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← 2017-03-12 | 2017-03-14 →
00:19 ben_vulpes http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-11#1625922 << no idea how that came to be, but superseded by logbot-multiple-channels-corrected in any case
00:19 a111 Logged on 2017-03-11 22:47 phf: ben_vulpes: oh hey http://btcbase.org/patches/logbot-multiple-channels seems to be broken, missing antecedent for http://btcbase.org/hash/95A0046C0AF25E21DBA310217A289D7649DD86CB89709A89931BFE318A41022FFD4BA9DC046E04DAC1B32BC5304239866BF5CA9AD59328B7DA79B1D06437E273
~ 28 minutes ~
00:47 deedbot http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E315F24020858F72C5BDC6A741CE5377B67D96960C54EC4746E4045ABFE1C5D2 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1362...1353 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (omega.if.pw.edu.pl. PL)
00:47 deedbot http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E315F24020858F72C5BDC6A741CE5377B67D96960C54EC4746E4045ABFE1C5D2 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1771...5857 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (omega.if.pw.edu.pl. PL)
~ 18 minutes ~
01:05 deedbot http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/060F0CD9AADFA05AF6A895EEEB9A46E1BC488C05498CF8A7F90684E0ADE3026A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1453...4469 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (200-169-123-42.claro.net.br. BR)
01:05 deedbot http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/060F0CD9AADFA05AF6A895EEEB9A46E1BC488C05498CF8A7F90684E0ADE3026A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1790...2437 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (200-169-123-42.claro.net.br. BR)
~ 23 minutes ~
01:29 BingoBoingo !~ticker --market all
01:29 jhvh1 BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 1236.32, vol: 5782.57372799 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 1219.033, vol: 5324.81896 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 1231.1, vol: 19521.32660081 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 1175.776, vol: 4702.36620000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 1223.373, vol: 2280.87045205 | Volume-weighted last average: 1222.80881861
01:30 * BingoBoingo unsure if this is *MOON* or *Crashing*
01:30 ben_vulpes oh i thought the failure of the don't-call-it-an-etf ripped the buy side clean out of the market though
01:33 BingoBoingo I kinda thought it would have went through because USG needs more thrashing about in desperation.
01:34 BingoBoingo Apparently though their fixation on Trump leads them to forget you can't spell Trump without MP
~ 44 minutes ~
02:18 ben_vulpes lol
02:18 ben_vulpes i figured it was a shoo-in to provide a sham escape valve for 401k funbucks
~ 48 minutes ~
03:06 deedbot http://www.contravex.com/2017/03/13/my-future-last-laugh/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - My Future (last laugh)
~ 5 hours 23 minutes ~
08:30 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo o wow don't tell me the "bitcoin crashes because usg postures re its own paper bitcoin-ersatz" thing failed to last the week
08:30 mircea_popescu how can be!!! THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD must be more important than this!!11 waaah!
~ 40 minutes ~
09:11 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes it occurs to me, btw, that wrt the problem of the space for the right sidebar hanbot actually has the perfect fucking solution. check out thewhet.net : there's those selectors uptop, can have n overlays this way.
09:15 Framedragger doesn't work on lynx tho.
09:15 Framedragger requires jquery i think
09:16 mircea_popescu meh yeah it's js'd. a well
09:16 Framedragger breaks your http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-03#1595420 policy :)
09:16 a111 Logged on 2017-01-03 13:51 mircea_popescu: i use lynx and curl.
09:16 Framedragger but works nicely yeah
09:16 mircea_popescu jquery idtabs etc
09:18 mircea_popescu no real way to make this work otherwise, sadly. unless of course one's willing to write ~a 3d simulator via html5
~ 37 minutes ~
09:55 phf http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-13#1626306 << on top of that i brought it up with a whisperer, i got back "oh yeah, the loper os guy! i emailed him some time ago, but didn't get any response. he probably thought i'm some kind of tourist."
09:55 a111 Logged on 2017-03-13 01:30 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-13#1626296 << bwahgahah dude what. you're like... THE champion of making oneself look bad. it's livresque!
09:57 asciilifeform tourist?
09:57 phf it's american slang, means like a schmuck, a random person
09:57 asciilifeform incidentally i finally agree with mircea_popescu : email dunwork
09:59 asciilifeform at one time i found a reply from al 'uncle al' schwartz that sat in a spam queue for (yes) several years
10:03 asciilifeform so now i cannot say 'eh nobody emailed'
10:03 mircea_popescu heh
10:04 asciilifeform meanwhile in the test room, 'Serial correlation coefficient is 0.000000 (totally uncorrelated = 0.0).' << i had nfi this was possible
10:04 mircea_popescu lel. are they shipping ?
10:05 mircea_popescu phf funny that he spent any time on bbsen / early mailing lists and dunno what tourist is
10:05 mircea_popescu !#s "blinken"
10:05 a111 30 results for "\"blinken\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22blinken%22
10:06 asciilifeform i'm familiar with the usage, but it was a cache miss, been eons since i saw someone referred to as 'tourist'
10:06 mircea_popescu yeah, srsly, sounds like 90s spirit
10:06 mircea_popescu anyway, tourist = das rubbernecken sichtseeren
10:16 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: and yes, they are shipping as soon as crate of rng lids (due in today) is here.
~ 27 minutes ~
10:44 mircea_popescu nice
10:53 mircea_popescu so asciilifeform got an hour to hold my hand getting your ssh thing up ? i intend to bring a constellation and finally got everything lined up.
10:54 asciilifeform aha
10:54 mircea_popescu aite, what do i do ?
10:55 asciilifeform http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2017-February/000252.html << start with this recipe
10:55 mircea_popescu aite.
10:55 asciilifeform and say if any of the steps dun make sense
10:55 asciilifeform this presupposes that you have a trb+wires built
10:55 asciilifeform if not, gotta do that 1st.
10:56 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: are you making a slave, or slave+master, or which
10:59 mircea_popescu i do not.
10:59 mircea_popescu i intend to make a half dozen masters, slave them to each other, and then let people get pipes. l1terate people, obviously.
11:00 mircea_popescu i imagine you'll want a bunch
11:00 mircea_popescu so where's the trb+wires recipe ?
11:00 asciilifeform linked just above
11:00 asciilifeform or you mean the vpatch
11:01 asciilifeform it is on the ml, and also visible in phf's thing, http://btcbase.org/patches/asciilifeform_wires_rev1
11:01 mircea_popescu aite lemme see what i got here
11:01 asciilifeform (it vflows directly from mod6's 'makefiles' milestone)
11:02 mircea_popescu so apparently this node was build via trinque.sh
11:02 mircea_popescu is that out of date ?
11:02 asciilifeform indeed
11:02 asciilifeform about a year iirc.
11:02 mircea_popescu what was it superseded by ?
11:02 asciilifeform mod6's fully automatic build system
11:02 mircea_popescu a right, we get to test this too!
11:02 mircea_popescu where was it ?
11:02 asciilifeform http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html <<
11:02 mircea_popescu ty
11:03 asciilifeform btw it gets you the 'makefiles' vtree
11:03 asciilifeform to which can apply the wires patch.
11:03 mircea_popescu 0x20) Get http://deedbot.org/deed-427443-14.txt : name it 'pkgconf-0.8.9.tar.bz2.asc'
11:03 mircea_popescu also out of date i take it ?
11:03 asciilifeform nope, that part is current
11:03 asciilifeform and i whined about it here
11:03 mircea_popescu but doesn't include the wires ?
11:03 asciilifeform nope, wires are currently filed under 'experimental'
11:04 asciilifeform and at any rate happened after mod6's 'makefiles' release.
11:04 asciilifeform ( i introduced it on feb. 23 )
11:04 mircea_popescu alrighty, so in order to add the wires i'd put in there 0x21) http://btcbase.org/patches/asciilifeform_wires_rev1.txt > asciilifeform_wires_rev1.asc ?
11:05 asciilifeform nope, the .asc thing is just for the tarballs for deps (bdb and other horrors)
11:05 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/patches/asciilifeform_wires_rev1.txt > asciilifeform_wires_rev1.txt ?!
11:05 asciilifeform the vpatch will go in your .patches, where everything from genesis onwards lives
11:06 asciilifeform if you haven't yet tried mod6's buildtron, run it per the recipe literally first, it will not rebuild the deps every time, is reasonably clever
11:06 asciilifeform afterwards you can add wires or whichever other experimental knobs, to the vtree, and rebuild.
11:06 mircea_popescu yes, stop squiriming and state for the record how do i add your experimental item to my build tree.
11:07 asciilifeform i just said above: you put it in the .patches dir. and its seal, in your .seals
11:07 mircea_popescu you did not say, you just waved your arms in an incomprehensible fashion.
11:07 asciilifeform ( mod6's recipe describes this step in detail )
11:07 mircea_popescu 0x21) http://btcbase.org/patches/asciilifeform_wires_rev1.txt > asciilifeform_wires_rev1.asc << we are currently here.
11:07 asciilifeform ok backtrack :
11:08 asciilifeform see mod6's document, step '0x09) `mkdir patches` Gather trb vpatches from http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/patches in which ever manner suits you best.'
11:09 mircea_popescu aaalrighty!
11:09 phf curl http://btcbase.org/patches/asciilifeform_wires_rev1/file -o patches/asciilifeform_wires_rev1.vpatch; curl http://btcbase.org/patches/asciilifeform_wires_rev1/seal/asciilifeform -o seals/asciilifeform_wires_rev1.vpatch.asciilifeform.sig
11:09 asciilifeform that's where all of the patches from which trb is made, live.
11:09 mircea_popescu phf ty
11:09 asciilifeform ty phf . but it was not clear to me what piece mircea_popescu had the problem with, was it where to get the patch, or where to put it.
11:10 mircea_popescu asciilifeform so the defensive play is to provide both.
11:10 mircea_popescu and the need to backtrack is generally mentor-induced, mind.
11:11 asciilifeform i assumed (apparently wrongly) that mircea_popescu remembered basic vtronics .
11:11 asciilifeform ( you have a .wot, .seals, .patches, these can be named something else, but these are their conventional names; out of these, vtron 'presses' a particular tree that you want.)
11:11 mircea_popescu i'm as you well know the least intelligent or technically apt person here, and it takes a significant amount of backroom dealing as well as outright bribery to even get you lot to tolerate my presence.
11:11 mircea_popescu you know, like the british empire in india.
11:11 phf i actually need to fix btcbase to make sure file names state consistent with vtronics model..
~ 27 minutes ~
11:39 trinque http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-13#1626396 << http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2016-January/000190.html << I wrote the first cut of those too.
11:39 a111 Logged on 2017-03-13 15:02 asciilifeform: mod6's fully automatic build system
11:40 trinque I don't even remember what the shell script would've been. Probably some stab earlier at what became the makefiles
11:42 mircea_popescu i can pasterbin if you'd like ?
11:43 trinque only for curiousity's sake. it certainly isn't worth using over what's in the V tree.
11:44 mircea_popescu http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/9XRK3/?raw=true
11:45 mircea_popescu 5046 Dec 21 2015 trinque.sh*
11:54 trinque http://btcbase.org/log/2015-12-21#1349879 << ah found it, that was a mod6 script I tweaked in some manner
11:54 a111 Logged on 2015-12-21 23:38 mircea_popescu: trinque mind dpasting your fixed version then ?
11:54 trinque http://btcbase.org/log/2015-12-21#1349889
11:54 a111 Logged on 2015-12-21 23:44 trinque: http://deedbot.org/build-bitcoind-99997K.sh
11:54 mircea_popescu aha
11:55 mircea_popescu this box is too cool for skewl.
~ 15 minutes ~
12:10 mircea_popescu epic. so this built splendidly, mod6 tis a pleasure working with your recipe man.
12:11 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: iirc it also produces repeatable (bitwise) binary.
12:12 mircea_popescu yeah. and it musls all the way, it's a total collossus of german engineering.
12:12 mircea_popescu so, now i have your patch and seal alf. next ?
12:13 asciilifeform now they go in patches and seals, respectively ;
12:13 asciilifeform now press to it :
12:13 mircea_popescu yeah that's where they went.
12:14 asciilifeform ./v.pl p v trb54 asciilifeform_wires_rev1.vpatch
12:14 asciilifeform ^ should now work.
12:14 mircea_popescu File: trb54/bitcoin/.gitignore
12:14 mircea_popescu Expected: 9a57fba56bdaf8ac851e2a336013f03f354005dee6f12f6d472882b284dd5cdae09d0f57729d877c0cf7dfee0f8bea8b602492860ae703f3f5934de15c7514ae
12:14 mircea_popescu Actual: 4623a5815e8c30cc2bf90c7d3b9a0470160165d934796388eafe07edff3bc154c42bb4ed3e8e7055135b80d75ee478b5e40742bf682fc66ac879cfd09a38c628
12:14 mircea_popescu Pressed file hash did not match expected!
12:14 mircea_popescu fails.
12:15 asciilifeform lolwat
12:15 mircea_popescu i am at yer disposal
12:15 asciilifeform paste this file ?
12:16 mircea_popescu http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/EkpM8/?raw=true
12:17 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: this looks like a bug in mod6's vtron :
12:17 mircea_popescu we ended up with subtle divergence in useless files ?
12:17 asciilifeform your copy of this turd (quite unnecessary in trb, in fact, but that's besides the point, we inherited it in genesis) consists of the original concatenated to itself !
12:18 mircea_popescu you know it can be patched out.
12:18 asciilifeform it can, but that doesn't fix whatever resulted in it being appended to itself during the press
12:18 asciilifeform mod6 . paging mod6 !
12:18 mircea_popescu alrighty.
12:18 asciilifeform in the meantime can try using asciilifeform's original vtron
12:18 mircea_popescu ima be available most of today to fux with this so no biggy.
12:18 asciilifeform ( which iirc mircea_popescu and also hanbot successfully used to build trb )
12:19 mircea_popescu yeah, but no, no gains in forking the process. let the foundation item be apical
12:19 mircea_popescu meanwhile /me will go research how to write a patch to take out .gitignore altogether.
12:20 mircea_popescu which is of course bound to hit the situation where we have no proper treatment of file removal in vtron because old horrors.
12:20 asciilifeform we have the improper treatment, where the thing gets -------'d
12:20 asciilifeform linewise
12:20 mircea_popescu asciilifeform in fact i can't actually patch it out as it won't match the correct file huh, it does line by line removal
12:20 asciilifeform ( and where it won't erase unless the hash of the victim matches! )
12:20 mircea_popescu yeah but it has to be teh correct file then :D
12:20 mircea_popescu myeah.
12:21 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: you also might have other filed doubled up because mod6's vtron did append instead of create somewhere, it looks like
12:21 asciilifeform *files
12:21 mircea_popescu i have no idea how the binary would have come out then ?!
12:21 mircea_popescu shall i hash it ? lessee
12:21 asciilifeform it happened on the 2nd press attempt
12:21 asciilifeform oh i have a clue :
12:22 asciilifeform looks like this is what mod6's vtron does instead of overwriting files
12:22 mircea_popescu sha512sum bitcoind
12:22 mircea_popescu 6ba4ff7bb8ea67e2b6a7d407903ad31a0182a4a3128216379e618312bd2f30aaf31dc148d20168c3b0bf3079021eb9040b94701a1a5223b03b4151f711444fe0 bitcoind
12:22 asciilifeform rm -rf trb54
12:22 asciilifeform and then press again.
12:22 mircea_popescu asciilifeform this was a virgin space
12:22 asciilifeform nope, remember, you built the binary
12:22 mircea_popescu i made a special directory for it, that was empty at start.
12:22 asciilifeform yeah but his vtron pressed to that dir once.
12:22 mircea_popescu never
12:22 mircea_popescu /trb2016-02-20/trb54/bitcoin/bin <
12:22 asciilifeform it had to , for the build to proceed
12:23 asciilifeform ( there'dve been nothing to build, if it had not pressed )
12:23 mircea_popescu that build happened in ~/trb/rotor/TEST2 etc
12:23 mircea_popescu hm are we talking at cross purposes ?
12:24 asciilifeform mircea_popescu, let's backtrack, and tellme what happens when
12:24 asciilifeform ./v.pl p v trbfoo asciilifeform_wires_rev1.vpatch
12:24 mircea_popescu you want me to run that ?
12:24 asciilifeform aha
12:24 asciilifeform it should make the dir and press to it
12:25 mircea_popescu made and pressed
12:25 mircea_popescu let's now examine the .gitinfo
12:25 asciilifeform should looks like the expected one.
12:25 asciilifeform and everything else likewise.
12:25 asciilifeform ( if you examine bitcoinrpc.cpp, you will see the wire option , for instance )
12:25 mircea_popescu http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/76EwC/?raw=true aha
12:26 asciilifeform mircea_popescu that looks like the doubled-up one
12:26 mircea_popescu well it's what's in there.
12:26 asciilifeform is that what came out of the new press also !
12:26 mircea_popescu as best i can tell.
12:27 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: if you press to the makefiles head do you get a concatenation as well?
12:28 * asciilifeform repeated mircea_popescu's steps locally, just now, and got a correct result
12:28 * asciilifeform quite dumbfounded
12:28 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes bitcoin-v0_5_3_1-static_makefile_v002.8 ?
12:28 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: you pasted the .gitignore from inside the resulting dir 'trbfoo' ? make sure this was so ?
12:28 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: makefiles.vpatch
12:29 mircea_popescu asciilifeform pebkac. wrong gitignore. lessee.
12:29 ben_vulpes http://btcbase.org/patches/makefiles
12:30 mircea_popescu http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Bc0If/?raw=true !
12:31 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: looks like this worked. confirmed that mod6's vtron doesn't check for file-exists, appends. (i won't even blame him, as such, this is the default idiot behaviour of gnudiff !)
12:31 ben_vulpes looks like mine
12:31 mircea_popescu alrighty.
12:32 mircea_popescu so that out of the way,
12:32 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: now all you gotta do is to move the subdir 'bitcoin' inside this 'trbfoo' to replace the 'bitcoin' dir in trb54
12:32 asciilifeform and then run make
12:33 mircea_popescu mv ~/trb2016-02-20/trbfoo/bitcoin/* ~/trb2016-02-20/trb54/bitcoin/* ?
12:33 asciilifeform rm -rf ~/trb2016-02-20/trb54/bitcoin
12:34 asciilifeform mv ~/trb2016-02-20/trbfoo/bitcoin ~/trb2016-02-20/trb54/bitcoin
12:35 mircea_popescu [~/trb2016-02-20/trb54]$ make ftr ?
12:35 asciilifeform the makefile is inside 'bitcoin' dir
12:35 asciilifeform so cd to it and then 'make'.
12:36 mircea_popescu mv: cannot stat `boost_1_52_0.tar.bz2.asc': No such file or directory
12:36 mircea_popescu make[1]: *** [boost_1_52_0.tar.bz2] Error 1
12:36 mircea_popescu you nuked my bitcoin isntall didn't you.
12:36 asciilifeform if you still have the deps somewhere, copy'em over, otherwise gotta download'em
12:36 mircea_popescu sigh.
12:36 asciilifeform (for some reason mod6 put them inside the dir that gets pressed)
12:37 ben_vulpes device has a cost
12:37 mircea_popescu well, ima start over now. isn't that fucking wunderbar.
12:37 ben_vulpes if the makefile is intact, make ONLINE=1 i believe is the flag for autoprocure
12:38 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes yeah, i'm just giving him a hard time. because for srs!
12:38 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: once you have the contents of 'deps' again, i recommend to back it up to another dir, and to burn a cd, those turds ain't ever changing -- there will only get ~fewer~ (when we ditch, e.g., bdb)
12:39 mircea_popescu mod6 that said, /deps/ should prolly be level with seals and patches, not part of /bitcoin/
12:39 mircea_popescu asciilifeform understant : not everyone treats the boxes like his mother. i am of the people who treat them like his socks. no fucking way am i going to backup this. let the box suck it.
12:39 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: 'lazy man does the work twice' or how did it go
12:39 mircea_popescu mno.
12:40 asciilifeform and you aint backing up 'this box' but the trb deps. that got frozen 4evah.
12:40 mircea_popescu this is not lazy, this is sane. not every slant of roof gets a tower, because things aren't all equal, and something must be the bottom.
12:40 mircea_popescu yes, and they are frozen forever in the place online=1 sucks them from. so this part is correct, and needs no fucking fixing.
12:40 mircea_popescu what needs fixing is a) for srs! and probably also b) /deps/ dun belong that low.l
12:41 asciilifeform anyway it's entirely a timesaving measure, you entirely can load them from somebody else each time, the thing won't proceed unless the hashes match
12:42 mircea_popescu stop squirming and don't make trusting noobs rm-rf-nuke the wrong things!
12:42 asciilifeform format c:^H^H^H^H^lolk
12:43 deedbot http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B92BDB8947B78A414F8FE580BCFBCE7E1171228C1B5DD26AA5E5BD716796AF08 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1431...4833 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (210-185-87-179.intrapower.net.au. AU)
12:43 deedbot http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B92BDB8947B78A414F8FE580BCFBCE7E1171228C1B5DD26AA5E5BD716796AF08 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1618...4153 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (210-185-87-179.intrapower.net.au. AU)
12:49 asciilifeform !~later tell phf i was thinking' of buying that 'ivory' and making a signal interposer . any idea whether the magic cpu was soldered down, or LIF socketed..?
12:49 jhvh1 asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
12:50 mircea_popescu !~later tell mod6 list of items for mod6's convenience : 1) nice job! 2) successive presses overfill .gitignore and possibly other files 3) deps directory should prolly be same level as patches and .seals
12:50 jhvh1 mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded.
13:04 mircea_popescu ok we're compiled asciilifeform
13:05 asciilifeform yay
13:05 asciilifeform now can proceed to the recipe itself
13:05 asciilifeform (at the risk of pedantry) first put the newly-build 'bitcoind' binary, on the box that will become the first slave.
13:06 asciilifeform (and on any other box that will be a wire slave)
13:06 mircea_popescu uh.
13:06 mircea_popescu i guess this'd be it. i intend to rebuild on all of them.
13:06 asciilifeform then you can. (and for bonus point, compare the binaries, they oughta be exactly same)
13:06 mircea_popescu right.
13:06 mircea_popescu im certainly not shipping binaries about.
13:07 * asciilifeform also likes to keep the whole orchestra on his nodez
13:07 mircea_popescu half the point of the original effort that started this whole thing was to avoid just that bad habit
13:10 asciilifeform there's nothing promisetronic re copying a static bin that you built ~yourself~ to >1 box. (for one thing, it demonstrates that it is genuinely static and will run on heterogeneous boxen.) but you can do it either way.
13:12 mircea_popescu it requires my managing it.
13:12 asciilifeform true, it opens you up to 'hm which one do i have on THIS box' etc. which is why i like to keep the buildtron on each.
13:13 mircea_popescu yes.
13:18 asciilifeform ( re the recipe : 'autossh' is a c proggy, from heathendom, i have not audited it. this is one of the reasons for the skull'n'crossbones. there is a similar utility called 'RSTunnel' that consists solely of bash script. but i have not tested it . )
13:19 asciilifeform you gotta have something that will re-ignite ssh if it drops.
13:20 asciilifeform because ssh is a product of 'satoshis', people who were dropped as children, and cannot be made to self-reignite.
13:20 mircea_popescu ok, so now with the built trb with ssh patch...
13:20 asciilifeform wires patch
13:20 asciilifeform it is not married to ssh
13:20 mircea_popescu right
13:20 asciilifeform but proceed
13:21 * mircea_popescu reviews teh log.
13:27 mircea_popescu recommending ssh-keygen is fucking shameful
13:28 mircea_popescu you know it made me a "key" in <0.1 s ?
13:31 ben_vulpes but the pseudo-useful key generator is /cryptographically secure/ mircea_popescu, i don't know what you're complaining about
13:31 mircea_popescu yeah. also !#s phuctor
13:32 Framedragger mircea_popescu: heh feel free to convert it to openpgp (http://siphnos.mkj.lt/datadrop/crap-from-scans-to-be-sorted/ssh-to-pgp.py) and submit to phuctor.
13:32 mircea_popescu "hey, we didn't say it is EXPERIMENTALLY secure now did we! door's that way and don't forget your social security contributions."
13:32 Framedragger i expect most of those broken openssh keys were generated by ssh-keygen
13:32 mircea_popescu me too.
13:33 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: with what to generate ~ssh~ key ?
13:33 asciilifeform i dun have an alt-ssh (yes).
13:34 Framedragger yupyup. easy to shame but nothing to replace it with
13:35 trinque your whole planet being poor does not erase the shame of poverty
13:35 asciilifeform trinque: don't put wire-trb on your icbm-controller box. the skull is there for a reason.
13:36 mircea_popescu what can i say. trinque has it.
13:37 asciilifeform if i had a ticket to the mythical planet where programmers aren't retarded and 'the shame of poverty' is not smelled, we would not even be having the trb conversation.
13:37 asciilifeform that being said, you can use 'wire' with anything that can maintain a ciphered tcp pipe between two boxes. dun have to be ssh.
13:38 trinque all servers are toilets; ass needs to be able to lay turds elsewhere at a moment's notice
13:42 mircea_popescu asciilifeform http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/HlU5K/?raw=true << key
13:43 mircea_popescu slave supposedly ready to go, what ip do i tell addwire ?
13:45 asciilifeform 1s
13:46 mircea_popescu also, architecture-wise : i plan to get my boxes in a ring, and link 1 of you fellows to each. unless objections to the arrangement.
13:46 asciilifeform ok you're in
13:46 asciilifeform and the ip is dulap's
13:47 asciilifeform
13:47 asciilifeform and the user is 'tunnel' just like in the recipe.
13:47 asciilifeform (everybody gets the same 1)
13:48 asciilifeform and woah, record-breaking liquishit in mempool today
13:51 mircea_popescu hm, i dun think this workt.
13:52 asciilifeform say what it does instead of working
13:52 mircea_popescu a sec
13:53 mircea_popescu tunnel@ huh
13:53 asciilifeform aha
13:55 asciilifeform btw i assume this is a brand-new box, there is no blockchain on it
13:55 asciilifeform so this'll test the sync-from-0
13:55 asciilifeform (afaik nobody tested this yet)
13:55 asciilifeform ^ over wires, that is
13:56 mircea_popescu nah, it's the box that produced that debug log last week
13:56 asciilifeform aite
13:58 mircea_popescu and screen apparently bit it.
13:59 mircea_popescu screen -x results in a hanged terminal, ctrl-c does nothing, supposedlt active terminals won'\t spawn windows etc. box is otherwise fine though. fucking linux,.
14:00 asciilifeform nasty
14:01 mircea_popescu http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/GJjrn/?raw=true in other lelz.
14:01 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: this is documented
14:02 mircea_popescu anyway, tail -f debug.log shows a lot of activity.
14:02 asciilifeform gotta have the LC_ALL="C" prefix
14:02 mircea_popescu i do.
14:02 asciilifeform when you run bitcoind (both demonized and the commandline rpc)
14:02 mircea_popescu o shit, i didn't put the quotes in. blerg.
14:03 mircea_popescu "blocks" : 419373, "connections" : 4,
14:03 mircea_popescu dja see me asciilifeform ?
14:05 mircea_popescu http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/CZwEB/?raw=true << my side.
14:05 asciilifeform your pipe is dead, looks like
14:10 BingoBoingo In other pipelines, Antpool is declaring their switch to notBitUnlimitedSpamCoin
14:11 mircea_popescu "blocks" : 419374, btw, as predicted.
14:14 BingoBoingo !~ticker --market all
14:14 jhvh1 BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 1235.0, vol: 6356.86788291 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 1222.781, vol: 7112.75723 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 1234.1, vol: 23631.983642 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 1149.282246, vol: 6024.23880000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 1225.981, vol: 3838.75876789 | Volume-weighted last average: 1220.96420576
14:17 deedbot http://qntra.net/2017/03/while-leftists-mourn-preet-legacy-usg-continues-thrashing/ << Qntra - While Leftists Mourn Preet Legacy USG Continues Thrashing
14:18 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: 'disproved' --> 'disapproved'
14:19 BingoBoingo ty fxd
14:20 mircea_popescu lel
14:20 mircea_popescu good point, though. dude got fucked with a raw pinetree. he's 44. his career is finished. he will be washing dishes / bussing tables in a coupla years
14:21 mircea_popescu but i guess he has two weeks of fake news frenzy cca march 2017 to keep him warm for all that.
14:21 BingoBoingo And it's not like he has actual opportunities to make new career in private practice
14:22 BingoBoingo Not with that wholesale attack on "private practice" he did
14:22 mircea_popescu aha.
14:23 mircea_popescu there's a signfiicant difference between "actually has a profession" and "goes around trying to bully people with threats from his underworld connections"
14:23 BingoBoingo And it's not like his "self" is charismatic enough for the community organizing scam either
14:23 mircea_popescu maybe that, but the secret of that is that you'd have to be a stupid as a 20yo "didn't like math" girl to imagine that is something to do.
14:24 mircea_popescu it's about as financially productive as "make money online"
14:24 BingoBoingo Well, it's a chumatron
14:24 BingoBoingo Attach self to mature nonprofit, eat 95% of donations and plant a couple fucking trees
14:25 mircea_popescu busing tables better, but yeah, prolly too good for injun.
14:25 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo that's exactly like "get 100k/month in google advertising checks!!!"
14:25 mircea_popescu "there's proof online that it once happened".
14:33 BingoBoingo lol, well doesn't keep new marks from trying
14:34 mircea_popescu anyway, totally on my list of people to visit later and piss on the shoes on.
14:34 mircea_popescu of*
14:44 davout shoe on head first obviously
14:52 asciilifeform meanwhile, in monkeystan, http://archive.is/PQTvW
14:52 asciilifeform 'A woman has posted video of herself pointedly questioning White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer while he was out shopping at a local Apple store. ... Chauhan asks Spicer how it feels to work for “a fascist” and “what can you tell me about Russia.” Spicer smiles through the encounter and repeatedly says “thank you” to Chauhan. At one point, he tells her, “such a great country that
14:52 asciilifeform allows you to be here.” Chauhan says in a blog post that Spicer's comment was racially motivated. '
14:54 trinque microwaves that turn into cameras? hawhawhaw, who let that woman speak on TV?
14:55 trinque (that is the angle the leftists are pushing now, eh?)
14:55 asciilifeform aha, sorta how '9/11 truth' came to ~mandatorily~ include 'martians did it'
14:59 deedbot http://qntra.net/2017/03/middlebury-madness-update-leftist-professor-attacked-by-leftist-agitators-hospitalized/ << Qntra - Middlebury Madness Update: Leftist Professor Attacked By Leftist Agitators Hospitalized
~ 1 hours ~
16:00 deedbot http://qntra.net/2017/03/ceo-marissa-mayer-out-at-yahoo-as-verizon-to-rebrand-the-thing-to-altaba/ << Qntra - CEO Marissa Mayer Out At Yahoo As Verizon To Rebrand The Thing To Altaba
16:01 pete_dushenski altaba ? bizarro mix of alibaba and altavista i guess
16:05 BingoBoingo Well, nostalgia
16:06 pete_dushenski it's the maga fuel so it must be worth something, at least more than spam ads and search rankings
16:07 pete_dushenski or more like ranklings atm
16:10 BingoBoingo !~google "Pence in our time"
16:10 jhvh1 BingoBoingo: Mike Pence to CPAC: 'This is our time ' - Washington Times: <http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/feb/23/mike-pence-cpac-our-time/>; Pence takes victory lap at CPAC: 'This is our time ' | TheHill: <http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/320945-victorious-pence-at-cpac-this-is-our-time>; Mike Pence to CPAC: 'This Is Our Time ' - Newsmax.com: (1 more message)
16:10 pete_dushenski http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-02#1610852 << shot this dude (gautier de montmollin) an email last week and actually heard back from him. he said he was flattered at the invite but was under the assumption that 'bitcoin code was already perfect'. now seeing if i can wrangle him into channel for a visit. updates forthcoming.
16:10 a111 Logged on 2017-02-02 01:08 asciilifeform: http://unzip-ada.sourceforge.net/za_html/index.htm << astonishingly readable literate-programming d00d. and he has a bunch of these.
16:10 pete_dushenski see u guise, email isn't dead! it was just sleeping. that's not blood coming from its ears and eyes, just catsup
16:11 BingoBoingo pete_dushenski: Quite a few times when you tried to email qntra submissions they were buried in spam que
16:13 * pete_dushenski goes to check his own spam filter for first time in months
16:14 pete_dushenski phew. nothing missed.
16:14 pete_dushenski just a few offerings to buy the domain name 'bitcoinpet.com'!
16:15 pete_dushenski who knew that tailing 'e' would be so confuzing
16:20 pete_dushenski in other boaring news, http://www.reuters.com/video/2017/03/09/fukushima-hit-towns-scramble-to-clear-ou?videoId=371268563
~ 37 minutes ~
16:58 jurov alert for everyone who avoids derperisms: http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=20835.0 "Firefox 52.0 Requires Pulseaudio"
17:06 BingoBoingo ty jurov
~ 21 minutes ~
17:27 BingoBoingo http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=6895
17:28 pete_dushenski that reminds me, latest taleb https://medium.com/incerto/the-facts-are-true-the-news-is-fake-5bf98104cea2#.kw8rmx5h7
~ 25 minutes ~
17:54 Framedragger lol guardian strikes again pete_dushenski "Even then someone at The Guardian tried (unsuccessfully) to tone down my letter by showing that it was some type of *disagreement* with what *I* said, not a correction of their misrepresentation"
18:07 Framedragger hmm. "The period of time that corresponds to the reliance on one-sided accounts such as television and newspapers, which can be controlled by the mandarins, lasted from the middle of the twentieth century until the U.S. elections of 2016. In that sense, social networks, allowing a two-way flow of information, put back the mechanism of tidings in its natural format. As with participants in
18:07 Framedragger markets and souks, there is a long term advantage to being dependable." << if he's saying what i think he's saying (social networks work again!1 people use them to understand things!1) then he's beyond naive, as the modern 'social network' is nothing like that of a bazaar. the former is ~basically facebook which on top of being...facebook, selectively filters and presents "your friends' stories"
18:07 Framedragger that it predicts you will click on. a lot of that reduces to "things i agree with", which is not at all bazaar-like, iiut. unless he meant "people recognising fake news for what it is, and physical word-of-mouth becoming a tool again." the latter does not imply facebook, but still sounds much too naive to my ear, but i dunno.
18:10 Framedragger s/iiut/iiui/
18:11 ben_vulpes the lifespan and relevancy of facebook or any other webapp pales in comparison to the power of actual social networks
18:13 Framedragger *of course*. i'm not completely certain that he meant the latter (i guess he did?) and if he did, whether what he described is actually the case ("actual social networks are used as source of info again!1" - maybe?)
18:14 * Framedragger not on the right side of the pond to know, i guess
18:27 mircea_popescu Framedragger man is naive enough to be on medium.
18:27 Framedragger yeah, ffs.
18:29 pete_dushenski taleb's old enough that he still clearly maintains much of the 'information superhighway' idealism about the internet
18:38 pete_dushenski anyways Framedragger, i don't read nassim's use of 'social network' to refer to the zuckermovie or anything of the sort. he's naive but not ignorant enough to miss filtering effects. he'd doubtless include irc and pgpgrams in the category of mandarin-disrupting two-way comms. but i agree that his point is obscured by loose language.
18:40 pete_dushenski off to see the wizard. bbl.
18:40 Framedragger yeah, fair enough.
18:52 mircea_popescu ahahaha bitcoin code is perfect ?
18:52 mircea_popescu dude talk about fake notions.
18:54 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski seems likely he imagines medium, twitter and the rest of the "im an unemployable but fuckable ditz here's my rider" fare.
19:04 deedbot http://trilema.com/2017/fake-news-are-just-one-tail-of-the-failed-female-state/ << Trilema - Fake news are just one tail of the failed female state
~ 2 hours 42 minutes ~
21:46 deedbot http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D367732F61B8657E77FC199A9369B2601BBE1B6C5B3265AD15DFF8738E27A0AB << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1660...2967 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (mail1.imap.com.ar. AR B)
21:46 deedbot http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D367732F61B8657E77FC199A9369B2601BBE1B6C5B3265AD15DFF8738E27A0AB << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1443...4379 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (mail1.imap.com.ar. AR B)
~ 36 minutes ~
22:23 asciilifeform !~later tell mircea_popescu check yer pm, i found your eggog.
22:23 jhvh1 asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
~ 53 minutes ~
23:17 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: i'd like to defend him by noting that social network != social media but dude's command of english leaves enough to be desired that this distinction isn't much of a leg to stand on
23:18 pete_dushenski open q : anyone tried this (or other) intel me 'cleaner' ? https://github.com/corna/me_cleaner/wiki/How-does-it-work%3F
23:18 pete_dushenski looking to use it on crapbook so equipped
23:19 pete_dushenski !#s i7
23:19 a111 36 results for "i7", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=i7
23:20 pete_dushenski though i'm entirely open to the criticism that it's like sprinkling holy water on a dented can in the hopes that clostridium botulinum feels the wrath of my gods
23:22 pete_dushenski in other holies, eleven! http://archive.is/8eRsf
23:22 pete_dushenski looks like those xmas teas from lt bought some more business for uab cherry servers
23:27 asciilifeform lul cloudflare eggog
23:27 pete_dushenski ?
23:28 asciilifeform pete_dushenski's archive.is link
23:28 asciilifeform nao loads
23:28 pete_dushenski aha i jumped it a bit
23:29 * asciilifeform bbl, meat
~ 15 minutes ~
23:45 asciilifeform https://www.ebay.com/itm/112326565327 << holy fuq phf
23:45 asciilifeform ~ $ 7k !
23:55 mod6 oh hey... sorry, just catching up now. was crazy day.
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