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← 2022-06-12 | 2022-06-14 →
01:34 awt $ticker usd btc
01:34 busybot Current USD price in BTC: $0.00003828
01:35 awt $ticker btc usd
01:35 busybot Current BTC price in USD: $26095.05
01:35 awt Well shit
01:37 awt $ticker eth btc
01:37 busybot Current ETH price in BTC: $0.05242
~ 56 minutes ~
02:34 signpost the great splattening is at hand.
02:39 asciilifeform ohey cheapcoinz?
02:40 signpost $ticker btc usd
02:40 busybot Current BTC price in USD: $25658.88
02:40 signpost oh yeah
02:43 signpost stock market is going to get gutted tomorrow, looks like.
02:44 signpost bring on the "universal basic income" and then bring on the fall.
02:44 asciilifeform signpost: any particular trigger for this lul ?
02:44 * asciilifeform not up to date re 'splats'
02:44 signpost last splat they sent out one-off "stimulus" checks
02:45 asciilifeform signpost: yea but what was today's?
02:45 signpost ah, btc's been moving ahead of market movements. indicates who became big holders recently, I guess.
02:46 signpost market's taking a dump because even the fake CPI number is still red hot as of friday.
02:46 signpost *traditional market movements
02:46 asciilifeform was 'red hot' for yr+ neh
02:47 signpost sure, but the vermin surrounding the central bank are starting to admit it.
02:47 signpost or rather, ready to pull the rug.
02:48 signpost https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/goldman-trader-central-banks-appear-willing-break-some-things < e.g.
02:48 asciilifeform hm, thought 'rug' already pulled?
02:49 signpost even goldman who was saying "buy the dip" long after stock peak is now admitting "we're fucked til at least ~3150 S&P 500"
02:49 signpost consumers started running their credit cards up again; fed started rolling off mortgage-backed securities
02:50 * signpost is no expert, but the turd-tank seems full atm.
02:50 signpost fed's said "demand destruction" is the only way they can stop inflation, which is a hilarious euphemism.
~ 9 hours 17 minutes ~
12:08 awt First time in a hot air balloon today. Should be fun.
12:08 awt $ticker btc usd
12:08 busybot Current BTC price in USD: $23732.79
12:15 awt http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2022-06-13#1006744 << some other defi scheme claiming to provide "yield" is collapsing - called Celsius. Reportedly they own 150k btc.
12:15 bitbot Logged on 2022-06-13 02:44:13 asciilifeform: signpost: any particular trigger for this lul ?
~ 1 hours 20 minutes ~
13:36 shinohai lol awt just read that "Binance is suspending withdraws of celsius".
13:36 shinohai inCELs rekt
13:43 shinohai lol on BTC too obviously: https://twitter.com/cz_binance/status/1536317704990208000
~ 38 minutes ~
14:21 asciilifeform lol, waterfall cranked 'to eleven'; reich ~really~ wants to discourage plebes from inflation-sheltering in btc, noshit
14:21 asciilifeform expect moar, naturally, 'popped' goxes and 'mass liquidations' etc
14:25 asciilifeform http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2022-06-13#1006754 << paywalled
14:25 bitbot Logged on 2022-06-13 02:48:11 signpost: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/goldman-trader-central-banks-appear-willing-break-some-things < e.g.
14:25 * asciilifeform oddly not sees the bot echo ^
~ 32 minutes ~
14:57 billymg http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2022-06-13#1006768 << gaslighting to eleven. headlines all read "bitcoin falls due to inflation" "stocks down as traders worry about inflation"
14:57 bitbot Logged on 2022-06-13 14:21:21 asciilifeform: lol, waterfall cranked 'to eleven'; reich ~really~ wants to discourage plebes from inflation-sheltering in btc, noshit
14:58 billymg bot might need to be restarted, since restarted the blatta station it's connected to. i remember this being an issue in the past
14:59 billymg where looks fine in the logs but doesn't echo to connected peers for whatever reason
15:00 billymg !. uptime
15:00 bitbot billymg: time since my last reconnect : 0d 20h 22m
15:01 billymg !. version
15:01 bitbot I am bot version 733831.
15:02 billymg !. uptime
15:02 bitbot billymg: time since my last reconnect : 0d 0h 0m
15:02 billymg !. version
15:02 bitbot I am bot version 734773.
15:06 billymg http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-04-30#1099422 << bot now up-to-date in pest with this feature
~ 33 minutes ~
15:39 PeterL maybe I am confused, but shouldn't fears of inflation cause btc to go up?
~ 43 minutes ~
16:23 billymg PeterL: hence why i called it gaslighting, yes
16:26 billymg the reich likes to define "inflation" as "prices go up", obfuscating the "why" behind "prices go up"
16:27 PeterL inflation is a force of nature that cannot be controlled, certainly has no correlation to the printing presses they are running /sarc
16:27 billymg so that the plebs who don't know any better can form a model in their head that says "prices go up means 'consumer sentiment' down means investments go down" and it sorta makes sense on the surface
16:32 billymg when in reality, the pump was from inflation (printing) and the crash is due to their curbing of inflation (slowing down the printing). but the way they report the CPI pleb thinks "inflation" only started in late 2021 /early 2022
16:32 bitbot Logged on 2022-06-13 02:46:33 asciilifeform: was 'red hot' for yr+ neh
16:33 billymg "why do you think your house doubled in USD terms at the beginning of 2021?" "dunno, hot real estate market i guess"
16:33 shinohai But muh $1000 stimulus checks
16:34 billymg "why are gas and groceries going up" "putin caused inflation!"
16:34 PeterL I've heard some people say the response to inflation should be to issue more stimulus checks "to help the little guys"
16:35 billymg all to prevent pleb from every coming up with correct working model
16:35 bitbot (asciilifeform) 2022-04-15 asciilifeform: sometimes working model comes w/ tangible bonuses (e.g. folx who went long on btc in 2010s, instead of paying into pension fund lulz), but not always
16:35 billymg ever*
16:35 billymg PeterL: lol
16:35 * shinohai quite astonished no clamoring for "UBI" yet ....
16:35 billymg exactly, complete inversion of reality
16:36 PeterL well, obviously, gas prices are going up because "Biden did that" - or because Russia invaded Ukraine, depending on who you ask (although some people say both, Trump would have apparently kept Russia out of Ukraine)
16:36 billymg shinohai: UBI to help inflation!
16:37 PeterL I think they just changed the name from UBI because it got some negative connotation somewhere, they are still trying to come up with a name everybody likes
16:37 shinohai Print more to pay for monthly netflix bill and doritos/mt dew
16:38 PeterL those greedy corporations are at fault, if they didn't raise the prices on everything then we wouldn't be having inflation
16:42 billymg lol when i load this page the price briefly says $11847 before switching to the current exch rate: https://bitcoinwisdom.io/markets/gdax/btcusd
16:42 billymg perhaps insider leak?
~ 30 minutes ~
17:13 asciilifeform http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2022-06-13#1006786 << see e.g.
17:13 bitbot Logged on 2022-06-13 15:39:48 PeterL[asciilifeform|signpost|billymg]: maybe I am confused, but shouldn't fears of inflation cause btc to go up?
17:13 asciilifeform and elsewhere.
17:13 phf $ticker btc usd
17:14 busybot Current BTC price in USD: $23544.74
17:16 signpost http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2022-06-13#1006786 << not if much of what drove the last rally was paper leverage and bullshit.
17:16 bitbot Logged on 2022-06-13 15:39:48 PeterL[asciilifeform|signpost|billymg]: maybe I am confused, but shouldn't fears of inflation cause btc to go up?
17:16 asciilifeform some unknown % of the exch rate ( possibly ~all gains since '17 ) consists of gox bunkum
17:17 signpost on the longest time scale, yes, but that doesn't mean that a bunch of US banks going tits-up again TBTF style wont hurt the goxrate near-term.
17:17 signpost see also: saylor's gigantic leveraged BTC position.
17:17 signpost I hope that explodes too. fuck them all. I wasn't done buying.
17:20 asciilifeform reich strategy of 'print fiatola, buy btc, give away at xx% discount' worx a++ because the goxes provide an 'amplifier' (the leveraged positions) and not all that much print req'd
17:21 asciilifeform this, per asciilifeform's model, is why in '17 'legalized' goxes to begin with.
17:22 asciilifeform ( see also )
17:22 bitbot (asciilifeform) 2022-01-19 asciilifeform: w/out goxing and usg.tolerated shitcoin proliferation, the exchrate of a 'banned like cocaine' btc would very likely track usd debasement monotonically and do to usd what usd did to sov ruble.
17:22 signpost yep. later limiting btc to "accredited investors" would not surprise me.
17:23 asciilifeform would be rather like 'limit mousetraps to accredited mice'
17:24 signpost note that it would require demonstrating that one holds enough to be "accredited" to buy more.
17:25 signpost anyway, hail satan, and good luck to everyone getting in at what is probably one of the last opportunities.
17:25 * asciilifeform already for many yrs does not consider goxes any kinda reasonable place to buy btc -- for various obv. reasons
17:26 asciilifeform tho iirc ( per shinohai's findings ) some still will send to 1xx
17:26 signpost if you know where to move a few hundred k company store credits for btc all ears.
17:27 signpost but yeah, I have had no problems with kraken, and know some folks that ended up there.
17:27 signpost I expect that one to outlast coinbase
17:28 asciilifeform near as can tell, hardly anyone is letting go of ~actual~ coin. if there were somehow a mechanism for separate price discovery of actual (vs goxtronic) coin, likely would reveal some surprises
17:29 signpost what's actual coin if not coin that ends up at a 1-addy?
17:29 asciilifeform that one, yes
17:29 signpost kraken ceo at least seems ideologically palatable, but I admit he's one guy likely to be digested and shat by the empire.
17:30 signpost in either case one transfers a bit of money, transacts, immediately moves btc out, repeat.
17:30 asciilifeform gox operators divide into 'digested' and 'notyet'
← 2022-06-12 | 2022-06-14 →