Results 1 ... 33 found in all logged channels for '/at'

2023-02-17 bitbot Logged on 2022-05-27 19:17:28 billymg: so that takes care of my peer issue with crawlerbot at least, /at now shows us directly connected. unfortunately that doesn't help me in debugging the peer issue with shinohai, signpost, and mod6 #pest
2022-12-05 shinohai just an /at entonces #pest
2022-06-20 bitbot (pest) 2021-11-08 shinohai: That worked, ran /unpeer then /peer followed by /at with ip and now no double entry #asciilifeform
2022-06-13 phf sorry /at a higher frequency/ becomes poll #asciilifeform
2022-05-27 signpost /at #pest
2022-05-27 billymg so that takes care of my peer issue with crawlerbot at least, /at now shows us directly connected. unfortunately that doesn't help me in debugging the peer issue with shinohai, signpost, and mod6 #pest
2022-05-20 billymg after running `/at shinohai` #pest
2022-05-20 billymg `/at` still shows 'no packets received' from shinohai #asciilifeform
2022-01-10 whaack in other weird, when i run /at it says no packets received from shinohai/asciilifeform, but i see their messages directly and i also get hearsay messages from them #pest
2022-01-09 whaack mod6: what do you get for me when you type /at #pest
2021-12-31 billymg signpost: hrm, yeah, same here. though /wot signpost shows your key, and /at has you listed with your addr #pest
2021-12-06 awt 9984 and 9983 are out if anyone wants to try. Fixes /AT and adds /KNOB. #pest
2021-12-04 awt testing /at fixes #pest
2021-12-04 awt ... and it turns out /AT and the auto AT update is completely borked. Patch coming soon. #pest
2021-11-17 billymg btw, if i look at my /at now, jonsykkel, bitbot, and awt all have timestamps. no one else does though #pest
2021-11-15 PeterL I just did /at asciilifeform #pest
2021-11-15 billymg my only working peerings are with awt and bitbot (according to output of /at) #pest
2021-11-15 awt /AT asciilifeform 50725 -- this command could end up setting port to "" #pest
2021-11-15 bitbot Logged on 2021-11-15 20:14:21 bitbot: Logged on 2021-11-13 18:20:59 asciilifeform: billymg: try adding /AT asciilifeform 50725 #pest
2021-11-15 bitbot Logged on 2021-11-13 18:20:59 asciilifeform: billymg: try adding /AT asciilifeform 50725 #pest
2021-11-13 billymg asciilifeform: now you show up with /at #pest
2021-11-13 asciilifeform billymg: try adding /AT asciilifeform 50725 #pest
2021-11-13 asciilifeform a peering, per spec, needs /peer, /key (on both ends) and /at (on one end, and if 1 end is behind nat, then that one) #pest
2021-11-13 billymg asciilifeform: my /at command doesn't show you #pest
2021-11-11 billymg btw awt, i crashed blatta with /at bitbot localhost #pest
2021-11-11 billymg anyway i'm on a fresh db now, manually /peer -> /at -> /key'd everyone #pest
2021-11-09 billymg awt: a nicety for the commands such as /wot or /at would be to include a header line in the results, like "WOT (3):" followed by the results on the next lines #pest
2021-11-08 shinohai That worked, ran /unpeer then /peer followed by /at with ip and now no double entry #pest
2021-11-08 shinohai billymg: my bad need you connection info for the /at command as well #asciilifeform
2021-11-03 signpost thimbronion: cool, will just ignore it for now. am I dense or is /quote /at not working in weechat #asciilifeform
2021-11-03 thimbronion signpost: you'll need to run the /peer, /at, and /key commands to connect. #asciilifeform
2021-11-02 shinohai when running /WOT or /AT it *does* show peer's name #asciilifeform
2015-03-29 nubbins` Adlai (clever/stupid), (lazy/industrious) but he says all his officers had /at least/ two of the qualities #trilema