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← 2022-05-30 | 2022-06-01 →
01:40 asciilifeform << nope. it's prolly the most annoyingly missing feature atm
01:40 dulapbot Logged on 2022-05-30 19:07:57 phf: err, asciilifeform is there a way to search your logs by an uinterupted sequence of characters, e.g. btcbase lets you search "real me" (though at also greps lots of `real men`), but on logs it seems to do something odd
~ 12 hours 36 minutes ~
14:17 asciilifeform $ticker btc usd
14:17 asciilifeform hm bot awol?
~ 1 hours 12 minutes ~
15:29 phf signpost: do you use relayd?
~ 17 minutes ~
15:46 signpost nah, when I used for the business, the openbsd instances were eating from AWS SQS, not exposed to web directly.
~ 59 minutes ~
16:45 signpost << "I am God."
16:45 dulapbot Logged on 2022-05-30 19:04:55 phf: there's of course a periodic thread on subj
16:46 signpost of the smallest possible universe.
16:48 signpost it's true that men are sovereign in their own minds, if nowhere else. most compulsively seek to absolve themselves of it.
16:51 signpost because it's terrifying. suppose you *can* alter your beliefs, even ones you require to survive. how much state does one have to mutate before madness?
16:51 signpost and of course you can, otherwise what's learning?
16:52 * signpost thinks this is an even greater source of existential terror than understanding of death.
16:52 signpost it's good to sit with this and accustom oneself to probably being wrong about everything.
16:53 asciilifeform signpost: finding things out dun have to result in 'existential terror'
16:54 signpost existential terror doesn't mean I'm afraid, though. it means the thing is forever there, and it imposes on *you*, not other way around.
16:55 signpost maybe call it a graveness of being. the garden of mind can become uncurated to the point of irreparability, and by surprise.
16:57 asciilifeform most of universe, outside of one's own crankcase, 'imposes on you, not the other way around', neh
16:58 signpost sure does.
16:59 signpost useful to keep the mind's eye turned outward at that, or likely to quickly derange the model of it.
17:00 * asciilifeform generally of the 'cure for intellectual derangements is to mix some cement' school of thought
17:00 asciilifeform i.e. regular contact with physical reality
17:01 asciilifeform its lack causes a kind of mental scurvy
17:04 asciilifeform in asciilifeform's observations, the folx who end up on a solipsistic journey up own arse, are always the ones who never built so much as a doghouse with own hands
17:04 dulapbot (trilema) 2017-05-25 asciilifeform: has mircea_popescu ever built so much as a dog house with own hands?
17:05 signpost pretty hard to keep the arrogance going after the 5th smack of thumb with the hammer, yep.
17:06 signpost one'd still have to exercise the ability to alter asinine beliefs to do this, and then, they're afraid of doing anything but auto-eroticism with that.
17:07 asciilifeform not even need to build a tokamak. the simplest things normally suffice. work on a set of ancient pipes and find how much 'reality cares' re: yer whatever internal aristotelian edifice.
17:07 asciilifeform ( and see also . )
17:07 dulapbot Logged on 2021-07-11 18:56:29 asciilifeform: i learned that in usa there are households where there is no hammer.
17:10 asciilifeform juggling bits, interestingly, appears not to provide this basic nutrient. even on modern shitcomp, softs behave too much like ideal 'spherical horse' philosophical object, do not supply the needed contact with reality ( and, worse, dysfunctional in ways which ~actively promote~ insanity )
17:12 * asciilifeform suspects that this is the item phf was alluding to in the earlier 'horse' thread
17:16 asciilifeform per asciilifeform , 1 of the moar pernicious aristotelianisms (see 'politics'(tm)) is the notion that 'commander must not stoop to physical work'. whereas greatest imho monarch of modern era, peter 1, unzipped & pissed all over this nonsense, apprenticed at shipyards, put up masts w/ own hands, etc
17:18 asciilifeform ( and see also the current reich's 'thinkers must not do!' variant. )
17:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-25 19:23:44 asciilifeform: lizards in usa 'solved' the 'unions problem' by getting rid of labour, creating caste of lumpens on left side of bell curve and caste of paper shufflers on right side, with the sleight-of-hand moar than sufficing to ramp down expectations of life for all of'em
17:25 verisimilitude Much mental masturbation may make monstrous machinations; many might make madness.
17:27 verisimilitude Terrifying things terrorize the terrorizable.
17:31 verisimilitude Stupidity shields some such simpletons.
17:33 asciilifeform verisimilitude: slovenly sophistry simply stupifies...
17:38 verisimilitude Proper physical practice perhaps protects.
17:38 mats pls no
17:40 verisimilitude Mats mayn't mollify me.
17:41 signpost incidentally, I learned recently that autism might be an inflammatory disease, and reversible.
17:42 * signpost looking for the link.
17:44 verisimilitude I'm inflamed! I'm inflamed!
17:46 mats you definitely need wheat grass in your diet
17:47 signpost << lacks what I saw re: reversing symptoms, but otherwise.
17:48 billymg << in my working branch i implemented this using some postgres regex features but was way too expensive to make available on www. i didn't look too much deeper into it so if any postgres experts here have an idea to point me in the right direction i can take another stab at it
17:48 bitbot Logged on 2022-05-31 01:40:29 asciilifeform: << nope. it's prolly the most annoyingly missing feature atm
17:48 dulapbot Logged on 2022-05-30 19:07:57 phf: err, asciilifeform is there a way to search your logs by an uinterupted sequence of characters, e.g. btcbase lets you search "real me" (though at also greps lots of `real men`), but on logs it seems to do something odd
17:51 verisimilitude Mice mayn't model man's mind masterfully.
17:51 dulapbot Logged on 2022-05-31 13:45:24 signpost: << lacks what I saw re: reversing symptoms, but otherwise.
17:52 signpost the noise is getting old.
17:52 shinohai ^
17:53 shinohai << available on pestnet unless *really* needed here.
17:53 dulapbot Logged on 2022-05-31 10:15:11 asciilifeform: hm bot awol?
17:53 asciilifeform shinohai: if difficult to plug in 2 places, just pesnet imho suffices
17:54 asciilifeform the fyootoor is pestronic.
17:54 shinohai Agreed.
17:54 verisimilitude We wish. We want.
17:55 * asciilifeform wonders what sorta cosmic ray hit verisimilitude's head
17:56 verisimilitude Vex vexed verisimilitude, verily.
17:58 billymg actually, re search, the regex i constructed was meant to solve the other problem mentioned: "though [it] also greps lots of `real men`". perhaps just searching for a contiguous string (and ignoring word beginnings/endings) could be done easily without sinking performance
17:59 billymg my use case was: "how do i see what the logs think about ai / ml?"
17:59 verisimilitude Spaces solve such.
17:59 billymg verisimilitude: i'm talking about the way search is currently implemented in the logotron
18:00 asciilifeform billymg: imho doublequoted string oughta match substring bordered by start/end of ln or whitespace
18:00 verisimilitude Spaces solve such second situations.
18:00 shinohai !!v 9AA4A5DB74720D5DE4B400AEB6F1B47FAB47E99765609ABC8719FBE30C6F5337
18:00 deedbot shinohai rated verisimilitude -1 << Noise
18:01 verisimilitude Annoyingly alliterative, apparently.
18:01 billymg asciilifeform: i agree, but my first attempt did not produce anything sufficiently performant to release on public www
18:01 asciilifeform billymg: possibly single-quoted string oughta match arbitrary substring.
18:02 asciilifeform billymg: given how postgres indexing worx, longer search string will necessarily cost moar
18:03 asciilifeform *contig. search string
18:05 billymg yeah, i'll have to take another look at it and read more of the docs. my initial takeaway was that postgres gives you some "regex light" tools that are fast but that if you try to use "real regex" it's gonna be slow
18:06 billymg and the query i was trying to produce didn't work with "regex light"
18:14 asciilifeform billymg: there's prolly a trivial pill for this buried in pg docs somewhere. simply not unearthed it yet
~ 55 minutes ~
19:09 shinohai Re: postgres regex, I remember saving this link though haven't tried yet.
~ 23 minutes ~
19:33 asciilifeform shinohai: might be cleaner & faster to simply run ordinary py regex over the results which come back from the current search
19:33 asciilifeform ( them being a superset of the desired result with doublequotes )
19:33 signpost tried the built-in full-text search?
19:33 * signpost hasn't used it
19:34 asciilifeform signpost: afaik is what gets used in the current one neh
19:34 asciilifeform 'payload ilike all(%s) order by t desc' etc
19:35 * asciilifeform suspects that this approach would be faster, also -- as leverages the indices, whereas a regexpism on pg end likely would not
19:35 signpost nah this thinger
19:35 asciilifeform says right there 'a full text search without an index' lol
19:36 asciilifeform so prolly ughslow
19:36 asciilifeform 'Although these queries will work without an index, most applications will find this approach too slow, except perhaps for occasional ad-hoc searches. Practical use of text searching usually requires creating an index.'
19:36 signpost nah. you can make indices. I just linked to the part which documented how to query.
19:36 asciilifeform hard to say without trying
19:36 signpost
19:37 signpost anyway, just throwing that in as an alternative to regex hell if latter isn't working well.
19:37 asciilifeform ( already have the index fwiw )
~ 2 hours 2 minutes ~
21:39 verisimilitude Noise he calls me, noise of all things.
21:39 dulapbot Logged on 2022-05-31 13:58:29 shinohai: !!v 9AA4A5DB74720D5DE4B400AEB6F1B47FAB47E99765609ABC8719FBE30C6F5337
21:45 shinohai Perhaps spray some contact cleaner in your potentiometers and see if it improves.
21:48 verisimilitude I need a translation.
21:49 verisimilitude I've yet to rate others, because I want a more trustworthy key pair, first.
21:55 shinohai Here, I'll put it in the form of your favourite game recently:
21:55 shinohai !!v F681BC1B041C4430D53ADA4919C4796E93B7A6EC08ABF598C90882DAD735AB92
21:55 deedbot shinohai updated rating of verisimilitude from -1 to -1 << Noxious narcissistic noise niggers not necessary
21:56 verisimilitude See, it's fun.
21:59 verisimilitude Really though, I'm a little alliterative for a little while, to an overblown response, but whatever.
22:06 verisimilitude Here's a better version: No noxious, narcissistic noisemaker's necessary.
22:11 verisimilitude Well, I was being purposefully provocative, so I suppose I deserved this reaction.
← 2022-05-30 | 2022-06-01 →