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← 2017-06-21 | 2017-06-23 →
02:38 BingoBoingo https://archive.is/3KoLj << "Dude, you forgot that this is a STEALING SUB!! WTF?!"
~ 1 hours 5 minutes ~
03:43 deedbot http://qntra.net/2017/06/the-poofening-ether-huffers-suffer-price-flash-crash-as-opposed-to-more-frequently-covered-service-crash/ << Qntra - The Poofening: Ether Huffers Suffer Price Flash Crash (As Opposed To More Frequently Covered Service Crash)
03:43 mircea_popescu awww!
03:43 mircea_popescu but ALL THAT VALUE!
03:44 mircea_popescu to satisfy http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672531 -- try and fuck with btc price, discover eth "price" was a joke all along.
03:44 a111 Logged on 2017-06-20 17:22 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672507 << mircea_popescu: consider dropping another 50MTonne кузькина мать -- looked, at least to naked eye, to have miraculous educational effect last time around
03:45 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> but ALL THAT VALUE! << Turns out the shoes and chain were both fake
03:45 mircea_popescu aww
03:45 mircea_popescu and to think we beliebed them!
03:47 BingoBoingo 4srs'r
~ 2 hours 42 minutes ~
06:30 Framedragger shinohai: where is the flash crash? https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethereum/#charts or were you talking about ETHC?
06:32 shinohai Framedragger: See chart on http://archive.is/7RS9z
06:36 Framedragger hehe ok thanks, i missed that one
06:36 Framedragger lol, i see :D i take my inner skeptic back
06:38 * shinohai makes every effort to exhaustively research his lulz
~ 1 hours 1 minutes ~
07:39 erlehmann http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672500 << infrastructure seems more useful when people using it to show off fuck off
07:39 a111 Logged on 2017-06-20 16:30 phf: building wot for all comers will suffer the same fate as pgp. since nobody's using it, it turns into an arms race of easy to use, or "innovation" also known as masturbation over technical minutiae. i sort of realized this when i tried applying tmsr solutions to my cypherpunk friends: "no we don't need to research the difference between signal and telegram, just encrypt it to my gpg key and post it on dpaste or whatever." eliminated all the technical di
~ 23 minutes ~
08:02 sina evenin tmsr
~ 1 hours 19 minutes ~
09:22 asciilifeform http://qntra.net/2017/06/the-poofening-ether-huffers-suffer-price-flash-crash-as-opposed-to-more-frequently-covered-service-crash/#comment-102896
09:35 shinohai ding, ding, ding! asciilifeform wins a prize!
09:42 asciilifeform lol
~ 15 minutes ~
09:58 shinohai Stay tuned to find out why the ETH genesis block funds have moved. Absolute pin-drop silence on that one.
10:02 erlehmann “genesis block funds” == “premined ETH”?
~ 4 hours 17 minutes ~
14:19 ben_vulpes mod6: neat recommendation; i'm working with an abortion called 'exwm' for now
14:20 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: ever try 'ratpoison' ?
14:20 ben_vulpes not yet
14:21 * asciilifeform recommends
14:21 ben_vulpes having x windows live in emacs buffers is very low cognitive overhead
14:21 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: it is very similar to this
14:21 asciilifeform ( and does not conflict with it )
14:21 asciilifeform extends same treatment to nonemacsizable proggies.
14:22 ben_vulpes what means 'nonemacsizable'?
14:22 asciilifeform e.g. graphical www browsers
14:22 asciilifeform or emacses on >1 lcd panel, say
14:23 ben_vulpes ah
14:23 asciilifeform or whatever else (cad, 'gimp', etc )
14:23 ben_vulpes exwm puts the x window into an emacs buffer, so can eg C-x b opera
14:24 asciilifeform does it work with >1 lcd ?
14:24 ben_vulpes claims to, but i don't desire that at this moment
14:24 asciilifeform then possibly you don't need a wm at all
14:24 asciilifeform just have the 1 emacs frame.
14:24 ben_vulpes 'tis the hope
14:25 asciilifeform x worx perfectly ok sans wm
14:25 ben_vulpes right
14:25 asciilifeform you just can't resize or move the 1 window
14:25 ben_vulpes eh, C-x 2/3 works as expected
14:26 asciilifeform sounds like you have no possible need for an x wm on this box, then, ben_vulpes
14:26 ben_vulpes but yes, .xinitrc does consist of `exec emacs` at the moment
14:26 erlehmann ben_vulpes asciilifeform opinion about i3?
14:27 asciilifeform erlehmann: intel's?
14:27 erlehmann no, window management
14:27 erlehmann everyone using tiling window management in my vincinity seems to end up there
14:27 erlehmann one guy even wrote his own wm, then switched to i3
14:27 mod6 <+ben_vulpes> mod6: neat recommendation; i'm working with an abortion called 'exwm' for now << ah ok. this is all emacs related eh?
14:27 ben_vulpes erlehmann: looks like something i'd have to learn in addition to emacs
14:27 erlehmann at work, everyone who has a non-standard setup on GNU/linux, uses i3
14:27 asciilifeform erlehmann: here's an algo for determining what asciilifeform thinks of an x wm :
14:27 mod6 <+asciilifeform> ben_vulpes: ever try 'ratpoison' ? << yeah, i still need to try this
14:27 ben_vulpes mod6: aye
14:28 asciilifeform 1) does it draw ANYTHING on the screen when it is running ?
14:28 asciilifeform 2) does it know about mice, and take input from the mouse ?
14:28 asciilifeform if answer to either 1, 2, or both, is 'yes' -- asciilifeform won't use.
14:29 erlehmann i3: 1. tiling, so probably not until you order it to draw title bars. 2. focus can follow mouse and windows can float, but keyboard-only use is sensible.
14:29 asciilifeform https://i3wm.org/screenshots << i see FUCKING WINDOW DECORATIONS
14:29 erlehmann asciilifeform you probably hate plan9
14:29 asciilifeform so -- rubbish
14:29 asciilifeform erlehmann: i'm not an aficionado of plan9 -- but for quite unrelated reasons
14:29 erlehmann well, they are optional. they are used because i3 can not only tile windows, but also tab them. and float them, if you *really* want to.
14:30 asciilifeform ( unix oughta have been strangled in the cradle, not further nurtured )
14:30 asciilifeform erlehmann: i dun need this 'can' for anything.
14:30 asciilifeform my wm is <100KB of c.
14:30 asciilifeform and draws 0. and reads 0 bytes from mouse.
14:30 erlehmann i see
14:30 erlehmann source?
14:30 asciilifeform it does 1 job -- reshape windows.
14:30 asciilifeform source.
14:31 erlehmann this is what a friend of mine wrote: https://github.com/plomlompom/PlomWM/blob/master/plomwm.c
14:31 erlehmann it seems way less than 100kb of c. but then there are libs.
14:32 erlehmann it's <8k of C
14:32 erlehmann actually
14:32 asciilifeform mouseolade.
14:32 erlehmann indeeed
14:32 mod6 <+asciilifeform> if answer to either 1, 2, or both, is 'yes' -- asciilifeform won't use. << wait... i thought you were big on a workstation that you could use... but this doesn't include a mouse?
14:33 asciilifeform mod6: i have a mouse
14:33 asciilifeform but not a mouse-tarded wm !!
14:33 mod6 do you use a graphical browser if needed?
14:33 asciilifeform often
14:33 asciilifeform cad, also
14:33 asciilifeform hence -- have mouse
14:33 mod6 if so, do you just use keybindings to navigate?
14:33 erlehmann mod6 mouse-wm means mouse can have two modi. managing windows and managing application.
14:33 asciilifeform but no draggable windows !!
14:33 mod6 oh, ok.
14:33 mod6 werd.
14:34 erlehmann it's not? most i3 users have no use for draggable windows. the maemo wm (i forgot its name) also has none.
14:34 erlehmann where do you need them?
14:36 erlehmann mod6 did you mean „word“ or „weird“?
14:36 erlehmann asciilifeform what do you use as shell? i use rc shell, because grammar fits in head (actually, grammar is written on man page).
14:36 erlehmann but maybe you know better
14:37 asciilifeform erlehmann: bash
14:38 erlehmann urgs
14:38 erlehmann no further questions then
14:41 mod6 <+erlehmann> mod6 did you mean "word" or "weird"? << the former.
14:43 erlehmann mod6 sorry then i assumed the latter (even though the keys are right next to each other)
14:43 mod6 heheh, no worries.
14:44 mod6 i misspell a lot of things too. so there' that.
14:45 erlehmann who of you except mp works on minigame?
14:46 ben_vulpes diana_coman does
14:46 erlehmann it remindes me of my work on minetest, years ago
14:47 erlehmann (apparently: minecraft clone. actually: generalized networked 3d cellular automata engine.)
14:58 Framedragger erlehmann: i like my voxels, looks nice... generalized CA, as in, you can run arbitrary programs in the space (or somesuch)?
15:00 Framedragger i see map generators, but that's something else, i assume the subgame thing is the way towards the "generalized"/"arbitrary"
15:00 Framedragger (from initial glance at website)
15:01 Framedragger oh lua, cool, is that how you write those subgames?
15:01 Framedragger /me ends barrage of questions
15:02 * danielpbarron unofficially works on eulora. occasionally publishes patches to the client. almost ready to publish a eulora-gentoo recipe
15:03 Framedragger erlehmann: question #3 -- any recommendations for what to do in berlin in july? i'll be there with a few friends from 5 july (may travel to leipzig), random recommendations welcome (we'll visit the nsa tower/hill, etc)
15:04 ben_vulpes danielpbarron: do you have an ebuild for it?
15:04 danielpbarron what does that mean?
15:05 danielpbarron a portage package? no. it's more of a recipe from scratch: how to install gentoo for optimal eulora
15:06 ben_vulpes recipe for portage to make $package happen to a gentoo
15:06 ben_vulpes aok
15:06 trinque btw this could be turned into a portage "set"
15:06 danielpbarron and the way i'm writing it up, it's also a crash course on how to gentoo in general
15:06 trinque but then you're on teh way to an ebuild anyway.
15:15 erlehmann Framedragger each cell in minetest is potentially a lua program
15:16 erlehmann Framedragger i can give advice, but first specify what kind of advice
15:16 erlehmann about berlin
15:17 erlehmann Framedragger where will you stay? type of venue / part of city?
15:18 Framedragger good point, i'll get back to you later. it's not a well-defined request/problem in my mind. "shit to do at night in kreuzberg / east berlin" would count, including rave parties (sounds teenage-ish when i put it like that heh)
15:18 Framedragger erlehmann: airbnb apartment, 3-4 people, possibly neukoln or thereabouts, not sure yet
15:18 erlehmann looking for rave culture. are you some kind of rave-apologist? maybe even a gang rave!
15:19 Framedragger funny thing is i'm not really into raves. at the same time i have a pile of high quality mdma that i now need to dispose of, because changing country. so who knows
15:20 Framedragger erlehmann: i've been to c-base a coupla times, curious if there are any hackerspaces which are less about showing off and more about actual DIY projects etc (not sure if can meaningfully interact in the span of only a week tho, i guess)
15:21 Framedragger so like, hackerspace stuff, nice party stuff, etc.
15:22 * Framedragger is also curious if isis from tor is still in berlin, too
15:22 erlehmann i have a single, very important berlin tourism tip. avoid airbnb (and similar things) to the strongest extent possible. there are only a few faster ways to make enemies, like putting on a police uniform and visiting rigaer straße alone in the middle of the night.
15:24 Framedragger erlehmann: girl says "wtf, plz to elaborate" :D is that due to high degree of scams, or just the high possibility of misunderstandings? (only time i used airbnb was in morocco, but that was planned well in advance, and kinda-vetted place)
15:27 erlehmann re scammy: read reviews and think if an airbnb host with that name really exists. it may or may not do you any harm if “sarah” never shows up and is in fact a front for some rent-seeking dude.
15:27 Framedragger fair point, thanks
15:28 Framedragger (there may indeed be no harm, tho)
15:28 erlehmann furthermore, two observations, one on a systemic, one on an individual level: a) airbnb drives up rents, because it is much more profitable to (illegally) rent on airbnb than to (legally) rent to someone long-term. transients always spend more money then residents.
15:29 erlehmann b) many airbnb guests behave in such an obnoxious way that entirely unpolitical people living in the same house hate them with a passion.
15:29 Framedragger re. a), yes ACK re gentrification, sure.
15:30 Framedragger (or well, maybe i'm misusing the term)
15:31 erlehmann by passion, i mean: some door locks are faulty and seem to spontaneously fail in the middle of the night, when you come back to the ap.
15:31 Framedragger basically, if we were to stay for a longer chunk of time, different arrangements would be made. very-short-term... hm, hotels are boring
15:31 erlehmann also, did you know that frozen piss can be shoved under a door and seep into the carpet?
15:32 Framedragger any personal experiences there? i've heard of "frozen piss" bomb concept, yeah
15:32 erlehmann i could not possibly comment on that
15:32 Framedragger :)
15:32 erlehmann let's say i heard stories. or saw stuff. who knows!
15:32 jurov O.o my first two airbnb experiences were fine, but that was in greece, they don't mind noise
15:32 erlehmann basically, if you want to go cheap: go to a hostel, rent a room for 4 or 6.
15:33 * Framedragger notes "join erlehmann's local anarcho cell when ready" to list
15:34 erlehmann joke's on you, i don't do such stuff
15:34 erlehmann but i also don't have airnbn next door
15:34 erlehmann so i guess motivation is low
15:34 erlehmann it is just that berliners have a very good understanding of how to make people fuck off
15:35 erlehmann example: burning cars. if your car is insured and it burns, that is not vandalism.
15:35 erlehmann it is most likely a tactical action to make you go away.
15:35 erlehmann took me some time to understand that.
15:36 ben_vulpes who gives a flying fuck about "pushing up rents" because some people rent in ways not appealing to the local statal orgs
15:36 erlehmann ben_vulpes local paupers
15:37 erlehmann more generally, communities. tourists use infrastructure, but do not always pay taxes.
15:38 erlehmann and are on the average much bigger assholes than people living there.
15:39 ben_vulpes if the "community" can't soak people who want to come there and spend money adequately to make tourism +ev for the hosts incl. cities, how can they even justify continuing to live
15:39 Framedragger gotta agree with you, #t will disdainfully sneer at "omg, kom000nity!!", but it does suck that local communities get negatively impacted in this regard
15:40 trinque because otherwise they'd what?
15:40 trinque bitch about something else?
15:41 Framedragger you mean, what's their recourse / what leverage they have? yes, not much leverage at all, sucks to be them
15:42 trinque no. I mean if they were free of the terribru rent oppression what human flourishing would sprout in their place?
15:43 erlehmann i think it is not about rent per se. it is about long-term renting.
15:43 ben_vulpes same people who are flabbergasted when rents go up 5%, having never considered allocating for that scenario.
15:44 ben_vulpes "but i'm poor and nobody taught me that rents usually go up and now my living expenses and rent max out my income!"
15:44 Framedragger plenty of folks quite content living their frugal lives (in e.g. leipzig, from what i hear, to be particular), i guess #t doesn't think much of them, i happen to have friends, what do. if bitch at 5% rent increase, sure, not much sympathy from me
15:44 ben_vulpes b-be less poor?
15:44 erlehmann as i said: as a tourist, i probably would not choose airbnb in berlin. reason is that the strategy is working. less stressful to book hotel room or hostel.
15:44 * Framedragger takes point
15:46 erlehmann if, on the other hand, you are looking to experience tourist hate, take an airbnb in mitte, in the vincinity of st. oberholz. take a wheelie case and new apple devices with you.
15:47 Framedragger and emerge in late morning with frappucino and american accent "any free wifi around here, maan"
15:47 erlehmann a suitcase on wheels marks a person like a shitstain on their pants
15:47 erlehmann ah no, that will work
15:47 erlehmann because you'll ask it in a cafe
15:47 erlehmann and they'll smile and take all your money
15:48 erlehmann on the other side of the street the drink will cost half as much, but what do you know, tourist!
15:48 Framedragger yeah i guess that's basically 50% of berlin (*dodge*)
15:48 erlehmann prepare to get fleeced
15:48 erlehmann i'd also avoid berlin hacker gatherings
15:48 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673487 << i find it lulzy that folx will happily say this to someone to whom they would ~not~ necessarily say 'kill yerself nao, slice lengthwise' . but at the same time the phrases have EQUIVALENT meaning, because at some point you are already as rich as you possibly know how to become.
15:48 a111 Logged on 2017-06-22 19:44 ben_vulpes: b-be less poor?
15:48 asciilifeform and then it means 'slice lengthwise, untermensch!!'
15:48 asciilifeform which is a-ok thing to say. but why not cut straight, 'to the chase.'
15:49 erlehmann des pudels kern!
15:50 ben_vulpes eh i don't see how "stop bitching about problems you can trivially solve without involving the state eg rent control, try moving to a neighborhood as shitty as this one was two decades ago when you crept in" is quite "slice lengthwise"
15:51 asciilifeform 'move to cheaper' is not same as 'be less poor'
15:51 erlehmann the trivial solution is piss disc
15:51 lobbes ben_vulpes: if the "community" can't soak people who want to come there and spend money adequately to make tourism +ev for the hosts incl. cities, how can they even justify continuing to live << I grew up on The Cod in Massachusetts; "working class" locals were always bitching about how much they hated tourists, but that tourism $$$ is the ~only~ thing sustaining that particular sandbar. Fishing is dead, and retail and landscaping indus
15:52 erlehmann point is, it is not only working class.
15:55 trinque erlehmann: please bridge the gap for me between "country that is welcoming a flood of foreign invaders" and "omg haet tourists, I'll torch your car"
15:55 trinque or is it the invaders that are actually torching cars in these towns
15:55 erlehmann trinque refugees intend to become residents, not transients.
15:55 erlehmann they have skin in the game, so to say
15:55 erlehmann tourists are worse in every way
15:56 trinque lol
15:56 asciilifeform tourists at least burn a handful of cars and leave. unlike 'residents' who a) burn cars on continuing basis b) collect welfarecheque on same
15:58 trinque "I chose this" is I suppose one way to cope with the dick buried in your ass.
15:58 asciilifeform evidently
15:59 erlehmann if you understand german, i can recommend this about gentrification (from 2010) https://www.kuechenstud.io/kuechenradio/episode/kr268-gentrifizierung/
16:00 trinque you think the same stupid arguments aren't raised every time someone improves a neighborhood anywhere else?
16:00 erlehmann fefe also made a podcast in 2017 with the same guy (andrej holm) https://alternativlos.org/40/
16:00 erlehmann trinque it is about the specific history of berlin.
16:00 erlehmann berlin is special, partially because both east and west used it to show off.
16:01 erlehmann compare, e.g. amount of vegetation inside city with other german cities. berlin has much more.
16:03 asciilifeform erlehmann: there is an american-'patented' style of rent-seeking scam that is now being 'enjoyed' in europe, incl., as i understand, in your berlin. which goes like this : 1) import a horde of raping, pillaging orcs from some fuckhole 2) prohibit 'discrimination' against'em. now the only permitted means of excluding them from being your neighbours is... price. 3) landlords rake in the dough, because now you gotta pay not only for ove
16:03 asciilifeform rpriced flat but to put some distance b/w you and Them.
16:03 asciilifeform 4) 'Profit!11111'
16:04 asciilifeform the second stage of this cancer is when market begins to segment SOLELY based on orc proximity -- i.e. your house costs moar, or less, ~strictly based on how much orc you are willing to tolerate in everyday life, and not, say, based on size, or whether it is made from brick or shitboard
16:05 asciilifeform eventually ~everyone gets ~same shit-flat made of shitboard, but with ~slightly~ varying proximity to orc pit.
16:05 asciilifeform you can observe this 2nd stage in, e.g., city of baltimore, usa.
16:06 asciilifeform i have nfi what is the 3rd stage. but i suspect that it looks like detroit -- which in turn, looked like berlin in '45
16:06 asciilifeform and then 4th stage is the 'gentrifying' sections of detroit, that are being rebuilt into masses of cardboard condos that sell for $1M.
16:06 erlehmann i think it is fairly plausible that the description of “orcs” can be read as some kind of blatant racism – “black-skinned”, “brutish”, “slant-eyed” …
16:06 asciilifeform aahahahahahaha
16:07 erlehmann rohirrim are even described as white-skins, no?
16:07 trinque who the hell is this guy, even
16:07 asciilifeform !!gettrust erlehmann
16:07 deedbot L1: 0, L2: 2 by 2 connections.
16:07 * asciilifeform has nfi
16:08 ben_vulpes 'new blood' from trinque and mircea_popescu
16:08 asciilifeform apparently.
16:08 trinque aw crap!
16:08 trinque and now I'm racis
16:08 asciilifeform trinque: every new d00d walks in with a certain set of cockroaches in head.
16:08 asciilifeform sometimes -- they work themselves out. sometimes -- not.
16:09 trinque !!v 3F2E43B45913419A7A02ED0981F4EE80C1DEF877685C5DED3BDB32D28771BFE9B
16:09 ben_vulpes erlehmann: 'faces of meth' also entirely orcish.
16:09 Framedragger rehashing *conclusions* of tmsr dogma does not do much good. (i guess counter to that is "we don't have time for proper free education", which is fair).
16:09 trinque d'oh
16:10 trinque !!v 3F2E43B45913419A7A02ED0981F4EE80C1DEF877685C5DED3BDB32D28771BFE9
16:10 deedbot trinque unrated erlehmann.
16:10 trinque maybe they still will get worked out
16:10 trinque I think when I arrived I thought the place was a bunch of red-pillers
16:10 Framedragger !!v 239BABC6689F5067B0BF7307DF8EF040B9BF1D59B457BE150A0E2A7EB3572CB8
16:10 deedbot Framedragger rated erlehmann 1 << new blood
16:10 Framedragger just to balance things
16:11 asciilifeform lol
16:11 trinque y'all can go hang out with Isis Hackersauce in Berlin
16:11 erlehmann well, i think when i arrive people often tend to think i want to convince them of something. i often do not want and do not care as much as other think i do.
16:11 asciilifeform erlehmann: would you describe germany+turks as more habitable, enjoyable, interesting place than the germany sans turks you grew up in ?
16:12 asciilifeform ... and how about the african 'syrians' ?
16:14 Framedragger erlehmann: "blatant racism" is an empty label here, and won't carry the same "prescriptive power" as elsewhere. that said, maybe you meant "heuristic generalisations are dangerous" (my (overcharitable) interpretation)
16:14 erlehmann asciilifeform i spent years of my youth in a remote boarding school inside an old monastery building. not many turks or africans there.
16:14 asciilifeform erlehmann: but plenty in berlin today
16:15 asciilifeform so consider plox answering the q as stated
16:15 erlehmann asciilifeform i enjoy turkish and kurdish food, but otherwise, no idea.
16:15 asciilifeform erlehmann: i enjoy a number of things, from turkish military marches to turkish sweets. but it is different q from 'do i want the bottom economic 10% of turkey moving in next door'
16:16 asciilifeform you probably would not want bottom 10% of arkansas moving in , either.
16:16 asciilifeform ( are they 'a race' ..? lol )
16:16 trinque fact of the matter is that he is not permitted to say.
16:17 BingoBoingo <Framedragger> plenty of folks quite content living their frugal lives (in e.g. leipzig, from what i hear, to be particular), i guess #t doesn't think much of them, i happen to have friends, what do. if bitch at 5% rent increase, sure, not much sympathy from me << Better to be frugal and not poor
16:17 erlehmann fact of the matter is i have not enough reference points
16:17 erlehmann e.g. i rarely encounter black people when going to the supermarket
16:19 erlehmann Framedragger i actually meant “i had not noticed to that extent until now how tolkien tells a story that can be seen as a race war”
16:19 BingoBoingo <trinque> or is it the invaders that are actually torching cars in these towns << Yes, so "not crime"(TM)(R) because "honored guests
16:19 trinque I'm still eagerly awaiting a description of these roving gangs of car burners.
16:20 Framedragger erlehmann: i mean, old wise men decide faith of orcs, yeah :D
16:20 Framedragger you may be interested in "the last rinbearer" by a russian geologist (iirc), tells ring tale from perspective of mordor on a brink of industrial revolution
16:20 Framedragger and how the elves with gandalf conspired to rewrite story ("written by the victors" and all that), and ring was actually a side plot to distract people
16:20 Framedragger fate*
16:20 erlehmann directed by m. night. shyamalan.
16:21 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> and then 4th stage is the 'gentrifying' sections of detroit, that are being rebuilt into masses of cardboard condos that sell for $1M. << St Louis appears to want to go from 3 to 4, but uncertain if three can really be moved past
16:21 Framedragger 'tis not bad, but read only small part. decent ru->en translation by a guy on livejournal (not joking, promise)
16:21 erlehmann Framedragger URL?
16:21 Framedragger i *think* http://ymarkov.livejournal.com/280578.html , digging thru bookmarks
16:22 Framedragger oh there's a .de translation apparently, but can't attest to quality
16:22 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> you probably would not want bottom 10% of arkansas moving in , either. << FUcking peckerwood trash
16:23 erlehmann asciilifeform you mean conflict is classist, not racist.
16:23 erlehmann right?
16:23 shinohai https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/mbjyk4/heres-how-traders-lost-millions-in-the-first-ethereum-flash-crash <<< Lollerz "Some of the affected individuals have already started to organize via a Telegram group with the intention of filing a class action lawsuit against the exchange, but at present GDAX's position is that all margin trades are final, and terms were outlined in advance."
16:24 erlehmann vice forgot to include that ethereum transactions are indeed reverseable, but only when core developers lose money.
16:25 Framedragger erlehmann: original url http://fan.lib.ru/e/eskov/last_ringlord.shtml ; translation url above ; older LJ link gives more context: http://ymarkov.livejournal.com/270570.html
16:26 erlehmann Framedragger let me retaliate: http://www.rifters.com/real/Blindsight.htm
16:26 Framedragger actually, i had started reading that one, too!!
16:26 Framedragger thanks for bringing it up
16:26 trinque erlehmann | asciilifeform you mean conflict is classist, not racist. << the fuck kind of grandmother-pleasing behavior is this?
16:26 Framedragger erlehmann: it's the one where (logreaders, spoilers) alien intelligence which is actually intelligent is not conscious, right?
16:27 erlehmann trinque “grandmother-pleasing behavior”?
16:27 trinque "I don't want to have a conversation re: invasion, so lets instead belabor whether we're all behaving ourselves."
16:28 ben_vulpes trinque: oh hey while on the topic, best way to wind up modern genderbenders, blacklivesmatter et al feebs is to "i mean sure, but isn't that all just embedded in the class struggle?"
16:28 erlehmann Framedragger it is the one where vampires can't do VR because they have autism and see the pixels.
16:28 Framedragger sexy
16:29 trinque ben_vulpes: correctness is a bourgeois construct.
16:29 erlehmann ben_vulpes i think identifying as trans-black or something might top it, depending on circumstances
16:30 trinque anyhow lets all just tweet now, eh?
16:30 trinque erlehmann: where do I upvote your quips?
16:31 erlehmann trinque i don't actually want to have a conversation about invasion, because i don't particularly care. i came here because of the v versionatron and because i liked the attitude behind that.
16:31 trinque you couldn't have come to a worse place to tell us what it "means to you"
16:32 BingoBoingo Eh, German's well on it's way to becoming Far-East-East Saint Louis
16:32 trinque the republic's forum is not "I will posture on whichever topics don't make me uncomfortable"
16:33 erlehmann oh, i enjoy conflict.
16:33 erlehmann i mean, err, discussion.
16:34 trinque then I ask you what the output of all your "the community" and "class not race" noise has been, in your own judgment?
16:34 trinque in a place that clearly worships this "following the rules of decent discussion"
16:34 trinque "I don't care" is the correct answer.
16:34 trinque put usually around here as "I just want to"
16:35 erlehmann i'll read the log again to maybe get a clear picture
16:36 trinque works for me
~ 1 hours 21 minutes ~
17:57 BingoBoingo !~ticker --market all
17:57 jhvh1 BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2706.49, vol: 12173.25703108 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2670.0, vol: 4613.48832 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2672.8, vol: 16199.38576081 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2881.518948, vol: 8264.71540000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2699.1, vol: 5253.7241449 | Volume-weighted last average: 2721.40543553
18:07 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673590 << where did the butthurt go when kraken, shitfinex, et al did same thing?
18:07 a111 Logged on 2017-06-22 20:23 shinohai: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/mbjyk4/heres-how-traders-lost-millions-in-the-first-ethereum-flash-crash <<< Lollerz "Some of the affected individuals have already started to organize via a Telegram group with the intention of filing a class action lawsuit against the exchange, but at present GDAX's position is that all margin trades are final, and terms were outlined in advance."
18:07 asciilifeform it's sop, as i understand, method for 'exchange' to defraud the idiots who use exchanges.
18:08 asciilifeform 1) 'set price to penny' 2) margin calls 3) profit 4) sfyl, tards
~ 20 minutes ~
18:28 whaack from what I remember reading about shitfinex, the people with pending bitcoin buy orders at X did not get theirs completed, while at the same time people were forced to sell ("margin called") because price was officially "X-E"
18:33 whaack (not sure whether or not the unfilled buy orders on the way down occurred in this case)
18:35 * Framedragger unrelatedly recalls placing orders on mtgox and getting multi-minute+ lags
18:35 Framedragger (or maybe even much more, don't remember)
18:50 asciilifeform !#s goxlag
18:50 a111 723 results for "goxlag", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=goxlag
18:50 asciilifeform Framedragger ^
18:52 asciilifeform in other noose, happy international-komyooniti-attacking-su-and-getting-own-arse-handed-to-it-on-a-plate-4y-later day, folx !!
18:55 asciilifeform http://www.may9.ru/uploads/default/images/RIAN_00760832.HR.ru.jpg << see also.
~ 1 hours 2 minutes ~
19:57 TomServo asciilifeform: what does it say?
19:58 TomServo Also, if someone could share a copy of mp-wp, that'd be swell.
~ 58 minutes ~
20:56 mod6 evenin'
~ 29 minutes ~
21:25 phf http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673634 << i'm dying, but i'm not surrendering. goodbye, motherland. 7/20/41. fwiw ascii is smart not to translate it, english verbiage doesn't do it justice
21:25 a111 Logged on 2017-06-22 23:57 TomServo: asciilifeform: what does it say?
21:26 phf til, there's a "Knuth Prize" that doesn't actually involve knuth. "The Knuth Prize winner is selected by a Prize Committee consisting of six individuals selected by the SIGACT and TCMFC Chairs. In selecting the Knuth Prize winner, the Committee will pay particular attention to a sustained record of high-impact, seminal contributions to the foundations of computer science. The selection may also be partly based on educational accomplishments and contrib
21:26 phf utions such as fundamental textbooks and high-quality students. The award is not based on service work for the community, although service might be included in the citation for a winner if it is appropriate."
21:26 phf http://www.sigact.org/Prizes/Knuth/
21:26 asciilifeform ^
21:27 asciilifeform it gotta be read in original. like, e.g., koran in arabic.
21:27 asciilifeform ( re http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-23#1673637 )
21:27 a111 Logged on 2017-06-23 01:25 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673634 << i'm dying, but i'm not surrendering. goodbye, motherland. 7/20/41. fwiw ascii is smart not to translate it, english verbiage doesn't do it justice
21:28 asciilifeform lel, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-23#1673639 a la 'linux foundation' !
21:28 a111 Logged on 2017-06-23 01:26 phf: til, there's a "Knuth Prize" that doesn't actually involve knuth. "The Knuth Prize winner is selected by a Prize Committee consisting of six individuals selected by the SIGACT and TCMFC Chairs. In selecting the Knuth Prize winner, the Committee will pay particular attention to a sustained record of high-impact, seminal contributions to the foundations of computer science. The selection may also be partly based on educational accomplishments and contrib
21:29 phf latest winner would be particularly deer to asciilifeform's heart https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oded_Goldreich
21:30 phf *dear, but the other one works too
21:30 asciilifeform i actually did try to read'im
21:31 asciilifeform mega-downer
21:32 deedbot http://www.contravex.com/2017/06/22/two-months-of-vegganism/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Two months of vEGGanism.
21:32 asciilifeform specifically re the nphard-ciphers thing
21:35 phf what do you by mega-downer?
21:35 asciilifeform re knuth... names ain't, afaik, copyrightable anywhere, even in usa.. so i half expect to live to see a 'mircea popescu foundation' run by, e.g., malia obummer, which funds transsexualized rust programming for systemd plugins
21:37 asciilifeform phf: re goldreich -- a very specific and deep type of downer, where you find what by all appearances is the definitive, unsurpassed definitional stem of work in $field -- which turns out to be wholly and deliberately useless on $principalquestion
21:37 phf nah, tmsr is like situationists, has the anti-spectacle protective mechanisms builtin. recurepation will be in form of artisanal log excerpts and "Collected Trilema" and such for a special kind of hipster
21:38 asciilifeform ( which in asciilifeform's case was ' can crypto be put on a hard scientific foundation - i.e. does a provably hard problem exist )
21:39 asciilifeform phf: i'm sure
21:39 asciilifeform betcha some preet chowdhra fella is typesetting a 'bedt of trilema' even nao.
21:39 asciilifeform or if not now -- next year.
21:39 asciilifeform *best of
21:42 asciilifeform and holy shit pete_dushenski... that post. i'ma guess you are writing these on a bet
21:43 asciilifeform 'betcha you can't surpass taleb in militant self-aggrandizing mundanity' 'you have yerself a bet!!11'
21:44 asciilifeform sometimes people write to asciilifeform , 'you're a bore and pompous arse', but fwiw i have to date 0 posts about dieting. or about Eating Eggs While 3133337.
21:53 deedbot http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E499B8A638178EDF07229E9F9670AA397B3436C262293313331E1577D952D65E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1760...6387 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (5725.ovz-n9.hc.ru. RU)
21:53 deedbot http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E499B8A638178EDF07229E9F9670AA397B3436C262293313331E1577D952D65E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1433...7763 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (5725.ovz-n9.hc.ru. RU)
~ 18 minutes ~
22:11 deedbot http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1F107A00381C3C3D03DF80FB8191F6779204BD1ADE8665F130C37E20F23CAE60 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1781...9389 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (Unknown DE)
22:11 deedbot http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1F107A00381C3C3D03DF80FB8191F6779204BD1ADE8665F130C37E20F23CAE60 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1678...3843 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (Unknown DE)
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