Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2014-07-29 | 2014-07-31 →
00:06 BingoBoingo ;;later tell pete_dushenski Should have at least named the blog MooseCocks Re:
00:06 assbot The Transition. | Contravex: A blog by Peter Dushenski
00:06 gribble The operation succeeded.
00:09 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 283 @ 0.00267057 = 0.7558 BTC [-] {3}
00:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9617 @ 0.00078428 = 7.5424 BTC [-]
00:21 asciilifeform !up TheNewDeal
00:21 TheNewDeal gracias
00:35 penguirker New blog post:
00:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3700 @ 0.00078312 = 2.8975 BTC [-]
00:39 TheNewDeal a blog post on blag posts
00:39 BingoBoingo TheNewDeal: I know. Not Revolutionary though, because MP already does it.
00:40 BingoBoingo Actually that's two blog posts about blog posts tonight.
00:41 TheNewDeal niiice
00:47 BingoBoingo
00:47 assbot Crazy RxMan: Unfortunate Pet Name
00:48 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 232 @ 0.00262143 = 0.6082 BTC [-] {5}
00:49 assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 127 @ 0.00419994 = 0.5334 BTC [+] {3}
00:56 Bet created: "Honkie peg to be broken"
00:56 dub wat
00:57 BingoBoingo "
00:57 BingoBoingo The Hong Kong dollar was pegged at 7.80 HKD per USD in 1983. Recently it has been trading at 7.75 HKD per USD, the strongest the HKMA permits it to float in the band around the peg.
00:57 BingoBoingo This bet resolves as Yes if the HKD trades at 7.65 HKD per USD or stronger at any time before February 2015.
00:57 BingoBoingo "
00:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5350 @ 0.00078312 = 4.1897 BTC [-]
01:05 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.29 = 0.58 BTC [-]
01:07 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21700 @ 0.00078312 = 16.9937 BTC [-]
01:11 BingoBoingo %t
01:11 atcbot [X-BT] Bid: 203 Ask: 248 Last Price: 203 24h-Vol: 78k High: 211 Low: 203 VWAP: 207
01:16 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 90 @ 0.29961654 = 26.9655 BTC [+] {12}
01:21 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 43 @ 0.31317137 = 13.4664 BTC [+] {11}
01:22 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 30 @ 0.3313133 = 9.9394 BTC [+] {9}
01:24 BingoBoingo !up KRS-One
01:25 KRS-One whats up dude
01:25 KRS-One ;;seen vexual
01:25 gribble vexual was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 day, 14 hours, 52 minutes, and 54 seconds ago: <Vexual> ;;lasers
01:27 BingoBoingo Not too much
01:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29453 @ 0.00078258 = 23.0493 BTC [-] {3}
01:38 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.3 = 1.2 BTC [-]
01:43 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 307 @ 0.00289276 = 0.8881 BTC [+] {4}
01:45 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 38 @ 0.3 = 11.4 BTC [-] {2}
01:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23500 @ 0.00078461 = 18.4383 BTC [+] {2}
01:54 KRS-One Where are u from
01:58 BingoBoingo !up KRS-One
01:59 KRS-One sup man where u from
02:00 BingoBoingo Oh, no where in particular
02:01 KRS-One ya same here..
02:01 KRS-One just thought it was funny how bitcoin is worldwide yet the btc channels go dead when the US sleeps.
02:01 KRS-One Are there any other btc IRC networks that you know of
02:04 BingoBoingo That's a very good question
02:05 kakobrekla europeans read, americans write.
02:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7909 @ 0.00078208 = 6.1855 BTC [-]
02:16 KRS-One They must have a lot to learn.
02:30 mircea_popescu justusranvier the problem is what do you do to preven tit from being attacked ?
02:30 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: an atm requires a fortress... << to house the mechanism itself? or, its owner? << yes.
02:30 mircea_popescu in any event it's a fortressy thing to do. "here is money for the taking. take it only like so, or else you die"
02:32 assbot Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
02:32 BingoBoingo !b 2
02:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34968 @ 0.00078422 = 27.4226 BTC [+]
02:36 mircea_popescu asciilifeform> (in which case, what kind of fortress could possibly suffice) << hence the rape comment.
02:36 mircea_popescu the only way to do this is long after we've defeated everyone.
02:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.31 = 0.62 BTC [+]
02:47 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 599 @ 0.00262561 = 1.5727 BTC [-] {5}
02:49 assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 321 @ 0.00419999 = 1.3482 BTC [+] {3}
02:54 mircea_popescu
03:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11100 @ 0.00078581 = 8.7225 BTC [+] {3}
03:07 BingoBoingo !up GodHatesFigs
03:07 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.300075 = 1.2003 BTC [-] {4}
03:12 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.3 = 0.9 BTC [-]
03:15 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.31499889 = 0.63 BTC [+]
~ 36 minutes ~
03:51 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, nice :D
03:53 mircea_popescu
03:53 assbot Ethereum is truly innovative; the first genuine stab at a post-Bitcoin blockchai... | Hacker News
03:53 mircea_popescu check out vessenes being a complete and utter fucktard
03:53 mircea_popescu YET AGAIN
03:56 mircea_popescu i like jay. who's jay ?
03:56 assbot Inheritance and Individuation | Contravex: A blog by Peter Dushenski
03:56 DreadKnight well, don't know about etherum, but I wish bitcoin was non-ASIC-able
03:58 DreadKnight though that means mining of new coins would had stagnated at some point hmm
03:58 mircea_popescu why ?
03:58 DreadKnight so probably super bad idea
03:58 punkman no ASICS = easier to attack
03:58 mircea_popescu that's silly. asics are a major building block in our power. the only reason we're still fighting today is that we had asics in time.
03:58 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 669 @ 0.0026351 = 1.7629 BTC [+]
04:00 DreadKnight thought some people got into btc early and mined with cpu and gpu, now that's not useful; some of those people got rich and can easily afford lots of asics now to continue mining and make some more money, but they invested in some hardware which was not very usable for anything else and quite a risk, so it kinda forced bitcoin to be a non burstable bubble because of the hardware
04:00 DreadKnight s/thought/though
04:00 DreadKnight so ASIC not really bad if you think about it
04:01 DreadKnight btc had plenty of time to be spread around nicely with already existing hardware
04:04 DreadKnight I was considering ASICs as a "the rich get richer" sort of thing, but considering their utility/cost/risks, it's all good
04:04 mircea_popescu you're focusing on the wrong things.
04:04 DreadKnight yeah
04:04 mircea_popescu the point is not for some random fuckwits to "have a chance".
04:04 mircea_popescu the point is for bitcoin to be as powerful as possible.
04:04 mircea_popescu because, again, bitcoin is not here for the people, bitcoin is here for the elite.
04:04 DreadKnight I understood from your previous argument
04:04 mircea_popescu k
04:05 mircea_popescu !up guest8645
04:05 DreadKnight average joe won't know about bitcoin unless the elite implements it in businesses and requires it
04:05 mircea_popescu pretty much.
04:05 DreadKnight not know, better say "use"
04:05 DreadKnight because bitcoin was on the tv news quite a few times around here at least
04:06 DreadKnight "don't invest in btc, it's a bubble!" and after a while it showed a lot of stupid monkeys all like "I don't know how it works, but I sold x and y and invested it all into bitcoins" lol
04:06 mircea_popescu !s from:naphex tv
04:06 assbot 6 results for 'from:naphex tv' :
04:08 cazalla it's for the "other 6 billion" you greedy fucks!
04:08 DreadKnight :D
04:08 DreadKnight it will get there thanks to the elite
04:08 mircea_popescu maybe the point was to make bitcoin so that every person has one.
04:09 mircea_popescu putting the excess population by satoshi prophecy at about 6bn
04:09 DreadKnight yes, but screw that, people can trade bucks rather
04:10 DreadKnight it's not like I actually mined dollars in the first place to begin with xD
04:13 cazalla DreadKnight, from what i've read, most that cpu -> gpu -> bfl mined ended up with nothing
04:14 DreadKnight as expected, mtgox ftw xD
04:14 cazalla well, that too but they were warned
04:15 cazalla fortunately the right people have a good amount of coins, can you imagine the likes of andreas with thousands
04:15 DreadKnight it's never ever wise to keep all money in the same spot ffs
04:15 mircea_popescu a warning's as good as a wink to a blind bat
04:15 DreadKnight wise words
04:15 mircea_popescu especially should the bat belabour under the delusion it;'s batman.
04:16 DreadKnight :D
04:16 mircea_popescu but anyway, night comes to ass ull. later.
04:16 DreadKnight rest well
04:17 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33080 @ 0.00078656 = 26.0194 BTC [+]
04:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8620 @ 0.00078656 = 6.7801 BTC [+]
~ 19 minutes ~
04:50 BingoBoingo
04:50 assbot A third of consumers with credit files had debts in collections last year - The Washington Post
04:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6950 @ 0.00078551 = 5.4593 BTC [-]
04:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2150 @ 0.00078551 = 1.6888 BTC [-]
~ 17 minutes ~
05:12 BingoBoingo !up pleego
05:13 BingoBoingo !up pogakuofie
05:13 BingoBoingo !up manamex
05:13 BingoBoingo !up Ginux
05:13 pogakuofie ;;ticker
05:13 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 578.69, Best ask: 580.43, Bid-ask spread: 1.74000, Last trade: 578.65, 24 hour volume: 3899.39029056, 24 hour low: 578.0, 24 hour high: 587.78, 24 hour vwap: 581.991343838
05:13 BingoBoingo %t
05:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20400 @ 0.00078275 = 15.9681 BTC [-]
05:14 atcbot [X-BT] Bid: 205 Ask: 248 Last Price: 203 24h-Vol: 66k High: 210 Low: 203 VWAP: 206
05:14 pogakuofie what is that : bingobingo
05:14 pogakuofie ?
05:18 BingoBoingo What? What am I?
05:26 BingoBoingo OR the thing I summoned which is a ticker for Altcoin
05:27 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1550 @ 0.00078275 = 1.2133 BTC [-]
05:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30900 @ 0.00078619 = 24.2933 BTC [+]
05:42 BingoBoingo ;;bc,stats
05:42 gribble Current Blocks: 313148 | Current Difficulty: 1.8736441558310238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 314495 | Next Difficulty In: 1347 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 1 day, 13 hours, 54 minutes, and 38 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 19398377285.9 | Estimated Percent Change: 3.53288
05:51 moiety hey bingobingo :P
05:51 BingoBoingo Hey moiety
05:51 BingoBoingo I see you got caught in the netsplit
05:51 moiety yep D; i usually manage to escape it too
05:52 moiety OH i have my pi back up! i'll look at the thing kako gave me to set up a bouncer
05:52 BingoBoingo Ah, It's been a while since one's caught me.
05:52 BingoBoingo Cool!
05:53 moiety whats been happening with you?
05:54 moiety see the derp-api died fully finally
05:55 BingoBoingo Well, I'm watching atc still, stament comes in a few days.
05:55 BingoBoingo I'd like to get this one out on the first.
05:57 BingoBoingo Ah Doge api?
05:58 BingoBoingo Were you using that moiety?
05:58 moiety nope
05:58 moiety our own dogecoind
05:58 moiety but lots of folk have lost in transactions
05:58 moiety in other places
05:59 BingoBoingo Ah
05:59 moiety am i wrong in thinnking this is another nail in the coffin though?
05:59 assbot [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 852 @ 0.0012223 = 1.0414 BTC [-] {9}
06:00 BingoBoingo It prolly is. Dogers like outsourcing work and everything node.js
06:00 moiety they still seem blissfully unaware. still on their way to the moon they think
06:01 BingoBoingo Prolly What's doge price lately?
06:02 moiety lol its bad i had to look that up XD $0.2048/1k
06:02 BingoBoingo How much is that in real things?
06:02 moiety negative lol
06:02 BingoBoingo ;;later tell ThickasTheives seems down
06:02 gribble The operation succeeded.
06:02 BingoBoingo Ah
06:03 moiety 0.0003500 btc/ 1k doge
06:03 moiety i feel bad that when people join and ask me about doge i have to tell them i dont use it >.>
06:04 BingoBoingo Wow, at least Honesty?
06:04 moiety well yeah im not gonna lie about it
06:04 moiety cus it just leads tomore questions i cant answer
06:05 BingoBoingo Sure. And I mean it enforces the thing where everything on that service really is worthless game tokens.
06:06 moiety they arent worthless if the users use them
06:06 moiety i do miss how it was though
06:07 BingoBoingo Ah In the old days
06:08 moiety yep, but you know me.. resourceful. we'll just see what happens
06:08 BingoBoingo ;;later mike_c I'm keeping at least a pretense of life in your thread
06:08 gribble Error: The "Later" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "mike_c" in it. Try "list Later" to see the commands in the "Later" plugin.
06:08 BingoBoingo ;;later laser mike_c I'm keeping at least a pretense of life in your thread
06:08 gribble Error: The "Later" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "laser" in it. Try "list Later" to see the commands in the "Later" plugin.
06:08 BingoBoingo ;;later tell mike_c I'm keeping at least a pretense of life in your thread
06:08 gribble The operation succeeded.
06:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10350 @ 0.00078619 = 8.1371 BTC [+]
06:09 BingoBoingo moiety: I mean you did save the sex weeks flat
06:19 moiety wasn't sure i was going to either. it really shouldnt be so hard to keep a roof over one's head
06:20 moiety ah summer showers - was outside for literally 60 seconds and im soaked
06:20 BingoBoingo Well, consider how many places it takes 15+ people to afford a roof.
06:21 moiety someone suggested a lodger to me but i'm really not keen. i keep too weird hours
06:21 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14456 @ 0.00077885 = 11.2591 BTC [-]
06:22 BingoBoingo Yeah
06:22 cazalla it's not the hours but the space that becomes a problem with sharing
06:23 BingoBoingo cazalla: This is -assets, the hours become a problem too
06:30 BingoBoingo
06:30 assbot Bitcoin trading website accused of defrauding thousands of customers - LA Times
06:30 BingoBoingo ^ coinabul
06:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17445 @ 0.00077885 = 13.587 BTC [-]
06:32 dub you would think that the media would know to just omit the 'based in wyoming' thing
06:33 BingoBoingo Yeah, I mean that address has how many stories about being a place to rent a mailslot to incorporate from?
06:35 moiety cazalla: thats another thing, this flat is huge but the spare room is actually really quite small. its the only small room. i couldn't cram someone in there and charge them for it. also i have cats that would piss someone off i thnk. they like laying on clean clothes
06:36 * moiety likes to wander freely - not a good thing to do with starngers inthe house
06:37 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1985 @ 0.00260753 = 5.1759 BTC [-] {9}
06:37 BingoBoingo Eh, maybe you could rent a box or something, The tenent tell you when they need out and until them you just lock them in?
06:40 cazalla moiety, i lived with 2 other guys in a 2 bedroom unit when i was much younger, we turned the loungeroom into another bedroom as it had a door, was worth it at the time to save on rent but the cooking, cleaning is a pita when others don't rate it as highly as i do on list of things to do
06:41 dub solution: live with other ocd folk
06:41 cazalla beggars can't be choosers
06:42 moiety lmao BingoBoingo
06:42 moiety i know cazalla, but i'll try everything else i can first
06:42 BingoBoingo Seriously the tenant present a schedule of when they need out well in advance, and otherwise they go in the box.
06:43 BingoBoingo Some aspies would probably got for that
06:43 moiety aspies?
06:43 cazalla there's been a few shipping container ghettos here in australia
06:43 moiety omg i saw the most amazing shipping container house
06:43 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
06:44 cazalla it's usually full of international students and illegals though
06:45 BingoBoingo moiety: You know the shut ins
06:45 moiety o ofc lol
06:45 moiety i got told damp would be an issue cazalla
06:46 moiety just look at these! o.O they don't look so cheap
06:46 assbot You'll Never Guess What These Amazing Homes Are Made Out Of by Urbasm | Details Network
06:46 cazalla fire too, a lot went up in flames here a few months ago
06:46 moiety :o
06:51 BingoBoingo cazalla: Those things look like Tornado food
06:53 moiety jesus christ doge people are over sensitive drama queens
06:54 BingoBoingo OMG What happened now?
06:54 BingoBoingo I'll never believe it!
06:54 cazalla BingoBoingo, the one thing Australia lacks!
06:54 moiety topic : domestic abusers being tagged response: ermagherd ive been abused i cant possibly read this!
06:54 moiety well fuck off then no need to tell everyone
06:54 moiety ive given them the shipping containers to calm them down
06:54 BingoBoingo lol
06:56 moiety wait... is australia not very windy cazalla?
06:56 cazalla moiety, we have cyclones
06:57 moiety oh fuck that, my search for the least windy place to live continues
06:58 cazalla it's really only the top end that gets hit by them
06:58 BingoBoingo moiety: Have they exhausted your manul supply already?
06:59 moiety they arent worthy of the manuls
06:59 moiety very few appreciate them
06:59 cazalla moiety, although i've been around tasman island and the wind was that bad, figured the boat would overturn for sure
06:59 moiety fuck that must have been petrifying cazalla
07:00 cazalla missus started crying, it was her idea too as she wanted to see the seals etc
07:00 cazalla i had to keep it together for her sake but i was terrified, tour operator ended up turning back as he was concerned as well
07:00 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.29420001 = 2.942 BTC [-] {4}
07:00 moiety now thats when you really panic... when a boatman or pilot starts to worry
07:01 cazalla we were meant to go the day prior but it was cancelled due to bad weather, should've been a headsup for what was to come heh
07:01 cazalla beautiful area though, can't wait to move to tassie
07:08 moiety when do you move?
07:09 punkman
07:09 assbot The Lovin' Spoonful - Summer In The City (1966) - YouTube
07:10 punkman 32 C again, this is not conducive to work
07:11 moiety BingoBoingo: I have new one!
07:11 assbot Pallas cat - Otocolobus manul - YouTube
07:11 cazalla moiety, no set date but i want to within 18-24 months, we have a short list of places but i'll need to sell my unit, bubs is teething atm so makes it difficult for me to leave missus here on her own and find a place
07:12 moiety punkman, it was 25C in my room at midnight last night, i'm dying without a/c
07:12 moiety cazalla: understandable. at least you have time to search too and no deadline though
07:13 BingoBoingo moiety: They are so much better moving!!!
07:14 moiety ik! the WTF face is even better in a video too
07:14 moiety so fluffy
07:14 punkman I'd go to manul beach
07:15 moiety don't give me ideas punkman!
07:15 BingoBoingo moiety:
07:15 assbot The Unfluffly Truth about Pallas' Cats at Prospect Park Zoo - YouTube
07:16 BingoBoingo
07:16 assbot Pallas Cat Kittens - 12 weeks old pt1 - YouTube
07:17 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36000 @ 0.00078299 = 28.1876 BTC [+] {2}
07:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21577 @ 0.00078653 = 16.971 BTC [+] {2}
07:18 moiety that woman has THE best job ever
07:18 BingoBoingo
07:18 assbot WHF Pallas Cats - Wei Shand & Tula - YouTube
07:19 moiety thi kittens! :'D
07:19 moiety the*
07:21 BingoBoingo So much fur
07:21 moiety i believe losing an arm in order to touch one would be a fair swap
07:22 BingoBoingo Prolly true
07:23 moiety the way they move around is hilarious
07:24 BingoBoingo Alternately dangerous.
07:25 moiety if i were to write to a zoo do you think they would let me stuff one that died naturally?
07:25 BingoBoingo And frustrating when their face is partially obscured because you know they are making great faces
07:25 moiety ^^
07:25 BingoBoingo moiety: That is an interesting question? How would your other cats handle their favorite being immobile?
07:26 moiety i could see them sitting on it actually
07:26 moiety mine are ridiculously stupid
07:28 BingoBoingo I dunno, maybe they would smell that doing so would be unwise...
07:28 moiety "o a nice raised up rug/bed, thanks!" i reckon would be the response or "this one wont talk to me!"
07:29 fluffypony
07:29 assbot That's Too Long: Woman Has Sex Toy Removed From Vagina After Ten Years | Geekologie
07:29 fluffypony moiety: do you know her?
07:29 moiety WTF
07:29 fluffypony :-P
07:29 moiety LOL fluffypony!!!! I do not XD
07:32 moiety god i wish i worked at ARI at this time
07:32 moiety how could she not know?!
07:32 moiety must be like a bucket
07:34 punkman this little guy showed up yesterday:
07:36 BingoBoingo punkman: I think asciilifeform set a standard that cats in this channel need either serious fluff or confirmed kills...
07:36 punkman he killed a cockroach, does that count?
07:37 BingoBoingo Eh, prolly
07:37 punkman also made the older kitty jealous and she left
07:37 moiety aww he's so cute... did your other one come back yet?
07:37 moiety elvis ate a butterfly yesterday
07:37 punkman cute :P
07:38 punkman this one has stuck around for a couple weeks:
07:38 thick_as_thieves <+BingoBoingo> ;;later tell ThickasTheives seems down /// up for me, but that's one more sign namecheap hosting sux
07:38 assbot The Real Altcoin (ATC) – Never Mine Another Altcoin Again
07:38 punkman I guess word is out that I got free food
07:39 moiety omg he is adorable, i just imploded
07:39 moiety i need to figure out how to combine cats and btc, life would be complete
07:41 punkman 1. shave qr code on kitty 2. ??? 3. Profit!!?
07:43 BingoBoingo
07:50 BingoBoingo %d
07:50 atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 687182.56 Est. Next Diff: 527816.92 in 638 blocks (#42336) Est. % Change: -23.19
07:50 BingoBoingo ;;bc,stats
07:50 gribble Current Blocks: 313158 | Current Difficulty: 1.8736441558310238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 314495 | Next Difficulty In: 1337 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 1 day, 17 hours, 43 minutes, and 31 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 19294145477.9 | Estimated Percent Change: 2.97657
07:51 cazalla i'll never understand how someone can pick a cat over a dog
07:52 punkman I'd rather have a goat
07:53 punkman cazalla: how many rabbits do you have now?
07:53 cazalla punkman, 8 kittens ready to eat in about 2 weeks besides the 2 does 1 buck for breeding
07:56 cazalla could produce more but i like to give the does a month break once she weans them, the commercial ones are typically rebreed same day as they give birth
07:56 punkman I always do rabbit in stew/sauce, wanna try chicken-fried next time
07:57 cazalla i crumb and then panfry the hind/fore legs, toss the rest in a slow cooker, started using the kidneys + liver for pate recently
08:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18023 @ 0.00078662 = 14.1773 BTC [+]
08:03 BingoBoingo
08:03 assbot The Life Cycle of a Parasitic Specialist
08:05 thick_as_thieves moiety: this is lil rosie when she was littler. she's full grown at about 6lbs now.
08:07 thick_as_thieves the sock suit was to stop her from picking at her bellybutton
08:07 moiety aww she's so cute thick_as_thieves! beautiful colouring
08:08 moiety bellybutton? did she have surgery?
08:08 thick_as_thieves she was born
08:08 thick_as_thieves :)
08:08 moiety ive had them at 5 weeks and bellies were fine
08:08 moiety how old is she there
08:08 thick_as_thieves we foster them young
08:09 moiety thats brilliant!
08:09 thick_as_thieves probly less than 2 weeks
08:09 thick_as_thieves when you get em that young, they turn out awesome
08:09 moiety i got elvis because he was offered home four times and let down
08:09 thick_as_thieves we have a cat we've offered away four times with no success
08:10 moiety if i was closer i would have it!
08:10 moiety elvis >>
08:10 thick_as_thieves he thinks rosie is a critter or too weak or something so he attacks her and carries her around
08:10 thick_as_thieves he's sweet otherwis
08:10 thick_as_thieves e
08:13 BingoBoingo !up the20year1
08:14 BingoBoingo
08:14 assbot Hello there! Welcome to the world of Pokmon! My name is Oak! - Imgur
08:15 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 695 @ 0.00256826 = 1.7849 BTC [-] {12}
08:16 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 857 @ 0.00252833 = 2.1668 BTC [-] {10}
08:17 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 9 @ 0.3177777 = 2.86 BTC [+] {4}
08:19 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.324 = 0.972 BTC [+]
08:29 jurov BingoBoingo what am i reading???
08:29 BingoBoingo jurov: Which thing I linked?
08:30 jurov pokemon
08:30 BingoBoingo It was on the side bar next to one of the cat pictures
08:31 BigBitz Pokémon ftw.
08:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6632 @ 0.00078662 = 5.2169 BTC [+]
08:39 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1000 @ 0.00248713 = 2.4871 BTC [-] {21}
08:40 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 567 @ 0.00245 = 1.3892 BTC [-]
08:41 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 8 @ 0.324 = 2.592 BTC [+]
08:52 BingoBoingo %ob
08:52 atcbot 8k@260 17k@250 27k@248 | 68k@205 23k@203 100k@202
08:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 600 @ 0.00235056 = 1.4103 BTC [-]
09:00 ThickAsThieves
09:00 assbot How to issue a cryptosecurity -
09:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8487 @ 0.0007826 = 6.6419 BTC [-]
~ 27 minutes ~
09:28 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36400 @ 0.00078006 = 28.3942 BTC [-] {2}
09:31 mod6 %t
09:31 atcbot [X-BT] Bid: 205 Ask: 248 Last Price: 203 24h-Vol: 66k High: 210 Low: 203 VWAP: 206
09:31 mod6 %d
09:31 atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 687182.56 Est. Next Diff: 526412.98 in 632 blocks (#42336) Est. % Change: -23.40
09:31 ThickAsThieves
09:32 assbot Tokyo Police Launch Formal Investigation Into Mt Gox Bitcoin Disappearance -
09:32 ThickAsThieves quick those guys
09:35 artifexd << Had me quite confused until I read this:
09:35 assbot #bitcoin-assets log
09:35 assbot A nod is as good as a wink
09:35 artifexd Then... 2 lines later I get all confused again. mircea_popescu, can you clarify for me?
09:36 cazalla speak of the devil..
09:36 artifexd Is it a summoning spell?
09:36 mircea_popescu lol what have you apprentice wizards done!
09:38 artifexd Is your arrival at this time pure coincidence?
09:38 ThickAsThieves nothing pure about it
09:40 mircea_popescu lol impure coincidence.
09:42 cazalla i'm reading that heuristics pdf again, perhaps they are incantations?
09:43 mircea_popescu cazalla said "well, that too but they were warned". to this i said, "a nod is as good as a wink". as in, it shouldn't really take much warning that when a cock is going in and out of your butt, you're being fucked.
09:43 artifexd aok ty
09:43 mircea_popescu except, of course, if you're one of the sort of vain fucktards bitcoin's been blessed with. too good to obey, too fucking stupid to boil water.
09:44 mircea_popescu and heuristics are incantations, but they don't summon me.
09:44 mircea_popescu they summon the devil that lives in details.
09:46 mircea_popescu well it was a good showing
09:46 assbot BitBet - BTC to top $800 before August :: 3.22 B (12%) on Yes, 23.62 B (88%) on No | closed 1 day 13 hours ago
09:47 mircea_popescu assbot: A third of consumers with credit files had debts in collections last year - The Washington Post << clearly the economy's recovering o.O
09:49 ThickAsThieves i will say, it's damn easy to have a random bill from some fucktarded scam or shitty company go to collections without people knowing it
09:49 ThickAsThieves I have like a 900 credit score and had something in collections last year i think
09:50 mircea_popescu "About 77 million Americans have a debt in collections, a new report finds."
09:50 mircea_popescu a that's a good point.
09:50 mircea_popescu the article conveniently doesn't report the average debt per 77 mn.
09:51 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: also fails to count the folks who borrowed from unofficial loan sharks
09:51 mircea_popescu those are in collections by default.
09:52 asciilifeform lol
09:52 ThickAsThieves
09:52 assbot BitPay Introduces New Pricing Model: Free, Unlimited, Forever | NEWSBTC
09:52 mircea_popescu btw asciilifeform, re our discussion yest. im toying with the idea of putting together a bulk of russian "dark whateveritwas" writings and having them translated.
09:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13702 @ 0.00078193 = 10.714 BTC [+] {2}
09:52 asciilifeform another place people 'borrow' is... the tax authorities. (how? many who are classified as 'contractor' aren't paying their bill on time, because gotta eat.)
09:52 ThickAsThieves bitpay goes from service provider to skimmer i guess
09:53 mircea_popescu you know it doesn't actually skim ?
09:53 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: having them translated << to english? this promises to be exceedingly difficult
09:53 mircea_popescu asciilifeform myeah ;/
09:53 ThickAsThieves "By comparison, one of BitPay’s biggest competitors here in the United States, Coinbase, offers a no-fee processing service for the first $1 million in bitcoin revenue. After that, a one percent fee is charged upon conversion from bitcoin to local currency."
09:54 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves : "The report analyzed 2013 credit data from TransUnion to calculate how many Americans were falling behind on their bills. It looked at how many people had non-mortgage bills, such as credit card bills, child support payments and medical bills, that are so past due that the account has since been closed and placed in collections."
09:54 ThickAsThieves i doubt thats the deal Dell got
09:54 mircea_popescu not random internet pron bill.
09:54 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves textbook exercise in how to devalue a market to the point you can no longer survive in it.
09:54 ThickAsThieves while i dont care, i could argue their wording is leading you
09:54 asciilifeform child support payments << phun phact! we still have debtor's prisons for these in usa
09:55 mircea_popescu Researchers relied on a random sample of 7 million people with data reported to the credit bureaus in 2013 to estimate what share of the 220 million Americans with credit files have debts in collection.
09:55 mircea_popescu ffs.
09:55 mircea_popescu nevermind, i'm not interested in what these doods have to say anymore.
09:55 ThickAsThieves why use 7m when you have data for all?
09:55 mircea_popescu But the median debt, $1,350, is still pretty substantial, she adds. who the fuck carwes what the median is. jesus.
09:56 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: what, you thought they had access to the real figures?
09:56 mircea_popescu well they must be the only people on the planet who don't by now
09:56 mircea_popescu maybe the carders should run these numbers.
09:57 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: remember the story about gorby and andropov?
09:57 asciilifeform g: 'show me the real budget.' a: 'you're asking too much. that's off limits to you.'
09:57 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 400 @ 0.00259754 = 1.039 BTC [-] {2}
09:58 mircea_popescu so i am sitting here with a glass of mineral water. it's a tall, about 12 oz glass. on it, some black bubbles as decor. i've had it for a while.
09:58 mircea_popescu NOW i realise the fucking bubbles were done in ms paint.
09:58 mircea_popescu back when gorby was young ?
09:59 ThickAsThieves TBF has a new website
09:59 assbot The Bitcoin Foundation | Standardizing, Promoting, and Protecting the Bitcoin Protocol
09:59 ThickAsThieves pictures!
09:59 mircea_popescu lol standardizing ?
10:00 ThickAsThieves Priorities: Fund developers to tackle specific scalability and security challenges
10:00 ThickAsThieves Increase transactions-per-second throughout
10:00 ThickAsThieves Minimize orphan rates for miners
10:00 ThickAsThieves Implement “UTXO commitments” blockchain pruning and “fully validating but not full-history” nodes
10:00 asciilifeform microshit-style standardization, presumably
10:00 ThickAsThieves lol
10:00 asciilifeform 'embrace & extinguish'
10:00 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 266 @ 0.00242001 = 0.6437 BTC [-]
10:00 ThickAsThieves "Build an international rapid response team to respond to policy threats globally"
10:01 mircea_popescu dude fucking backpackers.
10:01 ThickAsThieves we're gonna need more guns
10:01 ThickAsThieves their logo sux
10:01 ThickAsThieves short it
10:02 asciilifeform short it << outside my windows, a dead squirrel, buzzing with flies. how do i short it?
10:02 mircea_popescu "Why We Need a Foundation" << wrong question. who's "we" and more importantly, why we don't need another scam run by vesseness ?
10:02 mircea_popescu who, apparently, is also involved in the eth scam
10:02 mircea_popescu that guy's like vleisides on steroids.
10:03 cazalla i knew before i scrolled there would be a token black kid on that new site
10:03 ThickAsThieves <+asciilifeform> short it << outside my windows, a dead squirrel, buzzing with flies. how do i short it? /// the eternal question
10:03 mircea_popescu asciilifeform got a shovel ?
10:03 ThickAsThieves compost
10:03 mircea_popescu cazalla chumpatron knows their audience.
10:05 asciilifeform that's not 'short' though
10:06 asciilifeform to take it, would be to go 'long' on squirrel.
10:07 asciilifeform thought being, not everything that's in obvious decomposition can be shorted
10:07 ThickAsThieves ;;later tell justusranvier "Strictly speaking, a recycler is not essential. The ATM could remain unbanked by having a separate cash dispenser and cash acceptor, and this would mean that it would require manual servicing to move the cash from one receptacle to the other." Well if the point is to not use a bank, maybe take the time design machine that can spit out cash it receives itself?
10:07 gribble The operation succeeded.
10:08 asciilifeform to correctly short squirrel, somebody must believe that it will get up and walk again, and then you bet against this
10:08 justusranvier ThickAsThieves: The issue is cost and capacity of recyclers
10:08 mircea_popescu i still don't get what do you think will prevent me from simply walking in, taking your atm and leaving.
10:08 justusranvier They exist, but they are slow and don't handle many bills.
10:09 ThickAsThieves thats just cuz no one put money into making them better i bet
10:09 mircea_popescu it "not being nice" or something ?
10:09 cazalla wonder if they ripped the design from this site
10:09 assbot VIKTYO | Beta
10:09 justusranvier mircea_popescu: Same thing that prevents youfrom doing it to all the other ATMs in the world
10:09 mircea_popescu not so.
10:09 mircea_popescu all the other atms in the world are inside an invisible fortress.
10:09 asciilifeform justusranvier: the saecular authorities will not protect btc atm.
10:09 justusranvier Ok. So what?
10:09 mircea_popescu just because you don't see it yourself doesn't mean either that it's not there nor that you can make your own.
10:10 mircea_popescu what do you mean so what ?
10:10 justusranvier There is no need for secular authorities to protect the btc atm
10:10 mircea_popescu you plan to make this thing out of magic fabric that only reveals itself to true believers and people it'd like to fuck ?
10:10 mircea_popescu so... i can just take it ?
10:10 ThickAsThieves justusranvier you posit a bankless atm, so you have accepted the tasks of competing with better ATMs, no?
10:10 cazalla justusranvier, ATM's get stolen often here, steal a car, tie chain around ATM and off you go
10:10 justusranvier The Bitcoin ATM that's physically closest to me is in a store (Brave New Books) where most of the employees have concealed handgun permits.
10:11 ThickAsThieves this means being as useful as possible
10:11 justusranvier They already have high-value merchandice that they keep an eye on to stop it from being stolen
10:11 ThickAsThieves would BRINKS or such serve a bitcoin ATM?
10:11 asciilifeform justusranvier: if it needs human pistoleros, it might as well be a box with a slave in it counting out cash
10:11 mircea_popescu dise. but so what ? i can have this shop foreclosed on, can i not ?
10:11 ThickAsThieves where to bring the cash tho...
10:12 justusranvier mircea_popescu: I have no idea what kind of threat model you are trying to propose.
10:12 chetty haha they should always be deployed right next to regular atms, simply everything
10:12 justusranvier ThickAsThieves: The point of the proposal is that you in no way require Brinks
10:12 mircea_popescu the kind of threat model when where you intend to break the laws of whatever lord, you'd better have better arms than him.
10:12 justusranvier not at all
10:13 ThickAsThieves thats the point mp is saying you have wrong i think
10:13 ThickAsThieves security
10:13 justusranvier Did I propose breaking any laws?
10:13 mircea_popescu yes. in order to have a bitcoin atm, you must break aml/kyc.
10:13 mircea_popescu this isn't avoidable.
10:13 mircea_popescu if you break that, might as well just walk into the police station and start shooting randomly.
10:13 justusranvier Maybe in the US, but it's not the only country in the world
10:13 ThickAsThieves lies
10:14 mircea_popescu the only reason random shithole allows you to do really obnoxious shit is that random shithole is small and dumb.
10:14 mircea_popescu once you get big it'll change suddenly, and with little explanation.
10:14 ThickAsThieves <+cazalla> wonder if they ripped the design from this site /// ha!
10:14 assbot VIKTYO | Beta
10:14 mircea_popescu in this sense, you;re basically saying that drugs aren;t illegal everywhere, such as chicago shooting district.
10:15 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: here's one gedanken-atm. it's inside a concrete block, cannot be repaired, etc. 50kg of thermite if disturbed. then, simply leave it somewhere reasonable. (network connectivity an exercise for alert reader.)
10:15 mircea_popescu aml/kyc is a fundamental component of the current order. you can't annul it just like that.
10:15 mircea_popescu asciilifeform you will go to jail for unauthorised explosive device.
10:16 asciilifeform naturally. if there's a 'you'
10:16 mircea_popescu if you can make items that can';t be traced back to you, you've satisfied the rape requirement i detailed yest.
10:16 ThickAsThieves dont they put palm readers and other AML things in some ATMs?
10:16 asciilifeform as it is, it's just a terrorist infernal device that happens to dispense cash if treaded with kindness.
10:16 asciilifeform *treated
10:16 ThickAsThieves palm reader, hehe, maybe they should include tea-leaf readers too
10:17 assbot [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 625 @ 0.00184 = 1.15 BTC [-] {2}
10:17 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves that would then not be a btc atm. it would be a satanic usg attack on btc.
10:17 mircea_popescu just because something has btc IN it doesn';t make it btc-that something.
10:17 asciilifeform these - are being built even now.
10:17 mircea_popescu for instance, a bear trap is not bearham
10:17 ThickAsThieves cant we just stop trying to accommodate fiat?
10:18 mircea_popescu not anymore than we can stop accomodating that whore.
10:18 ThickAsThieves let bitpay and friends worry about this kinda shit
10:18 mircea_popescu asciilifeform anyway, your terrorist infernal devices will be auto-dismantled.
10:18 mircea_popescu not so fucking useful.
10:18 asciilifeform probably.
10:19 asciilifeform unless random people took initiative to shelter them secretly.
10:19 ThickAsThieves mistaken for WMDs
10:19 mircea_popescu samizdatbtc ?
10:19 asciilifeform ('wanna come use my pet terror-atm ?')
10:19 mircea_popescu guess what! this already happens!
10:19 mircea_popescu usg is spending a lot of money time and resources trying to infiltrate it!
10:20 chetty in a related topis:
10:20 assbot Paying ransoms, Europe bankrolls Qaeda terror
10:20 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 507 @ 0.00242002 = 1.227 BTC [-] {2}
10:20 justusranvier If you don't like physical ATMs, then implement the same trading algorithm with human traders
10:20 justusranvier also works
10:20 mircea_popescu chetty lol@cnbtc. and i guess the us hasn';t recently embarked in a joyride of paying ransoms to hide the reality of its middle eastern defeat ?
10:21 mircea_popescu justusranvier explain the algorithm in question again for the benefit of they with difficulties reading ?
10:21 chetty haha well I kinda just assume usg and eu is doing same stuffs these days
10:21 mircea_popescu this is such a brilliant idea really.
10:22 ThickAsThieves twist wrist and free?
10:22 ThickAsThieves maybe dislocate thumb requires
10:22 ThickAsThieves d
10:22 ThickAsThieves nice design
10:22 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves not everyone';s got thieves wrists.
10:23 ThickAsThieves "The New York Times found that Al Qaeda and its direct affiliates have taken in at least $125 million in revenue from kidnappings since 2008, of which $66 million was paid just last year."
10:23 mircea_popescu but anyway, yeah, it's actually impossible to keep a well trained slavegirl restrained. she'll wiggle out, over time. this being more for the engineering of it etc.
10:23 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves see now THEY could make a bitcoin atm.
10:24 chetty haha just wait until AQ wants it ransoms in btc
10:24 ThickAsThieves seems their atm works just fine
10:24 ThickAsThieves put in Europeans, withdraw millions
10:24 mircea_popescu lol
10:26 mircea_popescu << is it wrong that i really like this concept ?
10:27 chetty yes
10:27 chetty (he isnt almost naked, thats the problem)
10:28 mircea_popescu the subtext i read there is, guy buys diamond ring, girl spends a few hours on the end of a leash that day.
10:28 mircea_popescu comes back, little worse for the wear.
10:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31241 @ 0.00078221 = 24.437 BTC [+] {2}
10:30 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 400 @ 0.00242004 = 0.968 BTC [+]
10:30 mircea_popescu ;;refresh
10:30 gribble Order refresh successful, 2 orders refreshed.
10:30 chetty you never seem to see the same symbols as the rest of us
10:31 ThickAsThieves he has sexualized glasses
10:31 mircea_popescu no, you all see the world through monoculture glasses!
10:32 cazalla that shit is constantly on 4chan but it's shitty bait
10:32 ThickAsThieves i try so hard, but still i only see with my own eyes
10:32 mircea_popescu "The ruling requires Argentina to pay 100 percent of its debt to the holdouts at the same time Argentina pays the restructured bonds to the “holdins.” Argentina is not allowed, under Griesa’s ruling, to pay some creditors but not others. The payment date was June 30. Because Argentina missed its payment, it is now under a 30-day grace period. If Argentina does not pay by the end of July it will, again, be formall
10:32 mircea_popescu y in default."
10:33 mircea_popescu
10:33 assbot Understanding Argentinas Coming Default - Nicolás Cachanosky - Mises Daily
10:33 chetty mircea_popescu, is there anything in life that does not relate to sex?
10:33 mircea_popescu this isn't really a fair statement of the problem
10:33 mircea_popescu i guess im writing a blogpost.
10:33 mircea_popescu chetty did you say life ?
10:33 chetty yeah, meant as a generic term, not biology
10:33 mircea_popescu ...
10:34 mircea_popescu and suddenly the glasses are in plain view.
10:34 mircea_popescu what the holy fuckballs of heaven do you mean "generic term not biology" ?
10:34 ThickAsThieves hehe
10:35 mircea_popescu cazalla you don't see the merits in taking another man's wife from time to time ?
10:35 ThickAsThieves is there anything in sex that does not relate to life
10:35 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves roughly half.
10:35 chetty well apparently a failed attmept to forestall you going on that life obviously means sex ..
10:36 cazalla mircea_popescu, i did it once and felt horrible, after i had fucked her though
10:36 mircea_popescu what's to forestall ? things are what they are not what we wanna see them as.
10:36 chetty the question comes down to, whats the sex in a stock exchange trade?
10:38 cazalla met her online, she invited me over, i get there, lets me straight in and then tells me to be quiet because her kids are asleep, news to me at that point, she had kicked her husband out few days prior too
10:38 mircea_popescu cazalla a that's no good.
10:38 ThickAsThieves maybe i can translate for chetty, or at least put words in her mouth. you have a hyper-sexualized view of things, using sex as metaphor constantly, being quite horny, keeping sex slaves, sex is majorly part of your psyche, going so far as to imply a hypersexual person is a hypersuccessful person/ why do you think it's so important and how does this relate to the inferiority assumed by
10:38 ThickAsThieves your average desexualized beta mangirl
10:40 mircea_popescu well, the objection'd be that hyper requires an average, and not only is there a good objective average sex, but why would anyone care ? this then reduces the problem to a personal matter, "he talks more of it than i do. this is inconvenient for x y z reasons."
10:40 mircea_popescu not only is there not*
10:41 mircea_popescu remarkably enough, my use of the sex metaphor is actually unrelated to sex. it just happens to be an incredibly good structure for explaining things to people, especially people who haven't spent a lot of time thinking, either generally or on the topic at hand.
10:41 cazalla only part that bothers me is half of mircea_popescu tumblr links look like they came from rusty and eddies
10:41 mircea_popescu ths because they HAVE spent a lot of time thinking about sex.
10:41 mircea_popescu cazalla i'm an equal opportunity asshole!
10:41 chetty ThickAsThieves, that close to what I meant. But nothing really to do personally with Mircea and sex, more how does he manage to see it everything
10:42 ThickAsThieves so the distilled answer is, "Dude I like sex more than you, it ain't mean nuthin!" ?
10:42 chetty mircea_popescu, yes thats exactly what I was trying to get at
10:43 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 294 @ 0.00242005 = 0.7115 BTC [+] {4}
10:43 rithm i like sex
10:43 mircea_popescu rithm a, but does sex like you back ?
10:43 rithm sex likes me
10:43 rithm i asked it
10:43 ThickAsThieves sex is a slut
10:44 mircea_popescu i once knew a stripper named sex.
10:44 ThickAsThieves her tastes were quite complex
10:44 mircea_popescu lol this is for real.
10:44 rithm she sat on my pole,
10:45 chetty serial limericks?
10:45 ThickAsThieves my wallet cajoled
10:45 rithm and boy, when i came did she squeal
10:45 rithm or -ex
10:45 rithm mp messed it up
10:45 ThickAsThieves hehe
10:46 ThickAsThieves here's one i made yesterday
10:46 ThickAsThieves Princessnell, she casts a spell, with words longer than I can spell. She found her calling in verbal brawling, but who's winning? No one can tell.
10:47 mircea_popescu this is exactly the definition of a good lay
10:47 mircea_popescu a spirited bout of brawling with no clear victor.
10:47 rithm lol
10:48 ThickAsThieves rhyming spell with spell = pro
10:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 199 @ 0.00251847 = 0.5012 BTC [+]
10:52 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves you're also implying that the source of her intellect is mystical.
10:52 mircea_popescu this because you're a cis scum privilege-mongering woman hater.
10:53 mircea_popescu or perhaps for want of a pair of glasses :D
10:53 ThickAsThieves nope it's just cuz i wanna read and digest her articles but they are so fukn dense with words and links
10:53 ThickAsThieves the limerick was my way of complaining
10:53 mircea_popescu so basically you think her intellect is mystical because you love her so much ?
10:53 mircea_popescu "honey, i don't want you to leave the house anymore"
10:53 ThickAsThieves i dont even know her
10:54 mircea_popescu sorry son, you've stepped into feminism hour here at horror hotel.
10:54 ThickAsThieves is it at least happy hour too?
10:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47850 @ 0.0007873 = 37.6723 BTC [+] {3}
10:54 mircea_popescu i think for pot only.
10:54 ThickAsThieves perfect
10:55 mircea_popescu speaking of which, these people here are fucking nuts. do you know what the #1 universal question is, as you start getting intimate ?
10:55 mircea_popescu not "do you wanna fuck me", not "do you think im fat", not even what fucking bands you like. no. none of that.
10:55 mircea_popescu "do you smoke pot" they want to know.
10:55 ThickAsThieves lol
10:55 mircea_popescu im like... what is this, highschool ?
10:56 ThickAsThieves everyone is doing it mircea
10:56 ThickAsThieves be one of us
10:56 mircea_popescu THIS is what personality and interpersonal bonding is predicated upon ? fucking pot ?
10:56 ThickAsThieves it does enhance orgasm
10:56 mircea_popescu i dun want my orgasm fucking enhanced.
10:56 ThickAsThieves lol
10:57 mircea_popescu everything enhances orgasm, for crying out loud. including not doing it for a while.
10:57 mircea_popescu now why would i want that ? let them be boring and plain old ordinarily unenhanced.
10:57 ThickAsThieves do you also not drink booze with sex?
10:57 mircea_popescu wait, you can actually make your penis drink ?!
10:57 mircea_popescu from a cup or do you have a little trough for it ?
10:58 ThickAsThieves i only smoke pot with my dick
10:58 ThickAsThieves get with the program
10:58 mircea_popescu occasionally one runs into a well work whore that can smoke with her cunt.
10:58 mircea_popescu it's generally a good sign.
10:59 ThickAsThieves that should be your response then
10:59 ThickAsThieves Do you smoke pot? Does your cunt smoke pot?
10:59 ThickAsThieves maybe she can shotgun you from below
10:59 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30131 @ 0.0007897 = 23.7945 BTC [+] {4}
11:00 ThickAsThieves sexualize the pot, dont potualize the sex
11:00 mircea_popescu lol
11:00 mircea_popescu genetically engineered vaginal water pipe.
11:00 mircea_popescu ALWAYS WET
11:02 chetty and here I thought pot mostly made people lazy and hungry ...
11:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 419 @ 0.00199874 = 0.8375 BTC [+] {9}
11:03 ThickAsThieves depends on the pot and the person
11:03 ThickAsThieves but generlaly you are correct
11:05 ThickAsThieves Anyone who used Tor between early February and July 4th of 2014 "should assume they were affected" by the attack, says the Tor team.
11:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6645 @ 0.00079094 = 5.2558 BTC [+]
11:07 ThickAsThieves
11:07 assbot EXCLUSIVE: Payments giant First Data acquires Gyft in an effort to bring digital gift cards to the masses | PandoDaily
11:08 rithm whoa gyft got assimilated
11:09 mircea_popescu !up pleego
11:18 Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Bitcoin over $1000 before September" Odds: 16(Y):84(N) by coin, 28(Y):72(N) by weight. Total bet: 40.00588622 BTC. Current weight: 29,385.
11:20 artifexd <gribble> Rating change | Old rating 2 | New rating: danielpbarron > -4 > birdman | have known face-to-face for several years; currently an idiot, but there is still hope.. <<< LOL
11:22 artifexd <gribble> New rating | birdman > 3 > danielpbarron | Holds alot of my btc, very knowlageable with cryptography, is childish and doesnt understand the web of trust. negative rated me for getting devoice on #bitcoin-assets. Rationalizes that he had to change the +2 he had for me to a -4 because of his appearence there. Not to mention i was devoiced there
11:22 artifexd because some regular there picked a fight. Very trustworthy when i comes to busines <<< Moar lol
11:23 artifexd Once could use the #bitcoin-otc-ratings channel as source material for a very funny soap opera.
11:26 danielpbarron it wasn't just for that; we had an extended conversation after that incident and I didn't like his attitude about it
11:29 artifexd I get it. I really do. I still find it funny.
11:30 ThickAsThieves "Why not use a more reputable site like nitrogensports or cloudbet?"
11:31 assbot [HAVELOCK] [ROCK] 4999 @ 0.00070119 = 3.5052 BTC [-] {6}
11:32 danielpbarron heh; I know one of the mods for nitrogen; he lives in the town over from me; met him face-to-face for some BTC deals
11:32 danielpbarron even got him on irc, but he refused to join the WoT and i eventually told him to buzz off
11:35 ThickAsThieves danielpbarron everything is about you
11:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8850 @ 0.0007934 = 7.0216 BTC [+]
11:36 rithm i spend a majority of my day hanging on danielpbarron's every line of text.
11:36 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves the kid has a lot of zeal doesn't he ?
11:36 mircea_popescu danielpbarron dedication is a virtue, but too much of a virtue can be a sin. even your church preaches temperance, does it not ?
11:37 mircea_popescu !s birdman
11:37 assbot 21 results for 'birdman' :
11:39 ThickAsThieves i ordered two t-shirts with a btc logo in the style of a citi bank logo
11:39 danielpbarron self-control is certainly a requirement for salvation
11:39 ThickAsThieves they came just fine
11:40 ThickAsThieves now the company says they were sorry for misprint and will send more
11:40 ThickAsThieves free shirtz!
11:40 mircea_popescu lol ?
11:40 ThickAsThieves
11:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31850 @ 0.00079169 = 25.2153 BTC [-] {3}
11:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24100 @ 0.0007934 = 19.1209 BTC [+]
11:56 penguirker New blog post:
11:58 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 217 @ 0.00269732 = 0.5853 BTC [+] {7}
12:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17150 @ 0.00078633 = 13.4856 BTC [-]
12:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.71011060 BTC to 12`743 shares, 13420 satoshi per share
12:08 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] [PAID] 18.20431004 BTC to 1`149`988 shares, 1583 satoshi per share
12:10 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4000 @ 0.00259864 = 10.3946 BTC [-] {4}
12:11 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 480 @ 0.00263166 = 1.2632 BTC [+] {4}
12:13 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 231 @ 0.00274498 = 0.6341 BTC [-] {2}
12:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6344 @ 0.00078198 = 4.9609 BTC [-]
12:26 mthreat mircea_popescu: me gusta el articulo sobre el default. pero escribiste "Cristina" como "Christina"
12:36 chetty
12:36 assbot Moscow Stock Exchange Breaks - Trading Halted | Zero Hedge
12:37 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1097 @ 0.00274489 = 3.0111 BTC [-] {6}
12:37 artifexd True story: My wife and my daughter are both named "Cristina"
12:38 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 690 @ 0.00274998 = 1.8975 BTC [+] {3}
~ 15 minutes ~
12:53 kuzetsa
12:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14100 @ 0.00079114 = 11.1551 BTC [+]
12:57 asciilifeform 'One glimpse at the following chart of Russian stocks today and one wonders if the West needed to arrest the gains that their "costs" had imposed...'
12:58 asciilifeform run more winblows.
12:58 asciilifeform build more 'elbrus' wintel clones.
~ 54 minutes ~
13:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15350 @ 0.00079114 = 12.144 BTC [+]
13:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24300 @ 0.00079139 = 19.2308 BTC [+] {2}
14:06 cgcardona top of tha morning #bitcoin-assets o/
14:08 cgcardona how many people have taken MP up on the ether deal? Is that data public?
~ 27 minutes ~
14:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6789 @ 0.00079114 = 5.371 BTC [-]
14:36 cgcardona ;;ticker
14:36 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 571.01, Best ask: 572.45, Bid-ask spread: 1.44000, Last trade: 571.01, 24 hour volume: 7264.21567232, 24 hour low: 568.0, 24 hour high: 586.0, 24 hour vwap: 576.187508687
14:47 mircea_popescu mthreat well it's in english :[
14:47 mircea_popescu :p*
14:48 mthreat ok Mercha
14:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27500 @ 0.00078739 = 21.6532 BTC [-] {2}
14:53 mthreat 95.1 FM in buenos aires, talking about btc right now
14:53 mthreat
14:53 assbot Metro 95.1 - FM 95.1 - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Listen Online
14:53 mircea_popescu cgcardona nobody.
14:53 mircea_popescu mthreat omfg that's evil.
14:55 asciilifeform << masterful propaganda.
14:55 assbot Granite Island Group
14:56 asciilifeform (99% facts, 1% 'anyone who demos a 'tempest' setup is both con artist and criminal, plug yer ears')
14:57 asciilifeform (scroll down, author revealed... certified usg stooge)
14:58 asciilifeform why they always must brag? were they quiet, they might actually fool somebody
14:58 mircea_popescu depends who that somebody is.
14:59 asciilifeform rather like the apparently inexhaustible scamz0rs who post proposal for whatever, and you scroll, see 'member of btc Phoundation'
14:59 asciilifeform at that point, if he says 'sky is blue', you find yourself going out with a spectrometer - can't take his word...
15:01 mircea_popescu something like that.
15:01 Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Twitter stock to close at over $45 in 2014 " Odds: 77(Y):23(N) by coin, 75(Y):25(N) by weight. Total bet: 2.5999 BTC. Current weight: 77,299.
~ 22 minutes ~
15:24 FabianB $traded
15:24 empyex FabianB: Traded in last 24 hours: S.MPOE X.EUR
15:24 FabianB $t s.mpoe
15:24 empyex FabianB: S.MPOE 1 day: average: 0.00078699 high: 0.00080517 low: 0.00077883 volume: 978173 btc: 769.8098509 7 day: average: 0.0008004 high: 0.0008234 low: 0.00077883 volume: 4304098 btc: 3445.00297641 30 day: average: 0.00080474 high: 0.0008949 low: 0.00074501 volume: 11886294 btc: 9565.34374542
15:35 mircea_popescu "When I am observing the Arnhem chimpanzees I sometimes feel I am studying Freud’s primal horde; as if a time machine has taken me back to prehistoric times, so that I can observe the village life of our ancestors. They still accept the droit du seigneur, one of the forgotten products of western culture. When Yeroen was the alpha male, he alone was responsible for about three-quarters of all matings. Not counting sex
15:35 mircea_popescu ual intercourse with young females (who arouse less rivalry), his share was almost 100 %. Sex was his monopoly in the group." (de Waal 1990: 167-168).
15:36 mircea_popescu remarkable that chimps are saner than people, and don't really care about the young girls.
15:36 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: nothing specifically primate here. consider the elephant seal, etc
15:37 mircea_popescu myeah.
15:40 mircea_popescu !spank kakobrekla
15:40 assbot spank kako spank!
15:40 mircea_popescu lol
15:41 mircea_popescu ;;google go go second time virgin
15:41 gribble Go, Go Second Time Virgin (1969) - IMDb: <>; Go, Go, Second Time Virgin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <,_Go,_Second_Time_Virgin>; Koji Wakamatsu's Go, Go Second Time Virgin – Offscreen: <>
15:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16903 @ 0.00079199 = 13.387 BTC [+] {2}
15:53 kakobrekla >Wikipedia Now Accepts Bitcoin Donations With Coinbase
15:53 kakobrekla Posted 1 hour ago
15:53 kakobrekla hehe
15:55 mircea_popescu herp.
15:59 mthreat i went to give $50 and the form required a name and email address, and i left
16:00 xmj fluffypony: we've launched iteration II
16:00 xmj fluffypony:
16:00 assbot Perceivon Hosting Inc.
16:00 artifexd !spank mircea_popescu
16:01 artifexd boooo
16:01 assbot spank mp spank
16:01 mircea_popescu donating to wikipedia is kind of like donating to korea's rocketry programme. even if it were valid science i still wouldn't do it.
16:01 artifexd kakobrekla: How does assbot come up with the abbreviations for responding to spank?
16:02 kakobrekla NN algo.
16:02 artifexd No. Seriously.
16:02 kakobrekla seriously.
16:02 artifexd What was the training material?
16:03 kakobrekla 26 years of kako
16:04 artifexd You say "NN". I read "Neural Net". Did I misread?
16:04 fluffypony Non Nude?
16:04 mthreat mircea_popescu: I guess I want it to stick around, so i want to donate
16:05 artifexd Maybe nearest neighbor. That would make your response more sensical.
16:05 mircea_popescu WETWARE
16:05 mircea_popescu assbot's a sloot.
16:06 assbot spank arti spank
16:07 artifexd !s spank
16:07 assbot 39 results for 'spank' :
16:09 kakobrekla artifexd it is i, leclerc.
16:09 mthreat now when I read ben lawsky's name, I read it in my head as "ben lolsky"
16:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34000 @ 0.00078808 = 26.7947 BTC [-] {2}
16:11 mircea_popescu it is a lawly name.
16:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37889 @ 0.00078469 = 29.7311 BTC [-] {2}
16:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20999 @ 0.00078264 = 16.4347 BTC [-] {2}
~ 15 minutes ~
16:35 penguirker New blog post:
16:36 mircea_popescu coingenuity ?
16:36 assbot Bitcoin trading website accused of defrauding thousands of customers - LA Times
16:38 rithm mmhmmmm
16:40 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: letter to the sultan!
16:41 mircea_popescu asciilifeform hm ?
16:41 asciilifeform obligatory:
16:41 asciilifeform
16:42 mircea_popescu ;;rate coingenuity -1 apparently there's substance to all those nondelivery claims ?
16:42 assbot Bitcoin trading website accused of defrauding thousands of customers - LA Times
16:43 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user coingenuity has been recorded.
16:43 mircea_popescu asciilifeform :p
16:43 mircea_popescu i didn't think the rss had propagated yet.
16:47 rithm mtgox may have done in whatever coinabul's business model was
16:47 rithm personal speculation
16:49 mod6 hrm. I placed 2 small orders and recieved, but that was over a year ago :/
16:49 rithm my orders were small and delayed
16:49 rithm but received
16:50 rithm i think the business model had a side business involving time-value
16:50 rithm hence delay
16:50 rithm but i have no proof of this
16:56 BigBitz but coinginuity always claimed to be a multi-millionaire metal dealer. etc.
17:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21900 @ 0.00078252 = 17.1372 BTC [-]
17:03 kakobrekla ;;seen coinginuity
17:03 gribble I have not seen coinginuity.
17:05 rithm BigBitz i believe this to be a fabrication
17:05 BigBitz What's that?
17:05 BigBitz his multi-millionaire aspect? :p
17:06 rithm correct.
17:07 fluffypony or the part where he beats people up outside bars
17:07 thickasthieves ;;seen coingenuity
17:07 gribble coingenuity was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 23 weeks, 6 days, 16 hours, 58 minutes, and 10 seconds ago: <coingenuity> mircea_popescu: there's a lot of them
17:09 kakobrekla yeah i thought i seen him here
17:10 mod6 he's in here now, just not voiced.
17:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22900 @ 0.00078094 = 17.8835 BTC [-] {3}
17:12 kakobrekla also re nondelivery
17:12 assbot Kraken - 6 months and still cannot get my money
17:13 kakobrekla the PR reply starts with
17:13 kakobrekla Hi shardymop - I'm really sorry about the trouble you've been having
17:13 kakobrekla goxitup!
17:22 kuzetsa hmm
17:22 kuzetsa I'm flattered I suppose --- someone from here (presumably) is vaguely stalking me & now following me on twitter O_O
17:23 artifexd ;;later tell jurov Did you come up with a script for the wot video? Do you still need somebody to record the mac version?
17:23 gribble The operation succeeded.
17:23 kuzetsa whoever is @Bitcoin_Assets, I assume, is from in here (though I could be mistaken in that assumption)
17:24 kakobrekla kuzetsa i think tat has that.
17:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21390 @ 0.00077844 = 16.6508 BTC [-] {2}
17:29 thickasthieves stalking, research, what's the difference
17:30 thickasthieves you were being elusive so i googled
17:30 jurov artifexd i'm looking forward to a mostly offline week, scripting will come later.
17:32 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HASH] 25 @ 0.022 = 0.55 BTC
17:37 jurov tat is into grandmas?
17:38 thickasthieves grandma?
17:38 thickasthieves
17:39 thickasthieves
17:40 assbot Adverse Job Impact of the DFS BitLicense Proposal
17:41 thestringpuller WoT video?
17:42 thestringpuller !s wot video
17:42 assbot 0 results for 'wot video' :
17:42 thestringpuller !s web of trust video
17:42 assbot 0 results for 'web of trust video' :
17:42 thestringpuller :(
17:42 artifexd !s wot recording
17:42 assbot 7 results for 'wot recording' :
17:43 artifexd Summary: Make a few videos showing how to register a nick, create a key, register in the wot.
17:46 artifexd thestringpuller:
17:46 assbot #bitcoin-assets log
17:46 thestringpuller thx
17:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6211 @ 0.00078368 = 4.8674 BTC [+]
17:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6763 @ 0.00078736 = 5.3249 BTC [+]
17:57 BingoBoingo Implement “UTXO commitments” blockchain pruning and “fully validating but not full-history” nodes << Killing this is basically the goal of Fall 2014-2015
17:57 jborkl where is the site now?
17:58 BingoBoingo
17:58 jborkl sweet, thank you
18:00 jurov $proxies
18:00 empyex jurov: Proxies: MPEx-Status: 931 milliseconds Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
18:00 jborkl answered my next question
18:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 989 @ 0.0025807 = 2.5523 BTC [-] {19}
18:07 penguirker New blog post:
18:07 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17026 @ 0.00078755 = 13.4088 BTC [+]
18:21 kakobrekla ;;bc,stats
18:21 gribble Current Blocks: 313241 | Current Difficulty: 1.8736441558310238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 314495 | Next Difficulty In: 1254 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 1 hour, 4 minutes, and 43 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 19751039961.3 | Estimated Percent Change: 5.41511
18:21 kakobrekla this thing is like a virus.
~ 24 minutes ~
18:45 fluffypony ;;seen mircea_popescu
18:45 gribble mircea_popescu was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 hours, 2 minutes, and 13 seconds ago: <mircea_popescu> i didn't think the rss had propagated yet.
18:46 fluffypony such quiet
18:47 kakobrekla go back to work!
18:48 fluffypony kakobrekla: you're not the boss of me!
18:48 kakobrekla i do what i want!
18:48 fluffypony go to your room!
18:49 fluffypony oh wait, this is your room
18:49 fluffypony nm then
18:49 kakobrekla just on paper.
18:49 fluffypony such benevolence :-P
18:50 kakobrekla ikr.
18:50 fluffypony
18:50 assbot has 'blocktech' been associated with anything other than pump and dumps?
18:50 fluffypony lol
18:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12524 @ 0.00078651 = 9.8503 BTC [-] {2}
18:50 fluffypony brought to you by the David Seaman circlejerk
18:50 fluffypony !up FoOdies5
18:50 fluffypony !up neuroMode
18:51 fluffypony FoOdies5, neuroMode, you guys have interacted with blocktech no?
18:51 FoOdies5 yup
18:51 fluffypony or just with Weiner?
18:51 FoOdies5 just weiner
18:51 FoOdies5 lol can't even type his name without smiling
18:51 FoOdies5 8bit interacted with one of their devs
18:51 fluffypony this whole Naut / Dirac thing seems like one continuous stream of bullshit
18:51 FoOdies5 personally
18:52 FoOdies5 it's in my top 10 ongoing retarded crypto schemes list
18:52 FoOdies5 near the top
18:52 fluffypony lol
18:53 FoOdies5 firstly a coin created by a wallstreet guy is obviously a get rich quick/slow scheme
18:53 FoOdies5 either way it's a scheme
18:53 fluffypony with a "stabilisation fund" that hasn't stabilised anything
18:53 FoOdies5 and dirac ... wat ?
18:53 FoOdies5 what the fuck can you stabilize with a premine ?
18:53 FoOdies5 maybe keep the coin from going up
18:53 FoOdies5 by dumping
18:53 FoOdies5 that you can do
18:54 Duffer1 i read that as blatant manipulation, we just use different words
18:54 Duffer1 ""
18:54 fluffypony yeah
18:54 FoOdies5 either way it's clear cut what the goal of that coin is
18:54 FoOdies5 so it baffles me why anyone in their right mind would invest in it
18:55 fluffypony tbh I don't know if the NBC "contributor" / blogger dude intended it that way
18:55 FoOdies5 except maybe if he can outtrade the owner and get some money
18:55 FoOdies5 or ride it
18:55 fluffypony the article he wrote was all like "this is my little experiment"
18:55 fluffypony and I think Weiner et. al. convinced him it could be "bigger" than an experiment
18:55 Duffer1 consider the audience foodies, reddit/bitcointalk "investors"
18:55 fluffypony lol
18:55 FoOdies5 or a social experiment to see how dumb people can be
18:56 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 285 @ 0.0025 = 0.7125 BTC [-]
18:57 fluffypony that too
18:57 FoOdies5 Duffer1 I applaud your quotes
18:57 FoOdies5 sorry I was helping preggers get ready for sleep
18:58 fluffypony how far along is she?
18:58 FoOdies5 9 months yesterday
18:58 FoOdies5 lel
18:58 fluffypony I think it's about time
18:58 FoOdies5 ticking timebomb
18:58 fluffypony I'm guessing, though
18:58 fluffypony :-P
18:58 FoOdies5 I swear she's waiting to steal my birthday
18:58 FoOdies5 which is tomorrow (1st aug)
18:59 FoOdies5 her mom stole it by setting our wedding date on my b-day
18:59 FoOdies5 and now the daughter wants to be born on my b-day
18:59 FoOdies5 fucking women
18:59 fluffypony lol
18:59 FoOdies5 .... wait that's how I got in this whole mess to begin with ... by fucking women
18:59 FoOdies5 so scratch that
18:59 BigBitz fuck men?
19:00 * BigBitz is out...
19:00 fluffypony BigBitz has a point
19:00 FoOdies5 out in a blaze of glory
19:01 FoOdies5 seriously tho when the fuck is Kubo gonna switch to Bach vs Squad 0 fights already
19:01 FoOdies5 this zombies shit is boooooring
19:01 fluffypony I have no idea what you just said
19:01 neuroMode unfortunately for NAUT
19:01 FoOdies5 manga
19:01 FoOdies5 Bleach
19:01 neuroMode I think Brian Kelly is shooting himself in the foot by listening to the cryptogoblins pushing for POS
19:02 fluffypony FoOdies5: aaah, outside of my wheelhouse
19:02 fluffypony neuroMode: agreed
19:02 neuroMode Naut immediately becomes a pyramid scheme
19:02 neuroMode like all other POS coins
19:02 fluffypony I can't look at a PoS coin without thinking it stands for "piece of shit"
19:02 neuroMode agreed
19:02 neuroMode its almost like its a joke
19:02 neuroMode purposefully named with that acronym
19:03 neuroMode i mean...let's create artificially rare coins that only have a week of distribution
19:03 neuroMode now, let's all make it our job to try and convince someone else to buy it for more than we paid
19:03 neuroMode with no other means of obtaining it
19:04 fluffypony I don't fundamentally have an issue with PoS as an experiment (albeit one doomed for failure at present)
19:04 fluffypony I just hate this bait-and-switch tactic that seems to be common
19:04 neuroMode it becomes very obviously a pyramid scheme no matter how well disguised the marketing campaign is
19:04 neuroMode yep
19:04 neuroMode and you know a dev is naive
19:04 fluffypony launch a PoW shitcoin, and then "suddenly" announce it's changing to PoS
19:04 neuroMode when he succumbs to his community's derailed wishes to turn POS
19:05 neuroMode yep. its all the cryptogoblins that pout about inflation and have a very narrow scope of cryptocurrencies
19:05 FoOdies5 what's tiresome is the endless waves of supporters for these piles of shit
19:05 neuroMode indeed
19:05 neuroMode it never ends
19:05 neuroMode no matter how muhc money people lose
19:05 neuroMode cryptocurrencies are more of a casino to gamble at
19:05 neuroMode than any real 'investment'
19:06 neuroMode to the majority of people nowadays
19:06 fluffypony I wonder how much of it is the same group of retards investing in a new shitcoin hoping to get rich
19:06 neuroMode i wonder how many actual devs there are making these coins. Its likea fucking business now. I bet its like 5 groups of guys
19:06 neuroMode its all too cookie-cutter
19:07 neuroMode same logo designs
19:07 fluffypony thickasthieves is best altcoin dev
19:07 fluffypony he launched this:
19:07 assbot The Real Altcoin (ATC) – Never Mine Another Altcoin Again
19:08 neuroMode heh
19:08 fluffypony :-Pa
19:08 * neuroMode stops everything im doing, dumps all other altcoins, and buys Altcoin
19:08 neuroMode game over man
19:09 fluffypony done and dusted
19:09 fluffypony I see the new thing is you have to release a whitepaper
19:09 fluffypony but it shouldn't have any maths or cryptography in
19:09 neuroMode lol
19:09 fluffypony just nonsensical diagrams and walls of text written by a monkey
19:09 neuroMode a glorified OP post
19:09 neuroMode its such a disgrace to what actual research/white papers are
19:10 fluffypony mypersonal favourite is the SummerCoinV2 whitepaper
19:10 neuroMode lol
19:10 neuroMode u have a quicklink?
19:10 fluffypony
19:10 fluffypony that's an image from it
19:10 fluffypony actual whitepaper:
19:10 assbot Dropbox - Navajo Anonymous Technology Whitepaper(English).pdf
19:10 fluffypony I believe that all altcoins in the future should include Star Gates
19:11 fluffypony I'm disappointed that thickasthieves hasn't even bothered releasing a whitepaper promising Choctaw Star Gates for Altcoin
19:11 BingoBoingo <fluffypony> I don't fundamentally have an issue with PoS as an experiment (albeit one doomed for failure at present) << Proof of Stake essentially lets big bagholders delude themselves longer by becoming still bigger bagholders
19:12 neuroMode Navajo Anonymous Technology Whitepaper AKA FAQ
19:12 fluffypony BingoBoingo: yep - what I meant is that I don't have a problem if someone launches a PoS coin with something fundamentally different to PPC, I don't think it's bad to play with stuff in a real-world environment
19:13 fluffypony but they break their social contract when they launch as one thing and then suddenly change to another
19:13 neuroMode pre-fucking-cisely
19:14 BingoBoingo Well, the same breach happens when a coin switches from mining its own chain to merged mining
19:14 BingoBoingo Many a lower case altcoin died that way
19:14 neuroMode it just emphasizes the pointlessness and aimlessness of the coin, and makes the coin now flagged for possible scam
19:14 fluffypony yep
19:18 FoOdies5 BingoBoingo merged mining should be a feature for niche coins
19:19 FoOdies5 coins with the purpose of serving small niches that won't attract big mining
19:19 fluffypony the ones that need to peg to another blockchain for security
19:19 BingoBoingo FoOdies5: Not really, the market forces merged mining brings a lot of coins to an early slaughter.
19:19 BingoBoingo Larger miners have an incentive to dump immediately
19:20 FoOdies5 so that via merged mining they secure their chain in exchange for a part of their reward
19:20 FoOdies5 merged mining + lower coinbase for auxpow
19:20 fluffypony BingoBoingo: if it becomes the "in thing" to use your own cryptocurrency for loyalty systems we may see more of this
19:20 FoOdies5 they need to offer as much as they're willing to get dumped
19:20 FoOdies5 exactly fluffypony
19:21 BingoBoingo !up FoOdies5
19:21 BingoBoingo !up neuroMode
19:21 BingoBoingo FoOdies5: There's also the chance that the big miner that picks up a coin for Merged mining won't be friendly to it, see CoiledCoin as an early example
19:21 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.3000001 = 0.6 BTC [+]
19:22 FoOdies5 I'm not aware of it's fate
19:22 FoOdies5 tl;dr ?
19:23 fluffypony FoOdies5: it merge-mined with Bitcoin
19:23 fluffypony so Luke-Jr used the hashing power on Eligius to 51% attack the coin
19:24 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.3000001 = 0.6 BTC [+]
19:24 kakobrekla !up Luke-Jr
19:24 kakobrekla told ya, child rapists.
19:24 fluffypony a lot of miners got pissy that Luke-Jr was using their hash without their permission
19:24 ben_vulpes man can we yet drop this btc thing and just start using integer satoshi plz?
19:24 ben_vulpes yet? still? now?
19:24 FoOdies5 what a complete douche
19:25 fluffypony ben_vulpes: we first have to move to "Bits"
19:25 ben_vulpes fluffypony: bwaaaaat
19:25 fluffypony and then argue for a few years
19:25 ben_vulpes no
19:25 ben_vulpes 0
19:25 ben_vulpes 1
19:25 ben_vulpes infinity
19:25 fluffypony ikr
19:25 ben_vulpes there's a limit, let's go to it.
19:25 fluffypony did you hear about the iOS wallet?
19:25 * ben_vulpes buries head in co--
19:25 FoOdies5 what about it ?
19:25 ben_vulpes no what
19:25 fluffypony I think it runs in Bits by default
19:25 ben_vulpes what is a fucking Bit
19:25 fluffypony when you click on a payment link
19:25 FoOdies5 how much is Bit ?
19:26 fluffypony it assumes you're paying in Bits
19:26 fluffypony FoOdies5: 100 satoshis
19:26 FoOdies5 ah
19:26 ben_vulpes ffs are you serious?
19:26 fluffypony yep
19:26 fluffypony they patched it
19:26 fluffypony but not before people made payments that were 1/100000 of what they meant to pay
19:26 ben_vulpes mediocre engineers as far as the eyes can see
19:26 * ben_vulpes sticks his head back into the code-sands
19:27 fluffypony this is the problem that occurs when "functional tests" involve "I can send and receive 0.0005 BTC"
19:27 FoOdies5 scarcity side-effect
19:28 FoOdies5 people will fuck up when they have a gazillion decimals to work with
19:28 kakobrekla i did the scaling long ago btw
19:28 kakobrekla
19:28 assbot Why I'm switching to mXBT and why you should too
19:28 fluffypony lol
19:28 fluffypony I thought we all agreed we were going to switch to Tonal Bitcoin?
19:29 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 6 @ 0.29083333 = 1.745 BTC [-] {3}
19:29 FoOdies5 are all crypto enthusiasts doing drugs ?
19:29 FoOdies5 kek
19:29 FoOdies5 tortilla recipe
19:29 fluffypony how am I ever going to be able to say :"just send ma 4.3743 BongBitcoin"
19:30 ben_vulpes i hate you all
19:30 FoOdies5 why me ?
19:30 fluffypony no you don't
19:30 FoOdies5 I'm new here
19:30 FoOdies5 :|
19:30 FoOdies5 semi
19:31 fluffypony on that high note
19:31 fluffypony I'm out
19:31 fluffypony night all
19:31 kakobrekla good luck
19:31 ben_vulpes (i don't actually, fluffypony )
19:32 FoOdies5 gn fatso
~ 17 minutes ~
19:50 BingoBoingo FoOdies5: The short story of CoiledCoin is you need to find and read the long story to understand the things making lowercase altcoins fail have been happening for a long time as the Coiled Coin story makes an interesting contrast to other altcoins which were its contemporaries and still died albeit in other ways
19:51 BingoBoingo This current drama with Doge, LTC, ethereum et al happened before 2-3 years ago
19:51 BingoBoingo !up FoOdies5
19:51 BingoBoingo !up neuroMode
19:52 neuroMode :)
19:52 neuroMode BingoBoingo, do you have a good link for CoiledCoin?
19:52 FoOdies5 I just googled it
19:53 FoOdies5 the dev is basically saying Luke-Jr is a douche in the op
19:53 BingoBoingo neuroMode: Maybe? Maybe the searching is part of the point? Searching gets you the failure of its comtemporaries as well if you dig right
19:53 FoOdies5 and declaring the coin dead
19:53 neuroMode lmgtfmyself
19:53 BingoBoingo FoOdies5: You merely found the post. Find the narrative, the story behind it.
19:56 BingoBoingo Also apparently mircea_popescu is unwelcome in West Virginia
19:56 assbot Woman Walks Naked Man on Dog Leash, Puts Unknown Object in His Anus
20:01 BingoBoingo July 30th, 2014 Sprint and Skynet collude to officially reveal the Shitternet, asp predicted by asciilifeform and others
20:01 assbot Sprint Will Sell a $12 Wireless Plan that Only Connects to Facebook or Twitter - Digits - WSJ
20:06 ben_vulpes !spank BingoBoingo
20:07 ben_vulpes oh hue this isn't actually a thing
20:07 BingoBoingo Well, not yet
20:07 assbot spank bingo spank
20:08 ben_vulpes coinabul a shit?
20:08 ben_vulpes slash scam?
20:08 BingoBoingo Long been a shit, ask coingenuity
20:09 BingoBoingo !up coingenuity
20:10 BingoBoingo You can ask him questions, but given his problems I doubt he'll assist in providing the opposition with discovery
20:11 ben_vulpes i ain't askin nobody nuthin
20:11 BingoBoingo %t
20:11 atcbot [X-BT] Bid: 205 Ask: 248 Last Price: 205 24h-Vol: 67k High: 210 Low: 203 VWAP: 206
20:13 BingoBoingo %d
20:13 atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 687182.56 Est. Next Diff: 520922.58 in 592 blocks (#42336) Est. % Change: -24.19
20:13 BingoBoingo ;;bc,stats
20:13 gribble Current Blocks: 313249 | Current Difficulty: 1.8736441558310238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 314495 | Next Difficulty In: 1246 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 8 hours, 56 minutes, and 48 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 19706093769.1 | Estimated Percent Change: 5.17522
20:13 BingoBoingo Fucking BitBet authors can make anything seem close
20:14 BingoBoingo Apparently this dude who couldn't hit for a couple months is now actually in the rookie of the year race
20:14 assbot BitBet - Billy Hamilton Rookie of the Year :: 0.08 B (28%) on Yes, 0.19 B (72%) on No | closing in 3 months 1 week| weight: 64`469 (100`000 to 1)
20:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7500 @ 0.00078795 = 5.9096 BTC [+]
20:15 ben_vulpes <FoOdies5> maybe keep the coin from going up << and in the process acquire btc to drive it up. this is central banking 101, except one needs a) to not be a scammer and b) to actually work as marketmaker
20:17 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: b) to actually work as marketmaker << This is actually ATC's great innovation.
20:17 ben_vulpes go on BingoBoingo
20:18 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: Well, it is the first viable alternative to testnet, because instead of an absence of value a la tetnet ATC offers at a minimum a small value. In the sense that someone is byuing ATC.
20:20 BingoBoingo There is no promise that ATC's marketmaker will enforce any floor in price indefinitely, but the fact that the Market Marker's manager actually wants to buy metric fucktons of ATC means you can finally take crypto quarters to the arcade.
20:21 ben_vulpes if only there were an arcade...
20:21 BingoBoingo War of Life?
20:21 ben_vulpes this microvalue routine of atc is pretty neat
20:22 ben_vulpes not really an arcade in the classic sense. i'm barely old enough to remember the glory days.
20:22 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: You know they still have that kind of arcade in highway rest stop pornstores
20:24 BingoBoingo Or are you not talking about the jackoff booths?
20:24 ben_vulpes mnope.
20:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34950 @ 0.00079276 = 27.707 BTC [+] {2}
20:25 BingoBoingo AH
20:26 ben_vulpes (i was working on a glory hole joke)
20:26 ben_vulpes but no - actual arcades.
20:26 ben_vulpes so funny story
20:27 BingoBoingo Go on
20:27 ben_vulpes one time when i was but a wee benkay a friend and i converted some dollars into nickels, for to haul to the nickel arcade. we were walking up hawthorne in portland (which back in those days the Arby's might still have been operational or it might have been shuttered but in either case it wasn't actually demolished and turned into yuppy 'condo' shoeboxen yet), when of course some of the summertime transients petition us for our quarters
20:28 ben_vulpes the particularly scruffy one gets butthurt about hearing my nickles jingle (what - i'm a joo, it turns me on) and makes a grab at me
20:29 ben_vulpes i dodge - shit you not i kick his ankle and then run into the parking lot, where (again, not shitting in the slightest) he chases me in circles while his friend smokes a cigarette next to my friend.
20:29 ben_vulpes eventually the hobo tires and gives up.
20:29 ben_vulpes this is what growing up in portland was like.
20:29 assbot Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
20:29 BingoBoingo !b 5
20:29 ben_vulpes incompetent and easily winded muggers
20:29 BingoBoingo Shit.
20:30 BingoBoingo !up mike_c
20:30 mike_c hey. thanks for the bump atruk.
20:30 BingoBoingo mike_c: You are welcome
20:31 BingoBoingo mike_c: WoL is only the third MPEx backed game I've liked. The first was BitBEt, second world domination, third WoL.
20:31 ben_vulpes !down mike_c
20:31 ben_vulpes !up mike_c
20:31 mike_c psh, anybody can do world domination
20:32 mike_c hell the *french* did it once
20:33 assbot Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
20:33 ben_vulpes !b 2
20:35 BingoBoingo mike_c> psh, anybody can do world domination << Napoleon could even take Ethiopia which was such an easy target the fucking Dagos took it a century later
20:35 mircea_popescu <BingoBoingo> Also apparently mircea_popescu is unwelcome in West Virginia << how do you know she wasn't coming over to my place for a fuckvisit and taking her husband along for company ?
20:36 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu> <BingoBoingo> Also apparently mircea_popescu is unwelcome in West Virginia << how do you know she wasn't coming over to my place for a fuckvisit and taking her husband along for company ? << Well, I figure if you put up with the US Border shit you'd stay long enough to need to take the girls and various collected officials for a walk
20:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2020 @ 0.0007908 = 1.5974 BTC [-] {2}
20:39 BingoBoingo So... Today I've found the perfect mobile phone. The Alcatel 871. It makes and recieves phone calls. It lets you text so you can get bitches. It has a built in flashlight. Also the ringer is totes loud so you can safely set it some distance from "the cage" and anything important
20:40 mircea_popescu there';s a funny thing about that. around here the dogwalking service is very popular as a thing
20:40 mircea_popescu there you go donw the street and you suddenly meet this dogflower/amoeba made out of 10-30 dogs connected to a one guy pistil
20:43 BingoBoingo lol here people have yards so they assume their dogs exercise themselves and both get fat, unless they have a motivated dog who takes walks at night at roughly the same time I do.
20:43 mike_c BingoBoingo:Apparently this dude who couldn't hit for a couple months is now actually in the rookie of the year race << lol. this is the bet you were swearing was ridiculous a few months ago right?
20:43 BingoBoingo mike_c: It is indeed
20:43 mircea_popescu Barbara Jean "B.J." Geardello << this is a sort of gear bordello ?
20:43 mike_c bitbet makes us all look dumb.
20:43 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: I's have to assume a fake name
20:44 mircea_popescu !up duduqa
20:44 BingoBoingo mike_c: In this case I'm more of the opionion every other rookie is just sucking so much dick this year.
20:44 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo yet another way the usps lets everyone down, man and his friend alike
20:45 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: It may be surprising but USPS is only shipper around here I like.
20:45 mircea_popescu they do have this reputation for servicing shitholes...
20:48 Luke-Jr fluffypony: lying isn't very nice
20:48 Luke-Jr FoOdies5: ^
20:48 ben_vulpes what's the lie, Luke-Jr ?
20:49 Luke-Jr ben_vulpes: that Eligius was involved
20:49 Luke-Jr also that there was an attacdk
20:49 Luke-Jr I shut it down myself, without any need for attacks
20:49 ben_vulpes how'd you do that?
20:49 Luke-Jr the other miners were a joke, so I was pretty much 99% of the network
20:50 Luke-Jr and I just set reasonable fee requirements that nobody bothered to pay
20:50 Luke-Jr ie, the cost of actually processing the transaction - which was admittedly near infinite on a worthless scamcoin
20:50 mircea_popescu guy could work in washington dc. "i didn't rape her your honor, i just slapped her around a little. with a club."
20:50 mircea_popescu "she sucked at fucking anyway and was old and annoying"
20:51 dub boat sailed on that analogy
20:52 dub it was gods will that she submit remember
20:52 Luke-Jr more like "she wanted to pay me for sex, and I refused"
20:53 mircea_popescu so let's meet in the middle. "she wanted to buy birth control in my pharmacy so i shot her."
20:53 Luke-Jr except I didn't shoot anyone
20:53 Luke-Jr or do anything wrong
20:53 mircea_popescu but there is a corpse.
20:53 Luke-Jr nope
20:53 Luke-Jr nobody got hurt
20:54 mircea_popescu well that's good then
20:54 Luke-Jr mircea_popescu: if the SEC dies because you set a precedent of non-cooperation, is that a corpse?
20:54 mircea_popescu yep.
20:54 Luke-Jr nonsense, it was just a fiction in the first place
20:54 mircea_popescu so
20:54 mircea_popescu ?
20:54 Luke-Jr fictional entities don't leave corpses
20:55 ben_vulpes altcoins are fictional, bitcoin is the sole truth
20:55 mircea_popescu there's a difference between fiction and convention.
20:55 ben_vulpes that's some tortured logic.
20:56 mircea_popescu this would be why your marriage does leave a corpse, while your boyhood dreams do not.
20:58 ben_vulpes derps outside the office derping at each other
20:58 ben_vulpes me: "hi."
20:58 ben_vulpes derps: "derp derp derp"
20:59 ben_vulpes me: "uh. well. enough. this is my place of business."
20:59 ben_vulpes derp a to the right, derp b to the left.
20:59 ben_vulpes silence reigns again.
20:59 ben_vulpes well, order at the very least.
21:00 punkman "We know you've grown up, and so has Gaia. That's why we've launched Tentacl, an engaging forum experience created for savvy adults like you"
21:00 punkman it doesn't even have any tentacle porn
21:01 mircea_popescu maybe you've not stroked it enough.
21:01 mircea_popescu ;;google YOU HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN MY FINAL FORM
21:01 gribble This Isn't Even My Final Form | Know Your Meme: <>; This Isn't Even My Final Form - Achievement - World of Warcraft: <>; This isn't even my final form : WTF - Reddit: <>
21:01 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: What I value about USPS is they deliver on a promised, fast timeline. Fedex and USPS seem to encounter... delays...
21:01 BingoBoingo
21:01 assbot Naughty Sorceress - TheKolWiki
21:02 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo something in there wasn't right.
21:02 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: In which thing?
21:03 ben_vulpes UPS for the second instance i warrant
21:04 duduqa Hi, folks! I'm just an average Joe from Brazil. Here are some mundane news in case it might be interesting for the logs: volume is rising at exchanges (not all of them are depicted at, price higer than the local blue dollar, facebook group at over 9,000 participants, Zipzap and equivalents working here. We have even our newborn bitpay-equivalent:
21:04 assbot Exchange war: pair not found
21:05 mircea_popescu wait you got a blue dollar in brazil too ?!
21:05 BingoBoingo Fedex has the weird routing, but UPS has hubs in nowheresville so far removed from my nowheresville when there's actually a UPS hub near an urban center close to my middle of nowhere
21:06 duduqa yes...we have the ptax\commercial dollar (cheaper, used for credit card purchases) and the blue dollar, which is roughly the ptax + 6.38% international purchase tax (which you have to pay in case you use your credit or debit card)
21:07 mircea_popescu aha.
21:07 duduqa at the top of the bubble, price reached over USD 1,400 here
21:09 duduqa Brazilian most popular finance website ( quotes the bitcoin price and has a dedicated bitcoin columnist - Fernando Ulrich (pretty good)
21:09 mircea_popescu pretty cool.
21:10 mircea_popescu any idea why is it called blue dollar ? rather than maroon or w/e ?
21:10 ben_vulpes << 3d printed firearms from amazon when?
21:10 assbot 3D Printing Store
21:10 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: For same reason as Blue Balls
21:10 mircea_popescu lol
21:10 BingoBoingo ;;ud blue balls
21:10 gribble | the excrutiating pain a man receives when his balls swell to the size of coconuts because of lack of sex, unfinished bjs, and just not cummin when ...
21:11 duduqa hehehehe
21:11 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: isn't the whole point of the theoretical 'printed arms' that - no one but owner knows he has them ?
21:12 duduqa in Brazil we call "dolar paralelo"
21:12 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: perhaps the individual components could be made inscrutable and pieced together into a working...piece?
21:13 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: this already exists, is called 'hardware store'
21:13 mircea_popescu asciilifeform that can't be right.
21:13 duduqa small meetups are happening, small whatsapp groups are forming and people are slowling buying, fearing another maxidevaluation of BRL
21:13 BingoBoingo ;;rate coingenuity -5
21:13 assbot Bitcoin trading website accused of defrauding thousands of customers - LA Times
21:13 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of -5 for user coingenuity has been recorded.
21:13 mircea_popescu duduqa is that likely ?
21:13 duduqa It's actually taken for granted by most of the local economists
21:14 mircea_popescu aha.
21:14 dub dis luke, get ddos
21:14 dub praise teh lord
21:14 duduqa as of today, 1 USD = 2,25 BRL
21:14 mircea_popescu so 2what's expected, 2.75 something ?
21:14 BingoBoingo !up duduqa
21:15 BingoBoingo >3 prolly
21:15 duduqa I don't know, but I'd rather have my exposure reduced once the Fed rises (even minimally) its rates
21:15 * BingoBoingo clarifies that is not greater than three, but an actual lion with physical delivery
21:16 duduqa It's been easier to "sell" the bitcoin idea during these times of fear of becoming another Venezuela
21:16 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: that can't be right << ?
21:16 mircea_popescu asciilifeform " isn't the whole point of the theoretical 'printed arms' that"
21:16 mircea_popescu what, no 3d printer kid so far shot anyone.
21:16 mircea_popescu obviously the point must be something else than actual use.
21:17 asciilifeform hence 'theoretical'
21:17 mircea_popescu i c.
21:17 ben_vulpes ;;later tell thickasthieves "<<" has won over "//"
21:17 gribble The operation succeeded.
21:17 ben_vulpes ;;later tell chetty "<<" has won over "//"
21:17 gribble The operation succeeded.
21:17 mircea_popescu slashers are bad mmmkay ?
21:17 ben_vulpes f y'alls i
21:17 asciilifeform (as advanced by 'any day now we shall print hardened steel' folks)
21:18 ben_vulpes no hardened steel necessary, simply visit...hardware store.
21:18 ben_vulpes (printing belongs in that somewhere)
21:18 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> hence 'theoretical' << Home depot uzi is a more feasible thing the 3d printed
21:18 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: for some reason, there is this cult of 'automation' where user doesn't have to use his hands
21:18 mircea_popescu kuzetsa: I'm flattered I suppose --- someone from here (presumably) is vaguely stalking me & now following me on twitter O_O << you knwo, someone following you on twitter is not stalking in any sense.
21:19 asciilifeform otherwise ordinary cnc milling would've been the focus of the 'printed arms' crap
21:19 asciilifeform long ago.
21:19 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: i'd still rather have a CNC mill again than any 3d printer.
21:19 * asciilifeform purchased a small cnc mill today, for < 1 btc equiv.
21:20 ben_vulpes in my experience it's slightly more cost effective (and entertaining!) to buy an actual fuck-off big-boy-pants mill and bolt the steppers on oneself.
21:20 ben_vulpes but who has time for such.
21:20 BingoBoingo asciilifeform:
21:20 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: this normally requires 3-phase mains. and... a crane. and a concrete slab to park it...
21:20 mircea_popescu @SecondMarket Can I be CEO? << no tat, that' the onl;y thing you can't be. everything elkse tho..
21:20 mircea_popescu wide open.
21:21 mircea_popescu DeusCerehling say wut ?
21:21 thestringpuller mircea_popescu: my niggas need educating how much do I have to pay you to whip em in to shape if I sent them to Argentina?
21:21 BingoBoingo
21:21 mircea_popescu thestringpuller i only do girls.
21:22 thestringpuller I can send the females. No putting your penis inside them tho as form of payment. :P
21:22 mircea_popescu speaking of which, random stuff from my pmbox : "That hot lesbian dentist bought 0.5 BTC today"
21:22 mircea_popescu fancy the odds!
21:22 mike_c why are you guys negrating based on some latimes story that offered zero actual facts?
21:22 BingoBoingo I can send the females. No putting your penis inside them tho as form of payment. :P << I assume this is a part of the process
21:22 mike_c all i saw in there was a link to the forums..
21:23 mircea_popescu mike_c fact one is that the guy who used to claim he has >1k undelivered actually has a name now ; fact two is that this has been a topic of conversation here, for months.
21:23 BingoBoingo <mike_c> Actual facts have been known since late 2012. Coinabul indeed broke bad.
21:23 asciilifeform process << sending coal to newcastle? why send girls to mircea_popescu ?
21:23 * asciilifeform is confused
21:23 mircea_popescu asciilifeform more like sending gems to antwerp.
21:23 mircea_popescu so as to be polished fine.
21:23 asciilifeform lol
21:23 assbot Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
21:23 BingoBoingo !b 5
21:23 mike_c !s coinabul
21:23 assbot 30 results for 'coinabul' :
21:24 ben_vulpes <asciilifeform> ben_vulpes: this normally requires 3-phase mains. and... a crane. and a concrete slab to park it... << crane's unnecessary. mill needen't be *that* big.
21:24 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes not everyone's vulpes benchpress, yo.
21:24 ben_vulpes anyone who's not lifing heavy things regularly is going to rot quickly in their old age
21:25 mircea_popescu i lift my cock to pee.
21:25 BingoBoingo I lift my drink to... drink...
21:25 assbot Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
21:25 BingoBoingo !b 4
21:26 mircea_popescu one of the most wtf ads here is, "polenta. para quando necesitas polenta".
21:26 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: one can rent a crane, sure. but if you don't already have a facility with 3phase and concrete slab, it is likely to cost more than you're willing to pay for a machine used on rare occasions
21:26 mircea_popescu which literally says, cornmeal. for when you need cornmeal.
21:26 BingoBoingo Well, if Imma make cornbread I need cornmeal.
21:26 ben_vulpes yeah those cracked me up, mircea_popescu
21:27 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo shockingly, cornbread is unknown here.
21:27 mircea_popescu also most potato meals outside of "papas" which is bad fries
21:27 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Not too shocking, it is barely known here.
21:27 mircea_popescu and their bread is an utter outrage. they have all these panaderias which sell sweets.
21:27 mircea_popescu the bread is basically wonderbread french rolls.
21:27 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo i thought it was the mainstay of the deep south.
21:27 mircea_popescu anyway, i love it.
21:28 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: I'm in the south part of the midwest, but have lived close to the wire.
21:28 mircea_popescu kakobrekla: this thing is like a virus. << it's like two viruses making out.
21:28 * BingoBoingo hearts Cairo (pronounced Kay-ro)
21:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10900 @ 0.00079352 = 8.6494 BTC [+] {2}
21:29 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: 3-phase isn't that hard to come by.
21:29 * mircea_popescu pronounced cairo kay-ro all over egypt, to much botherment of everyone.
21:29 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: your house has 3phase mains? or you use a genset?
21:29 ben_vulpes no. i rent space in places suited for their uses.
21:29 ben_vulpes this bay in which my butt is parked right now has it, for example. and concrete floors.
21:30 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu pronounced cairo kay-ro all over egypt, to much botherment of everyone. << You would get along nicely in the first place the Blacks won the Civil rights movement in the US.
21:31 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: you could probably afford the services of an actual machinist for what this costs, no ?
21:31 mircea_popescu i get along nice everywhere, much to the butthurt surprise of all the people who imagine themselves experts in the matter on the grounds of derping a lot on the subject, and then never getting along anywhere really.
21:31 ben_vulpes were i actually cutting parts, that's what i'd do. were i to buy a mill upon which i wanted to crank recreationally, well, i'd do things recreationally.
21:31 mircea_popescu like what, snort the span "?
21:33 mircea_popescu << shit made me chuckle.
21:33 assbot #bitcoin-assets bash
21:33 BingoBoingo Cairo is basically the most civilized location in Illinois by virtue of being the Furthest from Shitcago.
21:34 * asciilifeform confesses that he considered renting warehouse to house machines. then learned that, for what this would cost for ~1 year within practical driving distance, he could have a golden toilet nanofabricated atom by atom.
21:34 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: i'm paying 550/mo for this bay.
21:34 kakobrekla how much do the toilets go for?
21:35 asciilifeform kakobrekla: important question to answer before achieving world domination
21:35 mircea_popescu asciilifeform dat driving distance problem.
21:35 kakobrekla asciilifeform is why im asking!
21:36 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Is your yard large enough for a corrugated metal shed?
21:36 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: that's where the machines live now. not ideal, from standpoint of humidity & temperature, but practical.
21:36 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Ah
21:37 BingoBoingo So Home Depot still surpasses 3D printing yet again
21:37 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: played with the fancy self-leveling 'crete yet?
21:37 mircea_popescu << you're proly overpaying.
21:37 asciilifeform self-leveling ?
21:38 ben_vulpes yup. if i recall its mechanics correctly, it uses surface tension to approximate a very flat surface.
21:38 dub not, say, gravity?
21:38 ben_vulpes kinda goes without saying
21:39 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: the shack has a sealed wooden floor, level enough for most purposes
21:41 BingoBoingo asciilifeform> ben_vulpes: the shack has a sealed wooden floor, level enough for most purposes << Given your humidity this isn;t a permanent solution>
21:41 BingoBoingo ?
21:41 ben_vulpes my concrete laying days are long past me
21:42 ben_vulpes my pipe laying days though...
21:42 mircea_popescu FoOdies5: what the fuck can you stabilize with a premine ? maybe keep the coin from going up <<< this is exactly correct . the braindamage going on here is that fuckwits understand you need resources to prop a coin, and lackin any resources they wish to... borrow them. since they're making a coin anyway it's ~easier~ to roll both into one. that this reduces to trying to pull yourself up by your own breeches is not some
21:42 mircea_popescu rthing they'd notice.
21:42 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: neither the shack, nor the house it comes with, nor its contents, are 'permanent solutions'
21:42 mircea_popescu asciilifeform im frankly surprised you got a yard in dc.
21:43 mircea_popescu forget all the weird machinery, install sundecks, allow desperate 30yo womenz to sun themselves for a blowjob + $100.
21:43 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: ~8km from it
21:43 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: issue 'bastard files' to the womenz? substitute for milling?
21:43 dub !ticker h am1
21:43 assbot [HAVELOCK:AM1] 1D: 0.27000000 / 0.30584317 / 0.34100000 (277 shares, 84.71855920 BTC), 7D: 0.12699999 / 0.2114412 / 0.34100000 (1276 shares, 269.79896649 BTC), 30D: 0.12200001 / 0.1894769 / 0.34100000 (3066 shares, 580.93617939 BTC)
21:44 mircea_popescu fluffypony: and I think Weiner et. al. convinced him it could be "bigger" than an experiment <<< kinda remind me of the pernicious influence of max keiser, with his couple of scamcoins.
21:44 mircea_popescu he recently convinced weev to "go the kickstarter route", with results that still make people lol.
21:44 mircea_popescu basically people need to learn to stop taking talking heads srsly.
21:44 dub wait for the crash when forumites realise there is no div money in the kitty
21:45 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> he recently convinced weev to "go the kickstarter route", with results that still make people lol. << Weev is going to learn the hard way he isn't old enough for Taleb or even Orlov's deference
21:45 mircea_popescu FoOdies5: and now the daughter wants to be born on my b-day << it's pretty good sharing a bday with your daughter. you can take her drinking.
21:47 mircea_popescu neuroMode: I think Brian Kelly is shooting himself in the foot by listening to the cryptogoblins pushing for POS << i still don't see how exactly they figure pos does anything, bitcoin is fucking white enough w/o it. but anyway, naut actually means chickpeas in romanian.
21:48 dub saves carbon
21:48 dub obv.
21:48 mircea_popescu neuroMode: i wonder how many actual devs there are making these coins. Its likea fucking business now. I bet its like 5 groups of guys << more like 3.
21:48 asciilifeform doesn't take a 'dev' to... run 'sed.'
21:49 mircea_popescu fluffypony: mypersonal favourite is the SummerCoinV2 whitepaper << iut's fucking disgraceful these idiots are allowed to use any words they wish. bring back the classroom ruler i say.
21:49 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i think what's meant is someone with the label.
21:49 mircea_popescu SID, self-identified devs.
21:50 mircea_popescu ironically, because of idiocy like the us left and food stamps and the govt dole, people like armandi (who is still active btw) are making more moneys than your average ditch digger.
21:50 mircea_popescu moral hazard right there.
21:51 ben_vulpes what's armandi's scam?
21:51 mircea_popescu !up neuroMode
21:51 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes originally, bitdaytrade.
21:51 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: So many armandia scams. Labcoin is a recent one
21:51 neuroMode "white enough w/o it"? implying POS is geared more towards upper middle class america?
21:51 BingoBoingo neuroMode: No, tuned to Russian Oligarchs
21:51 mircea_popescu neuroMode white is a very old political identification, as opposed to 1700s red.
21:52 dub finally got around to ordering vdsl
21:52 neuroMode im not well-hung politically, pardon me
21:52 dub gotta get pr0ns fast
21:52 neuroMode :)
21:52 mircea_popescu ie, the supporters of stewart against the parliament, and of louis against the french revolution.
21:52 neuroMode but yeah, i can believe 3 groups have made making POS coins a business
21:52 mircea_popescu arguably franco spain was the last white thing.
21:52 BingoBoingo dub: Find a nice camgirl, invite her to your home.
21:53 kakobrekla HIV HD
21:53 neuroMode and they will continue to reel in the suckers every week
21:53 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu> arguably franco spain was the last white thing. << Well, until 2011
21:53 dub
21:53 mircea_popescu neuroMode
21:53 assbot The story of Pointless and Witless pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
21:53 dub sry
21:53 neuroMode or at least create an environment where altcoins are not taken anymore seriously than cards at a blackjack table
21:53 dub
21:54 BingoBoingo <neuroMode> or at least create an environment where altcoins are not taken anymore seriously than cards at a blackjack table << I doubt you understand how serious blackjack is
21:54 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo yeah but irl bitcoin is still more potential than actual cunt.
21:54 BingoBoingo True
21:54 kakobrekla dont do hd porn, you will end up on wiki searching up all the diseases.
21:54 neuroMode i mean gambling wise. people know they will lose at times, they just put more money right back on the table
21:55 BingoBoingo <kakobrekla> dont do hd porn, you will end up on wiki searching up all the diseases. << Good reason to avoid whores willing to negotiate prices (in the april and may logs)
21:55 mircea_popescu fluffypony: the ones that need to peg to another blockchain for security << this is not really all that true, in general the best use of resources should be mining the chain rather than attacking it.
21:55 neuroMode and chalk up your losses to either not counting cards well enough or just bad luck and use the experience for helping next time
21:55 mircea_popescu ^ this use the experience for helping next time shizzle...
21:55 BingoBoingo neuroMode: No, I mean exactly that. There is a way to win blackjack, and that is you get moar comped drinks than you lose at the table.
21:56 neuroMode hahaha
21:56 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo that's not winning, that's getting drunk on your own success.
21:56 neuroMode ok, fine.
21:57 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo that's not winning, that's getting drunk on your own success. << What is a greater example of winning than losing exactly the house edge over 8 hours and drinking to success on the top shelf?
21:57 BingoBoingo At least in Black Jack
21:57 mircea_popescu fluffypony: but not before people made payments that were 1/100000 of what they meant to pay << fucking idiots for srs. 5 zeros ? why, because 8 and 5 are mutually prime ?
21:57 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo you know they overcharge for the drinks.
21:58 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Well they don't overcharge the person they are comping...
21:58 mircea_popescu but when you do your winning math
21:58 BingoBoingo Since... they aren't charging
21:58 ben_vulpes aren't all drinks outside the home overcharged for?
21:58 mircea_popescu you count retail do you not.
21:59 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> but when you do your winning math << I try to blackjack to the house edge.
21:59 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes went out with some friends local thai restaurant, ordered champagne. pretty decent stuff. like 20 bux a bottle ?
21:59 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> you count retail do you not. I count versus package liquor store prices
21:59 mircea_popescu went to bdsm event, bought champagne, pretty decent stuff. 30 bux a bottle.
21:59 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo aok than.
21:59 BingoBoingo Not casino bar prices
22:00 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo i doubt you can have anything drinkable in the us for under 1k a bottle.
22:00 BingoBoingo Sometimes I compare to the compromise favored hole in the wall bar prices.
22:00 mircea_popescu haven't tested this extensively for lack of giving a shit.
22:01 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo i doubt you can have anything drinkable in the us for under 1k a bottle. << I don't drink much wine, because I'm too picky for the normal local selection, but I'll get five bottles of Egri Bikaver at the supermarket in hopes I can three are palatable.
22:03 mircea_popescu i never cared for hungarian wine.
22:03 BingoBoingo It's better than what the Dagos ship here
22:03 mircea_popescu yeah i believe it.
22:03 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: get real, it's 200.
22:03 BingoBoingo ;;ud dago
22:03 gribble | A highly offensive racial slur for an Italian. Comes from "Diego". If you call an Italian dago, he just might kick your lily white ass. by Common Sense7 October 06, ...
22:03 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes who is
22:03 ben_vulpes acceptable bubbly.
22:03 mircea_popescu how is diego supposed to be italian ?
22:04 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: In the Us it is.
22:04 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes the only time i had decent stuff in the us was in san antonio (for breakfast!) and i didn't pay. so pure guesswork on my part.
22:05 mircea_popescu FoOdies5: are all crypto enthusiasts doing drugs ? << i'm not.
22:05 BingoBoingo Generally though in the US bourbons and ryes are drinkable. Bottom shelf vodka is more drinkable than top shelf.
22:05 BingoBoingo !up FoOdies5
22:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14837 @ 0.00078795 = 11.6908 BTC [-]
22:06 mircea_popescu 1 double cherry truck of bitcoins = 960149127168 satoshi = 9601491.27168 mBTC = 9601.49127168 BTC << ahahh o kako!
22:06 BingoBoingo Bottom shelf vodka is more drinkable than top shelf. << Reason for this is cheap American vodka starts with close to pure ethanol and is them water down to vodka
22:07 BingoBoingo As linked a while back Mega factory MGD makes terrific rye whiskey so pick the cheapest label slapped on it
22:07 BingoBoingo Honestly for Hard liquor in America, the more you pay the more likely you are to be scammed
22:08 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo: Fucking BitBet authors can make anything seem close <<< clearly a conspiraci.
22:09 BingoBoingo I'll confess to writing the 21 Billion at the end of meteorological summer bet. The Billy Hamilton bet though must have been Ohio scum.
22:10 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes: i dodge - shit you not i kick his ankle and then run into the parking lot, where (again, not shitting in the slightest) he chases me in circles while his friend smokes a cigarette next to my friend. << this sounds like a happy childhood.
22:10 BingoBoingo I mean people emphasize the mean hobos while forgetting the friendly one
22:11 asciilifeform but when you do your winning math << misread as 'but when you do your winning meth'
22:12 BingoBoingo What Weev's up to
22:12 BingoBoingo Because I simply cannot bring myself to throw away food, we are going to eat from the prison commissary tonight.
22:13 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: 'twas a good childhood. you'd probably disapprove of how easily i had it, but it was nice.
22:13 mircea_popescu !up jwSchool
22:13 ben_vulpes chatting with garbage men in the alley while reading in my backyard bush
22:14 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes i don't disprove at all. i had it easy too.
22:14 ben_vulpes riding my bike all over town (what american child can ride a bike around their town?!)
22:14 mircea_popescu my philosophy is not that it should be hard, but merely that if anyone complains, of anything, it should be made worse for them.
22:14 ben_vulpes hahaha
22:14 mircea_popescu like, chick's whining about her feet hurting ? well now she has to run around in a circle around me while i walk.
22:14 mircea_popescu and if she complains again, bare knees on asphalt.
22:15 mircea_popescu and generally you know, always give the worst worker the hardest job with the shittiest tools etc.
22:15 mircea_popescu gotta pile it on.
22:16 ben_vulpes okay i'm here for four more minutes
22:16 ben_vulpes what should we do
22:16 jwSchool complain?
22:16 mircea_popescu lol
22:16 jwSchool :P
22:17 mircea_popescu who're you jew school ?
22:17 jwSchool jw @ school
22:17 jwSchool
22:17 ben_vulpes jwoz hopefully
22:17 jwSchool also
22:17 mircea_popescu oic.
22:17 mircea_popescu !up FoOdies5
22:18 FoOdies5 jwSchool don't sweat nigga all we romanians are douchey
22:18 FoOdies5 so jew jokes are a must
22:18 mircea_popescu don;t be starting with me, i have a jewish friend
22:18 jwSchool ic
22:18 mircea_popescu his name contains "douche"
22:18 FoOdies5 I have all kinds of friends
22:18 FoOdies5 doesn't hold me back from being racist and homophobic
22:19 jwSchool I work with a romanian organic chemist
22:19 mircea_popescu btw, are you on reddit ? you sound just like reddit.
22:19 jwSchool she's got lovely teeth
22:19 BingoBoingo FoOdies5: Are you a gypsy?
22:19 jwSchool not
22:19 FoOdies5 I just watched boondocks
22:19 FoOdies5 see jwSchool ?
22:19 FoOdies5 we subject to racism too
22:19 FoOdies5 so it's cool
22:19 BingoBoingo jwSchool: Know anything about chiral ladders?
22:19 mircea_popescu reddit is not a race.
22:20 * jwSchool not organic chemist, thankfully
22:20 FoOdies5 I was talking about the gypsy part
22:20 mircea_popescu nm, it's a race to the bottom, my bad.
22:20 jwSchool I'd rather not breathe chloroform and stuff all day
22:20 mircea_popescu o god i love my own bad jokes.
22:20 mircea_popescu jwSchool how do you plan to get laid ?
22:20 mod6 haha
22:20 FoOdies5 and I just said I just watched a few episodes of the boondocks so I might sound a bit ghetto for a while
22:20 jwSchool by not being an organic chemist?
22:20 FoOdies5 give this man ops
22:21 FoOdies5 that was the answer of the month
22:21 BingoBoingo jwSchool: Chlorophorm is easy, sodium hypochlorite solution + ETOH solution. Now transorming into dex-methoform is a challenge
22:21 FoOdies5 fuck zebracoin's saving endangered zebra species
22:21 mircea_popescu <jwSchool> by not being an organic chemist? << not bad.
22:21 jwSchool pandas are clearly safe
22:21 jwSchool since they have several coins now
22:21 FoOdies5 hah
22:21 FoOdies5 wolong joke
22:21 jwSchool :D
22:21 ben_vulpes adios gents
22:22 FoOdies5 I love being in the loop
22:22 FoOdies5 adios ben
22:22 FoOdies5 ze fox
22:22 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: Bed time experiment still a thing?
22:23 ben_vulpes notrly experimental any more
22:23 ben_vulpes hard screens off at 1045 pm
22:23 ben_vulpes w/out flux to change the daylight around, it'd have to be 945
22:23 FoOdies5 mircea_popescu you friends with zoso ?
22:24 mircea_popescu with who ?
22:24 FoOdies5 whew
22:24 FoOdies5 I thought you were friends with some romanian douche blogger
22:24 mircea_popescu <ben_vulpes> hard screens off at 1045 pm << holy shit !?
22:24 mircea_popescu FoOdies5 i think i'm well hated by virtually all the romanian would be bloggers.
22:24 assbot Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
22:24 BingoBoingo !b 1
22:25 mircea_popescu sort-of like i'm well hated by virtually all bitcoin would-be ceos.
22:25 FoOdies5 don't worry I don't like you that much either
22:25 ben_vulpes <mircea_popescu> <ben_vulpes> hard screens off at 1045 pm << holy shit !? << early to bed, early to rise...
22:25 FoOdies5 too pompous
22:25 ben_vulpes okay gone f'reel nao
22:25 mircea_popescu this guy must be getting some fearsome erections.
22:26 FoOdies5 I was refering to this "Bine ca l-au gasit pe cel cu rig-ul in pod si pe Vuscan, dar de Mircea Popescu (vechi prieten de al lui Zoso) – care are cea mai relevanta bursa de actiuni in bitcoin – nu au zis nimic."
22:26 mircea_popescu lol k.
22:26 FoOdies5 you a rap star now nigga, bitches claiming they know you and shit
22:26 mircea_popescu well no, just, the ragazines that pretend to be romanian press have an ancient interdict with me, is the thing.
22:26 FoOdies5 srsly tho, good thing you're not friends with that shitface
22:27 FoOdies5 I would have hated you even more
22:27 mircea_popescu some chick wanted to interview me once over a corruption scandal, pisse dme the fuck off, i ended up putting a pay barrier in place
22:27 mircea_popescu and they really can't afford money.
22:27 mircea_popescu FoOdies5 how do you know random nobodies from like nowehre to the degree you'd give a shit either way ?!
22:27 FoOdies5 oh please, have you ever seen these shitheads talk about bitcoin on tv ?
22:28 asciilifeform money
22:28 mircea_popescu i dun watch tv.
22:28 asciilifeform 's expensive these days
22:28 mircea_popescu asciilifeform truely. everyone in some sectors is used to pay in promises.
22:28 FoOdies5 I was browsing one night and I stumbled upon a show talking about bitcoin
22:28 FoOdies5 a full half hour of the guy from btcxchange trying to explain bitcoin to an old ass relic
22:28 FoOdies5 shit was painfull to watch
22:28 mircea_popescu FoOdies5 you old enough to have seen bruce wagner's old lolstuff ?
22:29 mircea_popescu like the episode filmed in demo mode and so on ?
22:29 * asciilifeform shudders to think of what kind of 'bitcoin' could be seen on u.s. tv
22:29 BingoBoingo Any blawgers thing I'm off the mark on trackbacks?
22:29 assbot Actual Internet Etiquette: Trackbacks and Spam | Bingo Blog
22:29 FoOdies5 is that from 2012-2013 ?
22:29 mircea_popescu his last thing was, iirc, interviewing the stupid-had-fuckface, before his innovative genuis idea turned scam
22:29 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo summarize it for me ?
22:29 BingoBoingo asciilifeform shudders to think of what kind of 'bitcoin' could be seen on u.s. tv << I'll get you a video most horrifying
22:29 mircea_popescu FoOdies5 2012 yes.
22:29 mircea_popescu and 2011.
22:29 FoOdies5 I was too busy being in jail with the camataru brothers in 2012 lol
22:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13950 @ 0.00078789 = 10.9911 BTC [-] {2}
22:30 mircea_popescu o wait, you're romanian ?
22:30 FoOdies5 watching taraf
22:30 FoOdies5 shit was bananas
22:30 FoOdies5 yup
22:30 mircea_popescu why the fuck do you sound just like reddit then.
22:30 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Basically trackbacks are great and you can curate them, but because link /= citation spammers on this protocol when identified need super spanked until they correct
22:30 FoOdies5 cuz I learned english from watching tv back when cartoon network was still not dubbed lol
22:31 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo but what's the offense, someone sending fake trackbacks that don't exist on the actual page ?
22:31 mircea_popescu what, it's dubbed now ?!
22:31 FoOdies5 also I'm very maleable so whatever I watch on tv/laptop that day I kinda start talking like that
22:31 mircea_popescu FUCK YOU DUB
22:31 FoOdies5 yeah it sucks major ass
22:31 FoOdies5 also the quality of the cartoons is next to nil
22:31 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Someone sending trackbacks I couldn't see, because linked in ad looking blindspot
22:32 mircea_popescu cow and chicken was great.
22:32 mircea_popescu no more of that huh ?
22:32 FoOdies5 damn right it was
22:32 mircea_popescu ;;google 1990s animation golden age.
22:32 FoOdies5 I prefered I am weasel tho
22:32 gribble Disney Renaissance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>; Modern animation in the United States - Wikipedia, the free ...: <>; Main/The Renaissance Age of Animation - Television Tropes & Idioms: (1 more message)
22:32 mircea_popescu fu wikipedia cancer.
22:32 mircea_popescu the tv tropes link is the link.
22:32 FoOdies5 yeah no now it's this stupid ass weirdly animated shit
22:32 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo just grep the html of the page, it's what i do.
22:33 FoOdies5 luckily there's boomerang who still broadcasts golden stuff
22:33 FoOdies5 like some hannah barbera shows
22:33 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: And that's why I had to assume spam.
22:33 FoOdies5 flintstones, jetsons some looney toons
22:33 BingoBoingo Link to post was not visible without encondomed browser
22:34 FoOdies5 but seriously tho, seenig what kids these days grow up on, we're pretty much fucked
22:34 mod6 lol
22:34 BingoBoingo But instead stuck in one of those ad things
22:34 FoOdies5 so save them bitcoins for old age
22:34 FoOdies5 because pensions are gone
22:35 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Maybe see if a neighbor girl can offer an explanation as a test?
22:35 mircea_popescu wait the who what ?
22:35 mircea_popescu FoOdies5 << this you ?
22:35 assbot Dono.Ro - YouTube
22:36 BingoBoingo asciilifeform:
22:36 assbot TV Show The Blacklist mentions Bitcoin - YouTube
22:36 FoOdies5 no nigga this me:
22:36 assbot FBI-ul a cerut extradarea celui mai tare hacker din Romania. Reteaua ilegala avea si magazin online
22:36 FoOdies5 oops
22:36 FoOdies5 :))
22:36 FoOdies5 reteaua ilegala avea si magazin online, tare asta
22:36 FoOdies5 :))
22:37 mircea_popescu lol i c.
22:37 BingoBoingo FoOdies5: Are you USG in Costana entrapping?
22:37 FoOdies5 what's a USG ?
22:37 BingoBoingo FoOdies5: UnSavory Garnish
22:38 FoOdies5 your joke was too smooth for me to handle
22:38 BingoBoingo A la Mike Hearn
22:38 FoOdies5 I apologize
22:38 FoOdies5 I'm still not fine tuned with the high level of references used in bitcoin-assets
22:38 FoOdies5 I'll be ok after a few days
22:39 FoOdies5 Hell I managed to stay cell boss over some pretty badass guys
22:39 FoOdies5 I can manage y'all
22:39 FoOdies5 unless you ban me
22:39 FoOdies5 :))
22:39 mircea_popescu lmao.
22:39 mircea_popescu the other one was better imo.
22:39 BingoBoingo FoOdies5: For all I know you could have been an emigre at middle school age, and now you're a terminal lance stationed at Costana assigned to intel
22:39 mircea_popescu i mean he still sucked, but at least he was better at it.
22:40 BingoBoingo I mean DreadKnight at least showed a classic romanian taste in game aesthetics
22:40 FoOdies5 Constanta nigga
22:40 mircea_popescu and now on to merrier considerations.
22:40 FoOdies5 damn
22:40 FoOdies5 stop saying it wrong
22:41 FoOdies5 I did have a friend that got busted 2 months after I did in constanta
22:41 FoOdies5 haha nigga was visiting some hacker friends trying to learn some new shit
22:41 FoOdies5 exactly when the cops came in
22:41 FoOdies5 I mean he also had a record but he did 4 months for visiting his friends tho
22:41 decimation
22:41 FoOdies5 shit was cash
22:41 BingoBoingo FoOdies5: I'm sorry, I'm just a pasty white victim of violence in the Middle West.
22:42 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5750 @ 0.00079353 = 4.5628 BTC [+]
22:42 FoOdies5 wait middlewest ?
22:42 FoOdies5 is that a thing ?
22:42 BingoBoingo Yeah
22:42 FoOdies5 where does it start ?
22:42 FoOdies5 belgium ?
22:42 BingoBoingo Lol
22:42 BingoBoingo It starts in Chiraq
22:42 BingoBoingo And stretches to Kay-roh
22:43 FoOdies5 wait that's only west from a chinaman's perspective
22:43 FoOdies5 and such
22:43 FoOdies5 for me and mircea it's east
22:43 FoOdies5 well south and a little east
22:43 mircea_popescu ...
22:43 mod6 lol
22:43 mircea_popescu dude i find it dubious you survived in prison, considering how much talking out of teh ass you do.
22:44 FoOdies5 I adapt
22:44 mircea_popescu oh. so cell boss in THAT sense.
22:44 FoOdies5 no not THAT sense
22:44 mircea_popescu orly.
22:44 FoOdies5 also prison !== preempttive arest
22:44 FoOdies5 single t*
22:45 kakobrekla triple equal
22:45 FoOdies5 there's quite less violence and organization there
22:45 FoOdies5 as you're locked up 24/7
22:45 * BingoBoingo is still in the russian concept of "Big Jail" over that alleged misdemeanor "turrurism" phone call
22:45 FoOdies5 with a small air break
22:46 FoOdies5 although trying to explain the concept to a pompous prick does seem like a lost cause
22:46 mircea_popescu yeah, it sucks because you're in with noobs and not as likely to be able to bring massive support to bear.
22:47 mircea_popescu which is why generally people prefer going with their retinue.
22:47 mircea_popescu well, except the psychopaths.
22:47 FoOdies5 anyway, I'm out, perhaps we'll get the chance to meet in this lifetime I'd really love to flip you off in real life just for using unnecessarily complicated words in an irc channel
22:48 BingoBoingo Eventually:
22:48 * BingoBoingo is prolly going to have to walk to civilization
22:49 decimation "Piketty is a modern progressive, best defined as someone who thinks intellectuals should run everything as the vanguard of the people, which is why academics, journalists, and writers are predominantly progressive."
22:49 assbot Falkenblog: Piketty's Terrifying Dystopia
22:49 BingoBoingo Because it looks like no scheduled court date I have is ever going to be an actual trial
22:49 mircea_popescu decimation intellectuals SHOULD run everything. the only problem is that the courtiers of the french republic are not intellectuals.
22:50 decimation some Marxists think that the ancien regime was unfairly taxed because the richest were taxed at the lowest rates (or immune from tax)
22:51 mircea_popescu well what do they know.
22:51 decimation this seems to be the right idea to me, the principle being that the state recognizes those who are beyond its reach
22:51 mircea_popescu and it wasn;t the richest. it was the better. which is what the peerage is : the better people.
23:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3074 @ 0.00078708 = 2.4195 BTC [-]
23:01 mircea_popescu A nasty old drunk in Carmel thinks it funny to piss in the well. He says, "Some don't favor that unusual flavor, but I don't drink the stuff -- what the hell!"
23:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SF1] 5900 @ 0.00026477 = 1.5621 BTC [-] {3}
23:14 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 265 @ 0.00257044 = 0.6812 BTC [-] {6}
23:18 ben_vulpes hey mircea_popescu how much for a two-fer?
23:18 ben_vulpes can i get .3 for a two-fer?
23:18 mircea_popescu A rapturous young fellatrix one day was at work on five pricks. With an unholy cry she whipped out her glass eye: "Tell the boys I can now take on six."
23:19 mircea_popescu weren't you supposed to be in bed ?
23:19 ben_vulpes psh do you even timezone
23:19 ben_vulpes what does hard screens off have to do with why i logged off prev'ly?
23:19 ben_vulpes that was in response to bb's q re bedtime experiment
23:19 mircea_popescu <ben_vulpes> okay gone f'reel nao << ?
23:19 ben_vulpes yeah so i shut the laptop, what of it
23:19 mircea_popescu anyway. what 2fer ?
23:20 ben_vulpes 2 pairs of tits, one hash
23:20 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: Are you really contacting your bouncer on a phone of some sort?
23:20 ben_vulpes heck no BingoBoingo i'm just blessed with internet and gin wherever i goes
23:20 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes if it includes the woman that'll make a vulpe vulpes then by all means. BUT NONE OF THAT NO FACE BULLSHEIT.
23:21 ben_vulpes you've been taking no face for weeks noW!
23:21 mircea_popescu from whores. not from honest married young ladies.
23:21 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: Roll up screens? What is a hard vs. soft screen?
23:22 ben_vulpes de facto standard!
23:22 mircea_popescu speaking odf which, store here put bags on all the manequins heads with like "discount!!1" and so on . shit was eerie.
23:22 ben_vulpes moving the goalposts on me boss this is not how you run a business
23:23 mircea_popescu hey, you wanted a 50% salary hike not i.
23:23 ben_vulpes aight give me a hash i'll see what i can do
23:23 ben_vulpes .2 for no faces?
23:23 BingoBoingo <ben_vulpes> moving the goalposts on me boss this is not how you run a business << Check my tweets to Ben Lawsky I am running a charity
23:23 mircea_popescu sure, they gotta come here and link to their previous work tho.
23:23 ben_vulpes no previous work
23:23 ben_vulpes virgins i tell ya
23:24 mircea_popescu well then... let em do it right.
23:24 ben_vulpes has
23:24 ben_vulpes hash plz?
23:24 mircea_popescu none of this toe in the large ocean of sluttery i say.
23:24 mircea_popescu umm. we clear on teh terms ?
23:24 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HASH] 35 @ 0.022 = 0.77 BTC
23:25 ben_vulpes yes. .3 for faces.
23:25 mircea_popescu d49250d4
23:26 mircea_popescu i feel like fucking robert redford over here.
23:26 mircea_popescu only younger.
23:26 BingoBoingo
23:32 BingoBoingo danielpbarron: How do you feel today?
23:33 ben_vulpes | 1JpMfrhqRhUfPX58fSZS6frH9TCCM9CPun
23:33 assbot Unsee — Free online private photo sharing
23:34 ben_vulpes lol it came out upside down
23:34 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: ^^
23:35 BingoBoingo Fucking cock shit, this is why I bet on sports far less frequently than I used to.
23:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7553 @ 0.00078708 = 5.9448 BTC [-]
23:36 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes meh fucking js won't load for me
23:37 ben_vulpes of all the...
23:37 danielpbarron BingoBoingo, alright
23:37 mircea_popescu lesee if i can dig it up
23:37 BingoBoingo Oh, only 10 Wot Additions later than Ms. Boring
23:37 BingoBoingo danielpbarron: Want to bet on something risky?
23:37 ben_vulpes i'm emailing it to you.
23:38 BingoBoingo ;;rate bitcoin girl -2 Nightwalker
23:38 gribble Error: 'girl' is not a valid integer.
23:38 ben_vulpes << attn mircea_popescu
23:38 assbot Page not found pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
23:38 mircea_popescu lol ty.
23:38 BingoBoingo
23:39 mircea_popescu for some reason it only populates up to
23:39 mircea_popescu but not the actual filename.
23:39 BingoBoingo danielpbarron: How comfortable do you feel that we can put a price on my ascending before next rollover?
23:39 ben_vulpes no js is kinda your problem, mircea_popescu
23:40 ben_vulpes anyone interested can see the thing, i'm also emailing it to you.
23:40 BingoBoingo JS is everyone's problem. WHy did we let it start?\
23:40 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: pm
23:41 ben_vulpes wow this girl's internet hates the bitcoin client
23:41 assbot Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
23:41 BingoBoingo !b 1
23:42 mircea_popescu ehehehe look at the pretty girls!
23:43 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes i was expecting a lot more obvious drunkedness tbh. but sober ? maybe you should write a book.
23:44 ben_vulpes anyways i'm back to the babes
23:44 ben_vulpes catch y'all on the flipside
23:45 ben_vulpes ;;later tell pete_dushenski yo when do you bring the bittits?
23:45 gribble The operation succeeded.
23:54 The20YearIRCloud hello?
23:54 BingoBoingo !up The20YearIRCloud
23:54 The20YearIRCloud I am so stupid
23:54 The20YearIRCloud I figured out how to voice myself
23:54 The20YearIRCloud after begging mircea_popescu 2514 times to show me how
23:55 The20YearIRCloud */msg assbot !up
23:55 The20YearIRCloud not */msg assbot !up the20year
23:55 BingoBoingo lolz
23:55 The20YearIRCloud pretty sure the shame has dropped by IQ by at least 20 points
23:56 The20YearIRCloud I'm now eligible to live in detroit :(
23:57 BingoBoingo Lol
23:57 BingoBoingo Living in Detroit is hard
23:58 The20YearIRCloud especially since i hear they don't give water there anymore
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