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← 2016-01-22 | 2016-01-24 →
00:05 mircea_popescu asciilifeform btw, re boxchess, ever showed you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIgwkvM9P1g ?
00:05 assbot S02.Ep19.Mat - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1S0DtAh )
00:15 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382193 << i've yet to meet an electron who thought himself the ceo of the atom in question.
00:15 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 02:43:37; asciilifeform: 'electron moves because allah willed so'
00:20 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382232 << even the simple step of "add flag to trb to dump mempool into file each time a block is found" would be helpful atm.
00:20 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 03:02:42; polarbeard: feed me :3
00:22 mircea_popescu (speaking of which - de-stupidification of the logging process would be a fucking blessing already. debug.log, srsly ? how about error.log mempool.log connect.log blocks.log for starters ?)
00:22 polarbeard ^ agree, also hex logs
00:22 mircea_popescu well, at least sanely tabulated.
00:23 mircea_popescu in any case, then you could start it with -logs=emcb for all 4, or otherwise whatever combo thereof.
00:23 mircea_popescu and for the love of christ implement either rolling or else a maxsize for files or something.
00:23 polarbeard roger
00:24 polarbeard no logrotate love?
00:24 mircea_popescu or that. anything.
00:24 mircea_popescu as it stands right now it's made by sheepherds.
00:25 polarbeard it's a miracle it works
00:28 mircea_popescu ah, and also - fucking timestamps on loglines omfg.
00:28 mircea_popescu who did that!
00:29 mircea_popescu "here's a logline. it's from fuck you o'clock. you're welcome."
00:29 ben_vulpes fuck you o'clock lol
00:29 ben_vulpes didn't phf do something with timestamps?
00:30 polarbeard haha, 'just derive it from block height man'
00:30 mircea_popescu it doesn't even dump that, which would be insane but at least it'd be insane.
00:30 ben_vulpes polarbeard: good idea except that syncing reference implementations to the best of my knowledge don't know the current blockheight
00:31 polarbeard /ironic off :)
00:32 polarbeard I'd be happy with unix_time space hex_message sent_or_received_bit
00:32 ben_vulpes the log history that you're missing is that blockheight is the only non usg-shared time.
00:33 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes it could always curl deedbot.org for the latest.
00:33 ben_vulpes yes let's compile libcurl into the reference implementation
00:33 mircea_popescu after all... we have fucking json in there for reasons!
00:33 ben_vulpes i'm sure polarbeard can get on that train
00:33 ben_vulpes choo choo!
00:33 polarbeard moar deps
00:34 ben_vulpes #nodeps
00:34 mircea_popescu lol aren't you a bucket fulla sunshine.
00:34 ben_vulpes writing software fills a boy with hate.
00:34 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: what was the calculation you ran to determine the hashpower necessary to nail a block more or less every 24 hours?
00:35 mircea_popescu #noderps #nodeps #nodes
00:35 ben_vulpes #definitelynofuckinnode
00:35 mircea_popescu that there's 6 blocks an hour and 24 hours in 24 hours ?
00:36 ben_vulpes so one'd need ~ 1/144th of nethash?
00:36 mircea_popescu well, yes, if one's tolerant with the variance
00:36 ben_vulpes sure
00:36 mircea_popescu as you divide, variance divides by less.
00:36 ben_vulpes ;;nethash
00:36 gribble 892506470.131
00:36 polarbeard blocks per day = (my_share_rate / difficulty ) x 86400 / block_time
00:37 mircea_popescu still, it comes to about 2MW's worth, more or less.
00:37 polarbeard my_share_rate = hash rate / 2^32
00:38 mircea_popescu polarbeard so basically myhash/nethash * 144.
00:38 ben_vulpes someone missed dimensional analysis in school?
00:39 polarbeard yep, but nethash is not exact I think?
00:39 mircea_popescu neither is 144.
00:40 ben_vulpes approximation is a nifty wunderwaffen.
00:40 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: schooled me rather hard on a good example around c3
00:40 mircea_popescu i could hear you chuckling from here.
00:41 ben_vulpes nethash is a joke is what it is
00:41 mircea_popescu amusingly, the proper measure for nethash actually is PW or somesuch.
00:41 ben_vulpes petawatts?
00:41 mircea_popescu by the time it gets to 50%+1 all these approximations will be a lot less approximative
00:42 mircea_popescu 50 TW, something like that.
00:43 mircea_popescu 50 PW*
00:43 ben_vulpes that has a lot of assumptions on mining chip efficiency boss
00:43 ben_vulpes non?
00:44 mircea_popescu nope. stable situation is where nethash is half the power generation.
00:44 mircea_popescu chips irrespective, be they z80s or whatever startrek
00:44 ben_vulpes but now.
00:44 ben_vulpes not then.
00:45 mircea_popescu universally.
00:46 mircea_popescu "Hypothetically, according to Robert Engelman (Worldwatch institute), in order to prevent collapse, human civilization would have to stop increasing emissions within a decade regardless of the economy or population (2009)."
00:46 ben_vulpes when you say that it comes to 2MW's worth.
00:46 mircea_popescu ahh this shit's always such lulzyu lull.
00:46 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes ah yes, yes.
00:46 mircea_popescu currently we're only burning something to the tune of 30GW
00:46 mircea_popescu which is scandalous, but hey.
00:47 thestringpuller mircea_popescu: 21co tried to make energy friendly chips, now they are trying to pawn them on users as "compooter"
00:47 mircea_popescu ;;calc 3* 10^10 * 24 * 365
00:47 gribble Error: Something in there wasn't a valid number.
00:47 mircea_popescu ;;calc 3* 10**10 * 24 * 365
00:48 gribble 262800000000000
00:48 mircea_popescu https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_electricity_consumption << the esteemed republic is #13, after italy and above most of the world.
00:48 assbot List of countries by electricity consumption - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1ODTasQ )
00:49 mircea_popescu it could light up almost 3000 chads.
00:50 thestringpuller always imagined some d00d with access to nuclear power building a reactor on some island and using all the power for mining
00:52 ben_vulpes did anyone ever run the numbers on what it would naively cost to lease the hashpower required to mint a block a day?
00:53 ben_vulpes ;;help nethash
00:53 gribble (nethash takes no arguments) -- Shows the current estimate for total network hash rate, in Ghps.
00:53 mircea_popescu maybe 1% of the cost of a block, a day ?
00:53 mircea_popescu of the subsidy of a block*
00:54 mircea_popescu very simple mechanism to ACTUALLY improve your insurance : make a pool which pays 25.25 btc for the first block it finds each day.
00:54 mircea_popescu this is a very neat way to solve an otherwise very thorny economical problem, and it will figure prominently in the future.
00:55 mircea_popescu miners will not only optimize txn to include in blocks per se, but also "whose pool to mine nao at"
00:55 ben_vulpes so what's the lowdown on the various pool payout maths?
00:55 mircea_popescu what do you mean ?
00:55 ben_vulpes every time i look into pool payout schemes my eyes glaze over and my fraud alert systems kick in.
00:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35017 @ 0.000556 = 19.4695 BTC [-] {2}
00:56 mircea_popescu there's 3 or 4 principal ways to do it, 2 or 3 of which are very slight variation on the same theme.
00:56 mircea_popescu it's a complex topic but no, they're not fraudulent.
00:56 mircea_popescu arrived at through a lot of experimental as well as theoretical effort.
00:56 ben_vulpes has anyone written this up anywhere?
00:56 mircea_popescu well... miners.
00:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81283 @ 0.00055562 = 45.1625 BTC [-] {3}
00:56 mircea_popescu worth your time to research it for your own sharpening, it's all pretty clever.
00:57 ben_vulpes myeah
00:57 ben_vulpes perhaps i'll do that while i install os x on this laptop for the umpteenth time
00:57 ben_vulpes fucking operating systems
00:57 mircea_popescu should take about a week.
00:57 mircea_popescu depends how hard you push the "but why!" pedal.
00:57 mircea_popescu lotta history.
00:59 ben_vulpes man imma have to learn chinese at this rate
01:00 ben_vulpes ideograms, man.
01:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35000 @ 0.00055963 = 19.5871 BTC [+] {2}
01:06 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: and i'm going to guess most of this history is on bitcointalk.org
01:17 mats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5R9SZM2jaE
01:17 assbot Ukrainian Armor (The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1ODX1WS )
01:22 ben_vulpes mats: badass
01:23 ben_vulpes tis the age of the cmos
01:26 mats the autoloader is cool
01:27 mats for some reason the abrams doesn't have it
~ 2 hours 13 minutes ~
03:40 punkman bon dia
03:40 punkman https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/23/a1/38/23a138d0e5eeb772813bb196e4c5f31c.jpg
03:40 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1PoZ98p )
03:40 punkman ^ dirigible
03:52 punkman http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382541 especially the earlier history, yes. possibly a good place to start: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=14118;sa=showPosts;start=6160
03:52 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 06:06:51; ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: and i'm going to guess most of this history is on bitcointalk.org
03:52 assbot Latest posts of: organofcorti ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pp0g8b )
03:54 punkman ;;diffchange
03:54 gribble Estimated percent change in difficulty this period | None % based on data since last change | 10.264 % based on data for last three days
03:55 punkman https://megabigpower.com/buybackinfo
03:55 assbot MegaBigPower :: Info ... ( http://bit.ly/1PKOWNY )
03:55 punkman "pleased to announce our ASIC BuyBack Program"
03:57 punkman https://hedgy.co/mining.html "Buy Bitcoin Direct from MegaBigPower at a Discount on a Future Date. Auctions Occur Once Per Month."
03:59 punkman "It has been quite a while since any new hardware became available, it is reasonable to assume that most small miners will have recouped the majority of what they initially outlaid for the hardware, and are now disinclined to continue ‘supporting the network’, whilst incurring unnecessary cost. So: MegaBigPowers ‘land-grab’, to acquire all this idle hashing power seems like a smart move. As,
03:59 punkman once the next price run up begins, there will be a frantic scrabble to re-power all the mothballed rigs lying around."
04:00 punkman from http://blockchainstuff.eu/thoughts-on-the-current-state-of-bitcoin-mining/
04:00 assbot Thoughts on the current state of Bitcoin mining | Blockchain Stuff ... ( http://bit.ly/1PKP93J )
04:01 punkman "Bitfury recently announced their 28nm, 0.2 J/Gh offering (with some impressive efficiencies claimed) but have declined to inform us when they will be available, either-ways they do not sell to the public anymore. They also alluded to a 16nm chip with efficiencies as low as 0.02 due out later this year."
04:01 punkman "KNC are in a similar holding pattern, awaiting production of their 16nm ‘Solar’ chip, with astonishing claims of 0.07 J/Gh,  They no longer sell to the public either."
04:03 kakobrekla they sold until it was garbage, now that further decreasement in process size are hardly possible, they hold
04:03 punkman oooh just noticed "March 2015"
04:05 kakobrekla basically folks have been used as sort of catalyst for the reaction of them getting 16nm or so and are now no longer needed
04:06 punkman hmm
04:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50750 @ 0.00055964 = 28.4017 BTC [+]
04:10 ben_vulpes http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382516 << perhaps i am up too late, but i cannot make heads nor tails of this
04:10 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 05:53:27; mircea_popescu: maybe 1% of the cost of a block, a day ?
04:14 punkman ben_vulpes: 1% extra
04:18 punkman https://github.com/nothings/stb/blob/master/docs/other_libs.md "single-file public-domain/open source C libraries with minimal dependencies"
04:18 assbot stb/other_libs.md at master · nothings/stb · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pp2TXI )
04:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36700 @ 0.00055964 = 20.5388 BTC [+]
04:24 ben_vulpes ah?
04:39 BingoBoingo http://tweetnacl.cr.yp.to/software.html
~ 1 hours 15 minutes ~
05:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53000 @ 0.00055964 = 29.6609 BTC [+]
~ 27 minutes ~
06:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51500 @ 0.00056057 = 28.8694 BTC [+] {3}
~ 38 minutes ~
07:00 shinohai Height 394621 \o/
07:01 * shinohai pops cork on muscadine wine even though it is 7 a.m.
~ 42 minutes ~
07:43 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30800 @ 0.00055961 = 17.236 BTC [-]
~ 48 minutes ~
08:31 Azelphur ;;rate RagnarDanneskjol -10 3 months of unpaid salary, will remove rating if payment ever arrives.
08:31 gribble Error: For identification purposes, you must be authenticated to use the rating system.
08:32 Azelphur ;;rate RagnarDanneskjol -10 3 months of unpaid salary, will remove rating if payment ever arrives.
08:32 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of -10 for user RagnarDanneskjol has been recorded.
08:33 * Azelphur sighs
08:38 Azelphur Was really unsure whether to place that one (badmouthing former employer and all) but figured he'll probably look here for someone to replace me, and other people might not be so financially secure as I am.
08:43 punkman told me he needed some contract work 3 months ago, but didn't follow through
08:44 punkman ;;seen RagnarDanneskjol
08:44 gribble RagnarDanneskjol was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 44 weeks, 0 days, 2 hours, 50 minutes, and 19 seconds ago: <RagnarDanneskjol> trinque - i am occasionally using the nick for continued development on punks ver. if anyone here's partial to the name I can pass it over. Wow that xm42
08:45 Azelphur punkman, yea for me I did the work, he just keeps saying he will pay and continues to delay / make excuses
08:45 Azelphur he said he;
08:46 Azelphur whoops, he said he'd pay me an installment of £1000ish on Monday, then said it was a bank holiday and that he would send it out Tuesday, ignored me till yesterday where he claimed he had sent it out, but honestly he has said it's sent so many times and it didn't arrive I don't trust it any more
08:48 punkman yeah that's not very good
08:48 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382541 << yea, actually, the one thing bitcointalk is a source for is miner stuff. they never got any other venue , well noit publicly anyway
08:48 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 06:06:51; ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: and i'm going to guess most of this history is on bitcointalk.org
08:48 Azelphur Indeed it's not, had no money over christmas. His misinformation has cost me money too
08:49 mircea_popescu o.O
08:50 mircea_popescu that didn't work out so well did it
08:50 Azelphur apparently not, no
08:50 Azelphur was great up until the whole not paying me thing
08:50 punkman you were working with him for a while though, right?
08:50 Azelphur punkman, yea, I started with him last October iirc
08:51 Azelphur ie, October 2014
08:51 mircea_popescu kakobrekla http://trilema.com/2016/bitbet-sbbet-december-2015-statement/#comment-116281 << anything to this ?
08:51 assbot BitBet (S.BBET) December 2015 Statement on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ppwpwi )
08:52 punkman mircea_popescu: yeah I get a new cert on bitbet, issued 2016/01/21
08:53 mircea_popescu ah kk.
08:53 mircea_popescu thing ended up in spam, possibly because of the link
08:54 Azelphur but yea, officially looking for new work now. Hopefully it's a good move and I'll get paid a little more (and at all :P)
09:00 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382551 << ahaha no that's a balloon. dirigible is oval not buttshaped.
09:00 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 08:40:37; punkman: ^ dirigible
09:01 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382554 << he also had a blog which was pretty good.
09:01 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 08:52:39; assbot: Latest posts of: organofcorti ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pp0g8b )
09:01 mircea_popescu iirc the dude hated me for some reason.
09:02 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382567 << well, actually, they sold back when they had to take the poisoned dollars of the masses, a few bucks at a time. once they n olonger need that, they don't. who eats garbage if they can help it.
09:02 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 09:03:04; kakobrekla: they sold until it was garbage, now that further decreasement in process size are hardly possible, they hold
09:03 mircea_popescu Azelphur notsure why you're not using the assbot wot anyway.
09:04 Azelphur mircea_popescu, haven't been around much recently so haven't familiarised myself with it
09:04 mircea_popescu ah
09:05 mircea_popescu anyway, there was a bank holiday on monday. in the us. some black speechmaker dude
09:06 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382242 << tell a bit about the concentrated thing
09:06 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 03:32:24; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382094 << you deeply misunderstand what "investor grade" means in this context. the point is that he is RARE. you understand this ? the fundamental property of capital control in any functioning society without exception possible is that it must be concentrated.
09:06 Azelphur mircea_popescu, yea I know, dude is very good at excuses, as I say it has been 3 months, and even if he has sent a bank transfer it's still only for a small percentage of total owed
09:06 asciilifeform is it the '1024 chickens' idea ?
09:06 mircea_popescu nope. it's the "brain resides in skullbox not spread out throughout cells like mitochondria".
09:07 asciilifeform same thing, no ?
09:07 mircea_popescu i guess it can be viewed so, yeah. ok.
09:07 asciilifeform i'm trying to grasp how it isn't an argument for gosplan tho
09:07 mircea_popescu the problem here is that both ox and chickens are separate from the thing they pull.
09:07 mircea_popescu ah, this IS an argument for gosplan. the only one.
09:07 Azelphur if it was just missed payment by a few days I'd be cool with it, heck I was fine with it up until about 2 weeks late, stopped working when it was a month late, and public -10 has only happened after 3 months late
09:07 mircea_popescu nevertheless, the argument against gosplan is that "fuck you".
09:08 mircea_popescu while you personally may not be inclined, i am, and without me it dies.
09:08 mircea_popescu Azelphur i c.
09:08 Azelphur started to get really annoyed when I had the choice of taking money out of my cold wallet or taking a loan from my parents to make rent over christmas - not cool :/
09:09 asciilifeform so mircea_popescu doesn't have an argument against gosplan ?! other than not liking the colour & shape on purely aesthetic grounds?
09:09 mircea_popescu the argument against gosplan is exactly the argument against "hi guise i am ceo".
09:09 mircea_popescu "who the fuck are you ?"
09:09 Azelphur I feel bad -10ing him though, I like to work things out with people and it just sucks that he's not meeting his obligations or even being reasonable really
09:10 mircea_popescu which is why all the red square nuclear bomb displays and etc. obligate pompousness.
09:10 asciilifeform lucky we are that 'hi guise im ceo' has no army and no navy.
09:10 mircea_popescu it's a forced mistake.
09:10 mircea_popescu quite.
09:10 asciilifeform (except when he does, e.g., obamitler)
09:10 mircea_popescu problem being, they don't actually help, just serve to alienate me further.
09:11 asciilifeform only because the beast is immunocompromised
09:11 mircea_popescu mno.
09:11 mircea_popescu i am immune to it, it depends on me. this creates a certain situation of power in the field.
09:12 asciilifeform depends how ?
09:12 mircea_popescu anyway, in the expression of the castrated subhumans that nevertheless are intelligent enough to notice the problem, this is usually called the "knowledge problem", ie poor state can't acquire and process enough information to make a reasonable gosplan.
09:12 mircea_popescu nevertheless, this is a flattering if incorrect representation. like saying "unfortunately whale did not have enough evolution mojo to grow wings". yeasure.
09:13 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i have no idea how to formulate this better than to refer you to the (oft mentioned, by me) worms dispute.
09:13 mircea_popescu king can not invest by staff. he doesn't have a staff to give.
09:18 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: modern usg is going for 'eastern despot' caesaropapism.
09:18 mircea_popescu which is why they keep inventing academic honors for the emperor. they work admirably, don't they.
09:19 asciilifeform hey it worked for the 5000yr egyptianreich!
09:19 mircea_popescu not so.
09:19 mircea_popescu your idea that "5000 yr egyptianreich" is not unlike a 1900s victorian idea that "5000 yr chinareich". wut ?
09:19 mircea_popescu they had more dynasties than americans had sexual partners.
09:19 asciilifeform point^
09:21 mircea_popescu ironically, the people who could be caesar ie emperor and pontifex max uniformly do not wish to be, so much so it's almost a heuristic.
09:22 mircea_popescu and they do not wish to be not because they somehow give a shit about brutus and brutish jealousies.
09:22 mircea_popescu but, at this juncture, augustus' memoirs are recomended re-read. might explain the vecchio rotinculo much closer than before.
09:24 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382542 << ukrs are apparently really good at shooting into 1) air 2) earth 3) defenceless farm houses. who'dhaveknown.
09:24 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 06:17:35; mats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5R9SZM2jaE
09:25 asciilifeform spiffy firewurx.
09:25 asciilifeform and wake me up when they ~make~ a tank.
09:25 mircea_popescu aww why the haet!
09:26 mircea_popescu dja know that the AVERAGE ammo expenditure per enemy killed is in the 2mn range by now ?
09:26 mircea_popescu people keep mocking hollywood marksmanship. mostly because they've never been in a warzone.
09:26 asciilifeform well also because did not go to kindergarten, never learned concept of suppressive fire
09:28 mircea_popescu seeing how it's about 2kj per bullet, we find that each enemy combatant takes ~1MWh in bullets only!
09:29 mircea_popescu and that's on the modest 39mm. pretty much a thing of the past, everyone doing 51 now amirite. so 2x that.
09:30 * asciilifeform was very very confused until realized that mircea_popescu is counting the ~length~ of the shell !
09:31 mircea_popescu well yes. 39 is the old ak/sks russian thing. nato has a bigger one.
09:31 asciilifeform today as in '70s the man-portable small arms fire the 'intermediate' things and the squad guns - the 1890s longer one.
09:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 101766 @ 0.00055833 = 56.819 BTC [-] {3}
09:33 mircea_popescu well, depends. the large nato round is really like the hunting .308
09:34 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: http://s242.photobucket.com/user/Akalvarez_2007/media/PANA0003.jpg.html << sov-new (ak74), nato-new (m16), sov-old (ak47), nato-old-fullsize, sov-old-fullsize (mosin, and all ru squad guns, 1890s round)
09:34 assbot Ammo Side By Side Photo by Akalvarez_2007 | Photobucket ... ( http://bit.ly/1KwjWQb )
09:35 mircea_popescu aha
09:36 asciilifeform notice the very archaic flanged shell and rimmed bottom on the last
09:36 mircea_popescu yeah lol.
09:36 mircea_popescu century old bullet!
09:36 asciilifeform oldest rifle cartridge still in mass use.
09:36 asciilifeform more than century.
09:37 * asciilifeform played with a bag of empty shells of those, as a boy
09:43 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382439 << i thought we had this ?
09:43 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 05:23:47; mircea_popescu: and for the love of christ implement either rolling or else a maxsize for files or something.
09:44 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382433 << all i really want presently is to dump mempool. and to have some means of removing ANYTHING whatsoever from it. because if we had this, we COULD semispace-garbagecollect.
09:44 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 05:20:23; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382232 << even the simple step of "add flag to trb to dump mempool into file each time a block is found" would be helpful atm.
09:44 asciilifeform (add what belongs in the pool to a new pool, then nuke what remains. also defrags...)
09:45 mircea_popescu asciilifeform let the guy do something useful wouldja. step at a time.
09:45 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382456 << ick
09:45 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 05:33:08; mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes it could always curl deedbot.org for the latest.
09:45 mircea_popescu and drink humour vitamins!
09:45 asciilifeform l0lzamins
09:46 mircea_popescu very fucking hard making jokes about bitcoin codebase, seeing the state it's in.
09:46 asciilifeform 'who has been in the army, does not laugh in the circus' (tm) (r) (su)
09:46 mircea_popescu like fucking pagliacci over here, just turns to sad.
09:46 mircea_popescu ahahaha quite.
09:47 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382549 << this looks disturbingly like BingoBoingo's material
09:47 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 08:40:14; punkman: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/23/a1/38/23a138d0e5eeb772813bb196e4c5f31c.jpg
09:48 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382561 << this seems like a deviously clever notion until you recall that most of the asic miners were - quite likely deliberately - not built to last
09:48 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 08:59:13; punkman: "It has been quite a while since any new hardware became available, it is reasonable to assume that most small miners will have recouped the majority of what they initially outlaid for the hardware, and are now disinclined to continue ‘supporting the network’, whilst incurring unnecessary cost. So: MegaBigPowers ‘land-grab’, to acquire all this idle hashing power seems like a smart move. As,
09:48 mircea_popescu http://36.media.tumblr.com/06e1a4f30719f22ffe8bd2f8abe73b1b/tumblr_nd32f8rOuT1rqs8dwo1_1280.jpg << in other news, never trust a man with a garage.
09:48 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1KwkTrB )
09:49 asciilifeform (they never got the wear circuits to behave plausibly like a real-life bathtub curve, either. so the things would routinely ship with varying number of working hash cores, etc)
09:49 mircea_popescu iirc the overall "delivered asic, all cores working" was in the <5% zone.
09:49 asciilifeform aha.
09:50 asciilifeform i've always wanted to do a bit of microscopy on those, see if there was a set of magicks for re-enabling the 'accidented' cores
09:50 kakobrekla deliberately? imo overlyconfident.
09:51 asciilifeform kakobrekla: the whole racket stood on a solid column of chump, and was designed around such
09:51 mircea_popescu more or less. really, esp early on, it was just blindly flailing.
09:51 kakobrekla they didnt have the time to make anything past "this will prolly work"
09:51 mircea_popescu easy to reinterpret what memory salvaged of the midden of history, but if you were there and saw the missing 95% from that story...
09:52 asciilifeform kakobrekla: if this were so, there would have been many asic co. sunk by a taped out dud
09:52 asciilifeform afaik there were none.
09:52 mircea_popescu and so there were.
09:52 mircea_popescu ahahaha don't kid, you make my heart jump so.
09:52 asciilifeform but i - obviously - wasn't there.
09:52 asciilifeform nor wanted to be.
09:53 mircea_popescu of the people who scammed their "investors, at least half, to two thirds, were scammed in turn, by their "providers".
09:53 kakobrekla i did say probably, not possibly.
09:53 asciilifeform yes but any public intel suggesting a taped-out total dud ?
09:53 asciilifeform or just 'took the money & ran'
09:53 mircea_popescu asicminer had a fully blown up run. so did bfl, twice iirc.
09:53 mircea_popescu so did many others.
09:53 mircea_popescu there were, up until early 2013 or so, more dead runs than live.
09:54 asciilifeform i am specificially thinking of ~ic~ rather than ~board~
09:54 asciilifeform i remember very well the smoking ~boards~
09:54 mircea_popescu pre-packaged chips.
09:54 kakobrekla afaik there were 'duds' i dont recall specifics from top of the head
09:55 asciilifeform then yes.
09:55 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382579 << this is a mega-l0l, worth reading! turns out, one day they decided to play 'obfuscated c contest' at ft meade
09:55 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 09:39:27; BingoBoingo: http://tweetnacl.cr.yp.to/software.html
09:55 mircea_popescu actually a proper history of early mining would be a most respectable endeavour for a serious, diligent historian at this point.
09:55 asciilifeform (srsly who the FUCK uses 'salsa' etc)
09:55 mircea_popescu of course they're busy fucking around doing nothing much. but hey, gosplan!
10:01 punkman I'd like to contribute more debug-related patches, could maybe split the gui-snip stuff from debug_sanity patch, and start over.
10:02 punkman does asciilifeform like anything from djb?
10:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68950 @ 0.00056063 = 38.6554 BTC [+] {2}
10:11 punkman https://github.com/SergiusTheBest/plog interesting logging library, less than 1kloc, includes simple log rotation
10:11 assbot GitHub - SergiusTheBest/plog: Portable and simple C++ logging library ... ( http://bit.ly/1KwmNbS )
~ 20 minutes ~
10:32 asciilifeform punkman: quite a few things
10:34 mircea_popescu punkman start over, how you mean ?
10:35 asciilifeform punkman: i'm a fan of the man's cryptoanalytic work. but the sv-popularity of his cipher primitives is concerning
10:35 asciilifeform problem is that one doesn't get to 'make a name' in academe as 'cryptographer' by pushing rsa.
10:36 asciilifeform just like you don't become a famous small arms designer by refining the kalash
10:36 asciilifeform even if ~that would be the Right Thing~
10:36 asciilifeform so he's stuck with the ecc gargle.
10:37 asciilifeform and with devising block ciphers, which is very easy to 'do'
10:38 asciilifeform !s from:mircea_popescu originality
10:38 assbot 6 results for 'from:mircea_popescu originality' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=from%3Amircea_popescu+originality
10:38 asciilifeform ^see also
10:39 mircea_popescu djb = bernstein ?
10:39 asciilifeform right
10:39 mircea_popescu guy's brilliant, hard to argue with that. but yes, seems he's being slowly ground to paste by "teh system"
10:40 asciilifeform one way to look at it is that he isn't much more of a 'free man' than, e.g., i am
10:40 mircea_popescu asciilifeform actually may want to write him a letter, iirc he was also all about fits in head but arrived there on slightly different path
10:41 asciilifeform in that he has to work on certain flavours of shit icecream, in order to eat
10:41 mircea_popescu didn't he end up basically rewriting sendmail because sendmail sucked ?
10:41 asciilifeform aha
10:42 punkman mircea_popescu: start over, meaning make a new debug_sanity patch with more improvements (and without the gui snipping parts bundled together)
10:43 mircea_popescu this with a view to better semantics, or with a view to reinstate gui ?
10:43 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: my original thumbs-down for his patch was on account of bundling multiple-unlikes
10:43 mircea_popescu it does carry water.
10:44 asciilifeform the vestigial wx crapolade needs to go
10:44 asciilifeform but ~in own patch~
10:44 asciilifeform this makes it considerably easier to evaluate every path
10:44 asciilifeform *patch
10:44 mircea_popescu yeah.
10:44 punkman both gui-snip and debug-sanity are gonna touch a lot of files though, and I would prefer to do this once
10:44 asciilifeform 'does this do X and ONLY X'
10:44 asciilifeform punkman: this is very much the wrong idea
10:44 asciilifeform we aren't trying to minimize patch-line-counts AS SUCH
10:44 mircea_popescu punkman certainly a worthy attempt, even if mod6 prolly won't be able to put it in current release.
10:45 mircea_popescu asciilifeform well yes, but not what he said.
10:45 mircea_popescu what i took it to mean was that if he's gonna load his head with shit, would rather do two things than one and reload
10:45 asciilifeform ok to make the two patches in one sitting
10:45 asciilifeform but they gotta be separate.
10:46 mircea_popescu that small logger thing actually looks pretty good
10:46 mircea_popescu to my documentedly noobish eye.
10:46 punkman can do the gui-snip thing first, work is already done
10:46 mircea_popescu incidentally, why the fuck does bitcoin have json support ? do we actually want this ?
10:47 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: it is still there because that is how the rpc thing works
10:47 mircea_popescu yes but fuck that, we have a protocol that then imports json ?
10:47 punkman need to have a format for api output anyway right?
10:47 asciilifeform i very dearly wanted to rip it out, but then all the robotics folks are presently 'come to expect' will have to be scrapped.
10:47 mircea_popescu this strikes me as the same fundamental insanity of "we'll replace bdb with leveldb in the sense that WE KEEP BOTH!!1".
10:47 asciilifeform if you recall, i wanted to replace it with unix signals.
10:47 asciilifeform or at the worst, a simple telnet-type protocol
10:47 mircea_popescu i do but i don't recall why i wasn't so hot about that.
10:48 asciilifeform because it sux
10:48 asciilifeform but unix doesn't give us a rpc-thing that doesn't suck
10:48 mircea_popescu yes because it sucks lol. if you're happy with that much.
10:48 punkman standard format would be nicer than new invention
10:48 mircea_popescu punkman only if "standard format" doesn't expand at pre-compile time into "here's a debalanced tree of 547657698 "standards""
10:48 asciilifeform punkman: when the standard does not fit-in-head and yields 200kB of heathen code - it can go die
10:49 mircea_popescu it is ipso definitio not a standard.
10:49 punkman there are some tiny json libraries
10:49 mircea_popescu just a glorified mess.
10:49 mircea_popescu the implementation is not the standard.
10:49 asciilifeform punkman: any written by wot men?
10:49 punkman no
10:49 mircea_popescu even before wot issue considered : there's two branches to corectness.
10:49 mircea_popescu one is code, the other standard. it helps me nothing that you've made one small if this makes the other huge.
10:50 asciilifeform sorta what i meant in earlier thread, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=21-01-2016#1380326
10:50 assbot Logged on 21-01-2016 22:16:42; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-01-2016#1380266 << yes! and you can almost ~define~ 'sane system' this way. with the caveat that it can't be a non-orthogonal fudge like a program consisting of one line 'start_bitcoind()' nor anything in that spirit. ORTHOGONAL operators.
10:50 mircea_popescu i guess so.
10:50 asciilifeform ~genuine~ reduction in complexity specifically excludes shenanigans where it is 'swept under the rug' and hidden somewhere else
10:54 punkman well, something for the foundation to decide, whether json is to be kept or replaced with something else
10:54 asciilifeform it is intrinsically retarded
10:55 asciilifeform and the logical replacement is sexpr.
10:55 asciilifeform which is 'standard' that fits in ONE MOTHERFUCKING PARAGRAPH
10:55 asciilifeform and correctly implementable by a stray dog
10:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 88000 @ 0.00056176 = 49.4349 BTC [+] {5}
10:56 punkman so if I talk to to bitcoind with python I get sexpr in ascii or otherwise?
10:56 asciilifeform in ascii.
10:57 asciilifeform json is really sexpr but was dropped as a baby
10:57 asciilifeform all sv garbage is of this general flavour, incidentally
10:58 punkman could have both and break compatibility later
10:58 asciilifeform i.e. something built by the hands of ACTUAL people, that WORKED, but taken by jolt-cola-drinking jwz types and 'hacked!111 1333773d' into... what we have
11:00 asciilifeform anyway i did not touch the json thing for the same reason i did not touch the whitespace formatting
11:00 asciilifeform ... because it does not solve any of the dire problems of the era
11:00 asciilifeform 'deck chairs on titanic'
11:02 punkman what is there to do on titanic other than abandon ship?
11:02 asciilifeform the correct model is that there are no other ships.
11:02 asciilifeform and the ocean is made of boiling oil.
11:03 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382747 << ftr i do not like this one bit. WHY ADD 1000 LINES OF ????
11:03 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 15:11:54; punkman: https://github.com/SergiusTheBest/plog interesting logging library, less than 1kloc, includes simple log rotation
11:04 asciilifeform this is how we got prb.
11:04 asciilifeform 'let's add this useful!11111 pheature'
11:06 punkman and if prb had sane logging we wouldn't be having this discussion
11:07 asciilifeform mno.
11:08 asciilifeform it is bad enough that trb has 500 man-year of study baked into it. let's now add a 501st ?
11:08 asciilifeform fuck that.
11:09 asciilifeform ergo replacing, e.g., openssl, with a 1000 line thing THAT CAN BE UNDERSTOOD, is a worthy thing
11:09 asciilifeform adding an ~additional~ turd to the ball of shit, is not.
11:10 asciilifeform removing boost would be a worthy thing. BUT NOT if it multiplies the line count 2x, OR if it entails forcing gcc5 build
11:10 asciilifeform (as discussed in the c++11 thread)
11:11 asciilifeform ~likewise~ any change that increases substantially the number of lines written by non-wot folks, is ipso facto a loss.
11:11 asciilifeform i thought all of this was elementarily obvious.
11:12 asciilifeform with that in mind, YES, the logs need timestamps, or better still, an adjustable format, verbosity levels, etc.
11:12 asciilifeform BUT NOT by adding some derp's 'log library'
11:13 asciilifeform 'let's add the library' is, in mircea_popescu's well-chosen wordz, 'the hole through which the night slides in'
11:14 punkman I didn't even dare suggest adding it of course!
11:21 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 135000 @ 0.00056336 = 76.0536 BTC [+]
11:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47450 @ 0.00056336 = 26.7314 BTC [+]
~ 27 minutes ~
11:57 adlai http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-01-2016#1381103 << seems like everybody who doesn't lurk in #crypto-crackpots missed the joke
11:57 assbot Logged on 22-01-2016 16:17:47; PeterL: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-01-2016#1376728 http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-01-2016#1376731 << Later I realized why I missed the isomer joke: L is isomer of D, R is isomer of S, not quite interchangeable
~ 49 minutes ~
12:46 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382818 << i think this is so.
12:46 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 15:55:03; asciilifeform: and the logical replacement is sexpr.
12:46 mircea_popescu heh im bashing that baby stuff. alf huffed the right paint this morning :D
12:47 asciilifeform achtung, panzers! does (99-39-110-89.lightspeed.gdrpmi.sbcglobal.net) belong to one of ye lot ?
12:49 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382830 << not so. the first step of work is cleaning out the workspace. it is the work of truly inept management to impede on this "because it does not directly contribute to productivity"
12:49 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 16:00:29; asciilifeform: 'deck chairs on titanic'
12:52 mircea_popescu re BingoBoingo 's https://voat.co/v/fatpeoplehate/comments/808993/4006420 << check out the ugly head of puritanism rearing its head yet again. "if i don't enjoy anything in the world i will surely be spared doom!!1". nothing's quite as resilient as idiocy.
12:52 assbot Ruston's Guide to Spotting and Avoiding Fatfishing | fatpeoplehate ... ( http://bit.ly/1Qre8hh )
12:53 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382843 << in italian accent "Did you ever think about what you're going to do on the toilet? (yelling) What are you going to do on the toilet!"
12:53 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 16:09:28; asciilifeform: adding an ~additional~ turd to the ball of shit, is not.
12:54 asciilifeform l0l! is this a ref to something?
12:54 mircea_popescu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2A9vRjwfQY << with interpretation.
12:54 assbot Seinfeld - Edward Scissorhands BEST SCENE EVER - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1PurcNu )
12:56 mircea_popescu anyway. it's one thing to add "a library". it's another to "import this 1k lines that i read myself".
12:57 asciilifeform if gonna add 1k lines, make it... tinyscheme-89
12:57 asciilifeform implement tx debugger, sane logger instrumentation, and 101 other things, IN IT
12:58 mircea_popescu now tinyscheme may be a good import
12:58 asciilifeform so perhaps i can now admit to having this quietly on my hdd.
12:58 mircea_popescu but conceptually, in my head at least, more of a "bitcoind migrates into bitcoinos" thing
12:58 asciilifeform aha. slowly cut off chunks & replace with it.
12:59 asciilifeform until the whole thing, one fine day, starts just fine in a mildly massaged sbcl
12:59 asciilifeform and nobody even notices the cpp is gone.
13:00 mircea_popescu anyway, as a general point : even if you did compute a fastest route, and even if in fact you are correct (which is fundamentally an undecidable problem), there is still no reason to panic if phenomena goes a slightly more circuitous path. there are at least two good reasons, both political. one's education (ie, benefit of the ingroup), the other ... well let's just say the other's for the benefit of the outgroup.
13:00 polarbeard s/jsonrpc/ipc socket/g
13:00 thestringpuller asciilifeform: sbcl?
13:00 mircea_popescu holy shit why does that substitution need recursion.
13:01 asciilifeform thestringpuller: http://sbcl.org
13:01 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1QreCnu )
13:01 asciilifeform thestringpuller: my personal favourite readily-available lisp runtime
13:01 polarbeard and plug-in whatever you like
13:03 thestringpuller i barely "know" C, how am I ever gonna learn LISP?!?!?
13:03 thestringpuller LISP is like the masters saw.
13:03 asciilifeform thestringpuller: will have to spend a weekend, possibly risk opening a book
13:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 123300 @ 0.00056234 = 69.3365 BTC [-]
13:06 thestringpuller "When you handle the master carpenter's tools, chances are that you'll cut your hand."
13:07 thestringpuller I want to be competent/sane before attempting to pick up master carpenter's tools.
13:09 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: unrelatedly, i now envision your toilet-of-the-future as looking rather like a cray-II.
13:10 mircea_popescu lol!
13:10 mircea_popescu for the record, no girl liked the idea.
13:10 asciilifeform cray 1 rather
13:10 asciilifeform oh? why not
13:10 mircea_popescu "would this be a punishment toilet ? for like the dungeon ?" "do you think the jacuzzi is a punishment pool ?" "ewww!"
13:10 mircea_popescu now doesn't want to go into jacuzzi.
13:11 asciilifeform l0l!
13:11 asciilifeform http://www.digibarn.com/collections/systems/crays/cray1/portrait/DSC08196.JPG << for reference
13:11 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1PusacC )
13:12 mircea_popescu anyway, my idea was originalyl that it's a collaborative tool par excellence. girls better support each other's back, lest they fall in.
13:12 mircea_popescu but i suspect this heavy... butted aesop is a little too hamfisted for the actual butts in question.
13:12 asciilifeform oh huh
13:12 asciilifeform with no backs, interesting.
13:13 asciilifeform i really pictured more of a cray.
13:13 asciilifeform (vs gigantic ivan iv - style cauldron)
13:13 mircea_popescu http://static.dudeiwantthat.com//img/household/bathroom/jacuzzi-entertainment-system-5501.jpg << in other news, the new york apartment of the future.
13:13 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1PuslVi )
13:13 thestringpuller https://mattnt.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/cray.png << this one?
13:13 asciilifeform thestringpuller: yes. see also earlier link.
13:15 mircea_popescu dude speaking of "provability" bs. FSB are "provably secure" because it can be proven they're at least as hard as regular syndrome decoding. which is np complete. while we don't actually know if THAT is in fact resolvable in polynomial time or not, nevertheless... PROVEDLY SECURE!!11
13:15 mircea_popescu idiots.
13:16 mircea_popescu "this bag is as heavy as that car. we don't know whether that car is just a cardboard cutout or what, but hey, provedly heavy bag! !1"
13:16 asciilifeform don't expect ~sane~ crypto out of the leprosorium
13:16 asciilifeform this is elementary.
13:17 asciilifeform see also the ecc claptrap
13:17 asciilifeform (as secure as 8x the bits of rsa!1111111)
13:17 mircea_popescu and incidentally, as a bright mathematical mind pointed out once, "at some point the effort invested in stating rsa is 'widely researched' exceeds the effort ever expended into researching it"
13:17 asciilifeform ^
13:18 mircea_popescu it's one thing when five people who spend most of their time doing things gather in bohr's outhouse and agree "x is prolly hard".
13:18 mircea_popescu it's another... eh, anyway. what am i doing.
13:18 asciilifeform funnily enough, we did a walkover of the shmoo talks, incl. the crackpot algebraiceraser crypto thing, at the slave galley
13:19 asciilifeform and even there folks chortled when i asked 'notice no mention of complexity class proof or even assumption'
13:20 mircea_popescu the one thing i wonder, asciilifeform , is why do we always talk in strawmen.
13:20 asciilifeform hm?
13:21 mircea_popescu remember new guy, got overwhelmed a few days back.
13:21 asciilifeform which?
13:21 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=22-01-2016#1381179
13:21 assbot Logged on 22-01-2016 16:43:36; AdrianG: why do you guys only speak in strawmen?
13:22 thestringpuller if they rip out OpenSSL for libsecp256k1 won't this cause undeterministic behavior in signature checking? Or does the "comooniteee" just want to not check signatures anymore?
13:22 asciilifeform i was not able to decipher this
13:22 ben_vulpes http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382587 << hehuahuahaehua
13:22 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 13:32:55; Azelphur: ;;rate RagnarDanneskjol -10 3 months of unpaid salary, will remove rating if payment ever arrives.
13:23 ben_vulpes i mean poor Azelphur
13:23 mircea_popescu i just read it as "the difference between one's understanding and the course requirement, call it D, is the maximal aperture past which useful metaphors (with an utility marked as U) and inept strawmen (with a deviance marked as -U) can still be distinguished"
13:23 mircea_popescu ie, if U > D, U and U' are undiscernible.
13:24 asciilifeform mircea_popescu had a spiffy article, 'variety speak' a while back.
13:25 asciilifeform n00bz should not only read the logz but be grateful they don't have to learn 5,000 kanji first.
13:26 mircea_popescu of course the correct method to learn greek consists of reading the source material and the angry german commentary in alternation.
13:26 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu may have his reasons for being so friendly and welcoming but bearing a deep suspicion of new faces in #b-a has saved me untold heartbreak (and no doubt riches, if i were to listen to robert viragh's ilk)
13:26 adlai http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382886 << for starters, stop capitalizing it... LISP is from the same era as ALGOL and nobody uses either one today
13:26 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 18:03:25; thestringpuller: i barely "know" C, how am I ever gonna learn LISP?!?!?
13:27 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: where do you suppose they put spent ninjashotguns ?
13:27 asciilifeform or do they rebarrel'em somewhere.
13:27 mircea_popescu in marriages.
13:27 mircea_popescu this is the traditional pathway of the derp. spends youth being inept, adolescence being revolutionary, gets metabolized by sub-slut grade female into "family unit"
13:27 asciilifeform adlai: eh, if everyone knew this, how would we readily distinguish n00bz in conversation..
13:28 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: aren't there a million open source for 'em to get cycled through? each no doubt in need of deproblematizing some codebase of genderered nouns?
13:28 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: possibly. but iirc that one was quite ready for the glue factory
13:29 ben_vulpes with just a touch of retraining he could be right at home in a bike advocacy group
13:29 mircea_popescu lol
13:29 adlai asciilifeform: because they'll mix up set, setf, get, getf, and never quite understand the long form expansion definitions
13:29 ben_vulpes but airbnb started out with traffic calming!
13:29 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: the kind that puts caltrops in front of trucks on a highway ?
13:29 mircea_popescu interestingly enough, senor vulpes understands quite exactly what i don't like about the subculture.
13:29 ben_vulpes i mean traffic calming is good for children!
13:29 ben_vulpes you should put a wifi in that kid.
13:29 thestringpuller adlai: I'm already lost. I'm super n00b when it comes to master's tools.
13:30 ben_vulpes thestringpuller: oh ffs sit down with clojure for a week if you're so scared
13:30 ben_vulpes php and c are actually bigger pains in the ass and less useable than any lisp
13:30 adlai thestringpuller: if you really want to learn CL, get used to feeling lost because it takes a couple years / decades to reach all the keys on this piano
13:31 asciilifeform eh no it doesn't, wtf
13:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 85400 @ 0.00056314 = 48.0922 BTC [+] {2}
13:31 thestringpuller maybe not for alfie who came out the womb with a commodore64 or some shiznit
13:31 adlai well, longer than wrapping your head around all of C or $blub
13:31 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: for my own benefit what do i understand about bike advocacy?
13:31 asciilifeform 978 motherfucking keywords in ansi std.
13:32 adlai thestringpuller: how about i just hand you http://l1sp.org and you never feel lost again
13:32 assbot L1sp.org - a redirect service for Common Lisp documentation ... ( http://bit.ly/1JsRSST )
13:32 mircea_popescu <ben_vulpes> with just a touch of retraining he could be right at home in a bike advocacy group <
13:32 ben_vulpes oh the endless blithering of nonsense?
13:32 mircea_popescu a certain sort, a certain type.
13:32 asciilifeform incidentally it blew my mind when ben_vulpes told us that some of his workers commute on bike
13:32 asciilifeform i can only picture a sordid 1890s shanghai
13:33 asciilifeform or vietnam
13:33 mircea_popescu http://tweetnacl.cr.yp.to/20131229/tweetnacl.h << for my own education, why the fuck does a .h file in a 2 file project need to say #ifndef TWEETNACL_H #define TWEETNACL_H endif ?
13:33 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1JsS2th )
13:33 asciilifeform (do any of them commute by riksha ?)
13:33 adlai asciilifeform: my point is that it takes years of working in CL to have multiple opportunities to use each of those symbols to solve original problems
13:33 ben_vulpes the notion of a functional town only mildly corrupted by cars must be as foreign to you as an atomic dirigible.
13:33 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: many folks use editors that automatically insert the doubleifdef-preventer thing
13:33 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: aaaactually my home town had very few cars
13:33 mircea_popescu xml-c++
13:34 asciilifeform but nobody but children on bicycle
13:34 asciilifeform most folks rode trams, trolleys, a few buses.
13:34 ben_vulpes ah well those are absent and generally reserved for the poverty stricken or physically disabled
13:34 asciilifeform aha like here
13:34 ben_vulpes and the cultural hatred of cars runs very deep.
13:34 adlai asciilifeform: so amsterdam must literally be the circles of hell for you :P
13:35 asciilifeform trains in d.c. are interesting in that they carry folks from hobo to gs-15
13:35 ben_vulpes it'll be rather easy to turn that into a bloodthirsty hunt for californians alter.
13:35 ben_vulpes later*
13:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53804 @ 0.00056336 = 30.311 BTC [+]
13:35 thestringpuller why is everyone hating on cyclist? you alfie of all people stuck in the horrid traffic of DC on a daily basis.
13:35 thestringpuller in peak traffic takes just as long to travel to work on bike as by car
13:35 asciilifeform thestringpuller: i've nothing against it per se but it is firmly linked in my head with the third world
13:35 mircea_popescu because he's poor, young and in the way.
13:36 ben_vulpes he can't imagine a situation in which people are not condemned to his own version of hell.
13:36 asciilifeform ^^^
13:36 thestringpuller i'd rather just not sit in traffic and get more fat, that is one step above purgatory.
13:36 adlai thestringpuller: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=15-01-2016#1370925 (althoug i am not an exception to http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382985 )
13:36 assbot Logged on 15-01-2016 06:47:07; adlai: buy a bike, you'll learn more about trading and addiction from not getting run over than you will from losing money on plebian status symbols
13:36 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 18:34:01; asciilifeform: but nobody but children on bicycle
13:36 asciilifeform as a driver, i always despised the self-righteous pedaller who was convinced that he 'saved mother earth'
13:36 ben_vulpes no, just his spine.
13:36 asciilifeform does pedal man know how much fuel is wasted by the mile-long column stuck behind him ?
13:36 ben_vulpes this is a hallmark of a miserable place to live.
13:36 mircea_popescu i never lived anywhere that wouldn't have just splattered the derp.
13:37 mircea_popescu nor do i see why i would.
13:37 ben_vulpes sane places seperate the traffic.
13:37 asciilifeform if bicyclist is permitted on a public street, so should horse !
13:37 polarbeard so now driving cars is altruism
13:37 asciilifeform i would happily commute on horse.
13:37 thestringpuller asciilifeform: this mile long column exist regardless of cyclist in my neck of the woods
13:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40100 @ 0.00056336 = 22.5907 BTC [+]
13:37 mircea_popescu asciilifeform you ever brushed a horse ?
13:37 ben_vulpes and as a matter of fact horses /are/ allowed on the road.
13:37 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: not once.
13:37 ben_vulpes and fwiw i'd rather ride a horse too.
13:37 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: depends on locale
13:37 adlai recently tlv municipality outlawed horse-driven antique furniture carts ("alte zachen"), yet another law nobody cares about
13:37 asciilifeform horse is not permitted here except when used by police
13:37 thestringpuller ben_vulpes: there is a d00d who sold his car for horse at livestock auction where my gf lives.
13:38 mircea_popescu yeah well. horse maintenance is a lotta work. the whole horseback thing is a honest signal of a hierarchical society.
13:38 asciilifeform auto is not so much less work
13:38 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: met the horse people by the river yet?
13:38 thestringpuller thing is actually pretty fast, but upkeep seems a bit high, and of course the thing eventually dies
13:38 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes the polo thing you mean ?
13:38 ben_vulpes nono
13:38 ben_vulpes the people who live by the river plate
13:38 mircea_popescu asciilifeform somewhat less work, and importantly machineable.
13:38 ben_vulpes and who raise their children on horses.
13:38 mircea_popescu i dun think so.\
13:39 ben_vulpes very nice people.
13:39 ben_vulpes put together a lovely parillada.
13:39 ben_vulpes have approximately zero pesos to rub together.
13:40 mircea_popescu any hot gypo chicks ?
13:40 ben_vulpes met them through a south african who coached the greek olympic polo? dressage? teams before greece stopped paying for niceties like that.
13:40 ben_vulpes i'm sure you can find cooze wherever
13:41 mircea_popescu ;;ud cooze
13:41 gribble http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Cooze | A cooze is a superficial, shallow, provincial, and generally ignorant girl, who is so intellectually and socially repulsive, that their only r...
13:41 mircea_popescu check it out, that's a new one.
13:41 ben_vulpes also wrong.
13:41 ben_vulpes shorthand in my world for cunt.
13:41 mircea_popescu what's all this "Society" so and so talk anyway.
13:42 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: i thought it was traditionally 'cunt with the rifling worn off'
13:42 ben_vulpes well it's urban dictionary, they're obsessed with their betters
13:42 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes this wouldn't be a result of tarantino-cultism would it ?
13:43 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: can be. context dependent. above usage is just assumption that mircea_popescu can magic gurlz out of the air in bsas gutter, river plate shores, nile and probably inside the pyramids even
13:43 mircea_popescu one of his worse monologues.
13:43 ben_vulpes which'd that be?
13:43 mircea_popescu "Ok, let me tell ya what "Like a Virgin"'s about."
13:43 mircea_popescu asciilifeform except cunt's not made out of soap, to wear off. it strengthens through usage.
13:44 asciilifeform work-hardens ?
13:44 asciilifeform like aluminum ?
13:44 mircea_popescu pretty much.
13:44 asciilifeform l0l
13:44 ben_vulpes i swear we've done this thread
13:44 mircea_popescu i think we might also do it again!
13:44 asciilifeform until hard.
13:44 ben_vulpes tonight, tonight...
13:45 mircea_popescu imaqine all the people...
13:45 mircea_popescu living in harmoneeee
13:46 ben_vulpes hey y'all might appreciate my latest gentoo quest oopsie
13:46 ben_vulpes i got the whole orchestra wired up, stage3 installed, everything mounted, uefi boot boss vanquished
13:47 ben_vulpes and let the fucking laptop run out of batteries 2 seconds after running `emerge dhcpcd`
13:47 ben_vulpes and this /retarded/ home router does not want to accept static IP declarations.
13:48 mircea_popescu wait what ?
13:48 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: a hundy buys you a pf-capable box with 3 GB eth jacks
13:48 mircea_popescu what router is that.
13:49 ben_vulpes actiontec pk5001a
13:49 asciilifeform ew
13:50 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: would be horrified at the state of my internal network
13:50 ben_vulpes probably everone
13:50 mircea_popescu so throw it out, today.
13:50 ben_vulpes look here i only recently decided to move the toilet out of the kitchen okay
13:50 mircea_popescu ahahahaha what.
13:51 ben_vulpes you neckbeards with a decade of setting up your own personal infrastructure have completely forgotten what it's like to be a clueless noob
13:51 asciilifeform phun phakt, my father's childhood was in a flat where the toilet ~literally~ was in the kitchen, behind a curtain.
13:51 mircea_popescu "i one day stumbled on this irc channel, and it changed my life. #totallynotacult."
13:51 * ben_vulpes lets mircea_popescu say it
13:52 mircea_popescu speaking of insane idiocies. one apt i'm leasing i nthe fabulous ba has the following INSANE arrangement : two bedrooms, united by a 3x3 hallway, off one side of which is a 3x4 bathroom, and off the corner of which is... ANOTHER, tiny, 1x2 bathroom.
13:52 mircea_popescu because making a proper, 6x4 bathroom to unite two bedrooms is EVIL
13:52 ben_vulpes on the flip side i have a far better understanding of how linux machines boot now. so, not a particularly horrendous waste of time.
13:53 mircea_popescu and must have little hallway.
13:53 mircea_popescu idiots.
13:53 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: it was prolly intended for 2+ humanoids who don't fuck
13:53 mircea_popescu if i end up buying it i'm so tearing down that shit...
13:54 asciilifeform we have gigantic towers of these very same things here, and more being built as we speak
13:54 asciilifeform !s communal
13:54 assbot 19 results for 'communal' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=communal
13:54 mircea_popescu asciilifeform the notion of sharing space and not fucking is almost as ridiculous as the notion of female wearing clothes before 30.
13:54 mircea_popescu i get it, if you're visiting the 3 floor, 100k sqft country house of the marquis de Q you might not be fucking EVERYONE there.
13:54 mircea_popescu but apartments ? gimme a break.
13:55 ben_vulpes http://www.kgw.com/news/local/micro-apartments-as-small-as-150-square-feet-nw-portland/4373570
13:55 assbot Micro apartments as small as 150 square feet NW Portland | KGW.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1PuuyQQ )
13:55 asciilifeform l0l tokyo
13:55 ben_vulpes and
13:55 ben_vulpes http://koin.com/2015/12/16/tiny-space-big-price-micro-apartments-in-portland/
13:55 assbot Tiny space, big price: Micro-apartments in Portland ... ( http://bit.ly/1PuuFvK )
13:55 ben_vulpes eh it's not going to last
13:56 ben_vulpes epic inventory hitting the market q4 2016 q2 2017
13:56 mircea_popescu uh. 150 sq ft ?
13:56 asciilifeform inventory of what?
13:56 mircea_popescu so basically living in a bathroom
13:56 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: jail
13:56 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: mas apartmentos y condos
13:56 asciilifeform except in jail they feed you and you (in most of usa) don't have to work
13:56 asciilifeform so this is worse.
13:57 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: that price floor is made of unobtainium and is going nowhere
13:57 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes everything inconvenient lasts in socialism.
13:57 asciilifeform because if it caves in, the whole thing caves
13:58 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: portland goes through a boom-bust property cycle at about twice the frequency of the national market
13:58 asciilifeform http://koin.com/2016/01/23/we-the-people-petition-white-house-to-arrest-bundy << linked from same rag. по просьбам трудящихся !111111 (tm) (r)
13:58 assbot 'We the People' petition White House to arrest Bundy ... ( http://bit.ly/1PuuMqX )
13:58 mircea_popescu lmao.
13:58 ben_vulpes pretty routine to see 20% property value declines top to bottom
13:58 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: so at what point in this supposed cycle can i walk in and buy a livable HOUSE for 20k?
13:58 asciilifeform rounding error.
13:59 ben_vulpes 2% is a rounding error, not 20.
13:59 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes you have any idea what housing cost in the 80s ?
13:59 ben_vulpes oh hilariously less
13:59 mircea_popescu so yeah. 20% is a rounding error.
13:59 ben_vulpes i'm not trying to argue against the property bezzle!
13:59 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: the fluctuations come nowhere near making an actual palpable difference to anybody, ever.
14:00 asciilifeform (it isn't as if they were of any serious amplitude, or even fluctuated in any particular phase to salaries, interest rates, or other relevant number)
14:00 ben_vulpes my parents bought their current residence in...94? for 230k, are now batting away offers for 900+. i relent on the rounding error.
14:02 mircea_popescu buy in 1981 for 35k, sell in 1994 for 230k, buy in 1994 for 230k sell in 2006 for 1.2mn
14:02 mircea_popescu inflation over 25 years is a neat 3500%
14:03 mircea_popescu 15% a year or thereabouts.
14:03 asciilifeform 'how the world works!111' (tm)
14:03 mircea_popescu so you took out a year and six weeks, once. rounding error.
14:03 ben_vulpes okay okay!
14:04 asciilifeform from billboard on other side of my commute: 'new townhomes in low 600s !'
14:04 asciilifeform ^ in godforsaken piece of shit street
14:05 thestringpuller asciilifeform: is crack still going on in DC? or do the white people still live on the otherside of the ptomic
14:06 asciilifeform thestringpuller: there are upscale white folk in dc now
14:08 mircea_popescu and meanwhile, when i visited the us people generally tipped 10% and derps were derping about how it's really not enough and should be more like 15%. incidentally looked on reddit the other day, "Everyone agrees" it should be over 20%.
14:08 mircea_popescu soon enough it'll just be "double the bill".
14:09 mats nice
14:10 thestringpuller mircea_popescu: you sound like that d00d in pulp fiction who doesn't believe in tipping.
14:10 thestringpuller Buscemi was it?
14:11 mircea_popescu spare me, i don't believe in hiring your shitty workers on my dime. i'll take a slavegirl with, and she can wait on me. your inept "staff" can go hang, how abvout that ?
14:12 mircea_popescu run a fucking business rather than a morroccan tourist trap and have some fucking self respect.
14:12 thestringpuller p. much right?
14:12 mircea_popescu p much.
14:13 thestringpuller waiters are generally shitty at their job too, cause "I'll be an actress one day!"
14:13 thestringpuller In US tho, they spit in your food when you insult them with low tips.
14:14 ben_vulpes "no, honey, we're not going out. you cook better, plate better, and do it all in the nude. i am not paying for designer lights, too much salt, and shitty hipster wait staff drinking habits. plus you'll want to tip 20% for completely miserable service and i just got my shoes off."
14:16 mircea_popescu p much.
14:17 thestringpuller That's why in house chef's have become more popular than eating out.
14:17 thestringpuller or at least in whites-ville suburbia where I live
14:19 mircea_popescu i imagine a larger driver is that a) "restaurants" saw the "opportunity" to turn into caterers and "prepare" pre-prepared meals and b) nobody trusts their fucking acquisition process.
14:19 mircea_popescu "you wanna cook for me, pick ingredients from over here" is the main driver, i expect.
14:20 thestringpuller For me I just have my own menu and tell chef "fix X here is money to go buy groceries. Don't get the cheap stuff."
14:21 thestringpuller I should learn to cook. But I'm an extremely fickle eater.
14:21 mircea_popescu for the same deal you could just get a poor gf.
14:21 mircea_popescu i suppose ~half the marriages in the world today happen about like that.
14:21 thestringpuller She doesn't cook as well as my buddy who went to culinary school.
14:21 mircea_popescu well, get a competent immigrant. ukr chicks cook well.
14:22 thestringpuller aha. I really should just learn to _actually_ cook. But I don't even know what foods I like.
14:22 mircea_popescu travel & find out.
14:23 thestringpuller when I'm no longer a USian slave I do plan to find out ;)
14:23 mircea_popescu in other news, http://36.media.tumblr.com/853da9c157c3a3129d72bdf4892949fb/tumblr_mttcnr7D0x1sjgtlbo1_1280.jpg
14:23 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1Puwjxe )
14:24 thestringpuller Eventually there'll be enough good porn links in the logs to have a !bait command
14:31 ben_vulpes from:mircea_popescu media.tumblr.com
14:31 ben_vulpes ain't hard
~ 15 minutes ~
14:46 ben_vulpes in other apple nyooz, 'el capitan' ships with a new program 'photos'
14:47 ben_vulpes that starts up, shits 40gb of files to disk immediately while importing the classic 'iphoto' library, and has now been spinning on the import for 2 straight days now.
14:47 ben_vulpes fuck these people.
14:57 ben_vulpes ah it was punkman with the logs
15:00 fluffypony with the candlestick?
15:00 deedbot- [cascadian hacker] The measure of a state is its ability to deny benefits to outsiders - http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2016/01/23_the-measure-of-a-state-is-its-ability-to-deny-benefits-to-outsiders.html
15:03 ben_vulpes fluffypony: in the server room
15:03 fluffypony heh
15:03 ben_vulpes huh shoulda fixed the date on that wotpost while i was at it
15:03 ben_vulpes O WELL
15:05 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1383171 << i did not notice this
15:05 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 19:47:00; ben_vulpes: that starts up, shits 40gb of files to disk immediately while importing the classic 'iphoto' library, and has now been spinning on the import for 2 straight days now.
15:05 asciilifeform perhaps because i did not use the old sack'o'garbage ?
15:05 asciilifeform nor the new ?
15:06 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: i imagine you don't use iphoto
15:06 asciilifeform wtf does it even do
15:06 ben_vulpes open, see
15:06 asciilifeform take photos with the cruddy webcam in the machine ?
15:06 * ben_vulpes shakes head slowly
15:06 ben_vulpes that'd be photo booth
15:06 ben_vulpes oh ho ho
15:06 ben_vulpes i discovered my photo booth archives from freshman year
15:06 ben_vulpes oh the tits
15:07 asciilifeform so tell me what makes this app necessary
15:08 ben_vulpes gimp is not a thing on macos?
15:08 ben_vulpes necessary is a stretch
15:08 ben_vulpes iphoto i'm sure will eventually fall to quest of removing toilets from places they should not be
15:09 ben_vulpes handy categorizer-of-photos-by-exif is probably the best justification for my continued use of it
15:09 * ben_vulpes takes a lot of photos
15:10 ben_vulpes has since...02?
15:10 ben_vulpes would pull down the negative books from that era but they're in the family fire-proof safe
15:10 ben_vulpes yes, i store the negatives, wtf with this printed photo nonsense.
15:11 ben_vulpes on the flip side i do *not* store raw digital photos.
15:11 ben_vulpes absurd waste of bits. photography is lossy, deal.
15:12 ben_vulpes http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382860 << recurring thread at $shop: encourage people to customize for personal ergonomics and efficiency or attempt to cultivate a standard environment for ease of collaboration on each other's devices?
15:12 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 17:49:32; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382830 << not so. the first step of work is cleaning out the workspace. it is the work of truly inept management to impede on this "because it does not directly contribute to productivity"
15:14 ben_vulpes probably unresolved because we're coolies working oars with illusions of being graham's "six smart hackers in a room"
15:15 ben_vulpes http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382890 << you are actually far more likely to lose a hand on the table saw your friend keeps in the garage that he doesn't know how to teach you to use than planing something flat on the master's shaper.
15:15 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 18:06:52; thestringpuller: "When you handle the master carpenter's tools, chances are that you'll cut your hand."
15:16 ben_vulpes mostly because the shaper is a 5hp terror of cutter-face that'll make you think seven times before even beginning to cut, whereas your friend's table saw doesn't have the sawstop that your *other* idiot friend bought.
15:17 ben_vulpes https://youtu.be/XVktVFyid-Y?t=150 << obligatory slo-mo sawstop
15:17 assbot Finger into Sawstop at slow motion - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/20l7hsm )
15:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 69200 @ 0.00055893 = 38.678 BTC [-] {3}
15:32 punkman "SawStop has provoked opposition from the Power Tool Institute (PTI), which represents Black & Decker, Hilti, Hitachi Koki, Makita, Metabo, Bosch, Techtronic Industries and WMH Tool Group."
15:34 punkman "In April 2008 they told Congress that SawStop's braking system is: dangerous because it requires the user to come in contact with the blade before activating; unproven, particularly in terms of durability; prone to false trips caused by commonly available wet and green wood; potentially vulnerable to latent damage that cannot be inspected and may cause a hazard; costly to the user because once
15:34 punkman activated, saw blade and cartridge must be replaced; and significantly more expensive, ranging from a minimum of 25 percent and ranging upwards depending on saw type"
15:34 punkman lulzy
15:35 punkman "The PTI objects to the licensing necessary due to the "more than 50 patents" related to SawStop's braking system; such costs "would destroy the market for the cheapest, most popular saws, adding $100 or more to the price of consumer models that typically sell for less than $200." In response, their members developed "new plastic guards to shield table saw users from the dangers of a spinning
15:35 punkman blade". PTI says "its member companies have received no reports of injuries on [the 750,000] table saws with the new guard design.""
15:35 ben_vulpes punkman: they're fighting him because he kicked their ass on the licensing front
15:35 ben_vulpes and the plastic guard is a joke, comes off at the first opportunity.
15:36 punkman I bet it is
15:36 punkman but can you really trust a carpenter with all 10 fingers?
15:39 shinohai I think I saw this. Said guard does destroy the blade in the process.
15:39 mats i learned today that the 82nd recently retrofitted their M4s to full auto
15:42 ben_vulpes shinohai: i'd rather lose a blade than a finger.
15:42 ben_vulpes in any event i'm long out of that line of work, and for good reason.
15:43 asciilifeform !s sawstop
15:43 assbot 0 results for 'sawstop' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=sawstop
15:43 asciilifeform hm
15:43 asciilifeform short story, the shits tried to make their PATENTED thing MANDATORY
15:43 asciilifeform and when the whole industry, predictably, tried to push back, 'oh noez they WANT your fingers chopped!1111'
15:44 asciilifeform mats: was there ever a real rationale for the 3-round burst thing at all ?
15:44 ben_vulpes mandatory? oh do cite plz
15:44 mats asciilifeform: suppressive fire
15:45 BingoBoingo http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382679 << longer, but narrower
15:45 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 14:31:04; mircea_popescu: well yes. 39 is the old ak/sks russian thing. nato has a bigger one.
15:45 mats what a massive waste of money for a) retrofit b) encouraging people to rambo
15:45 asciilifeform mats: suppressive fire would be an argument for ordinary full auto, nein ?
15:45 ben_vulpes ibd
15:46 ben_vulpes that's hilarious
15:47 ben_vulpes hey totally valid business strategy under gosplan--get yer shit mandated for use
15:47 punkman ah now it makes more sense
15:47 mats asciilifeform: well, yeah. burst is pretty good in close quarters
15:47 mats the round itself is pretty light and you can control the grouping with practice
15:48 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: http://toolmonger.com/2012/09/14/more-sawstop-bs << randomly picked summary
15:48 assbot More SawStop BS | Toolmonger ... ( http://bit.ly/20la0lz )
15:48 ben_vulpes meanwhile found it
15:48 asciilifeform mats: i was asking about the 3-round limit
15:49 asciilifeform i found it a puzzling thing, esp. given as nato world uses professional soldiers rather than orcish conscripts, the latter presumably cannot be trained to let go of the trigger
15:49 punkman what's with the pharma spam in that article
15:49 asciilifeform punkman: never seen a blog gone to seed before ?
15:52 mats most people i've run into have been trained to exclusively use semi auto
15:53 asciilifeform how do you lay suppressive fire with semi ? ww1 volley style ?
15:53 mats and some high speed units that have MOUT missions will teach burst in cqb
15:54 mats and traditionally folks are taught that suppressive fire is for the SAW gunner
15:55 BingoBoingo lol, yeah this idiocy exists everywhere http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382862
15:55 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 17:52:11; mircea_popescu: re BingoBoingo 's https://voat.co/v/fatpeoplehate/comments/808993/4006420 << check out the ugly head of puritanism rearing its head yet again. "if i don't enjoy anything in the world i will surely be spared doom!!1". nothing's quite as resilient as idiocy.
16:01 BingoBoingo http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382941 << I have no recollection of what it was that flipped that paranoia switches when he was PM'ing me drunk, sober reading the logs unrevealing, but I am now very glad that breaker flipped.
16:01 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 18:26:38; ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu may have his reasons for being so friendly and welcoming but bearing a deep suspicion of new faces in #b-a has saved me untold heartbreak (and no doubt riches, if i were to listen to robert viragh's ilk)
16:02 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: reading the log i posted as his rating was not enough ?
16:02 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Not Robert V, The ragnar dude
16:02 asciilifeform ah
16:03 BingoBoingo The one who came with various promises of toil so can eat while hodl
16:04 BingoBoingo At least it is one less ammends to make when step 9 comes around
16:05 danielpbarron http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382902 << that's exactly what I had imagined
16:05 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 18:12:25; mircea_popescu: anyway, my idea was originalyl that it's a collaborative tool par excellence. girls better support each other's back, lest they fall in.
16:07 punkman http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/firearms-gangs-glamorous-assistant-who-7228168
16:07 assbot Firearms gang's glamorous assistant who posed in provocative selfie with AK-47 jailed for 10 years - Mirror Online ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZUP3RN )
16:12 ben_vulpes dafuq is a deactivated weapon
16:13 BingoBoingo http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1383023 << Here horse is most privileged. Permitted on sidewalk, bike lanes, and road proper. Only limit on their popularity is pooper scooper laws.
16:13 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 18:37:54; asciilifeform: horse is not permitted here except when used by police
~ 15 minutes ~
16:29 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: "deactivated" typically means barrel filled with lead and various parts molested to place it substantially far from being a weapon capable of operation. Reactivating mean replacing parts.
16:30 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: museum weapon
16:31 BingoBoingo Also that.
16:32 BingoBoingo For a while many of the fine mail order retailers of 'Murica actually marketed many of these museum weapons in their pages. Most have moved on from that though.
16:40 BingoBoingo http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=3710
16:40 assbot JL: Neanderthal Idiots in Harm City ... ( http://bit.ly/1SbGa0d )
16:42 BingoBoingo http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/01/sympathy_for_the_devil_but_none_for_white_victims_of_violence.html#ixzz3y5ORkdBG
16:42 assbot Articles: Sympathy for the Devil... But None for White Victims of Violence ... ( http://bit.ly/1SbGmwp )
16:43 BingoBoingo "When one boy snarled she should go back to India, she told him that under his argument he should go back to Africa. That cost her a disciplinary inquiry for 'racism'. She was also hauled in for suspected 'racism' when she used the technical term "negate" in her class -- and a black girl took it as an epithet and brought her hell-raising mother to school to confront her in the principal's office. "
16:53 BingoBoingo ;;ticker --market all
16:53 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 390.36, vol: 7889.73415043 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 393.0, vol: 5116.00628 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 389.79, vol: 25994.71324663 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 352.0, vol: 8.10773217 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 392.84704, vol: 78857.98570000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 390.8, vol: 372.47406101 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 399.40716801, vol: 19.80240217 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message)
16:54 BingoBoingo ;;more
16:54 gribble 392.007608699
16:55 BingoBoingo ;;bc,stats
16:55 gribble Current Blocks: 394695 | Current Difficulty: 1.1335429980147113E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 395135 | Next Difficulty In: 440 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 12 hours, 41 minutes, and 22 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
16:57 ben_vulpes http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=08-01-2016#1362586 << citation
16:57 assbot Logged on 08-01-2016 00:12:37; asciilifeform: and even not considering this absurdity, you would have same problem as vasectomy patient (the sperm gets reabsorbed and your immune system begins to generate antibodies against it. with bonus measurable extra risk of alzheimer's)
16:57 ben_vulpes ?
17:00 * asciilifeform entirely snowed in, finally
17:00 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: you will have to unearth the thing yourself
17:00 mats stuck at work, asciilifeform ?
17:01 asciilifeform mats: nah
17:01 mats fortunate
17:03 ben_vulpes huh
17:03 thestringpuller ben_vulpes: see PM
17:03 ben_vulpes for someone reason vasalgel is being pushed as an alternative to risug
17:03 BingoBoingo http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--zRrZQ14Y--/c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/klka9zgkgsp0qhksprw8.jpg << US cops now doing the stupid "gansta grip"
17:03 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/20lgJfo )
17:03 ben_vulpes ty thestringpuller
17:04 mats i feel bad for the pizza guy that has to drive here in 45 mins
17:05 BingoBoingo https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2016/01/21/oberlins-president-refuses-negotiate-student-list-demands
17:05 assbot Oberlin's president refuses to negotiate with student list of demands ... ( http://bit.ly/20lgReM )
17:06 BingoBoingo "The 14-page list of demands at Oberlin was detailed and contained many controversial items. Among other things, it demanded the immediate firing of some Oberlin employees, the immediate tenuring of some faculty members, specific curricular changes, a review and possible revision of the grading system (to be overseen by students), the creation of "safe spaces" for black students in at least three buildings on campus, the creation
17:06 BingoBoingo of a program to enroll recently released prisoners from a nearby prison as undergraduates, divestment from Israel, and a requirement that black student leaders be paid $8.20 an hour for their organizing efforts."
17:06 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1383171 <<< blockchain crapologies ?
17:06 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 19:47:00; ben_vulpes: that starts up, shits 40gb of files to disk immediately while importing the classic 'iphoto' library, and has now been spinning on the import for 2 straight days now.
17:08 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo lol whence the spunk ? blackdemandsmatter!
17:08 mircea_popescu oh wait, Marvin Krislov. almost russian!
17:08 BingoBoingo Nah, Oberlin jack off
17:09 BingoBoingo It's Oberlin though so they've been enabling this shit for decades
17:09 mircea_popescu http://www.press.umich.edu/1181733 << the irony.
17:09 assbot The Next Twenty-five Years ... ( http://bit.ly/20lhk0D )
17:10 asciilifeform one wonders, why not 'the next twenty-five thousand years'
17:11 mircea_popescu because "progress".
17:12 asciilifeform ogress.
17:12 mircea_popescu well yeah. any sort of longer stretch is either inacceptably unprogressive or outright ridiculous.
17:12 mircea_popescu consider : "so we'll have 3500% inflation over the next 25 years." "wait, that coems to ONLY 15% a year ? TOO SMALL!!1"
17:13 ben_vulpes oho i'm going to have a blast with those demands later
17:13 mircea_popescu sure baby. now do 150% a year for 25`000 years.
17:13 * asciilifeform just finished transplanting the switch under 'printscreen' to under spacebar
17:13 asciilifeform so nice to have industrial soldering iron at last, heats up in maybe 5sec
17:13 mircea_popescu "wait, that coems to ONLY 15% a year ? TOO SMALL!!1" <<< meant to be "only 150%", cuz nigga can't exponentiate, divides instead.
17:14 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes so you starting your own "drunken mousy middle chalss chick at college" tumblr ?
17:15 ben_vulpes waiwut?
17:15 BingoBoingo Further ButtFurry lulz, Want to boost block size, but... https://archive.is/MI5UM
17:15 assbot Cryptolution comments on "Consensus Round Table" meeting in Miami going on now ... ( http://bit.ly/1PdShc5 )
17:15 mircea_popescu i dunno, jus going through logs.
17:15 BingoBoingo "This meeting has reached a maximum of 50 participants. Please try again later."
17:15 ben_vulpes in reference to?
17:16 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1383191 http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1383168
17:16 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 20:06:49; ben_vulpes: i discovered my photo booth archives from freshman year
17:16 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 19:31:10; ben_vulpes: from:mircea_popescu media.tumblr.com
17:17 ben_vulpes nah, just giving the botmakers lurking a tip on how to automate the baitprocurement
17:21 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1383219 <<< i wouldn't buy a thing with "SawStop (tm)" and i certainly don't want to HAVE to.
17:21 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 20:35:44; ben_vulpes: punkman: they're fighting him because he kicked their ass on the licensing front
17:22 asciilifeform ^
17:22 asciilifeform it is worse than that mercedes that brakes by itself.
17:22 mircea_popescu quite. no rule everyone must run a saw.
17:22 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1383224 << and this to me just reads "we gave up on learning any aim".
17:22 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 20:39:46; mats: i learned today that the 82nd recently retrofitted their M4s to full auto
17:22 mircea_popescu oddly related to the saw thing.
17:23 * ben_vulpes admittedly has difficulty pulling head out of workplace safety mindset
17:23 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1383232 <<< yes.
17:23 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 20:44:26; asciilifeform: mats: was there ever a real rationale for the 3-round burst thing at all ?
17:23 asciilifeform actually it suggests usg confidence that it will ~never~ suffer shortages of ammo
17:23 asciilifeform even localized
17:23 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes workplace safety != this just like domestic faithfulness != chastity belts.
17:25 mircea_popescu asciilifeform can't fucking aim that bs.
17:25 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: wut?
17:25 mats its a change that does make rifle teams more flexible
17:25 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: full auto is for suppressive fire, just needs to go in the general direction of the enemy, nein ?
17:25 mircea_popescu asciilifeform but ONLY full auto means you can't do most of the things you actually want to do.
17:26 mircea_popescu you want suppressive fire get a fucking platform.
17:26 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: m16 was never 'only'
17:26 mircea_popescu what the fuck are you going to do with a pos hot rifle that only fires full auto in the remains of a town ?
17:26 mats although the effect is psychological and may not work against a trained enemy
17:26 mircea_popescu shoot yourself and be done with the misery, i guess.
17:26 asciilifeform it was traditionally select b/w single and auto
17:26 mircea_popescu from what i understood it went full auto ?
17:26 mircea_popescu or do i misunderstand ?
17:26 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: they removed the 3-round burst thing that was put in instead of auto in the '90s
17:26 mircea_popescu mats and "trained" in this context merely means experienced.
17:27 asciilifeform it had a clockwork gadget that fired 3s
17:27 mircea_popescu asciilifeform like every civilised everyone everwhere. aim the first.
17:27 mircea_popescu by the time the 3rd went off, your barrel is so far up high it no longer matters.
17:27 mircea_popescu save on the heat.
17:27 asciilifeform bbbut what if spinnin' round & round, 'fooor piglet'
17:27 asciilifeform !s for piglet
17:27 assbot 5 results for 'for piglet' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=for+piglet
17:30 ben_vulpes http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-01-2016#1379720 << surprisingly close read of the logs by...whom now?
17:30 assbot Logged on 21-01-2016 15:24:17; thestringpuller: LOL >> "Don't forget Mr Popescu, who loves to harp on about how Bitcoin is not for the unwashed masses, just two weeks ago had a hugely embarrassing fiasco where he revealed he hadn't the faintest idea how Bitcoin transactions work.
17:30 mats i personally like burst
17:30 mats but the complexity it adds, usually isn't worth it
17:31 ben_vulpes what, but the complexity of stack randomization /is/?!
17:32 mats i don't make the rules, man
17:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.NSA] 120000 @ 0.000087 = 10.44 BTC [-]
17:34 asciilifeform l0l l00ks like jurov found a buyer
17:34 ben_vulpes 87?
17:34 ben_vulpes wow
17:35 ben_vulpes am i missing an order of magnitude here?
17:36 ben_vulpes holy shit snsa listed in 2013
17:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.NSA] 260000 @ 0.000085 = 22.1 BTC [-]
17:36 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: iirc you were there
17:37 ben_vulpes at the bell even
17:37 jurov actually, 85 :(
17:38 asciilifeform if i had an account, i'd buy it off him !
17:38 mats i bought those
17:39 jurov may they serve you well
17:40 mats did you take a loss selling those
17:43 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 226316 @ 0.0005557 = 125.7638 BTC [-] {5}
17:44 jurov mats, guess what was the ipo price?
17:46 mats 9980?
17:46 jurov close, but nope.
17:47 jurov 2013-10-17 08:16 Buy xxxxx@0.0001
17:48 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> bbbut what if spinnin' round & round, 'fooor piglet' << i imagine you're exactly on the mark. cartoon army, designing weapons for cartoon usage.
17:48 mats ic
17:48 mircea_popescu <ben_vulpes> holy shit snsa listed in 2013 <<< well yes, was gonna be xmas remember!
17:49 jurov <asciilifeform> if i had an account, i'd buy it off him ! << iirc the person that holds your coins, does have an account? just ash zer to place teh order.
17:49 jurov *ask
17:50 asciilifeform jurov: i think this would violate his monastic oath or at least give him indigestion
17:51 jurov imo you gave him some indigestions already
17:51 jurov s/gave/caused/
17:53 BingoBoingo Indigestions are an imprecise thing that over time increases risks of things like Barret's oesophagus
17:53 BingoBoingo Hard to tell exactly when too many indigestions happen
18:05 mircea_popescu who are you two talking about ?
18:05 mircea_popescu "NervousNorbert [score hidden] 4 hours ago Consensus on increasing the maximum participant limit was not reached." << ahahaha top keks.
18:11 mircea_popescu "The gang's downfall came when Aaron Shane Murphy and Uzair Patel, both 29, were stopped by police in a taxi in Newham in June 2015."
18:12 mircea_popescu orly, check that out, airstrip one got taxi stopping policies nao ?
18:16 mircea_popescu "I recently moved to the Pacific Northwest from Baltimore. What partly impelled the move was being beaten up by a black guy who I had grappled with and held down after he was chasing his girlfriend with a baseball bat. His GF and another woman went nuts, beating me as he and I grappled on the ground with me holding the bat with both arms. To shut them up, I stupidly rolled the bat away and let him get up. He promptly d
18:16 mircea_popescu ecked me, kicked the hell out of my head (concussion and bleeding). I was very lucky. "
18:16 mircea_popescu awww.
18:26 mircea_popescu "These yuppie “blockbuster” musicians, who think they can save those who hate them and put their women and children in danger to assuage their own misplaced feminist guilt and world-saving bitch complex, should be staked out, skinned, have their eyelids pinned back, and left for the crows."
18:26 mircea_popescu or, alternatively, they could be just left to do what they do, which is both cheaper and conceptually cleaner.
18:27 mircea_popescu in somewhat related news, http://49.media.tumblr.com/ae3ff8150c429b9e246ef7088cf1d5a1/tumblr_mxjvf37IWX1symi8mo1_400.gif
18:27 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1Qlp5ir )
18:32 mircea_popescu me: 'the measure of a state's sovereignty and quality of life therein is the degree to which it can deny benefits to outsiders' << certainly works to "why is B,TMSR~ superior to USG and necessarily a replacement thereof".
18:34 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes nevertheless, bear in mind that there is a catastrophic difference between "derp needing" and "dude trying to contribute".
18:41 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66432 @ 0.00056091 = 37.2624 BTC [+] {3}
18:42 hanbot <mircea_popescu> me: 'the measure of a state's sovereignty and quality of life therein is the degree to which it can deny benefits to outsiders' << certainly works to "why is B,TMSR~ superior to USG and necessarily a replacement thereof". << to borrow a recent parallel from copypaste, couldn't the same be said of best korea?
18:43 mircea_popescu sure. on the scale of sovereignity north korea is doing pretty well, too bad they're stupid.
18:43 hanbot admittedly i was looking moar at the "quality of life" bit
18:43 mircea_popescu ie, much easier to "deny benefits to outsiders" when nobody wants the benefits you offer.
18:43 hanbot mhm
18:44 mircea_popescu well, "my son, we're bums but you'll inherit all of it" sorta degree. no loss in quality of life there.
18:45 phf so only thing i did with timestamps in logs is add milliseconds to the log printer (to add necessary precisions to graphs). i'm pretty sure i discovered that blockchain height served as well in my case (produced similar shapes with none of the "laptop went to sleep" noise), but i was looking specifically at the number of block send/recv retries
18:46 mircea_popescu is this in a patch ?
18:46 phf milliseconds are
18:46 hanbot i wonder how often that's more tolerable than eg cazalla's worse-off-than-grandpa plight.
18:47 phf but the patch got lost, between punkman taking over logging improvements and the v-ification
18:47 mircea_popescu hanbot should be universal. if i find any thing worse than in the time of the predecessors i'm bringing out the machine guns and fire throwers as a matter of principle. and i want the skies bathed in the screams of the innocent and the blood of gutted babes, also as a matter of principle.
18:48 mircea_popescu phf what sorry state of sin is this!
18:58 phf i can bring it forward, it wasn't included in the v release, nor did anybody ask about it, so i assumed it's not needed
19:03 phf fwiw openbsd didn't make it through v-ification either, it was designed to work cross platform, but i believe there were makefile modifications since, that didn't include it. i don't actively run openbsd, so can't integration test the result
19:05 danielpbarron >> me: the universe does not guarantee a solution to things that humans perceive as problems. << personification of 'universe' to replace God
19:06 BingoBoingo lol that third paragraph of disclaimers
19:06 BingoBoingo https://archive.is/pPnv0
19:06 assbot Lesson learned from the Classic coup attempt or why Core needs to prepare a GPU only PoW — Medium ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZJOJ2X )
~ 21 minutes ~
19:28 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: dude, yes. transient, no.
19:29 ben_vulpes mod6: i do believe that i understand now.
19:29 ben_vulpes 'tis a very surgical strike, if i'm reading correctly. only if the flag is set and the sig does not bear the correct order is order enforced.
19:30 ben_vulpes i'd have probably done something ham-handed and just set the order for the given flag, which would be a bigger change to life-fire use than i think would be warranted.
19:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5600 @ 0.00055547 = 3.1106 BTC [-]
19:33 ben_vulpes danielpbarron: i swear that i'm referencing something mircea_popescu said with that line, but i'll be damned if i can find the original.
19:40 mod6 phf: your patch(s) did work for me on openbsd. i think, once we have all of trinque's makefiles ready to go with the new (forthcoming) version of V, you and I should work together to get a new vpatch of your openbsd changes submitted.
19:41 mod6 The hang up here is that, it basically can't be mirrored in the same place as the rest of the patches; simply because when one sync's up against a mirror your changes will break the rest of the tree.
19:42 mod6 so either, we need a separate repository for openbsd patches (not a bad idea), or we should just put the new openbsd vpatch in the mailing list for those who need it -- let them just add it to their V 'patches' directoriy by hand
19:42 mod6 *directory
19:42 mod6 make sense?
19:42 mod6 <+ben_vulpes> mod6: i do believe that i understand now. << cool!
19:42 ben_vulpes fwiw i completely failed to get the openbsd patch to work.
19:43 ben_vulpes but i probably hosed something on that machine way before ever making it to building tri.
19:43 mod6 yeah, i think i need to walk you through the exact steps. i did get it to build, and fully sync a chain even. was very happy about that.
19:43 shinohai mod6: i am fully synced nau ^^
19:45 mod6 having an alternate to linux is important to me. and i was able to build a static binary, but obviously this doesn't work with the rotor (linux only buildroot). i did build it with the stator.
19:45 mod6 anyway, getting a buildable openbsd is a priority of mine. there are just bigger things in front of that for the moment.
19:45 mod6 <+shinohai> mod6: i am fully synced nau ^^ << ^6
19:46 mod6 does that bring us to 8 nodes now
19:46 mod6 ?
19:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20300 @ 0.00055547 = 11.276 BTC [-]
19:47 shinohai and ~ 90% complete to pogo backup of blockchain
19:48 mod6 you're just using it as a storage bin for the time being?
19:49 shinohai yeah for now.
19:50 shinohai i just have it cat the latest blkxxx.dat over once every 12 hours.
19:51 mod6 ah aight
19:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 89850 @ 0.000562 = 50.4957 BTC [+] {2}
20:00 BingoBoingo https://i.imgur.com/wlGL3Dy.jpg?1
20:00 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1SbUwNY )
20:03 BingoBoingo https://i.imgur.com/ZfhmqQa.png
20:03 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1WFAtIt )
20:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24400 @ 0.00056201 = 13.713 BTC [+]
20:12 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43890 @ 0.00056201 = 24.6666 BTC [+]
20:27 deedbot- [cascadian hacker] Money, Trust, and the Wild Wild Web (A socioeconomic history of that SSL, or that green lock symbol in your browser) - http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2016/01/23_money-trust-and-the-wild-wild-web-a-socioeconomic-history-of-that-ssl-or-that-green-lock-symbol-in-your-browser.html
20:29 ben_vulpes a no fuck that lol
20:32 shinohai wash BingoBoingo 's fat pics from your eyes: https://i.imgur.com/zLnxfUb.jpg
20:32 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1K3V3Aq )
20:33 ben_vulpes oh those are hardly even worth mentioning
20:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 136800 @ 0.00055615 = 76.0813 BTC [-] {3}
20:34 BingoBoingo Seriously been a while since I posted a really bad one
20:34 BingoBoingo !up bagels7
20:34 BingoBoingo !Up raedah
20:34 ben_vulpes man i fucking hate my webshit.
20:35 deedbot- [cascadian hacker] Money, Trust, and the Wild Wild Web (A socioeconomic history of SSL, or that green lock symbol in your browser) - http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2016/01/23_money-trust-and-the-wild-wild-web-a-socioeconomic-history-of-ssl-or-that-green-lock-symbol-in-your-browser.html
20:35 BingoBoingo https://archive.is/rg8nJ << Did Ragnar move on?
20:35 assbot Be a part of the thriving underground economy with a darknet job! : SeaJobs ... ( http://bit.ly/1K3Vtqk )
20:42 adlai ;;nethash
20:42 gribble 946829249.036
20:42 adlai cmon chinese chicken!
20:42 adlai ;;google youtube rhcp chinese chicken
20:42 gribble Chinese - YouTube: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQvLS17wpr0>; Chinese Chicken Song - YouTube: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unW7UYXSQNY>; How to cook Chicken and Mango Stri-fry recipe - YouTube: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNiyMCq_KtI>
20:44 * adlai fails, twice in a row. too fuck to drunk? !down
20:45 adlai ;;later tell mike_c candle charts outta sync, comment moderation constipation?
20:45 gribble The operation succeeded.
20:45 adlai anybody know the guy? the site is *almost* functional in absentia, but not quite enough
20:49 ben_vulpes "We DEMAND the inclusion of teachers and educators with auditory and relative business skills pertaining to contemporary Black musical styles." << relative business skills? what are those
20:49 ben_vulpes also looks like the storied Oberlin conservatory is about to turn into Rap Kollege
20:51 adlai fwiw friend who teaches classics at a usg 'prep school' attests to having had a student excused from any and all performance standards due to APD (which stands for 'auditory processing disorder')
20:51 adlai tis the new AD[h]D
20:51 ben_vulpes "We DEMAND an online database that outlines the deadlines, dates, and forms critical for the successful academic journey of Black students" because we can't be arsed to figure it out ourselves, read syllabi when they're handed out or at all, and because of course knowing to do all of the above is something we were not prepared for in life and this must be rectified at the expense of everyone else attending the school.
20:52 ben_vulpes lol required events
20:52 ben_vulpes who goes to required freshmen events?
20:53 ben_vulpes woo hoo hoo fifteen
20:53 adlai fifteen whats?
20:54 ben_vulpes "We DEMAND a change in the fundamental ways that we asses knowledge at this institution, starting with a student evaluation of the effectiveness of the grading system. We will have oversight over the results of that evaluation. If the results state that the grading system is not reflective of this institution's student body, we DEMAND an immediate change of that grading system."
20:54 ben_vulpes grades are racist!
20:54 BingoBoingo deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/0RT1A2Q.txt
20:54 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1PuTlnC )
20:54 deedbot- accepted: 1
21:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8608 @ 0.0005603 = 4.8231 BTC [+] {2}
21:01 ben_vulpes "We DEMAND the renaming of these specific academic buildings"
21:03 ben_vulpes "We DEMAND that a mandatory professional development program be developed for faculty across departments in the College & Conservatory that will help facilitate their udnerstanding of the ways in which racial capitalism, settler colonialism, and other forms of violent oppression inform and shape instructional methods for the disciplinary content of their courses. We further DEMAND that the content of this information be integrated in
21:03 ben_vulpes their coursework."
21:04 ben_vulpes "We DEMAND a 6% annual increase in grant offers vs. loan offers for Black Students"
21:04 polarbeard http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-01-2016#1381219 << It turns out shitty rotation is there: http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/util.cpp#0771
21:04 assbot Logged on 22-01-2016 16:56:17; PeterL: does trb debug.log grow infinitely?
21:04 assbot Satoshi ... ( http://bit.ly/1PuTHee )
21:04 ben_vulpes !s compression
21:04 assbot 42 results for 'compression' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=compression
21:04 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: you laugh, but THAT was how we got xyz-studies in the '70s usa
21:05 ben_vulpes i'm not laughing i'm horrified
21:05 ben_vulpes i thought there'd be about another 5 years before things got this nutso
21:05 BingoBoingo And seriously Oberlin historically has been a trailblazer in surrendering to such demands
21:07 ben_vulpes tenure for an artist in residence, nice
21:08 ben_vulpes "We DEMAND that Black student leaders be provided a[n] $8.20/hr stipend for their continuous organizing efforts around the well[-]being of Black people on Oberlin's campus, city and beyond" << man that is some low-dough shit
21:08 ben_vulpes why not 15? 20?
21:08 asciilifeform 2B!
21:09 asciilifeform or why not demand bottomless bank account ?
21:09 ben_vulpes that /is/ the demand.
21:09 asciilifeform i remember reading as a kid, about some south american dictator who gave his phriendz such a thing, and being horrified
21:09 ben_vulpes "We DEMAND that each worker, temporary or permanent working for the College Dining Hall Services be given a meal every work shift"
21:09 asciilifeform worker? work?
21:10 asciilifeform what kind of crackpot revolutionaries are these
21:10 asciilifeform who still speak of.. work
21:10 ben_vulpes "We DEMAND that the workload given to employees be reflective of their abilities...should not be given a workload that they cannot handle."
21:10 ben_vulpes "all employees be given healthcarea and insurance"
21:11 ben_vulpes DEMAND immediate firing of: ... Gerri Johnson...for their rude behavior towards Black Students
21:11 ben_vulpes "We DEMAND that Oberlin College stop functioning as a gentrifying institution"
21:12 ben_vulpes "the immediate implementation of a free bussing system"
21:12 ben_vulpes ah jeez
21:12 ben_vulpes okay, phew.
21:13 ben_vulpes too goddamn funny.
21:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 79900 @ 0.00056034 = 44.7712 BTC [+] {2}
21:18 mircea_popescu in the same news, http://40.media.tumblr.com/55410531c948328ed44c62d2ada58609/tumblr_myt1r9blgZ1suzvb1o1_1280.jpg
21:18 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1PuUuM1 )
21:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50200 @ 0.00055513 = 27.8675 BTC [-] {3}
21:19 polarbeard fatsideboob
21:21 funkenstein_ ben_vulpes thanks for lulz of the day :)
21:21 mircea_popescu you mean the girl is fat ?
21:22 polarbeard no, only her side boob
21:22 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-01-2016#1383446 << wait, explain this to me ?
21:22 assbot Logged on 24-01-2016 00:41:21; mod6: The hang up here is that, it basically can't be mirrored in the same place as the rest of the patches; simply because when one sync's up against a mirror your changes will break the rest of the tree.
21:23 mircea_popescu we can't be the first people doing a multi-platform release.
21:24 asciilifeform but we ~might~ be the first people who won't tolerate pestilential #ifdefs OR duplicate trees for it
21:25 BingoBoingo ^
21:25 mircea_popescu asciilifeform so what do we do ?
21:25 mircea_popescu ;;nethash
21:25 gribble 949473454.023
21:26 asciilifeform openbsd won't run linux elf, like netbsd ?
21:26 asciilifeform BingoBoingo ?
21:26 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Only i386 will.
21:26 mod6 <+mircea_popescu> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-01-2016#1383446 << wait, explain this to me ? << the idea is that our makefiles, or whatever build scripts will utilize V to build inside of the rotor (a linux thing) - the source must be compatable with that. phf's openbsd scripts are not compatible with this.
21:26 assbot Logged on 24-01-2016 00:41:21; mod6: The hang up here is that, it basically can't be mirrored in the same place as the rest of the patches; simply because when one sync's up against a mirror your changes will break the rest of the tree.
21:26 asciilifeform everything i've so far experienced with openbsd suggests that
21:26 asciilifeform it is retarded
21:26 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-01-2016#1383495 << rap "industree" is dead in the water so all the wanna-be succeeders at "the game" want federal dollars to prop up their delusion.
21:26 assbot Logged on 24-01-2016 01:49:23; ben_vulpes: "We DEMAND the inclusion of teachers and educators with auditory and relative business skills pertaining to contemporary Black musical styles." << relative business skills? what are those
21:27 asciilifeform and that it is only quasi-works for a few very specific use cases
21:27 asciilifeform perhaps it was once a thing, i cannot say
21:27 mod6 however, if he and I work together, we could possibly get some patches in place that would check to see what the local environment is and if __BSD__, then apply, otherwise, do not.
21:27 asciilifeform pretty much every single 'openbsdism' i've so far run into screams braindamage
21:27 mircea_popescu mod6 so basically we can't use our convenient makefiles to build the pressed source ; openbsd people gotta finagle their own build chain to get the same source to compile and link ?
21:28 asciilifeform (~different~ braindamage than in linux, and this is appealing to some people)
21:28 mod6 yes.
21:28 mircea_popescu well yeah, seems this will have to be separately maintained.
21:28 asciilifeform just like the nintendo port.
21:28 mircea_popescu i suspect it'd be a horrid mistake to try and merge the notion of a press and the notion of a makefile.
21:29 mod6 and further, the changes that we wanted to make with V (where we mechanically check to see the patch was applied correctly by checking the hashes) also will not work on bsd unless a bunch more alterations are made, but this is a side issue.
21:29 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: correct, they are entirely different processes with just enough superficially in common to lead n00bz to conceptual perdition
21:29 pete_dushenski https://medium.com/@wob/the-sad-state-of-web-development-1603a861d29f#.b8m91c8mi << nyooz at 11
21:29 assbot The Sad State of Web Development — Medium ... ( http://bit.ly/1nGEkJi )
21:29 mircea_popescu mod6 how can that possibly happen ?!
21:29 mod6 this is because BSD's sha/md commands spit out the digests in different way than on linux.
21:29 mircea_popescu oh ffs.
21:30 ben_vulpes yeah, i ran into this.
21:30 ben_vulpes needs -q flags.
21:31 mircea_popescu so basically, this should prolly be on the wiki or what.
21:31 mod6 linux:
21:31 mod6 # sha256sum blah.txt
21:31 mod6 827aa4d3ea7c8b7177abe0e2d1d87f45857755df32956fbc54e7a1c10981e6b4 blah.txt
21:32 mod6 bsd
21:32 mod6 sha256 blah.txt
21:32 mod6 SHA256 (blah.txt) = 827aa4d3ea7c8b7177abe0e2d1d87f45857755df32956fbc54e7a1c10981e6b4
21:32 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> (~different~ braindamage than in linux, and this is appealing to some people) << This is pretty much its appeal to me. I have modest needs as far as necessary hardware and necessary software go.
21:32 mod6 so a minor annoyance there. but alas.
21:33 * adlai notes that the three laws are phrased as guidelines for builders, rather than code for execution
21:33 BingoBoingo Also Openbsd base system is complete enough to make internet on mars
21:33 adlai ... wrong chanl (or maybe not?)
21:33 mod6 <+mircea_popescu> mod6 so basically we can't use our convenient makefiles to build the pressed source ; openbsd people gotta finagle their own build chain to get the same source to compile and link ? << and further more, they'll never have the same build process like we want.
21:34 mod6 because they can not use buildroot... at least, I don't *think* they can, easily at lesat. they could turn on Linux Binary Comapt mode and perhaps some other kernel tweeks. would need to be looked a.t.
21:34 mircea_popescu mod6 thinking about this, the problem slowly becomes that not only does bitcoin gravitate towards bitcoinos, but it puts some serious problems to any attempt at wide support.
21:34 mod6 for sure. our best bet, is bitcoinos.
21:34 pete_dushenski http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/users/2016/01/vr_porn_is_here_does_virtual_sex_really_feel_real.html?curator=MediaREDEF <-- same 'amanda hess' chica as --> http://www.contravex.com/2015/02/18/you-need-an-ambien-to-sleep-because-you-bought-the-trappings-of-power-instead-of-the-real-thing/
21:34 assbot VR porn is here. Does virtual sex really feel real? ... ( http://bit.ly/1PuVgJ4 )
21:34 assbot You need an Ambien to sleep because you bought the trappings of power instead of the real thing. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1PuVgJ8 )
21:35 pete_dushenski in related news, http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2014/05/cyberbll.html is a dead link
21:35 assbot 404 Not Found ... ( http://bit.ly/1PuVhws )
21:35 mircea_popescu the problem with that is that well... nobody'd want to bash in bitcoinos. so we'll end up with a very strange catamaran of a stack.
21:35 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski do you mind ?
21:35 adlai pete_dushenski: more helpful to say where you encountered the deadlink :)
21:35 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i am actually dealing with precisely this as we speak
21:35 danielpbarron pete_dushenski, follow assbot's bitly link
21:36 asciilifeform dusted off draft of something i had a while back, because mircea_popescu mentioned it and proclaimed that it isn't wholly retarded
21:36 mircea_popescu which was this ?
21:36 asciilifeform tinyscheme welded onto trb
21:36 asciilifeform draft name on my disk was.. shiva
21:36 mircea_popescu ah, right.
21:36 mircea_popescu anyway, for the first time so far it occurs to me we might be setting ourselves up for failure here. because of this support / os issue.
21:37 asciilifeform it will be a ~shell~
21:37 asciilifeform in trb.
21:37 pete_dushenski my apologies for the linkspam interruption
21:37 asciilifeform only switched on, with command line flag, if you are really ready to meet allah;
21:37 mircea_popescu asciilifeform logically : a) you won't want to ssh into the node and do your bash there (providing it even has ssh). this means you'll be stuck using something else on top of bitcoin-os.
21:38 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: this is elementarily not so
21:38 mircea_popescu obviously, as a general thing, people MIGHT consider running a bitcoin node on any box they run.
21:38 mircea_popescu but if bitcoin can not be run there... well...
21:38 asciilifeform the bare metal variant will expose shiva shell through one of the serial ports
21:38 asciilifeform which can be attached to whatever you like, e.g., a unix box running sshd
21:38 asciilifeform sort of what folks do with routers and factory robots today
21:38 mircea_popescu hm
21:39 mircea_popescu so then the model here is to have fundamentally speaking a pogo/arm-ish level bitcoind/os, that doesn't really natively build on anything without a laundry list of finicking ?
21:39 asciilifeform builds ~on~ whatever the fuck you like
21:39 asciilifeform rotor does this already
21:39 mircea_popescu i mean software-on not hardware-on
21:39 asciilifeform software-on.
21:39 asciilifeform rotor will build on nintendo.
21:39 mircea_popescu then what is the bsd problem ?
21:40 asciilifeform building ~for~
21:40 mircea_popescu huh ?
21:40 asciilifeform iirc nobody succeeded in building ~for~ it ?
21:40 mircea_popescu so you bring up your *bsd box, run rotor on it, does it build or doesn't it.
21:40 asciilifeform or hm, looks like userland caltrops prevent even v from running there
21:41 mircea_popescu right. so no, rotor doesn't "do this already".
21:41 asciilifeform aha
21:41 asciilifeform to which i say that it is braindamaged to expect the thing to build on arbitrary crud os
21:41 asciilifeform what, i also do a winblows toolchain now ?
21:41 asciilifeform vms?
21:41 mircea_popescu asciilifeform so if someone has a box that they're using, they can't run a bitcoin node there unless they run it under bitcoinos ?
21:42 asciilifeform build the linux variant ?
21:42 asciilifeform understand, if someone ~wants~ to maintain a nintendo port, let'em
21:42 mircea_popescu "bitcoinos" is a symbol here. may mean linux, whatever the fuck it means.
21:42 asciilifeform but 'runs for everybody on every kind of dead animal in a box' is a dead end goal
21:43 mircea_popescu and so what, we're officially targetting "anything that's unix post bsd pre systemd" ?
21:43 asciilifeform i dare say that expecting a vaguely linuxlike ~build environment~ is not unreasonable
21:43 mircea_popescu and so then bsd support, like windows or crapple support, would be a bolt-on ?
21:43 asciilifeform if somebody wants to maintain a parallel universe 'v' et al where the bsd flags make it go, i will take off my hat to them.
21:43 asciilifeform aha.
21:44 mircea_popescu asciilifeform well apparently phf was half-trying but no hats.
21:44 mircea_popescu phf you seriously considering maintaining a bsd rotor thing ?
21:46 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61500 @ 0.00056137 = 34.5243 BTC [+] {3}
21:46 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo srsly why are you putting your uni library in the deedbot.
21:46 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: So that I don't have to link fiat uni web sites.
21:47 mircea_popescu hm.
21:47 BingoBoingo If reddit is to be denied links so ought they.
21:47 BingoBoingo In case the documents get "Oberlin'd"
21:48 * adlai notes that a) archive.is works for backup b) deedbot provides verification alone c) the blockchain works for paranoid-max backup, if you pay your way
21:48 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo yeah the part where your otherwise reasonable idea breaks down is where deedbot is not really a webservice
21:48 mircea_popescu even if currently available on web endpoint as well.
21:50 BingoBoingo Well, librarybot is still 18-36 months out.
21:51 mircea_popescu anyway. i suppose this entire compatibility general issue will need more thinking about.
21:52 * adlai is currently working on blockchain-databot or whatever's a better name
21:52 mod6 yeah, very much so. a good conversation to have though, as our future roadmap depends on some early-on food for thought.
21:52 adlai SaaS (spam, spam, blockchain, spam)
21:53 mircea_popescu mod6 to my mind it's almost as if we bit a recursion girder over here. "v presses source". "ok how do i build it ?" "uh... i guess you need a v-make genesis and follow that for your os." "ok... how do i do that ?" "well... get v-make-make and..."
21:53 mod6 i guess my thought is, if we wanna make bitcoinos - we will end up forking either SVR4 or BSD, and then getting married.
21:54 adlai the general goals being - get the data in there, as cheaply as possible, without same standards as http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1490 and some reasonable method to random-access without having to reconstruct the entire turd
21:54 assbot Loper OS » Practical Blockchain Telegraphy. ... ( http://bit.ly/1LY30Hl )
21:54 adlai s/out// blah
21:54 mod6 so we may think of a different way of doing something like this, maybe it's not a full OS of sorts, maybe its a embedded deal.
21:54 asciilifeform adlai: why not also suggest placing it on mars ?
21:54 asciilifeform cheaper.
21:54 mircea_popescu mod6 here's the problem with "Bitcoinos" : you will want it adapted for bitcoin needs, which necessarily means it won't be your tool of choice for doing almost anything else, which necessarily means maintaining it will be a pain in the ass.
21:54 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: trying to wiggle out from under this is misguided imho.
21:54 asciilifeform it is a logical necessity.
21:55 mircea_popescu im not making any calls here, just running the horse around the field.
21:55 adlai asciilifeform: because large amounts of data are worth paying small amounts of btc to immortalize, today; and small amounts of data will always be worth paying large amounts of btc to immortalize - even tomorrow.
21:55 asciilifeform just like missile guidance needs a particular kind of os
21:55 asciilifeform that you won't play tetris on
21:55 asciilifeform or even compile itself on.
21:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 86600 @ 0.000562 = 48.6692 BTC [+] {2}
21:55 * adlai also got an upfront btc donation to do this so ~shrug~
21:55 mircea_popescu asciilifeform but this faces you with the unpleasant choice of whether to not play tetris or not run bitcoin on your homebox.
21:56 asciilifeform i already have this choice with many other things
21:56 mircea_popescu see, that';s thje bitch here : missile guidance has to be on missile and there only. there's no benefit from it running on jane's computor.
21:56 asciilifeform e.g., i have a set of boxes for running winblowz virii on.
21:56 asciilifeform that are not fit for any other purpose
21:56 mircea_popescu nevertheless.
21:56 asciilifeform and many folks keep similar winblowz box for games, etc
21:57 adlai mircea_popescu: ever heard of 4th gen ATMs? (not the kind that gets skimmed)
21:57 mircea_popescu there's no space in the future for windows.
21:57 mircea_popescu so i'm not terribly interested in that line of thought.
21:57 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: mentioned on account of separate-box
21:57 asciilifeform there is no space in the future for commodore 64, and yet i have one
21:57 asciilifeform that was not the point.
21:58 mircea_popescu but i'm discussing YOUR HOME BOX. not some rando box you run.
21:58 asciilifeform from where comes this perverse scenario of 'one box'
21:58 asciilifeform serious toilet-kitchen separation problem
21:58 mircea_popescu do you have a system you work on ?
21:58 asciilifeform folks who 'one box' HAVE NO BUSINESS with bitcoin
21:58 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i have several.
21:58 mircea_popescu sure.
21:59 mircea_popescu so you want to not be able to run bitcoin on them ?
21:59 asciilifeform perfectly happy to run it in vm on them, if it comes to it
21:59 asciilifeform (if we give it own os, with custom fs, etc)
21:59 asciilifeform the way i presently run msdos.
21:59 adlai http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-01-2016#1380428
21:59 assbot Logged on 22-01-2016 00:00:44; BingoBoingo: So next year will be 3 months to sync, 2018 4 months, 2019 5 months etc.
21:59 mircea_popescu wouldn't it be a shitton cheaper to not need a vm layer if at all avoidable ?
22:00 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: not if it gangrenes the code with #ifdefs.
22:00 mod6 <+mircea_popescu> mod6 here's the problem with "Bitcoinos" : you will want it adapted for bitcoin needs, which necessarily means it won't be your tool of choice for doing almost anything else, which necessarily means maintaining it will be a pain in the ass. << agree. I think that what I'm getting at is maybe it ends up being like cisco ios.
22:00 mircea_popescu asciilifeform is ifdefs REALLY the only way to do this ?
22:00 polarbeard bitcoinos would be based on what? I think that's the interesting part
22:00 asciilifeform the actual speed penalty of vmization is perhaps 10%
22:00 mod6 its a thing, it gets flashed on to some firmware, and it basically just is, you can talk to it and use it, but it is its own thing.
22:00 mircea_popescu mod6 this i called the "pogo" approach to it.
22:01 mircea_popescu polarbeard that's an even sadder story.
22:01 mod6 right. exactly similar to this.
22:01 polarbeard unikernel?
22:01 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: bsd is retarded from the linux pov (or, if you're a bsd aficionado, vice-versa)
22:01 mod6 yah yah, watch it ;)
22:01 asciilifeform polarbeard: based on trb.
22:01 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yeah i guess most of the problem comes from that chasm. we're not the first to meet it.
22:01 polarbeard how do you talk with the cpu, memory, network, disk?
22:02 mircea_popescu polarbeard most of those will have to be written de novo, basically. esp the filesystem.
22:02 asciilifeform polarbeard: you open a book and read ? start with, e.g., tannenbaum ?
22:02 mircea_popescu (or from a security perspective, esp the cpu and memory)
22:02 asciilifeform polarbeard: or go to school, if you're the sort of person who goes in for that
22:02 polarbeard lol, ok, gl
22:02 asciilifeform (i happen to have done both)
22:03 mircea_popescu so basically my tentative takeaway here is that we'll mostly try to maintain broad linux-compatibility and try and help interested parties keep the wheels oiled and turning on stuff like bsd.
22:04 mod6 yeah, for now. seems the most viable approach.
22:04 mircea_popescu but riddle me this : how does user know his openbsd make process isn't satan's own ?
22:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 94029 @ 0.00056321 = 52.9581 BTC [+] {3}
22:04 ben_vulpes http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-01-2016#1383614 << whoawut?
22:04 assbot Logged on 24-01-2016 02:36:26; asciilifeform: tinyscheme welded onto trb
22:04 mircea_popescu seems we're slowly falling exactly into http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382912
22:04 assbot Logged on 23-01-2016 18:15:49; mircea_popescu: dude speaking of "provability" bs. FSB are "provably secure" because it can be proven they're at least as hard as regular syndrome decoding. which is np complete. while we don't actually know if THAT is in fact resolvable in polynomial time or not, nevertheless... PROVEDLY SECURE!!11
22:04 asciilifeform how does linux user know ?
22:05 mircea_popescu "v is provably secure. now go build it!"
22:05 mod6 this is perhaps were a seperate branch of V for bsd only comes in. or maybe i misunderstand.
22:05 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: thread concerned an experiment
22:05 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: that i am carrying out presently
22:05 ben_vulpes how does tinyscheme couple into ri source?
22:05 asciilifeform with hands.
22:05 mircea_popescu mod6 in the end we'll need a v thread for the source, one for the manual, one for linux make one for bsd make etc ? like 4 ?
22:05 ben_vulpes this is a wonder i would greatly like to see myself
22:06 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: i got it to compile ages ago, the tricky bit is to add useful tendrils into it
22:06 asciilifeform so you can meaningfully probe the living trb
22:06 ben_vulpes this'd be hooks into running bitcoind memory space and such?
22:06 mod6 mircea_popescu: excellent point.
22:06 asciilifeform it runs in own thread, you telnet into it
22:06 * ben_vulpes mind boggles
22:06 asciilifeform very barbaric
22:06 ben_vulpes the shit these reversers can do
22:07 mircea_popescu asciilifeform so you added tinyscheme to have sexpr rather than json, and now you telnet into scheme ?
22:07 asciilifeform i'm not even 100% convinced that it isn't braindamaged yet, must be seen
22:07 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: it's my motherfucking tx debugger
22:07 asciilifeform dont like it, write me a new one, aha
22:07 mircea_popescu lol i'ma cook you some toilet soup in a moment!
22:08 asciilifeform mmm.
22:08 mod6 haha
22:08 mircea_popescu understand mod6 : the thing that scared me above isnm't per se the fact that now we need 4, but that well... it grew. might be we're sitting on some unbounded complexity / a loose recursion tail.
22:09 mircea_popescu next week, 12 ? 255 ?
22:09 mod6 sure, the whole: 1, 2, inf. problem.
22:09 mircea_popescu so this has to be pondered upon.
22:09 asciilifeform sorta why i say it has to converge.
22:09 asciilifeform to 1.
22:09 asciilifeform incl. hardware.
22:09 asciilifeform as in, canonical ~physical object~
22:09 asciilifeform bits included.
22:09 mircea_popescu asciilifeform nothing converges if the path to convergence is expensive.
22:10 asciilifeform aha, didn't say it has any danger of happening.
22:10 asciilifeform but that 'has to'
22:10 asciilifeform to work as intended.
22:10 mircea_popescu are you an engineer or a priest today ?
22:11 * asciilifeform is probably both, at least in re: professional life
22:11 mircea_popescu check it out, he no longer cleaves things :D
22:11 asciilifeform i promise to say if i ever manage to cleave these.
22:12 mircea_popescu incidentally in today's random : https://projects.csail.mit.edu/church/wiki/Models_with_Unbounded_Complexity
22:12 assbot Models with Unbounded Complexity - Church Wiki ... ( http://bit.ly/1PuWZhm )
22:13 asciilifeform mircea_popescu's been playing with Church lang ?!
22:13 mod6 asciilifeform: so are we basically, with rotor, able to not only build a static bitcoind, but couldn't we also build a flashable rom that contains said static binary - a flashable universe so to speak?
22:13 mircea_popescu no. i deny all such allegations at this time.
22:14 asciilifeform mod6: this was my original objective with pogo
22:14 mod6 right.
22:14 mircea_popescu mod6 that's what started all this
22:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68850 @ 0.00055508 = 38.2173 BTC [-] {3}
22:14 mod6 yah, i still think this might be a resonable path. but lot of thought still must go into this whole thing. tonight was a great discussion on it tho.
22:15 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: lulzy link, it very closely resembles an undergrad homework of mine
22:15 mod6 does anyone else think that this is *not* a decent consideration at least? even taking into consideration the issues we ran into with pogo?
22:15 mircea_popescu what do you mean ?
22:16 mod6 eh, sorry: does the idea of a flashable universe built from rotor still make sense.
22:16 mircea_popescu definitely.
22:17 mod6 i think it could be pretty neat, in the end.
22:18 mod6 you buy a flash rom (from S.NSA? or from local place you trust??) then get V, build a flashable universe, flash the card, drop it into some device and then you can talk to it over some wire from your work station
22:19 mircea_popescu http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/util.cpp#0771 << this doesn't actually work, i've seen gb+ debug.logs
22:19 assbot Satoshi ... ( http://bit.ly/1PuTHee )
22:19 asciilifeform mod6: the principal obstacle is the lack of a computer.
22:19 mod6 (im just spitballing here)
22:19 asciilifeform we don't have a computer.
22:19 polarbeard mircea_popescu: good because I'm removing it
22:19 mircea_popescu it really doesn't belong anywhere.
22:19 mircea_popescu if (file && GetFilesize(file) > 10 * 1000000)
22:19 mircea_popescu can't even figure out a magic number, needs 2.
22:19 polarbeard do we agree in using an external tool for this?
22:20 mircea_popescu polarbeard do you understand how v and wot works ?\
22:20 polarbeard I guess I do, but please follow
22:21 mod6 <+asciilifeform> we don't have a computer. << well, this goes back to the same thing. currently we're married to some linux varient to do (future) building of flashable universe
22:21 mircea_popescu to put it in you'll have to sign it. if it turns out later to have a hole, people will negrate you.
22:21 mircea_popescu so read it eight times.
22:21 asciilifeform polarbeard: where i come from we have a proverb, 'the sapper errs - once.'
22:22 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2016/the-sad-state-of-bitcoin-code/#selection-5307.1-5307.37 << taking out area #5307 ftw.
22:22 assbot The sad state of Bitcoin code on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1PuXsjC )
22:22 polarbeard I'm building better logging in two steps, first I lay out better and prefixed messages, people can review that
22:22 mircea_popescu polarbeard you'll still have to sign it. there's no way out of this.
22:23 polarbeard sure, no problem with that
22:23 mircea_popescu so as they say, don't sign anything you might regret.
22:23 mircea_popescu fwiw i have a lot more faith in code someone read than in code someone wrote.
22:23 polarbeard oh well, my soul has already an owner
22:23 mircea_popescu the former implies the latter.
22:25 polarbeard returning to the retarded-rotator, will somebody miss it?
22:25 polarbeard it supposedly overwrites the log and (how considerate) leaves you a few lines from the old one
22:25 mod6 not if someone builds something that works, and does not break anything.
22:26 mircea_popescu no.
22:26 polarbeard well, I use logrotate, but I'm a linux-lowlife
22:26 mircea_popescu incidentally, if something like char pch[200000]; is inside an if, what does the compiler usually do ? allocate it at program start or not ?
22:28 polarbeard inside a func? has to be called
22:28 mircea_popescu and so if it can\t find 200k contiguos this actually fucking crashes ?
22:29 mod6 it should ask the os for 200k of mem, this should be allocated in pages (usually 4k ea. iirc) it may not be contiguos
22:29 mircea_popescu ah it doesn't want to get the whole byte ?
22:29 mircea_popescu i thought it did.
22:29 mod6 no it shouldnt crash unless there is no more ram left available in the entire computer.
22:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38850 @ 0.00056432 = 21.9238 BTC [+] {3}
22:30 mod6 i could be wrong here.
22:30 mod6 asciilifeform: ?
22:30 mircea_popescu "// "Never go to sea with two chronometers; take one or three." Our three time sources are: System clock ; Median of other nodes's clocks ; The user (asking the user to fix the system clock if the first two disagree)"
22:30 mircea_popescu the more one reads, the less one likes.
22:31 mircea_popescu seriously, MEDIAN ? seriously, this is three ? fuck me.
22:31 mircea_popescu "never go to sea with two clocks. take one or three. so we're taking two but one has a special button to press to ask it if it's really sure. if it is it squaks audibly."
22:31 mircea_popescu "at least most of the time".
22:32 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-01-2016#1383521 << collapse is an exponential not a linear process.
22:32 assbot Logged on 24-01-2016 02:05:25; ben_vulpes: i thought there'd be about another 5 years before things got this nutso
22:34 polarbeard lol, I'm following the rabbit hole and it seems pszSetDataDir is not set if -datadir not given
22:34 polarbeard therefore never shittyrotating
22:34 polarbeard mircea_popescu: do you use -datadir?
22:35 mircea_popescu which is why nobody uses datadir, because wtf you do with munged 200kb logfiles.
22:35 mod6 i do:
22:35 mod6 # du -sh /mnt/btc-dev/.bitcoin/debug.log
22:35 mod6 12G /mnt/btc-dev/.bitcoin/debug.log
22:35 polarbeard ugh
22:35 polarbeard you use datadir but give the default dir?
22:35 mircea_popescu oh it doesn't work anyway ?
22:35 mod6 no, i use /mnt/btc-dev/.bitcoin since mine is in an attached volume.
22:36 mod6 not ~/.bitcoin
22:36 polarbeard allright, then shittyRotate() is there to give hope
22:37 mircea_popescu maybe it only works on windows 95.
22:38 polarbeard surely was introduced for it, windows users see logs as a feature
22:38 mod6 which btw for testers is kinda nice -- you can make a really large volume and attach to which ever instance at will and keep your OS small, or swap it out easily without ever having to clobber your build/sandbox area
22:43 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23550 @ 0.00056453 = 13.2947 BTC [+]
22:45 mod6 <+asciilifeform> mod6: the principal obstacle is the lack of a computer. << oh you're saying a target arch here? or?
22:47 polarbeard the quality of the error messages: http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/bitcoinrpc.cpp#1299
22:47 assbot Satoshi ... ( http://bit.ly/1RGn4R7 )
22:48 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 74209 @ 0.00056453 = 41.8932 BTC [+]
22:48 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-01-2016#1383835 << where ?
22:48 assbot Logged on 24-01-2016 03:26:58; mircea_popescu: incidentally, if something like char pch[200000]; is inside an if, what does the compiler usually do ? allocate it at program start or not ?
22:48 asciilifeform the answer depends on whether it is a global declaration or inside a function
22:49 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-01-2016#1383837 << if it were inside a function, the ~stack~ must contain that many contiguous free bts
22:49 assbot Logged on 24-01-2016 03:28:26; mircea_popescu: and so if it can\t find 200k contiguos this actually fucking crashes ?
22:49 asciilifeform or overflows.
22:50 asciilifeform if ~global~, the process data segment will be stretched to fit, and if os does not like this, process will get oomkilled on load
22:50 mod6 the only place i can find that is in util.cpp:ShrinkDebugFile()
22:51 polarbeard that's the one
22:51 mod6 char pch[200000];
22:51 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-01-2016#1383848 << 1st time i saw this, i misread, 'two cocks'
22:51 assbot Logged on 24-01-2016 03:31:44; mircea_popescu: "never go to sea with two clocks. take one or three. so we're taking two but one has a special button to press to ask it if it's really sure. if it is it squaks audibly."
22:52 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-01-2016#1383869 << we don't have a computer that you can buy that makes this concept have a point
22:52 assbot Logged on 24-01-2016 03:45:09; mod6: <+asciilifeform> mod6: the principal obstacle is the lack of a computer. << oh you're saying a target arch here? or?
22:52 asciilifeform (the os in flash thing)
22:54 mod6 <+asciilifeform> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-01-2016#1383837 << if it were inside a function, the ~stack~ must contain that many contiguous free bts << i guess this makes sense. i dunno why i was thinking that it might not be.
22:54 assbot Logged on 24-01-2016 03:28:26; mircea_popescu: and so if it can\t find 200k contiguos this actually fucking crashes ?
22:55 mod6 i gotta read up on paging again i guess.
22:57 asciilifeform mod6: see also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Function_prologue
22:57 assbot Function prologue - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1PuYThX )
22:58 asciilifeform ^ basic mechanics
22:58 asciilifeform http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2011/09/06/stack-frame-layout-on-x86-64 << better picture
22:58 assbot Stack frame layout on x86-64 - Eli Bendersky's website ... ( http://bit.ly/1PuYTP4 )
22:58 asciilifeform ^ for n00bz
22:59 mod6 <+asciilifeform> mod6: see also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Function_prologue << yup, know about this from asm stuff i've done.
22:59 assbot Function prologue - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1PuYThX )
22:59 mod6 thanks for the links tho
23:00 asciilifeform so then you know what it means to allocate on the stack.
23:01 mod6 ya, i think i was just confusing some kern shit that i'd read.
23:03 mod6 memory allocation is done by the os at runtime. when you ask for some bytes, there are kern mechinisms that handle this request, are there not?
23:03 asciilifeform heap
23:03 asciilifeform ;;google sbrk
23:03 gribble sbrk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sbrk>; sbrk(2): change data segment size - Linux man page: <http://linux.die.net/man/2/sbrk>; brk - The Open Group: <http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/7908799/xsh/brk.html>
23:05 * mod6 pulls out the book
23:08 asciilifeform and hah, looks like mircea_popescu said 'inside an if'
23:08 asciilifeform so this means in function, on the stack.
23:11 mod6 ya
23:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43700 @ 0.000557 = 24.3409 BTC [-] {2}
23:16 mod6 maybe i was just remembering this: "Most machine architectures provide a contiguous virutal address space for processes. Some machine architectures, however, choose to partition visibly a process's virtual address space into regious termed segments [intel, 1984].
23:17 mod6 Such segments usually must be phyiscally contiguous in main memory and must begin at fixed addresses. We shall be concenred with only those systems that do not visibly segment their virtual address space."
23:18 mod6 *shrug*
23:19 mod6 This is from: Design & Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System by McKusick
~ 26 minutes ~
23:45 mod6 anyway, yah, its not like it called malloc or whatever, its on the stack. i am retard.
23:58 BingoBoingo ;;ticker --market all --currency rmb
23:58 gribble BTCChina BTCRMB last: 2582.0, vol: 67307.60100000 | Volume-weighted last average: 2582.0
23:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33007 @ 0.00055871 = 18.4413 BTC [+] {2}
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