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← 2015-01-20 | 2015-01-22 →
00:00 mircea_popescu good point.
00:01 mircea_popescu " phantomcircuitDiablo-D3, the real danger here is convincing people who dont truly understand the problem that something is safe which is in fact extremely risky"
00:01 * asciilifeform is not a rich fellow, and was much poorer still when he read the satoshi paper
00:01 mircea_popescu basically, gavin has pretty much 0 support in -dev.
00:01 mircea_popescu but he's willing to buy people drinks in san juan, who knows, maybe then.
00:02 asciilifeform speaking of satoshi's paper, i learned by accident that someone sells a printed & bound 'collected satoshi crap'
00:02 asciilifeform not incl. the 0.1 source, unfortunately
00:04 mircea_popescu i don't think the 0.1 source was ever actually released
00:04 * asciilifeform distinctly recalls a tarball with that label
00:05 asciilifeform http://www.bitcointrading.com/forum/bitcoin-clients/original-bitcoin-source-code-archives
00:05 assbot Original Bitcoin Source Code Archives - bitcointrading.com - bitcoin trading buy/sell classifieds forum ... ( http://bit.ly/1JbFlwM )
00:05 asciilifeform ^ seems to have it
00:06 mircea_popescu uh
00:06 asciilifeform i once worked with a fellow who had a poster containing, in reasonably readable print, linux 0.01 kernel.
00:06 mircea_popescu you know, that's the guy that came up with a glbse asset that consisted of buying lottery tickets ?
00:06 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: for all i know, it's hitler.
00:06 mircea_popescu but anyway, i rly dun recall, mebbe it was after all.
00:07 mod6 lol
00:07 mircea_popescu i had thought it started with 2.something
00:07 asciilifeform 0.1.3 seems to be the earliest mass-circulated version.
00:07 asciilifeform https://github.com/trottier/original-bitcoin/tree/master/src << claims to be a copy
00:07 assbot original-bitcoin/src at master · trottier/original-bitcoin · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1JbFU9S )
00:08 mircea_popescu ah ok 1.3
00:08 asciilifeform incidentally, it would be very spiffy if someone here (specifically) has a vintage copy of either of these on his disk, from those days, and would be willing to sign it.
00:09 asciilifeform lottery hitler probably has not the brain mass to doctor his archive, but why leave it to fate.
00:09 mircea_popescu asciilifeform incidentally, re go : you know the only other bitcoin implementation is btcd, written in go ?
00:09 mod6 asciilifeform: werd
00:09 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: there was another, iirc, in c
00:09 mircea_popescu i thought that one died.
00:09 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i have not tested it
00:10 asciilifeform there is also something that looked, on cursory inspection, quite like a bitcoind, in python
00:10 asciilifeform haven't tried it either.
00:10 mircea_popescu that died a year prior to the cx
00:11 asciilifeform there is even, apparently, a haskell version.
00:11 asciilifeform (haven't tried, ...)
00:11 asciilifeform https://github.com/haskoin/haskoin
00:11 assbot haskoin/haskoin · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1E0BLr1 )
00:11 mod6 bitcoin in C is sexy
00:13 asciilifeform now, whether even one of these (or ones not mentioned here) is fit for use in anger, on the battlefield - i cannot say.
00:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62200 @ 0.00045216 = 28.1244 BTC [-] {2}
00:25 Pierre_Rochard “errything fine up there ?” <- debatable, I’ve been studying tax accounting, which can be deleterious to the mind
00:26 mircea_popescu o there he is.
00:26 Pierre_Rochard The point I was trying to make is that Gavinonomics has no notion of demand elasticity for bitcoin transactions
00:27 mircea_popescu how's the "talking sense at redditards" business going ?
00:27 Pierre_Rochard horribly, it’s a particularly terrible form of procrastination
00:27 mircea_popescu it doesn't seem to have much notion of economics in any sense.
00:27 mircea_popescu hehe i hear that a lot.
~ 23 minutes ~
00:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44800 @ 0.00047758 = 21.3956 BTC [+] {2}
00:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5050 @ 0.00048855 = 2.4672 BTC [+]
00:52 mircea_popescu ;;seen bitstein
00:52 gribble bitstein was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 5 days, 8 hours, 59 minutes, and 15 seconds ago: <bitstein> https://twitter.com/a_greenberg/status/555827037488037889
00:52 ben_vulpes <mircea_popescu> davout here's the story : big bombing here in the 70s, at the jewish center. dozens of victims. << was this a proxy attack on israel?
00:53 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes for all i know it was just overflowing idiocy.
00:53 ben_vulpes it being the jewish center?
00:53 ben_vulpes the bombing?
00:54 mircea_popescu well both.
00:55 mircea_popescu there's no discernible benefit to it or anything.
00:56 ben_vulpes <asciilifeform> any reason to doubt that the usg exchanges and other scum are 'on board' (for what that's worth) ? << it is going to be *fascinating* to see how coinbase et. al are going to handle this
00:57 mircea_popescu coinbase made its round, so it may have a little leeway.
01:04 mircea_popescu !up coderwill
01:09 ben_vulpes http://bitbet.us/bet/1093/bitcoin-main-net-block-size-to-increase-in/ << could such a block get 50 confirmations and a reorg happen later? that's not even 10 hours, right?
01:09 assbot BitBet - Bitcoin main net block size to increase in 2015 :: 0.13 B (11%) on Yes, 1.07 B (89%) on No | closing in 9 months 4 weeks | weight: 94`308 (100`000 to 1) ... ( http://bit.ly/1sXn2t1 )
01:10 ben_vulpes sure enough, brief discussion in teh lawgs
01:11 ben_vulpes then off into a discussion about bitbet mathematical/statistical arcana
01:11 ben_vulpes god i love you guys
01:11 mircea_popescu did i miss teh log ?!
01:11 ben_vulpes lol did you miss it
01:12 ben_vulpes http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-01-2015#970329 << you fucking wrote it
01:12 assbot Logged on 08-01-2015 22:31:37; mircea_popescu: "Gavincoin orphan chain to reach 50 blocks before being abandoned" is kinda not the same as "Blockchain will increase"
01:12 mircea_popescu that's ... two weeks ago ?
01:12 ben_vulpes memory loss setting in already?
01:13 mircea_popescu no but i was expecting today's log.
01:13 mircea_popescu i thought you were up to date!!1
01:13 ben_vulpes anyways
01:13 mircea_popescu anyway, read today first, get back to 8th after.
01:13 ben_vulpes no no i went searching for that
01:14 mircea_popescu oh oh
01:14 ben_vulpes i'm just sitting here imagining the ways gavincoin could play out
01:14 mircea_popescu dude im tired.
01:14 ben_vulpes reading logs
01:14 ben_vulpes 500 behind
01:14 ben_vulpes you're tired?
01:14 mircea_popescu yeah now i see what you mean :)
01:14 mircea_popescu took me a while.
01:17 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12100 @ 0.000465 = 5.6265 BTC [-]
01:21 ben_vulpes <Luke-Jr> [] not sure why this patch is reducing set_lg_max.. << lol i love the stream of consciousness as Luke-Jr reads through source
01:25 mircea_popescu https://blog.conformal.com/the-bitcoin-consensus-red-herring/
01:25 assbot The Bitcoin Consensus Red Herring | Conformal Systems, LLC. ... ( http://bit.ly/1J6yNkL )
01:25 mircea_popescu guy actually has a point.
01:26 mircea_popescu "There is currently no way to guarantee that any two versions of Bitcoin software, whether they are two different versions of Bitcoin Core, two different versions of alternative implementations, a version of Bitcoin Core versus a version of an alternative implementation, or even two copies of the same version of Bitcoin Core built with different compiler versions are in exact consensus agreement. Doing so is incredibly
01:26 mircea_popescu difficult and borders on impossible. The issue is implementation independent."
01:26 mircea_popescu "The current solution as proposed by Bitcoin Core is, when you get right down to it, “let’s just be really careful with code changes and hope for the best”. There is no real disaster recovery or prevention plan. Yes, there is ongoing work to split the consensus critical bits out into a library and I think this is a good idea and am glad to see it happening. However, it still does nothing to address the real fun
01:26 mircea_popescu damental issue stated above nor does it provide disaster recovery or prevention."
01:26 mircea_popescu meanwhile, gavin's top priority is... you've guessed it.
01:26 mircea_popescu every single version to date broke something.
01:27 mircea_popescu usually not that big. sometimes fucking ridiculous (like the one time when they changed versioning)
01:28 mircea_popescu and yet the "uncertaininty" is generated by imaginary problems. not by this.
01:29 mircea_popescu sort-of like the man who gets drenched in volcanic eruptions every single week, worrying about meteors falling.
01:29 ben_vulpes changed versioning?
01:30 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes recall when blocks went from v1 to v2 ?
01:30 ben_vulpes i don't know if i was around at that point.
01:30 ben_vulpes wasn't even keeping logs at that point
01:31 mircea_popescu sometime in 2012 an uncontroversial fork was put in, so that sometime in 2013 blocks are mined with version 2 instead of version 1.
01:31 ben_vulpes lol so then fork?
01:31 mircea_popescu except for no particular reason the check was against a signed value (the very careful part), which inadvertently reduced a scarce resource
01:31 mircea_popescu no, just narrower header.
01:32 ben_vulpes huh
01:32 ben_vulpes got a writeup somewhere? i don't understand the implications straight off.
01:38 mircea_popescu https://blog.conformal.com/the-bitcoin-consensus-red-herring/#comment-689
01:38 assbot The Bitcoin Consensus Red Herring | Conformal Systems, LLC. ... ( http://bit.ly/1J6Az5x )
01:38 mircea_popescu pity conformal isn't better known.
01:39 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes good start : http://bitcoinstats.com/irc/bitcoin-dev/logs/2015/01/20#l1421788665
01:39 assbot BitcoinStats ... ( http://bit.ly/1J6ALlh )
01:47 ben_vulpes :(
01:47 ben_vulpes that is a lot of log
01:47 ben_vulpes and i want to nap
01:48 mircea_popescu https://twitter.com/adam3us << guy that thinks he invented bitcoin
01:48 assbot Adam Back (@adam3us) | Twitter ... ( http://bit.ly/1J6C5V6 )
01:49 mircea_popescu wholla lotta dumb in his funny looking head otherwise.
~ 23 minutes ~
02:12 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50000 @ 0.00048078 = 24.039 BTC [+]
~ 30 minutes ~
02:43 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19800 @ 0.00048078 = 9.5194 BTC [+]
02:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46850 @ 0.000465 = 21.7853 BTC [-]
02:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 22 @ 0.11000003 = 2.42 BTC [-] {4}
~ 45 minutes ~
03:35 mats https://jimshaver.net/2015/01/21/the-100-chain-certificate-experiment/
03:35 assbot The 100 Chain Certificate Experiment | Jim Shaver ... ( http://bit.ly/1ypN20u )
03:36 mats dos via cert chain replacement
03:46 mats http://www.computerworld.com/article/2872694/oracle-to-fix-167-vulnerabilities-including-a-backdoor-like-flaw-in-its-e-business-suite.html
03:46 assbot Oracle to fix 167 vulnerabilities, including a backdoor-like flaw in its E-Business Suite | Computerworld ... ( http://bit.ly/1ypOQXq )
03:54 BingoBoingo ;;later tell mike_c published
03:54 gribble The operation succeeded.
~ 19 minutes ~
04:13 BingoBoingo O.o a suprising voice objects to 20MB trending towards infinity http://bitcoinstats.com/irc/bitcoin-dev/logs/2015/01/20#l1421788455
04:13 assbot BitcoinStats ... ( http://bit.ly/1ypTJQd )
04:14 BingoBoingo Stronger objection http://bitcoinstats.com/irc/bitcoin-dev/logs/2015/01/20#l1421788665
04:14 assbot BitcoinStats ... ( http://bit.ly/1ypTXaa )
04:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62800 @ 0.00045832 = 28.7825 BTC [-] {2}
04:33 punkman "For one thing, doctors were upset because Semmelweis' hypothesis made it look like they were the ones giving childbed fever to the women. And Semmelweis was not very tactful. He publicly berated people who disagreed with him and made some influential enemies. Eventually the doctors gave up the chlorine hand-washing, and Semmelweis — he lost his job. Semmelweis kept trying to convince doctors in other parts of Europe to wash with chlorine,
04:35 BingoBoingo !b 1
04:35 assbot Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3W067P8.txt )
04:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23550 @ 0.00048537 = 11.4305 BTC [+]
04:39 punkman (more here http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2015/01/12/375663920/the-doctor-who-championed-hand-washing-and-saved-women-s-lives )
04:39 assbot The Doctor Who Championed Hand-Washing And Briefly Saved Lives : Shots - Health News : NPR ... ( http://bit.ly/1ypYjOD )
04:40 punkman "1700 private jets expected to Davos in Switzerland to discuss climate change at World Economic Forum"
04:45 BingoBoingo !up Vexual
04:45 Vexual 1700 private jets, fucking hell, the hipocracy
04:46 Vexual id fly em all economy to somewhere and put em on a dying freighter
04:46 Vexual way cheaper
04:47 Vexual wait, autopilot to switzerland?
04:48 punkman irc would've been cheaper for sure
04:49 Vexual hell yeah
04:50 punkman although good opportunity to pull the 500eur stacks out of the swiss deposit box
04:53 Vexual hey, you can spend a bin laden on the train
04:56 punkman http://www.wired.com/2015/01/magic-leaps-vision-for-virtual-reality/
04:56 assbot Revealed at Last: Magic Leap's Vision for Augmented Reality, in 32 Patent Illustrations | WIRED ... ( http://bit.ly/1yq1jun )
05:00 punkman https://www.spaceglasses.com/
05:00 assbot Home: Meta Augmented Reality ... ( http://bit.ly/1yq1WE8 )
05:00 punkman can these people think of a single non-retarded use case?
05:01 punkman "Meta makes you a real-life Tony Stark." - CNN
05:01 Vexual wtf is a totem?
05:02 Vexual sounds racist
05:03 Vexual ;;google magic leap totem racist
05:03 gribble Review: Wonderfalls: “Totem Mole” · TV Club · The A.V. Club: <http://www.avclub.com/tvclub/wonderfalls-totem-mole-101590>; Lovecraft Apologists and the World Fantasy Award - Jim C. Hines: <http://www.jimchines.com/2014/10/lovecraft-apologists-and-the-world-fantasy-award/>; Stuff Black People Don't Like - SBPDL: White Men Can Run: (1 more message)
05:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68125 @ 0.00049059 = 33.4214 BTC [+] {4}
05:09 Vexual meanwhile google is full aware the patent selss to city planners until its nearly up, then it goes into happy meals
05:12 Vexual but as non retarded uses go, playing ar doom in the office sounds pretty good
05:14 punkman they are already working on teh ads http://www.armarketing.org/armarketing-conference/
05:14 assbot AR Marketing Conference 2015 | AR Marketing ... ( http://bit.ly/1xVRWh5 )
05:15 punkman !up Vexual
05:18 punkman I wouldn't mind more AR/history/exhibition things like http://www.spiegel.de/international/spiegel/when-science-fiction-becomes-reality-rebuilding-the-berlin-wall-with-augmented-reality-a-704970.html
05:18 assbot When Science Fiction Becomes Reality: Rebuilding the Berlin Wall with Augmented Reality - SPIEGEL ONLINE ... ( http://bit.ly/1xVSLpU )
05:20 Vexual is this why glass gied? noones got a set, so noone makes anthing?
05:20 Vexual berlin things pretty neato
05:21 punkman the glass tech wasn't that good imo
05:21 Vexual did you try it?
05:21 punkman no
05:23 Vexual was the guts in the glasses?
05:24 punkman yeah but you needed an android to go with it
05:24 Vexual fucked optics and 10 people had one
05:25 punkman I wanna try the spaceglasses though
05:25 Vexual how does it work?
05:25 punkman they have Steve Mann on the team, if anyone knows how these things can work, it's him
05:25 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 18 @ 0.11000002 = 1.98 BTC [-] {2}
05:27 punkman girl tried some Oculus devkit, said it was pretty fun
05:28 Vexual space glasses is a transparent lcd?
05:29 punkman yeah so you can overlay stuff
05:29 Vexual does it play office doom?
05:30 punkman mebbe
05:30 Vexual ok take my money
05:30 punkman their demos are stupid though
05:30 punkman chess, pff
05:31 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 49 @ 0.10427005 = 5.1092 BTC [-] {13}
05:31 Vexual i dont chess
05:32 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 61 @ 0.10097768 = 6.1596 BTC [-] {5}
05:32 Vexual http://www.techradar.com/us/news/car-tech/new-billboard-transforms-for-porsche-drivers-1279962
05:39 Vexual i fthey start doing pixies in trees silk road 17 will be out of business
05:51 BingoBoingo !up Vexual
06:03 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14100 @ 0.00047541 = 6.7033 BTC [-]
06:17 BingoBoingo felipelalli: fixed
06:19 felipelalli BingoBoingo: thank you!
06:20 Vexual felipelalli> where are you from?
06:22 BingoBoingo !up Vexual
06:22 felipelalli Vexual: Brazil.
06:22 Vexual any comments on this shit in ba? argentina is not far away
06:22 felipelalli Vexual: are you from ARG? What "shit"?
06:23 Vexual nisman, im from australia
06:25 felipelalli Vexual: 80% don't know what bitcoin is and 90% of the remaining 20% think it is a scam. Is that your question?
06:26 Vexual not really, but good answer
06:31 Vexual rio then?
06:34 Vexual surely not san paulo
06:37 punkman http://dea-special-agent.blogspot.co.uk/
06:37 assbot My life as a DEA Special Agent and a born-again Christian ... ( http://bit.ly/1JdoKIK )
06:43 Vexual Degenerian
06:45 Vexual https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnwiaErSuKc
06:46 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6550 @ 0.00046748 = 3.062 BTC [-]
06:58 nubbins` lel
06:58 nubbins` so the wood guy is found to have been using stolen artwork for his engravings
06:58 nubbins` lifted from deviant art and shutterstock
06:58 nubbins` my sides
06:59 nubbins` !up Vexual
07:00 Vexual i can't even
07:01 Vexual whats the wood guy?
07:01 Vexual does he carve a potato print in a slab of cedar?
07:04 BingoBoingo Basically
07:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14600 @ 0.00046642 = 6.8097 BTC [-]
07:08 Vexual https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLSpUlPBKic
07:08 BingoBoingo mega lol https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2t5sk0/under_mark_karpeles_bitcoin_did_3000000_under_vc/
07:09 assbot Under Mark Karpeles bitcoin did 3,000,000%. Under VC capital, merchant adoption, bitcoin bowl it did -80%. : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/15trtRm )
07:12 BingoBoingo nubbins`: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=931472.msg10224611#msg10224611 << lel
07:12 assbot Scam Warning - Paul Revere ... ( http://bit.ly/1sY030I )
07:14 Vexual is that supposed to ba a table leg? wehre sthe table?
07:14 BingoBoingo Dunno
07:15 Vexual lathe fail
07:16 Vexual laquer is sus
07:16 davout that reddit stuff is pretty funny
07:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30867 @ 0.00047572 = 14.684 BTC [+] {2}
07:20 jurov https://github.com/The-Feminist-Software-Foundation/ToleranUX
07:20 assbot The-Feminist-Software-Foundation/ToleranUX · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/15ts5qa )
07:21 Vexual mmm pussyware
07:21 jurov https://github.com/The-Feminist-Software-Foundation/ToleranUX/commit/743e3c00b26a3d6f30752a8dfb03a68fdf298699
07:21 assbot Re-instated a feminist .gitignore · 743e3c0 · The-Feminist-Software-Foundation/ToleranUX · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/15ts4Tb )
07:21 Vexual fuck im not reading all that
07:22 jurov butbut.. you must be aware by all means that '"Logic" is years and years of Patriarchal justification — pure toxicity'
07:22 Vexual looks like bullshit anyway
07:24 punkman " if a single ls doesn't use up at least 50% of installed RAM then it is condoning the toxic culture of fat shaming."
07:26 jurov Only womyn should be allowed to `look`. [Cishet male](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cisgender) nerds should not be allowed to use their oppressive gaze upon the beautiful visages of strong and independent womyn. 1 in 4 women are [psychologically raped by visual contact](http://www.umich.edu/~mrev/issues/Vol_10_No_6.pdf) in their lifetime when walking down the street.
07:27 jurov ha. only trannies shall cast a look upon the beautiful visages of strong and independent womyn!!!1
07:30 punkman https://camo.githubusercontent.com/8f39584b4f64a092da546e441fe31e67c5fe6d68/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f3857634537426c2e6a7067
07:30 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1sY2cJS )
07:30 jurov um, from that follows womyn should always wear niqab in cisgendered society, no?
07:30 jurov !up Vexual
07:30 Vexual ty sir
07:32 BingoBoingo jurov: Logically, but they's prefer just gouging eyes to prevent looking
07:33 jurov that isn't eye rape, too?
07:33 Vexual depends how deep
07:34 BingoBoingo Or just do like the Vonnegut handicaps story
07:37 Vexual do tell
07:38 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87200 @ 0.00046254 = 40.3335 BTC [-] {2}
07:39 Vexual banksa has little claim to the azalea, iggy, is part aboriginal
07:40 Vexual now thats a story
07:40 BingoBoingo Vexual: asciilifeform linked it a while back. basically able people must wear handicaps to make everyone equal.
07:40 BingoBoingo Stuff happens
07:40 Vexual that sounds splendid
07:40 Vexual ill read it
07:43 chetty <BingoBoingo> Vexual: asciilifeform linked it a while back. basically able people must wear handicaps to make everyone equal.//only other solution is just kill all the handicaps
07:43 Vexual were talking literal retards?
07:44 BingoBoingo chetty: Or... embrace inequality...
07:44 Vexual lol
07:44 Vexual well said
07:45 Naphex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AARbneprV8Y a new generation ready for realitytv
07:45 assbot MasterChef Junior Season 3 Episode 1 - The Class of 2015 - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/15ttqNM )
07:45 Naphex :o
07:45 Naphex omg..
07:46 chetty <<< reading various stuffs here on the great blockchain 'fix', I wonder whatever happened to "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
07:46 Vexual they got the same guy from ironchef, with a labotomy
07:46 nubbins` psychologically raped by visual contact?
07:46 * nubbins` raises an eyebrow
07:47 nubbins` BingoBoingo did you see the part where people found all the sources for his stolen clipart? :D
07:47 Vexual you havent seen my art yet
07:47 nubbins` i lel'd
07:47 BingoBoingo chetty: But that goes against killing it by "fixing it" you know... in the way you kill a chanpion dog's breeding value bu fixing it
07:47 BingoBoingo nubbins`: Deviantart?
07:47 nubbins` Vexual i know, send me some
07:47 nubbins` BingoBoingo deviantart and shutterstock (!)
07:47 BingoBoingo Naphex: Yeah, now they hook em early
07:48 Vexual nubs now yove comissioned it, ill do something good
07:49 nubbins` sweet. if it's rad, let's work out a trade
07:49 chetty BingoBoingo, oh yeah maybe Gavin does need some fixin
07:49 Naphex i'm just watching if the lil ones loose a finger :D
07:49 nubbins` art for books
07:50 Naphex those chef knives be cutting deep into 6y/o'ds lol
07:52 BingoBoingo Naphex: I remember reading about one doing just that last season
07:55 Naphex BingoBoingo: one thing i'd agree, its better with kids then with idiots lol
07:55 Naphex maybe that the next thing
07:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62300 @ 0.00045478 = 28.3328 BTC [-] {5}
07:57 BingoBoingo I dunno. I think there's some value in seeing how the adults "good enough to make the show" end up failing because of Dunning Krueger.
08:02 BingoBoingo !up Vexual
08:03 Vexual aim for the nuts
08:04 Vexual thats how you fake pussyware
08:06 Vexual short and sweet
08:09 danielpbarron i honestly can't tell if that feminist OS is meant to be serious or satire
08:09 Vexual im pretty sure its satire
08:10 Vexual !s earache my eye
08:10 assbot 0 results for 'earache my eye' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=earache+my+eye
08:11 Vexual ;;google earache my eye
08:11 gribble Cheech & Chong - Earache My Eye - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJW67QN24SA>; Cheech & Chong - Earache My Eye {full version-1974} - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3bN-pI5oMg>; Earache My Eye - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earache_My_Eye>
08:15 felipelalli What do you guys think about this proposal of Theymos? http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2t2xrh/gavin_twenty_megabytes_testing_results/cnvew17
08:15 assbot theymos comments on Gavin: Twenty Megabytes testing results ... ( http://bit.ly/15tv9Td )
08:19 BingoBoingo Theymos doesn't get to have much of an opinion, but at least he isn't gavin.
08:20 Vexual its up to the miners, most do small blocks, so i dont see it happening soon
08:20 felipelalli I found a good idea make something implemented just to "wake up" after 2 years.
08:21 felipelalli but I also found too aggressive the numbers of Gavin. And why do you guys hate Gavin?
08:23 felipelalli Here in Brazil we still suffer with 1~5MB/s connection, depending on how the blocks increase many Brazilians and many ppl of other poor countries will be out soon.
08:24 BingoBoingo Well, Gavin seems to want to actually kill Bitcoin with his ridiculous exponential growth stuff.
08:26 felipelalli I guess isn't his intention, but good intention hell is paved.
08:26 BingoBoingo There's already "startups" foaming at the mouth to use the block chain as file storage.
08:28 felipelalli One thing I have not studied deeply, but why every node need to have all the data? Okay there enough overlap, but really all data?
08:28 jurov felipelalli: how else you'll verify transactions?
08:29 felipelalli https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf chapter 7, isn't that proposal possible?
08:29 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/15tw4mG )
08:30 jurov felipelalli: one, that would prevent bootstrapping from genesis block
08:31 jurov two, under gavins proposal, the pruned db, would grow boundlessly too
08:32 jurov and it makes no difference with network usage. even in "rich" countries with gigabit connections, uplink is usually much slower
08:32 jurov now i have 40/40 , but back when i had 10mbit uplink, bitcoind sometimes saturated it
08:32 jurov when someone decided to pull blockchain from me
08:33 punkman 10mbit up? I wish
08:33 felipelalli I have less than 1mbit up
08:37 felipelalli with Gavin proposal, bitcoin core should be very simplified (like an "amateur" version) connected to trusted (few?) full nodes. It can work but it affects the decentralization, is that right?
08:38 jurov yes it's likely to end up so
08:39 nubbins` i only have crappy 30mbit up
08:41 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55800 @ 0.00047573 = 26.5457 BTC [+] {3}
08:41 nubbins` 75 down ;/
08:42 felipelalli only the very wealthy have this internet here in BR HUE.
08:43 nubbins` it's about $100/mo here
08:44 nubbins` which i think is a bit on the expensive side
08:44 nubbins` !up Vexual
08:44 nubbins` get a pgp key already
08:45 felipelalli lel it is porn to pay it for Internet
08:45 Vexual and a 5 dollar paypay?
08:46 jurov vex has pgp key, just got downrated :)
08:46 Vexual ive got a bitcoin key
08:46 Vexual kako got fucked off with the niki minaj
08:47 Vexual and his rating hold weight
08:47 Vexual also im still learning
08:48 punkman tails got that gpg built-in
08:49 punkman and assbot doesn't do bitcoin keys anyway
08:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23600 @ 0.00047011 = 11.0946 BTC [-] {2}
08:49 Vexual are you suggesting that if i have a pgp key n wot kako will like my occasional music?
08:50 Vexual i dun see it
08:50 jurov maybe if you implement ratelimiter
08:51 Vexual shit ive been ratelimiting for 6 months
08:51 jurov or rather evolve one lol
08:51 nubbins` what?
08:51 Vexual but the sydtem works, its good
08:51 nubbins` ;;gettrust assbot vexual
08:51 gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user vexual: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=vexual | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=vexual | Rated since: never
08:51 jurov he's regged under some other nick
08:52 Vexual im not authed
08:52 Vexual muxne
08:52 jurov ;;ident Vexual
08:52 gribble Nick 'Vexual', with hostmask 'Vexual!~amnesia@gateway/tor-sasl/vexual', is not identified.
08:52 nubbins` ;;ident muxne
08:52 gribble Error: I am not seeing this user on IRC. If you want information about a registered gpg user, try the 'gpg info' command instead.
08:52 nubbins` er.
08:52 nubbins` ;;gettrust muxne
08:52 gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user nubbins` to user muxne: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=nubbins%60&dest=muxne | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=muxne | Rated since: Sun Jun 22 00:11:14 2014
08:52 jurov you see, he's got it covered :)
08:52 Vexual assbot is everywhere
08:52 nubbins` lel
08:52 nubbins` ;;rate vexual 1 not of this place
08:52 gribble Error: For identification purposes, you must be authenticated to use the rating system.
08:52 nubbins` ...
08:53 Vexual muxne
08:53 Vexual good luck
08:53 nubbins` ;;gettrust assbot muxne
08:53 gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user muxne: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 3 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=muxne | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=muxne | Rated since: Sun Jun 22 00:11:14 2014
08:53 punkman you'll need !rate
08:54 nubbins` now there's a !rate?!
08:54 nubbins` mi mente ;(
08:54 punkman !gettrust assbot muxne
08:54 assbot muxne is not registered in WoT.
08:56 nubbins` too many wots
08:56 Vexual ;;gettrust muXne
08:56 gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user Vexual to user muXne: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=Vexual&dest=muXne | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=muXne | Rated since: Sun Jun 22 00:11:14 2014
08:56 nubbins` not enough keys
08:56 Vexual gribble went perl
09:01 nubbins` kakobrekla why the hate ;/
09:01 Vexual i spammed his chan
09:01 Vexual is fair
09:01 * nubbins` wanders over to kako's console and types /ignore <random nick>
09:02 Vexual fucks the logs like ruin tho
09:02 nubbins` what next, you gonna disable right-click on the log?
09:02 Vexual nah imma draw a dino
09:03 nubbins` make it so my back button doesn't work? 8)
09:03 Vexual he asked me nicely first, i must admit
09:04 Vexual and i've been less than repentant
09:08 Vexual https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6j4f8cHBIM
09:12 Vexual we did decide on a rate
09:16 BingoBoingo !up Vexual
09:18 Vexual !s 2million
09:18 assbot 3 results for '2million' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=2million
09:20 scoopbot New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2015/01/another-big-silk-road-2-0-arrest-full-complaint/
09:21 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6070 @ 0.00048179 = 2.9245 BTC [+]
09:22 BingoBoingo O.o A new arrest!
09:22 BingoBoingo Two and a half months late!
09:23 Vexual thats the theme
09:31 Vexual seems hypocritcal with forrest gump leadeing the prosecution
09:32 fluffypony http://247cryptonews.com/4-years-in-prison-for-bitinstant-exchanger-who-helped-silk-road/
09:32 assbot 4 Years in Prison for BitInstant Exchanger Who Helped Silk Road - Crypto News 24/7 – Bitcoin News ... ( http://bit.ly/1um22HG )
09:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68800 @ 0.00048596 = 33.434 BTC [+]
09:34 Vexual ross is prolly guilty of something, but he deserves a free trial
09:34 Vexual the hitmet sory is admissable
09:37 Vexual all these idiots taking a deal
09:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9424 @ 0.00048596 = 4.5797 BTC [+]
09:41 Vexual they get him for malware by using malware, that should be thrown out of court right there
09:42 Vexual wtf do i care tho
09:43 BingoBoingo Well, what if they come for spider venom next?
09:45 Vexual still low fucks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qv7HwBe28dM
09:52 punkman https://gist.github.com/ryancdotorg/18235723e926be0afbdd http://kukuruku.co/hub/infosec/backdoor-in-a-public-rsa-key
09:52 assbot backdoored rsa key generation ... ( http://bit.ly/1CgrAwv )
09:52 assbot Backdoor in a Public RSA Key / Information Security / Kukuruku / Technology Hub ... ( http://bit.ly/1CgrzZd )
09:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27600 @ 0.00049642 = 13.7012 BTC [+] {2}
09:57 thestringpuller mircea_popescu: pity conformal isn't better known. << how so? ben_vulpes has referenced them a lot over the past two years. they are making me want to learn Go.
09:59 BingoBoingo http://motherboard.vice.com/read/illinois-says-students-have-to-give-up-facebook-passwords-or-face-prosecution
09:59 assbot Illinois Says Rule-Breaking Students Must Give Teachers Their Facebook Passwords | Motherboard ... ( http://bit.ly/1Cgsh8X )
10:00 thestringpuller ^- i wonder if this will hold precedent in making people give up private keys of any kind
10:04 BingoBoingo The particular school district mentioned is disturbingly close.
10:05 BingoBoingo http://www.range-r.com/FAQ/index.htm
10:05 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1CgsTLJ )
10:05 BingoBoingo ^ wall penetrating radar
10:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20048 @ 0.00049009 = 9.8253 BTC [-]
10:30 mircea_popescu jesus sifting from all these offline messages left by people who believe enough in the gavincoin to want to buy it for .75 bitcoins each.
10:30 mircea_popescu THERE'S EXACTLY ZERO OF THEM
10:31 mircea_popescu apparently they'll want to change bitcoin to gavincoin 1:1 later on, but they don't want to change it at a 25% discount today.
10:31 mircea_popescu fatlogic.
10:39 BingoBoingo Maybe they aren't sure enough yet that there will be a Gavincoin given -dev doesn't seem keen on his stuff.
10:41 mircea_popescu so poorly managed, bitcoin core.
10:41 thestringpuller lol. i'm the only anarchist in the office.
10:41 thestringpuller trying to find another one.
10:41 mircea_popescu roughly in the position of a hunting party that's out there building sandcastles and collecting flowers.
10:42 thestringpuller too bad conformal is written in Go
10:42 thestringpuller (jk)
10:42 mircea_popescu nah, writing everything in c++ is dumb.
10:42 BingoBoingo Yeah they need to find another sporting venture, because it is perfectly fine to be a fishing party while sitting around drinking beer.
10:42 mircea_popescu now that's a point.
10:43 kakobrekla 1. otc order book is dead, 2. noone is taking offer seriously, 3. everything else is delusion
10:43 mircea_popescu kakobrekla yeah, and they all work because 4. none of these derps actually matters in bitcoin.
10:43 thestringpuller mircea_popescu: nah, writing everthing in c++ is dumb. << wasn't bitcoin-qt 0.1 in Visual C++? that was even worse
10:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25950 @ 0.00048323 = 12.5398 BTC [-] {2}
10:44 mircea_popescu "oh i have 50 btc in a wallet somewhere, i contributed 5000 lines of code to bitcoin core that will have to be taken out later at considerable expense and i go to all th conferences if some scammer is paying the airfare (coach)"
10:44 thestringpuller i remember opening source code back in 2010 on my machine, and seeing everything chmod 777
10:44 mircea_popescu this is what is supposed to impress me ?
10:44 BingoBoingo I mean I have no problem with killing animals for food, but I prefer fishing to hunting because fishing has better complimentary activities you can multitask with it.
10:45 mircea_popescu thestringpuller monolitic c at least had some rationale back in 1980. but c++ is not c, and for that matter the year's not 1980 either
10:45 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo i don't know any fat hunters. i know precious few slender fishermen.
10:45 thestringpuller well anything you do in C++ you can do in C. like that song (anything you can do I can do better)
10:46 mircea_popescu this is doubtful, but i'll let asciilifeform argue it.
10:46 BingoBoingo Here I tend to see lots of fat hunters.
10:46 thestringpuller BingoBoingo: This is also the rationale behind a baseball game on a hot summer day. Grrr...we need to go to one this ear
10:46 kakobrekla what a landing page http://shrani.si/f/2M/LH/4MydJP6h/btcjam.png
10:46 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1xXfFgP )
10:46 kakobrekla ultra retarded on at least 2 levels
10:46 mircea_popescu jesus.
10:47 mircea_popescu yeah, totally need more adoption so the various scammers with bootstrap websites can burn more noobs.
10:47 thestringpuller ^- this is becoming pervasive in corporate world too
10:48 * xanthyos
10:48 thestringpuller marketing design sector was told, "You need to incorporate more photography"
10:48 thestringpuller "in the website"
10:48 kakobrekla how do they know for sure its gonna go up and how do you save if its gonna go up if you borrow now i dunno is the loan fiat based ?
10:48 thestringpuller "Why so we can use more bandwidth?"
10:49 mircea_popescu kakobrekla it's btcjam : if you don't simply forget all about your website account, you can always just not pay later on.
10:49 kakobrekla aha hehe
10:49 mircea_popescu but yeah, pretty epic.
10:49 mircea_popescu atually ima do a write-up :D
10:56 davout thestringpuller: i thought visual c++ was just an ide
10:57 mircea_popescu nah it's a language
10:59 danielpbarron mircea_popescu> apparently they'll want to change bitcoin to gavincoin 1:1 later on, but they don't want to change it at a 25% discount today. << should better offer it at 25% over, otherwise they are admitting their coin has the lower value
10:59 mircea_popescu danielpbarron that's what im doing.
10:59 mircea_popescu pay 750 bitcoin today, receive 1000 gavincoins.
11:01 danielpbarron ok so make it, pay 1000 bitcoin today, get 750 gavincoin later; that way theirs is framed as the more valuable one
11:02 mircea_popescu o.O
11:02 mircea_popescu you do that ? i'm curious to see this one.
11:03 mats https://doar-e.github.io/presentations/securityday2015/SecDay-Lille-2015-Axel-0vercl0k-Souchet.html
11:03 assbot Security Day 2015 - Lille 1 ... ( http://bit.ly/1xXkHtJ )
11:03 * danielpbarron is just being silly
11:06 thestringpuller davout: i guess more the windows bindings. Like MFC etc.
11:07 thestringpuller davout: i use VC as a catch all like VB
11:07 davout ah, so it looks like c++ with a bunch of extra packages
11:08 thestringpuller yea. original bitcoin source code has tons of that in it
11:08 thestringpuller i think asciilifeform submitted patch to gut all of it out.
11:08 artifexd 6 days of logs... smh
11:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53866 @ 0.00049795 = 26.8226 BTC [+] {2}
11:10 nubbins` oh my god, what if that wood collector guy illegally imports wood and Blazedout419 was working undercover with customs?!
11:11 BingoBoingo nubbins`: Link?
11:12 danielpbarron didn't WC brag about having access to illegal woods?
11:12 BingoBoingo davout: Also different standard libraries. Microsoft Visual X language is almost always different from X proper.
11:16 davout BingoBoingo: yeah, so a different language for all practical purposes
11:16 BingoBoingo davout: Yeah. Even different in the most basic things, fucking iostream.h
11:19 nubbins` BingoBoingo j/k
11:20 nubbins` i know he's not a shill and he's not a fool, but beyond that... shrug
11:20 nubbins` ;;rated Blazedout419
11:20 gribble You rated user Blazedout419 on Sun Mar 2 12:59:46 2014, with a rating of 2, and supplied these additional notes: trusted trader.
11:20 BingoBoingo http://www.reaxxion.com/4437/4chans-moot-now-forcing-mods-to-sign-legal-contract-that-reveals-their-identity
11:20 assbot 4Chan’s Moot Now Forcing Mods To Sign Legal Contract That Reveals Their Identity ... ( http://bit.ly/1xXpkUH )
11:21 BingoBoingo nubbins`: He's kind of anti-kako. While anything kako calls scam is scam andything Blazedout419 gravitates towards tends to burn him.
11:22 nubbins` but kako's so friendly.
11:22 danielpbarron he probably wanted to show off having lots of BTC to his forum buddies / that coupled with the "oh you accept bitcoin? let me shower you with undeserved business" mentality
11:23 BingoBoingo danielpbarron: that coupled with the "oh you accept bitcoin? let me shower you with undeserved business" mentality << tends to be what burns Blazedout419
11:24 kakobrekla maybe he was reading #b-a on how art keeps getting record high prices and battles inflation and though he was getting a piece of hedge
11:26 thestringpuller mircea_popescu: regarding paygrade << have you ever seen Inside Man?
11:26 mircea_popescu davout i don't like so much about your blog the fact there's no clear mention of the date.
11:26 davout mircea_popescu: "Cette entrée a été publiée dans Bitcoin le janvier 21, 2015"
11:27 mircea_popescu damn i missed that.
11:27 mircea_popescu i dun like so much about my eyes how they miss things :D
11:27 mircea_popescu "The fundamental pain point here, is that Gavin insists on everyone being able to get in, instead of allowing a sane transaction fee market to emerge, by letting the blocks actually fill-up."
11:27 thestringpuller davout: makes me want to pick up french again.
11:27 davout it's true it's not very clear though, being at the bottom
11:27 thestringpuller so I can read Snowpiercer in french.
11:27 mircea_popescu here's the thing : the vc circus has created an entire culture of these idiots. "grow fast make no money sell out"
11:27 mircea_popescu maybe this has merits as a website develoipment paradigm
11:28 mircea_popescu dubious.
11:28 davout also "le janvier 21, 2015" isn't correct french :/
11:28 mircea_popescu it CERTAINLY has no value as a bitcoin development paradigm, because well... BITCOIN IS NOT FOR SALE.
11:28 davout thestringpuller: what's snowpiercer?
11:28 mircea_popescu not in the sense where some vcs come on later, pat us on the head, give each a car and wipe us out.
11:28 nubbins` snowpiercer, lel
11:28 mircea_popescu bitcoin is here to make those vcs beggars.
11:28 nubbins` SNOWPIERCER
11:28 nubbins` WE SWEAR IT MAKES SENSE
11:28 thestringpuller its called Le Transperceneige
11:29 thestringpuller in franche
11:29 thestringpuller http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Transperceneige
11:29 thestringpuller france***
11:29 * chetty repeats self "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
11:29 davout oic
11:29 nubbins` interestingly, they choose to waste their fuel on locomotion rather than as a heat source
11:29 nubbins` because if all that's left is a train, you better believe we're gonna make it run!
11:30 thestringpuller nubbins`: the train runs on perpetual motion donchakno?
11:30 nubbins` o
11:31 mircea_popescu "<gavinandresen> Ah— so you’re saying we should decrease the 1MB limit, so there are higher fees and miners make more money?"
11:31 mircea_popescu such facetious bs.
11:31 mircea_popescu "i want to tear down this wall". "why ?" "it opresses me". "the wall keeps the outside out" "OH SO YOU ARE SAYING WE SHOULD PUSH IT FURTYHER IN ?"
11:31 mircea_popescu no you fucking idiot that there's no other.
11:31 mircea_popescu you are ill qualified to as much as change a fucking version in the bvlocks, let alone the database.
11:31 mircea_popescu stop pretending like you can push walls around and go take your ritalin.
11:32 mircea_popescu jesus fuck.
11:32 mats http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2916475/Al-Qaeda-YouTube-video-shows-jihadists-using-Snowden-leaks-evade-Western-surveillance.html
11:32 assbot Al Qaeda's YouTube guide for jihadists | Daily Mail Online ... ( http://bit.ly/1CgCxhz )
11:32 mircea_popescu actually i suppose thois belongs there.
11:33 mats an idiot's guide to opsec.
11:36 mircea_popescu davout "Votre commentaire est en attente de validation." lmao.
11:36 mircea_popescu webfrench is such lulzfrench
11:36 davout c'est pourtant du français correct :)
11:38 davout this is actually lulzier -> "Fièrement propulsé par WordPress"
11:39 davout "Proudly propelled by wordpress"
11:41 davout i guess the translator ran it by several actual frenchologists
11:42 thestringpuller gotta make sure french language stays pure against all the hoodlums and their slang
11:42 davout fuck oui
11:42 mircea_popescu propulse lol
11:43 mircea_popescu does that stricly mean kinetic ?
11:43 davout yes
11:44 davout actually the people from Québec might be even more hardcore protectors of french purity than the people from france
11:45 davout their accent and some of their expressions are extremely cute tho
11:45 scoopbot New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2015/btcjam-what-starts-as-a-scam-stays-a-scam/
11:46 mircea_popescu http://fr.anco.is/2015/gavineries/ << someone put it up on reddit ? i don't recall if dman was ever there.
11:46 assbot Gavineries | fr.anco.is ... ( http://bit.ly/1xXwFmX )
11:47 thestringpuller done
11:47 davout mircea_popescu: dunno, didn't do it myself, figured it'd be too good for them and get downvoted anyway
11:47 davout thestringpuller: ty, let's see how that goes
11:47 davout thestringpuller: also link?
11:47 mircea_popescu davout yeah but why should you be spared the sort of idiocy living there.
11:48 mircea_popescu davout anyway, where was this convo ?
11:48 mircea_popescu seems kinda bizarre gavin still pretends like he's had a public discussion about this but so far has not quite got his courage up enough to bring his hairball of non sequiturs, wild jumps and logic holes over here.
11:48 davout mircea_popescu: private, he pm'd me on btctalk after seeing me comment on the fork off thread
11:49 mircea_popescu well, tell him he has a chance to be heard, and learn exactly why he is wrong and generally grow as a person.
11:49 thestringpuller http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2t6oks/gavineries_irc_discussion_of_the_block_size/
11:50 thestringpuller upvote for visibility etc. etc.
11:50 thestringpuller interested to see low paygraders try to interpret it
11:50 thestringpuller aka redditards
11:50 mircea_popescu paygraders eh ?
11:51 mircea_popescu there's two kind of idiots in this world : the retrograde, and the paygrade.
11:51 mircea_popescu "I’m waiting for somebody to notice us greedy early adopters get a free ride on transaction fees and complain....."
11:51 mircea_popescu that's what "free ride" is now. having built value over time is a "free ride"
11:51 mircea_popescu how dumb does one get ?
11:52 mircea_popescu hey gavin ? YOU ARE GETTING A FREE RIDE. you're pretty much the only one. you're a middling software engineer that is STILL leeching some historical happenstance.,
11:52 thestringpuller this is probably why rappers retire after 30
11:52 mircea_popescu nothing about your own intellect, experience, competence or otherwise merit justifies me even knowing your fucking name. you're nobody in the plainest sense, i can throw a rock in any town in america and probably hit two of you!
11:52 thestringpuller (excluding Jay-Z)
11:52 mircea_popescu jesus.
11:53 davout "if you want to come in #bitcoin-assets and argue a bit your proposal, a bunch of folks would be interested" <<< let's see how that goes
11:54 davout "can’t right now, have a lunch meeting. Happy to another time"
11:54 mircea_popescu no it's perfect, i have a lunch meeting too.
11:54 mircea_popescu ima be back in ~3 hours.
11:54 mircea_popescu would have been a shame to miss all this.
11:54 davout 3 hour lunch? what are you? french?
11:54 mircea_popescu oui!
11:55 chetty 3 hours is a short quick lunch in Argentina
11:55 davout "gonna get me some subway, see you tomorrow"
11:55 thestringpuller they have subway in france?
11:56 davout the perfect duration for a meal is when the end of the previous one overlaps with the beginning of the next one
11:56 thestringpuller i thought the french frowned upon "american" food
11:56 davout yeah, we have subway
11:56 davout thestringpuller: yes they do, but they love it
11:57 thestringpuller !b3
11:57 thestringpuller Opps nvm.
12:02 mike_c hmm.. "<sipa> justanotheruser: but control of coins != ownership of coins"
12:04 BingoBoingo wtf
12:04 mike_c bitcoin-dev is confused about some things.
12:06 mod6 o.O
12:08 danielpbarron it was already posted to reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2t49um/mustread_transcript_of_blocksize_discussion_with/
12:08 assbot Must-read: Transcript of block-size discussion with Gavin : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1xXCr8j )
12:08 mike_c i suppose his point is along the lines of "mpex controls the coins it is holding, but account holders own them".
12:09 mike_c which isn't really true. and the fact of that will become interesting when mpex takes a side on the hard-fork.
12:11 undata mike_c: it's that watered down socialist meaning of "own" where it's abstract, not "this is under my control"
12:11 undata "I own this house."
12:11 undata no, the bank and state do
12:19 asciilifeform !up diametric
12:21 diametric yay
12:21 diametric trying to figure out why assbot can't find my key on mit.pgp.edu.
12:21 asciilifeform kakobrekla ^
12:22 kakobrekla does it take like while before it says it cant find it ?
12:22 kakobrekla eh
12:22 kakobrekla like=while
12:22 kakobrekla a while*
12:22 kakobrekla lol
12:23 kakobrekla like 60 sec, or is it instant
12:24 diametric it instantly says it can't find it
12:25 kakobrekla try in 30 min will you, and if it doenst work then ill do it manually or smth
12:26 kakobrekla i noticed when i was coding that keyservers tend to go down a lot
12:27 diametric will do
12:27 davout "Gavin's patience. Wow."
12:27 davout "that's the main thing i'm constantly impressed by, his demeanor is exactly right for the position he's in. he's a role model to us all, a modern day gandhi so to speak. ;)"
12:28 BingoBoingo And like Ghandi he will try to ruin a good thing.
12:28 BingoBoingo May Gavin be less successful
12:28 davout "You are 100000% correct. It's funny how easy it is to spot a statist who thinks everything should be controlled instead of letting the market do its job."
12:30 BingoBoingo lol https://twitter.com/prestonjbyrne/status/557949175435124736
12:30 assbot Brilliant post by /trilema. http://t.co/YS6rOgof1I
12:30 BingoBoingo loling at the name tweeting trilema
~ 19 minutes ~
12:50 asciilifeform !up diametric
12:51 diametric tried doing it myself again, came back saying it can't find my fingerprint.
12:51 diametric I'll give it some more time.
12:52 diametric nubbins`: I've thoroughly enjoyed the woodcollector posts.
12:53 nubbins` tyvm, glad you finally got an account ;D
12:56 diametric nubbins`: are you actually going to post a video to prove a point to one of his shills/
12:57 * nubbins` shrugs
12:59 asciilifeform !up gavinandresen
13:00 gavinandresen howdy y'all
13:00 kakobrekla hi
13:01 felipelalli hi!
13:02 gavinandresen I came here so you can tell me how I’m going to ruin bitcoin (again…)
13:02 asciilifeform mircea_popescu awake ?
13:03 davout gavinandresen: hello
13:03 kakobrekla http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-01-2015#986141
13:03 assbot Logged on 21-01-2015 16:54:23; mircea_popescu: ima be back in ~3 hours.
13:08 felipelalli gavinandresen: when was the first time that you have "ruined" bitcoin?
13:08 gavinandresen felipelalli: when we did BIP16 to make multisig wallets easy to deploy
13:09 gavinandresen … that was a soft fork, not a hard fork, but it still caused people to accuse me of trying to destroy Bitcoin
13:09 davout felipelalli: that was a soft fork
13:10 * ben_vulpes sniff
13:10 * ben_vulpes sniffs
13:10 ben_vulpes i smell drama
13:10 felipelalli thank you
13:11 ben_vulpes is a soft fork not a breaking of bitcoin in some way?
13:11 gavinandresen a soft fork means miners must upgrade, or their blocks will be rejected.
13:11 kakobrekla ben_vulpes for drama you need GA and MP present at same time.
13:11 gavinandresen a hard fork means everybody running a full node must upgrade, or they will be on a different chain
13:11 davout ben_vulpes: a soft fork is making the set of valid blocks smaller, a hard fork is the opposite
13:12 gavinandresen MP will bring all the drama :-) I try hard to be drama-free.
13:12 ben_vulpes ah, so a breaking of the protocol
13:12 gavinandresen ben_vulpes: yes; a soft fork makes the protocol more strict. You have to hard fork to make it more lenient.
13:12 felipelalli davout: nice explanation. It gives a good article in qntra.net
13:13 ben_vulpes well i can tell you right now there is zero support around here for changing the protocol in any way.
13:13 felipelalli increase the 21M max coins is possible through a hard fork?
13:13 gavinandresen ben_vulpes: really? Have read https://gist.github.com/sipa/5d12c343746dad376c80 ???
13:13 assbot Proposed DERSIG BIP ... ( http://bit.ly/183BYN5 )
13:14 ben_vulpes around *here*, gavinandresen.
13:14 ben_vulpes not wherever you people get together and wank about "innovation" in the blockchain
13:14 gavinandresen okey dokey, then we might not have much to talk about if you want to stick with OpenSSL bugs that were included in the protocol by mistake.
13:15 ben_vulpes the topic under discussion is the moronic megablock shit, not signature rules.
13:15 ben_vulpes "oh look we're also talking about improving things over there so you may as well roll over on the megablocks issue"
13:16 ben_vulpes no. not happening.
13:16 felipelalli gavinandresen: theymos said: << (...) Make the change now, but have it take place at a particular date or block number 2 years in the future. Then when the change actually happens, everyone will already be updated because almost no one uses 2-year-old software. Yes, 2 years is a long time, but we'll survive. >> is that possible and why it is a good or bad idea?
13:16 gavinandresen felipelalli: that’d be a fine way to roll out the change; I think gmaxwell and sipa prefer that plan.
13:17 ben_vulpes !gettrust assbot felipelalli
13:17 assbot Trust relationship from user assbot to user felipelalli: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. | http://w.b-a.link/trust/assbot/felipelalli | http://w.b-a.link/user/felipelalli
13:17 kakobrekla that like "dont worry we have 2 years to 'fight'" and then "o shit did we miss it?" 2 years later.
13:17 felipelalli gavinandresen: do you prefer different? If yes, why?
13:17 ben_vulpes !rate felipelalli -1 snr penalty
13:17 assbot Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/c71454916252d225
13:17 asciilifeform the philosophy of the slow poisoner, vs. a fellow willing to knife in broad daylight
13:17 davout gavinandresen: "okey dokey, then we might not have much to talk about if you want to stick with OpenSSL bugs that were included in the protocol by mistake." <<< actually i distinctly remember mike hearn telling me how that particular bug was part of the protocol and how it somehow justified not putting any effort towards actually specifying anything, in a spec, not in code
13:18 ben_vulpes !v assbot:ben_vulpes.rate.felipelalli.-1:d220de3c0270b6e3f3f923fa6dbfd6daa164792bb1919eccdca66d6aedf87c4c
13:18 assbot Successfully added a rating of -1 for felipelalli with note: snr penalty
13:18 ben_vulpes
13:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 64000 @ 0.00047807 = 30.5965 BTC [-] {2}
13:18 ben_vulpes !down felipelalli
13:19 kakobrekla well at least down works.
13:20 davout that escalated rather quickly
13:20 ben_vulpes obvious plant is obvious
13:20 asciilifeform !up diametric
13:21 asciilifeform gavinandresen: have you met http://thebitcoin.foundation ?
13:21 assbot ..::[ The Bitcoin Foundation ]::.. ... ( http://bit.ly/183CXwF )
13:21 ben_vulpes in any event, gavinandresen, there'll be no more forks from you. you blew it back in the day, and you lost the initiative on this one months ago.
13:23 Pierre_Rochard my main disagreement is on the economics side, you say “ Limit the number of transactions that can happen on the Bitcoin blockchain, and instead of paying higher fees people will perform their transactions somewhere else.”
13:24 ben_vulpes horseshit.
13:24 ben_vulpes there is only bitcoin.
13:24 Pierre_Rochard My response to that is two-fold: if maximizing revenue to miners is our goal, then shifting marginal demand to substitutes is fine.
13:25 ben_vulpes there is only bitcoin, and if one cannot afford the miners fees for inclusion in a block, one does not need to transfer bitcoins enough.
13:25 Pierre_Rochard Second, there is distance between the total transaction costs of Bitcoin vs the substitutes. So there’s inelasticity in demand
13:26 Pierre_Rochard So here’s my hypothesis: if we allow the network to hit the block size limit, then we’ll see the transaction fee revenue growth *accelerate*, up until the point that substitution begins happening in earnest, then the fee revenue growth will *decelerate* or stall.
13:27 ben_vulpes let's at least hit the steady state behavior before starting to diddle with important economic variables like block size.
13:27 davout Pierre_Rochard: shut up and stop making so much sense
13:27 Pierre_Rochard that would indicate that demand is inelastic, and it would tell us where the upper bound on bitcoin tx fees roughly is
13:27 Pierre_Rochard all else equal
13:28 ben_vulpes yeah, and again we're at the "snapshot of a dynamic thing
13:28 ben_vulpes " state
13:29 ben_vulpes <mircea_popescu> [] nah, writing everything in c++ is dumb. << write it in every language, discover interesting bugs.
13:29 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: I think you’re confusing the limit miners self-impose with the hard-coded upper limit
13:29 Pierre_Rochard Now this part may be controversial for some members of b-a, but it’s at the point where fee revenue growth decelerates that the block size should be increased *marginally*, if the goal is to maximize fee revenue
13:29 davout gavinandresen: why would miners impose a self limit?
13:29 gavinandresen davout: today, because bigger blocks take a while to propagate.
13:29 Pierre_Rochard gavinandresen: I think the limit that miners self-impose would not hold. I think we see that today
13:29 ben_vulpes Pierre_Rochard: you assume some kind of "goal", and that there's a "we" with it.
13:30 asciilifeform !up gavinandresen
13:30 Pierre_Rochard !up gavinandresen
13:30 davout isn't there a plan to make block propagation O(1) by using headers-first?
13:30 asciilifeform gavinandresen: what effect do you suppose your enlarged blocks would have on the number of operating full nodes ?
13:30 gavinandresen davout: when that is fixed by protocol changes, they will have some minimum costs to processing transations plus a little profit
13:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62448 @ 0.00048429 = 30.2429 BTC [+] {2}
13:31 gavinandresen asciilifeform: see my technical roadmap post for what needs to be done to increase number of full nodes
13:31 davout gavinandresen: you're not really answering the question regarding headers-first
13:31 gavinandresen asciilifeform: if there are no network protocol changes, then we’re in trouble, because number of full nodes may continue to decline
13:31 asciilifeform gavinandresen: do you intend to donate hard disks to everyone running a full node ?
13:31 gavinandresen davout: sorry, missed, the question, real-world distraction…
13:31 asciilifeform gavinandresen: or how otherwise compensate for a 20-fold growth in storage requirement
13:32 gavinandresen davout: oh, the IBLT stuff? yes, that’d make propagation O(1), and that’s what I mean when I say “when that is fixed by protocol changes"
13:32 gavinandresen asciilifeform: storage is not the bottleneck/cost, bandwidth is.
13:33 gavinandresen asciilifeform: again, go read the technical road map post, section on pruning the chain
13:33 asciilifeform gavinandresen: i have read it.
13:33 asciilifeform gavinandresen: and disagree with the entire concept of 'pruning'
13:33 gavinandresen asciilifeform: okey dokey.
13:35 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: if Satoshi hadn’t slapped on a 1MB blocksize limit, would you be lobbying for a hardfork now to impose one?
13:35 gavinandresen … execuse me, soft fork....
13:35 Pierre_Rochard gavinandresen: yes, I would
13:35 artifexd !s rsa backdoor
13:35 assbot 5 results for 'rsa backdoor' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=rsa+backdoor
13:35 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: ok, exactly what would you propose?
13:35 asciilifeform artifexd: the linked article was a very basic example of 'kleptography' (see our old thread)
13:36 asciilifeform artifexd: there are considerably subtler ways to diddle rsa key generation.
13:36 ben_vulpes this is a distraction and poor logic.
13:36 ben_vulpes there is a 1mb limit.
13:36 ben_vulpes we are not considering counterfactuals.
13:36 artifexd Yeah. I found the article through my own education. I wanted to see if it had already been discussed in here.
13:36 Pierre_Rochard gavinandresen: that we don’t increase the limit until we see what happens to total fee revenue growth after a few months of full blocks
13:37 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: I think we’re there: http://hashingit.com/analysis/39-the-myth-of-the-megabyte-bitcoin-block
13:37 assbot The Myth Of The Megabyte Bitcoin Block ... ( http://bit.ly/1xz3jws )
13:38 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: the 0.10 release’s wallet code includes floating fees, so over the next couple months we should get a much better idea of what is happening fee-wise.
13:38 Pierre_Rochard then let’s stay there for six months to collect the data
13:38 Pierre_Rochard ^ great
13:39 ben_vulpes gavinandresen: the notion that the wallet code should be responsible for setting fees is utter braindamage.
13:39 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: what information will we get that will influence how large to make blocks?
13:39 ben_vulpes in fact the entire wallet model is completely broken.
13:40 ben_vulpes the moronic quest to make the thing occupy as little space on disk as possible precluded you people from selecting a queryable db
13:40 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: … I misstated: that will influence the maximum possible block size....
13:40 ben_vulpes and so, you had to track "relevant transactions" in the wallet.
13:40 gavinandresen ben_vulpes: “patches welcome” Alex Morcos has a patch pending with better fee estimation code.
13:40 ben_vulpes then you got hosed with the whole "change address" debacle.
13:40 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: they go from little space, to infinite space, as circumstances dictate
13:41 Pierre_Rochard gavinandresen: fee revenue growth, if it accelerates then demand for btc transactions is relatively inelastic, the point at which it declerates indicates where substitution starts happening. If it’s right away, then you’re right on the economics. If its after a period of faster growth, then we can see what bitcoin transaction fee the market will bear before switching to substitutes
13:41 ben_vulpes gavinandresen: i'm pointing out that the only acceptable patch for wallets is total removal.
13:42 ben_vulpes and our stake in the ground (0.5.3) is our indictment of everything that your people have done for the past umpteen months.
13:42 ben_vulpes it's unnecessary and i reject it.
13:42 asciilifeform gavinandresen: we have here an entire project dedicated to undoing everything you and your associates have ever done to bitcoin.
13:42 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: but why would we want to hit the “then substitutes start happening” when we’re in Bitcoin’s infancy?
13:43 ben_vulpes gavinandresen: and we have the guns, coin and code on our side.
13:43 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: Seems to me it is better to do everything we can to encourage widespread adoption right now.
13:43 ben_vulpes that is to say, "god".
13:43 asciilifeform what, precisely, are these 'substitutes' ?
13:43 asciilifeform i'd much like to know
13:43 asciilifeform cowrie shells? reichsmarks? u.s. dollars ?
13:43 Pierre_Rochard gavinandresen: because the substitution would just be happening at the margin
13:43 asciilifeform or scamchains
13:43 ben_vulpes gavinandresen: adoption is for the masses. i don't give a single fuck about the masses. bitcoin is not for them now, nor will it ever be.
13:44 asciilifeform ('schelling point' dictates that there can be precisely one blockchain.)
13:44 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: But we’d get probably at least six months, maybe a year or two of substitution because it takes time to roll out a hard forking change
13:44 asciilifeform again, substitution with what ?
13:44 Pierre_Rochard gavinandresen: I think Bitcoin’s overall value proposition is so overwhelming that what’s hampering Bitcoin adoption is not tx fees, it’s just the Lindy effect of it being around long enough
13:45 ben_vulpes want to talk about what's hampering adoption?
13:45 ben_vulpes stale wallet backups that your asshats are responsible for.
13:45 ben_vulpes non deterministic transaction generation.
13:45 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: okey dokey. What if you’re wrong?
13:45 ben_vulpes KV stores for a complex data set.
13:45 ben_vulpes the list goes on.
13:45 ben_vulpes and you insist on "adding features" instead of fixing your mistakes.
13:46 gavinandresen Anybody be offended if I ignore ben_vulpes? distracting me….
13:46 ben_vulpes ha yeah please
13:46 Pierre_Rochard gavinandresen: then we see an acceleration of adoption of an altcoin / altcoins in general and react accordingly
13:46 ben_vulpes don't address any of the *only valid points* being made here.
13:46 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: But you just said you want to let fees go up high enough so, at the margin, some people ARE turned away.
13:46 asciilifeform gavinandresen: if you only answer one of my question, pray tell, what are the 'substitutes' ?
13:47 asciilifeform gavinandresen: where might one find some.
13:47 Pierre_Rochard gavinandresen: that’s right, that’s the signal to increase the block size limit
13:47 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: So, lets say we do see fees rise. How far do we let them rise? Who decides?
13:47 asciilifeform gavinandresen: i can't afford 'mercedes' so my 'honda' is a fairly good substitute for the machine. but where might one obtain a cheaper, more plentiful ersatz substitute for bitcoin ?
13:48 ben_vulpes gavinandresen: you cannot construct this conversation on the foundation of fees. you cannot possibly know how fees will behave in steady state or in perpetually inflating block size state.
13:48 ben_vulpes you've lost all support for these large blocks in -dev
13:48 Pierre_Rochard gavinandresen: at some point they stop rising because they’re too high for the marginal transactor
13:48 ben_vulpes you never had any support in -assets
13:48 gavinandresen asciilifeform: substitutes for Bitcoin are altcoins, sidechains, off-chain transactions, credit cards, wire transfers…..
13:48 ben_vulpes give. up.
13:48 asciilifeform gavinandresen: except that these systems are not substitutes for bitcoin.
13:49 asciilifeform gavinandresen: they don't do the same job.
13:49 Pierre_Rochard gavinandresen: in theory the miners would decide, in practice the core devs
13:49 asciilifeform gavinandresen: none of the items you mentioned is a stable, noninflationary, decentralized store of value.
13:50 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: unfortunately, the experience for the marginal transactor is terrible: their transactions just never, ever confirm. Their coins get tied up…
13:50 asciilifeform turd is not a substitute for sausage, despite the topological similarities.
13:50 asciilifeform regardless of any perceived shortage of sausage.
13:50 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: if wallets could deal with that I’d be more open to running the experiment, although I still think it is a terrible idea to shut out ANY reasonable use cases at this early stage of Bitocn’s life
13:51 asciilifeform !up diametric
13:51 ben_vulpes gavinandresen: nobody who matters gives a shit about the marginal user.
13:51 ben_vulpes and their transactions *don't* get tied up forever.
13:51 ben_vulpes eventually they mature and are prioritized.
13:51 ben_vulpes this is FUD, plain and simple.
13:52 ben_vulpes fucking drop it.
13:52 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: You started with a premise that I reject, by the way: I do not believe that a goal should be to maximize miner revenue
13:52 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: I believe the goal should be to maximize the value of Bitcoin for everybody
13:52 Pierre_Rochard gavinandresen: I think that our disagreement on that premise precludes agreeing on anything downstream of that
13:52 ben_vulpes <gavinandresen> Pierre_Rochard: I believe the goal should be to maximize the value of Bitcoin for everybody << you're fired.
13:53 ben_vulpes again.
13:53 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: you’re probably right. Are you a miner yourself?
13:53 kakobrekla http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=11-01-2015#973570
13:53 assbot Logged on 11-01-2015 22:33:39; kakobrekla: how do other envision the future when reward goes towards 0. either a btc is worth half a planet or the fees amount per block go up a few orders of magnitude or network is dead
13:53 kakobrekla which ?
13:54 Pierre_Rochard gavinandresen: I am not. I just see a “too low” long term hash rate as the greatest risk of ruin Bitcoin faces, and it ought to be minimized before all other considerations
13:56 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: what do you think of my argument that hash rate and fees are apples and oranges? That people will substitute away from fee-paying transactions to other solutions that use the block chain, which means trying to maximize fees means no guarantee that there will be enough hash rate to secure the chain?
13:57 asciilifeform gavinandresen: 'other solutions that use the block chain' ? please elaborate.
13:57 kakobrekla >altcoins, sidechains
13:57 asciilifeform scamchains.
13:57 gavinandresen not altcoins— centralized services like Coinbase. Or sidechains.
13:58 asciilifeform how many need to implode before folks open a game theory textbook and understand that the correct number of blockchains is one ?
13:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2500 @ 0.00049015 = 1.2254 BTC [+]
13:58 asciilifeform and what kind of brain damage does it take to see a centralized whatever as any kind of functional substitute for bitcoin ?
13:58 kakobrekla coinbase and the like can be *poof* gone in one day
13:59 kakobrekla too slow i am, this cake is hindering me
13:59 ben_vulpes !up lobbes
14:00 lobbes gavinandresen: Why are you so set on this 'widespread' adoption notion? It is never going to happen
14:00 ben_vulpes !up gavinandresen
14:00 Pierre_Rochard gavinandresen: If I understand your argument correctly, you’re saying that the elasticity of demand is so great that fee maximization will be insufficient anyway, so try finding another solution now. That’s a pretty good argument, I think we should see what happens to fee revenue growth to validate it. If, say, the average fee goes up to 0.0004 btc and doesn’t budge from there, but anecdotally we hear that
14:00 Pierre_Rochard off-blockchain transactions are taking off, then your argument will have won the day
14:01 asciilifeform i can almost imagine some fellow advocating the urgency of bringing down megatonnes of gold from the asteroid belt, because failing this, a great many 'gold users' may take to using paper certificates 'as substitute'
14:01 lobbes as others have stated; bitcoin is not meant for the 'masses'
14:01 ben_vulpes lobbes: tell him who said it, he's ignoring me.
14:01 asciilifeform i suspect that he is ignoring most or all of us.
14:01 ben_vulpes !gettrust assbot gavinandresen
14:01 assbot Trust relationship from user assbot to user gavinandresen: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. | http://w.b-a.link/trust/assbot/gavinandresen | http://w.b-a.link/user/gavinandresen
14:01 kakobrekla and i wasnt even insulting.
14:02 Pierre_Rochard gavinandresen: but my intuition tells me such substitution won’t happen at such a low fee
14:02 asciilifeform i, for one, would simply like some non-weasel answers to a few basic questions.
14:02 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: this is why you kept getting sucked into arguing with Robert Viragh over plainly stupid shit.
14:02 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: ok. I’d like to brainstorm more about how you would set the maximum block size— I don’t want the developers setting it every two months, but I dont’ see a way to make fee revenue per block drive it (because the real-world bitcoin exchange rate is so variable)
14:03 davout gavinandresen: "oh, the IBLT stuff? yes, that’d make propagation O(1)" <<< so with that, there's no network bottleneck anymore, at least no real incentive for miners to keep blocks small, right?
14:03 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: i do believe i succeeded in ultimately pulling his wings off.
14:03 ben_vulpes !rate gavinandresen -5 broke bitcoin in too many ways to mention. inquire within.
14:03 assbot Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/26d14cdaa2588fd5
14:03 ben_vulpes !v assbot:ben_vulpes.rate.gavinandresen.-5:1b1cb1a93eadfd534bec6d5cdc3328d057c6baa2e6e97b7bfa34e5157384cc73
14:03 assbot Successfully added a rating of -5 for gavinandresen with note: broke bitcoin in too many ways to mention. inquire within.
14:03 ben_vulpes
14:03 gavinandresen asciilifeform: ok, answers to your questions: I don’t know how many need to implode. And I don’t know what kind of brain damage.
14:03 ben_vulpes !down gavinandresen
14:04 kakobrekla cmon he is still emitting
14:04 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: srsly
14:04 kakobrekla !up gavinandresen
14:04 ben_vulpes grarrghragr
14:04 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu hasn't even opened up yet
14:04 gavinandresen davout: Miners would only have the meta-incentive of “we can collectively maximize revenue if we make blocks THIS big”
14:04 ben_vulpes let him up the spamgun
14:04 gavinandresen davout: I have no idea if the would cooperate enough to make that happen.
14:04 davout gavinandresen: i'm completely with ben_vulpes "the notion that the wallet code should be responsible for setting fees is utter braindamage." on one hand it's not the wallet responsibility, and on the other hand that has nothing to do with the protocol
14:05 gavinandresen davout: ok, “patches welcome"
14:05 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: it's just a basic blood pressure/cortisol reduction measure
14:05 davout gavinandresen: “patches welcome" <<< i don't use your wallet tbh
14:06 gavinandresen davout: great! your wallet can do whatever it likes with respect to fees.
14:07 Pierre_Rochard gavinandresen: the only way I see is to regularly test at what tx fee the substitution begins happening, and increase it at the margin (say 20%) whenever the top percentile of fees starts hitting it. Yes, that would involve perhaps semi-annual block size limit increases and an element of judgement. I still see it as a better solution than a much-too-high limit or a contrived algorithm
14:07 asciilifeform gavinandresen: so you admit that there is not, nor can there be, a non-fraudulent 'substitute' for bitcoin? that altchains, state-minted fiat, cowrie shells, are not in fact equivalent ?
14:07 Pierre_Rochard increase it at the margin (say 20%) < increase the block size limit
14:07 BingoBoingo ;;bc,stats
14:07 gribble Current Blocks: 339942 | Current Difficulty: 4.397166205608958E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 340703 | Next Difficulty In: 761 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 5 days, 13 hours, 18 minutes, and 49 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 42292830486.1 | Estimated Percent Change: -3.81799
14:08 gavinandresen asciilifeform: huh? a sidechain to which you transfer BTC value would be a non-fraudulent substitite.
14:08 asciilifeform gavinandresen: it is fraudulent by virtue of not being the one and only genuine bitcoin. the schelling point.
14:08 asciilifeform and by being crafted to give the opposite impression.
14:09 asciilifeform (shit is not a fraudulent form of gold, but 'fool's gold' may be put to use as such)
14:09 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: can you define “much too high limit” ?
14:10 Pierre_Rochard gavinandresen: one where there is no competition among transactors to get into a block
14:10 undata right, one would have to reach that state to know
14:11 asciilifeform the whole concept of a 'sidechain' is an elaborate chumpatron.
14:11 Pierre_Rochard that is, competition that would at least attempt to maximize transaction fee revenue
14:11 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: fee revenue measured in real prices, yes?
14:12 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: … because driving up real Bitcoin prices is why I think we should do everything possible to encourage widespread adoption
14:12 Pierre_Rochard gavinandresen: that’s actually a very interesting question because we currently live in a world where miner liabilities are in fiat prices, but in the future that may not be the case.
14:12 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: what even is a sidechain?
14:13 asciilifeform gavinandresen: another question: why precisely do you wish to rescue those who might be tempted to use 'substitutes' for bitcoin ?
14:13 gavinandresen asciilifeform: I don’t want to rescue anybody, I want as many people as possible to Get the Bitcoin Religion! Can I have an AMEN?
14:13 Pierre_Rochard gavinandresen: right, that goes back to bitcoin’s adoption relative to other altcoins. when we see a divergence then we know there’s substitution going on
14:14 asciilifeform gavinandresen: understand that you are now speaking to a number of people who do not believe inclusiveness itself to be a virtue. a steak eaten by a hundred thousand flies is 'more inclusive' than same stake being eaten by a man.
14:14 asciilifeform *steak
14:14 gavinandresen Pierre_Rochard: I think if you went to a VC with a business plan of “We’re going to raise prices until we start losing customers” the VC would tell you that is a huge mistake if you’re a high-growth thing-a-ma-bob
14:15 asciilifeform gavinandresen: in your mind, it is a religion? as in, the gods whispered to you that you must bring as many unbelievers as possible into the fold ?
14:15 gavinandresen asciilifeform: I’ll use <just joking> tags next time
14:15 ben_vulpes <gavinandresen> asciilifeform: I don’t want to rescue anybody, I want as many people as possible to Get the Bitcoin Religion! Can I have an AMEN? << good fucking god
14:15 asciilifeform We’re going to raise prices until we start losing customers << what do you suppose the business model of 'aston martin' is ?
14:15 xanthyos the bible warned us about you gavinandresen
14:15 Pierre_Rochard gavinandresen: I agree, but in this case I think Bitcoin’s competitive advantage is 100x, and transaction fees are a relatively small part of that, so if they were $0.50 instead of $0.05, adoption rate would decrease by let’s say 0.01%.
14:16 ben_vulpes gavinandresen is clearly unfamiliar with the pricing model of every luxury good ever.
14:16 gavinandresen Ok, if y’all are interested in keeping Bitcoin an exclusive little club… then okey dokey, we have a fundamental difference of opinion on where the project should go.
14:16 Pierre_Rochard so it’s immaterial, yet that transaction fee revenue is super-important for the customers to know, long term this is a viable enterprise that can sustain itself
14:16 lobbes all you have to do is look at bitcointalk.org to see that getting clueless people involved for the sake of 'because' just leads to more scamming, and more ignorance
14:16 asciilifeform gavinandresen: i find it odd that you are interested in inclusion on the user end (transactions) but not the node end
14:17 asciilifeform gavinandresen: how are 20MB blocks a mechanism of 'inclusion' for folks who wish to continue running full nodes ?
14:17 asciilifeform full nodes - as in, history-preserving.
14:17 asciilifeform no 'pruning' bullshit.
14:17 danielpbarron gavinandresen, what did satoshi write in the very first block??
14:18 gavinandresen I’ve gotta go. Pierre_Rochard, nice chatting with you.
14:18 xanthyos nice timing
14:18 xanthyos faker
14:18 davout lol
14:19 * danielpbarron begins writing his indictment
14:19 mod6 bailiff, bring the witness back to the witness stand
14:19 davout such convo, much mess, very lol
14:19 Pierre_Rochard gavinandresen is clearly unfamiliar with the pricing model of every luxury good ever. < this
14:20 Pierre_Rochard Bitcoin is a ferrari being sold for $10. Increasing the price to $100 will not deter buyers
14:20 davout poor log readers...
14:20 kakobrekla the thing is he sees silly-con valley and think the ways of VS are go.
14:20 kakobrekla VCs*
14:20 asciilifeform hence ben_vulpes's astute observation, being that the spirit of mr. spam walked again from the grave
14:21 asciilifeform it is as if all tentacles of the beast spoke with a single voice.
14:21 asciilifeform not any kind of surprise, incidentally, to a student of history (all soviet bureaucrats likewise spoke in one voice.)
14:21 davout "so far I’m not impressed with the quality of the conversation in #bitcoin-assets....."
14:21 kakobrekla !up diametric still no luck ?
14:22 kakobrekla well it was noisy.
14:22 kakobrekla not in the quality sense but quantity.
14:23 mod6 yah. srsly.
14:24 Pierre_Rochard well if he disagrees on the premise that being fort knox is more important than being a rural walmart then there’s not much to discuss
14:24 asciilifeform it still escapes me, what he was hoping to achieve by coming here.
14:24 mod6 davout asked him to come here so he could 'chat' with mp
14:26 asciilifeform even though we did not get to see this, it is not difficult to imagine how the conversation may have went.
14:26 asciilifeform folks who live by weaseling, smokescreen, evasion, tend to have just a few tricks up their sleeves.
14:28 asciilifeform not necessarily on account of being stupid. a flunkie, lying from a position of desperation (our friend) - is overcome by anxiety, which inhibits creativity. on the other hand, an official liar, lying from a position of brute strength (e.g., keith alexander), is hobbled by complacency.
14:30 jurov he's genuinely believing bitcoin needs to be here for every man, woman and child
14:30 diametric kakobrekla: no luck, still saying it can't find my fingerprint.
14:30 kakobrekla fucker.
14:30 asciilifeform jurov: yes, while somehow (by divine intervention?) remaining 'bitcoin'
14:32 asciilifeform 'every man, woman, child' in america, africa, mars, alpha centauri - 'deserves' - a 'free' - mercedes, ph.d., three quintillion zimbabwe dollars...
14:32 asciilifeform this gets old, it does.
14:35 davout i would've loved seeing him actually elaborate on asciilifeform's questions
14:35 asciilifeform and i'd love to fly on an f-35 with gigantic, fart-flaming pigs instead of engines.
14:35 Pierre_Rochard not to mention, the transaction fee _today_ is $0.02. Where is every man woman and child? Why are they not taking advantage of this amazing opportunity??
14:35 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
14:35 davout shut up
14:36 Pierre_Rochard clearly there are much more important factors to adoption than the transaction fee
14:36 asciilifeform Pierre_Rochard: because mr. obama has not handed each of them three quintillion bitcoins yet.
14:36 punkman need more bitcoin bowl ads!
14:36 punkman is very important
14:37 Pierre_Rochard asciilifeform: why did he not announce that last night? why does he hate the middle class so?
14:37 davout the idea that there exists somewhere a magical bitcoin alternative, suffering from none of its shortcomings, towards which everyone would flow is retarded
14:37 asciilifeform davout: the idea that there is, was, or can be, an actual substitute (what is the substitute for electrical current ?) - ...
14:38 Pierre_Rochard davout: I agree, the moat between bitcoin and the “substitutes” is _enormous_
14:38 asciilifeform Pierre_Rochard: there are sound mathematical reasons to believe that there cannot be a stable substitute in any meaningful sense.
14:38 asciilifeform Pierre_Rochard: see mircea_popescu's articles (ask him which, when he reappears) for elaboration.
14:39 Pierre_Rochard asciilifeform: preaching to the choir, but a “substitute” in the economic term is the opposite of a “complement”, not something you necessarily consider on equal footing
14:40 chetty its ok, they can just pass a law to change the maths to what they like
14:40 asciilifeform Pierre_Rochard: there is nothing, and good reason to think there cannot be, anything which even rises to the level of an ersatz.
14:40 asciilifeform but if a skateboard with a missing wheel is a substitute for a 'boeing' - then, sure.
14:41 chetty (all you have to do to make such a law work is send the gasenwagen for anybody that knows any maths)
14:43 asciilifeform chetty: ''Winston made another convulsive movement. This time he did not say anything. O'Brien continued as though answering a spoken objection: 'For certain purposes, of course, that is not true. When we navigate the ocean, or when we predict an eclipse, we often find it convenient to assume that the earth goes round the sun and that the stars are millions upon millions of kilometres away. But what of it? Do you suppose it is
14:43 asciilifeform beyond us to produce a dual system of astronomy? The stars can be near or distant, according as we need them. Do you suppose our mathematicians are unequal to that? Have you forgotten doublethink?' (1984)
14:44 asciilifeform or, alternatively, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-07-2014#778095 http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-07-2014#778096
14:44 assbot Logged on 30-07-2014 13:57:10; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: remember the story about gorby and andropov?
14:44 assbot Logged on 30-07-2014 13:57:29; asciilifeform: g: 'show me the real budget.' a: 'you're asking too much. that's off limits to you.'
14:44 asciilifeform the funny part is that the sc4mz0rz are stuck keeping two sets of books.
14:45 asciilifeform and are perpetually tempted to skip the other, honest set, entirely
14:45 asciilifeform when they do - curtain call.
14:52 BingoBoingo !up bitcoinmani
14:52 BingoBoingo !up STRML1
14:52 BingoBoingo !up gabriel_laddel
14:52 asciilifeform !up diametric
14:54 diametric yay
14:54 BingoBoingo !up felipelalli
14:57 BingoBoingo !up teek
14:57 asciilifeform diametric: your key works now ?
14:57 diametric yeah
14:57 asciilifeform neat
14:57 diametric for some real reason it wasn't importing it for the first time correctly, kakobrekla had to manually import it
14:57 diametric now i'm good
14:58 diametric real..i mean weird reason.
14:58 davout diametric: this new assbot is a total scam
14:58 BingoBoingo !up napedia
15:00 ben_vulpes it's downright suspect that mircea_popescu goes to lunch and gavinandresen shows up
15:00 davout ben_vulpes: it's downright suspect that it took you so long to come to this conclusion
15:00 ben_vulpes fu davout
15:00 ben_vulpes i'm submitting builds to apple
15:00 ben_vulpes trying desperately to eke out food credits over here
15:01 ben_vulpes i can't spot *every* scam
15:01 BingoBoingo !up STRML1_
15:04 ben_vulpes my new title is going to be "systems and app store submission engineer"
15:04 ben_vulpes xcode "code signing" is hilariously opaque
15:04 ben_vulpes contains "fix issue" buttons
15:04 ben_vulpes who wants to "fix issues" related to keys?
15:04 ben_vulpes my keys "have issues"? get fucked!
15:06 davout ben_vulpes: my worst nightmares are those i'm forced to use xcode
15:06 davout *where
15:07 BingoBoingo http://i.imgur.com/31X7V0J.jpg
15:07 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1yI1TnB )
15:07 kakobrekla wtf is xcode even
15:07 ben_vulpes kakobrekla: apples proprietary "integrated development environment" for "objective c"
15:08 kakobrekla sounds great
15:08 thestringpuller ben_vulpes: it's not just fo objective c
15:08 thestringpuller you need xcode to run build essentials on make
15:09 thestringpuller aka gcc and friends
15:09 thestringpuller >:P
15:09 asciilifeform gcc << nope
15:09 asciilifeform they ditched gcc.
15:09 davout kakobrekla: the IDE where folders don't actually create folders on disk
15:10 davout thestringpuller: s/gcc/llvm/
15:10 davout it's a fucking symlink
15:10 thestringpuller davout: i see
15:10 thestringpuller gcc --version
15:10 thestringpuller Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
15:10 thestringpuller Apple LLVM version 6.0 (clang-600.0.56) (based on LLVM 3.5svn)
15:10 thestringpuller Target: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0
15:10 thestringpuller Thread model: posix
15:10 davout "you want to organize your code with folders? fuck you, i'll store them randomly and index them in some massive xml turd"
15:11 kakobrekla lol!
15:11 davout "you want to track your code on git and code with other folks? fuck you, i'll make this massive xml piece of shit completely unmergeable"
15:11 thestringpuller personal experience davout ?
15:12 davout thestringpuller: yeah. needless to say the experience was short.
15:13 thestringpuller asciilifeform: "would you like a mac or win machine?" "You mean which two bowls of shit would I like to eat?"
15:13 thestringpuller which of the two*
15:14 ben_vulpes davout: oh yeah don't use the layout engine
15:15 kakobrekla you guys dont survive without apple turds?
15:15 asciilifeform kakobrekla: i think ben_vulpes writes softs for apple's stuff commercially ?
15:15 kakobrekla well hence the question
15:15 kakobrekla if he doesnt survive otherwise
15:15 thestringpuller davout: at what point does this ruby thing start to grow on me?
15:16 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: others write the softs
15:16 ben_vulpes i derp through apple's code signing shitshow so that they can focus on writing moar softs
15:16 davout thestringpuller: i don't know man, who am i to know your personal tastes? :-)
15:16 ben_vulpes <ben_vulpes> my new title is going to be "systems and app store submission engineer" << asciilifeform
15:16 davout thestringpuller: what are you using it for?
15:16 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: aha.
15:16 davout thestringpuller: ruby can be extremly confusing, especially if you use some weird proprietary dsl someone forces on you
15:16 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: i also unload the dishwasher in the morning and turn the lights off at night.
15:17 * kakobrekla has leds, can just leave em running.
15:18 davout !up STRML
15:18 STRML davout: Thanks
15:18 davout yw
15:18 thestringpuller davout: i'm using it for web apps at work. not really a web stack developer, but it's not as bad as php but still doesn't taste good.
15:18 STRML I echo your frustration with ruby. It's a nightmare trying to figure out some obscure part of the capistrano or chef DSLs
15:18 STRML all the confusion and unfamiliarity of a new programming language without any of the benefits
15:19 thestringpuller it's easier to debug, but so is python in the same context I guess?
15:19 davout STRML: yeah, dsl's can be a massive pain
15:19 STRML I'm sure they were meant to make things easier but it never quite ends up that way
15:19 davout thestringpuller: i don't really know python so i can't really comment
15:19 ben_vulpes it's just java
15:19 STRML python is nice to debug... java too
15:19 ben_vulpes for people with silly hair
15:20 davout ben_vulpes: how do you know?
15:20 STRML even JS isn't so bad to debug. better than php
15:20 davout STRML: dsl's get much much easier when you're proficient with the language
15:20 davout thestringpuller: what framework are you using?
15:20 ben_vulpes davout: well i've written java, i've written ruby, and i've had extensive interactions with the relevant "communities" (although only my local java "community")
15:20 BingoBoingo STRML: https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks
15:20 assbot freenode: frequently-asked questions ... ( http://bit.ly/1EsxzgY )
15:21 davout ben_vulpes: i meant "how do you know about my haricut?"
15:21 ben_vulpes lol well rubby haircuts are normally done by the hair wearer
15:21 ben_vulpes "why are your bangs off center"
15:21 thestringpuller davout: sinatra wasn't bad. now I'm learning rails.
15:22 davout ben_vulpes: kek
15:22 davout thestringpuller: i like sinatra, it's real simple, and there's very little magic
15:22 davout i kind of dislike rails, too fat, too clunky, unless you have something that really fits the rest paradigm
15:22 STRML BingoBoingo: Thanks
15:23 davout thestringpuller: i really like eventmachine
15:27 BingoBoingo For people catching up on mircea_popescu gavin drama http://trilema.com/2013/and-gavin-moves-on-to-the-dark-side-the-bitcoin-project-is-officially-hijacked/
15:27 assbot And Gavin moves on to the dark side. The Bitcoin project is officially hijacked pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1yI2YM2 )
15:40 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43315 @ 0.00049152 = 21.2902 BTC [+] {2}
15:44 BingoBoingo nubbins`: Nice video
15:45 nubbins` ty
15:45 nubbins` not every shill gets a shirt
15:49 BingoBoingo lol
16:00 BingoBoingo !up grave
16:05 thestringpuller davout: do you like the french electronic music scene?
16:05 thestringpuller aka justice, daft punk, et. al?
16:05 davout justusranvier: in your article you shouldn't be reasoning on the cost of including a transaction in a block as (cost of one block / number of transactions) but you should reason on the marginal cost of adding a transaction to an already existing block that i'm currently mining
16:06 davout also you can't really have the market price according to supply and demand when the supply's pretty much infinite for all practical purposes
16:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81000 @ 0.00050193 = 40.6563 BTC [+]
16:06 davout thestringpuller: i'm not really such an electronic music guy
16:06 davout i liked daft punk's first albums tho
16:07 davout i'm more of classical music and jazz guy
16:07 thestringpuller jazz you say? :D
16:07 thestringpuller I fucking love Jazz.
16:07 davout last 'electronic' music i got into was birdy nam nam
16:07 davout what kind of jazz?
16:08 thestringpuller All kinds everything from Oscar Peterson, Art Tatum, Dave Brubeck, Dizzy, Coltrane.
16:08 thestringpuller I love Lee Morgan, such an epic history to him.
16:08 thestringpuller Mingus is cool as fuck too.
16:09 thestringpuller how bout you?
16:10 davout thestringpuller: i'm grabbing you something
16:10 thestringpuller :D
16:10 mircea_popescu !up bitcoinmani
16:11 asciilifeform mircea_popescu!
16:11 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: you missed all the fun
16:11 mircea_popescu yes ?
16:11 mircea_popescu what fun is that ?
16:11 davout mircea_popescu: lol yes
16:11 ben_vulpes roasting gavinandresen
16:12 mircea_popescu haha wait, soi he had a lunch meeting except once i also had one his was cancelled ?
16:12 ben_vulpes p much
16:12 mircea_popescu a well. i guess bravery is not a silicon valley virtue.
16:12 asciilifeform shillicon valley
16:13 * mircea_popescu goes to check teh logs.
16:13 davout thestringpuller: https://db.tt/iUB6Zn5E
16:13 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/15betPS )
16:13 davout thestringpuller: sinatra cover by biréli lagrène
16:14 mircea_popescu mats: dos via cert chain replacement << this http-SECURE thing is getting lulzier and lulzier
16:16 davout justusranvier: especially considering that block propagation is soon to be O(1)
16:16 thestringpuller davout: luck be a lady tonight. hehe.
16:16 thestringpuller !s from:gavinandresen
16:16 assbot 59 results for 'from:gavinandresen' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=from%3Agavinandresen
16:17 BingoBoingo !s turd*
16:17 assbot 794 results for 'turd*' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=turd%2A
16:18 mircea_popescu punkman: "For one thing, doctors were upset because Semmelweis' hypothesis << yup that's a recurring topic here.
16:18 thestringpuller i figured it out! gavinandresen and mircea_popescu are the same person!
16:18 thestringpuller cause they are never in same room at same time
16:18 thestringpuller conspiracy solved
16:18 davout genius
16:18 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-01-2015#985246 < fopr instance.
16:18 assbot Logged on 21-01-2015 01:56:34; mircea_popescu: right about at the time they tarred and feathered that asinine idiot who said they should wash hands
16:18 thestringpuller open and shut case johnson, sprinkle some crack on him and lets get out of here
16:18 jurov they happen to be in two rooms at the same time
16:18 jurov or mircea is capable of bilocation?
16:19 asciilifeform he fork()s
16:19 mircea_popescu slandeur
16:19 jurov hope he reaps his zombies
16:19 davout jurov: he keeps bragging about bicopulation
16:20 mircea_popescu davout bicopulation is what that deer in the middle's doin'. ain't me!
16:21 jurov ;;ud bicopulation
16:21 gribble Google found nothing.
16:21 jurov sorry mircea, davout coined it first
16:22 BingoBoingo !up devthedev
16:22 mircea_popescu so i coin it biggest!
16:22 BingoBoingo devthedev: What is this about the head of 'Muricas other socialist party opening session with an Islamic prayer?
16:24 mircea_popescu punkman: their demos are stupid though << yeah they had no idea how to sell that thing.
16:25 mircea_popescu nubbins`: lifted from deviant art and shutterstock << are the da starving artists going to get a cut of the 14k ?
16:25 mircea_popescu i see Blazedout419 ain't answering my q from yest ;/
16:25 mircea_popescu !up Blazedout419
16:27 mircea_popescu assbot: Under Mark Karpeles bitcoin did 3,000,000%. Under VC capital, merchant adoption, bitcoin bowl it did -80%. : Bitcoin << that post has a core of point in it. if it weren't wrapped in redditard retardation / karpeles bs, it'd almost be worth making.
16:28 kakobrekla myea bitpay would do better if they just deleted their wallet
16:28 asciilifeform one of the alchemical powers of idiots is the ability to transform theoretically good points into, well, this
16:29 BingoBoingo !b 3
16:29 assbot Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2PQ3NZY.txt )
16:29 mircea_popescu nevertheless, VCs have been doing appalingly poorly in bitcoin.
16:29 mircea_popescu mostly because bitcoin does not reward their "get big fast" pump and dump scam.
16:30 mircea_popescu maybe it's time they fold and just take their subervient place in the ecosystem ?
16:30 BingoBoingo Well generally they tend to raise dollars and burn them. Or in BitPay's case start with Bitcoins and then burn those.
16:30 mircea_popescu there's nothing wrong with humility if pride just means you lose money.
16:30 asciilifeform VCs have been doing appalingly poorly << this assumes that their objective was to do well in the usual, commercial sense
16:30 thestringpuller BingoBoingo: well they don't burn btc really...
16:31 thestringpuller i don't think they are allowed to hold btc as assets, i dunno.
16:31 mircea_popescu asciilifeform this assumes they are what they claim to be.
16:31 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: something that takes an ever rarer class of chump to believe.
16:31 BingoBoingo thestringpuller: Well ESPN says they paid ESPN in BTC
16:32 mircea_popescu not a matter of chumpness tho. suppose dude rings your doorbell dressed as a car mechanic. "yes ?" "hello i'm the pizza delivery". "you don't seem to have any pizza ?" "ha-ha! fooled you! i'm only SAYING im pizza delivery"
16:33 mircea_popescu "well fuck you then ? not like i care eiter way ?"
16:33 davout thestringpuller: why wouldn't they be?
16:33 thestringpuller BingoBoingo: yea but from what I can gather (i am no expert), would be written as an expense
16:33 thestringpuller as all their liabilities are covered as fiat, so I assume assets are handled sameway
16:34 mircea_popescu davout because idiotic accountantlogic.
16:34 thestringpuller ^- CFO's fault
16:34 mircea_popescu right.
16:35 mircea_popescu assbot: The-Feminist-Software-Foundation/ToleranUX << lmao this shit better be parodic.
16:35 thestringpuller there's a lot wrong there, but my theory is VC's won't let them hold btc like other btc companies
16:35 davout mircea_popescu thestringpuller the accountant can account for the value paymium's coin in whatever fiat he fancies, he can go fuck himself before we sell it
16:35 mircea_popescu davout have you spent any time in teh us corporate environment ?
16:35 thestringpuller lol
16:36 mircea_popescu because it is a sort of insanity that can not readily be grasped from outside.
16:36 davout mircea_popescu: ic
16:37 thestringpuller davout: yea. p. much. Then VC comes in and says, "You may have this much btc on book at anytime" or I guess CFO or whatever. I dunno, I'm not an accountant.
16:37 thestringpuller smickles where r u
16:38 davout thestringpuller: i have already heard that from potential investors, these were shown the door
16:38 thestringpuller ah so theory holds some water.
16:38 thestringpuller i knew I wasn't cray cray
16:39 devthedev BingoBoingo: What is this about the head of 'Muricas other socialist party opening session with an Islamic prayer? << It makes my stomach turn
16:39 davout thestringpuller: yes it does, i have heard that kind of bullshit first hand
16:39 BingoBoingo devthedev: Well you spotted it, you can tell the story...
16:39 mircea_popescu davout there's a large chunk of facetious asshats who hate bitcoin just as much as the next guy whose unearned position it threatens. but they figure they get further with a spoonfull of honey than a barrel of vinegar, and so will make this sort of claim.
16:39 BingoBoingo What did the leader of America's other Socialist party do?
16:39 * Adlai had a big tussle with a business associate about his (the other guy's) emphasis on "pitching bitcoin" to investors
16:40 mircea_popescu that they're "investing", that they wiosh to "drive adoption", that generally they're only trying to help.
16:40 Adlai whereas my stance was that not pitching bitcoin filters out the people to whom bitcoin needs to be pitched
16:40 mircea_popescu they're trivially identified in the field by the shockingly unhelpful nature of their helpings,
16:40 asciilifeform 'investing' << 'embrace, extend, extinguish'
16:40 mircea_popescu and by the incredible tenacity they put into keeping it that way'
16:40 devthedev John Boehner opened a house session with a prayer to Allah.
16:40 mircea_popescu so it's not really a very functional strategy.
16:41 mircea_popescu point in case of this matter, once gavin is questioned as to why exactly he wants to do x, and he immediately and seamlessly moves into "oh, so what's the right value, so you want to do X' ??" it is clear that he is not in fact interested in what he claims to discuss
16:42 thestringpuller mircea_popescu: this gives me the impression that...maybe this is bitpay's handlers driving this nonsense
16:42 thestringpuller as you've said before
16:42 thestringpuller opaque agenda is opaque
16:42 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i for one did not expect this to be so brazenly demonstrated, so quickly, as it was.
16:43 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: notice how similar his flavour of muppetronics is to that of mr. spam
16:43 mircea_popescu asciilifeform subtlety is expensive. political competence especially so.
16:43 thestringpuller asciilifeform: i was telling a friend the other night that the CIA/FBI acts as the USG mafia, but won't admit to being the mafia. Whereas KGB/Soviets said, "Yea we're the mob, watcha gonna do about it?"
16:43 mircea_popescu the theoretical theory was that "Bitcoin is all nerds anyway" and so any old junk should stick.,
16:43 thestringpuller At least the russians were willing to be SOMEWHAT honest.
16:45 mircea_popescu chetty: <<< reading various stuffs here on the great blockchain 'fix', I wonder whatever happened to "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" <<< "everyone wants to be a developer" happened. and "everyone should get what they want" also happened.
16:46 asciilifeform thestringpuller: in the mid-20th-c., world split into 'prison' and 'psych ward' camps. 'hard' and 'soft'-power, respectively.
16:46 asciilifeform thestringpuller: these being the two basic schools of thought on how to run a 20th c. state.
16:47 Adlai https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7S94ohyErSw << bitcoin theme song
16:47 assbot The Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What You Want [Official] - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1yI8fDp )
16:47 mircea_popescu felipelalli: but I also found too aggressive the numbers of Gavin. And why do you guys hate Gavin? << you will benefit from reading the logs, also googling "site:trilema.com gavin" might help.
16:47 BingoBoingo !up felipelalli
16:47 mircea_popescu asciilifeform where by 20th c state we mean, one of those insane constructions where everyone is equal.
16:47 mircea_popescu ie, how to run a socialist state.
16:47 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: them.
16:48 davout asciilifeform: pardon my ignorance, but who is mr spam?
16:48 mircea_popescu and yes, a socialist state can only be run as a prison or as an insane asylum. because socialism is insanity.
16:48 Adlai davout: ninjashogun
16:48 davout !s ninjashogun
16:48 assbot 1761 results for 'ninjashogun' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=ninjashogun
16:48 davout wow
16:48 asciilifeform davout: i call him 'mr. spam' because he changed alias with some regularity. and promised to return one day under a yet-new one.
16:48 Adlai spam indeed
16:48 davout that's a high amount of ninjashogun
16:48 davout asciilifeform: ic, ty
16:49 mircea_popescu jurov: now i have 40/40 , but back when i had 10mbit uplink, bitcoind sometimes saturated it << this is an universal experience.
16:49 asciilifeform davout: he's become a kind of proverbial example here, of certain kinds of behaviour
16:49 BingoBoingo http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/security/cpujan2015-1972971.html
16:49 assbot Oracle Critical Patch Update - January 2015 ... ( http://bit.ly/1yI8rmj )
16:49 mircea_popescu i have what the dorks refer to "Fat pipes" on a number of nodes and they still get saturated on occasion.
16:49 BingoBoingo !up weex_
16:49 Adlai my main problem with "mr spam" was the high stock he placed in ideas
16:49 Adlai ideas are worthless, execution is what matters
16:50 mircea_popescu Adlai some ideas are more worthless than others.
16:50 kakobrekla shut up my idea does not require execution
16:50 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: packet shaping is a glorious thing.
16:50 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: one of the reasons i took the sweat to set up a civilized routing stack at home
16:50 Adlai yes, but keeping an idea secret doesn't prevent somebody else from executing it better than you, while you sit around trying to get people to invest in something you haven't explained to them
16:50 BingoBoingo alf handcarves exquisite reliefs as he shapes traffic
16:50 mircea_popescu asciilifeform it just has to do with, if a bunch of nodes wake up and find you...
16:52 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: find you and what? they get to eat out of a fixed trough, no faster than they are fed.
16:52 Adlai mircea_popescu: eta on D.CTIP?
16:52 Adlai they require you to price withdrawals in dollars
16:52 mircea_popescu which is d.ctip ?
16:52 Adlai this is retardation to a new level
16:52 Adlai changetip
16:52 mircea_popescu ...
16:52 mircea_popescu how is that worth anything ?
16:52 Adlai i have no clue
16:53 mircea_popescu so then eta is clue / 0
16:53 Adlai but when you withdraw bitcoin, on the bitcoin network, you have to specify the amount in dollars
16:53 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Believe it or not it got a VC round, raised money
16:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 75500 @ 0.00050243 = 37.9335 BTC [+] {2}
16:53 thestringpuller 2 times
16:53 thestringpuller lol
16:53 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: http://qntra.net/2014/12/changetip-raises-3-5-million-lead-by-pantera-capital/
16:53 assbot ChangeTip Raises $3.5 Million Lead by Pantera Capital | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1xzQjXd )
16:53 thestringpuller first round was 750k
16:54 asciilifeform https://panteracapital.com/about
16:54 assbot About | Pantera Capital - Bitcoin Investment Firm ... ( http://bit.ly/1xzQsKp )
16:54 asciilifeform ^ sc4mz0r zoo
16:54 * mircea_popescu shrugs.
16:55 kakobrekla ah yes they plunked 10mio to buttstamp.
16:55 mircea_popescu at this point listing them on mpex should yield what, 25% of equity. because it'd definitely increase their market value by that much.
16:55 Adlai it's just baffling how people invest in this
16:55 asciilifeform incidentally, there was a time when usg did the 'strategic vc' thing more or less above-board. see 'in-q-tel.'
16:55 asciilifeform still a going concern, iirc
16:55 BingoBoingo Wait, Buttstamp isn't even 3 full changetips?
16:57 Adlai a penny pushing social media spamhaus with no business plan is almost half an exchange?
16:57 asciilifeform 'changetip,' as i understand, answers two usg desires: 1) injection of tard armies into bitcoin, fodder for gavinization 2) the old, tired 'let's put some names/faces/palmprints/arsebook histories on as many btc addrs as we can'
16:58 mircea_popescu Adlai the exchange has no margin in an indefensible market and makes no money.
16:58 diametric nubbins`: so i'm being led to believe you can produce wood t-shirts for me now, hand carved no less.
16:58 mircea_popescu so yes, 0 is ~= half a 0.
16:58 Adlai lol
16:58 mircea_popescu diametric witnessed.
16:58 asciilifeform wooden t-shirts << ru slang, 'wooden mackintosh', coffin
16:58 diametric ha really?
16:58 asciilifeform aha.
16:59 BingoBoingo !up Lolugal
16:59 mircea_popescu asciilifeform the 2nd is particularly pernicious because of the "good enough" approach. "what do you mean bitcoin transactions can't be used to identify anything ? here's a list of derps we know for a fact, they're 50% of the blockchain spam"
16:59 Lolugal hello
16:59 mircea_popescu pseudoarguments of the attorney ilk.
16:59 BingoBoingo Hello Lolugal
17:00 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> asciilifeform the 2nd is particularly pernicious because of the "good enough" approach. "what do you mean bitcoin transactions can't be used to identify anything ? here's a list of derps we know for a fact, they're 50% of the blockchain spam" << Reasons to never use a public Electrum server for people wondering about "Lite" wallets.
17:00 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: it goes very well with the usg approach to target selection. which is the 'texas sharpshooter' algorithm.
17:00 mircea_popescu reason to not "drive adoption" to idiots / poor people / etc.
17:00 mircea_popescu asciilifeform myeah.
17:01 asciilifeform !s cocaine toilet
17:01 assbot 5 results for 'cocaine toilet' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=cocaine+toilet
17:01 mircea_popescu thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: pity conformal isn't better known. << how so? << they did all sorts of things for "the community" to be able to use their own stuff, which the community isn't doing because... well i guess more because lazy and stupid, but hey.
17:03 mircea_popescu 1800 lines day's not even done ;/
17:03 mircea_popescu guyse!
17:03 Adlai you missed gavin!
17:03 * Adlai did too
17:03 ben_vulpes <BingoBoingo> thestringpuller: Well ESPN says they paid ESPN in BTC << i thought it was a promise to pay in btc, the paper for which ESPN liquidated immediately
17:03 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 4260 @ 0.00080694 = 3.4376 BTC [+] {9}
17:03 mircea_popescu yeah derp claimed he can't come because he's got a lunch engagement, then found out that so do i so he suddenly could.
17:03 * Adlai is impressed that gavin showed up here, but also a little puzzled - did anybody think anybody else's opinion would change?
17:03 mircea_popescu not a matter of opinions.
17:03 ben_vulpes it's allll part of the act.
17:03 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: Why do you have to highlight the shortcut that was almost certainly taken
17:03 ben_vulpes he has to show. has to "try to talk sense into -assets"
17:04 Adlai my new favorite word, after btcmiami, is "signaling"
17:04 mircea_popescu guy saw an opportunity to check off thisparticular thing without actually doing it, and took it.
17:04 BingoBoingo Adlai: What is "signaling"
17:04 mircea_popescu it speaks volumes as to his own perceived value of his own "opinions" which he doesn;'t actually hold.
17:04 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 3590 @ 0.00082 = 2.9438 BTC [+]
17:04 mircea_popescu however, it only speaks volumes to those capable to listen.
17:04 Adlai BingoBoingo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signalling_theory
17:04 assbot Signalling theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1yI9kuZ )
17:05 mircea_popescu that was a fad 20 years ago too.
17:05 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: see also 'stotting'
17:05 asciilifeform (from your own article)
17:05 mircea_popescu yeh
17:05 Adlai btcmiami was all a huge signal: "look at us, we're so successful, we can sponsor all of this!"
17:05 Adlai "come make us able to sponsor the next one too!("
17:05 asciilifeform jumping up and down, to show that your legs work, is an example of what zoologists called 'honest signal'
17:06 mircea_popescu Adlai so was that cyprus fiasco.
17:06 mircea_popescu "we're so smart, we even got the dean of the cyprus uni to come!"
17:06 mircea_popescu now that guy doesn't know how to erase his name from the mess.
17:06 mircea_popescu exact same thing, in this exact same chan, three years ago. nefario was all "oh, we're so smart we got stallman to come"
17:07 mircea_popescu dub actually was there iirc
17:07 ben_vulpes pronking?
17:07 ben_vulpes sporking?
17:07 ben_vulpes dorking?
17:07 ben_vulpes honking?
17:07 ben_vulpes i can never remember this word.
17:07 mircea_popescu ne1 else recall the glbse conference where nefario explained all about how he's immune to stuff two weeks before closing down ?
17:07 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes stotting ?
17:07 ben_vulpes sotting, yeah.
17:08 Naphex ben_vulpes: heard you got ignored by gavin for distracting him ;)
17:08 asciilifeform lol, what did stallman say ?
17:08 asciilifeform (and was it signed ?)
17:08 ben_vulpes Naphex: distracting << lol. not pandering, do you mean?
17:08 ben_vulpes asking questions faster than his tiny brain and crippled fingers can keep up?
17:08 BingoBoingo The video and Nefario rambling is somewhere
17:08 Naphex hehe
17:08 mircea_popescu asciilifeform he was physically there.
17:08 mircea_popescu lemme find the thing brb
17:10 ben_vulpes http://object-files.shithouse.tv/
17:10 assbot object-files ... ( http://bit.ly/1yI9zGv )
17:11 BingoBoingo Trilema movie night http://trilema.com/2012/fear-and-loathing-in-your-mother/
17:11 assbot Fear and Loathing in Your Mother pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1yI9GBZ )
17:12 Adlai more like "must read"
17:12 Adlai although i guess that's another one of the lost arts
17:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39300 @ 0.00050299 = 19.7675 BTC [+] {2}
17:14 mircea_popescu ;;seen nefario
17:14 gribble nefario was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 years, 17 weeks, 0 days, 2 hours, 14 minutes, and 51 seconds ago: <nefario> Those assets are not listed or traded anymore
17:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6489 @ 0.00050313 = 3.2648 BTC [+]
17:16 mircea_popescu asciilifeform http://pastebin.com/aLENimd7 << there you go, pretty much complete guy's last week.
17:16 assbot Sep 15 02:16:04 <nefario>oh man Sep 15 02:16:06 <nefario>so tired Sep 15 02: - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1xzW5rR )
17:17 BingoBoingo Ah looking for that video link I ran into this classic on the only Bitcoin adoption that matters http://trilema.com/2012/bribes-in-bitcoins/
17:17 assbot Bribes in Bitcoins pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1xzWiLC )
17:17 mircea_popescu mike_c: i suppose his point is along the lines of "mpex controls the coins it is holding, but account holders own them". << quite a weak point.
17:18 mircea_popescu mpex is not regulated by the nyse, or in general by the us. expectations to the contrary will result in bruised expectators.
17:20 mircea_popescu that'd be yet another difference between me and (bpay / coinbase / derp.* etc) : not only i make money and they make burn rate, but when i speak i speak from atop a position of significant power. they speak out of their ass, pretty much,not having an iota of actual influence either way.
17:20 mircea_popescu which is fundamentally why they gotta keep quiet, for that matter.
17:21 BingoBoingo !up STRML
17:21 mircea_popescu STRML you're not using your cloak correctly youknow. we can see your ip.
17:22 ben_vulpes *gasp*
17:22 ben_vulpes your IP is showing!
17:22 ben_vulpes SHAME
17:22 mircea_popescu lol
17:22 mircea_popescu nipples!
17:22 ben_vulpes nudity!
17:22 mod6 *zip*
17:22 ben_vulpes feel bad about your toolchain
17:22 ben_vulpes and body, while you're at it
17:22 mircea_popescu anyway, i figure if someone goes to the trouble of getting a cloak they prolly care about it.
17:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 80314 @ 0.00050319 = 40.4132 BTC [+] {2}
17:23 BingoBoingo http://trilema.com/2012/bitcoin-wittgenstein-assets/
17:23 assbot #bitcoin-wittgenstein-assets pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1yIaeHS )
17:23 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Earlier he said his bouncer was getting DoS...
17:23 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo re that post, lemme tell you how flattened i was by davout using "posteriority" :D
17:24 BingoBoingo And yet Davout survives
17:24 davout what
17:25 mircea_popescu davout apparently i misread ?
17:25 mircea_popescu le suck.
17:26 davout posteriority, assness
17:26 mircea_popescu you know, posterity ?
17:27 davout yes
17:27 davout postérieur in french also means butt
17:27 mircea_popescu yup
17:28 mircea_popescu kakobrekla: i noticed when i was coding that keyservers tend to go down a lot << this is true, and has been for a while. pgp keyservers like the weakest link in the assets system currently.
17:28 mircea_popescu incredible what ends up imported into our house ;/
17:30 mats guess we'll have to run a keyserver now.
17:30 mircea_popescu eventually yeah
17:30 mats themes of #b-a: rebuild EVERYTHING
17:30 mircea_popescu kinda hoping that the by-default gossipd keystore system may be enough
17:31 BingoBoingo Oh a qntra submission to /. got accepted, but in linksnipped form, Instead of the qntra story they link spamm-mysanantonio.com which isn't even remotely local to the fucking arrest!
17:31 mircea_popescu for shame.
17:31 mircea_popescu point it out in comemnts.
17:31 kakobrekla mats pretty much, and given the number of able people here, it will never get done
17:32 mircea_popescu a) It's not nice to snip the source link - if you thought the guy;s work is good enough to use, think the guy is good enough to credit ;
17:32 mircea_popescu b) the spammy link you replaced it with isn't even local. or useful.
17:32 mircea_popescu statist pesimist!!
17:33 kakobrekla me? im a realist, thats why im pessimistic.
17:34 mircea_popescu kinda funny how "statist " is slowly becoming a cry de guerre.
17:35 mircea_popescu anyway, ftr, there's nothing at all in this gavin thing. so he came in, derped about nothing in particular, found his way out. at least a dozen random noobs/spammers performed just as well.
17:35 BingoBoingo http://yro.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=6783079&cid=48870089
17:35 assbot Silk Road 2.0 Deputy Arrested - Slashdot ... ( http://bit.ly/1yIaQNK )
17:35 mircea_popescu !rate felipelalli -1 has a very strange idea of when it's time to talk.
17:35 assbot Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/6fdd3a9db37207a4
17:35 mircea_popescu !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.felipelalli.-1:ce71215acbced2ee28e23af75dd7b767e6314f260038f4c916a1aa81cb263c6e
17:35 assbot Successfully added a rating of -1 for felipelalli with note: has a very strange idea of when it's time to talk.
17:36 BingoBoingo !v assbot:BingoBoingo.unrate.felipelalli:a27e904686bb93b6243af0b032d1e4e7c383eb1d052a8ad3e800080a8a0085c2
17:36 assbot Successfully unrated felipelalli
17:38 mircea_popescu uh this log. so yesterday^H^H^H^ earlier today ben_vulpes is all like "god i love you guys". then i get all "wtf is this derp thinking, giving usgavin room to pretend for ?" and next line in log, sure enough...
17:38 mats brutal
17:38 mircea_popescu clearly idiots seldom differ.
17:39 * mircea_popescu waves at Pierre_Rochard
17:40 * Pierre_Rochard waves back
17:41 BingoBoingo Oh, and CoinDesk finally got to a story on the arrest, but they instead cover the FBI Press Release.
17:41 mircea_popescu I don’t want the developers setting it every two months, but I dont’ see a way to make fee revenue per block drive it (because the real-world bitcoin exchange rate is so variable) << this is particularly fucking stupid
17:41 BingoBoingo "The arrest of Mr. Farrell is proof that federal law enforcement continues its efforts to root out those who subvert the Internet to set up black markets for illegal goods." << STFU
17:41 mircea_popescu it was discussed earlier with jurov, but of course noobs don't read logs.
17:43 Pierre_Rochard mircea_popescu: I was interested in hearing gavin defend tx fee elasticity, not much else
17:44 Pierre_Rochard mircea_popescu: because I think the tx fee is inelastic to the point that it’s doubtful the limit will ever be raised
17:44 mircea_popescu this is in fact a very complex issue.
17:44 mircea_popescu i don't know anyone that seriously thinks they have a model on it
17:45 mircea_popescu (discounting, of course, frustrated nobodies a la adam back, who are so cocksure they imagine they invented clorophorm)
17:45 asciilifeform i, for one, would rather like to see the machine-gun taken away from the baby, and only then contemplate military strategy
17:45 Pierre_Rochard mircea_popescu: I agree, the only model is what actually ends up happening. I think the miners will get a taste for that inelasticity and jealously defend it. I think Gavin & co fear that more than anything else
17:45 mircea_popescu to some degree the demand for gold was elastic, and this is trivially proven by the fact that while industrial revolution europe used gold, china opf the time used silver.
17:46 mircea_popescu so there DOES exist some elasticity in the monetary good.
17:46 mircea_popescu now, how exactly it works... fouquet knows.
17:46 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Well, maybe he accidentally invented it cleaning. I mean bleach disinfects and ETOH disinfects. Maybe he really wanted to get his piss dribblings off of the bathroom tile?
17:46 mircea_popescu surely.
17:46 Pierre_Rochard gold and silver are much, much closer substitutes than bitcoin and, say, litecoin or coinbase.
17:47 mircea_popescu Pierre_Rochard you know, the "say the word, nodes ready, miners ready within a recompile" messages i got so far and that keep piling in...
17:47 mircea_popescu it's not a matter of some distant future.
17:47 mircea_popescu Pierre_Rochard for each other you mean ?
17:47 mircea_popescu surely. and for that matter piss-poor models for bitcoin. that example is easily more misleading than useful.
17:48 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: this re: the merge-mining thing ?
17:48 mircea_popescu but in point of fact the "monetary pholgiston" so to call the idealised thing is very poorly understood.
17:48 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1382 @ 0.00084935 = 1.1738 BTC [+] {5}
17:48 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yes.
17:48 danielpbarron !rate gavinandresen -5 okey dokey, we have a fundamental difference of opinion on where the project should go.
17:48 assbot Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/b12856e52ed5e601
17:49 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2500 @ 0.00085 = 2.125 BTC [+]
17:49 mircea_popescu lol. "k guise, i guess we have a fundamental difference of opinion about this here wide screen tv i stole from your place"
17:49 STRML thanks. never had a need for a cloak before but since somebody here ddos'd my bouncer I figure it's a good idea
17:49 mircea_popescu i think gavin will make a fortune in gangsta rap
17:49 mircea_popescu STRML it is, but you gotta apply it first.
17:50 STRML Yeah. Will have to configure on the bouncer. Thanks for the headsup
17:51 danielpbarron !v assbot:danielpbarron.rate.gavinandresen.-5:88e38a0d3bacd012bbf85a347fd6114b79fbbf53301867d2bb5ecfc3aea36d67
17:51 assbot Successfully added a rating of -5 for gavinandresen with note: okey dokey, we have a fundamental difference of opinion on where the project should go.
17:52 mircea_popescu asciilifeform: this gets old, it does. << quite old.
17:53 mircea_popescu Pierre_Rochard: not to mention, the transaction fee _today_ is $0.02. Where is every man woman and child? Why are they not taking advantage of this amazing opportunity?? << because, the argument goes, they're so farsighted into the future, this children of the paycheck loan, these african seasonal hunters, that the POTENTIAL of it costing maybe more tomorrow perhaps is inhibiting them.
17:53 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
17:53 mircea_popescu like you know, if bread in your african village is 5 dollars a loaf, and there's cake at 2 cents, you won't buy any cake.
17:53 mircea_popescu becase IT IS POSSIBLE that in YEARS!!!! it may go as high as i dunno, 5cents ? a whole quarter ?
17:54 mircea_popescu so you're spending 100 cakes per loaf of bread instead. because this is "economics" as understood by "expert economists" : oleg andreev, gavin assassinsen, that nytimes thoctchke what's his name
17:54 mircea_popescu paul kruger
17:54 mircea_popescu and so on.
17:56 asciilifeform !rate gavinandresen -1 with note: pathetic usg muppet. tirelessly schemes to zimbabweize bitcoin in the name of 'inclusion.'
17:56 assbot Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/e4aaf8d13f6ba47e
17:56 mircea_popescu asciilifeform: Pierre_Rochard: there is nothing, and good reason to think there cannot be, anything which even rises to the level of an ersatz. << in economics, substitute is a functional substitute not a logical substitute. in this sense, your feet are a substitute for a train.
17:57 asciilifeform !v assbot:asciilifeform.rate.gavinandresen.-1:4b3f2513a1f08c4238511a84a1561981b97b4070e6ed35638c5ac133dbfeff10
17:57 assbot Successfully added a rating of -1 for gavinandresen with note: with note: pathetic usg muppet. tirelessly schemes to zimbabweize bitcoin in the name of 'inclusion.'
17:57 mircea_popescu an usg education is an economic substitute of an actual education, and margerine is an economic substitute for butter.
17:58 xanthyos is the price of bitcoin moving up today a response to gavin being dissed in assets?
17:59 asciilifeform and, i suppose, vacuum is a substitute for air. for a spell, anyway.
17:59 mircea_popescu price answers no one.
17:59 BingoBoingo ;;ticker --market all
17:59 mircea_popescu asciilifeform you got it.
17:59 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 227.97, vol: 21464.50503247 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 224.003, vol: 16571.37793 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 228.92, vol: 52253.10725355 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 229.5, vol: 17.07242792 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 226.822356, vol: 158884.46680000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 224.485, vol: 47.35145823 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 220.704000383, vol: 131.15571843 | Volume-weighted last (1 more message)
18:00 mircea_popescu asciilifeform you know that scammer creativity analysis actually sounds very like soviet police doctrine, on meditation. didja get it out of some book ?
18:00 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: it's straight out of my arse.
18:01 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: spur of the moment.
18:01 Adlai is the asswot online yet? as in, visible from the www?
18:01 mircea_popescu i guess we can say you're a russian thinker.
18:01 * asciilifeform guilty as charged
18:01 mircea_popescu Adlai there are jsons. i am thinking about putting a job up for site-ification of those outputs.
18:01 kakobrekla not only jsons
18:01 mircea_popescu oh ?
18:01 kakobrekla !gettrust assbot
18:01 assbot Trust relationship from user kakobrekla to user assbot: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 11 via 6 connections. | http://w.b-a.link/trust/kakobrekla/assbot | http://w.b-a.link/user/assbot
18:02 kakobrekla is this not a web page online: http://w.b-a.link/user/assbot
18:02 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1yIdxik )
18:02 davout kakobrekla: scam
18:02 kakobrekla (and its not json, json is with /json/)
18:02 mircea_popescu but...trhey are jsons ?
18:02 Adlai kakobrekla: had you waited a moment, you could've earned a pretty penny!
18:02 Adlai oh but yes this is jsons
18:02 asciilifeform kakobrekla: perfectly fine www page.
18:02 kakobrekla ok
18:02 mircea_popescu i am not disputing it is a webpage!
18:02 davout kakobrekla: this looks like a dump of a php array, sort if dictionary, or maybe an array, depending on the amounts of "="
18:03 asciilifeform kakobrekla: looks great straight from 'curl'.
18:03 mircea_popescu that it does.
18:03 asciilifeform as www pages ought to.
18:03 mircea_popescu curl, however, does not count as "web"
18:03 asciilifeform ditto in 'emacs'.
18:03 * Adlai isn't sure what to make of this, but it's good enough for him
18:03 asciilifeform sureitdoes.
18:03 davout it can't be a web page, it has no google analytics
18:03 mircea_popescu hory shit it's going to be th ecase nobody actually wants a PROPER web page ?!
18:04 kakobrekla anyway, if you want a neater interface, add /json/ on end of url , decode and voila
18:04 mircea_popescu where are the retarded bois going to mix cvasi azure with moss green and gold!
18:04 davout !up STRML
18:04 BingoBoingo davout: Qntra doesn't have google anal-y-tics either
18:04 mircea_popescu STRML now it worked right
18:04 STRML Great
18:04 STRML SASL is the key there
18:05 mircea_popescu one of yes
18:05 mats anyone have an idea wut filesystem i should use with a SSD?
18:06 davout BingoBoingo: i am disappoint
18:06 mircea_popescu mats whatever your os likes ?
18:06 asciilifeform mats: depends, do you intend to write to it ?
18:06 mats i have read that many filesystems have behavior that is unkind to to writes
18:07 mats yes
18:07 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes: i can't spot *every* scam << o wow, do we get the sad, blood splattered, tear imbibed story of it ?
18:07 asciilifeform mats: often ?
18:07 BingoBoingo davout: We do quantcast instead so everyone can see our anals https://www.quantcast.com/qntra.net
18:07 assbot Qntra.net Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast ... ( http://bit.ly/1G33Fky )
18:07 mats nah, just a dev machine
18:07 BingoBoingo mats: Anything wrong with UFS?
18:08 mircea_popescu it's not likely to make a difference mats. hdds are hceap enough.
18:08 asciilifeform mats: each block (extant eeproms often have block sizes of 4k) can be erased/written 10-100,000 times.
18:08 asciilifeform mats: the newer/denser the eeprom, the fewer.
18:08 mats mmkay. idk anything about filesystems besides what i read in "Practical Filesystem Design"
18:09 BingoBoingo lulz https://twitter.com/ErrataRob/status/558037792568410112
18:09 assbot Today in Silk Road proceedings, prosecution showed that the Dread Pirate Roberts private PGP key was saved on Ulbricht's computer.
18:09 davout BingoBoingo: is that a different flavour of the same thing or is that fundamentally different?
18:09 asciilifeform mats: there is generally a 'write-levelling' microcontroller in there, that tries to 'spread the pain'
18:09 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo that's pretty decent proof.
18:09 asciilifeform mats: it generally is not aware of filesystem, but only of zero/nonzero blocks.
18:10 BingoBoingo davout: This one differs in quantcast showing EVERYONE the visitors who happen to load quantcast junk while visiting your page
18:10 mircea_popescu ahahaha wait, wait. so gavin actually sprouted the ninjashogun line re b-a "conversation quality" ?!
18:10 mircea_popescu gawds have mercy.
18:10 mircea_popescu why must everything be so funny ?
18:10 asciilifeform mats: the only reliable heuristic i know of is that a large proportion of null blocks will prolong, somewhat, the life of the device
18:10 STRML generally you don't have to worry about running out of writes on most modern SSDs
18:10 asciilifeform STRML: horseshit
18:10 STRML so long are you're not running TLC NAND you're fine for a good long time, and even if you are, a pretty reasonable amount of time under most loads
18:11 STRML not horseshit, for typical consumer use it's fine. For long-term data storage or server use, it's not
18:11 STRML which is why they sell server SSDs for a higher price.
18:11 mats asciilifeform: right. people more technically proficient than i have suggested 'btrfs' instead of ext4, but i suppose SSDs will drop in price quickly enough for me to not care
18:11 undata "This drive rated to over 10000 Facebook page loads!"
18:12 mircea_popescu asciilifeform https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xez2n371MTo
18:12 assbot The Bottle Deposit - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1yIeSWp )
18:12 kakobrekla cosumer grade ssd. .. the controller will die first.
18:13 STRML Best way to prolong SSD life is to keep a decent amount of free space on it so TRIM can work its magic
18:13 STRML also helps if can afford to turn off swap, and turn off hibernate.
18:14 BingoBoingo mats: From what I've read on btrfs it seems to be mostly a multi drive arrangement beast that apes at being ZFS while failing on more edge cases
18:14 mircea_popescu no, srsly, kakobrekla has it. i've seen more controller failures than anything. actually out of cycles deaths are so rare i don't recall one.
18:14 mircea_popescu shitty turdware in the chip more likely to be the culprit in any case.
18:15 mats ic
18:16 * mats dials up swap to 8gb
18:16 mircea_popescu and by the time it's out of cycles, that drive has seen petabytes worth of traffic. the cost of 1 petabyte of pipe exceeds the cost of the drive many times over
18:20 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes: contains "fix issue" buttons << lol this sounds like early chinese factory automation
18:26 mircea_popescu davout: MAH HARICUT IS SIKRIT BZNS << honestly i had no idea it's a haircut. i had imagined it's simply whatever's left once the neighbours are done cutting their hedges.
18:27 davout har
18:28 mircea_popescu :p
18:29 mircea_popescu davout: justusranvier: in your article you shouldn't be reasoning on the cost of including a transaction in a block as (cost of one block / number of transactions) but you should reason on the marginal cost of adding a transaction to an already existing block that i'm currently mining << quite
18:29 mircea_popescu and that doesn't actually even begin to address the (unrelated) problem with "infinite blocks", which is market destruction out and out.
18:30 mircea_popescu somehow the idea that you can get "just as good food and service" no matter how cheap a restaurant meal gets, like say a cent, or 1/1000th of a cent, is directly stupid to people.
18:31 mircea_popescu but the notion that mining will still work no matter how badly the incentive structure gets ruined, because somehow mining is a god given gift / universal service obligation of nature to man doesn't.
18:31 davout yes
18:32 asciilifeform the cost of 1 petabyte of pipe exceeds the cost of the drive many times over << lol, wai, wat ???
18:32 asciilifeform if it all comes from the net - sure
18:32 mircea_popescu guess what : mining is a marginal business as it is, and exactly the problems that ruined the western textile industry in your parent's lifetime can and will, if given a chance, ruin bitconi.,
18:32 davout i think the idea of a one time bump of the block-size limit is actually much less braindamaged than the perpetual increase approach or infinite size that are pure folly
18:32 asciilifeform if you're folding proteins - not so much
18:32 mircea_popescu in point of fact, the industrial revolution was started by, and driven by, the textile industry.
18:32 mircea_popescu anyone that's not read buffett's post mortem on that venture, once "block size was removed", really has no business participating in this conversation.
18:33 mircea_popescu asciilifeform true true.
18:33 jurov mats and avoid trim mount option, run fstrim every day or so instead
18:33 mircea_popescu davout it's really a very complex problem, "what to do".
18:34 mats jurov: ok thanks, will look into it
18:34 mircea_popescu obviously, a scenario where block congestion is a real problem may be constructed. it may even, in principle happen.
18:34 davout mircea_popescu: when in doubt, make a ruby framework
18:35 mircea_popescu but in this sense, a scenario where gavin has gay sex with midgets can also be constructed. so let's put him in prison for it,
18:35 mircea_popescu because maybe it's against the law.
18:36 mircea_popescu davout: i'm more of classical music and jazz guy << i knew there was a reason i liked you!
18:37 mats anyone has warez of letters to shareholders 65-77?
18:39 mircea_popescu there was that site had the lot of em
18:43 mircea_popescu mats oh i see what you mean o.O
18:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28200 @ 0.00049947 = 14.0851 BTC [-]
18:45 mircea_popescu http://www.wikihow.com/Contact-Warren-Buffett << this is like the lulziest shit ever
18:45 assbot 4 Ways to Contact Warren Buffett - wikiHow ... ( http://bit.ly/1Gxyba7 )
18:46 mircea_popescu "how to survive as a moron : wikihow!"
18:49 mircea_popescu "<gavinandresen> My point is the point of Bitcoin is I can make a transaction to anybody in the world" << uhh.... if this is the point of bitcoin then bitcoin has at all points been so far offpoint it's a wonder it's still here.
18:49 mircea_popescu this is r/buttcoin/ level understanding of bitcoin, for srs.
18:51 jurov https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2t4ml5/i_live_in_russia_my_family_is_in_us_heres_our/ << related. also highlighted on r/buttcoin
18:51 assbot I live in Russia & my family is in U.S. here's our experience using Bitcoin for remittance. : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1Gxzu93 )
18:53 jurov i start grasping asciilifeform's problems with btc, too
18:53 mircea_popescu jurov for what it's worth, here's my experience with bitcoin remittances : i sent btc to otc correspondents, ordered wires sent out to the hk account of my local agent, who has paid me dollars, in cash, in argentina. the entire process took less than what it takes to get a letter of credit, and significantly less than what international trade normally settles in.
18:54 mircea_popescu i could, if i were so inclined, finance a nuclear programme or pay for some murders in this manner.
18:54 mircea_popescu and exactly nobody would ever know, exactly how the foregoing episode is known specifically and exclusively because i chose to share it.
18:54 jurov i gather if alf received such wires, they'd ship him straight to azkaban
18:54 mircea_popescu so, spare me the reddit nonsense. bitcoin, money, and good stuff aren't for poor people.
18:54 asciilifeform jurov: to be fair, the 'problems' i have all stem from the fact of being paid, and having expenses in, fiat.
18:55 asciilifeform jurov: and not merely any fiat, but electronic, 'banked' bezzlars.
18:56 asciilifeform jurov: nothing keeps me from receiving or sending wires, but anything that goes in - is insta-taxable
18:56 mircea_popescu that said, remittances in the us are a total nightmare, because a) the us is principally insane and b) the entrenched interests of current processors work against the customers.
18:56 asciilifeform jurov: and, if above a certain amount (in or out) 'nice folks' will arrive with pointed questions.
18:56 mircea_popescu so for people needing a hundred bucks moved, it's hell on earth.
18:56 thestringpuller asciilifeform: pay for your drugs with cash :P
18:57 asciilifeform thestringpuller: cash found where?
18:57 mircea_popescu What are more safe alternatives in U.S. to fix our problem? (We can't afford losing our last $50) << this.
18:57 asciilifeform thestringpuller: may as well become counterfeiter if doing dope ?
18:57 thestringpuller slowly take out x cash of bank every week
18:57 thestringpuller until you have stack of benji's
18:57 mircea_popescu people whose budget is $50 have NO BUSINESS trying to maintain trading networks that span continents.
18:57 mircea_popescu they just don't.
18:58 mircea_popescu wtf is this, derpy guy going to hansa agent in riga cca 1315, "hello this is my very valuable small river rock, how can i send it to london ???"
18:59 asciilifeform thestringpuller: you remind me of a legend, possibly soviet, regarding a fellow who took a part home from the factory every day for half a century, built airplane.
18:59 mircea_popescu asciilifeform this is a johny cash song
18:59 mircea_popescu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIuo0KIqD_E
18:59 assbot johnny cash-one piece at a time - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1wpgKxq )
19:00 asciilifeform lol!
19:02 mod6 great song
19:02 mircea_popescu mhm
19:05 asciilifeform people whose budget is $50 have NO BUSINESS... << anyone have an idea of what hawaladars do re: minimal volumes ?
19:05 asciilifeform i bet they happily move the 50.
19:05 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yes. they made women and children dependent on a man.
19:05 asciilifeform wai, wat, hawaladars ?
19:05 mircea_popescu ie, "offchain txn/poorcoin"
19:05 asciilifeform aha
19:06 asciilifeform i was specifically curious re: what a hawaladar in, e.g., usa, or eu, would charge to move 50 usd.
19:06 asciilifeform as a kind of baseline.
19:07 mircea_popescu he won't charge anything. how did the quote go,
19:07 mircea_popescu "Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, consider this justice a gift on my daughter's wedding day."
19:07 mircea_popescu there. that's the charge on 50 bux.
19:07 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41247 @ 0.00049243 = 20.3113 BTC [-]
19:07 asciilifeform aha
19:07 asciilifeform 'gifteconomy'
19:08 mircea_popescu people who imagine endlessness is a natural phenomena need to spend less time cooped up in their rooms, dreaming up shit.
19:08 asciilifeform to folks unacquainted with basic physics, mechanization gives a convincing illusion of 'phree stuff 4ever'
19:08 mircea_popescu right.
19:09 asciilifeform because all you need is, would appear to be, energy, and everybody knows that it comes from the mains socket.
19:09 asciilifeform because god willed it.
19:09 mircea_popescu and cryptographic security oozes out of the ether and miners are just this abstraction getting in the way of the ooze.
19:10 mircea_popescu it will fill any shape and any volume we draw for it. because it must. because... god willed it!
19:10 asciilifeform more generally, when confronted with the mechanical 'guts' of something, this type of person will answer 'get this away from me, it is unclean'
19:10 mircea_popescu "i have never seen it do anything else before" and "who could have predicted"
19:10 mircea_popescu apprentice fucking magicians.
19:11 mircea_popescu where's that great disney cartoon of gavin & co
19:11 asciilifeform 'sorcerer's apprentice' ?
19:11 mircea_popescu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8gOh0wEgLg
19:11 assbot YouTube Walt Disney Fantasia Mickey The Sorcerer's Apprentice - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1GxFy1j )
19:11 mircea_popescu there. yep.
19:11 mircea_popescu only thing missing being, mickey doesn't put on the sorcerer's hat to go to some conference
19:12 asciilifeform !s the lifeboat mutiny
19:12 assbot 0 results for 'the lifeboat mutiny' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=the+lifeboat+mutiny
19:15 asciilifeform http://www.genericradio.com/show.php?id=3e13162d58d2fe5c << ancient radio play based on the tale (which i cannot at present find)
19:15 assbot GENERIC RADIO WORKSHOP OTR SCRIPT: X Minus One ... ( http://bit.ly/1GxGoLr )
19:18 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> to folks unacquainted with basic physics, mechanization gives a convincing illusion of 'phree stuff 4ever' << Until you have to get Santino ready for an open casket funeral after catching every bullet at the tollboth.
19:19 asciilifeform falling is flying until splat, yes, elementarily.
19:19 BingoBoingo And one rarely has much choice in the splat
19:20 asciilifeform choice, if any, was when jumping.
19:20 mats re: previous SSD discussion (and many others), i don't mean to offend if i didn't specifically respond to you. i just had nothing good to say, but rest assured you have not been ignored
19:20 thestringpuller i want moar ssds
19:20 thestringpuller Put all the games on SSDs. no load time. heaven.
19:20 asciilifeform mats: basic takehome lesson re: ssd is that virtually everything coming out the vendors' mouths is a lie
19:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21850 @ 0.00049243 = 10.7596 BTC [-]
19:20 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Well on the way down they might try to contort themself to leave a particular shape of splat.
19:21 mircea_popescu mats i dunno but i think silence is no way to offend
19:21 asciilifeform mats: if application is safety-critical, buy a series of samples and test to destruction.
19:21 BingoBoingo !up OmegaOne
19:21 OmegaOne hi
19:21 mats is not. tryna bring some life to an old piece of shit
19:22 asciilifeform mats: then happily buy. back up periodically to actual disk.
19:22 OmegaOne hi
19:22 mircea_popescu once's enough OmegaOne. what brings you here ?
19:23 mats mircea_popescu: ensuring others have room to save face is one of my varied sins
19:23 OmegaOne How can i get rich off of bitcoin?
19:23 mircea_popescu easiest way to make a small fortune in bitcoin
19:23 mircea_popescu is to start with a large one.
19:23 OmegaOne how much is $1000 worth in bitcoin land
19:24 mats ;;calc 1000/[market --last]
19:24 gribble Error: The "Market" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "--last" in it. Try "list Market" to see the commands in the "Market" plugin.
19:24 mats ;;calc 1000/[ticker --last]
19:24 gribble 4.39290107187
19:24 BingoBoingo ;;calc 1000/5000
19:24 gribble 0.2
19:24 BingoBoingo OmegaOne: roughly a fifth of a bitcoin at my current sell price
19:25 asciilifeform meowmix is back ?!
19:25 OmegaOne !s meowmix
19:25 assbot 22 results for 'meowmix' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=meowmix
19:26 OmegaOne hi
19:26 mats OmegaOne: read logs (see topic) and get a cloak
19:26 asciilifeform !down OmegaOne
19:28 BingoBoingo http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2t6ksp/coinbase_just_made_tax_accounting_unnecessary/cnw7j3f
19:28 assbot ralphington comments on Coinbase Just Made Tax Accounting Unnecessary! ... ( http://bit.ly/1GxJPBP )
19:38 BingoBoingo https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/2t7nsb/i_grew_a_neckbeard_reading_this_bitcoin/
19:38 assbot I grew a neckbeard reading this "Bitcoin Declaration of Sovereignity" (note: Link doesn't go to the actual Bitcoin Foundation) : Buttcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1AQ4c4y )
19:38 BingoBoingo !up pete_dushenski
19:38 pete_dushenski cheers!
19:39 pete_dushenski since scoopbot even likes davout more than me: http://www.contravex.com/2015/01/22/the-problem-of-digital-identity-or-how-to-circumvent-blockchain-info-2fa-and-e-mail-authorisation/
19:39 assbot The problem of digital identity, or how to circumvent Blockchain.info 2FA and e-mail authorisation | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1AQ4s3N )
19:40 pete_dushenski yet another chapter in the "who could've predicted" chronicle
19:40 pete_dushenski bc.i will just change your e-mail if you ask nicely
19:41 mircea_popescu wut /1
19:41 mircea_popescu lol you just social engineered blockchain.info ?
19:41 pete_dushenski fuck, not even intentionally
19:42 pete_dushenski but ya
19:42 mircea_popescu well... best business practices security an' errything.
19:42 pete_dushenski they actually just added this e-mail auth thing outta nowhere
19:42 mircea_popescu at least you don't log in by filming your face
19:42 pete_dushenski and it turns out that it created a loophole the size of texas
19:43 pete_dushenski thumbprint!
19:43 BingoBoingo "Wallet Inspektor" https://bitcoinos.org/what-is-bitcoinos/
19:43 assbot What is BitcoinOS? | BitcoinOS ... ( http://bit.ly/1GxNQ9k )
19:44 pete_dushenski if an e-mail and pwd were phishing or keylogged, the attacker just has to submit a form, wait two weeks, and voila!
19:44 asciilifeform yet another 'os'
19:44 asciilifeform i find these especially infuriating.
19:44 pete_dushenski s/phishing/phised
19:45 pete_dushenski phished* good grief
19:45 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: especially when there is no *BSD/kLinux to counter all of these Distro/k*BSD
19:46 kakobrekla speaking of bc.info their page is showing 'cloudflare error 522' for more than an hour to me
19:47 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: i don't care what it was made of, if you did not write an os, you did not write an os.
19:47 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: why this peculiar dick-pulling, why pretend.
19:47 undata asciilifeform: words, you can just tweet them
19:48 undata then they get retweeted you see, and are true
19:48 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Sure. I'm just saying why don't they pretend better. Instead of throwing on fake spoilers and calling a car customer, this is the "I put a sticker on it" sort of effort.
19:48 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: and 'write an os', per the barest technical definition, is not high science; it's a standard 'boy scout badge' in school.
19:49 BingoBoingo asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: and 'write an os', per the barest technical definition, is not high science; it's a standard 'boy scout badge' in school. << You have an absurdly gross overestimation of the standards for Boyscout badges.
19:49 undata asciilifeform: web devs have the idea that making something == cobbling together open source with tape, the less tape the better, and voila, app
19:49 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: i'm speaking as someone who went in for a 'computer science' diploma at an entirely unremarkable american uni.
19:50 BingoBoingo http://meritbadge.org/wiki/index.php/Computers << I am speaking as person who achieved computers merit badge
19:50 assbot Computers - MeritBadgeDotOrg ... ( http://bit.ly/1GxOYda )
19:50 asciilifeform wasn't thinking of literal boyscouts, no (i know precious little about them)
19:50 BingoBoingo requirements now actually seem harder now than when I achieved it.
19:52 undata the whole culture is full of fakers; why the surprise at this category of them?
19:53 BingoBoingo Find out about three career opportunities in the computer industry. Pick one and find out the education, training, and experience required for this profession. Discuss this with your counselor, and explain why this profession might interest you. Report what you learn to your counselor. << Doing this one now I'd pick curmudeon as a profession, and ask why writing OS is not a requirement.
19:53 pete_dushenski kakobrekla "schedule maintenance"
19:53 undata this social media thing I think has created the notion that identity is a matter of self-definition
19:53 undata rather than reputation
19:53 thestringpuller o look a pete_dushenski
19:53 undata leading to the mind-rot of multitudes
19:54 pete_dushenski heya stringy
19:55 pete_dushenski undata it seems to me that the popularity of sm is an effect rather than a cause
19:55 undata pete_dushenski: self-reinforcing though
19:55 undata there's a reward associated with the behavior
19:55 undata retweets, w/e
19:55 pete_dushenski the mind-rot has been baking in for a couple of decades
19:55 undata I agree
19:55 pete_dushenski that's just the cleaving of importance from "importance"
19:56 pete_dushenski like russia from the usa
19:56 pete_dushenski russia turns down would-be bond-buyers in droves
19:56 pete_dushenski us media reports that "bond sale fails"
19:58 undata there's something there but I'm not cutting to the root of it
19:58 undata it seems alien to me that words mean precisely dick in the present
19:59 pete_dushenski think of it as word inflation
19:59 pete_dushenski and it's every bit as toxic as fiat inflation
19:59 pete_dushenski creates all kinds of puffed up balloons
19:59 undata right, the erosion of measures of value could very well fuck thinking itself which leads to the abovementioned
20:00 pete_dushenski quite so.
20:00 pete_dushenski when there are no barriers to entry, people get really rather confused
20:01 pete_dushenski in response, they cling to whatever presents itself, quite undiscriminatingly
20:01 pete_dushenski so it's a markov chain going from shiny toy to shiny app to shiny turd
20:03 pete_dushenski as to "words meaning zero" it's more that we're privy, if not downright inundated, with words from people who don't know how to use them
20:03 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Boy Scout badges in a lot of ways represent American failducation, shit offered as sausage because cylindrical phenomenon.
20:04 pete_dushenski our wots can be so much larger than we can biologically manage that the signal is drowned out by the noise
20:04 pete_dushenski try spending your days on newspaper websites reading about "terrorism" and "celerities" and see if your noodle doesn't turn to mush
20:05 pete_dushenski selective filtering is completely mandatory for a functioning brain, if not in fact the best definition thereof
20:05 mircea_popescu <BingoBoingo> asciilifeform [..] << You have an absurdly gross overestimation of the standards for Boyscout badges << i dunno dude, i never got the "all girlscout nookies" one.
20:05 BingoBoingo <pete_dushenski> try spending your days on newspaper websites reading about "terrorism" and "celerities" and see if your noodle doesn't turn to mush << Helps if you pickle it with ETOH aforehand for preservation.
20:05 mircea_popescu some are fucking hard.
20:06 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: see song, 'be prepared', tom lehrer
20:06 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: it contains literally 90% of what i know re: boyscouts.
20:06 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: That's on the unpublished chart.
20:06 asciilifeform https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSwjuz_-yao
20:06 assbot Tom Lehrer- Be Prepared - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1GxTjx1 )
20:07 pete_dushenski https://twitter.com/HistoricalPics/status/558059008993820674 << 1 point for correctly identifying the laptop on the left
20:07 assbot The difference that 25 years makes. http://t.co/Kq9vtUyU82
20:08 mircea_popescu <undata> this social media thing I think has created the notion that identity is a matter of self-definition << has little to do with social media tho. it's more an outgrowth of the "civil rights" movement.
20:09 BingoBoingo pete_dushenski: https://twitter.com/BBoingo/status/558068856577884160
20:09 assbot The difference that 25 years makes. http://t.co/Kq9vtUyU82
20:10 undata mircea_popescu: I read your piece recently on how enfranchising all makes for significantly less representation in the society
20:10 undata enlightening
20:11 mircea_popescu that's the problem, what appears on the surface as doing one thing ends up doing the exact opposite when very complex systems are involved.
20:11 mircea_popescu this is known to medical practitioners since forever. russia's newbie statesmen (commies ) stepped in it with extreme regularity
20:11 mats http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/nicolas-cage-star-osama-bin-765597
20:11 assbot Nicolas Cage to Star in Osama Bin Laden Satire From 'Borat' Director (Exclusive) - The Hollywood Reporter ... ( http://bit.ly/1GxUGeZ )
20:11 mircea_popescu to the point it was pretty much comedic. they didn't TRY to do it. but they did it all the damned time
20:12 BingoBoingo Ah /. prolly link-snipped because on chumpatron take http://slashdot.org/story/15/01/21/2052247/jim-blasko-explains-unbreakable-coin-video-2-of-2
20:12 assbot Jim Blasko Explains 'Unbreakable Coin' (Video 2 of 2) - Slashdot ... ( http://bit.ly/1GxUInd )
20:12 BingoBoingo ^ second day, second turd
20:13 pete_dushenski undata mircea_popescu the term for this being, of course, iatrogenics
20:13 pete_dushenski "harm caused by the healer"
20:13 pete_dushenski see: http://www.contravex.com/2014/12/31/the-search-for-decency-and-the-opposite-of-iatrogenics/
20:13 assbot The search for decency and the opposite of iatrogenics | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1ydPvwk )
20:15 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski yeah. taleb also very big on it
20:20 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: That's a pretty good summary of it. Gotta hide the smokes.
20:23 BingoBoingo So... Bunch of girlies are going to destroy their knees this summer http://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-sn-womens-world-cup-lawsuit-artificial-turf-20150121-story.html
20:23 assbot Women&apos;s World Cup to go forward on artificial turf - LA Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1GxXKaZ )
20:30 mircea_popescu !up CoraCrisT
20:30 CoraCrisT hey guys!
20:31 kakobrekla hello
20:32 mircea_popescu sup.
20:33 CoraCrisT enjoying myself with gavin`s wannabee reformed theology
20:33 CoraCrisT readin` the logs..
20:33 mircea_popescu lol that's one way to put it
20:33 CoraCrisT i`m still amazed
20:34 CoraCrisT too bad he left so early..
20:38 CoraCrisT so Kim Kardashian is publishing her new book/photo album called Selfie or Selfish... Amazon is selling a book with Satoshi`s posts from bitcointalk and gavin wants to hard fork bitcoin...
20:38 CoraCrisT true history..
20:39 BingoBoingo !b 2
20:39 assbot Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/28K0DHH.txt )
20:41 mircea_popescu kim's book i'd buy.
20:41 mircea_popescu madonna's book/photo album was pretty hot
20:41 mircea_popescu (the one where she fucks naomi campbell)
20:43 * CoraCrisT googeling now
20:46 undata CoraCrisT: as if we all didnt just
20:47 mircea_popescu what, srsly ? that's one of pop culture's most notable artefacts!
20:49 kakobrekla hey, you are the pop culture expert!
20:49 BingoBoingo God Damn. It won't be until round 4 of the Australian open that a Serena Williams / Alize Cornet rematch is possible.
20:50 BingoBoingo Fuck, its worse, round 5, I skipped a round
20:50 mircea_popescu that cornet chick's pretty good huh.
20:50 mircea_popescu kakobrekla so i am. professional curse.
20:50 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Good, but Exceptionally good against Serena specifically.
20:51 BingoBoingo Usually when she beats serena she gets promptly knocked out of whatever tournament a round or two later.
20:51 BingoBoingo But first she has to make it all of the way to round 5.
20:54 mircea_popescu hm
20:54 * BingoBoingo doesn't always invest on Forum/Reddit logic, but when I do, I do it from an informed position
20:54 mircea_popescu and with a laser.
20:55 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 5000 @ 0.00085967 = 4.2984 BTC [-] {9}
20:55 BingoBoingo These occasions only happen a few times a year. Why not take whatever scam odds a shady book offers to turn no more than 0.2 BTC into 1 BTC.
20:56 mircea_popescu what were the odds ?
20:56 BingoBoingo It depends, but usually I win when odds in favor of Serena drop to under multiplying my stake by ten as the payout.
20:57 BingoBoingo So far it has been incredibly +Ev for me personally, but dunno how long it will last as serena continues getting old.
21:00 mircea_popescu !up bertani_
21:07 BingoBoingo O.o nubbins` why aren't you giving us the blow by blow on this drama? https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=930649.msg10232533#msg10232533
21:07 assbot Scam Warning: WoodCollector ... ( http://bit.ly/1umOls6 )
21:13 asciilifeform satoshi book << i have it.
21:13 asciilifeform there is nothing evil in it, and the first page is 'this is public domain material, copy freely' even.
21:14 asciilifeform convenient dead tree collection of the material.
21:14 asciilifeform the author mostly resisted the temptation to add crud
21:14 pete_dushenski i have it too
21:14 pete_dushenski foreword by jeff berwick if memory serves
21:14 ben_vulpes oh jesus i return
21:14 pete_dushenski he of "i'm not going to prison" fame
21:15 ben_vulpes undata recommended me an emacs config change that took *hours* to unsnarl
21:15 ben_vulpes granted, 'twas my own fault for not unsnarling it more quickly.
21:15 ben_vulpes ?rate undata -2 fucked my .emacs
21:15 undata bwah hah ha
21:15 undata w/e you gave into your own tooling lust
21:15 undata I was merely a mirror!
21:15 ben_vulpes dood there must only be one canonical window manager
21:15 ben_vulpes and emacs is not it
21:16 ben_vulpes tooling lust << no it's true
21:16 ben_vulpes <mircea_popescu> [] i don't know anyone that seriously thinks they have a model on it << severely lacking in the whole conversation
21:17 asciilifeform pete_dushenski: i had no idea who. just read as 'some guy'. (skipped.)
21:17 pete_dushenski wise
21:19 mircea_popescu asciilifeform had a canadian "investment forum" thing
21:19 BingoBoingo https://hashtalk.org/topic/29906/what-did-you-do-with-the-initial-ico-resources-investment << WFT'ening http://dpaste.com/2Y9D905
21:19 assbot Just a moment... ... ( http://bit.ly/1umOWKq )
21:19 assbot dpaste: 2Y9D905 ... ( http://bit.ly/1umOU5h )
21:19 mircea_popescu then went nutso with one of the "libertarian island" things which smells a lot like scam.
21:19 asciilifeform lol!
21:19 pete_dushenski galt's gulch
21:20 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2014/so-the-dollar-vigilante-scam-ring-is-going-to-jail/
21:20 assbot So the Dollar Vigilante scam ring is going to jail. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1umOXOr )
21:20 asciilifeform incidentally, this is rather like selling 'superman's cape' sans flight
21:20 asciilifeform (the 'galt's gulch' in the book - had an invisibility machine.)
21:21 mircea_popescu myeah.
21:28 BingoBoingo !up Pierre_Rochard
21:33 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2000 @ 0.00083238 = 1.6648 BTC [-] {8}
21:34 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2619 @ 0.00080581 = 2.1104 BTC [-] {8}
21:45 BingoBoingo !up devthedev
~ 30 minutes ~
22:16 BingoBoingo !up felipelalli
22:20 felipelalli I just wrote an article about my short experience in Qntra.net / #bitcoin-assets https://yeppudaproductions.wordpress.com/2015/01/22/qntra-net-a-toca-do-coelho/
22:20 assbot Qntra.net: a toca do coelho | Yeppuda Productions ... ( http://bit.ly/1zxLfIz )
22:34 mircea_popescu !up benjamindees
22:34 BingoBoingo http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/01/21/yes-i-was-a-racist-and-im-mentally-ill-shanley-kane-in-shocking-social-media-meltdown/
22:34 assbot 'Yes, I was a racist' admits Shanley Kane - Breitbart ... ( http://bit.ly/1JiN3Fi )
22:35 kakobrekla translated as "gang of noise" lol
22:35 mircea_popescu http://dpaste.com/2Y9D905 << is this like... woodcollector, the "ceo" version ? ?
22:35 assbot dpaste: 2Y9D905 ... ( http://bit.ly/1JiNmjp )
22:35 mircea_popescu ceocollector
22:36 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo lol.
22:37 asciilifeform http://cryptome.org/2015/01/isc-biowar-kr-cn.pdf (scan) << usg use of bioweapons in kr war. detailed study.
22:37 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1JiNWOi )
22:37 BingoBoingo kakobrekla: But means signal to noise. I assume Mike Hearn forked Google Translate too.
22:38 mircea_popescu lol
22:38 kakobrekla i like the gang of noise.
22:39 BingoBoingo !up felipelalli
22:39 BingoBoingo !up decimation
22:39 decimation lulzy gavin conversation
22:39 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo i don't get it. why are we thinking some ex-gf of some failed gofundme capitalist is famous or something ?
22:39 felipelalli "gang of noise" makes any sense in English?
22:40 mircea_popescu let her grow an ass like kim, make pics and come back.
22:40 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: She's the one who said something to the effect of Linux community needing to grow the balls to expel Linus or some shit.
22:41 mircea_popescu and nobody cared.
22:41 kakobrekla felipelalli well its a decent description of things. the name and the article. most people even fail to assemble that.
22:41 nubbins` BingoBoingo was out all night
22:41 nubbins` didja see where he called a guy a fag?
22:41 BingoBoingo nubbins`: Like a cigarette?
22:41 nubbins` like a homosexual male
22:41 felipelalli kakobrekla: Not sure if it is a compliment, but thank you!
22:42 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Well, like ChangeTip she too recieved venture capital for a blog.
22:42 kakobrekla if it does not contain "fuck you" its a compliment.
22:43 BingoBoingo kakobrekla: Don't higher compliments on this channel normally contain "fuck you"?
22:43 mircea_popescu lmao
22:43 mircea_popescu wenture capital for a BLOG ?!?!
22:43 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Indeed.
22:43 mircea_popescu what exactly, to pay the blogspot hosting bill ?
22:43 kakobrekla yes but those are different fucks.
22:44 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: To pay the, worked for a cloud bullshit company, violated the non-compete, and needed merit washed.
22:44 mircea_popescu these fucking imbecile children of their imbecile mothers already. oh, college is too hard for you ? let's change the admission criteria! you wanna start a business but you're as dumb as fuckinmg rocks ? that's ok, start a blog instead. you wanna be a hacker too ? fine, fine, just edit some pronouns in other people's githubs.
22:44 felipelalli kakobrekla: lol.
22:44 mircea_popescu i have no fucking idea why anyone'd put up with it for five minutes.
22:45 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: And this is why I never got the appeal of 4chan except as distilled in retrospectives though Encyclopedia Dramatica
22:45 mircea_popescu i thought ed mostly did lj
22:46 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Only at the start. Deviating so far from LJ is why it had a hardfork crisis the coredevs lost.
22:46 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: The founding of the funded blawg http://blog.ameliagreenhall.com/post/what-it-was-like-to-co-found-model-view-culture-with-shanley-kane
22:46 assbot   Amelia Greenhall — What it was like to co-found Model View Culture with Shanley Kane ... ( http://bit.ly/1JiQCeA )
22:46 mats a lol.
22:46 mircea_popescu ah
22:47 mircea_popescu i thought the "coredevs" left because the guy grew up and the girl grew fat
22:47 mircea_popescu well, she was always fat, but, whatever.
22:47 BingoBoingo The girl was always fat, and weev was in jail. Girl fatlogiced a family and worksafe site then shuttered ED. The id didn't like that.
22:48 nubbins` "everyone else is a goat the same age and gender as me"
22:48 nubbins` mp i think that is actually burned into my brain now
22:49 mircea_popescu anyway, so this entire "abuse", "racism" whatever libertard bullshit / paralegal paralogistic construction is finally reaching that necessary point in its evolution where it mostly consumes itself.
22:49 mircea_popescu nubbins` yeah well...
22:49 decimation http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-01-2015#986212 http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-01-2015#986214 << did 'distinction' strike anyone else as rather arbitrary?
22:49 assbot Logged on 21-01-2015 18:11:24; gavinandresen: a soft fork means miners must upgrade, or their blocks will be rejected.
22:49 assbot Logged on 21-01-2015 18:11:39; gavinandresen: a hard fork means everybody running a full node must upgrade, or they will be on a different chain
22:49 BingoBoingo nubbins`: This is why it is better to be a Ram than a goat. Sure, techinally you are sheep, but who can oppose you when you are angry? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk1fUzkqwbQ
22:49 assbot Angry Ram takes on a 6 ton digger - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1JiRqQP )
22:50 mircea_popescu decimation how you mean ?
22:50 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: for something consuming itself, it's astonishingly alive and kicking.
22:51 decimation To my way of thinking, either the protocol is broken or it isn't
22:51 decimation whether they want to create it or not, there is a spec
22:51 mircea_popescu decimation contrary to what superficially is being claimed, bitcoin really consists of two consensuses.
22:51 mircea_popescu one is the consensus that allows for new blocks to be mined.
22:51 mircea_popescu the other is the consensus that allows for transactions to be accepted as valid.
22:51 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: it's more of a forest fire, and will burn until there is nothing to burn.
22:51 mircea_popescu these two have a lot of overlap, of course.
22:51 asciilifeform or until someone puts it out.
22:51 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Ourobourus eating itself as of this year. New in the public discussions of that crowd
22:52 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i disagree, myself.
22:52 decimation Labeling one consensus as 'hard' and another as 'soft' doesn't seem to be a good use of language
22:52 mircea_popescu a fire affects everything, related or not. this is more like cancer : it affects the victim, but not the chasir he sits on or the op fucking them in the ass.
22:53 mircea_popescu decimation that is happenstance, arriving from the very haphazard manner in which abstraction works out of the group of power rangers
22:53 mircea_popescu they don't proceed from an in depth understanding of the thing, but merely by and by, as experience allows.
22:53 mircea_popescu this worm's progress made them use those words because apparently one is more of a bitch than the other.
22:53 asciilifeform !s the camel has two humps
22:53 assbot 5 results for 'the camel has two humps' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=the+camel+has+two+humps
22:54 decimation yes, that much is obvious: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=21-01-2015#985357
22:54 assbot Logged on 21-01-2015 02:59:39; Luke-Jr: I think the db_config patch may explain why it works, but could be potentially inadequate for the current consensus rules
22:54 mircea_popescu asciilifeform so basically, im saying "this certain part of the us is now so infested, the cancer is mostly eating other cancer"
22:55 mircea_popescu decimation Luke-Jr generally pretends that things he doesn't like don't actually exist. this is the case in pretty much every line he utters, crafted to support his particular mental issues.
22:55 mircea_popescu in this case, he conveniently neglects the point that there is no \such thing as CURRENT consensus, in any way distinct from trhe actual consensus
22:55 mircea_popescu as verified by a 5.x node
22:56 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> decimation Luke-Jr generally pretends that things he doesn't like don't actually exist. this is the case in pretty much every line he utters, crafted to support his particular mental issues. << Things like Popes
22:56 mircea_popescu now, he'd like for it to be the case, obviously, because that'd imply that the "Work" the power rangers have been doing for the past year is worth more than zero, which is a proposition he holds dear for obvious reasons.
22:57 BingoBoingo In much the same way he'd like a miner on a bench at BFL to have been a miner on his testing bench
22:57 mircea_popescu right.
22:58 decimation to be fair, he did express some level of interest in the foundation project. perhaps he knows what is really true in his hindbrain
22:58 mircea_popescu anyway, i suppose it comes as one of those "nobody could have predicted" things to these people that the entire pile of crap they've been amassing over the years can and for that matter likely will simply be thrown out and forgotten.
22:59 mircea_popescu a naive stance, but then again neckbeards aren't exactly known for worldliness.
22:59 BingoBoingo decimation: Probably to an extent. Luke-Jr has a rather sort of logical structure organizing his schtick which seems self consistent while entirely problematic.
23:00 mircea_popescu "So his mom cut him off from wiping his ass for him when he turned 18 and now he thinks the ladies owe him blowjobs. I hope bitcoin collapses just to fuck this guy."
23:00 mircea_popescu apparently reddit really likes me, in unrelated news.
23:00 * BingoBoingo has been considering using one of those "Edgerouter Lites" as a desktop system.
23:01 BingoBoingo lol
23:01 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Where was this?
23:01 mircea_popescu http://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughLibertarianSpam/comments/2rzhvq/bitcoin_thought_leader_takes_a_moment_to/cnmwalf << something that apparently exists.
23:03 BingoBoingo Ah
23:12 decimation asciilifeform: did you use libusb-0.1 or -1.0 to develop cardano? or are you just using the kernel mass storage driver?
23:14 mircea_popescu http://yro.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=6783079&cid=48872369
23:14 assbot Silk Road 2.0 Deputy Arrested - Slashdot ... ( http://bit.ly/1t0xzUa )
23:14 mircea_popescu apparently some people get it.
23:15 BingoBoingo The tragedy is I have an assload of modpoints atm, but can't spend them on this thread because I had to highlight the link sniping.
23:17 mircea_popescu lol
23:17 mircea_popescu i have nfi what all that is, but it sounds funny.
23:18 BingoBoingo http://yro.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=6783079&cid=48872465
23:18 assbot Silk Road 2.0 Deputy Arrested - Slashdot ... ( http://bit.ly/1t0y3tF )
23:19 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Basically slashdot has "votes" but they get allotted at unpredicatable time intervals and expire.
23:19 mircea_popescu uh
23:19 mircea_popescu so the only way spamming it works is statistically ? gee.
23:19 BingoBoingo Pretty much.
23:19 BingoBoingo Pretty sure that contributed to our good /. run with pankkake
23:20 mircea_popescu what was that again ?
23:20 BingoBoingo but for story selection everything goes through the annoited editors anyway which is why some altcoin got two stories on consecutive days.
23:21 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> what was that again ? << That time my personal blog was featured on /. thrice with no resistance.
23:21 mircea_popescu aha
23:22 BingoBoingo And featured thrice in 4 months
23:22 BingoBoingo The first time was exactly one year ago +/- 5 days
23:33 BingoBoingo !up hktud0
23:38 BingoBoingo https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/2t7nsb/i_grew_a_neckbeard_reading_this_bitcoin/cnwoeat
23:38 assbot ButterNubber comments on I grew a neckbeard reading this "Bitcoin Declaration of Sovereignity" (note: Link doesn't go to the actual Bitcoin Foundation) ... ( http://bit.ly/1t0ArAA )
23:39 ben_vulpes oh, reddit discovered the fundation?
23:39 mircea_popescu you're famous nao.
23:39 mircea_popescu dun fuck it up.
23:40 ben_vulpes i'm still waiting for robert viragh to call my mother and tell her i hang out with nasty people on the internets
23:40 mircea_popescu why your mother specifically?
23:40 ben_vulpes because that's what he threatened to do!
23:40 mircea_popescu lolwut
23:40 ben_vulpes not even kidding
23:40 mircea_popescu i guess hungarians have jew-close relationships with their mothers /
23:41 mircea_popescu no wonder highest suicide rate in teh werld.
23:41 ben_vulpes want to hear something else lispily amusing?
23:41 mircea_popescu ok ?
23:41 ben_vulpes stumpwm (a cl window manager) handles multiple monitors better than OS X.
23:42 mircea_popescu i wasn't thinking os x is particularly good at any task.
23:42 ben_vulpes "just works" is dead. has been for like 3 revisions now, but the rest of the world is finally waking up to it.
23:42 mircea_popescu humor comes from contradictiyon
23:42 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: Ever play with plan9 or its forks/distros?
23:42 mircea_popescu "Table 'bitcoin.smf_boards' doesn't exist"
23:42 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: nah, it was great for the adobe suite
23:42 decimation usg's failure to properly implement fire department radio encryption (not that it is needed) could have killed people http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/New-Radio-Encryption-May-Have-Stymied-Communication-in-Metro-Incident-289075111.html
23:42 assbot New Radio Encryption May Have Stymied Communication in Metro Incident, Sources Say | NBC4 Washington ... ( http://bit.ly/1t0B3pO )
23:42 ben_vulpes basically purpose built for them
23:42 mircea_popescu did tardstalk just move over the new design ?
23:42 mircea_popescu the one a guy in sf made for $500k
23:42 ben_vulpes BingoBoingo: not i, no.
23:43 ben_vulpes my next operating system dabblings are going to be in bsds and gentoo
23:43 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo ^ scoop for you
23:43 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: If they did, they haven't done it well
23:43 mircea_popescu bitcointalk died ?
23:43 decimation ben_vulpes: re: osx << it's been going downhill ever since 10.6
23:43 mircea_popescu thanks god that italian dude did the cached version eh.
23:43 mats all this gloom about forest fires makes me nervous, i am a mere vassal of USG with insufficient rocket fuel
23:44 ben_vulpes decimation, yeah, that's the one.
23:44 ben_vulpes i've yet to eat 10.10.
23:44 ben_vulpes my time will come, i'm sure
23:44 decimation I've been cursed with supporting osx at the office to some degree
23:44 decimation ever try to make it actually work with nfs reliably?
23:44 ben_vulpes their proprietary spreadsheet program will only save documents compatible with the version of itself that runs on 10.10
23:44 mircea_popescu anyone remember who was the bitcointa.lk sysadmin ? i recall he was here.
23:45 BingoBoingo c something or other
23:45 * punkman wonders if bitcointalk will break all the old links after upgrade
23:45 decimation mats: in the case of the link above, people died waiting for 'rescue' after a metro train became 'stuck' near some kind of fire
23:45 mircea_popescu cedivad ty.
23:45 mircea_popescu ;;seen cedivad
23:45 gribble cedivad was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 30 weeks, 1 day, 7 hours, 50 minutes, and 14 seconds ago: <cedivad> Barber claimed that they were payments to suppliers, but he has still to prove that.
23:46 mircea_popescu ;;later tell cedivad hey, now that bitcointalk.org is gone, could a full dump of bitcointa.lk be had for archival purposes ?
23:46 gribble The operation succeeded.
23:47 ben_vulpes ;;rate gavinandresen -5 has already broken bitcoin innumerable times and would like to continue.
23:47 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of -5 for user gavinandresen has been recorded.
23:47 ben_vulpes ;;rate gavinandresen -5 has already broken bitcoin several times and would like to continue.
23:47 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating for user gavinandresen has changed from -5 to -5.
23:48 ben_vulpes !rate gavinandresen -5 has already broken bitcoin several times and would like to continue.
23:48 assbot Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/611684fc1d533df2
23:48 ben_vulpes !v assbot:ben_vulpes.rate.gavinandresen.-5:8e4060d0c134fa8feda50c5e3e897056c40b5142c493f8d4371e8bbaf386085d
23:48 assbot Successfully updated the rating for gavinandresen from -5 to -5 with note: has already broken bitcoin several times and would like to continue.
23:49 mircea_popescu anywya, ima be off now, all teh people wanting to pretend like you are talking in b-a but not really, you got at least six hours.
23:49 ben_vulpes zing
23:49 BingoBoingo scoopbot: fetch
23:49 BingoBoingo scoopbot -fetch
23:49 scoopbot New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2015/01/bitcointalk-is-down-migrating/
23:51 punkman I doubt they will actually migrate to node.js crapolade before 2016, seems like a lot of work
23:52 BingoBoingo punkman: Well, question marks exist for reasons.
23:54 decimation lol http://www.businessinsider.com/google-active-users-2015-1 " In other words, 0.2-0.3% of all G+ profiles, about 4-6 million users, have made public posts in 2015. "
23:54 assbot Google+ Active Users - Business Insider ... ( http://bit.ly/1t0CyEx )
23:56 punkman decimation, so they are claiming 2-3 billion users total?
23:56 ben_vulpes <BingoBoingo> [] lulz https://twitter.com/ErrataRob/status/558037792568410112 << and yet nothing on motherboard, despite twitter's "source" of Kari Paul, nominally a writer for the rag in question.
23:56 assbot Today in Silk Road proceedings, prosecution showed that the Dread Pirate Roberts private PGP key was saved on Ulbricht's computer.
23:56 decimation punkman: that's 2-3 billion signups
23:57 punkman best SR timeline and notes http://antilop.cc/sr/
23:57 assbot Silk Road Tales and Archives ... ( http://bit.ly/1t0CTad )
23:57 decimation of which apparently 99.7% never actually use google plus as 'social media'
23:57 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: Remember that time pankkake was like WTF is this giant incoming ATC transaction... And it was because in worst practices we had a private key together...
23:58 ben_vulpes http://antilop.cc/sr/#trial << and yet nothing from today
23:58 assbot Silk Road Tales and Archives ... ( http://bit.ly/1t0CYL2 )
23:58 BingoBoingo Technology is cruel, but especially so to prosecutors.
23:58 ben_vulpes BingoBoingo: ya duh if the defense is "DPR was more than one person" then the obvious next step is "well and of course we shooped the key around"
23:58 BingoBoingo Indeed
23:59 BingoBoingo And of course then when Ulbricht returns e gets the archives of drama he missed.
23:59 BingoBoingo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfuWXRZe9yA
23:59 assbot The Who - Behind Blue Eyes (Original Version) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1t0DdWm )
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