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← 2015-03-02 | 2015-03-04 →
00:00 ben_vulpes traveling wave dildo?
00:00 asciilifeform (much unexplored design space in dildonics. for instance, a cylindrical/topologically-toroidal 'conveyor' with belt that recirculates through inner hollow, could product impression of infinite length)
00:00 asciilifeform *produce
00:00 ben_vulpes i think augur designs exist approximating this.
00:01 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: auger ?
00:01 ben_vulpes but you'll have to tell me how effective they are, asciilifeform.
00:01 ben_vulpes yes, yes.
00:01 mircea_popescu asciilifeform amusingly, i actually had this design made, and tried on live girls.
00:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38900 @ 0.00037831 = 14.7163 BTC [-]
00:01 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: !
00:01 asciilifeform how'd it go?!
00:01 asciilifeform and which - toroidal, or wave ?
00:01 mircea_popescu best intro to fisting.
00:02 mircea_popescu basically a flatish torus, looks like a cylinder from outside
00:03 asciilifeform don't suppose a photo was published ?
00:03 mircea_popescu was not. fucking complicated even without involving the cameras.
00:03 mircea_popescu its main advantage tho, is that it reduces any need for friction.
00:03 asciilifeform damnit, here i was, thinking i'd actually invented something useful, l0l
00:04 mircea_popescu well what, invented a geometric shape ?
00:04 mircea_popescu it's not 500bc anymore, you know.
00:04 asciilifeform neh
00:04 asciilifeform the idea of toroidal 'belt sander' as dildatron
00:04 mircea_popescu more like track than belt sander rly.
00:06 mircea_popescu unrelatedly, http://31.media.tumblr.com/657bb727d9237bf557266ca15de00fa5/tumblr_n8uf9fngfP1qb139no1_400.gif
00:06 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1Cn3Rwm )
00:06 mircea_popescu no, actually, i got a much better one. http://38.media.tumblr.com/0eed9dc2858247e231736ceb94b53e0e/tumblr_ncmqux4dvb1s11mtco1_400.gif
00:06 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1Cn3SR6 )
00:06 mircea_popescu PERISTALSIS!
00:07 asciilifeform the subject on the right looks like an anthropomorphic 'cock'n'balls'
00:07 asciilifeform very mindfuck
00:10 trinque mod6: uploaded at http://deedbot.org/345939-1B3Sfa4h9hTPweMuCKPYyHQ9kH6ij3Zkwn.txt
00:10 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1Cn4INA )
00:17 mod6 trinque: awesome thanks!
00:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43134 @ 0.00037724 = 16.2719 BTC [-] {3}
00:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.QNTR] 9132 @ 0.00027068 = 2.4718 BTC [-]
~ 17 minutes ~
00:51 mircea_popescu til yahoo owns tumblr
00:51 thestringpuller ?
~ 16 minutes ~
01:07 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 106608 @ 0.00041472 = 44.2125 BTC [+] {2}
01:17 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/infinitum.gif
01:17 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1Nb7Uzd )
01:17 mircea_popescu exactly.
01:17 asciilifeform srsly !?!
01:18 mircea_popescu yep
01:18 asciilifeform the 64-quintillion-zimbabwollar question being,
01:18 asciilifeform which direction did they prefer
01:18 asciilifeform infinitum-in or infinitum-out
01:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 97594 @ 0.00041605 = 40.604 BTC [+] {2}
01:24 asciilifeform 'peristaltic' version is exactly the above, except the track is of non-uniform thickness (roughly sinusoidal along its length)
01:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16250 @ 0.00041174 = 6.6908 BTC [-]
01:26 asciilifeform and there is no reason why this apparatus - or a slightly scaled down one - could not function as a 'milking machine'
01:26 cazalla mircea_popescu, that is ofn and yahoo paid a pretty penny from memory
01:26 * asciilifeform had the idea roughly a decade ago, but no application.
01:27 mircea_popescu cazalla seems so yea
01:32 asciilifeform !up Vexual
01:35 asciilifeform decimation: https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2013/11/18/2013-27343/special-conditions-boeing-model-777-200--300-and--300er-series-airplanes-aircraft-electronic-system << lulzies !
01:35 assbot Federal Register | Special Conditions: Boeing Model 777-200, -300, and -300ER Series Airplanes; Aircraft Electronic System Security Protection From Unauthorized Internal Access ... ( http://bit.ly/1GKMNPP )
01:35 asciilifeform 'The proposed architecture is novel or unusual for commercial transport airplanes by enabling connection to previously isolated data networks connected to systems that perform functions required for the safe operation of the airplane.'
01:36 asciilifeform (Monday, November 18, 2013)
01:39 Vexual why can't i catch a nuke sub to somewhere?
01:40 cazalla Vexual, we don't have em here do we?
01:41 Vexual nope, we can't even make a canoe
01:42 Vexual we do, but they are very noisy
01:42 cazalla collins class? they are diesel
01:42 Vexual yah, right
01:42 asciilifeform http://www.forbes.com/sites/johngoglia/2015/02/13/faa-says-commercial-drone-operators-need-exemption-but-doesnt-prosecute-those-flying-without-one << official liar lies, suddenly making the story considerably more interesting
01:42 assbot FAA Says Commercial Drone Operators Need Exemption. But Doesn't Prosecute Those Flying Without One. - Forbes ... ( http://bit.ly/1GKObBK )
01:42 Vexual its an and or thing
01:42 asciilifeform these fuckwads can't just shut up, it seems
01:43 asciilifeform wrong link
01:43 asciilifeform http://www.forbes.com/sites/johngoglia/2015/02/25/hijacking-malaysia-airlines-flight-370-from-electronics-bay-not-possible
01:43 assbot Hijacking Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 From Electronics Bay? Not Possible. - Forbes ... ( http://bit.ly/1GKOsoz )
01:43 asciilifeform ^ correct link
01:45 ben_vulpes Vexual: you're a...nuke canoe! nuke canoe!
01:48 * Vexual checks an app cannon on the horizon
01:52 gabriel_laddel mircea_popescu: those girls were south korean iirc
01:53 gabriel_laddel anyways, all chinese girls are ugly?
01:53 gabriel_laddel nonsense
01:53 gabriel_laddel .chinabait
01:53 Vexual lol
01:53 Vexual wanna buy a prisma?
01:54 gabriel_laddel http://imgur.com/m860SUq,Fnz6qrS
01:54 assbot Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1GKQdBZ )
01:54 gabriel_laddel http://imgur.com/m860SUq,Fnz6qrS#1
01:54 assbot Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1GKQc0R )
01:54 gabriel_laddel ^ she is Chinese.
01:54 Vexual no shit
01:54 asciilifeform gabriel_laddel: take'em to usa and feed for six months or so (not longer!)
01:55 gabriel_laddel asciilifeform: nah, the Chinese have a class system thing going on.
01:55 cazalla gabriel_laddel, 2nd looks a bit haggard
01:55 gabriel_laddel they elites eat well
01:55 gabriel_laddel lol it's the same girl
01:55 Vexual cazalla, shes evidently pretty
01:55 asciilifeform gabriel_laddel: complicated. phytoestrogens in rice, soy are part of the story
01:56 gabriel_laddel and I know her irl, she is drunk in the 2nd photo
01:56 asciilifeform so not purely matter of malnutrition
01:56 gabriel_laddel asciilifeform: ah, do elaborate
01:56 cazalla gabriel_laddel, did ya bang her?
01:56 gabriel_laddel no
01:56 * asciilifeform bedtime
01:56 * asciilifeform invites interested readers to carry out own inquiries
01:56 gabriel_laddel lame
01:56 cazalla my missus has a china doll in her mum's group, she is one of the best chinese women i've seen and we have truckloads of em here down under
01:57 gabriel_laddel pics?
01:58 ben_vulpes A PETE
01:58 cazalla gabriel_laddel, sure, just let me ask the missus for pics of her friend from facebook :P
01:58 ben_vulpes pete_dushenski: thanks for that adams short.
01:58 ben_vulpes i read it to lady v on our morning stroll for great lulz.
01:58 gabriel_laddel cazalla: wtf is this 'asking' you speak of
01:59 pete_dushenski ben_vulpes: ha! she enjoyed it i take it ?
01:59 ben_vulpes cazalla: yeah, just crack open the girl's facebook
01:59 ben_vulpes pete_dushenski: and if she hadn't it'd have been educational regardless
01:59 ben_vulpes wait hang on there was context for this conversation
02:00 cazalla gabriel_laddel, maybe one day if she moves away or they're no longer friends but would be a bit strange for me to share pics of her on irc
02:01 gabriel_laddel lolk. I'm sorta half joking (and sorta half not).
02:01 Vexual https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56gpwl6cohc
02:01 ben_vulpes i'm not
02:01 ben_vulpes cazalla: come now, nobody knows who you are or the girls are
02:01 gabriel_laddel lol
02:02 ben_vulpes pete_dushenski: http://imgur.com/CWCOGkO
02:02 assbot Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1GKRKbe )
02:02 pete_dushenski lol perfect
02:02 ben_vulpes i see this sign every morning, yet this morning it brought to mind your...reprinting of the adams short.
02:02 Vexual strawberry dog poo petey
02:03 pete_dushenski the number of spoon-feeding, hand-holding signs present in the western world is atrocious
02:03 gabriel_laddel !up Vexual
02:04 Vexual thnaks gab
02:04 pete_dushenski douglas adams is a charming way of overcoming the rage
02:04 Vexual isn't he dead?
02:05 pete_dushenski yes
02:05 pete_dushenski "We are also in the process of forming partnerships with third parties in the industry; George, Jutta and myself managing this process; I’m happy to announce that at least three exchanges will be supporting Ether from day one on their trading platforms (details of which we’ll annouce soon), with more exchanges to follow."
02:05 pete_dushenski "I also finished the first draft of ICAP, the Ethereum Inter-exchange Client Address Protocol, an IBAN-compatible system for referencing and transacting to client accounts aimed to streamline the process of transfering funds, worry-free between exchanges and, ultimately, make KYC and AML pains a thing of the past."
02:05 pete_dushenski "Proof-of-Concept releases VII and VIII were released. NatSpec, “natural language specification format” and the basis of our transaction security was prototyped and integrated. Under Marek’s watch, now helped by Fabian, ethereum.js is truly coming of age with a near source-level compatibility with Solidity on contract interaction and support for the typed ABI with calling and events, the latter providing h
02:05 pete_dushenski assle-free state-change reporting."
02:06 pete_dushenski Since our blockchain has a number of important differences with the Bitcoin blockchain (mainly in transaction density), stemming from the extremely short 12s block time we’re aiming for, we would have to use not the blockchain data itself like Hashimoto but rather an artifcially created dataset, done with an algorithm known as Dagger (yes, some will remember it as Vitalik’s first and flawed attempt at a memo
02:06 pete_dushenski ry-hard proof-of-work).
02:06 pete_dushenski While this looked like a good direction to be going in, a swift audit of Vitalik and Matt’s initial algorithm by Tim Hughes (ex-Director of Technology at Frontier Developments and expert in low-level CPU and GPU operation and optimisation) showed major flaws. "
02:06 pete_dushenski "When deep in nitty gritty of development you sometimes forget quite how world-altering the technology you’re creating is, which is probably just as well since the gravity of the matter at hand would be continually distracting. "
02:07 pete_dushenski via https://blog.ethereum.org/2015/03/02/gavs-ethereum-d%CE%BEv-update-v/
02:07 assbot | Gav's Ethereum DEV Update ... ( http://bit.ly/1GKSLQL )
02:07 gabriel_laddel die
02:07 pete_dushenski the above quotes being for posterity
02:07 pete_dushenski and lulz
02:07 pete_dushenski given that mp's short contract date is fast approaching, this seems quite relevant
02:08 pete_dushenski http://www.contravex.com/2014/07/23/a-guide-to-buying-5000-ether-bitcoin-2-5x-more-than-ethereums-genesis-sale/ << march 15, 2015
02:08 assbot A Guide To Buying 5000 Ether/Bitcoin, 2.5x More Than Ethereum's Genesis Sale Offers | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1GKT3XF )
02:14 Vexual https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6JYzOjglBs
02:15 ben_vulpes ah cool
02:15 ben_vulpes so they baked "free usg thermorecal exams" into the protocol
02:16 ben_vulpes thermorectal
02:16 ben_vulpes i can't even be fucking arsed.
02:16 punkman ben_vulpes: http://imgur.com/CWCOGkO << I like it, but needs more shaming
02:16 assbot Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1GKUwgC )
02:18 gabriel_laddel mircea_popescu: btw, many SK girls get plastic surgery to look more western. If you ever spend enough time with them you'll start to see the differences between koreans and 'koreans'
02:19 Vexual https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmugSMBh_iI
02:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26700 @ 0.00041134 = 10.9828 BTC [-]
02:25 Vexual https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuJQSAiODqI
02:32 punkman http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/france-wants-companies-to-make-appliances-that-last-longer/2015/03/02/b39b326e-c0fa-11e4-a188-8e4971d37a8d_story.html
02:32 assbot France wants companies to make appliances that last longer - The Washington Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1EcXo6h )
02:32 ben_vulpes babe's got great tits
02:33 ben_vulpes pretty bad dancing in that video tho
02:33 pete_dushenski "Criminals in the US are using the new Apple Pay mobile payment system to buy high-value goods – often from Apple Stores – with stolen identities and credit card details." << le shock!
02:34 pete_dushenski "The crooks have not broken the secure encryption around Apple Pay’s fingerprint-activated wireless payment mechanism. Instead, they are setting up new iPhones with stolen personal information, and then calling banks to “provision” the victim’s card on the phone to use it to buy goods. "
02:34 pete_dushenski but it's somehow cash that's dangerous
02:34 pete_dushenski because reasons.
02:35 punkman http://berkshirehathaway.com/2014ar/linksannual14.html
02:35 assbot 2014 Financial Statement XBRL Files and Annual Report ... ( http://bit.ly/1GKXEsR )
02:35 cazalla who eats the chargeback? apple?
02:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 116348 @ 0.00040555 = 47.1849 BTC [-] {4}
02:37 pete_dushenski cazalla: i'm guessing banks issuing the credit cards
02:38 punkman more likely whoever owns the apple store
02:38 pete_dushenski http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/mar/02/apple-pay-mobile-payment-system-scammers << for more details
02:38 assbot Apple Pay: a new frontier for scammers | Technology | The Guardian ... ( http://bit.ly/1GKYje1 )
02:39 pete_dushenski "Abraham says: “Fraud in Apple Pay… came as a surprise to all” " << mhm. right.
02:46 fluffypony pete_dushenski: analogous to "The fraud came as a surprise. He seemed like such a nice guy. I definitely didn't expect him to scam anyone."
02:47 pete_dushenski yup. 'he had such a friendly smile'
02:47 fluffypony 'as he stabbed me and raped my bloody corpse'
02:59 mircea_popescu i step away for one second and what happens!
02:59 mircea_popescu * ebit (rose@ has joined #bitcoin-assets << why nobody ups noobs nomore!
03:00 punkman !up roseebit
03:01 mircea_popescu ello roseebit
03:03 pete_dushenski "Pete, you should either give your money to a qualified money manager or go back to work." << kids and their ideas about success
03:03 mircea_popescu cazalla / bingoboingo : just in case you were wondering where the ftp server went, turns out cpanel decided to upgrade stuff on the 23rd, failed to get pureftpd upgraded correctly, decided it's no longer needed and nuked it.
03:03 mircea_popescu i've had it resolved.
03:03 pete_dushenski 'you've been a successful investor for 15 years but that was just luck so you should trust a random hobo now'
03:03 mircea_popescu o wait you have ?
03:04 pete_dushenski me ? ya
03:04 mircea_popescu 15 years that means since you were what, 16 ?
03:05 pete_dushenski 13
03:05 chetty can't be having people do things, must have experts and authorities run our lives you know
03:05 pete_dushenski and it was really more like 11, just rounding ;)
03:05 mircea_popescu respek ma autoritah!
03:06 mircea_popescu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gx4jn77VKlQ
03:06 assbot Cartman Respect My Authoritah - South Park - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1CnHhUs )
03:06 pete_dushenski ya i started trading stocks on my parents' accounts before i was much interested in girls
03:06 pete_dushenski or maybe it was around the same time
03:06 pete_dushenski hmm, a theory developeth
03:07 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: lol
03:08 pete_dushenski http://www.contravex.com/2015/01/23/how-the-adage-time-is-money-and-the-existence-of-google-prove-that-facebook-is-worth-less-than-dust/#comment-11997 << thread re: my unwarranted self-confidence as an investor
03:08 assbot How the adage “time is money” and the existence of Google+ prove that Facebook is worth less than dust. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1GL3HgY )
03:09 pete_dushenski it's mostly that brandon morin derp again, he of 'nazis aren't socialists' fame
03:09 pete_dushenski well, as much 'fame' as random, non-WoT commenters on contravex can have
03:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 151700 @ 0.0003749 = 56.8723 BTC [-] {4}
03:10 ben_vulpes two links for your review:
03:10 ben_vulpes http://reactionwheel.net/2015/01/80s-vc.html
03:10 assbot Heat Death: Venture Capital in the 1980s | Reaction Wheel ... ( http://bit.ly/1CnIBqg )
03:11 ben_vulpes http://reactionwheel.net/2009/04/why-bankers-will-continue-to-make-just.html
03:11 assbot Why Bankers Will Continue to Make Just as Much as They Used To | Reaction Wheel ... ( http://bit.ly/1CnIzyT )
03:11 ben_vulpes i've read them, found them interesting and full of insight, but submit them for the forum for my own education.
03:12 pete_dushenski ben_vulpes: to the second one, i reply 'bankers aren't the bad guys (tm)'
03:12 pete_dushenski relevant: http://www.contravex.com/2015/02/19/bankers-arent-the-bad-guys/
03:12 assbot Bankers aren’t the bad guys. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1CnJ3oD )
03:13 * pete_dushenski cuts himself off from more contravex links. that's enough for one evening.
03:13 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes ima read it.
03:15 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-03-2015#1039444 << oic!
03:15 assbot Logged on 03-03-2015 06:56:08; gabriel_laddel: and I know her irl, she is drunk in the 2nd photo
03:16 ben_vulpes pete_dushenski: bankers being bad guys or not is really not part of the linked piece.
03:16 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-03-2015#1039455 << you can link her to source, so as to explain why you want em. im sure she'll love the logs :D
03:16 assbot Logged on 03-03-2015 06:58:20; cazalla: gabriel_laddel, sure, just let me ask the missus for pics of her friend from facebook :P
03:16 ben_vulpes it's more about returns to "talent" vs return to equity.
03:18 pete_dushenski ben_vulpes: to my eye that article is about why the author doesn't like 'the market'
03:19 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-03-2015#1039482 << pass teh bud brothar.
03:19 assbot Logged on 03-03-2015 07:05:35; pete_dushenski: "Proof-of-Concept releases VII and VIII were released. NatSpec, “natural language specification format” and the basis of our transaction security was prototyped and integrated. Under Marek’s watch, now helped by Fabian, ethereum.js is truly coming of age with a near source-level compatibility with Solidity on contract interaction and support for the typed ABI with calling and events, the latter
03:19 pete_dushenski when in fact that market is a result of too many and too perverse of regulations, not the result of a lack regulation
03:20 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski: given that mp's short contract date is fast approaching, this seems quite relevant << kinda irrelevant, seeing how NOBODY.ACTUALLY.BOUGHT.
03:20 mircea_popescu not as much as a dime's worth.
03:20 mircea_popescu for all the pretense that there's "investment" in this nonsense.
03:21 ben_vulpes !up Vexual
03:21 * pete_dushenski remembers
03:21 * Vexual remwmbers
03:22 * ben_vulpes has purged the scambuffer
03:22 ben_vulpes replaced it with dicks in blondes mouth
03:22 Vexual oooch
03:22 pete_dushenski ben_vulpes: "The money has to go somewhere" << this argument is also be based on 'the problem of too much money'
03:23 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-03-2015#1039515 xml xsd god have mercy.
03:23 assbot Logged on 03-03-2015 07:35:10; punkman: http://berkshirehathaway.com/2014ar/linksannual14.html
03:23 pete_dushenski the idea that bankers are inflating dollars of their own volition is a bit off
03:23 mircea_popescu they're going to publish their reports in wrigley next.
03:23 pete_dushenski on the inside of a silvery wrapper
03:23 Bet placed: 3 BTC for Yes on "BTC to top $500 before 1st May" http://bitbet.us/bet/1120/ Odds: 27(Y):73(N) by coin, 25(Y):75(N) by weight. Total bet: 50.93535957 BTC. Current weight: 76,696.
03:23 Vexual https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1l0xpkk0yaQ
03:24 pete_dushenski ;;ticker
03:24 gribble Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 276.06, Best ask: 276.4, Bid-ask spread: 0.34000, Last trade: 276.06, 24 hour volume: 69390.59382616, 24 hour low: 258.98, 24 hour high: 279.92, 24 hour vwap: None
03:25 pete_dushenski "In an interview with Reuters, Obama said he was concerned about Beijing's plans for a far-reaching counterterrorism law that would require technology firms to hand over encryption keys, the passcodes that help protect data, and install security "backdoors" in their systems to give Chinese authorities surveillance access." << 'but it worked for the us (tm)'
03:25 mircea_popescu lol
03:26 mircea_popescu !up ebit_
03:26 mircea_popescu for the record, being chinese doesn't make them special. they get as much access as obama gets.
03:26 Vexual here here
03:26 mircea_popescu in other news, http://40.media.tumblr.com/aa13ad927f6b26d190b1d5440478a721/tumblr_nc9kj7QjZj1tq8yp3o1_1280.jpg
03:26 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1CnMCLA )
03:27 Vexual the lass is verily full
03:27 pete_dushenski 7 months ?
03:27 mircea_popescu could be 10.
03:28 Vexual ripe
03:28 pete_dushenski if she were an elephant
03:30 cazalla mircea_popescu, lol nothing i say here would surprise the missus sharing pics of her friends would be one step too far, even for me
03:31 cazalla missed a , there
03:32 mircea_popescu well... i'll take your word re the babydoll then.
03:32 ben_vulpes ;;later tell pete_dushenski the man is complaining about tin women ffs
03:33 ben_vulpes anyways as a point of data, it's year 1.5ish of this insane enterprise, and i'm just now beginning to approach the salary of a "programmer" in my geographic region.
03:33 gribble The operation succeeded.
03:34 mircea_popescu lol wd.
03:35 Vexual im on the same money as one year ago
03:35 cazalla the new australian chinese mums have a good scheme going on.. their mothers come here from china to cook/clean etc for a year so new mum can take it easy, explains why all all the other mums look tired but this china doll looks as good as ever
03:35 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: dude on one hand i constantly bemoan this: 'oh if only i were just freelancing i'd be rolling in the dough'
03:35 mircea_popescu this is standard in sanity land.
03:36 mircea_popescu how it worked in romania of the 80s too.
03:36 Vexual https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaIZWjItReI
03:36 ben_vulpes and on the other hand, well, nominal equity in a thing?
03:36 ben_vulpes shit like...
03:36 ben_vulpes I don’t believe payments to owners in professional services firms are the residual profits. And why should they be, when the employees can leave and set up shop across the street with almost no need for equity capital? In the implicit negotiation over distribution of revenue, the employees have all the bargaining power. The equity will be paid a fair return, but will not receive any structural
03:36 ben_vulpes increases in revenue. On the other hand,
03:36 ben_vulpes the equity will continue to bear the majority of the variability in profits. This view, while not the standard economic view, has the advantage of being supported by reality. (It also accounts for why non-partner-owned professional services firms tend to conglomerate, but that’s another post.)”
03:36 ben_vulpes just rings too true for comfort though.
03:37 ben_vulpes perhaps i'm insane or a particularly good scammer, but i can close deals that none of the programmers on staff could ever dream of. hilariously, because they're on staff.
03:37 ben_vulpes but at the same time, because i'm not a nightmare to work with, i have a near-infinite sell wall of talent.
03:38 ben_vulpes so basically i can't really figure anything out.
03:38 ben_vulpes halp
03:38 jurov "peristaltic, multi-tentacular infinite length dildos" ... guess it was inevitable someday on this chan
03:38 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes that made no sense. missing context ?
03:39 ben_vulpes mk let's try again
03:39 ben_vulpes "when the employees can leave and set up shop across the street with almost no need for equity capital" << this is absolutely true, except for the part where they have to close deals. make friends with checkbooks, convince checkbooks of non-retardation, etc.
03:40 ben_vulpes "the equity will continue to bear the majority of the variability in profits" << painfully true.
03:40 mircea_popescu how is it true ?
03:40 ben_vulpes devs clock time, get paid hours. simple maffs.
03:40 Vexual ascicminer sinsures all itsa subsiduriaries?
03:40 mircea_popescu it seems a rehash of "i could code mpex in an afternoon. you kidding, it has no css even"
03:41 mircea_popescu if THAT is what is meant by "equity" the speaker is a retard.
03:41 ben_vulpes for tax reasons, i clock infinity hours, get paid exactly the same amount (for medicare/aid purposes) each month.
03:41 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes essentially, i don't think you're proceeding on actually defined (or even considered) symbols.
03:42 ben_vulpes that's certainly possible.
03:43 mircea_popescu unrelatedly : the article does the valuable service of reminind people of volcker's potion. yes, interest rates WERE 20% in 81.
03:43 mircea_popescu and yes it did work. and no, the bezzle wasn't as bad then as it is now.
03:43 mircea_popescu and yes that's what i'd do as fed chairman : interest hike to 35%.
03:43 ben_vulpes what's a reasonable set of symbols?
03:44 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes these can be fine if you can actually explain them. so, how is it true ?
03:44 Vexual everything mariio bros
03:44 ben_vulpes so equity being ownership stake in derpy consulting co.
03:45 ben_vulpes profits being that which is left over after paying out contractors, staff, rent etc.
03:45 mircea_popescu i don't think you understand what equity is.
03:45 Vexual https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBjbHZrjckk fuck snow
03:46 mircea_popescu equity is the accounting term for the philosophical notion of fairness.
03:46 ben_vulpes ah.
03:46 mircea_popescu so for instance : if you go fishing in my boat,
03:47 mircea_popescu i have an equity interest in your fish. because it was my boat.
03:47 cazalla Vexual, no idea, some people are pinning the theft on friedcat and provided a supposed chinese police report but turned out it was a .. random birth certificate
03:48 mircea_popescu that equity is not the ownership of the boat, but an effect thereof.
03:48 Vexual yeah busininess breed paranoia
03:48 mircea_popescu this should readily resolve the apparent dilemma : if i do in fact have equity in your firm, it means i did something useful.
03:49 mircea_popescu this means that if i hadn't the equity, it wouldn't be "the same thing".
03:49 mircea_popescu right ?
03:49 Vexual done and done
03:49 Vexual verily
03:50 Vexual ya can describe it otherwise, but the ounts unlike it
03:51 Vexual https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQ6FhS8jMHE
03:52 ben_vulpes perhaps the dillema isn't so clear to me, likely due to symbolic confusion.
03:52 ben_vulpes let's try again.
03:53 ben_vulpes i could freelance, at some rate - let's say 2BTC/hr
03:53 ben_vulpes (impossible, but for rounding errors)
03:53 mircea_popescu ok.
03:55 ben_vulpes instead, i coordinate work of the type i could perform on my own. that work costs me, let's say .8B. i bill at ~1.8. on volume, my take home is ~1.5B/hr (assuming 40hrs/wk, 50wks/yr. salary equality assumptions, etc.).
03:57 mircea_popescu ok.
03:58 mircea_popescu " They also remember the high-tech crash of 1984, and the screams of pain up and down Wall Street." << heh it nearly killed gaming altogether, and is responsible for killing consoles. (yes they still exist, but gaming is essentially a pc item)
03:59 ben_vulpes the linked article on one hand doesn't make a terrific amount of sense to me because for whatever reason (perhaps i'm a particularly well-doing con man), i can sell into the buy side of "professional services" at rates that my "bankers" can't touch on their own.
03:59 ben_vulpes on the other hand, during those thing months, the "bankers" walk with hours*rate, and i lose money.
03:59 mircea_popescu that reason having a lot to do with the equity of your position, which you don't account for.
03:59 mircea_popescu " my take home is ~1.5B/hr" [+ ??? B/hr in equity]
04:00 ben_vulpes right, so we come back around to equity which i clearly don't understand formally.
04:00 ben_vulpes yeah i have no idea how to account for that.
04:00 mircea_popescu you do, yes. " except for the part where they have to close deals. make friends with checkbooks, convince checkbooks of non-retardation, etc"
04:00 mircea_popescu those are all examples.
04:01 ben_vulpes ouch.
04:01 mircea_popescu hence my comment about "redoing mpex". the proposition that any two things are the same thing has serious problems in the marketplace.
04:02 ben_vulpes actually, i totally get it all of a sudden.
04:02 mircea_popescu yw.
04:02 ben_vulpes Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlwLmyaa454
04:02 assbot Ted Nugent - Stranglehold - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1CnTWqw )
04:02 ben_vulpes here's the thing that makes me discount my own equity though:
04:03 ben_vulpes i can think of fifteen utterly moronic doodz doing running precisely the same hustle and making vastly more money at it.
04:03 ben_vulpes 99% of that is likely attributable to simply how much longer they've been doing it for.
04:04 mircea_popescu cash basis is a very poor accounting principle.
04:05 mircea_popescu it's fundamentally what makes people chase college degrees instead of being plumbers ; and the impulse that makes people quit their job and take up gambling after a neighbour strikes the powerball.,
04:07 ben_vulpes ugh yeah and ofc shartups.
04:07 ben_vulpes so here's the thing about shartups:
04:07 mircea_popescu you're better off with equity than with cash, provided you can distinguish good from bad
04:07 mircea_popescu cash has this advantage, that it's all the same.
04:07 mircea_popescu currently, that all the same means equally bad.
04:08 ben_vulpes #bitcoin-assets, by the way, has made investing *harder* for me, not *easier*.
04:09 mircea_popescu duh.
04:09 ben_vulpes everything must be valued in not only dollar payouts, but twenty-one-millionth payouts.
04:10 ben_vulpes and there's this impossible time horizon estimation problem that the "end of civilization" brings with it.
04:10 ben_vulpes it's trivial to say "clearly whatever whatever power structure will fall over."
04:10 ben_vulpes but fuck my life is it hard to put time horizons on that.
04:11 ben_vulpes i'm leaning towards the fiatbezzle right now.
04:11 ben_vulpes it's *gotta* have another 5 years left in it.
04:12 mircea_popescu why ?
04:13 ben_vulpes i suppose that this is more properly spoken of in certainty intervals?
04:13 mircea_popescu dude, i have nfi, im following here. you make a statement, i wanna see how you got to it
04:13 ben_vulpes no, it's a good question.
04:14 ben_vulpes <mircea_popescu> dude, i have nfi << me neither, i'm just a millwright trying to not starve this decade.
04:14 mircea_popescu i don't think anyone in the wot ever actually starves.
04:15 ben_vulpes hm, mebbe that's the attitude.
04:15 ben_vulpes "fuck everything that happens, i'm in the wot."
04:17 ben_vulpes i don't know, man! it's one fifteen in the morning and i'm tearing my hair out over how to plan for just the next decade.
04:17 mircea_popescu incidentally, best sort of equity there is.
04:17 ben_vulpes okay here's an argument for a protracted decline
04:18 ben_vulpes migrations north are going to be slow.
04:18 Bet placed: 1.07888891 BTC for No on "BTC to top $500 before 1st May" http://bitbet.us/bet/1120/ Odds: 26(Y):74(N) by coin, 25(Y):75(N) by weight. Total bet: 52.01424848 BTC. Current weight: 76,629.
04:18 ben_vulpes there are more or less 2 major thoroughfares, and they're pretty chokeable.
04:18 mircea_popescu so ?
04:19 mircea_popescu all you need to lose is 0.1% and you're finished.
04:19 mircea_popescu a theoretical knowledge osama experimentally verified.
04:19 ben_vulpes 0.1% of?
04:21 mircea_popescu of the population.
04:21 mircea_popescu "One of the hottest venture capital investment ideas–bankrolling office-supply discount chains–is starting to sour. In the past two years, investors poured nearly $200 million into at least 16 office-supply “supermarket” chains. But today, the flood of entrants threatens a market-share war, and the result may be hard times."
04:21 ben_vulpes myeah well that's a given.
04:21 mircea_popescu oh gawd, the 80s, time of bad hair, bad clothes and people who thought stapler discounters are a hot vc idea.
04:21 ben_vulpes im not saying the *usg* has to hold the roads and rails.
04:23 ben_vulpes merely that someone must.
04:27 ben_vulpes http://dpaste.com/2NCFCMR.txt << relevant
04:27 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1Co095B )
04:27 ben_vulpes from "diamond age"
~ 26 minutes ~
04:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52400 @ 0.00039403 = 20.6472 BTC [+] {2}
05:00 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes do you know this neumann guy ?
05:01 mircea_popescu http://reactionwheel.net/2015/01/80s-vc.html << well documented stuff, i'd love to see him writing for qntra
05:01 assbot Heat Death: Venture Capital in the 1980s | Reaction Wheel ... ( http://bit.ly/1CnIBqg )
05:02 mircea_popescu "When reading, keep in mind that I have so many conflicts of interest that I have conflicts in places where other people don’t even have interests."
05:02 mircea_popescu bwahaha
05:07 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68462 @ 0.00040191 = 27.5156 BTC [+]
05:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 117100 @ 0.00039057 = 45.7357 BTC [-] {3}
05:22 mircea_popescu "If you think bankers make too much money, focusing on how much they are paid will get you nowhere. If they are not paid 50% of firm revenue, they will go to another bank that will pay them that much. If no bank will pay them that much, they will go start a new bank. If that sort of compensation is outlawed at any bank present or future, they will start a bank where they are the equity owners and get paid that much. Th
05:22 mircea_popescu e money has to go somewhere, and it’s not going to go to the providers of capital because the providers of capital to professional services companies have no negotiating leverage."
05:22 mircea_popescu quite exactly.
05:22 mircea_popescu you don't pay free men what you want to pay them. you pay half of what you make or you die at their hands.
05:25 mircea_popescu and speaking of "what the consumer has come to expect" and related delusions, http://33.media.tumblr.com/ec04311fc14329e1162bffca1aa5b58c/tumblr_nbtmv2PZqK1segoz0o1_500.gif
05:26 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1EcfK90 )
05:38 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48350 @ 0.00040357 = 19.5126 BTC [+]
~ 18 minutes ~
05:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20400 @ 0.00040357 = 8.2328 BTC [+]
~ 25 minutes ~
06:21 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77500 @ 0.00039041 = 30.2568 BTC [-] {3}
~ 36 minutes ~
06:58 cazalla so when did vessenes become involved in the foundation, from what i'm reading, it was gavin that floated and promoted the idea of it back in october 2011 (piecing together some history as suggested by.. who, i forget)
06:58 cazalla fwiw, vessenes' announcements that were once on bitcoinfoundation.org have been purged and only avail via archive.org now
07:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38650 @ 0.00038709 = 14.961 BTC [-]
~ 18 minutes ~
07:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20600 @ 0.00040357 = 8.3135 BTC [+]
~ 21 minutes ~
07:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 74150 @ 0.00038709 = 28.7027 BTC [-]
08:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16800 @ 0.00040357 = 6.78 BTC [+]
08:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31925 @ 0.00040357 = 12.884 BTC [+]
08:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19142 @ 0.00038709 = 7.4097 BTC [-]
08:40 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55249 @ 0.00037168 = 20.5349 BTC [-] {2}
08:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 91457 @ 0.00036793 = 33.6498 BTC [-] {2}
08:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4093 @ 0.00036732 = 1.5034 BTC [-]
08:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30401 @ 0.00037107 = 11.2809 BTC [+]
08:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36729 @ 0.00037229 = 13.6738 BTC [+] {2}
~ 16 minutes ~
09:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62298 @ 0.00036694 = 22.8596 BTC [-] {2}
09:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 125302 @ 0.00036425 = 45.6413 BTC [-]
09:18 jurov wtf s.mpoe
09:19 mike_c it's part of the conspiracy to make qntra the highest share price on mpex
09:19 mats i love a good conspiracy
09:19 jurov isn't d.cbse the highest share price?
09:19 mike_c i only count s.*
09:20 mike_c not that i am masterminding the conspiracy
09:21 jurov that's suspiciously specific denial
09:21 jurov spill the beans, nao!
09:22 mike_c it has been foretold that once s.qntra and s.mpoe cross, BTC will reach ATH.
09:27 jurov lol you know what? let's put it to bitbet
09:28 jurov !t m s.qntr
09:28 assbot [MPEX:S.QNTR] 1D: 0.00027068 / 0.00027068 / 0.00027068 (15682 shares, 4.24 BTC), 7D: 0.00027068 / 0.00027329 / 0.000301 (17182 shares, 4.70 BTC), 30D: 0.00018731 / 0.00025621 / 0.000301 (67601 shares, 17.32 BTC)
09:28 jurov when has qntra an anniversary?
09:29 mike_c Oct.?
09:29 mats !t m s.mpoe
09:29 assbot [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00036425 / 0.0003936 / 0.00041784 (4236138 shares, 1,667.35 BTC), 7D: 0.00036425 / 0.00040146 / 0.00044462 (23643541 shares, 9,491.97 BTC), 30D: 0.00034173 / 0.00039827 / 0.00048515 (92329986 shares, 36,772.60 BTC)
09:29 mike_c Yeah. listed Oct. 13, i think first post was like a week earlier
09:34 danielpbarron You are blocked from following @ethereumproject and viewing @ethereumproject's Tweets. Learn more
09:35 danielpbarron height=245727 vs height=197875 (usb3: height=234283)
09:39 jurov ethereum server has become incredible hog...trying to run it on same hardware than some years ago, it's now impossible to sync
09:40 danielpbarron you mean electrum?
09:41 jurov electrum, yes
09:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54950 @ 0.00036975 = 20.3178 BTC [+]
~ 16 minutes ~
10:07 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 115900 @ 0.00036391 = 42.1772 BTC [-] {4}
10:14 jurov 🚽 🚾 wtf there are two? i'd say one is supposed to have lid open and other one closed, but that's not what standard says
10:25 BingoBoingo jurov: It's that database on top of the other database on top of yet another database
10:32 jurov ikr, the database is supposed to index the blockchain so that getting transaction history for a wallet does not require to scan gigabytes of data
10:32 jurov which is exactly what electrum server seems to be doing :/
10:33 BingoBoingo Seriously
10:33 fluffypony jurov
10:33 fluffypony reduce the transaction history to like 30
10:33 fluffypony unless you require more
10:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38231 @ 0.00036205 = 13.8415 BTC [-] {2}
10:38 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31302 @ 0.00037229 = 11.6534 BTC [+]
10:40 jurov guess i'll end up with that.
10:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 72300 @ 0.00036 = 26.028 BTC [-] {6}
10:54 Bet placed: 8 BTC for No on "BTC to top $500 before 1st May" http://bitbet.us/bet/1120/ Odds: 23(Y):77(N) by coin, 22(Y):78(N) by weight. Total bet: 60.01424848 BTC. Current weight: 76,142.
10:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 309300 @ 0.00035795 = 110.7139 BTC [-] {3}
~ 15 minutes ~
11:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59700 @ 0.00035657 = 21.2872 BTC [-] {2}
11:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70649 @ 0.00035645 = 25.1828 BTC [-]
11:25 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: you don't pay free men what you want to pay them. you pay half of what you make or you die at their hands. << l0l, why only half? why not 100% plus one's saleable organs? and who are 'free men' ?
11:25 asciilifeform out of context it reads not entirely unlike something lizardhitler would say to prisoners being lowered into shark pit
11:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 110073 @ 0.00034587 = 38.0709 BTC [-] {2}
11:46 ben_vulpes the freemen who take 100% plus organs are actually the lords.
11:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22972 @ 0.00035056 = 8.0531 BTC [+] {2}
11:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28900 @ 0.00035158 = 10.1607 BTC [+]
12:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68700 @ 0.00033798 = 23.2192 BTC [-]
12:08 jurov strip mining of human resources is usually not the best strategy
12:10 chetty <jurov> strip mining of human resources is usually not the best strategy// strip miners ..also know as gubermint
12:12 jurov govts come and go
12:17 thestringpuller ^- yes yes
~ 22 minutes ~
12:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33020 @ 0.00036804 = 12.1527 BTC [+] {2}
12:49 scoopbot New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2015/03/overdose-case-leads-to-money-laundering-charges/
13:00 BingoBoingo https://twitter.com/IOHK_Charles/status/572713276796100609
13:00 assbot Finally a visualization of the ethereum business plan http://t.co/V16nFCG0B5
13:09 fluffypony LOL
13:12 adlai guy's not heard of the waterfall?
13:12 BingoBoingo adlai: Clearly not.
~ 17 minutes ~
13:30 BingoBoingo ;;ticker --market all
13:30 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 277.79, vol: 23618.06292953 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 271.051, vol: 17889.83524 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 281.21, vol: 84767.53249337 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 279.456804, vol: 143748.93120000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 279.97259, vol: 61.28189605 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 277.17525, vol: 238.59295534 | Volume-weighted last average: 279.302752753
13:38 * adlai is glad he's not running a profit center with [the current version of] scalpl... it would've lost ~5% by now, by btc accounting
13:42 jurov where? on buttstamp?
13:43 adlai that number is estimated off a finex account
13:44 kakobrekla rally gives you trouble?
13:44 adlai yes, naive market making underperforms holding during rallies like this
13:45 adlai so i'm happy for bitcoin but pissed at myself
13:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9162 @ 0.00034034 = 3.1182 BTC [-]
13:59 danielpbarron !up ascii_field
13:59 ascii_field http://cryptome.org/2015/03/petraeus-information-plea.pdf << mega-l0l
13:59 ascii_field ^ BingoBoingo, cazalla
13:59 ascii_field and esp. mircea_popescu's article on 'plea bargains'
13:59 ascii_field relevant.
13:59 BingoBoingo ascii_field: Writing it up actually.
14:00 BingoBoingo So much lulz
14:01 ascii_field interesting that this kind of thing can be done to a general and former cia fuhrer
14:01 ascii_field nobody, evidently thought 'what if he calls his men to arms?'
14:01 ascii_field neither judge, nor prosecutor, nor any of the various 'preets' involved thought about anthills
14:02 * adlai isn't sure how much ability somebody so high has to call the _men_ to arms
14:02 ascii_field adlai: in a healthy civilization, they are the -only ones- who have it
14:02 adlai if you look at the officers that defected from assad's army together with their troops, higher ranks are increasingly rare
14:03 ascii_field think of ancient generals
14:03 ascii_field only degenerate societies bureaucratize military command.
14:04 ascii_field why is the cia described in the past tense ?!?!
14:05 ascii_field in the petraeus document
14:05 adlai you mean section 10 of the factual basis?
14:06 adlai it seems to be a stylistic choice, everything in the basis is past tense
14:07 ascii_field lol, most of the lawbreaking seems to involve... the man keeping his own notebooks after retirement
14:08 BingoBoingo ascii_field: My impression is that once one assents to the role of directing and agency, they are forced to become insulated from actual charge over their subordinates to prevent 'antihills'
14:09 ascii_field BingoBoingo: well yes. hence neutered civilizations.
14:09 BingoBoingo Cannot call men to arms until solidly 'Schweiched'
14:15 lobbes edis changed its TOS to ban IRC bouncers and "BitCoin" activities; I am in the market for a new vps provider
14:16 lobbes Anyone have a good recommendation?
14:17 danielpbarron sounds like a qntra article
14:18 danielpbarron !up ecstaticpessimst
14:19 dignork lobbes: pm
14:23 jurov https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIasr2AiyZ0 hahaha
14:23 assbot Shocking interview! - In the mind of an altcoin developer - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1DGBLYf )
14:24 danielpbarron lobbes, I don't see this info anywhere else; their own ToS page does not mention it http://www.edis.at/en/about/terms-conditions/
14:24 assbot edis.at :: Terms & Conditions ... ( http://bit.ly/1DGC859 )
14:26 lobbes danielpbarron: http://www.edis.at/files/9214/2533/1905/tos.pdf
14:26 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1AWmuFo )
14:26 lobbes page 5, I think
14:28 lobbes er page 4, rather
14:28 danielpbarron it's banned as both "peer-to-peer software," and as a "CPU intense application" (if mining)
14:28 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30650 @ 0.00034782 = 10.6607 BTC [+]
14:29 BingoBoingo !up ascii_field
14:32 danielpbarron maybe i'm just not well informed, having never used such a service, but what is the point if these things are all forbidden? (irc, peer-to-peer, etc..)
14:33 BingoBoingo danielpbarron: Apps, Websites... Ruby on Rails
14:39 trinque !up Pierre_Rochard
14:39 BingoBoingo !up vhost-
14:39 trinque !up NewLiberty
14:39 vhost- !info
14:39 trinque vhost- is a friend of mine who wrote the bot deedbot- is based upon
14:40 trinque !up deedbot-
14:40 BingoBoingo Ah
14:40 vhost- :)
14:40 BingoBoingo !topic
14:40 vhost- !help
14:40 assbot http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/irc_bots/assbot
14:40 trinque vhost-: deedbot- is only listening to add-key and add-deed
14:41 vhost- nice
14:41 vhost- ! commands still work
14:41 trinque vhost-: if you do !register with a pubkey I'll rate you so you can self voice
14:41 vhost- for help, services and help <servicename>
14:41 vhost- gpg?
14:41 trinque yar, I think it takes the fingerprint
14:41 trinque assbot, not deedbot-
14:41 vhost- does it need to be on a keyserver?
14:42 vhost- I don't think I've pushed mine up yet
14:42 trinque vhost-: yar, believe so
14:43 vhost- I pushed it up actually
14:43 trinque vhost-: !register <key fingerprint> should do it, I think
14:44 NewLiberty bitcointa.lk's security certificate expired 2 day(s) ago.
14:44 danielpbarron assbot should also accept a link to an ascii armored public key like deedbot; not sure why it still depends on a keyserver and fingerprints
14:44 vhost- !register DAAE E6B5 D729 10B7 4A6F 01F9 52A4 B5B2 F318 8BF2
14:44 assbot That does not seem to be a valid fingerprint.
14:44 NewLiberty http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/best_of_mpoe-pr links to it
14:44 BingoBoingo NewLiberty: Even if it wasn't hard to count on SSL for actual security.
14:44 kakobrekla vhost- drop the spaces
14:44 vhost- !register DAAEE6B5D72910B74A6F01F952A4B5B2F3188BF2
14:44 assbot Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: DAAEE6B5D72910B74A6F01F952A4B5B2F3188BF2. This may take a few moments.
14:44 assbot Key F3188BF2 / "Kyle Terry <kyle@kyleterry.com>" successfully imported.
14:44 assbot Registration successful.
14:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 58200 @ 0.00035896 = 20.8915 BTC [+] {2}
14:45 vhost- nice
14:45 NewLiberty It does a few things pretty well.
14:45 NewLiberty Raises the barrier to entry for the session hijacking biz
14:46 trinque !rate vhost- 3 wrote tenyks, on which deedbot is based
14:46 assbot Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/c3065b1bfb076db2
14:47 trinque !v assbot:trinque.rate.vhost-.3:94d09c5f0815956839f57a47e437f478d00cf6ee7021d47a8cff593f7137cf2a
14:47 assbot Successfully added a rating of 3 for vhost- with note: wrote tenyks, on which deedbot is based
14:47 trinque vhost-: you should be able to !up yourself from now on
14:47 trinque !gettrust vhost-
14:47 assbot Trust relationship from user trinque to user vhost-: Level 1: 3, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. | http://w.b-a.link/trust/trinque/vhost- | http://w.b-a.link/user/vhost-
14:48 NewLiberty SSL won't stop WCCP intermediaries or anyone with #enable (or better) in your path, but it keeps the lesser evils at bay.
14:48 vhost- man, this is cool
14:50 danielpbarron !gettrust assbot vhost-
14:50 assbot Trust relationship from user assbot to user vhost-: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. | http://w.b-a.link/trust/assbot/vhost- | http://w.b-a.link/user/vhost-
14:50 danielpbarron ^ no he cannot up himself
14:50 trinque danielpbarron: ah, I was wrong
14:50 trinque so uh, how does a brother get in assbot's L1
14:51 BingoBoingo !rate vhost- 1 +v easy come easy go
14:51 assbot Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/b5b4f429f26e179c
14:52 BingoBoingo !v assbot:BingoBoingo.rate.vhost-.1:32d3011ff47604f12772bffec4fa4822d82f23c755258220a74b2e912b33103e
14:52 assbot Successfully added a rating of 1 for vhost- with note: +v easy come easy go
14:52 danielpbarron trinque, it's a mystery by design for the purpose of preventing gaming of the system
14:52 trinque interesting
14:56 vhost- oh man
14:56 vhost- I have a lot to learn here
14:59 lobbes !b 2
14:59 assbot Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2SATZZ0.txt )
15:00 BingoBoingo scoopbot -fetch
15:00 scoopbot New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2015/03/former-cia-director-avoids-trial/
15:00 BingoBoingo !up ascii_field
15:03 adlai vhost-: small world
15:07 jurov BingoBoingo: "extramartial" lover ?
15:07 jurov lmao
15:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26938 @ 0.00034782 = 9.3696 BTC [-]
15:08 BingoBoingo lol, unintentional jurov fixed
15:10 BingoBoingo !up vhost-
15:11 BingoBoingo vhost-: Why haven't you up'd yourself yet.
15:11 BingoBoingo !gettrust assbot vhost-
15:11 assbot Trust relationship from user assbot to user vhost-: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. | http://w.b-a.link/trust/assbot/vhost- | http://w.b-a.link/user/vhost-
15:13 mike_c this tenyks thingy.. this looks cool
15:14 mike_c separation of the irc bot part and the service part. a good idea.
15:16 mike_c it makes me a little nervous though that it is written by a self declared shitty go programmer though :)
15:16 danielpbarron at least he's in the WoT :p
15:17 adlai are you also nervous reading socrates?
15:17 mike_c i don't run socrates' software
15:17 kakobrekla !b 2
15:17 assbot Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1Z1C4GR.txt )
15:21 ascii_field l0l
15:22 ascii_field BingoBoingo: you left out key detail in petraeus article - the 'black books' were the man's own notebooks
15:25 BingoBoingo ascii_field: Updated looking into that aspect more
15:33 BingoBoingo !up ascii_field
15:33 jurov !up twizt
15:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54162 @ 0.00034265 = 18.5586 BTC [-]
15:35 ascii_field http://www.ada-ru.org/prj_doc.html << ru ministry of defense's documentation centre, allegedly, runs on gnat
15:35 assbot Ada_Ru ... ( http://bit.ly/1zFCC9e )
15:37 jurov ascii_field: you seen a pamflet claiming ada was intended as elaborate hoax to set back russian progrmamers?
15:38 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 91833 @ 0.00036476 = 33.497 BTC [+] {2}
15:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5167 @ 0.00036948 = 1.9091 BTC [+]
15:40 jurov can't find it anymore, it was hilarious
15:41 jurov !up twizt
15:41 jurov !up vhost-
15:41 jurov !up Bagels7
15:41 jurov !up diana_coman
15:43 vhost- !up vhost-
15:46 danielpbarron https://twitter.com/danielpbarron/status/572852607066107906
15:46 assbot Awesome new scripting functionality for Bitcoin: Violations of the first sale doctrine http://t.co/p4mN7tw6md
15:46 vhost- mike_c: thanks! I plan on swapping out redis pub/sub for zeromq so I can add authentication. basically you can run an IRC bot for a community, then your friends give you a public key that allows them to connect to the pub/sub.
15:46 vhost- then you don't have to maintain your friend's services
15:46 mike_c yeah, that could be useful around here
15:46 ascii_field jurov: hoax << classic essay
15:46 vhost- they just run them on their own servers
15:48 ascii_field jurov: i don't think i will ever -enjoy- ada. but the more one studies it, the less escapable is the conclusion that 1) it is a necessary thing 2) for which there is, at present, no credible alternative whatsoever
15:49 ben_vulpes whoa a vhost-?
15:52 scoopbot New post on Qntra.net by thestringpuller: http://qntra.net/2015/03/highlights-from-february-2015s-state-of-bitcoin/
15:53 danielpbarron "The also managed" -> "They also managed" ?
15:53 ascii_field ^ broken link for s.nsa statemen
15:55 vhost- ben_vulpes: :)
15:55 BingoBoingo SHould all be fixed nao
15:56 cazalla yeah, thestringpuller uses “ instead of " and it botches the links BingoBoingo
15:57 BingoBoingo Spotted it
15:57 danielpbarron "mod6 was able to successfully modify asciilifeform's build script of the portatronic build used in the Pogo, to statically build .. " << was this the issue? because I used the portatronic build script and the resulting binary didn't work on debian for arm -- said it needed a different version of some thing i don't recall at the moment
15:57 ascii_field danielpbarron: mod6 found that it wasn't 100% static (iirc used libc)
15:57 danielpbarron yes that
15:58 ascii_field i overlooked this because assumed that static build worked given as test was on box known to lack openssl, boost, bdb as centrally installed libs
16:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 100050 @ 0.00037089 = 37.1075 BTC [+] {2}
16:01 danielpbarron is the netbsd thing going to be an automated installer that puts the base system on the attached drive?
16:01 ascii_field danielpbarron: nothing but blockchain should ever live on attached drive
16:02 ascii_field (note that 'pogo' won't ever boot from usb3)
16:02 danielpbarron unless there is some driver problem i'm experiencing, you won't want to put the blockchain on usb3
16:02 danielpbarron it's significantly slower than even a 5400 rpm sata drive
16:03 ascii_field danielpbarron: probably just arch
16:03 BingoBoingo !up ascii_field
16:03 danielpbarron and sure, it won't boot from usb3 but it will boot from sata
16:03 danielpbarron but if it doesn't need to that's sweet
16:04 Bet placed: 1.0217 BTC for Yes on "BTC to top $500 before 1st May" http://bitbet.us/bet/1120/ Odds: 24(Y):76(N) by coin, 23(Y):77(N) by weight. Total bet: 61.03594848 BTC. Current weight: 75,760.
16:10 ascii_field danielpbarron: os and bitcoind should live in eeprom
16:10 ascii_field (ideally, in one-time-burn antifuse rom, but we don't have it in this box)
16:15 ascii_field http://www.wsj.com/articles/us-agents-raid-alleged-maternity-tourism-anchor-baby-businesses-catering-to-chinese-1425404456 << l0lz
16:15 assbot Federal Agents Raid Alleged ‘Maternity Tourism’ Businesses Catering to Chinese - WSJ ... ( http://bit.ly/1GOv2iv )
16:15 mod6 thestringpuller: Maybe the Address wasn't clear enough, but the main goal for March is to publish the milestone release. We have some regression testing ahead of us though.
16:29 thestringpuller mod6: yea the milestone release isn't mentioned in section 0x3
16:29 Bet placed: 1.51 BTC for Yes on "BTC to top $413 before Songkran" http://bitbet.us/bet/1122/ Odds: 27(Y):73(N) by coin, 26(Y):74(N) by weight. Total bet: 11.93804235 BTC. Current weight: 80,040.
16:29 thestringpuller except at the end with the implied "Work is halting on this for now as the main focus will be the v0.5.3.1 milestone release. Stay tuned for more on this.
16:29 thestringpuller "
16:30 thestringpuller but that relates to the OpenBSD patch
16:31 mod6 Eh, well, it's what was meant by the Regression Testing section :]
16:31 mod6 w/e
16:32 thestringpuller ah a tad confusing. release milestone wasn't highlighted so I trimmed it out of the article :P
16:32 thestringpuller (wasn't the spotlight)
16:33 mod6 yeah, my bad. i'll be more clear next time
16:34 thestringpuller I was just trying to highlight the big wins without pulling too much away from the address itself. Cause I'd rather people go the address for more information.
16:34 thestringpuller Cause the address is very well detailed.
16:35 mod6 np. i just want people to get from your article that we're focused on publishing the release as soon as possible. hopefully this month.
16:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 69500 @ 0.00037229 = 25.8742 BTC [+]
16:35 mod6 anyway, no worries. thanks for the write up.
16:35 thestringpuller I'll have BingoBoingo add it
16:37 lobbes !up ascii_field
16:37 ascii_field http://lists.adacore.com/pipermail/gtkada/2009-June/003811.html << achtung shitgnomologists.
16:37 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1CrQ33U )
16:37 BingoBoingo ;;later tell lobbes 1) Yes, provided we make sure we have the right keyfinderprint to attribute work to. 2) Hard to say unless you write it up and see what comes out of it.
16:37 gribble The operation succeeded.
16:38 ascii_field ^ prevents gtkada from working even now
16:38 ascii_field and likewise the spiffy editor, 'gps
16:38 ascii_field '
16:40 BingoBoingo thestringpuller: added
16:41 thestringpuller BingoBoingo: thx
16:41 thestringpuller BingoBoingo: typo strip the " mark
16:42 thestringpuller at the end (it's trailing)
16:42 BingoBoingo dome
16:44 ascii_field is there -any- worthwhile piece of software entirely unafflicted by this retardation ?
16:45 mod6 thx guise.
16:49 thestringpuller ascii_field: is this a rhetorical question?
16:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 114805 @ 0.00037127 = 42.6237 BTC [-]
17:07 BingoBoingo !up ascii_field
17:09 ascii_field http://dpaste.com/0RZE5MG.txt << latest ver. won't build, either
17:09 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1zW7bZt )
17:20 mod6 ld: cannot find -lgtkada_gl << you might be able to link this lib directly.
17:20 ascii_field it's built as part of the thing
17:20 ascii_field catch-22
17:21 ascii_field at any rate, i got past that by ./configure --with-GL=no
17:21 mod6 yeah, up above. i saw that. hmm.
17:22 ascii_field now 'gprbuild' won't build
17:23 ascii_field what a joke this whole 'open' thing is
17:23 ascii_field every time i do this, i get the distinct feeling that i'm the only living thing other than the package maintainer/developer who tried to build it
17:23 ascii_field and everybody else just chumps along using the binary pkg
17:24 mod6 haha. "some assembly required"
17:24 ascii_field i have no problem whatsoever with 'some assembly required'
17:24 mod6 it used to be that everyone built from the source. yah, now most people just rely on their package system
17:24 ascii_field but the shitgnomes don't sleep, and they break off necessary parts
17:25 ascii_field and using vintage netbsd or whatever mircea_popescu does, is not a magic pill against this
17:26 ascii_field because the info re: what combination of p,q,r,s,t...that add up to a working z is lost to the sands of time
17:26 ascii_field because 9 out of 10 times it only existed on the original author's machine
17:26 ascii_field and he wasn't even aware of it
17:28 mod6 ya, i see what you mean
17:32 ascii_field checking for xmlada... no configure: error: cannot find xmlada
17:32 ascii_field ^ and yes it's installed
17:37 lobbes !up ascii_field
17:49 mircea_popescu goood mornin!
17:50 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-03-2015#1039750 << it became politically inconvenient to admit it sometime last year.
17:50 assbot Logged on 03-03-2015 11:58:59; cazalla: fwiw, vessenes' announcements that were once on bitcoinfoundation.org have been purged and only avail via archive.org now
17:51 mircea_popescu but otherwise, the bit of history they're trying to purge is that vessennes was the head and treasurer of the thing, in total outrageous breach of common practice, and he got all the early bitcoin donated to it in his own name and used it for his own purposes.
17:51 ascii_field if anyone actually gives a fuck about these, cache'em - archive.org can and has been prevailed upon to do the 'polite society' thing before
17:51 mircea_popescu the current foundation is an embarassing shell, nothing but obligaitons for them so they're trying to shed it.
17:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48900 @ 0.00036007 = 17.6074 BTC [-] {2}
17:52 mircea_popescu ascii_field the derp party is slowly learning that they can not purge things.
17:52 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2015/the-fetlife-meatlist-volume-i/ << grep for "further update" in the same line.
17:52 assbot The Fetlife Meatlist - Volume I pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1AXgaO7 )
17:53 ascii_field their magical wand of 'let's all the folks who Know How The World Works (TM) pretend this Never Existed' still works great.
17:53 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-03-2015#1039772 << this reminds me of the s.dice / s.mpoe duel of yore.
17:53 assbot Logged on 03-03-2015 14:22:57; mike_c: it has been foretold that once s.qntra and s.mpoe cross, BTC will reach ATH.
17:54 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2013/smpoe-market-cap-vs-sdice-market-cap/ stuff
17:54 assbot S.MPOE market cap vs S.DICE market cap pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1AXgxYZ )
17:55 mircea_popescu ascii_field yeah. this is how it works : http://www.demotivation.us/media/demotivators/demotivation.us__ENVY-It-Wears-a-Coat-and-Hides-in-Hallways-1.jpg
17:55 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1AErf1K )
17:55 mircea_popescu they're great at wearing coats and hiding in hallways.
17:57 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-03-2015#1039794 << no, make larger blocks!
17:57 assbot Logged on 03-03-2015 15:33:29; fluffypony: reduce the transaction history to like 30
17:58 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-03-2015#1039804 << bankers, in that example.
17:58 assbot Logged on 03-03-2015 16:25:01; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: you don't pay free men what you want to pay them. you pay half of what you make or you die at their hands. << l0l, why only half? why not 100% plus one's saleable organs? and who are 'free men' ?
17:58 mircea_popescu but generally, liberal professions / highly skilled professionals. which pointedly does not include coding monkeys, as per us law.
17:59 ascii_field doesn't include anyone who works on a salary (how'd that work ?)
17:59 mircea_popescu depends.
17:59 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-03-2015#1039824 << scam.
17:59 assbot Logged on 03-03-2015 18:38:25; *: adlai is glad he's not running a profit center with [the current version of] scalpl... it would've lost ~5% by now, by btc accounting
18:00 ascii_field folks who are in one of the traditionally recognized guilds - possibly
18:00 ascii_field (programmers blew their chance to establish a guild long, long ago)
18:00 mircea_popescu pretty much erryone but you, alf. models promoting consumer items. athletes. lawyers. financial anythings. business consultants. you name it
18:00 mircea_popescu millions and millions of people. just not naggum.
18:01 ascii_field interestingly, he understood the fact, the how, and the why - actually studied, at one point before he gave up, to become a lawyer (in no.)
18:01 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-03-2015#1039838 << interesting'd not be the word i use.
18:01 assbot Logged on 03-03-2015 19:01:01; ascii_field: interesting that this kind of thing can be done to a general and former cia fuhrer
18:02 mircea_popescu ascii_field ancient article on trilema, back in romanian decade, "half of the revenue or gtfo".
18:02 mircea_popescu and also included "your job is to sell me on how much leverage you put at my disposal to make that revenue, nothing else."
18:02 adlai "scam"?
18:03 ascii_field the cost of replacing naggums with 'code monkeys' to prevent the guild will be paid for 1000 years.
18:03 mircea_popescu !s scam
18:03 assbot 2395 results for 'scam' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=scam
18:03 mircea_popescu it
18:03 mircea_popescu s what we say!
18:03 ascii_field and much higher than would've cost otherwise.
18:03 mircea_popescu ascii_field it doesn't count unless it's on the pointed end of a stick.
18:03 ascii_field *of having replaced
18:04 mircea_popescu that's the thing all the castrato "experts" with "degrees" fail to grasp. it doesn't matter what "reality" is, may be thought to be, could be inferred etc.
18:04 mircea_popescu if you don't have a pointed stick driving it, it's not real.
18:04 Bet created: "BTC to rise vs USD in March" http://bitbet.us/bet/1125/
18:05 ascii_field stick's pretty sharp, i'm sitting on it as we speak
18:05 ascii_field as is ben_vulpes, and a buncha folks
18:05 Bet placed: 3.06123281 BTC for Yes on "BTC to rise vs USD in March" http://bitbet.us/bet/1125/ Odds: 100(Y):0(N) by coin, 100(Y):0(N) by weight. Total bet: 3.06123281 BTC. Current weight: 99,996.
18:05 mircea_popescu you misunderstand. the other way.
18:05 mircea_popescu the " cost of replacing naggums" way.
18:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 84300 @ 0.00035335 = 29.7874 BTC [-]
18:06 ascii_field at this point they need to pray to the gods, possibly no amount of naggum will suffice
18:06 mircea_popescu entirely besides the point.
18:07 ascii_field the very concept that software could actually work in the sense in which other engineered objects work, is nearly forgotten
18:07 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-03-2015#1039839 << what men ?
18:07 assbot Logged on 03-03-2015 19:01:13; ascii_field: nobody, evidently thought 'what if he calls his men to arms?'
18:07 ascii_field (see today's log for example)
18:07 mircea_popescu they have nothing. this is proof positive that the cia is as worthless as the vassar feminist book club.
18:07 mircea_popescu think about hassling beria in that manner.
18:08 ascii_field kryuchkov had nobody either
18:08 ascii_field had to eat his pistol
18:08 ascii_field same deal.
18:08 mircea_popescu right.
18:09 mircea_popescu and for that matter, beria actually picked up women off the street, raped them for a while and then dropped them off.
18:10 Bet created: "Bitcoin above MtGox $266 high 2 years on" http://bitbet.us/bet/1126/
18:14 Bet placed: 3.08750005 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin above MtGox $266 high 2 years on" http://bitbet.us/bet/1126/ Odds: 99(Y):1(N) by coin, 99(Y):1(N) by weight. Total bet: 3.23750005 BTC. Current weight: 99,991.
18:15 mircea_popescu so, logically speaking, if the cia were anything like a secret service, we'd know who exactly is^H^H was the lizzard hitler by grepping sudden deaths for warfarin.
18:18 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-03-2015#1039846 << guess.
18:18 assbot Logged on 03-03-2015 19:04:57; ascii_field: why is the cia described in the past tense ?!?!
18:18 mircea_popescu it's like the nsa. a corpse.
18:19 mircea_popescu ;;later tell gabriel_laddel http://40.media.tumblr.com/da726933b1b7585ef15ad310503b7381/tumblr_muu0t7ryeg1sh4jg7o1_500.jpg
18:19 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1AEA3Va )
18:19 gribble The operation succeeded.
18:23 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-03-2015#1039855 << someone still has to make a bitcoin host already.
18:23 assbot Logged on 03-03-2015 19:16:01; lobbes: Anyone have a good recommendation?
18:24 mircea_popescu lobbes anyway, stop running vps' get a damned server. it's not THAT much.
18:26 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-03-2015#1039897 << this is actually a decent point.
18:26 assbot Logged on 03-03-2015 19:44:37; danielpbarron: assbot should also accept a link to an ascii armored public key like deedbot; not sure why it still depends on a keyserver and fingerprints
18:29 lobbes mircea_popescu: You mean a physical server in my own abode? or just leasing a 'dedicated server' somewhere?
18:29 lobbes I'd imagine the latter would fall prey to the same issues as a vps
18:29 lobbes ultimately out of my control
18:29 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-03-2015#1039918 << i dun think the guy's much online anymore.
18:29 assbot Logged on 03-03-2015 19:48:15; NewLiberty: SSL won't stop WCCP intermediaries or anyone with #enable (or better) in your path, but it keeps the lesser evils at bay.
18:29 mircea_popescu lobbes ideally, colocate. but otherwise, sure, get a dedi, if they start discussing what you run on it tell them to get lost./
18:30 mircea_popescu no, it would not. it bein g... your server.
18:30 mircea_popescu if you want to run it at 100% doing shell forks for five months, your problem.
18:31 mircea_popescu !rate vhost- 1 new blood
18:31 assbot Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/75f7e94396cc9bca
18:32 mircea_popescu !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.vhost-.1:f73baccc083341a1a24cc121f1ec7c3c2618b1e9b182f84511e1dc2924f9d213
18:32 assbot Successfully added a rating of 1 for vhost- with note: new blood
18:37 mircea_popescu Subject: Programmer | Designer | Coder @ $599/month onwards From: "Patricia Jones" <patricia@resourceonhire.com>
18:37 mircea_popescu dude srsly ?
18:40 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40131 @ 0.00036706 = 14.7305 BTC [+]
18:42 mircea_popescu Hi, Do you have a plan to expand your team by hiring an affordable virtual resource? We offer dedicated resources for your project needs, with free project management support.
18:42 lobbes I love that term; 'resources'
18:43 PeterL seems rather vague, what are the actually trying to sell?
18:43 mircea_popescu nothing.
18:43 mircea_popescu for 599 a month.
18:45 mircea_popescu !up ecstaticpessimst
18:58 cazalla scoopbot -fetch
18:59 NewLiberty "free project management support" = they'll spend your money for you and won't charge more than the money that they spend for you?
18:59 cazalla no offense PeterL but scoopbot is the worst bot evar
18:59 cazalla http://qntra.net/2015/03/antonopoulos-afp-ag-ato-appear-before-australian-senate/
18:59 assbot Antonopoulos, AFP, AG & ATO Appear Before Australian Senate | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1GPbNFm )
18:59 PeterL sorry, cazalla
18:59 gabriel_laddel mircea_popescu: ewww
19:00 BingoBoingo What, those are some tig ole bitties
19:01 gabriel_laddel you kid, correct?
19:03 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60600 @ 0.00036995 = 22.419 BTC [+] {2}
19:03 gabriel_laddel in other news: http://www.shadbase.com/black-humor/
19:03 assbot Shädbase - Black Humor ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ne3XJV )
19:04 BingoBoingo Sometimes you have to look past everything else and jsut acknowledge some big titties.
19:04 gabriel_laddel myeah. no.
19:18 gabriel_laddel !up jordandotdev
~ 16 minutes ~
19:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65800 @ 0.00037281 = 24.5309 BTC [+] {2}
~ 15 minutes ~
19:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81856 @ 0.00037283 = 30.5184 BTC [+]
20:03 pete_dushenski https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_INR8ZXIAIIs2q.jpg << lulzy shot of coinbase orderbook, allegedly from earlier today, showing an order for *negative* bitcoin
20:03 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1ELm1HO )
20:04 adlai pete_dushenski: where's that from?
20:05 pete_dushenski guy on twitter, lemme find the link
20:05 asciilifeform pay'em to take it away
20:05 pete_dushenski https://twitter.com/KyleHolzhauer/status/572534708594208770
20:05 assbot /coinbase what's going on here... Shenanigans I tell ya http://t.co/Skb7C0FLkp
20:06 cazalla seen a few variations of that pop up
20:07 pete_dushenski remarkable..
20:07 adlai i'm ashamed to admit that i have no clue what idiocy could produce such an error
20:07 Pierre_Rochard tried it myself, got “Invalid size” error. May be an API bug (or photoshopped)
20:07 cazalla was here a week back http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2x24lp/what_do_negative_bids_mean_coinbase_exchange/
20:07 assbot What do negative bids mean? (Coinbase Exchange) : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1ELmolF )
20:07 pete_dushenski Pierre_Rochard hello hello !
20:07 cazalla client side apparently.. not that i'd know
20:08 Pierre_Rochard pete_dushenski: hello! how’s the new ride been treating you?
20:08 pete_dushenski lol it's rock solid in the winter
20:08 pete_dushenski starts up every time
20:09 Pierre_Rochard do you need chains on the wheels or are they civilized enough to sweep?
20:09 nubbins` hi
20:09 pete_dushenski nubbins`heyo
20:09 pete_dushenski Pierre_Rochard they plow, sweep, etc. plus i have blizzak winter tires
20:10 pete_dushenski https://bitcoinmagazine.com/19465/breaking-canadian-exchange-quadrigacx-become-worlds-first-publicly-traded-bitcoin-exchange/ << i met the owner of this thing last year, gerald
20:10 assbot Breaking: Canadian Exchange QuadrigaCX to Become World’s First Publicly Traded Bitcoin Exchange – Bitcoin Magazine ... ( http://bit.ly/1ELmFF6 )
20:10 pete_dushenski at the time it seemed like a basement operation
20:10 pete_dushenski now, going 'public'
20:11 nubbins` dat feb state of bitcoin address
20:11 BingoBoingo !up Guest37440
20:11 Pierre_Rochard ^ what I’m waiting for is an exchange with segregated fiat accounts held by a custodian bank. May be wishful thinking
20:12 pete_dushenski Pierre_Rochard so basically a bank you already know and trust with a btc trading platform
20:13 Pierre_Rochard not necessarily the same entity but in practice yes
20:14 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: http://cryptome.org/2015-info/guardian-redact/guardian-redact.htm << wtf ?
20:14 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1ELn4ro )
20:14 asciilifeform (who filmed ?)
20:14 asciilifeform or was it idiot after-the-fact mock-up
20:16 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: they have nothing. this is proof positive that the cia is as worthless as the vassar feminist book club; think about hassling beria in that manner << to be fair, p. was no longer heading anything when he was 'flushed'.
20:16 asciilifeform hruschev was a whole gensec and what did that get him after retirement.
20:17 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: I may have to watch again less drunk, but I believe Poitras was behind the camera most of the time.
20:17 BingoBoingo !up MartinPonce
20:17 BingoBoingo Hello MartinPonce
20:17 pete_dushenski asciilifeform i'm guessing after the fact.
20:17 nubbins` for those of you who collect shiny things:
20:17 nubbins` https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=975256.0
20:17 assbot Casascius 0.5 BTC Silver Series-2 physical bitcoin: NO RESERVE, 30-DAY AUCTION ... ( http://bit.ly/1F6Zxiw )
20:20 pete_dushenski Pierre_Rochard anything new on your end these days ? any accounting software updates ?
20:20 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: beria actually picked up women... << based on the sources, i don't regard it as a solid historical fact
20:22 gabriel_laddel http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=03-03-2015#1039672
20:22 assbot Logged on 03-03-2015 08:58:24; mircea_popescu: " They also remember the high-tech crash of 1984, and the screams of pain up and down Wall Street." << heh it nearly killed gaming altogether, and is responsible for killing consoles. (yes they still exist, but gaming is essentially a pc item)
20:22 gabriel_laddel ^ ummm... http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2015/01/playstation-4-passes-18-5-million-sales-worldwide/
20:22 assbot PlayStation 4 passes 18.5 million sales worldwide | Ars Technica ... ( http://bit.ly/1ELo12U )
20:23 Pierre_Rochard pete_dushenski: I’ve split the accounting logic from the webapp so that it’s just a python package. Cleaner and decrufted. Getting close to a stable-enough version to write up documentation
20:23 gabriel_laddel as for the original PSP, 76.3 million sales (as of March 31, 2012)
20:23 gabriel_laddel (worldwide)
20:24 pete_dushenski Pierre_Rochard awesome
20:26 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: One of the safest assumptions from the film though is that one of the core group of Snowden journalists had at some poin been turned or always was an unsavory side vegetable. Likely Greenwald, likely before meeting snowden in HK.
20:26 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77700 @ 0.00037428 = 29.0816 BTC [+] {2}
20:28 BingoBoingo http://pipeline.corante.com/archives/2008/02/26/sand_wont_save_you_this_time.php
20:28 assbot Sand Won't Save You This Time. In the Pipeline: ... ( http://bit.ly/1ELotOq )
20:29 BingoBoingo ^ Potentially useful for home 100nm IC fab
20:32 nubbins` pete_dushenski re: quadriga going public, here's the exchange: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Securities_Exchange
20:32 assbot Canadian Securities Exchange - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1ELp1Ec )
20:32 BingoBoingo http://web.archive.org/web/20060318221608/http://www.airproducts.com/nr/rdonlyres/8479ed55-2170-4651-a3d4-223b2957a9f3/0/safetygram39.pdf
20:34 pete_dushenski nubbins` ayup.
20:37 decimation pete_dushenski: segregated fiat? like 100% reserve, physical bills laying in a warehouse?
20:39 nubbins` uh, what?
20:39 nubbins` quadrigacx lets you deposit gold
20:39 decimation nubbins`: can you withdraw gold?
20:40 nubbins` yes
20:40 nubbins` RCM 1oz bars
20:40 BingoBoingo nubbins`: Dunchu No, U let everyone deposit everything and just hope some sort of market stability sticks
20:40 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46200 @ 0.00037631 = 17.3855 BTC [+] {2}
20:41 asciilifeform gabriel_laddel: notice how the remaining consoles are lightly-modified x86 boxes internally ?
20:41 * nubbins` shrugs
20:41 nubbins` wild
20:41 nubbins` gold->btc easier if this works
20:43 pete_dushenski decimation lol don't ask me, it's Pierre_Rochard's fantasy
20:43 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: And the previous generation PowerPC. Pure Apple style trechery.
20:44 pete_dushenski BingoBoingo which new console is running powerpc guts ?
20:44 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: actually no secret why. no one (and i mean no one) is making a serious serial-execution non-x86 cpu today
20:44 asciilifeform no one.
20:45 BingoBoingo pete_dushenski: Neither, but the Ms360 and PS3 were bother powerPC
20:45 decimation I don't think we yanks can send money to canadian banks
20:45 pete_dushenski heh, who knew that i have a powerpc collecting dust at home!
20:46 pete_dushenski decimation paypal.
20:46 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Amazing the damage a single decade does
20:46 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
20:46 decimation pete_dushenski: paypal does canadian EFT?
20:47 Pierre_Rochard decimation: this is about separating the traders’ cash from the exchange’s cash. Comingling of funds is not a good idea, as you point out it can lead to “fractional reserve” by the exchange (more precisely, defalcation)
20:47 pete_dushenski decimation it does indeed.
20:47 gabriel_laddel asciilifeform: Nope.
20:48 decimation Pierre_Rochard: yeah that makes sense
20:48 BingoBoingo Then again the PowerPC console generation came as Apple left the architecture and IBM wanted anyone else to jsutify its continued work there
20:48 asciilifeform plenty of ppc in usg proprietary machinery
20:48 decimation Pierre_Rochard: I kinda assumed that non-scam exchanges would do this, but apparently nobody can resist
20:48 asciilifeform (but not enough for a legit commercial fab to turn a profit unless 'favourite son')
20:49 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: The value of the game consoles was the illusion of volume
20:49 BingoBoingo Or illusion of viability through volume
20:50 BingoBoingo But M$ in particular hit the same issues that sent Apple away "Red Ring of Death"
20:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41600 @ 0.00037652 = 15.6632 BTC [+]
20:58 gabriel_laddel "illusion of volume" << ?
20:59 BingoBoingo gabriel_laddel: Intended meaning one line lower. Vodka time
20:59 ben_vulpes !rate vhost- 2 taught me much
20:59 assbot Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/c419dfe455e10429
20:59 BingoBoingo http://www.ntp.org/ntpfaq/NTP-a-faq.htm#Q-META-CSS-STYLE >> Last word on design ever
20:59 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1ELsceX )
21:00 ben_vulpes !v assbot:ben_vulpes.rate.vhost-.2:45f33ea63fd332565cd5944c27d4e2d71efa99db12620aef65556fa23229d0f5
21:00 assbot Successfully added a rating of 2 for vhost- with note: taught me much
21:01 BingoBoingo And the only thing about Javascript that matters is >> http://www.ntp.org/ntpfaq/NTP-a-faq.htm#AEN562
21:01 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1ELsqTi )
21:06 BingoBoingo !up Guest21461
21:11 BingoBoingo !up ebit_
21:16 decimation BingoBoingo: that CIF3 stuff is nasty
21:17 BingoBoingo decimation: Of course it is, but... semiconductor lithography... In the neighbor's shed!
21:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28500 @ 0.00036354 = 10.3609 BTC [-]
21:27 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 58800 @ 0.00037883 = 22.2752 BTC [+] {2}
21:29 BingoBoingo ;;ticker --market all
21:29 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 281.84, vol: 18796.51371096 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 278.38, vol: 19043.02781 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 283.73, vol: 78418.16176281 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 282.3469, vol: 147610.75430000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 278.35492, vol: 22.49694774 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 287.325999989, vol: 177.90471922 | Volume-weighted last average: 282.438491329
21:36 decimation re: petraeus < I said they would never prosecute, and I'm not sure if I'm right or not
21:36 decimation it will be interesting to see how he is sentenced
21:37 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: read the ClF3 link again, notice that it is used in si fab solely for cleaning tools.
21:37 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Sure, but cleaning after the fact is the next best thing to starting from a clean workspace
21:38 BingoBoingo decimation: Basically it seems the objective of the scandal was to keep him out of national politics. Mission accomplished as it rarely is.
21:38 asciilifeform the gas is merely one of 1,000 reasons why the fab costs what it does.
21:39 asciilifeform it is interesting to compare, in this respect, the semiconductor industry to... nuclear one
21:39 asciilifeform entirely workable schemes ('intrinsically safe' reactors made of pellets, etc.) have been proposed for reasonably inexpensive fission plants for home use
21:40 asciilifeform no one was in a great hurry to buy - but there were designs
21:40 asciilifeform si fab on the other hand:
21:40 asciilifeform zilch.
21:40 BingoBoingo Sure, Just cutting out safety seems to open a number of options. Like it does in batteries.
21:41 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30300 @ 0.00036354 = 11.0153 BTC [-]
21:43 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: cutting out completely looks rather like this: http://www.lonesentry.com/articles/jp_tankhunters/fig1_japanese_lunge_mine_antitank.jpg
21:43 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1ELxabN )
21:43 decimation BingoBoingo: that's an interesting angle on petraeus (keeping him out of politics)
21:43 decimation of course nearly everyone in washington is guilty of exactly the same crimes
21:43 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: for most engineered items, even for suicide soldiers, one finds something less extreme
21:44 decimation yeah, nuclear reactors are actually pretty simple in principle
21:44 asciilifeform decimation: how many usg employees that were once dealing in official secrets would come up entirely clean if their belongings were searched ? as in, not even a 'post-it note'
21:44 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Well, but I imagine applications of walking biodiesel
21:44 decimation asciilifeform: well, look at that diane roark chick
21:45 BingoBoingo decimation: The thing is he took the post as an active duty officer and the affair itself presented another potentially chargeable crime.
21:45 decimation agents took nearly all of her personal papers and 'decided' which ones were actually classified at their own discretion
21:45 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: these only get 'clintonized' if someone wills it to happen
21:45 decimation then they argue that the courts are not able to decide these matters
21:45 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: because subject 'needs to have problems'
21:45 decimation BingoBoingo: yes, but under the ucmj
21:46 BingoBoingo decimation: But UMCJ would have applied. Part of the way to defanging nation.
21:46 decimation BingoBoingo: eh?
21:47 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Of course. Petraeus's greatest problem was going as high as a primate could go. Purely sublizard being
21:47 decimation someone at DOJ had an agenda against him
21:47 BingoBoingo decimation: Higher you go the more UCMJ hit if it is applied
21:47 decimation everything usg does has a civil servant with an agenda behind it
21:49 decimation BingoBoingo: yeah, but instead he's going to jail instead of taking a demotion
21:49 decimation I don't get how that is even in the same ballpark
21:50 BingoBoingo decimation: Hasn't been sentenced yet. Anyways UCMJ provides for the occasional death penalty
22:00 decimation at any rate, I suspect the whole petraeus affair is merely designed to pour encourager les autres while simultaneously dinging a potential political rival
22:00 * BingoBoingo remembers in early 2012 before scandal Petraeus being floated as a more serious threat to Obola than Congress
22:02 decimation !up Dr-G
22:02 BingoBoingo !up bitspill
22:03 BingoBoingo !up bitstein
22:03 BingoBoingo Oh, the Harry Potter thing updated with two new chapters and still isn't over yet.
22:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46777 @ 0.00036097 = 16.8851 BTC [-] {2}
22:08 decimation “There is light in the world, and it is us!" Eliezer Yudkowsky, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality << "We are the ones we've been waiting for" Obama
22:10 * BingoBoingo still only on chapter 66 and closing chapters, which ought to be expected as I'm from a town with "auf wiedersehen" on the signs at its borders
22:13 BingoBoingo !up roseebit
22:13 trinque decimation: hilarious how close that is to christian rhetoric
22:13 trinque same heaven on earth myth too
22:13 trinque just with gadgets
22:14 decimation trinque: as a Christian I find their statements abhorrent
22:14 decimation because it asserts a form of 'christianity' without Christ
22:15 decimation "man is your god, and I am your prophet"
22:15 trinque right-o, it's a sort of techno-atheist christianity
22:15 * BingoBoingo is dissapoint in this fanfic/propaganda piece. Halfway through and no fucking?
22:16 trinque decimation: seems like bitcoin has attracted a lot of christians, not that I mind. I'm curious why that is, if so
22:16 decimation BingoBoingo: what about your woodchipper fetish harry potter?
22:16 trinque maybe there are more out there than I think
22:17 BingoBoingo decimation: Had the virtue of being short. At least blood has a lubricant quality all its own.
22:17 BingoBoingo decimation: And I did not write the woodchipper fanfic. Merely found it searching for tales of awesome machines.
22:19 decimation trinque: for myself, my interest in bitcoin flows directly from my interest in competent government
22:20 trinque makes sense
22:22 decimation I also think the fiat machine that enables mass theft from everyone's savings is a form of usary
22:23 danielpbarron decimation, what do you think of this?: Revelation 13:16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or[a] the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
22:24 gabriel_laddel ...
22:24 trinque danielpbarron: sounds like antibitcoin
22:24 danielpbarron "no one may buy or sell except one who has ... the number of his name"
22:25 danielpbarron isn't a private key a number?
22:25 trinque danielpbarron: heh I could project the beast's key and my key onto that too
22:25 decimation danielpbarron: revelation is a difficult book. I have no idea what that means
22:26 trinque danielpbarron: I enjoy thinking of the usgov as the whore, though I've heard people argue thats the catholic church
22:26 trinque ...supposedly
22:27 decimation danielpbarron: it is very interesting though
22:27 danielpbarron i'm not saying GPG and the WoT is the number and the beast necessarily, but the similarity is more striking than most ideas i've heard
22:28 danielpbarron seems more likely than the idea that carbon credits and rfid chips are the beast and mark
22:28 decimation hehe
22:29 trinque danielpbarron: evil does that doesn't it? takes something and twists it just a hair
22:29 trinque bitcoin plus some kind of address validation scheme plus govt-captured mining
22:29 trinque sure, it'd be just like that
22:29 danielpbarron no twist needed
22:31 danielpbarron Romans 13 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have
22:32 danielpbarron but this could also refer to the serene republic
22:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12900 @ 0.00037984 = 4.8999 BTC [+] {2}
22:33 decimation danielpbarron: that was what I was going to bring up next. this text (romans 13) is difficult to put into practice in a universal suffrage democracy
22:33 decimation who exactly is to be the object of your submission? the law as written? or as interpreted by bureaucrats? or as voted by your neighbor?
22:33 danielpbarron the USG is surely wicked in that it enforces laws that are counter to The Bible
22:34 BingoBoingo danielpbarron: Could even the good doktor mark such a large keyspace as RSA as his numebers?
22:34 danielpbarron but if we are to take God at His word, even this wicked government is for good
22:34 decimation danielpbarron: aye
22:35 BingoBoingo Anyways, revelations is awfully late to be considered God's word.
22:35 decimation but that 'goodness' might be delivered through great destruction
22:35 trinque sounds a lot more like that guy John went on one hell of a psychedelic trip
22:35 BingoBoingo End of the world stuff would probably be better in Ezekiel with the horse dicks
22:35 danielpbarron BingoBoingo, interestingly enough consider if someone came along who could factor any number of arbitrary length -- would that not appear to be a miracle?
22:36 BingoBoingo danielpbarron: I'd need to know if they have a time machine or not.
22:36 danielpbarron such a person could sign a message as any user
22:36 BingoBoingo Depends on how good their time machine is
22:38 trinque danielpbarron: the passivity in romans 13 is the kind of thing I rejected on the way out of the church
22:39 trinque I could see myself in the past saying "well, if this 'authority' is not godly, they're no real authority"
22:39 danielpbarron i think it's along the lines of how this world is temporary anyway -- it's like the tower of babel to try to make heaven on earth
22:41 danielpbarron i mean, USG or b-a in charge either way this all gets destroyed ultimately ; but i think i'd rather have b-a in charge if there is a choice
22:43 trinque danielpbarron: ultimately no one's in charge of much
22:43 mircea_popescu !up roseebit
22:43 BingoBoingo danielpbarron: But there is always the constraint that particular lives are bound by finitude. Tis the extraordinarily rare prophet of doom who gets to see the doom while living. Jeremiah didn't
22:43 mircea_popescu roseebit are you in the wot ?
22:44 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: I think whoever they are is in the DoS loop
22:45 mircea_popescu howdja mean ?
22:45 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: They keep getting voiced, bumped to guest*** and rejoining
22:45 mircea_popescu oh that yeah
22:46 adlai http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-03-2015#1040396 << are we confusing prime factorization and discrete logarithms?
22:46 assbot Logged on 04-03-2015 03:36:26; danielpbarron: such a person could sign a message as any user
22:46 danielpbarron isn't a private key a composite number with two very large prime numbers?
22:46 trinque +BingoBoingo | danielpbarron: But there is always the constraint that particular lives are bound by finitude. << my world ends whether "the" world ends or not
22:46 danielpbarron or rather, relating to such a number
22:47 BingoBoingo danielpbarron: Depends on your algorithm.
22:47 adlai not really, there's just a single prime in bitcoin crypto, and there's no need to factor anything
22:47 mircea_popescu looking in the logs, apparently alf created a new word nao, "portatronic"
22:47 mircea_popescu sounds like a great vc toiletry service.
22:48 danielpbarron i guess i meant GPG specifically
22:48 adlai ok, so the confusion was on my end :)
22:48 adlai although not all gpg keys are rsa
22:50 mircea_popescu danielpbarron in the rsa scheme
22:50 BingoBoingo danielpbarron: Even with GPG not everything is RSA. Some people are stupid and use version 2-ish though it lacks backwards compatibility or they use 80's fail crypto which breaks easily.
22:51 BingoBoingo 70's and 90's RSA is the strong stuff
22:52 mircea_popescu lol criptoenology
22:53 BingoBoingo IN the very worst case and RSA fails at least private languages aren't too bad compared to DES, provided the grammar and semantics are unique
22:54 danielpbarron even though it's still not proven, i'll go out on a limb saying that the ability to factor a number of arbitrary length would have to come from a supernatural source, and such a being could probably break all the alternative methods
22:56 nubbins` such a strange place, this
22:56 BingoBoingo If anyone has a time machine to lend I have all kinds of trans cholonolgical arbitrage opportunities that can enrish you provided you give me exactly one whole minute longer than it takes to start the machine alone with it.
22:57 trinque hahaha
22:57 nubbins` ^ me from the future
22:57 adlai well anyone can factor a number of arbitrary length in arbitrary time... consistently being able to factor arbitrary length numbers in constant time, now that is a 'supernatural' algorithm, relative to current knowledge
23:00 trinque paradox police got him
23:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5814 @ 0.00037993 = 2.2089 BTC [+]
23:00 mircea_popescu this "private language" thing is a lot easier said than done.
23:00 mircea_popescu and i have some practical experience wiht the issue.
23:01 mircea_popescu anyonw wanna send 50 bux via paypal for me ?
23:02 * adlai is no longer a pay pal >:(
23:02 danielpbarron mircea_popescu, i can do that
23:03 mircea_popescu i remember a time, maybe 10 or so years ago, when having a paypal was like, a point of pride.
23:05 adlai >:( expresses annoyance, not shame (or lack of pride)
23:06 adlai ;;ticker --market all
23:06 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 276.71, vol: 18996.35978116 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 274.711, vol: 18812.28951 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 279.58, vol: 84375.6220414 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 278.13706, vol: 152561.77060000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 276.31875, vol: 22.90894774 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 280.367, vol: 178.00907986 | Volume-weighted last average: 278.248147885
23:06 adlai chicken coming down to roost
23:06 mircea_popescu where is that valkirie
23:06 danielpbarron lol paypal nags me every time i log in now about how i haven't given them enough KYC but they let me send money regardless
23:07 mircea_popescu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AlEvy0fJto
23:07 assbot Richard Wagner - The ride of the Valkyries from "Die Walküre" - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1DJS1rJ )
23:07 * adlai needs to try this as coding music
23:08 mircea_popescu totally.
23:09 adlai got good mileage out of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhT0g9jULpw but can't get too locked to one genre
23:09 assbot Metallica - Ride The Lightning - Full Album (HD 720p) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1DJSQ3B )
23:09 mircea_popescu asciilifeform the notion of a "deprecated symbol" boggles my mind.,
23:09 mircea_popescu can you explain wtf it's supposed to be even ?
23:10 decimation adlai: recently i've become a fan of arvo pärt (yes, via moldbug)
23:10 adlai also tatran
23:11 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-03-2015#1040051 << this is exactly correct. obscure fucking sides of an obscure place in an fucking thing (linux)
23:11 assbot Logged on 03-03-2015 22:23:41; ascii_field: every time i do this, i get the distinct feeling that i'm the only living thing other than the package maintainer/developer who tried to build it
23:11 mircea_popescu obscuritas in tenebrae.
23:11 adlai https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNudxZEIfqU
23:11 assbot TATRAN - WW III (Album Version) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1zUGKFo )
23:12 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> this "private language" thing is a lot easier said than done. << Is any truly dark art otherwise? When you surrender the truth of mathematics to language?
23:13 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: wtf it's supposed to be << it's precisely what it looks like to the unarmed eye: a perfectly good symbol that a shitgnome whose arsehole pines for the stake decided to zap to boost his feeling of relevance and be '1337 contributor'
23:14 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: obscure fucking sides of an obscure place << widely used gizmo. but apparently everybody but me just takes the binary
23:14 decimation asciilifeform: how can you 'do' package management without keeping track of the symbols
23:14 mircea_popescu asciilifeform overheard right now "o yeah ? well the gentoo manual was down for likle... 3 days. i don't think this is a good sign"
23:15 adlai fwiw, 'private language' has served organisms rather well for countless generations, we've only been toying with information hiding for an instant in comparison
23:15 asciilifeform decimation: subject of thread was yet another case of gizmo that won't build on account of 'obsolete' things having been removed from something
23:15 mircea_popescu asciilifeform your idea of widely differs from nature.
23:16 mircea_popescu what's widely, 50 actual usecases which all depend on the same three contractors ?
23:16 decimation asciilifeform: yes but didn't you once say that package management can only be properly done at the language level?
23:16 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: neh those use proprietary adas
23:16 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: the 'widely' is mostly uni students
23:16 asciilifeform decimation: aha
23:16 asciilifeform decimation: but i didn't create the universe in question, nobody asked me
23:16 decimation http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=08-02-2015#1012685
23:16 assbot Logged on 08-02-2015 18:50:39; asciilifeform: trying to explain that it is quit impossible to have a package management system above the language level that is not dumbed down by support for braindamaged languages.
23:16 asciilifeform aha
23:17 asciilifeform decimation: but in this case the package manager is not at fault. someone deliberately sabotaged a library.
23:17 adlai asciilifeform: any particular reason for your love of ada, specifically?
23:17 asciilifeform (yes, let's call things by their true names - sabotage)
23:17 asciilifeform adlai: i'd love to learn of a substitute for ada
23:17 decimation asciilifeform: well, this is a general problem in C programming - the failure to provide a global namespace
23:18 decimation "no, I want the writef() that does the stuff, not the writef() that displays singing monkeys"
23:18 asciilifeform that is, a hard-standardized (iso preferred) prog. lang. with safe types and deterministic memory usage, that has extant compiler back-ends for all major cpu architectures
23:18 asciilifeform and is happy with, e.g., 64k of total machine ram
23:18 asciilifeform ^ ocaml, say, is right out
23:19 asciilifeform ditto erlang
23:19 asciilifeform ada's the only game in town for this not-uncommon set of constraints
23:19 decimation asciilifeform: also it's probably never going to attract hipsters
23:19 asciilifeform in much the same way that mpex is the only game in town in its field
23:20 asciilifeform i don't give a flying fuck either way about the hipsters
23:20 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> decimation: but in this case the package manager is not at fault. someone deliberately sabotaged a library. << So on OpenBSD I'm nt finding an Ada port or package that works with sufficient frequency to make it too the tree. Looking like the turdswitch may have been flipped in GCC
23:20 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: there's a set of ports for 'dragonfly bsd'
23:20 asciilifeform which ought to work on others
23:21 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Dragonfly ports are mostly loose FreeBSD ports with little guarentee of working. There are older Ada and the visual Ada IDE ports for OpenBSD, but... it seems fuckers would on the whole rather test "go"
23:22 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: if gcc works, so will ada, enable it when configuring gcc
23:22 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: if you insist on the ada foundation's bleeding edge thing - that's another matter that i can't help with
23:22 mircea_popescu !up roseebit
23:23 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yeah, "uni studends" right. "use" mhm kay.
23:23 * BingoBoingo is working on the pressing problem of testing other possible bitcoind/qts atm
23:23 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: So far been searchin for 95 compatible gnat and IDE safety net
23:23 asciilifeform http://www.gentoo.org/security/en/glsa/glsa-201502-15.xml << speaking of gentoo...
23:24 assbot Gentoo Linux Documentation-- Samba: Multiple vulnerabilities ... ( http://bit.ly/1DJYP8E )
23:24 * adlai stumbles upon https://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/ai-repository/ai/lang/lisp/impl/alsp/0.html
23:24 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1DJYVgv )
23:24 asciilifeform ^ you don't have to use winblows to be pwned using winblows pwnhole
23:24 adlai Version: 1.0 (17-MAR-86)
23:24 asciilifeform ^ don't keep windblows box in the house. then no need for 'samba' and the associated idiocies
23:24 adlai iirc that's before 0.5.3
23:25 mircea_popescu what is samba again ?
23:25 adlai windows filesharing
23:25 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Windows NFS substitute
23:25 decimation mircea_popescu: it's an implementation of cifs, which is the standard windows network filesystem
23:25 mircea_popescu "Samba is a suite of SMB and CIFS client/server programs." szus nothing to me
23:25 mircea_popescu oh oh
23:25 asciilifeform adlai: interestingly, symbolics lisp mach. had full datastructure interoperability between zetalisp, common lisp, fortran, ada, - even c.
23:26 adlai "had"? i thought there was at least one working lispm in the republic!
23:26 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-03-2015#1040172 << but srsly, you watching its uptime ?
23:26 assbot Logged on 03-03-2015 23:59:18; PeterL: sorry, cazalla
23:26 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17346 @ 0.00038114 = 6.6113 BTC [+] {2}
23:26 asciilifeform adlai: haven't switched it on in a good long while.
23:27 decimation asciilifeform: re: software that kills < http://www.eetimes.com/document.asp?doc_id=1319903 < the toyota thing was discussed here in the past
23:27 assbot Toyota Case: Single Bit Flip That Killed | EE Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1GibvJH )
23:27 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26954 @ 0.00038246 = 10.3088 BTC [+]
23:27 * BingoBoingo confesses running to OpenBSD instead of Gentoo not because of knowledge, but from a lack of knowledge. Still determine personal minimal set of installed software. No confident enough to make best choices on a whole workstation (as opposed to appliance) stack.
23:27 asciilifeform speaking of the ada foundation, i randomly tested their mac port ( http://mirrors.cdn.adacore.com/art/ee55f5eb79cb118552c03fc83fa2d5c1580f5353 ) and it only segfaults.
23:27 asciilifeform as in, every single one of the executables.
23:27 asciilifeform does -anybody- test this crap ?
23:28 mircea_popescu dude that shadbase.com thing...
23:28 decimation asciilifeform: I spent a few days trying to get ada working on osx 10.9, gave up
23:28 mircea_popescu wtf is it, someone's lcd trip ?
23:28 asciilifeform decimation: use gcc's.
23:28 decimation macports has a 'port' of gcc-gnat , but it requires an existing ada compiler to build
23:28 adlai lcd trip = lsd + advertisements?
23:28 asciilifeform decimation: comes with one, typically
23:29 decimation it swore that it didn't
23:29 decimation I don't understand why
23:29 asciilifeform i suppose that was only on real computer
23:29 mircea_popescu adlai lol
23:30 gabriel_laddel lcd trip?
23:30 mircea_popescu it's a joke!
23:30 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-03-2015#1040184 << obviously, their ada wasn't tested.
23:30 assbot Logged on 04-03-2015 01:03:49; pete_dushenski: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_INR8ZXIAIIs2q.jpg << lulzy shot of coinbase orderbook, allegedly from earlier today, showing an order for *negative* bitcoin
23:30 decimation asciilifeform: macports suggested four alternatives, none of which were available or worked
23:30 gabriel_laddel haha...
23:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13300 @ 0.00037921 = 5.0435 BTC [-]
23:30 adlai asciilifeform: what's the lispm good for these days? i'm intrigued by them but (as you yourself have said) software sim is much more practical these days
23:30 BingoBoingo One of these days, would love to use as main online computter http://webspace.webring.com/people/a7/717171/Blacky.html
23:30 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1DK1krB )
23:31 asciilifeform adlai: for satisfying curiosity about what it actually felt like in the period
23:31 asciilifeform adlai: for just about everything else, the emulator
23:31 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-03-2015#1040208 << it's only like the... 5th or so to falsely claim firstness on that score.
23:31 assbot Logged on 04-03-2015 01:10:36; pete_dushenski: at the time it seemed like a basement operation
23:31 asciilifeform adlai: though if you want a '100% authentic' experience with the emulator, you'll need a symbolics keyboard and an adapter
23:31 mircea_popescu but hey, bitcoin ragazine material.
23:32 asciilifeform (not available commercially. i reversed the keyboard, then some german fella made adapter)
23:32 asciilifeform not even sure if he used my schematic or not
23:32 asciilifeform don't much care today
23:32 adlai you used a regular keyboard with the lispm?
23:32 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-03-2015#1040212 << iirc this exists, since about 2011. davout's thing.
23:32 assbot Logged on 04-03-2015 01:11:52; Pierre_Rochard: ^ what I’m waiting for is an exchange with segregated fiat accounts held by a custodian bank. May be wishful thinking
23:32 asciilifeform adlai: no. reverse
23:32 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: There were people inquiring about qntra submisisons on the firstness of that, but when pressed to source... saw necessary hedges unnews'd it
23:32 adlai or the symbolics keyboard with the emulator?
23:32 asciilifeform lispm keyboard with pc
23:32 adlai ok
23:33 BingoBoingo adlai: Why can't scalpl beat http://trilema.com/2013/internet-story/
23:33 assbot Internet story pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1DK2bIF )
23:34 asciilifeform adlai: http://www.asciilifeform.com/images/3.png
23:34 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1DK2nYt )
23:34 adlai BingoBoingo: "why did the dinosaur cross the road? because the chicken hadn't yet evolved"
23:34 asciilifeform adlai: of what? of http://www.asciilifeform.com/bolix/bolix.png
23:34 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1DK2uDh )
23:34 asciilifeform there was another, later white kbd, which i have, with entirely different internals - but protocol-compatible with the old scanned-matrix one pictured here
23:35 BingoBoingo adlai: If I had knowledge to author regex, I'd have a refutation...
23:35 adlai no, you'd have two problems
23:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31500 @ 0.00037649 = 11.8594 BTC [-]
23:35 adlai regex authorship is a treacherous knowledge
23:36 asciilifeform lispm gives an interesting feeling straight away - of computer that cost what a business airplane cost, and intended to maximize the thinking power of an economically-important thinking person
23:37 asciilifeform for instance, the console was really a powerful computer in its own right (contained video rendered and sound card) and could be separated from the (very loud!) machine by, iirc, 200 metres!
23:37 asciilifeform a multiaxial shielded cable was included for this purpose
23:37 asciilifeform we -still!!!!- don't have this with x86 pc!
23:37 BingoBoingo adlai: A number of technologies produce by a factor of ten more probems than they solve, why would regex be so bad. Not like it is python...
23:37 asciilifeform i listen to fucking fans all day long
23:37 asciilifeform because we don't have this.
23:37 mircea_popescu haha fawks was evil.
23:38 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> haha fawks was evil. << The phoenix, no. Chaotic neutral
23:38 mircea_popescu i mean evil as in, wicked.
23:38 gabriel_laddel interestingly, the common lisp standard doesn't contain regular expressions. Why? Because they're unnecessary when you don't ever have to parse input.
23:38 asciilifeform ^
23:38 asciilifeform see also naggum
23:39 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-03-2015#1040220 << beria is the better comparison point.
23:39 assbot Logged on 04-03-2015 01:16:52; asciilifeform: hruschev was a whole gensec and what did that get him after retirement.
23:39 BingoBoingo Amazingly sbcl, no problem on OpenBSD. Any Ada at all, huge fucking pain.
23:39 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
23:39 adlai does it thread?
23:39 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: tried the one built into gcc yet?
23:39 asciilifeform adlai: sbcl, iirc, threads everywhere at this point
23:40 mircea_popescu gabriel_laddel you stil lthink 18mn units sold means something ?
23:40 asciilifeform if asking about ada, the standard requires platform-independent 100% usable threading
23:40 asciilifeform in fact, it requires program to behave in exactly the same way on any platform, if using only what is contained in the standard
23:40 gabriel_laddel mircea_popescu: with respect to the claim that console gaming is 'dead' - yes.
23:40 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Haven't got response to it yet, lack time for my Micheal J Fox hands. adlai Even bitcoin-qt threads beautifully here
23:41 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-03-2015#1040238 << it's never the case that you can find one of these "things that be" (as per http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=01-03-2015#1038150 ) that doesn't have a mole ready to go wherever.
23:41 assbot Logged on 04-03-2015 01:26:15; BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: One of the safest assumptions from the film though is that one of the core group of Snowden journalists had at some poin been turned or always was an unsavory side vegetable. Likely Greenwald, likely before meeting snowden in HK.
23:41 assbot Logged on 01-03-2015 20:35:08; mircea_popescu: but seriously, wikipedia is returned because "fact:wikipedia is what we promote" rather than any "algorithmics"
23:41 mircea_popescu it's kind-of like looking for a soviet army unit without a political comissar.
23:41 adlai http://www.sbcl.org/platform-table.html < pogobsd seems unsupported
23:41 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1DK4XxI )
23:41 mircea_popescu gabriel_laddel "dead" in the sense of, "not what gaming is"
23:41 mircea_popescu they had a chance at making games = consoles, prior to 94
23:41 asciilifeform adlai: who the fuck needs regex when you have set-macro-character ( http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_set_ma.htm ) and brain
23:41 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1DK5aAM )
23:41 gabriel_laddel adlai: https://groups.google.com/forum/message/raw?msg=comp.lang.lisp/XpvUwF2xKbk/Xz4Mww0ZwLIJ
23:41 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1DK5aRr )
23:42 mircea_popescu apple came a lot closer to making phones = iphone
23:42 mircea_popescu ultimately also failed. it's a hard fcking thing.
23:42 mircea_popescu but ibm did succeed, making computers = their micros.
23:43 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: I watched citizenfour at my drunk and most socially aware BAC. They talked about the shortlived Snowden2.0 in Russia. His opsec failure was making any contact with Greenhole.
23:43 adlai asciilifeform: who the fuck needs lispworks when you have http://l1sp.org/search?q=s-m-c
23:43 assbot s-m-c - l1sp.org search ... ( http://bit.ly/1DK5GyT )
23:43 asciilifeform adlai: it seems to link right back to lispworkd
23:43 asciilifeform s
23:44 gabriel_laddel mircea_popescu: kk.
23:44 adlai well yes, but shorter and clearer what you're sinking to, cf http://l1sp.org/cl/
23:44 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1GidMEQ )
23:44 mircea_popescu gabriel_laddel so yeah, not dead dead. "dead".
23:44 mircea_popescu speaking of which, "xerox" is still how you say copier machine / to copy paper by machine in most of the world.
23:44 adlai gabriel_laddel: c.l.l...
23:45 gabriel_laddel adlai: ?
23:45 gabriel_laddel adlai: I was linking you to it b/c you asked why one might want a lispm
23:45 gabriel_laddel adlai: apparently the text editor rocks
23:45 gabriel_laddel Which is unsurprising.
23:46 asciilifeform adlai: is clearer than f_set_ma ?!?! on what planet, wtf
23:46 * BingoBoingo amazed building python2.7.8 from ports much less pain than building sbcl whatever the available was.
23:46 mircea_popescu it occurs to me you're all very drunk.
23:46 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: But on what? (easier to answer for what I am drunk on than the others)
23:46 adlai for values of EtOH approaching Δ9-THC
23:47 BingoBoingo You Jews and your herbs
23:47 BingoBoingo Moses set a bad example
23:47 adlai gabriel_laddel: i'm reading, thank you. asciilifeform dunno, i recognize many sections by number
23:47 decimation asciilifeform: regex does seem to be a kind of 'hair shirt' that is proudly worn by modern programmers
23:47 asciilifeform adlai: lol, i do also, but the other folks here ?!
23:47 asciilifeform doubt it
23:50 adlai ;;isup l1sp.org/mop
23:50 gribble l1sp.org/mop is up
23:50 adlai lies
23:50 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-03-2015#1040271 << tbh, i suspect there are fundamental problems that prevent functional implementations of this segregation in functional currencies. you're essentially stuck choosing : either fiat currency and imaginary "segregation" (of definitionally worthless "money") or else strong currency and no segregation.
23:50 assbot Logged on 04-03-2015 01:47:14; Pierre_Rochard: decimation: this is about separating the traders’ cash from the exchange’s cash. Comingling of funds is not a good idea, as you point out it can lead to “fractional reserve” by the exchange (more precisely, defalcation)
23:50 mircea_popescu the correct solution probably is to simply put someone in charge, and have them answer with their head.
23:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63600 @ 0.00038039 = 24.1928 BTC [+] {2}
23:51 adlai you people seen tlsnotary yet?
23:51 mircea_popescu which will make large banking concerns impossible, but perhaps to no detriment.
23:51 decimation BingoBoingo: one thing snowden is his brazen equivocation between domestic and foreign espionage
23:51 mircea_popescu decimation missing a verb ?
23:51 decimation ah sorry, ^ one thing that bothers me about snowden
23:52 gabriel_laddel adlai: No, but looking at the website.... why do you mention it?
23:52 mircea_popescu can you explain the difference ?
23:52 adlai tlsnotary lets you turn any bank with functional online services into the fiat side of a wot-based exchange
23:53 asciilifeform in other nyooz, today at $censored_firm we were suddenly excited to learn that a very, very costly $censored_guild_professional will accept a document via 'pgp'... only to learn that he was speaking of a 100%-proprietary turdware
23:53 adlai tlsnotary [purports to let you]*, (but they seem to know what they're doing, as far as i can tell)
23:53 asciilifeform that won't touch normal pgp keys, and requires centrally-blessed 'certs'
23:53 BingoBoingo decimation: Snowden is still you enough for an Anerican to be angry about his circumstances of origin. Provided the documentary interviews actually involved him he seemed personally slighted that his HK room hotel phone listened.
23:54 adlai gabriel_laddel: i was just trying to show off more l1sp.org features
23:55 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Aha they took reop as is... Even with the part where it only exists as a "go" turd
23:55 decimation BingoBoingo: snowden seems to be 5% 'whistleblower' and 95% 'media sensation'
23:55 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: nope. ssl-based crap
23:55 adlai asciilifeform: the convenience of pgp with all the trustlessness of ssl!
23:55 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: by $american_megacorp
23:55 asciilifeform very similar to what's used in usg dod
23:56 mircea_popescu adlai lmao exactly.
23:56 asciilifeform anyway, you lot missed the only remarkable fact about this tale
23:56 BingoBoingo decimation: Media sensation part seem sto mostly have been an asbestos jacket. He seems, if film was honest to know it was a life shortening ploy, but less so than what manning did.
23:56 asciilifeform that the fella actually thought he was 'using pgp'
23:56 asciilifeform i.e., that this is what pgp is
23:56 mircea_popescu asciilifeform why do you think the idiocy of a bureaucrat is remarkable to any degree ?
23:56 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: S.Mime
23:56 adlai http://www.metzdowd.com/pipermail/cryptography/2014-September/022803.html < tlsnotary overview by the author, conveys details better than a tl;dr
23:56 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1DKbcRZ )
23:56 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: not a bureaucrat
23:56 mircea_popescu he thinks his life is a life, and his woman a woman, and so on and so forth
23:56 mircea_popescu orly ?
23:58 * adlai guesses that $censored_guild has set the bar rather low...
23:58 decimation ultimately, snowden's downfall is that he's a libertard, and that by 'creating a conversation' or 'raising awareness' he can accomplishing anything is a fallacy
23:58 asciilifeform adlai: apparently.
23:58 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Maybe have one of the more socially perceptive girls screen the citizenfour thing to see if it is worthy of your eyes. Nothing about it suggest weakening opsec in the slightest. Just do they get the same Greenwald was the snitch vibe that I did.
23:58 mircea_popescu decimation a lot has been accomplished however.
23:59 * adlai mourns the pun's sad lonely death
23:59 decimation mircea_popescu: satans invisible world revealed?
23:59 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: WOuld explain alot about Omi*'s reported media empire failure method
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