back to him, right? he only put in 3btc
17:57 anton_osika more in the equivalent of around 15'000 $
17:58 trinque you didn't lose that; you made sure you never got it
17:58 mircea_popescu i was trying to aim for you know, 3-6 months after release, little did i imagine their "xmas" will be august
17:58 mircea_popescu hehe i dun think that's how he thinks about it.
17:58 nubbins` heh
17:58 anton_osika mircea_popescu: I have to say that I do agree with you regarding ETH not being the best of bets though.
17:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 95500 @ 0.00074023 = 70.692 BTC [-] {4}
17:58 trinque so my 15000 shares of a failed ruby on rails startup, I lost infinity dollars
17:58 mircea_popescu i think this weird even beats namworld's old weird
17:58 nubbins` !t s.mg
17:58 assbot You cannot stop the clouds by the building of a ship.
17:58 * trinque goes to cry
17:59 nubbins` been so long
17:59 mircea_popescu where i short sold i don't recall what, oh, asicminer
17:59 nubbins` !t m s.mg
17:59 assbot Things which are alike, in nature, grow to look alike, and the speaking stones have lain a long time lookin' at the sun.
17:59 nubbins` X(
17:59 trinque I even dropped out of the shitty college to get those shares
17:59 mircea_popescu and made a bundle cause glbse went down
17:59 trinque anton_osika: losing is good for you
17:59 mircea_popescu nubbins` hasdn't traded in the past month, which is so fucking weird.
17:59 mircea_popescu it's actually doing great, revenue et all.
18:00 mircea_popescu but hey, "investors" need more circle and whatnot.
18:00 nubbins` heh.
18:00 mircea_popescu !up anton_osika
18:00 nubbins` order book looks condusive to another bitbet hedge
18:00 nubbins` conducive?
18:00 nubbins` christ
18:01 nubbins` i usde to be godo at splelign.
18:01 mircea_popescu !b 1
18:01 assbot Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1Z6MZW8.txt )
18:02 mircea_popescu dude check out the historical spam I found! http://trilema.com/2013/but-please-allow-me-to-rub-it-in/
18:02 assbot But please, allow me to rub it in! on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Lb8m0p )
18:02 mircea_popescu 22:59:34 {assbot} [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1496 @ 0.003551 = 5.3123 BTC [-]
18:03 anton_osika I got voice.
18:04 nubbins` ah, "the swede"
18:04 anton_osika I meant to say that I got lucky with how BTC fork worries developed.
18:04 nubbins` i remember that scammor
18:04 mircea_popescu from 20:38:44 to 23:01:58, : [BTCTC] 328 lines ; [HAVELOCK] 11 lines ; [MPEX] absent.
18:04 mircea_popescu oh if all the dead losers could speak. oh if the wails of the meanwhile defeated stupid could be heard by the still living
18:04 mircea_popescu oh, oh, oh, history why you cover yourself so.
18:05 anton_osika Before I continue the venture of my identity tomorrow: Since the contract states my name - what is it that says that it is not enough as long as it is uniquely identifiable beyond all probable doubts?
18:05 nubbins` holy fuck.
18:05 nubbins` it's a gpg contract
18:05 nubbins` your name is irrelevant
18:06 mircea_popescu tyhe contract also states the word "and". maybne that's a name.
18:06 anton_osika nubbins`: What have I been missing regarding GPG contracts then? :)
18:06 nubbins` everything
18:06 nubbins` apparently.
18:06 anton_osika I mean, this is crypto land, but things are built on common sense not some magical crypto laws right?
18:06 mircea_popescu http://bitcoincharts.com/charts/chart.png?width=1222&m=bitstampUSD&SubmitButton=Draw&r=730&i=&c=0&s=&e=&Prev=&Next=&t=S&b=&a1=&m1=10&a2=&m2=25&x=0&i1=&i2=&i3=&i4=&v=1&cv=0&ps=0&l=0&p=0& << for the lulz.
18:06 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1Lb8DRe )
18:06 mircea_popescu anton_osika wrong.
18:07 anton_osika mircea_popescu: => BTC fork worries = irrelevant?
18:07 nubbins` things actually are built on "magical" crypto laws.
18:07 nubbins` (magical? do you even compute?)
18:07 nubbins` trivial example, no idea why i'm trying this hard to explain things to you:
18:07 nubbins` suppose the contract didn't say
18:08 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-08-2014#792148 << see also.
18:08 assbot Logged on 12-08-2014 02:19:42; TimSwanson: Because that's how normal debates work
18:08 nubbins` "antonosika"
18:08 trinque anton_osika: you might as well be my buddy pleading with his corrupted LUKS header
18:08 nubbins` but it said "John Smith"
18:08 nubbins` how is anyone to know which john smith? there must be millions.
18:08 mircea_popescu "do what i mean" computing.
18:08 anton_osika Well it does luckily not say john smith.
18:08 mircea_popescu everything else... is magical :D
18:08 nubbins` antonosika it's not lucky, no.
18:08 nubbins` because: which anton osika?
18:09 nubbins` i could sire a child tomorrow and name it anton osika.
18:09 trinque the tit-punching kid screams and wonders where mother is to set things right
18:09 anton_osika If it did in an ordinary contract, it would have to include an address (which takes care of the all probable doubt) :)
18:09 nubbins` but it's a gpg contract, and it included a gpg fingerprint
18:09 mircea_popescu up until you refuse to produce an identity document.
18:09 mircea_popescu try this sometime, go ask your bank for your money, but refuse to show id.
18:10 nubbins` antonosika so let's say you signed a normal contract, it included your name and your address.
18:10 nubbins` now 1 year later you have a different address.
18:10 nubbins` contract is useless, yes?
18:10 mircea_popescu real people don't move.
18:10 anton_osika mircea_popescu: Thats a very valid comparison.
18:11 mircea_popescu anton_osika just, irl, because irl is dedicated to the survival of the least fit, if you lose your id there's a mechanism to get another one.
18:11 nubbins` antonosika i think it's fair to say that you understand 100% that you fucked up and you're just trying to "reason" your way into changing the terms of the original
18:11 mircea_popescu but here, because we are quite specifically dedicated to the non survival of the unfit, there isn't.
18:11 mircea_popescu and in the space so freed, we have constructed much safer ids.
18:11 mircea_popescu it's a tradeoff.
18:12 cazalla i think anton_osika actually understands but hopes to wear mircea_popescu down
18:12 mircea_popescu nubbins` 90% of what commercial disputes are. ask any judge.
18:12 nubbins` mircea_popescu "good faith" &c.
18:12 nubbins` barristers and solicitors built practices on such
18:12 cazalla ah shit nubbins` beat me to it
18:12 mircea_popescu ;;google "heavily counseled parties to mega mergers do not breach contracts out of inadvertence or mistake"
18:12 gribble "Willful"—It's Ambiguous - Adams on Contract Drafting: <http://www.adamsdrafting.com/willful/>; here - Adams on Contract Drafting: <http://www.adamsdrafting.com/downloads/2007-US-Dist-LEXIS-64114.pdf>; top c o d er. - TopCoder: <http://www.topcoder.com/contest/problem/Enigma/words.txt>
18:12 mircea_popescu pfff.
18:13 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2013/our-emperor-deliver-us/#selection-43.330-43.450
18:13 assbot Our Emperor, deliver us. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1gk9UbM )
18:13 nubbins` antonosika here's another thing: suppose you show us a passport that says "anton osika" on it. how do we know you, today, are the same anton osika from last year?
18:13 mircea_popescu holy shit google. i had it to the word!
18:13 nubbins` it's an impossible argument to win.
18:13 anton_osika nubbins`: Thank you for bringing it up.
18:14 nubbins` anton_osika it's the same thing i've been saying all along, just in reverse.
18:14 anton_osika My case is that there is only one individual calming to be me.
18:14 nubbins` only one individual today, sure.
18:14 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1272572 << aha!
18:14 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 16:54:14; asciilifeform: e to attempting to match the TI-89's level of automation. The fact that Mathematica, Sage, etc. also will not perform these simplifications without a 'hint' makes me feel a little better, but the question remains: How on earth did the TI engineers manage to do this with literally a tiny, tiny fraction of the computing power a desktop has?'
18:14 nubbins` maybe the real anton is on vacation?
18:14 nubbins` maybe he's on his way to berlin from syria?
18:14 mircea_popescu THAT was it's #1 thing, for they in the know. "omfg dude it doesn't even needs parans)"
18:14 anton_osika My case is that in any contract - such as one with a bank - an identity boils down to what is tru without any probable doubt.
18:15 nubbins` there is 100% probable doubt that you are not the person who signed the contract last year.
18:15 nubbins` because you can't prove it's you by signing something with the key.
18:15 mircea_popescu actually the obsolete system standard is "preponderence of evidence". you're thinking criminal proceedings, and it's "reasonable" there.
18:16 nubbins` anton_osika all forms of physical identification can be forged
18:16 nubbins` i could quite literally come back here in three weeks with a USA passport bearing my face and your name.
18:16 nubbins` should mp deliver to me?
18:16 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2014/o-hai-let-me-verify-your-identity/ << with illustrations
18:16 assbot O hai let me verify your identity! on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Lb9qS8 )
18:16 nubbins` would you like for things to work this way? really?
18:17 nubbins` or would you like for contracts signed with your pgp key to only be resolved via that same key?
18:17 nubbins` because if you wouldn't like that, you should probably gtfo
18:17 nubbins` as you are not in the correct place
18:17 nubbins` know what i mean?
18:17 anton_osika Well make some google of my name
18:17 nubbins` no
18:17 nubbins` fuck your name
18:18 trinque http://trilema.com/2012/gpg-contracts/#selection-167.19-167.125
18:18 assbot GPG contracts on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Lb9xgC )
18:18 nubbins` you're trying to cross an international border using a high school diploma as photo ID.
18:18 mircea_popescu ;;google "obama bin laden"
18:18 gribble Seymour Hersh accuses Obama of lying on Osama bin Laden raid ...: <http://www.cnn.com/2015/05/11/politics/seymour-hersh-obama-bin-laden-raid-lied/>; NBC Confirms Obama Lied About Bin Laden Raid | Zero Hedge: <http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-05-12/nbc-confirms-obama-lied-about-bin-laden-raid>; Report: Obama lied about bin Laden raid | TheHill: <http://thehill.com/blogs/blog- (1 more message)
18:18 nubbins` nevermind that it doesn't have your photo and it's just a sheet of paper run thru a laser printer anyway.
18:18 anton_osika trinque: Thank you. I mean it.
18:18 mircea_popescu http://cluesforum.info/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=1241 << pretty lulzy article.
18:19 assbot View topic - "Obama Sin Laden" & other stories about Barack Obama • Cluesforum.info ... ( http://bit.ly/1gkaGp5 )
18:19 nubbins` trinque oh there you go.
18:19 mircea_popescu "The implications are obviously enormous here. After going through this thread and being somewhat convinced, I picked a few photos (widely available from a google image search) and did my own (very basic) comparisons."
18:19 trinque anton_osika: the lesson here is worth far more than a student's 600-700 bucks
18:19 nubbins` (very basic)
18:20 anton_osika I'm sorry I did not find it myself - of course MP already explained it before.
18:20 anton_osika http://trilema.com/2012/gpg-contracts
18:20 assbot GPG contracts on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1gkaNAZ )
18:20 nubbins` anton_osika please understand that none of this is malicious, and at least some people here probably feel bad for you
18:20 nubbins` but there is literally nothing you can do about it without that key. full stop.
18:20 trinque I lost far more than 700 bucks in the stock market at that age
18:20 trinque taught me plenty
18:21 mircea_popescu i feel bad for him cuz unlike an entire horde of twerps, he actually executed.
18:21 nubbins` ^
18:21 mircea_popescu trinque i actually won, and it was imo a worse outcome. i nigh on ended up believing in the shit.
18:21 nubbins` heh
18:22 mircea_popescu 16yo me was ideologically speaking a sort of buffett.
18:22 nubbins` you guys would vomit if you knew how many btc i wasted on AM and S.DICE
18:22 mircea_popescu iirc i actually made money with s.dice
18:22 nubbins` so did i, for a time 8)
18:22 mircea_popescu but i doubt i played 100 games
18:22 mircea_popescu heck, i made like 5 btc with that "biggest fish" flash game
18:22 nubbins` i made ~10btc off just-dice too
18:23 nubbins` oh look, both obama and bin laden both have incisors
18:23 nubbins` this is conclusive evidence
18:23 nubbins` also, both their sweaty foreheads shine under harsh light
18:24 mircea_popescu the fact that they're actually pretty similar is probably more insulting to the arab than to the american.
18:24 mircea_popescu because it means he has some black ancestry over there.
18:26 trinque anton_osika: supposedly gox "owes me" several btc to this day. and guess what, there's even a "legal system" invovled with that case. what do you think my odds are on receiving the btc back?
18:26 mod6 deedbot.org white & black now 'eh
18:26 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1272608 << ironically, for the exact same reason ancient/inherited swords were valuable. they had already been debugged for faults.
18:26 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 19:40:07; nubbins`: it's not uncommon for serious cyclists (touring 100km+, racing, etc) to purchase high quality steel frames that were made 20+ years ago
18:27 trinque mod6: thought I'd make your eyes bleed a little less
18:27 anton_osika trinque: Fairly low.
18:27 mircea_popescu somehow this is true if counterintuitive. black on white is better for eyes than white on black.
18:27 mircea_popescu it'd seem the lower power the better, but not so. because the tiny white specs are too shiny otherwise.
18:28 anton_osika But I feel that I am no the only one that lost ones identity -little owing to ones own mistakes. And this community has honesty in honouring contracts in Good Faith.
18:28 mircea_popescu (ie, if the whole screen is white, the iris adapts and filters it down. if the screen is black, iris can not do that, you end up burning retina)
18:28 nubbins` no it doesn't
18:28 nubbins` mircea_popescu that's a succinct explanation
18:28 nubbins` i've always found black-bg websites a nightmare to read
18:28 trinque yeah, does make sense.
18:29 nubbins` anton_osika plenty have lost their keys. they all weep together now.
18:29 mircea_popescu anton_osika really, figure out how to keep a safe key. it's not that hard, and it IS the only actual underpinning of humanity these days.
18:29 anton_osika mircea_popescu: That is one lesson learned, from all this agony.
18:30 nubbins` anton_osika i could prove beyond a reasonable doubt that i am who i say i am, and everyone in here would be convinced, but i'm still not executing that SSW without a key
18:30 mircea_popescu no key = 1760 negro. not only no rights, but no human identity at all. st peter doesn't even keep track of yotur sins. you're like the beasts of the plains.
18:30 trinque anton_osika: it's not that much money; you're just young. and mistakes you make in youth that you survive will remind you later never again to be so foolish.
18:30 mircea_popescu nubbins` you certainly can't because it being an equity thing, it impacts the patrimony of unknown shareholders.
18:30 thestringpuller i've come to this channel outraged!
18:30 mircea_popescu o hay tsp
18:30 trinque anton_osika: or should I still be drinking over the not-millions I made from that not-company
18:31 trinque !up anton_osika
18:31 thestringpuller Started reading some of the slides
18:31 thestringpuller !up anton_osika
18:31 thestringpuller from the Coindesk conference. wtf
18:31 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1272615 <<->> http://trilema.com/2015/a-bunch-of-assholes/
18:31 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 19:43:07; nubbins`: lots of people pointing to pictures of, e.g., mattresses & trash left behind in train stations, refugees holding "$600 cell phones"
18:31 assbot A bunch of assholes. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1LbaBAW )
18:32 anton_osika Thanks for voice.
18:32 trinque anton_osika: hold onto a key and you might keep it!
18:32 * trinque chuckles
18:32 mircea_popescu lol dork
18:33 thestringpuller http://i.imgur.com/aHn9I46.jpg << from garzik's presentation
18:33 anton_osika I understand those before me who weep - when there is ambigouity in settlements that they would need their non-negro identities with.
18:33 cazalla thestringpuller, is this not from the other conference and not the coindesk one?
18:33 nubbins` are refugees actually welcome to tanzania - africa, tho?
18:34 nubbins` not sure that's the PM and minister of foreign affairs in picture
18:34 anton_osika My case is however that acting in from the perspective of probable doubt is good for the robustness of bitcoin-assets.
18:34 mircea_popescu nubbins` they never found out, did they ?
18:34 nubbins` 8)
18:34 nubbins` nope.
18:34 mircea_popescu how come!
18:34 thestringpuller cazalla: didn't coindesk put on the consensus conference?
18:34 mircea_popescu somehow they had a very clear vector loaded.
18:34 nubbins` because they traded their cell phones for mattresses?
18:34 anton_osika Say we are hit by a 1859 solar EMP or the like.
18:34 trinque o lol
18:34 mircea_popescu anton_osika selection events are selection events. when the waters go out you see who had been swimming naked.
18:35 nubbins` mircea_popescu well ya know. if i'm on fire, i'm heading for the water, not the gas station
18:35 mircea_popescu nubbins` oh i see, that's what it is.
18:35 mircea_popescu what kind of fire are you on ?
18:35 cazalla thestringpuller, yes they did but i thought the garzik slides are from the scaling bitcoin conference (ran the day after or something)
18:35 mircea_popescu how come they're on the kind of fire that can be put out by welfare checks and tightly packed stupiud white cunts,
18:35 anton_osika So I would say that a payment - if I deliver some sort of verification - would strengthen the credibility of MP. As well as bitcoin-assets as a whole.
18:35 thestringpuller cazalla: ah interesting. i'm still outraged tho!
18:35 mircea_popescu not by unused farmland and cheap labour ?
18:35 mircea_popescu hm ? HM ?
18:36 nubbins` lel.
18:36 nubbins` mugabe gave out farmland; how'd that work out for everyone?
18:36 nubbins` i have a $100Tn bill upstairs that says "not so well"
18:36 mircea_popescu anton_osika the main intellectual pivot here is the notion that "everyone must make it". this is what informs your "what if there's a solar flare" thing.
18:36 thestringpuller "Stuck at 1M strangles Bitcoin growth and adoption" lol
18:36 mircea_popescu however, this place is predicated on the converse : everyone MUST NOT make it.
18:36 mircea_popescu so the solar flare isn't a problem to it.
18:37 thestringpuller cazalla: Seems all of the BIPers (Gavin Hearn Garzik et. al), talked about this.
18:37 anton_osika In some chain of events however unlikely any of you would lose your PGP identities.
18:37 nubbins` mircea_popescu do you suppose they'd still be holding the sign if tanzania was a first-world country that also happened to carpet bomb syria?
18:37 nubbins` i wonder.
18:38 mircea_popescu too counterfactual to guess.
18:38 nubbins` nod
18:38 mircea_popescu anton_osika yup.
18:39 nubbins` anton_osika fwiw if mp pays out, it would wreck his credibility
18:39 mircea_popescu nubbins` but the important point remains : there IS SPACE for you here. and you dun wanna go here, you wanna go there. where you most pointedly don't belong, you want to go.
18:39 mircea_popescu the monkey quality.
18:39 anton_osika The meaning of GPG contracts are being defined as we speak, as of those being honoured and those who are not, and I think you might agree that it is a better contract if it can - as any other contract between to individuals - be honoured in good faith aka. when fulfilled beyond reasonable doubt.
18:39 nubbins` mircea_popescu since when is "space" the primary consideration?
18:39 nubbins` there's space in canada's north
18:39 nubbins` but the gov has to pay people to move there.
18:39 mircea_popescu nubbins` not for them, too cold.
18:40 anton_osika mircea_popescu: Where is it that I wan't to go you say?
18:40 nubbins` twodogs is too cold for the sudanese who live here
18:40 nubbins` they have jackets tho.
18:40 mircea_popescu here';s some basic logic : when you're fucked, you move among weaker people to recover, if you're worth two shits.
18:41 mircea_popescu anton_osika a) gpg contracts are already defined, cuz that article ; b) we don't agree.
18:41 nubbins` "worth two shits" changes when your country and meat-wot are both rubble
18:41 mircea_popescu the point of this entire thing is to make existence painful and difficult. not to continue the convenience of consumers.
18:41 anton_osika I'm trying to make the system less reliant on one single part of failure, but I see I have failed.
18:41 mircea_popescu nubbins` so you can't take the family and go to tanzania. because why ?
18:41 nubbins` sure i can.
18:41 mircea_popescu this is essentially the alf argument. "i can't do anything by myself"
18:42 mircea_popescu if you can't, why'd europe want you ?
18:42 nubbins` lel.
18:42 mircea_popescu if you can, why aren';t you going to tanzania!
18:42 nubbins` what's alf gonna do in tanzania?
18:42 anton_osika Arguably I am wrong as well.
18:42 nubbins` milk a cow?
18:42 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43645 @ 0.00074363 = 32.4557 BTC [+]
18:42 anton_osika But I will go on in my venture to find a way to verify my identity.
18:42 mircea_popescu yes. milk a fucking cow.
18:42 nubbins` but he doesn't know how
18:42 mircea_popescu what, these immigrants were born with a cow milking interdiciton ?
18:42 mircea_popescu so he learns. does he know how to be european ?
18:43 mircea_popescu anton_osika better go on a venture to find a way to protect your next one.
18:43 nubbins` afaik being european just means breakfast is weird and coffee is always espresso.
18:43 mircea_popescu oic.
18:43 nubbins` 0/10 do not want
18:43 mircea_popescu yeah, there's no bacalaureat anymore. and you don't need to know three languages. and so on.
18:43 mircea_popescu you can just be your fucktarded tribal shithead self, and will be ok.
18:43 mircea_popescu mmmmmmkay.
18:43 mircea_popescu if that;s the idea, go to tanzania, there it'll work to everyone's satisfaction.
18:44 mircea_popescu for tanzania, it even is an improvement.
18:44 trinque intellectuals need to be humiliated with manual labor at some point in life
18:44 trinque shovel cow shit; I have
18:44 mircea_popescu wait, the refugees are also intellectuals ?
18:44 trinque was referring to alf in tanzania
18:44 mircea_popescu i doubt it, they'd have emigrated to maryland.
18:44 mircea_popescu oh. iirc he had an episode doing something
18:45 nubbins` no, the syrian intellectuals are hanging out here: http://blogs.reuters.com/david-rohde/files/2013/06/syria-top.jpg
18:45 trinque so they did that to their own home
18:45 nubbins` they stayed 'cause they're intellectual, see
18:45 trinque what are they going to do to anyone else's?
18:45 mircea_popescu that looks like a bomb blast
18:45 nubbins` yep
18:45 nubbins` sure does
18:46 nubbins` but if you've got a smartphone... why leave, right?
18:46 trinque not the point at all
18:46 trinque this presumption that anywhere else must take them comes from what?
18:46 nubbins` your imagination?
18:46 * nubbins` searches log for someone saying this
18:47 trinque so you're just saying "why wouldn't they go to germany" ?
18:47 trinque I don't have argument with that, only the idiocy of germany accepting
18:47 nubbins` i'm saying they'd be fucking idiots to (a) stay (b) go to tanzania
18:47 mircea_popescu trinque well, i see merit in it. the presumption you can enforce borders comes from what ?
18:47 nubbins` trinque germany's the big economic powerhouse, yes?
18:47 trinque if one can, one can
18:47 mircea_popescu nubbins` i don't follow b and a is a ridiculous strawman effort to somehow gang b.
18:48 mircea_popescu nubbins` "germany" in the sense of "not them", not germany in the sense of, "everyone in this perimeter".
18:48 nubbins` sure
18:48 mircea_popescu i hear women live longer, go become a woman to live longer.
18:48 mircea_popescu it's the exact sylogism of germany is a powerhouse i r immigrant there.
18:48 anton_osika Thanks for the chat anyhow gentlemen.
18:48 mircea_popescu cheers.
18:49 nubbins` suppose there's 20 people trying to cross a river. 19 of them can't swim, the 20th is an olympic gold medallist and can lift 5x his own body weight, while swimming.
18:49 mircea_popescu ok
18:49 cazalla deedbot-, http://dpaste.com/1AHCQK7.txt
18:49 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1LbbNnR )
18:49 nubbins` #20 says "we should all carry some of these watermelons across the river with us"
18:49 anton_osika I'm getting a new identity with phunctor...
18:49 deedbot- accepted: 1
18:49 trinque til deedbot's regex dun mind a comma
18:49 nubbins` that's germany
18:49 anton_osika But I'm not giving up just yet. As the real antonosika wherever he is does deserve his payment...
18:49 mircea_popescu nubbins` wut ?!
18:49 nubbins` #20 will probably not drown. 1-19 probably will.
18:50 nubbins` wait, watermelons float
18:50 nubbins` make it goats or smth
18:50 mircea_popescu this is such a nutty example...
18:50 nubbins` heh.
18:50 mircea_popescu why is #20 making rules for the rest ?
18:50 nubbins` why is germany telling eu to take refugee quotas?
18:50 mircea_popescu cuz eu owes it A SHITTON of money
18:51 thestringpuller whatever happened to that Julia Tourianski chick that was in the channel way back when
18:51 mircea_popescu for all the ipads and cars and shit they "borrowed"
18:51 mircea_popescu thestringpuller ask her!
18:51 nubbins` woo time for a jazz smoke
18:52 thestringpuller ;;seen moeity
18:52 gribble I have not seen moeity.
18:52 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1272628 << especially seeing how the 80mn country is made of white people, with very soft connections, and the 1mn is made of middle easteners, with the habit of strong connections.
18:52 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 19:46:50; trinque: the idea that a million or more people are going to peacefully integrate with a country of roughly 80 million is questionable
18:52 mircea_popescu the russian mob took over with 1/100 that manpower.
18:52 mircea_popescu it'll be grand :D
18:52 thestringpuller ;;seen moeity;;seen moiety
18:52 gribble (seen [<channel>] <nick>) -- Returns the last time <nick> was seen and what <nick> was last seen saying. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent on the channel itself. <nick> may contain * as a wildcard.
18:52 * trinque popcorns
18:53 thestringpuller ;;seen moiety
18:53 gribble moiety was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 47 weeks, 2 days, 11 hours, 5 minutes, and 4 seconds ago: <moiety> i have to go, it was nice to see yous
18:53 thestringpuller wow i need a new keyboard
18:53 mircea_popescu i am genuinely expecting to see white teens on the open market in the sub-btc range as a result of all this, which is all the better.
18:54 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1272631 << i bet every extremist cell worth its salt sent everyone it could possibly send.
18:54 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 19:49:18; shinohai: I'll bet Islamic extremists are foaming at the mouth hoping to recruit a few.
18:54 trinque mircea_popescu: as the concept of the WoT sunk in it occurred to me that we have very weak social connections here in american meatspace too
18:54 mircea_popescu ofcourse.
18:54 mircea_popescu why do you suppose the mexicans rule texas ?
18:54 trinque for that very reason.
18:54 mircea_popescu cuz short corky is better ?
18:54 mircea_popescu no. cuz white idiots are too fucking weird to even look at each other
18:54 mircea_popescu let alone grab ass.
18:55 trinque I am the only guy in this apartment block that makes eye contact and says hello.
18:55 trinque and they smile and then scurry away, heh
18:55 mircea_popescu anyway, 500k pakis in the uk over 20 years produced rotterham, 5mn pakis in eu over 20 weeks will produce...
18:55 trinque anton_osika: see that EMP isn't gonna be so bad
18:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31000 @ 0.00074363 = 23.0525 BTC [+]
18:56 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1272634 << as far as tsipras & co are concerned, this thing is manna.
18:56 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 19:49:58; trinque: europe cannot maintain the political myth that people are equal, fungible, interchangable without accepting these refugees.
18:56 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1272642 << AND GOING TO TANZANIA!
18:56 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 19:54:52; nubbins`: refugees escaping an oppressive regime
18:56 mircea_popescu they didn't go to fucking vienna.
18:56 mircea_popescu ken ?
18:57 mircea_popescu that's the big thing. the upwards mobile refugee is the prototype of the scumbag.
18:57 thestringpuller this convo reminds me of that old sci-fi show "Alien Nation"
18:58 thestringpuller which recently I realized was a pun
18:58 mircea_popescu the people who immigrated into the us ~back when the us was a shithole~ made it great. the people who immigrated after it was great made it a shithole again.
18:59 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1272649 << absolute 100% pure bullshit. it has NOTHING to do with treatment and everything to do with habit.
18:59 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 19:57:55; nubbins`: going apeshit in the streets is generally a direct result of treatment, either by other citizens or government
18:59 mircea_popescu which is why the french strike every week and japanese never did. what treatment ?
19:00 thestringpuller lol. or how black people responded to the Rodney King verdict (or the cops who beat him)
19:00 mircea_popescu "people" don't do anything for any other reason than because "that's what's done".
19:00 thestringpuller rioting doesn't do anything tho except tear down your neighbor's business.
19:00 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1272650 << mp can relate no such tales. nor can the people that went through the us warcrimes in yugoslavia.
19:00 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 19:58:20; nubbins`: mp can probably relate tales of .ro folk going apeshit in streets in late 80s, early 90s, and they weren't muslim
19:01 mircea_popescu where the fuck is that picture i had of the FOOTBALL FANS packed quietly and safely 10x in the stadium cca 80s
19:02 thestringpuller the revolution in Romania during the late 80's didn't involve rioting?
19:02 mircea_popescu not in the sense you imagine.
19:03 mircea_popescu the secret police broke a dozen display windows down on the main street. that was most of it.
19:03 mircea_popescu (then the rebel people guarded the shops)
19:04 thestringpuller I wonder why it's so rampant in AMerican society.
19:04 thestringpuller Black kid gets killed by white cop, people start throwing molotovs at cars and storefronts and shit.
19:04 mircea_popescu well at the time the romanians considered they owned the place. ie, the shops.
19:04 mircea_popescu official ideology is "belong to the people"
19:05 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1272681 << ever finished it ?
19:05 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 20:25:04; trinque: ah I loved playing lemmings on DOS
19:05 thestringpuller I would assume American who goes to Bob's Burgers everyday for lunch would be less inclined to throw molotov and bricks in Bob's windows during "revolt/riot" but doesn't seem to be case.
19:05 mircea_popescu mayhem something was nuts.
19:06 mircea_popescu "american" is not a thing, to begin with. he just lives there.
19:06 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1272696 << sounds like an interesting derivation on sokoban
19:06 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 20:28:52; danielpbarron: level starts with dominoes set up, and you have to move them around so that you can push one and have them all fall over. And there are different types that react different ways
19:10 trinque mircea_popescu: looked up the levels; I must've stopped at 29, as I recall the water
19:10 * trinque will have to load the thing up in dosbox one day and finally defeat it
19:10 thestringpuller isn't lemmings on everything now
19:10 mircea_popescu it was brutal, the last 20 or 40 or so
19:11 mircea_popescu BRUTAL.
19:11 mircea_popescu everything sterel, can' dig. etc.
19:16 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1272742 << feminists say so!
19:16 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 20:45:19; trinque: because reason is something you fall out of the womb with, not something carved into your haphazard mess of a brain
19:17 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1272753 << so why should they survive then ?
19:17 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 20:47:22; cazalla: trinque, i really don't think they'd understand or be able to make a connection between their behaviour and your reaction
19:18 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1272759 << i've yet to see a kid aged 7 or less to not be fucking PETRIFIED of a half-decent adult male war face.
19:18 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 20:51:27; cazalla: not at 20 months, maybe 6-7 years of age.. but who knows, maybe i've grown soft having not had a fight or been punched in some time
19:18 mircea_popescu so gimme your war face!
19:20 trinque if they're wired for anything else how not that?
19:20 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1272772 << it's very funny to me that all sorts of social media derps take total umbrage to my stating things like "your sexual parts are collectively owned by the otyher gender", but then the community-ownership oif the product thereof is fairly uncontroversial. this is best proof if one needs proof that no, people don't do anything because.
19:20 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 21:04:22; cazalla: goes beyond the parents these days though, kids are seen as owned by the community and all that shit, i expect to meet a lot of opposition and resistance in the years ahead
19:20 mircea_popescu they just do what's dopne and that's all there is to it.
19:21 mircea_popescu expecting "the citizenry" to "rebel" and "fix the politics" is not unlike expecting the bearing balls in your busted wheel to rebel and fix your planetary.
19:21 mircea_popescu "they live there right!??!?!"
19:22 mircea_popescu "how come all they ever do is break more of their neighbour's shit!"
19:23 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1272786 << you're not really fat if you wear really tight clothes, and you're not reallty stupid if you never cease yakking. it's the new logic!
19:23 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 21:26:22; trinque: god yes, lets project our weakness as far as possible into space
19:25 mircea_popescu http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user5/imageroot/2012/09/fake%20gold%203.jpg << ahaha for reals ?!
19:25 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1Lb5bGb )
19:30 cazalla http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1273277 <<< i don't care if they do survive or not (beyond my own kid of course)
19:30 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 23:17:35; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1272753 << so why should they survive then ?
19:34 cazalla and i've made the war face and had staring competition with the kid when having a tantrum, he doesn't budge so quickly
19:37 diana_coman ahahah cazalla gotta try that with mine (almost 3yo) next time
19:38 diana_coman gotta say though that I can (and did) get him to freeze by using a certain tone
19:38 cazalla teaspoon of honey goes over well when it comes to foot stamping :P
19:39 cazalla prob hanging myself by reinforcing such behaviour with sweetness though eh
19:39 diana_coman you mean you get a teaspoon of honey whenever he has a tantrum ? :)))
19:40 diana_coman if he likes honey, then I'd say so, yes
19:40 trinque boy did I grow up in a time of cultural transition, lol
19:40 cazalla not whenever nor everytime, just when it gets so bad that i'm about to have a tantrum myself
19:41 diana_coman so war face then, lol
19:41 * trinque got a kick in the ass, and a conversation with a very angry man about why what I did was below what was expected of me
19:41 diana_coman there, trinque has it
19:42 trinque and not as if this was all the time; I didn't like it, you see :P
19:43 diana_coman at one point I got him to another room, told him to call me when he's done with it
19:43 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65650 @ 0.00074363 = 48.8193 BTC [+]
19:44 trinque I think it's perfectly normal for the desires of the kid and parent to be completely at odds
19:44 trinque the kid just got here; what does he know?
19:44 diana_coman well, tantrums can have many causes
19:45 diana_coman that's at 1 week, lol
19:45 trinque oh, nothing's going to stop a screaming baby
19:45 trinque that's perfectly healthy too
19:45 diana_coman they know what they see otherwise
19:45 diana_coman and they do nothing else than watch; intently
19:47 cazalla yeah that's interesting eh, my son even copies the way i walk, gets behind me and tries to time the footsteps and all
19:47 trinque that's pretty cool.
19:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 85400 @ 0.00074623 = 63.728 BTC [+] {4}
19:48 cazalla gets the empty toilet paper roll and goes around the skirting boards pretending to vacuum too
~ 17 minutes ~
20:05 mats cute
20:08 BingoBoingo Tanzania doesn't seem so bad. Only one in 20 people are HIV positive
20:21 BingoBoingo Behold Qntra's most serious competitor http://dailyhashrate.com/2015/09/13/searching-for-the-truth-in-san-francisco/
20:21 assbot Searching for The Truth in San Francisco ... ( http://bit.ly/1QbxvYp )
20:30 shinohai https://igurublog.wordpress.com/2014/04/08/julian-assange-debian-is-owned-by-the-nsa/
20:30 assbot Julian Assange: Debian Is Owned By The NSA « IgnorantGuru's Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1QbycAY )
20:33 mircea_popescu <diana_coman> you mean you get a teaspoon of honey whenever he has a tantrum ? :))) << ehehehe see, this is why women are stuck with raising kids.
20:33 mircea_popescu men just aren't cunny enough.
20:33 mircea_popescu (alternate spelling of cunning, if you're wondering)
20:35 mircea_popescu * trinque [...] a very angry man about why what I did was below what was expected of me << for the record, i don't think very much of this entire "expectations" verbiage/bs. if you think a little about it, so would you. a) what sort of fucking powerless vulnerable schmuck lets himself get into the position of DEPENDING on a kid ? that's what you're saying. don't say that, not only is it not true it's also very stupid.
20:35 mircea_popescu and then b) supposing the kid is dumb enough to actually buy it, how the fuck is it going to balance anxiety throughout his life ?
20:36 mircea_popescu suppose your wife dies in a car crash next year. which can happen, as it happens thousands of times each year. was it the kid's failurew that did it ? no ? how do you know ?
20:36 mircea_popescu how does it know ?
20:36 mircea_popescu maybe that's what happens for doing so much less [in school] than what was EXPECTED of him.
20:36 mircea_popescu mom dies in car crash.
20:37 cazalla please, let it be me lol
20:38 mircea_popescu and who the fuck decided you even GET to have "expectations". and if you do, why can't it ? it expects the government to fix his bed wetting now!
20:38 mircea_popescu anyway. anglos are uniquely bad at child rearing. it's like african engineering, english pedadogy and north korean cuisine.
20:39 mircea_popescu "have a raw corn cobb, what could be better."
20:40 nubbins` south korean cuisine, on the other hand
20:41 nubbins` altho tbf the north eats kimchi too.
20:41 mircea_popescu yea well.
20:41 nubbins` i found a jar of kimchi that i made april 11 in the back of the fridge today
20:41 mircea_popescu btw, had some spledid kimchi with my sushi at this local japanese guy's place
20:41 trinque mircea_popescu: hm yeah, even that is euphemistically skirting the issue of "was commanded A, did B"
20:41 nubbins` thinking of a few things to make w/ it
20:42 mircea_popescu trinque imo it's much better to let kids play their little mmorpg of reality. just explain to them how to level, and how to distinguish paladins from necromancers and lower level from high
20:42 mircea_popescu the rest... fuck it, you got your own life to fuck up.
20:42 nubbins` it's divine with grilled pork belly, bean paste & leaf lettuce
20:46 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 156500 @ 0.00074478 = 116.5581 BTC [-] {3}
20:50 nubbins` lel
20:50 nubbins` http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/defending-n-l-seal-products-gift-shop-manager-makes-it-her-mission-1.3221351
20:50 assbot Defending N.L. seal products; gift shop manager makes it her mission - Newfoundland & Labrador - CBC News ... ( http://bit.ly/1QbzEU1 )
20:51 nubbins` "Most tourists from the United States have no idea they're not permitted to take sealskin products back into their country. When Prince explains the situation, she said they're flabbergasted."
20:51 nubbins` "One lady, she bought a pair of the sealskin sneakers. She said, 'I'm taking my chance. I really want them and I'm going to take my chance.'"
20:53 nubbins` modern smugglers: middle-aged women sneaking sealskin tennis shoes back home in their luggage
20:59 mircea_popescu the real question is why the fuck would she want to go back.
20:59 mircea_popescu it's like, soviet citizen goes to paris, ahs a decent meal, then is like... "ima sneak these steaks back into leningrad"
20:59 mircea_popescu nigga.... why ?!
21:00 mircea_popescu anton_osika i don't understand what you think pgp sigs have to do with phuctor ?
21:00 mircea_popescu it's what threw me the first time.
21:01 mircea_popescu also, dja know you made trilema ? http://trilema.com/2015/the-importance-of-backups-from-the-other-side/
21:01 assbot The importance of backups, from the other side. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ny9YmP )
21:02 nubbins` i came, i saw, i lel'd
21:03 nubbins` i back'd up the backups
21:03 danielpbarron http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1273140 << in all his negotiating the impossible, I saw no mention of the obvious (although still unacceptable) alternative to GPG: sign message with the bitcoin address that spent the 3 bitcoin to mp's address
21:03 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 22:42:29; anton_osika: But I will go on in my venture to find a way to verify my identity.
21:03 mircea_popescu mebbe he knew it wouldn't fly.
21:04 danielpbarron perhaps it was sent from a "shared wallet" l0l
21:04 nubbins` direct from circle
21:04 cazalla mircea_popescu, phunctor!
21:04 mircea_popescu or that
21:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 106427 @ 0.00074518 = 79.3073 BTC [+] {2}
21:06 nubbins` man, the final level in this captain toad is a worthy challenge
21:07 nubbins` 50 randomly generated boards, with increasingly difficult enemies, two hits and you're dead
21:07 cazalla nubbins`, sounds like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=in6RZzdGki8
21:07 assbot Super Mario Brothers - Frustration - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1QbAZtS )
21:08 danielpbarron http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1273297 << your tone carries through on irc even. At least it gives me pause when you challenge my Eulora theories
21:08 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 23:38:34; diana_coman: gotta say though that I can (and did) get him to freeze by using a certain tone
21:08 nubbins` almost worse
~ 15 minutes ~
21:24 trinque looks like a fun rom
21:30 nubbins` i'm dying to play the new super mario maker
21:30 nubbins` http://supermariomaker.nintendo.com/
21:30 assbot Super Mario Maker™ for Wii U - Official Site ... ( http://bit.ly/1QbCR5O )
21:31 trinque saw an ad for that just now, actually looks pretty fun
21:32 trinque the new animation style Nintendo's gone with is obnoxious, though
21:32 trinque inflatable mickey mouse
21:34 nubbins` ehh whatcha expect
21:34 nubbins` anyway, you can choose from i think 4 different styles with this one
21:35 thestringpuller can't make this dumb up: "surprise surprise. This was already brought up here about 3 months ago. Unfortunately with the Coinwallet Stress Test the other Altcoin businesses will use the results as a casestudy when they pitch their own blockchain to Fidelity, Citibank ,etc etc."
21:35 nubbins` there's one ad spot where kid is playing and dad says HEY CAN I TRY and then converts level to smb1 skin
21:35 trinque http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/353/b/3/the_star_fox_evolution_by_shadowtoast102-d4jlp9c.jpg << they didn't mess up star fox too bad
21:35 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1iHWMyL )
21:36 nubbins` they beat their franchises to death
21:37 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1273142 << this is not why.
21:37 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 22:42:34; nubbins`: but he doesn't know how
21:37 nubbins` but... the gameplay's usually there, so they get a pass
21:37 nubbins` you mean you wouldn't move to tanzania if you could milk a cow?
21:38 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1273136 << the implication, unless i am mistaken, is that i ought to go to tanzania, mongolia, wherever, to avoid being shot in the head. but what do i need not-being-shot-in-the-head for, in tanzania ?
21:38 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 22:42:17; nubbins`: what's alf gonna do in tanzania?
21:38 asciilifeform i only need it if i have my workstation and roquefort.
21:38 asciilifeform know what the english said ?
21:39 asciilifeform 'if you fall overboard, have the decency to drown like a gentleman.'
21:39 nubbins` implication is that while you're a smart guy, you rely on other things to make your smartness useful
21:39 asciilifeform no.
21:39 asciilifeform the implication is that man does not live by bread alone (tm)
21:39 nubbins` in the narrow context of your current employment, i should qualify
21:40 asciilifeform actually i'd prefer ~no~ employment and just a dirigible full of money.
21:40 asciilifeform but that's beside the point.
21:40 nubbins` money's heavier than air
21:40 nubbins` is this an ethereum joke?
21:40 trinque lol
21:40 asciilifeform it's a sleep-ad-libitum joke
21:40 asciilifeform but what i was trying to explain is that i don't get this bizarre preoccupation with survival.
21:41 trinque how can one value anything else if not that?
21:41 asciilifeform easily.
21:41 asciilifeform ask the japanese
21:41 asciilifeform or just about any traditional culture
21:41 trinque magical thinking
21:41 nubbins` oh ho
21:41 trinque my capacity to value things ends at death
21:41 thestringpuller trinque: star fox is a lot like link. doesn't really change. (i'm under the notion windwaker was a throwback)
21:41 nubbins` no heroes in trinque's family
21:41 trinque plenty actually, and they survived
21:41 trinque great granddaddy got the silver star
21:41 asciilifeform it isn't about heroes either
21:41 asciilifeform it is about wanting to live as man, not pig, and not needing pig-life for anything.
21:42 thestringpuller damn. now I want to play starfox
21:42 cazalla thestringpuller, link has changed tremendously, he's a girl now
21:42 trinque ^
21:42 nubbins` so you find yourself in the mud and what, lie down?
21:42 thestringpuller Link is a girl now?
21:42 asciilifeform nubbins`: not the point
21:42 * trinque mentally hops sideways to Chrono Trigger
21:42 trinque one of my favorite RPGs
21:43 asciilifeform the point is that i will not go to the mud voluntarily.
21:43 nubbins` syrians didn't either
21:43 cazalla thestringpuller, https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BpyRtM3IgAAwYMY.jpg pretty much
21:43 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1iHXtYR )
21:44 nubbins` mp's argument is hey if you're refugeeing, tanzania is just as good as anywhere else
21:44 nubbins` or at least that's the outer layer of it, i can't be fucked to peel all of his onions for him
21:44 thestringpuller lol cazalla back to the cel shading
21:44 thestringpuller cazalla: we never did get ot battle pokemons
21:44 nubbins` https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5Izm1LQfw4
21:44 assbot Pikachu on Acid - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1iHXBYx )
21:45 cazalla thestringpuller, have not played recently so won't be any time soon
21:45 nubbins` ^ this is maybe the second-most accurate depiction of LSD i've seen in video format
21:45 * thestringpuller cries
21:45 nubbins` #1 goes to mad men
21:45 nubbins` https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpWlKCfSPcU
21:45 assbot Mad Men: LSD Scene [HD] 720p - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1QbE3Gs )
21:45 nubbins` combine those two videos somehow and you're close to the real thing
21:46 trinque nubbins`: ah the way the colors shift, got that on the last trip
21:46 thestringpuller "Well Dr. Leary I find your product boring." << megalulz
21:47 nubbins` heh
21:47 nubbins` it gets better.
21:47 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1273175 << this is not hard. mine fields, flame thrower tanks, etc. some countries selectively refuse to enforce them, yes. but not because the tech does not exist.
21:47 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 22:47:27; mircea_popescu: trinque well, i see merit in it. the presumption you can enforce borders comes from what ?
21:49 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1273266 << this concept is absolutely key.
21:49 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 23:06:04; mircea_popescu: "american" is not a thing, to begin with. he just lives there.
21:49 asciilifeform 'nobody dies for his hotel room' (tm)
21:50 mircea_popescu <nubbins`> mp's argument is hey if you're refugeeing, tanzania is just as good as anywhere else << no. my argument is that if you're refugeeing, where you go to refugee discriminates you. if you go to the eu, you're a scumbag. if you go to tanzania, you're somebody.
21:50 mircea_popescu because YOU know if you are or you aren't worth shit, and YOU act accordingly.
21:50 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: recall the euro jews who refused, collectively, to go to south america ?
21:51 mircea_popescu and they got shot for it, as they should have been ?
21:51 asciilifeform same basic dynamic, aha
21:51 mircea_popescu i would hope they did.
21:51 mircea_popescu because seriously, nobody needs them nobody wants them and they shouldn't even be here in the first place.
21:52 asciilifeform !s ms st louis
21:52 assbot 0 results for 'ms st louis' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=ms+st+louis
21:52 asciilifeform ;;google ms st louis
21:52 gribble MS St. Louis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MS_St._Louis>; Voyage of the St. Louis - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: <http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005267>; The Tragedy of S.S. St. Louis | Jewish Virtual Library: <https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/stlouis.html>
21:52 thestringpuller for some reason this reminds me of kowloon walled city
21:52 cazalla https://i.imgur.com/yfCqpvw.jpg
21:52 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1QbELDF )
21:53 trinque the last one got more shares
21:53 trinque success
21:53 asciilifeform wat
21:54 nubbins` total shoop
21:55 trinque doesn't matter still lolled
21:56 nubbins` well, we can't take that away from you
21:57 danielpbarron trinque mentally hops sideways to Chrono Trigger << I got the official snes cartridge. I understand it's one of the more popular games from that era, but personal fav was "Secret of Mana"
21:57 nubbins` never owned a snes
21:57 danielpbarron mine still works. I sometimes use it to play competative smb3 via All-Stars
21:57 trinque danielpbarron: also good; both were Square games iirc
21:58 nubbins` i went nes-genesis-psx-xbox-wii-wiiu
21:58 nubbins` with various handhelds scattered throughout
21:59 * trinque spend some time last night writing notes on a WoT+deedbot web of CLOS displayed by CLIM
21:59 trinque maybe 75% because I want in-WoT warez
22:00 trinque be they ROMs or books
22:00 trinque *spent
22:00 cazalla danielpbarron, what's competitive smb3? this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkK4wWZ2hYo
22:00 assbot The Wizard - I love the Power Glove... it's so bad (Full Scene) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1iHZoww )
22:00 trinque I think the point about data vs code is key, that I might be willing to encounter someone else's data without a WoT relationship, but I'll be damned if I want to run their code
22:00 nubbins` heh
22:01 thestringpuller trinque: i'd listen to their music tho
22:02 trinque I'd rather have the index of the right man's bookshelf than access to every landfill on earth for free
22:02 nubbins` you'd listen to their mixtape?
22:03 thestringpuller studio album
22:03 thestringpuller mix tapes are for the A&R people
22:03 thestringpuller unless you're drake
22:03 thestringpuller the one good thing from canada
22:03 nubbins` http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Drop+it+like+it+s+hot+arrogant_4efbdc_5457940.jpg
22:03 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1QbFJzz )
22:03 trinque looool
22:03 mircea_popescu <trinque> maybe 75% because I want in-WoT warez << win.
22:04 mircea_popescu amusingly enough, in-wot you can;'t even define "warez".
22:04 thestringpuller danielpbarron: You ever play Secret of Evermore? That cartridge is worth quite a bit these days iirc.
22:04 mircea_popescu much like "IP" had little meaning in the minstrel era.
22:04 danielpbarron cazalla> danielpbarron, what's competitive smb3? << the game can be played "2 player" and each player has a separate score. You get the most points from time left over on the counter, so it's not usually a good idea to go back for coins.
22:04 trinque mircea_popescu: very true
22:04 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-09-2015#1273291 << these have been turning up since at least 2008
22:04 assbot Logged on 13-09-2015 23:25:55; mircea_popescu: http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user5/imageroot/2012/09/fake%20gold%203.jpg << ahaha for reals ?!
22:05 asciilifeform i thought it was well-known.
22:05 thestringpuller danielpbarron: That cartridge being Chrono Trigger.
22:05 danielpbarron thestringpuller, yes I am familiar with that one (my cousins had it) but unfortunately I never got it
22:05 asciilifeform notably, the tungsten-cored bars are ~trivial~ to detect, and their very existence is predicated on ~nobody wanting to detect~. this was discussed here iirc.
22:05 danielpbarron yes it was worth about 100 USD last i checked (10 years ago)
22:05 thestringpuller I didn't get to play Chrono Trigger till the PSX era when they rereleased it. It's a great game. Just so many different endings.
22:06 mircea_popescu 10 oz bar is not really storage grade toh.
22:06 mircea_popescu seems more like consumer fraud
22:06 nubbins` the real lulz are when the good delivery bars are drilled out
22:06 nubbins` meantime, why so much leeway in weight for GD?
22:06 nubbins` between 350 and 430 tr.oz, srsly?
22:07 mircea_popescu tbh, the gold delivery process is not large enough. the only way to do it currently is to send delegates to observe assays. takes 7-10 days.
22:07 nubbins` i'll take 430s, please
22:07 mircea_popescu gavin should write a GIP to improve gold transfer blockspace.
22:07 mircea_popescu if all the gold in the world changed hands right now it would take ~12 years to clear it all.
22:07 thestringpuller danielpbarron: i think the cart alone goes for 120-140ish now. Full gets up (box et. al) is probably double that maybe 300-400 range.
22:07 asciilifeform iirc we did this here... can build machine that gives GUARANTEED tungsten-or-not, for 100 usd.
22:07 asciilifeform but no one will every buy it.
22:08 cazalla danielpbarron, i hate 2 player mode - always used to ensure console time is evenly shared amongst brothers :\
22:08 mircea_popescu asciilifeform we're discussing the things that are, not the things that could be.
22:08 nubbins` too scary to actually look in the crystal ball
22:08 danielpbarron thestringpuller, i also have the manual, but not the box (i bought the manual separately from the cart
22:08 mircea_popescu the gold blockchain, as is, has ~10kbps bw.
22:08 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: things-that-are involve either melt-and-assay or that $50k ultrasound box
22:08 nubbins` but those sidechain tx's!
22:08 mircea_popescu melt and assay.
22:08 mircea_popescu (random pick, but stll)
22:08 asciilifeform (iirc the ultrasound thing is used for spot-checks)
22:08 danielpbarron cazalla, it's only evenly shared if you are evenly matched in battle mode (the thing that happens if you catch the player lingering on your square)
22:09 nubbins` danielpbarron +1
22:09 mircea_popescu there's also a heat diffusion pattern method
22:09 danielpbarron people get so pissy when I catch them into a battle and take their turn
22:09 mircea_popescu (very similar to the nazi watering to look for buried stuff thing)
22:09 nubbins` you can play the whole 2p game yourself if you're good in battle mode
22:10 danielpbarron eh not really
22:10 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: aha. this is btw the only reliable test for diamond.
22:10 trinque asciilifeform: is there something respectable to look at in the CL world in regards to RPC?
22:10 danielpbarron if you're reaaaly good, you plan your levels out so as to not get stuck in battles at all
22:10 asciilifeform commercially available, and, unlike the gold thing, costs pennies
22:10 asciilifeform trinque: rpc ?
22:10 nubbins` what ever became of all that perfect synthetic diamond hype?
22:10 mircea_popescu yeah cause diamond isnt as conductive
22:10 trinque asciilifeform: that guy has a function I wanna get the result of via a socket
22:10 asciilifeform nubbins`: sop. can go, buy now
22:10 nubbins` fun
22:10 asciilifeform trinque: why the fuck do you need a library for this
22:10 nubbins` they're still forever tho, right?
22:10 trinque wondering if there was some elegant way of doing this in the civilized era
22:10 trinque who said library...
22:10 mircea_popescu forever -1 nubbins`
22:11 nubbins` heh
22:11 asciilifeform trinque: it's an extra line of code, write it yourself
22:11 trinque fine answer; I've developed the habit of at least trying to look for prior art before reinventing something
22:11 asciilifeform trinque: the very fact of having asked the question is indicative of needing detox from years of using shitlangs
22:12 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-09-2015#1273326 << a year ago, and 100% factual, but go and try speaking of this to non-#b-a folks, aha.
22:12 assbot Logged on 14-09-2015 00:30:34; shinohai: https://igurublog.wordpress.com/2014/04/08/julian-assange-debian-is-owned-by-the-nsa/
22:13 asciilifeform 'From the start, my revelations on this blog about Red Hat’s deep control of Linux, along with their large corporate/government connections, hasn’t been just about spying, but about losing the distributed engineering quality of Linux, with Red Hat centralizing control. Yet as an ex-cypherpunk and crypto software developer, as soon as I started using Linux years ago, I noted that all the major distributions used watered-dow
22:13 asciilifeform n encryption (to use stronger encryption in many areas, such as AES-loop, you needed to compile your own kernel and go to great lengths to manually bypass barriers they put in place to the use of genuinely strong encryption)....'
22:13 trinque asciilifeform: seems to me the right way is simply to barf sexps that look like function calls over the wire
22:14 asciilifeform trinque: you can make them look like whatever, and it'll still be one line.
22:14 asciilifeform this preoccupation with format is a disease of the non-cl world, aha
22:14 asciilifeform where it takes actual fucking work to transform one to another
22:14 nubbins` "Assays of GD bars are determined by the refiner at the point of manufacture. An assay is likely only to be checked again when a bar is used as raw material in a refinery, for example, for the manufacture of small bars or in a plant manufacturing products like jewellery."
22:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 85300 @ 0.00075275 = 64.2096 BTC [+] {6}
22:15 asciilifeform nubbins`: phun phakt: tungsten bars have 100% genuine assay marks.
22:15 nubbins` 8)
22:15 trinque asciilifeform: better question might be whether there are existing hypertext system implementations from that era
22:15 trinque had a thread with gabriel_laddel recently on whether hypertext was even valuable; I hold that it is
22:16 deedbot- [Trilema] What is a fractal ? - http://trilema.com/2015/what-is-a-fractal/
22:16 trinque node over there has data; I want to view it with presentations over here
22:16 asciilifeform trinque: there is the symbolics one
22:16 trinque this was HTML or something else?
22:16 asciilifeform trinque: entirely else.
22:16 trinque obviously I'm searching for the latter
22:16 trinque "document examiner" << ??
22:17 asciilifeform aha
22:17 trinque ty
22:17 asciilifeform 'concordia' also.
22:17 asciilifeform ('examiner' was a viewer-only thing)
22:18 asciilifeform concordia even typeset books (including the manuals, which i have here on my shelf)
22:18 asciilifeform trinque: https://vimeo.com/83886950
22:18 assbot Symbolics Document Examiner and Concordia on Vimeo ... ( http://bit.ly/1QbH2yI )
22:20 nubbins` i did some typesetting with LaTeX in uni, the math dept required it
22:20 asciilifeform i used and still use latex.
22:20 asciilifeform for all sorts of things.
22:21 nubbins` great for equations
22:21 asciilifeform except not so great for anything which ~didn't start life intended for latexing~
22:21 nubbins` heh
22:21 asciilifeform this is the difference between the typesetter component in 'concordia' and latex
22:21 trinque seems entirely clear to me that a better web would be nothing more than something like a CLIM listener here, and a network of data sources out there
22:21 asciilifeform can take ~whatever~ on the machine and have it sanely typeset.
22:22 asciilifeform trinque: precisely how a better horse is this box with four legs, reins, motor, aha ?
22:22 trinque and maybe the data source proposes to me that my system fetch some new presentations it needs, but that the act of browing around does not *at all* involve running someone else's code
22:22 trinque asciilifeform: we all use the web all day; I'd have to be persuaded that it's useless
22:22 asciilifeform the preoccupation with 'i will read your data but not run your code' is voodoo.
22:22 nubbins` keep going and you'll reinvent MIME types
22:23 asciilifeform the physical difference is imaginary
22:23 asciilifeform !s what colour are your bits
22:23 assbot 6 results for 'what colour are your bits' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=what+colour+are+your+bits
22:23 trinque nubbins`: mime types are a shitty implementation of something that came before it
22:24 nubbins` s/mime types/everything
22:24 trinque too real
22:24 nubbins` sry
22:24 nubbins` you think that's too real, don't ask me about cellular automata
22:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 108200 @ 0.00074492 = 80.6003 BTC [-] {4}
22:25 trinque asciilifeform: if there could be hard constraints on what someone else's code could do on my computer, I'd be far more willing
22:25 asciilifeform trinque: it isn't really a computer until this is so.
22:25 trinque as it stands I'd like to go back to an addressing system for flat text with the option of involving more code as I see fit
22:25 trinque asciilifeform: there we have no disagreement
22:27 gernika http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-09-2015#1271600 asciilifeform is there a book you can recommend that approximates this, or at least traces a few important branches?
22:27 assbot Logged on 12-09-2015 20:29:47; mircea_popescu: but V is the best simulation of how actual math learning happens (in those brains actually capable to learn math) that we ever had as a fucking species.
22:28 trinque exactly what I meant about the right man's library index
22:28 * trinque departs for a bit
22:29 asciilifeform gernika: i cannot answer this because it is not clear to me what is being asked for.
22:29 nubbins` came across my uni transcripts recently: yipes.
22:29 nubbins` i have no business holding a degree
22:30 nubbins` but... the only way they can take it away from me is by rendering it useless throu... waitaminute
22:30 * nubbins` wanders off to think
22:30 gernika asciilifeform a book that connects pythagoras to newton, with proofs for all the nodes in between?
22:31 asciilifeform gernika: sure. this is a book, except that it is made of 1,001 others and they take up three bookcases.
22:31 asciilifeform i sorta have one here.
22:31 gernika I feared as much.
22:31 asciilifeform but it wouldn't do you any good. there is not a standardized one that works on everybody.
22:32 asciilifeform if you want a pocket-sized 'tour guide', try 'Mathematics: Its Content, Methods and Meaning' (A. D. Aleksandrov, A. N. Kolmogorov, et al)
22:33 gernika ok. thanks.
22:33 asciilifeform readily and cheaply available in english
22:33 asciilifeform paperback.
22:34 asciilifeform problem is, most folks asking for this kind of thing, have vastly overoptimistic idea of what can be expected from a single book and a reasonable amount of study.
22:35 trinque ;;google ext:pdf Mathematics: Its Content, Methods and Meaning
22:35 gribble Mathematics: its content, methods, and meaning - New Mexico ...: <http://www.ees.nmt.edu/outside/courses/hyd510/PDFs/SupplementaryReadings/Mathematics_its%20content,%20methods,%20and%20meaning.pdf>; algorithms in modern mathematics and computer science: <http://i.stanford.edu/pub/cstr/reports/cs/tr/80/786/CS-TR-80-786.pdf>; Mathematics Reference Books: (1 more message)
22:40 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 100032 @ 0.00075046 = 75.07 BTC [+] {5}
22:41 * gernika aims lower. would be satisfied to be able to reconstruct algebra on death bed.
22:51 gernika khan academy's knowledge map approximates what I seek but is tragically composed of video nodes, rather than book titles and page numbers: http://www.semko.nl/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/khan-map-half-complete.jpg
22:51 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1NqRQd6 )
22:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43600 @ 0.00074203 = 32.3525 BTC [-]
~ 38 minutes ~
23:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11400 @ 0.0007442 = 8.4839 BTC [+]
~ 26 minutes ~
23:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56430 @ 0.0007442 = 41.9952 BTC [+]
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