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← 2022-03-18 | 2022-03-20 →
01:20 asciilifeform loads
01:21 * asciilifeform wouldn't be surprised if were down for coupla min, it's happened before
01:30 crtdaydreams hihi
01:34 crtdaydreams http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-12#1084069 << I'm going to retry this build today, fingers crossed it werks
01:34 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-12 16:15:43 billymg: crtdaydreams: homework for you if you're interested. scrap your current build attempt and start fresh using that guide. leave comments on the article if you get stuck or find errors
01:35 crtdaydreams also, my webshit is www.lambdaspace.xyz
01:35 crtdaydreams w/ ftp.lambdaspace.xyz
~ 15 minutes ~
01:50 verisimilitude Every link is broken.
01:51 verisimilitude It's a start.
01:53 crtdaydreams every link is broken because no files are uploaded.
01:54 crtdaydreams I'm borderline can't be bothered editing ftpd config to upload shiet
~ 29 minutes ~
02:24 signpost the can't be bothered meme ain't endearing.
02:25 signpost also you're doing a faux salesman voice thing, stop it pls
02:29 verisimilitude I agree.
02:30 verisimilitude I use no memes; I speak and write correctly, ofttimes without being idiomatic either.
02:30 verisimilitude Half of the latest memes are just ebonics.
02:30 signpost this or nervous chittering being soothed by a circlejerk
02:38 * thimbronion recently read: Dark Star Rising - interesting take on memes
02:38 crtdaydreams 4
02:40 thimbronion Attempts to tie Trump/Dugin to "chaos magic"
02:43 verisimilitude I remember back in 2016 when idiots on 4chan's /pol/ were worshipping an Egyptian god.
02:43 thimbronion Kek
02:45 verisimilitude Yes.
02:45 verisimilitude I didn't deign to write its name.
02:48 crtdaydreams signpost: er can't be bothered meme?
02:49 crtdaydreams also wdym faux salesman voice thing
02:50 crtdaydreams back in my PoE days, we used to praise le toucan
02:57 signpost crtdaydreams: yes, the thing where tards on reddit relate by talking about how lazy they are.
02:57 signpost other comment was re: tone on your www
02:58 signpost "gee golly I'm self deprecating, and HOW!" etc
02:58 signpost just write what's in your head, man.
02:58 signpost and if that's in there, bleach first.
03:05 verisimilitude http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-01#1081617
03:05 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-01 12:09:14 verisimilitude: My favourite Reddit quote is ``I was raped by my wife's boyfriend.''; it's perfect.
03:07 verisimilitude Oh, on the topic of language, consider reading this. I need to update it, but it's fine.
03:13 * signpost finds compulsive self-deprecating humor particularly grating, in that it's tacit pleading to not criticize beyond the limits of the "humor"
03:14 signpost anyhow, without such social grooming as this thread, no "mental health" can be had.
03:15 verisimilitude I've thought of several mp jokes, but bit my fingers rather than submit them.
03:15 verisimilitude Yes, it's more fun to criticize others, signpost.
03:15 verisimilitude We may improve our mental health by being here, but that just means most people are insane.
03:17 signpost perhaps also fun, but keeps one from catching the shit accumulating in the other.
03:18 * signpost started telling wife "you should be" with a perverse grin when she apologized when unwarranted
03:20 verisimilitude My favourite is telling someone it doesn't matter when hearing variations on ``That's fine.''.
03:20 verisimilitude ``It's fine.'' ``It doesn't matter if it's fine.''
03:20 signpost joke is now that she will squirm a little and go "AND I'M NOT SORRY" in the same contexts.
03:20 verisimilitude The ``It doesn't matter if it be fine.'' isn't as smooth.
03:21 signpost verisimilitude: yeah, "It's what I've done."
03:21 signpost all these I take to with sandpaper.
03:21 signpost they're just nervous noise.
03:21 thimbronion verisimilitude: do you use pirate talk at restaurants?
03:21 signpost bwahaha
03:22 * signpost now imagining verisimilitude in the seinfeld pirate shirt
03:22 crtdaydreams Yo ho, all together, hoist the torrents high! All together, peers and seeders, never shall we buy!
03:23 * thimbronion incidentally started wearing pirate shirts roughly one year ago. many complements were had.
03:23 signpost thimbronion: men peacock far too little in our time.
03:23 verisimilitude No, thimbronion; I just speak in a way which normal people wouldn't realize avoids my complaints with modern English.
03:23 thimbronion signpost: indeed.
03:24 verisimilitude That article of mine I linked complains about just this. Proper English sounds like pirate speak nowadays.
03:26 * signpost has been on the hunt for a suitable hat
03:26 crtdaydreams signpost: re redditards: I don't concur with anything that flows from that cesspool. It reeks, literally, figuratively, euphemistically and metaphorically.
03:27 signpost sure, I can tell you want to reject the things wrong with your surroundings.
03:27 signpost just pointing out a few you missed.
03:27 signpost say things here you thought through earnestly and they're likely to mesh with the gears.
03:28 crtdaydreams signpost: re hat: a suitable roll of aluminum and 5 minutes and you'd have a nice hat :)
03:28 signpost pffft
03:28 signpost would ruin my reception entirely.
03:29 crtdaydreams Bwahahahah
03:29 signpost crtdaydreams: incidentally if you take billymg up on that gentoo project, you'll have a basis atop which you can fix yourself a router that isn't a joke.
03:29 crtdaydreams http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-18#1085627 << er can you elaborate or is this pure armchair psychology?
03:29 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-18 23:26:30 signpost: sure, I can tell you want to reject the things wrong with your surroundings.
03:30 * signpost has one here that's based on a similar gentoo on apu2
03:30 signpost if it were "pure armchair psychology" what'd that mean?
03:32 crtdaydreams http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-18#1085596 << a view I'm vehemently opposed to. The point here is humility. I quite frankly don't consider myself or any of my past, present and future works to be "intellectual" in the orthodox sense. Someone could wipe their ass with a html printout and I wouldn't bat an eyelid. The content is simple musings and nothing more.
03:32 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-18 22:57:27 signpost: "gee golly I'm self deprecating, and HOW!" etc
03:33 signpost paring down the fluff will get you closer to the earnest humility you're going for, then.
03:33 crtdaydreams raw .nfo is is then.
03:33 crtdaydreams html is overrated
03:34 signpost wasn't the tags, but anyhow.
03:34 crtdaydreams I know. The point being I'll simplify the structure to match a simplified and fluff-less content-style.
03:35 signpost on a different subj, has oz finally lifted some of the insanity re: going outside?
03:36 crtdaydreams ja. not that it stopped me anyway.
03:37 signpost yeah, didn't figure. here folks have mostly dropped the mask pretense, too.
03:37 signpost seems like even the chinese are tiring of it now.
03:37 crtdaydreams dunno abt the ladles and jellyspoons further south though
03:37 crtdaydreams they'll need masks when the mustard gas drops
03:38 signpost heh, from chinese visitors?
03:38 crtdaydreams nah, from the Taiwanese airdrops on the invasion force
03:39 * signpost figures CN stragegy is as asciilifeform puts it http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-16#1085012
03:39 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-16 18:57:03 asciilifeform: cn philosophy 'sit by riverside and wait for enemy's corpse to float by' is in action as we speak.
03:39 signpost crtdaydreams: not sure I follow
03:39 signpost *strategy
03:40 crtdaydreams i.e. when winnie invades taiwan drop the payloads on incoming landing craft
03:40 crtdaydreams dunno though, I have a feeling Taiwan will mostly be an air-superiority battle.
03:40 signpost oh derp, I get it now. regarding the chinese.
03:41 signpost was confused by whomever was "further south"
03:41 signpost maybe, but possibly more to do with missiles than planes.
03:41 crtdaydreams further south is melb and syd
03:41 crtdaydreams they're probs not outta lockdown
03:41 signpost got it
03:41 signpost this is a population density thing, or politics?
03:42 thimbronion crtdaydreams: isn't western australia the worst?
03:42 crtdaydreams er you mean lockdowns or thread on cn/taiwan
03:42 * signpost can't imagine why anyone would be doing 3rd year of lockdown and not tearing off the arms of anything with a uniform.
03:42 signpost had covid, it was fine.
03:42 crtdaydreams er I honestly don't know at this point, I pretty much stopped watching ``news'' altogether.
03:43 signpost are you more rural oz then, or more "conservative"? not familiar with the place.
03:43 crtdaydreams Last I understood the whole craze was ``dictator Dan(iel Andrews)''
03:44 crtdaydreams er politically I think conservative vs liberal is fabricated bullshit intended to ``create an enemy'' in the hopes of rallying a unifying force for the eternal us/vs/them conflict
03:45 signpost look I gave it scare quotes.
03:45 crtdaydreams I am more rural though, and on that scale my district would be considered more ``conservative''
03:45 signpost asking what the distinction is in-world, not as I would render it
03:45 signpost got ya
03:45 crtdaydreams yeah ok.
03:45 crtdaydreams here's the catch tho, in oz nobody __really__ gives a shit who you vote for
03:46 crtdaydreams it's nothing like US of A politics where you're dead to me if you voted for Yang gang or whatever
03:47 crtdaydreams like aw yeah, you're neighbor voted for libs and you voted for labor. whatever.
03:47 crtdaydreams come over for a beer and watch the cricket
03:47 crtdaydreams s/you're/your/
03:48 signpost only thing that unifies americans is fear, necessarily including of each other.
03:48 crtdaydreams typically further south and towards cities, (especially melb) more labor-oriented ideas the go
03:49 signpost commonwealth nations seem to have vestigial national identity lingering.
03:49 signpost crtdaydreams: it's not different here; politics are more geographical happenstance than choice.
03:49 crtdaydreams what do you mean? like the indigenous cultures?
03:50 crtdaydreams mmm. of course.
03:52 signpost I'm supposing that having been a more recent part of the british empire has a cultural effect.
03:52 crtdaydreams Not sure just ~how~ familiar you are with our politics, but like everything else, it's upside down.
03:53 signpost not at all familiar.
03:53 crtdaydreams Our libs are (not quite but eh) basically the republicans (though not necessarily followers of the trump jeebuz) and the labor are our more progressive oriented force.
03:54 crtdaydreams so what you call liberals and what we call liberals are opposites.
03:54 signpost this is at least what it meant. those are more defensible labels.
03:54 signpost yep, understand that.
03:54 crtdaydreams Yeah. Though I personally thing labels are pretty constrictive unless we're talking about the greens
03:55 crtdaydreams As I say; "If you don't want to vote, just vote for the greens, at least you know your vote won't count for anything!"
03:55 * signpost ftr does not believe in democracy, let alone a particular faction.
03:55 crtdaydreams ^^^
03:55 crtdaydreams Anarchy is the default state of humanity.
03:56 crtdaydreams i.e. lack of governing body, not necessarily the other political beliefs tied to ``anarchists''
03:57 signpost don't know about that. is everyone in this state equal in power, friends, wealth?
03:57 crtdaydreams er, I say that in the sense of "erry man for himself" kinda biz.
03:57 crtdaydreams What you refer to is equity.
03:58 signpost sure, so then some form a hierarchy in this chaos, and stomp the others, and anarchy is soon replaced.
03:58 crtdaydreams Yup. The cycle of life.
03:59 * crtdaydreams does not mean to say that anarchy is good nor bad, nor heirachies or power dynamics.
03:59 * signpost would say that relationship is the fundamental unit of civilization, and the quality of the former determines all other aspects.
03:59 crtdaydreams interesting. so by that I would assume you value society over economy?
04:00 crtdaydreams It is argueable that the transaction is the fundamental unit, and relationship comes after. Vice versa.
04:00 signpost humans aren't fungible, nor are their relationships.
04:01 signpost but a transaction is a kind of relationship.
04:01 crtdaydreams A relationship is a kind of transaction.
04:01 crtdaydreams It's metacircular.
04:01 signpost go ahead and define the terms then, for me.
04:02 signpost you are perhaps using the word relationship more narrowly than I did.
04:04 crtdaydreams A relationship is a human-to-human interaction, it does not have to have a net value, that being an exchange, be it of social merit or otherwise. I.e. I have a relationship with my mother, she loves me unconditionally as either a by product of evolution, god or some unknown force. Be it human will if you want. This is a ``transaction'' but there is no net __exchange__.
04:04 signpost seems perverse to call this a transaction.
04:05 signpost the sun and the earth have a particular relationship. this does not mean they have business with each other.
04:05 crtdaydreams i see, you definitely have a much broader definition.
04:05 signpost money is a fine tool but it is not the root of the world.
04:05 crtdaydreams no, the transaction is
04:05 crtdaydreams but transaction and relationships are one in the same
04:05 signpost or rather, being that it has been made so, the world is dying.
04:06 crtdaydreams a transaction does not have to involve money
04:06 crtdaydreams think of it this way, a venn diagram
04:06 crtdaydreams on one side you have society and the other economy
04:07 crtdaydreams if you (quite literally) mathematically find the intersection of the two, we have politics.
04:07 signpost this is still a strange separation, like asking me to say whether I prefer sleeping or digesting.
04:07 crtdaydreams the study of economics bases the world off the "transaction" and the study of society bases the world off the "relationship"
04:08 crtdaydreams but really, those two constructs are the same thing within the intersection of politics.
04:08 signpost this sounds like one of those nonsense binary political arrangements you were dismissing above.
04:09 crtdaydreams well in reality it's the basis of politics.
04:09 signpost if I enter into a transaction with you, this means that we are agreeing to formalize the relationship between ourselves according to a system of rules we denote and demonstrate before others.
04:09 crtdaydreams everything in politics revolves around solving socio-economic equations
04:10 crtdaydreams we do not have to demostrate or denote those rules before others
04:10 crtdaydreams there is a difference between a public and private transaction
04:11 signpost nonsense, the idea that the rules of the private transaction are to be honored is a cultural construct you didn't invent.
04:11 signpost "some people will come beat me if I lie to this person, because if I do he will tell them"
04:11 signpost that sort of thing.
04:11 crtdaydreams that's where my point is made.
04:11 signpost that the subjunctive threat is enough just makes us imaginative social creatures.
04:11 crtdaydreams there is no difference between relationships and transactions
04:12 crtdaydreams a transaction influences and is thus influenced by relationships and vice-versa
04:12 signpost first, words are tools. you cannot make the argument that they simply *have* certain definitions.
04:12 signpost what you can do is work to construct *useful* definitions.
04:13 signpost so the case you must make is why it is useful to me to conflate relationship and transaction.
04:13 signpost earlier I gave a broad definition of relationship, the usefulness of which I can defend at length.
04:13 signpost I then used the definition of one to build a definition of the other. it cannot then be that they're equivalent.
04:14 crtdaydreams The way of the Tao
04:14 crtdaydreams I intend to fully explain this in an essay.
04:15 crtdaydreams With detailed and concise definitions.
04:15 signpost don't know that you're the first to call all relationships transactional.
04:15 signpost my arse sits in the empire that exported that one
04:16 crtdaydreams If it makes more sense to you my political view is not on creating hierarchies nor pulling them down. It's making them easier to climb.
04:16 crtdaydreams A smooth gradient if you will.
04:18 signpost I'm still on why I should conflate transaction and relationship.
04:18 signpost oughta clarify that before declaring allegiances to whichever great march.
04:19 crtdaydreams Ok. Say a transaction is abstractly an exchange of goods.
04:20 crtdaydreams Broadly, goods could be intellectual, physical, immaterial.
04:21 crtdaydreams And a relationship is abstractly an exchange of status.
04:21 signpost put the *is* down and make the case for it.
04:21 signpost how is my mother exchanging status for having let me parasitize her to live?
04:22 crtdaydreams She could be making transactions that are otherwise impossible because of you, those transactions have a direct influence on her relationships.
04:23 signpost you have to back up before what you feel is self-evident and explain *that*.
04:23 signpost she wants status, what status?
04:23 crtdaydreams I was going to explain that.
04:24 crtdaydreams Broadly, status refers to a cybernetic interaction with those around her, like neurons in a brain people communicate with the immediate and that information is spread across the whole network (society). Status refers to that weight/bias that she has. I.e. how much influence society (the whole brain) has on her, and how much she has on it.
04:25 signpost she didn't fuck my dad because she wanted social points.
04:26 signpost this is a notion unconsciously absorbed from facebook and co.
04:26 crtdaydreams That's too open ended.
04:26 crtdaydreams Why did she fuck your dad then?
04:27 crtdaydreams Was it biology? Her parents (encouraging her to continue the genealogy or whatever), her friends, financial gain?
04:28 signpost are you familiar with marx's notion of alienation?
04:28 signpost because this is precisely it.
04:28 crtdaydreams No.
04:28 signpost modern "last men" in Nietzsche's terms fuck as signaling, theft, anything but the real.
04:29 signpost this does not mean that it was always the case, even if dragging a higher-level symbol like "transaction" is satisfying, in that it makes the alienation inevitable.
04:31 signpost I'll speak of my own relationship. my wife appeals to me in herself, and these qualities that appeal are not rendered into my account to spend.
04:31 signpost they are there in the person and remain.
04:31 crtdaydreams Exactly.
04:31 signpost my witnessing them and their effect on me is not a fungible transfer of the qualities into my hand as a tool.
04:32 signpost exactly what
04:32 crtdaydreams I don't think I'm equipped to explain myself. Perhaps my formulation is half-baked.
04:33 crtdaydreams wb verisimilitude
04:34 crtdaydreams For a relationship to be a transaction there does not have to be a fungible exchange.
04:35 signpost you're dispensing with much of the existing context of the word to make it fit here.
04:35 verisimilitude http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-18#1085645 My Gopher hole helps constrain me so.
04:35 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-18 23:34:10 crtdaydreams: I know. The point being I'll simplify the structure to match a simplified and fluff-less content-style.
04:36 signpost crtdaydreams: if a transaction is not a formalized exchange, there's not much left in the definition.
04:36 crtdaydreams signpost: perhaps this can be resumed at a later date, at this point I just sound like schizo.
04:37 signpost I'm fine to park it.
04:38 crtdaydreams Perhaps after I've written a few of the essays. One of which you might like; A Criticism of Kazyinsky's Work.
04:38 signpost yep, was going to say that it might be clearer what you're after in long form.
04:40 crtdaydreams With predetermined explicity defined definitions that I can refine over the course of a short essay, I should be able to convey my point in transactions == relationships.
04:41 mats very edgy
04:41 signpost mats with the high impact commentary
04:41 * signpost gets himself some tea
04:42 crtdaydreams lol
04:42 mats some men have a tendency to think of relationships transactionally
04:42 verisimilitude I do, when it benefits me.
04:42 signpost mats: I purposely avoided the age interpretation, but it's there eh?
04:43 crtdaydreams mats: I'm stating the opposite is also true, transactions are relationship.
04:43 crtdaydreams s
04:43 mats very uninteresting discussion
04:43 verisimilitude I agree.
04:44 crtdaydreams well, sorry for wasting your time I guess.
04:46 signpost mats: eh, lazy dismissal of youthful stupidity also uninteresting.
04:46 signpost output of that is all around.
04:46 verisimilitude All anyone ever does with IRC is waste time.
04:46 signpost verisimilitude: by weight, by trying to use it as an amplifier for conceits rather than mechanism to remove them.
04:47 crtdaydreams I pity the average log-browser.
04:48 verisimilitude Rephrase that.
04:48 signpost were folks able to burn through each other's stupid ideas without falling back on ^ they might do other than baw that the rectangle ain't entertaining tonight.
04:48 mats i still read the #b-a logs, its not a waste of time
04:48 mats depends who is chatting
04:48 verisimilitude This is always my response when someone apologizes for wasting time on IRC.
04:49 signpost mats: not losing sleep over whether you're entertained.
04:49 signpost b-a was a failure, aside entertaining.
04:49 crtdaydreams Wasting 45 minutes on trifle discussion of an uninteresting topic an proceeding to get nowhere, in all honesty it would've been better to read HN for those 45 minutes.
04:50 crtdaydreams verisimilitude: better?
04:50 signpost crtdaydreams: eh, don't be a coward and react to it. there's nothing there.
04:51 verisimilitude Toughen up, crtdaydreams.
04:51 crtdaydreams Not cowardice. Sarcasm.
04:51 signpost mats: those entertaining logs failed at what mormons could pull off, consider.
04:51 signpost crtdaydreams: as he says, toughen up.
04:52 * signpost galls at that mormons actually have castles.
04:52 verisimilitude I toughened up, crtdaydreams; why, one of the first things mp did to me was insult me, and now he's dead.
04:53 mats mormons have had more than 100y to build their empire tho
04:53 crtdaydreams verisimilitude: kek
04:54 signpost time, but also working algorithm
04:55 signpost verisimilitude: had no more constructive thumps on the head than from that guy.
04:55 mats anyway, in other news, https://www.economist.com/technology-quarterly/2022/01/27/synthetic-aperture-radar-is-making-the-earths-surface-watchable-24/7
04:55 signpost anyway "get out of here until you're not a bitch" is how american fathers made a generation of redditards.
04:56 mats https://www.ers.usda.gov/webdocs/outlooks/93390/ocs-19f-01.pdf "Interdependence of China, United States, and Brazil in Soybean Trade"
04:56 mats https://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=ZdzTRkojzwU "ShmooCon 2014: Controlling USB Flash Drive Controllers: Expose of Hidden Features"
04:57 mats https://github.com/airbus-seclab/cpu_rec "Recognize cpu instructions in an arbitrary binary file"
04:57 mats mostly old news tho
04:57 crtdaydreams Any of you put a guestbook on your server?
04:58 * signpost hasn't seen a guestbook on a website since 90s
04:58 crtdaydreams er, no. not that kind of guestbook.
04:58 mats https://www.pnas.org/doi/pdf/10.1073/pnas.1918896117 "Why East Asians but not South Asians are underrepresented in leadership positions in the United States"
04:59 signpost hm, they actually mentioned the intepersonal aspects.
05:00 signpost rather than just "systemic racism!"
05:05 signpost shoving all the triggering aside about racism, there's plenty of incompatibility to work around.
05:06 signpost mats: my sense has been that the SA demo is way more comfortable banding together and working ahead.
05:07 * signpost has seen whole teams that somehow got away with not hiring a single person outside their ethnicity at $megacorp
05:07 signpost "who would dare say anything"
05:20 * signpost to bed, night all
~ 29 minutes ~
05:50 mats yes
05:51 mats over my career i've run into numerous bootlickers at my level who refuse to share salary info, even when i offer it up first
05:53 mats its always east and se asians, and they often told me some shit about how its confidential and some variation on how they're 'holding their cards close' like its us slaves at a poker table together instead of us as individuals playing heads up with mgmt
05:53 mats shits weak
05:54 mats this is why asians are good slaves
05:54 mats blacks never gave me this lip
05:58 mats i wonder which firms sell market compensation research for various roles to enable market rate employers to price their comp properly
06:01 mats i know chief executive sells data for executive comp but i'm not interested in that
~ 3 hours 36 minutes ~
09:37 mangol http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-19#1085844 << "Whereas extensive research has examined the "glass ceiling" faced by women, little research has examined the "bamboo ceiling," whereby Asians appear disproportionately underrepresented in leadership positions in the United States."
09:37 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-19 00:57:58 mats: https://www.pnas.org/doi/pdf/10.1073/pnas.1918896117 "Why East Asians but not South Asians are underrepresented in leadership positions in the United States"
09:37 mangol bamboo ceiling
09:46 mangol the woke save at the end is good too: "organizations should understand the differences among different cultural groups and diversify the prototype of leadership"
09:47 mangol we should get in on this boondoggle. i wish organizations would diversify the prototype of productivity and pay me for lisp hacks
10:00 mangol by chance, another woke pearl from an unrelated source: "How can we at least reach consensus that there is a problem?"
~ 5 hours 30 minutes ~
15:31 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-19#1085822 << lol whatcha doing here then ? i dun recall installing any glue traps, can walk whenever
15:31 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-19 00:49:18 crtdaydreams: Wasting 45 minutes on trifle discussion of an uninteresting topic an proceeding to get nowhere, in all honesty it would've been better to read HN for those 45 minutes.
15:32 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-19#1085839 << asciilifeform has once used this tool ( reversing a disk controller ) , it sorta work (use with 'binwalk')
15:32 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-19 00:56:20 mats: https://github.com/airbus-seclab/cpu_rec "Recognize cpu instructions in an arbitrary binary file"
15:35 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-19#1085821 << we gota coupla useful artifacts outta that era (v, trb, current wot) tho arguably nothx to the dope-addled maniac or the kilometres of wank
15:35 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-19 00:48:49 signpost: b-a was a failure, aside entertaining.
15:35 dulapbot Logged on 2020-02-04 22:14:39 asciilifeform: or, for that matter, his (admitted!) cocaine. imho still shows typical effects, even tho supposedly quit.
15:40 thimbronion BingoBoingo: what is your new job? Also, please run a pestron.
15:51 thimbronion mats: glassdoor no good?
~ 41 minutes ~
16:33 asciilifeform !q seen BingoBoingo
16:33 dulapbot BingoBoingo last seen here on 2022-02-28 12:49:43: In the past month US down ~19% versus Brasil's Real, 5.3% versus Peso Uruguay
16:35 asciilifeform thimbronion, mats : asciilifeform suspects that folx are tight-lipped re pay largely from fear of discovering that they sit on bottom of the scale in given org
16:35 asciilifeform rather than 'ohnoez boss will find out that i blabbed'
16:41 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-19#1085831 << also, importantly, successful, but not 'too successful' (consider e.g. scientology. 'zero to hero' in <20y, from practical joke to private navy, fbi infiltration and scuttling of all indictments against the org, to... what, today? some yachts & palaces and notmuch else)
16:41 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-19 00:52:39 mats: mormons have had more than 100y to build their empire tho
16:42 asciilifeform ( see e.g. )
16:42 dulapbot (trilema) 2016-06-08 asciilifeform: afaik state of the art is 'church-mafia hybrid' model, e.g., scientology
16:43 asciilifeform not that afaik they at any pt had any strategic aims ~other~ than 'moar yachts'
16:46 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-19#1085864 << lol
16:46 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-19 05:46:21 mangol: we should get in on this boondoggle. i wish organizations would diversify the prototype of productivity and pay me for lisp hacks
~ 36 minutes ~
17:23 mats thimbronion: its useful, but anybody can print words there, so not necessarily reliable
17:24 mats asciilifeform: i dunno, scientology is still strong afaict
17:26 mats maybe not as strong as the mormons, who have had their own state for a century, plus significant membership in the us ic, international reach and so on
17:29 verisimilitude Scientology is so funny, because it's obviously not true, but the very religious can't explain how that be so without seething about their religion at the same time.
17:30 verisimilitude It boils down to ``my cult is older and has a better reputation''.
~ 45 minutes ~
18:15 verisimilitude So what's the deal with discrete logarithms of elliptic curves?
~ 1 hours 54 minutes ~
20:10 verisimilitude Does the Ada runtime properly handle select delay statements, even with a blocking system call; do I need to test this myself?
20:12 verisimilitude I get the feeling it won't.
20:18 verisimilitude It would be nice to be able to use the delay statement, rather than pass the desired delay directly.
~ 19 minutes ~
20:37 Apocalyptic verisimilitude: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-19#1085891 << what do you mean ?
20:37 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-19 14:15:05 verisimilitude: So what's the deal with discrete logarithms of elliptic curves?
~ 21 minutes ~
20:59 verisimilitude I know little of them.
~ 1 hours 31 minutes ~
22:30 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-19#1085892 << iirc requires tasks enabled. try it
22:30 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-19 16:09:27 verisimilitude: Does the Ada runtime properly handle select delay statements, even with a blocking system call; do I need to test this myself?
22:31 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-19#1085887 << dunno, i've been to their 'cathedral' in wash dc and they seemed to be leasing out most of it to misc. riffraff
22:31 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-19 13:24:10 mats: asciilifeform: i dunno, scientology is still strong afaict
22:32 asciilifeform there were plasma screens (yes) showing propaganda films, with substantial burn-in
22:32 * asciilifeform suspects glory days past
22:37 asciilifeform been a while since heard of'em running over critic with bulldozer too
22:37 dulapbot (trilema) 2016-06-08 asciilifeform: infiltrate fbi, run uppity heretics over with bulldozers at night, etc.
22:38 signpost http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-19#1085870 << yep, not sorry for any of these, nor the rest.
22:38 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-19 11:34:27 asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-19#1085821 << we gota coupla useful artifacts outta that era (v, trb, current wot) tho arguably nothx to the dope-addled maniac or the kilometres of wank
22:38 signpost was a comment about n00bs, and "wasted time"
22:41 verisimilitude http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-19#1085898 I'll do that. I'll need to finish what I'm working on, and test it when designing the next package, but I'll get around to it.
22:41 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-19 18:29:24 asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-19#1085892 << iirc requires tasks enabled. try it
22:51 mats asciilifeform: thats pretty normal among church folks
22:52 mats the place is only fully occupied on sundays
22:53 mats staff might be in 9-5 m-f and a few hours on weeknights and saturday for various activities
22:54 mats even harvard rents out space for groups
~ 43 minutes ~
23:37 thimbronion Didn't notice the logo in previous versions of the pest spec, asciilifeform, nice.
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