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← 2015-07-07 | 2015-07-09 →
00:00 decimation http://www.amazon.com/Long-Term-Almanac-2000-2050-Reduction/dp/0914025104 < tables to 2050
00:00 assbot Long Term Almanac 2000-2050: For the Sun and Selected Stars With Concise Sight Reduction Tables, 2nd Edition: Geoffrey Kolbe: 9780914025108: Amazon.com: Books ... ( http://bit.ly/1HMFRnX )
00:01 Vexual decimation: sight redution tables for nother lats are avail from .mil in pdf
00:01 Vexual if you have a printer
00:05 Vexual whats ur approx lat decimation?
00:05 Vexual n/s?
00:06 decimation around 40 n
00:07 Vexual fuck thats a long way north
00:08 decimation yeah, and uk is even father
00:08 decimation farther
00:08 Vexual really?
00:08 Vexual i cant even geography
00:09 decimation usg charges for their nautical almanacs
00:09 decimation http://bookstore.gpo.gov/agency/1449
00:09 assbot Nautical Almanac Office | U.S. Government Bookstore ... ( http://bit.ly/1CZEU67 )
00:09 Vexual same infos free on .mil
00:09 decimation australian?
00:09 Vexual maybe, i dunno whats in thr almanac
00:09 Vexual yes
00:09 decimation yeah uk is roughly 50-60 n
00:10 decimation london is 51 n
00:10 decimation it's relatively warm because of the gulf stream
00:10 Vexual 50s at aussie long is firmly in a world of shit
00:11 decimation ottawa, canada is roughly 45 n for instance
00:11 decimation but much colder
00:11 Vexual theres no land to slow the wind at 50s
00:12 decimation 50 s is well south of tasmania
00:13 decimation that's probably why nobody lives on macquarie island
00:14 Vexual it might be national park
00:15 Vexual on eny given day you might meet a horny marine biologist
00:16 decimation yeah apparently they killed all the mammals
00:17 ben_vulpes http://people.csail.mit.edu/hofma/Assets/Thesis_12_02_2005.pdf << okay now this is cool
00:17 Vexual yeah rats, i saw that
00:25 mats man
00:25 mats i set up a raid0 with two SSDs
00:25 mats and windoze updates on this box still takes hours wtf
00:26 mats \o/
00:35 ben_vulpes > windows
00:35 ben_vulpes mk
00:35 ben_vulpes help i am 1200 lines behind
00:35 mircea_popescu have less sex.
00:39 ben_vulpes do y'all eventually get to why averaging out umpteen 2016 blocks won't work in place of timekeeping?
00:39 asciilifeform !b 3
00:39 assbot Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2J2VN7A.txt )
00:39 decimation about 80% of it: use ntp! no time itself is owned by usg and so are all servers and isps!
00:39 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: for the same reason pulling one's cock doesn't work as a means of flight
00:40 ben_vulpes what?
00:40 asciilifeform 'in place of timekeeping'
00:40 ben_vulpes sorry, diff adjustments.
00:41 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: they take place with wall clock as invariant
00:41 asciilifeform i spent all morning trying to hammer this into thick headz
00:41 asciilifeform if you plug block times into wall clock, letting the former adjust the latter, you've plugged arse into mouth
00:41 ben_vulpes made good progress i see
00:42 asciilifeform and are no longer using classical bitcoin
00:42 ben_vulpes alas.
00:42 ben_vulpes the thing is miserably bad anyways, why would anyone want to use it?
00:42 asciilifeform still lost on me
00:43 ben_vulpes anyways, how do you plan to handle this on pogos?
00:43 asciilifeform no idea
00:43 asciilifeform left it to ben_vulpes to solve
00:44 ben_vulpes you know i'm not even convinced a node *should* be stood up without human intervention.
00:44 asciilifeform then shouldn't have any interest in pogo
00:44 asciilifeform because whole fucking point of it is that and only that.
00:44 ben_vulpes well "should" is a strong word
00:45 asciilifeform point of pogo is to allow well-meaning but illiterate or even stupid people to run therealbitcoin.
00:45 asciilifeform (and don't forget the merely lazy)
00:45 decimation ben_vulpes: it seemed that there was some some concensus around the idea of randomly selecting a small set of ntp servers out of a large pre-defined set
00:45 decimation this doesn't solve the "pogo clock is shit" problem
00:45 asciilifeform except then danielpbarron reminded us that this will have to happen regularly
00:45 asciilifeform because the thing drifts to all hell
00:46 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68400 @ 0.00055147 = 37.7205 BTC [-] {2}
00:46 asciilifeform (marvell chipset ~has~ rtc, but the vendor omitted the 32kHz crystal and power source.)
00:46 ben_vulpes i'm sure moreso under load
00:46 asciilifeform so it uses interrupt-based timing, like msdos
00:46 asciilifeform aha, ben_vulpes has it
00:46 decimation which means continous correction is nearly required
00:47 ben_vulpes myeah, i see that.
00:47 decimation asciilifeform: as to ass-to-mouth system, it depends on your error model for thblock timestamps
00:47 asciilifeform arse-to-mouth is a strictly fact-of thing
00:47 decimation imagine each miner has his own cesium clock
00:48 asciilifeform and meet in the flesh to sync it ?
00:48 asciilifeform let's also imagine dragons.
00:48 asciilifeform try to grasp why political time is a fiction
00:48 asciilifeform and why rsa signatures do not make it less of one
00:48 decimation asciilifeform: it's really hard to imagine when < 100 ns accuracy is nearly freely and reliably avaialable
00:49 asciilifeform picture the proverbial devil in the cable. he perhaps cannot diddle your packets (because you signed them, and have traded pubkeys in person) but he can... delay them
00:49 asciilifeform as long as he likes
00:49 asciilifeform and also can replay.
00:49 asciilifeform the accuracy doesn't matter because you have no way of knowing whether the above have been done to you
00:49 asciilifeform and when
00:51 asciilifeform much of our thought takes place in an imaginary world where communication is instantaneous, perfectly reliable, and perfectly incorruptible. but we do not actually live in that world.
00:51 asciilifeform nor do we get the luxury of precise, predictable delta from that world.
00:53 decimation ntp has provisions against replay and deplay attacks
00:53 asciilifeform replay i can see
00:53 asciilifeform but delay ?
00:53 asciilifeform how ?
00:53 asciilifeform let me guess, by comparing the behaviour of one node with others
00:53 asciilifeform aka lifting yourself up by own cock.
00:54 asciilifeform in my expected battlefield, chances are that either none of your links are sybils, or ALL OF THEM ARE
00:54 asciilifeform comparing a subset of your field of vision with the rest does nothing against the latter.
00:55 decimation plus the behaviour of one node over time
00:55 asciilifeform can be perfectly consistent
00:55 asciilifeform while leading you straight to hell
00:56 asciilifeform all of this goes back to the 'protocol vs promises' discussion
00:57 asciilifeform it is possible to count the pulses of a pulsar, of cesium atom, of quartz, etc
00:57 asciilifeform but as soon as you ask another person 'what time is it' you are playing political games
00:57 decimation http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/onwire.html The symmetric modes operate using a sequence of rounds, each consisting of a transmit packet followed by a receive packet, but either of both of these packets could be lost. A round is correct if both packets are correctly received. In order to verify correctness of the protocol, it is necessary to prove a liveness assertion; that is, the protocol always yields a correct round even if after
00:57 assbot Object not found! ... ( http://bit.ly/1NN9O7t )
00:57 asciilifeform there is not actually a way out of this
00:57 mircea_popescu <ben_vulpes> you know i'm not even convinced a node *should* be stood up without human intervention. << this may be true.
00:58 asciilifeform ^ then there ought to be 100 nodes, running on 'microvax'
00:58 mircea_popescu and the followin line does not follow. some intelligent people are poor, or more to wit : some poor people are (allegedly) intelligent. i doub this is true. but if it were, pogo is their way out.
00:58 asciilifeform because that's how many people alive are ~actually qualified~
00:58 mircea_popescu and if they fail to find it, or to take it, you have no case.
00:58 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> point of pogo is to allow well-meaning but illiterate or even stupid people to run therealbitcoin. << no. well meaning stupid is the LAST thing we want. i'd rather import us academia.
00:59 asciilifeform then wtf is the point
00:59 mircea_popescu what you want is the alleged minialfs who exist. people who supposedly could use the head, but somehow magically "not enough fuel"
00:59 asciilifeform and if it has to be blessed with the magical breath of life of intelligence every time mains power flickers, it is a proverbial 'assembly line requiring ph.d.s' to borrow from al schwartz
00:59 asciilifeform i.e. a sad joke
00:59 mircea_popescu now this is true
00:59 mircea_popescu but notice that this does not run as far as the previous
00:59 asciilifeform that's all i was trying to say
00:59 mircea_popescu aite.
01:00 asciilifeform there is also cuckoldry aspect here
01:00 asciilifeform one ought to be able to drop pogos on a dumb corp's net
01:00 asciilifeform and have them operate
01:01 asciilifeform no shortage of eligible cuckolds and cuckolders for this
01:01 asciilifeform but it has to be practical
01:01 decimation I view the firewall/nat problem as much bigger
01:01 mircea_popescu if you can do that, comandeer a server.
01:01 mircea_popescu less noticeable than "wtf is this new item"
01:01 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: many, many more people who can 'commandeer' a broom closet with ethernet
01:01 asciilifeform believe.
01:01 asciilifeform and hardly ever anyone asks 'what is this'
01:01 mircea_popescu so no, i do not believe pogo has anything to do with http://trilema.com/open-parasitic-p2p-relay
01:01 assbot [OPEN] Parasitic P2P Relay on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1NNaB8D )
01:01 asciilifeform not directly.
01:02 mircea_popescu also in the news : the well rounded education. http://41.media.tumblr.com/00c3d0c2cdb22bedb8754888b020266e/tumblr_mtfjsjpKCf1ryftdoo1_1280.jpg
01:02 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1NNaCJC )
01:02 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: you need a million tyler durdens.
01:02 ben_vulpes and they *can* bless a pogo.
01:02 asciilifeform i thought those just set things on fire ?
01:03 ben_vulpes and pogo is?
01:03 decimation http://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2015-mob-technology-consultants-help-drug-traffickers/ < "The device they built looked like a European version of a power strip. Tucked inside a 15-by-5-inch casing was a tiny Linux computer running powerful hacking software called Metasploit. The pwnie sent out data via cellular networks, which meant they could be accessed from anywhere."
01:03 assbot The Mob's IT Department | Bloomberg Business ... ( http://bit.ly/1NNaNVl )
01:03 asciilifeform a land mine that has to be rebooted by hand every few weeks is a sad joke.
01:03 asciilifeform i stand by this.
01:03 decimation maybe the land mine reboots you
01:03 asciilifeform decimation: not only classic, but so cliche that there are 1,001 commercial copies
01:03 mircea_popescu " running powerful hacking software called Metasploit"
01:03 decimation http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114367/
01:03 assbot Planète hurlante (1995) - IMDb ... ( http://bit.ly/1NNaSbF )
01:04 mircea_popescu who the fuck still reads these things
01:04 mircea_popescu asciilifeform no, actually, it's a good idea.
01:04 mircea_popescu i'd like land mines like that. so would every army out there.
01:04 decimation apparently some mobster in amsterdam recruited a couple of nerds to exploit shipping companies
01:04 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: you want them on the other side, aha
01:04 asciilifeform shoot the idiots while they crawl around rebooting.
01:04 mircea_popescu no, the problem with landmines atm is that they can't be safely defused
01:05 mircea_popescu if you got 100% guaranteed 2 week only mines, o boy.
01:05 asciilifeform the 'safe defuse with key' thing already exists
01:05 mircea_popescu you'd be rich with this. fo realz.
01:05 asciilifeform notice, not popular
01:05 mircea_popescu cuz not reliable.
01:05 asciilifeform dun think thats why
01:05 asciilifeform rather, because winblowz
01:05 mircea_popescu a 99.999% success rate is the last thing you want.
01:05 mircea_popescu drop 1mn mines, get killed 10 times.
01:05 asciilifeform this is sop btw
01:05 asciilifeform ask folks who work with frags
01:06 asciilifeform there is a certain statistic for how many have, e.g., 1sec fuse
01:06 asciilifeform (if rated is 5)
01:06 asciilifeform 'get killed 10 times' is actually doing pretty well ahead of the curve!
01:07 decimation yeah plenty of folks die trying to learn how to throw gernades
01:07 asciilifeform the reason, afaik, why 'defuse with key' did not catch on is a ~well-founded~ distrust of computer
01:07 asciilifeform 'computer', to an experienced commander, means 'twerp will cast a spell and enemy will walk clean across, shredding you'
01:08 asciilifeform this is what 25 yrs of winblowz did to the mind
01:08 asciilifeform it'll be generations after a sane computer exists that this kind of thinking even gets a chance of drawing to a close.
01:08 decimation also 'we need soldiers who can do that'
01:09 ben_vulpes <ascii_field> want a fucking WALL POSTER << codebase isn't that bad, should be doable by hand :P
01:09 asciilifeform for contrast: i just finished a neat little book (ru) on early artillery
01:09 asciilifeform early cannoneers accepted double-digit chances of being blown up by own barrel
01:09 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: go, do
01:09 ben_vulpes no, u
01:09 asciilifeform then swear with your life that it's 100% covered
01:10 asciilifeform 'isn't that bad' l0l
01:10 ben_vulpes heh
01:12 asciilifeform decimation: re: 'round trip' ntp - you still are at the mercy of local clock's accuracy when computing the trip time
01:12 ben_vulpes <trinque> haha holy shit, dxr's "install" method is vagrant << see also gitlab
01:12 asciilifeform if your local clock is shit, i can still induce you to rely on it more, more
01:12 asciilifeform and drift.
01:13 decimation yes, true
01:13 ben_vulpes vast quantities of braindamage.
01:13 decimation ultimately there's no substitute for good hardware
01:13 asciilifeform i am trying - and apparently failing - to make the point that there is no such thing as 'good hardware' for finding out 'what time' it is on ~my~ atomic clock from across an ocean.
01:13 asciilifeform just so happens that the universe is 'bad hardware' for that.
01:14 asciilifeform even before you add a war
01:14 decimation and yet, even usg manages to keep orbital rb clocks ticking
01:14 ben_vulpes <BingoBoingo> phf: No, not yet. On OpenBSD I'm running an 0.7.2 derivative with LibreSSL 2.0 just to see how it behaves. << how's the libressl build going?
01:14 asciilifeform decimation: timebases!
01:14 asciilifeform not clocks
01:15 asciilifeform try to grasp the difference
01:15 asciilifeform and notice how easy it is to spoof'em
01:15 asciilifeform the thing is a house of cards
01:16 decimation if your point is that they are centrally disciplined that's probably true
01:16 asciilifeform not only
01:16 asciilifeform but defenseless against a kid with sdr card.
01:16 ben_vulpes * williamdunne currently has a neck that looks like Cheetah fur, lovely patterned bruising << furries, asphyxiation...
01:17 asciilifeform chunk of meat in the desert, that flies have not found yet
01:17 decimation at any rate, your objection to coordinating clocks seems to boil down to "can't carry messages of a known latency over spacetime"
01:17 decimation how is this not the case?
01:18 asciilifeform if we were in space war, could probably carry on with something like the naive notion of clocks
01:18 asciilifeform limited only by sr, etc
01:19 asciilifeform but we are not in space.
01:19 asciilifeform but in a hell, with devils
01:19 asciilifeform on every wire.
01:19 decimation so your objection boils down to 'enemy controls means of communication'
01:19 asciilifeform aha.
01:19 decimation which is a reasonable point
01:19 decimation but is applicable to the entire bitcoin enterprise equally
01:19 asciilifeform it is not.
01:19 asciilifeform because proof-of-work.
01:19 asciilifeform i can tell a zero-diff block and so can you
01:20 asciilifeform some things cannot be faked.
01:20 asciilifeform rsa also exists, and this prevents certain other spurious items
01:20 asciilifeform but these do not add up to a trustworthy clock.
01:21 decimation this only emphasizes the point that there needs to be alternate communication media available
01:21 decimation ionosphere will relay for free, cannot be pwned by usg
01:21 asciilifeform most fundamental problem is that distributed clocks are infinitely sybilable.
01:21 asciilifeform how the fuck do i know what is on the other end of ionosphere?
01:21 asciilifeform man, or usg gnome ?
01:21 decimation you just said, rsa can solve that problem
01:22 asciilifeform only if i'm personally friends with fella who owns clock
01:22 decimation indeed.
01:22 asciilifeform and the wall time i want to know is specifically his
01:22 decimation or he's in your wot somehow
01:22 decimation if 99% of miners use usg time, what's the use of wot-time?
01:23 asciilifeform if 99% of miners use gavincoin and spv, what is the use of therealbitcoin ?
01:23 decimation excellent question
01:24 asciilifeform i suspect that mircea_popescu might answer that it is for the next set of miners
01:24 asciilifeform after the current set gets ddt sprayed on them
01:24 asciilifeform like all locusts deserve
01:25 decimation the idea of a crypto-radio-clock intrigues me
01:26 decimation I have a few sketches for such a thing, but I can't get around the problem of fixed keys that need to be distributed to listeners
01:26 asciilifeform i'm more partial to cryptocurrency that doesn't rely on clocks.
01:26 asciilifeform at least, clocks in the usual political sense.
01:26 decimation that auto-scaling-difficulty thing seems crazy though
01:26 decimation at least on a per-block basis
01:26 asciilifeform it is clearly not the solution
01:26 asciilifeform i linked to it to illustrate the sheer batshit
01:26 decimation heh
01:27 asciilifeform the solution is to force the miners themselves into behaving like a pendulum with a period from which they, collectively, deviate at their peril.
01:27 asciilifeform i promise to explain this later.
01:27 decimation sounds like it would involve incrementing the protocol version
01:28 asciilifeform it absolutely cannot work with classical bitcoin
01:28 decimation but it is an interesting idea
01:28 asciilifeform and thus i am not entirely sure who would find it interesting here, and why
01:28 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: Still sync'd on BritneyChain
01:29 asciilifeform basic idea involves 'left-handed' and 'right-handed' miners, with game-theoretical reward matrix of being one depending on the first derivative in the hashing power of the other.
01:29 asciilifeform still trying to model this.
01:30 ben_vulpes i think mircea_popescu designed something like that for eulora
01:30 asciilifeform did he ?
01:30 asciilifeform link ?
01:30 ben_vulpes players vs. the game. conversation in ars.
01:30 asciilifeform hm
01:30 asciilifeform i suppose he can answer when reads log..
01:31 ben_vulpes balancing of rewards for being mage/barbarian/etc over time
01:31 asciilifeform essentially you want the entire network to have a 'resonant frequency'
01:31 asciilifeform which can now be your timebase.
01:32 asciilifeform why settle for little quartz crystals
01:32 asciilifeform when you can use a planet-sized resonator.
01:32 decimation that reminds me of schumann resonances https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schumann_resonances
01:32 assbot Schumann resonances - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1IIq0aS )
01:33 asciilifeform decimation: i'm still waiting to read a non-batshit explanation of schumann
01:33 asciilifeform (was also thinking of it earlier today)
01:33 decimation hehe
01:33 decimation it's lightning sprites and earthquakes
01:33 decimation actually I suspect the solar wind buffeting the magnetosphere is a factor
01:34 asciilifeform what i meant was, i'd like to see a rational calculation of why the freq.
01:34 asciilifeform until then, it's voodo
01:35 decimation this crazy czech runs a vaccum-pendulum radio clock http://ok0epb.nagano.cz/index.php?page=Main+page/
01:35 assbot Main page - OK0EPB - 7 039,4 kHz ... ( http://bit.ly/1IIqgXm )
01:35 asciilifeform state-of-the-art till the '50s iirc
01:38 * asciilifeform bbl
~ 43 minutes ~
02:21 ag3nt_zer0 !rate trinque 1 very helpful to noob
02:21 assbot Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/c39f0df9608c7058
02:22 ag3nt_zer0 !rate shinohai 1 great help to noob
02:22 assbot Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/49ae2cc4cb75f970
02:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 84300 @ 0.00054193 = 45.6847 BTC [-] {4}
02:33 trinque ag3nt_zer0: thanks guy
02:33 trinque ben_vulpes: so pipelinedb turned out to be YC shitware
02:33 trinque http://www.pipelinedb.com/
02:33 assbot PipelineDB—The Streaming SQL Database ... ( http://bit.ly/1RjMpkj )
02:34 trinque all they did can be done with triggers, background workers and materialized views
02:34 trinque and they had the nerve to *RENAME POSTGRESQL TO SOMETHING ELSE*
02:36 trinque meanwhile they did not do the one thing that might've been interesting (that I can see), which would've been to fire pg_notify events when the results of a given view change
~ 22 minutes ~
02:59 punkman http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-07-08/china-trade-halts-hit-2-2-trillion-as-state-intervention-fails
02:59 assbot China Stock Sellers Frozen Out of 71% of Market - Bloomberg Business ... ( http://bit.ly/1RjP4KO )
03:04 punkman "The eurozone has given Greece until Thursday to present new proposals to secure a deal with creditors, and has called a full EU summit for Sunday."
03:14 mircea_popescu yep, it's the end of the world.
03:15 mircea_popescu after this unwinds 1929 will look like glbse by comparison.
03:15 punkman I'll stock up on Tetris http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn27846-tetris-blocks-traumatic-flashbacks-even-after-the-memory-is-fixed.html
03:15 assbot Tetris blocks traumatic flashbacks even after the memory is fixed - health - 06 July 2015 - New Scientist ... ( http://bit.ly/1RjR4mf )
03:20 punkman lots of greek banks in the balkans, I wonder what's gonna happen with those
03:23 punkman http://bigstory.ap.org/article/e2a57c5e809f4da3a46aa7c1ba94bf10/exposed-greek-banks-balkans-brace-trouble
03:23 assbot Exposed to Greek banks, Balkans brace for trouble ... ( http://bit.ly/1RjRY22 )
03:25 mircea_popescu PatentChina 1 hour ago
03:25 mircea_popescu imagine what will happen if month later no china crash is seen? but USA has advantage that it will never feel shame. one lie does not come true, there is another one. and in the end they can still say china has hacked usa without any evidences. Repeating lies 1000 times, it becomes truth. that is how USA invaded Iraq.
03:25 mircea_popescu lol
03:27 mircea_popescu anyway, hopefully they manage to prop it, because if they do not and people start unwinding us holdings on the grounds of the massive yuan profits to be thus made, that's that.
03:30 mircea_popescu !up ValentinJesse
03:41 ag3nt_zer0 "But getting the game into a person's hands immediately after they have been raped, for example, won't always be practical, so the team tested whether it could still work a day later – after the memory had been consolidated and slept on." haha
~ 22 minutes ~
04:04 jurov http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1192874 not TRIMmed, praps?
04:04 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 04:25:37; mats: and windoze updates on this box still takes hours wtf
~ 55 minutes ~
05:00 cazalla good logs, good meal, no good wine to go with it but 2/3 ain't bad eh
~ 30 minutes ~
05:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45200 @ 0.00055343 = 25.015 BTC [+] {2}
~ 59 minutes ~
06:30 gabriel_laddel williamdunne: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=04-06-2015#1153851
06:30 assbot Logged on 04-06-2015 15:16:44; williamdunne: http://gamingfurry.tumblr.com/
06:35 gabriel_laddel http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193046 << bahahaha
06:35 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 05:16:27; ben_vulpes: * williamdunne currently has a neck that looks like Cheetah fur, lovely patterned bruising << furries, asphyxiation...
~ 1 hours 21 minutes ~
07:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40748 @ 0.00055343 = 22.5512 BTC [+]
~ 20 minutes ~
08:18 funkenstein_ <asciilifeform> i'm more partial to cryptocurrency that doesn't rely on clocks. <-- there was one called liquidcoin
08:21 funkenstein_ the problem of what kind of clock foot soldier P needs depends on exact specification of role foot soldier P needs to play
08:22 funkenstein_ a node with no clock could still be a useful one, depending on what you had in mind
08:36 punkman ;;view 22382
08:36 gribble #22382 Wed Jul 8 08:30:46 2015 punkman SELL 1.0 night @ 1.3 btc (Seaside villa in Creta, Greece. 4bdr, sleeps 8, a/c, wifi, etc. 3min walk to beach. discounts on certain dates. http://i.imgur.com/DqYiA5O.jpg)
08:38 gabriel_laddel !up diana_coman
08:38 kakobrekla punkman yours?
08:39 punkman kakobrekla: no, but I've been there a few times
08:40 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8202 @ 0.00055343 = 4.5392 BTC [+]
~ 21 minutes ~
09:01 kakobrekla http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/07/in-russia-selfie-takes-you-prompts-official-safety-selfie-warning/
09:02 assbot In Russia, selfie takes you, prompts official “safety selfie” warning | Ars Technica ... ( http://bit.ly/1NSgQIW )
09:03 bagels7 Hi, does anyone happen to know the title of that trilema article that explains how women are immature and basically blame men for their shortcomings
09:06 bagels7 who needs money. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjUJIziMe-4
09:06 assbot Ten Years After - I'd Love To Change The World (lyrics) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1NShKVE )
09:07 gabriel_laddel !rated bagels7
09:07 assbot You have not rated bagels7.
09:07 gabriel_laddel !gettrust bagels7
09:07 assbot Trust relationship from user gabriel_laddel to user bagels7: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=gabriel_laddel&to=bagels7 | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/bagels7/
~ 1 hours ~
10:07 asciilifeform ;;later tell mircea_popescu http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/07/days-after-hacking-team-breach-nobody-fired-no-customers-lost << mega-l0l
10:07 assbot Days after Hacking Team breach, nobody fired, no customers lost | Ars Technica ... ( http://bit.ly/1MeFt1k )
10:07 gribble The operation succeeded.
10:08 thestringpuller cazalla: BingoBoingo http://www.comcastro.com/podcast-virtual-currency-bitcoin-new-world-order-stevie-frederick/ << i did a qntra shoutout there
10:08 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193160 << 'Fixed difficulty (0.05) / Block reward reduces 4% every 1000 blocks' (from tardstalk)
10:08 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 12:18:05; funkenstein_: <asciilifeform> i'm more partial to cryptocurrency that doesn't rely on clocks. <-- there was one called liquidcoin
10:08 asciilifeform and appears to be long-dead... to nobody's great surprise
10:09 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193162 << can be very useful as a boat anchor! or balloon ballast.
10:09 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 12:22:35; funkenstein_: a node with no clock could still be a useful one, depending on what you had in mind
10:11 thestringpuller asciilifeform: when you can use a planet-sized resonator. << each planet would have a different frequency
10:12 asciilifeform thestringpuller: was not speaking of the chunk of rock per se. see thread.
10:21 asciilifeform '...Greece's creditors refuse to consider declaring all of this bad debt null and void—not because of anything having to do with Greece, which is small enough to be forgiven much of its bad debt without causing major damage, but because of Spain, Italy and others, which, if similarly forgiven, would blow up the finances of the entire European Union. Thus, it is rather obvious that Greece is being punished to keep other count
10:21 asciilifeform ries in line... Add to this a double-helping of double standards. The IMF won't lend to Greece because it requires some assurance of repayment; but it will continue to lend to the Ukraine, which is in default and collapsing rapidly, without any such assurances because, you see, the decision is a political one. The European Central Bank no longer accepts Greek bonds as collateral because, you see, it considers them to be junk;
10:21 asciilifeform but it will continue to suck in all sorts of other financial garbage and use it to spew forth Euros without comment, keeping other European countries on financial life support simply because they aren't Greece.'
10:21 asciilifeform ( http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2015/07/financial-nonsense-overload.html )
10:21 assbot ClubOrlov: Financial Nonsense Overload ... ( http://bit.ly/1gnSkEf )
10:28 decimation http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2015/07/08/report-big-job-cuts-expected-microsoft/29853657/ "Microsoft's deal to acquire Nokia's handset business in 2013 -- one of the last acts of outgoing CEO Steve Ballmer -- has been a "head-scratcher" from the beginning, says FBR Capital Markets analyst Daniel Ives."
10:28 assbot Microsoft cutting up to 7,800 jobs ... ( http://bit.ly/1gnTuzw )
10:32 asciilifeform decimation: just how many people does the redmond beast need to collect winblowz rent and craft 'bugs' ?
10:32 asciilifeform i doubt they need as many as 700
10:34 funkenstein_ masked gunman to clerk: "I'm here to keep you on financial life support"
10:34 asciilifeform !b 1
10:34 assbot Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/20MK5PF.txt )
10:35 mats http://www.fpgarelated.com/showarticle/790.php
10:35 assbot Homebrew CPUs: Messing around with a J1 - Victor Yurkovsky ... ( http://bit.ly/1gnUJir )
10:36 asciilifeform mats: i remember that one - pretty neat! http://www.excamera.com/sphinx/fpga-j1.html << original www of it
10:36 assbot The J1 Forth CPU — excamera ... ( http://bit.ly/1gnUVOA )
10:41 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 76353 @ 0.00057177 = 43.6564 BTC [+] {3}
10:44 jurov ;;ticker
10:44 gribble Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 273.09, Best ask: 273.16, Bid-ask spread: 0.07000, Last trade: 273.08, 24 hour volume: 28460.65127183, 24 hour low: 263.0, 24 hour high: 274.11, 24 hour vwap: None
~ 18 minutes ~
11:02 decimation that forth cpu seems similar to that 'picolisp' cpu
11:03 mats o lawd
11:03 mats the end is nigh
~ 15 minutes ~
11:19 funkenstein_ http://pastebin.com/EdtwCsw1 <-- just for fun i made signed 250kb TX sending 11 millies from "cat" spam address to thebitcoin.foundation treasury
11:19 assbot 01000000fdb40402806ffd51e0b01cc9254067cd12878c9b5869d7ee30a56843c9e16590fea57b02 - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1NSGH3p )
11:19 funkenstein_ but i was unable to broadcast
11:24 danielpbarron apparently transactions larger than some magic number cannot even get relayed by nodes, and only a miner can forcibly include it in a block
11:28 jurov mircea hit that with bitbet payouts, there's vitriolic trilema piece somewhere
11:29 thestringpuller asciilifeform: i was more imagining each planet having it's own blockchain, but I guess that's
11:29 jurov danielpbarron: you tried to feed it to ?
11:34 mod6 thestringpuller: if they did, it'd be an altcoin aka; marscoin, uranuscoin etc
11:37 thestringpuller mod6: lol ur-anus-coin
11:37 thestringpuller hue hue
11:38 mod6 =]
11:44 mircea_popescu asciilifeform why would they fire anyone ?
11:44 mircea_popescu they're lucky anyone at all wants to work for them as it is.
11:48 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193020 << sure, this is a fact.
11:48 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 05:09:39; asciilifeform: early cannoneers accepted double-digit chances of being blown up by own barrel
11:48 shinohai heh: http://www.cnbc.com/id/102806720
11:49 danielpbarron jurov> danielpbarron: you tried to feed it to << is it possible? when I type 'bitcoind help' I do not see the "send raw signed transaction" command
11:49 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193059 << myeah.
11:49 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 05:19:44; asciilifeform: it is not.
11:49 mircea_popescu danielpbarron iirc asciilifeform made a patch
11:49 mircea_popescu o nm that was fpr whole blocks
11:50 jurov maybe i'm mistaken, i thought it was alwas possible to submit tx
11:50 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193066 << i would not bet on that.
11:50 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 05:21:24; decimation: ionosphere will relay for free, cannot be pwned by usg
11:50 mircea_popescu nah jurov i recall people using their own tools for that throughout
11:51 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193079 << miners have no identity.
11:51 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 05:24:07; asciilifeform: after the current set gets ddt sprayed on them
11:51 mircea_popescu they are the exact equivalent of materiel. the humvees the usg lost to isis work for isis just as well.
11:53 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193083 << this is rank nonsense. to be money it will have to handle time.
11:53 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 05:26:05; asciilifeform: i'm more partial to cryptocurrency that doesn't rely on clocks.
11:53 danielpbarron > bitcoind: Argument list too long << my 0.7.2 node didn't like it
11:53 mircea_popescu what you're saying is basically "i'm more interested in food that doesn't rely on being digested"
11:57 danielpbarron i don't think it's even checking the validity of the tx, and is instead rejecting the hex string as being too long; I can get my 0.5.3 node to give the same error and it doesn't recognize the method
11:58 mircea_popescu lol 0.7 implemented tx manipulation that doesn't work on 1mb sized txn ?
12:03 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193153 << better than the queen gets.
12:03 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 09:00:25; cazalla: good logs, good meal, no good wine to go with it but 2/3 ain't bad eh
12:04 jurov danielpbarron i tried electrum, it parsed tx properly
12:04 jurov but broadcast error: {u'message': u'64: tx-size', u'code': -26}
12:06 williamdunne http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193046 << nah, I wasn't the one being asphyxiated, and the marks are not the result of it
12:06 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 05:16:27; ben_vulpes: * williamdunne currently has a neck that looks like Cheetah fur, lovely patterned bruising << furries, asphyxiation...
12:08 gabriel_laddel it's okay, no one here will judge you :p
12:09 * williamdunne pondering on confessing to my skat fetish
12:09 gabriel_laddel ;; ud skat
12:09 gribble http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=skat | skat. taking a shit in someones mouth and having them eat it. I love getting a big load of skat in my mouth its so good. by skat eater September 20, 2003. 419 333.
12:09 mircea_popescu o.o
12:09 mircea_popescu ;;google scatman
12:10 gribble THE SCATMAN - Scatman John HD1080p - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6oXW_YiV6g>; Scatman (ski-ba-bop-ba-dop-bop) Official Video HD -Scatman John ...: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hy8kmNEo1i8>; Scatman John - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scatman_John>
12:19 williamdunne http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/07/07/us-usa-crime-childporn-idUSKCN0PH24C20150707
12:19 assbot FBI seized child porn website with 215,000 users: court filing| Reuters ... ( http://bit.ly/1IJsTYO )
12:19 williamdunne North
12:19 williamdunne Carolina
12:19 williamdunne Server
12:22 gabriel_laddel what are cat cables and how do I network computers together without a web browser.
12:26 williamdunne You've got to connect the CAT 3 BSD cable into your Universal Parallel Networking port and install the latest ApacheBSD drivers, and then BGP route your HardDrive into the global local network, repeating these steps for each computer on the network. And once this is complete you plug cables into each of your available body holes and pray for IP issuance, prior to jamming each cable into your nearest USB hub
12:26 jurov that reads like eulora recipes
12:27 gabriel_laddel oh, sorry, I should have made it clear I was referring to the child pornography thing
12:28 williamdunne jurov: Well, I'm employable
12:29 gernika mod6 I've attempted syncing on OpenBSD again and am now past block 168000 and have reached 185126. It's going very very slowly though.
12:29 gabriel_laddel !up _biO_
12:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27100 @ 0.00057258 = 15.5169 BTC [+]
12:31 ben_vulpes buenos dias
12:32 gabriel_laddel hola
12:32 gabriel_laddel como estas?
12:32 ben_vulpes muy bien
12:32 ben_vulpes ¿y tu, comrade?
12:33 gabriel_laddel fenomenal
12:33 ben_vulpes ¿de veras? ¿porque?
12:33 mircea_popescu companero ? compadre ?
12:34 ben_vulpes 'twas a sovietism
12:34 gabriel_laddel Aterricé un trabajo
12:34 gabriel_laddel writing CL + mcclim
12:34 mircea_popescu the sovietism is tovarash
12:34 gabriel_laddel go me
12:35 ben_vulpes oh fuck you srsly
12:35 mircea_popescu the world is not my fault!
12:35 ben_vulpes not you, gabriel_laddel
12:35 mircea_popescu olol
12:36 ben_vulpes gabriel_laddel: let me tell you of the salt mines of my homeworld...
12:36 mod6 <+gernika> mod6 I've attempted syncing on OpenBSD again and am now past block 168000 and have reached 185126. It's going very very slowly though. << good to hear though
12:36 gabriel_laddel ben_vulpes: go on ahead
12:36 ben_vulpes there is a SaaS that handles users for people who for whatever reason don't want to stand up their own services and servers.
12:36 ben_vulpes developers working with this service can alter its behavior by providing it 'node' code that it executes on login/registration events
12:37 ben_vulpes their sandbox provides precisely one map of dummy data.
12:37 ben_vulpes it is not configurable in any way.
12:37 ben_vulpes the suggested way to cram code into their orifices is by pasting it into text fields.
12:38 ben_vulpes one can configure post-commit hooks in git, but their logic importer a) only works with github and b) only works with public repositories.
12:38 gabriel_laddel ...
12:38 ben_vulpes now on one hand that this thing doesn't give programmers any handles to alter test data is fine, in that it forces one to either work in a js repl or you know /actually write tests/
12:38 ben_vulpes otoh
12:38 ben_vulpes braindamage.
12:39 ben_vulpes anyways i don't believe you nobody gets paid to write common lisp lalala i can't hear you
12:39 gabriel_laddel I suggest you don't contemplate the loper device.
12:39 gabriel_laddel it might be a danger to your health
12:39 ben_vulpes you say that as though there were an option.
12:45 jurov i daresay loper machine depends on solved halting problem
12:45 mod6 359k+
12:45 gabriel_laddel jurov: how so?
12:45 gabriel_laddel jurov: the routing can't be that difficult
12:45 jurov it's supposed to predict resources exhaustion at any time so that operator can be alerted
12:46 gabriel_laddel jurov: No it isn't. It just eats all required resources and (maybe) returns.
12:46 gabriel_laddel (I think)
12:47 gabriel_laddel What happens if I (loop while t do ...) on a von n. arch? it just runs forever. Same thing.
12:47 gabriel_laddel Don't do that.
12:48 gabriel_laddel Now, I think the "language constructs" map directly to routing logic, so the AST "unrolls" onto the hardware
12:48 gabriel_laddel but I've not sat down to work it out
12:48 williamdunne Lol
12:49 williamdunne One of the "lizardsquad" guys just got charged with 50,700 offences
12:49 jurov if i learned anything from my haskell stint, it's how computer is utterly bad to manage its memory and other resources
12:50 jurov even if you specify in most precise detail how to do stuff without side effects, you still have to hold its hand in order to not exhaust the memory
12:50 mircea_popescu <jurov> it's supposed to predict resources exhaustion at any time so that operator can be alerted << in principle machine does not have to proceed before it wants to.
12:51 mircea_popescu i am sure gabriel_laddel proposed "don't do that" won' cut it with alf - but i am also sure a "sometimes warn before" behaviour would be acceptable.
12:55 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.157 = 1.099 BTC [-] {2}
12:56 asciilifeform !up ascii_field
12:57 ascii_field http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193223 << there are not so many of these.
12:57 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 15:44:41; mircea_popescu: they're lucky anyone at all wants to work for them as it is.
12:57 mircea_popescu ahahaha wut ?
12:58 mircea_popescu dude get out, they're the website of 2015. every two bit 20something schmuck with two friends and a girlfriend has started one, last year.
12:58 ascii_field places for folks to write malware and get serious clean money for it
12:58 mircea_popescu there is at least one million of them. i have stopped even trying to count past 100k last year.
12:58 ascii_field SERIOUS money
12:58 mircea_popescu get out
12:58 mircea_popescu they never saw even a decent salary.
12:58 ascii_field not 'work 12 hours to make min wage while you sleep'
12:58 mircea_popescu this recently raped one made less than gawker.
12:59 ascii_field cut how many ways ?
12:59 ascii_field (i assume the truth lies somewhere in those 500 GB...)
12:59 mircea_popescu the boys made slightly more than they'd have made working for gawker, on the grounds that they're asocial weirdos.
12:59 mircea_popescu the girls made about the same.
13:00 ascii_field there were girls ?!!
13:00 mircea_popescu we're not talking enough to be middle class here.
13:00 mircea_popescu yes.
13:00 ascii_field where ?
13:00 mircea_popescu guy's gf.
13:00 ascii_field didn't see any obvious ones in the 'git' login config
13:00 mircea_popescu right.
13:01 mircea_popescu someone did the accounting and the sucking sudanese cock you know.
13:01 ascii_field aha
13:01 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 9 @ 0.157 = 1.413 BTC [-] {2}
13:01 ascii_field http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193239 << 'handle time' != 'use customary electronic clocks'
13:01 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 15:53:13; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193083 << this is rank nonsense. to be money it will have to handle time.
13:01 mircea_popescu granted
13:01 mircea_popescu but you're not taking time out of it.
13:01 ascii_field time is in.
13:01 mircea_popescu aite.
13:03 ascii_field http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193275 << compadre
13:03 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 16:32:33; ben_vulpes: ¿y tu, comrade?
13:03 * ascii_field buys ben_vulpes dictionary
13:04 mircea_popescu anyway, this is what powers my disinterest in the matter. i saw in logs this pov is divergent with teh republic, so i'll entertain the alternative viewpoint, but just for the sake of records.
13:04 ascii_field mircea_popescu: which ?
13:04 scoopbot_revived The situation of Greece http://trilema.com/2015/the-situation-of-greece/
13:05 mircea_popescu ascii_field re the "yet another bedroom derpitude" thread just before.
13:05 ascii_field the clocks?
13:06 ascii_field 'hackteam' ?
13:06 ascii_field which derpitude ?
13:07 ascii_field jurov: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193305 << if at some point i proposed a thing that requires 'solved halting problem' please say!
13:07 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 16:45:07; jurov: i daresay loper machine depends on solved halting problem
13:07 mircea_popescu hackteam
13:07 mircea_popescu o look at teh nyse btw.
13:07 ascii_field http://www.cnbc.com/id/102806720 << lulz
13:07 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1Hh3uAu )
13:07 ascii_field Run Moar Winblowz!!!
13:08 mod6 trades haulted, no suprise there.
13:08 mod6 *halted
13:08 williamdunne I wonder if any sysadmins are gonna jump out of some windows
13:08 mod6 next, like .cn, selling banned
13:08 mircea_popescu mod6 "our free market is this thing you can only buy!!1"
13:08 mircea_popescu bwahaha
13:09 mircea_popescu and this is somehow ~not a scam~
13:09 mod6 right
13:09 mircea_popescu then they want to "regulate" biutcoin
13:09 mircea_popescu make it more like the fiat ponzi system
13:09 mircea_popescu the gall.
13:09 mod6 srsly.
13:10 gabriel_laddel !b 10
13:10 assbot Last 10 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3263M1Y.txt )
13:10 ascii_field i fully expected this after hearing the cn thing
13:10 decimation they totally know it's not a 'cyber attack'
13:10 mircea_popescu anyway, they had no choice.
13:10 mircea_popescu chinese decided to unwind
13:10 ascii_field raise yer hand if you thought ft meade would leave nyse switched on
13:10 mircea_popescu nah was not possibru.
13:11 decimation ft meade does what wall st wants, not vice versa
13:11 mircea_popescu really a distinction without a difference
13:11 davout so i'm trying to build the stator, getting "headers.h:21:27: fatal error: openssl/ecdsa.h: No such file or directory"
13:11 mircea_popescu does liver do what spleen wants or spleen, liver
13:11 williamdunne Chinese dumping US stocks now, I'm presuming. Need to pump some filthy fiat into their own markets
13:11 ascii_field davout: your openssl did not build
13:11 ascii_field davout: did you have the tarballs in place ?
13:11 mircea_popescu also make sure you build the right one
13:12 ascii_field there is a MANIFEST
13:12 davout i have openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz in distfiles
13:12 decimation check the hashes plus sigs
13:12 mircea_popescu that one yea
13:12 davout (using mod6's build script)
13:12 ascii_field ^^^^ ~that~'s why doesn't work
13:12 ascii_field his scripts never worked for me
13:12 mod6 you need to use "stator.sh" that comes with the stator tarball
13:12 decimation you probably have the 'realpath' issue
13:13 decimation which is because debian is fucktarded
13:13 mod6 this too ^^
13:13 davout ok, i'll do this, thank yall!
13:13 mircea_popescu a could be
13:13 mod6 davout: what os?
13:13 davout gentoo
13:13 mircea_popescu tech support at its best is keeping a list of who's fucktarded.
13:13 mod6 yeah, that auto.sh has problems there.
13:13 mircea_popescu sad state of affairs.
13:13 ascii_field davout: for now, skip the auto.sh and use my scripts
13:13 ascii_field very short and simple to grasp
13:14 ascii_field and pretty much guaranteed to work on gentoo
13:14 decimation just be sure to check the distfile hashes
13:14 mircea_popescu in other news, http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzevzzvPKk1rovqsto1_500.gif
13:14 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1CoVT6S )
13:14 decimation don't grab the wrong ones
13:14 ascii_field aha. this is not automated in mine
13:14 davout ok
13:14 davout where's the stator tarball?
13:14 ascii_field mircea_popescu: brilliant. ought to be installed in every american gym
13:14 williamdunne mircea_popescu: For some reason she looks like a giant
13:15 mod6 davout: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-June/000102.html
13:15 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1CoW4z5 )
13:15 mircea_popescu low camera williamdunne
13:15 * williamdunne was a terrible art student
13:15 williamdunne mircea_popescu: you're right
13:16 ascii_field mircea_popescu: let's have the finale of http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193367 ?
13:16 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 17:07:03; mircea_popescu: hackteam
13:16 mircea_popescu generally the difference between advertising set and porn set is that porn set cameras all set crotch height
13:17 mircea_popescu ascii_field what's more to say ?
13:17 mod6 grab those, verify, unpack; beware that you need to drop openssl/bdb/boost in distfiles by hand. and ascii_field's script doesn't want boost.tar.gz, wants boost.tar.bz
13:17 ascii_field mircea_popescu: no, it isn't 'greatest leak ever' - but certainly the most complete gutting of a usg contractor in history
13:17 mod6 follow this: http://thebitcoin.foundation/misc/stator-buildlog-wDumpBlockAndEatBlockApplied.txt
13:17 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1FYJMZi )
13:17 ascii_field everything but the ashtray
13:17 mircea_popescu no argument.
13:17 mircea_popescu you will notice it is not actually a usg contractor. it's a sudanese contractor.
13:17 williamdunne These "decentralize all the things" fuckwads are really pissing me off re: NYSE
13:18 ascii_field mircea_popescu: usg was a major client
13:18 mircea_popescu the difference between this and an "etsy shop" is color scheme.
13:18 ascii_field and of course it was the крыша
13:18 mircea_popescu i dunno, seems more like it was a major alleged client.
13:18 ascii_field picture what would happen if ~i~ tried to open a 'hackteam'
13:18 mircea_popescu dunno how much you know about how teenaged girls suck cock these days
13:18 mircea_popescu but the way it goes, they pretend to be selling to X so Y may buy
13:18 ascii_field about as much as i know of penguins
13:18 mircea_popescu ascii_field nobody would even notice.
13:18 mircea_popescu it's all in your head.
13:19 mircea_popescu i bet half of your coworkers are "secretly" part of one.
13:19 mircea_popescu it truely is the band of 2015.
13:19 ascii_field l0l
13:19 mircea_popescu i kid you not. but i do not expect anyone to take this on faith.
13:19 ascii_field fact is, monetizing virii requires a крыша
13:20 mircea_popescu dude...
13:20 ascii_field no srsly
13:20 ascii_field unlike penguin and gurlz, i know this from direct observation
13:20 mircea_popescu are you even from this planet at ALL ? do you know how much can be passed off as work before even as much as touching a tool ?
13:20 williamdunne mircea_popescu: Some are pretty enthusiastic about it
13:20 mircea_popescu yes, playing in a band requires a guitar.
13:20 mircea_popescu so ? got any sticks ?
13:20 ascii_field music with no ears.
13:21 mircea_popescu every kid in a barage gand in 1955 had ear ?
13:21 mircea_popescu what ear. they're americans.
13:21 ascii_field anybody can write turdware, yes
13:21 ascii_field i am speaking of ~money~
13:21 mircea_popescu also all in your head.
13:21 williamdunne https://twitter.com/cgledhill/status/618830161144901632
13:21 williamdunne People must care because SJWs signed a petition, wao
13:21 mircea_popescu these particular kids would have made more scamming in eve
13:21 mircea_popescu but hey.
13:21 williamdunne #1 fintech influencer supposedly
13:22 ascii_field mircea_popescu: from what i can tell, the 'hackteam' folks were paid hundreds of thousands of euros to do things that i consider a weekend's work
13:22 ascii_field this is called 'crown concession'
13:23 mircea_popescu start one then.
13:23 ascii_field l0l
13:23 mircea_popescu all you need is the girlie to suck sudan cock.
13:23 mircea_popescu ask on craigslist
13:23 ascii_field http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-02-2015#1002367
13:23 assbot Logged on 02-02-2015 07:04:28; asciilifeform: dude really, it is very easy to fly. just bend your arms into an effective lift surface, right angle of attack, and fart really hard.
13:23 mircea_popescu ask.on.craigslist.
13:24 * ascii_field utterly fails to grasp what mircea_popescu is speaking of
13:24 mircea_popescu say "Very gifted reverse engineer, looking for outgoing, persuasive, experienced slut to start hackteam together. You'll have to suck bureaucrat cock to get us contracts, I'll fill them, we split the loot."
13:25 ascii_field mircea_popescu: guess where i'm posting from
13:25 ascii_field it doesn't work unless you have access to the right cock
13:25 mircea_popescu the congress library
13:25 ascii_field and we - thus far - don't.
13:25 mircea_popescu eh get outta here.
13:25 ascii_field srsly
13:25 mircea_popescu that's HER job.
13:25 ascii_field despite, for instance, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=25-06-2015#1175261
13:25 assbot Logged on 25-06-2015 03:01:25; asciilifeform: i built it.
13:25 mircea_popescu pack her off to whatever, sierra leone
13:25 ascii_field we don't have any gurlz though
13:26 mircea_popescu sucks to be us.
13:26 thestringpuller i think the network just forked again
13:26 ascii_field thing i'm beginning to suspect is that nobody gives half a shit about reversing, or 'security', or any of it
13:26 ascii_field but only launders usg money
13:26 ascii_field with pre-selected butt buddies
13:26 gabriel_laddel ^
13:27 mircea_popescu the first part is right.
13:27 ascii_field ph0rk!
13:27 mircea_popescu mmyeah.
13:27 asciilifeform !up ascii_field
13:29 mircea_popescu and ima go play eulora in celebration.
13:41 ascii_field unph0rk3d ?
13:41 ascii_field aaaand https://blockchain.info/block/0000000000000000024d5e8b9010d61d93550bfd022a5d8f613f7daa620456f8 l0l
13:41 assbot Bitcoin Block #364437 ... ( http://bit.ly/1Cp22jF )
13:41 williamdunne It's okay guyz, NYSE is turning itself off and on again
13:42 jurov nyse mining bitcoins?
13:47 williamdunne Yeah, they've got some celerons on the job
13:58 gabriel_laddel !up ascii_field
13:58 gabriel_laddel http://www.clifford.at/icestorm/
13:58 assbot Project IceStorm ... ( http://bit.ly/1BKXug8 )
13:59 gabriel_laddel ^ some people reverse engineered an fpga's bitstream format
13:59 gabriel_laddel *a fpga...
13:59 ascii_field 'We have enough bits mapped that we can create a functional verilog model for almost all bitstreams generated by Lattice iCEcube2 for the iCE40 HX1K-TQ144, as long as no block memories or PLLs are used. ' << wake me up when that last part changes. and when i can get this chip from ten different chinese foundries.
14:00 ascii_field this all happened before, with xilinx
14:00 ascii_field and we know how it ends.
14:01 ascii_field 'Next on the TODO list: PLLs, Timing Analysis...' << ahahahahahaha
14:01 ascii_field try synthesizing ~anything~ of any serious complexity without exact timing data for ~every piece of shit on the die~
14:02 ascii_field i gotta take my hat off to these folks for sheer effort, but the fact remains that they are scooping out the sea with the proverbial thimble.
14:05 gabriel_laddel To any "hackers" reading the logs - rather than going after hackteam, try xilinx, lattice semiconductor next time?
14:05 ascii_field ('how it ends,' for the uninitiated, is that some time around when these fine folks are about half done, the chip will go out of print. and be replaced by an entirely incompatible one.)
14:06 ascii_field gabriel_laddel: this doesn't help either. no one can force them to keep making the 'doxxed' chip.
14:06 ascii_field a 'doxxed' fpga is entirely useless if you can't get it!
14:07 gabriel_laddel ascii_field: imho this is going to be a slow process of ad-hoc reverse engineering of a design, finding chiacom manufactures...
14:07 ascii_field it is, after all, a physical object.
14:07 gabriel_laddel someone needs to carry the water.
14:07 ascii_field gabriel_laddel: there is no mass market for these.
14:07 ascii_field we had this thread before.
14:07 gabriel_laddel !s bribery
14:07 assbot 9 results for 'bribery' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=bribery
14:07 ascii_field not bribery as such, just that you'd have to pay the fab up front, cash on the barrel
14:07 ascii_field to have any made.
14:08 ascii_field not a bribe, but straightforward commerce
14:09 ascii_field gabriel_laddel: another detail that must be understood is that reversing for the purpose of programming is a very different animal from reversing for the purpose of rebuilding.
14:10 ascii_field in the case of the latter, it is necessary to have a ~complete~ picture of the vital organs
14:10 ascii_field including aspects that a programmer doesn't give a flying fuck about, like chemistry
14:10 ascii_field and in-circuit testing
14:14 gabriel_laddel Unrelated: Uncle Al's disqus profile. It is a treat. https://disqus.com/by/Xemist/
14:14 assbot Disqus Profile - Xemist ... ( http://bit.ly/1Cp6BdM )
14:14 ascii_field gabriel_laddel: good to see that he's still kicking, somewhere
14:15 gabriel_laddel Orange County iirc?
14:16 ascii_field gabriel_laddel: i suspected he might have 'went perelman'
14:16 williamdunne gabriel_laddel: About 12 months ago I was tasked with checking the security of a fiat institution. Within three hours I had found two different bugs to send money from accounts that weren't mine, and two different bugs to view all account details that weren't mine, and another to see all transaction details that weren't mine.
14:16 gabriel_laddel williamdunne: !
14:17 williamdunne IKR, the operator was a friend of mine, but he was very concerned when I sent him the details for a large transaction from themselves to a law firm they employ
14:18 gabriel_laddel Speaking of Uncle Al - not only did the 'gentlemen' at the eot wash group modify their URL scheme so that his links appear "dead", but Stanford has also moved the single link in qz4.html
14:18 ascii_field williamdunne: and that was when he put out your eyes and cut out your tongue ?
14:18 ascii_field gabriel_laddel: big fat surprise
14:18 gabriel_laddel lol check this out
14:18 gabriel_laddel http://www.npl.washington.edu/eotwash/sites/www.npl.washington.edu.eotwash/files/webfiles/publications/pdfs/lowfrontier2.pdf
14:18 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1Cp7fb7 )
14:18 williamdunne ascii_field: not quite, although I do regret agreeing to do it pro-bono
14:18 gabriel_laddel ^ new url scheme vs.
14:18 gabriel_laddel http://www.npl.washington.edu/eotwash/publications/pdf/lowfrontier2.pdf
14:18 assbot Page not found | The Eöt-Wash Group ... ( http://bit.ly/1Cp7hj7 )
14:20 gabriel_laddel williamdunne: so you're the guy who makes the spice flow?
14:20 gabriel_laddel what exactly do you do?
14:21 williamdunne Hard to pin that one down
14:21 gabriel_laddel doya have a cv or the like?
14:21 ascii_field https://disqus.com/home/discussion/neuroskeptic/the_strange_world_of_8220reward_deficiency_syndrome8221_part_2/#comment-2118094177
14:21 assbot Disqus - The Strange World of &#8220;Reward Deficiency Syndrome&#8221; (Part 2) ... ( http://bit.ly/1TlSFWh )
14:21 ascii_field many lulz
14:22 ascii_field 'Be homicidally depressed and aim at the top. That is like voting, except the count is honest and meaningful.'
14:22 gabriel_laddel ahahaha
14:22 williamdunne I've never received a job by anything but reference. First job when I was 14 was a game programmer, second job when 15 was working at a military intelligence company in London doing some infosec and accounting type stuff. Lots of freelancing stuff
14:22 williamdunne Security, programming, pretty much anything with a keyboard
14:24 williamdunne Recently did some stuff for the BitFinex guys, that wasn't much fun but y'know. Pays for stuff. Think I'll have more with them in future
14:29 gabriel_laddel !up ascii_field
14:30 gabriel_laddel !up NewLiberty
14:32 williamdunne What happened to that German socialist girl, she ever come back to continue her derping?
14:44 ascii_field http://polymatharchives.blogspot.in/2015/01/the-inappropriately-excluded.html << l0ltr0n1c
14:44 assbot The Polymath Archives: The Inappropriately Excluded ... ( http://bit.ly/1TlVir1 )
14:49 gabriel_laddel "The antidote to national social and financial collapse is war. War clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of social and economic realities. It rewards the creative, productive, and effective. It reduces redundant populations. North Korea, India, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia (paid for Paki research, repaid by Paki nukes) stare down some 1000 exceptionally well-crafted and deliverable Israeli thermonukes.
14:49 gabriel_laddel Fukishima effluent on California's coast chews up the food chain to seals. 39 million person California, tremendously government subsidized, is collapsed. Its unsecured debt is the Saudi GNP while its $45 billion/year agriculture Central Valley has returned to desert, unemploying a million Mexican slaves with nowhere to go. Let's run the Battle of the Somme again, and soon. The jet stream dips south in autumn." (fr
14:49 gabriel_laddel om Uncle Al)
14:53 trinque war doesn't really reduce redundant population
14:53 trinque bounces right back after the war, if there's a dip at all
14:58 mats uh
15:02 asciilifeform !up ascii_field
15:02 ascii_field 'If you want to end ISIS, teach it game theory and casebooks. "They['ll] get out their linear programming charts, statistical decision theories, minimax solutions, and compute the price-cost probabilities of their transactions and investments, just like we do," and lose.' (from the al schwartz link earlier)
15:04 trinque mats: I am not finding a good graph of the russian population per year, yet I recall ww2 being a temporary blip downward that was rapidly recovered
15:04 trinque and they sustained huge casualties
15:10 mats the specific claim being made is 'redundant populations'
15:10 mats how do we evaluate this claim
15:13 trinque there'd have to be some correlation between an indicator of this redundancy before the war and which soldiers died
15:14 trinque "unskilled laborers died more often than ..." << maybe something like that
15:17 ascii_field '12 years public school, 4 years undergrad, 6 years PhD, 4 years post-doc. You are now over 30, deeply in debt, and starting life. Your idiot high school classmate who held a STOP sign at a construction site has been pulling $80K/year, has a fine home, wife, three kids, and a motor boat. His eldest son rakes in $850K/year tax-free facilitating recreational pharmaceuticals and an escort service.' << schwartz
15:18 trinque mats: but then even if the stupid tend to die more often, it could still be so that the stupid back home fuck enough to replenish stocks
15:20 mats ain't social science great
15:21 ascii_field trinque: intelligence doesn't breed true. (stupidity, however, does. this confuses folks)
15:26 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14900 @ 0.00057258 = 8.5314 BTC [+]
15:30 trinque ascii_field: I don't follow
15:30 trinque ah that intelligence is not necessarily passed down genetically?
15:30 trinque definitely not
15:32 trinque !up ascii_field
15:33 ascii_field trinque: also most folks who idly ponder the subject end up conflating several distinct things under 'intelligence'
15:34 ascii_field far more interesting is the trait hasn eysenck called 'psychoticism'
15:34 ascii_field which is the thing without which arbitrarily strong 'intelligence' ends up a chinese exam taker
15:35 ascii_field interestingly, old norse, even, had a very specific word for this trait
15:36 * ascii_field does not have the link with him. if anyone recalls the answer, do chime in
15:36 trinque old norse probably had an honorable term for the thing
15:37 trinque ascii_field: something like the combination of dominance and being a social supernode?
15:37 ascii_field no.
15:38 ascii_field mircea_popescu chronically links the two, but they are entirely independent
15:38 ascii_field one can have one coming out of ears and arse, and lack the other entirely
15:40 ascii_field specifically, you can have arbitrarily high 'psychoticism' in the sense of being perelman and no 'dominance' or 'social supernode' to speak of.
15:43 trinque ascii_field: then is it a measure of the willingness to fight other people?
15:43 ascii_field again no
15:43 ascii_field if you must reduce it to a soundbite - it is just a measure of the quality of the rng in your head
15:44 ascii_field nothing to do with relating to other people.
15:44 trinque ascii_field: I am promting you to define the term instead of merely restating it
15:44 trinque I do not follow that definition either
15:45 ascii_field trinque: i am certain that, just like everyone else here, you have met both kinds of 'intelligence'
15:45 ascii_field i.e. 'champion at exams' vs the other kind.
15:46 trinque sure, and the former is deeply embedded in a group concept of what he ought to be doing
15:46 trinque and the latter has his own idea
15:46 ascii_field what makes the exam champ the waste of oxygen that he is ?
15:47 trinque general obedience is what I see
15:47 jurov !up jborkl
15:49 trinque ascii_field: by good RNG do you mean that they are capable of novel thoughts?
15:49 trinque rather, that they have a greater capacity for ...
15:50 jborkl The way it has been before, not all nodes have the same amount of txns in mempool - I never got enough of a explanation to discuss it
15:50 jborkl mine has 32000 currently and blockchain has 21000
15:50 ascii_field trinque: capable+inclined
15:50 trinque then yes, I see your point
15:51 ascii_field the 'capable' part is definitely key. who hasn't met his fair share of hack writers, for instance, poor schmucks grasping desperately for one singe original idea? and never finding it
15:51 jurov jborkl: maybe different antispam rules
15:53 trinque ascii_field: haha, my former bosses for instance
15:53 jborkl possible, there are a ton of waiting txns either way and the spike has been recently
15:53 jborkl although I have just been watching from the sideline for a long time (not active)
15:54 trinque ascii_field: it would make a great deal of sense to me if there were a connection between this kind of intelligence and personality traits which cause him to have a much lower default level of regard for any particular human off the street.
15:55 trinque if he in fact has the capability, then the empathy which might cause him to accept someone else's perspective instead would only be a hindrance
15:57 trinque and if he doesn't, you get http://www.sfmuseum.org/hist1/norton.html
15:57 assbot Norton I, Emperor of the UnitedStates ... ( http://bit.ly/1eGKHYw )
15:57 ascii_field trinque: bad example. norton was popular.
15:57 ascii_field a true social butterfly, even.
15:57 trinque hah oh, my mistake
15:58 trinque maybe someone that secretly collects human skin furniture then
15:58 ascii_field do you collect dead ants ?
15:59 ascii_field or kill ants for sport ?
15:59 * trinque can see he will never earn the honorific "the Terrible"
16:00 ascii_field true Not Giving A Fuck doesn't have a plus or minus sign. it's just a big fat zero.
16:00 trinque ah
16:01 decimation re: stupid breeding true < I thought 'reversion to the population mean' was the general outcome
16:01 ascii_field aha
16:01 ascii_field and stupidity is perfectly normal
16:02 decimation I suppose tragically stupid parents are likely to have slightly smarter children
16:02 decimation but not many worry about that case
16:02 ascii_field not speaking here of extreme deformities
16:02 ascii_field extra chromosomes, etc
16:02 decimation right
16:02 ascii_field just the factory-standard mind
16:02 decimation but two iq 90 parents are likely to have children that score a little closer to 100
16:02 decimation (for whites in the us)
16:03 decimation who would be lost in the unwashed 1st std deviation anyway
16:03 lobbes !up ascii_field
16:05 danielpbarron ;;later tell mjr_ http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-08-2014#791843 << you can now
16:05 assbot Logged on 12-08-2014 00:44:36; mjr_: by the way, anyone gonna tell me if i can play this game where i can buy things with bitcoin?
16:05 gribble The operation succeeded.
16:08 decimation re: political time < it occurred to me that the far more obvious way of synchronizing a clock is to simply take note of the sunrise and/or sunset
16:08 decimation in fact, someone who depises 'astronomical time' in favor of cesium time is also fully in favor of 'usg time'
16:08 ascii_field decimation: and if it rains ?
16:09 decimation wait till tomorrow
16:09 ascii_field and if you are in submarine ?
16:09 ascii_field can't wait
16:09 ascii_field you're running a node.
16:09 ascii_field in real time
16:09 decimation actually it would be neat to build a nutrino detector
16:09 decimation in your submarine
16:09 ascii_field afaik there is no useful timing info in solar neutrono flows
16:09 ascii_field *neutrino flow
16:10 decimation you might be able to determine the angle of the sun w.r.t. the earth's surface
16:10 ascii_field and, considering the famous formula ('50/50 interactions when passing through light-year of lead') portable detector is a questionable affair
16:10 decimation sure but you got water everywhere
16:11 decimation although biologics would probably jam your signal
16:11 ascii_field aha
16:11 ascii_field examine the construction of a neutrino observatory.
16:11 ascii_field (typically, abandoned mine filled with salt water and thousands of photomultiplier tubes on the walls, each the size of a man's torso)
16:11 decimation indeed.
16:13 ascii_field anyway, since this thread came back to life, i will point out that mircea_popescu is right re: the notion of time being necessary for a bitcoin net. but it doesn't have to come from a clock as traditionally understood
16:14 ascii_field it just has to be a reasonably-periodic signal that all nodes can see, whose period is not affected by the aggregate hash rate, nor can be manipulated at reasonable expense by gnomes
16:15 decimation perhaps the pogo should come with a sunlight detector
16:15 ascii_field natural phenomena don't fit the bill
16:15 ascii_field not only because they are not reliably detectable (rain, clouds, being in a submarine)
16:16 ascii_field but because can be faked in various 'good enough' ways
16:17 ascii_field and, on the other end, require specialized hardware
16:18 decimation if usg can spam uv over a large area for hours, then you probably have bigger problems than money
16:18 ascii_field decimation: thinking more of hacks like rf detection of sunspot cycle
16:18 ascii_field or schumann's resonance, etc
16:19 decimation yeah. ultimately a thinking person can observe sunrise, sunset, set own clock (calendar might be another matter)
16:19 decimation of course 'set clock' algorithm needs your lat/lon
16:20 lobbes plus, then you are back to 'who sets the clocks' problem
16:20 ascii_field aha
16:20 decimation the sun does.
16:20 ascii_field and what of when you cannot see the sunrise ?
16:20 decimation then you ought to have made preparations
16:21 ascii_field such as ?
16:21 decimation if you have a submarine, you probably ought to have high quality timekeeping equipment
16:21 ascii_field so we're back to clock, then
16:21 ascii_field we already know how to meet and set clocks, last i checked
16:21 decimation you could even use a sundial
16:22 ascii_field on submarine.
16:22 decimation submarine needs clock, yes.
16:22 ascii_field let's try to define the basic puzzle here
16:23 ascii_field two (at minimum) geographically separated people, with enemies in between, wish to agree re: how much time has passed since they last spoke, 2016 blocks ago.
16:23 decimation they don't own clocks and can't see the sunrise and don't know where they are too?
16:23 ascii_field let's suppose they traded pgp keys and can communicate securely. however, they cannot prevent the enemy from delaying messages
16:24 ascii_field or sometimes 'losing' them entirely
16:24 decimation sure.
16:24 ascii_field say they own very poor clocks, which drift by a second - or more - per minute.
16:24 decimation heh ok
16:24 ascii_field (pogo...)
16:25 decimation it's not quite that bad
16:25 decimation but not great, granted
16:25 ascii_field for the sake of argument.
16:25 ascii_field aha
16:26 ascii_field and now compound the problem by supposing that it is not you and your best friend, but you and a network consisting, to an unknown degree, of devils
16:27 decimation devils who reluctantly serve up blocksl
16:27 ascii_field devils who do whatever it takes to camouflage as men
16:27 ascii_field while dishing out max damage
16:28 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 92665 @ 0.00057468 = 53.2527 BTC [+] {4}
16:31 funkenstein_ consider a node that passes on valid TXs, checks new blocks for proper work and passes them on. it ignores timestamps and lets miners say what current difficulty is. useless or not?
16:32 ascii_field vulnerable to rewinds.
16:32 ascii_field and to other induced forkage.
16:33 ascii_field (will accept blocks that are not, by the traditional bitcoin rules, valid. and predicate acceptance of future blocks on these turds - which is what 'accept a block' means)
16:33 ben_vulpes what is a rewind attack?
16:33 ascii_field ben_vulpes: being fed an alternate past
16:33 ascii_field typically from when mining was considerably 'easier'
16:33 ascii_field but not necessarily
16:33 ascii_field (can be recent past)
16:33 ben_vulpes i'm sure you've gone into this in depth, but doesn't the length of the current main chain make that ludicrously expensive?
16:34 ascii_field ben_vulpes: why would it ?
16:34 ascii_field certain variants of the attack are prohibitively costly, yes
16:34 ascii_field others - no
16:34 ben_vulpes which variants are cheap?
16:34 funkenstein_ !up ascii_field
16:35 ben_vulpes aha the one where you simply hold difficulty constant and mine a long-ass chain.
16:35 ascii_field aha
16:35 funkenstein_ the chain with the most work demonstrated wins
16:35 ascii_field or feeding a whole alternate universe to a virginal (has nothing but genesis) node
16:35 decimation I donno, it strikes me that having a sundial and knowing how to use it (convert to universal time) is a pretty cheap counter
16:36 ascii_field which yes, you can defend against with crude kludges like storing sums, but this is 'enumerated badness'
16:36 ben_vulpes decimation: but then people would have to touch it !!111twelve1
16:36 ascii_field decimation: now you have a human slave in the loop
16:36 ascii_field straight to 'slavecoin'
16:36 ascii_field don't even need a computer.
16:36 decimation yeah, slave tells you time of day
16:36 ascii_field and hashes with goose feather pen
16:36 ascii_field as described in mircea_popescu's tale
16:37 decimation well, if slave tells you time of day, the class of attacks you describe become much more difficult
16:37 ascii_field except that the attacks now include having one's throat cut at night, aha
16:38 ascii_field at any rate, we don't actually know how to do 'proof of work' thing using meat.
16:38 ascii_field if we did, 'hawala' would have used it 2000 y ago.
16:38 decimation yes, true.
16:39 ascii_field in my mind, that's sorta the whole point of bitcoin.
16:39 ben_vulpes (unrelatedly: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/15/opinion/15pubed.html?_r=1)
16:39 assbot Log In - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1D1BLmt )
16:39 ben_vulpes (on the use of "torture" in the nyt)
16:40 decimation why does the fact that your throat can be cut invalidate proof of work?
16:40 ascii_field it doesn't
16:40 ascii_field separate problems.
16:40 shinohai I should say having one's throat cut invalidates a lot of things.
16:41 decimation not for me
16:41 decimation (your throat i mean)
16:41 ascii_field the unfortunate thing is that the 'easy to verify, hard to produce' thing very much requires machines.
16:41 decimation at any rate, I fully admit that bitcoin requires slaves to feed computers the right data and configure them
16:42 * decimation wonders if skynet will need an 'economy' or will just directly solve the 'need things/have things' trade matrix
16:42 bagels7 i'll be your slave for a million dollars on a 5 year basis
16:42 ascii_field decimation: do you know the story of how the concept of 'space station' came about?
16:43 decimation not precisely no
16:43 ascii_field well, afaik the 'precise' is not publicly known. but the ancient rumour that was taught to me was that it was a usg military propaganda trick
16:43 ascii_field see, somebody's gotta change the vacuum tubes
16:43 ascii_field in spy satellites.
16:43 ascii_field except when they don't. then, suddenly, much less talk of space stations
16:44 decimation yeah, that's true I think. the soviets believed it anyway https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Almaz
16:44 assbot Almaz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1RlbOKo )
16:45 decimation su actually built 'manned spy satellites' - became 'civilian peace stations' in the 80's
16:45 ascii_field aha.
16:45 ascii_field just as usg turned their orbital nuke dropper into 'space shuttle'
16:45 decimation but I do see your point, if we can make the hardware 'reliable'
16:46 ascii_field a pogo, as i envision it, has much in common with a comm satellite
16:47 shinohai Is there a history of the pogo somewhere?
16:47 ascii_field shinohai: of the pogo as it comes from the vendor ?
16:47 ascii_field or of our particular dealings with it
16:47 shinohai Of your particular dealings. How the idea of using it came about.
16:48 shinohai I was just curious.
16:48 ascii_field http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-07-2015#1184297
16:48 assbot Logged on 02-07-2015 17:52:19; ascii_field: shinohai: it all started with http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=22-01-2015#988286
16:49 ascii_field mircea_popescu posed the question of what is the cheapest mass-produced piece of equipment that could be pressed into service to run therealbitcoin.
16:49 ascii_field the answer turned out to be pogo.
16:49 ascii_field by a factor of 6 or so.
16:49 ascii_field mainly because it is (or rather was) sold far below cost by the manufacturer
16:49 ascii_field who was pushing a weirdo 'cloud subscription' thing with it
16:50 shinohai I am fascinated by how mircea_popescu envisioned that. I tried for well over a year to figure out how to busybox it.
16:50 shinohai And failed.
16:50 ascii_field shinohai: he didn't
16:50 ascii_field just asked the question.
16:50 ascii_field i answered it, experimentally
16:51 ascii_field ported netbsd to the thing, too
16:51 ascii_field which turned out to be a waste of time
16:51 ascii_field (certain necessaries did not work correctly)
16:53 shinohai I was hoping my pogo would arrive today, but postman has already come. :/
16:56 ascii_field shinohai: most of what i've done re: therealbitcoin so far revolves around getting memory footprint under control
16:56 ascii_field shinohai: pogo has 128M of ram, soldered on.
16:57 shinohai And it is fantastic work, imho. My shell provider doesn't bitch at me about bandwidth anymore either.
16:57 ascii_field um
16:57 williamdunne Wait, people are successful at running bitcoin on summin with 128m of ram?
16:57 williamdunne Wao
16:57 ascii_field everything i did only ~increases~ bandwidth consumption
16:57 ascii_field williamdunne: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-July/000107.html
16:57 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1Rld7c9 )
16:57 ascii_field williamdunne: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/attachments/20150701/rss_d1746f76523316edcdc82326213f8953bf6f0d09.png
16:57 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1RldaVB )
16:58 shinohai For some reason mine has dropped, but probably because I'm not connecting to a bzillion nodes
16:58 ascii_field (this was a node, i must remind the reader, with no mempool, on account of having no net connection and being fed blocks 'intravenously' if you will)
16:58 ascii_field vertical axis is in kB
16:59 ascii_field the thing here, as discussed in the past, is that 300 bytes (block header and overhead) are kept in ram at all times per ~known block~
17:00 ascii_field now if the node is 'live' and has net connection, hears tx, suffers possible fragging (see old threads) - then even more consumption.
17:00 ascii_field but what you see in that graph is the only 'leak' in the usual sense
17:00 ascii_field as in, the one thing that is guaranteed to grow monotonically
17:04 ascii_field https://blockchain.info/block/00000000000000000cf530b3346a39156f56eb9259e5d7fd97a6e9168ffaf91e << l0l
17:04 assbot Bitcoin Block #364463 ... ( http://bit.ly/1RldQKx )
17:05 shinohai test
17:05 shinohai !up ascii_field
17:06 ascii_field http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3clbk6/bitcoin_xt_status_update/cswlmk4 << l0l
17:06 assbot HostFat comments on Bitcoin XT Status Update ... ( http://bit.ly/1Rle4kR )
17:06 ascii_field 'As you may have noticed, Bitcoin unfortunately has run out of capacity due to someone DoS attacking the network.'
17:06 ascii_field 'run out'
17:06 ascii_field 'someone'
17:06 ascii_field 'bigger blocks'
17:07 ascii_field (hearn, of course)
17:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14762 @ 0.00056898 = 8.3993 BTC [-]
17:08 trinque "I suspect it can be mitigated through heavier reliance on coin age priority, as coin age is not something that can be trivially bought on the spot, unlike fee priority."
17:08 trinque same idiot argument re: spam as Luke-Jr
17:09 ascii_field ^
17:11 ascii_field though gotta wonder if this is still fair to say re: a gigantic sack of shit with the words 'this is spam, and fuck you' printed right on it
17:11 ascii_field (the tx sent to brainwallet('password') etc)
17:12 trinque sure, one can imagine some sane criteria on determining spamitude
17:12 ascii_field but aside from that, bidding up space in blocks by blowing one's own coin is a perfectly legit thing to do
17:12 ascii_field as per the protocol rules
17:12 trinque it's telling that they are not even willing to consider using, you know, a fucking market for this
17:12 ascii_field if usg wants to spend its coin this way, it can
17:13 mats its an ideological matter to hear Luke-Jr tell it
17:13 ascii_field as i pointed out before, it is being done for two disjoint reasons. one is so that hearn can write the turd linked above, re: 'it is crowded and we need blocks of $maxint size'
17:13 ascii_field the other is so that gavin & co. can try to persuade miners to use their turdball
17:13 mats 'i dun wanna hold gigs of "spam" on my drive, and nobody else does either'
17:13 ascii_field by promising 'tx fee ordering' as a feature
17:15 ascii_field http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193852 << the fucking market is there. nobody broke it. but to redditards, 'market won't supply me with free shit' == 'market has failed'
17:15 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 21:12:24; trinque: it's telling that they are not even willing to consider using, you know, a fucking market for this
17:15 trinque right, I said this yesterday
17:16 trinque stress test seems to prove the system works from where I sit
17:16 ascii_field trinque: not if you ask the tards
17:16 ascii_field for them, 'it broke'
17:16 ascii_field because they can't send their 0.01 btc without fee
17:17 mod6 'don't be poor'
17:17 ascii_field one telling mark of a tard is that he is unwilling to consider that market's job is not only to supply folks with things, but to REFUSE to supply them
17:17 ascii_field when they cannot pay
17:18 shinohai my tunnel collapsed
17:18 shinohai sorry for the flood
17:19 trinque ascii_field: reminds me of mircea_popescu's recent comments to the effect of roughly "We've done it! I exist!"
17:19 trinque cannot think of a more vulgar mentality
17:19 ascii_field l0l wut
17:19 trinque the redditard mentality
17:19 trinque that the fact of their pulse is by itself something special and important
17:20 mats we're all equals, man
17:20 mats we must has equal outcomes or else fascism
17:24 ascii_field https://blockchain.info/block/00000000000000000dd2101c3f08f3e4ad16f90c37a2780f5012358c18371642
17:24 assbot Bitcoin Block #364467 ... ( http://bit.ly/1RlfOdZ )
17:25 thestringpuller ascii_field: so what's the problem here?
17:25 thestringpuller we get fee market. fuck the people who can't pay for their nice things
17:25 thestringpuller get a fucking job already
17:26 asciilifeform !up ascii_field
17:26 thestringpuller stop complaining about "waah my transactions is unconfirmed waaaah"
17:26 * BingoBoingo just switched own nodes to 0.001 min fee for transaction relay
17:26 ascii_field thestringpuller: ask'em
17:26 * shinohai likes how BingoBoingo thinks.
17:26 ascii_field thestringpuller: i'm not even certain that the 'ocean of complaint' consists of real people
17:27 ascii_field rather than philippino meat puppets for-hire
17:27 BingoBoingo Impact of my relay policy change on the network will be near nil, but policy is policy
17:28 funkenstein_ meanwhile litecoin users enjoying "stress test" popcorn
17:28 funkenstein_ i've never understood the philippino references i see here
17:28 ascii_field funkenstein_: it's in the log
17:28 thestringpuller !s philippino
17:28 assbot 1 results for 'philippino' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=philippino
17:28 shinohai !s philippino meat puppets for-hire
17:28 assbot 0 results for 'philippino meat puppets for-hire' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=philippino+meat+puppets+for-hire
17:28 thestringpuller !s phillipino
17:28 assbot 2 results for 'phillipino' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=phillipino
17:28 ascii_field http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=02-02-2015#1003223
17:28 assbot Logged on 02-02-2015 23:04:03; mircea_popescu: it was highlighted by intel about two weeks ago, and we're generally tracing it to philippines "top quality" content farms working for a number of (mostly ct and wash based) pr firms.
17:28 ascii_field ^
17:28 fluffypony itt: nobody can spell phillllippppinnnnooooo
17:29 shinohai i copy-pasta'd xD
17:29 ascii_field see whole thread
17:29 ascii_field particularly, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-02-2015#1003221
17:29 assbot Logged on 02-02-2015 23:03:08; mircea_popescu: "I've noticed certain repeating characteristic in the writing of many members of this forum: they construct grammatically correct sentences but absolutely disregard the underlying semantics: incoming vs. outgoing, local vs. remote, source vs. destination, etc. Here in regards to TCP/IP ports, but I observed that in regards to pretty much any technical issue."
17:40 williamdunne WTF
17:40 williamdunne It starts with an F? What's this shit
17:40 williamdunne filipino
17:43 trinque who gives a shit about arbitrary distinctions such as that?
17:43 trinque only asciilifeform's test takers
17:43 trinque and players of dwarf fortress
17:46 funkenstein_ bad spellers of the world: untie!
17:46 williamdunne Sorta like how dyslexic is probably pretty hard to spell if you're dyslexic
17:48 trinque brings to mind http://www.davidpbrown.co.uk/jokes/european-commission.html
17:48 assbot Jokes - European Commission ... ( http://bit.ly/1RlhwMq )
17:51 williamdunne http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-07-08/greece-illustrates-150-years-socialist-failure-europe
17:51 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1RlhKmF )
17:59 * BingoBoingo is guessing that at some point Rubidium standards are going to become #b-a coture
~ 31 minutes ~
18:31 BingoBoingo Apparently Microshit is copying MP nao http://www.openbsdfoundation.org/contributors.html
18:31 assbot Donate to the OpenBSD Foundation ... ( http://bit.ly/1Hi3NLe )
~ 17 minutes ~
18:48 decimation BingoBoingo: actually high quality ovenized quartz can be nearly as good as rubidium
18:49 BingoBoingo Suffers labeling issues though. Hard to tell buy ordering if you get actual part or Chicom turd
18:49 decimation not if you are willing to pay $$$
18:51 decimation here's a reasonable text on celestial navigation http://www2.arnes.si/~gljsentvid10/page2.htm
18:51 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1KPIZ4W )
18:51 decimation there is a description on how to derive time by measuring the moon's motion relative to other objects in the sky
18:54 decimation actually better link to the book here http://www.celnav.de/page2.htm
18:54 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1Hi8RPQ )
18:58 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: the fixation on physical clocks, astronomical magic, etc. is unproductive re: the original problem posed.
18:58 asciilifeform (though by no means useless in general)
18:58 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Nah, for different, later problems
18:58 asciilifeform we, afaik, do not have those problems yet. must still graduate to them.
18:59 BingoBoingo At somepoint though we will have the problem on when to start decelerating the starship lest we crashland into Alpha Centurai
19:00 asciilifeform right now we have the very different problem of how not to drown in own shit.
19:00 BingoBoingo And the way to not drown might just be space ship
19:01 BingoBoingo Or Space shit
19:01 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: if you have a tip re: how to make perfectly synchronized with one another rubidium clocks materialize in the existing $20 pogos, i'm all ears..
19:01 BingoBoingo No idea about that.
19:02 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: might wanna read that thread, it's pretty lulzy
19:02 asciilifeform it's where i describe how bitcoin is not actually decentralized at all, but depends on a thoroughly usgificated network of political clocks
19:03 decimation ^ clocks that could be, but probably are not, checked for accuracy
19:03 BingoBoingo I read the thread. closest I have to solutions are either Noping ft. meade off the earth into the sun or Noping out and taking stator to ALpha Centurai
19:10 BingoBoingo But I dunno. Maybe at some point radio hashes happens.
19:11 BingoBoingo Disguise the signal as over the horizon radar
19:11 BingoBoingo And at that point why not have competing political time broadcast on that signal, signed
19:15 mircea_popescu asciilifeform it doesn't acvtually depend on it.
19:15 mircea_popescu owner of node may choose to depend on it
19:15 mircea_popescu otherwise, nothing keeps you from keeping your own time.
19:19 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193532 << no one can force them to know it was doxxed, either.
19:19 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 18:06:08; ascii_field: gabriel_laddel: this doesn't help either. no one can force them to keep making the 'doxxed' chip.
19:22 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193580 << no.
19:22 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 18:32:24; williamdunne: What happened to that German socialist girl, she ever come back to continue her derping?
19:22 decimation also describing it as 'political time' when the policy is 'matches easily observable astronomical phenomena' seems a bit hyperbolic
19:22 mircea_popescu and ftr she looked like a guy to me.
19:22 mircea_popescu decimation time is not a natural phenomenon.
19:22 trinque ^ found that googling as well
19:23 decimation spacetime doesn't exist?
19:23 trinque women in technology == technologically produced womyn
19:23 mircea_popescu but that aside, this is conventional time.
19:23 mircea_popescu spacetime is an artefact of the observation being carried out.
19:23 mircea_popescu and also, it is not ~time~. it is space-time.
19:23 decimation as opposed to what? being derived from platonic ideals?
19:24 mircea_popescu as opposed to mass.
19:26 BingoBoingo <decimation> spacetime doesn't exist? << It isn't space or time, merely the manifold until it is intuited by the apperception
19:26 decimation same could be said of quarks
19:28 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193590 << he is basically saying http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=20-06-2015#1170141 and in that he is right. for the exact reason in http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-06-2015#1169850
19:28 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 19:02:31; ascii_field: 'If you want to end ISIS, teach it game theory and casebooks. "They['ll] get out their linear programming charts, statistical decision theories, minimax solutions, and compute the price-cost probabilities of their transactions and investments, just like we do," and lose.' (from the al schwartz link earlier)
19:28 assbot Logged on 20-06-2015 23:17:19; asciilifeform: but no, he wants to use what the gods gave him.
19:28 assbot Logged on 20-06-2015 19:29:12; mircea_popescu: the notion that human agency is ever "effectual" is such rank nonsense to begion with, that a pretense of "saving action for optimal effect" can only be regarded in psychogenic terms
19:28 mircea_popescu specifically, that if you wait for the "optimal" you're waiting forever.
19:29 mircea_popescu decimation in any case, the time bitcoin uses is a political construct.
19:29 mircea_popescu a matter of conventional agreementr, currently overseen by exactly usg.
19:29 mircea_popescu unless you wish to experimentally prove that ~you~ can insert leap seconds into places.
19:30 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193597 exactly http://trilema.com/2009/hai-sa-facem-o-socoteala/ :D
19:30 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 19:17:10; ascii_field: '12 years public school, 4 years undergrad, 6 years PhD, 4 years post-doc. You are now over 30, deeply in debt, and starting life. Your idiot high school classmate who held a STOP sign at a construction site has been pulling $80K/year, has a fine home, wife, three kids, and a motor boat. His eldest son rakes in $850K/year tax-free facilitating recreational pharmaceuticals and an escort service.' << schw
19:30 assbot Hai sa facem o socoteala. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1HcsbyU )
19:32 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193615 << this is a hollywood fiction. "the strong, silent type". not found in nature.
19:32 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 19:38:22; ascii_field: one can have one coming out of ears and arse, and lack the other entirely
19:33 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193627 << this is not unlike inquiring "what makes the sterile woman the waste of chocolate that she is". she only becomes that if you put her in a matronly role. otherwise, i wouldn't want a fertile catwoman.
19:33 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 19:46:07; ascii_field: what makes the exam champ the waste of oxygen that he is ?
19:33 mircea_popescu so the problem there is of management not of nature. chinese exam taker is a great asset in any sanely balanced system.
19:33 mircea_popescu and generally, the quality of a system is to be measured by how many people it can make life meaningful for, not how many people it has to kill to survive.
19:36 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193636 << consider many of the things we regularly discuss here. most people are neither willing to consider not even willing to look upon the outrage that goes on daily, hourly. be it icons of say badly beaten up women, or whatever else. plenty of people keep lists of words they won't ever say. this disinclination ~to consider~, however the subject justifies it, is the c
19:36 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 19:51:46; ascii_field: the 'capable' part is definitely key. who hasn't met his fair share of hack writers, for instance, poor schmucks grasping desperately for one singe original idea? and never finding it
19:36 mircea_popescu ertainest macula of intellectual ineptitude.
19:37 mircea_popescu fact is, if you're not willing to consider the things you aren't going to do, your not doing them is not any sort merit, and it certainly won't ever work in your favour.
19:37 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193642 << is this an actual perspective, or is it a knot of nonsense ?
19:37 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 19:55:54; trinque: if he in fact has the capability, then the empathy which might cause him to accept someone else's perspective instead would only be a hindrance
19:39 mircea_popescu http://polymatharchives.blogspot.in/2015/01/the-inappropriately-excluded.html << this thing is such bs. if the intelligent need to whine on an obscure blog, and for "society" to GIVE THEM shit they're about as intelligent as a mensa chapter. which isn't all that flattering.
19:39 assbot The Polymath Archives: The Inappropriately Excluded ... ( http://bit.ly/1Hct624 )
19:39 trinque that's more or less what I got from asciilifeform, that he was describing a person which, to put it in idiot's terms "does what makes sense to him"
19:39 trinque could not find much clinical "psychopathy" in that
19:39 trinque which leads me to suspect the term itself is stupid
19:40 mircea_popescu not sure i follow.
19:42 trinque I (perhaps incorrectly) take "psychopath" to be a political term, akin to "sociopath"
19:42 trinque the former something like "does what he wants to, even if people cry" and the latter maybe "lies to his enemies, effectively"
19:43 mircea_popescu hm
19:43 mircea_popescu go on ?
19:44 trinque mostly just that; I hear these terms most often used by someone who thinks someone else has been unfair, and ought to be restrained by the state
19:44 trinque was otherwise fishing for asciilifeform's definition of the term.
19:46 punkman mircea_popescu: does romanian have a word for sociopath?
19:46 mircea_popescu sociopat
19:46 mircea_popescu just like in english, it doesn't actually mean anything, unlike english it is not used by the hipstery youth.
19:47 punkman there's an academic word for it in greek, nobody ever uses it though
19:47 mircea_popescu there is aschilopat, which is a purely nonsense word that is use to convey roughly the same notion, "invisible gross diformity worthy of pity" but it's blue collar slang mostly.
19:48 trinque https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sluggish_schizophrenia << this one's pretty good
19:48 assbot Sluggish schizophrenia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1KPONLJ )
19:48 trinque !s borderline
19:48 assbot 30 results for 'borderline' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=borderline
19:49 trinque http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2007/10/the_diagnosis_of_borderline_pe.html << found it
19:49 assbot The Last Psychiatrist: The Diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder: What Does It Really Mean? ... ( http://bit.ly/1KPORuX )
19:50 * mircea_popescu drops http://trilema.com/2014/the-definitive-tract-on-sociopathy/ since we're on it
19:50 assbot The definitive tract on sociopathy on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1KPOXmf )
19:51 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193670 << the mother of all occultations yes
19:51 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 20:08:22; decimation: re: political time < it occurred to me that the far more obvious way of synchronizing a clock is to simply take note of the sunrise and/or sunset
19:54 trinque "This is what sociopathy is : what the scum of the earth currently calls its betters." << right, soon to give way to "fagtalkers"
19:54 trinque though one hopes it doesn't take long enough for that
19:55 trinque I keep wanting to call that "inversion"
19:56 trinque where something unnatural persists for so long it becomes the basis of comparison
19:56 trinque eh unnatural is problematic
19:56 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193749 << this is an important point that i don't think asciilifeform fully digested. replay attacks that rely on block count do not work. actuall superior WORK has to be shown.
19:56 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 20:35:49; funkenstein_: the chain with the most work demonstrated wins
19:56 BingoBoingo https://i.imgur.com/tTqFfvF.jpg
19:56 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1KPPp3Y )
19:56 punkman mircea_popescu: I liked the toilet analogy
19:56 mircea_popescu trinque magic thinking is this all through
19:56 trinque mhm
19:56 mircea_popescu punkman how far off do you think tyhat piece is, as a local ?
19:57 mircea_popescu !up solrodar
19:58 solrodar hello
19:58 punkman mircea_popescu: close enough
19:58 * mircea_popescu is impressed with himself.
19:58 mircea_popescu hello solrodar. who're you ?
19:59 punkman maybe a good time for a translation of the older ones? gtranslate not doing them justice
19:59 solrodar mircea_popescu: one of your blog readers
19:59 solrodar I've made an attempt at the call graph you requested
19:59 mircea_popescu o hey.
19:59 solrodar http://imgh.us/bitcoin-dot.svg
19:59 assbot Call graph ... ( http://bit.ly/1Hcvoyr )
19:59 mircea_popescu asciilifeform ^
19:59 mircea_popescu solrodar do you know what gpg is ?
20:00 solrodar yes, but not used it
20:00 mircea_popescu !h
20:00 assbot http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/irc_bots/assbot
20:00 mircea_popescu solrodar consider register a signature with the bot.
20:00 mircea_popescu registering*
20:00 solrodar ok
20:01 mircea_popescu also consider leaving a comment with the link and a functional email address on the trilema post.
20:01 mircea_popescu (trying to make sure you can actually claim your prize - as it is anyone can in principle use a freenode nick)
20:12 BingoBoingo ;;bc,stats
20:12 gribble Current Blocks: None | Current Difficulty: 4.940201493122746E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 364895 | Next Difficulty In: None blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 13 hours, 16 minutes, and 1 second | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
~ 20 minutes ~
20:33 BingoBoingo !up solrodar
20:40 solrodar !rate assbot 1 testing
20:40 assbot You must be rated before you can rate.
20:40 solrodar heh
20:43 ben_vulpes !rate solrodar 1 doolb wen
20:43 assbot Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/f2cf461b4bf2e335
20:44 ben_vulpes !v assbot:ben_vulpes.rate.solrodar.1:898d1835333b88e8a1aeafa9acb92bbad9b839fc1cf4135f8a2ea7ea45bf4c5f
20:44 assbot Successfully added a rating of 1 for solrodar with note: doolb wen
20:45 BingoBoingo solrodar: Now !up yourself
20:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11000 @ 0.00057586 = 6.3345 BTC [+]
20:48 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1194040 << sorry, totally useless
20:48 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 23:59:32; solrodar: http://imgh.us/bitcoin-dot.svg
20:48 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=07-07-2015#1192228 << see thread
20:48 assbot Logged on 07-07-2015 21:11:38; ascii_field: my patience for 'help the mouse find the cheese' ran out when i was four
20:49 solrodar it's not great I know
20:49 solrodar but if that's the actual structure of the code then what else can you do?
20:50 shinohai I need a projector to see it
20:50 asciilifeform solrodar: gonna tell me that the structure requires putting, e.g., CWalletDB::ReadBestBlock a mile away from AppInit2, even though the former connects to ~nothing else~ ???!!
20:51 asciilifeform and see example of CreateNewBlock
20:51 asciilifeform if you had ~only~ this chart,
20:51 asciilifeform could you say what it calls ?
20:51 asciilifeform i'd be lying if i said yes
20:52 asciilifeform not trying to be a spoilsport, but pointing out fact
20:52 solrodar yeah some things are oddly positioned
20:52 trinque it's gonna take manual arrangement
20:53 trinque no way around it
20:53 asciilifeform trinque: i really don't understand why
20:53 asciilifeform the most obvious problems have nothing to do with shortest paths
20:53 trinque and/or some really nice force directed graph thing
20:53 trinque of which I've found nothing but shit
20:53 asciilifeform another problem is abominably small print
20:53 asciilifeform at least 10% of the page should be occupied by letters.
20:54 solrodar I don't think any amount of manual arrangement would shrink the overall size that much
20:55 asciilifeform solrodar: tell you what. i'm not the one who put up the bounty (that was mircea_popescu) but i was the one who asked for the chart. if you can produce a dependency graph in s-expression format, embodying the info in this graph, ~and~ show me how to get same using open source utils, i will say the job is done
20:55 solrodar there are so many edges that you need to leave space between the nodes to keep them from overlapping too much
20:55 asciilifeform (the job won't be done, but it will become possible for me to do it)
20:56 asciilifeform you know, there is no reason why all the letters have to be parallel with the bottom of the page
20:56 asciilifeform plenty of room if you remove that limit
20:58 solrodar I don't follow you
20:58 solrodar what's parallel with what?
20:59 asciilifeform the captions
20:59 asciilifeform are all horizontal
20:59 asciilifeform they don't have to be
21:00 solrodar I don't see how changing that would give you more space
21:01 BingoBoingo !b 9
21:01 assbot Last 9 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2SZRD5W.txt )
21:01 asciilifeform ferfuxxake
21:01 asciilifeform i could draw the picture and explain. but then i will have drawn the picture
21:01 BingoBoingo !b 2
21:01 assbot Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0B3S7RR.txt )
21:02 solrodar I mean it's the positioning of the boxes which is the problem
21:03 BingoBoingo The problem is the thing being modeled, hence the bounty
21:04 asciilifeform !up solrodar
21:04 solrodar you can get dot to lay the graph out from top to bottom rather than left to right, but it won't be any better
21:04 asciilifeform wasn't the idea
21:05 asciilifeform idea is, to make the text sit down at whatever angle is needed
21:05 asciilifeform 31 degrees if need be
21:05 asciilifeform or 5
21:05 asciilifeform to maximize space for the arrows.
21:06 asciilifeform and other thing, if a node is a leaf of only one stem, it should be right next to it
21:06 asciilifeform and not half the page away.
21:06 asciilifeform there is room for this to be the case everywhere.
21:07 solrodar yeah, I don't know why it doesn't always do that
21:07 solrodar it's clearly doing it in some places
21:07 asciilifeform because the tool is retarded
21:07 asciilifeform i can use that tool too, you know.
21:07 asciilifeform i don't need the garbage that comes out of codeviz or those other 3
21:07 asciilifeform i need a usable graph
21:08 asciilifeform this is probably more than 1 btc worth of work
21:08 asciilifeform and so i'm not holding my breath waiting for it to get done by anybody.
21:08 solrodar looks that way
21:09 solrodar so if I provide the graph in s-expression format with instructions, do you have any specific plan for visualizing it?
21:10 solrodar or you just want the data to experiment?
21:10 asciilifeform data.
21:10 asciilifeform but not only it, but a complete recipe whereby i can regenerate it.
21:10 solrodar of course
21:11 asciilifeform solrodar: might wanna ask mircea_popescu if he will award the prize for this item, which is not what he asked for, before putting in serious effort
21:12 solrodar at this stage the only extra effort is to output it in sexpr format rather than dot format
21:13 solrodar I'm already pulling the graph into a script to do some filtering
21:13 asciilifeform neat.
21:13 * BingoBoingo wonders how his 0.7.2 qt build ever worked on OpenBSD
21:13 asciilifeform thank you for the effort, solrodar
21:13 solrodar because if you include all the low-level functions and bignum classes and so forth in the graph then it'll be 10 times worse
21:13 asciilifeform eheheheeh wat
21:13 asciilifeform these are missing?!!!
21:14 asciilifeform then entirely useless
21:14 asciilifeform i want every token
21:14 asciilifeform in *.cpp and *.h
21:14 asciilifeform in that tree.
21:14 solrodar you can have every token
21:14 asciilifeform gotta have those.
21:14 solrodar including std:: and boost::
21:14 asciilifeform how did you even choose what to exclude ?
21:14 solrodar just remove the filters
21:14 asciilifeform where did the filter come from ?
21:14 solrodar started with the standard library
21:15 solrodar then cut out nodes with very high in-degree which appeared to be low-level functions
21:15 punkman btw aren't all those stacked "using namespace std;" "using namespace boost;" statements a bad idea?
21:15 asciilifeform would like a way of adjusting this
21:16 solrodar yeah, it's just a list of regexes, you can change them as you like
21:16 asciilifeform ok
21:17 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193949 << virtually all of them do, however. whether ~i~ choose to run ntp or not does not change the fact that the bulk of the network (including - though i can only suspect! - the mining bulk) does.
21:17 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 23:15:17; mircea_popescu: owner of node may choose to depend on it
21:17 BingoBoingo solrodar: If your recipe works a narrative of it could be welcome qntra material
21:17 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193950 << i keep own time, and usg introduces leap second. now what
21:17 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 23:15:23; mircea_popescu: otherwise, nothing keeps you from keeping your own time.
21:17 solrodar the one thing which is missing which you asked for is virtual function calls, which are only used in the keystore base class
21:18 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193951 << it's why they produce incompatible ones regularly. because no way to know if it happened or not yet, save for passage of time
21:18 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 23:19:24; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193532 << no one can force them to know it was doxxed, either.
21:18 solrodar they don't appear to be in the clang output
21:19 asciilifeform solrodar: your tool doesn't see virtual functions ?
21:20 solrodar it sees their implementations but it doesn't see calls to them via the virtual lookup mechanism
21:20 asciilifeform solrodar: and how do you know that they are only used in keystore base class ?
21:21 solrodar grep virtual *.h :)
21:21 asciilifeform fair enough.
21:22 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193979 << mircea_popescu misunderstood my point entirely. which was, that it is possible to have arbitrarily original ideas in, e.g., mathematics, while being certifiably worthless at 'making phriends and influencing people'
21:22 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 23:32:00; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193615 << this is a hollywood fiction. "the strong, silent type". not found in nature.
21:22 scoopbot_revived S.MPOE: Trader's Delight. http://www.contravex.com/2015/07/08/s-mpoe-traders-delight/
21:22 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> ... << i keep own time, and usg introduces leap second. now what << How often? A minute over a century and ignoring should be fine
21:23 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: and if they decide that 'national s33k0000r1ty' requires a leap week ?
21:23 asciilifeform to thwart 'financial terrorizm!!!1111'
21:23 asciilifeform (aka bitcoin use)
21:23 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: The time nerds burn the... Well QuickTrip and CVS were done so I guess WalMart
21:24 solrodar !rate ben_vulpes 1 welcomed me to #b-a
21:24 assbot Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/8c4aa8cc715c6d75
21:24 asciilifeform !rate solrodar 1 flow graphs
21:24 assbot Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/ebf2651b9eb17fd5
21:25 solrodar !v assbot:solrodar.rate.ben_vulpes.1:be7ce5a08c6698de2492a0c464338aa0a12c9c6070b6d7a9a6feffbe27ef763a
21:25 assbot Successfully added a rating of 1 for ben_vulpes with note: welcomed me to #b-a
21:25 asciilifeform !v assbot:asciilifeform.rate.solrodar.1:0a8d0ab5914fc2d41371f84fe250e40f9eab92aab2afdf54f7774066895e50c5
21:25 assbot Successfully added a rating of 1 for solrodar with note: flow graphs
21:25 BingoBoingo Leapweek would purely put USG time in the realm of clearly fiat time
21:25 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: it was always fiat time
21:26 asciilifeform just as argentine peso was fiat when it was still worth real money
21:26 asciilifeform we haven't invented non-fiat time yet
21:26 BingoBoingo Yes, even with the Romans fiat time. But poerverted like now dollar fiat time. At present still enjoy 1934 dollar fiat time
21:27 asciilifeform (yes, decimation will teach you to tell epoch time within +/1 1000 by using the stars and moon. that does not change the essence of the fact that global epoch synchronized by machines is a fiat - specifically usg - creature)
21:27 decimation asciilifeform: how is 'mean solar day is split into two parts; divided into 24 peices' fiat time?
21:27 decimation you were the one arguing to ditch leap seconds
21:27 asciilifeform it is fiat if i can't see the sun and rely on the kind to tell me
21:27 asciilifeform *king
21:27 decimation okay.
21:27 BingoBoingo As far as I can tell time does not exist other than as a projection perpetrated by the brain
21:27 asciilifeform this is a subtle point, granted
21:27 asciilifeform and i don't expect everyone to grasp it immediately
21:28 decimation time is absolute, space squishes and streches to nail to its strictures
21:28 decimation asciilifeform: what does 'time outside of humanity' even mean?
21:28 BingoBoingo decimation: Astronomical time is probelematic in that we do not know if LizardHitler mothership can subtly tow sun a few miles or give the moon a push
21:29 decimation sure, he could do that
21:29 asciilifeform decimation: 'outside of humanity' is a tall order. and not what anybody was asking for
21:29 asciilifeform just needs to be 'outside' to the same extent bitcoin is (or naively appears to be)
21:29 asciilifeform that is, massively resistant to organized diddling
21:29 decimation what's the use of 'bitcoin outside of humanity'
21:30 asciilifeform !s martian bank
21:30 assbot 6 results for 'martian bank' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=martian+bank
21:30 decimation even martians could live with a 24-hour earth day
21:30 decimation 'dude just tell us how to set our clocks'
21:31 asciilifeform because they can all see the sun
21:31 asciilifeform and feel its warmth
21:31 asciilifeform but say they lived underground, and could not.
21:32 asciilifeform the sun is almost literally blinding decimation, making the problem look far easier than it actually is for us
21:32 asciilifeform pogo cannot see the sun!
21:32 decimation aye, that's a problem
21:32 decimation but quite separate than 'we depend on time'
21:32 asciilifeform it cannot see the moon, or the stars
21:32 decimation I guess I just can't see 'we need to sun' to be a huge limitation on any human endeavour
21:32 asciilifeform in so far as you, i, and every other fella on the net wants to know 'what second' it is 'right now', we are dealing in usgtronics
21:33 asciilifeform because there is no other known way to do it
21:33 asciilifeform within any kind of serious accuracy
21:33 decimation yes, but that's conditional
21:33 decimation and we don't need serious accuracy
21:33 decimation +/- 5 min would be fine
21:33 decimation or even more
21:33 asciilifeform actually we do
21:33 asciilifeform because drift
21:33 decimation easily achieved with stopwatch and gnomon
21:33 asciilifeform long enough at +/- 5m and we get >2h off
21:33 asciilifeform and it's game over.
21:33 decimation yeah but these aren't launching into space
21:34 asciilifeform they sorta are.
21:34 decimation can emerge, get reset
21:34 asciilifeform not from under the bed of the gurlz mircea_popescu picks up and pogopregnates
21:34 decimation well, if that were a hard spec I would agree, need txco or ocxo
21:34 decimation and there's no way around it, if actual human cannot set
21:34 williamdunne From the looks of things, S.MPOE used to have a thousand BTC or so volume per day
21:34 williamdunne Pretty solid
21:34 decimation or we cannot build a trusted network of time sources
21:35 asciilifeform my argument was that this apparently-unsolvable problem can be solved
21:35 asciilifeform if a certain constraint is loosenes
21:35 decimation you mean modifying the bitcoind to accept wider windows of blocks?
21:35 BingoBoingo <decimation> easily achieved with stopwatch and gnomon << This leads you to my world, where my mechinical autowinding watch is always perfectly accurate because I declare it so
21:35 asciilifeform to have the concept of difficulty, nodes only need to know that time has passed, using a timebase that 1) is independent variable from aggregate hash 2) is prohibitively expensive to manipulate
21:36 decimation BingoBoingo: can you use your winding to predict the sunrise
21:36 asciilifeform i possibly have a scheme for this. but it won't help pogo, because this is no longer bitcoin
21:36 asciilifeform right now i don't know how to help the pogo problem.
21:36 mats recently S.MPOE has stood still
21:36 decimation asciilifeform: you do, it involves hardware
21:36 asciilifeform mircea_popescu et al were contemplating a surrender to ntp even.
21:36 mats its a real bummer
21:36 decimation unless you just want to give into ntp
21:36 BingoBoingo decimation: Realtive to UTC, yes. I live about a minute in a half to UTC's future
21:37 asciilifeform decimation: adding any hardware at all will raise the cost to where we no longer have anything over the phoundation.
21:37 asciilifeform and their standard x86 turd boards.
21:37 decimation well, if that's a hard spec, and 'launch into space' is a hard spec, the project is a failure
21:38 decimation unless you are willing to accept the risk of a global ntp/router delay attack
21:39 BingoBoingo to the extent ntp is depended upon by other implementations, it seems ntp servers may need to be polled. If they need to be polled the prolly ought to be polled at arc4random() intervals selecting arc4random() out of the pool each go
21:39 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: my concern was blackholing
21:39 decimation BingoBoingo: ascii's argument is that method is defeated if enemy controlls isp
21:39 BingoBoingo Serious concern
21:39 asciilifeform where every single ntp query gets picked up by your isp and replaced.
21:40 asciilifeform this is realistic, because nothing but pogo will seriously fail if this were done
21:40 asciilifeform it's a cheap bullet with our name on it
21:41 shinohai T_T
21:41 decimation I dispuse the 'nothing but pogo would fail'
21:41 decimation plenty of shit is poorly engineered into depending on that kind of stuff
21:41 asciilifeform say my isp makes all ntp queries chronically 3 minutes off into the past
21:41 BingoBoingo Only way to truly defeat ISP is mock over the horizon radar which can force PCB to recieve all data as an involuntary antenna.
21:42 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> say my isp makes all ntp queries chronically 3 minutes off into the past << Burn a Walmart
21:42 asciilifeform eventually pogo drifts off into neverneverland
21:42 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: you won't know that you have segmented into a parallel universe
21:42 asciilifeform not like pogo has a screen, where it tells you that it is (or is not) receiving valid blocks
21:42 asciilifeform for that matter, 'you' may be one of mircea_popescu's pogopregnated chixxx
21:42 asciilifeform and have no idea what a block is.
21:43 asciilifeform or what that box he plugged into your wall is for
21:43 BingoBoingo Perhaps L1 and L2 pogo impregnators should herd the impregnated pogos
21:43 asciilifeform all ~100 of us ?
21:43 asciilifeform lol
21:43 decimation no just pogo but all ntp clients
21:45 decimation and such an error, if it ends up driving the clock off by several minutes, would be detectable in a variety of ways
21:45 asciilifeform how?
21:45 BingoBoingo NBC
21:45 asciilifeform detecting an off clock requires another
21:45 decimation well, predicting sunrise for one
21:45 BingoBoingo ABC, FOX, et al
21:45 asciilifeform again with the sun and stars
21:45 decimation some other isp client finds his computer is 'off'
21:45 asciilifeform again with the human eyes and hands.
21:46 asciilifeform i specified a problem. what is the point of saying 'no, let's solve this other trivial problem'
21:46 decimation your scenario would imply that no human looks at the time served by said isp
21:46 asciilifeform i already know how to do that.
21:47 decimation I'm emphasizing the sun because that's the policy by which time is defined
21:48 decimation usg didn't make this policy any more than england did
21:48 asciilifeform sure
21:48 decimation and usg fucking with the way computers distribute time would ultimately be noticed by some innocent bystander
21:48 asciilifeform but we don't have a mechanism of syncing n-bit counters with second resolution across a planet that ~doesn't~ operate at hitler's pleasure.
21:49 decimation don't need second resolution
21:49 asciilifeform decimation: one very obvious way for it to fuck, and be noticed, is to simply fail
21:49 decimation as in, terminate all ntp services?
21:49 asciilifeform aha
21:50 asciilifeform from lack of money to pay the electric bill, say.
21:50 decimation I would also note that if the pogo clock varies in a systematic way (constant frequency error)
21:50 decimation it could be corrected
21:50 asciilifeform as far as i can tell, it does not.
21:50 asciilifeform and the reason is no mystery
21:51 asciilifeform (interrupts vary quite unpredictably)
21:51 decimation yeah, makes sens
21:51 decimation so if the pogo syncs to a random node once per month and keeps time within a few minutes, it'll be fine
21:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31452 @ 0.00057008 = 17.9302 BTC [-] {2}
21:52 decimation is it vulnerable? yes. more vulnerable than proof-of-work? yes, if in the hands of an idiot
21:52 asciilifeform random node ?
21:52 asciilifeform which also gets to drift ?
21:52 decimation ntp node
21:52 decimation most ntp nodes are tracable to some source (yes often usg) to two layers
21:52 decimation but that usg clock is depended on by and awful lot of shit
21:53 decimation if usg starts messing with gps it would be quickly noticed and shouted at
21:53 asciilifeform decimation: there is no reason why ~all~ ntp servers proper would have to be diddled
21:53 asciilifeform just the queries from known bitcoin nodes
21:53 asciilifeform incl pogo
21:53 asciilifeform not like it's a secret who they are.
21:54 decimation agreed, but to selectively fuck with known bitcoin nodes would imply the deployment of an awful lot of hardware and expertise globally
21:54 asciilifeform tomorrow hitler says 'anybody talking on 8333 gets timewarped'
21:54 asciilifeform won't affect anything else.
21:54 decimation hitler spends $100 mil to do it?
21:54 asciilifeform it's deployed!
21:54 asciilifeform already!
21:54 asciilifeform srsly
21:54 asciilifeform what do you suppose 'narus' makes ?
21:54 decimation you think you could call up your local comcastic office, pretend to be hitler, and demand that a particular protocol be selectively fucked with?
21:55 asciilifeform you - no
21:55 asciilifeform the folks with the key to room 641a - yes
21:55 decimation that's one chokepoint
21:55 asciilifeform they don't work for crapcast either
21:55 asciilifeform they come and go when they want.
21:55 decimation no reason your ntp query need cross it
21:55 asciilifeform it is merely an example
21:55 asciilifeform of how it is done
21:55 decimation yes, and I"m sure it's not cheap
21:55 decimation nor easily mass deployed
21:55 asciilifeform there is a 'room 641a' at every single major infrastructural junction
21:55 asciilifeform certainly in nato-reich
21:55 decimation not every isp office
21:55 asciilifeform and similar in ru, cn
21:56 asciilifeform every backbone.
21:56 decimation so, don't cross backbones
21:56 decimation or, cross several
21:56 asciilifeform and the argument that some backwards isp, somewhere, may not be 'up to date', does not sway me.
21:57 BingoBoingo I guess Bitcoin builds an Argentina, Phillipines, somolia, ISIS backbone and moves geographically
21:57 decimation but your 'fucked with at the isp level' argument falls apart in that case
21:57 asciilifeform at what level the fucking will be done, is debatable
21:57 asciilifeform but that it is doable, and trivial, and can be carried out in such a way as to affect only known bitcoin nodes, seems obvious to me
21:58 decimation I would agree that if the pogo needs to be launched into space, it wouldn't be such a bad thing if it knew where it was on the internet topology, especially relative to other bitcoin nodes
21:58 decimation asciilifeform: it's possible but again it requires expertise and equipment
21:58 decimation comcast can barely keeps the lights running
21:58 asciilifeform comcast - sure
21:58 asciilifeform upstream - no
21:59 asciilifeform and this kind of dull, mechanistic diddlage is precisely what usg specializes in
21:59 asciilifeform no imagination needed
21:59 asciilifeform just mutilate packets if regexp matches.
21:59 decimation what usg agency would perform this work domestically?
22:00 asciilifeform at&t.
22:00 decimation they ain't gonna do it for free
22:01 decimation and 'fucking with bitcoin' is probably pretty low on usg's hitlist (not that it should be so low)
22:01 asciilifeform how the hell would i (or anyone else) know where it is on what list ?
22:01 asciilifeform mircea_popescu's intel dept. - possibly
22:01 asciilifeform me? no
22:01 asciilifeform but i don't get to say 'it's low on the list, let's all sleep'
22:01 BingoBoingo I doubt that after today. After the Chicom stockmarket sell embargo and NYSE glitch
22:02 decimation neither do I. but assuming the pogo isn't a complete bust, someone's gonna have to evaluate the risk
22:02 asciilifeform my point is that this kind of attack is not only the kind of thing usg specializes in, but pretty much the only thing they know how to do at all
22:02 decimation how would you know that, if you don't know the hitlist
22:03 asciilifeform can't know. only conjecture.
22:03 asciilifeform based on existing nonsense coming out of the we-don't-know-how-to-break-rsa-yet-agency
22:03 asciilifeform no idea what the ~other~ nsa does
22:04 asciilifeform that gun hasn't publicly fired yet.
22:08 BingoBoingo !up Vexual
22:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11000 @ 0.00056898 = 6.2588 BTC [-]
22:09 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193991 << was linked as 'entomological sample' ! specifically, example of folks 'spinning their wheels'
22:09 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 23:39:06; mircea_popescu: http://polymatharchives.blogspot.in/2015/01/the-inappropriately-excluded.html << this thing is such bs. if the intelligent need to whine on an obscure blog, and for "society" to GIVE THEM shit they're about as intelligent as a mensa chapter. which isn't all that flattering.
22:10 asciilifeform i bet if some helpful fella gave them a few kg of plastique each, they would put it to good use...
22:10 asciilifeform just as mr stack probably would have
22:10 asciilifeform and what, precisely, ought one expect of folks raised in a zoo?
22:11 asciilifeform how do lions in the zoo get things, other than being 'given' ?
22:13 decimation http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=05-07-2015#1188651 < a map that demonstrates your point: http://www.citylab.com/housing/2015/07/mapping-the-us-by-property-value-instead-of-land-area/397841/
22:13 assbot Logged on 05-07-2015 21:44:22; mircea_popescu: that's really the tension here : usians currently use the us like inept argentines: they huddle around the coast and pull their cocks.
22:13 assbot A Map of the U.S. by Property Value Instead of Land Area - CityLab ... ( http://bit.ly/1TmJRPW )
22:13 asciilifeform the coasts are where usg hands out payola.
22:13 decimation "The total value of all the residential property in Kentucky ($300 billion) falls just short of the value of all the housing property in Queens ($317 billion). The housing value of the Upper East Side all by itself is greater than that of six states."
22:13 asciilifeform hence folks live there.
22:13 decimation aye
22:14 asciilifeform it hands it out there for historical reasons (it is where the majority of the chump candidates live, given as that is where the anthill mega-cities are found)
22:14 asciilifeform on account of having been built there back when actual honest commerce was a thing
22:15 asciilifeform but point of fact is, to ~me~ kentucky may as well be pluto
22:15 asciilifeform and to everyone i know.
22:15 BingoBoingo decimation: Too be fair Kentucky isn't "flat" enough for intentive Monsanto'ing
22:16 decimation asciilifeform: it's actually a pretty nice place
22:16 asciilifeform aha
22:16 asciilifeform pluto is nice too, i hear
22:16 asciilifeform in its own way
22:16 decimation nydwracu pointed out how coast elites treat anywhere 100 miles inland in the us as 'foriegn country'
22:16 BingoBoingo Kentucky is beautiful. Like Southern Illinois, but entirely politically divorced from Chicago aside from Obola
22:16 asciilifeform because it is.
22:17 asciilifeform because wtf can you live on there.
22:17 BingoBoingo <decimation> nydwracu pointed out how coast elites treat anywhere 100 miles inland in the us as 'foriegn country' << I prefer this arrangement
22:17 asciilifeform that's what 'foreign country' even ~means~, historically
22:17 asciilifeform that one is not wanted there.
22:18 asciilifeform kentucky, or argentina, etc, literally don't need me in particular for anything but 'weight in pork'
22:18 asciilifeform if that.
22:19 asciilifeform doesn't mean that i dislike those places, or their inhabitants
22:19 asciilifeform ar, in particular, i liked very much.
22:19 asciilifeform and the inhabitants.
22:21 decimation yeah, I get it, the meatwot is important
22:21 decimation also being within 'reasonable transport' distance of good food, places of learning, etc
22:21 decimation I predict that if the 'hyperloop' actually works (dubious) it would rot the suburbs around megacities
22:22 decimation a sizable chunk of the wash dc population would move 100-200 miles away if they could commute in 15 minutes
22:22 decimation if not farther
22:24 decimation !up The20YearIRCloud
22:24 The20YearIRCloud It's alive!
22:25 williamdunne What's alive?
22:25 The20YearIRCloud Boy I had a crappy day, one of the renters called me and nothing would drain. Only to find out they've been parking a car on the main drain line. I offered to go out rather than my crew to take care of it, 3hrs later and $400 we've determined that it's all due to someone parking on the drain line and actually pushing it out of the fittings.
22:25 The20YearIRCloud The chat!
22:26 asciilifeform wai wat
22:26 asciilifeform these drains are made of rubber ?!
22:26 Vexual u charged 400?
22:26 asciilifeform The20YearIRCloud: how is it even physically possible ?
22:27 asciilifeform i, for instance, park on top of my house's drain pipe every single day.
22:27 decimation yeah, like did they forget to use pvc cement?
22:27 The20YearIRCloud loose soil, 3000lbs car sitting on it ~10hrs/day
22:27 asciilifeform i know where it is, because the city excavated it last year.
22:27 asciilifeform it is two metres under the asphalt.
22:27 asciilifeform ah
22:27 The20YearIRCloud there was a 8ft PVC section between two clay drain sections
22:28 The20YearIRCloud This was 4ft under soil
22:28 decimation clay drain? Like terra cotta?
22:28 The20YearIRCloud yep
22:28 The20YearIRCloud 110 year old drain
22:28 asciilifeform where was this? africa ?
22:28 decimation lul
22:28 The20YearIRCloud still works somewhat well, but parking on it certainly hasn't helped things
22:28 The20YearIRCloud Part of that $400 was to have a guy come out with a camera and inspect the line
22:29 Vexual plus cakes for you while u lurk?
22:29 decimation the 'loose soil' must be underneath the pipe
22:29 decimation I would guess the drain is eroding the surrounding soil
22:30 The20YearIRCloud Quite possibly, there's a concrete walkway that's actually sunk down about 6"
22:30 decimation lul
22:30 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-07-2015#1194417 << remember how the spiel went when the highways were built ?
22:30 assbot Logged on 09-07-2015 02:22:22; decimation: a sizable chunk of the wash dc population would move 100-200 miles away if they could commute in 15 minutes
22:30 Vexual is it being dug up now?
22:30 decimation asciilifeform: except the highways were ultimately not built
22:30 asciilifeform the only thing new infrastructure is used for, in usa, is to pack in more chumps for same kind of life.
22:31 asciilifeform there will simply be more folks who get to drive the obligatory 1-2 hr
22:31 decimation md 200 should be a full freeway, connect with 95 on at least two other river crossings
22:31 asciilifeform and if it were ?
22:31 asciilifeform they'd just put 2x as many 500k houses in.
22:31 decimation asciilifeform: yes but I'm convinced the reason that people live 2 hours away is because of zoning policy
22:32 decimation could easily fit the entire metro area's population inside the beltway (affordably) if you could build 50 story highrises
22:32 decimation but there's this weird need to have 'own country estate' in the us
22:32 asciilifeform not weird at all
22:33 asciilifeform ~i~ want to put as much distance as possible between own arse and these folks.
22:33 asciilifeform it makes god's own sense to me
22:33 asciilifeform that they would feel same way.
22:33 decimation actually I agree with you, I feel the same way to some degree
22:33 decimation my theory is that the space you had as a child 'imprints'
22:33 asciilifeform aha
22:33 decimation city kid can live in apartment for life
22:34 decimation suburb kid needs a suburb
22:34 The20YearIRCloud Not all people are like that, in Columbus they're building lots of 30-40 story apartments because people want em
22:34 asciilifeform i grew up in a city
22:34 The20YearIRCloud They're relatively cheap - $150k-$200k in really well-to-do areas, people want em because they're in the middle of everything and cheap
22:34 asciilifeform but it had almost no traffic
22:34 Vexual opposition leader is explaining to the royal commission here on tv, how to build roads that don't need fixing all the time
22:34 The20YearIRCloud But personally, I'd never want to live there
22:34 asciilifeform so traffic noises drive me batshit
22:35 asciilifeform as do screaming morons
22:35 decimation The20YearIRCloud: yeah but in columbus at least it is legal to build more than 5 stories
22:35 asciilifeform we didn't have those, either
22:35 The20YearIRCloud Correct, why it's cheap
22:35 trinque I spent time on a large farm as a kid, cannot stand the population density of cities
22:35 trinque so naturally I live in one
22:35 The20YearIRCloud I can't wait to go back to a farm setting
22:35 trinque just the background noise is irritating, like living in an engine room
22:36 The20YearIRCloud Yeah
22:36 The20YearIRCloud I don't like that, but i REALLY don't like not being able to stand on the back porch and not see anything
22:36 decimation but this means that there are probably many people who are 'trapped' - desire more space between themselves and others - but cannot move away in order to keep a job
22:36 The20YearIRCloud As it stands now ,if I do that here I see tall grass, a trailer, a half plywood house, then a large agricultural facility
22:36 trinque The20YearIRCloud: ah man, best thing in the world is to not see another human in any direction
22:36 decimation 70-80% of the population in cities ?
22:36 trinque but to each his own
22:36 asciilifeform what trinque said
22:36 The20YearIRCloud Off the back porch on the farm, the closest house was 2mi
22:37 asciilifeform except that i also want to not have to see them ever
22:37 decimation asciilifeform: you should buy a farm in kentucky
22:37 asciilifeform that sounds like actual work
22:37 asciilifeform fuck that
22:37 The20YearIRCloud We have areas here in ohio that have less population than many in kentucky
22:38 decimation go 'full perelman'
22:38 asciilifeform perelman, as i understand, lives off his mother's pension.
22:38 trinque I'm thinking getting some land in Washington state might be ideal
22:38 decimation trinque: not west of the mountains?
22:38 trinque close enough to drive to seattle shortly, but far enough to not know it
22:39 decimation !up warptangent
22:39 decimation !up Vexual
22:39 trinque decimation: not sure, I've yet to spend time east of them
22:40 trinque maybe there's something nice down 90 waiting for me
22:40 phf i lived 8 hours north of anchorage for 6 months or so, working remote. when i get out of the house in the morning my ears would heart from the silence. best 6 months of my life
22:40 asciilifeform ^
22:40 trinque sounds lovely.
22:40 The20YearIRCloud hurt or heart?
22:40 The20YearIRCloud Silence? No wind or animals?
22:41 trinque and the concentration that can be mustered (in my case at least) cannot be matched inside the engine room
22:41 phf The20YearIRCloud: after a bit your start hearing the trees lightly creaking in the wind
22:42 The20YearIRCloud I know on the farm it wasn't really ever quiet, there was always something
22:42 The20YearIRCloud but going from that to the city is very, very hard
22:42 asciilifeform another device that did not exist in the city where i grew up was: the subwoofer
22:42 trinque sure, wind, bugs
22:42 trinque but things your mind is quite used to
22:42 decimation asciilifeform: especially mobile ones?
22:42 asciilifeform any kind
22:42 phf The20YearIRCloud: this was on denali highway which is a kind of a wind tunnel nearby from a glacier. most of it is freezing all the way till mid summer (though i don't know, i spent a winter there)
22:43 * decimation has subwoofers, but attenuates by 30 dB at least
22:43 trinque as opposed to the hiss of hydraulic brakes, blare of horns, rumble of combustion engines
22:43 decimation I find it really annoying to have muddled bass
22:43 Vexual alf had a crystal set
22:43 trinque bugs I can tune out easily
22:43 asciilifeform it isn't even that su didn't know how to make loudspeakers
22:43 asciilifeform but that the idea of turning one on inside a block of flats...
22:44 phf The20YearIRCloud: but when the wind dies down (mornings mostly) it's what i would call dignified solitude. mountains, quiet. lots of interesting people living within 100 mile range :>
22:44 The20YearIRCloud hmm
22:48 Vexual for a day of funk phreakers blowing holes in speakers, a discussion on silence is delicious
22:50 phf http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-rw9Z6h3DDMo/TrTY5FJydDI/AAAAAAAAG4Y/m-uVqliksdA/s1600/denali%2Bhwy-6.jpg
22:50 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1dNhE4G )
22:52 Vexual you'd notice a bear from miles away
22:53 Vexual and the inverse i guess
22:54 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193778 << the going rate in that market is a few hundred.
22:54 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 20:42:45; bagels7: i'll be your slave for a million dollars on a 5 year basis
22:55 mircea_popescu an' for that matter the "basis" doesn't work like you imagine it does.
22:58 Vexual hey funk i saw clinton play, guy made ozone, ya could smell it
22:59 phf Vexual: kodiak bears stay away mostly. sometimes you get teenage bears looking for trouble, but i've only heard second hand stories
23:00 Vexual what happenis if theres a bear looking for trouble? do you run away?
23:00 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193856 << yeah lol, that'll work better than befoar.
23:00 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 21:13:37; ascii_field: the other is so that gavin & co. can try to persuade miners to use their turdball
23:00 phf bear mace :)
23:01 Vexual kinda short range ??
23:04 phf that specific breed of bears is tame. mostly you spook them and they run away, or you stay and wait for them to sniff and leave. after a few encounters like that the idea of macing a bear from close range doesn't seem particularly disconcerting
23:05 funkenstein_ Vexual, awesome :) where was the show?
23:05 Vexual bluesfest byron bay
23:06 funkenstein_ were you singing?
23:06 Vexual no, i din't even yell out
23:07 funkenstein_ lol yeah right
23:07 funkenstein_ this year?
23:07 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193867 >> pretty much. reddit being shut out of bitcoin is a sign of bitcoin working correctly.
23:07 assbot Logged on 08-07-2015 21:17:35; ascii_field: one telling mark of a tard is that he is unwilling to consider that market's job is not only to supply folks with things, but to REFUSE to supply them
23:07 Vexual few years back, i forget
23:07 mircea_popescu reddit then creating a new dogecoin to serve its perceived needs is a sign of reddit staying reddit, which is top say fucktarded and unable to learn from its mistakes.
23:07 mircea_popescu this is a necessity, given that reddit simply is "that collection of people at the age and level of stupidity of a redditard"
23:08 mircea_popescu so, whatever, dogecon, keisercoin, auroracoin, gavincoin, blablacoin, let the kids have fun
23:08 funkenstein_ better than playing video games
23:08 funkenstein_ well, mostly ;)
23:08 mircea_popescu the shitty videogames they have now, for sure.
23:09 mircea_popescu also better than watching vr mj or whatever it is emi puts out
23:09 funkenstein_ reminds me, showed girl b-a channel yesterday. respones, wow cool.. people chat online who aren't just trying to get laid?
23:10 mircea_popescu lol how did she meet you ?
23:10 funkenstein_ er, you got me there
23:11 mircea_popescu who else has she met ? :D
23:13 funkenstein_ one never knows, could be more but not so few as indicating severe problems
23:15 mod6 height=363734 << wedged here for ~2 hours.
23:15 mod6 I don't see any attempt to reorg... but i'm gonna increase the db locks * 2 and see if that changes anything.
23:15 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-07-2015#1194085 << svg is svg yo. not had to fix that part
23:15 assbot Logged on 09-07-2015 00:53:52; asciilifeform: at least 10% of the page should be occupied by letters.
23:16 mircea_popescu mod6 iirc asciilifeform saw the same wedge spot for a bit.
23:16 mod6 yeah, im fairly sure that he did.
23:17 mod6 asciilifeform: what did you do to bypass this, i thought i read you reconnected with -addnode or did you just /wait/ for a long period?
23:18 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-07-2015#1194155 << unreliably. maybe they decide to stop.
23:18 assbot Logged on 09-07-2015 01:17:02; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193949 << virtually all of them do, however. whether ~i~ choose to run ntp or not does not change the fact that the bulk of the network (including - though i can only suspect! - the mining bulk) does.
23:18 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-07-2015#1194158 << bitcoin actually has enough power structure to enforce a uniform rejection of usg leap second.
23:18 assbot Logged on 09-07-2015 01:17:38; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193950 << i keep own time, and usg introduces leap second. now what
23:19 mircea_popescu this is a power not to be neglected in the slightest.
23:19 mircea_popescu it already allows me to publicly mock all sorts of traditional power structures, reject nist, what have you.
23:21 decimation wait, to be anti-leap second is to be pro-'usg controls time'
23:21 decimation the policy becomes 'time is what my clock in my fortress says' not 'what the sun does'
23:21 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-07-2015#1194169 << i didn't misunderstand it. i simply do not credit it at all, just like i don't credit that an object could be arbitrarily pink but shapeless.
23:21 assbot Logged on 09-07-2015 01:22:46; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-07-2015#1193979 << mircea_popescu misunderstood my point entirely. which was, that it is possible to have arbitrarily original ideas in, e.g., mathematics, while being certifiably worthless at 'making phriends and influencing people'
23:22 mircea_popescu decimation there is no "sun does" immediately. sun doesn't. what there is, is, "here's what i say the sun does".
23:22 decimation umm okay
23:22 mircea_popescu the original leap second is http://trilema.com/2015/this-is-why-medicine-is-not-a-liberal-profession-but-a-servile-career/#selection-229.0-229.213
23:22 assbot This is why medicine is not a liberal profession, but a servile career on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1D2i8dP )
23:23 BingoBoingo <trinque> close enough to drive to seattle shortly, but far enough to not know it << I would not mind life in Duquoin Illinois if I could support myself there. Trains to Chicago and St Louis, bars walkable. Secondary State Fair. Just everything else... ick
23:23 decimation the only reason leap seconds are even a thing is because clocks have become more precise than the sun
23:24 funkenstein_ the concept of "fiat time" is interesting. If we are going to think about what is money ourselves instead of believing the guy in the funny hat, should we also do the same when asked what time it is?
23:24 mircea_popescu funkenstein_ turtles all the way down.
23:24 decimation funkenstein_: sure, but note that humanity has a pretty solid informal standard going, has for a long time
23:24 mircea_popescu decimation if this facetious "precision" were the point, it wouldn't be t here and t+1 hour a km away.
23:25 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-07-2015#1194574 << moved the clock. hence the clock thread.
23:25 assbot Logged on 09-07-2015 03:17:08; mod6: asciilifeform: what did you do to bypass this, i thought i read you reconnected with -addnode or did you just /wait/ for a long period?
23:25 mircea_popescu it's not precision. it's political influence.
23:25 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> ... << the going rate in that market is a few hundred. << I read the original message as hope for a winning "ticket"
23:25 decimation okay, if it's political influence, what's the policy?
23:25 mircea_popescu there is no policy.
23:25 mircea_popescu "do what we tell you - it's a useful habit for later"
23:25 funkenstein_ decimation, not really.. the adjustments are to sync the cycles together
23:25 mircea_popescu it is. just, wrong source.
23:25 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-07-2015#1194577 << if mircea_popescu has figured out how to 'reject usg time', i'm all ears.
23:25 assbot Logged on 09-07-2015 03:18:58; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-07-2015#1194158 << bitcoin actually has enough power structure to enforce a uniform rejection of usg leap second.
23:26 decimation funkenstein_: you mean leap seconds?
23:26 mircea_popescu asciilifeform if bitcoin nodes agree to any different time, it's rejected.
23:26 asciilifeform how are they to agree ?
23:26 mircea_popescu again, the possibility is here more important than the actuality.
23:26 funkenstein_ yeah. the mayans had a better system
23:26 mircea_popescu never you mind.
23:26 asciilifeform we haven't invented the mechanism !
23:26 asciilifeform 'if enemy comes, we will shoot him with death ray'
23:26 decimation funkenstein_: you are confusing calendar and clock
23:26 asciilifeform 'what death ray'
23:27 mircea_popescu you've just described "atomic balance"
23:27 mircea_popescu or w/e it's called.
23:27 asciilifeform i described the 'death ray balance' envisioned by tesla.
23:27 asciilifeform who, as far as we know, did not actually have a working electron cannon
23:28 asciilifeform but 'so close' in his own mind.
23:28 * BingoBoingo notes that in most client software not handling leap seconds seems safe http://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article&sid=20150628132834
23:28 assbot Handling Leap Seconds the OpenBSD Way ... ( http://bit.ly/1D2iq4n )
23:28 mircea_popescu no, the thing they spent a trillion to build missiles and subs
23:29 decimation there are three important periodic behaviours. the orbit of the earth about the sun, (lesser - moon about the earth), the rotation of the earth about its axis, and the vibration of cesium atoms. leap seconds syncronise earth's rotation with cesium. calendar synchronizes earth's rotation with its orbit
23:29 BingoBoingo <decimation> the only reason leap seconds are even a thing is because clocks have become more precise than the sun << No, it is because Sun and Cesium disagree
23:29 asciilifeform decimation: vibrations of atom don't come with indices. nor do sunrises.
23:29 asciilifeform is this such a difficult concept ?
23:29 decimation nope, nor do years
23:29 asciilifeform aha
23:29 decimation it's not to me
23:29 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-07-2015#1194235 << i really don't think that's the primary mission for it
23:29 assbot Logged on 09-07-2015 01:34:14; asciilifeform: not from under the bed of the gurlz mircea_popescu picks up and pogopregnates
23:30 funkenstein_ decimation, you miss the long cycle, but thanks for the distinction between leap second and leap year
23:30 decimation yet, I can use cesium to predict sunrises and use sunrises to predict cesium
23:30 asciilifeform i must confess that i'm not 100% clear on the primary mission. but did have the distinct impression that it involves making use of net jacks that don't have literate and attentive humans attached to them
23:31 mircea_popescu the idea was to make use of net jacks in people's houses
23:31 mircea_popescu ~people~s.
23:31 decimation if we were to ditch leap seconds, I would need to know the 'current delta' to predict cesium from sunrises and vice versa
23:31 * BingoBoingo watches "Gladiator(2000)" for the first time. Damn the Nordic system sucks.
23:32 mircea_popescu "so you'd like to learn more about bitcoin ? here's a pogo and here's a webpage, make it work"
23:32 asciilifeform and what of cuckoldry ?
23:32 asciilifeform ethernet jack in broom closet ?
23:32 decimation "Step one: configure an accurate ntp server. if you don't know how to check the time, ask your parents"
23:32 asciilifeform that's where $20 pogo really shines
23:33 * asciilifeform head-desks
23:33 decimation or alternatively "Step one: after booting, ensure the pogo has acquired accurate time"
23:34 decimation asciilifeform does have a good point, it seems like a 'sealed system' would have a wider application
23:34 asciilifeform the ~only~ advantage pogo has over pc
23:35 asciilifeform is that you can stuff it in broom closet, camouflage with old bum rags, get on motorcycle and never see the place again.
23:35 decimation better yet, build one in the shape of a power strip (with wifi) and install in local starbucks
23:36 asciilifeform sorta like what aaron swartz went around doing before he was hanged
23:36 asciilifeform decimation: no upnp in starbucks
23:36 asciilifeform gotta have that external 8333
23:36 decimation yeah that's a major sticking point
23:36 decimation upnp hardly works anywhere
23:36 decimation other than as an orifice
23:36 asciilifeform the most problematic aspect, possibly
23:36 asciilifeform i suspect that perhaps 1 in 5 pogos will actually run
23:37 asciilifeform solely on account of this
23:38 decimation you might be able to hijack "STUN" servers meant for sip
23:38 decimation but they might only tunnel udp
23:38 asciilifeform lol, fat lot of good that does.
23:39 BingoBoingo By argument via Hollywood /me has no idea how Romans beat Spartans to conquer Greece
23:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12812 @ 0.00056898 = 7.2898 BTC [-]
23:40 decimation http://www.internetsociety.org/articles/interactive-connectivity-establishment
23:40 assbot Interactive Connectivity Establishment | Internet Society ... ( http://bit.ly/1Cqdong )
23:40 decimation https://code.google.com/p/rfc5766-turn-server/
23:40 assbot rfc5766-turn-server - High-performance free open source TURN and STUN Server implementation. VoIP media traffic NAT traversal and gateway. TURN client library included. - Google Project Hosting ... ( http://bit.ly/1CqdsDz )
23:41 decimation ^ would create a choke point of course
23:41 mircea_popescu asciilifeform as i said, this wasn't to my mind related to the p2p relay thing
23:41 asciilifeform umm let's ~not~ tunnel through microshit ??
23:41 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: aha i know
23:41 mircea_popescu we will never have enough of these to simply throw away either
23:41 mircea_popescu you realise
23:41 asciilifeform throw away, no
23:41 mircea_popescu this is a $100 dollar gift, why make it to idiots.
23:41 asciilifeform deploy in places where pc cannot work - yes
23:42 mircea_popescu well, an item has the advantage that it can be used as it can be used, rather than as can be intended.
23:42 asciilifeform also 'never say never'
23:42 mircea_popescu but the idea throughout, at least in my head, was to have something to give new bloods
23:42 asciilifeform at some point i ~will~ locate the pieces to make something like pogo en masse
23:43 asciilifeform hell, 'hootoo' would be it right now if we could sit down in 32m.
23:43 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-07-2015#1194264 << eh get out.
23:43 assbot Logged on 09-07-2015 01:40:33; asciilifeform: this is realistic, because nothing but pogo will seriously fail if this were done
23:44 asciilifeform i'll bite. what else will perma-wedge if usg clock moves 2h into the past for a day ?
23:44 asciilifeform it can be passed off as 'botched daylight savings' in my locale
23:45 decimation bank, local merchant shop cash register, games, winblowz, local govt, etc
23:45 asciilifeform winblows - reboot as always
23:45 decimation and that's the unimportant shit
23:45 asciilifeform merchant shop - fails every other day
23:45 mircea_popescu decimation: what usg agency would perform this work domestically? asciilifeform:at&t. << top kek
23:45 decimation what do trains, planes rely on?
23:45 asciilifeform all of it is reparable because it customarily breaks every morning six times before breakfast
23:46 asciilifeform like all of fiatworld
23:46 asciilifeform esp on winblowz
23:46 mircea_popescu you're moving your goalposts asciilifeform
23:46 asciilifeform ?
23:46 mircea_popescu yes the shop fails every other day.
23:46 mircea_popescu it still would fail.
23:46 asciilifeform btw this is not uncommon where i live
23:47 asciilifeform quite often 'creditcard machine ain't working today. but we dusted off this carbon paper and press...'
23:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8888 @ 0.00056898 = 5.0571 BTC [-]
23:47 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-07-2015#1194389 << argentine govt does exactly same stupid failure mode bs
23:47 assbot Logged on 09-07-2015 02:13:37; asciilifeform: the coasts are where usg hands out payola.
23:48 asciilifeform at any rate, down in the log, i point out that it would be absolutely trivial to serve diddled ntp solely to known btc nodess.
23:48 mircea_popescu borrows in europe, distributes loot to people in capital
23:48 asciilifeform where else? in pampas, to the pampas cats?
23:48 mircea_popescu why the fuck do these schmucks need as much as a cigarette butt ?
23:48 mircea_popescu give it to the people going deeply inside.
23:48 decimation I think "absolutely trivial" is a bit of an overstatement
23:48 mircea_popescu that way you won't lose wars with fucking peri
23:48 mircea_popescu peru*
23:48 asciilifeform l0l!
23:48 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yes. like the us did it back when it mattered.
23:49 mircea_popescu 50 acres and a mule, if you swear to never go to town
23:49 asciilifeform that was before monsanto and winblowz-traktor
23:49 asciilifeform aha
23:49 mircea_popescu they wanna be independent
23:49 mircea_popescu and "patria doesn't give blowjobs" bs
23:49 decimation those 50 acres are either owned by monsanto or abandoned today
23:50 mircea_popescu one of the lulziest electroal slogans here (in the line of "podremos vivir mejor", of course) was... "hay mas futuro"
23:50 BingoBoingo !up Vexual
23:50 mircea_popescu hipster country.
23:50 mircea_popescu who the fuck even comes up with this shit. "there's future left"
23:51 decimation sounds like an obamaism
23:51 asciilifeform 'no there isn't'
23:51 decimation "we are the ones we have been waiting for"
23:52 decimation "things are getting better comrades"
23:52 mircea_popescu "that's not the plumber in your mother's bedroom"
23:52 mircea_popescu actually this could be a film.
23:52 asciilifeform http://image1.thematicnews.com/uploads/topics/preview/00/01/24/91/a5825d35bb.jpg
23:52 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1D2jLbs )
23:55 decimation asciilifeform: what does it say?
23:55 asciilifeform 'living's become better, living's become merrier'
23:56 asciilifeform famously attributed to stalin circa '37
23:56 decimation heh yeah
23:57 mircea_popescu well... keynesian logic. if consumption drives production then clearly the economy's never been ion a better shape
23:58 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-07-2015#1194583 << would like to see this expanded if mircea_popescu has time.
23:58 assbot Logged on 09-07-2015 03:21:46; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-07-2015#1194169 << i didn't misunderstand it. i simply do not credit it at all, just like i don't credit that an object could be arbitrarily pink but shapeless.
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