Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2018-02-23 | 2018-02-25 →
00:10 phf hanbot: and another option is to use this vpatch, unsigned because i'd like to wait till wednesday to roll all the fixes and cuts together
~ 10 hours 2 minutes ~
10:13 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo i've been quite enjoying your last articles btw.
10:13 mircea_popescu hard sheep makes a life worth living, eh ?
10:13 mircea_popescu !!rated BingoBoingo
10:13 deedbot mircea_popescu rated BingoBoingo 4 at 2016/05/17 03:20:10 << his lordship the lord goebbels.
10:13 mircea_popescu !!rate BingoBoingo 4 the gringo wildcatter
10:14 deedbot Get your OTP:
10:15 mircea_popescu (for the innocent : a wildcatter is say philiph's character in clemens' "the gilded age", or more generally any guy who sees a mine where no one else does.)
10:16 mircea_popescu << well, i'm trying to reopen them
10:16 a111 Logged on 2018-02-24 04:56 phf: << that works for me also, i seem to recall threads where alphabets were discussed and maybe byte order was dismissed, but my memory is vague on subject
10:18 mircea_popescu truth -- the latins were idiots ; nevermind they didn't even have zero in their lol of a numeration system -- they didn't even have commas. or, for that matter, dots. meta-alphabetic notation (such as the dash here that permited me to ~signify~ something about symbol relation) is entirely a post-industrial invention. fuck, the bright minds of alchemy-era mathematics didn't even have =.
10:18 mircea_popescu so the problem of how to alphabetically sort meta-alphabetic signs is not liable to be informed by ancient practice.
10:21 mircea_popescu << reworking the code so it doesn't rely on the complex macroconstructs not an option ?
10:21 a111 Logged on 2018-02-24 04:54 phf: also make vdiff `-D_Noreturn=__attribute__\\\((noreturn\\\))' is even better work around, but the combination of shell/makefile seems to pass the parenthesis through on bash but not on zsh...
10:22 mircea_popescu a there we go, extern void xalloc_die(void) __attribute__((noreturn));
10:22 mircea_popescu seems rather the right approach neh ?
10:23 mircea_popescu asciilifeform did i miss a picture post somehow ?
10:25 mircea_popescu meanwhile in unadorned physiology,
10:26 shinohai gm mircea_popescu !
10:26 mircea_popescu heya
10:33 mircea_popescu meanwhile in old trilemas,
10:33 mircea_popescu i really should link that bit about teh bureaucrats more often.
10:36 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo i've been quite enjoying your last articles btw. << Thank you.
10:38 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> hard sheep makes a life worth living, eh ? << It really does. Who knew getting fired could be such a great thing when the right person does the firing.
10:40 mircea_popescu speaking of fire, !!!
10:40 mircea_popescu i've been on a blogreading kick of late.
10:44 BingoBoingo I have as well, in addition to the blog writing. Events have been very 2013 part II entonces feel I ought read more 2013 and 2014
10:51 mircea_popescu i can see it.
~ 25 minutes ~
11:16 BingoBoingo AHA and
11:19 asciilifeform ohai mircea_popescu . hands were full. but now have a and a .
11:21 asciilifeform i'ma write an actual essay about time, when i figure out an actual rhythm worth writing of. currently all i have is a 'triage', to actually track what eats resource, and cut off deprioritized ( mainly , real-time interactions... ) items when running short.
11:22 mircea_popescu candid means you're in there an' n ot posing for it!
11:22 asciilifeform i ain't posing.
11:22 mircea_popescu well yes, but you're also not visible!
11:25 asciilifeform exceedingly difficult to fit both a little clock face and my face in 1 frame. ( doesn't mircea_popescu already have a picture of my mug , lol )
11:26 mircea_popescu this isn't about to repeat pattern is it ?
11:26 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Girl has hands and aesthetic judgment?
11:28 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: girl, since you mentioned, said, approx, 'this is dumb, and tell'em to piss off'.
11:29 mircea_popescu unsupportive, eh. well, so sit it somewhere and turn on the timer, what can i tell ya.
11:30 asciilifeform hmm lessee...
11:30 * asciilifeform digs for a tripod
11:41 asciilifeform mircea_popescu:
11:42 asciilifeform where's my tit fee!111
11:43 * mircea_popescu shall deem this satisfactory.
11:43 mircea_popescu and yes, re rythm : time discipline is not a torture device, it's a tool. it's supposed to help you achieve your goals not make life inconvenient.
11:44 asciilifeform i must admit, i've been enjoying saying to various folx : 'sorry, out of time, laters'
11:44 mircea_popescu aha.
11:45 * mircea_popescu isn't just saying things, to fit in with the crowd or the fashions of his generation or whatever. literally, "help you achieve your goals".
11:46 BingoBoingo I've learned local moo cows get a bit more responsive the next time, after walking away from them because you have an appointment to make. Actual appointment not necessary.
11:47 asciilifeform phf: your proggy built without eggog here, but then i saw and yes gcc 4.9
11:49 mircea_popescu local receptionist girly (that's the supreme social achievement for the hairdresser class chickie here, being a doc's receptionist is almost as good as being marriewd to him) at the cima hospital (best in the country!!!) was utterly shocked when my response to her telling me the doctor who was like 10 mins late just called to say he's "on his way" but no specific eta wasn't "ok, ok" but "thast's unfortunate, i have other appo
11:49 mircea_popescu intments".
11:49 mircea_popescu i dunno if it did anything fgor them though, i've not been back
12:01 BingoBoingo I'm still learning and this is a very rural city.
12:02 mircea_popescu kinda how i recall it eyah
12:13 BingoBoingo They area I'm in Pocitos/Buceo barrios were resort towns until the city swallowed them. Most of the other Barrios came into the city similarly as encampments and villages that the city just kind of grew into. Reading into the history here it was a sparsely populated country of men until the 1880's. Then the Italians came.
12:13 BingoBoingo And 50,000 people turns into 1,000,000 plus and "Where my country gone"
12:15 deedbot << Qntra - Theft Today: Djibouti Breaks Contract Seizes Private Port
12:15 mircea_popescu heh
12:16 mircea_popescu apparently "private port" w/o private army worth about as much as community college degree.
12:18 BingoBoingo 1800's South America has some truly lulzy history. Buenos Aires and Brasilero Empire agree to make Uruguay as a buffer state. Proceed to beat up on Uruguay for a decade. Buenos Aires, Brasilero empire, and Uruguay make peace by going up river and beating Paraguay into pretribal Apocalypse.
12:19 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Well, that free chikkken!
12:27 BingoBoingo In other history, whatever happened to MNW
12:27 a111 Logged on 2013-01-17 00:26 mircea_popescu: "I've survived entirely on bitcoin for a whole year. "
12:27 mircea_popescu ~nothing.
12:35 BingoBoingo Seems to be the case with a lotta 2013 names
~ 15 minutes ~
12:50 phf << that's the idea, but __attribute__ is a gcc specific feature. i'd like to have a catalog of such extension because i noticed there's few more here and there
12:50 a111 Logged on 2018-02-24 15:22 mircea_popescu: seems rather the right approach neh ?
12:56 deedbot << PizzaroISP - Gear for hire, March 2018
12:59 ben_vulpes << makes sense, i just published the gear Pizarro has for hire immediately. i can either lease you that box *or* a vps on it :\ immediately, but i'll also be running more boxes down in the near future
12:59 a111 Logged on 2018-02-23 15:34 mircea_popescu: also ben_vulpes : the thinking over at is that we want a dedicated box for teh server plus a vps for holding the website and such things, so we don't have to eat the whole apache overload on the game server.
~ 26 minutes ~
13:26 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes so did you disable the me engine ? or "could be but hasn't been" ?
13:26 mircea_popescu also, wasn't specifically a proposal ; was just an example, to get that ball rolling already.
13:26 mircea_popescu !~ticker --market all
13:26 jhvh1 mircea_popescu: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 9712.88, vol: 13363.78940680 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 9701.0, vol: 54104.34019513 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 9729.6, vol: 9242.84054869 | Volume-weighted last average: 9706.5156004
13:27 mircea_popescu !~calc 9706 * (0.014 + 0.048)
13:27 jhvh1 mircea_popescu: 9706 * (0.014 + 0.048) = 601.772
13:28 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: talking about the mb/cpu combo in the abstract, imma nuke it on this machine for certainsure; will update post
13:28 mircea_popescu maybe a little on teh expensive side, but, let's not be splitting hairs.
13:28 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes consider it sold ; where do i pay ? send diana teh login details.
13:29 ben_vulpes you wanna pay for a year of hardware up front and invoices for rack space as they come due?
13:29 mircea_popescu do i still have to pay 2x the cost if i pay for the year upfront ?
13:30 mircea_popescu ie, i'm willing to either buy the machine or rent it ; but pick one.
13:31 ben_vulpes "buy" in the sense of the amortization thread with davout from ?
13:32 ben_vulpes eg yours for the year but not purchasing the machine?
13:32 mircea_popescu mno. if you rent it out for 2x what it costs to buy it over a year, then if i pay for the whole year i'm basically spending the same money as if buying the machine, but not actually buying it. this is a bum deal. i'm willing to rent it (ie, monthly) or buy it (ie, own it), but i'm not willing to eat the downside of both approaches.
13:39 ben_vulpes i can give you a pretty steep discount for paying the year up front, but because i'm building out the downline i want to keep the box on the balance sheet. how about a 20% markup on the machine if you pay for the whole year?
13:41 mircea_popescu so what's the deal here : i pay for a year, at the price of 0.048xxx * 12 / 2 * 1.2 ; at the end of the year i don't own the machine ; but if it breaks down during the year you replace it free of charge to me ?
13:45 BingoBoingo AHA, the wonderful world of retail "rent to own contracts" has opened up. ben_vulpes how long do you plan to keep boxes on the balance sheet?
13:45 ben_vulpes BingoBoingo: one year
13:49 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: 0.2881443 * 1.2 = .34577317 , and yes you'll have a spare
13:50 ben_vulpes although perhaps i gotta sell it to you as i won't have a spare to fulfill that promise until the next run.
13:51 mircea_popescu check you out, making money selling hardware insurance. easy $$$ when you know what you're doing.
13:51 mircea_popescu aite, where do i send it ?
13:53 ben_vulpes !!invoice mircea_popescu 0.345773172 one year of
13:53 deedbot Get your OTP:
13:54 mircea_popescu well also a month of rack
13:54 mircea_popescu o wait, another point : i want 2 fgs into this thing. you dun have fgs do you ?
13:54 ben_vulpes how about we wait until it's online, i'll take your handshake until then
13:54 mircea_popescu sure.
13:55 ben_vulpes all the fg sitting here are spoken for; did mod6 ever get a quote for the ten or so i wanted?
13:55 mircea_popescu not yet. asciilifeform we gotta get a quote to these folk, what do you figure ?
13:56 ben_vulpes aight, get me a quote. gonna head out for a run
13:57 mircea_popescu word.
14:01 BingoBoingo Is there a cannonical link for this classic somewhere in the archives rather than the toilet?;imode
14:02 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: our last price was 0.0395 ;
14:03 asciilifeform !~ticker --market all
14:03 jhvh1 asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 9605.91, vol: 13517.40635927 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 9569.9, vol: 54815.60952992 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 9595.5, vol: 9426.69958907 | Volume-weighted last average: 9579.2632713
14:03 mircea_popescu ya but i mean...
14:03 mircea_popescu how many do we have left ?
14:03 asciilifeform !~calc 9606 * 0.0395
14:03 jhvh1 asciilifeform: 9606 * 0.0395 = 379.437
14:03 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: current stock here is 43 units.
14:05 * asciilifeform unfortunately has to run, to meatspace; will be back later tonight.
14:05 mircea_popescu aite.
14:14 mod6 I'd also like to buy five for personal use.
14:15 mod6 (Not to be confused with the 10 that Pizarro needs a quote for)
14:23 mod6 !~calc 0.0395 * 5
14:23 jhvh1 mod6: 0.0395 * 5 = 0.1975
14:24 mod6 Can pay mircea_popescu or alf directly, and send shipping info to alf if this is satisfactory. Just let me know what works.
14:24 mircea_popescu mod6 give it a little, we'll come up with soemthing tonight/tomorrow
14:25 mod6 No rush, just wanted to put it out there. :] Thanks!
~ 1 hours 9 minutes ~
15:34 lobbes BingoBoingo: no guarantees on canonical, but there exists some archives of it (mind the dupes):
15:35 BingoBoingo ty lobbes
15:49 ben_vulpes holy shit phf the trackball you mentioned in arrived today and the action on this thing is downright sexual
15:49 a111 Logged on 2017-06-27 05:12 phf: << i've been using that one for a while, with a trackball in the middle. i'm pretty happy with that setup. i've figured out how to get the firmware out of the controller, so i'm hoping to customize some of the keys (that are otherwise useless)
15:50 * ben_vulpes is pleased
15:50 ben_vulpes mouse traversal territory can now be properly and full time reserved for the engineering/tallypad
~ 29 minutes ~
16:20 hanbot <phf> hanbot: and another option is to use this vpatch, unsigned because i'd like to wait till wednesday to roll all the fixes and cuts together << produced executable, tyvm.
16:30 mircea_popescu in other news, michael cera is like the representative of the 2010s ny hipster doofus
16:30 mircea_popescu a sort of dj quals without the cool
16:31 mircea_popescu i never knew dj quals was cool ; fucking sideshow of a sideshow (tom green) in a dubious mainstream teensploitation (road trip)
16:31 mircea_popescu HOWEVER, ulterior decay exposes that yes, he was relatively cool.
16:39 diana_coman <- hmmm, I can see the utility of this and I can see it as something built on top of eucrypt but I'm not totally sure I see a very strong case for including it in eucrypt as such
16:39 a111 Logged on 2018-02-23 14:52 mircea_popescu: speaking of which, what do you think diana_coman should eucrypt also include an elastic hashing algo on top of keccak and serpent ?
16:39 mircea_popescu aite.
16:40 mircea_popescu it's going to get built tho, he'll need a binary tree model, a merkle tree-izer, and an elastic hash-er for sure.
16:40 mircea_popescu but maybe healthier if it's a diff lib.
~ 2 hours 16 minutes ~
18:57 deedbot << Bingo Blog - Conscious Contact And Other Things
~ 1 hours 49 minutes ~
20:46 hanbot phf : patched fix for vdiff produced a genesis for me but complains about 'no newline at end of file' for some 67 files. not clear to me whether i oughta be concerned/what gives.
20:49 hanbot meanwhile, my dad's back on the job market after a ~10 year break, keeps sending scariest want ads he finds. week's winner is "CPA (Confined Space Attendant) - Hole Watch"
20:49 mircea_popescu prison culture, neh. ~only thing still going in teh inmatelands.
← 2018-02-23 | 2018-02-25 →