Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2022-02-24 | 2022-02-26 →
01:29 verisimilitude That day had some interesting conversations. It still pleases me to have devised such a representation of text, which even the great Symbolics never noticed.
01:29 dulapbot (trilema) 2015-10-31 asciilifeform: see, if symbolics corp. had won the war and the notion of 'character' was not braindamagedly bound to 'octet' - we would not be having this conversation.
01:29 dulapbot (trilema) 2015-10-31 mircea_popescu: explain this to me. what the fuck is a "sane notion of text" ?
01:29 dulapbot (trilema) 2015-10-31 asciilifeform: one that fits will into the architecture of the machine.
~ 1 hours 29 minutes ~
02:58 vex re backscatter. I get a massage every single time at the airport. I must be denser than average
03:04 vex does texas still have those pickup mounted emp cannons?
03:08 vex i'd love to read verisimilitude's pest spec commentry/latin translation
03:13 verisimilitude I'm nowhere near that level of fluency yet, vex.
03:13 verisimilitude I've noticed I can now sight-read earlier chapters of my book, however, which felt so good to discover.
03:14 vex I'm inspired to write an explaination of alfs noise machine in drunk aussie
03:25 vex fuck, goats!
~ 27 minutes ~
03:52 vex any thing interesting from .ua gals who `went to cornell' yet shinohai? ie camwhores
03:58 vex I suppose they'll cut the feed before 1girl1tank.mpeg
04:04 vex Aplogies, we just threw a track out the front of your house. I will take some hours to fix...
04:06 vex brr is cold
~ 18 minutes ~
04:25 vex if you thought qqq was funny sp. qyld writes covered calls
04:37 vex what's the actual entry to `qualified investor' in usa mats?
04:38 vex presumably enuff dollars that if you ruin your irs work, you're worth hunting
04:52 vex
~ 2 hours 47 minutes ~
07:39 jonsykkel << presumably u mean its not clear that the parser errors with any non-roman input as it shud
07:39 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-21 20:56:54 verisimilitude: This works, I tested, but it's not clear to me it always works; I quite like the little trick I used for mine, using the correctness of one to prove the other.
07:40 jonsykkel idk either, cuz dunno commonlisp, dont have a complete pic in hed of its behavior. it does return 0 on "", add (if (equal x "") (error "NOT ROMAN NUMBER")). otherwise intended algo clearly vork
07:40 jonsykkel << good
07:40 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-21 20:56:57 verisimilitude: I intend to have one at some point, jonsykkel.
07:41 jonsykkel << im dont undersand wat new code: 29 is here, a message?
07:41 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-21 21:00:10 verisimilitude: However, consider a system where those two words and their trailing punctuation fit in two thirty-two bit words; consider that the system wouldn't parse them, but simply know of the message ahead of time, and compare verbatim templates for the context until it determines which one matches; consider that new code of 29 isn't a number to be parsed, but inlined in the message as a known number.
07:47 verisimilitude Yes and yes.
07:47 verisimilitude The message is ``new code: 29'', but it's represented like that, and needs no parsing.
07:50 verisimilitude Isn't that neat?
07:51 jonsykkel maybe but i still dont undersand
07:51 jonsykkel how do they fit in two 32bit words
~ 18 minutes ~
08:09 verisimilitude Read this.
~ 1 hours 33 minutes ~
09:43 jonsykkel verisimilitude: aight, readed. but it creates larger # of q's
09:43 jonsykkel sounds like you would need 30k lines code and 1gig of cpu cache to make sense of ur compressed text in reasonable time
09:43 jonsykkel you wont be able to encode this article using your system, since u made use of words "Seperating" and "inling" which was not in dict. but i guess your spellchecking feature would catch it
09:43 jonsykkel u mention updating dictionary with new words, who decides which words have this privilege, the uniword consortium? and who will do teh work of updating all softs taht use "text" feature. if reorganize dict, how to communicate with the 80% of your fellow text users that havent updated yet
09:43 jonsykkel dictionary would have to be append only or smth, unless you want to live in dynamically linked text hell
09:44 jonsykkel let me propose alternative "sykkel" encoding to be enforced on all planet inhabitants - identical to windows-1252. if u need to minimize bits u lz4 it, and if u insist on using weird chars that dont exist, mathspeak or similar, u send photo of the text
~ 5 hours 13 minutes ~
14:57 asciilifeform ... cement testbed at 458k.
14:58 * asciilifeform agrees w/ jonsykkel , has 0 interest in 'encode all text as pointers to oxford dict' scheme or any variant thereof
~ 1 hours 14 minutes ~
16:13 billymg finally getting back to working on the crawler, i've implemented geolocation (ty for the recommendation punkman) and time series data collection, for charting
16:13 bitbot Logged on 2021-08-11 09:21:57 punkman: here's link
16:13 billymg here are the active TRB nodes with their locations:
16:16 billymg also unjammed my trbexplorer instance by rebuilding with jfw's dumpblock patch, it's been chugging along since yesterday and now at 639k
16:16 bitbot Logged on 2022-02-22 23:55:06 billymg: whaack: at block 619140 now, it hit the orphan loop at 619141 since my trb isn't built with jfw's dumpblock patch
16:19 asciilifeform billymg: afaik that one, whaack's, and asciilifeform's patch were equivalent (tho not bitwise, lol)
16:19 asciilifeform << nifty.
16:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-25 11:13:09 billymg: finally getting back to working on the crawler, i've implemented geolocation (ty for the recommendation punkman) and time series data collection, for charting
16:21 billymg asciilifeform: i thought whaack was using jfw's, though perhaps just assumed
16:26 billymg also feel like an idiot because i discovered my motherboard has an m.2 slot for NVMe drives and i've just been using SATA this whole time. never thought to expect it since it's an old AM3+ board
16:27 billymg discovered when looking at the specs to see what kind of PCI m.2 adapter i should buy, then saw has built-in m.2 slot
16:35 billymg asciilifeform: ah, this one, now i remember the history
16:35 billymg
16:35 dulapbot Logged on 2021-06-10 19:12:46 asciilifeform: whaack: ok, baked, tested: asciilifeform_dumpblocks_force_mainchain.kv.vpatch ; asciilifeform_dumpblocks_force_mainchain.kv.vpatch.asciilifeform.sig .
16:42 billymg cgra: i like your vpatch code viewer. i assume you rolled your own. is there a way to browse patches on your www, or only accessible if you have a direct link?
~ 26 minutes ~
17:08 asciilifeform billymg: make sure it's an nvme and not 'm2 sata'
17:08 asciilifeform they look rather similar, but incompat.
17:09 asciilifeform e.g. apu1/2 have 'm2 sata' slots which give 0 speed advantage (tho moar compact drive)
~ 22 minutes ~
17:31 billymg asciilifeform: damn, glad you mentioned it. it is in fact only sata 3
17:32 billymg hrm, actually maybe not. conflicting reports from the amazon reviews, and not specifically stated in the specs
17:33 billymg specs say the m.2 slot is on a PCI express 2.0 x4 bus, which is quite a bit faster than sata 3
17:33 asciilifeform billymg: look at pic, the notch is in diff place
17:33 asciilifeform (m2-sata vs nvme)
17:48 billymg was able to fit a spare nvme drive into the slot, so i guess nvme?
17:48 asciilifeform if fit w/out hammer, lol, then yes
17:48 billymg nice, nb for AM3+ board then
17:49 billymg though the PCI adapters are cheap enough, so not a huge deal
~ 29 minutes ~
18:18 verisimilitude This is incorrect. It could be done very easily with merely megabytes of memory and minimal computation.
18:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-25 04:43:30 jonsykkel: sounds like you would need 30k lines code and 1gig of cpu cache to make sense of ur compressed text in reasonable time
18:19 verisimilitude Unfortunately, English really would require a million or so entries, for all such variations.
18:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-25 04:43:34 jonsykkel: you wont be able to encode this article using your system, since u made use of words "Seperating" and "inling" which was not in dict. but i guess your spellchecking feature would catch it
18:20 verisimilitude Spellchecking comes for free in this system, yes, and words not in the primary dictionary are placed in an auxiliary dictionary.
18:20 verisimilitude I'd do it, at least for a while. It's actually very easy to create a dictionary difference, to enable different versions with minimal extra storage.
18:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-25 04:43:40 jonsykkel: u mention updating dictionary with new words, who decides which words have this privilege, the uniword consortium? and who will do teh work of updating all softs taht use "text" feature. if reorganize dict, how to communicate with the 80% of your fellow text users that havent updated yet
18:21 verisimilitude We agree software should be finished. A dictionary certainly can be finished.
18:21 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-25 04:43:45 jonsykkel: dictionary would have to be append only or smth, unless you want to live in dynamically linked text hell
18:22 verisimilitude Once the system knows of multiple languages, it can allow structured intermingling amongst them, and it can go even further, jonsykkel.
18:23 verisimilitude Consider Latin: Rather than store every word declension and conjugation, take advantage of the regularity and store a code representing this instead, for the system to take and mutate; irregular words pose no issue whatsoever.
18:25 verisimilitude So, the word TONITRUS is stored as its base code, along with the nominative singular code; the word TONITRUUM would be stored the same way, but with the plural genetive code.
18:26 verisimilitude This system makes all text operations I've considered so far more efficient, and easily made parallel.
18:26 verisimilitude All words use the same amount of space in the text.
18:26 verisimilitude Consider the problem of searching from one point to another, forwards or backwards, for the first word beginning with some specified letters. Let me know when to share my solution.
18:27 verisimilitude Also, making sense of the text doesn't require knowing its letters, as a hint.
18:27 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-25 04:43:30 jonsykkel: sounds like you would need 30k lines code and 1gig of cpu cache to make sense of ur compressed text in reasonable time
18:35 thimbronion What about abbreviations and neologisms?
18:35 thimbronion acronyms
18:35 thimbronion SPQR
18:36 verisimilitude There would be an abbreviation system. One disadvantage is it would require people to actually know what they mean, for those not already known.
18:41 verisimilitude Try to solve the problem, thimbronion.
18:52 asciilifeform procrustean solution.
18:57 cgra << it's python 'pygments' for colors, spiced up with my own dog-food to add per-line links. in the url, "p" stands for "patch", and "r" for revision; most of the trb items are there, only if you give the correct url. i'm planning to add index pages, too, so can eventually also browse it.
18:57 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-25 11:41:51 billymg: cgra: i like your vpatch code viewer. i assume you rolled your own. is there a way to browse patches on your www, or only accessible if you have a direct link?
18:57 cgra the item you sampled, was added by hand to the presented set of files, the others are bulk-generated from a vtree dir
18:57 verisimilitude What, asciilifeform?
18:58 asciilifeform cgra: asciilifeform still prefers lxr's clickable identifiers
18:58 asciilifeform verisimilitude: your encoding thing
18:58 verisimilitude Explain.
18:58 asciilifeform verisimilitude: yer essentially asking to uninvent the alphabet.
18:59 asciilifeform i.e. return to egyptian hieroglyphs, effectively
18:59 verisimilitude I'm not, no more than binary computers uninvent decimal.
18:59 cgra asciilifeform: yeah, understandably.
18:59 verisimilitude Try to solve the problem, asciilifeform, or care to see my solution now?
19:00 asciilifeform verisimilitude: which problem, exactly?
19:00 verisimilitude
19:00 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-25 13:26:38 verisimilitude: Consider the problem of searching from one point to another, forwards or backwards, for the first word beginning with some specified letters. Let me know when to share my solution.
~ 1 hours 1 minutes ~
20:01 jonsykkel << right, mbs of memory means either sacrifice 30% of precious cache for text decoding or constantly suffer 200cycles to decode single words
20:01 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-25 13:18:31 verisimilitude: This is incorrect. It could be done very easily with merely megabytes of memory and minimal computation.
20:02 jonsykkel << i dont see how, considering language evolves
20:02 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-25 13:21:17 verisimilitude: We agree software should be finished. A dictionary certainly can be finished.
20:03 jonsykkel << if all youre doing is searching for words, sure
20:03 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-25 13:27:35 verisimilitude: Also, making sense of the text doesn't require knowing its letters, as a hint.
20:05 jonsykkel if you need to substitute a non word aligned string in 3gig file enjoy cacherape
20:10 verisimilitude That's megabytes of memory for the entire system, and not all of it would be needed at once. Consider almost all text would be much smaller in this system.
20:10 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-25 15:01:43 jonsykkel: << right, mbs of memory means either sacrifice 30% of precious cache for text decoding or constantly suffer 200cycles to decode single words
20:11 jonsykkel << would guess optimal solution depends on how much text u are searching throuhg and how big "alfabet" is
20:11 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-25 13:26:38 verisimilitude: Consider the problem of searching from one point to another, forwards or backwards, for the first word beginning with some specified letters. Let me know when to share my solution.
20:11 verisimilitude Language devolves.
20:11 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-25 15:02:29 jonsykkel: << i dont see how, considering language evolves
20:11 verisimilitude This doesn't occur, due to the auxiliary dictionary.
20:11 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-25 15:05:03 jonsykkel: if you need to substitute a non word aligned string in 3gig file enjoy cacherape
20:12 verisimilitude No, but I'll wait for asciilifeform to perhaps give his solution.
20:12 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-25 15:11:02 jonsykkel: << would guess optimal solution depends on how much text u are searching throuhg and how big "alfabet" is
20:13 verisimilitude In a specialized machine, the text could be handled by a separate and greatly-parallel computer, jonsykkel.
20:17 jonsykkel ill start making room for wordcard next to gfxcard
20:20 verisimilitude Think of something more like the Canon Cat, although I still need to read more about that.
20:21 jonsykkel dunno it
20:22 verisimilitude Elision can work with a typical machine, but opens the path to processing text in other ways.
20:29 verisimilitude
20:29 dulapbot (trilema) 2015-10-31 ascii_field: << as symbolics lispm console was !!
20:29 verisimilitude
20:29 verisimilitude
20:29 dulapbot (trilema) 2015-10-31 mircea_popescu: << the more i think abvout it the more i understand the "display has its own computer" cut of this gordian knot.
~ 1 hours 6 minutes ~
21:36 verisimilitude Hello, PeterL.
21:37 PeterL hi verisimilitude
21:39 billymg PeterL:
21:39 bitbot (pest) 2022-02-25 billymg: PeterL: are you on latest blatta? for some reason my station keeps crashing now, starting from
21:41 PeterL billymg: did it kill the log bot too?
21:42 PeterL are you on the latest or an older version?
21:42 billymg PeterL: the bot is still running, presumably because not peered with you. though if you also crashed asciilifeform's station then the bot has no peers and is effectively dead
21:43 billymg i'm still on 9983
21:43 billymg bot is also
21:43 PeterL did you patch it to handle getdata requests?
21:43 billymg did not
21:44 PeterL that might be it, when I started talking maybe the newer version guys asked for getdata?
21:44 billymg guess i'll be updating to 9982 now
21:44 billymg was meaning to soon anyway
21:49 PeterL this was the change I did to keep mine from crashing from unknown message types
21:53 billymg PeterL: so you haven't upgraded to 9982 yet?
22:02 thimbronion asciilifeform: any recommendations for an accurate hardware clock I could maybe point an ntp server at?
22:03 thimbronion don't wanna use ntp, but keeping pestnet clocks coordinated would be nice
22:03 PeterL no, still on a slightly modified 9983
22:04 PeterL I have the 9982 patch downloaded, just havn't gotten around to setting it up yet
22:06 billymg thimbronion: i pressed 9983 and tried to run it, got this:
22:06 thimbronion billymg: 9982?
22:07 thimbronion Ok I'll need to create a new patch, but you can fix that by importing VERSION from station instead of server
22:12 billymg sorry, yeah, 9982
22:14 billymg thimbronion:
22:15 billymg after making that change
22:19 thimbronion billymg: hmm yeah now I'm getting that too
22:22 thimbronion billymg: you also have to change it in the blatta script
22:36 thimbronion billymg, PeterL updated the linked 9982 patch and sig on the server to fix this bug
22:41 billymg thimbronion: got it, no more --log-level?
22:46 billymg thimbronion: myself and the bot are on 9982 now
22:46 bitbot (pest) 2022-02-25 billymg: bitbot is also on 9982
22:47 * billymg bbl
22:49 thimbronion billymg: yeah that option is gone. You can set LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG in the environment
← 2022-02-24 | 2022-02-26 →