01:35 |
BingoBoingo |
!!deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/bpnmx/?raw=true |
| |
↖ |
01:35 |
BingoBoingo |
^ pls to let me know if retarded or sane |
| |
~ 46 minutes ~ |
02:21 |
deedbot |
http://trilema.com/2017/il-bestione/ << Trilema - Il bestione |
02:26 |
ben_vulpes |
doesn't seem terribly wacky, BingoBoingo |
02:26 |
ben_vulpes |
pantsuit purge? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2017/10/31/house-financial-services-chairman-jeb-hensarling-announces-he-wont-run-re-election/818337001/ |
| |
~ 3 hours 25 minutes ~ |
05:51 |
BingoBoingo |
ben_vulpes: Ty, how is your thing coming along. Ready to try splitting undersea cable cost in 2021? |
| |
~ 3 hours 21 minutes ~ |
09:13 |
mircea_popescu |
BingoBoingo why not on your blog ? |
| |
↖ |
09:14 |
mircea_popescu |
moreover, it's impossible to read through the wordage. are you saying that you sold bitcoin at 6.05kusd ? |
| |
↖ |
| |
~ 27 minutes ~ |
09:41 |
mircea_popescu |
http://archive.is/R55fd << check it out, peter surda is "saddened" by "the great bitcoin blocksize debate". you know, the march 2017 version of it, that is pre the fucking of bitcvoin crash and post the fucking of usgavin. somewhere in between. |
09:41 |
mircea_popescu |
but THEN the fucktarded imbecile with thoroughly unwarranted delusions of relevancy and independence somehow magically omits to spend the intervening six months sucking the cock of the winning camp. |
09:42 |
mircea_popescu |
because he has this option, in his dumb head, he may pick and choose. and this alternate strategy of "picking winners" in the sense of "i'll only condescend to be defeated if i like the idea, and otherwise pretend nothing happened" totally works! it's a viable alt-strategy that leads straight to personal importance and relevancy!!1 |
09:42 |
mircea_popescu |
fucktards already jesus f. christ. |
| |
~ 17 minutes ~ |
10:00 |
mircea_popescu |
and in other great victories, ethereum-info.de |
| |
↖ |
| |
~ 31 minutes ~ |
10:31 |
asciilifeform |
to pile on the lulz re subj, asciilifeform saw ethertardium adcrapolade on a filterless comp in ro |
10:32 |
asciilifeform |
( what kind of sense this could have made, is question that i will leave to the pro entomologists ) |
10:33 |
mircea_popescu |
what's a filterless comp ? |
10:34 |
asciilifeform |
virginal vm with heathenware |
10:34 |
asciilifeform |
piped via public wifitron |
10:35 |
asciilifeform |
( i.e. not a 'cookiated' or otherwise specifically contaminated item ) |
10:35 |
mircea_popescu |
the entirely of the usg-i-cant-believe-its-not-bitcoin is the orc colonized lands. there, they actually believe the shit they read in bad localized versions of the ny times. |
10:35 |
asciilifeform |
gotta be |
10:35 |
mircea_popescu |
sorta how the survival of the inept imperial bureaucracy was called "the church" in the orclands. |
10:36 |
asciilifeform |
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731660 << i must confess that this did not make proper sense to me. is BingoBoingo's isp exists ? or 'hoped to exist' ? how operated ? none of this is clear from the linked txt |
| |
↖ |
10:36 |
a111 |
Logged on 2017-11-01 05:35 BingoBoingo: !!deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/bpnmx/?raw=true |
10:36 |
mircea_popescu |
rewrite needed. |
10:36 |
asciilifeform |
verily |
10:36 |
mircea_popescu |
also, ima jungle today, might not have the patience to cut up patch for sat dish. |
10:36 |
asciilifeform |
it strikes me as the archetypical 'dividing the skin of an unkilled bear' , BingoBoingo |
| |
↖ |
10:37 |
asciilifeform |
jungle << neato |
10:37 |
asciilifeform |
give my regards to the ocelot. |
10:38 |
mircea_popescu |
dja see teh crocs ? |
10:38 |
asciilifeform |
i did ! but will nitpick, i indeed have stared in the mouth of a living croc |
10:38 |
mircea_popescu |
this is no nitpick! good for you! |
10:38 |
asciilifeform |
wasn't in genuine cocastan tho : we had a travelling exhibit, with plexiglass trailers etc, fiddybux a ticket. |
10:39 |
asciilifeform |
i find it interesting how the apparatus of the crocodilians is mechanically put together |
10:39 |
asciilifeform |
essentially a bear trap made of flesh and bone |
10:40 |
mircea_popescu |
nah. crocodile, notwithstanding is hardly a reptile, more a bird/dinosaur, is actually quite intelligent. |
10:40 |
asciilifeform |
it 'winds' for as long as 20-30sec, before it can be 'sprung'; and during this interval, theoretically a man can hold it closed and prevent the 'spring' from winding, with one hand. but asciilifeform was not permitted into the crocodilarium to verify this truism. |
10:40 |
mircea_popescu |
has cerebral cortex even. did you know it traps birds ? |
10:40 |
asciilifeform |
same as we trap birds ? |
10:40 |
mircea_popescu |
at all points duct tape can keep it shut. the opening muscles are very weak indeed. the closing muscles however... 50kN, like fucking metal press. |
10:40 |
asciilifeform |
it flies in, snaps ? |
10:40 |
mircea_popescu |
asciilifeform nah. |
10:40 |
asciilifeform |
it's exactly a mousetrap aha |
10:41 |
asciilifeform |
but how birds ? |
10:41 |
mircea_popescu |
what it does is htis : 1. it knows when bird nesting season is because 2. this means twigs are scarce so 3. constructs an arrangement of twigs on its nose |
10:41 |
asciilifeform |
this is pretty neat. i had nfi. |
10:42 |
mircea_popescu |
it generally understands animal behaviour. such as times to water and etc. |
10:42 |
asciilifeform |
for a beast that cannot chew -- it gotta |
10:43 |
mircea_popescu |
they actually have a sort of team-chew implemented. |
10:43 |
asciilifeform |
( all he can do, is pull you into the water, and rotate himself like propeller to tear off $chunk ) |
10:44 |
* |
asciilifeform brb, meat |
10:47 |
mod6 |
<+mircea_popescu> also, ima jungle today, might not have the patience to cut up patch for sat dish. << cool! |
| |
~ 32 minutes ~ |
11:19 |
mod6 |
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731672 << haha |
11:19 |
a111 |
Logged on 2017-11-01 14:00 mircea_popescu: and in other great victories, ethereum-info.de |
11:33 |
* |
shinohai imagines satellite tmsr interwebz |
11:34 |
mod6 |
how goes shinohai! |
11:35 |
shinohai |
heya mod6 o7 |
11:35 |
mod6 |
o7 |
11:39 |
asciilifeform |
shinohai: shortwave imho far moar realistic, practical, cheap-and-angry. |
11:48 |
asciilifeform |
( see also http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688405 and elsewhere ) |
11:48 |
a111 |
Logged on 2017-07-21 17:26 mircea_popescu: the scheme DOES for instance require people maintain non-internet connections, and in general : multimedium links. because otherwise the night of no internet means the end of the republic as such. |
| |
~ 18 minutes ~ |
12:07 |
* |
trinque had a ham radio license once upon a time |
| |
↖ |
12:08 |
asciilifeform |
trinque: does 0 good re subj. you're a pirate, yarrrr, right off the bat, because crypto |
12:09 |
trinque |
bother. I suppose I'll walk around reciting hex from a paper, turn my arrest into an art project |
12:11 |
asciilifeform |
either that, or make use of past 100 yrs of tactic re anti-triangulation : e.g. a) radio doesn't live next to your earthly carcass, controlled remotely b) radio is not 1 emitter, but synchronized chorus ( see saddam's jammer thread) c) radio dun look like a radio, but like 'defective' appliance plausibly d ) use imagination |
12:11 |
asciilifeform |
not to mention that it doesn't particularly need to transmit more than a few sec/day. |
12:13 |
asciilifeform |
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-22#1547061 << old thread, with 1 suggested scheme. |
12:13 |
a111 |
Logged on 2016-09-22 14:31 asciilifeform: 1) every old lappy comes with a high-quality DAC fit for shortwave! the vga card. |
12:13 |
trinque |
sure, there was a guy in highschool cruising around in a pirate radio van |
12:14 |
asciilifeform |
wholly different item, and trivially, cheaply quashed with 1930s tech |
12:14 |
asciilifeform |
continuously transmitting loud point source == target. |
12:15 |
trinque |
point's less the efficacy of the approach but rather, loud point source didn't get squashed |
12:15 |
trinque |
small, intermittent, moving one, much better |
12:15 |
asciilifeform |
there was a fly in my house earlier and also didn't get squashed. |
12:16 |
asciilifeform |
but if you set up a tower and start pumping 100kW into it, just about anywhere on planet, folx will show up to ask questions |
12:17 |
asciilifeform |
and unless you have artillery salvo with which to answer these questions, adventure will be short. |
12:21 |
asciilifeform |
asciilifeform finds it more than a little puzzling how little of past 30y of cheap cpu, has been put to use in advancing illicit radio -- where is the dc-to-daylight cryptospreadspectrum pirate ? why idjits still on fixed frequencies, like it were 1930s today ? |
| |
↖ |
12:21 |
asciilifeform |
( it is conceivable that such a thing exists but wholly outside of asciilifeform's light cone, note. ) |
12:26 |
mod6 |
would be interesting ya |
12:36 |
asciilifeform |
ohai mod6 , how goeth |
| |
~ 43 minutes ~ |
13:19 |
asciilifeform |
!!unrate ascii_in_orcland |
13:19 |
deedbot |
Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/nzDXB/?raw=true |
13:20 |
asciilifeform |
!!v 6741FEDC8EACAFF80E5C156AE9E05ECD775BEB3D10998D32901FE6062CD03577 |
13:20 |
deedbot |
asciilifeform unrated ascii_in_orcland. |
| |
↖ |
| |
~ 33 minutes ~ |
13:54 |
BingoBoingo |
Rewrite in works http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731666 << No good reason. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731667 << No, attempting to list the advance as a debt by recreating necessary TMSR accounting out of log fragments http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731682 << Will try not juggling network topology in forebrain when rewriting http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731687 << There will be rug |
| |
↖ |
13:54 |
a111 |
Logged on 2017-11-01 13:13 mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo why not on your blog ? |
13:54 |
a111 |
Logged on 2017-11-01 13:14 mircea_popescu: moreover, it's impossible to read through the wordage. are you saying that you sold bitcoin at 6.05kusd ? |
13:54 |
a111 |
Logged on 2017-11-01 14:36 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731660 << i must confess that this did not make proper sense to me. is BingoBoingo's isp exists ? or 'hoped to exist' ? how operated ? none of this is clear from the linked txt |
13:54 |
a111 |
Logged on 2017-11-01 14:36 asciilifeform: it strikes me as the archetypical 'dividing the skin of an unkilled bear' , BingoBoingo |
13:57 |
BingoBoingo |
<asciilifeform> shinohai: shortwave imho far moar realistic, practical, cheap-and-angry. << Undersea cables for most work, run them between cool kids (China/Chile, etc), keep shortwave because pantsuit process of "What's they point they fall back to shortwave" |
| |
↖ |
13:58 |
BingoBoingo |
<asciilifeform> not to mention that it doesn't particularly need to transmit more than a few sec/day. << Janitorial service, vacuums. Recieve at landromat. |
13:59 |
mod6 |
<+asciilifeform> ohai mod6 , how goeth << good! |
14:05 |
asciilifeform |
!~later tell mircea_popescu http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Vv4dq/?raw=true |
14:05 |
jhvh1 |
asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. |
14:09 |
asciilifeform |
!!up unrate rothbart |
14:09 |
deedbot |
unrate voiced for 30 minutes. |
14:09 |
asciilifeform |
grr |
14:10 |
asciilifeform |
ugh, |
14:10 |
asciilifeform |
!!unrate rothbart |
14:10 |
deedbot |
Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/C7k1a/?raw=true |
14:10 |
asciilifeform |
!!unrate solrodar |
14:10 |
deedbot |
Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/fQTwO/?raw=true |
14:10 |
asciilifeform |
!!unrate doppler |
14:10 |
deedbot |
Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/WNoBK/?raw=true |
14:10 |
asciilifeform |
!!unrate ccmtacks |
14:10 |
deedbot |
Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/UHf88/?raw=true |
14:11 |
asciilifeform |
!!v F5D1A734D8119D46C98B039E1AFF1D011EC5BBAAB472A6BBA7B7048EE0B86442 |
14:11 |
deedbot |
asciilifeform unrated rothbart. |
14:11 |
asciilifeform |
!!v ACF5C1B6429DF3BF7BDACF6ADDA95D9787CB80D1E71F2DD3546FB5AFEDB6790F |
14:11 |
deedbot |
asciilifeform unrated solrodar. |
14:11 |
asciilifeform |
!!v 56BBC2A14639A2DE12462D5A518A48C8BD235F621A02B58A789EE55DC95C9329 |
14:11 |
deedbot |
asciilifeform unrated doppler. |
14:12 |
asciilifeform |
!!v 4556DC5CA62415311E7BA2BBDF43920C5B893B6B6AD95EFFF4E498EF052DC279 |
14:12 |
deedbot |
asciilifeform unrated ccmtacks. |
14:13 |
deedbot |
http://deedbot.org/bundle-492667.txt |
14:17 |
asciilifeform |
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731750 << cables make satellite look cheap and defensible. |
14:17 |
a111 |
Logged on 2017-11-01 17:57 BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> shinohai: shortwave imho far moar realistic, practical, cheap-and-angry. << Undersea cables for most work, run them between cool kids (China/Chile, etc), keep shortwave because pantsuit process of "What's they point they fall back to shortwave" |
14:18 |
asciilifeform |
they are imho an intrinsically usgistic item -- costly, fragile, vulnerable, conspicuous. |
| |
↖ |
14:19 |
asciilifeform |
they're rather like fields of wheat -- practically an invitation for mountain horsemen to come and rape. |
14:31 |
BingoBoingo |
Well, figure they get saved for ability to say Ghandi's trademark line: "Our words are backed by nuclear weapons" |
14:31 |
asciilifeform |
didn't save su cable in sea of japan from 'ivy bells' . |
| |
↖ |
14:32 |
BingoBoingo |
Su was to passive about it, unlike ghandi |
14:32 |
asciilifeform |
or for that matter the current ones from regular nsa-authored 'oopses' |
14:33 |
BingoBoingo |
Other Sue once again, too passive |
14:34 |
asciilifeform |
meanwhile, in the world of 'totally not stolen from #t', https://archive.is/UuRQt |
| |
↖ |
14:34 |
asciilifeform |
'how Bitfinex themselves ran arbitrage with other exchanges, and displayed orders from other exchanges as their own, as if it was their own order book' etc. |
| |
↖ |
14:35 |
BingoBoingo |
two cans one string! |
14:40 |
asciilifeform |
and meanwhile in 'totally not stolen from phuctor!1!' >> https://archive.is/BjqlE . |
14:51 |
davout |
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731786 <<< i don't see any fundamental problem with taking liquidity from somewhere and reselling it in your shop |
14:51 |
a111 |
Logged on 2017-11-01 18:34 asciilifeform: 'how Bitfinex themselves ran arbitrage with other exchanges, and displayed orders from other exchanges as their own, as if it was their own order book' etc. |
| |
~ 19 minutes ~ |
15:11 |
asciilifeform |
davout: no problem with selling items that may or may not exist or have any connection whatsoever to reality ?! |
| |
↖ |
15:11 |
asciilifeform |
and to shelve them right next to actuals. |
| |
↖ |
| |
~ 27 minutes ~ |
15:38 |
BingoBoingo |
!~ticker --market all |
15:38 |
jhvh1 |
BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 6570.1, vol: 11325.72041369 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 6571.5, vol: 53071.51771809 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 6596.0, vol: 4677.10950758 | Volume-weighted last average: 6572.92937542 |
15:42 |
BingoBoingo |
!!up doppler |
15:42 |
deedbot |
doppler voiced for 30 minutes. |
15:42 |
BingoBoingo |
!~bcstats |
15:42 |
jhvh1 |
BingoBoingo: Current Blocks: 492685 | Current Difficulty: 1.452839779145E12 | Next Difficulty At Block: 493919 | Next Difficulty In: 1234 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 1 day, 10 hours, 22 minutes, and 14 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None |
15:43 |
BingoBoingo |
In classic Trilema http://trilema.com/2014/a-useful-list-of-things/ |
15:46 |
doppler |
haha, the last list item is great |
| |
↖ |
15:47 |
BingoBoingo |
And in other SOPs Sopping slop: "Chief Judge Beryl A. Howell of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia had agreed to allow Robert Mueller to use something called the crime-fraud exception to attorney-client privilege to compel testimony from an attorney who formerly represented Paul Manafort and Manaforts onetime employee Rick Gates." |
| |
↖ |
15:47 |
asciilifeform |
in other rolulz, http://www.umcugir.ro/products.html << alive an' well |
15:47 |
asciilifeform |
but natoized . |
| |
~ 31 minutes ~ |
16:19 |
asciilifeform |
http://www.umcugir.ro/Buget-Bilanturi%20contabile.html << public statements, interestingly. |
| |
↖ |
16:19 |
asciilifeform |
went, apparently, into the black, when absorbed into the reich machine. |
| |
↖ |
16:30 |
asciilifeform |
meanwhile in the world of rotaku kitsch, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX9TRiFaS6c |
| |
↖ |
16:31 |
asciilifeform |
^ asciilifeform spotted $subj playing in one of the restaurants in timis |
16:31 |
asciilifeform |
^ approx. a ro-flavoured 'широка страна моя родная'. |
| |
↖ |
16:39 |
asciilifeform |
BingoBoingo: rogue states are all quite alike, whether they use 'crime-fraud exception' or 'soldering iron up yer starfish exception' to 'compel testimony' |
16:43 |
davout |
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731806 <<< /me actually enjoyed :D |
16:43 |
a111 |
Logged on 2017-11-01 20:30 asciilifeform: meanwhile in the world of rotaku kitsch, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX9TRiFaS6c |
16:43 |
asciilifeform |
metoo. |
16:45 |
davout |
not understanding the lyrics might actually help i suspect |
16:45 |
asciilifeform |
it's mebbe 1stgrade level. |
16:45 |
davout |
your "kindergarten-level" claims don't fool anyone |
16:46 |
asciilifeform |
i'll let the actual ro-boriginals settle this one, lol |
| |
↖ |
16:48 |
* |
davout used to listen to stuff like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrEzx-FryfE |
16:52 |
asciilifeform |
such europistan!1!! |
16:54 |
davout |
promised land!!1 |
16:58 |
asciilifeform |
protocol land. |
17:00 |
davout |
another pretty cool one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mKcM-Hbct8 |
17:00 |
davout |
gets actually started after a minute or so |
| |
↖ |
17:07 |
asciilifeform |
meanwhile in timis prime realestate, http://insolventa.ro/vanzari-3/imobiliare/spatii/spatii-depozitare-hale/818-proprietate-imobiliara-buzias |
17:07 |
asciilifeform |
^ BingoBoingo ? |
17:08 |
asciilifeform |
i immediately thought of your desert hotel |
| |
~ 1 hours 33 minutes ~ |
18:42 |
BingoBoingo |
Oh my |
18:42 |
BingoBoingo |
asciilifeform: Someone needs to get some practice doing stucco! |
| |
~ 57 minutes ~ |
19:40 |
mod6 |
jurov: thanks for posting the October report! |
| |
~ 1 hours 51 minutes ~ |
21:31 |
mod6 |
Ladies and Gentlemen of The Most Serene Republic, The Bitcoin Foundation's: State of Bitcoin Address: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2017-November/000277.html |
| |
~ 18 minutes ~ |
21:49 |
shinohai |
ty mod6 ! |
21:54 |
mod6 |
Most welcome. |
21:54 |
mod6 |
How goes tonight? |
21:59 |
shinohai |
Not bad, gonna turn in earl been up since 4 am :/ |
22:00 |
mod6 |
ah, wow. ya, get some rest Sir. |
| |
~ 31 minutes ~ |
22:31 |
lobbes |
while probably elementary to most here, I just discovered that I can send POST requests with curl. One single line! The simple joys of n00bdom. |
| |
↖ |
22:31 |
lobbes |
anywho, that was the piece of the puzzle I needed to solve for this 'stop-gap' archive solution. I'ma start putting these pieces together. Will keep everyone posted |
22:32 |
trinque |
great lobbes |
22:33 |
trinque |
curl can do just about any http-ment you want, manpage is your friend |
22:34 |
lobbes |
powerful tool, I'm finally starting to grok |
22:36 |
lobbes |
ultimately, my plan is that lobbesbot will just store urls to-be-archived in a database. A separate process will do the submitting/downloading of zip to/from archive.is. Whenever a better www-to-zip comes along I can just switch out the later process with it |
22:37 |
doppler |
very handy that it can handle url-encoding, etc. too |
22:40 |
trinque |
lobbes: decoupling sounds wise to me |
22:41 |
trinque |
archiver process breaks, can fix, restart, keep munching on work queue |
| |
↖ |
22:41 |
trinque |
all of deedbot's connected services work in that manner |
22:44 |
lobbes |
I've always admired the 'keep data and code as separate as possible' approach you take trinque. From what I can grok, that is |
22:44 |
lobbes |
makes sense at least |
22:45 |
lobbes |
has been in-line with some meat-world mentors I was blessed to have |
22:46 |
lobbes |
anyways, for the wotpastes specifically, I plan to download and store those myself from the get-go (and NOT route them through archive.is), seeing as those are easily 'flagged' due to the predictable url. To alf's point, even if archive.is stays up, diddling is always a threat. Any bits I can do without it now is +ev imo |
| |
↖ |
22:51 |
mod6 |
<+trinque> curl can do just about any http-ment you want, manpage is your friend << aha |