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← 2016-04-25 | 2016-04-27 →
00:53 deedbot [» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] How boys become men, or don’t: then and now. - http://www.contravex.com/2016/04/25/how-boys-become-men-or-dont-then-and-now/
00:56 mircea_popescu and in other puns, http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/born-sissy-maid.jpg
01:00 BingoBoingo ;;ticker --market all
01:00 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 463.27, vol: 6104.70432833 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 456.72, vol: 10427.95014 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 463.33, vol: 25147.82279641 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 450.0, vol: 1.47835277 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 460.24902, vol: 39692.29490000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 463.3, vol: 1461.85148517 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 459.920144, vol: 58.87264065 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message)
~ 18 minutes ~
01:19 mircea_popescu trilema pstree shows httpd -- 136 * [httpd] + 17 * [httpd -- php]. gotta love modern technologee.
~ 5 hours 53 minutes ~
07:12 shinohai http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-26#1457700 <<< thx I thought it was keybase.io faggotry or something.
07:12 a111 Logged on 2016-04-26 02:37 asciilifeform: shinohai: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-25#1457681 << it's got a uniturd in it.
~ 1 hours 53 minutes ~
09:06 mircea_popescu fucking idiot.
~ 15 minutes ~
09:22 mircea_popescu and in other fucking crazy,
09:22 mircea_popescu ;;google nscd
09:22 gribble NSCD: <http://nscd.org/>; Volunteer - NSCD: <http://nscd.org/volunteer/>; About NSCD - National Sports Center for the Disabled: <http://nscd.org/about-nscd-adaptive-sports/>
09:22 mircea_popescu who the fuck would EVER want a cache for passwd calls omfg.
09:29 shinohai Morning, Sr. Popescu
09:29 mircea_popescu hola
09:34 mircea_popescu oh right, and in this morning's "allow me to bother you" news, http://41.media.tumblr.com/5944aba2ae71db259875d9be326d6505/tumblr_nqnb041YLK1uv50iuo1_1280.jpg
09:37 shinohai I see vexual has been indulging in the Foster's again.
09:45 jurov $up airgapped
09:45 deedbot jurov may not $up airgapped
09:47 shinohai D:
09:51 mircea_popescu $up eh
09:51 deedbot eh voiced for 30 minutes.
09:51 mircea_popescu lol mkay
09:51 mircea_popescu $gettrust airgapped
09:51 deedbot L1: 1, L2: 1 by 1 connections.
09:52 mircea_popescu mike_c http://btcalpha.com/wot/user/airgapped << weird neh ?
~ 29 minutes ~
10:22 mike_c uh, yeah.
10:22 mike_c not even an error email.
10:22 mircea_popescu seemed kinda nonstandard.
10:23 mike_c oh, the whole thing is down
10:23 mircea_popescu in entirely unrelated news from 2012 : "By measuring the statistics of more than 1.5 billion ad impressions per day, it was possible to understand deeply how different websites perform. Some of the high level results: 38% of the ads are never in view to a user 50% of the ads are in view for less than 0.5 seconds 56% of the ads are in view for less than 5 seconds"
10:24 mircea_popescu notably enough, this does not mean the converse (ie, that 44% are seen for over 5 seconds). it just means that we know for a fact 56% of online advertising budgets are wasted ; the remainder are also wasted but that fact not so easily known.
10:32 mike_c I don't have my keys on me.. so btcalpha will be dead for the next 10 hours. There goes my uptime stats.
10:33 mircea_popescu did the sql thing ever get off teh ground ?
10:34 mike_c yeah. it's in progress. I started doing it but had to deal with a couple other things. I de-crufted btcalpha and killed half the site (bitbet gone, etc). now i'm halfway through a web framework upgrade which is going to make adding the new wot browser easier.
10:35 mircea_popescu incidentally, do we want to make a standard web framework ? so people can put up sites a la boost except not retarded ?
10:35 mircea_popescu something like phuctor runs might be packageable for instance.
10:36 mike_c I don't think so. our time would be better spent on gpg than yet another web framework
10:36 mircea_popescu there is that.
10:36 mircea_popescu course, at some point if 12 people bring up and then maintain sites,
10:36 mircea_popescu it may be cheaper to have a coupla make a package and that's that.
10:37 mike_c yeah, but, this upgrade I'm doing is bumping it up 3 major versions because I haven't touched it in years
10:37 mircea_popescu so far it's you, phf , ben_vulpes , mod6 , asciilifeform running sites not to mention teh bloggers.
10:38 mike_c doing it would have value, but, priority wise..
10:38 mircea_popescu well the other thing is that a guy who can do a spiffy web framework couldn't necessarily do gpg arcana or c++ nonsense in bitcoind.
10:38 mircea_popescu if i make alf spend an hour fucking around with python, that's an hour.
10:39 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: it runs on an ancient python lib called 'flask'
10:39 asciilifeform this was ~meant~ to be temporary...
10:39 mircea_popescu aha.
10:39 mike_c flask isn't ancient? it's still maintained and updated afaik
10:39 mircea_popescu no but by now this jus' keeps growing, and the solutions are exactly that. trilema runs on an ancient thing called "wordpress". etc.
10:39 asciilifeform mike_c: i have not kept up. i picked up whatever it was i had on my disk in '13
10:39 mircea_popescu mike_c he prolly got a version off 3.5 inch diskettes.
10:39 phf flask is definitely live, is considered "alternative to bloated blahs like django"
10:39 mircea_popescu ahahaha
10:40 mike_c hm - actually, hasn't been touched since '13: https://github.com/pallets/flask/releases
10:40 asciilifeform it's deadly simple, analogous to, say, cl-who in commonlisp
10:40 mircea_popescu anyway. tis true the web is not terribruy high priority. it's also true we use it lots.
10:44 mircea_popescu actually, it's not even trivial to do a count - i left out trinque and jurov for instance. that makes it 7. it's prolly more like 80% than any specific number.
10:45 phf http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-25#1457629
10:45 a111 Logged on 2016-04-25 21:18 mircea_popescu: recall that the strength of the wot comes specifically from there not being a standard of behaviour.
10:50 mircea_popescu different topics here tho. standard of behaviour is one thing ; standard of tools is another. a good set of standard tools is what allows variance of behaviour.
10:50 mircea_popescu poorly designed, impredictable random tools actually induces similarity of behavior. it is technically speaking a free fuzzer for teh enemy.
10:51 mircea_popescu anyway, the other point being that there's no requirement for any actual heavy lifting work be done - take flask, read through it once, snip idiocies, put it in v and voila, official tmsr boost.
10:52 phf i'm just being a silly, i don't have a strong opinion until i see further direction taken
10:53 mircea_popescu yeah me either. jus' a stray thought, fully argued i'd say.
10:55 phf flask is not standalone though, it's a wsgi service, which in turn is a python standard for doing "web application". there are competing servers for wsgi, uwsgi being most popular. i actually had to patch it for my work production, and it's not a fits in head by any means
10:56 mircea_popescu come to think of it, trilema prolly takes the cake for longevity - it's running "You are using WordPress 2.7. Please Update." bolted shut back in 2008. notwithstanding ~numerous~ attempts, never been owned, either.
11:05 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: l0l! i have same vintage wp
11:05 mircea_popescu possibly last it was any use or somesuch.
11:07 mircea_popescu anyway, this anecdote certainly gives a good trashing to the whole "gotta upgrade" blabla. why, for "security" ? glhf, the log's chock full of lolz @wp blogs. for what, "looks" ? yarly, i've yet to see that many better looking blogs.
11:07 mircea_popescu 2008 to 2016 is 8 years, ie, more than the "cumulative experience" of pretty much every "online team"
11:08 phf in other news of interest probably only to ben_vulpes, homebrew is now reporting any command you run or package you install to google analytics unless you opt-out by setting HOMEBREW_NO_ANALYTICS. this useful feature was brought to you by this fuck https://github.com/mikemcquaid, Mike McQuaid, who looks exactly like you'd imagine this kind of fuck to look.
11:09 mircea_popescu ahahahaah what
11:10 phf don't worry, it's "anonymous" https://github.com/Homebrew/brew/blob/master/share/doc/homebrew/Analytics.md
11:10 mircea_popescu as if redditard's notion of anonymous and google's notion of fully known are incompatible or someshit.
11:12 mircea_popescu (they're in total lulzy overdrive, by the way. system with nothing but a certain webhost cookie got shown adds for THAT webhost 975 times / 1000 and 25 times to other webhosts ; then with consumer interest single cookie (waldorf astoria) got shown 1000/1000 waldorf astoria ads.
11:13 mircea_popescu why the fuck would an advertiser pay for this i have no idea, but teh google is mining it to the hilt. and i suspect they're either going to get usg payola or start reporting ever-worsening quarters because they moneyz just isn't there anymore.)
11:16 phf i thought for a while, that google makes most of its income (including things like tax breaks and protectorate) through bulk data sale and access, and ads is just a quaint misdirection. anecdotally from people in the affiliate marketing and such circles, the margins on google ads and the profits are so low and have been for about two years now to suspect whole thing of a lie
11:16 mircea_popescu it's one thing to have low margins, where you can barely justify the equipment and workforce. it's another to have no market.
11:17 mircea_popescu back in 2005 everyone i knew bought google, and getting banned was like suicide. then in 2010 the lazier / older bought and the younger wolves were moving on. last year [when i was doing eulora marketing] i couldn't find anyone i knew who bought google ads.
11:18 mircea_popescu i was like "hey, show me some stats" "uh... i think i have some from like 2013..." "wtf"
11:19 mircea_popescu part of it, of course, being that they're caught in the trap "online media" sites were caught a decade prior. back in 2005 google ads were sought out because the yahoo wannabe yahoos had ridoinculous shit like "80 bux cpm" in their "sheets", while ctrs were dropping through the 1% floor.
11:20 mircea_popescu by now google is pushing for 10-25 cent clicks as a minimum, but not only are clickthroughs way down there under 0.1%, cpa/ctr relation is entirely broken. get ten million clicks and sell two garden gnomes.
11:21 mircea_popescu unthinkable back in the enchanted 2000, when ~any paysite had 10k pageviews and 10k revenue or 100k pageviews and 100k revenue, scaling 1:1 like glued together.
11:25 mircea_popescu and to top the irony cake - exploit traffic beats the socks off anything anyone can buy. take the very openly public literotica thing as an example, it got clicked in the 1.5% range! like it's 1996 all over again! and people comment and whatnot.
11:25 mircea_popescu try to match the results with ~any sort of online advertising approach and then we can compare what writing ten lines of bash costs vs whatever "online campaign management" set you back. lel.
11:30 asciilifeform google is and - afaik - has been since almost beginning - usgtronic 'tbtf'
11:31 phf what you're saying correlates to what i heard, i don't have an opinion because it always seemed like dark magic to me. i've never clicked on ads, and have hard time groking a person who would. but there's also a disconnect of sorts. i understand literotica hack, it is in some ways similar to okcupid hack, it's a cold call, where you have some idea who's the person on the other side, and you just do it in bulk. online ads seem more like fishing, ex
11:31 phf cept there's no concrete knowledge of fish, or behaviors, it's all reading tea leaves
11:31 mircea_popescu ha! it should be exact equivalent : you know what the site sells (or it should).
11:31 asciilifeform i'm still not convinced that anyone clicks on ads, other than by accident
11:32 asciilifeform whole thing is ~= spam.
11:32 asciilifeform raw cargo cult.
11:32 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i know for a fact people do. and yes it is exactly spam, and people clikc that, too.
11:32 phf "we put an ad up, got much money. year later we put an ad up got low money. he's a graph. much money here, low money here. tribe move, many starve"
11:32 mircea_popescu i dunno if anymore, but you should have seen spammer inbox a decade ago.
11:32 mircea_popescu people chatting them up like nobody's business.
11:32 asciilifeform and not '419-baiters' ?
11:32 mircea_popescu indeed not.
11:32 asciilifeform actual chumpers?
11:32 mircea_popescu actual chumpers.
11:32 phf i emailed spammers in the 90s :D
11:32 mircea_popescu phf word.
11:33 asciilifeform mindboggling.
11:33 mircea_popescu asciilifeform hey, people also talk to the police!
11:33 mircea_popescu and sign "plea bargains"
11:33 mircea_popescu "what's the bargain, i lube up and you fuck me raw ?" "ayup" "where's my pen!"
11:33 mircea_popescu heck, people enter into 30 year mortgage agreements with 5 year fixed interest rate!
11:34 asciilifeform 'can haz moar rusty nailz plox!?'
11:35 mircea_popescu nobody ever went broke overestimating the idiocy of the consumer. kinda why the whole charaqde has to end, idle, disinterested, ignorant stupidity on such scale can scarcely be maintained.
11:35 mircea_popescu it's a wonder it lasted this long.
11:36 asciilifeform eh,
11:36 asciilifeform 'cow is so stupid, must go extinct before long'
11:36 asciilifeform but not!
11:36 mircea_popescu asciilifeform consider, again, very openly public item : http://trilema.com/2014/the-sex-lives-of-other-people/#comment-117126
11:36 mircea_popescu and prev.
11:37 mircea_popescu people click.
11:37 asciilifeform this was re 'has to end'
11:37 asciilifeform it is not clear to me what will end it.
11:38 mircea_popescu famine. as per phf quote.
11:38 mircea_popescu eventually "no one could have predicted" that "you have to" http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-26#1457777 because "everyone is doing it".
11:38 a111 Logged on 2016-04-26 13:34 mircea_popescu: oh right, and in this morning's "allow me to bother you" news, http://41.media.tumblr.com/5944aba2ae71db259875d9be326d6505/tumblr_nqnb041YLK1uv50iuo1_1280.jpg
11:38 mircea_popescu i pity the buttholes of the coming babes.
11:39 mircea_popescu but ask 30yo ukr chix what was life like in khrakov's campus/red quarter cca 1990s.
11:39 mircea_popescu or , for that matter, these days i guess huh.
11:41 * asciilifeform admittedly very, very far from wwwtronics space
11:42 asciilifeform long ago, '11-ish, i bought google ads even
11:42 asciilifeform it's a hundy i'll never see again...
11:42 asciilifeform utter rubbish.
11:42 asciilifeform then again i was pushing a proggy for which total theoretical maximum install base could have been 500 people.
11:43 asciilifeform (robot controller)
11:43 mircea_popescu supposedly google ads perfect for this purpose. in theory, of course. practice....
11:43 asciilifeform oh would you believe,
11:43 mircea_popescu by now facebook is running the same scam for a new generation of idiots, with ~ the same results.
11:43 asciilifeform and i dun think i mentioned this before,
11:43 asciilifeform they CENSORED the word 'tecan'
11:43 asciilifeform from the ad
11:43 asciilifeform because trademark.
11:43 mircea_popescu awww.
11:43 asciilifeform mega-lulz
11:44 asciilifeform as if the ads were not worthless enough
11:44 mircea_popescu i dunno if you recall that facebook gimmick where some derp supposedly trolled his roommate by controlling his ad flux ?
11:44 asciilifeform they had to also set fire to'em and piss
11:44 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: aha
11:44 mircea_popescu there i sat and wondered, much like you do above, who's in the target for this.
11:44 mircea_popescu well... redditards, who.
11:44 asciilifeform there was an 'inexplicable' scarcity of redditards with 300k robot
11:44 asciilifeform so nobody snapped it up.
11:45 asciilifeform the robot thing was quite educational for asciilifeform .
11:45 asciilifeform it was my final vaccine against 1,001 idiocies, e.g., vc
11:46 mircea_popescu i dun think i ever clicked an ad either. nowadays we have the terminology to properly formalize this : people who are so low on the wot scale of things they're used to being forever alone can not by that very fact possibly have the sort of social clout that'd allow them to control enough resources that'd make anything we care about relevant to them.
11:46 phf there was a period when facebook ads were fantastic for event promotion in the same literotica/okcupid way, but without hacking
11:46 mircea_popescu social classes, on the web.
11:46 asciilifeform how are they alone ?
11:46 asciilifeform isn't there whole anthill of'em?
11:47 asciilifeform or is it in the 'alienation' of marx sense
11:47 phf could go "girls, sorority, 17-22, dc area, blah blah" and literally send them bulk message there and then
11:47 mircea_popescu phf hey, there was a one quarter back years ago when this one guy made an absolute killing from some sort of "new up and coming" thing that did a social media skin over blind clicking.
11:47 mircea_popescu wtf was it called, back in the day reddit was ~child porn and digg ruled the same space.
11:47 mircea_popescu ;;ud stumbleon
11:47 gribble http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=stumble | To walk in a drunken fashion, or to use the toolbar found at stumbleupon.com .. and the word found in definition #1 should read 'waste'. Hobo Bob was bored, ...
11:48 mircea_popescu right.
11:48 mircea_popescu asciilifeform alone in the sense of fitting, how shall we put this... my shoes are made for my foot. their shoes are copied from my shoe.
11:48 phf i actually briefly worked for a guy who bought a bugati from facebook ads, and while i was there, was doing primarily "skin your facebook" internet explorer plugin, that would replace all ads with own versions. if be$$al$$ the goal...
11:49 mircea_popescu (literally, this, by the way - many years ago back in cluj the local suit factory ACTUALLY made their suits after me.)
11:49 mircea_popescu so you know, guy who no-one knows, who'd damned better fit in, because nothing's ever fitting TO them. which is why all this spamolade in various flavours is so appealing to them.
11:50 mircea_popescu fills an ontological void.
11:50 mircea_popescu i guess this reduces to a version of the marx sense, except exactly the one he didn't like.
11:51 asciilifeform re suits, lulzy, i'm about to have the metal anvil in my 'model f' chromed, now i anticipate q 'where in motorcycle does this weird thing with holes go'
11:51 mircea_popescu phf if this is hacking btw... the girl i fucked this morning is a space shuttle.
11:51 mircea_popescu asciilifeform say "it's not for bike, it's for hitachi wand".
11:52 asciilifeform http://www.epiguru.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/CIMG3416-610.jpg << this thing
11:52 asciilifeform l0l
11:53 asciilifeform just sayin', you dun have to be rich to have 'things fit for you'
11:53 asciilifeform just gotta give a shit
11:53 mircea_popescu and you're the first one to say "rich".
11:53 mircea_popescu rich dun enter into it ; and by and of itself it reduces to lottery winner / inheritor / etc.
11:53 mircea_popescu the point is control.
11:54 asciilifeform well mircea_popescu did say 'nothing's ever fitting TO them'
11:54 mircea_popescu so i did.
11:54 mircea_popescu and notice the trend, with stuff like obamacare, also :D
11:55 mircea_popescu or for that matter, police work etc.
11:55 asciilifeform which trend
11:55 mircea_popescu towards "one size'd better fit all of you scum"
11:56 asciilifeform the police don't yet bother respectable folk where i live
11:56 asciilifeform but i can see what mircea_popescu is thinking of.
11:57 mircea_popescu well, good for you then, careful not to live where ian murdock used to ?
11:58 asciilifeform well, more gotta be careful not to breathe the lsd he was sprayed with
11:58 mircea_popescu ftr, we know of the rabbit's misbehaviour from the fox's pretense. not even bothered to go on the record, that fox.
11:58 asciilifeform surely.
11:58 mircea_popescu for all you know all he did that day was park.
11:59 asciilifeform entirely conceivable.
11:59 asciilifeform and michael hastings didn't even park.
12:02 asciilifeform i still wonder why murdock had to be removed
12:02 asciilifeform afaik he was one of those disgustingly compliant folk already
12:03 mircea_popescu there's no "had to". when i accidentally ran my lawn mower over one of my thyme bushes, it wasn't that I HAD TO cut the thyme with large rapidly rotating blades.
12:03 mircea_popescu it's just that i was mowing.
12:03 asciilifeform i moved over one of those solar lantern things
12:03 mircea_popescu ;;google "for me it was tuesday"
12:03 gribble But for Me, It Was Tuesday - TV Tropes: <http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ButForMeItWasTuesday>; Bison remembers Tuesday - YouTube: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlhOUyy4wbs>; It was Tuesday - Street Fighter 1994 - YouTube: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVzAMmpMra8>
12:03 asciilifeform didn't even realize until i saw the battery, the only thing the blade could not powder easily, lying about
12:03 asciilifeform it was surreal
12:03 asciilifeform 'where did this battery come from'
12:03 mircea_popescu lol
12:03 mircea_popescu "maybe the bird dropped its battery"
12:03 asciilifeform aha!
12:05 mircea_popescu in my case, there was a sudden scent of nice pot roast, and then ohshit.jpg
12:06 asciilifeform but yes, fact, when police are called in usaschwitz they come with the violent monkeyman handling equipment and procedure
12:06 asciilifeform and it dun matter if yer some white professorial type
12:06 asciilifeform gonna get monkey-handled.
12:06 mircea_popescu hence trend.
12:07 mircea_popescu also, hence "white professorial" type entirely spurious pretense on part of obvious monkeyman.
12:07 asciilifeform i've met 'civilized' folk who, for one reason or another, got 'policed' and were surprised
12:07 mircea_popescu as in what, used airplanes ?
12:08 asciilifeform waiwat
12:08 mircea_popescu one reason or another = tried to fly ?
12:09 asciilifeform nah, more of a 'didn't show both hands in traffic stop' sort of thing
12:14 asciilifeform also why spurious pretense ? it isn't as if they actually ~need~ 50 cut-throats with machine guns and grappling hooks, grenades, to corral a murdock
12:15 asciilifeform a generation ago it would've been a polite 'come to the station with us plox'
12:15 mircea_popescu spurious pretense on the part of the monkeyman
12:15 mircea_popescu pretending like he is "a professorial type" when no such thing exists.
12:15 mircea_popescu much like the argentine pretending to be whatever the fuck they pretend to be, real estate agents
12:16 asciilifeform well whatever type that dun need a battalion to arrest
12:16 mircea_popescu while their tummy hasn't seen two simultanerous empanadas to rub together since 1992
12:17 mats lol
12:17 asciilifeform a real salesman and a charlatan are both same for the purpose of 'dun need 50 policemen with grenades', no ?
12:18 mircea_popescu from the purpose of "50 policement with grenades show up", there DOES NOT EXIST such a thing as "salesman" or "charlatan".
12:18 mircea_popescu period and full fucking stop, theorethicology proposes but ontology disposes.
12:19 asciilifeform consider that in su no such thing showed up.
12:19 asciilifeform for anybody.
12:20 mircea_popescu precisely and exactly like "whatcha waitin' for ho, this cock to suck itself ?" "hey, i'm the Queen of De Nile!" "Mno, you're just some ho in the ho-bar. Get busy."
12:20 mircea_popescu asciilifeform so what if it didn't ?
12:20 asciilifeform usians are often quite surprised when i tell them that it didn't. and disbelieve.
12:21 asciilifeform 'bbbbut t0t4l1t4r14n!1111'
12:21 mircea_popescu and in entirely unrelated news, some jokers registered a http://brokercheck.finra.org/Firm/Summary/173059 "triloma" thing last year
12:21 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yeah, but soviets were also retarded. at some point half of leningrad got the order to kill the other half - and they did!
12:22 asciilifeform betcha half of washington would merrily strangle the other half
12:22 asciilifeform just gotta know who to ask.
12:22 mircea_popescu maybe googlebook can help.
12:22 asciilifeform stranglebook.
12:24 asciilifeform the hutus had to coordinate strikes on tutsis via radio, but modern amerikka can do better!1111
12:24 mats https://spin.atomicobject.com/2016/04/26/swift-long-compile-time/
12:24 mats 'the above dictionary literal code takes at least 12 hours to compile. The compilation time grows roughly exponentially with each employee that is added.'
12:25 mats nice.
12:25 asciilifeform 'Type inference is known to be a bit slow when inferring nested data structures. I think they’re hoping to speed it up before the release of Swift 3, but for now you can make the compilation faster by adding a type annotation...'
12:25 asciilifeform l0l!111
12:26 mircea_popescu dat matt nedrich dude...
12:26 asciilifeform 'we luvvv haskell and want to be it, so what if we have half of the min iq'
12:26 mircea_popescu you have gotta be kidding me, what could possibly take 12 hours to "compile" in a flat list of 20 elements ?1
12:27 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: what took 2 hrs in winblowz-95 installer ?
12:27 mircea_popescu i never installed one o.O
12:28 asciilifeform only a t3rr0r1st!11 would ask!
12:29 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: it had empty loop and grunted the floppy drv (yes) to create impression of activity
12:29 mircea_popescu lol!
12:29 asciilifeform as the cube dweller is, thus also is his software.
12:29 asciilifeform 'sound and fury, signifying nothing' (tm) (r)
12:30 mircea_popescu i was thinking, cumu-i turcu' si pistolu'.
12:30 mircea_popescu (like the turk, so is his pistol)
12:30 asciilifeform similar, i think.
12:33 phf mircea_popescu: those were anecdotes from early facebook days along the lines of "everyone i knew was doing google in ~2005~". the feature necessary to make it useful for milking were locked down way back
12:34 phf *features
12:34 mircea_popescu either that or the cowsies no longer congregate there.
12:35 mircea_popescu the simple fact is that the sphere has shattered into shattered shards. i go into detail somewhere, but too lazy to dig it up, so let's rehash briefly : who the fuck would need google to find his way to something of interest today, and what's it say about them if they found it by google ?
12:35 mircea_popescu if i want to know who the president is, by that token i'm retarded. if i actually need to google "funny pics" to have a laugh, idem.
12:36 mircea_popescu back in 2000, there was no fucking way to know shit existed. today, not knowing shit exists means you're from india or tardstalk or something.
12:36 phf i remember that thread
12:37 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: ...who the fuck would need google to find his way to something of interest today, and what's it say about them if they found it by google... << error messages.
12:37 mircea_popescu i mean seriously, imagine it... "hurr durr i heard a new word today, bitocin. let me google b-i-t-o-c-i-n click hmmm... apparently it's Bit-Coin. o look it's a dashed histributed layer of tips! NEAT! i'ma tell all my friends, which just happen to be plushies cut like japanese girls!"
12:37 asciilifeform and usenet.
12:38 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yes yes, exceptions. think of what the advertisers [are supposed to] think when they imagine this process.
12:38 asciilifeform they think?
12:38 asciilifeform since when does cargocult involve thought
12:39 mircea_popescu whole echafaudage is predicated on people thinking a certain way. like so : http://trilema.com/2012/bribes-in-bitcoins/#comment-117109
12:39 mircea_popescu "But fine, we are discussing arbitrary things so why not arbitrarily eliminate key US advantages? It goes with the theme of the conversation."
12:39 mircea_popescu guy's intelligent but old. this means he lacks the flexibility to see past the mental construction. he's the target.
12:39 mircea_popescu once you accept a pattern, you're good for a ride.
12:40 mircea_popescu [which ties neatly into rng discussion yest and structured-behaviour-and-the-wot perennially]
12:40 asciilifeform ~once you can be modelled~ yer good for a ride.
12:41 mircea_popescu yeah. that's the whole thing with poker, the lowest level play "for fun". then the "experts" in their own narrow social circle read up on statistics once and vaguely recall the probabilities.
12:41 phf hmm
12:41 mircea_popescu then the actual experts feed them patterns and reel them in - which is why expert can play for twenty hours and slowly rake a room 5% at a time.
12:42 asciilifeform that ~exactly same thing happens in finance, is, i think, known to all at this point
12:42 mircea_popescu the pinnacle of this being that scene immortalized by rounders, possibly the forever best scene of all poker since it's going out as someone was pointing out here recently.
12:43 asciilifeform nothing is forever, who today plays 'pharaoh' ?
12:43 mircea_popescu poker liked to think itself forever. ah, sweet 90s.
12:43 mircea_popescu such a great time, clinton was president, the "indomitable" deficit reigned in, the wall down, floods of prime eeuro pussy everwhere...
12:44 asciilifeform msdos!
12:44 mircea_popescu it's like the 20s except the 90s.
12:44 mircea_popescu aha.
12:46 mircea_popescu (ref: "[Announcer] Eric Seidel cannot win this hand, and yet he doesn't know it. Chan is trying to sucker him in by taking his time. Oh, look at that look of the defending champ.")
12:47 mats am confuse why the new $20 is so controversial
12:47 mircea_popescu hm ?
12:47 mats is this what white guilt looks like
12:47 mats new $20 has tubman and jackson on it
12:52 mats some back story, jackson was a slave owner and killed a buncha savages - tubman, was an abolitionist
12:53 mircea_popescu ok but more's the point, how controversial is it ? i never heard about it.
12:54 phf i think it's controversial that $100 no longer looks like this http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-R00JYEDJOe0/T_0IOf1ijyI/AAAAAAAADWE/j48TxYMCpqw/s1600/IMG_2349.JPG everything past that is just digging the grave deeper
12:55 mircea_popescu i think it's ridiculous that there's no $1500 bill to go with the $1000 euro / $5000 ron etc.
12:55 mircea_popescu heck, even the argentines introduced high denoms
12:56 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: they existed at one time
12:56 phf i thought they used to have it, but discontinued once bezzle started settling in
12:56 punkman they aren't printing a lot of 500eur notes yet, I wonder if people are paying a premium to acquire them
12:56 asciilifeform abolished, to make transport of megabux harder
12:57 mats i dno, weirdly enough most of the noise is from my network that is like 5% white and weren't born in us
12:57 mircea_popescu punkman i've yet to have a bank bitch when ordered to deliver
12:57 mircea_popescu not necessarily surprising they wouldn't print a lot tho, what's most peopel to do with their salary in a single bill ?
12:58 punkman not even a salary
12:58 asciilifeform stuff in arse and flee from usaschwitz ?
12:58 mats some of the whining is a rehash of 'why is jackson the oppressor even on our money' and the rest is 'why a black woman, now, and what happened to the refresh of the $10 first?'
12:58 asciilifeform hence WHY no 1bill
12:58 punkman gonna need change
12:58 mircea_popescu punkman last i saw ~50% of pop made ~500 euros, but w/e, thereabouts.
12:59 mircea_popescu mats so they wanna put random nobody on 20 dollar bill because female and black ? mkay.
12:59 asciilifeform aaaaand because great hero of monkey riiiiights movement!1111
12:59 mircea_popescu "hey kids - here's a take home story : for as long as you subscribe to the correct/fashionable ideology, you too can one day be 20-dollar famous, provided were born with the right gene combo."
13:00 mircea_popescu sounds self-parodically reactionary, but what do i know.
13:00 punkman https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Harriet_Tubman&offset=&limit=100&action=history lol check out the edits by the dozen
13:01 mircea_popescu in other lulz, http://c2n.me/3xdhgxv.jpg
13:02 mircea_popescu punkman clearly, tardpedia works as intended.
13:03 mats i dunno why americans aren't proud of beating the savages into submission and taking all their shit
13:03 mircea_popescu which savages and what's "americans"
13:04 mats 'american indians', los pobladores de estados unidos
13:05 asciilifeform mats: they WERE, until su kgb did in the 1960s the equivalent of spraying mercury into aluminum airplane, and injected usa with 'cultural marxism' and xyz-studies etc.
13:05 asciilifeform from that point on, rot.
13:06 mircea_popescu eh injected my foot.
13:06 asciilifeform poor foot!11
13:07 mats topically, there are a lot more 'confucius institutes' since i last checked
13:08 mats azn invasion
13:08 asciilifeform mats: afaik most of these folk dun do 'studies', they do engineering etc
13:08 asciilifeform if they are beginning to 'institute' it means the local poison has done its work on'em.
13:11 mats my understanding is it is purely a soft power thing, teach people mandarin, expose 'em to chinese 'culture' (there is history but no culture), with the aim of developing foreign assets perhaps
13:12 asciilifeform aside from career linguists, i know ~no one doing this.
13:12 mats i've never been able to wrap my head around these things, looks purely -ev but what do i know about economy anyways
13:12 asciilifeform mats: wouldya believe su published a 'sov life' magazine for america.
13:12 mircea_popescu mats what do you mean no culture ? confucianism is very good cowsy culture, i'm surprised it didn't become more popular in the us sooner
13:12 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: incompatible with 'star topology' !!!
13:13 asciilifeform teaches son to venerate father, not Great Inca.
13:13 mircea_popescu i guess. but very jewish you know, cunt planet 100%
13:13 asciilifeform but this is not the only criterion.
13:13 mircea_popescu apparently not.
13:13 mircea_popescu fwiw, this was pretty much the only thing keeping china from demographic collapse except in 1100 not in 1900 like barbarian europe.
13:17 mats confucianism is not as popular as it used to be
13:17 mats and it is even more fragmented than in the past
13:18 mircea_popescu fortunately ~nobody cares about pancakeface gurlz. otherwise we'd be in deep shit, from what i hear the demand is pretty crazy in china.
13:18 mats i personally dunno anyone that cares about it. money is the new religion.
13:18 mats i can tell you don't know many azns
13:19 mats or they wouldn't be pancakeface anymoar
13:19 mircea_popescu mats what's it take to be able to pick among the B/B+s 19-29 in beijing these days ? 1mn cash + 500k/year ?
13:19 asciilifeform iirc mircea_popescu is into chix as tall as he is, of whom there are ~3 in cn.
13:19 mats idk
13:19 mircea_popescu mats indeed not. and also can't fucking stand the obnoxious habit of whining and no-no-no-ing etc.
13:20 mats ???
13:20 mircea_popescu asciilifeform that also yeah, but i kept it lowball. i guess 1.75+ counts for A+++ in there.
13:20 mats idk what you're talking about, certainly not a pervasive phenomenon
13:21 mats what, you been watching .jp porn?
13:21 mircea_popescu maybe just meeting the wrong crowd.
13:21 mircea_popescu sluttery is now socially acceptable in cn mainstream ?!
13:22 mats everything has been on sale for decades
13:22 mircea_popescu there's a difference between the actuality and the pretense of it.
13:22 mircea_popescu and the pretense generally annoys me.
13:23 mats there is perennial talk about traditional values, but i suspect its mostly to placate the peasants
13:23 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> mats so they wanna put random nobody on 20 dollar bill because female and black ? mkay. << Hey, she was a gun rights supporter and early member of the GOP establishment. Definitely a Kasich voter.
13:23 mircea_popescu aok.
13:24 mats if you move in certain circles, ie folks in bidness, gov, pussy is for sale, display, wutever you want
13:24 mats also lots of ketamine.
13:25 mircea_popescu do you know this from experience, hearsay, internets ?
13:26 mats i grew up with a number of folks that work there
13:26 mats work there now, anyways.
13:26 * BingoBoingo enjoys irony of Bahamas removing early 19th century Bernie Sanders from $20 to replace with founding member of GOP establishment.
13:26 mircea_popescu mats i keep trying to convince myself to try china with little result.
13:27 mats idk why you wanted to go in the first place
13:27 mircea_popescu gotta see the world!
13:27 mats ancap and all, doesn't suit you
13:27 mircea_popescu how's that ?
13:27 asciilifeform iirc mircea_popescu was expecting it to pop ?
13:27 mats plus you don't even like .cn females!
13:28 asciilifeform mircea_popescu seems to like places about to pop
13:28 mircea_popescu maybe they keep the good ones hidden or something.
13:28 mats ancaps want voluntary state, doesn't this conflict with living in a totalitarian universe of short people?
13:28 mircea_popescu asciilifeform the rape the argentines are receiving is SO FUCKING SATISFYING you can't imagine.
13:28 asciilifeform i can picture !
13:29 mircea_popescu mats you havta appreciate, i don't personally live anywhere ; interface the state away.
13:29 mircea_popescu the last time i had a bill in my name i was 15 and thought it was cool.
13:29 mats ah yes, the fabled technocratic nomad
13:29 asciilifeform the rape << can haz $10k flat in b-a yet ??
13:29 asciilifeform or not ~so~ raped
13:29 mircea_popescu asciilifeform no but they're softening, bout half under 100k now, from over 150k a coupla years ago.
13:30 asciilifeform eh i can get this in bmore
13:30 mats lol
13:30 mircea_popescu aha.
13:30 asciilifeform useless111
13:30 mircea_popescu don't be silly, this is a 10mn pop town with one murder LAST YEAR
13:30 mircea_popescu get THAT in the 100 baltimores it'd take.
13:31 asciilifeform interestingly usg does not publish murder stats divided into ~civilians~ and not
13:31 asciilifeform would be informative
13:32 asciilifeform as it is, we're squarely into 'average person has 1 ball and 1 ovary' territory.
13:32 mircea_popescu yeah, that was teh SIDE
13:32 mircea_popescu looks like ex-chief whore is going to jail over it, too
13:32 asciilifeform nowai
13:32 mircea_popescu aha.
13:33 mircea_popescu (as announced in trilema, months before in the local press etc).
13:33 asciilifeform betcha she already has asylum flat in sanfran waitin'.
13:33 mircea_popescu and in other news of deep americana interest & BingoBoingo custom tail-ored, http://mormongirlz.com
13:34 ben_vulpes phf: saw that, rofld hard
13:34 ben_vulpes lectured girl on how this is outgrowth of cultural attitudes around computers that nobody owns
13:34 ben_vulpes girl ams fascinate
13:34 mats lol mormongirlz
13:35 mircea_popescu wait, tmsr helping fascinate girls ? since 2016 ?
13:35 ben_vulpes not tmsr, me.
13:35 mircea_popescu oimsorry.
13:35 ben_vulpes http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-26#1457821 << there are some minorly trivial security concerns to keep in mind when building webapps
13:35 a111 Logged on 2016-04-26 14:45 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-25#1457629
13:35 ben_vulpes specificity of diddling applies.
13:36 ben_vulpes and ftr i motherfucking /hate/ python.
13:36 asciilifeform ditto
13:36 ben_vulpes for web shit specifically.
13:36 mircea_popescu eh, most of the webstack is SO ROTTEN anyway, you're not fighting against serious economic interest.
13:36 asciilifeform i used it because i found a pgp parser thing for it.
13:36 mircea_popescu anyone even moderately inclinemd can just own any-other-site insteadf
13:37 BingoBoingo ty mircea_popescu for that portal into Utahian culture
13:37 mircea_popescu yep, guy that runs it actually is from slc.
13:42 shinohai http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2016/04/25/what-hell-artist-crucifies-jesus-on-dartboard.html
~ 48 minutes ~
14:30 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> (as announced in trilema, months before in the local press etc). << care to qntra a short oped on the matter this evening?
14:30 mircea_popescu tis kinda counter-timing, and not really qntra-level of yet.
14:31 trinque hunchentoot is good
14:31 mircea_popescu sort-of on radar but not dinged yet.
14:37 mircea_popescu Moduli with Obvious Brain-Damage: 1888 << soon to 2k!
14:40 punkman ben_vulpes: I don't think there's something not to hate
14:40 punkman but what's so terrible about py anyway?
14:50 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i really will have to make it paged
14:50 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: it already annihilates some of the crappier browserz
14:51 asciilifeform punkman: iirc we had a 'why we hate' thread re it
14:51 asciilifeform for one thing, python 2 or 3
14:52 asciilifeform for another, the fact that i can even ask this !!
14:53 trinque the thing having pilfered lisp's notion of operating over lists without having added anything novel/useful itself, and having removed many useful things, such as the language itself being those lists
14:54 trinque fuck python; it is an example of design for "those people" i.e. the idiot consumer or whoever.
14:55 asciilifeform trinque: i use it as pretty much a less-carcinogenic perl.
14:56 ben_vulpes punkman: mostly the miserable OOP implementation.
14:57 ben_vulpes even Java's OOP is less fucking miserable.
14:57 trinque when I write py, I try to forget that it has an OOP impl entirely.
14:57 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yeah, prolly make it in 100s.
14:57 ben_vulpes trinque: this is why i do webshits in clojure.
14:57 trinque asciilifeform: it can be useful for that, less painful sometimes than perl or bash
14:58 ben_vulpes plus miserable miserable miserable concurrency constructs.
14:58 mircea_popescu ftr, the actual page order varies on each load - diff items at bottom and tompost position. shjould also be fixed this
14:59 trinque https://www.python.org/doc/essays/cp4e/ << /me barfs
15:07 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-26#1458207 << i found out, already, why. will be fixed on next reload.
15:07 a111 Logged on 2016-04-26 18:58 mircea_popescu: ftr, the actual page order varies on each load - diff items at bottom and tompost position. shjould also be fixed this
15:07 mircea_popescu cool. not so much a problem on single page, but killer if you paginate obviously.
15:07 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-26#1458202 << yeah i use it as a perl
15:07 a111 Logged on 2016-04-26 18:57 trinque: when I write py, I try to forget that it has an OOP impl entirely.
15:08 asciilifeform no oop, no proggy > a few pgs
15:08 mircea_popescu ftr, in the few and far between cases i wrote anything in c++ i also ignored the whole "oop" stuff.
15:08 mircea_popescu perhaps helped along by the fact that at the time oop was a NEW HOT MUST USE technologee
15:08 asciilifeform phuctor is ~600 ln.
15:10 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: oop was ~new in 1972.
15:10 asciilifeform HOTHOT111111!~!111 in '90s yes.
15:11 asciilifeform when the remoras got to it.
15:11 mircea_popescu myeah. monkeys.bas was full of the shit, iirc, but at the time more of a "check out how weird ms is" than anything
15:11 mircea_popescu or was it gorrilaz.bas ?
15:11 asciilifeform gorillas
15:12 asciilifeform http://www.jefflewis.net/archive/programming/gorilla.bas
15:12 asciilifeform i dun see oopism in there ?
15:14 asciilifeform i dun even recall there being any oop in ms basic
15:25 trinque glorious Visual Basic has classes
15:26 asciilifeform trinque: the infamous 'gorillas.bas' came with msdos tho
15:26 asciilifeform 'qbasic'.
15:28 phf python is good basic
15:29 asciilifeform phf: one could almost think so until realize that it has auto-installers for libs
15:30 asciilifeform and ~2 decades of cancer
15:30 asciilifeform for all of basic's faults it had no such.
15:30 phf basic was around before auto-installers were a thing, if it survived into 2012, would have same
15:31 asciilifeform there are even now basic users.
15:31 asciilifeform 'freebasic', and iirc even 'euphoria' - which was arguably a basic - is still used
15:31 asciilifeform and i'd be surprised if both did not now have lib cancer
15:32 * shinohai still has a TRS-80 running "Extended Color BAsic" lulz
15:34 phf i've hacked basic recently, "chipmunk" for mac
15:35 phf well two years ago
15:36 phf actually i wrote some code couple of months ago for qbasic because i was curious about the surprisingly feature rich gui stuff. wish i knew about that growing up
15:36 asciilifeform i think pretty much everyone has a 'bedtime' lang where he can sit down and write 3 lines that no, won't show to anyone, but do xxx
15:37 phf oh in that sense i prefer python, it has enough libs to make it very good at "hacking". pyquery, request, pyobjc
15:38 phf http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-26#1458212 <<
15:38 a111 Logged on 2016-04-26 19:07 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-26#1458202 << yeah i use it as a perl
15:38 asciilifeform aha.
15:39 trinque seems right that the very things that make it expedient for hacking something together are what rot the "ecosystem"
15:40 asciilifeform trinque: i'm not convinced of this
15:41 asciilifeform https://blockchain.info/tx/cc455ae816e6cdafdb58d54e35d4f46d860047458eacf1c7405dc634631c570d << lulzies
15:41 punkman phf, speaking of requests in particular (about 80% of the py code I write does http reqs), I've conclude that it's a piece of shit along with everything from the author
15:42 punkman I'm considering going back to libcurl
15:42 phf i agree re piece of shit, but not sure about libcurl, i remember it being a pain in the ass to "configure" to do simple things
15:42 punkman fine if you are doing a dozen requests, miserable when you are doing millions per hour
15:43 phf ahah
15:43 ben_vulpes urllib2 is a perfect example of "but i don't want to write oopython!"
15:43 ben_vulpes "TOO BAD, SUCKER"
15:43 punkman I've written my own libcurl wrappers every time I gotta use it with some random language
15:43 phf i write twisted when i need to do anything "millions" and "network" in python
15:44 punkman last time I worked on someone's twisted stuff it was horribly complicated but yeah
15:44 asciilifeform 'millions' --straight to--> c/asm
15:44 asciilifeform srsly
15:47 ben_vulpes > straight to c
15:47 ben_vulpes you are a masochist
15:47 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: if you ~actually~ need millions/whatevers/sec
~ 26 minutes ~
16:14 mircea_popescu asciilifeform> i dun even recall there being any oop in ms basic << i didn't care for the naming conventions! SAME THING!
16:14 * mircea_popescu admits his memory is hazy at best.
16:15 asciilifeform but which is the 'same thing'
16:15 asciilifeform it barely has user-definable types !
16:16 mircea_popescu sciilifeform> trinque: i'm not convinced of this << i'm convinced of not-this. observe paper-and-pencil never rotted.
~ 43 minutes ~
16:59 mircea_popescu in other news nobody cares about, the new argentine govt liberalised the fx ; as a result the anemic bitcoin market (which was doing 1-10 btc/day throughout the financial controls regime) entirely vanished. i'd be surprised if monthly volume country wise reached 20 btc now.
16:59 mircea_popescu (this is good for bitcoin )
17:13 asciilifeform $up tripleslash
17:14 deedbot tripleslash voiced for 30 minutes.
17:14 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: 1-10 btc is dryer lint
17:14 asciilifeform srsly ?
17:16 shinohai Feel free to send your dryer lint to my piggy bank asciilifeform
17:20 trinque $up deedbot-
17:20 deedbot deedbot- voiced for 30 minutes.
17:21 trinque ^ that'll finally go away tonight; gonna finish !deed
17:22 trinque gotta make sure it's bit-identical with the py implementation
~ 1 hours 34 minutes ~
18:56 shinohai ;;bc,stats
18:56 gribble Current Blocks: 409059 | Current Difficulty: 1.7867830767168845E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 409247 | Next Difficulty In: 188 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 6 hours, 41 minutes, and 37 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
~ 15 minutes ~
19:12 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yeah, srsly.
19:19 mircea_popescu and in other news, i get http://dpaste.com/3T7BNAM which is somewhat flattering, because https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2016-02/msg00225.html
19:20 mircea_popescu for bonus points, https://bitly.com/pages/landing/branded-short-domains-powered-by-bitly?bsd=wiht.link
~ 42 minutes ~
20:03 mircea_popescu and in other gay prison music videos news, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iUGfURqyhs
~ 16 minutes ~
20:19 shinohai dafuq did i just watch
20:20 shinohai Moldavian mobsters and traps?
20:20 mircea_popescu prolly.
20:27 trinque https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0DO0XyS8Ko << this shit is goddamned hilarious
20:28 trinque in my mind, it is about an appreciative john that thanked his favorite whores with their own music video
20:28 mircea_popescu ahahaha wtf surreal shit
20:29 mircea_popescu think he has a chance in us pres race ?
20:29 mircea_popescu hair seems ~right i think ?
20:29 mats thats a lot of views
20:29 mircea_popescu all the famous shit nobody knew about.
20:31 mircea_popescu so : turns out a) the guy is romanian ; b) COMPLETE ro media blackout on him. i think they're embarassed. ~only mention is from jan pointing out he was mentioned in huffpo
20:31 mircea_popescu (ro tards are, like all third world shitheads, verily enamoured with the zombie-libtard venues)
20:32 mircea_popescu meanwhile, more youtube views than romania altogether lol. clearly media blackout works!!1
20:39 punkman sounds a lot like greek kitsch gypsy songs
20:39 mircea_popescu ~what it is
20:40 mircea_popescu ahahaha prince had been doing 100k worth of dilaudid a year for 25 years ?
20:54 mircea_popescu http://i.imgur.com/CqzXb5J.jpg
20:55 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-27#1458302 << notheorems.jpg
20:55 a111 Logged on 2016-04-27 00:40 mircea_popescu: ahahaha prince had been doing 100k worth of dilaudid a year for 25 years ?
20:56 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2014-08-25#808005 << see also.
20:56 a111 Logged on 2014-08-25 03:08 asciilifeform: busy as a bee << funny that they show an idiot sow scrubbing, and not, e.g, paul erdos crapping out theorems
20:56 mircea_popescu but in other bikini news, http://s27.postimg.org/sbojlfger/bikini3.jpg
20:56 shinohai niiiiice mircea_popescu
21:02 asciilifeform i simply dun grasp rich folk who take 'downers'
21:02 asciilifeform srsly, why.
21:02 mircea_popescu guy had some sort of injuries. futzing around on stage for years is a very skeleton-damaging line.
21:02 asciilifeform then possibly
21:04 asciilifeform http://cryptome.org/qnb-response.jpg << qnb lulz
21:04 mircea_popescu wtf is this lame shit, "we would like for this to not exist kthx"
21:04 asciilifeform sop
21:04 asciilifeform see also 'ashley madison' et al
21:05 mircea_popescu wtf "sop". no fucking "sop". i sold them no sop licenses. and who the fuck cares about employee counts, bejaysus.
21:08 mircea_popescu the national bank of quatar is marginally qualified to serve street kebap. in a year or two they may get their game up to where they can make a tardstalk account and not seem out-of-place idiotic.
21:09 asciilifeform hey at least it isn't ukr bank
21:11 mircea_popescu in more qatar national bank news, http://i.imgur.com/lVHz8s1.jpg
21:11 asciilifeform wut
21:11 asciilifeform last rites huh.
21:12 mircea_popescu something
21:12 shinohai http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2016/04/25/beautiful-people-dating-site-that-rejects-unattractive-profiles/
21:13 asciilifeform shinohai: coming next, jewelry shop that ejects poor people !
21:13 shinohai >.<
21:15 shinohai I found it funny the # of reported .gov emails supposedly in this dump
21:28 mircea_popescu seems improbable tho, military peeps are slobs in all times/places.
~ 41 minutes ~
22:09 phf http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.kernel/2204118 "The venerable Linux /dev/random served users of cryptographic mechanisms well for a long time. ... In the last years, however, the Linux /dev/random showed signs of age where it has challenges to cope with modern computing environments"
22:12 phf and the corresponding whitepaper http://www.chronox.de/lrng/doc/lrng.pdf
22:19 mircea_popescu the venerable penis, also.
22:19 phf "The cryptographic processing of the entropic data is implemented with a well-known and well-studied deterministic random number generator: an SP800- 90A DRBG as defined in [2] – naturally excluding the NSA-sponsored Dual-EC DRBG. "
22:19 mircea_popescu http://i.imgur.com/lchVxNo.gif
22:19 phf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NIST_SP_800-90A
22:33 mike_c btcalpha is back up
22:37 mike_c ping danielpbarron - what's this eulorum problem you're seeing?
22:41 mike_c ;;later tell danielpbarron well, let me know if you're still having problems.
22:41 gribble The operation succeeded.
22:42 danielpbarron still can't log in
22:50 asciilifeform http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/440D0BC08E2900358948A4780B4049E8150E7468DB850EE4F3688EA22750A92E << lel
22:51 phf nice
22:57 mike_c danielpbarron: try now.
22:57 mike_c surprise, php is a piece of shit
22:58 mike_c ;;later tell danielpbarron fixed.
22:58 mircea_popescu lies.
22:58 gribble The operation succeeded.
22:58 danielpbarron mike_c, works now. thank you
22:58 mircea_popescu and in other lulz, https://archive.is/brnwC
22:58 mircea_popescu (seo is useless. proof inside.)
23:01 mike_c at least you won the 'most famous mircea popescu' award - https://duckduckgo.com/?q=mircea+popescu
23:04 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-27#1458335 << do i need to dissect this step by step, or is the braindamage obvious ?
23:04 a111 Logged on 2016-04-27 02:19 phf: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NIST_SP_800-90A
23:05 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-27#1458330 <<THIS rather
23:05 a111 Logged on 2016-04-27 02:09 phf: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.kernel/2204118 "The venerable Linux /dev/random served users of cryptographic mechanisms well for a long time. ... In the last years, however, the Linux /dev/random showed signs of age where it has challenges to cope with modern computing environments"
23:05 asciilifeform moooooooodernize aha.
23:07 asciilifeform 'The Dual_EC_DRBG RNG was later reported to probably contain a backdoor inserted by the National Security Agency, while the other three random number generators are still considered secure' << are we at the circus ??
23:07 asciilifeform or where.
23:08 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-27#1458334 << can anybody identify this critter?
23:08 a111 Logged on 2016-04-27 02:19 mircea_popescu: http://i.imgur.com/lchVxNo.gif
23:09 phf new zeland crit, "weta"
23:12 phf rng posted for comedic value, thing reads like clever parody, while it of course is not
23:13 asciilifeform reads like systemdism
23:13 phf guy's name is familiar though
23:18 phf oh, i'm confusing him with stefan monnier, former emacs maintainer
23:24 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: that's 2/2 for bothered today
23:37 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> guy had some sort of injuries. futzing around on stage for years is a very skeleton-damaging line. << Also religious objection to blood transfusions so no elective surgeries
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