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← 2014-10-13 | 2014-10-15 →
00:05 ben_vulpes ;;ud garburator
00:06 gribble http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=garburator | garburator. A canadian word that involves garbage disposal through your kitchen sink! When you turn it on, it makes a loud grating noise and... bye bye garbage!
00:07 BingoBoingo So I refuse to learn Andreas's last name. as a style guide is developed... Does Andreas the Greek work as a canonical term? Is it unambiguous enough?
00:07 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50279 @ 0.00073537 = 36.9737 BTC [-] {4}
00:08 mircea_popescu andreas nongrok ?
00:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24644 @ 0.0007343 = 18.0961 BTC [-]
00:09 thickasthieves andreas monopolis
00:09 thickasthieves teh greek
00:09 * BingoBoingo also wonders what part of dead andreas doesn't understand since his own followers made it real
00:11 thickasthieves probly the part where he's still breathing
00:13 BingoBoingo thickasthieves: You hear the story about the parent and the child. Their cat was pregnant, whole litter delivered dead. Child said "let's make crosses"
00:13 BingoBoingo Once crosses were made child asks parent "Where are the nails?"
00:14 thickasthieves fun kid
00:14 thickasthieves andreas does bare the devil's peak
00:17 thickasthieves http://i.imgur.com/BF4kg6u.jpg
00:17 BingoBoingo As I heard the story out, the kittens were not crucified in the end
00:18 thickasthieves probly for the best
00:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7350 @ 0.00073632 = 5.412 BTC [+] {2}
00:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 73650 @ 0.00073411 = 54.0672 BTC [-] {4}
~ 21 minutes ~
00:54 ben_vulpes ditch freenode when
00:55 BingoBoingo Some time
00:59 thickasthieves ;;ticker
00:59 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 400.01, Best ask: 400.77, Bid-ask spread: 0.76000, Last trade: 400.78, 24 hour volume: 25769.30867291, 24 hour low: 368.07, 24 hour high: 405.0, 24 hour vwap: 386.157670203
01:00 thickasthieves ;;estimate
01:00 gribble Next difficulty estimate | 36364528238.0 based on data since last change | 36750497181.1 based on data for last three days
01:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27500 @ 0.00073413 = 20.1886 BTC [+]
01:14 mircea_popescu <thickasthieves> http://i.imgur.com/BF4kg6u.jpg
01:14 mircea_popescu what the fuck wa sthat ?!
01:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11152 @ 0.0007343 = 8.1889 BTC [+] {2}
01:14 mircea_popescu !up bitcoinik
01:24 X-Rob mircea_popescu: I was going to ask that, and then I realised that I didn't want to know the answer.
01:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8698 @ 0.0007376 = 6.4156 BTC [+]
01:38 thickasthieves google found it
01:38 thickasthieves it's for real
01:43 thickasthieves here have another 2%
01:43 thickasthieves ;;ticker
01:43 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 406.05, Best ask: 407.93, Bid-ask spread: 1.88000, Last trade: 406.99, 24 hour volume: 26885.68621359, 24 hour low: 368.07, 24 hour high: 407.82, 24 hour vwap: 386.98702471
01:51 thickasthieves going lolmode
01:52 xinxi any options trader?
01:53 xinxi ;;gettrust wangxinxi
01:53 gribble Currently authenticated from hostmask xinxi!~xinxi@nusnet-185-15.dynip.nus.edu.sg. CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Trust relationship from user wangxinxi to user wangxinxi: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=wangxinxi&dest=wangxinxi | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=wangxinxi | Rated since: Mon Oct 13 16:19:46 2014
01:55 xinxi is there any options trader?
01:56 RagnarDanneskjol lol @ mp's rating
01:57 xinxi is it funny?
01:59 RagnarDanneskjol not laughing @ you xinxi - just the comment left in your otc rating
02:00 xinxi yah, he is a humorous guy.
02:00 RagnarDanneskjol I assume you are asking if anyone here offers options trading?
02:01 xinxi yes
02:01 RagnarDanneskjol there are no more options on mpex to be clear: http://trilema.com/2014/mpoe-february-2014-statement/
02:01 assbot MPOE, February 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
02:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19200 @ 0.00073454 = 14.1032 BTC [-]
02:04 xinxi the volume is not bad.
02:04 thickasthieves was
02:05 RagnarDanneskjol you might find individuals willing to do p2p options contrcts
02:05 xinxi That’s interesting, but how to deal with the collateral thing?
02:06 xinxi use an existing escrow?
02:06 RagnarDanneskjol sure thats one way to do it
02:07 xinxi thickasthieves, can I know more recent volume?
02:07 thickasthieves it no longer exists
02:08 xinxi I am just wondering what happend to MPOE? it used to be good.
02:08 RagnarDanneskjol it is explained in the article above
02:09 RagnarDanneskjol you might find this site helpful for market data: http://www.btcalpha.com/
02:09 assbot Btc Alpha - Analysis tools for bitcoin finance.
02:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18922 @ 0.00073571 = 13.9211 BTC [+] {3}
02:11 xinxi I see.
02:12 xinxi it’s a pitty.
02:13 xinxi the volatility of bitcoin is too high
02:14 xinxi building a vanilla options exchange is really quite risky.
02:15 RagnarDanneskjol indeed
02:17 mircea_popescu xinxi what options are you trying to write ?
02:18 xinxi i am building an options exchange actually.
02:18 xinxi but as vanilla opitons are too risky. I am right now focusing on binary options.
02:18 mircea_popescu there's about a dozen scammy sites trying to get that working in bitcoin
02:19 xinxi yeah, i know.
02:19 mircea_popescu there's about five hundred dozen scammy sites trying to get that working in fiat, for that matter.
02:19 mircea_popescu there's a reason binary options aren't used in finance.
02:19 xinxi yeah, right. I know the situation.
02:19 mircea_popescu so then ?
02:19 xinxi the binary options provided by them are OTC traded.
02:20 xinxi that makes them gambling sites.
02:20 mircea_popescu http://bitbet.us/bet/1056/bitcoin-to-drop-under-200-before-december/ << there, that's a binary option
02:20 assbot BitBet - Bitcoin to drop under $200 before December :: 2.03 B (16%) on Yes, 10.9 B (84%) on No | closing in 1 week 17 hours | weight: 79`475 (100`000 to 50`000)
02:20 mircea_popescu in its proper place, ie, a gambling site.
02:20 mircea_popescu http://bitbet.us/bet/635/1btc-10-000-usd/ << that's probably the recoird holding btc binary option to date.
02:20 assbot BitBet - 1BTC >= $10,000 USD :: 75 B (9%) on Yes, 755.39 B (91%) on No | closing in 1 month 5 days | weight: 10`108 (100`000 to 1)
02:21 xinxi yeah, but i want to change the situation by building a fair exhcange.
02:22 mircea_popescu what makes you think you're the guy to do that ?
02:22 xinxi a place some one can trade using the black-schole models.
02:23 xinxi yes, good question.
02:23 xinxi i have been trading for more than 7 years.
02:24 xinxi and I am a phd in computer science.
02:24 RagnarDanneskjol o.0
02:24 RagnarDanneskjol so what's your gameplan?
02:24 xinxi I am also a honest person that people can trust, but i know this is hard to prove.
02:25 mircea_popescu it's not hard to prove at all.
02:25 mircea_popescu ;;ident xinxi
02:25 gribble CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Nick 'xinxi', with hostmask 'xinxi!~xinxi@nusnet-185-15.dynip.nus.edu.sg', is identified as user 'wangxinxi', with GPG key id 331894345B459329, key fingerprint EE5C4780D0955B8E25CF2667331894345B459329, and bitcoin address None
02:25 xinxi …i know that I did not trade using bitcoin-otc.
02:25 xinxi thta’s why i did not get many ratings.
02:26 mircea_popescu looky, point remains : you're young, you're smart, you wanna do something. that's fine. you're in no position to evaluate what's worth doing and what isn't, and are currently solipsistically proceeding towards something that's not worth doing.
02:26 mircea_popescu your best move is to actually read the log, not like people don't get things to do all the time, that's actually worth doing
02:27 mircea_popescu nanotube could the defaults on viewratingdetail.php be sorted by time rather than by rate'rs total point count ? it kinda pointlessly emphasises a meaningless measure, as-is.
02:28 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 162 @ 0.09360999 = 15.1648 BTC [-] {2}
02:29 mircea_popescu ;;seen sgornick
02:29 gribble sgornick was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 days, 16 hours, 51 minutes, and 29 seconds ago: <sgornick> > Bitcoin are B⃦, ฿, and Ƀ. <--- Which do you prefer?
02:29 xinxi mp, I’m a bit suprised that you see so many things from me in such as short conversation.
02:29 mircea_popescu ;;later tell sgornick you ever got a hold of cazalla in the end ?
02:29 gribble The operation succeeded.
02:30 mircea_popescu xinxi all the things you don't say are informative. i'm a mage of silences.
02:31 xinxi brilliant. but how do you know it’s not worth doing? is there any evidence for that?
02:31 mircea_popescu well that's where it becomes complicated.
02:31 mircea_popescu for you, i imagine not.
02:32 gabriel_laddel xinxi: if you don't mind my asking, where did you get your phd from, what is your favorite programming language(s) and why?
02:32 xinxi National University of Singapore. it’s the best school of Singapore.
02:33 xanthyos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDXUDehUgIQ
02:33 assbot Sara X Does Mozarts Eine kleine Nachtmusik - YouTube
02:33 xinxi my favorite programming language is C++, because that’s what I learnt when I was in my high school.
02:34 xinxi mp, I very much want to know your point.
02:34 mircea_popescu anyone seen the man who wasn't there ?
02:34 mircea_popescu coen bros.
02:35 RagnarDanneskjol yes
02:35 mircea_popescu xinxi look, proof is a problem of the observer. i listed two major counts : one that it never went anywhere before, the other that it's already done, by bitbet. neither of these impressed you.
02:35 RagnarDanneskjol billybob gives me the creeps
02:35 mircea_popescu this means you're not particularly looking for evidence, you're moreover chasing a vision or w/e they call daydreaming these days.
02:35 mircea_popescu RagnarDanneskjol excellent film that.
02:36 RagnarDanneskjol not too shabby
02:36 mircea_popescu i was like, having prop bets while watching it. "does he fuck the teenager"
02:36 mircea_popescu "is casper coming back"
02:36 mircea_popescu etc
02:36 RagnarDanneskjol heh
02:36 RagnarDanneskjol xinxi - there was a pretty decent case study summarized in the february statement
02:37 mircea_popescu where is that write-up, with the intellectuals
02:37 RagnarDanneskjol you're on it
02:38 mircea_popescu lol no, 1930s
02:38 RagnarDanneskjol ahh
02:39 mircea_popescu http://taoyue.com/stacks/articles/brilliant-men.html
02:39 assbot From the Stacks: Why I Never Hire Brilliant Men | TaoYue.com
02:40 mircea_popescu here we go. course meanwhile wiipedia, reddit and the rest of the charade stoile it.
02:41 mircea_popescu but anyway : "I was flattered by his interest, so I thought it over. That is, I indulged in what young men frequently mistake for thought. In imagination, I saw my name over the door and myself in a fine glass office looking out and watching clerks taking in money. I had, in anticipation, the thrill of buying one store after another and going from town to town on tours of inspection. I tickled my fancy with the idea of
02:41 mircea_popescu coming back to college and letting the boys consult me as an experienced man of affairs. And having finished this process of “thinking” I wired Carroll that I was ready to join him."
02:44 xinxi RagnarDanneskjol - yeah for vanilla options, it is too risky, but I don’t see any problem with binary options technically.
02:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4000 @ 0.00073936 = 2.9574 BTC [+]
02:47 xinxi I think there is somekind of bias in the article about the phds.
02:49 mircea_popescu of course there is. but that bias isn't my point.
02:49 xinxi when I do research, I do not look for excitement.
02:49 mircea_popescu my point is merely that throughout a man's lifetime, his thought process is and remains flawed.
02:49 xinxi i solve problems, not matter how simple the method I use.
02:49 mircea_popescu the only thing that changes is the flavour.
02:50 xinxi right, human see what they want to see.
02:51 mircea_popescu brain isn't made for thinking, after all.
02:51 mircea_popescu we just use it that way.
02:53 xinxi that’s an interesting point.
02:57 xinxi Thanks to all of you for the suggestions.
02:57 xinxi I actually have built the exchange.
02:58 mircea_popescu i'd have expected no less.
02:58 xinxi The address is https://coinut.com
02:59 xinxi you are welcome to criticise.
02:59 mircea_popescu i guess utbit'd have been a worse choice.
03:04 RagnarDanneskjol the site looks nice xinxi
03:05 xinxi RagnarDanneskjol - Thanks. I just saw you registered.
03:05 xinxi any criticism?
03:06 RagnarDanneskjol I'm going through it - will get back later
03:06 punkman 'ello
03:06 xinxi Oh, man, thanks a lot.
03:08 RagnarDanneskjol you might want to try this bcauth login made by Azelphur at some point - https://github.com/Azelphur/django-bcauth
03:08 assbot Azelphur/django-bcauth GitHub
03:09 RagnarDanneskjol punkman - how goes the deed project?
03:13 xinxi Thanks. It looks quite interesting to me.
03:14 xinxi I need to go for lunch, ttyl.
03:15 xinxi This is a truely nice place.
03:15 punkman RagnarDanneskjol: almost there, but all the moving parts with threads due to supybot/electrum make my head hurt
03:15 mircea_popescu punkman what's electrum doing ?
03:15 mircea_popescu o the wallet ?
03:15 punkman yeah
03:15 RagnarDanneskjol yea - much better than api
03:15 RagnarDanneskjol not as good as daemon tho
03:16 RagnarDanneskjol still - it'll do
03:18 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 95 @ 0.09995368 = 9.4956 BTC [+] {4}
03:20 punkman mircea_popescu: about those bbet shares, can they be delivered in a year or something? don't want to let them evaporate via coinbr fees just yet
03:21 mircea_popescu i think this should be ok, yeah,
03:21 mircea_popescu this may be the first time in history someone asks to have shares tranferrred into warrants o.O
03:23 punkman seems like the only sensible option at this time
~ 18 minutes ~
03:42 cazalla mircea_popescu, he has not been back since he mentioned the feed
03:43 cazalla i left him a note anyway, i'm sure he will see it eventually
03:46 gabriel_laddel !s crazy shit stick no reason
03:46 assbot 0 results for 'crazy shit stick no reason' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=crazy+shit+stick+no+reason
03:48 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21111 @ 0.0007387 = 15.5947 BTC [-]
03:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35150 @ 0.00073973 = 26.0015 BTC [+] {2}
04:02 gabriel_laddel xinxi: inital impressions of your service: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=xz45zSPZ
04:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18723 @ 0.0007411 = 13.8756 BTC [+] {2}
04:18 cazalla so many wallets being released
04:21 penguirker New blog post: http://qntra.net/2014/10/coins-ph-launches-bitcoin-wallet-for-emerging-markets/
~ 16 minutes ~
04:37 cazalla https://twitter.com/maxkeiser/status/521759512102207488
04:37 assbot Unlike Bitcoin, Gold or Silver - - - StartCOIN (when held at /StartJOIN) pays diviends EVERY WEEK. Currently ann. rate = 34%
04:38 cazalla i guess maxcoin has run its course
04:38 RagnarDanneskjol lulz
04:39 cazalla maybe he lost his bitcoins, i can't imagine why someone would promote this shit otherwise
04:41 xanthyos he's against gold and silver now too?
04:42 xanthyos max keiser just promotes the agenda of the highest bidder
04:46 davout good morning!
04:46 RagnarDanneskjol ahoy
04:47 xanthyos ever think about what max keiser and stacy herbert look like when they're fucking?
04:48 xanthyos you are now.
04:48 davout nice try
04:54 jurov ;;calc 0.019*12
04:54 gribble 0.228
05:00 jurov ;;calc 10000*0.0003
05:00 gribble 3.0
05:01 jurov punkman not exactly evaporating. and upcoming divs should make up for it
05:01 punkman jurov, oic I missed a zero there
05:01 punkman seemed more like 50%
05:04 punkman !t m s.bbet
05:04 assbot [MPEX:S.BBET] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: / / ( shares, BTC), 30D: 0.00036 / 0.00036 / 0.00036 (1 shares, 0.00 BTC)
05:05 jurov $depth s.bbet
05:05 empyex jurov: [S.BBET] Bids: 100 @ 0.00035100 13590 @ 0.00035000 50 @ 0.00020000 5000 @ 0.00014000
05:05 empyex jurov: [S.BBET] Asks: 2000 @ 0.00049000 10000 @ 0.00049950 9000 @ 0.00050850 5000 @ 0.00050899
05:06 punkman oh 4.9btc on the other end, sweet
05:10 punkman I should put more features in the thing
05:11 RagnarDanneskjol what thing
05:11 punkman bitbet calculator thing
05:11 punkman I've only heard from one user so far, and kako using it to ddos himself
05:12 RagnarDanneskjol hmm
05:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9200 @ 0.00074035 = 6.8112 BTC [-]
~ 24 minutes ~
05:50 jurov $vwap s.mpoe
05:50 empyex jurov: S.MPOE 1 day: average: 0.00073835 high: 0.00074368 low: 0.00073409 volume: 1725584 btc: 1274.0802329 7 day: average: 0.00073989 high: 0.00074875 low: 0.00073409 volume: 6100751 btc: 4513.85881377 30 day: average: 0.00074652 high: 0.0007685 low: 0.00073409 volume: 22540649 btc: 16827.02219652
05:50 jurov !t m s.mpoe
05:50 assbot [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00073409 / 0.00073834 / 0.00074368 (1725584 shares, 1,274.08 BTC), 7D: 0.00073409 / 0.00073988 / 0.00074875 (6100751 shares, 4,513.86 BTC), 30D: 0.00073409 / 0.00074651 / 0.0007685 (22540649 shares, 16,827.02 BTC)
05:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18800 @ 0.00074105 = 13.9317 BTC [+]
05:50 jurov good we have two. yet better they don't diverge.
06:01 xinxi is there any body still here?
06:03 cazalla xinxi, it is usually quiet around this time
06:03 xinxi i guess there are seldom any people from GMT+8.
06:05 cazalla a few +10 like myself but not many
06:05 RagnarDanneskjol cazalla - you in melbourne?
06:05 cazalla RagnarDanneskjol, yup
06:06 RagnarDanneskjol or however you spell it - ok
06:06 RagnarDanneskjol know any good local btc traders - I have a newb might need a hookup...jewelery dealer
06:06 xinxi oh, I like melbourne. the chinese foods there are good.
06:08 cazalla RagnarDanneskjol, none that i can recommend
06:08 RagnarDanneskjol ahh k. whats the big exchange then?
06:08 RagnarDanneskjol coinjar? i think
06:08 xinxi I also camped there during the winter and when it’s raining and windy.
06:09 cazalla RagnarDanneskjol, coinjar costs an extra 10% now, there is cointree.com.au although i have not used them, a few people on localbitcoins
06:09 xinxi the exchange commission fee and wire fee in australia is bloody high as far as I know.
06:10 RagnarDanneskjol oh yea - forgot I heard the 10% madness. hmm - will look into localbtc for him then
06:10 cazalla i guess you can use circle, that is what i'm using now, i just transfer the coins out immediately
06:10 RagnarDanneskjol Oh - didnt kknow they were international yet
06:11 cazalla circle is cheaper than coinjar
06:11 RagnarDanneskjol cool
06:11 cazalla they are iffy on australian credit cards, some people report luck, others not
06:11 RagnarDanneskjol hmm
06:11 cazalla that bitcoin group will do cash buys over $5,000 otc in their office
06:12 RagnarDanneskjol ok cool
06:16 xinxi cazalla university of melbourne and ANU, which one is better?
06:16 xinxi my wife is going to study there next year.
06:16 cazalla nfi, i didn't finish school let alone attend uni
06:17 cazalla probably both full of marxists cunts though, they are everywhere down here
06:18 xinxi
06:18 RagnarDanneskjol haha
06:19 xinxi why does it sound like racism to me?
06:20 cazalla because asians come here and play the victim all the time, i dunno
06:20 RagnarDanneskjol nothin racist about it - philosophist maybe
06:22 Azelphur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2odOu0Oguo linked for relevance :P
06:22 assbot Community Clip - Troy & Jeff talk racism/football - YouTube
06:24 cazalla xinxi, did i offend you?
06:25 xinxi yeah, a little bit, because my wife is going to study there.
06:25 xinxi she is a very nice person.
06:26 Azelphur Didn't go to uni or finish high school here, no need to hate people that do
06:26 cazalla i don't doubt that but as we say down under, you both might need to harden the fuck up if what i said upset you
06:26 Azelphur Education system works for some, and doesn't for others, etc
06:27 RagnarDanneskjol I love the HTFU guy
06:27 Azelphur RagnarDanneskjol: HTFU guy?
06:27 cazalla Azelphur, i didn't even say anything hateful or racist
06:27 cazalla Azelphur, at least not until he accused me of doing so, i'd hate to disappoint
06:28 cazalla Azelphur, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unkIVvjZc9Y
06:28 assbot Ronnie Johns - Chopper - Harden the Fuck Up - YouTube
06:28 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23450 @ 0.00073892 = 17.3277 BTC [-] {3}
06:28 Azelphur cazalla: you remind me of a schoolkid chanting "Aww you gonna cry" repeatedly, while you just look at him thinking "what...what is wrong with you?"
06:29 RagnarDanneskjol exactly- - thats the point - aussies are tough as shit - I imagine the schoolyard bullies there make any others look like pansies
06:30 Azelphur lol
06:32 xinxi Anyway, I don’t worry about that much. as when I went to AU, I saw most people are pretty nice there.
06:35 cazalla sounds like the right attitude when visiting
06:38 xinxi but it’s no the right attitude when working or studying there?
06:42 cazalla xinxi, did you enjoy your time here? everyone says aussies are nice people yet say we're all racist, it's just a misunderstanding
06:43 cazalla for example, we call our friends (mates) cunts and blokes that want a bit of biff (cunt) a mate these days
06:43 xinxi yes, i did enjoy my time there. most people are quite kind hearted.
06:44 RagnarDanneskjol should have everyone watch a ronnie johns orientation video upon entering the country
06:44 xinxi i see. cunt is usually forbitten in the US.
06:45 punkman !search .bait
06:45 assbot 804 results for '.bait' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=.bait
06:46 cazalla RagnarDanneskjol, pretty much, it would avoid people like Azelphur getting the wrong impression
06:46 cazalla cunt is sorta like our version of nigga, you can call friends cunts but you wouldn't go up to some random and say what's up cunt
06:47 cazalla unless he really was a cunt, then you would call him mate and ask if he wanted to punch on
06:47 punkman lol
06:48 RagnarDanneskjol yea - that one still throws me offf everytime I hear it, guess i need to htfu
06:49 punkman ;;rate [ident cazalla] 1 bunny killer | qntra.net chief
06:49 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user cazalla has been recorded.
06:52 punkman !ticker
06:52 assbot Um, shouldn't you be with your own tribe or somethin'?
06:52 punkman ;;ticker
06:52 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 400.06, Best ask: 402.28, Bid-ask spread: 2.22000, Last trade: 402.28, 24 hour volume: 31128.94064742, 24 hour low: 373.87, 24 hour high: 417.99, 24 hour vwap: 394.085107692
06:52 cazalla assbot is racist too
06:56 penguirker New blog post: http://qntra.net/2014/10/unofficial-is-site-shut-down-seeks-bitcoin-donations/
07:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 64400 @ 0.00073865 = 47.5691 BTC [-]
07:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22200 @ 0.00074118 = 16.4542 BTC [+] {3}
07:02 RagnarDanneskjol ;;rate cazalla 1 dinky-di cunt
07:02 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user cazalla has been recorded.
07:03 xanthyos https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bz5dvsGIEAEbckD.jpg
~ 40 minutes ~
07:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32600 @ 0.00073941 = 24.1048 BTC [-] {2}
07:52 jurov was it said anywhere what will be s.qntr revenue source? iirc ads and affilitare links were ruled out
08:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26367 @ 0.00073924 = 19.4915 BTC [-] {2}
08:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23283 @ 0.00073733 = 17.1673 BTC [-] {3}
~ 19 minutes ~
08:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16350 @ 0.00073693 = 12.0488 BTC [-]
08:37 RagnarDanneskjol "To that, I say, the website’s profitability is in no way, shape, or form your business or your problem. Your business is not getting scammed and your problem is when you do, y’know?Your business is not getting scammed and your problem is when you do, y’know?Your business is not getting scammed and your problem is when you do, y’know?Your business is not getting scammed and your problem is when you do, y’kno
08:37 RagnarDanneskjol w?Your business is not getting scammed and your problem is when you do, y’know?Your business is not getting scammed and your problem is when you do, y’know?Your business is not getting scammed and your problem is when you do, y’know?Your business is not getting scammed and your problem is when you do, y’know?Your business is not getting scammed and your problem is when you do, y’know?Your business is not get
08:37 RagnarDanneskjol ting scammed and your problem is when you do, y’know?Your business is not getting scammed and your problem is when you do, y’know?Your business is not getting scammed and your problem is when you do, y’know?Your business is not getting scammed and your problem is when you do, y’know?Your business is not getting scammed and your problem is when you do, y’know?Your business is not getting scammed and your prob
08:37 RagnarDanneskjol lem is when you do, y’know?" - pete
08:38 RagnarDanneskjol oops
~ 16 minutes ~
08:54 mats_cd03 dafuq?
08:55 mats_cd03 https://soundcloud.com/ntrlanml/waiting-for-another-single
08:55 assbot SoundCloud - Hear the worlds sounds
08:56 mats_cd03 !s uninformed
08:56 assbot 20 results for 'uninformed' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=uninformed
08:56 mats_cd03 http://li5-186.members.linode.com
08:56 assbot Uninformed - vol 10
08:57 mats_cd03 an excellent RE, security zine
09:00 mats_cd03 http://poppedmusic.co.uk/2014/10/09/just-listen-ed-prosek-hold-on-tight
09:00 assbot Just Listen: Ed Prosek – Hold On Tight | poppedmusic
09:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27847 @ 0.00073644 = 20.5076 BTC [-]
09:13 mircea_popescu fucking freenode.
09:14 mircea_popescu ;;later tell mist you work with random security outfits that can't handle "thousands of incoming freenoders" and get raped by nsa on a regular basis but you won't talk to the people that eat nsa for lunch. why so derpy already ?!
09:14 gribble The operation succeeded.
09:15 mircea_popescu i suppose in retrospect the answer is, as it is usually the case, contained in the question.
09:18 RagnarDanneskjol heh
09:18 jurov RagnarDanneskjol was that an answer to my q?
09:19 RagnarDanneskjol yes -sticky keys
09:19 RagnarDanneskjol from pete's article
09:19 mircea_popescu !up G________
09:20 xinxi I announced my site here https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=821889.0
09:20 assbot [ANN] Coinut.com - Bitcoin Options Exchange
09:20 xinxi and got a reply: the fact you got a username that could be seen making you a chinese scammer
09:20 xinxi makes me think hell no will you ever seen 1 Satoshi of my money
09:20 xinxi i'm sorry but noone will risk money with you
09:21 mircea_popescu !s tardstalk
09:21 assbot 34 results for 'tardstalk' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=tardstalk
09:21 mircea_popescu you know..
09:21 mircea_popescu ;;notes
09:21 gribble I currently have notes waiting for BlueMeanie4, Daniel_Krawisz, davidldubuc, DTdirk, indolering, JuliaTourianski, Michael1, mist, normalra, nubbins, perdent, princessnell, ragmondo, RPrpRP, sgarnick, sgornick, tbz1, tweeeaks, usagi, wywialm, and Zerock.
09:21 jurov xinxi have you replied to gabriel_laddel's review?
09:21 mircea_popescu jurov you sent it to sgarnick or sgornick ?
09:21 mircea_popescu ;;notes sgarnick
09:21 gribble Sent 4 days, 15 hours, and 23 minutes ago: <cazalla> send me a pm when you're online, been trying a day with no luck
09:21 xinxi where is the review?
09:21 mircea_popescu lmao cazalla you noob...
09:22 jurov !s gabriel_laddel pastebin
09:22 assbot 0 results for 'gabriel_laddel pastebin' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=gabriel_laddel+pastebin
09:22 jurov sux
09:22 mircea_popescu xinxi http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-10-2014#872382
09:22 assbot Logged on 14-10-2014 08:02:28; gabriel_laddel: xinxi: inital impressions of your service: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=xz45zSPZ
09:22 mircea_popescu you gotta read the logs eh.
09:23 jurov xinxi writer not reader!
09:23 xinxi Oh, this review is wonderful.
09:23 mircea_popescu assbot: Unlike Bitcoin, Gold or Silver - - - StartCOIN (when held at /StartJOIN) pays diviends EVERY WEEK. Currently ann. rate = 34% <<< that's one way to sell the entire demurage thing
09:23 xinxi I did not expect people will write such a detailed review.
09:24 G________ Hey all, super n00b here - sorry. I am trying to verify with gribble, not sure what to do with the challenge string.
09:24 mircea_popescu cazalla: maybe he lost his bitcoins, i can't imagine why someone would promote this shit otherwise << i don't think you understand max keiser. this is what he does.
09:24 mircea_popescu G________ put it into gpg.
09:24 mircea_popescu !s first steps wiki
09:24 assbot 33 results for 'first steps wiki' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=first+steps+wiki
09:25 G________ Yea I read that, it says it provides a URL - http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets
09:25 assbot first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets [bitcoin assets wiki]
09:25 jurov G________: more specifically, download it and decrypt
09:25 mircea_popescu xanthyos: you are now. << they aren't fucking tho.
09:26 mircea_popescu jurov: good we have two. yet better they don't diverge. <<< b-a is apparently not short of miracles i tell you.
09:26 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51900 @ 0.00073744 = 38.2731 BTC [+] {2}
09:27 mircea_popescu xinxi: she is a very nice person. << well as long as she's not a marxist should be fine ?
09:28 xinxi she does not even know what marxist is.
09:28 mircea_popescu o.O
09:28 mircea_popescu how old is she ?
09:28 xinxi 23
09:28 mircea_popescu how is this possible ?!
09:28 xinxi … girls don’t like politics. you know
09:29 mircea_popescu i don't know. i know least about china than about most things
09:29 xinxi that’s understandable.
09:29 mircea_popescu speaking of which, give a look to http://mpex.bz/faq_cn.html tell me how bad is it ?
09:30 xinxi it’s not too bad.
09:30 xinxi at least it’s comprensible.
09:31 xinxi comprehensible
09:31 mircea_popescu aha
09:31 xinxi I can see it’s not translated using google
09:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46614 @ 0.00073793 = 34.3979 BTC [+] {2}
09:32 mircea_popescu well no, som guy did it.
09:32 xinxi yah, I can see the difference.
09:34 mircea_popescu i wouldn't expect it to the fifth classic, but, generally, how does chinese classify as far as the native speaker is concerned ?
09:36 xinxi If you want to show this to a chinese native speaker, it’s better to improve it.
09:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28400 @ 0.00073651 = 20.9169 BTC [-]
09:36 mircea_popescu i'm more curious for my own intellectual pursuit
09:37 xinxi I can feel many parts were just literally translated from english.
09:38 mircea_popescu what's the impression that generally gives ? ridiculous ? annoying ?
09:39 xinxi it feels a bit stiff.
09:39 mircea_popescu boy i gotta say i love gabriel_laddel's style lol. linking to raw text, stars and tubes and shit.
09:40 mircea_popescu "you do this how exactly? the interface runs in the browser but is written in C++? do you know something that I don't?" << cgi-bin baby! it's been there since before php was even invented.
09:40 mircea_popescu exactly for this reason too
09:41 xinxi yeah, it’s a cgi program.
09:41 xinxi mp, do you do IT?
09:41 mircea_popescu xinxi you know that's not without its own problems.
09:41 mircea_popescu i only do it in the sense of managing people who do.
09:41 xinxi ok.
09:42 xinxi yes, cgi does have issues.
09:42 xinxi it’s more difficult to maintain and requires compile.
09:44 xinxi but usually, it’s much much faster than php.
09:44 mats_cd03 ;;market buy 1000
09:44 gribble Bitstamp | A market order to buy 1000 bitcoins right now would take 410231.4869 USD and would take the last price up to 415.0900 USD, resulting in an average price of 410.2315 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 0.0431 seconds
09:44 mats_cd03 ;;market buy 10000
09:44 gribble Bitstamp | A market order to buy 10000 bitcoins right now would take 4485257.6709 USD and would take the last price up to 526.3000 USD, resulting in an average price of 448.5258 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 8.1685 seconds
09:44 mats_cd03 ;;market buy 50000
09:44 gribble Bitstamp | This order would exceed the size of the order book. You would buy 23550.527 bitcoins, for a total of 18333428.3555 USD and take the price to 99999.9900. | Data vintage: 19.2906 seconds
09:46 jurov xinxi security should be much bigger concern here than speed
09:47 xinxi right.
09:47 xinxi so I use a page to explain that.
09:47 xinxi https://coinut.com/security
09:48 xinxi do you have any suggestions on that?
09:49 mircea_popescu xinxi: i see. cunt is usually forbitten in the US. << i hope you've not bitten any.
09:49 mircea_popescu shit hurts.
09:49 jurov in my experience it is more about stuf like meticulously checking your input (such as no negative numbers,. broken unicode, sql metacharacters, etc.)
09:49 mircea_popescu it's c after all. it invented the stack smash
09:49 jurov that must be helluva work in C++
09:50 mircea_popescu "here is my ten line c program that does something, here are the 45479586947 lines which make sure it doesn't do something else"
09:51 xinxi right, there are quite limited number of inputs. I double checked all the input data and make sure that they are right before they are sent to the database.
09:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28325 @ 0.00073804 = 20.905 BTC [+]
09:52 mircea_popescu cazalla: assbot is racist too << lmao. leave britney alone!
09:53 xinxi mp, as he explained, it’s OK. but I was quite suprised I can meet people like that here before his explanation.
09:54 mircea_popescu this place is different from pretty much anything you could have seen before
09:54 rithm i poop'd
09:55 mircea_popescu jurov: was it said anywhere what will be s.qntr revenue source? iirc ads and affilitare links were ruled out << well, a venue like that can be supported by subscription or advertising. leaning more towards subscription core with an advertising supported outreach, but it's really much too soon.
09:55 mircea_popescu rithm pics or it didn't happen.
09:55 rithm what is a coinut
09:55 rithm oh apparently it's an option exchange
09:55 xinxi haha
09:56 rithm does it cost 30 BTC to sign up?
09:56 xinxi no, you don’t need any to sign up.
09:56 thickasthieves only once it's hacked
09:56 * rithm inserts tokens
09:56 thickasthieves lol this Chopper guy is pretty funny
09:56 mircea_popescu it can't be hacked, it's in c. says so on the /security page.
09:57 xinxi coinut is some kind of nuts made from bitcoins.
09:57 mircea_popescu ;;google you've got two coinuts and you're banging them together
09:57 gribble March 2014 - Huckleberries Online - Spokesman.com: <http://www.spokesman.com/blogs/hbo/2014/mar/>; Australian Govt. form asks if I own any Bitcoin of Cryptocurrency ...: <https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=798030.0;all>; Up The Ante to Shut Down the Stampede – No More Dead Horses ...: <http://profanexistence.com/2014/07/11/up-the-anti-to-shut-down-the-stampede-no-more- (1 more message)
09:57 rithm i could go for a nice coinut sammich right now
09:58 mircea_popescu why is gribble's google so scammy ? i get http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHFXG3r_0B8 on the 2nd spot in google.
09:58 assbot Monty Python-Coconuts - YouTube
09:58 thickasthieves maybe google has assbot profiled
09:58 rithm twitter bootstrap, godaddy ssl, c++ backend
09:58 rithm what cotuld go wrong amir
09:58 xinxi mp, i did not mention it’s c so it’s not going to be hacked.
09:59 kakobrekla you just did!
09:59 xinxi but our system is distributed, hacking the web program doesn’t make you rich.
09:59 mircea_popescu well now that depends.
09:59 xinxi I did mention it’s c. but i did not claim the causality.
09:59 kakobrekla a ok
09:59 xinxi yeah, it depends, but it’s harder to hack.
09:59 rithm telling this channel it's not going to be hacked is like asking for a free pentest
10:00 thickasthieves not a bad deal
10:00 mircea_popescu i've heard worse
10:00 xinxi actually many people have tried to hack it. :-)
10:01 mircea_popescu speaking of worse deals : to counteract what they call "inflation" but is moreover a very drastic "batten down the hatches" middle class response, which sent durable goods tumbling 70%!!!!
10:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46500 @ 0.00073633 = 34.2393 BTC [-] {4}
10:01 mircea_popescu argentine govt came up with a "buy anything on 12 months' time without interest, using your cc" plan
10:01 kakobrekla <xinxi> actually many people have tried to hack it. :-) < any btc service that holds more than 10 btc is getting 'hack' attempts all day every day
10:01 BingoBoingo Can anyone else see qntra this morning or is every one else seeing our page as suspended by the host?
10:01 mircea_popescu their idea being that getting locals to use ccs more instead of cash will be worthwhile on the long term.
10:01 mircea_popescu if this country doesn't go bankrupt and with food riots in 2015 you may call me names.,
10:02 rithm Account Suspended
10:02 rithm This Account Has Been Suspended
10:02 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo shit what happened there ?
10:02 Apocalyptic same here BingoBoingo
10:02 kakobrekla lol!
10:02 mircea_popescu mine's kjust not loading
10:02 punkman too much traffics!11
10:02 xinxi yeah, as a computer scientist, I pretty much enjoy watching them hacking my system.
10:02 mircea_popescu whoa srsly ?
10:02 Apocalyptic BingoBoingo, where are you hosting this ?
10:03 rithm /cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi () { }; bash -c 'true <<EOF <<EOF <<EOF <<EOF <<EOF <<EOF <<EOF <<EOF <<EOF <<EOF <<EOF <<EOF <<EOF <<EOF' ||
10:03 rithm echo "CVE-2014-7186 vulnerable, redir_stack"
10:03 rithm i'm just joshing you
10:03 Apocalyptic dat haxor
10:03 rithm wasn't it funny
10:04 BingoBoingo Apocalyptic: Cazalla is hosting it, I don't have panel access
10:04 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo look in your mail, i made you an account, should be fine.
10:04 xinxi not bad.
10:04 mircea_popescu move it there asap.
10:05 thickasthieves ;;isitup qntra.net
10:05 gribble Error: "isitup" is not a valid command.
10:05 thickasthieves ;;isitdown qntra.net
10:05 gribble qntra.net is up
10:05 thickasthieves i get Account Suspended
10:05 rithm i've got a root shell!
10:05 kakobrekla USG is after you!
10:06 kakobrekla i guess it was NASA.
10:06 mircea_popescu rithm shitty host eh.
10:06 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo do you have cazalla phone# ?
10:06 thickasthieves bingo, btw, my page load issue never relaly disappeared
10:06 Apocalyptic rithm, you're trolling right ?
10:06 rithm don't hack me bro
10:07 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo do you have cazalla phone# ? << no
10:07 rithm pick up the mouse and say hello Cazalla
10:08 xinxi rithm, are you really checking my site?
10:08 mircea_popescu well so get it, you're in such diff timezones you can do 100% coverage, gotta be able to talk
10:08 rithm why would i do that am i being paid right now
10:09 rithm you guys need to call your system administrati
10:09 xinxi i am the admin
10:09 rithm maybe change your dropbox password too amirite
10:10 xinxi that sounds a good suggestion.
10:11 rithm BingoBoingo didn't qntra basically scrape other sites
10:11 BingoBoingo rithm: Not at all, all original writing
10:11 rithm oh ok
10:12 rithm i thought you wer scraping away all the pretty from coindesk and plaigarizing it as your own
10:12 rithm boy was a mistaken
10:12 rithm *i
10:12 chetty I wouldnt be surprised qntra got ddosed
10:12 rithm that might've happened
10:13 thickasthieves you get ddos, we suspend account, tyfyb
10:13 kakobrekla they would take the ip offline then
10:13 rithm 8 year old botfarm ops ddos for fun these dyas i hear
10:13 kakobrekla not show 'suspended page'
10:13 rithm i agree with kakobrekla
10:13 thickasthieves i assume this is insecure, but it's so tiny! https://www.hardwarewallet.com/
10:13 assbot HardwareWallet.com - Secure USB smart card based wallet for crypto-currencies
10:13 rithm what TOS did you violate BingoBoingo!?!
10:14 BingoBoingo I imagint thickasthieves is right, got DOS, got suspend
10:15 Apocalyptic <kakobrekla> they would take the ip offline then // not if it's a shared hosting setup
10:15 chetty next article ...how we got ddosed in our first week ..
10:16 thickasthieves maybe if they were a little nicer to their commenters!
10:16 thickasthieves ;)
10:17 mircea_popescu how about not.
10:18 thickasthieves who cant love a site that tells self-important commenters to eat a dick?
10:19 mircea_popescu people that need to eat some dicks ?
10:19 thickasthieves goes great with a pound of clits i bet
10:20 mircea_popescu ideally taken off virgin cunts.
10:20 mircea_popescu imagine, thousands of girls that'll never know lesbianism.
10:20 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo look in your mail, i made you an account, should be fine. << Still awaiting mail delivery
10:20 mircea_popescu uhm
10:23 mats_cd03 ;;ticker
10:23 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 398.05, Best ask: 398.93, Bid-ask spread: 0.88000, Last trade: 398.03, 24 hour volume: 30190.14237715, 24 hour low: 373.87, 24 hour high: 417.99, 24 hour vwap: 396.186816381
10:25 thickasthieves time to recharge
10:25 thickasthieves that was a lot of up
10:25 thickasthieves i slept about 45m last night
10:25 chetty why so long?
10:25 thickasthieves my body forced me
10:26 thickasthieves only slept a couple the night before
10:26 kakobrekla btcusd keeps you up?
10:26 thickasthieves yeah, i'm on insane hot streak
10:26 kakobrekla cool
10:30 mircea_popescu i thought you were short ?
10:31 thickasthieves i was, til 276
10:31 thickasthieves then went long
10:31 thickasthieves now i'm short again
10:31 thickasthieves playing the waves
10:32 mircea_popescu lol cool.
10:33 thickasthieves you know you IRC too much when you think selecting text anywhere copies it
10:33 mod6 heh
10:35 mircea_popescu you can set your system to do that
10:35 mircea_popescu !s Bitcoin_Eric
10:35 assbot 1 results for 'Bitcoin_Eric' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=Bitcoin_Eric
10:35 chetty http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2012/10/12/imf-austerity-is-much-worse-for-the-economy-than-we-thought/
10:35 assbot IMF: Austerity is much worse for the economy than we thought - The Washington Post
10:35 mircea_popescu chetty heh.
10:35 mircea_popescu "austerity is bad for bezzle, news at 11"
10:36 chetty :P
10:40 chetty http://jacksonville.com/breaking-news/2014-10-13/story/ruck-containing-36000-pounds-crisco-stolen-florida
10:40 assbot Truck containing 36,000 pounds of Crisco stolen in Florida | jacksonville.com
10:40 mircea_popescu ha! tide!
10:42 chetty crisco might be better to trade at that :)
10:42 mircea_popescu fun fact : crisco was invented in order to broaden the supply base for soap production
10:42 chetty next should be clorox
10:42 asciilifeform http://www.retronaut.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/233.jpg
10:42 asciilifeform ^
10:43 mats_cd03 wat
10:43 asciilifeform re: fat.
10:44 mats_cd03 wut -- fat bomb?
10:44 mircea_popescu mats_cd03 margerine (which is what all this crap is) is made by random esterification of various vegetable oils. results in longer chains, which are technically triglicerides
10:44 mircea_popescu but becauise the process is random, a good chunk of them are innovative, which is to say, not found in nature
10:45 mircea_popescu how their digestion works in humans is mostly a matter of chance
10:45 mircea_popescu which i guess brings the side point for all the latter day big pharma purists : you oppose monsanto's genetic novelties ? how about margerine ?
10:45 chetty down with both
10:46 mats_cd03 i'm a big fan of monsanto.
10:46 mircea_popescu in other news, eat linoleum!
10:46 mircea_popescu it's a great rug replacement, too!
10:46 * asciilifeform will probably eat linoleum before this is through
10:46 kakobrekla this?
10:47 chetty asciilifeform, go for the shoe leather first, safer
10:47 asciilifeform boil accordeon first, traditionally, then belt, then shoes.
10:47 * asciilifeform knows procedures
10:48 mircea_popescu lmao
10:48 mircea_popescu shit, someone should make a restaurant like that.
10:48 mircea_popescu only desperation meals served.
10:48 mircea_popescu "boiled acordeon, for 12"
10:48 asciilifeform call it 'blokada'
10:48 mircea_popescu definitely. блокада
10:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16758 @ 0.00073804 = 12.3681 BTC [+]
10:50 chetty I do wonder if the ebola panic will disrupt the jit delivery system - that could get ugly
10:50 mircea_popescu only austerity is bad
10:50 mats_cd03 a good time to be vegetarian
10:51 mircea_popescu mats_cd03 i thought vegetarians had more needs on a distribution network than normal people
10:51 mats_cd03 why would that be?
10:51 mircea_popescu which accounts for why it only appeared after the industrial revolution made everything cheap and abundant
10:51 mats_cd03 meat spoils faster than dried goods.
10:52 mats_cd03 tell that to india.
10:52 mircea_popescu india is vegetarian nao ?
10:52 mircea_popescu i dunno, every curry i ever had was meat based
10:52 mats_cd03 they're still poor, so they're mostly vegetarian, yes
10:52 mircea_popescu i doubt you seriously are proposing starvation diets as your model.
10:53 mats_cd03 i dunno.
10:53 mircea_popescu vegetarianism as a chosen lifestyle != vegetarianism as a path towards untimely death.
10:53 chetty you get hungry enough you wont care what the source of the calories is
10:53 mats_cd03 i have 40 pounds of quinoa and 40 pounds of lentils
10:53 mats_cd03 for zombie apocalypse, etc.
10:54 mircea_popescu oic
10:54 mircea_popescu lol
10:55 mats_cd03 and a kindle with a hand-cranked microusb charger!
10:56 mats_cd03 if i had to, i'm prepared to single handedly rebuild some modicum of civilization.
10:56 mircea_popescu wow those'd be so cute. do they exist ?
10:56 mircea_popescu asciilifeform remember the russian dynamo-flashlights ?
10:56 mircea_popescu light-and-labour ?
10:57 mircea_popescu http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_kw=Russian+Zip+Flashlight 20 bux on ebay hah
10:57 assbot Russian Zip Flashlight | eBay
10:58 mats_cd03 http://www.grainger.com/product/20VE96 i bought something like this
10:58 assbot ETON Backup Battery,Silver,1-1/8in.D - Weather Radios - 20VE96|NBOTU4000S - Grainger Industrial Supply
10:58 chetty uh, something is off here, a prepper that like monsanto ..no add up
11:00 ben_vulpes today i buy metal halides to light the office, because flourescents are the root of all evil.
11:01 chetty today i buy metal halides to light the office, because flourescents are the root of all evil.//nah just a little branch
11:01 ben_vulpes davout: how've you been?
11:01 ben_vulpes and also where
11:02 mats_cd03 monsanto makes it possible to feed more people with less. whats not to like?
11:02 ben_vulpes chetty: just a wee touch of the inflation hidden in decreasing quality.
11:06 chetty mats_cd03, that it mostly kills those people ...
11:07 mircea_popescu mats_cd03 exactly that.
11:07 mircea_popescu feeding more people with less is exactly evil.
11:07 mircea_popescu either feed more people with better or feed fewer people with better. but less... no.
11:08 mats_cd03 a difference of opinion.
11:09 mircea_popescu what exactly is the opinion you're holding here ?
11:09 mircea_popescu "it's okay for things to go to shit, as long as there's more of us" ?
11:10 mats_cd03 it's ok for things to go to shit, as long as some of us can be more productive with the land that's left.
11:10 mats_cd03 arable land, anyway
11:10 mircea_popescu seems a recipe for disaster.
11:10 mircea_popescu i dunno that i can in good conscience call that an opinion.
11:10 mats_cd03 confounding variables.
11:11 mircea_popescu no but i mean... "joe thinks 3x4 = 12, moe thins 3x4=13" this isn't a difference of opinions, inasmuch moe's thing isn't an opinion.
11:12 mats_cd03 are you disputing that GMO crops increase yields?
11:12 mircea_popescu yes, actually.
11:13 thickasthieves fukcing taxes
11:13 mircea_popescu suppose i have a car factory, and you came by and proposed to sell me a patented mechanism which when added to the factory, "increased yielkds' by 50%.
11:13 mircea_popescu so i pay, you install it, and lo and behold, i am producing 50% more units
11:13 mats_cd03 so, a flounder gene spliced into tomatoes that permit growth in regions that wouldn't support tomatoes naturally
11:13 mircea_popescu except they're bicycles.
11:13 mats_cd03 this is not increasing yields of tomatoes?
11:13 mircea_popescu i'd fucking sue you.
11:13 nubbins` it's not like people are buying monsanto seed and saying "hey, wait, this isn't what i paid for"
11:14 nubbins` they
11:14 mircea_popescu the entire "monsanto increases yields" fallacy is based on the fraudulent proposition that shit-tomatoes are = tomatoes.
11:14 mircea_popescu this doesn't hold.
11:14 nubbins` 're buying it and saying "fuck me and everyone i know who has this job"
11:14 mircea_popescu nubbins` yes, but a gullible public is scarcely an excuse.
11:14 thickasthieves it's only a crime if you get caught!
11:14 mircea_popescu oic.
11:14 nubbins` it's only a crime if you can't afford to commit it
11:15 nubbins` wifi-enabled printers, not the best idea
11:15 nubbins` ever try sending your printer a 25mb document via wifi?
11:15 mircea_popescu wifi enabled printers are great, you can send people pronz
11:16 nubbins` great until you've got a court date in an hour and you can't get your evidence printed in a timely fashion ;/
11:16 * nubbins` hunts for cable
11:16 mircea_popescu printing your evidence an hour before court date ?
11:16 ben_vulpes fuck wifi enabled printers.
11:16 mircea_popescu you methhead you
11:17 ben_vulpes they never come with modern chips, so i have to detatch from my primary network to use the printer in our office.
11:17 nubbins` 8)
11:17 nubbins` this methhead is gonna win
11:17 ben_vulpes people are very aware of how stupid this is, because i email them things that i want printed to remind them that they bought a poorly featured printer.
11:18 mircea_popescu ;;ticker
11:18 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 402.54, Best ask: 403.45, Bid-ask spread: 0.91000, Last trade: 403.49, 24 hour volume: 30406.49355436, 24 hour low: 373.87, 24 hour high: 417.99, 24 hour vwap: 396.288183921
11:19 pete_dushenski http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2014/Oct/53 << only osx 10.9 and 10.10 affected
11:19 assbot Full Disclosure: CVE-2014-3671: DNS Reverse Lookup as a vector for the Bashvulnerability (CVE-2014-6271 et.al.)
11:19 ben_vulpes and still unpatched.
11:20 ben_vulpes i hate this thing.
11:20 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski not so sure about that only.
11:20 pete_dushenski ben_vulpes: lol you updated?
11:20 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: fair enough… "At this point of time the stock resolvers (in combination with the libc
11:20 pete_dushenski library) of OSX 10.9 (all versions) and 10.10/R2 are the only known standard installations that pass the bash exploit string back and up to getnameinfo()."
11:21 pete_dushenski "only known"
11:21 ben_vulpes pete_dushenski: a great deal of the shop's work is ios. can't not and do what we're paid for.
11:21 pete_dushenski absence of evidence != evidence of absence
11:21 ben_vulpes work computer vs personal
11:21 mats_cd03 what are you, donald rumsfeld?
11:22 pete_dushenski mats_cd03: maybe?
11:22 mircea_popescu * PTR "() { :;}; echo CVE-2014-6271, CVE-201407169, RDNS"
11:22 mircea_popescu epic tho
11:22 pete_dushenski ben_vulpes: makes sense.
11:22 mats_cd03 its nice to meet you, sir.
11:22 mircea_popescu !up ziggamon
11:23 pete_dushenski "11-10-2014 Apple confirms that with DL1769 in place that "The issue that remains, while it raises interesting questions, is not a security issue in and of itself."
11:23 mircea_popescu sigh
11:23 mircea_popescu what braindamage school do these people go to ?
11:23 thickasthieves it's not a school in and of itself
11:23 mats_cd03 mircea_popescu: would ya happen to have any suggestions for this legal research? i'm drowning, atm -- i've got 5 relevant cases across 3 judges, and expended ~20 hours so far
11:24 mircea_popescu mats_cd03 i'd love to, but i can't do it in the abstract.
11:24 mircea_popescu so tell me what you're doing and what the problem is ?
11:26 mircea_popescu mats_cd03 and i got a meeting now, so we'll resume in a few hours.
11:26 pete_dushenski http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/34879/
11:27 mats_cd03 mircea_popescu: i am currently using the following search: JUDGE(BLAKE) & ("THE GOVERNMENT") & ("PAPERWORK" "PRIVACY" "SEARCH WARRANT" "ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE" "EMAIL" "SUPPRESS EVIDENCE" "HARD DRIVE" "TRANSMISSION" "WRITTEN") & DA(aft 12-31-1989 & bef 01-01-2003)
11:27 mats_cd03 mircea_popescu: the problem is: too much noise and insufficient signal
11:27 pete_dushenski ^OpenVPN 2.2.29 - ShellShock Exploit
11:27 nubbins` what research is this
11:27 mats_cd03 courts circus
11:28 nubbins` oh, that's a throwback
11:28 nubbins` i poked at that, way too much effort
11:28 nubbins` see comments.
11:28 mats_cd03 i did
11:28 mats_cd03 currently treating your list of judges as canonical
11:28 nubbins` feel free to cut me in on your bounty
11:29 asciilifeform dynamo flashlights << these are very popular here in usa also. sold nearly everywhere (cheap chinese crap, but, basic idea is same)
11:30 nubbins` i had a dynamo flashlight once, and it was fucking useless
11:30 nubbins` maybe they're better these days
11:31 asciilifeform nubbins`: if bought in north america in recent decades - inevitable plastic gears, worthless turd
11:31 nubbins` i think it was actually a branded freebie, so definitely
11:33 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 19 @ 0.11445789 = 2.1747 BTC [+] {4}
~ 28 minutes ~
12:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.15825875 BTC to 16`125 shares, 7183 satoshi per share
12:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] [PAID] 5.97993760 BTC to 1`149`988 shares, 520 satoshi per share
12:09 ben_vulpes log works for me
12:10 Apocalyptic yeah it's back
12:11 rithm https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8453223
12:11 assbot Analysis of the Linux backdoor used in Freenode IRC network compromise | Hacker News
12:14 ben_vulpes <thickasthieves> i beat MIT http://www.coindesk.com/mit-bitcoin-trading-simulation-yields-profit-89-50-days/ << what the hell are idiots like this doing at MIT
12:14 assbot MIT Bitcoin Trading Simulation Yields Profit of 89% in 50 Days
12:14 ben_vulpes oh wait it's bezzle MIT
12:14 ben_vulpes real MIT died with the lisp machines i guess
12:18 xinxi is gabriel_laddel here?
12:19 thickasthieves it's also hard to value what they did because you can simply tweak your trading method, backtest, and adjust til you get favorable backtest for the timeframe
12:19 thickasthieves then you employ for next 2 mos and get raped
12:19 thickasthieves employ it
12:20 xinxi right, I traded for years in the FX market. Backtesting usually does not work well. The market is always changing.
12:22 thickasthieves also they used a very small investment
12:22 xinxi ;;ident thickasthieves
12:22 gribble Nick 'thickasthieves', with hostmask 'thickasthieves!~ThickAsTh@unaffiliated/thickasthieves', is identified as user 'ThickAsThieves', with GPG key id B28732FE807495EC, key fingerprint D649FD3B664A6BCF801D727EB28732FE807495EC, and bitcoin address 1NfXM69erAWPDdNrZ2k2UkuV7HDPc6Ebwk
12:22 thickasthieves useless
12:23 thickasthieves try using their method with hundreds or thousands of btc and itll fall apart
12:23 xinxi ;;ident xinxi
12:23 gribble CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Nick 'xinxi', with hostmask 'xinxi!~xinxi@nusnet-185-15.dynip.nus.edu.sg', is identified as user 'wangxinxi', with GPG key id 331894345B459329, key fingerprint EE5C4780D0955B8E25CF2667331894345B459329, and bitcoin address None
12:24 xinxi yeah, the impact the bot will be very severe then.
12:29 xinxi are people working now? there are only a few here.
12:30 * danielpbarron is here
12:31 xinxi can anybody check whether the reply from digitalgrow racism? https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=821889.0
12:31 assbot [ANN] Coinut.com - Bitcoin Options Exchange
12:31 xinxi I am from a country without racism, so I am not very sensititve to that.
12:31 danielpbarron .. what?
12:32 xinxi facism. suprised?
12:32 RagnarDanneskjol xinxi - you need to HTFU
12:32 xinxi yeah, I know. I just need to know the fact.
12:33 TomServo xinxi: Seems more idiotic than racist.
12:33 thickasthieves xinxi cmon now
12:33 thickasthieves no one gives a shit if youre chinese
12:33 thickasthieves no one that matters
12:33 thickasthieves dont worry about racism
12:33 danielpbarron there's no racism in china?
12:33 thickasthieves they are alienating themselves not you
12:34 danielpbarron don't they like.. hate the japs?
12:34 thickasthieves hehe
12:34 thickasthieves use the ignore feature liberally on that forum
12:34 thickasthieves just dont ignore people only cuz they disagree
12:35 xinxi you know the reason why we hate jps.
12:35 thickasthieves cuz ur racist?
12:35 xinxi we don’t hate all japs.
12:35 thickasthieves :)
12:35 thickasthieves maybe you dont hate japs at all
12:35 mats_cd03 meh. japs are in their own circle of hell atm
12:35 mats_cd03 who cares?
12:36 xinxi i hate the japs who killed so many people.
12:36 xinxi but i like normal japanese people when i went to japan.
12:37 xinxi especially because they inherited and preserved traditional chinese culture quite well.
12:38 RagnarDanneskjol !up punkbot
12:42 ben_vulpes deeds demo?
12:42 thickasthieves http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/15/business/international/ireland-to-phase-out-tax-advantage-used-by-technology-firms.html?_r=0
12:42 assbot Log In - The New York Times
12:42 punkbot just setting up the account
12:43 punkbot dry run worked, will try with actual BTC later
12:43 RagnarDanneskjol ooh wee
12:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33400 @ 0.00073822 = 24.6565 BTC [+] {2}
12:50 xinxi Coindesk is asking me to publish a review.
12:51 xinxi do you guys trust coindesk?
12:51 thickasthieves no
12:51 thickasthieves but they still are fastest with some news
12:51 thickasthieves you just gotta filter out the scum sometimes
12:52 thickasthieves they want you to review your own site?
12:52 thickasthieves how much do they charge you for that?
12:52 xinxi 1 BTC
12:52 thickasthieves ha!
12:52 xinxi cheap?
12:52 danielpbarron ;;rate PeterL 1 https://twitter.com/petermlambert/status/522066960042188800
12:52 assbot /PeterMLambert Are you in /hashtag/bitcoin?src=hash-assets? If so, what's your username?
12:52 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user PeterL has been recorded.
12:52 thickasthieves dude, they should be paying you if it's news
12:52 thickasthieves at worst it should be free coverage
12:53 thickasthieves but you reviewing your own site, paying them 1btc, makes them not a news site, but a shill
12:53 xinxi yeah, it seems this defeat the purporse of a “review”.
12:54 thickasthieves consider your own reputation in that transaction as well
12:54 thickasthieves tell them they can review it and you will facilitate with a test account and interview
12:54 thickasthieves or whatever
12:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42000 @ 0.00073931 = 31.051 BTC [+]
12:55 thickasthieves if you pay, then they wont really review it, theyll just praise it
12:56 xinxi i see
12:56 thickasthieves but wtf do i know
12:56 thickasthieves :)
12:56 xinxi anyway, you do provide useful suggestions.
12:56 xinxi thanks
12:58 thickasthieves np gl
13:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10800 @ 0.00073931 = 7.9845 BTC [+]
13:07 asciilifeform https://www.nccgroup.com/en/blog/2014/10/analysis-of-the-linux-backdoor-used-in-freenode-irc-network-compromise << http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-08-2014#807732
13:07 assbot Analysis of the Linux backdoor used in freenode IRC network compromise | NCC Group
13:07 assbot Logged on 24-08-2014 23:34:47; mircea_popescu: pronouncement #b : and then he spake thus : ye knoweth the evil people of the world know no rest, for the very fire of hell scorches their gullets on the inside so they may never sit quietly in a room. and therefore it will come to pass that they will put pressure on freenode, starting for instance last thursday.
13:09 asciilifeform the 64 mega-buck question - whence came the pwnhole. the rootkit, while well-made, is considerably less interesting.
13:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22942 @ 0.00073805 = 16.9323 BTC [-]
13:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2450 @ 0.00073634 = 1.804 BTC [-]
13:26 thickasthieves nsa doesnt let you tell when they tell you what to do
13:27 thickasthieves http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/10/14/us-usa-fed-williams-idUSKCN0I31Y720141014
13:27 assbot Exclusive: More QE might be appropriate if U.S. economy faltered- Fed's Williams| Reuters
13:27 thickasthieves we're gonna need more fuel for dis fire!
13:27 thickasthieves right away sir!
13:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20056 @ 0.00073593 = 14.7598 BTC [-]
13:35 xinxi hey, I need a market maker for my site.
13:35 xinxi who can do that?
13:37 BingoBoingo ;;ticker
13:37 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 407.59, Best ask: 408.23, Bid-ask spread: 0.64000, Last trade: 408.24, 24 hour volume: 29325.78568430, 24 hour low: 378.97, 24 hour high: 417.99, 24 hour vwap: 398.164634543
13:39 gabriel_laddel 16:18:34xinxi:is gabriel_laddel here? << people generally read the logs, and there is a feature for gribble known as ";; later"
13:40 xinxi I read your comments carefully and have revised the site according to them.
13:40 xinxi Thanks gabriel_laddel.
13:41 thickasthieves ;;later tell xinxi This is how to use later tell :)
13:41 gribble The operation succeeded.
13:41 thickasthieves ;;messages
13:41 gribble Error: "messages" is not a valid command.
13:42 TomServo ;;notes
13:42 thickasthieves ;;mail
13:42 gribble I currently have notes waiting for BlueMeanie4, Daniel_Krawisz, davidldubuc, DTdirk, indolering, JuliaTourianski, Michael1, mist, normalra, nubbins, perdent, princessnell, ragmondo, RPrpRP, sgarnick, sgornick, tbz1, tweeeaks, usagi, wywialm, xinxi, and Zerock.
13:42 gribble Error: "mail" is not a valid command.
13:42 thickasthieves ah
13:42 thickasthieves thx
13:42 xinxi ;;notes
13:42 gribble I currently have notes waiting for BlueMeanie4, Daniel_Krawisz, davidldubuc, DTdirk, indolering, JuliaTourianski, Michael1, mist, normalra, nubbins, perdent, princessnell, ragmondo, RPrpRP, sgarnick, sgornick, tbz1, tweeeaks, usagi, wywialm, xinxi, and Zerock.
13:42 TomServo np
13:42 xinxi ;;notes xinxi
13:42 gribble Error: I have no notes for that nick.
13:42 thickasthieves note that notes arent private ;)
13:43 thickasthieves ;;notes usagi
13:43 gribble Sent 2 weeks, 2 days, 15 hours, and 37 minutes ago: <TheNewDeal> hey what's your history like with kakobrekla?
13:43 thickasthieves hehe
13:43 xinxi ;;notes xinxi
13:43 gribble Error: I have no notes for that nick.
13:43 xinxi where is the note?
13:43 thickasthieves gribble pm's you when you next appear with your note
13:44 thickasthieves do you have a pm from gribble?
13:44 xinxi oh, i see it.
13:44 xinxi it’s convenient.
13:48 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24989 @ 0.00073539 = 18.3767 BTC [-] {2}
13:51 gabriel_laddel ;; google site: loper-os.org mpex review
13:51 gribble Loper OS » A Review of MPEx, the Bitcoin Stock Exchange.: <http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1108>; Loper OS » Bitcoin Adventures.: <http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1139>; Loper OS » Bitcoin, or How to Hammer in Nails with a Microscope.: <http://www.loper-os.org/?p=939>
13:51 thickasthieves ;;ticker
13:51 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 412.0, Best ask: 413.68, Bid-ask spread: 1.68000, Last trade: 411.0, 24 hour volume: 29479.34772437, 24 hour low: 378.97, 24 hour high: 417.99, 24 hour vwap: 398.364299354
13:52 kakobrekla arent you sleeping
13:52 thickasthieves lol not yet
13:52 kakobrekla the longest streak i had with pc was 72hrs
13:53 thickasthieves i'm developing pains though, need better chair
13:53 thickasthieves for some reason i was sitting on my hand for like 20min and now my wrist is hurt
13:54 xinxi thickasthieves, which timezone are you in?
13:54 kakobrekla as long as its not carpal tunnel
13:54 thickasthieves such a disciplined hodler
13:54 thickasthieves EST
13:54 thickasthieves it's 2pm
13:55 xinxi I see. it’s 2 am here. I need to go to sleep. talk to you tomorrow.
13:55 gabriel_laddel 17:40:23xinxi:I read your comments carefully and have revised the site according to them. << tbh, I got bored within the first 1-2 minutes of browsing around. you probably want to pay someone who knows about copy, marketing etc. to fix it.
13:55 thickasthieves ttyl
13:55 kakobrekla thickasthieves do you find everything funny yet?
13:56 thickasthieves nope, but i'm probly gonna consult some wacky tobaccy and a pillow soon
13:56 kakobrekla me and my friend found that after about 24hrs things start to get funny.
13:56 kakobrekla friends*
13:57 thickasthieves happened to me once too, but i was on some drug no one told me the name of
13:57 kakobrekla heh
13:57 thickasthieves X1B or someshit
13:57 thickasthieves hippy festivals...
13:57 xinxi yeah, a good designer is going to make it better.
13:57 kakobrekla from the experiments above, only caffeine was allowed
13:59 kakobrekla Thank you for submitting a ticket with us today.
13:59 kakobrekla We apologize for the inconvenience. It appears that there is a stuck process on this hypervisor at this time.
13:59 kakobrekla I'm going to escalate this ticket to get this cleared up for you.
13:59 kakobrekla mtgox style
13:59 kakobrekla hehe
14:02 thickasthieves lawsky live in 4hrs http://cardozolaw.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=01b5be00-c8df-4688-a1dc-5302b6ca3c7e
14:02 assbot HTTP 500 : Internal Server Error
14:03 kakobrekla lawlsky
14:03 thickasthieves i have a feeling he's gonna hold the line and keep the excessive regs
14:04 thickasthieves goat is gonna be at the lawsky thing
14:05 thickasthieves or at least someone who purports to be goat on tview chat
14:05 thickasthieves seems to behave like him
14:05 TomServo hah, I didn't realize he was still around
14:05 thickasthieves he aint around here though
14:05 thickasthieves hehe
14:06 thickasthieves !up bgupta
14:08 thickasthieves bgupta, you going to the lawsky thing tonight?
14:09 thickasthieves you should go and cover it for qntra http://trilema.com/2014/introducing-sqntr/
14:09 assbot Introducing S.QNTR pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
14:12 kakobrekla thickasthieves if 'goat' says he is going to sue lawlsky, its the real thing.
14:12 BingoBoingo !up devthedev
14:12 gabriel_laddel ;; gettrust devthedev
14:12 gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user gabriel_laddel to user devthedev: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=gabriel_laddel&dest=devthedev | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=devthedev | Rated since: Tue Jul 15 12:31:42 2014
14:12 devthedev Hi gabriel_laddel
14:12 gabriel_laddel well hello
14:13 devthedev BingoBoingo: I have a dedicated server at my house if that could be of any assistance.
14:13 BingoBoingo devthedev: New hosting has been arranged, waiting for cazalla to wake up and aim the domain
14:14 devthedev Okay
14:14 BingoBoingo Site was Dos'd yesterday morning, prolly Dos'd harder this morning
14:14 devthedev That isn't much of a surprise
14:16 kakobrekla <devthedev> BingoBoingo: I have a dedicated server at my house if that could be of any assistance. < you have a death wish?
14:16 devthedev Lol
14:17 BingoBoingo devthedev: kakobrekla had to deal with BitBet DOs's
14:19 mircea_popescu ;;ticker
14:19 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 409.11, Best ask: 411.35, Bid-ask spread: 2.24000, Last trade: 411.72, 24 hour volume: 30648.07962933, 24 hour low: 378.97, 24 hour high: 417.99, 24 hour vwap: 400.402158319
14:19 mircea_popescu heh.
14:19 kakobrekla and haxors with liabilities
14:19 mircea_popescu you mean disabilities ?
14:20 mircea_popescu ;;later tell RagnarDanneskjol send it to punkman's thing once it's up
14:20 gribble The operation succeeded.
14:21 mircea_popescu mats_cd03 the proper avenue would be to put all this into a large file and then grep the hell out of it ?
14:23 mircea_popescu rithm> https://news.ycombinator <<< yeah, they copied it from logs.
14:23 mircea_popescu which logs you should probably read.
14:23 bounce <jurov> in my experience it is more about stuf like meticulously checking your input (such as no negative numbers,. broken unicode, sql metacharacters, etc.) << perversely I do enjoy writing input parsers in C or C++. it's not even that hard, with the right approach, though some encodings make it unnecessarily annoying.
14:24 mircea_popescu <xinxi> I am from a country without racism, so I am not very sensititve to that. << a) are you kidding ?! b) why'd you care ?!
14:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56315 @ 0.00073436 = 41.3555 BTC [-] {4}
14:27 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo gave qntra its own ip too.
14:31 mircea_popescu xinxi: do you guys trust coindesk? << the reason qntra.net exists is because we emphatically do not trust coindesk
14:32 mircea_popescu and if you know any chinese people who would be interested in covering btc in china, from mining to anything else, there's prbably a job opening there
14:32 mircea_popescu hickasthieves: they want you to review your own site? <<< who was saying earlier the coindesk spam is "not from coindesk" ? Hm ?
14:32 jurov bounce and did your parsers ever underwent pentest?
14:32 bounce http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11342371
14:33 assbot South Korea identity thefts forces ID overhaul - Business - NZ Herald News
14:33 mircea_popescu xinxi: cheap? << it's a scam. you're better off paying 1btc for facebook ads.
14:33 devthedev ^^
14:34 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-10-2014#873009 << funny how that works, eh asciilifeform ?
14:34 assbot Logged on 14-10-2014 17:07:36; asciilifeform: https://www.nccgroup.com/en/blog/2014/10/analysis-of-the-linux-backdoor-used-in-freenode-irc-network-compromise << http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-08-2014#807732
14:34 bounce no specific pentests, no, but I usually do try and hit all the corner cases and esp. if it has to go back and forth, write both sides of the link so I'm sure they can talk to each other.
14:34 mircea_popescu funny how mp has the news a week early and errrything.
14:35 jurov bounce: I did HTTP stuff in C (dev/maintainer of ziproxy.sf.net) and it was just plainly impossible to do everything right, it had bugs all the time
14:36 mircea_popescu the very few people i knew who actually got c code consistently right eventually gave up and moved to asm
14:36 * bounce was on the receiving end of a project where there wasn't a reference output generator for their extraspecial hand-crafted "xmlrpc" parsing, written in stereotypical India.
14:36 jurov HTTP in asm *faints*
14:37 mircea_popescu jurov you know this is what they should have people do in prison. forget those dumbass straw braiding things
14:37 bounce haven't really looked into http but I'm not surprised it's on par with html, ie not really parseable. esp. the w3c specs stand out because they're only written for the html writer, with nary a thought to the parser writer.
14:37 jurov yes, i'm quite a reiser fan
14:38 mircea_popescu thickasthieves: nsa doesnt let you tell when they tell you what to do << nah it wasn't a mole, it was an exploit. either the bash thing or something else not yet announced.
14:38 jurov he should get allowed to continue from prison
14:38 bounce shouldn't've killed the girl, there's much more deserving people in free software land.
14:40 mircea_popescu o is this the namesys guy that killed his wife ?
14:40 jurov Oh and i do agree, C/C++ *is* fun. Till you have to maintain it.
14:41 jurov mircea_popescu: yes
14:41 mircea_popescu i dun get why these guys don't just move to saudi arabia.
14:41 mircea_popescu it's just as much connected to the internet as rural pennsylvania or w/e
14:41 mircea_popescu and if wife doesn't want to come you know right there she's angling to get murdered.
14:42 mircea_popescu just like the tsa works!
14:42 jurov you ever murdered any?
14:42 mircea_popescu nope
14:42 mircea_popescu i never had any.
14:43 jurov oh that
14:43 mircea_popescu not that i see why anyone would. just ditch her.
14:43 mircea_popescu and don't be dumb enough to live in any sort of common property arrangement, if that's what's bothering you.
14:44 bounce gah. found a piece of software that promised to let me configure some obscure hardware I happen to have. doesn't compile on freebsd because linuxisms all over. yet it does have supposedly-freebsd-enabling #ifdefs here and there. something with release engineering, lack thereof.
14:44 mircea_popescu thickasthieves: i'm developing pains though, need better chair << you sound just like a kid that's overexicted about "being a trader" and about to do very dumb shit.
14:45 mircea_popescu how about a coupla days off.
14:45 mircea_popescu btc ain't going anywhere in the interval.
14:45 mike_c +1 tat. take your winnings and sleep.
14:47 mircea_popescu dude the people who run wordpress...
14:47 bounce at least they're in good company
14:47 mircea_popescu so i sent this notification thing to all the god damned blogs that were used in the ddos last month. like 80k in and im not even done in any sense.
14:48 mircea_popescu the emails i get tho... because these are WORDPRESS users right, so they can't leave fucking comments, they email
14:48 mircea_popescu half of them clearly have no fucking idea wqhat a computer even is. at all.
14:48 rithm it's the box the porn comes out of, duh.
14:49 mircea_popescu i wouldn't be surprised to find that something like a computer in three was actually raped
14:49 mircea_popescu in the literal sense, insert penis dent unit
14:49 rithm hahaha\\
14:50 mircea_popescu apparently they've been discussing it in their dedicated forum (50+ ppl mentioned it, NOT ONE thought to link the fucking discussions, because they're on the internet ,right ? what is a linlk ?)
14:50 mircea_popescu and they came to all SORTS of fucktarded conclusions
14:50 mircea_popescu the internet should never have been opened to the public.
14:51 mircea_popescu you want to wank it to teenage pov poon, get a fucking degree.
14:52 mircea_popescu thickasthieves: X1B or someshit << wtf is that ?!
14:52 mircea_popescu !up cypherc
14:53 TomServo random stab - maybe 2CB?
14:53 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 150 @ 0.01089999 = 1.635 BTC [+] {3}
14:54 mircea_popescu what, like monsanto mdma ?
14:56 TomServo Mayhaps? Could be anything at a hippie festival.
14:56 mircea_popescu well except panda tears
14:58 BingoBoingo https://gitlab.brokenpipe.de/stettberger/avremu/tree/master#README << CPU emulator in Tex
14:58 assbot Christian Dietrich / avremu | GitLab
14:58 rithm it's some tried and true drug that was used recreationally for a half-century...except they added an isomer
14:59 mircea_popescu "Here, when attempting to pick someone up or take someone out, “no” is not actually always a true rejection. Girls, perhaps as a shield against the chamuyo fired from all directions, are conditioned to almost invariably turn down guys at first and second, and maybe third approach. And for the other half of this symbiotic relationship, guys are conditioned to pursue with total abandon, which on (unacceptable) occasi
14:59 mircea_popescu on turns into grabbing a stranger’s face in a club and trying to plant one on them, totally uninvited. In speaking with foreign-born male friends, the ambiguity of “no” comes up as the most oft-repeated frustration, as most have spent their lives understanding, rightly so, that “no” means to retreat."
14:59 mircea_popescu rightly so ?!
14:59 mircea_popescu heh mkay.
14:59 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17717 @ 0.000736 = 13.0397 BTC [+] {2}
15:00 asciilifeform Till you have to maintain it << the whole concept of 'software maintenance' is actually braindamaged. obligatory: http://www.niquette.com/paul/issue/softwr02.htm
15:00 assbot Software Does Not Fail
15:09 BingoBoingo ;;ticker
15:09 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 412.17, Best ask: 412.88, Bid-ask spread: 0.71000, Last trade: 413.15, 24 hour volume: 30604.77095579, 24 hour low: 381.29, 24 hour high: 417.99, 24 hour vwap: 400.630767114
15:12 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 94 @ 0.1062766 = 9.99 BTC [-] {6}
15:13 mats_cd03 it rises
15:19 kakobrekla !s anonabox
15:19 assbot 0 results for 'anonabox' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=anonabox
15:19 kakobrekla https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/augustgermar/anonabox-a-tor-hardware-router
15:19 assbot anonabox : a Tor hardware router by August Germar — Kickstarter
15:19 kakobrekla 300k out of 7k hehe
15:19 mike_c ;;seen diana_coman
15:19 gribble diana_coman was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 days, 3 hours, 32 minutes, and 16 seconds ago: <diana_coman> I'm to blame for Sweete__ being here, since he pm-ed me about trading and I asked him why wasn't he in here if he was a trader
15:22 mike_c that thing seems cool
15:22 thickasthieves honeybox
15:23 thickasthieves probly a better name
15:23 mats_cd03 anonabox is a terrible idea
15:23 kakobrekla sez 'open hardware'. does it come with electron microscope ?
15:25 asciilifeform 'anonabox' << aside from the obvious objections - this apparatus is not only trivial to build (out of any reprogrammable 'linux router') but was even sold in the past, by others.
15:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30308 @ 0.00073803 = 22.3682 BTC [+]
15:25 asciilifeform and 7k usd! one could build a small planet for that!
15:26 mike_c it's $50
15:26 kakobrekla its 300k
15:26 thickasthieves it's log!
15:26 mike_c so don't use it to take over the world. still seems useful as cloaking device.
15:26 thickasthieves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTrAVpK9blw
15:26 assbot Log Commercial - YouTube
15:26 asciilifeform 300k << one could build a world.
15:27 mike_c ah ascii, just wait til you have a 300k backlog of orders for cardano
15:27 thickasthieves what's a cardano?
15:27 kakobrekla not gonna happen without the wifi
15:27 mike_c cardano is last year's xmas gift
15:28 thickasthieves what's a xmas gift?
15:28 kakobrekla go to sleep
15:28 mike_c tat you better go to sleep before you lose all your btc to the kiddies
15:28 thickasthieves i tried
15:28 thickasthieves i'm sitting in coin
15:28 thickasthieves s'all good
15:29 mike_c hard to go to sleep after successful all-night gambling binge :)
15:29 asciilifeform if i had 300k, would have long ago been in the middle of product #2...
15:29 mike_c pre-orders!
15:29 kakobrekla and wifi
15:29 thickasthieves uhhh
15:29 bounce so kickstart it
15:29 thickasthieves you have like 9000btc orwhatever
15:30 mike_c oh yeah.
15:30 mike_c ;;calc 440 * [ticker -last]
15:30 gribble Error: There's really no reason why you should have underscores or brackets in your mathematical expression. Please remove them.
15:30 asciilifeform but i refuse to take pre-orders for equipment not yet produced and tested, and i think mp agrees with my reasoning.
15:30 mike_c ;;calc 440 * [ticker --last]
15:30 gribble 181860.8
15:30 bounce huh. talk about useful error messages.
15:32 asciilifeform mike_c, thickasthieves: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-10-2014#854703
15:32 assbot Logged on 02-10-2014 05:23:31; asciilifeform: i may have said it before, but i will repeat: s.nsa has a piggy (see mircea_popescu's site); every month, i invoice him for materials, get some btc. but, since i can't safely convert btc to usd where i live, i just sit on them. they will probably be buried with me. hence: s.nsa, presently, in practice runs on guess what (my pocket money...)
15:33 mike_c you shouldn't sell it anyway. tea leaves are all pointing up.
15:34 bounce oh the wisdom thrown away the world over, drinking tea but not reading the leaves.
15:34 kakobrekla i prefer coffee. much less biased.
15:34 asciilifeform mike_c: i doubt the shareholders would be happy with 50+% of the piggy burning in the fire of the confiscatory u.s. tax.
15:35 kakobrekla we can wait. as long as we get the wifi.
15:35 kakobrekla pls dont ignore me yet!
15:36 kakobrekla too late now isnt it.
15:37 asciilifeform lol
15:38 asciilifeform for our 'friends' reading this, i do not have the piggy in my own hands, nor remote access to it, cannot give it up in the torture room...
15:38 kakobrekla yeah, but you would say that in either case
15:39 * bounce gets the $5 wrench. one way to find out...
15:39 thickasthieves yeah too risky to be cashing em anyway
15:39 thickasthieves tea leaves say small chance of bubble
15:40 mike_c bubble? we haven't even caught up to last bubble yet.
15:41 thickasthieves bubbles come in all sizes
15:41 asciilifeform too risky to be cashing em << yes. but the thing i am doing instead is also very ugly, and i'm genuinely surprised that there's been no hatemail over it.
15:42 bounce who's partial to bubble tea?
15:42 gabriel_laddel har
15:42 mike_c hatemail is a poor motivator
15:43 thickasthieves get vendors to accept btc
15:43 kakobrekla take my 5bux order in btc or else ill take my biz elsewhere ?
15:43 thickasthieves seems like a problem that needs to be stalled, s.nsa being throttled that hard
15:43 mike_c say it with me. "retail adoption doesn't mean shit"
15:43 thickasthieves solved*
15:44 asciilifeform thickasthieves: get vendors to accept btc << that would not solve the problem of a 200+K usd machine sitting in my civilian home for easy confiscation by
15:44 thickasthieves what, s.nsa cant have a legal operation in US?
15:44 asciilifeform ... by enemy
15:45 asciilifeform we don't actually have rule of law in usa.
15:45 thickasthieves hrm
15:45 thickasthieves so hire henchmen in places where btc can be rendered
15:45 thickasthieves and have them do some work
15:45 asciilifeform thickasthieves: who is going to pay my relocation? you?
15:45 thickasthieves s.nsa
15:46 asciilifeform thickasthieves: henchmen are of precisely no use at this stage
15:46 thickasthieves cmon you think shareholders would complain if the guy running the show needed to relocate on its dime?
15:46 thickasthieves of course i'm speaking out of turn at this point
15:46 bounce you got more stuff to relocate than fits in a container and a suitcase?
15:47 thickasthieves but as i see it the co has the budget and is severely crippled
15:47 thickasthieves do or do not
15:47 asciilifeform thickasthieves: doesn't matter if the shareholders all wished this (in what hallucinogenic fantasy land?) - 300btc is simply nowhere near sufficient for this, considering esp. that most of it is direly necessary for the first mass production run.
15:48 thickasthieves 300btc?
15:48 thickasthieves wasnt the raise like 10kbtc?
15:48 asciilifeform bounce: suitcase << i have a ~30,000 volume library; a small machine shop; a woman; and a great many pieces of laboratory equipment.
15:49 kakobrekla so, two suitcases.
15:49 asciilifeform thickasthieves: read the s.nsa page on mircea_popescu's site.
15:49 TomServo Holy library batman!
15:50 bounce that's what, two suitcases and one large container, thereabouts?
15:50 mike_c raise was ~460
15:50 thickasthieves i'm so confused now
15:51 mike_c http://trilema.com/2013/snsa-october-2013-statement-1/
15:51 assbot S.NSA, October 2013 Statement (1) pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
15:51 mike_c 472.76008500
15:51 kakobrekla thickasthieves prolly confusing with the S.MG
15:51 thickasthieves ahhh
15:51 thickasthieves well then i need to stfu
15:51 TomServo mike_c: give him some sleepytime tea
15:52 mike_c srsly. at least he stopped trading.
15:52 asciilifeform aha yes. i remembered almost the correct figure.
15:52 thickasthieves where the hell is my bitcoin video game then!
15:53 thickasthieves :)
15:53 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> and 7k usd! one could build a small planet for that! << you have any idea what cisco and friends sell stuff like balancing routers etc ?
15:53 mike_c thickasthieves: it exists if you run linux. i heard a rumor diana_coman compiled it on windows, but have not verified.
15:53 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: cisco << i personally oversaw robot legs (steel pipes) purchased for several hundy usd each, while a thrall of usg - much less cisco
15:54 mircea_popescu * jaggered (~vmatonis@c-50-178-42-5.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #bitcoin-assets
15:54 mircea_popescu srsly ?
15:54 mircea_popescu ppls gotta up teh noobs.
15:55 asciilifeform we talked about this. i can build planet for xxx usd, cisco - no.
15:55 kakobrekla i dont see them coming and im not going start to
15:55 kakobrekla but i can make assbot do stuff
15:56 kakobrekla like up unseen ppl
15:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17699 @ 0.00073398 = 12.9907 BTC [-] {3}
15:58 mircea_popescu <thickasthieves> bubbles come in all sizes << here's a good size : http://40.media.tumblr.com/d1de684d0883d3901ebc07fef4d7dd5d/tumblr_nbswvrlyaN1qcpg61o1_1280.jpg
15:59 mircea_popescu kakobrekla no, this is not something to be solved by technology
15:59 mircea_popescu this is something to sparta!
16:00 kakobrekla well bring a slave to up them then.
16:01 mircea_popescu <thickasthieves> but as i see it the co has the budget and is severely crippled << eh, one of the major advantages of being listed on mpex is that people can make their own decisions. noine of that "gotta move to sf" bullshit.
16:01 mircea_popescu im sure he has some sort of plan to extract himself, and well, he's the only one in the position to make that plan
16:01 mircea_popescu fuck do i know the details.
16:02 mircea_popescu ;;ticker
16:03 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 410.55, Best ask: 411.69, Bid-ask spread: 1.14000, Last trade: 412.43, 24 hour volume: 30935.36426451, 24 hour low: 382.0, 24 hour high: 417.99, 24 hour vwap: 401.996809897
16:03 thickasthieves yeah i just thought snsa was rolling in coins
16:03 asciilifeform deep inside the gravity well, probably not getting out alive; but will carry out project no. 1 and hopefully no. 2 as well before obola calls my name.
16:03 thickasthieves made mistake
16:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46343 @ 0.0007339 = 34.0111 BTC [-]
16:06 asciilifeform unrelated, http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/10/14/iowa-libertarian-senate-candidate-doug-butzier-dies-plane-crash/17256595
16:06 assbot Senate candidate dies in Iowa plane crash, hospital says
16:07 gabriel_laddel ;; google scott locklin fusion press release
16:07 gribble Anatomy of a Fusion press release | Locklin on science: <http://scottlocklin.wordpress.com/2014/03/05/anatomy-of-a-fusion-press-release/>; Newer Posts - Locklin on science - WordPress.com: <https://scottlocklin.wordpress.com/page/2/>; Design | Locklin on science: <https://scottlocklin.wordpress.com/category/design/>
16:11 cazalla BingoBoingo: Apocalyptic: Cazalla is hosting it, I don't have panel access <<< suspended for excessive use of resources, can't even access cpanel or ftp to make a backup, submitted a ticket
16:14 kakobrekla where was it hosted?
16:14 cazalla ventraip.com
16:15 kakobrekla http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2791369/20-stone-minister-public-health-accused-big-credible-hits-saying-s-s-inside-counts.html
16:15 assbot Maggie De Block accused of being too big to be 'credible' as minister for public health | Daily Mail Online
16:16 kakobrekla super fast server until you use them
16:20 mike_c was the excessive usage from an attack?
16:21 BingoBoingo Probably, or host being shitty
16:21 penguirker New blog post: http://www.bcoinnews.com/bitcoin-value/
16:21 penguirker New blog post: http://www.bcoinnews.com/mlg-bitcoin-company/
16:21 penguirker New blog post: http://www.bcoinnews.com/cavirtex-technical-issue/
16:21 mike_c i mean, a couple thousand hits a day shouldn't trigger any limits..
16:22 mike_c plus, they get -2 points for serving a 200 with some fucking blank page instead of a 50x.
16:22 mike_c screwing up my news widget.
16:23 cazalla i imagine its because of the guy that was dosing the other day
16:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18750 @ 0.0007339 = 13.7606 BTC [-]
16:24 kakobrekla mike_c should prolly cache it locally
16:24 kakobrekla i mean, on your boxen
16:24 cazalla "Your account has been suspended due to many number of processes active at /home/bitcoinp/public_html/qntra.net/index.php. This processes were causing high server load."
16:24 mike_c it's cached for 10 mins. not much use showing a list of dead links.
16:25 kakobrekla ah
16:25 asciilifeform im sure he has some sort of plan to extract himself... << i've lost count of the people who asked me about this. it's terrifyingly elementary problem - living is expensive. it's cheaper in, e.g., uganda, than usa, but the equipment i use does not get cheaper when far from the industrial world. on the contrary. and extraction of my own sorry hide, and that of my pet, in a way that still leaves me able to think and
16:26 kakobrekla you got cut off
16:26 asciilifeform ... to think and work (no day job in the ugandan salt mines, for example) is not a cheap proposition. if i knew of a magical pill against this, i'd have swallowed it already.
16:27 bounce there's more to this fancy industrial world than just the USA. oop norf you can even learn to speak french and stuff.
16:27 asciilifeform ty kakobrekla (i'm working from a terminal, in a faraway place, for reasons of having to eat. not entirely irrelevant to this discussion...)
16:28 asciilifeform bounce: i have no problem whatsoever with languages.
16:28 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17871 @ 0.00073479 = 13.1314 BTC [+] {2}
16:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6150 @ 0.0007339 = 4.5135 BTC [-]
16:30 asciilifeform fact is - and i confessed this before on several occasions - i can't afford to move my equipment overseas, certainly can't afford to repurchase it, and moving so much as 300km in any geographic direction would leave me immediately without an income. insta-zap.
16:30 mircea_popescu !up pollos
16:31 mircea_popescu <cazalla> suspended for excessive use of resources, can't even access cpanel or ftp to make a backup, submitted a ticket << that's classy o.o
16:32 bounce so is the broken inglish in the ticket response
16:32 cazalla i had hoped it was the ISIS post
16:32 mircea_popescu <mike_c> i mean, a couple thousand hits a day shouldn't trigger any limits.. << you don't know much about the shitbox biz model do you.
16:33 cazalla so penguirker is gonna go nuts once it is back up
16:33 mircea_popescu asciilifeform> i'd have swallowed it already. << well, being able to sell the cardano would probably fork for that purpose.
16:34 mircea_popescu esp if 2nd product under development etc
16:35 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: it's my one ticket. which is why i've spent 90% of my free time and 100% of my disposable income on it, for... a while.
16:35 mircea_popescu note that i am not offering criticism, merely halping the pot air.
16:49 mircea_popescu %d
16:49 atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 320511.97 in 195 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -82.94
16:51 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo do you happen to have a backup at any point ?
16:51 mircea_popescu asciilifeform meanwhile, the hard questions : http://trilema.com/2014/no-such-labs-snsa-september-2014-statement/#comment-108786
16:51 assbot No Such lAbs (S.NSA), September 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
16:51 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Back up of which thing?
16:51 mircea_popescu qntra
16:52 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i propose we go with xmas. if it works it'll be lulzy and if it doesn't idem.
16:52 asciilifeform xmas << that's where i'm mentally shooting for, yes.
16:52 BingoBoingo Yes. Now that the domain's been pointed It's a matter of messing with configs until site comes alive
16:52 mircea_popescu aite.
16:54 jurov ;;ticker
16:54 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 407.06, Best ask: 407.62, Bid-ask spread: 0.56000, Last trade: 406.79, 24 hour volume: 30175.72981510, 24 hour low: 387.63, 24 hour high: 417.99, 24 hour vwap: 402.113218182
16:54 jurov id'be really sleepless in tat's place. lats i remember he shorted
16:55 jurov *he was short
16:55 mircea_popescu generally before going to bed you put it in neutral.
16:55 jurov that's up to discussion what's neutral position here
16:56 mike_c he said he's sitting on coin now. i took that to mean long.
16:56 mircea_popescu shit why do these bottles keep emptying.
16:56 mircea_popescu just once i wish i got one that fills instead.
16:57 mircea_popescu http://qntra.net/2014/10/unofficial-is-site-shut-down-seeks-bitcoin-donations/
16:57 assbot Unofficial IS Site Shut Down, Seeks Bitcoin Donations
16:57 mircea_popescu o hey. wb qntra
16:58 cazalla not yet
16:58 cazalla old host just unsuspended
16:58 mircea_popescu A twitter account, @QA_AF, is now seeking bitcoin to assist in paying server costs although the donation address2 is yet to receive any bitcoin donations. << you know, those are usually scams.
16:59 asciilifeform http://habrahabr.ru/company/eset/blog/240345 << 'sandworm' sploit
16:59 mircea_popescu http://qntra.net/2014/10/dell-sells-excess-capacity-to-bitcoin-asic-miner/#comment-86 << is this leah mcderp that found satoshi ?
16:59 assbot 404 Not Found
16:59 cazalla prolly but everyone was claiming its official ISIS where as the twitter feed itself said hey, we're not official
17:00 mircea_popescu the derp brigades on social media are something else i swear.
17:03 cazalla plus given the host admitted to shutting it down, prob is legit, no donations yet anyway
17:04 mircea_popescu wait. how is the twitter acct related to the shut down domain ?
17:05 cazalla it's not but that twitter account was complaining about it at the same time
17:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16405 @ 0.00073558 = 12.0672 BTC [+] {2}
17:06 mircea_popescu well... you see what i mean.
17:07 cazalla i'm not gonna try and contact the guy, aus gov already kicked down a bunch of doors for less
17:09 mircea_popescu not really of much interest anyway.
17:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51655 @ 0.00073389 = 37.9091 BTC [-] {2}
17:16 thickasthieves jurov, closed last short with profit, spent that on coins and am sitting out for a bit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjQtzV9IZ0Q
17:16 assbot That'll do pig, that'll do (ending to Babe) - YouTube
17:16 jurov asciilifeform: i've seen mircea's ways to exchange x.eur directly into crisp cash, maybe you should ask him for guidance to do likewise
17:18 jurov not six figures, though
17:21 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15010 @ 0.00073696 = 11.0618 BTC [+] {2}
17:21 asciilifeform jurov: having large cash holdings is a health hazard where i live. and it isn't like i can buy machinery from, e.g., taiwan, with it, either.
17:22 jurov i did not mean it as cocncrete advice, just that there are things i did not deem possible before
17:24 asciilifeform jurov: there are groups of deviants in nyc, etc. who are said to trade btc to and from usd in cash. but this is not very useful to me in particular.
17:26 asciilifeform jurov: i'm not part of the 'cash economy' in any way, shape, or form. but even if i had the skills and social connections to house and feed myself using paper benjamins, it is quite impossible to obtain industrial equipment and parts from overseas in that way.
17:27 PeterL ;;rate mircea_popescu 2 runs mpex, has not run off yet
17:27 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating for user mircea_popescu has changed from 1 to 2.
17:27 jurov one needs to get creative. these overseas people don't know about btc?
17:27 PeterL ;;rate ninjashogun -1 crackpot, pushy
17:27 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user ninjashogun has been recorded.
17:29 Adlai what has ninjashogun been up to that gets him so popular in here?
17:30 asciilifeform jurov: i have made inquiries. they know about it. but no one, readily, yet works for coin. or, more importantly, can be trusted to carry out a contract with the white man without the strings attached to using fiat/usd.
17:30 bounce you in nyc? talk to bcb.
17:31 PeterL ;;rate cazalla 1 qntra - good source of bitcoin news
17:31 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user cazalla has been recorded.
17:31 asciilifeform Adlai: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ninjashogun.txt and much more of the same.
17:31 asciilifeform bounce: nope. wash. dc area.
17:31 PeterL ;;rate bingoboingo 1 qntra - good source of bitcoin news
17:31 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user bingoboingo has been recorded.
17:32 bounce right next to virginia. hm.
17:33 asciilifeform bounce: this discussion is academic, however, because we can't afford the NRE that would be involved in having prototypes made in a 'proper' plant.
17:33 jurov did you consider - what if large proportion of cardano sales end up being bitcoins?
17:34 jurov or you fess up to paypal crap?
17:34 * bounce wonders what it'd cost to buy up and reactivate one of those laid up fabs.
17:34 jurov just genuinely interested
17:34 asciilifeform bounce: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-10-2014#854716
17:34 assbot Logged on 02-10-2014 05:27:15; asciilifeform: the pick'n'place cum pastelayer is the only cut to a 'gordian knot' - namely, can't have the boards populated at a genuine factory (prohibitive cost for small batches) - but can't populate by hand with acceptable yield (very fine-pitch components)
17:35 asciilifeform jurov: no paypal. no fiat sales. btc only.
17:35 jurov then, if you can't use btc now, how it will change?
17:35 kakobrekla afaik he mentioned once he plans to take em to his grave.
17:36 thickasthieves good to have a plan
17:36 asciilifeform jurov: great question. if critical mass of btc, i can escape to a friendly country and build small plant using modern tech.
17:36 jurov maybe you'll need reseller in less derpy jurisdiction ;)
17:37 Adlai asciilifeform: btw have you seen scalpl?
17:38 bounce I was really talking chip fabs, not pcb plants. IIRC IBM wanted to offload fishkill, and nobody wanted it because tech too old. also, random search result: http://www.10stripe.com/featured/map/semiconductor-fabs.php
17:38 assbot Map of Semiconductor Fabs - 10stripe
17:38 asciilifeform jurov: recall my gravity well analogy. one gram of rocket fuel gets you nowhere nearer to escaping, e.g., earth or moon. a hundred tonnes - does. the gram brings you nearer to blowing out from the well only in the sense that it's one gram less that you must collect.
17:38 mircea_popescu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZWShS_gqsk
17:38 assbot Cher with Beavis & Butthead - I Got You Babe (1993) - YouTube
17:39 asciilifeform bounce: we'd be talking seven figures in tax and enviro-bureaucracy fees alone.
17:39 asciilifeform bounce: if not eight.
17:40 bounce if the fab is laid up there's lots of tax break leverage. but you'd have to be a big corp to really make that happen. you know, apple and their sea^Wocean of bezzle. they can't use it in the usa though, have to buy up something somewhere else.
17:42 bounce wonder if buying chunks of laid up corporate tax evasion bezzle at a discount would be sellable to them corps.
17:44 jurov what? you mean ascii to confuse some agency into believeing that NSA ordered the cardano manufacture?
17:44 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> jurov: i'm not part of the 'cash economy' in any way, shape, or form. but even if i had the skills and social connections to house and feed myself using paper benjamins, it is quite impossible to obtain industrial equipment and parts from overseas in that way. <<< yeah, which is why meth isn't a problem either.
17:45 mircea_popescu jurov> or you fess up to paypal crap? << cardano won't sell for fiat./
17:45 bounce s/discount/& for bitcoin/
17:45 mircea_popescu actually, nothing i've made since 2011ish sells for fiat.
17:46 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> bounce: we'd be talking seven figures in tax and enviro-bureaucracy fees alone. << you don't understand how leveraged crap generally is.
17:46 mircea_popescu if industry worked like you represent it here apple would have no choice but to list 20 trillion in assets worldwide.
17:49 thickasthieves http://cardozolaw.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=01b5be00-c8df-4688-a1dc-5302b6ca3c7e in Lawsky in 10m, the video feed has a chat function if qntra wants to ask Q's
17:49 assbot HTTP 500 : Internal Server Error
17:51 bounce blah silverlight
17:53 cazalla ok so site xferred, hopefully dns refresh fast
17:56 bounce looks to work here
17:56 cazalla nah old host
17:57 mircea_popescu ;;whois qntra.net
17:57 gribble Error: You don't have the network.whois capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
17:57 mircea_popescu ;;google whois qntra.ne
17:57 gribble Jon Matonis To Headline Bitcoin4iGaming Conference This November: <http://qntra.net/2014/10/jon-matonis-to-headline-bitcoin4igaming-conference-this-november/>; Internet Watch Foundation Claims Bitcoin Increasingly ... - Qntra.net: <http://qntra.net/2014/10/internet-watch-foundation-claims-bitcoin-increasingly-used-to-purchase-cp/>; Andreas Antonopolous Testifies Before Canadian (1 more message)
17:57 mircea_popescu ;;google whois qntra.net
17:57 gribble Jon Matonis To Headline Bitcoin4iGaming Conference This November: <http://qntra.net/2014/10/jon-matonis-to-headline-bitcoin4igaming-conference-this-november/>; Internet Watch Foundation Claims Bitcoin Increasingly ... - Qntra.net: <http://qntra.net/2014/10/internet-watch-foundation-claims-bitcoin-increasingly-used-to-purchase-cp/>; Andreas Antonopolous Testifies Before Canadian (1 more message)
17:57 mircea_popescu meh
17:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27950 @ 0.00073754 = 20.6142 BTC [+]
17:58 thickasthieves https://www.whatsmydns.net/#A/qntra.net
17:58 assbot Global DNS Propagation Checker - What's My DNS?
17:59 mircea_popescu cazalla seems it's propagated everywhere but melbourne
17:59 mircea_popescu sucks to live in the sticks eh cazalla ?
17:59 bounce and which is the old, which the new?
17:59 mircea_popescu 206.x is the new.
18:02 cazalla well, that's australia for you
18:02 cazalla just making backups before i nuke the old one and we'll see
18:15 bounce http://blog.moolah.io/2014/10/14/moolah-is-having-to-close-its-doors/
18:15 assbot Moolah is having to close its doors. | Moolah
18:16 Adlai at least "If you fail to withdraw your funds before the platform is shut down on October 31st, you will receive an email asking you where you want your funds to go."
18:17 mircea_popescu check it out, i found something to go with http://seriouspony.com/trouble-at-the-koolaid-point : http://www.literotica.com/s/the-right-to-rape
18:17 assbot The Right to Rape - Sci-Fi & Fantasy - Literotica.com
18:17 mircea_popescu the universe is balanced again.
18:17 mircea_popescu "After 10 months as a high-risk startup in a volatile environment, Moolah has reached a stage where it is unable to continue operations in today’s market. With rising costs and dropping revenue, and the loss of a number of key clients vital to the ongoing operation of the company, we are no longer able to continue functioning."
18:17 mircea_popescu heh. splendid.
18:18 dub another victim of success
18:18 thickasthieves the bell tolls
18:18 Adlai tbh it's amazing that a business primarily focused on "payment" processing for the dogeconomy was able to survive this long
18:18 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
18:20 thickasthieves omg lawsky is just doing comedy bits
18:21 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18850 @ 0.00073601 = 13.8738 BTC [-] {2}
18:31 Apocalyptic !s poodle
18:31 assbot 5 results for 'poodle' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=poodle
18:31 thickasthieves this stream is shit
18:32 Apocalyptic http://googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.ch/2014/10/this-poodle-bites-exploiting-ssl-30.html
18:32 assbot Google Online Security Blog: This POODLE bites: exploiting the SSL 3.0 fallback
18:32 Apocalyptic the SSL lulz keeps on
18:33 cazalla do you guys see qntra or place holder now on qntra.net?
18:33 Apocalyptic I see "dns refresh"
18:34 cazalla cpu is at 100% on new host too mircea_popescu
18:34 kakobrekla lol
18:34 cazalla lots of wordpress pings too
18:35 kakobrekla i get Resource Limit Is Reached
18:35 jurov i see just 500 infernal error
18:36 jurov where it is hosted now?
18:36 thickasthieves me too
18:36 kakobrekla some derp host ?
18:36 cazalla with mp
18:36 cazalla CPU Usage 100 / 100 %, Virtual Memory Usage 380 / 380 MB
18:37 mircea_popescu um
18:38 mircea_popescu You have reached entry processes (number of simultaneously running php and cgi scripts, as well as cron jobs and shell sessions) limit 217796 times
18:38 mircea_popescu lol you're being dderpos'd.
18:39 mircea_popescu anyway, the site's online, it's being mitigated, whatevs.
18:39 jurov um... add some apache/nginx rule to weed out these pingback as soon as possible?
18:40 mircea_popescu jurov i'd rather acquire the guy's list.
18:40 kakobrekla jurov you really need to do it at a lower lever
18:40 kakobrekla level
18:40 jurov yes, but still better than letting cgi/php run for them
18:40 jurov and can be still logged if you want
18:41 mircea_popescu lol the log's 50mb
18:42 cazalla damn trolls and haters
18:44 danielpbarron Disabling SSL 3.0 support, or CBC-mode ciphers with SSL 3.0, is sufficient to mitigate this issue, but presents significant compatibility problems, even today. Therefore our recommended response is to support TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV. http://googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.com/2014/10/this-poodle-bites-exploiting-ssl-30.html
18:44 assbot Google Online Security Blog: This POODLE bites: exploiting the SSL 3.0 fallback
18:44 Apocalyptic danielpbarron, linked to it above
18:45 danielpbarron wah.. i searched for it in the logs and everything :<
18:45 mircea_popescu lol
18:46 kakobrekla search is delayed a bit.
18:46 jurov http://btc2b.com/ frist!!!
18:46 assbot BTC2B - The First Bitcoin To Business Congress - Brussels
18:46 bounce you could try and condense the actual attack into a single paragraph. the paper and announcement are less than helpful.
18:52 jurov http://hackertarget.com/100k-top-wordpress-powered-sites/ mircea here's your list ?
18:52 assbot 100K Top WordPress Powered Sites | HackerTarget.com
18:54 mircea_popescu jurov i dunno, but thanks. adding it all to the ping list.
18:54 mircea_popescu which doesn't look like will ever be exhausted.
18:59 BingoBoingo Oh is it the Reddit police?
18:59 bounce need a pingback sink then?
19:00 BingoBoingo Or Mullenwang to stop insisting DOS cannon be a part of default wordpress installs
19:02 BingoBoingo !up jborkl
19:02 mircea_popescu http://pastebin.com/uvdSsgc6 <<< attack's ded.
19:02 assbot CPUvMEM(MB)pMEM(MB)EPnPROCIO(KB/s) FromToamlamlamlamlam - Pastebin.com
19:06 jurov i see only dns refresh now
19:06 kakobrekla i see Well this is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it?
19:06 jborkl Sup guys
19:07 BingoBoingo Not too much
19:08 mircea_popescu !up net
19:09 mircea_popescu kakobrekla so click the linx
19:12 kakobrekla dunno home page brokd
19:15 mircea_popescu anyway, problem solved, cazalla BingoBoingo carry on.
19:16 BingoBoingo Cool
19:16 cazalla ty
19:16 BingoBoingo I'm kind of impressed we burned through a shitbox so quickly
19:17 mircea_popescu the net is full of crap, and instead of people urinating the mouths of crapmongers a la matt mullenweg and co,
19:17 mircea_popescu they are invited to conferences and people listen to them as if they were people
19:17 mircea_popescu the net result is that unless you're rich and powerful, you're fucked.
19:17 mircea_popescu this is perhaps the most immoral state of affairs one could imagine
19:17 mircea_popescu and it all stems from the boneheaded tolerance to idiocy and incompetence that has become part of western culture.
19:18 mircea_popescu the next best thing you can do for sugar, spice and everything nice, after owning some bitcoin, is beating your kids when they fuck up.
19:19 mircea_popescu so keep that in mind as you age.
19:19 thestringpuller i thought that was common knowledge
19:20 mircea_popescu if it were common knowledge there wouldn't be 100k+ broken wordpress installs all over the net.
19:20 thestringpuller What is that saying, "Have you ever thought of turning off the TV, sitting down with your children and hitting them?"
19:21 thestringpuller Oops the actual quote: "Have you ever tried simply turning off the TV, sitting down with your children, and hitting them?"
19:21 bounce eh, your cute widdle powerpuff girls will beat you up instead
19:22 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/qntra-ddos.png << graphs, if anyone's curious.
19:24 cazalla yeah, i don't mind that others beat their kids, not so sure i'd beat my own
19:24 mircea_popescu there's gotta be some enforced responsibility somehow, somewhere
19:25 mircea_popescu otherwise everyone sinks in this mire of "creativity" and bullshit.
19:26 nubbins` mircea_popescu:nanotube could the defaults on viewratingdetail.php be sorted by time rather than by rate'rs total point count ? it kinda pointlessly emphasises a meaningless measure, as-is. <<< iirc this used to be the way it worked, and only recntly changed to sort by rater total rating.
19:26 BingoBoingo https://twitter.com/BBoingo/status/522166568554229760
19:26 assbot After DOS /qntra is back on stronger hosting http://t.co/PHhj2UHsaJ http://t.co/yCT4FzNaKh
19:26 mircea_popescu nubbins` i recall the same thing, was kinda surprised.
19:28 mircea_popescu for the lulz : logs are... 135.53 MB now.
19:28 thestringpuller less than an episode of seinfeld
19:28 mircea_popescu that's what, 1mn lines in an hour ? herp.
19:28 cazalla ok dns refreshed but i see old posts, not new ones, do you guys see the IS article or write for qntra on front page?
19:29 mircea_popescu http://qntra.net/2014/10/unofficial-is-site-shut-down-seeks-bitcoin-donations/ ?
19:29 assbot Unofficial IS Site Shut Down, Seeks Bitcoin Donations
19:29 cazalla do you see that on front page?
19:29 * Adlai sees write for
19:29 jurov it worked once, now i'm back at "dns refresh"
19:29 mircea_popescu linked there on the right
19:30 cazalla hmm something is messed up then
19:30 Adlai but yes, recent posts includes real recent posts
19:31 nubbins` ;;notes nubbins
19:31 gribble Sent 1 week, 6 days, 6 hours, and 48 minutes ago: <DoctorBTC> Got the print. Nice!
19:31 nubbins` how can i clear this?
19:31 nubbins` ;;notes nubbins
19:31 gribble Sent 1 week, 6 days, 6 hours, and 48 minutes ago: <DoctorBTC> Got the print. Nice!
19:31 jurov do /nick nubbins
19:31 nubbins` oh, duh
19:32 nubbins any messages, gribs?
19:32 nubbins` ;;notes nubbins
19:32 gribble Error: I have no notes for that nick.
19:32 nubbins` RIGHT ON
19:32 jurov what's the business with the mini schlong, anyway?
19:35 nubbins` nice one
19:35 nubbins` `jurov` it's scammer-proof
19:36 * `jurov` feels quoted properly
19:36 nubbins` employees `must` wash hands after using toilet
19:39 * `jurov` invented antiscam quotes. beat that!
19:40 `jurov` they will be implemented in php soon
19:41 punkman kakobrekla, deedbot needs a home, you got a corner it can sit in?
19:44 kakobrekla what does it need
19:44 punkman a terrarium for its snakes
19:45 kakobrekla heh
19:45 punkman (virtualenv)
19:45 punkman it also runs an electrum daemon
19:45 punkman and need some sort of webserver of interface
19:45 punkman *for interface
19:46 kakobrekla who is going to maintain this?
19:46 punkman I will
19:47 kakobrekla ok
19:47 kakobrekla i can raise you an instance at do
19:47 kakobrekla debian?
19:49 punkman the thing I want to avoid is securing the server outside the app
19:50 punkman I could write an Ansible playbook if given detailed steps
19:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28000 @ 0.00073657 = 20.624 BTC [+]
19:52 kakobrekla hold on
19:52 kakobrekla a bit of emergency here
19:55 danielpbarron !up Lycerion
19:55 Lycerion assbot huh
19:55 Lycerion clever
19:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25150 @ 0.00073738 = 18.5451 BTC [+] {3}
19:58 nubbins` ass for assets, obv
19:58 nubbins` !t h hif
19:58 assbot [HAVELOCK:HIF] 1D: 0.00003999 / 3.999E-5 / 0.00003999 (14 shares, 0.00055986 BTC), 7D: 0.00003727 / 3.763E-5 / 0.00004097 (5931 shares, 0.22317780 BTC), 30D: 0.00003010 / 4.719E-5 / 0.00009799 (23563 shares, 1.11205519 BTC)
19:58 mircea_popescu ;;ticker
19:58 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 403.33, Best ask: 403.37, Bid-ask spread: 0.04000, Last trade: 403.33, 24 hour volume: 24830.68690172, 24 hour low: 390.48, 24 hour high: 417.99, 24 hour vwap: 404.124433348
19:58 nubbins` 417! imagine
19:59 nubbins` 1btc=1xau by xmas
19:59 nubbins` oh and they withdrew the charges for the 3 parking tickets
19:59 nubbins` i didn't even get to present my case :/
20:00 punkman mircea_popescu: btw what happens to dividends if I don't take delivery of bbet shares?
20:03 nubbins` http://gawker.com/nude-beach-blow-job-jet-ski-fight-leads-to-wife-s-death-1608253016
20:03 assbot Nude Beach Blow Job Jet Ski Fight Leads to Wifes Death
20:03 nubbins` it's like they just rolled a bunch of word dice.
20:03 punkman can't resist title
20:06 kakobrekla sorta back
20:06 kakobrekla well what is at stake here, a few bit cents?
20:06 BingoBoingo T m s.bbet
20:06 BingoBoingo !t m s.bbet
20:06 assbot [MPEX:S.BBET] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: / / ( shares, BTC), 30D: 0.00036 / 0.00036 / 0.00036 (1 shares, 0.00 BTC)
20:06 punkman pretty much
20:07 kakobrekla so it does not require much if any attention really
20:08 kakobrekla dobian then?
20:08 kakobrekla debian*
20:08 punkman should do it
20:09 kakobrekla ;;ident punkman
20:09 gribble Nick 'punkman', with hostmask 'punkman!~punkman@unaffiliated/punkman', is identified as user 'punkman', with GPG key id 33588BE08B232B13, key fingerprint F28E0095843B91CB22E7D65533588BE08B232B13, and bitcoin address None
20:09 BingoBoingo !t m s.qntr
20:09 assbot Quest for vision is a great blessing.
20:10 nubbins` no trades yet
20:10 BingoBoingo No shares yet
20:10 nubbins` heh
20:10 nubbins` no yet
20:11 nubbins` IPO documents: bringing faces to irc nicks since 2011
20:12 BingoBoingo Oh, you didn't see my slave name was lready on Trilema?
20:13 nubbins` guess i missed it!
20:15 nubbins` wait, you left a death threat on someone's voicemail?!
20:15 nubbins` my sides
20:18 BingoBoingo Allegedly
20:19 BingoBoingo Also allegedly the other party is not a conservative, but the avatar of socialism incarnate.
20:21 cazalla figured some people would begin digging, good luck, i'm behind 7 proxies
20:22 kakobrekla punkman see pm
20:23 kakobrekla punkman make a new user for the thing clearly
20:26 BingoBoingo !up go1111111
20:29 BingoBoingo !up Tiraspol
20:29 BingoBoingo !up PeterL
20:30 Bet placed: 4 BTC for No on "20% difficulty increase before 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1036/ Odds: 38(Y):62(N) by coin, 41(Y):59(N) by weight. Total bet: 24.65541987 BTC. Current weight: 52,100.
20:31 BingoBoingo ;;bc,stats
20:32 gribble Current Blocks: 325354 | Current Difficulty: 3.500248202613323E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 326591 | Next Difficulty In: 1237 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 2 days, 7 hours, 13 minutes, and 4 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 35959402986.1 | Estimated Percent Change: 2.73387
20:37 thickasthieves https://twitter.com/brockpierce/status/522146989102751745
20:37 assbot /moolah_io Contact me.
20:41 BingoBoingo !up devthedev
20:44 devthedev It's nice to see Qntra back up.
20:45 BingoBoingo Yeah, now the new hosting is strong on plow
20:48 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HASH] 950 @ 0.0011 = 1.045 BTC [+] {2}
20:48 nubbins` http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/more-tampered-p-e-i-potatoes-found-in-n-s-and-newfoundland-1.2798329
20:49 assbot More tampered P.E.I. potatoes found in N.S. and Newfoundland - - CBC News
21:00 BingoBoingo !up jacoblyles
21:00 BingoBoingo !up themediator
21:04 BingoBoingo SexySaffron got a dye job https://twitter.com/SexyMissSaffron/status/522190151637024771
21:04 assbot /hashtag/tittytuesday?src=hash What do you guys think of me as a blonde? ;) /hashtag/NSFW?src=hash /hashtag/boobies?src=hash http://t.co/tnGAlGl1Ja
21:06 cazalla niice
21:08 devthedev Hmm, what to write about
21:10 BingoBoingo devthedev: Maybe write about how Mullenwang sucks a big bag of dicks?
21:10 devthedev I'm not aware of who that is
21:12 BingoBoingo !up devthedev
21:12 devthedev I love you too assbot.
21:12 BingoBoingo devthedev: He's the benevolent dick of WordPress
21:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10077 @ 0.00073858 = 7.4427 BTC [+]
21:14 cazalla devthedev, i was going to write up the moolah story but you can do that one if you like, i have another one to work on
21:14 devthedev Okay, I actually worked with Moolah personally in the past.
21:14 devthedev Interesting character
21:14 BingoBoingo Maybe two Moolah stories then?
21:15 devthedev Possibly
21:16 devthedev dns refresh, brb
21:17 cazalla you might have to forward your article to BingoBoingo devthedev, i'm unable to access the dashboard yet
21:17 devthedev Okay
21:17 devthedev DNS hasn't propagated over there yet?
21:17 BingoBoingo Yeah, cazalla is testing how we handle submitters
21:23 BingoBoingo !up applesaucer
21:23 BingoBoingo Hello applesaucer
21:34 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 11 @ 0.11898181 = 1.3088 BTC [+] {2}
21:42 penguirker New blog post: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/10/14/qntra-continues-to-own/
21:44 BingoBoingo !up devthedev
21:45 BingoBoingo Fight Matt Mullenwang, vote up on /. http://slashdot.org/firehose.pl?op=view&type=submission&id=3912903
21:45 assbot WordPress Defaults Preserve Avenue For Denial of Service Attacks - Slashdot
21:45 BingoBoingo !up toddf
21:45 mircea_popescu !up JimDowJo3es
21:45 BingoBoingo !up bettycla1p
21:46 mircea_popescu <punkman> mircea_popescu: btw what happens to dividends if I don't take delivery of bbet shares? << you don';t get em
21:47 devthedev Well it looks like Moolah investors are at a loss.
21:49 mircea_popescu <BingoBoingo> devthedev: Maybe write about how Mullenwang sucks a big bag of dicks? <<< btw, you want data to write a qntra ddos piece or not really ?
21:49 devthedev Yes please!
21:50 mircea_popescu devthedev "investors"
21:51 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Put one on the personal blawg http://slashdot.org/firehose.pl?op=view&type=submission&id=3912903
21:51 assbot WordPress Defaults Preserve Avenue For Denial of Service Attacks - Slashdot
21:51 devthedev I always have this in the back of my mind, Lol <kakobrekla> you have a death wish?
21:51 BingoBoingo thedrinkingrecord.com now DOS'd
21:51 mircea_popescu lol
21:52 mircea_popescu kakobrekla you ever tried phone sex btw ?
21:52 BingoBoingo At least Dreamhost admits fault when their shitbox plan sucks dick
21:52 mircea_popescu you get a condom, put the phone inside, then shove it in either the girl's vagina or asshole
21:52 mircea_popescu then fuck the other hole while calling the inserted phone
21:53 mircea_popescu bonus points if she manages to pick up and you can hear yourself sloshing
21:54 mircea_popescu !up Tykling
21:54 devthedev You would think that they would at least keep the Moolah site online as the community's gathering info for our negative articles.
21:54 BingoBoingo devthedev: Well, what is their interest in that
21:55 Apocalyptic damn, it was up a few minutes ago
21:56 devthedev Maybe someone discovered the server IP and DoS'ed it?
21:57 BingoBoingo devthedev: Server IP should be obvious, cloudflare bullshit is for mammilian potatoes
21:57 Apocalyptic devthedev, some mad "investor" ? poor consolation
21:58 devthedev Maybe Apocalyptic.
21:58 devthedev BingoBoingo: Yeah, there's a ton of cloudflare resolvers that are pretty accurate. (Tried finding my server IP behind it)
21:59 kakobrekla BingoBoingo perhaps ddoser is reading the lawgs
21:59 BingoBoingo kakobrekla: Maybe, but atm they are just making my dick harder
22:00 BingoBoingo I don't surrender to motherfuckers who could arrest me, why would I surrender to people who merely DOS me?
22:00 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo i wouldn't be too worried about it, pop back up by tomorrow or w/e
22:04 mircea_popescu lmao 1/4 gb qntra logfile
22:04 mircea_popescu this is going to be a riot tomorrow.
22:05 BingoBoingo I dunno how much hate I have left to give, and I'm full of hate at the moment.
22:05 Apocalyptic mircea, the DDOS is still ongoing ?
22:05 mircea_popescu Apocalyptic apparently.
22:05 mircea_popescu well it's not doing anything, but i guess so, yeah.
22:05 BingoBoingo I kind of thought having the slave name on the listing would make people less inclined to feed me hate.
22:07 BingoBoingo Or does google lack updated pictures of my beard
22:09 devthedev Hm, https://twitter.com/Altpocalypse_/status/522203626899779584
22:09 assbot Anyone else see the humor in /moolah_io advertising zero fee trading to entice people into depositing before they shut down?
22:12 BingoBoingo !up csshih
22:14 mircea_popescu http://qntra.net/2014/10/living-room-of-satoshi-packs-it-in/
22:14 assbot Living Room of Satoshi Packs It In
22:14 mircea_popescu myeah, it's visible alright.
22:14 mircea_popescu http://qntra.net/
22:14 assbot Qntra.net - The #1 Bitcoin Site For News, Views & Commentary
22:15 BingoBoingo !up devthedev
22:15 BingoBoingo devthedev: Maybe gribble auth?
22:16 devthedev I'm on the laptop
22:16 mircea_popescu cazalla BingoBoingo should be interesting to see what quantcast makes of this lmao
22:16 BingoBoingo Indeed
22:17 BingoBoingo Then again the way quantcast discounted all of Yesterday
22:17 BingoBoingo https://www.quantcast.com/qntra.net
22:17 assbot Qntra.net Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast
22:19 BingoBoingo !up mpmcsweeney
22:19 kakobrekla !up mpmcsweeney
22:19 kakobrekla ha
22:20 BingoBoingo lol
22:20 mpmcsweeney ty
22:20 kakobrekla ill take mine back
22:20 kakobrekla !down mpmcsweeney
22:20 BingoBoingo !up mpmcsweeney
22:20 mpmcsweeney lol
22:20 kakobrekla still got two!
22:20 BingoBoingo mpmcsweeney: You aren't getting Dos too are you?
22:20 mpmcsweeney denial of service?
22:21 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo lol such bs
22:21 devthedev Does anyone know if there's a way to determine how long a site's been offline?
22:21 BingoBoingo Yeah, Everyone is Dos'ing people by weaponizing mommy blogs
22:21 BingoBoingo !up xinxi
22:21 xinxi why do you up me?
22:21 mike_c devthedev: if popular it will be on here: http://www.isitdownrightnow.com/
22:21 assbot Is It Down Right Now? Website Down or Not?
22:21 BingoBoingo xinxi: Because you are interesting
22:22 xinxi oh, thanks
22:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25047 @ 0.00073565 = 18.4258 BTC [-]
22:23 cazalla when can that static page be removed from qntra?
22:23 BingoBoingo cazalla: qntra nao has normal home page
22:24 cazalla yeah i can see that, not login yet, gonna jump on windows and see what it is like there
22:27 cazalla ya can't use commas? swear i have done that before, probably ran into same problem
22:27 mircea_popescu lol noob
22:28 mircea_popescu ppls are "wtf is he talking about. can't be." then later "oh."
22:28 mircea_popescu well anyway, consider these past few hours your baptism of fire ?
22:29 mircea_popescu not that many week old sites get quarter gb apache logfiles after all.
22:29 mircea_popescu in fact, that may well exceed the total logfile of all bitcoin newsites to date.
22:30 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> not that many week old sites get quarter gb apache logfiles after all. << Actually this is the ass end of week 2
22:30 mircea_popescu a ok
22:30 mircea_popescu THAT CHANGES ERRYTHING
22:30 BingoBoingo For Srs, also first, best time thedrinkingrecord was Dos
22:31 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: The domain qntra.net qntra has reached its bandwidth limit (22195.78/20000.00 Megs).
22:31 mircea_popescu uh no ?!
22:31 BingoBoingo Dunno if real, but email says so
22:32 BingoBoingo I assume email lies though
22:32 Apocalyptic same here
22:32 Apocalyptic "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded"
22:32 mircea_popescu may be only now scripts are catching up with all the funs.
22:32 mircea_popescu im having it looked into.
22:32 BingoBoingo So... when do we hand wp_matt
22:32 BingoBoingo *hang
22:33 mircea_popescu yep you're over bw. sec.
22:33 cazalla oh great, login becomes available, site goes down again
22:34 mircea_popescu dawgs, 20gb in six hours ? heh.
22:34 BingoBoingo This is my 12th consecutive hour just straight up mainlining hate.
22:34 BingoBoingo A /.ing isn't this bad
22:35 nubbins` what in the world are you into
22:35 BingoBoingo nubbins`: Obola it seems
22:36 BingoBoingo Ebumma must dislike us
22:36 nubbins` ebummer, dude
22:36 BingoBoingo !up DowntimeBsns
22:36 BingoBoingo What's up DowntimeBsns
22:36 DowntimeBsns shared host lol
22:36 BingoBoingo Well, used to be
22:37 DowntimeBsns gj
22:37 BingoBoingo Now just niggers.txt
22:37 BingoBoingo DowntimeBsns: Are you the reddit police?
22:37 DowntimeBsns yes
22:37 BingoBoingo DowntimeBsns: Why do u hate me?
22:37 BingoBoingo I live in tent. I homeless leik u.
22:37 DowntimeBsns oh
22:38 Apocalyptic mircea, can't you just nullroute the offending IPs or is the range too broad ?
22:38 mircea_popescu cazalla BingoBoingo should be back in business.
22:38 BingoBoingo Just trying to earn super legit living DowntimeBsns
22:38 mircea_popescu Apocalyptic eh let teh kids have funs.
22:38 DowntimeBsns why don't you guys start a hosting business
22:38 cazalla DowntimeBsns, you know we punch on for less than this down under
22:38 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: qntra seems up
22:38 DowntimeBsns instead of derping over shit service providers
22:39 mircea_popescu DowntimeBsns you must be new here.
22:39 BingoBoingo DowntimeBsns: WHy Y bully me and not Dogescam? Or Obola Scam?
22:39 DowntimeBsns i'm goat
22:39 DowntimeBsns fuck you
22:40 BingoBoingo DowntimeBsns: Why U instead pick on people trying to adapt to economy nuevo
22:40 devthedev Lol
22:40 mircea_popescu lmao
22:40 mircea_popescu it must suck to suck.
22:42 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/qntra-ddos-2.png <<< how's 40mbps sound ?
22:43 mircea_popescu but oh no, matt derpyweed knows better and has made "technical tradebacks" or w/e they're called.
22:44 assbot PinkPosixPXE +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
22:44 BingoBoingo !up PinkPosixPXE
22:48 BingoBoingo !up devthedev
22:48 assbot PinkPosixPXE +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
22:49 BingoBoingo !up PinkPosixPXE
22:50 BingoBoingo PinkPosixPXE: You can talk nao
22:51 BingoBoingo !up AndChat|679296
22:54 PinkPosixPXE So to get level 2, I have to accomplish a few trades that go well and get in the ranking system, correct?
22:55 mircea_popescu basically.
22:55 PinkPosixPXE k, just making sure I wasn't confused
22:55 BingoBoingo PinkPosixPXE: Not necessarlily trades, but situations definitely
22:55 PinkPosixPXE ah, so I Don't have to trade
22:55 PinkPosixPXE ?
22:55 PinkPosixPXE I read the documentation, but I think I'm missing something
22:55 mircea_popescu o hey, here we go again, round... 3 is it ?
22:56 mircea_popescu PinkPosixPXE as long as someone o nthe lordship list trusts you you're in.
22:56 kakobrekla PinkPosixPXE got any skills?
22:56 PinkPosixPXE I gotcha
22:56 BingoBoingo PinkPosixPXE: What do you do?
22:57 PinkPosixPXE I just didn't want to jump into trading right away, but if that was the requirement for level 2/+v, wanted to check
22:57 PinkPosixPXE I am a Sr. Linux Systems Admin
22:57 PinkPosixPXE For a Publishing company
22:57 BingoBoingo PinkPosixPXE: Requirement for L2 is impress somebody. How can you impress?
22:57 PinkPosixPXE I work with nix variations, server maintenance
22:57 PinkPosixPXE Do you need a bash script written
22:57 BingoBoingo PinkPosixPXE: What's your favorite *nix?
22:57 BingoBoingo I dun use bash
22:57 BingoBoingo Korn
22:58 BingoBoingo Ok band, mediocre shell
22:58 PinkPosixPXE I really prefer rhel/centos, but ubuntu is ok too, we use a variety of flavors in our environment, but those are the main ones.
22:58 kakobrekla ubuntu :(
22:58 BingoBoingo RH is on the naughty list for pushing SystemDeviant out
22:59 kakobrekla skinned windows.
22:59 PinkPosixPXE and OEL
22:59 BingoBoingo And keeping Poettering from starving
22:59 PinkPosixPXE for our oracle database clusters
22:59 PinkPosixPXE I don't choose the OS's, I just build them, configure, and maintain them when they break while management snaps the whip
22:59 kakobrekla no worries
23:00 PinkPosixPXE You know how it goes, but I have to work with a lot of different things, so it broadens my skillset
23:00 PinkPosixPXE anywho
23:00 BingoBoingo PinkPosixPXE: Any recommendations for scalable server on Motorola 68K?
23:00 PinkPosixPXE before I ramble
23:00 BingoBoingo PinkPosixPXE: You try writing prose at all?
23:00 kakobrekla Whats the ramble about?
23:01 BingoBoingo rabble
23:02 PinkPosixPXE BingoBoingo: A Motorola 6800, hrm fairly old, you want to scale out and replace it, or change the setup how, precisely?
23:03 PinkPosixPXE BingoBoingo: I have written prose, unfortunately to a fault at times... I'm not very succinct
23:03 BingoBoingo PinkPosixPXE: I want a 6830, but with a GHz class clock. Or... daydreams
23:04 BingoBoingo PinkPosixPXE: Try a post for qntra
23:04 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: resource limit reached again
23:05 Apocalyptic %d
23:05 atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 321004.15 in 185 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -82.91
23:05 BingoBoingo thedrinkingrecord.com still abides nao that cacheing is reenavled
23:07 PinkPosixPXE BingoBoingo: Do you enjoy playing with older hardware and different arch types? IT can be fun, just frustrating as well at times.
23:08 BingoBoingo PinkPosixPXE: It is the only way to play. C is supposed to be portable. If your kernel can't take SPARC or 68K I dunno if it is correct enough to live
23:08 Adlai wtf -82.91%
23:09 BingoBoingo Adlai: Tis ATC
23:10 Adlai that's a fantastically ungoogleable tla
23:10 Apocalyptic hopefully in a week we'll be at the new diff
23:12 BingoBoingo !up RagnarsBitch
23:14 PinkPosixPXE I'll check out posting on qntra
23:14 PinkPosixPXE or if anyone needs help with a linux issue, I can try to assist there
23:15 TomServo Adlai: http://therealaltcoin.org/
23:15 assbot The Real Altcoin (ATC) – Never Mine Another Altcoin Again
23:15 BingoBoingo PinkPosixPXE: Know any way to seed an entropy pool in NEtBSD on MacSE/30?
23:20 nanotube mircea_popescu: it used to sort by rating value... i figured sorting by rating total is a more informative first display... though ideally it would sort by 'total trust from nanotube' or something like that, but that would require writing some code to run those calculations in batch mode and caching them, cuz running every rater live would be expensive...
23:20 mircea_popescu nanotube how a bout just sort on freshness ?
23:20 mircea_popescu save everyone a click.
23:22 asciilifeform interestingly, my favourite hosting co. is virtually ddos-proof and costs almost nothing.
23:22 asciilifeform down side - only eats usd, and doesn't give actual machine (not even vm.) so no persistent processes.
23:23 asciilifeform (re: ddos tale)
23:24 assbot PinkPosixPXE +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
23:25 asciilifeform !up PinkPosixPXE
23:25 PinkPosixPXE ty
23:25 PinkPosixPXE BingoBoingo: I'd need more details, but essentially you can use rng-tools/rng to increase the entropy on a server. How it would be implemented for your exact use, would require more discussion.
23:25 asciilifeform i think he's asking for hardware.
23:26 BingoBoingo PinkPosixPXE: Yeah, talking about specific hardware I cooked before trying to gen GPG keys using the NetBSD PGP implementation
23:26 BingoBoingo because apparently real Macs don't generate entropy
23:26 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: from whence did you imagine it would come?
23:27 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Cloud chamber...
23:27 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: incidentally, commodore-64 (and 128) had hardware noise. (in the 6581 sound chip.)
23:27 PinkPosixPXE did it time out on generating a gpg key due to lack of entropy?
23:27 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: that one: http://www.loper-os.org/vintage/parallelsid/parasid.html
23:27 assbot Parallel Port SID6581 Interface
23:27 BingoBoingo There were motherboard component that looked like they could fill the role
23:28 BingoBoingo PinkPosixPXE: Not time out... cooked self
23:28 PinkPosixPXE overheated?
23:28 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Could have been helpful
23:28 BingoBoingo PinkPosixPXE: Overheated to the extent that magic smoke
23:28 PinkPosixPXE wow
23:28 asciilifeform magic smoke out of what ?
23:28 PinkPosixPXE just trying to generate entropy
23:28 asciilifeform if not sure from what, probably had electrolytic cap burst
23:29 asciilifeform routine on vintage gear.
23:29 asciilifeform find which, replace.
23:29 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Out of class mac case SE/30 lives in
23:29 asciilifeform pop it, and post photo if it's been so long that your nose will not lead you to the culprit.
23:29 PinkPosixPXE I mean, there's plenty of hardware abounds, it depends what you want, want to use it for, and your budget/access to hardware
23:30 PinkPosixPXE then there's tools that help increase entropy
23:30 BingoBoingo asciilifeform> pop it, and post photo if it's been so long that your nose will not lead you to the culprit. << Maor concerned with shaming WP matt
23:30 * asciilifeform unable to parse this sentence
23:31 PinkPosixPXE ok, I'm not the only one struggling in that department ;P ... No offense intended of course
23:31 asciilifeform PinkPosixPXE: tools that help increase entropy << what've we come to. as if the heat death of universe weren't arriving quickly enough...
23:33 PinkPosixPXE hehe, well now the theory has changed to the "cold death" of the universe, as it's expanding at an ever increasing rate, and galaxies/etc. are moving further away
23:33 PinkPosixPXE from each other
23:33 PinkPosixPXE but I digress..
23:33 PinkPosixPXE http://www.howtoforge.com/helping-the-random-number-generator-to-gain-enough-entropy-with-rng-tools-debian-lenny
23:33 assbot Helping The Random Number Generator To Gain Enough Entropy With rng-tools (Debian Lenny) | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
23:34 BingoBoingo At the moment universe is headed to a hate death, because Wordpress's Matt Mullenwang dunno priorities
23:34 asciilifeform PinkPosixPXE: this tool does precisely nothing without a hardware rng.
23:34 mircea_popescu mkay, so with the 3rd attack the list of goat's botnet ips went from 1k to 3k items
23:34 PinkPosixPXE ignore the debian portion, rng-tools is something most OS's should have available
23:34 PinkPosixPXE So we have to increase entropy somehow. This can be done with rng-tools, a package to use a hardware true number generator (TRNG). Don't worry, you don't need any extra hardware, we will use /dev/urandom as our true number generator.
23:34 mircea_popescu looking forward to full discovery.
23:34 mircea_popescu meanwhile, qntra is back in working order.
23:36 PinkPosixPXE Fixed my issue earlier today, entropy isn't solely hardware dependant,
23:36 cazalla mircea_popescu, i cannot log in, again, 403
23:36 asciilifeform PinkPosixPXE: in the sense of 'it works better if you plug it in' ?
23:36 BingoBoingo !up devthedev
23:36 mircea_popescu cazalla meh, apparently he's got moar.
23:37 cazalla in fact, entire site is 403 for me now except static page
23:38 PinkPosixPXE it uses /dev/urandom, it's not hardware driven, it just pulls entropy through rng-tools software, rather than 'mouse input' or 'disk activity' etc.
23:41 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11129 @ 0.00073514 = 8.1814 BTC [-] {3}
23:42 asciilifeform not hardware driven << a schoolboy can write his own 'mersenne twister', get the same inferior result, for no effort really.
23:43 mircea_popescu why is mt inferior ?!
23:43 BingoBoingo Twistor is harder though
23:43 PinkPosixPXE There's that new usb device called 'entropy' which is a usb coin wallet, that you can just plug in https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/mycelium-successfully-funds-usb-bitcoin-wallet-device-entropy-with-indiegogo/
23:43 assbot Mycelium Successfully Funds USB Bitcoin Wallet Device, Entropy, With Indiegogo - CryptoCoinsNews
23:43 asciilifeform inferior to hardware
23:43 asciilifeform !s mycelium
23:43 assbot 46 results for 'mycelium' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=mycelium
23:43 devthedev Ugh, CCN
23:43 PinkPosixPXE When the Mycelium Entropy is inserted into the USB drive, hardware-based entropy is harnessed to create a large, truly random, number. The random number is generated using a static RAM chip, which Holcomb, D.E.; Burleson, W.P.; and Fu. K. have proven is capable of generating “128-bit true random numbers.” This number is then used as the seed to generate a private key and corresponding Bitcoin
23:43 PinkPosixPXE address
23:43 cazalla anyone else getting "You don't have permission to access /index.php on this server." on qntra.net?
23:44 asciilifeform ('inferior' is perhaps poor choice of word here. for cryptographic purposes. for, say, homework, where the run must be replicable - one must use prng.)
23:44 devthedev No cazalla
23:44 asciilifeform !s sram rng
23:44 assbot 3 results for 'sram rng' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=sram+rng
23:44 asciilifeform nothing new under the sky.
23:44 PinkPosixPXE asciilifeform: For serious security, perhaps yes, but everything runs on hardware, it's just the software layer that interacts with how entropy is derived from teh hardware wether it's something you plug in or something you run on a server
23:45 PinkPosixPXE but depends on your end goal/objective
23:45 asciilifeform that'd be 'it works better if you plug it in.'
23:45 asciilifeform that is, if you process the output of noise apparatus as prescribed, you get the expected result; if you forget to, and call 'return(3)' as in the comic - not.
23:46 asciilifeform http://xkcd.com/221
23:46 assbot xkcd: Random Number
23:46 asciilifeform what shall we teach next? arithmetic?
23:49 mircea_popescu cazalla BingoBoingo anyway, we're on to actual ddos, no more of that wordpress mickey mouse bs
23:49 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: why are you convinced that it was a 'wordpress'-based ddos ?
23:49 mircea_popescu somebody's butthurt.
23:49 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Wordpress was their last weapon.
23:50 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Oh, they really care nao?
23:50 mircea_popescu asciilifeform the first ~2mn lines all carry the tell tale GET / HTTP/1.0" 508 7287 "-" "WordPress/4.0; http://autobg.eu; verifying pingback from headers.
23:51 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo well, shitty botnet really, under 5k ips.
23:51 BingoBoingo Does rifle make sense as company expense at 500k IP botnet?
23:52 asciilifeform lol pingback crud
23:52 mircea_popescu people with 500k dont derpthis bad
23:54 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Because at 500k zombies, rifle is expected
23:56 BingoBoingo !Up PinkPosixPXE
23:58 BingoBoingo Dreamhost party line http://dpaste.com/0295SB7
23:58 assbot dpaste: 0295SB7
23:58 kakobrekla Jay Z?
23:59 kakobrekla the keys are right next to each other
23:59 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3091 @ 0.00073858 = 2.283 BTC [+]
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