Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2014-02-15 | 2014-02-17 →
00:00 mircea_popescu cads that is a slightly different discussion, and in no way related to "views".
00:00 asciilifeform naggum's 4-ring binders
00:00 asciilifeform 'lemon car' theorem, etc.
00:00 mircea_popescu and that different discussion i will appoach from the following different angle :
00:01 mircea_popescu would you consider more important the mona lisa or an equally large, equally well made unknown painting certainly made by da vinci ?
00:01 asciilifeform cads: even a rookie spammer can easily arrange a million 'views' of whatever.
00:01 mircea_popescu the mona lisa people have spenbt 45804958609458609458609845045809845 minutes watching.
00:01 mircea_popescu this unknow painting, 845.
00:01 mircea_popescu which is the more important ?
00:02 mircea_popescu who the fuck sits in museums with a clicker doing cezanne vs caravaggio minutemanview competition ?
00:02 mircea_popescu why not compare movies by the gross weight of tit watching them ?
00:02 cads in the landscape of the possible human experience time is the only scarce resource, so if in /this/ universe people have spent more time experiencing the first art work, then I am willing to say this is more "important"
00:02 mircea_popescu the oscars this year totals films watched by 48599 tons of tit fat.
00:03 mircea_popescu so if i were to give you one of the two, you'd pick the mona lisa ?
00:03 asciilifeform reason i mentioned google's widget, is that the chumps pay manyfold for 'conversions' (term of art)
00:03 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 2 @ 0.126 = 0.252 BTC [+] {2}
00:03 asciilifeform i.e. 'victims' who do not merely click the ad, but go on to buy something
00:04 mircea_popescu right.
00:04 mircea_popescu how the fuck would time be a scarce resource anyway.
00:04 asciilifeform the type of fool that pays for mere click is not entirely extinct, however.
00:04 mircea_popescu the people who do views have nothing else to do with their time
00:04 mircea_popescu that's why they're there.
00:04 mircea_popescu asciilifeform slowly dieing out, like the email spammer.
00:04 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 1 @ 0.19376446 BTC [+]
00:05 cads mircea_popescu: I'm merely saying one work has influenced far more human experience, thoughts, and ultimately economic action.
00:05 mircea_popescu maybe it has.
00:05 mircea_popescu except the point of art is that it doesn't work like commerce.
00:06 mircea_popescu maybe the unseen painting also has. for what we know...
00:06 cads art works like a popularity contest
00:06 mircea_popescu naw.
00:06 mircea_popescu ;;google trilema what is art
00:06 gribble What is art ? pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <>; Art over time, a graph of progress. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: <>; WhoMerLock :: A Trio of Trilemmas by GMYuna on deviantART: <>
00:06 mircea_popescu i need a ;;trilema
00:06 mircea_popescu ffs this thing sucks.
00:06 cads not a competition of provision of real valued, but a competition to earn human sentiment
00:07 mircea_popescu
00:07 ozbot What is art ? pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
00:07 mircea_popescu there, share it with the feminists, it'll make them like me, much to their detriment.
00:10 cads I'm not going to argue what is art, I'm interested in how artists earn money, and I'm having a hard time believing that the amount of money that an artist earns does not _strongly_ correlate with the amount of attention that others give him.
00:10 cads how can that claim be sustained?
00:11 cads okay
00:11 mircea_popescu the amount an artist earns strictly correlates with how powerful his lord is
00:11 mircea_popescu and how well he serves him.
00:11 mircea_popescu s'all.
00:12 cads I can think of many artists that make livings working in larger studios
00:12 cads for commercial work - entertainment, marketing, design
00:12 mircea_popescu i can think of many ways people structure deals to avoid tax.
00:13 cads these artists do /not/ recieve attention
00:13 mircea_popescu yes they do, it's just not nominalized.
00:13 cads and they in fact do better than artists that try to make their living purely on their art
00:13 mircea_popescu the ronin ":artist" is merely a rebellious peasant.
00:13 cads which would seem to sustain the claim that earning do not correlate to attention
00:13 mircea_popescu no matter how he tries to fake the pretense of being an actual artist.
00:16 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 300 @ 0.00083559 = 0.2507 BTC [-]
00:17 Namworld ;;premium mtgox bitstamp
00:17 gribble Premium of MtGox over Bitstamp is currently -52.9905981226 %.
00:17 Namworld This is the best thing ever...
00:18 Namworld +25% to under -50%
00:18 cads I think that's very cynical, and more of a moral issue.. do you think it's wrong or weak for someone to try to make a living as an artist?
00:18 mircea_popescu i think it's confused.
00:18 cads Stupid? Patently.
00:18 mircea_popescu do you think it's wrong or weak for someone to make a living as an electric engineer specialised in pottery ?
00:19 cads Sure
00:19 mircea_popescu or a word mathematician ?
00:19 mircea_popescu (like, say, a kabbalist)
00:19 cads what the fuck are you doing with yourself then :D
00:19 mircea_popescu it's ridiculously misguided.
00:19 mircea_popescu lol
00:19 Namworld What's the issue with someone making a living as an artist?
00:20 mircea_popescu you'll have to read teh log, argument started centuries ago.
00:20 Namworld I must be missing something.
00:20 cads Expected ROI
00:20 cads for one.
00:20 asciilifeform reduces to a search for the right moneyed fool (e.g. reportedly, kabbalists do find employment in israel)
00:20 mircea_popescu cads picture a chick showing up to the sky olympics with toothpics for sticks.
00:20 Namworld Oh... well I guess few makes it.
00:20 Namworld But "artist" encompass a lot of people and careers...
00:21 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 145 @ 0.00297498 = 0.4314 BTC [+]
00:21 mircea_popescu asciilifeform the john is not a fool, he's buying something for his money.
00:21 cads okay, so I understand, kabbalists and artists are our public enemy so lets not be impressed with them
00:21 mircea_popescu
00:21 ozbot Pulp Fiction Bad Mother wallet restaurant scene Jules - YouTube
00:22 mircea_popescu eh you understand nothing!
00:22 cads in the same sense that we must never expound the virtues of a song about selling crack
00:22 mircea_popescu bah fucking youtube.
00:22 cads even if it is awesome and has done interesting things in the market :D
00:23 Namworld Artists are our public enemy?
00:23 Namworld What?
00:23 cads I was being facetious.
00:24 cads I want to talk about the econmics of how artists earn their sentiment, and we seem to feel that artists deserve only shitty sentiment because they're shysters that troll for a handout.
00:24 cads And "click, whirr" the automatic thoughts now prevent us from applying economic modelling to this agent class
00:24 Namworld earn their sentiment?
00:25 mircea_popescu "jules, you give that fucking nimrod fifteen hundred dollars i'll shoot him on general principle" "now... I ain't giving it to him Vincent. I'm buyin' something for my money. Wanna know what I'm buyin' Ringo ?
00:25 mircea_popescu "What ?"
00:25 mircea_popescu "Your life."
00:25 mircea_popescu bout it.
00:25 MisterE poetry
00:25 mircea_popescu cads you have no modelling, there is no economy and no sentiment. fugeddaboutit.
00:26 Namworld What is going on here?
00:26 MisterE we're just about to bring in the gimp I think
00:26 mircea_popescu nah we already had the gimp
00:26 mircea_popescu he's off building an exchange.
00:26 cads hehe, this is how mircea_popescu and I say "I love you"
00:27 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3988 @ 0.00087169 = 3.4763 BTC [+]
00:27 cads haha, and I'm basically arguing that we can make human attention fungible and this is a horror scenario because that means the marketing firms win.
00:27 mircea_popescu no.
00:28 mircea_popescu you are arguing that people are interchangeable, which is broken in the way socialism generally is broken.
00:28 mircea_popescu nothing human is fungible.
00:28 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2289 @ 0.00024762 = 0.5668 BTC [-] {3}
00:28 Namworld We can? What?
00:28 mircea_popescu only the inhuman parts are fungible.
00:28 mircea_popescu this is how you know you are not your liver.
00:30 mircea_popescu that said, you can infinitely confuse yourself with "newer" and "never" repackagings of but wait look! i have built a perpetuum mobile, i have redressed socialism so now it works etc.
00:30 mircea_popescu i have no objection to the activity, but it doth amuse on one hand and fail to entice o nthe other.
00:31 Namworld I'm pretty sure my humans aren't fungible. Some of my subjects are worth more. They'd cost you more for me to be willing to depart with them.
00:32 cads Suppose I have attempted to construct a system where my clients can pay well defined amounts of money to predictably add and remove beliefs from a group of people. It's worked - I've both started and ended revolutions, political movements, market crazes... in a number of countries.
00:33 mircea_popescu okay.
00:34 mircea_popescu Namworld better go searching for moistened bints.
00:35 Namworld That is a valid alternative.
00:35 cads ehh, that scenario is too imaginary
00:36 mircea_popescu lol caught yourself in your own web huh.
00:36 cads the scenario is too tacky to think about :D
00:36 ThickAsThieves catching up on log, but cads, Cloud Atlas was pretty lame
00:37 mircea_popescu stop repressing him
00:37 mircea_popescu he's like... trying to sniff emancipated, unshaven cunt
00:37 asciilifeform cloud atlas! another cheap sf flick with the bomb collars!
00:37 asciilifeform always the bomb collars.
00:37 asciilifeform hollywood seems to love them.
00:37 cads ah, warn copumpkin
00:38 copumpkin watching it now
00:38 copumpkin ssh
00:38 cads the man has committed
00:38 mircea_popescu you ssh ing into a film ?!
00:38 copumpkin yeah, I have an ascii art video player
00:38 asciilifeform ssh -X
00:38 copumpkin works fine if you configure your terminal correctly
00:38 copumpkin no
00:38 cads hehe mircea_popescu you
00:38 copumpkin not enough bandwidth for X forwarding of video
00:38 mircea_popescu "easy to use if you know what you are doing"
00:38 cads 're an ass :D
00:38 copumpkin cads: you're just now realizing?
00:39 cads course not!
00:39 copumpkin the guy's internet famous for it
00:39 copumpkin :)
00:39 mircea_popescu he's only now started the sniffing.
00:39 mircea_popescu pubertee :D
00:39 copumpkin hah
00:39 copumpkin anyway, back to movie
00:39 copumpkin this thing isn't going to watch itself
00:39 mircea_popescu buy a cozy and a ceramic bracelet on etzy while at it.
00:39 mircea_popescu feed a starving virgin!
00:40 asciilifeform it's a 'good bad film.' i recommend it.
00:41 mircea_popescu i just realised we could make a pretty decent -assets mockumentary
00:41 asciilifeform (in the sense of mr. o's essay on 'good bad books')
00:41 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26100 @ 0.00087086 = 22.7294 BTC [-]
00:43 cads mircea_popescu: I will remember that people can make you reject any economic theory simply by saying the word "feminism" 10 minutes before presenting it :D
00:43 mircea_popescu im the foremost feminist here, i'll have you know.
00:43 mircea_popescu (no trollo)
00:43 chetty ppffttt
00:43 cads not a surprise for a slave master to be the feminist of an internet bunch :D
00:45 B007 I got accused of being a feminist only once. By a girl.
00:47 chetty current definition of term 'feminist' makes it an insult ya know :P
00:47 cads I like some feminist stuff but I also like knockers
00:48 cads in america at least, dudes that call themselves feminists are mostly women hating bro creeps hiding behind the label
00:49 mircea_popescu srsly ?
00:49 cads yeah it became a thing
00:50 mircea_popescu i thought us male feminists were mostly... you know, dudes that can't otherwise date.
00:50 mircea_popescu shy marginally autistic repressed twentysomethings.
00:50 cads right it has become rapey bros
00:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 1 @ 0.19376446 BTC [+]
00:50 cads hey I'm a shy marginally autistic repressed twentysomething!
00:51 cads what are ya getting at! :D
00:51 mircea_popescu anyway, i'm the sort of feminist that torns irigaray to shreds because she's too stupid to live and gives a bad name to the entire thing.
00:51 mircea_popescu sort-of like amir taaki.
00:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14460 @ 0.00087313 = 12.6255 BTC [+] {2}
00:52 cads there's this neat defense
00:52 cads "It wasn't rape. I'm a feminist"
00:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11840 @ 0.00087647 = 10.3774 BTC [+]
00:52 mircea_popescu how does that work ?
00:53 mircea_popescu anyway, to help this discussion along,
00:53 mircea_popescu
00:53 cads a man will rape a woman and then claim what happened could not have been rape. He's a feminist.
00:53 cads He's so hurt now.
00:53 mircea_popescu uh
00:53 mircea_popescu this is bizarre.
00:54 cads He loves women. He's DONE things for the cause. How can this cunt thing he fucking raped her?
00:54 cads think*
00:54 mircea_popescu would this be one of those ambiguous episode kids get involved in that are currently mislabeled as "rape" in the us ?
00:54 mircea_popescu such as get drunk at party, fuck, don't remember much in the morning ?
00:55 B007 lol
00:55 B007 no
00:55 nicknock_ well if you feel regret you can always dump a rape charge at the guy
00:55 nicknock_ the female option
00:58 cads mircea_popescu:
00:58 KRS-One .bait
00:58 mircea_popescu ajajaa
00:58 ozbot
00:59 cads mircea_popescu: hey, cute pic, if I cross my eyes I can almost see her in 3d :D
00:59 mircea_popescu is "gender is a social construct" supposed to excuse her lack of heels or something ?
00:59 mircea_popescu cads yeah the grandiose photochop job is better than the girl.
01:03 BingoBoingo Oh, happy birthday to me!
01:03 mircea_popescu for his a bingo good booingo!
01:03 assbot [MPEX] [S.NSA] 1000 @ 0.0002 = 0.2 BTC [+]
01:04 BingoBoingo I still have to decide what to get myself.
01:06 mircea_popescu ?
01:06 BingoBoingo Maybe? I'll probably just get myself some scotch.
01:08 BingoBoingo Or some nice wool socks.
01:11 mircea_popescu <mircea_popescu>buy a cozy and a ceramic bracelet on etzy while at it.
01:12 mircea_popescu i will never know why they eschewed naming the thing chintzy
01:12 chetty actually rape is a social construct then - no gender = no rape :P
01:12 cazalla check yo priviledge
01:12 mircea_popescu no woman no cry
01:12 cazalla privilege even
01:12 BingoBoingo Chintzy might be a good name for a BTC etsy.
01:13 mircea_popescu guy walks into a bank "hell-o, i'd like to open a checking account"
01:13 mircea_popescu "what for ? you look like one of those bums with delusions of academia"
01:13 mircea_popescu "nevertheless, i would like to check my privilege"
01:19 cads "Lack game? Try this formula: mention x feminist theorist, y lamentation about political issue that attacks women’s rights, z assertion about sexual consent. That tactic alone may work on someone, and that’s utterly scary."
01:19 cads bahaha
01:19 cads also this
01:19 cads "In my ideal world, the misogynists would be ultra-detectable, with facial pocks and sulfury odors and grunt “wiggle your glazed donut ass for me.” "
01:20 mircea_popescu da fuck.
01:21 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1281 @ 0.00023839 = 0.3054 BTC [-] {9}
01:21 mircea_popescu so if i make girls twerk i'm a mysogynist ?
01:24 mircea_popescu nm, Minh Nguyen fails to be hot and therefore her rambling is irrelephant.
01:24 cads hehe, you are a parody of yourself :)
01:24 mircea_popescu this is how you know i'm a feminist!
01:24 mircea_popescu um wait...
01:25 cads the universe has a human parody operator and you are its fixpoint :)
01:26 mircea_popescu
01:26 ozbot #bitcoin-assets bash
01:27 cads I feel for what she says, and I think she's naive in only one thing
01:27 cads her two male paradongs of perfect sexism free maleness
01:27 cads do not exist
01:28 mircea_popescu if i were surounded by douchy us twennysomething as a woman young enough to wish to get laid... frankly i dunno i'd find the time to write
01:28 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.0704 = 0.1408 BTC [+] {2}
01:28 mircea_popescu what with all the reload flamethrower, throw away empty fuel cartridge, reload flamethrower...
01:29 herbijudlestoids ThickAsThieves, Bunnyh just got email from Luke-Jr, patch seems good, hope it helps
01:29 mircea_popescu this however has nothing to do with sexism, feminism, cultural, social, constructs and so forth.
01:29 cads btw who is the originator of the social construct BS?
01:30 mircea_popescu cads saussure, probably.
01:30 cads it's... essentially right but leads people to conclude what is merely a social construct doesn't actually exist so it should be possible in /theory/ to completely dispell that what was a construct.
01:30 cads with another construct
01:30 cads presumably
01:31 mircea_popescu nah that's not it.
01:31 cads but more often with "the truth", at least if you dig at it.
01:31 mircea_popescu it leads people to imagine that it was "constructed", which is a pedestrian interpretation of the term of art,
01:31 mircea_popescu and thus simultaneously casts blame, upon the politically convenient targets of ostracism (ie, actual males, actual females, anyone not fucktarded)
01:32 cads right, the builders
01:32 mircea_popescu and offers a seeming basis for further nuttery (ie, that a "better" construct could be constructed. on etsy.)
01:32 mircea_popescu it's really just a slightly more iq-amped way of being emo.
01:33 mircea_popescu on re-read we don;t disagree.
01:35 mircea_popescu anyway, the entirety of what passes for "social sciences" in the us these days can broadly be divided without remained into the emo ("i am special because i am chiefly only interested in myself and let me tell you about myself which is important because i am special bla bla bla")
01:35 mircea_popescu and goffy, which is "look at all the neat shit i don't understand that i've randomly collected mostly by breaking old stuff apart with a hammer"
01:36 cads and the creepy, "look we can predict crimes before they happen by monitoring unsent drafts on facebook"
01:36 mircea_popescu one of the funniest things to watch is a goffy and an emo chick being interested in the same dood.
01:36 cazalla where do you see that
01:37 mircea_popescu used to be the only attraction of livejournal.
01:37 cads cazalla: you DON'T see that
01:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40000 @ 0.000876 = 35.04 BTC [-] {3}
01:37 mircea_popescu (which was fb before fb)
01:37 cads but you know it's there
01:37 cazalla i use to have an LJ back in the day :P
01:37 mircea_popescu i never did but i read some of my slaves' ljs from back in the day
01:38 mircea_popescu mucho humiliatory.
01:38 cazalla met a girl on there, thought she would have sex with me if i made an LJ too, gee how naive
01:38 mircea_popescu also quite instructive for me.
01:38 benkay what did you learn?
01:39 cads jesus why the fuck can't we have distributed publicly owned web service assets?!
01:39 cads People use LJ for private journals because it has privacy controls
01:39 mircea_popescu benkay just enriched my personal sottisier.
01:40 cads till their incompetent IT department leaks the firm's key hash database
01:49 benkay wow pankkake venus is some brilliance
01:50 benkay holy fucknuggets venus is illmatic
01:50 benkay makes me want to run my own aggregation channel
01:51 benkay or curate a republication of a bunch of feeds
01:51 benkay no no no kid focus focus kid there are far more important things
01:53 mircea_popescu what venus ?
01:54 benkay
01:54 ozbot Planet Venus source code
01:54 benkay rss thinger
01:54 benkay slash other stuff
01:54 benkay probably sucks
01:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12200 @ 0.00087082 = 10.624 BTC [-] {4}
01:54 benkay but man you know what else sucks? my rss story.
01:55 benkay solution is not to implement venus actually but to fix rss in emacs
01:55 benkay which i totally have time to and will do in the next decade
01:55 benkay *flips table*
01:56 benkay i'm going to go design a thing. computers suck.
01:59 mircea_popescu oic
02:01 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 2 @ 0.127 = 0.254 BTC [+] {2}
02:01 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 1 @ 0.19376446 BTC [+]
02:03 mircea_popescu anyone care to help me build a sorted list of politically incorrect english words ?
02:03 mircea_popescu nigger > faggot right ?
02:04 ThickAsThieves greater at what?
02:04 mircea_popescu at incorectness
02:04 ThickAsThieves yeah
02:04 mircea_popescu fatty next ? or anything before that ?
02:05 ThickAsThieves this would take forever
02:05 mircea_popescu i just need like the top 10
02:05 ThickAsThieves lol
02:05 mircea_popescu 5, something.
02:05 ThickAsThieves cunt
02:05 mircea_popescu cunt is not politically incorrect is it ?!
02:05 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.1245 BTC [-]
02:05 ThickAsThieves wtf is p i tho?
02:06 mircea_popescu hm.
02:06 mircea_popescu ok. hurtful.
02:06 mircea_popescu the most HURTFUL words!
02:07 ThickAsThieves i'm drawing a blank
02:07 ThickAsThieves must be in a kind mood
02:07 mircea_popescu my powem ;/
02:07 ThickAsThieves slut?
02:07 ThickAsThieves sandnigger?
02:07 dub interseting problem
02:07 ThickAsThieves mouthbreather?
02:08 dub as a nigger I don't find it offensive, not a faggot so hard to judge
02:08 mircea_popescu
02:08 ozbot Blog-Mahoney: The two most hurtful words in the English language
02:08 mircea_popescu god damned.
02:08 mircea_popescu dub you're black now ?!
02:09 dub since birth in fact
02:09 ThickAsThieves that blog is retarded
02:09 ThickAsThieves retard!
02:09 mircea_popescu i had no idea.
02:09 mircea_popescu o yeah retard. ty.
02:09 ThickAsThieves dyke?
02:10 ThickAsThieves rugmuncher?
02:10 ThickAsThieves jew?
02:10 ThickAsThieves greenhorn can be pretty insulting
02:10 mircea_popescu jew is fine isn't it ?
02:10 mircea_popescu should be something with the holocaust tho
02:11 mircea_popescu maybe hebe ?
02:11 BingoBoingo Kike
02:11 ThickAsThieves slant
02:11 benkay programmer
02:11 BingoBoingo Gook
02:11 ThickAsThieves thug, it's the new nigger
02:11 mircea_popescu ahaha programmer
02:12 mircea_popescu i wonder if hacker ever makes this list.
02:12 mircea_popescu "don't be callin ma momma a hacker yo!"
02:12 ThickAsThieves what hacker wants to be called a hacker?
02:12 BingoBoingo Dago, potatonigger, Guido
02:12 ThickAsThieves other than the pretender kind
02:12 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo its not that i want a long or exhaustive list,
02:12 mircea_popescu i want it sorted. the internet is full of ambigfuous list. i want to see the fucking impolite middle class.
02:13 ThickAsThieves my dad had a pretty bad word for nigger in portuguese
02:13 Duffer1 race based are some of the most loaded atm
02:13 ThickAsThieves prete or something
02:13 ThickAsThieves burnt piece of wood
02:13 chetty I don't think it can be done, hurt is very sujective
02:14 Duffer1 especially those regarding black people and mexicans
02:14 ThickAsThieves spic
02:14 BingoBoingo Wetback, beaner
02:14 ThickAsThieves i like beaner
02:14 ThickAsThieves if i were mexican id take it
02:15 ThickAsThieves wop
02:15 chetty haha 'commie', long ago. Now I think its a compliment
02:16 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves maybe you could be a faux mexican
02:16 ThickAsThieves its a running joke with the father in law
02:16 ThickAsThieves cuz he's a redneck who cant tell the difference
02:16 ThickAsThieves so i tell him to call me carlos
02:16 benkay i use commie as an insult. it confuses people.
02:17 ThickAsThieves "Gypped" is arguably the most commonly used racist term in existence today.
02:17 mircea_popescu benkay it's always nice to yell when joining a large group "You pinko commie bastards!!!" with lively excitement
02:17 BingoBoingo Some are more and less offensive on different sides of the atlantic. Spaz is fine in 'Murica and a Offensive in Britain. Cunt is the reverse (except when dealing with slants as a full rotation is out of the picture)
02:17 mircea_popescu those 5 seconds while they try to decide if you're about to mow them down or it's a really funny joke are priceless.
02:18 benkay yeah plus you get such great intel about all of them from their reactions i bet
02:18 ThickAsThieves orgasm is pretty offensive to a lot of people
02:18 ThickAsThieves many sex words
02:18 mircea_popescu ya but those are all women
02:18 mircea_popescu who cares.
02:19 BingoBoingo ThickAsThieves: In these parts I actually hear Jew'd about as often as Gyp'd
02:19 ThickAsThieves yeah i think more people use gyp cuz they arent quite sure if its an insult
02:19 ThickAsThieves whereas jew'd is pretty obv
02:20 ThickAsThieves "guinea-rigged"
02:20 BingoBoingo I almost forgot Guinea was a slur, fucking I-talians
02:20 mircea_popescu guinea is a slur ?
02:21 ThickAsThieves yeah, like wop
02:21 mircea_popescu but it's a country name.
02:21 ThickAsThieves its assoc with italians for some reason
02:21 mircea_popescu ;;google guinea-bissau
02:21 gribble Guinea-Bissau - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>; Guinea-Bissau - Central Intelligence Agency: <>; BBC News - Guinea-Bissau profile - Overview: <>
02:22 ThickAsThieves maybe it's another nigger word
02:22 ThickAsThieves i havent heard it since i was a kidf
02:22 ThickAsThieves from my dad of course
02:23 ThickAsThieves i'm beginning to understand why i like rap so much
02:23 BingoBoingo "Q: What do you call an Italian homosexual? A: A Guinea cocksucker."
02:23 mircea_popescu you like rap, dub likes dubstep, everyone with his own thing.
02:24 BingoBoingo They even use guinea as a slur in The Godfather.
02:24 ThickAsThieves italians probly got slaves from there
02:24 mircea_popescu they were french colonies tho
02:24 mircea_popescu and italians didn't use slaves really
02:25 BingoBoingo Maybe the French weren't big fans of the Dagos.
02:25 mircea_popescu except the sicilians have to this day a female slavery programme goin
02:25 ThickAsThieves did they ship slaves tho?
02:25 mircea_popescu only to the moors.
02:26 mircea_popescu (fun fact : before the dutch started paying better, the black people were exporting slaves exclusively east, to yemen and other arabs)
02:26 Luke-Jr ThickAsThieves: not sure you're involvement, but the change herbijudlestoids mentioned is merged now
02:26 Luke-Jr your*
02:26 ThickAsThieves my ancestors probly played a decent role in all that, being azorean
02:26 ThickAsThieves word
02:26 BingoBoingo
02:26 ozbot Black Moor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
02:26 benkay sicilian female slavery??
02:27 ThickAsThieves "Tina Maze of Slovenia and Dominique Gisin of Switzerland finished the women's downhill event with the exact same time"
02:27 ThickAsThieves must be a joke in there somewhere
02:29 BingoBoingo Openex's ATC volume is down to under a hundredth of a BTC these past 24 hours. Trading on still need to pick up the slack though.
02:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15802 @ 0.00087054 = 13.7563 BTC [-] {2}
02:30 ThickAsThieves
02:30 ozbot - ACCESSWIRE
02:30 ThickAsThieves Bitcoin Exchange ‘Hitbtc’ Launches February 14th after $3M Investment
02:30 ThickAsThieves those are guys mpoe-pr "see here'd"
02:31 cads mircea_popescu: I did some reasearch about charlie bit me - turns out the advertising revenue (~$100K) let the father buy a new house.
02:32 mircea_popescu whoa look at that, 600mn "views" yielded almost 100 btc.
02:32 mircea_popescu a view is more than a hash!
02:32 mircea_popescu ;;estimate 1000
02:32 gribble (estimate takes no arguments) -- Shows next difficulty estimate.
02:33 mircea_popescu ;;genrate 1000
02:33 gribble The expected generation output, at 1000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 2621404453.06, is 0.000191846212759 BTC per day and 7.9935921983e-06 BTC per hour.
02:33 mircea_popescu ;;calc (10**9 * 24 * 3600)/0.000191846212759
02:34 gribble 450360727780104448
02:34 mircea_popescu 4.5e17 hashes per btc!
02:34 cads "At one point in time, their father Howard Davies-Car stressed that he didn't want to commercialize on the boy's success but realized that unlicensed merchandise was being sold based on their video.[9] In response to requests from viewers online the family created "Charlie Bit My Finger" T-shirts, mugs and limited edition calendars.[2][31]"
02:35 mircea_popescu so did the reader chicks get a new library yet ?
02:35 BingoBoingo ;;genrate 440000000000
02:35 gribble The expected generation output, at 4.4e+11 Mhps, given difficulty of 2621404453.06, is 84412.3336141 BTC per day and 3517.18056725 BTC per hour.
02:35 cads and it's this next part that makes it seem completely scifi to me:
02:35 cads "The family signed into a partnership with a video management company called Viral Spiral. Viral Spiral, a video management company specializing in viral videos, has helped place the video in advertisements for companies like Sprint and helped to create a brand.[23][32] There was also news of a web series featuring the boys in the works.[33]
02:35 cads An app called "Charlie Bit Me!!!" was created for Apple and Android devices, developed by Viral Spiral and zGames.[34]"
02:35 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo watts != kwh
02:36 ThickAsThieves create a brand, from a viral video...
02:36 mircea_popescu kinda shows how worthless a brand is today.
02:37 benkay barely put any effort in...
02:37 ThickAsThieves it's like a branding singularity
02:37 benkay "hit by the brandhammer"
02:37 ThickAsThieves everything you do is your brand
02:37 benkay made 100k
02:37 mircea_popescu policeman sees guy pissing on a fencepost. "da fuck are you doing!" "branding"
02:38 ThickAsThieves freedom of brand!
02:38 mircea_popescu "honey tonight i'll brand the fuck out of your vagina." "and then i brandished it into her again"
02:39 ThickAsThieves i wonder what they call hot ironing cattle now?
02:39 ThickAsThieves viral hits?
02:39 ThickAsThieves tattoos
02:39 cads oh, hey
02:39 ThickAsThieves cowtoos
02:39 cads speaking of memes turning into brands
02:40 cads wtf is up with dogecoin?!
02:40 cads their market cap is way up!
02:40 ThickAsThieves it's Field Day for Nobodies
02:40 mircea_popescu cads "turning" is maybe a little much
02:41 ThickAsThieves i suspect doge is owned by way less people than they appear
02:41 mircea_popescu
02:41 ozbot Crypto-Currency Market Capitalizations | Bitcoin Ripples Litecoin Peercoin DogeCoin Nxt Mastercoin C
02:41 ThickAsThieves it's probly just a couple sock armies
02:41 mircea_popescu dropped to 5 in the fantasy league.
02:41 BingoBoingo If Doges are so great, why doesn't Sochi want them?
02:42 mircea_popescu prolly next surpassed by next.
02:42 ThickAsThieves lol there's 2m more doge than last time i looked!
02:42 ThickAsThieves 2t*
02:42 mircea_popescu MaxCoin -22% lmao
02:43 ThickAsThieves i wonder how much money he'll pump in before he gives up
02:44 ThickAsThieves ha i just went to check twitter
02:44 ThickAsThieves and see mp doge tweet
02:44 mircea_popescu
02:44 assbot 123!
02:44 ozbot Twitter / maxkeiser: Feels like a #maxcoin buy-program ...
02:44 cads "An alternative cryptocurrency disrupting the already rather disrupting crypto market. MaxCoin Donations: mPQERLaEVcj1cMSMX5tyCcCdBeZCkm6GEK "
02:44 cazalla speaking of doge, it was on aussie tv -
02:44 cads yeah yeah buddy
02:44 ThickAsThieves jesus
02:44 ThickAsThieves he said that?
02:44 ThickAsThieves ugh
02:44 copumpkin okay, that was quite the movie
02:45 cads youre just trying to disrupt my wallet
02:45 mircea_popescu dis rupting...
02:46 BingoBoingo Maliciously rupturing?
02:46 BingoBoingo Is Maxcoin a hernia?
02:46 ThickAsThieves malleable anusactions
02:46 cads Ah so when were prophets ever anything but shysters
02:46 cads max has his followers
02:47 cads aka chumps
02:47 cads the only bad thing is I did not do it
02:47 cads sad sad
02:48 ThickAsThieves surely you can use a better name
02:48 ThickAsThieves here i have one
02:48 ThickAsThieves maximillions
02:48 cads cadscoin
02:50 cads Max Keiser ‏@maxkeiser 10h
02:50 cads Financial regulators in US/UK and elsewhere want Bitcoin to stoop to their level, but it can't: it's not built that way.
02:50 cads HAHAHAHA
02:50 cads this guy is awesome
02:51 cads this is a shyster and a hustler
02:51 ThickAsThieves lol he also says "Saturday nights on Twitter a bit like streets of Paris in mid-August; nothing but drunks, homeless fools and drooling freaks."
02:51 cads "America's Most Outrageous Political Pundit"
02:51 ThickAsThieves on a saturday night
02:51 cads ?REAAAALLLY?!"
02:52 cads ThickAsThieves: lol
02:53 mircea_popescu max cads ?
02:53 mircea_popescu i say do not despair.
02:53 mircea_popescu you have a future in like nascar.
02:54 Duffer1 oh snap
02:56 ThickAsThieves you could find an acronym too
02:56 ThickAsThieves like CADS
02:56 ThickAsThieves currency and deposit system
02:56 ThickAsThieves or such
02:58 cads but I'm not sure how long
02:58 ThickAsThieves the bet exists
02:58 cads of course
02:58 ThickAsThieves pretty much
02:58 ThickAsThieves
02:58 ozbot BitBet - Any altcoin will surpass Litecoin in market capitalization
02:58 benkay "start out crazy long shots, end up nailbiters"
02:59 cads
02:59 ozbot BitBet - Pussy Riot to announce tour dates before Feb 15th
02:59 benkay there's some money in that dump
02:59 cads ahaha
02:59 benkay er, pump
02:59 cads I dunno if there will be any touring for pussy riot
02:59 ThickAsThieves there's like a legion of em no?
02:59 cads like 5
03:00 cads that just kicked out the two members that actually did time for the group
03:00 cads because they want to remain an anonymous collective if criminals
03:00 mircea_popescu tit envy ?
03:00 cads of*
03:00 mircea_popescu some of the chicks actually had nice tits
03:01 cads I dunno, political suicide in either case imo
03:01 ThickAsThieves clit envy
03:01 mircea_popescu sadly, they were visibly stupid and never got promoted much
03:01 ThickAsThieves there was the pretty one, the lesbian one, and the frizzy mommy
03:01 ThickAsThieves a regular Destinys Child in the making
03:02 cads I mean they could have gone around the world singing "Virgin Mary, put Putin away" and people would have loved it
03:02 cads and the world would heap even more pressure and loathing on russia
03:02 cads maybe they felt this would mean nothing
03:02 mircea_popescu wait, is the pussy riot the ukrainian bunch or the russian bunch ?
03:02 ThickAsThieves russian
03:03 cads remember the russian girls that got arrested for holding an illegal concert on the stairs of the orthodox church
03:04 mircea_popescu
03:04 ThickAsThieves Femen stole our voice, so we only write on signs now
03:05 mircea_popescu also stole their tits.
03:05 mircea_popescu that'd have been way better.
03:05 mircea_popescu "Femen stole our tits, so we have to take it in the ass now"
03:05 mircea_popescu "It hurts."
03:06 ThickAsThieves Our rights have been "impacted"
03:07 mircea_popescu hahaha
03:07 ThickAsThieves
03:08 mircea_popescu subtle proctological jokes, an -assets specialty.
03:10 cads ThickAsThieves: I love how us bitcoin analysts use such powerful technical indicators as... rocket ships :)
03:12 mircea_popescu rocketsheep!
03:12 cads although I won't doubt its persuasive power
03:12 cads for I felt it
03:12 cads ;)
03:12 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.123925 = 0.4957 BTC [-] {2}
03:14 cads oh you guys do know that at one point english writing spelled the S sound with an F
03:14 cads Hence "Femen stole our voice"
03:14 cads is a naughty statement
03:15 Namworld A friend of a friend wants to film me eating one of the hottest peppers in the world. If I don't die, he'll try it himself. What?
03:15 Namworld Guess it can't be too bad.
03:16 Namworld Sounds like fun.
03:16 cads femen is a feminist group waging things such as a "topless jihad"
03:17 cads Namworld: your friend is an evil bastard
03:17 cads since I'm an evil bastard I encourage you to follow his heed!
03:17 mircea_popescu semen ftole our fanny ?
03:17 Namworld No. Me and my friends are evil bastards. I'll act like it's nothing and then we'll see his reaction.
03:18 cads semen stole our voice. all we could make was gargling sounds
03:18 mircea_popescu omfg.
03:18 mircea_popescu dystopia : semen actually renders women mute.
03:18 mircea_popescu some are happily and thus quietly married
03:18 mircea_popescu the rest are feminists.
03:18 mircea_popescu ~ fin ~
03:18 Namworld I already tasted stuff ranked ~1 million on the Scoville scale without flinching.
03:19 Namworld I'll make it look like it's nothing.
03:19 cads Namworld: is there any way you can license the video for distribution to -assets?
03:20 cads also your bastard friend's wimpy reaction :D
03:20 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo once btc goes up enough i guess you'll have to graduate from pens to peppers.
03:20 Namworld The guy asked my friend because he needed someone to try before him. My friend proposed me, because he thought it would be fun. =P
03:21 Namworld It was my understanding the guy wanted to put it on youtube.
03:21 mircea_popescu so none of you have girlfriends ?
03:21 cads
03:21 Namworld I don't, mircea.
03:22 Duffer1 >.<
03:22 mircea_popescu cads that guy looks like the vagina dentata bit his finger.
03:22 mircea_popescu should we call spiral bacterial or w/e it was ?
03:22 cads his expression is hilarious
03:22 Namworld lol cads
03:24 Namworld I'll keep you updated, cads
03:26 cads
03:26 cads hell yea! it looks like this girl just uppercutted the fuck out of this old man
03:27 cads Truth: "A man kicks a topless Femen activist, as she raises her fist to protest against Islamists in front of the Great Mosque of Paris"
03:27 cads I like the original interpretation
03:29 cads it might be self selection bias but I notice none of these topless warriors are ugly - they're mostly slim and perky
03:29 cads
03:29 ozbot Femen Stages a 'Topless Jihad' - In Focus - The Atlantic
03:30 cads this officer looks like he's seen some shit and this takes the cake 15
03:30 cads A man kicks a topless Femen activist, as she raises her fist to protest against Islamists in front of the Great Mosque of Paris
03:30 cads err
03:30 cads wrong paste buffer
03:30 cads
03:31 cads one does not belong:
03:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1300 @ 0.00086877 = 1.1294 BTC [-]
03:36 mircea_popescu the fatty or the titless ?
03:36 cads hey, has anyone studied Kolmogorov's classic "Foundations of Probability Theory"?
03:36 cazalla at least they are against mudslimes
03:37 mircea_popescu hahaha
03:39 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Maybe.
03:42 cads hmm
03:43 cads "[..]"attention bonds," small warranties that some information will not be a waste of the recipient's time placed into escrow at the time of sending[..]"
03:43 cads "receivers could cash in their bonds to signal to the sender that a given communication was a waste of their time or elect not to cash them in to signal that more communication would be welcome."
03:44 cads this is a proposed system for reducing spam
03:44 cads can we do this with bitcoin?
03:46 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9484 @ 0.00087274 = 8.2771 BTC [+] {2}
03:46 mircea_popescu so these are the stamps basically ?
03:46 cads If you wanna comment on my blog, or drop a message in my website's inbox, say, you must give to an escrow
03:47 mircea_popescu mail server automatically rejects all email that doesn't come with btc.
03:47 cads then at any time I can exercise the right to claim the credits to punish spammers and trolls
03:47 cads I dare not claim the credits of any valued readers
03:47 cads lest my readership diminish
03:49 cads it would be harder to implement for email but much easier for personal websites
03:50 mircea_popescu the trilema credits system seems quite sufficient really.
03:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9079 @ 0.00086793 = 7.8799 BTC [-] {4}
03:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6500 @ 0.00086659 = 5.6328 BTC [-] {2}
04:01 benkay never put into the blockchain that which you can handle on your own machines.
04:03 jurov for bait lovers
04:07 cads drunk white redneck at an intersection next to a car full of black teenagers playing their music loud. Man starts arguing with the kids about the music, gets out of car. Argument ensues, man takes out gun an fires into the car. one kid is dead, the others uninjured.
04:08 cads at trial the man's defense is that the kid menaced him with a gun. No gun is found at the scene and the defense argues that it is the state's burden to prove the gun was there.
04:08 cads The jury convicts him on 3 counts of second degree attempted murder for the passengers
04:09 cads and a count of firing into a vehicle
04:09 cads but cannot come to a decision on the first degree murder charge against kid
04:09 cads the judge instructs them that they may choose a lesser charge - 2nd degree, or manslaughter
04:10 cads but they hang and a mistrial is declared
04:10 Namworld Whut?
04:11 cads this is a case for a shooting that happening in florida while the zimmerman trial/circus was going on
04:11 cads a man named micheal dunn
04:11 cads
04:12 cads slimy looking redneck fuck if there was one...
04:12 cazalla man needs a purple heart
04:12 Namworld Looks like media can't cover stuff properly once again?
04:13 cads Namworld: what you mean you're in the US?
04:13 cazalla cads: you mean where they take a mugshot, which is likely the white mans worst day alive juxaposed with the nigras best day?
04:13 cazalla too drunk to spell :\
04:13 Namworld nope
04:13 Namworld I'm not.
04:13 cads fuck yourself cazalla of course they
04:13 cads do
04:13 cads what sort of stupid question is that
04:14 Namworld All medias would do that.
04:15 cads in the zimmerman trial you saw juxtapositions of zimmerman looking all wellkempt next to trayvon looking like a thug on one media source
04:15 cazalla he was a thug
04:15 cads and pictures of trayvon a couple years younger looking angelic, next to zimmerman looking like a pile of crap
04:15 cads every black kid is a thug
04:16 cads Namworld: you think this is international news?
04:16 cads I don't see what would have made it hard to find him guilty of manslaughter
04:17 cazalla cads: he came from a broken home, was wandering the streets at night, dealing drugs, it was only a matter of time until it happened
04:17 benkay i kinda begin to see why satoshi banged the client like he did
04:17 benkay banged the client *out*
04:17 cads I also wonder if the other kids in the car would have had opportunity to hide the weapon
04:17 cazalla not that i care for zimmerman but given the media made it a black vs white issue and that black on white violence is the real issue, i can't help but smile to see him 6 foot under
04:17 cads if /my/ shooter just got killed
04:18 cads the least I can do for him is take his tool
04:18 cads and hide it from the cops
04:18 cads give him some dignity, you know?
04:18 benkay asciilifeform, mircea_popescu: odds on the satoshi hoard moving to an unspendable address?
04:18 cazalla perhaps they should listen to their music without disturbing the peace of others?
04:19 cazalla there is nothing more rude than someone who plays their music within earshot of others and is oblivious to just how poor their taste is
04:19 cads cazalla: but listen to yourself blithely say "well maybe they shouldn't annoy people", juxtaposed with the fact that a child was slaughtered.
04:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 579 @ 0.00086704 = 0.502 BTC [+]
04:20 cazalla it is what it is
04:20 cads if white kids annoyed people and some black dude did the deed what would happen
04:20 cazalla it's too late to complain your loud music draws attention after the fact
04:20 Namworld I mean zimmerman case was probably too covered vs other cases.
04:21 Namworld I'm not in the US and I've heard about it.
04:21 cazalla zimmerman was just a cheap shot at whites, anti-racism meaning anti-white type crap
04:21 cazalla the perp need not even be white to make it a black vs white issue these days
04:22 cazalla which is why i have little sympathy for shot up black hoodlums, they do a good enough job of killing each other than we don't even need to string them up these days
04:22 cazalla (and i think i've had enough port for this evening)
04:23 cads so we have racists in the channel?
04:23 cads who else?
04:23 cads lets take a tally
04:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5418 @ 0.00087293 = 4.7295 BTC [+]
04:25 Namworld I'll avoid voicing an opinion on a case I know little about.
04:26 jurov ôôseens davout
04:26 jurov ;;seen davout
04:26 gribble davout was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 8 hours, 5 minutes, and 16 seconds ago: <davout> 2015 -> "intern accidentally deletes mpex"
04:26 cads the worst part about these cases is when you see these men become heros to these lowbrow whitefuk rednecks here stateside
04:27 cads they want to be like zimmerman
04:27 cads they CAN'T WAIT to put a slug in a nigger
04:27 cads ooooh boy
04:27 cads to do that and get away with it
04:27 cads it's their drea
04:27 cads m
04:27 cads don't tell me it wouldn't fucking thrill you, cazalla
04:28 cads to kill a little punk pygmy that's threating YOUR life
04:28 mircea_popescu if anyone wants to read my poem:
04:28 mircea_popescu
04:28 ozbot The Letter Third pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
04:28 cazalla it's a cheap thrill, i don't really care tbh, it occurs far away from me with people of which there are very few where i reside
04:28 mircea_popescu benkay i have no idea.
04:29 cads so killing someone to you is a "cheap thrill"
04:29 cads but meh, you don't really care about it
04:29 mircea_popescu i cant believe that thing is still a topic. srsly ?
04:29 mircea_popescu who cares, some guy killed some guy.
04:29 cazalla why are you so invested when 2 idiots find themselves in a situation no sensible person would, where 1 of them will die
04:31 cads I mean ideally both idiots would be punished - one is already dead, and the other needs to get his. Not for some moral reason. Only to deter further idiots.
04:32 cazalla why are you not up in arms about the countless nigras being shot up by other nigras, why are you so focused on zimmerman? because he is portrayed as white and it's in the media? i think that's the only reason
04:32 cads when a black person shoots a black person he goes to jail
04:32 mircea_popescu cads or maybe he should get a reward for punishing one idiot.
04:33 cads these are children we're talking about.
04:33 mircea_popescu you know a black idiot being punished for being an idiot isn't therefore being punished for being black.
04:33 mircea_popescu apparently children can die as well as adults.
04:33 cads better
04:33 mircea_popescu probably even better.
04:33 cads without leaving a trace
04:33 cazalla teenagers aren't children
04:35 cads legally a teenager is a child until 17 or 18
04:35 cazalla you're being facetious now
04:36 cads true
04:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29050 @ 0.00086915 = 25.2488 BTC [-] {2}
04:36 cads I actually consider even 22 year olds to be kids
04:36 mircea_popescu teenager is not defined legally afaik.
04:36 mircea_popescu cads pasty ass white kids are children at 39.
04:36 cads because they still think like fucking kids
04:36 mircea_popescu kids that grow up on the streets are adults at 12.
04:37 cads if that's true try talking to one about a 401k
04:37 mircea_popescu methinks his 401k will beat your dad's 401k.
04:37 mircea_popescu hands down.
04:37 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 60 @ 0.00297 = 0.1782 BTC [-]
04:37 cazalla cads my point is this, a bunch of black teens driving around in an 82 corolla (thinking it's a 64 impala) blasting some rap music is going to attract the wrong type of attention, white man was stupid to react to it but this is how the world works
04:37 mircea_popescu a particular facility to being taken advantage by the government is no particular qualification of maturity.
04:37 cads my dad works 10 hour shifts
04:37 cads he's too hardy for a 401k
04:38 mircea_popescu well then you see my point.
04:38 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 240 @ 0.00290146 = 0.6964 BTC [-] {6}
04:38 cads cazalla: that's not making a point, that's the standard argument
04:39 cazalla well quit suggesting they are innocent and share no blame in their own death
04:39 mircea_popescu original sean!
04:39 cazalla it's like women who dress slutty and cry rape, you can't step into a lions cage and then complain he ate you
04:40 mircea_popescu what if she was dressed like a slut specifically for me ?
04:40 mircea_popescu do you now have license to help yourself too ?
04:41 cazalla if you extend that license to me, yes
04:41 mircea_popescu but i do not.
04:41 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 5000 @ 0.00022187 = 1.1094 BTC [-] {13}
04:41 mircea_popescu that'd be a sight, rapist obtaining prior permission from the male owner of the slut.
04:41 mircea_popescu "yoiur honor, this wasn't rape. i asked some guy if it's ok."
04:41 cads add a transaction to the mix and you have a pimp
04:41 cazalla if you grant permission but it's rape, surely you are not the owner
04:42 mircea_popescu incidentally, i hear that's why the trezor kid got shot.
04:42 mircea_popescu some jew guy made a pie, the black kid ate the pie
04:42 mircea_popescu the jew went "omg wtf you ate my pie for!"
04:42 mircea_popescu and the nigger went "dude it smelled good! if you didn't want me to eat it
04:42 mircea_popescu you shouldn't have made it smell good."
04:43 mircea_popescu and so the jew got angry and shot him/
04:43 mircea_popescu and he got acquitted because the jury found the arguments unsavory.
04:43 cads lesson is that women just need to start shooting their rapists
04:43 mircea_popescu cads wouldn't that be rape ?
04:43 mircea_popescu in that you know... the guy was trying to shoot it up her ?
04:44 mircea_popescu they can, and they do.
04:44 cazalla cads are you a sjw?
04:44 cads sjw?
04:44 mircea_popescu they just need an environment in which they feel safe and secure.
04:44 cazalla social justice warrior
04:45 mircea_popescu nah he's just a math geek.
04:45 mircea_popescu they're a little touched.
04:45 cads I do like to harass bigots though
04:46 cads it's my own form of bigotry
04:46 cazalla i was just about to ask that.. why are you bigotted against bigots
04:46 mircea_popescu you mean you're intolerant with intolerance ?
04:46 chetty bah you guys got no clue about rape
04:46 cazalla btw cads, i'm fine with black people i have an acquataince with, it's the ones i don't that i'm suspect of, more so than whites i don't know
04:47 mircea_popescu lol chetty epic statement.
04:47 mircea_popescu cazalla youj know that's exactly what xenophobia is ?
04:47 cads you think that if a black person is walking 40 feet behind me on a sidewalk, or if a white person is walking 40 feet behind me on a sidewalk, I don't prefer to be in the latter situation?
04:47 cads even a black person prefers that
04:47 mircea_popescu what srslky ?!@
04:47 cads err
04:47 cads wait a second
04:47 cads I mean I prefer
04:48 cazalla i am xenophobic
04:48 cazalla but that doesn't bother me
04:48 mircea_popescu i am honestly not getting you two.
04:48 chetty rape has nothing to do with sex - you confuse the issues
04:48 mircea_popescu it seriously makes no difference to me. wtf difference does it make ?
04:48 cads chetty: I later realized that the women are also physically threatened and harmed/killed during rape
04:49 cads (I was a kid when I wondered that)
04:49 mircea_popescu hence my comment, re "they can and they do, provided they have a safe environment in which to enjoy it"
04:49 cazalla what difference does it make?
04:49 cazalla or is that directed at cads
04:49 mircea_popescu at both of you.
04:50 mircea_popescu i noticed this before, too, us people are fucking weird.
04:50 cazalla i don't like foreigners coming into my country and upsetting the WASP ratio
04:50 cads we'll argue for the joy of arguing
04:50 cazalla if i get to know them on a 1 to 1 level, that's OK
04:50 cads we're not particularly mean to each other even when we're insulting :D
04:50 mircea_popescu i get in a bus, i sit with the black people, white people are all giving me wtf is this ?!?! looks
04:50 cads cazalla: right, that's how I am too
04:51 mircea_popescu black people are all omg this guy is like dangerous.
04:51 cazalla i'd happily chant for the random black person to be shot, shout obscentities and then invite the black neighbour over for a bbq same day
04:51 cazalla we don't really have black people in australia anyway
04:51 mircea_popescu you're nuts already.
04:51 mircea_popescu the only sane conclusion is that you've paid about 100x too much attention to this race thing.
04:51 mircea_popescu perhaps 1000x
04:51 cazalla yeah, reading too much /pol/ lately
04:51 cazalla + drinking
04:52 mircea_popescu da fuck difference does it make, even if you were in fucking somalia
04:52 mircea_popescu most dudes there are you know, boring derps.
04:52 cazalla yes i'm sure everyone is friendly to strangers in mogadishu
04:52 cads cazalla: the thing about that is that is that's really some fuckshit, that's like having a gay friend over for a barbeque on saturday and secretly picketing with "GOD HATES FAGS" signs in sunday
04:52 cazalla cads: that's me
04:53 cads who would your friend think you were if he knew?
04:53 mircea_popescu i'd expect he appreciates the prime trollage.
04:53 mircea_popescu wouldn't you ?
04:53 cads if you don't really give a fuck what you fag ass friend thinks, what kind of friend can he be?
04:53 mircea_popescu maybe scribble a Why So Srs on the back of the sign just in case you run into people you know.
04:53 cads hahaha
04:53 cazalla cads: because he isn't a stranger
04:54 mircea_popescu a great friend, inasmuch as you don't give a shit what he thinks on retarded topics
04:54 mircea_popescu it will encourage him to spend more time thinking of better stuff.
04:54 mircea_popescu win-win
04:54 cads what I'm saying is that how would he feel about his friend being part of a cause that is out to menace him and people like him?
04:54 mircea_popescu menace my foot.
04:54 cazalla cads: case in point, my wife has a gay friend + indian (immigrant) to boot! i don't like degenerate faggots or immigrants but i don't mind him coming over for dinner, holding my son etc, strange huh
04:54 mircea_popescu god gives cancer to people he doesn't hate, too.
04:54 cads cazalla: that's not strange, that's human
04:55 mircea_popescu cazalla that's only because he's not fingering your son yet.
04:55 cads there's that, neh :P
04:55 mircea_popescu (that you know about)
04:55 cazalla mircea_popescu: i keep a close eye on him, don't you worry about that
04:55 mircea_popescu good thinking.
04:55 cazalla he is never with my son unsupervised
04:55 mircea_popescu just to be sure,
04:55 cazalla and baby monitor is good excuse to listen to all conversation going on in the loungeroom anyway
04:55 mircea_popescu you should finger him at all times.
04:55 cads make sure you get the first impression
04:56 mircea_popescu impaction.
04:56 cazalla gay friend or son?
04:56 cads the fatherly touch
04:56 mircea_popescu it just struck me about 500 people will be reading this log sunday morning with a hangover
04:56 cazalla baby shits everywhere so it isn't a problem
04:56 mircea_popescu and decide they really need new friends.
04:56 punkman what kind of trollbox did I walk into
04:56 mircea_popescu lmao
04:57 cads The... horror.
04:57 cazalla i've had a bottle of tawny port so i'm just about done
04:57 cads eh cazalla you're arrite
04:57 cads mixed up white man
04:57 cads but arrite
04:57 punkman no hangover, but drinking shall commence in 5 min
04:57 cads and counding.
04:57 cazalla still suss on you cads
04:58 cazalla a bit too sjw-ish for me
04:58 cads I offer something SJWs can't
04:58 cazalla anyone who runs to the defense of unnamed blacks and supposed rape victims is suspect to me
04:58 cads redemption.
04:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15300 @ 0.00086676 = 13.2614 BTC [-]
04:58 cads and freedom from sin!
04:59 mircea_popescu cazalla maybe he just hasn't gotten laid in a really long time
04:59 mircea_popescu white knighting is in white man's genes.
04:59 cazalla maybe i haven't.. fucking kid and breast feeding :\
04:59 cazalla i swear to god i never knew breast feeding could fuck up a good pair of tits in 5 weeks
04:59 mircea_popescu how's getting laid prevent you from breastfeeding ?
04:59 mircea_popescu there's other positions than doggy style you know
05:00 cazalla "don't touch them" "they are too sensitive" "no i'm still sore from pregnancy for sex" "i'm tired" etc etc
05:00 mircea_popescu spank her
05:00 cazalla nah, gonna go to a gentlemans room soon
05:00 cads and spank something else
05:00 mircea_popescu what's the point of having gentlemen's rooms in australia ?
05:00 cazalla no-one wants saggy tits with sour milk stained shirt :\
05:00 mircea_popescu for tourists like ?
05:01 cazalla although our son seems to love em
05:01 cazalla nfi, never been to one
05:01 mircea_popescu no wonder.
05:01 cazalla we had plenty of sex prior to pregnancy and birth
05:01 cazalla cads: he has blue eyes and blonde hair btw, couldn't be prouder
05:02 mircea_popescu from an indian guy ?!
05:02 mircea_popescu that must be rare.
05:02 cazalla lol
05:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13500 @ 0.00087293 = 11.7846 BTC [+]
05:04 cads a handsome young Aryan I'm sure
05:04 cads cazalla: you're a new dad? congrats
05:04 cazalla ty cads
05:05 jurov congrats, too. but don't spoil him :)
05:05 mircea_popescu well maybe a little.
05:05 cazalla that'll depend on bitcoin over the years to come
05:06 cads :D
05:07 cazalla i'll be sure to tell him to check his bitcoin privilege
05:07 cazalla anyway, i'm off to bed
05:07 cazalla it is interesting that when sober, i only lurk/read
05:08 cazalla few drinks and i spew all sorts of bullshit :\
05:08 cazalla typica fkn aussies
05:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32887 @ 0.00087355 = 28.7284 BTC [+] {2}
05:17 cads
05:17 ozbot Internet troll personality study: Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, sadism.
05:19 cads heck, I have all of the dark tetrad
05:20 cads and you know the best trolls honestly think they're not trolling
05:22 cads blah the article blatantly ignores the self reporting bias in requiring trolls to identify as trolls
05:23 jurov troll and proud
05:23 cads but it's significant that self identifying trolls still scored horribly
05:24 cads so while some trolls may have hiden themselves the real blatant ones decided "fuck, lets troll this test"
05:24 jurov but really, do any non-narcissistic, well-aligned, non-machhiavellistic people exist?
05:25 jurov afaik if they do, then they only lurk
05:26 cads I dunnno I think trolls are free riders
05:27 cads if you're a sadist you need to pay for your entertainment like the rest us
05:27 cads trolls will be ejected from the dialog space soon.
05:27 cads and will come back with more refined tactics
05:27 cads as I am.
05:27 cads we shall evolve
05:27 cads we shall revise.
05:27 cads we are legion ;)
05:28 jurov since when the sadists must pay?
05:36 mircea_popescu <cads> so while some trolls may have hiden themselves the real blatant ones decided "fuck, lets troll this test" << what the fuck does slate know.
05:37 mircea_popescu “debating issues that are important to you,” “chatting with others,” “making new friends,” “trolling others,” and “other.”
05:37 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 26 @ 0.0055 = 0.143 BTC [+] {2}
05:37 mircea_popescu most fucktarded set of options ever.
05:37 cads I have sent people to shock websites for the lulz.
05:37 cads I like to troll people in forums or the comments section of websites.
05:37 cads The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt.
05:37 mircea_popescu "hi r retarded" "hi i am 12 and where does dildo go ?" "sanity" and "other"
05:38 cads some people actually agree with such statements
05:38 mircea_popescu you sound like the something awful crowd.
05:38 cads sick people :P
05:38 cads like us! :D
05:38 cads those three lines I posted were from the slate article
05:38 cads as examples of troll sentiments
05:39 mircea_popescu o i
05:39 mircea_popescu c
05:39 cads I've been sending people to since I was 13
05:39 cads tubgirl, etc.
05:39 cads not lots of people, mostly friends
05:39 cads and irc peers
05:40 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3961 @ 0.00087357 = 3.4602 BTC [+]
05:40 cads I like trolling particularly bad arguments on, god help me, facebook and youtube comments
05:41 cads and who doesn't love corrupting the innocent?
05:41 mircea_popescu i trolled a guy right here, and he enjoyed it.
05:41 mircea_popescu your weaksauce sjwing not as much.
05:42 cads beh fuck your guys' face with y'all white people acronyms
05:42 cads rednecks
05:42 cads ;)
05:42 mircea_popescu lol
05:42 mircea_popescu wait, you're black too ?
05:43 cads no
05:43 mircea_popescu this place's really gone downhill.
05:45 mircea_popescu "Once upon a time, there was an enchanted prince, who ruled the land beyond the wobbles. One day, he discovered a spot on his face. Foolishly, he ignored it...and three years later, he died of cancer. The spot, however, flourished, and soon set out to seek its fortune."
05:50 cads "The game is essentially an abstract synthesis of all arts and sciences. It proceeds by players making deep connections between seemingly unrelated topics."
05:50 mircea_popescu asciilifeform so orlov finally found costa rica huh
05:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27677 @ 0.00086869 = 24.0427 BTC [-] {2}
05:54 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 32 @ 0.07 = 2.24 BTC [+]
05:57 Namworld In Canada, people don't seem to care about immigrants. They all mix like it doesn't matter. I overheard someone at my old job say how he liked it so much more here than in the US because people weren't looking at him and less discrimination or something.
05:57 Namworld Yet it doesn't seem like there's much difference between US and Canada to me in the culture.
05:58 cads well there's a big difference even across the US
05:59 Namworld Yes, guess it depends on the area.
06:00 Namworld I'm in Montreal. I suppose that has some good on what I experience.
06:01 cads wanna see a heat map of the geotagged tweets in the US using the word "nigger" in a negative sentiment?
06:01 Namworld Sounds like fun
06:01 cads
06:01 cads the data was normalized according to total twitter traffic
06:01 cads lemme find the actual interactive map
06:01 cads that lets you see the geography of all sorts of slurs
06:02 Namworld Would be nice to have a population map too to put that in perspective.
06:02 mircea_popescu fascinating : exactly the areas where black people live.
06:02 Namworld That data too
06:02 mircea_popescu cads how would you trust the negative sentiment detection ?
06:02 cads
06:02 ozbot Hate Map
06:02 Namworld Overlayed
06:03 cads mircea_popescu: they paid students to manually code the statements for sentiment
06:03 cads a little flaky but much better than automated sentiment detection, imo
06:03 mircea_popescu fo sho
06:03 mircea_popescu unless trolling
06:03 cads right
06:04 cads hopefully they blinded the kids enough to the geographic location that at least the overall shape is right
06:04 cads mircea_popescu: actually
06:04 cads the hate is /outside/ where blacks live
06:05 mircea_popescu yeah it's at the north border of the space acually
06:05 cads in little pods that correspond to high class suburbs or medium density rural
06:05 cads and it drops off dramatically in the west, even for populated centers
06:06 cads ie, LA has little proportion of the twitter bandwidth dedicated to "nigger"
06:06 mircea_popescu californians lie.
06:07 mircea_popescu your penny an hour students simple aren't sufficiently intellectually perverse to pick up on californian negative sentiment
06:07 cads ahaah
06:08 cads it would be hard to false positive a negative example of "nigger" :D
06:09 cads there are a couple slurs in there like gook that are distributed in ways that seem completely arbitrary
06:09 mircea_popescu i doubt you missed my point.
06:10 cads I thought it was a jibe :)
06:10 cads you're saying racist sentiment from white californians simply won't use the word 'nigger'
06:10 cads which I'd grant you ten fold :D
06:11 cads and indeed, this test has no way to protect against that
06:12 cads hehe, the redneck that's been arguing against me on this one will enjoy your theory
06:12 mircea_popescu lol
06:14 cads maybe it's better to be surrounded by idiots that yell slurs than by smooth talking devils in suits
06:15 cads one can take the latter group as chumps
06:15 cads and lead them around by nose rings
06:15 cads maybe not so for californians!
06:15 cads err
06:15 cads former group!
06:15 mircea_popescu my experience with racism is that it's usually the problem of the people concerned with it.
06:16 cads people affected by it mostly don't understand how it affects them
06:16 mircea_popescu mno. people who spend a lot of time thinking about it end up being fucking weird.
06:16 mircea_popescu people who couldn't care less generally aren't a problem to anyone.
06:17 mircea_popescu i would say that your average "sensitive" idiot is about twice as noxious as your average "racist".
06:17 cads I do like to bait them :P
06:17 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26516 @ 0.00087104 = 23.0965 BTC [+] {2}
06:18 mircea_popescu me too, but i kinda enjoy the first set more.
06:19 cads keep in mind I and my brothers grew up here with a crappy accent as the cabbage eating weird kids that got picked on for our religion and culture
06:20 cads remember romania is the mexico of europe to americans.
06:20 cads so I've got some well placed hate for bigots and I'm okay with that for now
06:20 mircea_popescu lol derp.
06:21 mircea_popescu i don't think any us citizen alive today could pick out a romanian from a line-up if his anal virginity depended on it
06:21 chetty really?
06:21 mircea_popescu and you got picked out for being socially awkward and sexually unconvincing, not for "culture"
06:21 mircea_popescu awkwardness is not culture.
06:22 cads I'm not talking about in my adolescence, I'm talking about as a kid
06:22 mircea_popescu picked on by who ?
06:24 mircea_popescu well were they adults or other kids ?
06:26 cads just kids and neighborhood bullies really
06:27 mircea_popescu so other kids. socially awkward and sexually unconvincing.
06:27 mircea_popescu what, you think sexual traits suddenly manifest at 18 ?
06:27 cads well obviously socially ackward
06:28 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9550 @ 0.00087575 = 8.3634 BTC [+]
06:28 cads that's the fucking point, you're acting like people can't fucking treat socially ackward people with some fucking respect
06:28 cads and I know that's false
06:28 cads since people more or less treat me with respect despite my ackwardness
06:28 mircea_popescu they can't.
06:29 mircea_popescu the point is to help them overcome their issues.
06:29 mircea_popescu this needs incentives.
06:29 mircea_popescu "the beatings will continue until morale improves."
06:31 cads I mean, a black kid in an all white classroom will be ackward. A boy with a vaganapenis will be ackward. A girl that wears a headdress is going to feel ackward.
06:31 mircea_popescu just because people have meanwhile stopped giving a shit about you and your overall health and well being doesn't mean the people that used to care were wrong.
06:31 cads why does it have to be an overburdening feeling though?
06:31 mircea_popescu it's just meanwhile you live in a different sort of society, which is dispersed and disinterested.
06:31 mircea_popescu it doesn't. it's up to them not to be.
06:33 cads so by your counsel, would it have been up to the slaves to accept the burden, and would it have been your advice simply improve morale till the situation changes or you're lynched.
06:33 cads ?
06:34 mircea_popescu no useful slave was ever lynched.
06:34 mircea_popescu but yes, it is up to whoever to live his life, as his life is, rather than derp about how it should be.
06:35 mircea_popescu i get it, everyone's special and dragons and the wrong gender and in the wrong time and insufficiently lottery winning.
06:35 mircea_popescu not particularly interesting.
06:35 cads so if someone is slandering you do you "derp about how it should be" or do you taking fucking recourse?
06:35 cads or do you... "live your life" while your reputation is slandered?
06:35 mircea_popescu well you may be inclined to review my record as the most slandered guy in the history of btc :)
06:36 cads and take no offense or defense
06:37 Namworld Had that in primary, living in the suburbs. Black kid in all white classroom. Had very few black people for the whole school.
06:37 cads mircea_popescu: if I ever rape you in an alley one day you will limp back home, paste your asshole back together with some dabs of superglue and then tell no one and seek no revenge.
06:37 Namworld Can't seem to recall any awkwardness to it.
06:37 cads with that philosophy I can have you asshole when I want.
06:37 mircea_popescu maybe i'll shoot you, what.
06:37 cads that's the philosophy you want opressed kids to take
06:37 mircea_popescu maybe you're the one getting raep'd.
06:38 mircea_popescu no, that's just the strawman you find convenient lol
06:38 cads well that's my point, you have built in recourse and you know how to exercise it
06:38 mircea_popescu so do they, so can they. let them.
06:38 cads you say you have it because you deserve it
06:38 cads but you have it because you've been handed it
06:38 mircea_popescu derp.
06:38 mircea_popescu and if i have a business i didn't build that business ?
06:38 mircea_popescu thank you obama for bitcoin and handing me mpex.
06:39 mircea_popescu i suppose i owe tax nao too right ?
06:39 cads you're saying if you were a nigger guinea you would have mpex.
06:39 cads gtfo
06:39 mircea_popescu i am a romanian in romania dood.
06:39 mircea_popescu think it through.
06:40 cads right, for the first thing you'd probably have been born in africa.
06:40 cads good luck from that start.
06:40 mircea_popescu i'd have been pretty much the same born whenever and wherever.
06:41 cads born into the family of a destitute mother that couldn't feed you properly the first few years of your life?
06:41 cads born into the family that lived in bitter poverty and taught you to take everything you can from the dole?
06:41 mircea_popescu what makes you think i coud have been born to a destitute mother that couldn't feed me properly ?
06:41 mircea_popescu what, we're equal nao ?
06:41 mircea_popescu people aren't interchangeable.
06:43 cads the part that really gets me is not that you can't imagine yourself as an average black person, weighted down with the average viral meme load and nonsense beliefs about finance and law and white people and everyone being out to get you
06:43 mircea_popescu why am i not an average romanian weighted down with the average viral meme load and nonsense belief romanias get ?
06:44 mircea_popescu what, you think blacks invented stupidity or soemthing ?
06:44 cads but mostly that you think someone of your talent would get to the same place in life no matter what initial condition
06:44 mircea_popescu this is exactly true.
06:44 mircea_popescu the derpage about "conditions" is a very weak excuse.
06:44 mircea_popescu i dunno who buys it, but judging by how often it needs to be repeated i would guess no one
06:46 cads mircea_popescu: because you're not sampled from the sample space of romanians. You're sampled from the sample space of humans. You need to be concerned about the average expected outcome of humans if only because that's essential to collaborative solutions to problems.
06:46 mircea_popescu what's the average gender of the human race ?
06:47 mircea_popescu you're a clever guy, you know at least the basics of where statistics is meaningfully usable and where it isn't.
06:50 cads hrm, is there no revolutionary effort you will have joined simply because you disagree with the way things are for a group of people you care about?
06:50 mircea_popescu i have been at the forefront of fucking revolutionary effort lol.
06:51 mircea_popescu that's the difference, i speak of things i know, you speak of things you dream and imagine. unflattering as that may sound.
06:51 cads yeah that's a criticism I don't take lightly.
06:52 cads and you can stop with any further expounding of that line now.
06:52 mircea_popescu well, so you ever been in a revolution ?
06:53 mircea_popescu and i don't mean on facebook, i mean with a gun.
06:54 cads the closes to that is some underground cryptoanarchist stuff and some occupy bullshit, nothing with a gun.. yet, neh?
06:55 mircea_popescu ok so then, if it's not your experience, why is it your preoccupation ?
06:55 cads both efforts fell apart into violence and fighting with nothing I could do
06:55 cads I mean, I went to rallies, I marched on board meetings, it was fun
06:56 cads two friends in the 'movement' got into a fight at a rally
06:56 mircea_popescu yes yes but my objection here is that you allow surogates to populate your mental forest.
06:56 mircea_popescu which is in principle an evil.
06:56 cads and police descended on them, broke bones, femur, put them in the hospital
06:56 mircea_popescu a revolution is when you break the bones of the police
06:56 mircea_popescu not the other way around.
06:57 mircea_popescu this is the key aspect here. not that there is violence,
06:57 cads exactly
06:57 mircea_popescu but that the only limit to the violence is your own consicence.
06:57 mircea_popescu and otherwise, everyone can go straight off to the guillotine.
06:59 mircea_popescu but anyway, i'ma be off. we shall debate moar later!
06:59 cads maybe I'll adress the mental forest thing, since I don't think you're entirely wrong, and I know it.
07:01 chetty careful, MP's strange ideas grow on you
07:03 cads it's the classic romanian "you know theory but you don't know practice" attack "o ai cu teoria. Dar practica te omoare." classic because every romanian has heard it from every other romanian they know, in one situation or another.
07:05 cads Righteous Lecturing is actually Romania's official national past time, as I'm sure MP would acknowledge from his experiences with family, teachers, politicians, etc. :D
07:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4600 @ 0.00087589 = 4.0291 BTC [+] {2}
07:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14351 @ 0.00087531 = 12.5616 BTC [-]
07:09 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.12256 = 0.6128 BTC [-] {2}
07:11 chetty you are Romanian too cads?
07:12 cads obviously not by choice :)
07:12 cads how about you? what's your culture?
07:13 chetty haha well I guess Romanain by choice would work - at least for the moment
07:16 cads live in RO?
07:16 cads or abroad?
07:16 cads oh no
07:16 assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 45 @ 0.0055 = 0.2475 BTC
07:17 cads I just saw lawrence fishbourne do a Kia commercial in his Morpheus charachter!
07:17 cads Had two sets of keys, one in each hand
07:17 chetty live in RO atm
07:17 cads he was a valet for christ sakes, and offers the driver the choice of two keys
07:18 cads the driver picks the kia. the matrix is real.
07:18 chetty course it is, was there ever any doubt?
07:20 cads chetty: as if the second and third movies were not progressively worse scams, I am just hoping we don't see neo dodging... bad insurance quotes or something...
07:20 cads "Geico. Whoa."
07:21 cads let me keep at least /some/ piece of media holy and pure in my thoughts, I say!
07:21 chetty I never watch sequels ..or TV, bad for your health (mental)
07:21 cads ^ this is a rapidly fading desire
07:21 cads right
07:21 cads I've learned to stop caring and throw myself into the long tail without any exterior curator
07:22 cads future shock is a bitch sometimes though
07:26 cads chetty: I mostly watch commericals, sound turned off, to study the visual rhetoric
07:26 cads kinda perverse, I know... I don't do this much... stuff like the superbowl, or when I'm chilling on the couch with friends watching something
07:27 cads I sanitize all the advertisements from my internet experience though, and get the large majority of my AV content from pirate channels
07:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21650 @ 0.00087549 = 18.9544 BTC [+]
07:38 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.125 BTC [+]
07:44 kakobrekla ;;ticker --market mtgox
07:44 gribble MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 250.3295, Best ask: 252.6, Bid-ask spread: 2.27050, Last trade: 249.47, 24 hour volume: 78979.07331245, 24 hour low: 247.0, 24 hour high: 540.0, 24 hour vwap: 333.23091
07:51 FabianB_ ;;ticker --market all
07:51 gribble MtGox BTCUSD last: 248.5, vol: 78869.04776296 | Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 633.0, vol: 16702.98226469 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 600.9, vol: 10841.20438 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 636.3, vol: 9196.50560524 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 655.01, vol: 44.65753383 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 635.753811, vol: 6328.89500000 | Volume-weighted last average: 381.946016093
07:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19433 @ 0.00087536 = 17.0109 BTC [-] {2}
~ 16 minutes ~
08:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25000 @ 0.00087523 = 21.8808 BTC [-]
08:14 ThickAsThieves dat ticker!
08:14 ThickAsThieves yknow it would be really sad if gox opened and their users were buying up cheap coins and thus benefited from it's idiocy
08:15 ThickAsThieves i guess omeone has to play the losing end
08:17 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9200 @ 0.00087144 = 8.0172 BTC [-]
08:25 kakobrekla anyone good at poker here?
08:26 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25594 @ 0.00087554 = 22.4086 BTC [+] {2}
08:26 ThickAsThieves i hear some magic the gathering players are good at it
08:28 PsychoticBoy_ wanna buy a black lotus?
08:28 PsychoticBoy_ beta
08:28 PsychoticBoy_ got more old magic cards
08:28 PsychoticBoy_ ;)
08:29 ThickAsThieves "Unfortunately, new research suggests that's not the case — trolls' personalities correlate highly with sadism. "
08:29 ThickAsThieves "A new study by Erin Buckels and her colleagues at the University of Manitoba found that trolls' personalities are strongly linked to personality traits that form what some psychologists call the Dark Tetrad: sadism, narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism."
08:30 chetty good description of this chan
08:31 ThickAsThieves not enough isms though
08:33 ThickAsThieves for example, contrarianism ^
08:33 MisterE whales are this is all over IRC today
08:33 MisterE opps
08:34 ThickAsThieves is that your brain wallet?
08:34 ThickAsThieves :)
08:34 MisterE already had some text inthe input line
08:34 MisterE was gonna say whales are manipulating big time today
08:34 MisterE and separately that the study is being talked about in many channels I'm in
08:36 ThickAsThieves it's an imporrant development, learning trolls like to troll cuz theyre assholes
08:38 ThickAsThieves another popular topic this morning, "how do i get cash into Gox quickly?"
08:38 ThickAsThieves no wonder trolls exist...
08:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7950 @ 0.00087659 = 6.9689 BTC [+]
08:42 chetty in fairness there are also trolls that make you think - a lot of folks find that painful too
08:44 ThickAsThieves nah
08:44 ThickAsThieves i wont accept that all conflicting conversatinis trolling
08:45 deadweasel i disagree :P
08:45 deadweasel hi ThickAsThieves, morning
08:45 ThickAsThieves herro
08:46 deadweasel too much warm sake last night, with slices of jackfruit and vietnamese waitresses.
08:46 deadweasel the grammar makes it seem like i'm eating slices of vietnamese waitresses. that was not the case.
08:46 ThickAsThieves slices of waitresses?
08:47 ThickAsThieves lol
08:47 ThickAsThieves
08:47 ozbot Just got an email from mt.gox : Bitcoin
08:47 ThickAsThieves i like the first comment
08:47 ThickAsThieves i guess the kickstarter security leak data is being used to log into gox?
08:47 ThickAsThieves pretty awesome
08:48 deadweasel plunder that place senseless!
08:48 ThickAsThieves hack sucker site #1 for obv access to sucker site #2
08:48 ThickAsThieves "dont worry your funds arent going anywhere"
08:49 ThickAsThieves
08:49 ozbot Hundreds trapped in South African gold mine - Africa - Al Jazeera English
08:52 ThickAsThieves ;;market sell 2000
08:52 gribble Bitstamp | A market order to sell 2000 bitcoins right now would net 1222350.0727 USD and would take the last price down to 603.4600 USD, resulting in an average price of 611.1750 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 170.4864 seconds
08:52 ThickAsThieves ;;market sell --mtgox 2000
08:52 gribble (market sell [--usd] [--market <market>] <value>) -- Calculate the effect on the market depth of a market sell order of <value> bitcoins. If <market> is provided, uses that exchange. Default is Bitstamp. If '--usd' option is given, <value> denotes the size of the order in USD.
08:52 ThickAsThieves ;;market sell 2000 --mtgox
08:52 gribble (market sell [--usd] [--market <market>] <value>) -- Calculate the effect on the market depth of a market sell order of <value> bitcoins. If <market> is provided, uses that exchange. Default is Bitstamp. If '--usd' option is given, <value> denotes the size of the order in USD.
08:52 pankkake ;;market sell --market mtgox 2000
08:52 gribble MtGox | A market order to sell 2000 bitcoins right now would net 443737.1817 USD and would take the last price down to 207.0000 USD, resulting in an average price of 221.8686 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 0.0645 seconds
08:52 ThickAsThieves ty
08:54 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.57499898 BTC [+]
08:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12164 @ 0.00087695 = 10.6672 BTC [+]
09:00 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 3 @ 0.070399 = 0.2112 BTC [+]
09:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.070399 = 0.2816 BTC [+]
09:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07011 = 0.2804 BTC [+]
09:04 kakobrekla
09:12 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1736 @ 0.00087695 = 1.5224 BTC [+]
09:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10915 @ 0.00087659 = 9.568 BTC [-]
09:18 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.57499898 BTC [+]
09:19 Apocalyptic .d
09:19 ozbot 2621404453.06462 | Next Diff in 81 blocks | Estimated Change: 18.7724% in 0d 10h 50m 43s
09:20 ThickAsThieves
09:20 ozbot Long Term Update: 3 days chart at Bitstamp | Bitcoin Trading Signals
09:20 ThickAsThieves Enky makes good posts
09:20 ThickAsThieves in case you guys dont already follow him
09:21 ThickAsThieves although his prediction of $200 on bitstamp is hard to digest
09:21 ThickAsThieves wait i read that wrong
09:21 ThickAsThieves he meant -$200
09:24 kakobrekla he is here under Enky2
09:24 kakobrekla fyi
09:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17350 @ 0.00087735 = 15.222 BTC [+]
09:29 ThickAsThieves word
09:31 ThickAsThieves still waiting for my btc withdrawal from OpenEx...
09:33 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 46 @ 0.19376446 = 8.9132 BTC [+]
09:33 Apocalyptic according to their chatbox there are people complaining too
09:34 ThickAsThieves i didnt even see the chatbox heh
09:35 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 12 @ 0.07504333 = 0.9005 BTC [-] {4}
09:35 ThickAsThieves these elastic designs arent always practical for large monitors
09:36 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2000 @ 0.00024751 = 0.495 BTC [+] {6}
09:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21000 @ 0.00087739 = 18.4252 BTC [+]
09:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2011 @ 0.00024762 = 0.498 BTC [+] {2}
09:54 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 69 @ 0.00557526 = 0.3847 BTC [+] {8}
09:58 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.067108 = 0.3355 BTC [-] {2}
09:59 assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 20 @ 0.0055 = 0.11 BTC
10:01 the20year1 dang, gox is 270
~ 23 minutes ~
10:25 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.125 = 0.5 BTC [+]
10:27 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.19376446 = 0.3875 BTC [+]
10:28 kakobrekla dont listen to rap kids
10:28 kakobrekla
10:28 ozbot BBC News - Man guilty of 'loud music' shootings
10:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7900 @ 0.00087739 = 6.9314 BTC [+]
10:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11889 @ 0.0008782 = 10.4409 BTC [+] {2}
10:31 asciilifeform epic troll:
10:46 Bugpowder Interesting... MPEX options exercise is not executing at the price.
10:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27300 @ 0.00087882 = 23.9918 BTC [+] {2}
10:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24855 @ 0.00087915 = 21.8513 BTC [+] {2}
11:01 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 5000 @ 0.0002469 = 1.2345 BTC [+] {8}
11:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 5000 @ 0.00024764 = 1.2382 BTC [+] {5}
11:03 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 19450 @ 0.00024888 = 4.8407 BTC [+] {12}
11:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.57499899 BTC [+]
11:07 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 623 @ 0.00024989 = 0.1557 BTC [+] {2}
11:10 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.57499899 BTC [+]
11:11 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07076966 = 0.2123 BTC [+] {2}
11:13 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.57499899 = 1.15 BTC [+]
11:13 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 56 @ 0.00297498 = 0.1666 BTC [+]
11:14 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 176 @ 0.00565493 = 0.9953 BTC [+] {7}
11:14 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.072 = 0.36 BTC [+]
11:15 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 25 @ 0.00569999 = 0.1425 BTC [+] {4}
11:22 FabianB_ Bugpowder: what's it executing at instead?
11:23 Bugpowder Your order to exercise 1 O.USD.P500T contracts has been received and will be executed. This will net you 0.83109870 BTC.
11:23 Bugpowder So about $535.
11:24 Bugpowder Maybe that was the last quoted price before the MPOEbot went down.
11:24 FabianB_ that's more like the 7 days
11:28 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 556 @ 0.00024989 = 0.1389 BTC [+]
11:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17300 @ 0.00087693 = 15.1709 BTC [-] {3}
11:43 nubbins` hi
11:47 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 14 @ 0.07228571 = 1.012 BTC [+] {3}
11:59 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.76594243 BTC to 1`841 shares, 95923 satoshi per share
12:00 deadweasel hey nubbins`
12:01 assbot [HAVELOCK] [COG] [PAID] 0.43004790 BTC to 9`595 shares, 4482 satoshi per share
12:01 nubbins` what's the haps?
12:03 ThickAsThieves
12:04 nubbins` oooooof
12:05 nubbins` "my blue jeans and tucked-in t-shirt will make this sword look even more realistic"
12:06 KRS-One lol what an infant.
12:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7541 @ 0.0008793 = 6.6308 BTC [+]
12:07 ThickAsThieves he hasnt changed like at all
12:07 ThickAsThieves just rounder
12:09 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.0672 = 0.2688 BTC [-]
12:12 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15400 @ 0.00087563 = 13.4847 BTC [-] {2}
12:18 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.125 = 0.375 BTC [+]
~ 15 minutes ~
12:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16400 @ 0.00087942 = 14.4225 BTC [+] {3}
12:37 deadweasel is that a current pic
12:37 deadweasel ?
12:37 deadweasel of magicaltwat?
12:38 kakobrekla from the latest facebook update.
12:39 Bugpowder nice form
12:40 assbot [HAVELOCK] [COG] 50 @ 0.05823982 = 2.912 BTC [-] {17}
12:41 deadweasel oh my.
12:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15350 @ 0.00087707 = 13.463 BTC [-]
12:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.06723333 = 0.4034 BTC [+] {2}
12:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 45 @ 0.002963 = 0.1333 BTC [-]
12:57 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.128 = 0.384 BTC [+] {2}
12:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26150 @ 0.00087707 = 22.9354 BTC [-]
13:00 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 48 @ 0.12210834 = 5.8612 BTC [-] {4}
13:03 asciilifeform waitwhat - the fat man carries a sword?
13:04 kakobrekla dunno, perhaps its a magic the gathering thing
13:04 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 30 @ 0.19376446 = 5.8129 BTC [+]
13:05 asciilifeform my first thought was, it's against angry creditors
13:06 Bugpowder Tux rubs his +4 longsword of summoning... A venté vanilla chai latte appears!
13:15 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 100 @ 0.002963 = 0.2963 BTC [-]
13:17 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16150 @ 0.00087676 = 14.1597 BTC [-] {2}
13:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 650 @ 0.00087607 = 0.5694 BTC [-]
~ 20 minutes ~
13:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 192 @ 0.002963 = 0.5689 BTC [-]
13:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32400 @ 0.00087625 = 28.3905 BTC [+] {3}
13:58 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 50 @ 0.07256999 = 3.6285 BTC [+] {4}
14:00 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.07299999 = 0.803 BTC [+]
14:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27450 @ 0.00087882 = 24.1236 BTC [+] {2}
14:03 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 23 @ 0.073 = 1.679 BTC [+]
14:12 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.06714 = 0.3357 BTC [-] {4}
14:21 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.128 = 0.384 BTC [+]
14:23 Bugpowder $600 stamp
14:23 asciilifeform
14:23 Bugpowder My buddy is at that firm
14:23 Bugpowder heheh
14:24 Bugpowder 595
14:24 Bugpowder I'm getting itchy... wanna buy on coinbase.
14:30 kakobrekla ritchy.
14:31 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 198 @ 0.073 = 14.454 BTC [+]
14:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7799 @ 0.00087546 = 6.8277 BTC [-]
14:34 ThickAsThieves bugpowder, youre a buyer in the 500s?
14:34 Bugpowder haven't pulled trigger yet.
14:34 Bugpowder thinking about an entry tho
14:34 ThickAsThieves was thinking same, but seems like it could go to 565
14:35 Bugpowder might just start scaling in.
14:35 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 60 @ 0.073 = 4.38 BTC [+]
14:35 Bugpowder last buy I made was at $700 a month or two ago.
14:35 ThickAsThieves hard to predict what will happen if gox opens too
14:35 Bugpowder price goes up
14:35 Bugpowder not that hard to predict
14:35 ThickAsThieves and then down?
14:35 ThickAsThieves on stasmp
14:35 Bugpowder it think it rallies everywhere
14:36 ThickAsThieves yeah at first
14:36 ThickAsThieves i guess thats all we need
14:36 Bugpowder I'm not a trader so... I don't really care about the next 3 months
14:36 Bugpowder Just want lowest entry
14:36 ThickAsThieves i trade but go long when i get stuck :)
14:37 Bugpowder some defense of 600 at stamp
14:37 ThickAsThieves with a small portion of coins really
14:39 Bugpowder Did u see that options exercise is happening at the wrong price?
14:40 FabianB ;;ticker --market all
14:40 gribble MtGox BTCUSD last: 247.0, vol: 83120.16093865 | Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 610.0, vol: 23766.41845250 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 582.999, vol: 16671.38148 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 609.5, vol: 11813.83308207 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 641.0, vol: 68.53288743 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 623.844733, vol: 8032.04500000 | Volume-weighted last average: 397.308574612
14:41 ThickAsThieves well "wrong" depends on who you ask ;)
14:42 FabianB it's supposed to ask bitcoincharts
14:42 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.0672 = 0.1344 BTC [+]
14:43 Bugpowder the bottom is in!
14:43 Bugpowder missed it :(
14:43 ThickAsThieves nah
14:43 ThickAsThieves waitll tonight or tomorrow
14:43 ThickAsThieves when gox says "sike!"
14:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53600 @ 0.00087994 = 47.1648 BTC [+] {4}
14:45 assbot [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 450 @ 0.00218173 = 0.9818 BTC [+]
14:46 benkay "but the supreme court dismissed their fear as 'speculative'"
14:47 benkay hm. maybe start a consulting company around "secure international comms"
14:47 benkay sell everyone cardanos at 1000x markup.
14:48 benkay defo gotta leave the us before doing that.
14:51 asciilifeform benkay: what kind of idiot would buy at 1000x?
14:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20700 @ 0.00088041 = 18.2245 BTC [+] {2}
14:52 benkay the kind of idiots who don't know about cardanos to begin with.
14:52 pankkake put a half eaten fruit on it
14:52 asciilifeform i imagine there will be 1,000 of these once the plans are published.
14:53 benkay asciilifeform: the cardanos come free with the implementation package for your two organizations.
14:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9341 @ 0.00087531 = 8.1763 BTC [-] {2}
14:58 asciilifeform one problem with this scheme is, as far as i can see, in order to want a cardano in the first place one needs a modicum of brains.
14:58 benkay this is the enterprise sales problem.
14:59 benkay there are fifty people over there - and only one with a checkbook and the brains to recognize a solution that needs implementing, frequently attended by much organizational resistance to doing anything.
14:59 benkay nevertheless, that law firm needs some cardanos and training on how to use them.
15:00 benkay besides they get to mark up the time spent fucking around with encryption to their clients - it's a win win win win win!
15:01 asciilifeform if you personally can make this happen, talk to mp!
15:02 asciilifeform the folks you're talking about might be a hard sell. they'd need to be talked out of their addiction to 'standards-compliant' (read: u.s.-diddled) turdware.
15:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.0735 = 0.735 BTC [+]
15:03 benkay if the opportunity presents itself i'd be happy to. i'm not about to cold-call all the international law firms in dc, though.
15:03 benkay although...
15:04 benkay so the flipside of the additiction to 'standards-compliant' is that now some people in big cushy chairs are finally getting the idea that their standards are just a backdoor for the us of a.
15:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20300 @ 0.00087413 = 17.7448 BTC [-]
15:04 asciilifeform there is another, trickier problem that must be finessed.
15:05 asciilifeform the clever ones will be very suspicious of anything presented as a pill against usg.
15:06 asciilifeform on the other hand, witness all the lost souls salivating over 'silent circle' and related crap.
15:08 benkay there is an awful chasm between people who want encryption and people who are willing to operate under the inconvenience of actual security.
15:08 asciilifeform the 'good cop bad cop' algorithm is as old as mankind.
~ 22 minutes ~
15:30 KRS-One .bait
15:30 ozbot
15:31 KRS-One .bait
15:31 twizt pretty slow bait
15:31 ozbot
15:31 KRS-One wtf is that? ONE boob?
15:31 KRS-One .bait
15:31 ozbot
15:31 KRS-One =/
15:31 KRS-One fuck yea
15:32 Mats_cd03 could anyone recommend a reputable whois privacy service
15:32 KRS-One Safenames
15:32 KRS-One teh best i ever found as a sysadmin
15:33 nubbins` few better ways to spend a sunday than calculating your net worth while enjoying a large mug of aeropress coffee
15:33 Mats_cd03 thx qt
15:34 benkay eyo nubbins`
15:35 nubbins` oh hi
15:35 benkay BingoBoingo's nominally gathering up the satoshi letters
15:35 benkay you should enbookify 'em
15:35 KRS-One oh wow aeropress is much less acidic
15:35 nubbins` the satoshi letters?
15:35 benkay but subject of coffee, y'all ever fuck with the clever brewer?
15:35 nubbins` KRS-One, it's what got me drinking black.
15:36 Mats_cd03 lol 'the satoshi letters'
15:36 KRS-One wow black rly
15:36 KRS-One is it plasic or glass? I hate plastic
15:36 benkay nubbins`: yeah all of the things that szabo/satoshi wrote over the past 5 years or so
15:36 nubbins` benkay: haven't tried the clever, but i do enjoy a good pour-over
15:36 nubbins` benkay, i'd publish that
15:36 benkay nubbins`: what i love about the clever is that it combines the extraction time of the french press with the filtering of the pour over
15:37 benkay super precision coffee making
15:37 KRS-One wiki doesnt say if aeropress is glass or plastic
15:37 benkay it's plastic.
15:37 benkay everything's plastic.
15:37 KRS-One i'm a coffee snob
15:37 KRS-One heat + plastic doesnt work well with me
15:37 KRS-One plastic in fucken general
15:37 benkay FUKKEN PLASTIC
15:37 nubbins` aeropress is great
15:37 nubbins` guy who invented the aerobie made it
15:37 KRS-One ever drink water out of a plastic bottle? u can taste it
15:37 KRS-One u cant tell me thats not bad for u
15:37 nubbins` not sure offhand what type of plastic it's made from
15:38 benkay hey KRS-One there are a bunch of different kinds of plastics
15:38 benkay but hiding from them all in fear is a pretty safe approach.
15:38 nubbins`
15:38 KRS-One whoever is in charge of plastic can shove them all up his ass.
15:38 nubbins` heh
15:38 KRS-One Sorry I just have a thing about plastic.
15:38 nubbins` don't be sorry
15:38 KRS-One i think its killing us
15:39 nubbins` remember when everyone thought BPA was safe?
15:39 nubbins` "oh whoops it's not lel sorry"
15:39 KRS-One yeah
15:39 Mats_cd03 i consume 500ug of bpa every day
15:39 Mats_cd03 it makes me feel normal
15:39 KRS-One what do u get it from
15:39 nubbins` anyway, copolyester is what the aeropress is made of
15:39 KRS-One nubbins`: thats better
15:40 KRS-One it holds up to heat ok?
15:40 nubbins` yeah, i brew at 80C
15:40 nubbins` have been using one for ~3 years now, no signs of degradation
15:41 benkay the clever's seal blows out after about 3 years of constant use
15:41 kakobrekla yeah i need to get one of thsoe to try it out
15:41 nubbins` "The AeroPress is made of three different plastics. The clear chamber and plunger are made of copolyester. The hard black filter cap, filter holder, funnel, and stirrer are made of polypropylene. The rubber like seal on the end of the plunger is made of a thermoplastic elastomer. All of these materials are FDA approved for use in contact with food. None of these materials contain bisphenol-A
15:41 nubbins` (BPA) or any phthalates, chemicals that have been in the news lately because of possible health effects."
15:41 nubbins` we have two ;(
15:41 nubbins` as long as you don't store the aeropress with the plunger compressed, it should last forever
15:41 KRS-One what do they have against glass and stainless steel?
15:41 KRS-One more elegant
15:42 benkay so make one
15:42 KRS-One for instance, to smoke herb out of a nice ROOR Bong is a completely different experience than a fricken plastic one.
15:43 nubbins` that link i pasted actually talks about glass and metal
15:43 nubbins` consider that if ROOR made an aeropress it'd probably cost $200
15:44 kakobrekla i thought we were past foodstamps here
15:44 nubbins` and although you could probably throw it at a brick wall without breaking, that's probably not enough to justify the cost
15:44 kakobrekla o wait
15:44 kakobrekla ;;ticker --market mtgox
15:44 gribble MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 244.40967, Best ask: 246.995, Bid-ask spread: 2.58533, Last trade: 246.995, 24 hour volume: 85327.37931997, 24 hour low: 220.29327, 24 hour high: 540.0, 24 hour vwap: 308.78456
15:44 KRS-One they are cheap
15:44 kakobrekla nevermind that.
15:44 KRS-One $25 USD on ThinkGeek
15:44 KRS-One I shall try one
15:44 nubbins` don't bother with a spare pack of filters, they give you like 300
15:45 KRS-One wow
15:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15850 @ 0.00087262 = 13.831 BTC [-]
15:45 nubbins` fair warning, they suggest you use a large number of beans per cup
15:45 nubbins` like 2x what you'd use for drip
15:46 benkay that's always struck me as an indicator of inefficiency
15:48 nubbins` compensates for the 30 second brew time
15:48 nubbins` you can get away with using less, tho
15:48 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 1 @ 0.19376446 BTC [+]
15:48 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10354 @ 0.00087262 = 9.0351 BTC [-]
15:48 nubbins` the aeropress actually makes an "espresso-like concentrate", that you then top up with hot water
15:49 nubbins` inventor ragequit the coffeegeek forums after a months-long argument about whether it's "espresso" or not :D
15:51 kakobrekla well its pressed and its express
15:51 kakobrekla how can it not be espresso
15:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.55000481 BTC [-]
15:52 nubbins` KRS-One:
15:52 Mats_cd03 whats worse than audio geeks? coffee nerds
15:53 kakobrekla what you get so stoned you cant hold your bong anymore?
15:54 nubbins` kakobrekla, the lel is that those bongs cost several hundred dollars apiece
15:54 nubbins` and it's assumed that their owners are just going to start dropping them off tables etc
15:55 kakobrekla you could hit someone on the head if you could remember who you wanted to hit
15:55 nubbins` Mats_cd03: what's worse than people who like things? people who don't think you should like the things you like
15:55 nubbins` kakobrekla, +!
15:55 nubbins` +1 even
15:56 benkay nubbins`: 'cause i really want my house smelling of bong water.
15:56 Mats_cd03 i like coffee, thc, and pussy
15:56 kakobrekla well, its a saying, tell me who you hang out with and ill tell you who you are
15:56 Mats_cd03 i dont go on forums and post walls of text about any of those though
15:56 kakobrekla pretty much same goes for , tell me what you like and ill tell you if you are a retard
15:56 nubbins` Mats_cd03: unsure if i should offer congratulations
15:56 Mats_cd03 i guess i'm a consumer
15:56 Mats_cd03 not a connoiseur though
15:57 nubbins` kakobrekla: i like bitcoin, coffee, bicycles, and printing
15:58 kakobrekla you are fine
15:58 kakobrekla except for the mac thing.
15:58 benkay he's also a filthy pothead
15:58 pankkake but printing is evil!
15:58 dub i like white wimminz
15:59 nubbins` heh
15:59 Mats_cd03 printing steals jobs from hard working bangladeshis and chinese
15:59 nubbins` right, yeah, i like my laptop and drugs, too
15:59 Mats_cd03 (we're talking about 3d printing here right)
15:59 nubbins` nah, 2d printing
15:59 nubbins` what the fuck is 3d printing
15:59 kakobrekla and those stupid cas coins.
15:59 nubbins` yes, those stupid coins too
15:59 kakobrekla you are not fine!
15:59 benkay so kakobrekla nubbins` retarded or not?
15:59 nubbins` did i tell you i sold one of those for 6btc recently? :0
16:00 kakobrekla benkay its a hard case.
16:00 nubbins` borderline retarded
16:00 kakobrekla bikes coffee and bitcoin aint bad.
16:01 kakobrekla mp would argue with the bike thing.
16:01 nubbins` sure, but we're not all vulgar enough to have a driver cart us around ;p
16:01 benkay hey d_rebel what's your deal
16:01 benkay d_rebel why u change names constantly
16:01 Mats_cd03 what does cas come loaded with? 5btc?
16:02 nubbins` Mats_cd03, there are a variety of denominations, from 0.1btc to 1000btc
16:02 Mats_cd03 o
16:02 kakobrekla any they are _all_ useless pretty much
16:03 nubbins` well don't tell that to the guy who paid 6btc for one loaded with 0.5btc
16:03 benkay BWAT
16:03 d_rebel i have no idea why that's happening.
16:03 kakobrekla dafuq
16:03 nubbins` it was an especially low mintage.
16:03 benkay you crazy numismatists
16:03 kakobrekla you mean especially retarded fella
16:04 nubbins` well yes, that too
16:04 Mats_cd03 robbed
16:04 benkay scammer!
16:04 nubbins` hey, fuck you guys
16:04 benkay nubbins` u scamzor!
16:04 nubbins` he knew what he was buying
16:04 benkay so do all pmb purchasers
16:04 nubbins` HAH
16:04 nubbins` no they don't
16:04 assbot Last 10 lines bashed and pending review. (
16:04 kakobrekla !b 10
16:05 benkay nubbins` you just lost the moral high ground.
16:05 kakobrekla maybe needs more contxt, ill decide later
16:05 assbot Last 30 lines bashed and pending review. (
16:05 kakobrekla !b 30
16:05 nubbins` "assuming network difficulty stays the same..."
16:05 nubbins` benkay, there's moral high ground in here?
16:05 nubbins` pmb purchasers think "hey, mining = win" and the sellers say "assuming diff doesn't change..."
16:06 kakobrekla hmm
16:06 Mats_cd03 KRS-One: how is whoisguard compared to safenames
16:06 benkay "assuming this mintage is worth more than the underlying in the future"
16:06 kakobrekla wasnt nubbing nagging someone couple of days or weeks ago
16:06 nubbins` numismatic collectors think "hey, this will be worth more money in the future" and sellers say "maybe, dunno"
16:06 kakobrekla re high moral grounds n stuffs
16:06 benkay face it man we're all just dancing around trying to fuck each other
16:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0738 = 0.1476 BTC [+]
16:06 nubbins` kakobrekla, i was giving tat grief over his rubecoin and pmb
16:06 Mats_cd03 id fuck you
16:06 benkay yeah he's been banging on about pmbs being a scam
16:06 kakobrekla ah yes .
16:06 pankkake scammers scamming scammers
16:06 benkay hasn't had the stones to call mp out on the same scam tho
16:07 kakobrekla which one is that
16:07 nubbins` f.pure.synth
16:07 nubbins` AFAICT that was a scam too
16:07 nubbins` just offered at a better rate than other similar scams
16:07 kakobrekla lol
16:07 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 58 @ 0.00569999 = 0.3306 BTC [+] {3}
16:07 benkay it's allllll just paper.
16:07 benkay whether it's fancy paper with imaginary value now, or metal stamped paper with imaginary value in the future.
16:07 Chris_Sabian_ what about TAT?
16:08 nubbins` anyway, all the info on f.pure.synth seems to be gone
16:08 nubbins` so i wasn't able to suss out many details
16:09 benkay it's not terribly complex. it's a pmb.
16:09 nubbins` sure, but it was somehow tied into another pmb
16:09 benkay
16:09 benkay that'n
16:09 ozbot [GLBSE] PureMining: Infinite-term, deterministic mining bond
16:09 nubbins` yeah, it was essentially offering the same returns as that
16:09 nubbins` but for a lower price
16:10 benkay point is - life is a scam.
16:10 nubbins` that's one outlook, yes
16:10 nubbins` life's a scam, so you better try to get yours!
16:11 benkay that's your play with the coins, certainly.
16:11 benkay it's not a requirement.
16:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32094 @ 0.00087453 = 28.0672 BTC [+] {3}
16:11 nubbins` you'd be surprised the margins i get on most of these coins
16:12 benkay great scam!
16:12 benkay great margins.
16:12 kakobrekla amazing profit
16:12 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
16:12 nubbins` unfortunately, getting 6btc for a coin that cost ~1.2btc is a very rare thing
16:13 mircea_popescu good evening gents
16:13 nubbins` more common to get ~0.1
16:13 nubbins` evening
16:13 Apocalyptic evening mircea
16:15 benkay i get where you're coming from nubbins`, really i do
16:15 benkay but bitcoins is fukken dangerous.
16:15 nubbins` no argument there
16:15 benkay not toys
16:15 mircea_popescu bitcoins killd my auntie.
16:15 benkay not 'consumer tech'
16:15 mircea_popescu consumer tech also killed my auntie.
16:15 benkay i suppose this is why normal humans aren't allowed to buy fancy paper in the us
16:16 benkay they might get ripped off if they're not really smart and careful!
16:16 benkay but there's 0.01% of people that are smart
16:16 asciilifeform consumer tech demo
16:16 asciilifeform
16:16 benkay and 0.01% of people that are careful
16:16 ozbot Monkey shooting in black with AK-47 (Kalashnikov) - YouTube
16:16 mircea_popescu ripped off by the wrong people, even!
16:17 nubbins` fancy paper
16:17 mircea_popescu whoa it can handle the recoil ?
16:17 benkay that makes like nobody that should be 'allowed' to play with these dangerous toys
16:18 benkay or alternatively accept that 99.99999 of people are going to get fucked their whole lives, throw up hands and not give fucks.
16:18 asciilifeform staged, if anyone didn't know.
16:18 mircea_popescu somehow i imagined a monkey trying to fire an ak would end up flying.
16:18 mircea_popescu what the fuck is it weigh, 50 lbs ?
16:18 nubbins` what else can i do!
16:19 benkay make the babes happy
16:20 nubbins` mircea_popescu: well, if little kids can shoot em...
16:20 benkay pursue personal power
16:20 nubbins` benkay: but i'm already doing both of those things D:
16:20 asciilifeform nobody cancelled newton's 3rd.
16:20 benkay yeah so let the scammers alone
16:20 benkay or at least stop trying to foist your differentiation of scams on -assets
16:20 mircea_popescu wtf ?!
16:21 mircea_popescu benkay whai ?!
16:21 nubbins` hey, this was dead until you brought it up again :P
16:21 nubbins` mircea_popescu, i've been inducted into the ranks of pmb/rubecoin pushers
16:22 mircea_popescu what is that
16:22 mircea_popescu jesus how long have i been asleep
16:22 benkay fair 'nuff
16:22 mircea_popescu last i recall i was talking revolucion with some guy
16:23 nubbins` yeah last thing we heard from you was <mircea_popescu> time to shave my beard so i'll know how long i've been asleep
16:23 mircea_popescu lmao
16:25 mircea_popescu o wait pmb/rubecoin as in miner bonds and altchain scams ?
16:25 nubbins` just go back like an hour
16:26 mircea_popescu nubbins` i dunno if you've noticed this, but the logs are pretty much taylored for my convenience. if i'm up, an hour stretches over like 300 lines. yet the ten hours im asleep look in the log like an hour and a half.
16:27 nubbins` that's got the makings of a great thesis statement
16:27 mircea_popescu lol
16:27 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 1200 @ 0.00083785 = 1.0054 BTC [+] {4}
16:28 nubbins`
16:28 nubbins` ^ old hat to many of you, but stories like this always get my gears turning
16:28 ozbot Mathematician: Is Our Universe a Simulation? - Slashdot
16:29 KRS-One ozbot: I think so.
16:29 KRS-One or it can at least be modelled mathematically
16:29 nubbins` Mathematical knowledge is unlike any other knowledge. Its truths are objective, necessary and timeless.
16:30 KRS-One haha
16:30 KRS-One .bait
16:30 nubbins` in a just universe, .bait would link you to the proof of a theorem
16:30 ozbot
16:30 KRS-One Eww, her bicycle seat gonna smell.
16:31 asciilifeform
16:31 asciilifeform (obligatory re: universe sim)
16:32 mircea_popescu ;;later tell cads actualy, it is not, not that i don't appreciate your culture on the topic. the difference is subtly this : that what you propose is geared towards the present and the future, a matter of action, whereas what i was discussing was strictly as to the past and a matter of representation.
16:32 gribble The operation succeeded.
16:33 KRS-One wonder if anyone has tried to pinpoint the location in the universe to the precise location where the big bang occurred, taking into account skew or any offset
16:33 KRS-One there was the wmap project but that wasnt a specific goal
16:34 nubbins` eh, not sure such a thing is yet possible
16:34 mircea_popescu KRS-One the location where the big bang occured is not within the universe.
16:34 asciilifeform likewise p != np because the kid playing sim-verse has a finite budget too...
16:34 mircea_popescu or at least, not particularly more in one place than the other.
16:34 KRS-One if everything came from the singularity wouldnt there be that specific point in some kind of reference to us?
16:35 mircea_popescu nope.
16:35 nubbins` well, what's your frame of reference for locating the singularity?
16:35 mircea_popescu might as well try to determine where on your body is the place where your mom got laid.
16:35 KRS-One earth obviously
16:35 mircea_popescu obviously she didn't get laid on your body.
16:35 nubbins` relative to earth? we're flying through space
16:35 KRS-One right but if we can model the universe somewhat and reverse time..
16:35 mircea_popescu but you can not reverse time.
16:35 KRS-One we've done it with galaxies
16:36 nubbins` ^
16:36 KRS-One on sim's you can
16:36 mircea_popescu no, we haven't lol.
16:36 mircea_popescu sims are toys.
16:36 nubbins` sims make assumptions
16:36 KRS-One yeah
16:36 nubbins` consider the benign case of two galaxies smashing together and merging
16:36 KRS-One we've simluated that
16:36 nubbins` is a sim gonna show you what those two galaxies looked like before they crashed?
16:37 nubbins` if so, to what resolution? etc
16:37 KRS-One ah
16:37 nubbins` might as well do a simulation of a pile of rotten mush to see what shape the banana was
16:38 KRS-One too many assumptions
16:38 nubbins` or a simulation to see what shade of yellow the eggs in your cake were, etc
16:38 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10773 @ 0.0008752 = 9.4285 BTC [+]
16:38 ThickAsThieves guys, if you suddenly pass out, i iz just rebooting
16:38 nubbins` too many assumptions and too many one-way events
16:38 ThickAsThieves LifeOS needs to repopulate scams
16:38 nubbins` ThickAsThieves, on the bright side, we won't remember being asleep
16:39 ThickAsThieves we won't remember being alive either
16:39 nubbins` or, to generalize: we won't
16:39 ThickAsThieves sure we will
16:39 mircea_popescu deadweasel just admitted to slashing a vietnamese girl while drunk ? or did i misread ?
16:40 ThickAsThieves deadweasel spoke?
16:40 nubbins` we will, yes, sure. but i'm talking about whether we won't
16:40 mircea_popescu he said he was jacking a rabbit with slices of vietnamese waitress.
16:40 ThickAsThieves ah yes
16:40 ThickAsThieves weird guy that one
16:41 nubbins` heh
16:41 mircea_popescu especially... what i want to know is what he did to the weasel.
16:41 ThickAsThieves mustve got confused which part was sushi
16:41 mircea_popescu they're both sushi.
16:41 KRS-One heh
16:41 nubbins` i think wait staff does too much running around to make good eating
16:41 ThickAsThieves Bugpowder it's falling again!
16:42 ThickAsThieves get out yer wallet
16:42 nubbins` ideally you want a combination of little/no exercise and healthy eating
16:42 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61900 @ 0.00087702 = 54.2875 BTC [+] {2}
16:42 nubbins` but those two things so rarely go together
16:42 davout !t x.eur
16:42 assbot Aren't those tins of tobacco right there behind you?
16:42 mircea_popescu "Enky makes good posts" << is this the guy that bought t credits and rated me for it >?
16:42 davout hmm how does that thing work?
16:42 mircea_popescu !t m x.eur
16:42 assbot [MPEX:X.EUR] 1D: 0.00218173 / 0.00218173 / 0.00218173 (450 shares, 0.98 BTC), 7D: 0.00194567 / 0.00201007 / 0.00218173 (3800 shares, 7.64 BTC), 30D: 0.00166114 / 0.00179489 / 0.00218173 (21300 shares, 38.23 BTC)
16:42 ThickAsThieves enky knows kako i think
16:42 davout mircea_popescu: ty
16:43 ThickAsThieves do they do that 4x thing together?
16:43 mircea_popescu ;;gettrust enikesha
16:43 gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user enikesha: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: Sun Sep 16 18:40:11 2012
16:43 mircea_popescu tthat guy ?
16:43 ThickAsThieves dont think so
16:43 mircea_popescu i would guess not huh
16:43 ThickAsThieves ;;gettrust enky
16:43 gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user ThickAsThieves to user enky: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: never
16:43 ThickAsThieves ;;gettrust enky2
16:43 gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user ThickAsThieves to user enky2: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: never
16:43 mircea_popescu myeah nm, just my head got impacted.
16:44 mircea_popescu Bugpowder:
16:44 mircea_popescu Maybe that was the last quoted price before the MPOEbot went down. << exactly.
16:44 nubbins` better your head than your bowel
16:44 mircea_popescu FabianB no it's the last quoted.
16:45 mircea_popescu benkay:sell everyone cardanos at 1000x markup. << i think you're the fifth guy planning to do basically that.
16:46 mircea_popescu buy $5k worth of cardanos and $15k worth of suits, hassle execs for three months and bill $3.5mn worth of bs.
16:46 mod6 are they ready to order?
16:46 nubbins` now that's pulchritude
16:47 mircea_popescu asciilifeform: benkay: what kind of idiot would buy at 1000x? << the kind of idiot that expects service, which maximally extended is the kind of idiot who only deals with people in his wot. so basically, any serious businessman.
16:47 mircea_popescu that's why startups have advantages in the mktplace.
16:47 mircea_popescu mod6 not just yet.
16:47 asciilifeform 1000x sounds a bit tall, that's all.
16:47 mod6 ok thx :)
16:47 mircea_popescu a like that. well maybe.
16:47 cazalla cads around?
16:48 mircea_popescu ;;calc 3500/(15+5)
16:48 gribble 175
16:48 mircea_popescu 100x!
16:49 mircea_popescu benkay:if the opportunity presents itself i'd be happy to. i'm not about to cold-call all the international law firms in dc, though. <<< because why ?
16:49 asciilifeform main challenge will be assisting noobs in learning to 'tell shit from shinola.'
16:49 mircea_popescu that's exactly equal to saying cca 2009 "well if some bitcoins appear on my harddrives i'll be glad. i'm not abouit to run bs code on my computer which i need for trying to strip naked the sims"
16:50 ThickAsThieves <asciilifeform> main challenge will be assisting noobs in learning to 'tell shit from shinola.' /// sounds like competition is needed
16:50 ThickAsThieves maybe make two rival companies
16:50 asciilifeform S.KGB
16:50 nubbins` s.hit and s.hinola
16:50 mircea_popescu benkay:
16:50 mircea_popescu there is an awful chasm between people who want encryption and people who are willing to operate under the inconvenience of actual security. << into the permanent records of bitcoin-assets this goes.
16:50 mircea_popescu nubbins` you have to draw that one.
16:51 benkay mircea_popescu: did you see the part where i said "although..." trailing off while pondering the work/payoff function?
16:51 nubbins` mircea_popescu, there comes a point where you have to turn it into an abstract
16:51 mircea_popescu benkay no. i only read the parts that i can use (twice). the rest i don't read at all :D
16:52 benkay mircea_popescu: funny man
16:52 mircea_popescu nubbins` ok, let's try as an abstract : there's an awful chasm \between the people who want to cum and the people who are willing to operate under the inconvenience of actually getting all that girlslime all over their cock.
16:52 benkay the inconvenience of girlslime!?
16:52 mircea_popescu it's abstract man.
16:52 asciilifeform i was just gonna throw that in
16:52 mircea_popescu whoa i beat someone at the quick typing game once.
16:53 mircea_popescu now i can die happy. or at least content. or whatever.
16:53 ThickAsThieves girlslime, pretty sure thatd make the politically incorrect list
16:53 ThickAsThieves and snailtrail
16:53 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves should it be gender-balanced-lubrication ?
16:53 asciilifeform 'wd-40' for all.
16:53 asciilifeform no discriminatory advantage permitted!
16:53 mircea_popescu you know the girls do most of the sliming. which is kind of weird seeing how the boys get most of the hurt if they didn't.
16:54 mod6 lol @ snailtrail.
16:54 ThickAsThieves so any predictions what gox will announce?
16:54 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves chemtrails.
16:55 ThickAsThieves i'm going with "btc withdrawals are now partially open, so we can monitor the situation
16:55 mircea_popescu speaking of which, are chemtrails the result of quadriplegic women on chemo moving about the hospital ?
16:55 ThickAsThieves then a wave of everyone saying they cant get coins out
16:56 mod6 then a wave of everyone pelting magicaltwit with flaming bags of dog shit
16:56 nubbins` mircea_popescu:
16:56 mircea_popescu magicallol
16:56 nubbins` no cocks necessary.
16:56 ThickAsThieves well scammers find ways to drag it out
16:56 mircea_popescu nubbins` pretty good!
16:56 mircea_popescu want some atc ?
16:56 ThickAsThieves maybe they release some coins for vocal customers
16:57 ThickAsThieves take the atc nubs
16:57 ThickAsThieves you know you wanna
16:57 ThickAsThieves be one of us michael
16:57 nubbins` mircea_popescu: sure, send 'em to 1AltcoinSucksCocks<however many extra chars necessary to make length>
16:57 mircea_popescu hater.
16:57 nubbins` who's michael?
16:58 mircea_popescu you do realise that without a hater atc would never win.
16:58 nubbins` my pleasure to be a necessary cog
16:58 mircea_popescu nubbins, the necessary cog
16:58 mircea_popescu sounds like a good title for a kids book
16:58 ThickAsThieves its from that vampire movie
16:58 nubbins` or a business card
16:58 ThickAsThieves lost boys?
16:58 mircea_popescu nubbins` or that.
16:58 nubbins` best business card title i ever saw was "scrabble blank feeler"
16:59 mircea_popescu da fuck is that ?!
16:59 mod6 haha
16:59 nubbins` heh. well you have played scrabble, yes?
16:59 mircea_popescu i have.
16:59 ThickAsThieves "cheater"
16:59 nubbins` and players often put the tiles in a bag
16:59 mircea_popescu i like playing "all languages scrabble" but generally people dont want to
16:59 nubbins` the scrabble blank feeler takes an extra long time getting his tiles.
16:59 mircea_popescu o i see
17:00 mircea_popescu haha
17:00 asciilifeform nope. this one -
17:00 asciilifeform
17:00 nubbins` :D
17:00 nubbins` brilliant, no?
17:00 mircea_popescu this is verboten in my harem.
17:00 nubbins` now that's a nice business card
17:00 mircea_popescu asciilifeform reminds me of an old blog post lemme see
17:00 nubbins` perforated blotter art would make an amusing card too
17:00 nubbins` "law-abiding citizen"
17:01 asciilifeform or,
17:01 asciilifeform
17:01 mircea_popescu
17:01 mircea_popescu nubbins` nah, Sovereign Druglord
17:01 mircea_popescu in weird type and rainbow collors.
17:01 mod6 yeah that one looks like mitnick's card:
17:01 nubbins` heh.
17:02 asciilifeform prisoners get cards?
17:02 nubbins` "J. Keefe, sovereign"
17:02 mod6 asciilifeform: post release
17:02 asciilifeform the post-release one probably reads 'obedient peon' ?
17:02 mircea_popescu nubbins` with a picture of a pinky ring o nthe back for the recipient to kiss
17:03 nubbins` we want encryption, not a fucking bridge
17:03 nubbins` that has a ring to it
17:03 mircea_popescu ahahaha
17:03 mod6 after he was released he was on Tech-TV or something and said, "yeah, its nice to be out... but i gotta wait like a year or something to get a cell phone... and I hvae this ankle bracelt for a few months.."
17:03 asciilifeform obligatory russian drowning joke
17:03 mircea_popescu do i know that one ?
17:03 nubbins` ankle bracelet, fancy
17:03 asciilifeform some time in medieval times, a father is leading his useless-mouth son to be drowned
17:04 nubbins` house arrest is usually on the honor system here
17:04 asciilifeform they pass an old man who says, 'don't drown this fellow. i'll feed him dumplings, he won't have to do any work but to dip them'
17:04 asciilifeform son: 'whatdoyamean i gotta dip them'
17:04 asciilifeform old man: 'drown him, father, drown, drown.'
17:04 mircea_popescu o o o yeah!
17:06 cazalla i enjoyed his book from 2-3 years ago
17:06 mircea_popescu kakobrekla: you could hit someone on the head if you could remember who you wanted to hit << epic.
17:07 ThickAsThieves evoorhees seems to be posting on reddit lately
17:07 ThickAsThieves doing panic control
17:07 mircea_popescu jeez kako is on a roll.
17:07 nubbins` ThickAsThieves: every time i hear "one of us" i think of that old movie "freaks" or w/e it's called
17:08 nubbins` gooble gobble!
17:08 nubbins` if kako was any sharper he'd cut himself
17:08 ThickAsThieves the correct quote was "Drink this Michael. Become one of us"
17:08 benkay rad illustration nubbins`
17:08 ThickAsThieves had to look it up
17:08 benkay being a stick figure is disappointing though
17:09 nubbins` benkay, couldn't find my sketchbook OR a pen. threw me off.
17:09 asciilifeform mitnick, the fellow who was kept in solitary because judge declared 'will start ww3 by whistling' ?
17:09 jurov what does evoorhees and kakobrekla? i feel completely out of loop
17:09 cazalla interesting that i ran into evoorhees prior to bitcoin (wickedfire)
17:09 mircea_popescu <benkay> being a stick figure is disappointing though << talk to the cook.
17:10 mircea_popescu say "woman, make me a sammich. god knows being a stick figure is disappointing enough"
17:10 mircea_popescu jurov you seen teh log ?
17:11 jurov no, fell hopelessly behind last few days
17:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10500 @ 0.00087257 = 9.162 BTC [-] {2}
17:12 mircea_popescu dub: i like white wimminz << why is that ?
17:13 ThickAsThieves better slime
17:13 mircea_popescu is it ?
17:13 ThickAsThieves i wouldnt know, the only time i had a chance with a black girl i wasnt single
17:14 mircea_popescu i don't much like other race womenz. i mean creoles can be insanely hot, but otherwise, black, yellow, eskimo, w/e, they're all ugly.
17:14 mircea_popescu and i imagined it's prolly the same for everyone.
17:14 benkay
17:14 ThickAsThieves i find other races hot too
17:14 ozbot Frequently Asked Questions
17:14 mircea_popescu (creole meaning in that sentence, woman with some white ancestry)
17:15 mircea_popescu 2. What’s wrong with the current internet?
17:15 mircea_popescu Many things actually. First of all, it is important to remember that the internet didn’t just come to be in its current form.
17:15 mircea_popescu benkay sorry, disqualified
17:15 mircea_popescu FOR STUPIDITY.
17:15 nubbins` benkay,
17:15 pankkake doesn't work without javascript
17:15 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 7041 @ 0.00022942 = 1.6153 BTC [-] {11}
17:15 nubbins` me shrugs
17:15 pankkake that's what is wrong with the internet
17:15 nubbins` me forgets the /
17:16 mircea_popescu kakobrekla:mp would argue with the bike thing. << how the fuck does he know that.
17:16 benkay
17:16 mircea_popescu kakobrekla you've been fucking my womenz on the quiet ?!
17:16 pankkake you wrote about bikes being an instrument of evil remember?
17:16 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2262 @ 0.000229 = 0.518 BTC [-] {3}
17:16 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.12849999 = 1.285 BTC [+]
17:16 mircea_popescu o i did ? k.
17:16 nubbins` ha.
17:17 mircea_popescu people reading my blogz and drilling my womenz ON THE QUIET
17:17 nubbins` can't very well do it on the loud
17:17 kakobrekla id still double check on the womans thing.
17:17 benkay mircea_popescu: it's got awful js and css - that's how you know REAL PROGRAMMERS built it
17:17 mircea_popescu nubbins` why does your guy have bycicle wheels in his eye sockets dood
17:17 benkay nubbins`: is that me?
17:17 nubbins` benkay, mircea_popescu: artistic license
17:18 mircea_popescu you know it suddenly dawned on me... nubbins can't actually draw.
17:18 mircea_popescu i think he might be blind.
17:18 nubbins` mircea_popescu: shh, don't tell the clients
17:18 benkay mircea_popescu: why u no bikes? how ams evil?
17:18 mircea_popescu benkay bikes make men impotent. walking makes girl ass and legs look great.
17:18 mircea_popescu you sort it out.
17:18 asciilifeform nubbins`: iosif vissarionovich!
17:18 b00lcrap 1234
17:18 bo0lcrap hey why shouldn't you fart in an apple store?
17:19 bo0lcrap because they dont have windows!
17:19 mircea_popescu because the metrosexuals may fall in love ?
17:19 nubbins` heh.
17:19 mircea_popescu mine's better.
17:19 nubbins` anyway, regarding my ability to draw
17:19 mircea_popescu what, is that a topic ?
17:19 nubbins` is now!
17:19 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.12849999 = 0.514 BTC [+]
17:20 nubbins` there's a reason why i asked pascale to draw those heraldics and not me ;p
17:20 mircea_popescu she never drew you ?
17:20 asciilifeform "We are still at idea stage. We’ve built a few simulations to test some parts of the system, but the main development hasn’t begun. We have published our whitepaper, which explains.."
17:20 nubbins` ooh, good one
17:20 nubbins` she has, in fact, drawn me
17:20 mircea_popescu asciilifeform could this be merged into the yarvin thing ?
17:21 nubbins` i'm not much for realism tho
17:21 nubbins` takes too much talent
17:21 asciilifeform it could just as easily be merged into Duke Nukem XXX.
17:21 mircea_popescu nubbins` i however am much for criticism!
17:21 nubbins` heh
17:21 mircea_popescu asciilifeform lmao. maybe it should.
17:21 nubbins` well you'll be happy to know that the band lapped up my snorting-coffee-grounds image:
17:21 nubbins`
17:21 ozbot imgur: the simple image sharer
17:21 nubbins` i even have a picture of a smiling hipster wearing it, one sec
17:21 mircea_popescu its actually pretty good
17:21 assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 70 @ 0.0055 = 0.385 BTC
17:22 mircea_popescu it takes decent advantage of your few strengths while carefully avoiding all your numerous weaknesses.
17:22 benkay haha
17:22 nubbins` sorry, n/m, the hipster is not smiling
17:22 nubbins`
17:22 ThickAsThieves lol
17:22 nubbins` mircea_popescu: if i wanted to highlight my weaknesses i'd just print a photo of myself
17:22 ozbot imgur: the simple image sharer
17:22 ThickAsThieves cake makes hipsters sad
17:22 mircea_popescu lol
17:22 nubbins` i know right? face full of sugar and still not happy
17:23 nubbins` shit, maybe he's upset about the shirts.
17:23 ThickAsThieves looks cool enough to me
17:23 nubbins` i'm always a bit surprised when i'm given free reign on design
17:24 nubbins` always expecting "how about this?" to be met with "the fuck is your problem, asshole?"
17:24 mircea_popescu "what are these people thinking"
17:24 nubbins` well, yes
17:24 nubbins` what ARE they thinking
17:25 ThickAsThieves do you design shirts for non-hipster businesses?
17:25 ThickAsThieves i bet those people would complain
17:25 nubbins` most legit businesses come to us with art
17:25 mircea_popescu which is how he got the idea he can draw in the first place.
17:25 mircea_popescu by looking at all that art.
17:25 benkay "art"
17:25 ThickAsThieves so mean!
17:25 benkay to bring us back to a much much earlier topic
17:25 mircea_popescu someone stole my f's again
17:26 nubbins` looking fat all that art
17:26 mircea_popescu haha good 1
17:26 ThickAsThieves loo king fat all tha tart
17:26 nubbins` make no mistake, i do not operate under the assumption that i can draw
17:26 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves this is el englisho, doesn't spello like thato./
17:27 mircea_popescu nubbins` just under the hope that others can't tell ?
17:27 nubbins` has worked reasonably well so far, this approach
17:27 ThickAsThieves it's performance art, people just buy souvenirs
17:27 mircea_popescu if anyone ever asks me to back up assertions about collapsing standards in education i am definitely linking this in support.
17:27 nubbins` hey, hold on now. i didn't go to art school
17:27 mircea_popescu and btw, we need to start selling -asset tickets, this shit's too much fun.
17:28 mircea_popescu nubbins` not for you, for the viewers.
17:28 nubbins` aha.
17:28 nubbins` was waiting for "no, really?"
17:28 mircea_popescu sidestepped :D
17:28 nubbins` graciously
17:28 mircea_popescu sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, you know.
17:28 nubbins` no, really?
17:28 nubbins` :DDDDD
17:28 ThickAsThieves my english teacher told me puns are
17:29 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves i bet your english teacher never got lied.
17:29 nubbins` lights blinking and wind picking up, gonna try to fry some salmon while i still can.
17:29 benkay american english teachers know neither english nor how to teach.
17:29 ThickAsThieves he was a hideous creature of form and mind
17:29 mircea_popescu imagine if he's from the hillbilly country and his parents are Form and Mindy
17:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8300 @ 0.00087494 = 7.262 BTC [+]
17:30 ThickAsThieves not punny
17:30 mircea_popescu anyway, has the esteemed & most serene college of the assets read my recent poem ?
17:30 mircea_popescu pls to say nice things for else i'm cutting.
17:30 ThickAsThieves ;;google trilema writes a poem
17:30 gribble Romanian Dicelist pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <>; Lewis's trilemma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <'s_trilemma>; C. S. Lewis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>
17:31 mircea_popescu ;;google trilema the letter third
17:31 gribble Lewis's trilemma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <'s_trilemma>; Free exchange: A trio of trilemmas | The Economist: <>; Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <>
17:31 asciilifeform i read it. needs a part II.
17:31 mircea_popescu google is so fucking borkt...
17:31 asciilifeform where the sultan meets his fate.
17:31 mircea_popescu asciilifeform if you care
17:32 mircea_popescu the 2nd part is not about the sultan (which is duly forgotten), but about how pissed off the author is with the current environment
17:32 mircea_popescu cca 1880 he was distraught that people learn jack shit in school and everyone's lazy and stupid and wtf is this politics conspiraci of nonsense.
17:32 asciilifeform
17:33 asciilifeform for anyone who never saw.
17:33 benkay sottisier needs linking to bash.*, mircea_popescu
17:33 mircea_popescu something like that.
17:33 mircea_popescu benkay lol
17:33 mircea_popescu don't be so mean, there's loads of smart things in there.
17:34 mircea_popescu
17:34 benkay ah then then the forum
17:34 benkay yeah that in particular
17:35 ozbot #bitcoin-assets bash
17:36 pankkake sottisier ?
17:36 mircea_popescu cads what i want to know is when the fuck did romanian and cabbage get identified. what, cause cluj cabbage ?
17:36 mircea_popescu pankkake certes.
17:36 mircea_popescu nowai.
17:37 mircea_popescu from ME ?!
17:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28100 @ 0.00087224 = 24.5099 BTC [-] {2}
17:37 pankkake from benkay technically
17:38 benkay ZING
17:38 mircea_popescu fu benkay stealer of my things.
17:38 pankkake if only your posts weren't that long, I would read them sooner
17:38 benkay yup
17:39 Mats_cd03 can i have the sword
17:39 mircea_popescu (which, incidentally, is a film with paolo villaggio
17:39 pankkake does he lose his XP too?
17:39 benkay i don't imitate, mircea_popescu i steap.
17:39 benkay steal*
17:40 benkay i begin to understand why offices work
17:40 mircea_popescu pankkake no, that he keeps
17:40 benkay you're responsible for the distractions roaming around
17:40 Mats_cd03 i tried to buy a .jp relic once, dealer tried to gouge me for $5k
17:41 assbot [HAVELOCK] [COG.F] 1 @ 2 BTC [+]
17:41 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: lucky me, turned up,
17:41 Mats_cd03 found a replica that was better than the real thing on ebay for $200
17:42 Mats_cd03 although the replica didnt kill hundreds of chinese so i guess its inferior tbh
17:42 mircea_popescu И, роняя капли света, словно брызги дождевые,
17:42 mircea_popescu От восхода до заката встали радуги ночные.
17:42 mircea_popescu you know that's not so bad.
17:43 benkay you can always imbue your replica with that property, though, Mats_cd03
17:43 benkay anyways that kind of property is kind of unique and so therefore probably worth in excess of 5k
17:43 benkay that's what, less than an mpex seat?
17:43 benkay sounds like a deal.
17:44 Mats_cd03 it was a relic owned by a descendant of a .jp soldier in nanjing
17:44 benkay "how many human lives is an mpex seat worth"
17:44 mircea_popescu o it's the old soviet translation isn't it.
17:44 mircea_popescu yeah they actually put a lot of effort into getting it right for some reason.
17:44 Mats_cd03 definitely worth more than 5k
17:44 asciilifeform Mats_cd03: ww2 jp. swords suck (the issued ones, not the familial relics some of the nobles carried)
17:45 asciilifeform not even reall japanese in style. more or less copies of eur. cavalry sabers of late 19th
17:45 asciilifeform i thought serious sword folks knew that.
17:45 Mats_cd03 ya i thought so, so i picked up a carbon fibre weapon made with modern techniques
17:45 benkay read it
17:45 benkay thing is most humans are totally fungible
17:45 Mats_cd03 i have no expertise in that sort of thing, i meant to buy it as a gift for a colleague
17:45 mircea_popescu teh sheeple!11
17:46 mircea_popescu Mats_cd03 why'd you buy things you don't know to make gifts ?
17:46 benkay the upper end of skill experience and what have ye isn't but that's a vanishingly small slice.
17:46 mircea_popescu putting your friend in the awkward position of having been vicariously scammed doesn't seem like much of a gift
17:46 Mats_cd03 dude was a huge sword buff and owned all sorts of probably illegal war trophies
17:47 mircea_popescu so therefore your odds of giving him something he doesn't think is shit are... <0.0001% ?
17:47 Mats_cd03 well i expected him to know the shit gift i bought him was shit
17:47 mircea_popescu oic.
17:47 benkay 300 bucks'll get you a pretty nice bottle of wine, Mats_cd03.
17:48 Mats_cd03 the garbage wine he drinks is more than that
17:48 benkay if you can avoid getting scammed ;)
17:48 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7442 @ 0.00087201 = 6.4895 BTC [-] {2}
17:48 Mats_cd03 how do you buy gifts for someone who has everything
17:48 Mats_cd03 i mean... besides a vagina purse
17:48 Mats_cd03
17:48 ozbot Keep Your Money Safe – in Your Vagina | Craftastrophe
17:48 mircea_popescu wait this was a woman ?
17:49 Mats_cd03 no lol
17:49 benkay human belt.
17:49 benkay whoopie cushin
17:49 benkay cushion
17:51 mircea_popescu nubbins`: hey, fuck you guys << lawl.
17:51 mircea_popescu i cant believe after all you nuts picking on poor nubsy i came in and picked him off as new.
17:52 mircea_popescu all that's missing is herbi driving a jet over his cat or something.
17:52 ThickAsThieves mp the Like button and +1 button are missing from trilema
17:52 ThickAsThieves how can i express myself without expressing myself?
17:52 benkay oh yeah also while we're on the topic your discus implementation is fucking horrendous too
17:53 benkay disqus*
17:53 ThickAsThieves also where's your keyword cloud
17:53 ThickAsThieves so useful those things
17:53 mircea_popescu o yeah ? well i had sex with your wife!
17:54 benkay yeah man keyword clouds are where its at
17:54 benkay get with the 2004 mang
17:54 mircea_popescu (the cannonical is, "his wife has cancer")
17:54 mircea_popescu it's from the shrimpstore seinfeld episode.
17:54 mircea_popescu
17:54 ozbot :: Scripts :: 147-The Comeback
17:55 mircea_popescu bah fuck me, "his wife is in a coma".
17:56 ThickAsThieves lol
17:56 ThickAsThieves even better
17:56 ThickAsThieves saying she's dead wouldnt be as funny either
17:56 mircea_popescu nope.
17:56 mircea_popescu they really polished those scripts.
17:56 mircea_popescu you don't realise this on the first pass, watching it or w/e, but just try as a cw exercise to improve on them.
17:57 ThickAsThieves i find tv shows to be increasingly predictable, i dont just mean boring
17:57 cazalla curb is better
17:57 ThickAsThieves i mean like where foreshadowing is painfully obvious
17:58 ThickAsThieves or like how they use almost famous actors as cameo villians
17:59 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33245 @ 0.00087525 = 29.0977 BTC [+] {3}
17:59 Vexual asciilifeform: nothing wrong with ww2 japanese swords, good factory steel relinquished in shame
17:59 benkay curb? CURB?!
17:59 benkay show is miserable.
18:00 benkay awkward comedy at its worst.
18:00 benkay nobody on that show can tell a joke.
18:00 benkay maybe the joke is on me expecting comedy
18:01 ThickAsThieves it's the Altcoin of comedy shows
18:01 ThickAsThieves "is this a joke?"
18:02 mircea_popescu cazalla curb is atrocious.
18:02 mircea_popescu "bro do you even joke ?"
18:03 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves yeah, well, that'd be a funcrtion of you growing less retarded over time.
18:04 mircea_popescu like for instance the mtgox thing ? totally impredictable and shocking for a few people.
18:04 mircea_popescu somewhere.
18:04 benkay <benkay> so gox: criminally incompetent? criminals? or just incompetent?
18:04 benkay [18:30]
18:04 benkay <donpdonp> i cant tell which
18:04 benkay i know some
18:04 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 46 @ 0.00296 = 0.1362 BTC [-]
18:04 mircea_popescu you're promiscuous :D
18:05 benkay disregarded me for months
18:05 benkay not terribly, it's the local btc irc channel
18:05 benkay reptations get built in more places than -assets
18:05 benkay and AND
18:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30100 @ 0.00087198 = 26.2466 BTC [-] {2}
18:05 benkay i wear condoms.
18:05 benkay so it's okay baby
18:06 mircea_popescu boys should b e promiscuous anyway.
18:06 benkay hear hear
18:06 benkay what about men?
18:06 mircea_popescu "The term can carry a moral judgement and is viewed in the context of a mainstream social ideal for sexual activity to occur within exclusive committed relationships."
18:06 mircea_popescu ahahaha wikipedia is grand.
18:07 mircea_popescu "i know! let's give a bunch of clueless twits the unwarranted, indefensible idea that what they know and think is universal, and then let's have them write it all out.
18:07 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 65 @ 0.00297498 = 0.1934 BTC [+]
18:07 mircea_popescu educated, intelligent people everywhere will be entertained."
18:07 mircea_popescu "for free."
18:08 benkay britannica or gtfo
18:08 cazalla mircea_popescu: because it's jewish?
18:08 benkay and i mean the actual fucking bound volumes.
18:08 mircea_popescu nah
18:08 nubbins` <mircea_popescu> i cant believe after all you nuts picking on poor nubsy i came in and picked him off as new.
18:09 nubbins` i can't even get a break!
18:09 mircea_popescu
18:09 ozbot #bitcoin-assets log
18:09 mircea_popescu cazalla weren;t you from down under ?
18:09 nubbins` earlier i was asking some guy about encryption and he starts going off about bridges!
18:09 cazalla mircea_popescu: yes
18:10 mircea_popescu jesus, herbi is the proximate cause for me trying to rewatch that crud, cause he also claimed it's better than seinfeld.
18:10 mircea_popescu and he's also from there.
18:10 mircea_popescu you people must have really brainrotting tv or something.
18:10 nubbins` curb is funny if you think watching adults endure horrendously awkward situations is funny
18:10 benkay he's also a wannabe quant computer guy
18:10 nubbins` if you don't, well, it just isn't
18:10 mircea_popescu but they suck. they can't act, they aren't funny.
18:10 benkay and i think into anime shit as well.
18:10 mircea_popescu i'd rather watch the surveillance cam
18:10 cazalla curb is better than seinfeld
18:10 benkay oh shit herbi's into some wackness
18:10 nubbins` mircea_popescu, that's the thing. they're not even trying to act
18:11 mircea_popescu hm, maybe that's what it is, the curb thing is funny for people who don't have access to surveillance cams,
18:11 benkay he and Vexual were wanking each other off the nother night.
18:11 nubbins` benkay :0
18:11 benkay it was vile
18:11 benkay anime music videos
18:11 benkay horrible house music
18:11 nubbins` oof
18:11 mircea_popescu at least it wasn't dub step.
18:11 benkay eh
18:11 benkay i've done too many drugs with dubstep playing to care about it anymore
18:12 nubbins` (dub: don't want to be paged? don't choose a nick that's a genre of music)
18:12 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: having loads of fun with herr eminescu.
18:12 mircea_popescu nubbins` dun worry, he knows i only do it to bother him
18:12 pankkake dubsteb isn't all bad. just ignore the mainstream
18:12 mircea_popescu asciilifeform hey, write a russian variant!
18:12 nubbins` dubstep, aka run some techno through a VCF
18:12 mircea_popescu dubstep is okay if you're into fucking fifteen year olds.
18:12 nubbins` and tweak the cutoff & peak knobs so it goes WOM WOM
18:13 benkay well once upon a time
18:13 benkay can't get away with it anymore
18:13 davout wow:
18:13 benkay mircea_popescu: ^^
18:13 nubbins` dubstep is essentially "i bought a bunch of Moog modules and can't be fucked to learn how to use any of them"
18:13 mircea_popescu i could but srsly... i prefer tits and a nicely formed hip-thigh complex.
18:13 benkay nubbins`: nobody buys moog modules and so therefore has no incentive to actually learn them
18:13 benkay no investment of money, no investment of time.
18:13 benkay "why are these tools so hard bawwww"
18:14 nubbins` heh.
18:14 mircea_popescu italy is pretty much bankrupt.
18:14 mircea_popescu how is this news ?
18:14 nubbins` you have a point, they're doing it all with softsynths
18:14 mircea_popescu italy has never, ever, at any poiint in its history, been able to pay the bills.
18:14 mircea_popescu while the austrians paid for them, italy existed, then it didn't
18:14 Vexual when in rome
18:14 mircea_popescu then hitler took over,
18:14 mircea_popescu then they didn't.
18:14 mircea_popescu then germany took over, now they don't...
18:14 nubbins` altho i suspect the "free" vs "$10k+" thing is a deciding factor when choosing softsynths over modulars too
18:14 pankkake well most of the "dubstep" I like is closer to drum and bass. still…
18:15 mircea_popescu it's not going to end. italians are willing to spend your money or starve. either way.
18:15 pankkake eh, you can find 5-minute howto dubstep on youtube
18:15 benkay nubbins`: that's precisely the problem. when people can't be arsed to figure out how to get their tools to make money, they don't arse themselves to grok the tools either.
18:15 nubbins` pankkake, that's the problem
18:15 Mats_cd03
18:15 nubbins` 10k "producers" watching a 5 minute tutorial on youtube and "releasing tracks"
18:16 benkay if the tools are free, why develop competence when everyone else you know hacking on them is just as incompetent as yourself?
18:16 Mats_cd03 if you feel gangster listening to this trap mix... we are in agreement
18:16 pankkake so dubstep songs are like altcoins
18:16 benkay all techno is cryptocoins
18:16 nubbins` pankkake sort of, but more people take dubstep seriously
18:16 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 202 @ 0.00084 = 0.1697 BTC [+]
18:17 nubbins` and i suspect altcoins are no fun on club drugs
18:17 nubbins` mircea_popescu, did you send those atc yet?
18:17 mircea_popescu which atc ? the atc you never said you wanted ?
18:17 cads behold the amazing power of 40,000 trolls to play pokemon for three days straight via random button presses:
18:17 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
18:17 cads AMAZING
18:17 nubbins` hey, i never said i didn't want em
18:17 nubbins` i even gave you most of an address
18:17 pankkake
18:17 Mats_cd03 i imagine youd have to be doped up to care about altcoins
18:18 mircea_popescu lolk
18:18 nubbins` send as many as you want
18:18 mircea_popescu cads i thought pokemon was a cartoon series.
18:18 nubbins` Mats_cd03: oh, you might be onto something there
18:18 Mats_cd03 it was a game first i thought
18:18 cads mircea_popescu: I'm not sure what came first, the video game nerd or the egg.
18:19 mircea_popescu aok.
18:19 Vexual altcoin, not altcoins
18:19 Mats_cd03 wtf am i listening to pankkake
18:19 pankkake Mats_cd03: the impaled northern moonforest of dubstep
18:19 benkay i'll take nubbins`' altcoins
18:19 nubbins` you'll take them if your address starts with 1AltcoinSucksCocks
18:19 Vexual altcoin is the plural!
18:20 benkay shut up Vexual
18:20 mircea_popescu A scientific study published in 2005 found that promiscuous men and women are judged equally harshly and a recent poll showed that both genders tend to express strong preference for sexually conservative partners.
18:20 mircea_popescu dude this is absurd.
18:20 Mats_cd03 this is the worst thing i have listened to in months
18:20 CiPi Real men use real things. :) Like bitcoin, not altcoin.
18:20 CiPi loosers use altcoins.
18:20 mircea_popescu someone prefers sexually conservative parties, somewhere in that africa over there across the atlantic ?!
18:21 benkay doncha know mircea_popescu
18:21 benkay we all sit around and talk about what kind of sex we'd like to have
18:21 benkay get all horny
18:21 benkay and then go home
18:21 pankkake but it's not altcoins, it's Altcoin
18:22 nubbins` 1AltcoinSucksCocks0123456789abcdef
18:22 nubbins` there we go
18:22 benkay pankkake: just transfer the coins nubbins` is throwing away to my account under your mgmt plz
18:22 nubbins` the fuck is this, an auction?
18:23 mircea_popescu lol
18:23 benkay it's sunday in -assets!
18:23 benkay #musical number begins
18:23 nubbins` i am entitled to my entitlements!
18:23 benkay you guys we need a stage musical
18:23 mircea_popescu benkay i'm not giving preciously minted atc to the heathens!
18:23 TATwalking I tell ya tho software producing takes a shit ton of time to get good at
18:23 benkay wait i'm no heathen
18:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18583 @ 0.0008743 = 16.2471 BTC [+]
18:23 nubbins` TATwalking, this is why so few are good at it
18:24 benkay this stage musical would have GLBSE
18:24 benkay Colored Coins
18:24 benkay Amir Taaki
18:24 nubbins` "i'm a producer" can almost universally be responded to with "no you're not"
18:24 benkay all as like transient guests that occasionally show up and say nonsensical things
18:24 Vexual lol
18:25 mircea_popescu nubbins` or with "it'll still cost you 70 for half and half"
18:25 nubbins` hah.
18:25 mircea_popescu he's not a producer, she is a whore, honesty all the way.
18:25 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 191 @ 0.00084157 = 0.1607 BTC [+] {2}
18:25 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.1285 BTC [+]
18:26 nubbins` "altcoin: the commodity so valuable that people don't even want others throwing theirs away"
18:26 mircea_popescu i paid good satoshis for that stuff i'll have you know.
18:26 TATwalking I dodge the occasional tree :)
18:26 nubbins` tell that to my empty atc address!
18:27 Apocalyptic nubbins`, then buy some
18:27 nubbins` Apocalyptic, i think you missed the point by about 5km
18:27 Apocalyptic yeah i must admit haven't read the scroll
18:27 assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 31 @ 0.0055 = 0.1705 BTC
18:27 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 50 @ 0.06913778 = 3.4569 BTC [-] {4}
18:27 mircea_popescu Apocalyptic few do.
18:28 mircea_popescu it's five hours a day.
18:28 nubbins` i was bequeathed some atc and now can't get anybody to follow through!
18:28 mircea_popescu nubbins` because you were a smartass with derpy nonaddresses
18:28 nubbins` totally is an address.
18:28 nubbins` there's what, 2^9 private keys that will generate that address
18:28 TATwalking now you must shoe on head
18:28 mircea_popescu longest vanity in history.
18:29 nubbins` well, 1MatthewNWrightIsAScammer was taken
18:29 mircea_popescu obviously nubbins` did not read the protocol enough to know about the checksum.
18:29 nubbins` OOOOOH
18:29 nubbins` well fuck me
18:29 mircea_popescu noty, but i did lel all the way/
18:29 nubbins` heh
18:29 nubbins` isn't my face red!
18:29 benkay i thought it was mostly white with some tatooos
18:29 nubbins` guess i better go read up &c &c
18:29 mircea_popescu ppl come to this chan thinking they're real smart all the time.
18:29 nubbins` benkay, heh
18:29 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 1980 @ 0.00043849 = 0.8682 BTC [-]
18:30 mircea_popescu we're kinda used to it.
18:30 nubbins` tbf i came to this chan with no such delusion
18:30 mircea_popescu why be fair ?
18:30 nubbins` it's all that separates us from the savages
18:30 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: "На коне своем любимом Мирча в самой гуще боя, / Он ведет свою лавину, попирая все живое."
18:31 assbot [HAVELOCK] [COG.F] 1 @ 2 BTC [+]
18:31 TATwalking that and the Canadian border
18:31 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i know i know, it's very flattering.
18:31 nubbins` TATwalking: unfortunately, we let americans through all the time
18:31 asciilifeform named after this fellow?
18:31 mircea_popescu the actual subject is mircea the old,
18:31 asciilifeform aha.
18:31 mircea_popescu well no, named after my father.
18:32 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.06720001 = 0.5376 BTC [+]
18:32 nubbins` the only instance i can recall that a canadian went the other way is when that guy swam from windsor to detroit after slamming 8 beers, to see if he could
18:32 nubbins` (he could)
18:32 Vexual thats called@ after breakfast@ here
18:32 TATwalking and birner
18:32 TATwalking bieber
18:33 mircea_popescu TATwalking stop derping with your smartphone and pick up women
18:33 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.128625 = 0.5145 BTC [+] {2}
18:33 mircea_popescu that's what walks are for.
18:33 TATwalking lol
18:33 TATwalking these are too heavy
18:33 nubbins` the women?
18:33 TATwalking :)
18:33 Vexual hes carrying two desktops
18:34 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 100 @ 0.00297498 = 0.2975 BTC [+]
18:34 nubbins` one for irc, one for ___
18:34 mircea_popescu asciilifeform technically Mircea însuşi mână-n luptă vijelia-ngrozitoare, Care vine, vine, vine, calcă totul în picioare; is mircea himself leads into battle the fearsome tempest that coming, coming, coming, tramples everything underfoot.
18:34 mircea_popescu they didn't have cgi in the 1800s, and you can almost see how much they'd have liked it
18:34 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: more or less exactly.
18:34 mircea_popescu by all the effort they put into verbaly emmulating it
18:34 asciilifeform hell, Homer does just this.
18:35 mircea_popescu indeed.
18:35 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.06720001 = 0.2688 BTC [+]
18:35 nubbins` turns out dickens didn't go on about the grocers for the word count
18:37 nubbins`
18:38 ozbot John Morillo, Windsor man who swam across Detroit River, regrets it - Windsor - CBC News
18:39 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: love the ending.
18:40 mircea_popescu remarkably reusable for 150 yo code.
18:40 asciilifeform always had a soft spot for herr Tepes.
18:40 Namworld Fun gif:
18:41 mircea_popescu you mean the actual vlad or the other vlad dracul guy ?
18:41 asciilifeform actual.
18:41 asciilifeform the one who knew what to do with turks.
18:41 mircea_popescu he beheaded a bunch of medieval jpm&co bankers
18:41 benkay that's intense Namworld
18:41 mircea_popescu as a result got a pretty bad wrap in the english language press of the time
18:42 mircea_popescu which was german.
18:42 benkay mircea_popescu: "bad rap"
18:42 benkay as in rap sheet, arrest history
18:42 Namworld It sure is...
18:43 mircea_popescu that'd be the literal.
18:45 mircea_popescu Kazıklı Bey haha good one.
18:46 WillTablet Hello
18:47 benkay welcome
18:47 WillTablet I gave myself a challenge - break even on the $18 worth of server I used to mine about 0.007 BTC worth of dogecoin
18:47 benkay and?
18:47 WillTablet And I'm pretty interested to see how it ends up
18:48 nubbins` :/
18:48 nubbins` anti-climax
18:48 benkay ;;ticker
18:48 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 625.66, Best ask: 625.68, Bid-ask spread: 0.02000, Last trade: 625.68, 24 hour volume: 26319.78171749, 24 hour low: 590.01, 24 hour high: 670.0, 24 hour vwap: 627.53549918
18:48 WillTablet Ima try and get some of it back, I prolly won't break even
18:48 benkay ;;calc 623 * 0.007
18:48 gribble 4.361
18:48 WillTablet Ima lend it to a reputable borrower on btcjam or something
18:48 benkay why not just learn the lesson, WillTablet?
18:49 benkay you're only out like 12 buck
18:49 WillTablet During the loan period, I will read up on shares and economics
18:49 nubbins` reputable borrower
18:49 benkay hey WillTablet let me give you a bit of insight
18:49 WillTablet Go ahead
18:49 nubbins` if there's one thing that speaks to a man's repute, it's his constant need of loans
18:49 pankkake is btcjam like coinlenders?
18:49 benkay in ten years that 0.007 BTC will be worth several x your dollars
18:50 benkay without any risk due to lending it out.
18:50 WillTablet True
18:50 mircea_popescu pankkake it;s more like a logical continuation of glbse.
18:50 mircea_popescu they came out with figures at some point that on average 30% of loans were delinquent.
18:50 mircea_popescu (course ignoramuses that they are, it was a victorious point of pride)
18:50 nubbins` almost 70% of loans repaid!
18:51 WillTablet benkay: if that's the case, why does anyone invest? I want to do it as an experiment, and expect to lose it all
18:51 asciilifeform 'Filtration System, a Marvel to Behold! It Removes 80% of Human Solid Waste!'
18:51 benkay if you expect to lose it, why bother?
18:51 benkay if you want to actually invest it, put it into MPEx.
18:51 benkay it's a really good question, WillTablet.
18:51 nubbins` yeah, put 0.0007 btc into mpex
18:51 WillTablet Sarcasm?
18:51 nubbins` yes
18:52 nubbins` altho i think benkay was srs
18:52 benkay the fundamental assumption is that a given operation will grow in value faster than btc.
18:52 ThickAsThieves i saw a btcjam presentation once, he was surprisingly transparent
18:52 ThickAsThieves considering how ba dthe numbers are
18:52 benkay eh semi serious
18:52 benkay kiddo doesn't know mpex
18:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5600 @ 0.00087198 = 4.8831 BTC [-]
18:52 mircea_popescu asciilifeform the point there being that there's a point of delinquency where loan packages become unworthy. all this is old fiat finance grease.
18:52 mircea_popescu like you know, knowing what a space cadet kbd is.
18:52 benkay 0.007'd get et by jurov's fees instantly right?
18:52 WillTablet mpex costs like 30 BTC a seat though
18:52 benkay WillTablet:, although i think fees would eat you alive
18:53 nubbins` i think the min deposit is more than that
18:53 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: fave story re: tepes: 'Некогда же обедоваше под трупием мертвых человек, иже на колие саженых, множество бо округ стола его; он же среди их ядяше и тем услажашеся. Слуга же его, иже пред ним ясти ставляше, смраду оного не могии тер
18:53 asciilifeform пети и заткну нос и на страну главу свою склони. Он же вопроси его: "что ради тако чинишь?" Он же отвеща государю: "не могу смрада сего терпети". Дракула же ту и повеле его на кол всадити, глаголя: "тамо ти есть высоко жити, смрад не м
18:53 ThickAsThieves i imagine btcjam will be end up as proportionally unpopular as
18:53 asciilifeform ожеть тебе доити".' (old russ. from
18:53 benkay your alternative is to throw it away on scams that don't have fees because they're not really businesses.
18:53 ThickAsThieves -be
18:53 ThickAsThieves
18:53 benkay if you want to learn investing, borrow some money from your parents WillTablet and put it into Tesla.
18:53 benkay some into us treasury bonds
18:53 ozbot Merkel, Hollande to discuss European communication network avoiding U.S.
18:54 asciilifeform translation: 'once dining under the corpses of men, those impaled on stakes, many sat around his table, dining among him and in this taking plasure. servant of his, placing food before him, could not endure the stench,
18:54 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves i never heard of
18:54 ThickAsThieves tsla is a pretty nicely volatile stock to play with
18:54 ThickAsThieves now you have!
18:54 nubbins` but bitcoin gives my portfolio all the volatility that i need
18:54 ThickAsThieves it's pretty old
18:54 WillTablet benkay: heh my parents wouldn't let me
18:54 asciilifeform and plugged his nose and turned his head. lord asked him, 'why do you this.' answered he: 'cannot endure the stench'.
18:54 WillTablet I'm actually lending money to them atm
18:55 benkay sounds like a rat fuck of bad decisions, WillTablet
18:55 benkay why are you doing that?
18:55 ThickAsThieves lend money to parents?
18:55 ThickAsThieves just give it
18:55 asciilifeform drakula ordered the man sat upon the stake, taller than others: 'high is this place, you will live free of the stench there.'
18:55 nubbins` rat fuck, i like that
18:55 asciilifeform (end of trans.)
18:55 benkay they'll take it from you when they're old and dying anyways.
18:55 mircea_popescu hehe
18:55 WillTablet They are giving me something like 3% interest, might be 5 actually
18:55 benkay more likely -100%.
18:56 WillTablet I might play about with investopedia
18:56 benkay *sigh*
18:56 benkay have fun, kid.
18:56 ThickAsThieves question, did any of you tell your parents to buy btc?
18:56 benkay yup.
18:56 nubbins` yes
18:57 ThickAsThieves and did they?
18:57 nubbins` no
18:57 kakobrekla i got mine in at 5$.
18:57 benkay good man
18:57 nubbins` gave my dad a casascius coin for his birthday one year
18:57 benkay mine were burning retirement capital until 6 months ago
18:57 WillTablet benkay: sarcasm?
18:57 benkay irony
18:57 benkay WillTablet ^^
18:58 Mats_cd03 whats going on with these tx inssues
18:58 Mats_cd03 ^issues
18:58 benkay the internet isn't going to teach you anything about investing except via exceptional losses.
18:58 WillTablet So basically, the best thing to do with my bitcoins is to forget about them till I see on the news oh BTC is worth £4000 now
18:58 asciilifeform EU: 'we'll build separate net. and run more winblows. our road to victory.'
18:58 Mats_cd03 bitpay doesn't work anymore, whining about some signature or other
18:58 ThickAsThieves "We'll talk with France about how we can maintain a high level of data protection," Merkel said.
18:59 WillTablet They have a market simulator though I suppose the psychological effect is different if its not real money
18:59 Duffer1 keep your btc
18:59 benkay keep your btc
18:59 ThickAsThieves seems like an awful lot of trouble to not solve spying
19:00 WillTablet keep your btc
19:00 benkay hang on WillTablet i have a book for you
19:00 mircea_popescu asciilifeform eu : we will say all sorts of things in no relation to what we actually do. it's what built rome.
19:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16100 @ 0.0008724 = 14.0456 BTC [+]
19:00 benkay WillTablet: there are two books for you to read before you put any money into the market
19:00 WillTablet Okay
19:00 benkay The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
19:00 pankkake ThickAsThieves: yeah, it's a high level of full of shitness. I hope nothing comes out of it, because the real motives probably aren't good
19:00 WillTablet Are they heavy reading?
19:00 benkay and Buffett - the Making of an American Capitalist
19:00 mircea_popescu hey not bad.
19:01 mircea_popescu krugman approved reading.
19:01 benkay yup.
19:01 Duffer1 ha
19:01 benkay if you can't make it through them, you're not ready for the markets.
19:01 WillTablet Might get the pdf as parents would probably be like wtf investing
19:01 benkay mircea_popescu: you have recommendations?
19:01 benkay WillTablet: yeah get u some pdfs
19:01 benkay WillTablet: learning is free these days. take advantage of it.
19:02 benkay WillTablet: far more difficult than when we were taught, but hey this is the real world.
19:02 mircea_popescu benkay i dun see a problem.
19:02 Mats_cd03 books are for nerds
19:02 mircea_popescu so is your girlfriend.
19:02 WillTablet benkay: does it involve anything more that grade 10 maths?
19:02 benkay nope.
19:02 WillTablet Good
19:02 Mats_cd03 i pray to god for investment purposes
19:02 WillTablet Then I should be fine
19:03 Mats_cd03 my homeboy jesus knows whats good with k street
19:03 mircea_popescu if you gotta pray to god for investment purpoises better make sure you pray to the god of the jooze.
19:03 benkay the most complicated thing you'll ever encounter in most practical investment problems is time discounting of money WillTablet
19:03 benkay WillTablet: have you worked with exponentials?
19:03 mircea_popescu either that or set theory.
19:03 WillTablet Sort of
19:03 benkay ^1/5 etc?
19:03 benkay e^-iπ?
19:04 WillTablet No
19:04 benkay it's not that bad :)
19:04 WillTablet shouldn't be too bad, no
19:04 benkay and you won't need it to learn the important stuff about not losing your shirt.
19:04 benkay but kid listen
19:04 benkay sit on your butts
19:04 benkay acquire more, don't burn the ones you have.
19:05 Mats_cd03 buy some atc, its the hot new thiing
19:05 Mats_cd03 in fact... trade all your buttcoins for atc
19:05 benkay yeah hey mircea_popescu give the kid some atc
19:05 mircea_popescu what am i, made of money ?
19:05 ThickAsThieves WillTablet go here and install the wallet
19:05 WillTablet The kid
19:05 ThickAsThieves i'll give him some
19:06 kakobrekla Willy The Kid
19:06 mircea_popescu WillTablet he's trying to be me, don't take it to heart.
19:06 WillTablet Sorry, I am on an android ATM
19:06 WillTablet Will google
19:06 pankkake trades happenin!
19:06 ozbot X-BT - The new marketplace for trading Bitcoin with Litecoin, Namecoin and Altcoin
19:06 benkay so how do we get the atc ticker in -assets?
19:06 mircea_popescu Learn your Atc Btc Ctcs!
19:07 mircea_popescu mebbe if we .bait assbot
19:07 Duffer1 .bait brought to you by Altcoin
19:07 WillTablet ThickAsThieves: could you do so tomorrow maybe? I'm supposed to be in bed ATM, and am
19:08 benkay .bait
19:08 ozbot
19:08 Mats_cd03 lols
19:09 Bugpowder ThickAsThieves: I got my dad in at $20, he exited at $80, happy to make $60k.
19:09 pankkake well, x-bt API is annoying. need an api key even to get trades
19:10 Vexual
19:10 ozbot Image View - TIS
19:10 Apocalyptic pankkake, yeah, a public API is under construction
19:10 Bugpowder I knew I should have bought on the dip below $600...
19:10 Bugpowder Just added a bit at $625.
19:11 Bugpowder Where is the alt faucet?
19:11 asciilifeform "came to drakula two catholic monks, from the hungarian lands, pittances to collect. he ordered them brought apart, and called up one, pointed to the yard, where one could see many sat upon stakes, or on wheels broken. he did ask: 'was i just? and who are these people, sitting on stakes?' answered the monk, 'no, lord, you do evil, killing without mercy; a lord must be merciful. and those sat upon the stakes - a
19:11 asciilifeform re martyrs!' drakula called in the other monk and asked him same. he did answer: 'you, lord, are called by god to put to death evildoers and reward the virtuous. as for those upon the stakes, they wrought evil and were justly punished.' drakula spoke again to the first monk, 'why did you leave your cloister in the monastery and walk about the courts of great lords, if you know nothing of the world? you said you
19:11 asciilifeform rself, these people are martyrs. so i wish to make you a martyr, be in the company of your fellows.' and ordered him sat upon a stake, but the other monk, sent with fifty golden ducats back to the hungarian borders, 'you are a wise man.'
19:12 WillTablet Wonder what they mean by virtually priceless?
19:12 benkay it's nice seeing y'all hash through the requirements of launching an altcoin
19:12 WillTablet Does that mean worthless?
19:12 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3800 @ 0.00087198 = 3.3135 BTC [-]
19:12 mircea_popescu asciilifeform :)
19:13 mircea_popescu help create the world you wish to live in.
19:13 asciilifeform circa 1486. "Сказание о Дракуле-воеводе." translation mine.
19:13 mircea_popescu benkay it's not really belonging on the list. let people do their own charity personally.
19:14 pankkake well, it doesn't even werk. or I'm using my client wrong …
19:15 mircea_popescu curious what cads reads off that story :D
19:15 benkay i hear and obey
19:15 assbot [HAVELOCK] [COG.F2] 2 @ 2 = 4 BTC [+]
19:16 mircea_popescu many hurias await thee in the land beyond the wobbles.
19:17 mircea_popescu hm i guess in english it actually is houries
19:17 benkay save the houries for chaang-noi
19:18 mircea_popescu i doubt he gets any.
19:18 cads hmm, what is this land beyond the wobbles?
19:18 ThickAsThieves <WillTablet> ThickAsThieves: could you do so tomorrow maybe? I'm supposed to be in bed ATM, and am /// yes just find me whenever
19:18 mircea_popescu he'll prolly have to fuck cockroaches for all eternity.
19:18 asciilifeform 'came once from the hungarian lands a merchant to the city of drakula. and, as is custom at his court, left his cart on the city street in front of the house, and his wares - on the cart, and himself went to sleep in the house. and someone did steal from the cart 160 gold ducats. the merchant came to drakula, spoke to him of the missing gold. drakula answered, 'go, this same night you will have your gold again.
19:18 asciilifeform ' and ordered that in the whole city the thief be sought, 'should you fail to find him, the city shall perish.' and ordered the same night his old gold placed on the cart - with one added duacat. morning came, the mechant counted the gold, and counted again, then exclaimed: 'i have my gold again, but a ducat is extra!' and then the thief was caught, and the stolen gold brought. spoke drakula to the merchant th
19:18 asciilifeform us: 'go with peace. and had you not spoken to me of the ducat, you would sit on this same stake as the thief.'
19:18 WillTablet ThickAsThieves: yes
19:19 mircea_popescu cads you know monty python ? the "there goes the neighbourhood" sketch ?
19:19 WillTablet I have my PC on, since I am remarkably bad-ass
19:19 cads :D
19:19 cads ah, I haven't seen it
19:19 cads is it john cleese making the speech about the wobbles?
19:19 mircea_popescu see, romanians are uncultivated.
19:19 ThickAsThieves <Bugpowder> Where is the alt faucet? /// is this needed for proliferation you think?
19:19 mircea_popescu no, it's a cartoon
19:20 benkay asciilifeform: what is this from which you're quoting?
19:20 ThickAsThieves <WillTablet> Wonder what they mean by virtually priceless? /// so do we
19:20 WillTablet Ah
19:20 asciilifeform benkay:
19:21 WillTablet Are yoy trying to make a point here? That altcoin is just another random coin that will never be used?
19:21 benkay asciilifeform: context?
19:21 asciilifeform benkay: scroll up.
19:21 ThickAsThieves that's not the point
19:21 WillTablet What is the point?
19:21 ThickAsThieves that there doesnt need to be one for everything to change
19:22 WillTablet One what?
19:22 ThickAsThieves point
19:22 WillTablet Uhhhh-uh
19:22 ThickAsThieves it's heavy shit
19:22 WillTablet ThickAsThieves: I don't follow this
19:23 cads asciilifeform: hah, awesome stories
19:23 Chris_Sabian_ TAT - so the only thing different about Altcoin is the name?
19:23 WillTablet However, I'm guessing the altcoins were a lie
19:23 kakobrekla WillTablet its the 15th standard.
19:23 ThickAsThieves youre trying too hard to fit it into a box, but it is a box
19:23 benkay the coin is a lie
19:23 kakobrekla the cake is a bill
19:24 cads asciilifeform: are there more in the collection?
19:24 mircea_popescu the little boy was a slice of cake!
19:24 asciilifeform cads: tons.
19:24 WillTablet ThickAsThieves: not helping that much
19:24 cads :D
19:24 Chris_Sabian_ there are people buying altcoin for 350 - 500 satoshi on 2 exchanges
19:25 mircea_popescu Chris_Sabian_ your mistake here is to proceed on the wholly prepasterous cads worldview, whereas that which matter doesn't matter, and that which is left once you're done ignoring what matters can then be counted.
19:25 ThickAsThieves all these coins are just coins, and what makes them different is how people use them, whether they use them, etc
19:25 mircea_popescu and who uses them, and for what.
19:25 ThickAsThieves yep
19:25 mircea_popescu because, yet again, people aren't interchangeable.
19:25 mircea_popescu and there's no such thing as "views".
19:26 WillTablet So any investment is just defined by how its used? Like if all pound coins but one in the world was destroyed, the one pound would become worth more than jhst a pound?
19:26 mircea_popescu so you are, you'll be forever remembered as the goldstain of some views you didn't even hold.
19:26 mircea_popescu (consciously)
19:26 mircea_popescu in a sense, you're being raped.
19:26 ThickAsThieves no Will
19:26 mircea_popescu s/goldstain/goldstein
19:27 WillTablet If confusing teenagers is this fun, I can kinda see why teachers do it
19:27 ThickAsThieves coins arent exactly investments
19:27 mircea_popescu yw.
19:27 benkay goldstain was pretty good
19:27 ThickAsThieves they are vessels
19:27 WillTablet ThickAsThieves: so in order to make a good decision one has to look at what other people do and where that got them?
19:28 ThickAsThieves hey!
19:28 kakobrekla sounds like something desirable, goldstain.
19:28 mircea_popescu WillTablet as the girl explains. didja read it ?
19:28 ThickAsThieves good thougth
19:28 ThickAsThieves thought*
19:28 mircea_popescu spicasspielers can't speal.
19:28 WillTablet mircea_popescu: where?
19:28 ThickAsThieves i can spell just fine, it's my fingers that never graduated
19:29 mircea_popescu ;;google mpoe-pr personal responsibility and the ponzi scam
19:29 gribble Personal responsiblity and the Ponzi scam. - Bitcoin Forum: <>; How Pyramid Schemes and Ponzi Schemes are Prosecuted in the ...: <>; Domestic Taxation - LEHMAN TAX LAW: <>
19:29 mircea_popescu 1. Learn the pecking order. All opinions are not equal. Some people are to be respected. Learn who. Some people are irrelevant and easily ignored. Learn who. More importantly than the who, learn why. Is it just because "everyone else seems to think so"? That's no good, forget it. Is it because they were right when everyone else was wrong? That's perfect, especially if it occurs with any sort of consistency.
19:29 mircea_popescu 4. Step outside of your ideology. You might have been brought up in a very repressive social milieu in which some particular ideological slant was drilled into you. This is working to your disadvantage, get rid of it. Are you sticking up for your friends because they're your friends rather than because they have a point? Great for facebook, horrible for BTC. You will lose money. Are you following the crowd like a welfa
19:29 mircea_popescu re state lemming? Great for the white collar slave, horrible for BTC. You will lose money. Do you think form is above content and as such it's okay to invade foreign countries and slaughter civilians just as long as nobody says shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker or tits on TV? Great for being an American, horrible for the free world. You will lose money.
19:29 mircea_popescu etc
19:29 benkay welfare state lemming.
19:29 benkay yummy.
19:30 mircea_popescu i hear people actually eat lemming
19:30 mircea_popescu never had one myself.
19:30 benkay shoes too, some of 'em.
19:30 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves probably cause while you were in school, they were cutting class into the schoolmates.
19:31 WillTablet Right
19:31 WillTablet Maybe I get this
19:31 WillTablet Idk
19:31 mircea_popescu what's the rush anyway.
19:31 benkay WillTablet: you're probably young enough for it to make sense the first time you read it. consider it a blessing!
19:31 WillTablet Seriously, prolly having some form of ASD is taking its toll hear
19:31 WillTablet *here
19:32 WillTablet Can someone just explain what they mean
19:32 mircea_popescu what's the asd/atc rate ?
19:32 benkay maybe, but channel that into focus on important things and learn how to handle humans. it /is/ a learnable skill.
19:32 WillTablet Oh and my altcoin client says no block source available
19:33 Duffer1 pankakke have an addnode list?
19:33 mircea_popescu wasn't it on the forum ?
19:33 Chris_Sabian_ you need to add a node
19:33 asciilifeform 'came once to drakula an envoy from the great hungarian king mathias; a noble baron, of polish birth. and drakula did sit and dine with him among the corpses. and the envoy saw before him on the ground, a thick and gilded stake, and then drakula asked of the envoy: 'tell me, for what have i prepared this stake?' fear took hold of the envoy, who thought a while, and spoke: 'seems to me, my lord, that someone amo
19:33 asciilifeform ng the noble has dealt with you unjustly, and for him you have prepared a death more stately than for others.' drakula answered, 'you speak the truth. here you are - an envoy of a great lord, a kingly emissary, it is for you that i have crafted this stake.' answered the envoy, 'lord, if i have wrought an injustice worthy of death - do with me as you will. you are an impartial judge - it is not you who shall be
19:33 asciilifeform to blame for my demise, but i alone.' drakula laughed, and spoke thus, 'had you not answered as you did, you would have sat down upon this stake.' and the lord ordered the envoy honoured, and gifted, and sent off in peace, with the words: 'you may walk as an envoy from great lords, to great lords, because you know how to speak to great lords; while others ought not even try, but let them first learn how to spea
19:33 asciilifeform k to a great lord.' such was the custom of drakula: when an inexperienced envoy came to him, from a king or an emperor, and could not answer the wily questions of drakula, he would be sat upon a stake, drakula saying to him this: 'not i am to blame for your demise, but your lord is, or perhaps you are. for if your lord knew that you are unintelligent and inexperienced, and still sent you to me - a wise lord, yo
19:33 asciilifeform ur own lord has slaine you. if you yourself had decided to come, with your own hand you have slain your own self.' and thus did the lord prepare for an emissary a tall gilded stake, and sat him down upon it, and to his lord he would send a message praying that in the future he not send to the wise and learned ruler a stupid and unlearned envoy.'
19:34 mod6 Need to add a node to altcoin.conf: Nodes:,,,
19:34 WillTablet Yuhuh
19:35 WillTablet So does this advice have anything to do with the offer of atc
19:35 mircea_popescu what offer of atc ?!
19:35 WillTablet Does the offer somehow make a point or do the points somehow make the offer
19:35 mircea_popescu who's offering atc!
19:36 mircea_popescu asciilifeform going a little too far isn't it ?
19:36 kakobrekla the round rocks beneath the ground have spoken through the fire
19:37 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 30 @ 0.12278 = 3.6834 BTC [-] {4}
19:37 Bugpowder MPEx should have an ATC futures market, with delivery.
19:37 Duffer1 I believe I recall TaT offering ATC
19:37 mircea_popescu nobody really has enough atc yet
19:37 WillTablet I don't gave an altcoin.conf
19:37 Bugpowder Maybe ATC.DIFF?
19:37 WillTablet *have
19:37 Duffer1 it's just a .txt you create yourself and drop in the wallet folder
19:38 Chris_Sabian_ you need to make one
19:38 Bugpowder We need some way to get in the ATC game. Why can't MPEx provide it?
19:38 kakobrekla its not a .txt its a .conf!
19:38 Duffer1 er yea
19:38 benkay Bugpowder: maybe an alt PMB
19:38 Duffer1 use notepad, add your text, name the file altcoin.conf
19:38 Apocalyptic heh
19:38 Chris_Sabian_ you create a .txt file with the info in it and then remain it as .conf
19:38 mircea_popescu Bugpowder what's wrong with just populating the spot on apocalyptic's thing
19:38 kakobrekla why dont we just call pirate do do another round of trust
19:39 Chris_Sabian_ path in windows: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Altcoin
19:39 pankkake kakobrekla: niggers.conf
19:39 Vexual .dubstep
19:39 Duffer1 lol
19:39 kakobrekla ithink its more beautysalon.txt
19:40 pankkake the node I'm running is and it's in the source code, if you built from it
19:40 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 19 @ 0.19376446 = 3.6815 BTC [+]
19:40 Apocalyptic Bugpowder, they're waiting for you @
19:40 kakobrekla if you had to put css on it, at least make it look rite
19:40 Bugpowder Do you have charts? I need charts to do TA.
19:41 pankkake doesn't even have working api!
19:41 WillTablet So I put this in the altcoin.conf?
19:41 WillTablet Nodes:,,,
19:41 Apocalyptic no charts, pankkake lies
19:42 kakobrekla kako doesnt!
19:43 kakobrekla WillTablet the third book is the book of assets log
19:43 mod6 WillTablet no
19:43 mod6 needs to be:
19:43 mod6 addnode=<IP>
19:43 WillTablet Okay
19:44 kakobrekla just do it in console
19:44 kakobrekla simpler.
19:44 mod6 and as much as i lothe btctawk, read through this:;all
19:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18400 @ 0.00087211 = 16.0468 BTC [+]
19:46 WillTablet Got it
19:47 WillTablet Might take a while to sync
19:47 mod6 werd
19:48 Bugpowder I need to setup my miner
19:48 Duffer1 how many mb is the altcoin blockchain up to?
19:48 WillTablet I have a feeling this might take a while
19:48 mircea_popescu Duffer1 100mb overhead and like 750 bytes of txn
19:49 Duffer1 did you guys ever get the source?
19:49 mircea_popescu the most inefficient way to process information ever invented.
19:49 cads hey guys, lemme offer my apologies for stirring up the channel last evening
19:49 cads I was a trollish ass
19:50 WillTablet So what exactly is special about ATC? What does priceless even mean?
19:50 Bugpowder I am willing to buy 10BTC worth of ATC, OTC... pm me.
19:50 mircea_popescu cads that's the point of life dood.
19:50 mircea_popescu Bugpowder at what price ?
19:50 nubbins` to drink good wine before one's time?
19:51 Vexual troll your pancreas
19:51 WillTablet So this is still 2 weeks behind, no progress
19:51 WillTablet Should I have added more nodes?
19:51 Bugpowder 250 satoshi / ATC
19:51 mod6 Bug: I didn't have much luck with an order on the book for a week. Try x-bt, market seems to be between 400-500 satoshi
19:52 mircea_popescu Bugpowder i doubt that many atcs exist yet even
19:52 mircea_popescu ;;calc 10*10**8 / 250
19:52 gribble 4000000
19:52 Vexual nope
19:52 kakobrekla Coins in circulation: 8,735,232 of ~268 Million (3.25%)
19:52 WillTablet I feel so fucking stupid
19:52 Bugpowder People said dogecoin was a joke, but ended up being very profitable for me. Altcoin's great benefit is optionality (look it up, I mean the technical finance term).
19:53 WillTablet Ermahgerd
19:53 mod6 I got scammed out of 44k ATC @ openex so beware.
19:53 mircea_popescu wow how ?
19:53 Vexual how scammed?
19:53 Chris_Sabian_ mod6: there is an admin online on openex so you can be able to chat
19:53 mod6 they banned my account for no apparent reason, and haven't processed my last withdrawl.
19:53 WillTablet Though doing cpu mining with altcoins and then buying BTC seems more profitable
19:53 Bugpowder gox strat
19:54 mircea_popescu outrageous.
19:54 mod6 So, it's kinda a wait and see situation. Ihave an email into their admins. Will give update when they make good.
19:54 Bugpowder WillTablet: Depends on where you are on the adoption curve
19:54 WillTablet Well, I am just burning up free azure credit
19:55 Chris_Sabian_ if anyone wants to make an altcoin p2p pool with bfgminer, that would be great
19:55 Vexual mod6, they pay a lot of admins, i wonder what they do all day?
19:55 mircea_popescu doesn't the current one support bfg ?
19:55 Chris_Sabian_ cgminer
19:55 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.06720001 = 0.2688 BTC [+]
19:55 mod6 Looks like x-bt did process my withdrawl today.. so far so good. Thx to Apoc.
19:55 benkay also WillTablet you're going to want to ditch that Microsoft habit. gonna get you in trouble.
19:55 WillTablet benkay: how so?
19:55 Bugpowder ATC needs a killer app though. Has anyone talked to dooglus about ATCdice/
19:55 Bugpowder ?
19:56 mod6 Vexual: they just ban accounts apparently.
19:56 pankkake Chris_Sabian_: is a p2pool
19:56 Chris_Sabian_ mod6: was that your 20k alt sold?
19:56 mod6 for no gd reason
19:56 mod6 Chris:that was a buy
19:56 benkay no time to explain. ask the channel.
19:56 Chris_Sabian_ how can I pm on here?
19:56 WillTablet So why must I quit this Microsoft habit?
19:56 mircea_popescu /query name
19:57 jborkl Bitcore library made all that much easier
19:57 WillTablet So is altcoin a joke or a deliberately bad example?
19:58 mircea_popescu it's a deliberately bad joke.
19:58 Chris_Sabian_ but it is a bad joke that is selling for 350 satoshi each
19:59 mircea_popescu amusingly, i bought a bunch for a third of that two weeks ago
19:59 Bugpowder
19:59 mircea_popescu i guess this makes me like one of the early atc success stories / nouveau riches.
19:59 Vexual bc is oldmoney now huh?
19:59 mod6 ^^^
20:00 WillTablet mircea_popescu: so should I just play along?
20:00 WillTablet And be like oh yeah I knew it
20:01 WillTablet Actually, I don't think I have time in life for BTC
20:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20528 @ 0.00087172 = 17.8947 BTC [-] {2}
20:01 WillTablet I mean, I haven't even figured out my intense social problems, nor stopped procrastinating
20:01 nubbins` lel
20:02 Chris_Sabian_ right now altcoin has a market cap of ~30 btc
20:03 WillTablet Well, procrastination I'll figure out tomorrow
20:04 BingoBoingo WillTablet: First work on kicking the MS habit.
20:04 WillTablet Okay, what's the problem with it?
20:04 WillTablet It isn't losing me momey
20:04 WillTablet *money
20:04 benkay not yet
20:04 mircea_popescu WillTablet not really. just give yourself time to understand stuff.
20:04 WillTablet But it stops when the credit runs out
20:05 BingoBoingo WillTablet: If you have intense social problems there are few better things to do anyways than pick up a *nix habit.
20:06 kakobrekla not sure if bashable
20:06 WillTablet *nix
20:06 WillTablet ?
20:06 cads :D
20:06 cads +1
20:06 BingoBoingo WillTablet: Linux, Unix, BSD, Solaris, Plan 9
20:06 WillTablet Oh the server is ubuntu
20:07 WillTablet My PC dual boots lm
20:07 mircea_popescu you know it occurs to me oses are really like altchains
20:07 WillTablet Which I use 50/50 with windows
20:07 mircea_popescu and it's incredible there's no titsos yet
20:08 cads oh hey, that reminds me
20:08 cads has anyone applied portfolio theory to the bitcoin/altcoins system?
20:09 Bugpowder Sure.... see
20:09 BingoBoingo
20:09 ozbot #bitcoin-assets bash
20:10 mircea_popescu Bugpowder what's he written on the topic ?
20:13 pankkake no titsos, but
20:13 mircea_popescu meh, loli os
20:13 assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 60 @ 0.0055 = 0.33 BTC
20:13 pankkake which was followed by the more serious
20:14 benkay Q : How/why did you make such a great OS?
20:14 benkay A : I thought - what would attract young users to Linux? So I created this idea after a lot of reading and work.
20:14 benkay such work
20:14 benkay much readong
20:14 mircea_popescu who the fuck is rebecca black
20:14 benkay ahahahaha
20:14 cazalla gotta get down on friday
20:14 benkay today in -assets, mircea_popescu catches up to 2012
20:14 pankkake poor girl ending up as a meme
20:15 Chris_Sabian_ ...just dont go there
20:15 Duffer1 ^
20:15 cads "Manfred drops in at his hotel suite, unpacks his Aineko, plugs in a fresh set of cells to charge, and sticks most of his private
20:15 cads keys in the safe. Then he heads straight for the party, which is currently happening at De Wildemann's; it's a twenty-minute
20:15 cads walk, and the only real hazard is dodging the trams that sneak up on him behind the cover of his moving map display.
20:15 cads Along the way, his glasses bring him up to date on the news. Europe has achieved peaceful political union for the first time
20:15 cads ever: They're using this unprecedented state of affairs to harmonize the curvature of bananas. The Middle East is, well, it's
20:15 cads just as bad as ever, but the war on fundamentalism doesn't hold much interest for Manfred. In San Diego, researchers are
20:15 cads uploading lobsters into cyberspace, starting with the stomatogastric ganglion, one neuron at a time. They're burning GM
20:15 cads cocoa in Belize and books in Georgia. NASA still can't put a man on the moon. Russia has re–elected the communist
20:15 cads government with an increased majority in the Duma; meanwhile, in China, fevered rumors circulate about an imminent
20:15 cads rehabilitation, the second coming of Mao, who will save them from the consequences of the Three Gorges disaster. In
20:15 cads business news, the US Justice Department is – ironically – outraged at the Baby Bills. The divested Microsoft divisions have
20:15 cads automated their legal processes and are spawning subsidiaries, IPOing them, and exchanging title in a bizarre parody of
20:15 cads bacterial plasmid exchange, so fast that, by the time the windfall tax demands are served, the targets don't exist anymore,
20:15 cads even though the same staff are working on the same software in the same Mumbai cubicle farms.
20:15 cads Welcome to the twenty-first century."
20:15 mircea_popescu omfg we'll have to put in the fucking topic of the fucking channel because all the fucking noobs can't find it on their own.
20:15 cads - snip from Accelerando
20:15 cazalla hello again cads, how are you today
20:16 cazalla can't use pastebin or say hello? you are rude aren't you
20:17 cads yeah, sorry guys, I was expecting it to be two or three lines
20:17 Bugpowder mircea_popescu: Nothing that I have seen. Just likes to blather on about theory of alt coins and bitcoins and VC shit. The whole Andressen Horowitz Twitter axis does it (Chris Dixon, Balaji Srinasivan, and Marc) Not a bad follow though
20:17 Bugpowder Twitter exclusively from what I've seen.
20:18 mircea_popescu Bugpowder no argument, i just thought he actually published something useful / put some work into actually applying it or w/e.
20:20 Bugpowder Oh hey this is kinda interesting.... Almost all NEW bitcoins are spent.
20:20 assbot 123!
20:21 BingoBoingo Bugpowder: Because pools have to pay their hashers.
20:21 Bugpowder Although, do they count pool payouts as "being spent"
20:21 Chris_Sabian_ spent just means sent to a different address
20:21 Bugpowder Yup
20:21 Chris_Sabian_ some new users could use a tumbler
20:22 cads Bugpowder: I figured it be strange for miners to predominantly sell at the market price
20:22 mircea_popescu someone mining on their own will still use a pool.
20:22 cads exactly
20:22 mircea_popescu set to private.
20:22 mircea_popescu the block rewards will be sent to some sort of storage, even if it's just a cold wallet.
20:22 mircea_popescu consequently, derpy article about no subject.
20:22 cads so the news is just telling us the majority of new bitcoins are mined by the pools
20:23 pankkake actually, some pools pay with the block reward
20:23 mircea_popescu cads except it doesn't even do that. all it says is what i said above,
20:23 mircea_popescu "past a certain hash even solo mining uses a private pool"
20:23 pankkake so you can know, for those pools
20:23 pankkake but for the others, you can't
20:23 Chris_Sabian_ how about this one:
20:23 Bugpowder Why is intelligent coverage so hard to come by? Are they actually stupid or are they just building a narrative that is catchy but they know actually false?
20:24 pankkake answer is in the question
20:24 Bugpowder Jonah Lehrer and Gladwell should collab on a bitcoin book.
20:25 mircea_popescu Bugpowder because "views".
20:25 mircea_popescu if you optimise for the largest possible counter of "views" it is antieconomical to actually publish intelligent coverage.
20:25 Bugpowder This is the problem with scientific publishing too
20:25 mircea_popescu indeed.
20:26 mircea_popescu publishers should be rewarded by indingnance.
20:26 mircea_popescu the more pissed off more people are, the more dough they get.
20:26 Bugpowder For example, the recent dip cells in acid and they become super stem cells paper in Nature... Bullshit
20:26 mircea_popescu Bugpowder aww and i was eating all these oranges trying t oturn my stomach into an octopus!
20:26 Bugpowder Post pup peer review ongoing... nobody can replicate it, now irregularities being discovered in the gel blots...
20:28 Bugpowder
20:28 Bugpowder But the narrative is so sexy... Nature publishes
20:28 mircea_popescu i imagine it'll be a good day when most of the people commenting on Nature are going "hey guise Nature is nasty I am ignoring it hahaha!"
20:28 Bugpowder See also "Arsenic DNA"
20:28 Vexual hey if it gives a viable story for where the stem cells came from in future findings, it can only be good for science
20:28 Bugpowder mircea_popescu: That's the way it is on Twitter
20:29 cads hmm, I might have an example of convenient narrative. I read an article of a blogger hyping maxcoin. She claims something about the mtgox situation that I can't quite understand, but seems to level the accusation that mtgox was engaging in fractional banking.
20:29 mircea_popescu twitter is really very fragmented.
20:29 mircea_popescu lots of idiot tribes.
20:29 Bugpowder Vexual: Not if its total bullshit. It is negative for science, as that Nature slot is not used for something real.
20:29 cads I don't know enough or care enough about mt gox to know what is going on there, but there was no mention of the bug or the millions lost
20:30 cads and it seemed contrived, meant to attract money market types to maxcoin
20:30 mircea_popescu i wouldn't go as far as to say it's bad for science, but it definitely is inconvenient for anyone not an idiot with a nature subscription.
20:30 Bugpowder Nature guarantees that your work will be read and discussed by many scientists. We have limited bandwidth, must use it optimally. (like hanging in bitcoin-assets)
20:30 mircea_popescu cads was it also a rewrite of the trilema gox article ?
20:30 mircea_popescu Bugpowder obtaining cvorum on a definition of optimality however...
20:32 mircea_popescu i mean this channel was fundamentally born out of some clueless noobs' inability to grok that intelligent discussion is more important than avoiding displays of cunt.
20:33 mircea_popescu that and a practical smattering of impudent cockletry with delusions of hitlerism, but anwyay.
20:35 cads my though was that if money and fund types hear there was a bug that let criminals make off with millions they'd be unlikely to even consider what maxcoin has got going on that makes it 'even better' than bitcoin
20:35 cads but if they hear that what's going on is that a trading house is doing a fractional banking scam, that's something that appeals much more to their refined palates
20:35 mircea_popescu nobody asked the fund types.
20:36 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 2 @ 0.1221 = 0.2442 BTC [-]
20:36 BingoBoingo Fucking Guinea wops
20:36 mircea_popescu bitcoin will prevail in spite of the current hierarchy.
20:36 mircea_popescu whether elements contribute or don't contribute has no systemic impact
20:36 mircea_popescu as the sine qua non for contribution is abjuration.
20:37 BitcoinPropagand We make free bitcoin advertising-posters-wallpapers for non-crypto users, take a look: If you like what you see pls donate!
20:37 mircea_popescu BitcoinPropagand hey, you the guy with the posters ?
20:37 BitcoinPropagand yes
20:37 mircea_popescu do you actually print and glue those things or just design them ?
20:38 BitcoinPropagand just design and give them for free why?
20:38 mircea_popescu because i'd be interested in supporting a program of propaganda against us banking interests signed MPEx/BTC
20:38 benkay ship some to me
20:39 benkay i'll go bike around town wheatpasting 'em
20:39 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 209 @ 0.00084499 = 0.1766 BTC [+]
20:39 BitcoinPropagand interesting
20:39 benkay i need something btc to do that's not this damn parser
20:39 mircea_popescu but the facebook angle of "here's some pdfs of stuff we made in illustrator" has little adherence.
20:39 mircea_popescu they'd have to be posted, and the postings photographed and so on.
20:39 mircea_popescu lot of work on the ground.
20:40 Duffer1 billboards even
20:40 BitcoinPropagand where can i see some of that?
20:40 mircea_popescu they want to run illiterate articles in their bullshit rags nobody reads anyway, fine, let's put some paper on their limos.
20:40 mircea_popescu Duffer1 no, specifically not billboards.
20:41 mircea_popescu BitcoinPropagand for instance
20:41 mircea_popescu or if you prefer women.
20:41 mircea_popescu i did the exact thing with Trilema posters in Romania five years ago, country was fucking full of stickers and whatnot.
20:42 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14000 @ 0.00087245 = 12.2143 BTC [+] {3}
20:43 BitcoinPropagand the t shirt of the woman is too short
20:43 mircea_popescu that's a new one.
20:43 benkay au contraire, not nearly short enough
20:44 cads okay here's the article -- the first paragraph in the section "trouble at mt gox" gives a summary of the mt gox problems - glitches in gox + a bug in bitcoin + trade halt at gox + double counting.
20:44 asciilifeform can't resist asking, why no billboards.
20:45 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: In the US CBS owns them all and fuck CBS.
20:45 cads The it does this: "In effect, Mt Gox had left themselves wide open to any accusation that they were no different to any other system operating on a fractional reserve basis."
20:45 mircea_popescu asciilifeform roughly for the same reason you don't come to the global warming protest in your car.
20:46 asciilifeform haha
20:46 cads It reduces the (essentially context free) summary to that single rhetorically charged statement.
20:46 cads first of all I just have to ask, 'wtf'?
20:46 mircea_popescu cads why does some clueless piece in an irrelevant venue merit this much of your time ?
20:47 benkay i'm pleased that 'fractional reserve' is now an insult.
20:47 mircea_popescu now this is a good point.
20:47 benkay 3!
20:48 cads I was wondering about Bugpowder's earlier statement. Is this writer an idiot or a smooth PR savage?
20:48 mircea_popescu useful idiot
20:48 mircea_popescu covers everything.
20:49 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 50 @ 0.07182995 = 3.5915 BTC [+] {5}
20:49 mircea_popescu i'm kind-of surprised there isn't a localbitcoins but for activists.
20:49 mircea_popescu a central exchange where people can trade their deeds.
20:50 mircea_popescu decentralised, of course.
20:50 benkay people who can build web applications while derpy as fuck are significantly less derpy than people who burn their hours trying to fix the world.
20:50 benkay in that the former chase profit and the later abhor it.
20:50 mircea_popescu well seems like a bug more than a feature, this.
20:51 cads mircea_popescu: did you ever hear of the 'Freicoin' demurage currency formulated by some of the occupy wallstreet people?
20:51 benkay except that fixing the world is impossible except randomly from time to time as in the satoshi case.
20:51 mircea_popescu cads yes, at the time.
20:51 mircea_popescu and yes, i thought it's a good match, it's about as misguided as the people that came up with it.
20:51 asciilifeform freicon! arbeit macht frei.
20:52 asciilifeform i still don't get how that was supposed to work. 'eat shit! it tastes just as good as food! trust us'
20:52 BingoBoingo freicoin removes Bitcoin's biggest market driver - "store of value"
20:52 mircea_popescu benkay "being rich" is also impossible, how about that.
20:52 cads The Freicoin website says, "Freicoin's parameters are carefully chosen to eliminate the basic interest component of investments, called the liquidity premium by economists. Usurious non-zero basic interest distorts the free market, incentivises poisonous greed, excess, and short-term thinking, and perpetuates a vicious cycle of boom/bust recessions."
20:52 BitcoinPropagand Whos ur target, what's ur budget?
20:52 mircea_popescu asciilifeform because if you really really will something, that'll matter. in that your imagination has some bearing on reality.
20:52 benkay you and i are both using "impossible" in the sense of "impossible for you or most other people"
20:53 benkay mircea_popescu ^^
20:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1390 @ 0.00087169 = 1.2116 BTC [-]
20:53 mircea_popescu benkay no, it's just self-defeating. the previous fixage becomes the baseline for the new brokedness
20:53 mircea_popescu the richness of yesterday is merely poverty now.
20:53 benkay except in bitcoin, mircea_popescu
20:53 cads mircea_popescu: the market cap of freicoin is an initial jump followed by an absolutely perfect exponential decay:
20:53 benkay the richness of today is the more richness of tomorrow
20:54 mircea_popescu maybe.
20:54 cads mircea_popescu: freicoin ain't going to inspire no greed, no sir!
20:54 mircea_popescu cads you grossly misrepresent "greed".
20:54 cads arguably their mission is complete :)
20:54 cads mircea_popescu: I'm mostly laughing at freicoin.
20:55 mircea_popescu BitcoinPropagand my budget is for the purpose of this discussion unlimited, but it is also unfortunately useless.
20:55 mircea_popescu i could have just bought out the damned billboards if that was the angle i wanted.
20:55 asciilifeform
20:55 mircea_popescu cads o i missed a sarcasm there.
20:56 cads I heard about it from, get this, a grungy muddy finance grad student living with two other grungy dudes in a 300 tent colony that had sprung up in one of the main parks in the center of atlanta
20:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6338 @ 0.00087376 = 5.5379 BTC [+] {2}
20:56 cads living cramped in a tent*
20:56 mircea_popescu were they confused as to the whereabouts of wall street ?
20:56 asciilifeform i still don't grok this. did anyone actually wish to use freicoin? or merely for others to use it.
20:56 mircea_popescu asciilifeform that question cuts to the heart of the matter.
20:57 cads mircea_popescu: no no, to the left and the right and the north and the south towered the enormous buildings of the billionaires
20:57 mircea_popescu does the "feminist" not wish to wear slutty clothes herself,
20:57 cads laughing at them
20:57 mircea_popescu or for other girls stop doing it ?
20:57 cads boxing them in :D
20:57 mircea_popescu lol
20:57 cads it was funny because there were business men filing nervously past the tents every day
20:58 mircea_popescu you know, i'd have gone to work early and hung out with the bums half an hour.
20:58 cads on the camp ground there was hustle and bustle and optimism and the undeniably knowledge that they were DOING SOMETHING.
20:58 mircea_popescu why pay for entertainment.
20:58 asciilifeform 'less world, more bank!'
20:58 cads they had, get thiss
20:58 cads runners
20:58 cads runners that would run between camps in the city
20:58 cads and spread news :D
20:58 mircea_popescu i'd have been all like "but yo, if there's no more banks, were'd you check your privilege ?"
20:59 mircea_popescu so good for them. running is quite healthy for young men.
20:59 benkay you keep it in your encrypted privelege wallet
20:59 cads the dialog of privilege had not been opened in the public yet
20:59 cads the key meme was the rhetoric of the "one percent"
20:59 mircea_popescu i'd have had my printer print special PRIVILEGE CHECKs
20:59 mircea_popescu and distributed them.
20:59 cads haha
20:59 cads maybe that's all white people have to do
20:59 benkay privileged to rape one feminist?
20:59 mircea_popescu and the kids' be all "but we don't have an account"
21:00 cads well come on to the MP bank!
21:00 cads and sign up!
21:00 mircea_popescu and i'd have been all like a well.
21:00 mircea_popescu nah.
21:00 benkay "it's just a fantasy, office! this is totally consensual!"
21:00 cads "free checking and savings for students"
21:00 mircea_popescu mp bank prolly charges 100k to open an acct anyway.
21:00 KRS-One heh
21:00 benkay it's really a membership fee to the cigar and wine vaults
21:00 BingoBoingo The original 1%'ers
21:00 benkay banking's just a side-bennie
21:01 mircea_popescu i wonder what'll happen once teh bitcoin forum crowd finds out there actually are plenty of irl banks that work exactly this way.
21:01 asciilifeform i actually entertained myself at the wash. d.c. 'occupy' regularly, until it finally croaked. got GBs of video of these folks clowning around in a thousand riotously inane ways.
21:01 nubbins` mircea_popescu:because i'd be interested in supporting a program of propaganda against us banking interests signed MPEx/BTC
21:01 mircea_popescu asciilifeform did you pick up ?
21:01 nubbins` ^ you know, that's not an entirely difficult task to pull off.
21:02 mircea_popescu nubbins` provided enough people think with their heads, yes.
21:02 asciilifeform it wasn't like they quizzed you for redditard orthodoxy at the door (what door)
21:02 asciilifeform lots of idlers, in nice suits or otherwise, came to gawk.
21:03 mircea_popescu ha!
21:03 mircea_popescu so i wouldn't have been the only one huh,
21:03 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 9 @ 0.116 = 1.044 BTC [-] {5}
21:03 nubbins` mircea_popescu: any decent-sized city likely has a number of print shops that would happily churn out and slap up posters
21:04 mircea_popescu srsly, if the ny mayor had any sense he'd have passed an ordinance saying that kids are allowed to camp indefinitely oly for as long as they're naked, also get three meals a day courtesy of the city.
21:04 nubbins` you could even get some of the big names to do some designs, get a bit of momentum behind it
21:04 mircea_popescu then pass clothes dump trucks to collect the textile contraband, and beat the shit out of any dressed kids left.
21:04 asciilifeform here, eventually the city confiscated their latrines.
21:04 BingoBoingo nubbins`: You don't want to hit the big cities. Go for the select suburbs and exurbs where they actually live.
21:05 asciilifeform some found their way into restaurant shitters, others did what they will where they stood
21:05 asciilifeform eventually health inspectors condemned the tents.
21:05 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 7 @ 0.19376446 = 1.3564 BTC [+]
21:05 BitcoinPropagand I need to know more about that program of propaganda
21:05 mircea_popescu
21:06 nubbins` BitcoinPropagand: what's to know? make posters and hire kids to put 'em up. this is how shows are advertised all across north america
21:06 benkay mircea_popescu: that's what made me think about cold-calling DC intl law firms.
21:07 ThickAsThieves dammit i'm missing good conversations
21:07 ozbot US law firm ensnared in spying by NSA ally | TheHill
21:07 mircea_popescu asciilifeform new york missed a huge opportunity to start the largest fuckfest/rave in the history of the us.
21:07 mircea_popescu could have eaten rio's festival tourist trade right off.
21:07 benkay what do you call 8 bankers jumping out of a plane?
21:07 asciilifeform they sorta did
21:07 benkay scuse me 8 programmers
21:08 asciilifeform but with genuine bums in the mix, it was 'acquired taste' rather than 'general interest' kind of affair.
21:08 ThickAsThieves <Bugpowder> Do you have charts? I need charts to do TA. ///
21:08 benkay NO WAIT FORUMFOLK
21:08 benkay "air pollution"
21:08 mircea_popescu asciilifeform you mean all the waspish wallflowers weren't about to take smelly bum cock ?
21:08 asciilifeform sumthinglikethat
21:08 mircea_popescu bs.
21:08 mircea_popescu they'd have been all over that.
21:09 ThickAsThieves <WillTablet> Though doing cpu mining with altcoins and then buying BTC seems more profitable /// yeah but nubbins might call you a scammer
21:09 asciilifeform evidently not enough.
21:09 mircea_popescu only because of the ny mayor missing some very reasonable measures.
21:09 ThickAsThieves <Bugpowder> ATC needs a killer app though. Has anyone talked to dooglus about ATCdice /// has he made alt versions before?
21:09 mircea_popescu if they did what i propose you'd have a baby boom on your hands atm
21:09 asciilifeform at any rate, the politically-aspirational academtards who were the 'krysha' of occupy eventually pulled the plug
21:09 asciilifeform after der fuhrer's re-election was clinched
21:09 benkay last thing we need is more 99%ers
21:09 mircea_popescu myeah.
21:10 ThickAsThieves <WillTablet> I mean, I haven't even figured out my intense social problems, nor stopped procrastinating // dont confuse procrastinating with not wanting to do stupid shit
21:10 mircea_popescu benkay more children is a time-tested solution to any social problem.
21:10 Bugpowder ThickAsThieves: doge-dice has huge volume
21:10 Bugpowder I had to add it to my hosts file
21:10 Bugpowder along with just-dice
21:10 mircea_popescu asciilifeform for lelz.
21:10 KRS-One i took just-dice money and they arent getting it back
21:11 asciilifeform as if it needs much of an explanation beyond simple translation in the anglo world.
21:11 BingoBoingo KRS-One: Move it into BitBet
21:11 asciilifeform (or elsewhere for that matter)
21:11 KRS-One i will
21:11 ThickAsThieves <mircea_popescu> lots of idiot tribes. // you owe Seth Godin royalties now
21:11 BingoBoingo KRS-One: What bets are you looking at atm?
21:11 Bugpowder benkay: If you want, my good friend is a DC associate at said international law firm.
21:11 KRS-One havent looked for the last week or two
21:12 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves right, the dood contributed.
21:12 Bugpowder don't exactly understand why you want to contact them
21:12 cazalla check your bitcoin privilege
21:12 benkay sell 'em cardanos, Bugpowder
21:12 benkay plus "how to keep comms secure" lessons
21:12 Bugpowder I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT IS
21:12 kakobrekla O_o
21:12 benkay oh you no cardano?
21:13 benkay homie you behind the times like whoa
21:13 benkay ;;google cardano
21:13 gribble Gerolamo Cardano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>; Cardano: <>; Cardan biography: <>
21:13 benkay ;;google trilema cardano
21:13 gribble S.NSA - Cardano pricing, other statements pe Trilema - Un blog de ...: <>; Unsorted collection of various Cardano related updates + ... - Trilema: <>; S.NSA, January 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: (1 more message)
21:13 benkay (first (second %))
21:13 BingoBoingo KRS-One: Take 'NO' on this one
21:14 mircea_popescu from the random herp with mental issues and lulzy url department :
21:14 KRS-One hmm
21:14 KRS-One why is everyone yes?
21:14 KRS-One mostly ys
21:14 BingoBoingo KRS-One: You know it will be an interesting sweat.
21:14 kakobrekla <mircea_popescu> i mean this channel was fundamentally born out of some clueless noobs' inability to grok that intelligent discussion is more important than avoiding displays of cunt. < not really, was just to impress girls.
21:15 mircea_popescu that too
21:16 Bugpowder sounds good
21:16 Vexual
21:16 Bugpowder BingoBoingo: weighting sux
21:16 mircea_popescu look at that, benkay may have actually got himself rich.
21:16 ozbot Sam Simmons Problems 'Daddy wants a biscuit' - YouTube
21:16 Bugpowder cardano... looks legit!
21:16 BingoBoingo Bugpowder: Not really given where Gox is going.
21:17 Bugpowder BingoBoingo: I think there is an 80% chance that resolves as yes.
21:17 BingoBoingo Oh, ye of excessive faith.
21:19 BingoBoingo KRS-One: A decent second choice would be to start a BitBet.
21:20 BingoBoingo South Syndney Rabbitohs to win the NRL regular season.
21:21 cazalla up the tigers
21:21 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.115 = 0.345 BTC [-]
21:22 ThickAsThieves i took no on that bet
21:22 Bugpowder BingoBoingo: If you feel so strongly, why not buy the O.USD.P500T @ 1.500 BTC
21:22 ThickAsThieves just in case
21:23 BingoBoingo Bugpowder: I'm tied up in other things atm.
21:23 ThickAsThieves well, for fun
21:23 KRS-One That gox bet stinks, if they arent insolvent I'm sure they will be above $150
21:23 BingoBoingo Well it depends on how long they can play pretend.
21:23 ThickAsThieves well thats the bet at this point
21:24 KRS-One They can get bought out too before anything drastic happens, I'm sure.
21:24 BingoBoingo KRS-One: How much BTC are you looking to Bitbet, enough to play both sides?
21:24 KRS-One There is a bit of goodwill with the mtgox brand..its been around a while.
21:24 KRS-One Heh interesting
21:25 KRS-One u can play both huh
21:25 Duffer1 brand presence sure but i wouldn't really call it goodwill :P
21:25 BingoBoingo KRS-One: Playing both sides is often the best way to BitBet
21:25 KRS-One goodwill is also negative
21:25 KRS-One just the fact the brand is well known is what counts and even adds to balance sheets
21:25 Duffer1 ya
21:25 mircea_popescu KRS-One you're wrong on that score.
21:26 mircea_popescu mtgox is widely known for being shit.
21:26 mircea_popescu this makes it a net negative, like bfl.
21:26 mircea_popescu anyone seriously thinking of running their business would immediately rebrand.
21:26 mircea_popescu not that anyone seriously is thinking of running their business.
21:27 ThickAsThieves rebrand by pissing on it
21:27 KRS-One goodwill whether negative or positive is accounted for on balance sheets
21:28 Duffer1 ohh i see like trilema asset reports
21:28 nubbins` at this point trading magic cards would add legitimacy to their operation
21:28 Vexual ^^
21:29 Duffer1 i took that to mean something else...
21:29 BingoBoingo I still have no answer to my wondering if maybe Mark Gox has a touch of Downs.
21:29 KRS-One so even though mtgox has a negative reputation, most publications reference that a bad thing to a new company trying to acquire the brand?
21:30 KRS-One publications are always quoting prices from mtgox
21:30 KRS-One and they've had a bad rep for years
21:30 BingoBoingo KRS-One: Unless you are fiat capitalized out of the wazoo.
21:30 mircea_popescu KRS-One it is, yes.
21:30 mircea_popescu bitcoin is not a mass venture. this isn;'t trying to bring about the next britney spears.
21:31 KRS-One Im not making an argument for that really but i dig.
21:31 mircea_popescu that aside "publications" are about as relevant as mice.
21:31 mircea_popescu mice have been trying to eat cheese for millenia. does this mean cheese is a bank ?
21:31 KRS-One Started out as bitbet wheher gox will go out of business.
21:31 mircea_popescu should i plug my keyboard into a large block of cheese ?
21:33 KRS-One Happy Birthday dude..not sure what the whole thing is on birthdays anyway..I passed the last 3 without any fanfare.
21:33 kakobrekla happy bingo birthday
21:35 BingoBoingo Thank you. I already had the delicous birthday dinner. Roast beef tongue.
21:35 ThickAsThieves kinky
21:47 mike_c gratz bingo. make a bet today. b-day bets are always lucky.
21:48 BingoBoingo mike_c: I made the unluckiest bet of all. I bought a lottery ticker with my vodka from the Arab store.
21:48 mike_c hah. might as well swing big
21:50 BingoBoingo Well it was for the little lotto so I have a 1 in 500,000 chance of winning.
21:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17819 @ 0.00087615 = 15.6121 BTC [+] {2}
21:53 BingoBoingo If I win though, I'll probably add 50 BTC to my holdings.
21:54 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: if one must play lotto, why the fiat variety, and not xxx-dice?
21:55 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Lotto has a longer lead time until chance renders its verdict. I like to savor the tension.
21:57 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 12 @ 0.115 = 1.38 BTC [-]
21:57 pankkake yeah it feels weird for lotto chances of winning
21:57 BitcoinPropagand nubbins` 1st you need to have the right message otherwise you will pass unnoticed
21:58 nubbins` no need to tell me that!
21:58 BingoBoingo pankkake: Well another upside to the lotto is most of my losing ticket I can know goes to miseducating the children.
21:58 BitcoinPropagand what's the concept then?
21:58 nubbins` no concept
21:58 pankkake I've only bet 3×0.01BTC at 0.0099% chance
21:58 nubbins` just talking hypotheticals
21:58 BitcoinPropagand i see.
21:59 pankkake BingoBoingo: your sentence does not compute
21:59 pankkake at least in my head
22:00 nubbins` another upside to X is that Y goes to Z
22:00 BingoBoingo pankkake: Maybe you are Sparc, while I am still 68k
22:00 nubbins` Y being bingo's wasted money
22:01 nubbins` Z goes to reading wallabee entrails
22:01 nubbins` wallaby
22:01 nubbins` w/e
22:02 BingoBoingo nubbins`: I'm not an Aussie. Wallabee would be too expensive to fly out just for that.
22:02 nubbins` why do i think you are?
22:03 nubbins` i think it's your nick
22:03 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 14 @ 0.07001 = 0.9801 BTC [-] {2}
22:03 Vexual of the extra hydroxyls
22:04 BingoBoingo nubbins`: Prolly cause I'm awake when the Aussies are.
22:06 pankkake this chan has weird sleep patterns
22:06 pankkake I guess it's why I got sucked into it!
22:06 nubbins` it's 11:36pm
22:06 pankkake it's 4:06 am
22:07 nubbins`
22:08 nubbins` it's a new type of win
22:08 ozbot [BOUNTY] Need a logo and slogan for new hybrid exchange
22:08 KRS-One I still think even though there are companies with bad reputations that buying the brand is still worthwhile and even adds to the balance sheet.
22:08 BingoBoingo It's 8 minutes after the hour
22:08 BingoBoingo Sometime you suckers will abandon days and learn to embrace living by the hour
22:08 KRS-One I'd have to disagree with mircea_popescu. I mean look at K-Mart it was bought by sears and nobody liked K-Mart.
22:08 nubbins` heh.
22:09 KRS-One A lot of money was involved with that.
22:09 KRS-One I learned a little something in college.
22:09 KRS-One between parties
22:09 KRS-One and work and goofing off
22:10 kakobrekla yes, time is arbitrary. i have been saying this for years now.
22:10 nubbins` what are numbers, anyway?
22:11 BingoBoingo Nobay likes sears either KRS-One
22:12 kakobrekla and with that, im leaving cause its fukken late!
22:12 nubbins` i'm leaving because i'm listless
22:14 KRS-One yeah and they didnt change the kmart brand
22:14 KRS-One point is, even though there are people who might not like the brand, its well known.
22:14 KRS-One it can be improved
22:15 KRS-One try starting up a compnay with some new name that you just pull out of your ass
22:15 BingoBoingo No, K-mart has been doomed since Rosanne took its guns
22:15 KRS-One even shitts companies make sales
22:15 KRS-One *shitty
22:16 BitcoinPropagand
22:16 KRS-One im not saying they are doing well just the fact that iwas a big aquisition and they didnt change the brand
22:16 BitcoinPropagand is he/she always like this?
22:16 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9800 @ 0.00087601 = 8.5849 BTC [-]
22:16 ozbot Here's where I spew my accusations against MPOE. All are welcome.
22:18 BingoBoingo BitcoinPropagand: That thread is an excellent exercise in separating soil from shit.
22:19 BitcoinPropagand idk i'm just a tourist
22:19 BingoBoingo BitcoinPropagand: No, that's my line.
22:20 the20year1 taking guns from retailers in teh US always has a negative effect on business. Men hate to shop, by selling guns they bring in men
22:20 Bugpowdurr Goat needs to get his Lambo repo'ed and hauled off to jail.
22:20 BingoBoingo BitcoinPropagand: Take some time and read. Everyone expects everyone else to try for six months on the reading anyways.
22:20 BitcoinPropagand i just did it
22:21 BingoBoingo The full six months?
22:21 BingoBoingo How many BTC for your time machine?
22:21 BitcoinPropagand read
22:22 KRS-One ozbot just give my my bait
22:22 KRS-One .bait
22:22 ozbot
22:22 ThickAsThieves i thought that butt was gold for a second
22:23 pankkake gold butts are only for bitcoin conferences
22:23 pankkake when's the altcoin conference?
22:23 pankkake and altcoin foundation
22:24 Vexual know any cool catacomb clubs?
22:24 BingoBoingo Vexual: Maybe if you offer evidence of not being a cop.
22:25 mircea_popescu Bugpowdurr whats your story with goat ?
22:25 mircea_popescu pankkake you should prolly be doing the altcoin conference.
22:26 pankkake last time I presented something in public, no one understood what my project was
22:26 Vexual perfect
22:26 nubbins` that's because you're not supposed to take your cock out on the bus ;(
22:27 mircea_popescu pankkake now you see my wisdom.
22:27 pankkake not really
22:27 mircea_popescu "He had a 4.0 GPA in English (and English fluency-required) classes throughout high school and college" < lol
22:27 mircea_popescu pankkake nobody understands wtf atc is also.
22:32 benkay goat on the forum today
22:32 benkay re mpex
22:32 benkay "sooner or later greater fools will run out of money"
22:32 benkay s/money/btc
22:32 mircea_popescu lol ok.
22:33 mircea_popescu amusingly, he's been derping this since 2011
22:33 mircea_popescu in the interval, he ran out of "investor's" money 3x
22:35 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.11403333 = 0.6842 BTC [-] {3}
22:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12820 @ 0.0008765 = 11.2367 BTC [+]
22:35 mircea_popescu here's something to consider : ancient china had FOUR beauties. that's it. four.
22:35 mircea_popescu meanwhile the us has had four "major" singer-songwriter chicks this week
22:35 Mats_cd03 beauties?
22:35 mircea_popescu and bitcoin has had at least fourty-four greatest businesses last half hour.
22:35 mircea_popescu in any field oif "business" one might be interested.
22:36 mircea_popescu Mats_cd03 ya. beauties.
22:36 pankkake I'd think it's mostly because information flows faster. and there's almost unlimited bandwidth
22:36 pankkake more crap now!
22:37 Mats_cd03 what do you mean beauties
22:37 the20year1 greatest businesses?
22:37 mircea_popescu and because since they're all ugly and stupid, how are you to even distinguish.
22:37 mircea_popescu Mats_cd03 the plural of the noun beauty. like a beauty, two beauties.
22:38 mircea_popescu the20year yes. like these dorks
22:38 asciilifeform the four uglies. one entices rocks to float. one enwings bricks. one puts out the sun, who refuses to illuminate her face. one wilts flowers.
22:39 mircea_popescu lol
22:39 mircea_popescu "turns rocks to turds"
22:40 asciilifeform amazing! rock converter.
22:40 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
22:40 Vexual is she a volcano?
22:41 mircea_popescu judging by the hydrogen sulfide...
22:41 asciilifeform Vexual: nah, merely an anti-Midas.
22:41 Vexual can't smell it, just lit my philospohy pipe
22:41 Bugpowdurr <mircea_popescu> in the interval, he ran out of "investor's" money 3x Nothing personal. Just one of the scammers that hasn't been shut down yet.
22:41 mircea_popescu he has, tho.
22:42 mircea_popescu it's just... he has not much better to do with his time anyway, so he keeps coming back.
22:42 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: So far the altcoin trading isn't going bad.
22:42 mircea_popescu cool.
22:42 Bugpowdurr I really do want some ATC.
22:42 BingoBoingo Bugpowdurr: Buy at market on x-btc
22:42 Bugpowdurr I think it could really appreciate in value and I could flip it for 10x
22:43 BingoBoingo Sorry x-bt
22:43 Bugpowdurr given the trajectory
22:43 mircea_popescu what value ? and why would it appreciate in price anyway ?
22:43 Bugpowdurr Can one deposit to ATC
22:43 mircea_popescu sure.
22:43 BingoBoingo Bugpowdurr: is the least scammy ATC exchange.
22:43 Bugpowdurr Collective delusions cause price increases all the tim.
22:43 BingoBoingo Bugpowdurr: Buy all of my asks
22:44 Bugpowdurr What makes ATC any different from 10s of 'mining stocks' or other alt coins? Nothing essential
22:44 Vexual its the only altcoin and it has a philosophy club
22:44 BingoBoingo Bugpowdurr: Because defining is has continued longer than any meme has in history.
22:44 Bugpowdurr It has at its core, the same driver of price as any other one of these.
22:45 Bugpowdurr doge is the biggest winner in that fiedl
22:45 mircea_popescu doge is in a mudslide all of its own.
22:45 mircea_popescu no fields.
22:45 nubbins` ooh, 'fi' looks gross in this font
22:45 Bugpowdurr The enthusiasm level on the street is palpable.
22:46 KRS-One Vexual:
22:46 Bugpowdurr You might not see it over in RO, but in Santa Monica meet up, people were pumped about doge.
22:46 Bugpowdurr PRE price runup
22:47 mircea_popescu lmao.
22:47 mircea_popescu what runup, afair it was going down
22:48 mircea_popescu anyway, the reason i put zero stock in whatever the us folk get "pumped up" about is because that's what they do for the sake of doing it. they have nothing to talk about so they tell each other how excited they are about random, unremarkable stuff.
22:48 BingoBoingo Doge just had a halving didn't it and it still trades below ATC?
22:49 ThickAsThieves Doge is basically the social media of altcoins
22:49 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo doge basically runs a dump and dillute, to extract five bux a head from the starbucks crowd in santa monica
22:49 ThickAsThieves a fukn scourge
22:49 mircea_popescu in this sense it makes zero difference to count "halvings" and whatnot
22:49 mircea_popescu they just change the pow whenever to inflate it all away.
22:49 BitcoinPropagand my favourite altcoin:
22:50 mircea_popescu and honestly, if i wanted fiddy grand out of a bunch of cali retards a) i wouldn't spend 80 grand to get it and b) i wouldn't bother this many people with the nonsense.
22:50 mircea_popescu but then again that's me.
22:50 ThickAsThieves Altcoin is worth more than AKC
22:50 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: And thousands of penny stocks have done that before. It is why wops that don't read are doomed to repeat history, because Ponzi was a fucking Guinea.
22:50 Bugpowdurr It went from 25 to 290 satoshi... I had 20M I bought low and sold at 50 to rebuy on a dip. Felt like I had been unfaithful and was punished.
22:51 ThickAsThieves BitcoinPropagand ->
22:51 Bugpowdurr Case in point - Tweeter
22:51 Bugpowdurr TWTRQ
22:52 mircea_popescu yes dood, and some twerps made a "brand" out of some youtube video.
22:52 mircea_popescu the word is epiphenomena.
22:54 Bugpowdurr I respect the position of not wanting to participate in epiphenomena, but this attitude is exactly the same as what Joe Phil Morgan types use to talk themselves out of making bitcoin investments. Or Tren Griffin into thinking that alt-coins are where its really at.
22:55 mircea_popescu no argument.
22:55 BitcoinPropagand ThickAsThieves there's a exchange for that?
22:55 mircea_popescu i was entirely at risk of missing bitcoin entirely, if it weren't for all teh people screaming at me,
22:55 BingoBoingo BitcoinPropagand:
22:56 mircea_popescu so it's a street not a fence.
22:59 ThickAsThieves ^
23:02 Vexual BingoBoingo, did you buy some half decent vodka for your birthday?
23:03 BitcoinPropagand looks interesting this is yours?
23:03 BingoBoingo Vexual: No. I made a point to get the cheapest.
23:04 mircea_popescu and with that i bid you all a very good time and you can call me asleep.
23:05 BingoBoingo BitcoinPropagand: It is Apocalyptic's exchange
23:10 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 320 @ 0.00297498 = 0.952 BTC [+]
23:11 BingoBoingo
23:11 ozbot Police arrest a woman for failing to return 9-year-overdue J-Lo VHS | Ars Technica
23:12 Vexual shes luck it wasn't my j-lo tape
23:13 Vexual
23:13 ozbot Jennifer Lopez - Jenny from the Block - YouTube
23:14 BingoBoingo Vexual: You know what would be nice?
23:14 Vexual whats that friend?
23:14 BitcoinPropagand a billion dollars
23:14 BitcoinPropagand gtg too
23:15 BitcoinPropagand my twitter: btcpropaganda
23:15 BitcoinPropagand nice to meet u guys
23:15 Vexual link tat propa
23:16 BitcoinPropagand lol
23:16 BitcoinPropagand bye
23:16 BingoBoingo Vexual: Imagine Niki Minaj's ass adapted to J-Lo's frame
23:17 Duffer1
23:18 ozbot Jennifer Lopez - Waiting For Tonight - YouTube
23:20 KRS-One j-lo boooooty
23:20 KRS-One .bait
23:20 ozbot
23:20 KRS-One .bait
23:21 ozbot
23:21 KRS-One Mmmm nicew
23:21 Vexual how u do that?
23:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9699 @ 0.00087647 = 8.5009 BTC [-]
23:22 KRS-One eh
23:23 MisterE morning guys
23:23 Vexual -booty
23:23 MisterE I'm starting to think this Manu Sporny fellow is quite the tool
23:23 KRS-One type: .bait
23:23 MisterE from his twittwe
23:23 MisterE and turn on inline images
23:23 MisterE Twitter*
23:24 MisterE .bait
23:24 ozbot
23:24 Vexual
23:24 ozbot Jennifer Lopez - Love Don't Cost a Thing - YouTube
23:25 Duffer1 oh nice i totally forgot about that one
23:26 Jere_Jones In a currency pair, one of them is called the "Base Currency". WTF is the other side of the currency pair called? Does it even *have* a name?
23:27 Vexual other
23:28 Jere_Jones Seriously?
23:28 Vexual u new?
23:29 Jere_Jones I have not the knowledge of someone experienced and often ask stupid questions.
23:29 Jere_Jones I have been encouraged to do so. :)
23:30 BingoBoingo Discuss
23:30 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 105 @ 0.00290432 = 0.305 BTC [-] {2}
23:32 Vexual Jere_Jones, have some cake and finish your blog later
23:33 BingoBoingo Jere_Jones: Ask your question better.
23:33 Jere_Jones I don't blog
23:33 Vexual context?
23:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2850 @ 0.0008765 = 2.498 BTC [+]
23:34 Jere_Jones "There are two hard problems in computer science". The second problem.
23:35 Jere_Jones BingoBoingo Vexual's answer was surprising but it was a good enough answer for my purposes.
23:35 Vexual i just repeated what you said
23:35 BingoBoingo Jere_Jones: Maybe blogging is your answer
23:35 cads what the fuck
23:35 cads martingales are really simple
23:36 BingoBoingo cads: martingales suck.
23:36 cads they seem surreal
23:36 BingoBoingo What works better than martingale is full orderbook comination with a wide bid-ask spread
23:37 pankkake lol
23:37 BingoBoingo Or betting on sporting events with certain outcomes against brain damaged handicappers.\
23:37 BingoBoingo Right now Olympic hockey is quite the honeyhole
23:38 cads I'm not sure how martingales relate to trading strategies yet, I'm talking about martingale measures in the mathematical probability
23:38 cads I'm trying to build up to stochastic integrals
23:38 BingoBoingo cads: The problem is the problem you identified is too broken to solve.
23:39 BingoBoingo Stochiastic shit works in chemistry when mistakes == death from poison gas.
23:40 BingoBoingo In BTC/(rando alternative) idiots happen though.
23:40 Vexual
23:40 ozbot D'Angelo - Untitled [How Does It Feel] - YouTube
23:41 BingoBoingo If you want to plate the hood and trunklid of your car in rhodium sulfate idiots generally won't interfere.
23:41 BingoBoingo If however you try to make some sort of market trade... Idiots emerge to gum the gears of efficiency
23:45 Vexual
23:46 ozbot Cody ChesnuTT - Look Good In Leather - YouTube
23:46 BingoBoingo Vexual:
23:50 Vexual
23:51 ozbot The Roots _The Seed HD+lyrics. - YouTube
23:51 Jere_Jones AHA! "Quote Currency"
23:51 KRS-One
23:51 ozbot Quincy Jones - The Streetbeater aka Sanford & Son Theme - YouTube
23:53 cads BingoBoingo: idiot percolation theory :)
23:53 cads like holes in a semiconductor
23:53 BingoBoingo cads: Not quite percolation
23:53 cads regulation of idiot flows with subtle currents
23:53 cads :D
23:54 cads BingoBoingo: indeed, a lot less predictable
23:56 Mats_cd03 dongs basically
23:57 Vexual fuck thats funky
23:59 BingoBoingo 12 minutes left in my birthday. WHo wants to level up some cunts 1LvCuntsJyFFQsLuJhBXBPokbQa7SAyMr4
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