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← 2022-03-29 | 2022-03-31 →
01:24 asciilifeform wb phf !
01:24 phf hi
01:25 asciilifeform phf: which side of ocean are you in these days? and whatcha been upto
01:26 phf asciilifeform: i'm back in u.s., but not because of recent events. been living between moscow and appalachia
01:27 asciilifeform wb to gringolandia..
01:27 asciilifeform phf: prolly can still get out through e.g. south am ?
01:28 phf asciilifeform: get out from which place to which place :D
01:28 phf everywhere is "maybe can still get out" now
01:28 asciilifeform lolyes
01:29 phf i flew the last direct aeroflot flight though, i know people who returned by emirates at 10x the price
01:29 asciilifeform if could agree where is 'out', it'll be standing room only there
01:29 phf asciilifeform: there's no out anymore, last stand will be wherever you are
01:30 asciilifeform well music still playing, sort of, folx still switching chairs
01:31 * asciilifeform recs to phf to get on alpha pest net, may become moar interesting place as 'music dies'
01:31 asciilifeform err, correct link where proggies
01:32 phf aye, i've been skimming the logs (hence periodic updates to btcbase, etc.)
01:34 asciilifeform phf: peering info for asciilifeform's station when you've the cycles.
01:35 phf so ftr btcbase registration was done by mp, i haven't tried reaching out to hanna, seemed crass to go asking about it after mp passed away. the expiration on it is 2025, after which the future of its dns is presently out of my control
01:35 asciilifeform phf: thimbronion's thing mostly worx
01:36 asciilifeform phf: once yer on pestnet (or even nao) can simply tell folx ip when need
01:36 asciilifeform signpost is slowly baking a http-over-pest, at which pt even this will be an archaicism
01:36 thimbronion wb phf
01:37 signpost hey phf, good to hear from you.
01:37 * signpost is trinque.
01:38 phf signpost: hey! i mean, you and ascii still being here, chugging along, is the reason why i rejoined
01:38 * asciilifeform still, well, asciilifeform
01:38 phf and vex
01:38 asciilifeform indeed even him
01:39 asciilifeform and even coupla n00bs
01:39 signpost seemed time to put an older hat on, was signpost on IRC for many years.
01:39 phf i've been doing the whole appalachia larp, hunting, horses, gardening, fixing parts on lifted old vehicles, that sort of thing
01:39 asciilifeform good for health
01:40 asciilifeform !q uptime
01:40 dulapbot asciilifeform: time since my last reconnect : 286d 22h 37m
01:41 phf i also attempted to recreate similar lifestyle in russia, and my take is that russia is kind of a shithole. unless you're going for the whole "one year in taiga", there's not really place to put a compound of any kind: there's going to be some local warlord or prince that'll decide to fuck with you, just because you stand out/have resources/etc.
01:41 asciilifeform ^ asciilifeform's cage still live believe or not.
01:41 asciilifeform prince not ate yet.
01:42 phf asciilifeform: i didn't get that
01:43 asciilifeform phf: well in usa also ' don't stand out or may be eaten '
01:43 asciilifeform life at the bottom of food chains is very similar anywhere
01:44 phf asciilifeform: there's a lot more breathing room in u.s., or perhaps what constitues standing out is different
01:45 asciilifeform 'shtirlitz didn't know what gave him away, was it the dragging parachute, the 'katusha' he was singing, or maybe the cyrillic tag inside his overcoat'(tm)
01:45 phf milok, are you perhaps a spy? -- ... why do you think that? -- well it's just that we's never seen a black fellah around here
01:46 asciilifeform aaha
01:46 * asciilifeform not even been 1ce to modern ru. so can't comment in depth
01:47 * asciilifeform stuck looking through various telescopes like anybody else
01:48 phf there's a variety of very odd telescopes. i've helped out an australian "covid refugee" on my last trip, who left for russia with his family because "churches are open!"
01:51 phf there's the new right wing eschatology "i'll leave for russia, which is not the globohomo!", with its mirror urban russian escatology "i'll leave for anywhere else, which is where iphone!"
01:52 * asciilifeform heard of such folx but never directly from'em
01:53 asciilifeform 'sausage emigrant' replaced, yes, with 'ipnoje emigrant' when ~errywhere came to have similarly rubbish sausage
01:56 * asciilifeform until phf confirmed, wondered whether 'usa escapees to ru' even exist, or mythical product of 'counter-globohomo' wanksphere
01:57 phf heard a joke, "it took medvedev 10 years to build skolkovo (a kind of technopark dev shop area in ru), and only a week for putin to turn yerevan into silicon valley"
01:57 phf that's re phnoje emigrant
01:58 asciilifeform well afaik they're mostly a 'i work for london and would like to keep getting the paycheques' emigres
01:59 * signpost is aware with ru fetishism among meatwot limbaugh demographic.
01:59 signpost *aware of
01:59 asciilifeform signpost: rright, but assumed it was in style of 'anime gurl 2dsexual' fetish
01:59 signpost yep, only seen ^
02:00 phf asciilifeform: somewhat, but the whole "i'm going to move to civilization!" is/was a kind of "i'll start exercising tomorrow" thing for urban it workers. when the tanks moved, a lot of people just panic moved. i know somebody who's not even an it worker, but jumped to dubai, just to discover that "very expensive", but they did it in the first few days
02:00 * asciilifeform recently contemplated the unpopularity of btcism in ru despite 'best possible conditions' for same
02:00 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-15 10:45:24 asciilifeform: mats: asciilifeform finds interesting the continued disdain for btc in ru (and not merely among officials, who run own 'printer, brrr' and one'd expect, but among commoners) -- is seen as instrument of foreign domination
02:01 asciilifeform well anywhere 'expensive' if yer broke; and conversely
02:03 phf signpost: i've met some of these people, they exist, but obv not anywhere in the quantity that online larping might imply. i don't know what happens to them after the honeymoon period is over (they get american special treatment, dollar goes a long way, lots of superficial freedoms immediately available, etc.)
02:04 asciilifeform phf: i imagine they feel great while their bags of dough reasonably still full
02:05 * signpost has no delusions of being welcomed anywhere outside the empire, staying put for now.
02:05 * asciilifeform was never happier anywhere than in '17 in ro, but only brought enuff green for 2wks and after that had to go back to where one gets more
02:06 * asciilifeform not moved anywhere, because what actually wants is to move outta workschwitz, and at his place in foodchain this requires 'a different globe' rather than simply plane ticket..
02:06 phf asciilifeform: there's also the fetishism. russians in russia love americans, despite.. you go to any party, restaurant, event, police encounter, whatever, you get special treatment
02:07 asciilifeform phf: not visibly changed since ukrowank?
02:07 phf no idea, but i doubt that it would've changed
02:09 phf diehard vatniks would rant against america to girl, while offering gifts and treats and libations. "come to our place, meet wife, i tell you more why we should bomb your country!"
02:09 asciilifeform lol
02:10 signpost I don't know this guy, but he seems alright.
02:11 phf it's this odd combination of strong opinions, and almost shy friendliness. once they discover that you /want/ to pay attention to them...
02:12 * signpost wouldn't be surprised if the sense is approximately "you're going where we went. hurry up already, before we have to help you"
02:12 signpost both were biblical-scale utopian failures.
02:17 phf signpost: i'm slow today, i've spent the weekend entertaining guests, mixing white russians moscow mules, so you'll have to elaborate on your point
02:17 phf *and moscow mules
02:19 asciilifeform phf: #a runs on 'geological' timescale, slow is ok
02:20 signpost yep np. it seems a great waste that there's a decent chance that the former USSR and USSA will deal serious damage to each other.
02:21 signpost only two political machines so far that have made notable moves beyond earth.
02:22 signpost chinese catching up I suppose.
02:22 signpost what I meant by "going where we went" is that the USA is going to implode inward in a complexity collapse, if it does not force someone's hand into ww3.
02:24 phf ah got it
02:24 thimbronion phf: I used to be gernika. I once helped you test the osx eulora build.
02:26 phf aaah, yeah, damn that feels like a lifetime ago :)
02:26 thimbronion phf yes a vastly different time
02:27 phf i believe at the time the plan was tmsr will put an end to america
02:28 * signpost figured then too, thing would fall inward first.
02:28 signpost and the task was to have structure in place that'd hold during and after.
02:29 signpost still consider that the task ftr, though with no delusions about personal leverage.
02:30 thimbronion personally can't think of anything better to do, and belive me I've tried.
02:31 verisimilitude Learn Latin.
02:32 thimbronion verisimilitude: I already learned greek. Can't get up the energy to do Latin too.
02:40 verisimilitude I want to learn Greek after a few years of Latin.
02:40 verisimilitude How is it?
02:41 phf signpost: i have no idea how that's to be accomplished anymore.
02:41 phf it turns out that the amish don't need programmers :o
02:41 signpost I won't cry if all I get is a toast with my internet frens when I let y'all know I just saw the flash.
02:42 phf ha, good enough
02:45 thimbronion verisimilitude: hard to sum up succinctly but Greek is quite elegant and the experience was very rewarding. Thoroughly enjoyable to read even snippets of Aristotle or Xenophon in the original.
02:45 * asciilifeform lives on '7' mark of the proverbial nuke dartboard, unlikely to have comments after flash, lol
02:48 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-29#1090466 << imho 'expectations inflation' was a serious & ultimately fatal disease of #t
02:48 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-29 22:28:32 signpost: still consider that the task ftr, though with no delusions about personal leverage.
02:48 dulapbot Logged on 2021-02-04 13:46:08 asciilifeform: mp was talented mountebank, a la barnum, and in #t maintained an addictive, to many folx, atmosphere of 'движуха' (untranslatable, but roughly 'errything in motion!!', 'happening!')
02:48 * thimbronion will pour one out for y'all down south
02:48 asciilifeform why ty thimbronion
02:49 phf once i have some time to hack on pest, i think i should make one of those "war games" maps of pest nodes, so that when the rockets fly we can see blink out of operation one after another
02:50 thimbronion lulz
02:50 * asciilifeform if alive for coupla more yrs intends to demonstrate pest w/out the telecom grid fwiw
02:50 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-28 16:28:19 asciilifeform: and pest's 'if you can decrypt it, it's for you' is pretty good fit for radioism.
02:51 asciilifeform the softs part is moar or less ready for it
02:51 asciilifeform thx to thimbronion's efforts
02:52 asciilifeform and if asciilifeform doesn't, well, somebody else (e.g. phf in appalachia, or thimbronion in cr, or) just as readily.
02:53 thimbronion I believe jonsykkel's pestron works well too, though haven't actually logged in via one
02:53 * asciilifeform not tried yet
02:55 asciilifeform but if in fact ripe, then similarly suitable, protocol already doesn't particularly care whether over ip or 9600baud am
02:56 asciilifeform (i.e. if yer able to decrypt, you know you're the addressee, and the fella with whose key you decrypted -- is the sender)
02:59 phf signpost: i've been curious, do you have one of those "100 acres where you sit on the porch and plink at beer cans" properties, or it's more of a suburban arrangement?
02:59 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-29#1090473 << the mega-discovery is that nobody needs programmers; simply some not realized yet, lol
02:59 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-29 22:40:38 phf: it turns out that the amish don't need programmers :o
02:59 phf asciilifeform: sshh!
03:00 verisimilitude I anticipate being able to read the Roman stories in the original Latin, thimbronion.
03:00 phf apropos mp's "programmer boys and camwhore girls"
03:00 asciilifeform amish btw seem to have taken up pnojes. conceivably may take an interest in similar w/out the reich.grid dependency. (or not)
03:00 asciilifeform ( and oblig )
03:02 signpost phf: nah, I'm in the burbs in Austin.
03:02 verisimilitude The policy is ``nice to have, not nice on which to depend''.
03:02 signpost started looking for a place in New Hampshire, halted that project because I expect a recession.
03:02 signpost will buy then.
03:02 thimbronion verisimilitude: I would like to read Petronius in the original. Maybe the Metamorphoses.
03:03 phf asciilifeform: it was one of those pessimistic jokes, which i don't know why i made, because i have direct experience with the opposite. in reality i now know a fair bit about john deer firmware and messaging protocol..
03:03 * signpost once lived on a ranch in very rural PA, though.
03:05 signpost phf: doing any tractor automation then?
03:05 verisimilitude This was fun to write:
03:06 verisimilitude The monstrous god of monsters.
03:08 phf signpost: nah, tractor hacking is mostly done so that you can put aftermarket replacment parts, though i hear you can also do "improvements".
03:11 phf outside of particularly hardcore (or one could maybe allege "tourist oriented") areas where they will use horse drawn plows, the amish love their john deere
03:19 thimbronion "gas flows through the Yaml-Europe pipleine have dropped to zero"
03:20 * signpost chortles
03:20 signpost link?
03:21 thimbronion https://twitter.com/Kobayashi_BSLSK/status/1509006148141203457
03:21 phf https://archive.ph/wip/2hIY8
03:22 phf ah fuck that it takes forever, https://archive.ph/0j8b1
03:33 asciilifeform 'no money, no honey' ?
03:35 signpost seems like reuters is being very careful not to say who's doing what
03:35 phf "nord stream 1 meanwhile is fully operational"
03:37 * signpost gonna hit the hay.
03:37 asciilifeform 'night signpost
03:38 signpost good to hear from ya again phf, night all.
03:38 phf later
~ 1 hours 58 minutes ~
05:37 phf asciilifeform: if i manage to send your host a succesful broadcast message, will it appear at http://logs.bitdash.io?
~ 20 minutes ~
05:57 mats https://pokey.github.io/videos/Qg11LG0738c
~ 6 hours 58 minutes ~
12:56 asciilifeform phf: correct. atm there's a pestnet containing many (tho not yet all) of the folx sitting in #a. billymg runs that logger, it is operated as a bot station on that net
12:57 asciilifeform phf: once yer up & running, rec to peer w/ others; then won't rely on only asciilifeform's station
12:58 asciilifeform iirc right nao nearly erryone is peered w/ nearly erryone else
12:59 asciilifeform iirc blatta not yet fully implements the nat driller, so if you're in a nat, can only directly peer w/ people who are not
~ 1 hours 7 minutes ~
14:06 phf asciilifeform: are you using blatta? can you check that your peer is still operational, i might've nuked it by accident
14:10 asciilifeform phf: lol, in fact asciilifeform forgot to add entry for phf
14:10 asciilifeform 1s
14:11 asciilifeform phf: added the key, try it again
14:12 * asciilifeform using most recent blatta
14:12 * asciilifeform currently not seeing an at entry for phf
14:17 thimbronion most recent version is 9978: http://share.alethepedia.com/blatta/
14:18 phf blatta doesn't seem to care about the selfchain?
14:18 thimbronion phf: cares only for getdata purposes
14:22 asciilifeform worx!
14:22 bitbot (pest) 2022-03-30 phf[asciilifeform]: hello, world!
14:22 thimbronion phf: will take a while before you see output on the console due to getdata syncing
14:23 phf i'm not running blatta, just reading it as reference code
14:23 asciilifeform aa, phf already baked own pestron?
14:23 thimbronion damn
14:24 phf it has one function, it can spam with broadcast messages
14:24 asciilifeform still neato
14:25 phf does blatta support nat penetration mechanism?
14:27 thimbronion phf no support for the PROD command. It will work behind a nat if connected to a station that is not behind a nat via the IGNORE/rubbish message technique.
14:28 asciilifeform iirc doesn't yet support addrcast message either
14:28 thimbronion jonsykke's smalpest does support PROD, I believe
14:28 asciilifeform ( nat driller needs both to work )
14:35 asciilifeform phf: are you baking a cl pestron ?
14:37 phf so my router now ate two broadcast messages, both relayed through ascii's node. obv i've never seen them, how do recover them now? getdata expects an antecedent of some sort, or i can give it a 0 hash?
14:38 thimbronion next message you do get will have the hash of the previous, which you can request with GETDATA
14:38 asciilifeform phf: you receive the next one, and getdata with it
14:38 asciilifeform aha
14:38 asciilifeform *with its antecedent
14:41 phf thimbronion: what's a ignore/rubbish technique then?
14:41 thimbronion phf works as a sourt of keepalive for your router - gotta send em out every n seconds to hold on to the same port
14:41 phf also policy wise if i say start sending packets from new ip, will this automatically update my entry in peer's at table?
14:42 thimbronion phf: yes, peers will autoupdate
14:42 phf thimbronion: but how do i use ignore/rubbish for nat escape?
14:43 thimbronion phf send an IGNORE message to all peers every n seconds so that peers who receive a message from you on the ephemeral port can send back to that same port
14:44 phf aah ok
14:47 phf thimbronion: btw when i send blatta a packet with unsupported version it nukes out with 'keyerror metadata'
14:48 thimbronion phf: ok. thx. haven't really tested that.
14:49 phf http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=4Fhk
14:53 thimbronion phf looks like I just forgot to include metadata in the return value in that particular error case
14:53 thimbronion in Message.py:156
~ 1 hours 6 minutes ~
15:59 asciilifeform meanwhile, in suxx -- RIP asciilifeform's cat.
16:01 shinohai F
16:01 signpost sorry bud.
16:01 * shinohai 's kitteh turns 9 next month ....
16:02 shinohai The girls are terrified of him, being Siamese and hating everything.
16:05 thimbronion asciilifeform: sorry to hear about that
16:05 asciilifeform ty
16:07 thimbronion my cat terrorizes my daughter. figured out how to open doors using the handle so now she has to lock her door at night.
16:08 * signpost has entirely well behaved cats, did a lot of squirt bottle training.
16:09 signpost anyway, asciilifeform, old? or sick?
16:10 asciilifeform ~decade old (came with house, so unknown.) cancer.
16:10 signpost eh bummer
16:10 asciilifeform ~40k$ of various surgeries, radiations, etc. but unsurprisingly rip
16:11 * signpost lost a great cat to battle with another cat years ago. lived by the sword.
16:11 asciilifeform they dun normally fight to the death, neh?
16:13 signpost not sure, just saw the other guy maimed but alive next morning.
16:13 signpost both could've been fighting a racoon perhaps.
16:13 asciilifeform likely the latter
16:13 asciilifeform is why asciilifeform was shooting'em
~ 46 minutes ~
16:59 PeterL I was using a squirt bottle to try training our cats to not sit on the counter, when nobody was looking one of the cats chewed up the bottle.
17:07 signpost PeterL: packing tape sticky side up on the surface.
17:07 signpost and that's pretty funny.
17:08 PeterL he fought the law, and he won
17:09 PeterL it doesn't help that my daughter will share food with him, like when she sits at the counter to eat a bown of cereal she uses her spoon to spread little puddles of milk for him to lick up
17:09 PeterL s/bown/bowl
17:14 * asciilifeform fed claudia (rip) w/ syringes 7x/day for past month (couldn't eat normally)
17:19 mats 40k? Did you have pet insurance?
17:22 asciilifeform lol mats , they're even moar of scam than human insurance
17:22 mats is it though
17:23 asciilifeform mats: typically they have 10k lifetime max
17:25 asciilifeform coupla dentist visits already > that
17:34 verisimilitude I thought committing ``insurance fraud'' through murder was hard enough with people; people probably do it often with pets, where having poison in the stomach isn't strictly suspicious.
17:34 asciilifeform verisimilitude: lol doubt there's life insurance for animals
17:34 verisimilitude Well now I wonder.
17:35 asciilifeform even for humans, mostly a scam
17:35 verisimilitude Yes.
17:35 asciilifeform similarly to house/car insurance
17:35 asciilifeform (where normally forced by reich, or few would buy)
17:35 verisimilitude I keep getting mail for it, but I won't participate.
17:36 asciilifeform if it's spammed, is scam -- can take this to the bank.
17:36 verisimilitude It comes from my credit union.
~ 4 hours 31 minutes ~
22:07 crtdaydreams RIP кот
22:08 crtdaydreams You must've really loved him/her to spend ~40K.
22:08 crtdaydreams :(
22:09 crtdaydreams Then again, at a certain point money is immaterial for something like that.
22:24 crtdaydreams setting up pest; is the tarball just genesis?
22:28 crtdaydreams nope. er. It's throwing an error when trying to run. I think my perms aren't right.
22:28 phf crtdaydreams: it wants python2 instead of python3
22:29 crtdaydreams ...
22:29 crtdaydreams shit.
22:30 crtdaydreams That'd do it. Thankies, will fix.
22:30 PeterL crtdaydreams: grab the patches from thimbronion's site and build with v
22:32 phf everybody just builds with the tgz press, because genesis.vpatch is missing :x
22:32 crtdaydreams PeterL: thimbronion has patched for python3?
22:33 crtdaydreams ah I c
22:33 PeterL http://share.alethepedia.com/blatta/ has genesis, then 9992 and down
22:34 phf ah, it's not on pestnet.io
22:34 crtdaydreams thanks, phf thimbronion has 9978, tarball is 9979
22:36 PeterL crtdaydreams: I think the thing is only tested on py 2.7, not py 3
22:37 crtdaydreams PeterL: ye, downloading python2 nao.
22:37 * crtdaydreams not worried abt bloat, will be bulldozing soon enuff
22:38 PeterL I think there is a utility that can change stuff from py2 to py3, but I have never tried it myself
22:38 crtdaydreams I wouldn't fart around with it, might generate dangerous code.
22:39 crtdaydreams not for something handling crypto + wan
22:40 phf channel move to pest when
22:43 PeterL phf: it's sort of a gradual move in progress
22:50 verisimilitude I'll move when I finish my client, or when I be forced to use one of those already existing.
22:51 verisimilitude http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-06#1082810 Something more important to me has interfered, so expect that within the next week, instead.
22:51 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-06 21:51:22 verisimilitude: Expect it to be refined and published within the month.
22:51 PeterL verisimilitude: did you write your own IRC client too?
22:59 verisimilitude No, because I don't like IRC.
23:11 shinohai !!key crtdaydreams
23:11 deedbot http://wot.deedbot.org/9AE49057D9F0AD7011E3B64FCB7A19D404E79375.asc
23:16 crtdaydreams shinohai: don't be in a hurry to add me to keychain, I have to rotate my key shortly before I join pest, my current key is stuck in a VM.
23:22 shinohai ack crtdaydreams
~ 22 minutes ~
23:45 crtdaydreams http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=-kOa
23:46 crtdaydreams http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=K3iJ
23:53 verisimilitude To clarify, the program is finished, but not the documentation.
23:54 verisimilitude What will be released within the week, that is.
← 2022-03-29 | 2022-03-31 →