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← 2015-02-08 | 2015-02-10 →
00:12 danielpbarron !up napedia
00:12 danielpbarron what's up with your friend, napedia?
00:14 napedia I'm guessing you're talking about Daniel. The answer is that there is an internal split at SNI regarding the block size. Daniel is on the other side of Michael and Pierre.
00:14 danielpbarron aha
00:15 danielpbarron and which side are you on?
00:17 napedia I don't write for SNI. My opinion is that I'd like to see SNI sort it out with economic reasoning and good articles. Pierre's arguments are most persusasive.
00:18 danielpbarron i don't think the issue is limited to SNI; surely you have an opinion on the matter
00:20 mircea_popescu people dun have to have an opinion do they
00:25 mircea_popescu !up ascii_modem
00:26 ascii_modem ty
00:26 ascii_modem BingoBoingo: i killed the alert thing with own hands
00:26 ascii_modem what do you need it back for ?
00:27 BingoBoingo ascii_modem: Was killing in it 0.86
00:27 BingoBoingo *o.8.6
00:27 ascii_modem what do you need .8.6 for ?
00:28 BingoBoingo I run a node on 0.8.6 as a charity for the SPV wallet using freeloaders
00:30 mircea_popescu !up aslan
00:31 ascii_modem BingoBoingo: snip same way, or change the key verif. conditional to 0
00:31 BingoBoingo ascii_modem: Mechanism was actually moved sometime between 0.5.3 and 0.8.6
00:32 BingoBoingo Ended up changine pubkey and commenting the alert trigger out of main.cpp
00:33 mircea_popescu "We do not know what he would have said–it is just possible that the unprocurable pamphlet, 1601, would supply a clue but we may guess that it would have wrecked his reputation and reduced his income to reasonable proportions."
00:33 mircea_popescu orwell couldn't get 1601 lol
00:34 ascii_modem mentioned at least half a dozen 'couldn't gets'
00:34 ascii_modem incl. it
00:35 mircea_popescu books suck. proof.
00:48 ascii_modem gas distribution more reliable than electric... <<< no one has yet devised a way of attaching gas pipes to poles above ground. hence - reliable.
00:49 mircea_popescu shit i hope i have these pics somewhere.
00:49 mircea_popescu miles and miles of overland pipage.
00:50 ascii_modem not in residential streets - at least in usa
00:51 ascii_modem likewise, gas does not short-circuit (nearly constant grid load)
00:52 mircea_popescu ascii_modem do you remember that walk when those gypsy girls accosted you ?
00:52 ascii_modem aha!
00:52 mircea_popescu pipes overhead.
00:52 ascii_modem distribution or mains?
00:53 mircea_popescu i dun even recall.
00:53 TheNewDeal soo anyone interested in buy some no on https://bitbet.us/bet/1114/btc-to-rise-vs-usd-in-february/ ?
00:53 assbot BitBet - BTC to rise vs USD in February :: 4.46 B (70%) on Yes, 1.89 B (30%) on No | closing in 2 weeks 2 days | weight: 75`610 (100`000 to 1) ... ( http://bit.ly/170RcSy )
00:53 ascii_modem and now that it was mentioned, can those gurlz smell benjies and at what range...?
00:54 ascii_modem (was my hypothesis)
00:56 mircea_popescu !up ascii_modem
00:56 ascii_modem ty
00:58 danielpbarron !v assbot:danielpbarron.rate.danielkrawisz.-2:9143f035179316633074c1e4c4ce2798d56d610b61fc201aa50d947c24d8451e
00:58 assbot Successfully updated the rating for danielkrawisz from 1 to -2 with note: thinks it is likely that larger blocks would be adopted
00:58 ascii_modem who even was that
00:59 mircea_popescu you know thinking can't be a crime.
00:59 danielpbarron i had a weird feeling about him leading up to this
00:59 mircea_popescu well at the very least express yourself better. i dunno anyone who'd think much of thought crime.
01:00 danielpbarron his argument is that larger blocks mean higher price per BTC
01:00 mircea_popescu 'the devil himself knoweth not the mind of men' as the expression goes.
01:00 ascii_modem i'm still at a loss re: who hoped to achieve what, exactly, by sending in the latest ninjaspamz3r
01:01 mircea_popescu ascii_modem yu don't understand how the world works.
01:01 mircea_popescu i need this as an acronym.
01:01 danielpbarron http://nakamotoinstitute.org/mempool/who-controls-bitcoin/
01:01 assbot Who Controls Bitcoin? | Satoshi Nakamoto Institute ... ( http://bit.ly/1yZ8tCx )
01:01 ascii_modem clearly not
01:02 danielpbarron "The general rule about Bitcoin upgrades, therefore, is that upgrades which increase Bitcoin's value will be adopted and those which do not will not. Therefore, Bitcoin is not likely to be upgraded in ways which make it easier to regulate because that would decrease the value of the coins. Bitcoin might be upgraded in ways that make it more anonymous because a more anonymous coin would likely be more valuable. An upgrade whi
01:02 mircea_popescu this is such idiocy the likes of which was never seen.
01:02 ben_vulpes ascii_modem: are you talking about the minor pestilence?
01:03 ascii_modem aha
01:03 mircea_popescu ;;later tell danielkrawisz what are you, the second coming of pangloss ?
01:03 gribble The operation succeeded.
01:03 mircea_popescu ""It is demonstrable," said he, "that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end. Observe, for instance, the nose is formed for spectacles, therefore we wear spectacles. The legs are visibly designed for stockings, accordingly we wear stockings. Stones were made to be hewn and to construct castles, therefore My Lord ha
01:03 mircea_popescu s a magnificent castle; for the greatest baron in the province ought to be the best lodged. Swine were intended to be eaten, therefore we eat pork all the year round: and they, who assert that everything is right, do not express themselves correctly; they should say that everything is best.""
01:05 danielpbarron also from that article: "The nodes that really matter are the ones that provide valuable services. It doesn't matter if you upgrade. What matters is if Coinbase, BitStamp, and Blockchain.info upgrade."
01:05 ben_vulpes big blocks aren't a reality yet.
01:05 ben_vulpes "whatever is is right" has yet to fall
01:05 ben_vulpes big blocks are wrong and won't.
01:05 mircea_popescu lol derp.
01:05 mircea_popescu fine, i'm solkd
01:05 ascii_modem re: stooge squad: simple hypothesis is that the toolkit being used on us was made for others. but - for whom?
01:06 ascii_modem '4chan' ?
01:06 mircea_popescu !rate danielkrawisz -1 go suck a coinbase, bitstamp and whatever cock.
01:06 assbot Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/d1d7269fcba11dd5
01:06 mircea_popescu !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.danielkrawisz.-1:0e9ea38f1062dcfd1454f73db6e35003e335253868749cfbf6e95385c3f03dec
01:06 assbot Successfully added a rating of -1 for danielkrawisz with note: go suck a coinbase, bitstamp and whatever cock.
01:13 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2015/let-us-translate-from-english-to-english/ << if anyone cares, mark twain's "unprocurable" pornopamphlet. trasnslated.
01:13 assbot Let us translate. From English to English. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/170VPMq )
01:16 ascii_modem it needed translation?!?
01:16 ben_vulpes i too boggle somewhat
01:17 ascii_modem i read it as is...
01:17 mircea_popescu no, it didn't.
01:17 mircea_popescu i needed to translate it.
01:18 ascii_modem ah for sport.
01:18 mircea_popescu right. perfectly fine as it is, but what is more tempting than to mess with an accomplished writer's words ?
01:19 mircea_popescu think of it as, "i translated emacs to lisp"
01:19 mircea_popescu or w/e, names not important.
01:19 ascii_modem aha.
01:20 mircea_popescu i think incidentally, that this is the fundamental impulse driving most bowdlerization.
01:20 mircea_popescu it is not the "moral" considerations that drive it. the moral considerations are merely the pretext under which the inept hand takes refuge.
01:20 mircea_popescu derp wants to rewrite X. but how to do it safely ? AH! I KNOW....
01:21 ascii_modem not only bowdlerizations but gavinizations
01:21 mircea_popescu quite possibly.
01:22 mircea_popescu it does make perfect sense in its devilish fatlogic system. lennart wants to matter, yes ? but how to do it safely ? AT JOB!
01:23 mircea_popescu most starlets with youth fading, most inept actresses, most voiceless singers take refuge in scandal, because hey, "being controversial" is a good excuse to never consider if you're in fact any good.
01:23 ascii_modem see orwell's piece on s. dali
01:24 mircea_popescu im nopt that advanced yet.
01:24 mircea_popescu rarely has it been the case that a man did a more thorough job of crushing himself before my eyes.
01:24 ascii_modem touched on the pathology in question
01:24 mircea_popescu and i come from a time and place where they had delatiune
01:24 mircea_popescu which doesn't even exist in english.
01:25 mircea_popescu (delatio -nis)
01:26 ascii_modem what was it ?
01:26 mircea_popescu well the word means false police report for pay. but generally, the sort of late warsaw pact atmosphere.
01:26 mircea_popescu "oh, your wife ? yeah she was writing weekly notes since 1972"
01:26 mircea_popescu !up ascii_modem
01:27 mircea_popescu basically, what the various "law enforcement officers" do in court these days.
01:27 ascii_modem aha, стукачи
01:27 mircea_popescu not exactly.
01:27 mircea_popescu the chief element is familiarity.
01:27 mircea_popescu not very far off at any rate.
01:28 ascii_modem yes that was the original type
01:28 ascii_modem old witch who writes denunciation every day, etc
01:29 mircea_popescu attracts a particularly felonious type, too. there's this guy, who claimed he never worked with the secret police, then they found fiddy pounds worth of notes, at which point he declared that it was the patriotic duty of everyone to help the secret police!
01:29 mircea_popescu well if it was, then wh ythe fuck did you spend five years denying it.
01:29 mircea_popescu "modesty".
01:30 ascii_modem eventually they always turn up, those fiddypounds'o'notes
01:30 ascii_modem i would like the writers to remember this.
01:30 mircea_popescu how was that line, "self serving minds have little trouble overcoming memory" ?
01:31 ascii_modem aha
01:32 ascii_modem battery low and bedtime now
01:33 mircea_popescu alf poetry.
01:33 mircea_popescu !b 2
01:33 assbot Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/08HN0S2.txt )
01:34 mircea_popescu http://bash.bitcoin-assets.com/?quote=371 << b-a, cheaper than lsd!
01:34 assbot #bitcoin-assets bash ... ( http://bit.ly/1xUGjao )
01:35 TheNewDeal ;;bc,stats
01:35 gribble Current Blocks: 342664 | Current Difficulty: 4.127287389469702E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 342719 | Next Difficulty In: 55 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 9 hours, 6 minutes, and 12 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 44550240491.7 | Estimated Percent Change: 7.94073
01:36 TheNewDeal 8% you say gribbble?
01:36 mircea_popescu could be worse.
01:38 TheNewDeal agreed
01:41 TheNewDeal if anyone is interested in the bitbet repurchase, refer to explanation here http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-02-2015#1009188
01:41 assbot Logged on 05-02-2015 20:41:39; TheNewDeal: Anyone interested in a bitbet repurchase?
01:41 TheNewDeal good evening and good night
01:41 TheNewDeal !down TheNewDeal
~ 49 minutes ~
02:31 mircea_popescu !t m s.qntr
02:31 assbot [MPEX:S.QNTR] 1D: 0.00025399 / 0.00025459 / 0.00026 (5000 shares, 1.27 BTC), 7D: 0.00018731 / 0.00022253 / 0.00026 (28038 shares, 6.24 BTC), 30D: 0.000174 / 0.00022151 / 0.00026 (28655 shares, 6.35 BTC)
02:31 mircea_popescu heh not bad.
02:32 mircea_popescu ;;calc 0.00022151 * 158788
02:32 gribble 35.17312988
02:32 mircea_popescu teh media empire worth north of 7k!
02:36 mircea_popescu http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2v6mkh/what_bitcoin_blog_news_or_content_websites_do_you/ << check out how helpful reddit is lmao.
02:36 assbot What bitcoin blog, news or content websites do you follow ? : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/16Ee9tM )
02:37 mircea_popescu seems pretty obvious who's gonna crush everyone. also seems everyone knows it.
02:38 thestringpuller HAH
02:38 thestringpuller http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2v6mkh/what_bitcoin_blog_news_or_content_websites_do_you/coewsch
~ 48 minutes ~
03:27 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 100600 @ 0.00039703 = 39.9412 BTC [-]
03:41 kakobrekla https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4-hEfqpxIg
03:41 assbot 2081 : Everyone Will Finally Be Equal - subtitle pt-br - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1zNMy3M )
03:48 cazalla gee what an afternoon, kid makes a run for it while changing his nappy, i end up covered in shit and then piss
03:49 cazalla and the missus was out so there i stood holding him with one hand to stop him grabbing it and unsure how to clean the mess up with the one remaining hand (got in the shower in the end)
03:53 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 8012 @ 0.00082934 = 6.6447 BTC [+] {12}
03:58 thestringpuller cazalla: ugh young children. they scare me. i think as I get older I am developing child-phobia.
03:59 cazalla thestringpuller, some days i regret it, some days not, but i could only stand and laugh at this one today
~ 34 minutes ~
04:34 thestringpuller ;;later tell mircea_popescu re: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2014#959292 << Namworld did manage to salvage enough to be usable. Even after his departure its still running, at least for now.
04:34 gribble The operation succeeded.
~ 33 minutes ~
05:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22600 @ 0.00039667 = 8.9647 BTC [-] {3}
05:11 thestringpuller ;;later tell PeterL scoopbot is always down when I post new article :P
05:11 gribble The operation succeeded.
~ 22 minutes ~
05:33 cazalla thestringpuller, "results in a complete loss of any pm’s I may have had open." <<< now it all makes sense!
05:41 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20164 @ 0.00039644 = 7.9938 BTC [-]
05:42 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2233 @ 0.00084547 = 1.8879 BTC [+] {5}
05:42 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 116631 @ 0.00039456 = 46.0179 BTC [-]
05:49 fluffypony http://i.imgur.com/vxoA8AN.jpg
05:49 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/16JCy1t )
~ 20 minutes ~
06:09 davout does anyone know about MyCoin ?
06:09 davout http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/article/1707565/investors-fear-hk3b-losses-closure-bitcoin-trading-company
06:09 assbot Investors fear HK$3b losses in closure of bitcoin trading company | South China Morning Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1A4YhhC )
06:10 davout never heard about it, but apparently they're putting bs&t to shame with a $400mn loss, sounds doubtful
06:13 punkman davout, what kind of hyip would publish actual numbers
06:14 cazalla davout, i think it's a bitcoin company in name only, fiat ponzi otherwise but there is so much conflicting info out there that qntra didn't publish anything as of yet
06:20 davout ok thanks, surprisingly bitcointalk has some info that sounds pretty plausible https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=949975.0
06:20 assbot FAKE news: "3 billion HKD lost" in Mycoin.hk bitcoin exchange runoff ... ( http://bit.ly/16JHTWx )
~ 1 hours 26 minutes ~
07:46 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38600 @ 0.00039456 = 15.23 BTC [-]
~ 27 minutes ~
08:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13000 @ 0.00039699 = 5.1609 BTC [+]
~ 1 hours 1 minutes ~
09:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23605 @ 0.00039699 = 9.3709 BTC [+]
09:19 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55303 @ 0.00039456 = 21.8204 BTC [-]
09:24 Naphex o/
09:25 danielpbarron http://www.returnofkings.com/55524/americas-booty-obsession-is-another-symptom-of-social-decline Egypt and Argentina, historically the most advanced countries on their respective continents, also prefer boobs. The U.S. is the only first world nation in the Butt column
09:25 assbot America’s Booty Obsession Is Another Symptom Of Social Decline ... ( http://bit.ly/1DwF5c8 )
~ 15 minutes ~
09:40 fluffypony Naphex:)
09:40 Naphex sup fluffypony
09:40 Naphex :))
09:41 fluffypony how's it going?
09:41 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18871 @ 0.00039456 = 7.4457 BTC [-]
09:41 Naphex nothing much, working a lot lately
09:42 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49329 @ 0.00039398 = 19.4346 BTC [-] {2}
09:43 fluffypony oh cool - what you up to nowadays?
09:45 mike_c i just spit out a mouthful of coffee :D "mircea_popescu:it is ANOTHER discussion to propose that you pile all the donkeys on top of the camels and then throw the lot in the river"
09:46 Naphex fluffypony: well its going to be something really fun :)
09:46 fluffypony awesome
09:47 Naphex and a bitcoin exclusive. i'll keep it down low a bit until i get closer to launch date :D
09:47 Naphex fluffypony: its porn though :D
09:47 fluffypony well that is quite a change from your last work :-P
09:49 danielpbarron lol
09:50 Naphex hehe
10:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23200 @ 0.00039946 = 9.2675 BTC [+]
~ 32 minutes ~
10:35 nubbins` https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=950041.0
10:35 assbot 2011 Casascius 1 BTC Series-1 ERROR HOLO ... ( http://bit.ly/192duUI )
10:35 nubbins` eff why eye
10:37 thestringpuller http://casascius.uberbills.com/?address=17jQvv24kHXpW9RctP2SoE12Z8Z45euQG9
10:38 nubbins` dat 2011 funding date
10:38 mircea_popescu nubbins` 1.75 not bad
10:39 nubbins` it's the dirtiest coin i have, figured i'd pawn it off and replace with a nicer specimen
10:40 thestringpuller you're going to buy another one with the proceeds?
10:40 thestringpuller lol
10:40 nubbins` incidentally, i have a 1.125oz Canadian numismatic piece from 2013 that I priced the other day... has increased in value by 50% since last summer o.O
10:40 nubbins` thestringpuller not precisely, no.
10:40 thestringpuller my cascius coin is my first bitcoin ever purchased
10:41 nubbins` i'm going to buy another with "my money"
10:41 nubbins` whether this is the same money i receive from the sale of this coin is, i believe, inconsequential
10:41 thestringpuller not incredibly inclined to sell it off for sentimental reasons etc
10:41 * mircea_popescu thinks this entire "numismatics as an investment" thing is not unlike the "my balcony garden as a tomato farm" thing, but hey.
10:41 nubbins` my first bitcoin ever purchased was smoked
10:42 nubbins` mircea_popescu i really just like shiny things
10:42 nubbins` but once you get an eye for it, you're better able to identify what people will desire in the future
10:42 mircea_popescu lol. nubbins` la pie.
10:43 nubbins` trying to decide if "magnubs" or "nubpie" is the more appropriate portmanteau
10:43 nubbins` anyway
10:43 nubbins` generally numismatics are a poor way to invest money
10:44 nubbins` casascius market is full of fucking morons though
10:45 mircea_popescu a pie a une manie : elle vole tout ce qui brille :D
10:45 mircea_popescu i'd expect it's exactly as full of morons as bitcoin generally, just, you have better benchmarks in that corner.
10:45 nubbins` je voudrais quelque choses, what they are, no one knows!
10:46 nubbins` mircea_popescu you might be onto something
10:46 nubbins` remember the time i sold two 0.5-btc casascius coins for 27 btc? o.O
10:47 mircea_popescu notrly, but i can see it
10:47 nubbins` sadly, i don't think this will be replicated
10:47 thestringpuller such profit
10:48 nubbins` many nod
10:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11200 @ 0.00039946 = 4.474 BTC [+]
~ 21 minutes ~
11:13 nubbins` https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=764452.msg9460046#msg9460046
11:13 assbot Change my name! "I am __ Satoshi __." ... ( http://bit.ly/1vAiSsA )
11:16 nubbins` http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/armed-forces-applicant-cites-discrimination-over-anxiety-diagnosis-1.2949644
11:16 assbot Armed Forces applicant cites discrimination over anxiety diagnosis - Newfoundland & Labrador - CBC News ... ( http://bit.ly/1vAjaQh )
11:17 mircea_popescu derp wants someone to pay for his surgery because one month's worth of government dole is too much for him ?
11:17 nubbins` kid's a natural soldier, just look at him
11:17 mircea_popescu i meant the butter zone idjit.
11:22 nubbins` nod
11:22 nubbins` wait, surgery?
11:22 nubbins` i thought he just wanted someone to pay $500 for him to change his middle name
11:23 nubbins` also, who the fuck hates the name "jonathan" so much that they wanna change it? what a loser
11:23 nubbins` ;;google jonathan richman since she started to ride
11:23 gribble Jonathan Richman - Since She Started to Ride - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysaBHTwazjk>; Jonathan Richman- "Since She Started to Ride" 40 Watt Club 2/6/10 ...: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4husgN00OqQ>; Jonathan Richman – Since She Started to Ride – Listen and ...: <http://www.last.fm/music/Jonathan+Richman/_/Since+She+Started+to+Ride>
11:23 nubbins` ^ first link, straight up
11:24 nubbins` “I just want to do some time for my country, give it some service,” Cooper, 17, told CBC News.
11:24 nubbins` do some time? give it some service?
11:25 nubbins` i think the kid is unsure as to whether the armed forces is a prison or a gang bang
11:26 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1974 @ 0.0007821 = 1.5439 BTC [-] {6}
11:26 nubbins` leaving aside the fact that the kid faked a SINGLE panic attack TWO YEARS AGO in order to get out of an exam
11:26 nubbins` and was put on prozac and diagnosed with a DISORDER
11:27 mircea_popescu lol sounds porny.
11:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43350 @ 0.00039203 = 16.9945 BTC [-]
11:37 nubbins` "I don't think that people should have to hide the fact that they have a mental illness," Cooper said.
11:37 nubbins` lel
11:37 nubbins` "i don't think people should have to hide the fact that they have blood-borne pathogens" says the guy with Hep C who can't donate blood
11:38 mircea_popescu more importantly, who can't donate sperm. to women. directly.
11:39 mircea_popescu anyway, people only should hide the fact that they have a mental ilness if they wish to get shot.
11:40 mircea_popescu incidentally, my measure to resolve the "police violence" thing would be a) everyone with a mental issue must wear a funny hat.
11:40 nubbins` i thought that's why cops wore funny hats.
11:40 mircea_popescu it is.
11:40 mircea_popescu but too one-sided.
11:46 davout today #b-a explains the fedoras thing
11:47 mircea_popescu lol
11:48 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-02-2015#1013313 <<< i tell you, getting the girls only, and after a decade or two is the best policy.
11:48 assbot Logged on 09-02-2015 08:48:34; cazalla: gee what an afternoon, kid makes a run for it while changing his nappy, i end up covered in shit and then piss
11:51 mircea_popescu davout: never heard about it, but apparently they're putting bs&t to shame with a $400mn loss, sounds doubtful << yeah srsly, sounds like pure bs.
11:51 mircea_popescu 1mn dollars AVERAGE exposure over 3k investors ?
11:52 davout 400mn loss for 3000 investors -> 133k/investor
11:53 mircea_popescu yeah in usd. still, this is like mpoe level, i very much doubt it.
11:53 mircea_popescu it's possible, obviously, the chinese are nazi-private, but i dun really see it.
11:53 davout the whole thing is pure bs
11:54 davout according to some random bitcointalk dude the chinese journalist computed the loss by multiplying fake bitcoins on the order book by the current market price
11:54 asciilifeform ;;bc,stats
11:54 mircea_popescu oh lol
11:54 mircea_popescu heh nm.
11:54 gribble Current Blocks: 342729 | Current Difficulty: 4.44554159623438E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 344735 | Next Difficulty In: 2006 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 5 days, 22 hours, 36 minutes, and 23 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 66783348140.5 | Estimated Percent Change: 50.22545
11:54 asciilifeform 326535.
11:55 mircea_popescu in this sense... ethereum will be a loss to people.
11:55 mircea_popescu asciilifeform neat. this the pc valgrind ?
11:55 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: aha
11:56 asciilifeform i kinda forgot why i even set that one up
11:56 asciilifeform iirc, we already know what there is to know re: that version
11:56 mircea_popescu assbot: America’s Booty Obsession Is Another Symptom Of Social Decline << i also like ass.
11:57 mircea_popescu yes but you;re supposed to let things finish
11:57 asciilifeform that must've been it
11:57 asciilifeform plus to see if can get any of the legendary wedges
11:57 mircea_popescu mhm
11:59 mircea_popescu mike_c like the butcher said, "i merely follow the lulzlines already present".
12:03 mike_c hehe, yeah, that was a good one
12:04 mircea_popescu to a large degree, it was obvious that once we move from "inflation pays for it" to "you gotta pay for it" the "consumers have come to expect" were going to throw a shitfest.
12:05 mircea_popescu what that changes... ask them, not me, to borrow an alfism.
12:06 mike_c it was always "you gotta pay for it". most people just don't connect the dots to understand that's what inflation is.
12:07 mircea_popescu god preserve me from heresy but! so far inflaiton has actually been beneficial for bitcoin.
12:07 mircea_popescu one could never have made a bitcoin without a block reward. this, of course, means that we now have a promise to renege on. but i'm not about to start reneging on promises.
12:09 * thestringpuller makes note to look at this specific log later with popcorn in hand
12:10 asciilifeform wai, wat, promise ?
12:10 mike_c 21m
12:10 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yes. "bitcoin will continue to function as before"
12:10 mircea_popescu not merely 21mn.
12:10 mike_c that's a big one though.
12:10 mircea_popescu biggest, yes.
12:10 mircea_popescu but economy is built on money and thus fungible. a bunch of small ones add up.
12:11 asciilifeform '...with strange eons even death may die' etc
12:11 mircea_popescu beheading naked kings on the vaguest whiff of approaching even small ones -> best policy.
~ 16 minutes ~
12:28 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42900 @ 0.00040139 = 17.2196 BTC [+] {2}
12:33 mircea_popescu http://time.com/3135722/ohio-morgue-sex-kenneth-douglas/
12:33 assbot Kenneth Douglas Says He Had Sex With Up to 100 Dead Bodies ... ( http://bit.ly/1A61Ynj )
12:34 asciilifeform 'A key piece of evidence was Douglas’ wife’s testimony that when she called to report her husband coming home from work smelling like sex and alcohol, she was told “whatever happens on county property, in county time, is county business.”'
12:34 asciilifeform ^ mega-l0l
12:35 mircea_popescu cunty biznis.
12:37 mircea_popescu !up xeal
12:37 mircea_popescu it's a fact that beards grow after death. i wonder if women lubricate through a similar process.
12:37 mircea_popescu one of those things only a mortician would know./
12:38 asciilifeform iirc not grow but fail to shrink at pace with the rest of the face
12:38 asciilifeform and hence appear to grow
12:38 mircea_popescu right.
12:38 asciilifeform the subject of juices was explored in some detail in the famous comic 'sexy losers'
12:38 asciilifeform to which the word 'fap' is also credited
12:41 mircea_popescu i neversaw this ?
12:41 thestringpuller I wonder why justusravnier "wants adoption" his other blogposts seem sane...
12:42 thestringpuller I guess people just don't like being told, "Hey you're poor, and excluded from this cool thing nao cause you are useless. Kthxbai."
12:43 mircea_popescu i dunno. sent him a http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=16-01-2015#979042 no answer yet.
12:43 assbot Logged on 16-01-2015 05:10:16; mircea_popescu: justusranvier http://qntra.net/2015/01/transaction-fees-and-the-future-of-bitcoin/#comment-7394
12:43 davout thestringpuller: no, some people had, buried somewhere in them, the idea that bitcoin would not only be money, but 'nice money'
12:43 davout 'fair money'
12:44 asciilifeform davout: 'Yes, it was once the case that you had to be a financier to send an intact penny across the ocean. But the fact that Bitcoin enables you to do so does not turn you into a financier. Nobody cancelled “money makes money.” It would be rather like demanding that an asteroid should have the gravitational pull of Earth. The Third Rock From The Sun can hold an atmosphere and your piece of cosmic flotsam can’t. Such
12:44 asciilifeform is life. Quantity still has “a quality all its own.” Ten million dollars buys you a money printer, but ten dollars do not. Not even a proportionately-smaller one. Everyone who hopes to see some kind of democratizing influence in Bitcoin is gravely misguided: by some indications, the Bitcoin ecosystem is at least as “top heavy” as the world of meatspace finance.' << my ancient article
12:44 mircea_popescu http://sexylosers.com/262.html << shitty ux omfg.
12:44 assbot #262 - Chafed Dickens [5 of 5] ... ( http://bit.ly/1A64bPF )
12:45 mircea_popescu asciilifeform exactly.
12:45 thestringpuller davout how is money ever fucking fair? one person having more resources that are finite means another person has less?!?!?
12:46 davout thestringpuller: 'fair money' exists in the mind of redditards, don't ask me what it means
12:46 mircea_popescu davout daughter of the wider insanity "everything new is better" married with the patently nuts "better is what i imagine it to be".
12:46 thestringpuller so people are entitled to use bitcoin...why?
12:46 mircea_popescu coming from people who utterly refuse to admit they;d be better off in chains in someone;'s basement... well... what's to be expected.
12:47 thestringpuller "Because it's my fucking right to use bitcoin even though I contribute nothing to it."
12:47 davout yeah, also low fees pl0x
12:47 thestringpuller Oh yea, we need to check our bitcoin privelage... >:(
12:48 davout "sure you can use bitcoin if you want to"
12:48 davout TCHCTE yo
12:48 asciilifeform refuse to admit they;d be better off in chains in someone;'s basement << afaik most of'em are boys and thus can expect only butugychag
12:48 mircea_popescu expect != better off.
12:49 mircea_popescu http://sexylosers.com/261.html << ahahah
12:49 assbot #261 - Chafed Dickens [4 of 5] ... ( http://bit.ly/1A64QAs )
12:49 asciilifeform meant, who needs them in basement? not me.
12:49 mircea_popescu asciilifeform do yo uknow these people ?
12:49 asciilifeform which
12:49 mircea_popescu sexy losers
12:49 thestringpuller this is like coworker who brings team down but is never fired because government keeps them working
12:50 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: not personally. but i thought it was one of the most famous www comics ever published
12:50 thestringpuller So the redditards want to impose straight up communism on us?
12:50 mircea_popescu So please do not send me the following types of E-mail: "commission requests -- I just do not have the time for commissions"
12:50 mircea_popescu wtf is wrong wit hthe world.
12:50 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i never saw an online comic before oglaf.
12:50 asciilifeform there were as many as drops in the sea
12:51 asciilifeform i knew about 'oglaf' and 'sexy losers.'
12:51 asciilifeform the only memorable ones i ever saw.
12:52 asciilifeform the latter has been dead for many years, iirc
12:52 danielpbarron even i briefly authored a web commic, although i don't think any copies of it remain anywhere
12:52 mircea_popescu abadoned 2009 so mkay.
12:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 79850 @ 0.00039203 = 31.3036 BTC [-]
12:59 mircea_popescu by the way, if ne1 here has a fetlife account, i finally moved over, drop me a line.
13:01 mircea_popescu http://sexylosers.com/257.html bwahahah
13:01 assbot #257 - Chafed Dickens [1 of 5] ... ( http://bit.ly/1A67aro )
13:05 danielpbarron http://www.atruechurch.info/masturbation.html The sexual desire is a God given desire (Romans 11:36) and it is not evil in and of itself (Romans 14:14). Moreover, God has made a way for even those who are not married (male or female), or those who are away from their spouse (like a soldier at war), to at least somewhat satisfy the sexual drive via masturbation. It is oppressive to teach that such an act is against the will o
13:05 assbot A True Church - Masturbation ... ( http://bit.ly/1A680Em )
13:06 mircea_popescu the entire "every sperm is sacred" thing is more reaction-catholicism than anything.
13:07 mircea_popescu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUspLVStPbk
13:07 assbot Every Sperm is Sacred - Monty Python's The Meaning of Life - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1A68mea )
13:08 danielpbarron catholics freely admit that they don't follow the Bible, and that some guy with a funny hat can arbitrarily change the rules as he pleases
13:08 ben_vulpes it is all a bit silly.
13:08 mircea_popescu actualy, papal infallibility is ancient law.
13:09 mircea_popescu also reaction catholicism, but more 600ish than 1800ish
13:09 ben_vulpes right up there with the sovereignty of sovereigns.
13:09 mircea_popescu hey, technically a valid claim. all of europe exists as embezzled provinces of the roman empire.
13:11 mircea_popescu o wait. i thought you meant the pope's (abandoned) claim of sovereignity over teh sovereigns.
13:12 davout aaaaaand we're back to hats for nutjobs
13:13 mircea_popescu speaking of hats for nutjobs, always remember to wear your condom!
13:13 danielpbarron lol
13:13 mircea_popescu speaking of which, condoms = masturbation don't they.
13:14 mircea_popescu http://sexylosers.com/007.html << bwahahah.
13:14 assbot #007 - Suicide Prevention Week ... ( http://bit.ly/1A69H4U )
13:14 mircea_popescu "hey, suicide guy, you gonna kill youself ?" "yeah. life sucks." "wanna fuck first ?" "no, you freak!" "i guess ima have to wait for your body to wash ashore."
13:16 danielpbarron in Bible terms, it's enough to "lay with" someone, or "know her," or "see her nakedness" ; not sure a condom would get in the way of those things
13:17 davout danielpbarron: i heard gavin andresen wants to add a couple extra chapters to it, for moar adopshun
13:18 danielpbarron he wouldn't be the first
13:18 mircea_popescu considering how it came to be...
13:18 mircea_popescu "oh, people mock us for being essentially jew torrent artists ? FINE. WRITE A CONTINUATION."
13:19 davout christians are on gavinbible, jooz run pogobibles
13:19 danielpbarron jews add too; they have sets of books of "oral tradition" separate from the scriptures
13:20 davout danielpbarron: it's ok to have sidechains!
13:20 mircea_popescu davout well the split happened after some pretty heavy duty pruning.
13:21 davout mircea_popescu: what pruning?
13:21 mircea_popescu the jew books are about 5x the new+old testament.
13:21 davout ah, i see
13:22 asciilifeform approx. the same size as a set of 'britannica.'
13:22 mircea_popescu and yes, on top of that there's a web of commentary stretching out approx to the roman period.
13:22 mircea_popescu roughly about the same weight as what in europe constitutes "the humanities".
13:22 mircea_popescu the us doesn't have an equivalent.
13:22 ben_vulpes asshat talmud when
13:23 mircea_popescu (so a bunch of idiot chicks are trying to write it, out of boring gender and race stories)
13:28 mircea_popescu in fact, as ridiculous as mormonism is, he is an exact copy. the cultural relationship between judaism and christianity is exactly the same as between christianity and mormonism : a barely literate lout ran off with a few pages and made his own, self-important "variant",
13:28 mircea_popescu much in the way kids used to replace the "made by" strings in the old 8086 days with a hex editor.
13:28 asciilifeform fork
13:31 nubbins` re: sexy losers
13:32 nubbins` any of you remember when it was called "the thin H line"?
13:32 asciilifeform me.
13:32 nubbins` iirc the guy got outed in meatspace and had to "disappear" the old name
13:32 nubbins` turns out he worked with kids in some capacity? heh
13:32 asciilifeform now this - i never knew.
13:33 nubbins` i can't recall the details, but i feel like at the time it was a sort of "english teacher overseas" thing
13:33 mircea_popescu seems he lives in japan
13:33 nubbins` and his employers caught whiff of this necro-mastur-porn comic he did
13:33 mircea_popescu english teacher ;likely thing for a foreigner there to do.
13:33 nubbins` it went down for a while, came back as "sexy losers"
13:33 mircea_popescu mebbe he actually went because he wanted to jacvk off to 12yo jap gals.
13:34 nubbins` mircea_popescu you probably would not be surprised at how common this is
13:34 nubbins` speaking from experience, roughly half of all ESL teachers are "strange"
13:34 mircea_popescu indeed.
13:34 asciilifeform at one point, it was possible for virtually anyone who speaks engl. to find work in jp 'teaching'
13:35 asciilifeform ('90s-?)
13:35 nubbins` incidentally, a guy i went to uni with, and whom i help get oriented on his first day in south korea, is now a straight-up major label pop star
13:35 nubbins` asciilifeform 90s-late 2000s
13:35 nubbins` technically 90s-present depending on your tolerance for working illegally
13:36 mircea_popescu fwiw, this particular sort of strange would definitely benefit from support more than OUTRAGE OMG!!1
13:36 mircea_popescu on one hand, it does exactly nothing to anyone, including the kids in question, that some weirdo jacks off.
13:37 mircea_popescu on the other hand, man... that's some serious issues.
13:38 mircea_popescu on my tenuous grasp of insanity, it'd seem that it's an entirely vacuous thing, which takes the shape you impose upon it. if you insist it's dangerous... it will probably grow some dangerous appendages. if you treat it as benign, it will basically be benign.
13:38 nubbins` it's only okay to have /some/ mental illnesses
13:39 mircea_popescu i dunno what's more alienating than the bizarre that obviously feeds this comic strip.
13:39 nubbins` hm i recall this one SL comic
13:39 mircea_popescu i mean, neurosis is one thing. this however...
13:39 nubbins` girl goes to porn audition, guy says "we have roles left in two films: 'beaten to death by hard cock' and 'do not talk to me, just cum on my face'"
13:39 nubbins` girl says "hmmmmm"
13:40 nubbins` later seen in change room, face glazed, asking girl covered in bruises "so what film were you in?"
13:41 mircea_popescu is this like a blonde joke ?
13:43 nubbins` http://sexylosers.com/194.html
13:43 assbot #194 - Bukkake Nights ... ( http://bit.ly/1z1q4JZ )
13:51 mircea_popescu http://sexylosers.com/036.html << lolz.
13:51 assbot #036 - Calling Doctor Lovetalk ... ( http://bit.ly/1IEM5YS )
13:52 ben_vulpes blast from the past!
13:53 mircea_popescu back when you were shy ?
13:55 ben_vulpes dunno that i've ever been shy
14:08 thestringpuller ben_vulpes: but you have been coy ;)
14:17 cazalla nubbins`: incidentally, a guy i went to uni with, and whom i help get oriented on his first day in south korea, is now a straight-up major label pop star <<< western kpop stars exist?
14:18 nubbins` ;;google used cassettes
14:18 gribble USED CASSETTES - 열대,우리 (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHDbvKT4dOo>; 유즈드 카세트 | Facebook: <https://ko-kr.facebook.com/usedcassettesseoul>; Used Cassettes (@usedcassettes) | Twitter: <https://twitter.com/usedcassettes>
14:20 cazalla nubbins`, not my sorta music, i'll stick to hyuna
14:21 nubbins` ;;google crying nut circus magic wanderers
14:21 gribble Crying Nut - Circus Magic - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgkSTFbWGPg>; 100Beat's 100 Best Korean Albums of the '90s - Rate Your Music: <http://rateyourmusic.com/list/Samzpoke/100beats_100_best_korean_albums_of_the_90s/>; South Korean punk discography - Tian An Men 89 Records: <http://www.tam89records.com/southkorea.html>
14:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 76800 @ 0.00039463 = 30.3076 BTC [+] {2}
14:26 thestringpuller http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2vbi45/i_find_it_comedic_that_people_think_bitcoin_can/ << moar lulz!!!!
14:26 thestringpuller i love this block size/hard fork "debate"
~ 21 minutes ~
14:47 mircea_popescu "It's largely engineers who think about it in terms of game theory. They think that if you have unlimited blocksize, then the cost of transactions will go to zero because there will always be a competitor that is willing to include transactions even if you're charging X. They believe this will cause a race to bottom and there won't be any incentive for miners to secure the network because they can't cover costs.
14:47 mircea_popescu I think of it from the perspective of utility. "
14:47 mircea_popescu o look at it, suddenly the arguments that didn't exist now exist ?
14:47 mircea_popescu except they don't have a source, somehow, magically ?
14:47 mircea_popescu "something i heard from all the people that all read trilema but i won't mention this"
14:48 asciilifeform 'Ye Queene.—O' God's name, who hath favored us? Hath it come to pass yt a fart shall fart itself?'
14:48 mircea_popescu what i find comedic is the sort of schmuck that thinks he'll survive on intellectual dishonestly. here's the story : if i made it and you stole it, whatever you think about it and however you're representing it... it'll still work for me. not for you. that's the thing with culture.
14:49 mircea_popescu five years ago romania was replete with kids who rewrote trilema articles about this and that to be like all cool and civilised and worldly and whatnot.
14:49 mircea_popescu five years later... shit, it's the same thing. herp.
14:50 mircea_popescu but anyway : it's not "mostly engineers". it's 100% of all the business people actually involved with bitcoin.
14:51 pete_dushenski maybe "mostly engineers" are those horse-riding folk
14:51 pete_dushenski the ones who can code a bit
14:51 thestringpuller o look a pete_dushenski
14:51 mircea_popescu at any rate, all this talk of "utility of bitcoin" can get fucked. it's a flimsy if doomed and in any case transparent attempt to frame the question in fiat terms.
14:51 thestringpuller gotten me writin' blog posts again
14:51 thestringpuller :P
14:51 mircea_popescu the utility OF EVERYTHING justifies itself in bitcoin terms.
14:51 pete_dushenski thestringpuller: heya :)
14:51 mircea_popescu bitcoin itself is money. that means BEYOND ANY UTILITY CONSIDERATION.
14:52 mircea_popescu fucking period.
14:52 thestringpuller mircea_popescu: what I don't get is why people are freaking out they will have to pay a lot of money to use the system?
14:52 mircea_popescu all it has to do is make sure it's the best money. which it did. once that's done, utility is not a concern. you will work the blockchain if you have to do it by hand in dank cellars chained to the wall,
14:52 pete_dushenski like the sun is energy
14:52 mircea_popescu and ship the results by horse courrier
14:52 thestringpuller How do poor people have this much energy to be this vocal about something they will not be able to control...
14:53 mircea_popescu repackaging of ther "oh, utility of mining, all that electrictiy burned for nothing" crapolade.
14:53 pete_dushenski thestringpuller: because that's what makes them poor
14:53 pete_dushenski as per the definition
14:53 mircea_popescu the point of money is exactly this : that it may not itself be measured. there's no "utility" of money. it exclusively exists to measure everything else.
14:53 asciilifeform if fleas could speak, i imagine they would be similarly vocal about the proper behaviour of dogs
14:53 pete_dushenski their energy has no utility
14:53 mircea_popescu every redditard's mother, can be measured in bitcoin.
14:54 pete_dushenski to which: http://www.contravex.com/2015/02/09/the-value-of-a-life/
14:54 assbot The value of a life. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1DYItud )
14:54 pete_dushenski man i know how to time it
14:54 pete_dushenski i'm generous enough to propose that the value of a free and productive man is a bitcent
14:54 thestringpuller asciilifeform: Yes, but back in the day people would just die after wasting too much energy trying to change something absolute in inevitability. (Doing rain dances during droughts instead of looking into irrigation).
14:55 thestringpuller It's like the dinosaurs getting mad at mammals instead of the asteroid or something like that.
14:55 pete_dushenski "what is the utility of a centimetre!"
14:55 thestringpuller !b 1
14:55 assbot Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1DWGJDH.txt )
14:58 pete_dushenski "Cathy Engelbert has been named chief executive of Deloitte LLP, the first woman to become CEO of one of the Big Four accounting firms in the U.S."
14:58 pete_dushenski oh sweet another fallguy
14:58 mircea_popescu what big four ? one of them died with enron neh ?
14:58 mircea_popescu are they bringing the corpse back in on the quiet ?
14:59 pete_dushenski pwc, deloitte...
14:59 pete_dushenski google says kpmg, e&y
15:00 mircea_popescu o they just promoted one
15:00 pete_dushenski myea guess so
15:00 mircea_popescu no more arthur andersen
15:01 pete_dushenski the "new" 4 are all $25-35 bn in annual revenue
15:01 pete_dushenski 160k-210k employees
15:02 pete_dushenski so roughly of comparable size
15:02 mircea_popescu funny, aa had like 80k iirc.
15:02 mircea_popescu apparently accountancy become a pretty good business in the us, past decade.
15:02 mircea_popescu who knew that expropriation creates bureaucracy1
15:02 pete_dushenski you nailed it: 85k employees, $9bn revenue in '02
15:03 mircea_popescu so "twice the money" except it's probably the same value,
15:03 mircea_popescu and twice the employees so half the real salaries.
15:03 pete_dushenski sure, that's be like what 6% inflation over 13 years
15:03 pete_dushenski closer to 5 even
15:04 pete_dushenski and wikitardia is saying that aa was part of the "big five"
15:05 mircea_popescu retrospectively ?
15:06 pete_dushenski seems so ? link for "big five" goes to "big four" article...
15:06 mircea_popescu lol
15:06 mircea_popescu it all makes sense in retrospect!
15:06 pete_dushenski "of course the usd was going to vanish!"
15:07 mircea_popescu "we said so all along"
15:09 pete_dushenski oh and another scoop from yesterday: http://www.contravex.com/2015/02/08/this-is-how-it-feels/
15:09 assbot This is how it feels. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1DYMdvF )
15:10 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski the vid is actually quite credible.
15:10 mircea_popescu it has the look.
15:12 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: to this day there are rumours that the food was 'hidden somewhere' by usg stooges to cause shortages.
15:12 mircea_popescu ayup
15:12 asciilifeform and widely believed.
15:12 mircea_popescu "the good tzar"
15:12 mircea_popescu "it is not possible we just simply suck. our excellent goodness is hidden somewhere. if we coud just unleash the real we..."
15:13 asciilifeform moar like 'it is not possible that the burst of suction came at just the ideally convenient time, direction, and vacuum pressure.'
15:13 asciilifeform (without help)
15:13 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: that video was quite literally one of that saddest things i've seen in months
15:14 asciilifeform wai wat ?
15:14 mircea_popescu asciilifeform am i hiding all the good nsa agents somewhere too ?
15:14 asciilifeform l0l
15:15 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: all the good agents are busy hunting for ilfak guilfanov, they wanna find new version of 'ida pro'.
15:15 asciilifeform best theory
15:16 asciilifeform (he and his sales derps are notoriously hard to get a hold of. one of the smallest - moneywise - and simultaneously ill-behaved monopolies i know of!)
15:16 pete_dushenski wiki says ilfak lives in liege
15:16 pete_dushenski not a huge place afaik
15:16 asciilifeform aha now go buy from him.
15:17 mircea_popescu it's only a monopoly by virtue of everyone else being retards
15:17 asciilifeform aha
15:17 asciilifeform how else.
15:17 mircea_popescu oh , im sorry. "do-ocracistst"
15:17 mircea_popescu well, normally monopoly is like this : i hire five ex convicts to beat up any boy that stands up, thus leaving me the only eligible teenager i nthe highschool. because no girl wants to fuck any of the other losers.
15:18 asciilifeform it's a genuine monopoly, vs. usg derpopoly. as in, there is literally nothing that is fit to so much as lick the product's boots
15:18 mircea_popescu THIS monopoly is more like, i'm the only kid that washes.
15:18 mircea_popescu not a monopoly in any sense.
15:18 mircea_popescu this is good and proper natural-ness. things as they should be.
15:18 asciilifeform 'coca colas' with no 'pepsis' at their heels tend to grow stupider
15:19 pete_dushenski because ida isn't supressing competition
15:19 pete_dushenski not like ilfak is lobbying the state
15:19 asciilifeform one can do a certain amount of 'suppression' just by being l33t enough
15:19 mircea_popescu this is not supression.
15:19 asciilifeform as in, everybody else gives up.
15:19 mircea_popescu yeah. that's what's supposed to happen.
15:19 asciilifeform net effect, one guy
15:20 asciilifeform who starts going mad in his juices
15:20 mircea_popescu it's not a matter of effects. it's a matter of causes.
15:20 asciilifeform not that there is really any pill against this kind of thing
15:20 mircea_popescu moreover, this "follow effects bs" is what leads one to "property is theft"
15:20 asciilifeform but it's a problem, and anyone even casually involved in the field (of named example) is aware of it
15:21 mircea_popescu after all, "the net effect is same"
15:21 mircea_popescu i fail to see how it is a problem.
15:21 mircea_popescu explain it to me.
15:22 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: the proggy is a misery to use; works very half-heartedly anywhere other than winblows; costs $maxint; and, more direly, is not especially actively maintained. but there is nothing remotely like an alternative, not even a 'distant second', nor is anyone (afaik) remotely contemplating the idea of making one.
15:22 mircea_popescu but i mean the problem.
15:22 mircea_popescu so far all we got is "x sucks"
15:23 asciilifeform x sucks and no competition
15:23 asciilifeform because the hero is not yet born.
15:23 mircea_popescu this can't be a problem. it's like mp's triangle : x sucks , no competition, anyone cares.
15:23 mircea_popescu pick two.
15:23 asciilifeform no one cares -enough-
15:23 mircea_popescu so then.
15:23 asciilifeform local maxima.
15:23 mircea_popescu so then sit in your locale and be happy
15:24 mircea_popescu why do you wanna go in locales you don't like the maxima.
15:24 pete_dushenski seems like alf just "wishes it were better"
15:24 pete_dushenski and would probably even endeavour to make it so if "only had the time"
15:24 mircea_popescu every wish is sacred, every wish is good...
15:25 mircea_popescu but i can see his point. waste of time to go into the guts of windows.
15:25 pete_dushenski just my reading between the lines
15:25 mircea_popescu so... don't.
15:25 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: try to realize that to the extent reverse-engineered drivers exist for various things, the entire undertaking stands - and falls - on w4r3z 'ida pro' as much as on leaked/stolen docs
15:25 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i understand that part.
15:25 asciilifeform it's one of the elephants/tortoises on which the entire thing shakily stands.
15:25 asciilifeform and it's a lame elephant with gangrenous legs.
15:26 pete_dushenski turtle swimming through the stars...
15:26 mircea_popescu and you're right in pointing out that ida is probably a thing to rewrite, alongside gpg, etc
15:26 asciilifeform dwarfs most of the projects we've discussed here in the sheer intrinsic gnarliness.
15:27 mircea_popescu which is why not muchly discussed.
15:27 asciilifeform the part i was trying to answer was 'why do you wanna go in locales you don't like the maxima'
15:28 mircea_popescu it may be the case that the maxima is fine.
15:28 mircea_popescu ie, that's the best that can be had.
15:29 asciilifeform winblows is axiomatically not part of any future 'best that can be had' that i'm willing to interoperate with.
15:29 mircea_popescu yeah why the fucxk did the guy write it in win anywa
15:29 asciilifeform as a usg appendage, it is for the furnace.
15:29 asciilifeform why orcs tend to write, think, live, breathe in winblows, is worthy of its own thread.
15:29 asciilifeform but it is a well-established fact
15:30 asciilifeform unfortunately.
15:30 asciilifeform my understanding is that ru, cn folks, by and large, never gave even a basic fuck re: open source whatever, until very recently and still insignificantly
15:30 mircea_popescu odd.
15:31 asciilifeform because on no account did anyone there remotely contemplate paying for software
15:31 asciilifeform or foreign warez being unavailable
15:31 mircea_popescu but that's not really what's deriving it.
15:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31300 @ 0.00039203 = 12.2705 BTC [-]
15:31 mircea_popescu i suppose the problem is that the us is fully aspirational, whereas the ru world a lot more practical.
15:31 asciilifeform aha
15:31 pete_dushenski i think it's the "it worked for the us" thing again
15:31 asciilifeform cn - same
15:31 mircea_popescu no dude seriously contemplates telling parents / prospect / parents of prosepct that "he contributes to wikipedia"
15:31 pete_dushenski same as concrete highways to nowhere
15:32 mircea_popescu odd that foss got a lot further in latin america.
15:32 mircea_popescu if it were "it worked for us" it'd be mre latin america and less ru.
15:32 mircea_popescu not the other way around.
15:32 pete_dushenski romania too afaik
15:32 asciilifeform there is also a parallel, historical explanation
15:32 pete_dushenski likes foss
15:32 asciilifeform in late-years ussr, university education included unix
15:32 asciilifeform but all the native pdp clones, their unixen, etc. were sent to the dump
15:33 asciilifeform when native, and then imported ibm pc compatibles appeard
15:33 mircea_popescu hm.
15:33 asciilifeform instantly - msdos and then winblows
15:33 mircea_popescu odd.
15:34 pete_dushenski latin america has really only imitated the us to the extent that they've been forced to
15:34 asciilifeform by the time it became practical to keep a unix box at home in ru, most of the 'candidates' for this were already enjoying the rewards of writing elaborate winblows crapware, etc.
15:34 pete_dushenski russia has done so because... grocery stores
15:35 mircea_popescu basically the problem is negative incentives. lots of money to be made from windows holes.
15:35 asciilifeform not primarily holes
15:35 asciilifeform but warez
15:35 asciilifeform the tradition of parasitizing on foreign devs for virtually all needs - continued
15:36 * mircea_popescu shrugs.
15:38 asciilifeform somewhat tangentially, it was never at all likely that a thing like 'ida' would be produced by anyone other than a thinking man who happens to be a hardcore winblows user.
15:38 mircea_popescu not enough need ?
15:38 asciilifeform have to be a fanatical scholar of winblowsism.
15:39 mircea_popescu true, this.
15:39 mircea_popescu obviously, it has source code, right ?
15:39 asciilifeform referring here to instances where microshit sources leaked ?
15:39 asciilifeform (or what)
15:40 mircea_popescu no, ida itself.
15:40 asciilifeform aha
15:40 mircea_popescu it's not hand written straight into bytecode.
15:40 mircea_popescu so at some point the corp's gonna go bankrupt and you can buy the code then
15:40 mircea_popescu prolly for cheap as nobody cares.
15:41 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: gonna bet that it'll end up in the same place as symbolics sources
15:41 mircea_popescu where's that ?
15:41 asciilifeform usg limbo
15:41 asciilifeform 'dog in the manger'
15:42 mircea_popescu this is not very clear.
15:42 mircea_popescu and what were symbolics sources in anyway, cl ?
15:42 asciilifeform i happen to know with fair degree of certainty that the number one buyer of 'ida' is usg.
15:42 asciilifeform at least, as of several years ago.
15:43 mircea_popescu hm.
15:44 asciilifeform the symbolics sources in the usual sense (of lisp) are largely on 'pirate bay'. but they are quite useless without the chip design.
15:44 mircea_popescu hey, any foxy force five chicks in the audience : there's a job to bust into the liege offices of a tiny firm and steal source code. catsuit optional. get in touch.
15:45 asciilifeform as an experiment, i spoke to dave schmidt (actual person, went to his house, bought an ancient machine.) pleasant old man. and asked re: buying docs. he claimed that he was not at liberty to sell, at any price, due to pacts with usg.
15:45 asciilifeform as far as i remember the conversation, that's the part that stuck with me.
15:45 asciilifeform http://symbolics-dks.com
15:45 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1APS2y1 )
15:46 mircea_popescu well, so you can have them post-usg
15:46 asciilifeform ^ used to be 'symbolics.com' - oldest registered .com - in fact. but dks sold it to spammers (yes) to pay bills a few yrs ago.
15:46 mircea_popescu not entirely clear to me who cares about an obsolete chip design, but hey.
15:47 * asciilifeform in his judgement does not believe it to be 'obsolete' in the normal sense of the word.
15:47 cazalla http://qntra.net/2015/02/germany-austrias-project-bitcrime/ ;;rate -10000 scoopbot lazy, doesn't come around these parts much anymore
15:47 assbot Germany & Austria's Project BITCRIME | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1APSn3T )
15:48 mircea_popescu mebbe you're right.
15:48 mircea_popescu ;;seen peterl
15:48 gribble peterl was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 3 days, 0 hours, 37 minutes, and 1 second ago: <PeterL> My wife's bike was once stolen out of our garage ... whoever took it left their bike sitting in our yard. It was the weirdest thing.
15:48 pete_dushenski cazalla: i concur wholeheartedly
15:48 asciilifeform foxy force five chicks << the funny part is that very little would change re: the situation of 'ida' if the author published his sources tomorrow.
15:48 asciilifeform it's in gnarly, stinking cpp, similar to bitcoind...
15:48 mircea_popescu dude what is this thing, everyone can make sites nobody can keep them online.
15:48 mircea_popescu asciilifeform listen. wanting for the sake of want is not enough. you gotta want something.
15:49 asciilifeform ... and want enough.
15:49 asciilifeform as in, willing to bleed
15:49 asciilifeform this point is under-appreciated
15:52 asciilifeform (to any 'symbolics' fans: my investigations suggest - but do not prove! that the rights to the assets were purchased, several years ago, by an nsa shill corp. for somewhere south of 5m usd.)
15:54 mircea_popescu asciilifeform by the way, for what it's worth you should probably make a complete wish list and publish it.
15:54 mircea_popescu you never know what the next bundle of leaks includes, or who's a reader.
15:54 mircea_popescu so far the biggest problem anon suffers from is that it doesn't really know what to get.
15:55 pete_dushenski "On the 1st of October 2014 we invested ฿1 in the house bank of the top 9 bitcoin gambling investments sites"
15:56 asciilifeform the truly interesting leaks would be the 'great mysteries' cited in http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1323 - but the boojum lies in the total impossibility of authenticating any such leak.
15:56 assbot Loper OS » A Country of Which Nothing is Known but the Name. ... ( http://bit.ly/1APULYf )
15:56 pete_dushenski result: "37% scam rate & -24% ROI in 5 months"
15:56 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski hehehe sounds bout right.
15:56 pete_dushenski because who needs a wot amirite ?
15:57 mircea_popescu asciilifeform again, wanting for the sake of wanting is no gooid. you gotta want something.
15:57 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski tell em not me :D
15:57 pete_dushenski lol this cult is the best choir though
15:57 asciilifeform i'll elaborate re: above: 'directorate xxx was unable to break rsa despite five quadrillion bezzlars blown in five years' is only mildly interesting because directorate yyy might have a functioning voodoo doll from whose arsehole keys drip on demand. etc.
15:57 asciilifeform leak cannot 'prove a negative'
15:58 mircea_popescu practical. "i want the chip designs for the original symbolics. i want pictures of malia obama eating out sasha obama. i want the average bra size of us uniforms"
15:58 mircea_popescu actionable stuff.
15:59 mircea_popescu http://sexylosers.com/115.html lol
15:59 assbot #115 - Thank You ... ( http://bit.ly/16HHYK1 )
16:02 Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "BTC to top $450 before 31st Mar" http://bitbet.us/bet/1113/ Odds: 14(Y):86(N) by coin, 15(Y):85(N) by weight. Total bet: 5.7963 BTC. Current weight: 77,228.
16:16 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2883 @ 0.00085598 = 2.4678 BTC [+] {5}
~ 23 minutes ~
16:39 thestringpuller mircea_popescu: "Who's actually arguing this? The Romanian camel dude?"
16:39 thestringpuller ^LOL
16:39 mircea_popescu huh ?
16:40 thestringpuller http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2vbi45/i_find_it_comedic_that_people_think_bitcoin_can/cogb9f2 < from redditards
16:40 thestringpuller i thought it was funny. i laugh at beavis and butthead. reddit is pretty much that.
16:41 mircea_popescu shit, reddit was mike judge's comeback all along ?
16:41 mircea_popescu fuck, son... i am surprist.
16:41 thestringpuller just need to wait from some kid to die from doing something they saw on reddit
16:43 thestringpuller "The world doesn't need millions of copies of the blockchain. 10,000 copies is probably enough." << the pseudo-arguments just get funnier and funnier
16:43 danielpbarron why not one copy run by gavin himself?
16:45 mircea_popescu there's little funnier than watching the socialist/libertard lot coming to terms with the notiopn that their collective anal rings are gripping on my cock whenever i feel like.
16:45 mircea_popescu the only serious promise bitcoin makes is, there's more of that to come.
16:45 asciilifeform where is the sign that they are coming to terms with any of it ?
16:45 thestringpuller "No, Gavin said this can still run on a normal internet connection. Other alt-coin have "master node" and all that crap. Nobody force anyone to be a full node, and nobody that is currently running a full node is complaining.
16:45 thestringpuller The idea is not to prevent bitcoin but to empower it."
16:45 mircea_popescu "oh, we're so right and in agreement and important and relevant!111"
16:46 thestringpuller LOL. "But Gavin told us it does run on "normal" internet"
16:46 thestringpuller !ascii pogo count
16:46 thestringpuller lolol
16:46 mircea_popescu asciilifeform well, frantic activity is not just a cover-up for impotence. it is also the first step towards acceptance.
16:46 asciilifeform all i can see (with admittedly untrained eye) is the usual daily anthill
16:46 asciilifeform and its usual motions
16:47 thestringpuller asciilifeform: it's like person who struggling under water while drowning
16:47 mircea_popescu well yes. an anal ring is, the usual cellular chemistry, and biodynamics.
16:47 mircea_popescu just, it pulsates around a different pole these days is all.
16:47 mircea_popescu minor point, obviously.
16:47 thestringpuller asciilifeform: first tehy scream and panic and eventually just take it
16:48 thestringpuller like stages of grief it appears
16:51 mircea_popescu http://sexylosers.com/141.html lawl.
16:51 assbot #141 - Four Boobies and a Funeral II ... ( http://bit.ly/16HYsSf )
16:52 mircea_popescu you know, the entire point of the "hypocrisy" of civilisation, and the accumulated pile of ridiculous, wrong and stupid
16:52 mircea_popescu it's all here to avoid this situation.
16:55 mircea_popescu http://sexylosers.com/146.html also not bad
16:55 assbot #146 - Finger Play III ... ( http://bit.ly/16HZA8t )
~ 19 minutes ~
17:14 danielpbarron "GIT - the stupid content tracker, the revision control system heavily used by the Linux kernel team" << description of git package in gentoo, lol
17:17 mircea_popescu what's gentoo use ?
17:18 * danielpbarron shrugs
17:19 mircea_popescu inb4 perl
17:22 BingoBoingo www.raspberrypi.org/xenon-death-flash-a-free-physics-lesson/ << Engineering oversight mega-lol
17:23 asciilifeform !s phototransistors
17:23 assbot 2 results for 'phototransistors' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=phototransistors
17:23 asciilifeform BingoBoingo ^
17:24 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: I'm just wondering why they included the bare silicon die sitting atop solder balls. I know their goal is "cheap" but it seems like they crossed over into "cheap"
17:25 mircea_popescu it's small.
17:25 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: SOP in chinese crap. but traditionally there is a blob of black epoxy over them. in this case - starvation-cheap, omitted the epoxy.
17:28 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 92800 @ 0.00039163 = 36.3433 BTC [-] {2}
17:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42000 @ 0.00039597 = 16.6307 BTC [+] {2}
17:36 cazalla while i sit here and eat the carrot cake i made last night and enjoy a cuppa, you know what would be really good? a cake tin that bakes slices of cake so that every slice is an end bit
17:37 mircea_popescu what are you, elaine ?
17:38 cazalla funny you mention that, a slice and the topper of son's first birthday cake is in the freezer.. will remain there for god knows how long
17:45 mircea_popescu knew a guy that actually buried it with a tree he planted.
17:46 mircea_popescu then when the kid was like 12, some dude drove into the tree
17:46 mircea_popescu sawed it right off. then this guy was about to kill the driver while waitig for ambulance
17:46 BingoBoingo !b 4
17:46 assbot Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1717ZA3.txt )
17:47 cazalla i'd just as soon throw it in the bin but.. missus demands to keep it for some reason despite the fact it will eventually go into the bin yet take up freezer room for fucking years to come
17:50 * asciilifeform considered miniaturized cryostats for consumer market at one point, for weirdos like this
17:51 mircea_popescu if only there was semiconductor
17:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30850 @ 0.00039821 = 12.2848 BTC [+]
17:52 asciilifeform superconductor ?
17:52 mircea_popescu right
17:53 mircea_popescu forget lasers, those things'd make some pretty kickass engines.
17:53 asciilifeform cheap enough cryostat would give you cheapo superconductor, but afaik - not vice versa
17:56 mircea_popescu asciilifeform a wire with no resistence consumes no energy right ? but electric charge moving still creates field, right ?
17:56 mircea_popescu infinity efficiency compressor.
17:56 asciilifeform nope.
17:56 asciilifeform 2nd law violation.
17:56 mircea_popescu don';t bust the dream. mebbe 2nd law is repealed :D
17:56 asciilifeform l0l
17:57 mircea_popescu !up cjc
17:58 asciilifeform think this way, the moving charge in the superconductor is analogous to the motions of other bodies which do no 'work' in the thermodynamic sense
17:58 cjc Thanks mircea_popescu, How are you today?
17:59 mircea_popescu i ate too much chocolate cake.
17:59 mircea_popescu otherwise, fine. why ?
18:00 cjc I would like chocolate cake -- but will instead have pizza delivered soon.
18:00 * asciilifeform by sheer coincidence also ate too much chocolate cake
18:00 cjc No reason for asking other than salutations.
18:00 mircea_popescu pizza schmizza. home made (actually, slave made!) black sponge cake with bananas in a rich chocolate ganache. from scratch!
18:03 cjc It would be nice to have been eating desert instead right now.
18:03 cjc dessert, rather?
18:05 mircea_popescu depends if you had any sand in mind.
18:05 TheNewDeal Deserts not a bad meal either
18:10 cjc When you describe the black sponge cake from scratch... it sounds like you have happy and well kept slaves.
18:10 mircea_popescu for teh most part.
18:11 mircea_popescu speaking of which, there's a bitcoin kink group. 90 guys of which 50% over 50, 10 gals, of which half from thailand.
18:11 asciilifeform http://srom.zgp.org << mega-lol
18:11 assbot Operating System Sucks-Rules-O-Meter ... ( http://bit.ly/1veGTjh )
18:13 cazalla always found it bizarre "winners don't use drugs" would appear in the arcade games i played here, didn't even know what drugs were at the time
18:13 mircea_popescu early branding.
18:13 cazalla i'm 10, playing TMNT.. why is DOJ telling me about drugs?
18:14 mircea_popescu so you recognize it later.
18:14 mircea_popescu otherwise local druglord' be all "hey kid, want some drugs ?" and you'd be "huh ?"
18:16 cjc eh, oddly enough -- once my friends from high school started having kids and telling me how the doctors wanted to pump them up with pills as soon as they were school age..
18:16 cjc it seems the pusher is the school teacher for "behavioral meds" or the doctor
18:18 asciilifeform cjc: http://mazepath.com/uncleal/ritalin3.htm http://mazepath.com/uncleal/ritalin2.htm
18:18 assbot "I WAS ALL MESSED UP ON DRUGS... ... ( http://bit.ly/1CN4Zt9 )
18:18 assbot SPEED HEALS ... ( http://bit.ly/1CN4YFx )
18:18 mircea_popescu heh.
18:18 asciilifeform at this point, ancient tradition.
18:18 * asciilifeform still thinks it's reddit, not the dope, that gives us the 'nobody born after '90 is worth talking to' situation.
18:19 mircea_popescu wakit
18:19 mircea_popescu aderall is actually meth !?
18:19 asciilifeform neh
18:19 cjc apparently
18:20 mircea_popescu asciilifeform it';s the parents, the meds, the other kids in this order, my guess.
18:20 TheNewDeal Its the dumbed down version
18:20 thestringpuller no adderall is pretty much meth
18:20 mircea_popescu !up taub
18:21 asciilifeform http://www.cmaj.ca/content/178/13/1679/F1.large.jpg
18:21 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1CN5vr1 )
18:21 mircea_popescu !gettrust assbot taub
18:21 assbot Trust relationship from user assbot to user taub: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. | http://w.b-a.link/trust/assbot/taub | http://w.b-a.link/user/taub
18:21 mircea_popescu !rate taub 1 Voice
18:21 assbot Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/bbb8205a4703139b
18:21 asciilifeform i'll let BingoBoingo explain how one has faster blood-brain penetration than other, lipid solubility, etc.
18:22 asciilifeform if he feels like it
18:22 thestringpuller cazalla: I thought about that a lot throughout college.
18:22 taub thank you
18:22 taub i cant into pgp
18:23 thestringpuller Did the feds think, "You know who is doing drugs these days, kids in the arcades with no parental supervision."
18:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9933 @ 0.00039821 = 3.9554 BTC [+]
18:23 taub well it's 'just' amphetamine, but very similar to meth
18:23 taub meth is just way more potent
18:23 thestringpuller The whole bart simpson era of "troublemakers" which I really don't understand since most of them do coke to work their 80 hour a week jobs.
18:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8967 @ 0.00040229 = 3.6073 BTC [+]
18:24 asciilifeform it is interesting that open literature contains substantially less useful info on what a particular variety of dope 'does' than it might seem, because of what used to be called 'comorbidities'
18:25 mircea_popescu asciilifeform in fairness : the only practical way to reduce the 7-8 bn to the more sane lower tens of millions is this.
18:25 mircea_popescu what else ? shoot them ?
18:25 taub when you take your adderall like prescribed by the doctor, i think its a pretty safe drug tho
18:25 taub not gonna eat holes into your brain
18:25 asciilifeform i.e. the 'before and after' faces found in various usg propaganda depict people who not only took $dopeoftheday but were perpetually pickled, smoked everything and anything that burns, contracted every known vd, etc.
18:25 cazalla thestringpuller, reminds me.. you seen that video of the black kid in the arcade who actually looks like he is on drugs? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee8-wRHCCg4
18:25 assbot Crazy kid goes nuts at Chuck E Cheese - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1veJdXg )
18:25 mircea_popescu taub why cant you pgp /
18:25 taub now if you got an addictive personality, its a different thing
18:26 taub i just never botherd
18:26 mircea_popescu somehow you're reg'd.
18:27 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: if lizardhitler picked the currently usg-'blessed' varieties of dope to zap folks prior to reproductive age, he needs to fire his chemist
18:28 mircea_popescu the idea isn't to zap anyone.
18:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 75129 @ 0.00039129 = 29.3972 BTC [-] {2}
18:34 asciilifeform related thread: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-08-2014#808005
18:34 assbot Logged on 25-08-2014 03:08:03; asciilifeform: busy as a bee << funny that they show an idiot sow scrubbing, and not, e.g, paul erdos crapping out theorems
18:34 thestringpuller LOL cazalla
18:34 mircea_popescu in fairness, more common.
18:34 thestringpuller d00d the pseudo argument of "Bitcoin is a democracy" is starting to irritate me
18:36 thestringpuller "Remember student council, and individuals running for student office. It was a popularity contest right? Well did those elected have any real power other than in name?"
18:37 mircea_popescu it's funny tho, reddit doesn't JUST think bitcoin is democracy. everything is democracy. according to redditard lore, i need their vote to get laid.
18:37 mircea_popescu ppl actually believe this.
18:37 mircea_popescu i definiely need their vote to be happy, and if being rich were allowed (it isn't) then DEFINITELY the only way to get rich is to sell fifty billion fucktards stuff for a quarter each.
18:38 asciilifeform !b 4
18:38 assbot Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0WH0EV8.txt )
18:38 thestringpuller ^- d00d why is this argument used so much in "Business school"
18:38 thestringpuller "OMG You shouldn't try to sell one thing for a billion bucks. YOu should sell a billion things for a dollar each! it's so much more valuable"
18:39 mircea_popescu "and then you must donate the profits!"
18:39 thestringpuller Given we know 1% own 99% of the wealth
18:40 thestringpuller why would you ever spend time trying to get money from poor people?
18:40 thestringpuller They don't matter in that context. Ever.
18:41 taub darkcoin making a little run
18:41 taub how i hate altcoins
18:42 thestringpuller !up bitcoinquestions
18:43 bitcoinquestions If the blockchain were to fork into 2 chains. 1 chain where the blocksize limit was the Gavin scam and 1 chain where it was kept at 1MB, can't everyone just profit by selling their coins on the scam chain and rebuying back the coins on the old chain?
18:45 thestringpuller yes. this is explained by MP
18:46 thestringpuller ;;google site:qntra.net hard fork missile crisis
18:46 gribble The Hard Fork Missile Crisis | Qntra.net: <http://qntra.net/2015/01/the-hard-fork-missile-crisis/>; After Survery Vessenes' Foundation "Pivots" | Qntra.net: <http://qntra.net/2014/11/after-survery-vessenes-foundation-pivots/>; asciilifeform | Qntra.net: <http://qntra.net/author/asciilifeform/>
18:46 thestringpuller i reference the attack in my article bitcoinquestions
18:46 bitcoinquestions can't load any of those pages
18:46 bitcoinquestions but I'm guessing your article just dives deeper into the same thing I just said right?
18:48 asciilifeform bitcoinquestions: would it trouble you to take a moment to introduce yourself and state how and why you came to #b-a?
18:48 cazalla http://qntra.net/2015/02/new-all-time-high-in-bitcoin-mining-difficulty/ sco.. ah forget it
18:48 assbot New All Time High In Bitcoin Mining Difficulty | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1veLRwr )
18:49 asciilifeform bitcoinquestions: so far we've heard nothing but questions; so now i ask a question of you.
18:49 scoopbot New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2015/02/new-all-time-high-in-bitcoin-mining-difficulty/
18:49 cazalla oh, scoopbot is back
18:50 bitcoinquestions asciilifeform: sure, I'm an MIT dropout (or well taking time off at least) doing my own startup and collecting bitcoins along the way instead of paying tuition. I heard about b-a in an article in the nakamotoinstitute
18:50 asciilifeform bitcoinquestions: what were you studying prior to dropping out ?
18:50 bitcoinquestions CS / Econ
18:50 bitcoinquestions : )
18:51 asciilifeform what of the startup? what's it do
18:51 bitcoinquestions www.pushforpizza.com
18:52 thestringpuller amazon is going to sue you
18:52 thestringpuller if you get too big
18:52 bitcoinquestions lol whatever
18:52 thestringpuller dat one click shopping :P
18:53 bitcoinquestions i will be very happy if we get to the point where amazon cares about suing us
18:54 Naphex !up mandarin
18:54 mircea_popescu this is riotously funny. so how does b-a look to the mit cs/econ (?!) undegrad doing a pizzforpusha startup ?
18:55 Naphex i'd probably use it, when i'm really toned.
18:55 Naphex :o
18:55 bitcoinquestions yeah that's the point
18:56 Naphex too bad most delivery around where i live is crap ;o
18:56 Naphex bitcoinquestions: so where do you get the money from?
18:56 mircea_popescu Naphex timisoara deliveries are... ONE HOUR. i lulzed my ass off at them.
18:57 mircea_popescu buenos aires deliveries generally take 10 minutes tho.
18:57 Naphex mircea_popescu: same here. one hour and cold ;o
18:57 mircea_popescu like you know, sane places.
19:00 mircea_popescu http://sexylosers.com/201.html
19:00 assbot #201 - A Page Right Out of History ... ( http://bit.ly/1veNave )
19:00 mircea_popescu also not bad.
19:01 mircea_popescu you know, somebody should do this as a service. comic strip summarizer. watch them all, pick the i dunno, 1% worth a chuchle.
19:13 lobbes Took me all weekend, but I am now in control of my own IRC bouncer. Now to configure it properly...
19:13 BingoBoingo <thestringpuller> no adderall is pretty much meth << Not even a proper amphetamine
19:15 BingoBoingo <thestringpuller> no adderall is pretty much meth << SOrry thought you said Ritalin. Adderal is a racemic mixture of Levo and Dex amphetamines. The levo reduces the "abuse potential"
19:16 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> i'll let BingoBoingo explain how one has faster blood-brain penetration than other, lipid solubility, etc. << Methyl group makes it have a greater affinity for particular subsets of norepinephrine and dopamine receptors. For some reason the methyl group makes it more toxic to neurons in the long run
19:18 Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Light Sweet Crude Oil (WTI) to drop under $30 before April" http://bitbet.us/bet/1112/ Odds: 11(Y):89(N) by coin, 12(Y):88(N) by weight. Total bet: 9.84351 BTC. Current weight: 73,009.
19:19 BingoBoingo As to why ritalin is not an amphetamine, simply compare its picture to the ones asciilifeform posted https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methylphenidate#mediaviewer/File:Methylphenidate-2D-skeletal.svg
19:20 assbot Methylphenidate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1veP6nj )
19:27 BingoBoingo http://web.archive.org/web/20011021072312/http://www.dyncorp-is.com/darpa/meetings/win98aug/wars.html
19:27 assbot NT Religious Wars ... ( http://bit.ly/1veQ2Iq )
19:28 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55950 @ 0.00040087 = 22.4287 BTC [+] {3}
19:28 BingoBoingo "For all intents and purposes, it is reasonable to assume that all of DARPA’s customers already use computers in their work. Furthermore, they have been using computers for years. They have developed their own procedures and policies that are not conveniently switched to a different operating environment at the drop of a hat. And they are all using Windows. They are all using Windows because it is the superior choice for Intel-h
19:28 BingoBoingo ardware operating systems for naïve users. The reason, however, is irrelevant, because the fact remains that users are using Windows."
19:42 BingoBoingo "This dilemma is particularly strong for researchers in the areas of operating systems and networking, two areas in which Windows NT is considered to be especially weak. With DARPA project lifetimes typically in the two- or three-year range, PIs must swallow hard before agreeing to take two giant steps back in order to begin their research on a Windows NT technology base."
19:54 mircea_popescu if somebody still has a twitter account, be a kitten tweet my last @maigov to see some really embarassed romanian police.
19:56 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: For some reason the methyl group makes it more toxic to neurons in the long run << afaik no one has conclusively shown that it's the methyl rather than the sleeping-once-a-week, rotgut booze, and vd
19:56 asciilifeform see earlier thread re: co-morbidity etc
19:56 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: https://twitter.com/BBoingo/status/564951001728569344
19:56 assbot /maigov I stumbled across this http://t.co/MbM32fRoR5
19:57 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Well, much of the meth toxixity literature is from 1940's and 1950's when it was prefered USG go pill before being replaced by gentler amphetamines
19:58 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: seems like all three would still apply if population is u.s. soldiers ?
19:58 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo danke
19:59 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Perhaps, but it would be very un-USG of the era to not be running trials in parallel with minimal disclosure
20:03 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: l000l!
20:03 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: https://github.com/bitwiseshiftleft/sjcl/commit/ac0b3fe0 << it ?
20:03 assbot Make use of default operator · ac0b3fe · bitwiseshiftleft/sjcl · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1AQSZGr )
20:03 scoopbot New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2015/catre-ministerul-afacerilor-interne-in-atentia-d-lor-gheorghe-nicolae-petre-toba-bondar-marin-si-d-nei-laura-codru%c8%9ba-kovesi-dvs-stiati-ca-angajatii-dvs-se-ocupa-cu-frauda-pe-internet/
20:04 asciilifeform yes, re: ^
20:04 asciilifeform or was the pw 'we are orcs'
20:04 mircea_popescu well guess ?
20:05 mircea_popescu to help you guess :
20:05 asciilifeform the latter
20:05 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2012/law-enforcement-never-fails-to-unintentionally-entertain/
20:05 assbot Law enforcement never fails to unintentionally entertain pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1AQTobT )
20:05 mircea_popescu right.
20:05 asciilifeform ahahaha.
20:05 mircea_popescu anyway, the general point here being : we investigate too.
20:07 asciilifeform poor idiots.
20:07 asciilifeform sparrow in microwave horn.
20:07 mircea_popescu orly.
20:08 asciilifeform from the story told thus far - what else.
20:08 mircea_popescu dude, don't tell me stories. policeman thinks 120% is koshert ?
20:08 mircea_popescu anyway, the so called "Departamentul de Informaţii şi Protecţie Internă" ie, informations & internal protection dept is the biggest loser here.
20:09 mircea_popescu as they DIDNT know.
20:09 asciilifeform or knew and had cut ?
20:09 asciilifeform as is orcish sop ?
20:09 mircea_popescu i know they didn't know.
20:09 mircea_popescu i don't infer they didn't.
20:10 asciilifeform mircea_popescu also knows that they give a damn ?
20:10 mircea_popescu i know they don't, but that is quite besides the point innit ? http://www.dgipi.ro/articole/articol.php?idarticol=1233 << this is their latest.
20:10 assbot DGIPI - Direcția Generală de Informații și Protecție Internă ... ( http://bit.ly/1AQUwfG )
20:11 mircea_popescu rural policeman reported the attempted bribe by some guy that cut 1.7 cubic meters of wood illegally.
20:11 mircea_popescu suma de 1000 lei = ~1 btc's worth.
20:12 mircea_popescu ie, less effecvtual than the tardstalk forum police.
20:12 asciilifeform so they'll say, in the event they say anything, that it was all a fiction ?
20:12 asciilifeform as ru police would
20:12 asciilifeform what am i missing here
20:13 mircea_popescu not so simple. the chick at the end, kovesi ? she's fanatical.
20:13 mircea_popescu and the LAST thing she's looking for tuesday mornings is seeing her name on my blog in that context.
20:14 asciilifeform sic transit gloria spam-mundi then
20:14 mircea_popescu only impossible outcome here is, for idiot policemen to stop being defrauded like redditards.
20:22 mircea_popescu anyway that default stuff's pretty good :D
20:29 BingoBoingo How phundation handles the different Openssl libraries nao https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/f19dded6e4bf6b5a345de899863310281846eb61
20:29 assbot Improve robustness of DER recoding code · f19dded · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1AQYAMP )
20:30 mircea_popescu http://sexylosers.com/219.html not bad
20:30 assbot #219 - Author Feedback ... ( http://bit.ly/1AQYHYQ )
20:33 BingoBoingo !up BlueMeanie4
20:33 BlueMeanie4 greetings
20:35 mircea_popescu http://sexylosers.com/224.html also not bad
20:35 assbot #224 - In the Merde For Love ... ( http://bit.ly/1AQZNUo )
20:38 BlueMeanie4 ive been making Bitcoin comics https://twitter.com/BlueMeanie4/status/563787262559678464
20:38 assbot today's /hashtag/Bitcoin?src=hash comic http://t.co/xHnvs5op4G
20:41 mircea_popescu any good ?
20:41 BingoBoingo Another drug related mega lol http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2015/02/suboxone_could_help_heroin_addicts.html << Suboxone is not merely buprenorphine, also impregnated with naloxone in indigestible shell to prevent crushing
20:41 assbot Suboxone could help heroin addicts: ... ( http://bit.ly/1DVxr9n )
20:41 mircea_popescu http://sexylosers.com/228.html << this might be the most obscene thing i've seen this year.
20:41 assbot #228 - Fast Freud ... ( http://bit.ly/1DVxuBX )
20:42 ben_vulpes y'all heard of kennas new scam?
20:42 BingoBoingo No?
20:43 mircea_popescu !up bitcoinquestions
20:43 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes which one is this ?
20:44 ben_vulpes http://www.thecaravanserai.co/
20:44 assbot The Caravanserai. Roam free. ... ( http://bit.ly/1DVxYYQ )
20:44 mircea_popescu lol
20:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28178 @ 0.00039326 = 11.0813 BTC [-] {2}
20:44 mircea_popescu !up nanotube
20:45 BlueMeanie4 what are the prices for that
20:45 * danielpbarron slaps BlueMeanie4 around a bit with a large putin
20:46 BlueMeanie4 do you hate america Daniel?
20:46 danielpbarron what is america?
20:46 nanotube <nanotube> hey, sorry for delay in reply, been busy, still busy. just to give you a quick preview, i'm thinking/working on implementing everything-signed, using a framework sort of like this: http://bitcoin-otc.com/newsite/rate.php
20:46 assbot #bitcoin-otc rating entry form ... ( http://bit.ly/1AR21mK )
20:46 nanotube <nanotube> once that system is operational, integrating multiple federated databases will be trivial and will involve no trust.
20:47 nanotube fyi, y'all^
20:47 mircea_popescu that's cool.
20:47 mircea_popescu federated wots best way to un-centralize this problem, i believe.
20:48 BlueMeanie4 hyporcubez
20:50 nanotube yea not quite the full fancypants xml-wot from the ideal world, but this will go most of the way and be much more likely to actually happen.
20:50 BingoBoingo Reddit http://sexylosers.com/003.html
20:50 assbot #003 - Video Girl Etchi I ... ( http://bit.ly/1AR2DsD )
20:56 TheNewDeal Liked that bb, thanks
21:01 BlueMeanie4 a federated Wot?
21:06 BingoBoingo !up BlueMeanie4
21:11 thestringpuller amazon is going to sue you~
21:11 thestringpuller .~
21:11 thestringpuller .
21:13 BlueMeanie4 so who thinks bitcoin is going to crash further?
21:13 danielpbarron it crashed?
21:14 danielpbarron ;;ticker
21:14 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 221.08, Best ask: 221.27, Bid-ask spread: 0.19000, Last trade: 221.29, 24 hour volume: 18423.98029392, 24 hour low: 215.0, 24 hour high: 225.0, 24 hour vwap: 219.323476828
21:14 BlueMeanie4 lost more than 30% of its value
21:16 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 85700 @ 0.00040567 = 34.7659 BTC [+]
21:17 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87450 @ 0.0004068 = 35.5747 BTC [+] {2}
21:19 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48200 @ 0.00039038 = 18.8163 BTC [-]
21:24 TheNewDeal I think gox falsely propped it up to the previous ath, not to say anything about a possibility of return to said prices
21:26 BingoBoingo TheNewDeal: Well I think there was some Gox/China synergy.
21:31 BlueMeanie4 its starting to become clear that the whole thing was a ponzi to begin with
21:31 cazalla BlueMeanie4, gox or bitcoin?
21:31 BlueMeanie4 then somewhere between '13 and '14 they want batshit insane about all these other ideas
21:31 mircea_popescu !up IHB
21:31 BlueMeanie4 bitcoin
21:31 IHB can i get some feedback on something i am writing guys?
21:31 mircea_popescu ok
21:31 mircea_popescu !down BlueMeanie4
21:32 mircea_popescu who keeps upping the tards.
21:32 * BingoBoingo up'd that one
21:32 danielpbarron !b 10
21:32 assbot Last 10 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/12T9CHJ.txt )
21:32 cazalla IHB, i can give you some feedback on your site design instead if you like? 2.0 type shit sucks
21:32 IHB yeah
21:32 BingoBoingo IHB, I'll give it a read through
21:32 IHB i am changing it
21:33 BingoBoingo cazalla: You ever try reading coinfire on Mobile? We're kicking their ass on pnoHe friendly layout nao
21:33 cazalla IHB, i mean, i gotta use 3 finger scrolls to get to the meat of it.. i don't even give the missus that much
21:33 IHB i haven't had time and lot of changes are being pushed through. was working on an api that will be launched with it. hopefully it will be useful
21:33 IHB lol
21:34 IHB ok, this is still a WIP, but i want to make sure i understand
21:34 IHB @petertoddbtc @trilema @oocBlog  @BryceWeiner @JustusRanvier  @fredwilson @balajis  In regards to scalability and the perceived threat facing the bitcoin ecosystem I am still not convinced we have a problem here. Gavin has been talking about this for a little while now and it shouldn’t surprise anyone of us that he is publicly trying to get a proposal ready so the full nodes can vote on it. 1. If 80% of the full nodes v
21:34 cazalla BingoBoingo, could be worse
21:34 BingoBoingo http://sexylosers.com/069.html
21:34 assbot #069 - The Shit-Eating Triology II ... ( http://bit.ly/1CNFPKQ )
21:35 mircea_popescu ihb see also
21:35 mircea_popescu !s pogo
21:35 assbot 111 results for 'pogo' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=pogo
21:35 BingoBoingo IHB: That tweet is from ??? about ? hard to squeeze meaningful context into that space
21:35 cazalla mircea_popescu, i read you have like 100k of those pogos eh
21:35 mircea_popescu but in any case, "votes" by bs nodes with < 90% uptime is pointless.
21:35 IHB i know i know
21:35 mircea_popescu might as well redditvote.
21:35 IHB i am posting a draft write now
21:35 mircea_popescu and in any case : VOTES DO NOT MATTER.
21:35 mircea_popescu bitcoin is not a democracy.,
21:36 mircea_popescu bitcoin is a consensus system.
21:36 BingoBoingo IHB: Just remember if you post a big draft for review before going up on your site, Google index's pastebins aggressively, Dpaste not so much.
21:36 mircea_popescu the concept of voting re bitcoin is not unlike the concept of voting re sex.
21:36 mircea_popescu sure, 9 out of 10 people enjoy themselves at any gangbang.
21:37 mircea_popescu this doesn't mean me and eight other dudes get to vote on how to use gavin's wife.
21:37 IHB https://ihb.io/2015-02-09/news/a87a98cb5843a28d1c494178aa8865eaf7ec1200f6966be7e4066135c9247-16259
21:37 assbot draft • IHB News™ ... ( http://bit.ly/1E0fINK )
21:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21350 @ 0.00040688 = 8.6869 BTC [+]
21:39 BingoBoingo http://trilema.com/ has threatened to bring the house down and if he is successful, then so be it. << IHB you prolly want to link MPEx.co as the actor and particular trilema pieces justifying the MPEx position
21:39 assbot Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1E0g1bf )
21:39 mircea_popescu ihb it's beyon me why you think this is publishable.
21:39 IHB its not
21:39 mircea_popescu as a general rule : strike out all paragraphs that contain the pronoun "I" see what's left.
21:40 mircea_popescu aha.
21:40 cazalla IHB, this is your scratch pad eh?
21:40 IHB not everyone is as talented as you when it comes to words [feces]
21:40 mircea_popescu also, the paywall on trilema is a) older than bitcoin and b) older than the new york time's.
21:40 BingoBoingo he recently put a btc paywall on his personal blog. << IHB been around multiple years. Since early 2013 when I finally started talking to people.
21:40 mircea_popescu it's in fact the first paywall on any content site on the internet.
21:40 IHB i never ran into it until today
21:40 IHB fo real
21:41 mircea_popescu even so.
21:42 IHB will amend
21:42 BingoBoingo I believe the 1mb limit was only put in out of fear to protect us from a potential attack. << Was explicitly put in place to make attacks by bloating the blockchain uneconomical
21:42 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2011/the-new-york-times-urmeaza-exemplul-trilema/ << this is from back when nyt introduced their beta paywall.
21:42 assbot The New York Times urmeaza exemplul Trilema pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1CNHvnR )
21:42 mircea_popescu !up wpalczynski
21:44 IHB <+mircea_popescu> i never got the address to send the .01 BTC
21:44 mircea_popescu did you use a proper email ?
21:45 IHB i used ihb@ihb.io
21:46 IHB so if we don't have the cap it is possible for a miner to load blocks up with spam? and this in turn will weaken the network?
21:46 mircea_popescu first time i got a report like this, so mebbe wait and see ? mebbe your mail server's slow ?
21:46 IHB won't it cost a lot of money to do that?
21:46 mircea_popescu why would it be a miner ? it is possible for anyone.
21:47 mircea_popescu today it's not a particularly valuable dos attack on bitcoin because whatever, 1mb blocks.
21:47 mircea_popescu if they end up being larger, it becomes more of an attack. if they're large enough, sure, you can deny usage of the network this way.
21:47 IHB fuck.
21:48 IHB well, i am glad i had a reason to be confused
21:48 BingoBoingo IHB: And the thing is it is a one time cost to the attacker to attack by committing bloat
21:48 mircea_popescu very cheap way to attack the gavincoin, too. 20-1 = 19, so then each day costs an extra
21:48 mircea_popescu ;;calc 24 * 600 * 19 / 1024
21:48 gribble 267.1875
21:49 mircea_popescu um neh
21:49 mircea_popescu ;;calc 24 * 6 * 19 / 1024
21:49 gribble 2.671875
21:49 mircea_popescu 2.67 gb a day extra. whatever that costs, every node is stuck with it.
21:50 mircea_popescu and there's obviously no defense. valid txn will be relayed.
21:50 IHB i can't weigh in with my opinion. i will leave up to you guys. my stomach tells me the blocksize should not be raised and if people want to do other stuff they can peg their btc to a sidechain, if that ever becomes reality.
21:51 IHB i would be happy just holding my bitcoin. but only if there was a way to get all this other stuff done, you know the stuff we call bloat
21:51 IHB like washing machines talking to cars
21:51 IHB and government schemes in india being run on some sort of chain
21:52 mircea_popescu uh.
21:52 BingoBoingo <IHB> i can't weigh in with my opinion. i will leave up to you guys. my stomach tells me the blocksize should not be raised and if people want to do other stuff they can peg their btc to a sidechain, if that ever becomes reality. << Not an unreasonable thing. Settlement happens on the blockchain small amounts dick around on distraction chain.
21:52 IHB humans have already fucked with this planet we are in our own epoch Anthropence
21:54 cazalla IHB, why do you want your car to talk to your washing machine instead of your wife?
21:54 mircea_popescu the car should talk to the wife ?
21:55 * mircea_popescu buys ballgag factory shares. cleary there's a future for these.
21:55 cazalla mircea_popescu, no no, wife talk to washing machine
21:56 jurov maybe he meant carwash?
21:56 mircea_popescu like a wife with multiple personality cazalla ?
21:56 cazalla please just let me take solace in the one fucking thing my missus can do right
21:56 mircea_popescu what's that, she pushes your buttons for you ?
21:57 mircea_popescu jurov for lulz, masina = machine is how you say car in romanian.
21:57 mircea_popescu http://sexylosers.com/239.html << bwahaha z80 strip poker ?
21:57 assbot #239 - Return Without Gosub Error
21:57 BingoBoingo jurov: Commenting out that section of main.cpp you highlighted and making a junk public alert key turned into a build of 0.8.6 that's been running fine for about 20 hours nao
21:58 asciilifeform mircea_popescu, BingoBoingo, cazalla, other writery folks: anybody up for writing a basic likbez for the 'unified theory' of amplification attack as it applies not only to boring ddos but to gavincoin and in general to any system where some bozo can inflict cost C on you by spending c where c < C
21:58 mircea_popescu hm.
21:58 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: what z80. mos 6502.
21:59 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i haven't / don't intend to because a) anyone who can grasp the abstraction already knows it ; b) anyone likely to benefit from the description probably can't read.
21:59 asciilifeform then nm
21:59 asciilifeform 6502 >> reissued! >> http://www.tomshardware.com/news/mouser-6502-motorola-6800-cpu-processor,14557.html
22:00 assbot Mouser Sells Classic 6502 "Antique" Processor
22:00 mircea_popescu it's kinda what attrition wars are all about.
22:00 BingoBoingo <assbot> Mouser Sells Classic 6502 "Antique" Processor << If they cranked it to 1.5 GHz+ would be more excited
22:01 asciilifeform why BingoBoingo wants a GHz 8bit cpu?
22:01 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Speed.
22:01 BingoBoingo For some tasks bus size isn't such a big deal.
22:01 jurov lol at 15nm process the die would prolly come out few micrometers across
22:02 BingoBoingo <jurov> lol at 15nm process the die would prolly come out few micrometers across << Also this.
22:02 BingoBoingo Just imagine a palm sized box with rs-232 and the entire 1980's inside
22:02 mircea_popescu size doesn't matter guise.
22:03 kakobrekla only matters if you got a big one
22:03 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: It does when your need to breach the border with your contraband in your breech
22:03 jurov WILL IT HASH?
22:04 mircea_popescu hash it will!
22:04 asciilifeform ;;bc,stats
22:05 gribble Current Blocks: 342797 | Current Difficulty: 4.44554159623438E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 344735 | Next Difficulty In: 1938 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 5 days, 10 hours, 9 minutes, and 13 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 51193758211.3 | Estimated Percent Change: 15.15753
22:05 mircea_popescu http://sexylosers.com/243.html also not bad.
22:05 assbot #243 - America's Testes Kitchen 1
22:05 asciilifeform 336094.
22:05 mircea_popescu marinate all teh birds.
22:05 kakobrekla +15, from where
22:06 jurov from romania, haven't you heard about Mcoin machines?
22:06 kakobrekla ah you mean mpcoin
22:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29032 @ 0.00039168 = 11.3713 BTC [-]
22:06 mircea_popescu lol puh leaze.
22:08 ben_vulpes <mircea_popescu> also, the paywall on trilema is a) older than bitcoin and b) older than the new york time's. << how did you take payment before btc?
22:08 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes paypal, like everyone else.
22:08 ben_vulpes goodness.
22:08 jurov kakobrekla i meant this: http://trilema.com/2015/catre-ministerul-afacerilor-interne-in-atentia-d-lor-gheorghe-nicolae-petre-toba-bondar-marin-si-d-nei-laura-codruța-kovesi-dvs-stiati-ca-angajatii-dvs-se-ocupa-cu-frauda-pe-internet/
22:08 assbot Catre Ministerul Afacerilor Interne. In atentia d-lor Gheorghe Nicolae, Petre Toba, Bondar Marin si d-nei Laura Codruța Kövesi : Dvs stiati ca angajatii dvs se ocupa cu frauda pe Internet ? pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
22:09 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes i had a whole digg thing for the .ro market, ran on "credits", backed by paypal.
22:09 mircea_popescu people could buy/sell them.
22:09 mircea_popescu published monthly tops of ro blogs etc.
22:10 mircea_popescu !up bitcoinquestions
22:10 bitcoinquestions thanks man
22:10 mircea_popescu dude, get reg'd already.
22:11 bitcoinquestions reg'd? sorry I don't use IRC often
22:11 mircea_popescu lately you do. and http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets
22:11 assbot first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets [bitcoin assets wiki]
22:11 mircea_popescu kakobrekla : http://theairridegroup.wikia.com/wiki/Shooting_Assbot
22:12 assbot Shooting Assbot - The air ride group Wiki
22:12 mircea_popescu btw, someone edit that wiki page to reflect the assbot wotness ? who got perms ?
22:13 bitcoinquestions mircea_popescu: alright I'm on it, also you asked me what I thought of b-a before I got disconnected - it's a breath of fresh air from the mass stupidity
22:13 ben_vulpes by the way, isn't it amusing how the_scourge got instanuked, but the outright derps keep getting upped?
22:14 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Who was that pauper on your blogroll with the great eMacs text. Debate tournament judging text finally cleared and I'm ready to splurge on paytext.
22:14 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes not THAT insta.
22:14 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: wasn't instant by any means, i ended up with a mile-long ninjasp4mz0r-style log from him
22:14 mircea_popescu generally derpage doesn't get nuked until it becomes militantly stupid. bluemeanie got nuked earlier.
22:14 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: gonna need more hint
22:15 ben_vulpes looked pretty fast from over here.
22:15 ben_vulpes granted my neural filter kicked in pretty quickly, so my integral probably didn't wind up like yours.
22:15 ben_vulpes yours'
22:15 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Last mention of him here you suggested might be acutely starving? Had a big guide to emacs.
22:15 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: xah lee
22:15 ben_vulpes BigBitz: xah lee
22:15 ben_vulpes BingoBoingo:**
22:16 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Thanks
22:16 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: the way it looked, mr moarspam was sent here specifically for me. (why? ask him)
22:16 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: blocksize-themed rather than cardano this time
22:16 ben_vulpes what, you're the most easily suckered into epic privlogs
22:16 asciilifeform quite possibly
22:16 * asciilifeform plays with his food
22:16 ben_vulpes i toy with my prey, but that's not the same thing.
22:17 asciilifeform at any rate, the bozo went and chugged through most of my www in an effort to appear interested (it comically failed)
22:17 asciilifeform for me, that was enough
22:18 TheNewDeal So this is really Samuel Clemens' material? http://trilema.com/2015/let-us-translate-from-english-to-english/
22:18 assbot Let us translate. From English to English. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
22:18 mircea_popescu i suppose this is actually a never-before encountered problem : text that has meaning! IN LAYERS!
22:18 mircea_popescu text that can actually not be textually reprocessed into usable text.
22:18 mircea_popescu TheNewDeal yes.
22:19 mircea_popescu if you look at the link thrown around in here a coupla days ago when it was being discussed, has a bunch of bibliographical wankery i snipped.
22:19 TheNewDeal That was some of the finest erotica Ive ever perused
22:19 mircea_popescu asciilifeform in a meta sense, the way we write had been a wot all along.
22:19 mircea_popescu poses exactly the same problems to the poser as the wot poses to the scammer.
22:19 mircea_popescu not mechanically approachable.
22:20 mircea_popescu TheNewDeal the man was talentited.
22:20 ben_vulpes ah come on the bibliographical stuff was great
22:21 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: are you chewing through "the complete works"?
22:21 mircea_popescu mnope
22:21 ben_vulpes o wait you're doing orwell.
22:21 mircea_popescu atm im doing some old comic
22:21 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: orwell mentioned '1601' as 'unobtainable'
22:21 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: i do recall this
22:24 decimation asciilifeform: how do you distinguish between 'usg agent' and 'derp who reads your website'?
22:24 mircea_popescu he doesn't.
22:25 decimation I guess in the end it doesn't much matter
22:25 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 4000 @ 0.00085353 = 3.4141 BTC [+] {8}
22:25 mircea_popescu this is like asking wyatt earp "how do you distinguish between the f brothers and stray dog"
22:25 BingoBoingo decimation: I imagine his heuruistic is how they read his website
22:25 decimation mircea_popescu: both fall into the category 'shoot'?
22:26 asciilifeform decimation: very naked pattern of 'derp suddenly comes, with much apparent enthusiasm and piss-poor reading comprehension, interspersing hour of faux conv. with 'so why do you have any truck with bitcoin, it'll be obsolete and replaced with Modern Alternatives soon enough, and so many more interesting things around like Dark Enlightenment...'
22:26 asciilifeform '
22:26 decimation ah google is going to drop SPDY and fully support HTTPbis http://blog.chromium.org/2015/02/hello-http2-goodbye-spdy-http-is_9.html
22:26 assbot Chromium Blog: Hello HTTP/2, Goodbye SPDY
22:27 decimation asciilifeform: yeah he definitely exhibited that pattern. but my priors tend to 'random derp (maybe mr spam)' rather than 'usg agent'
22:28 asciilifeform generic derps, in my experience, don't reliably snap back to one subject always
22:28 ben_vulpes focus is expensive.
22:28 asciilifeform and that subject is not usually block size
22:29 BingoBoingo !b 3
22:29 assbot Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1MV6G16.txt )
22:29 asciilifeform four days (?) after the philippines thing
22:30 asciilifeform also claimed to be working on a 'military' path to sovereign moldbuggistan, which screams 'provocateur'
22:30 decimation heh it would be amusing to get 'premium content' trolls here
22:31 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> also claimed to be working on a 'military' path to sovereign moldbuggistan, which screams 'provocateur' << I don't get very many of these. You FBI file must be thicker than mine.
22:32 BingoBoingo Or else more urgent
22:32 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: that was my first such
22:32 * asciilifeform suspects that ben_vulpes is correct and that had someone else engaged mr moarspam earlier, he would have latched on to someone else
22:36 decimation http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2015/february/09/kiev-s-bloody-war-is-backfiring/
22:36 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1CbIU1W )
22:36 decimation "Draft resistance is at an all-time high: a mere 6 percent of those called up have reported voluntarily. This has forced the Kiev authorities to go knocking on doors – where they are met either with a mass of angry villagers, who refuse to let them take anyone, or else ghost towns where virtually everyone has fled. In the Transcarpathia region of western Ukraine, entire villages have been emptied, the inhabitants fleeing to Russia
22:36 decimation to wait out the war – or the fall of the Kiev regime, whichever comes first. "
22:36 decimation lol, apparently the ukranians are fleeing the russian invaders by fleeing to ... russia
22:37 decimation " In a Facebook post that was quickly deleted, Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak wrote: “According to unofficial sources, hostels and motels in border regions of neighboring Romania are completely filled with draft dodgers.” P"
22:38 decimation wonder how many lei it takes to get the local romaninan police to 'overlook' your immigration
22:38 asciilifeform per orlov's analysis, kiev is summoning draftees not to fight and win, but to 1) create 'humanitarian' wank in the hope of usg assistance (georgia gambit) 2) forcibly burn bridges for the conscripted men (the idea being, they've fired on the east and 'must' fight to the death)
22:38 decimation the local villagers, not being entirely stupid, want neither to die as nato puppet nor at the hands of ru army
22:40 asciilifeform at any rate, usg is winning there - in its traditional objective of creating an open, gangrenous wound (rather than 'winning' in the usual sense of the word)
22:41 BingoBoingo Transndstria
22:41 decimation moldbug would say that this wound provides infinite employment for nulands
22:41 asciilifeform not only.
22:41 asciilifeform to the whole spectrum, 'red', 'blue', whatevers.
22:44 ben_vulpes <decimation> heh it would be amusing to get 'premium content' trolls here << didja ever meet tiberius?
22:44 decimation no I don't think so
22:45 ben_vulpes he was top notch.
22:45 decimation who would bother trolling us? the chances of some derp changing anyone's opinion on matters here seems pretty low
22:46 ben_vulpes tib was never much for changing opinions
22:46 ben_vulpes irc judo, more like it
22:47 ben_vulpes roll you in on point a, before you know it you're knees deep in c d e and q
22:48 ben_vulpes sadly, got banned. even mircea_popescu couldn't out-chat him.
22:50 BingoBoingo ;;bc,stats
22:50 ben_vulpes http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-05-2013#16817 << decent entrypoint
22:50 assbot Logged on 05-05-2013 16:23:25; cads: tiberius, and if that's true, then I salute you
22:50 gribble Current Blocks: 342801 | Current Difficulty: 4.44554159623438E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 344735 | Next Difficulty In: 1934 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 5 days, 9 hours, 32 minutes, and 18 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 51100598845.3 | Estimated Percent Change: 14.94797
22:51 BingoBoingo lol machine translation http://8btc.com/thread-13213-1-1.html
22:54 BingoBoingo https://github.com/reyk/httpd/issues << This happened quickly
22:54 assbot Issues · reyk/httpd · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1CbLDIO )
22:56 ben_vulpes http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=tiberiusiv&start=627
22:56 assbot 631 results for 'tiberiusiv' - #bitcoin-assets search
22:56 ben_vulpes for the historians.
22:56 ben_vulpes asciilifeform might find some interesting strange in those depths.
22:57 BingoBoingo Another Mr Spam in the wild http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=142336024418555&w=2
22:58 assbot 'Re: OK... how dare you both even to not publish patches...' - MARC
22:59 BingoBoingo Seriously check srother@mercenary-security.com 's email sig out there: "Please note: The information contained in this message may be legally privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure..." Sig on a public mailing list
23:00 ben_vulpes BingoBoingo: well now you've incremented his linkweight. good job.
23:00 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: Actually I've done the opposite
23:00 ben_vulpes at least robert viragh and the_minor_pestilence had the good sense to not leave a crumbtrail
23:02 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: There's actually more, uglier crumbtrail.
23:02 ben_vulpes from which spamzor?
23:03 ben_vulpes !up bitcoinquestions
23:03 ben_vulpes mas?
23:04 BingoBoingo See comments here ben_vulpes http://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article&sid=20141205090350&mode=expanded
23:04 assbot Two New Kernel Errata
23:04 Guest85903 hmm
23:04 Guest85903 I ahve to message instantly?
23:04 BingoBoingo hello Guest85903
23:04 Guest85903 -_-
23:05 BingoBoingo !up Guest85903
23:05 BingoBoingo Guest85903: Who are you again?
23:05 ben_vulpes Guest85903: you gotta auth within ~30secs
23:05 Guest85903 bitcoinquestions
23:05 Guest85903 i'm working on setting up all the shit in the wiki
23:06 BingoBoingo Guest85903: If you set up Xchat (or any other client) with SASL it will auth you with nickserve automatically in time
23:07 ben_vulpes Guest85903: you may want a better handle than bitcoinquestions
23:07 BingoBoingo Except for midsession disconnections
23:07 Guest85903 lmao
23:07 Guest85903 bitcoinanswers maybe
23:08 BingoBoingo Guest85903: You know... if you have Bitcoin in you personal name people take you less seriously. That's why bitcoin_pete seriously considered moving his identity to MooseCocks
23:09 Guest85903 Whereas if your name is BingoBoingo you get taken very seriously?
23:09 BingoBoingo Anyways 6 of the right months of history is prolly the minimum to be caught up on the -Stable branch of the channel conversation. Having answers... Maybe 12-24 months?
23:10 BingoBoingo Guest85903: History. Originally it was BingoBongo, but kakobrekla convinced me this was better.
23:10 BingoBoingo Because time passes this is now my real name.
23:10 BingoBoingo And sometimes I am a bit startled when people use my slave name.
23:11 lobbes BingoBoingo: not reference to that song 'civilisation' is it?
23:11 BingoBoingo lobbes: No idea what that is.
23:12 Guest85903 alright fuck it
23:12 BingoBoingo Guest85903: The important part of a "Name" though is that it is now a textual match for another concept.
23:13 Guest85903 What do you mean?
23:13 BingoBoingo My gibberish name, fine name. mircea_popescu being the Romanian equivalent of John Smith fine. "Cocksmoker404" is limiting.
23:13 BingoBoingo Because Cocksmoker404 conveys a meaning in its text.
23:14 BingoBoingo Other text attached to that name is going to on a quick read get a context attached to it.
23:14 danielpbarron Guest85903, just use the name that your mother and father gave you; honor them.
23:17 Guest85903 hmm
23:17 Guest85903 difficult choice
23:17 lobbes perfect: Difficult_Choice
23:18 BingoBoingo !b 3
23:18 assbot Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1855MEB.txt )
23:18 Guest85903 lmao
23:21 Guest85903 alright brb
23:22 Guest85903 bitcoinquestions --> whaack please up! me when I get back
23:25 mircea_popescu omfg i step out for pie, i come back, all the lines out of whack!
23:26 * asciilifeform repaired an early 1980s soviet alarm clock today.
23:26 * BingoBoingo got a new SSD in the mail today. Damn that fucker is thin.
23:29 mircea_popescu decimation: ah google is going to drop SPDY and fully support HTTPbis << if any of teh strategic minds in attendance care to explain this to me i'd apprecfiate it
23:29 mircea_popescu wtf are they thinking ?
23:29 mircea_popescu !up whaack
23:29 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes: focus is expensive. << he is on to something.
23:30 mircea_popescu !up whaack
23:31 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> decimation: ah google is going to drop SPDY and fully support HTTPbis << if any of teh strategic minds in attendance care to explain this to me i'd apprecfiate it << SPDY was Google so Open it is closed HTTP replacement no one else needed
23:31 BingoBoingo No idea if HTTP2 is worse or not, but prolly at least as bad
23:31 whaack ;;eregister A31A30AA659AB67C
23:31 gribble (eregister <nick> <keyid>) -- Register your GPG identity, associating GPG key <keyid> with <nick>. <keyid> is a 16 digit key id, with or without the '0x' prefix. We look on servers listed in 'plugins.GPG.keyservers' config. You will be given a link to a page which contains a one time password encrypted with your key. Decrypt, and use the 'everify' command with it. Your passphrase will (1 more message)
23:31 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo nah, moar like http 2 is basically a rushed "let's reimplement spdy"
23:31 mircea_popescu whaack do it with assbot tho.
23:31 whaack ;;eregister whaack A31A30AA659AB67C
23:31 gribble Error: This key already registered in the database.
23:32 whaack fuck
23:32 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Or they were cooked different places and Google didn't get the tug on its leash early enough
23:32 whaack I added the key for another handle is there anyway to remove it?
23:32 BingoBoingo whaack: Have you considered the "literal" nuclear option?
23:32 mircea_popescu !up ihb
23:33 mircea_popescu if you didn't get teh email, ask for another one.
23:33 IHB <+mircea_popescu>
23:33 IHB i got it
23:33 IHB i sent you the coin
23:33 mircea_popescu and look in your mailserver logs see wtf is ahppening
23:33 mircea_popescu ah k
23:33 IHB whew
23:33 whaack ;;eregister whaack 54D96EEE73C04299
23:33 gribble Error: Could not retrieve your key from keyserver. Either it isn't there, or it is invalid.
23:33 IHB dude. i really want to get into WOT
23:34 IHB as soon things settle down with my team. i am gonna do it
23:34 mircea_popescu "where they are met either with a mass of angry villagers, who refuse to let them take anyone" so czar's army, this.
23:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41950 @ 0.00040344 = 16.9243 BTC [+]
23:34 whaack ;;eregister whaack 54D96EEE73C04299
23:34 gribble Error: Could not retrieve your key from keyserver. Either it isn't there, or it is invalid.
23:34 mod6 whaack: you can pm gribble too.
23:34 whaack apolagies
23:34 mircea_popescu decimation: " In a Facebook post that was quickly deleted, Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak wrote: “According to unofficial sources, hostels and motels in border regions of neighboring Romania are completely filled with draft dodgers.” << this is true. romania took in like 50k refugees.
23:35 mod6 np
23:35 mircea_popescu being kept under wraps because whatever, can't go out saying the us caused a war atrocity and a refugee wave.
23:36 decimation are the romanians pissed about the extra ukrainians?
23:36 mircea_popescu decimation: wonder how many lei it takes to get the local romaninan police to 'overlook' your immigration << it's a civilised country. if you don't break the law they don't care. if you show up at the border without proper paperwork you get fined 500 lei (~100 euro) and generally forbidden to reenter for 5 years.
23:36 mircea_popescu nah.
23:37 mircea_popescu this entire "don't let people in" is purely a welfare state thing. romania is not one.
23:37 decimation so the romanian government explictly granted this refugee status?
23:37 mircea_popescu nah.
23:37 mircea_popescu as above :)
23:38 decimation my understanding is that ukrainians have all been granted russian citizenship anyway, if they choose to use it
23:39 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes: he was top notch. << not really. too much anger.
23:39 decimation if I were some derp in a ukrainian village I think I would be on the way to whatever frontier I could manage
23:39 mircea_popescu decimation you gotta understand, europe is europe. think texas during the 1800s, mix-y.
23:39 mircea_popescu decimation but you are that, in that situation, and you're sitting put :)
23:40 decimation heh perhaps
23:40 mircea_popescu what, you think ukrainian peasant has no material or emotional properties ? just because you discount them as alien doesn't make them go away.
23:40 mircea_popescu he loves his oak.
23:40 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3350 @ 0.00040344 = 1.3515 BTC [+]
23:40 decimation aye, I can see that
23:40 decimation but the threat of dying for that oak has become quite real
23:41 mircea_popescu actually arond there, from say vienna to about moscow, people are fucking fixated on the soil.
23:41 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 84485 @ 0.00040688 = 34.3753 BTC [+]
23:41 decimation multi-generational farms and the like?
23:41 IHB people in india kill each other all the time over less than an oak tree
23:41 mircea_popescu multi in the sense of 50.
23:41 decimation in the us, people are so mobile that they hardly have any loyalty to the soil
23:42 decimation some are, but they are rare
23:42 mircea_popescu yeah well i tell you something, nobody who knew me in a pervious life ever imagined i'd leave cluj.
23:42 IHB <+decimation> in the us, people are so mobile that they hardly have any loyalty to the soil < this more true as every day passes
23:42 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> actually arond there, from say vienna to about moscow, people are fucking fixated on the soil. << Amazing how in spite of it mostly being a source of minable lead Ozark folk are still more fixated on their soil
23:42 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
23:42 mircea_popescu it was a joke for up until the plane left.
23:42 BingoBoingo <IHB> <+decimation> in the us, people are so mobile that they hardly have any loyalty to the soil < this more true as every day passes << Less mobile every week
23:42 mircea_popescu less mobile more alabama ? :D
23:43 asciilifeform in usa, it's jobs/professions more than 'soil'
23:43 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> in usa, it's jobs/professions more than 'soil' << Only because you are on the east left coast
23:43 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> less mobile more alabama ? :D << More sweet home alabama, less freebird
23:44 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes: sadly, got banned. even mircea_popescu couldn't out-chat him. << gtfo that's so totally not what happened.
23:44 IHB i lived in louisiana for a while and we went to bama all the time
23:44 IHB i like better than here in LA
23:44 mircea_popescu i think i have a pic of me in mobile.
23:44 IHB did you smell the pulp from the factory in mobile?
23:45 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2013/fire-in-alabama-lets-make-the-most-of-it/ < there we go.
23:45 assbot Fire in Alabama, let's make the most of it. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1IIebCL )
23:45 IHB hey <+mircea_popescu> why did they suspend your twitter account? how do you get suspended but ISIS is allowed to troll away
23:45 mircea_popescu IHB actually no, there was a strike or something. they weren't going.
23:45 mircea_popescu IHB i killed some derp.
23:46 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: You fucked a fort in mobile. Full of nubile ROLL TIDE cheerleaders, or at least that will be the legend in 2145
23:46 mircea_popescu lol wut.
23:47 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: You for get the weather that erodes civilization... time.
23:48 lobbes <asciilifeform> in usa, it's jobs/professions more than 'soil' << aye, this is what binds me. This mouse-trap cheese is so tasty
23:48 mircea_popescu lobbes you and... all the usians here pretty much.
23:48 lobbes maybe can get some before it slams down
23:48 mircea_popescu say, y;all know the aesop fable of the fat mouse ?
23:48 IHB <+mircea_popescu> too bad. his derp friends probably spent more money on his funeral than he would have derping away
23:48 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Trilema reflects you were in Alabama. When trends on reddit change suddenly they will say you fucked all of the Bama cheerleraders in a heroic battle agaisnt Condie Rice
23:48 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo i can't recall who i fucked in mobile.
23:49 mircea_popescu it's kinda hazy at this point.
23:49 asciilifeform http://fatmouse.org << obligatory
23:49 asciilifeform ^ legendary
23:49 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: And the fanfic crowd will on that doubt rewrite history.
23:50 whaack So going back to my bitcoinquestion spree - do you guys believe the conversation in /r/bitcoin is controlled by a few people with many accounts directing an unnatural conversation?
23:50 mircea_popescu asciilifeform what is this, the bitcoin jesus ?
23:50 mod6 asciilifeform: pretty long bumper sticker
23:50 BingoBoingo whaack: To an extent, largely controlled by systemic failures in reddits mode of failing to social means
23:51 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: to this day i have no idea. originally found it some time in '99, i think. appears to be inspired by one of the 'leptin knockout' experimental mice
23:51 mircea_popescu srother is pretty fucking pissed.
23:52 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Prototype knockout mice often get extreme obesity or cancer for their compelled bravery.\
23:52 mircea_popescu Guest85903: i'm working on setting up all the shit in the wiki << this really should be in the bash lol
23:52 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: didja know, mouse farming makes bitcoin mining look tame both re: profit (in fiat terms at least) and risk
23:53 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: ten thousand $maxint custom mice can croak overnight
23:53 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo: Except for midsession disconnections << xchat irssi and all others can be config'd to not autoreconnect. so you can handle manually./
23:53 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Well... Mice are awfully fragile. Especially when $maxint is spent knocking out something that was important
23:53 asciilifeform esp. then.
23:54 asciilifeform but, interestingly, even 'standard' mice.
23:54 mircea_popescu asciilifeform someone in biotech had this sad story a while back about a lost farm. i had one too
23:54 mircea_popescu uh wait. it was you wasn;'t it
23:54 asciilifeform possibly.
23:54 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo: Except for midsession disconnections << xchat irssi and all others can be config'd to not autoreconnect. so you can handle manually./ << Working on a online machine migration in the near future.
23:54 * asciilifeform not directly involved with mouse farming at any point
23:54 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> asciilifeform someone in biotech had this sad story a while back about a lost farm. i had one too << Was this the lab flooded in the hurricaine?
23:55 mircea_popescu my memory fails me.
23:55 mircea_popescu mebbe it was bugpowder
23:56 mircea_popescu danielpbarron: Guest85903, just use the name that your mother and father gave you; honor them. << not a bad principle.
23:56 whaack yeah
23:56 whaack <-based on my name
23:57 BingoBoingo whaack: Are you a winkelvii?
23:58 mircea_popescu im waiting for the first Carmen_Beercunt
23:58 whaack Yeah the shorter brother who they wouldn't let in the film :(
23:58 BingoBoingo whaack: When did Yall move to San Jose?
23:58 BingoBoingo Or is it a VPN?
23:59 whaack I'm using a VPN
23:59 BingoBoingo Ah
23:59 whaack Because when I don't and I join this channel my internet cuts out for 30 fucking minutes
23:59 whaack Seriously made me wanna kill something
23:59 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu> im waiting for the first Carmen_Beercunt << If I make my escape to the Phillipines to scoope up a handful of Azn wives I'll name the second this
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