Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2014-11-29 | 2014-12-01 →
00:01 decimation who knows how long it can last, but the above debt issue isn't exactly a healthy sign
00:02 mod6 PinkPosixPXE: Hi! Yup, thanks! Check PM.
~ 37 minutes ~
00:40 PinkPosixPXE hey thestringpuller, yea, have had a bussy holiday season
00:40 PinkPosixPXE busy*
~ 25 minutes ~
01:05 mircea_popescu ;;bc,stats
01:05 gribble Current Blocks: 332248 | Current Difficulty: 4.03000303278914E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 332639 | Next Difficulty In: 391 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 7 hours, 51 minutes, and 25 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 40003072562.1 | Estimated Percent Change: -0.73687
01:07 mircea_popescu 4!
01:08 mircea_popescu so here's an idea i just had : if one were to take a gas with favourable properties (such as high phase lambda, low evaporation temperature, stuff like that) and put a bunch of it liquefied in a canister
01:09 mircea_popescu then open up an outlet in a convenient atmosphere, such as where a mist machine is working, or maybe just very humid tropical climate,
01:10 mircea_popescu as the gas expanding sucks heat out of the canister, ice forms, which insulates, so eventually the gas coming out the outlet is itself supercooled, sucking the heat out of the atmosphere and making ice in random patterns. baiscally, "self-building ice tree"
01:10 mircea_popescu perhaps works even better at the bottom of a shallow lake. "self-reorganising lake".
01:10 mircea_popescu in any case... the high fantasy power of the ice / frost mage, at your fingertips. all you need is a compressor.
01:11 mircea_popescu should make for pretty decent shows for like, corporate parties and expensive weddings and whatnot. And now, Billy Bob, the Ice Mage!
01:11 mircea_popescu does anyone currently do this ?
01:15 * cazalla cast frost shock
01:16 mircea_popescu lol
01:19 mircea_popescu jurov: this is the undoing of C.. due to its memory unsafety they must decide to either bloat the kernel or suffer the overhead <<< out of the 10`000 billion lines of commentary written on the "usg is making up money and giving it to redhat to implement its policies ; whereby control economy is now called "do-ocracy" topic the past year or so, yours is the first one to actually be fucking sensible.
01:20 mircea_popescu because yes, there fucking IS more to it than just the politicals of uncle sam going "o hai linux guise, you has some cattle of mine, taking them back kthxbye"
01:20 mircea_popescu !up awt
01:24 mircea_popescu undata: please take my course on the above for only 10 BTC << too cheap to work.
01:25 undata mircea_popescu: damn, you're right. priced myself way below the life-coach/motivational market
01:25 mircea_popescu kakobrekla: yes because even more pretending will save the world << my fucking thoughts exactly.
01:25 mircea_popescu undata see, this is why you should go work for me making 0.18 btc an hour.
01:25 mircea_popescu while derping at conferences about how you're what was it, "transcending"
01:26 undata haha, not bad money
01:26 mircea_popescu ;;seen asciilifeform
01:26 gribble asciilifeform was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 days, 7 hours, 55 minutes, and 32 seconds ago: <asciilifeform> ben_vulpes: i never understood the 'happy hacking keyboard' and imitators. being as i live and die by function keys, the more the merrier. why voluntarily have fewer?
01:27 mircea_popescu this is how i know i'm not a programmer. i have not actually pressed any F key in... uh. months ?
01:27 mircea_popescu cuz wtf for.
01:30 undata better to program programmers, or so I hear
01:30 mircea_popescu decimation:
01:30 mircea_popescu "If the Treasury were forced to convert the $1.4 trillion in short-term bills (on which it now pays an average interest rate of 0.056 percent) into 30-year bonds at the average rate it is now paying on such bonds (4.919 percent) the interest on that $1.4 trillion in debt would increase 88-fold." <<< this is wreaking untold havoc on the entire known world, incidentally .it's not just the disruption it WILL cause as it u
01:30 mircea_popescu nwinds.
01:31 mircea_popescu that's the small part. the big part is the disruption it has already caused, and it continues to cause each passing day.
01:31 decimation In my opinion, usg's crimes are not 'active' in the sense that they scheme with redhat for evil - usg's crime is that if failed to use the resources and human talent at its disposal to advance the art of computing at all
01:31 mircea_popescu like the stuff discussed above re usg agency redhat, fuycking up linux. EXACTLY the stiuation of the giant ruining a chair.
01:31 mircea_popescu linux is a nice comfortable chair. after red hat is done sitting in it, it will perhaps be still usable. maybe. like the woman that delivered a baby hippo will still make a good wife.
01:32 mircea_popescu add to that all the idiots living off "free money" that was GIVEN tro them, while selling themselves on and trying to sell everyone else on how they're "making a positive impact"
01:32 mircea_popescu the sheer amount of plain idiocy being imported into the software of the world by this avenue far exceeds all the idiocy that could ever be imported into openssh or the kernel.
01:33 mircea_popescu because people do this, there's idiots whose careers are entirelyt constructed out of "advising start-ups", like undata is keenly aware.
01:33 undata painfully so
01:33 mircea_popescu there's nothing more corrosive to a state, and a society, and ultimately a culture, than fake money. it's the curse of fucking doom, you don't even need enemies if you got that.
01:34 undata mircea_popescu: it makes people unable to think!
01:34 decimation a very small part of the us population has any idea what it really means to economically run a business (turn a profit), and that part isn't in power
01:34 mircea_popescu it's like nobody bothers to wish ill on the cancer patient. that's why russia and china are not even remotely interested in a large scale war.
01:34 mircea_popescu just wait the scaroma victim out.
01:34 decimation heh china is happy to buy the paper actually
01:34 undata I have literally screamed "We need to make money!" at multiple jobs before setting out on my own.
01:34 mircea_popescu and, unlike the fucking pretense and idiocy now current in the white world,
01:35 mircea_popescu neither russians nor chinese are all that ethnically blind.
01:35 undata the US "tech economy" is filled with rabbits who think the food and water just fills itself.
01:35 mircea_popescu the day will come when being white will actually be exactly what the white supremacists feed themselves out of fearing : a handicap.
01:35 decimation undata: from the outside, I've see the 'startup' debt-funding culture creates all sorts of weird behaviors
01:35 mircea_popescu undata pretty much, it's almost as if cazalla's farm decided to enact itself into a "tech scene"
01:35 mircea_popescu who'd care, right ? cazalla wouldn't even know.
01:36 undata when I was 19 I was drummed out of a ruby on rails startup for my aforementioned rant
01:36 decimation like, why not re-engineer a product from scratch when we could buy it off the shelf, because we have slaves working for us and we don't need to show positive cash flow!
01:36 undata the company collapsed a month or two later
01:36 undata they were seeking being bought out as their only strategy
01:37 mircea_popescu perhaps not understanding that "give me free money" only works for that kid, with the truck.
01:37 mircea_popescu and even then, it's hit-and-miss
01:37 undata doesn't seem like you can correct "cannot think"
01:38 decimation as Mr. Yarvin (and many others) have pointed out, the bottom line is that the us as a going concern (then entire economy) is a money losing proposition
01:38 undata or to be more specific than that, it's "thinks his own imagination somehow directly affects reality"
01:38 mircea_popescu decimation since carter at least. yes. and there's no way out of this.
01:39 mircea_popescu nor, since there's no way out, is there any incentive to do anything but worsen it.
01:39 mircea_popescu undata aka magic.
01:39 mircea_popescu yes, you can't readily cure magic. which is why africa is and will remain africa.
01:39 decimation nope. His analogy was something like: if you have a russian factory that's losing money - you take a haircut on operations and attempt to make it profitable
01:40 decimation if that fails, the most rational option is to split up the assets and sell them off
01:40 decimation which is kinda happening to the us on a slow scale
01:40 mircea_popescu incidentally, all the people trained to hate the supreme sacred congregation of the holy office and their historical activities :
01:40 mircea_popescu the rteason the civilise west exists is specifically because fucking idiots got burned at the stake for being fucking idiots.
01:41 undata terrible gardening, letting anything grow anywhere it wants
01:41 mircea_popescu undata yeah. good luck moving lovage, mint, rosemary, walnuts, etc.
01:41 mircea_popescu not so easy :)
01:42 mircea_popescu anyway, unrelated
01:42 assbot German beer song - YouTube ... ( )
01:42 * undata afk for a bit
01:43 decimation natural law re-asserts itself, eventually
01:58 mircea_popescu decimation excellent find, the euclid case.
01:58 mircea_popescu yes, it's a landmark failure of the us legal system to protect the us the us pretends to be.
01:59 mircea_popescu obviously sin breeds sin, had the generation of justices called to protect their country in the 1920s done a good job of it, the following generation wouldn't have seen itself confronted with "the government has stolen people's gold, whatcha gonna do about it"
02:00 mircea_popescu ( etc)
02:00 assbot The endless story of Korea. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( )
02:00 mircea_popescu aka Perry v. United States, 294 U.S. 330 (1935)
02:01 punkman
02:01 assbot Angelo Badalamenti explains how he wrote "Laura Palmer's Theme" - YouTube ... ( )
02:02 punkman mornin'
02:02 mircea_popescu ello
02:02 mircea_popescu "Why? I think there are several reasons. One is that being mean makes you stupid. That's why I hate fights. You never do your best work in a fight, because fights are not sufficiently general. Winning is always a function of the situation and the people involved. You don't win fights by thinking of big ideas but by thinking of tricks that work in one particular case. And yet fighting is just as much work as thinking ab
02:02 mircea_popescu out real problems. Which is particularly painful to someone who cares how their brain is used: your brain goes fast but you get nowhere, like a car spinning its wheels."
02:02 mircea_popescu apparently graham has not done his pascal reading. how about that lol.
02:03 mircea_popescu "Another reason mean founders lose is that they can't get the best people to work for them. They can hire people who will put up with them because they need a job. But the best people have other options. A mean person can't convince the best people to work for him unless he is super convincing. And while having the best people helps any organization, it's critical for startups."
02:03 mircea_popescu this is like saying "you can't get cool people to hang out in places where there's fire because fgire burns".
02:04 mircea_popescu depends a fucking helluvalot WHAT, or as the case may be whom. the "best people" that are attracted to spineless idiots are never successful.
02:04 mircea_popescu the people who manage to distinguish the effectually ruthless from the merely psychopathic always come out ahead, whether they're otherwise great or not, intelligent or not, whatever their situation may be.
02:07 mircea_popescu there is of course also this (perhaps not entirely uninterested, perhaps even progressive-wetdream, perhaps actually correct) theory that ruthlessness rusts over time, and in the end you're always left with a psychopath.
02:08 mircea_popescu of course, even should that be the merely unavoidable flow of things, proposing to stick with "nice people" as a palliative is not unlike proposing to stop eating because well, eating will in due course bring about your death.
02:08 mircea_popescu studying diets seems a saner approach.
02:09 mircea_popescu at least, this was the approach favoured by socrates and his school (platon, aristotel). which brings us back to the problem with paul graham : he is exactly the sort of scandalous ignoramus the us produces these days.
02:10 mircea_popescu the problems he considers are in fact very rudimentary restatements of ancient considerations, and his complete unawareness of the space readily gives me ground to say "being a progressive makes you stupid".
02:10 mircea_popescu which, empirically, it would seem to.
02:10 punkman he has all kinds of stupid essays
02:11 mircea_popescu
02:11 assbot Anonymous derpage pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( )
02:11 mircea_popescu that problem, you know ? "o noes, james smith has reinveted the wheel!"
02:11 mircea_popescu "come see paul graham read aramaic at the bottom of his start-up hat, and then translate it with the herpimm and the derpimm, two magical entrepreneurial stones from ancient egypt."
02:15 decimation heh well maybe he found it on a random hill
02:15 mircea_popescu anyway, looking at it from the other angle, "check out what incredible cultural gymnastics the socialists need to justify and defend their ludicrous dogmas"
02:16 mircea_popescu indeed : in order for the "only nice people" mantra to be "supported" after a fashion, one needs to be not only completely ignorant of the classics, but not even realise that the fucking central subject both in their writings and in their own, stated estimation, was "how to rule people", and this is in no small part a consideration of what they call "mean".
02:17 mircea_popescu a total fucking misnomer, by the way, what they mean is "ruthless". mean denotes something else, it's a sort of spiritual cheapness.
02:18 mircea_popescu i get why it'd be nice for ruthlesness to carry the connotations meanness properly does. however, something being nice doesn't really do anything. if only it did, then the nice people'd be like mages, calling forth reality out of their fucking song.
02:18 undata this "niceness" thing strikes me as a euphemism for obedient, if not to an explicit master then to the ubiquitous American religion of going with the flow
02:18 decimation the us is ruled by the ruthless; they just never show their face to the public and never appear on camera
02:18 undata portland tech startups are filled with such pussies; people are astoundingly offendable
02:19 mircea_popescu well, it's difficult to circumscribe it, seeing how it's a word with no definition enacted by usage of a tribe that's not particularly thinking-inclined. but i would say "niceness" mostly denotes a sort of bovine passivity.
02:19 mircea_popescu he is nice who does not ever act upon any other.
02:19 mircea_popescu basically, it'll build a great 1700s india, this niceness.
02:19 undata nobody will fight with you in a US tech company
02:19 mircea_popescu decimation everything everywhere is ruled by the ruthless. that's why the simple were promised the kingdom of heaven
02:20 undata I am too young to know whether this was always the case
02:20 decimation well, Mr. Yarvin is quick to point out that it only took 1000 british civil servants to rule all of said india
02:20 mircea_popescu not, like the jews, the kingdom of caldeea or w.e
02:20 undata but I've always wanted to be in an environment where people would fight each other for the best idea
02:20 mircea_popescu you are lol.
02:20 decimation the whole idea of democracy is that the true power is obfuscated
02:20 undata oh, right.
02:20 mircea_popescu decimation monarchy too lol.
02:20 mircea_popescu true power is always obfuscated.
02:20 mircea_popescu in the simplest form : "don't call us, we'll call you"
02:21 decimation heh yeah
02:21 mircea_popescu power is necessarily unidirectional, by definition.
02:21 mircea_popescu to be unidirectional it has to manifest some subset of properties of invisibility, somehow.
02:21 decimation yeah, power without some kind of exclusivity isn't power
02:22 decimation I just stumbled on this webpage: << apparently there is an organization of us military who will keep their 'oath' to the constitution
02:22 assbot Oath Keepers » Oath Keepers – Guardians of the Republic ... ( )
02:22 mircea_popescu that got started right after 2001
02:22 mircea_popescu iirc.
02:22 decimation yeah reading what some of them think it's obvious they spout nonsense
02:22 mircea_popescu i never actually went that far.
02:23 mircea_popescu who the fuck are the centurions to write lmao.
02:23 decimation so, the head guy is a lawyer who assisted with the ron paul campaign
02:23 undata also demonstrates the pervasive belief that talk = action
02:23 undata "having your voice heard"!!!
02:23 mircea_popescu lol
02:23 undata reminds me of the idiots that marched in downtown portland in response to ferguson
02:24 mircea_popescu no, see, magical thinking strikes again,.
02:24 undata you know, in an orderly fashion, mostly obedient to cops, etc
02:24 mircea_popescu "if only our prayers were HEARD"
02:24 punkman lol
02:24 assbot Oath Keepers Pledge ... ( )
02:24 mircea_popescu yea, wat then ? god'll think you'r somewhere between offensively stupid and hysterically funny.
02:24 decimation yeah, that's their exact problem, if they were to take any document-able action it would be counted as treason and usg would slam down
02:24 undata mircea_popescu: wow... "god" the imaginary aggregate of democratic demands
02:25 mircea_popescu of course ?
02:25 undata certainly, it's just sickening
02:25 mircea_popescu that figure is always the same figure, not like psychology is now going to fucking progress or something.
02:25 decimation sorry for the moldbug link, but he sums it up well: << "Peasants see a patron-client relationship between the gentlemen and the varlets - a relationship not at all unlike the late Roman relationship of _clientela_, where a patrician measured his social status by the vast army of plebeians that battened on his trenches. Again, what to the
02:25 assbot Unqualified Reservations: Actual letter to a liberal friend ... ( )
02:25 mircea_popescu and besides, very deeply human thing, someone on his knees in a church or behind a tree or somehting, "please, i can't take this"
02:25 decimation gentleman appears as a noble act of charity, compassion, etc, to the coarse and cynical peasant reveals itself as a purchase of political power, with his tax dollars if not his physical safety. Therefore a vision of the gallows arises in his hindbrain."
02:26 undata mircea_popescu: seems like a person who has been broken merely by realizing the fact of his own existence
02:26 mircea_popescu lol what the fuck else ?
02:26 mircea_popescu there is nothing besides the fact of one's own existence.
02:27 undata yes but broken by it?
02:27 undata what kind of animal is that
02:27 mircea_popescu well... you know that saying that, "given an artefact and a situation, the artefact will either work or it won't" ?
02:27 mircea_popescu sometimes it gets broken by it, yes.
02:28 mircea_popescu decimation maybe. how do you proceed from there ?
02:28 decimation heh well he didn't have much in that direction
02:28 decimation pretty much "the peasants realize they are being fucked and are pissed, but can do nothing"
02:28 mircea_popescu see, it's a summary, for sure, and it has what to stand on, but it's not necessarily the case that its footing will support any ulterior conclusion.
02:28 mircea_popescu so it's one of those, "maybe, depends where you aim to take it"
02:28 mircea_popescu nah.
02:29 mircea_popescu looky at a simile : two hot 17 yos : a redhead with perky tits, a brunette with butt to die for.
02:29 mircea_popescu the guy they both like goes for one, or the other.
02:30 mircea_popescu the one (or the other) sees true love. the other (or the one) sees just sheer stupidity on his part and the nefariousness of that one (or the other) witch.
02:30 mircea_popescu what, someone's correct in this mess ?
02:30 decimation Yeah that's a good point. It goes back to the position of the french nobility ca. 1789
02:31 mircea_popescu if obama comes to power and gives a bunch of tax money to a bunch of cronies, the democratic activists will see justice being done, and the republicans corruption.
02:31 mircea_popescu had the other schmuck won, idem.
02:31 mircea_popescu just, the other way around.
02:31 decimation Possibly. I get the feeling that republicans tend to be more ideological though
02:32 undata naaaw
02:32 mircea_popescu how do you measure ideologicalness ?
02:32 decimation well, one can ask humans what they think, but does that reveal anything?
02:33 mircea_popescu "Tom Reagan: I am awake. Tad: Your eyes are shut. Tom Reagan: Who you gonna believe?"
02:33 decimation
02:33 assbot Logged on 28-09-2014 04:06:55; decimation: and this one. "And they note that while voters tend to agree with Republicans on the philosophical questions in American politics (should government be smaller?) they tend to agree with Democrats on the policy questions in American politics (like should Social Security be smaller?)."
02:34 undata the ideology of both parties is selling the US out to whoever has paid them
02:34 mircea_popescu this, incidentally, underpins all winner-loser scenarios on the broader timescale in all politcal systems to date.
02:34 mircea_popescu the losers are "principled" and the winners are distributing largesse out of the public goods.
02:34 mircea_popescu because an election still is an advance auction of stolen goods.
02:35 mircea_popescu so you know, either the redheaded or the brunette is busy squealing, while the other's sitting in a corner thinking of jesus and sin.
02:36 mircea_popescu and for that matter : in the 70s ? dude totally the voter agreed "philosophically" with the progressives.
02:36 mircea_popescu just didn't vote with 'em.
02:36 undata yep, things like "o no abortion" on the "right" are just marketing
02:39 undata
02:39 assbot Voter turnout in 2014 was the lowest since WWII - The Washington Post ... ( )
02:40 undata though the marketing is getting less effective, it seems
02:40 undata whether that's an opportunity for something better to come along is questionable imo, and goes back to the "can't think" problem
02:40 decimation there's a point to this (the idea that the losing party claims 'philosophic victory'). but there's a long tradition of 'old republicans' predicting doom which more-or-less came true
02:42 decimation undata: abortion is a complex issue that ends up being used as a wedge on both sides
02:42 undata the "paleo-conservative" thing seems to be on the way out with my grandfather's generation
02:42 undata he was involved with the "american party" back in the day
02:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 40 @ 0.10000785 = 4.0003 BTC [-] {4}
02:45 decimation perhaps it is dying (or dead) - but to me that means the idea of 'america' as anything more than a pile of spoils to be divided is dead
02:45 undata certainly
02:46 undata even the "right" is way too socialist to advocate "american capitalism", if there ever was such a thing
02:47 decimation agreed. There was a time when this wasn't the case, but those guys are nearly all dead now
02:48 decimation or they are marginalized
02:49 undata my grandfather (who I admire) was largely ignored in the 70s
02:50 undata forget trying to get people excited about free markets today
02:51 undata hell to most of the people alive, that's the rational position to take
02:51 undata if they had to compete, they'd lose
02:52 decimation 'american capitalism' did exist, in the sense that a little over 100 years ago, people used gold coins (or receipts for the same) and private bank notes
02:54 decimation in retrospect the seeds of of ruin were already sown - but that time existed
03:00 undata
03:00 assbot SWAT Police Caught Setting Fires In Ferguson - YouTube ... ( )
03:00 undata hmmmm
03:02 undata video isn't terribly convincing
03:03 decimation apparently the 'oath keepers' showed up to provide security and were told to leave after 'media inquiries'
03:03 assbot Police shut down mysterious 'Oath Keepers' guarding rooftops in downtown Ferguson : News ... ( )
03:07 undata interesting, I wonder what that group will evolve into
03:08 ben_vulpes undata: did you hear about the part where the "protesters" briefly endeavored to get up on the highway and were chivvied similarly politely back onto the surface roads by the 5-0?
03:08 ben_vulpes lulziest part of the whole action in this area
03:09 ben_vulpes and yet plain wrappers stopping traffic on burnside for no discernible reason; idling in SWAT gear on grand
03:10 undata these kids... a "demonstration" as a fucking social-signaling ritual
03:10 undata now the cops, they sound like they actually demonstrated something
03:11 decimation well, the aging hippies who run usg like to see a few protest-arrests on a resume
03:11 mats_cd03 b-but think of the instagram and snapchat pics
03:11 ben_vulpes i'm sure it was a good time for all involved. joints, flasks, conversation that all agreed on important topics...
03:12 mircea_popescu <decimation> there's a point to this (the idea that the losing party claims 'philosophic victory'). but there's a long tradition of 'old republicans' predicting doom which more-or-less came true << same for the left.
03:12 mircea_popescu predicted doom can always be satisfactorily claimed to have come true, which is why it's been a favourite sport all along
03:13 decimation yeah, for instance chomsky
03:14 mircea_popescu <decimation> undata: abortion is a complex issue that ends up being used as a wedge on both sides << abortion is only "complex" because it is undefined. the actualy issue is, who owns the woman. if the husband owns the wife "abortion" is no problem. if the wife owns the husband, idem. nonsensical "middle of the road" dualities that can't stand, where the wife is really a husband all by herself, except not really are ne
03:14 mircea_popescu cessarily "complex"
03:14 ben_vulpes
03:14 assbot The Five Stages of Hosting (Pinboard Blog) ... ( )
03:14 mircea_popescu could as well say nonsensical.
03:15 decimation well, that doesn't settle the issue of whether abortion is moral, but it certainly extinguishes "but it's a woman's right!" argument
03:15 mircea_popescu it makes the "abortion is moral" debate what it belongs being : a moot question.
03:16 mircea_popescu societies where husbands own the wife are always in a dire shortage of men
03:16 mircea_popescu and so abortion is generally impractical.
03:16 decimation wasn't this pretty much settled law everywhere in europe before 1800?
03:17 decimation I mean the husband owning the wife
03:18 mircea_popescu yes.
03:18 mircea_popescu well, it's settled law to this day pretty much everywhere.
03:18 mircea_popescu there's a few jurisdictions scattered around counting a few hundred million souls that are trying an experiment on the topic currently
03:18 mircea_popescu doesn't seem to be going too well.
03:19 mircea_popescu undata> hell to most of the people alive, that's the rational position to take >> quite.
03:19 mircea_popescu the only thing here is that the opinions of the idjits don't actually count tho.
03:21 mircea_popescu <ben_vulpes> i'm sure it was a good time for all involved. joints, flasks, conversation that all agreed on important topics... << notice what the cocktail party of the 70s has turned into.
03:22 mircea_popescu a camping trip in the ghetto sprawl.
03:22 mircea_popescu MUCH CHEAPER nao!
03:22 ben_vulpes a nice cocktail party's expensive!
03:22 ben_vulpes stott with me, if you'd be so kind.
03:22 mircea_popescu because socialism always moves on to the cheaper alternative, this being the true definition of progress. "where your dad had crystal glasses and imported liqueurs, you now get asphalt under the elements and a half-dung joint"
03:22 decimation where one carefully condemns the horrible behavior of white cops while studiously ignoring the horrible behavior of black 'civilians'
03:23 mircea_popescu quite/
03:23 mircea_popescu where was that exceptional piece of bad writing, brb
03:23 ben_vulpes subject of crystal, i was washing one out this evening and it struck me how fragile all of civilization is. take that glass - wash it in water too warm or too hot or switch the temperature too abruptly and the thing will whine and fall apart in your hands.
03:24 mircea_popescu you ever had proper lead crystal ?
03:24 mircea_popescu (aka bohemian glass, aka "swarowksy" these days)
03:24 mircea_popescu that thing's so solid it's a fucking murder weapon.
03:24 ben_vulpes the windows in the house i grew up
03:24 ben_vulpes in the house in which i grew up were*
03:24 punkman I got a set or two, they usually survive small falls
03:24 mircea_popescu aha found it!
03:24 mircea_popescu << this was a decade or so ago.
03:24 assbot Tucker Goes to Campout, Owns Duke Nerds « ... ( )
03:24 ben_vulpes doesn't lead crystal risk dosing the users with lead?
03:24 punkman no
03:24 mircea_popescu nah.
03:25 * ben_vulpes is ignorant of all the finer things in life
03:25 decimation 'mericans only have time to make money, not enjoy it
03:25 ben_vulpes hey so punkman you need a vps or what?
03:25 ben_vulpes ddos resistance iirc?
03:26 punkman need to write new code, got time to work on it today
03:26 punkman but if you wanna setup secure box for the IRC bot part, that'd be welcome
03:26 punkman I'll split up the web part
03:26 ben_vulpes i ain't setting anything up but i can spin you up an aws box of your own
03:27 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71700 @ 0.00035831 = 25.6908 BTC [+] {3}
03:29 decimation ben_vulpes: did you try one of those 'vultr' vpses?
03:29 punkman nah, I'll put it on my DO account so I don't have to bother anyone
03:29 decimation well, it seems like the ddoser has taught us that aws is pretty solid
03:30 ben_vulpes decimation: nope. bezzle hosting gets paid for with bezzlebux.
03:30 ben_vulpes anyways, i'm off for the night.
03:30 decimation 'night!
03:43 mircea_popescu "[3] Peter Thiel would point out that successful founders still get rich from controlling monopolies, just monopolies they create rather than ones they capture. And while this is largely true, it means a big change in the sort of person who wins."
03:44 mircea_popescu ahahaha this is the lulziest bit of the entire senile-graham wankfest.
03:44 mircea_popescu so wait, the "gilded age financiers" DIDNT create the railroad monopolies ?
03:44 mircea_popescu jesus the sort of brainrot. see kids, i have another reason to crack down on socialism, and an additional argument to use when I do : socialism makes you stupid.
03:45 mircea_popescu it takes a graham as he was in the 80s and produces the barely cognizant empty shell that will make junior-high level errors in his ill thought out essays.
03:45 mircea_popescu it takes astute practical thinkers like the buffett of the 70s and turns them into "i believe in america and carbon tax credits!" sort of al gore marionette.
03:45 mircea_popescu a sickening display.
03:52 mircea_popescu "I think you make an excellent point, but all these cases are examples of guys who got a seat on a rocket and were pretty ruthless about who else got to ride."
03:52 mircea_popescu it's a rocket, don't you know.
03:52 mircea_popescu and if you make a business, you didn't make that business. and really the political problems of the us are whether black dudes pee correctly and how someone drew a cartoon character's tits.
03:53 mircea_popescu in no case anything like "an immense horde of absolutely nil idiots expect everyone to believe the world exists to serve them"
04:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1000 @ 0.00126 = 1.26 BTC [+]
04:15 cazalla well, the moneybookers tweet fooled at least one news site
04:15 assbot Skrill Fuels Speculation With Bitcoin Tweet | NEWSBTC ... ( )
04:16 mircea_popescu lawl
04:22 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 47 @ 0.1 = 4.7 BTC [+]
04:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77900 @ 0.00035223 = 27.4387 BTC [-] {2}
~ 38 minutes ~
05:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48900 @ 0.00035104 = 17.1659 BTC [-] {3}
~ 38 minutes ~
05:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 58700 @ 0.0003504 = 20.5685 BTC [-]
~ 47 minutes ~
06:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5661 @ 0.00035472 = 2.0081 BTC [+]
06:47 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 999 @ 0.00127 = 1.2687 BTC [+] {4}
~ 46 minutes ~
07:33 mircea_popescu << pretty major, includes sneak peaks into flora/fauna and loads of other stuff.
07:33 assbot MiniGame (S.MG), November 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( )
~ 16 minutes ~
07:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 82225 @ 0.00035472 = 29.1669 BTC [+]
~ 1 hours 23 minutes ~
09:14 PinkPosixPXE ;;later tell mod6 slimmed down and updated :) see comments about modifications, or viewing with a 4char indent. Tested 5 times or so, worked great. Let me konw if you need anything fixed tomorrow!
09:14 assbot Prune BTC Manifests between sources ... ( )
09:14 gribble The operation succeeded.
~ 16 minutes ~
09:31 mircea_popescu :D
09:31 assbot ... ( )
09:31 mircea_popescu PinkPosixPXE you ever seen best in show ?
09:36 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 40 @ 0.09119508 = 3.6478 BTC [-] {4}
09:40 PinkPosixPXE huh, no.. any good? watching trailer now
09:40 PinkPosixPXE oh the dog competition hehe
09:40 PinkPosixPXE oh wait..
09:40 PinkPosixPXE these are awesome comedians
09:41 PinkPosixPXE actually, haha, I think I have seen this, wow, I have to watch this again
09:42 PinkPosixPXE perhaps with my friends come over tonight to have treats, cider, and hang out by the fire/watch something, I will throw this on :)
09:42 PinkPosixPXE s/with/when
09:45 PinkPosixPXE Harland Pepper.. naming nuts
09:45 PinkPosixPXE hahaha
09:45 PinkPosixPXE good stuff
09:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 912 @ 0.00127 = 1.1582 BTC [+]
10:04 mod6 ;;later tell PinkPosixPXE check PM
10:04 gribble The operation succeeded.
10:05 mircea_popescu PinkPosixPXE your avatar sorta made me think of it.
10:05 mircea_popescu kinda campy dogshow movie.
10:06 mircea_popescu also... priscilla queen of the desert ? :D
10:08 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 985 @ 0.00125055 = 1.2318 BTC [-] {6}
10:09 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2315 @ 0.00124421 = 2.8803 BTC [-] {9}
10:10 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2812 @ 0.00124126 = 3.4904 BTC [-] {12}
10:14 mircea_popescu << can i get a TA opinion kthx.
10:14 assbot #bitcoin-assets stats ... ( )
10:22 PinkPosixPXE haha mircea_popescu, yea, me and my little dog
10:23 PinkPosixPXE he's tiny, if i tried to jog him around a track he'd be exhausted 1/4 of the way through
10:23 mircea_popescu lol
10:25 PinkPosixPXE The stats look great, for a nice straight forward numerical trending display
10:29 kakobrekla can i get a TA opinion kthx. < new year is close.
10:30 mircea_popescu no but with dojis and things
10:32 kakobrekla ok
10:32 kakobrekla dojis and things are close.
10:37 mircea_popescu lol
10:38 mircea_popescu "picle de jengibre"
10:38 mircea_popescu holy fucking shit spanish speakers can't write.
10:39 kakobrekla btw theres a shorhand domain for ba stuff now, , and so on
10:39 assbot #bitcoin-assets log ... ( )
10:39 assbot Search the #bitcoin-assets log
10:45 mircea_popescu ha!
10:45 mircea_popescu how much are .link domains ?
10:46 kakobrekla sub 10bux
10:46 mircea_popescu myeah with all the new tlds i expect per domain registration to drop around $1
10:46 kakobrekla nah it wont
10:46 kakobrekla even at 10-20 they pick up a lot of them to squat on
10:47 kakobrekla endless chumpatron
10:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10346 @ 0.00035981 = 3.7226 BTC [+]
10:47 mircea_popescu << "domainers" waking up to the idea.
10:47 assbot I finally registered a new TLD. Here is the (long) story. | Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News & Views ... ( )
10:47 mircea_popescu nobody is ever going to give a shit about a domain name enough to pay for it.
10:48 mircea_popescu "Still, with a small $10 registration fee, and the fact that I need fodder for this blog, I decided to venture out and try my luck with .link. Of the 11 I found available, I decided that only six were really worth the gamble."
10:48 mircea_popescu imagine that, evaluating risks 10 bux at a time/
10:49 kakobrekla there wasnt much choice left for "b-a"
10:49 mircea_popescu sure.
10:49 PinkPosixPXE twitter handles are becoming the new domain names to 'camp' on and resell
10:50 kakobrekla taken
10:50 PinkPosixPXE makes me wonder if I should start registering a few
10:51 kakobrekla interestingly, 'bitcoin-assets' non .com tlds got squated a week after i registered .com
10:51 kakobrekla 'bitcoinassets' a bit later.
10:51 mircea_popescu people were doing that on myspace, coupla years or so before it ended
10:52 mircea_popescu kakobrekla what if we end up moving off freenode ?
10:52 PinkPosixPXE could condense it to 3 chars each, bit-ass
10:52 PinkPosixPXE ;P
10:54 kakobrekla what about it? also taken.
10:55 kakobrekla bitcoin-otc shorthand domains is b-otc right? so we could go with b-ass which is pronounced 'bias'
10:55 mircea_popescu how about Барак-Хуйсейнович.ba ?
10:55 PinkPosixPXE would probably be acceptable, subdomain it. unless you don't want to for some reason.
10:57 mircea_popescu anyway, would be a decent dating site domain.
10:57 mircea_popescu "We now accept TopCoin" what the shit is a topcoin
10:57 mircea_popescu ;;google We now accept TopCoin
10:57 PinkPosixPXE yea, could be worth camping even
10:57 gribble Uniregistry Now Accepting Topcoin | <>; PayPal, TopCoin & New Extensions at Uniregistry! | Domain Name ...: <>; TopCoin - FAQ | Uniregistry: <>
10:58 kakobrekla yes topcoin. some fake crypto currency pegged (?) to a dollar at some registrars. they give it away for free.
10:59 kakobrekla to a dollar = to 1 dollar
10:59 PinkPosixPXE another altcoin it seems.. 'top' as in 'top level domain/tld' is my guess ? hrm
10:59 * kakobrekla got topcoin when he bought lel.
10:59 mircea_popescu lmao so what exactly is going on in the brain of the link people ?
10:59 kakobrekla no it doesnt have to do with .link
10:59 mircea_popescu o wait, it's like a coupon program.
10:59 mircea_popescu i see.
11:00 kakobrekla Why Offer Topcoin Instead Of A Rebate Or Coupon Code?
11:00 kakobrekla As More New GTLDs Launch & The Marketplace Gets More Competitive, Registries Increasingly Will Turn To Promotional Discounts And Registrar Rebate Programs To Sell More Domain Names. The Problem With Discounts Is That They Devalue Your String, And The Problem With Rebates Is They Often Are Not Passed On To Registrants.
11:00 kakobrekla why caps every letter, i dunno.
11:00 kakobrekla every first letter
11:00 PinkPosixPXE Serious Business
11:01 kakobrekla anywho i got those from uniregistry registrar
11:01 kakobrekla i like their no bs backend interface
11:02 kakobrekla so i kinda gave them a pass on this topcoin bs
11:02 mircea_popescu right.
11:09 mircea_popescu !up ahmed_
11:09 ahmed_ ty
11:09 mircea_popescu so some french footballer was attacked with a knife by his ex.
11:10 mircea_popescu << this chick.
11:10 assbot ... ( )
11:10 mircea_popescu she carved him a new set of gills, yet guy won't file a complaint.
11:21 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 58815 @ 0.00035779 = 21.0434 BTC [-] {3}
11:34 adlai josh garza's previous scam:
11:35 assbot Great Auk Wireless is A RIP OFF - Topix ... ( )
11:35 adlai and today we learned the origin of his current scam's name!
11:38 mircea_popescu ha ?!
11:40 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68086 @ 0.00035435 = 24.1263 BTC [-] {2}
~ 45 minutes ~
12:25 adlai what about spritz? anything interesting come of this yet?
12:25 assbot Spritz ... ( )
12:26 * adlai is too far from the UI world to do anything on this front, but it's a cool idea
12:29 adlai here we fucking go!
12:29 assbot Readsy ... ( )
12:33 adlai
12:33 adlai last one done's a rotten egg!
12:36 kakobrekla meh
12:37 kakobrekla cant skim with this ?
12:37 adlai nope
12:38 adlai it's far from ideal, but I can imagine much better ways of integrating the "spritz" window with a wider view of the text (or an outline)
12:38 kakobrekla few people produce texts worth more than that
12:38 * kakobrekla is certainly not one of them
12:39 kakobrekla hehe
12:39 adlai putting it on a ridiculously high WPM is quite similar to skimming
12:39 kakobrekla dont read this.
12:39 adlai this = CSP? it's a little dense book, been needing an excuse to read it for a while...
12:40 kakobrekla no, this:
12:40 assbot Logged on 30-11-2014 17:39:08; kakobrekla: dont read this.
12:41 adlai <- don't click this
12:41 assbot Logged on 30-11-2014 17:41:01; adlai: <- don't click this
12:41 adlai damnit assbot
12:44 adlai it's also a little nefarious that they want registration for any speed outside their narrow little free zone
12:44 kakobrekla wait what they want you to pay?
12:45 * adlai wouldn't pay for any such technology that couldn't cope with figures in the text
12:45 kakobrekla isnt that thing trivial?
12:45 adlai they have free accounts but you need to register
12:46 adlai "If you’re looking to implement our patented technology into your website, application, mobile app, ..."
12:48 kakobrekla heh
12:48 kakobrekla so patent squatters ?
12:50 adlai "squatters" may not apply when the troll in question also collected the tinder and set the kindling himself, but they do seem quite set on artificially limiting the values for a single parameter in clientside code
~ 30 minutes ~
13:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 96450 @ 0.00035025 = 33.7816 BTC [-] {2}
~ 33 minutes ~
13:54 ben_vulpes kakobrekla mircea_popescu: i had to rebuild my 0.5.3 chain from scratch, but your(pl.) DB_CONFIG tip freed my vanila 0.5.3 build to unwedge progress to 254471 as of this morning (ping: asciilifeform, mod6)
13:55 kakobrekla :)
13:58 * kakobrekla suspects you do not have to go fron scratch - when i got stuck and added the settings it looked pretty bleak for some time, but after some hours and a restart the thing jumped.
13:59 kakobrekla
13:59 assbot ... ( )
13:59 kakobrekla see stuck + jump
13:59 kakobrekla idk
14:04 ben_vulpes mebbe i'm just impatient or on shoddy hardware
14:04 ben_vulpes but i restarted it a few times and waited a few days to no avail
14:05 kakobrekla im doing this on a vps instance with 512 mb ram, cpulimit @ 5% and killing & restarting the thing every 6 or so hours
14:05 * ben_vulpes makes a face of unknowingness
14:06 kakobrekla well i have a copy of the chan at 200k
14:06 kakobrekla so we can redo experiments
14:07 kakobrekla
14:07 assbot ... ( )
14:07 kakobrekla capped at 5 or so
14:07 ben_vulpes i've got one at 251442 :p
14:08 kakobrekla what is that gap you ask?
14:08 ben_vulpes well that is interesting
14:08 kakobrekla
14:08 assbot ... ( )
14:08 ben_vulpes off the cuff, cpu trying to get a lock at 252450
14:08 kakobrekla ran out of memory before autorestart
14:09 kakobrekla weekly
14:09 assbot ... ( )
14:09 kakobrekla wait one more
14:10 kakobrekla < the spike is the wedge
14:10 assbot ... ( )
14:10 nubbins` hi
14:11 ben_vulpes morning, nubbins`
14:13 ben_vulpes ;;ticker
14:13 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 375.25, Best ask: 376.25, Bid-ask spread: 1.00000, Last trade: 376.25, 24 hour volume: 3606.92762642, 24 hour low: 373.37, 24 hour high: 381.99, 24 hour vwap: 376.136078914
14:13 ben_vulpes !t m s.mpoe
14:13 assbot [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00035014 / 0.00035569 / 0.00036273 (1240852 shares, 441.36 BTC), 7D: 0.00030027 / 0.00038196 / 0.00046844 (8786401 shares, 3,356.13 BTC), 30D: 0.00030027 / 0.00049581 / 0.00086038 (25973035 shares, 12,877.75 BTC)
14:14 nubbins` had our art sale yest
14:16 BingoBoingo
14:16 assbot ... ( )
14:19 kakobrekla that pdf is very close to breaching 'readsy' patent no?
14:20 mike_c kakobrekla, any chance I got de-whitelisted from bitbet? I've been failing every hourly update since..
14:20 BingoBoingo Maybe?
14:21 mike_c 14 hours ago?
14:21 kakobrekla whut?
14:21 kakobrekla no ban that is placed lasts more than 1h
14:22 mike_c right, but if you ban me every hour.
14:22 kakobrekla hm this cant be right lemme see
14:24 nubbins`
14:24 assbot Birds Of Newfoundland — PATRICK THOMAS CANNING ... ( )
14:25 nubbins` if anyone's looking for an xmas gift that probably won't get to you by the 25th
~ 21 minutes ~
14:46 kakobrekla i decided ill equip the bitcoin newbs with trezors for new years gifts
14:49 mike_c ;;seen asciilifeform
14:49 gribble asciilifeform was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 days, 21 hours, 18 minutes, and 16 seconds ago: <asciilifeform> ben_vulpes: i never understood the 'happy hacking keyboard' and imitators. being as i live and die by function keys, the more the merrier. why voluntarily have fewer?
~ 16 minutes ~
15:06 adlai so there's also "inspired by Spritz before developers could sign up" but it's a little rough around the edges
15:06 assbot Readsy ... ( )
15:06 * adlai wonders whether and know of eachother
15:07 adlai we're running out of these webby names
~ 16 minutes ~
15:23 nubbins` i know you guys generally aren't into ephemera
15:23 nubbins` but FYI, i'm negotiating a price with a buyer now for my genesis block newspaper (the times jan 3 2009)
15:24 nubbins` if anyone wanted to extend an offer, now'd be the time
15:27 oglafbot
15:27 assbot Ship to ship ... ( )
15:27 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 75300 @ 0.00035436 = 26.6833 BTC [+]
15:29 ben_vulpes nubbins`: i'm a bit surprised you're not holding onto it for another decade
15:29 nubbins` i don't really want to have to care for it
15:30 nubbins` it's been sitting on a piano bench in the box i received it in for a few months now because there's nowhere for it to go
15:30 nubbins` anyway, if YOU wanna hold onto it for a decade...
15:31 ben_vulpes nuh uh
15:31 ben_vulpes i don't have any truck with atoms any more
15:31 ben_vulpes << CI doing it's thing
15:31 assbot dpaste: 3NZH6SH ... ( )
15:31 ben_vulpes its*
15:34 punkman can you trezor without the web2.0?
15:36 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes wd!
15:37 ben_vulpes let's be clear tho - that's a failing build, and i've not backported any of the tests yet.
15:38 ben_vulpes i explained to the business partner last night why the full test loop could be as long as two weeks
15:38 ben_vulpes he facepalmed hard
15:39 mircea_popescu nice kakographs
15:41 mircea_popescu <adlai> we're running out of these webby names << yeah, too hard to keepy addy y to namseys
15:45 kakobrekla punkman im quoting here > You can use the python tools to do anything with the Trezor, but there's no user interface for (most of) it currently.
15:49 kakobrekla just ordered 6 of them, will see how this goes.
15:53 kakobrekla !s Ledger Wallet
15:53 assbot 0 results for 'Ledger Wallet' :
15:53 kakobrekla !s ledgerwallet
15:53 assbot 0 results for 'ledgerwallet' :
15:53 kakobrekla well here it is
15:53 assbot Ledger Wallet - Smartcard based hardware Bitcoin wallet ... ( )
15:57 kakobrekla The seed is generated at initialization time on the computer. Isn't that unsecure?
15:57 kakobrekla It is actually the only security weakness of a Ledger Wallet. It is very important to initialize your wallet on a secure computer.
15:57 kakobrekla aha
15:58 mircea_popescu uh.
15:58 mircea_popescu "this is actually the only cockroach in this soup".
16:00 cazalla adlai: josh garza's previous scam: <<< the guy tells lies faster than anyone on this planet can fact check, not worthwhile pursuing, it's easy to punch holes in his gawminer shit, i'm sure some other scammers will soon come to collect his scammed funds
16:00 assbot Great Auk Wireless is A RIP OFF - Topix ... ( )
16:02 cazalla having said that, here is a list of domains tied to him
16:02 assbot dpaste: 1NGR0AZ ... ( )
16:02 cazalla given total lack of news this weekend, not much else to do but dig this morning
16:03 kakobrekla fiat scammers coming to bitcoin ... is getting boring
16:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10900 @ 0.00035956 = 3.9192 BTC [+]
16:04 kakobrekla not to discourage you from publishing
16:15 cazalla his wife is not so bad and he was nice enough to shop around for a tummy tuck and titty job for her
16:15 assbot Cornerstone Life Group 9 Summary - YouTube ... ( )
16:17 ben_vulpes tummy tuck?
16:18 ben_vulpes "girl, go run around the block 5 times and skip the cake this christmas."
16:18 cazalla ben_vulpes, ya check it he deleted the same review off google plus
16:18 assbot Josh G.'s Reviews | East Longmeadow | Yelp ... ( )
16:19 kakobrekla i looked at that yt and i dont understand what did i just see
16:19 cazalla kakobrekla, he is/was into the church scam
16:20 kakobrekla eh? everyone knows church is scam no?
16:20 ben_vulpes cazalla: what particular church scam?
16:21 cazalla yes but typical scammer often attends church as to appear pious and incapable of being a scammer because.. jesus
16:21 cazalla ben_vulpes, as in the above, not that he scammed the church itself
16:21 kakobrekla cheaper and fake indulgences?
16:22 ben_vulpes is life group 9 some new kind of jeezo scam?
16:23 adlai everybody needs to get their thetans back in line sometimes
16:30 ben_vulpes "here, hold these electrodes."
16:34 ben_vulpes UGH
16:35 ben_vulpes (compilation in different environments is hell. HELL I SAY. especially this warty cpp.)
16:39 ben_vulpes oh ha ha
16:39 ben_vulpes so funny
16:39 ben_vulpes empty dirs not committed to vcs -> build failure
16:49 ben_vulpes << trivial progress
16:49 assbot dpaste: 14SES2R: initial successful jenkins build of bitcoin, by bvu ... ( )
16:55 mod6 great work ben_vulpes
16:57 ben_vulpes i just plug the tubes together
16:57 ben_vulpes no big
16:57 ben_vulpes it would be cool if assbot could watch the jenkins rss
17:01 mircea_popescu nothing up here but trees and bears, no jobs, no high speed internet to speak of, can't even get decent cell service up here. Though for the day! Having my own t-3 pipe put in, and then I can offer real high speed internet. This is not the place to live if you are a high end gamer......... << lol real german angry kid up there.
17:06 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes shit, remember pipes ?!
17:07 mircea_popescu ;;google pipe mania ms dos
17:07 gribble Pipe Mania (MS-DOS) - Gameplay - YouTube: <>; Pipe Mania download | <>; Pipe Mania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>
17:13 ben_vulpes lol no not specifically - probably before my time. but i've played derivatives i think
17:15 mircea_popescu it was a great game plagued by the generic name
17:15 mircea_popescu if only they called it "supaplex" or something
17:21 ben_vulpes ;;rated PinkPosixPXE
17:21 gribble You have not yet rated user PinkPosixPXE
17:21 ben_vulpes ;;rate PinkPosixPXE 1 foundation supporter par excellence
17:21 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user PinkPosixPXE has been recorded.
17:23 kakobrekla and to think mp almost kicked her out!
17:23 ben_vulpes lolrly?
17:28 kakobrekla yea, i guess sarcasm doesnt always travel well over irc.
17:30 kakobrekla anyway still waiting for you to spit out the format for builds notifications
17:44 BingoBoingo
17:44 assbot US Supreme Court to Hear Oral Arguments in Speech Case | ... ( )
17:52 jurov << i have only now remembered i squatted this year ago
17:52 assbot ... ( )
17:53 jurov better than "therealbitcoin" at any rate
17:55 kakobrekla git rep link = 404
17:56 ben_vulpes what git repo?
17:56 kakobrekla >Adlai maintains a git repository of merged patches
17:56 ben_vulpes oh adlai's
17:56 ben_vulpes mwell then
17:56 adlai oh I deleted that since it seemed there was no interest in using it
17:56 kakobrekla i think adlai removed it after asciis bitching
17:57 kakobrekla see.
17:57 ben_vulpes lol w/e
17:57 ben_vulpes more html for me to derp on
17:59 kakobrekla these lisp guys ... 'nobody submited a patch in 4 and a half minuts...!' and 'only one download first day' is 'project dead dood'
18:01 mircea_popescu lmao
18:01 ben_vulpes who is this?
18:01 mircea_popescu lol noicew one jurov
18:02 kakobrekla ben_vulpes a&a
18:03 ben_vulpes ah lol yeah those guise
18:04 * ben_vulpes orders foamed wheat and corn product for delivery so that he can stay at the computer
18:05 kakobrekla and the foundations 10btc should be spent on japanese toilets
18:07 mircea_popescu lol
18:07 mircea_popescu the sort that lick you after ?
18:08 kakobrekla the least
18:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 93774 @ 0.00036277 = 34.0184 BTC [+] {3}
18:18 adlai kakobrekla: well there was some active opposition to using vcs for this project
18:19 adlai considering the reasons behind this opposition, and a bit of research, led me to the conclusion that darcs should be used for this, or no vcs, but probably not git
18:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50948 @ 0.00035647 = 18.1614 BTC [-] {3}
18:21 ben_vulpes fossil would be cool
18:22 ben_vulpes adlai: vcs can be used for collaboration and the cooking up of patches, but the publically distributed stuff's gotta be a vanilla source tree and patches.
18:22 ben_vulpes (i think)
18:22 adlai if there's interest in using a git repo for this, I still have the git repo locally
18:22 ben_vulpes i appreciate it, but don't worry about it.
18:22 adlai although it has the patches in the wrong order so to do it properly would require starting from scratch anyways
18:23 * ben_vulpes nods
18:23 * adlai throws the first version away, anyways.
18:24 kakobrekla gold suffering again
18:24 assbot ... ( )
18:28 adlai is there some name for that last candle?
18:29 kakobrekla you mean the gap?
18:29 adlai opening below the last low, not even making it up
18:29 adlai yes
18:29 kakobrekla idk i call it a gap :)
18:29 kakobrekla the consequence of market closing over weekend
18:29 adlai having been led into the wonderful world of finance from bitcoin, it's funny to see markets that don't trade 24/7
18:29 kakobrekla mhm
18:30 adlai closing over the weekend is one thing... closing EVERY NIGHT!? crazy
18:30 adlai what am I supposed to do if I wake up in a cold sweat at 3am and want to get rid of all my TSLA?
18:30 kakobrekla so archaic
18:31 adlai speaking of markets that close over the weekend, what's the status on that less-painful API for bit4x?
18:31 mike_c the swiss scammed gold?
18:31 mike_c pump and dump
18:34 kakobrekla !up tandacoin
18:36 tandacoin hello I would like to write for qntra
18:36 kakobrekla o hey
18:36 tandacoin how do i sign up
18:37 tandacoin i have read logs of bitcoin assets but i'm not sure how to get word of trust
18:37 kakobrekla ping cazalla BingoBoingo
18:38 kakobrekla talk to one of those two people or mircea of he shows up
18:38 cazalla tandacoin, stick around, i need to finish current article and then head off to a pokemon meetup, speak to BingoBoingo if you cannot wait (if he is around)
18:38 tandacoin cazalla: ok ill wait than you
18:39 kakobrekla pokemon meetup?
18:39 ben_vulpes pokemon meetup?
18:39 adlai tandacoin: it's a web, not word:
18:39 assbot Biting Into The WoT Elephant (And IRC Nicknames) | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( )
18:39 tandacoin I am the writer for
18:41 kakobrekla yes also
18:41 assbot first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets [bitcoin assets wiki] ... ( )
18:42 tandacoin Ok I will work on that
18:42 tandacoin How much did coinroll pay to advertise on qntra
18:42 tandacoin that will be paid as dividends?
18:43 kakobrekla !s qntra coinroll
18:43 assbot 0 results for 'qntra coinroll' :
18:43 kakobrekla bua
18:45 kakobrekla anyway get nickserv + cloak set first
18:46 tandacoin can i write in greek
18:46 tandacoin or english only
18:47 tandacoin my english isnt good
18:47 kakobrekla for qntra related questions wait for some q people
18:49 cazalla tandacoin, that'll be included in november's report
18:49 cazalla kakobrekla, ben_vulpes, nintendo are holding some pokemon event today, so i gotta go get the eon ticket or i won't be able to catch 'em all
18:49 cazalla
18:49 assbot ATO Submission To Economics References Committee Now Available | ... ( )
18:50 cazalla tandacoin, we don't focus on alt/scam coins btw
18:50 cazalla unless it is relevant to bitcoin itself, example being group abc scam a bunch of btc to start their own scam coin
18:51 tandacoin not all altcoins are scam coins
18:52 tandacoin counterparty for example is a good coin
18:52 mats_cd03
18:52 assbot Problems with Bruce Schneier's "Solitaire" ... ( )
18:54 tandacoin also gaw miners isnt a scam
18:54 tandacoin ive used them for ages and hashstaker is going to make so much money it sold out in hours
18:54 cazalla "i've used them for ages, i've made a profit".. famous last words
18:55 ben_vulpes jurov: << am i doing this right yet?
18:55 assbot ... ( )
18:55 cazalla tandacoin, clearly you are too stupid to write for qntra but thanks anyway
18:55 kakobrekla well that went well :)
18:56 tandacoin too stupid ? thnx
18:56 kakobrekla tandacoin read up on gaw
18:56 tandacoin we get 4k pageviews a day how muh do you get?
18:56 kakobrekla !s gaw
18:56 assbot 19 results for 'gaw' :
18:56 ben_vulpes jurov: << not seeing it here
18:56 assbot ... ( )
18:56 tandacoin much*
18:56 jurov ben_vulpes: yes. i'll look why it did not associate patch with signature
18:57 ben_vulpes no rush
18:57 tandacoin you guys have no idea how to do business or journalism, im not going to waste my time with u
18:58 ben_vulpes tandacoin: what do you get 4kv/d on?
18:58 ben_vulpes ;;google tandacoin
18:58 gribble Weighted covering numbers of convex sets: <>; Device for deflecting a bundle of light rays: <>; ISSUU - L3 Magazine 2014 November ft. Tessanne Chin by L3 ...: <>
18:58 cazalla tandacoin, well maybe read logs/blogs and you can learn a little
19:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 69476 @ 0.00035537 = 24.6897 BTC [-] {2}
19:02 cazalla tandacoin, you run that site with microguy, the goldcoin scammer?
19:02 mats_cd03 cazalla is a little heavy handed with the criticism
19:03 kakobrekla no time for being soft, time for pokemon!
19:03 mats_cd03 works better to educate, then drop the bombs after it fails
19:04 nubbins` <+mircea_popescu> "this is actually the only cockroach in this soup". <<< lel
19:04 nubbins` "press any button you want except for the one that breaks it"
19:04 cazalla mats_cd03, not reary, the guy was only trying to get an article up on qntra to pump his own site in all likelihood
19:04 adlai "our planes may be old, but they're also uncomfortable"
19:04 nubbins` "which button is that?" "it varies"
19:14 mats_cd03 too quick to burn bridges is all i'm saying
19:20 adlai depends what's on the other side, or worse yet, partway across
19:21 mats_cd03 the number of newcomers that have become regulars has dwindled massively
19:22 mats_cd03 i feel this encourages an echo chamber as it continues
19:22 adlai I'd agree in general that bridges burn fast in assettown, although in this case, let's just reread
19:22 assbot Logged on 30-11-2014 23:54:29; tandacoin: ive used them for ages and hashstaker is going to make so much money it sold out in hours
19:23 mats_cd03 you'll never get a writer that reads chinese and wants to write for qntra at this rate :p
19:24 mats_cd03 das all i got. carry on.
19:24 adlai [Citation Needed]
19:24 assbot Logged on 01-12-2014 00:21:33; mats_cd03: the number of newcomers that have become regulars has dwindled massively
19:25 kakobrekla the general discussion here also changed a lot over last years
19:28 kakobrekla but i dunno, who joined in last few months that is not worth keeping?
19:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56350 @ 0.00034869 = 19.6487 BTC [-] {3}
19:31 ben_vulpes PinkPosixPXE's downright neat
19:31 ben_vulpes i like undata
19:31 ben_vulpes adlai...writes lisp
19:32 kakobrekla yeah fuck him
19:32 ben_vulpes hahaha
19:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29007 @ 0.00035218 = 10.2157 BTC [+]
19:33 assbot Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
19:33 mod6 !b 3
19:34 * asciilifeform back
19:35 kakobrekla o hi, chan was worried.
19:35 asciilifeform l0l
19:36 asciilifeform >> the foundations 10btc should be spent on japanese toilets <<
19:36 * asciilifeform seconds this motion ^
19:36 kakobrekla lol
19:37 jurov ;;later tell mircea_popescu withdrawals pls
19:37 gribble The operation succeeded.
19:41 BingoBoingo Dat chart
19:41 assbot A Name Matters: Cryptocurrency Names and Ratings ... ( )
19:45 asciilifeform dbus in kernel << mega-lol! afaik the (by now universally-known) 'dbus' exploit is still a reliable 'local root escalation' on any and all boxes where the abomination is installed
19:47 asciilifeform the undoing of C.. due to its memory unsafety they must decide to either bloat the kernel or suffer the overhead << entirely spurious argument advanced by the poettering folks. 'dbus' is not (to date) used for any application where the context switch overhead would approach detectability, much less really mattering
19:50 asciilifeform (what's 'dbus' ? a somewhat clunky message-passing mechanism. for... folks who don't like unix domain sockets? idk)
19:51 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: frost mage, at your fingertips. all you need is a compressor << notably, as depicted in the liquid helium scene in 'stand on zanzibar'
19:51 asciilifeform (luddite girl gets doused with liquid he hose by programmer in self-defense)
19:53 asciilifeform 'oath keepers' << if it isn't a honeypot, it (from usg's perspective) ought to be.
19:53 asciilifeform can't think of a more perfect list of folks for the politruks to shoot come day X.
19:53 asciilifeform the folks who signed up voluntarily - are, to use the inescapable usaism, 'not the brightest light bulbs at Home Depot' (hardware shop)
19:55 asciilifeform lead crystal << simply a less-leaded version of the (formerly) ubiquitous glass from which crt is made.
19:55 asciilifeform in the latter case, enough lead that it appears nearly black in the aggregate.
19:59 asciilifeform ben_vulpes, mod6, whoever else: after some hours and a restart the thing jumped << if it needs hand-holding for normal operation (including blockchain sync) it isn't a usable gizmo.
19:59 thestringpuller at least we're closer
19:59 asciilifeform really.
20:00 thestringpuller last time I tried to sync blockchain, the thing just blew up
20:00 asciilifeform it still blows up
20:00 asciilifeform just more softly
20:01 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: i'm glad you're here to hold our feet to the fire.
20:01 asciilifeform this is a tremendously annoying mental glitch that i see just about everywhere - from '3d printer' enthusiasts to man-in-space aficionados. it being, the notion that solving myriad 'small, solvable' problems somehow brings us closer to solving the 'big ones' for which we have no angle of approach
20:01 asciilifeform i also like to call it 'chair-stacking space program'
20:02 ben_vulpes i am familiar with this metaphor of yours.
20:02 asciilifeform the devilish thing is, solving the small turdlets is pleasurable
20:02 asciilifeform one can paint the ww2 tank dredged up from the swamp all kinds of nice colours
20:02 asciilifeform but it will not run again from the paint.
20:03 asciilifeform but it sure is fun.
20:03 ben_vulpes overhauling the engine consists of a myriad of turdlets.
20:03 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: actually i stole the chair metaphor (from - forget whom? ted nelson?)
20:03 ben_vulpes boring cylinders, flushing tubes, checking elasticity of remaining o-rings...
20:04 asciilifeform yes, but opening up the hood and taking the engine apart is a very different order of task than paint.
20:04 ben_vulpes if the barbarian opens the hood and immediately disassembles the engine, what can we expect to happen?
20:04 ben_vulpes similarly, there must be a garage, white sheet on the ground, binder for part numbering and notes.
20:05 ben_vulpes this is not cargo cult deconstruction - this is taking the time to do a thing correctly.
20:05 asciilifeform not really arguing with the let's have garage thing
20:05 asciilifeform but hoping that no one confuses the garage with the mechanic
20:05 asciilifeform who is, thus far, absent.
20:05 * ben_vulpes rolls eyes
20:06 * ben_vulpes goes back to building the engine hoist
20:07 asciilifeform so far, not one of us is 'mechanic'
20:07 asciilifeform just painters.
20:07 asciilifeform kakobrekla: use the python tools to do anything with the Trezor << one of these days, someone should explain to me why a gadget like 'trezor' is necessary
20:08 asciilifeform that is, a dedicated box for signing tx is useful, but why does it need to store keys?
20:08 asciilifeform why not simply a keyboard jack.
20:09 asciilifeform (all the scorn for brainwallets - i say - is enemy disinfo. storing private key in brain is ultimately inescapable, whatever other forms of storage are in use. hard disk? key is - where it is kept, plus decryption keys.)
20:09 asciilifeform if you are pwned while using 'brainwallets', simply shows that your brain is defective
20:09 asciilifeform 'must be this tall to ride.'
20:10 asciilifeform so far bitcoin is the only coin that can live -entirely- in a brain, and failure to use this property is a kind of fundamental waste.
20:12 kakobrekla one step at a time, those will be going to people who run winblows and possibly a webwallet
20:12 asciilifeform (the ultimate logical conclusion of this idea would be the hypothetical thing that is so far the only serious improvement on 'bitcoin fundamentals' i've been able to come up with. that is, 'rectothermcoin')
20:12 asciilifeform or, let's keep it short, rectocoin
20:12 ben_vulpes kakobrekla: no you don't understand unless it's a perfect solution it's entirely worthless
20:12 kakobrekla ben_vulpes i kno :(
20:12 asciilifeform where there are 'duress signatures' that are not mathematically distinguishable from genuine spends until broadcast and diffused through network
20:12 asciilifeform and destroy the coin.
20:13 kakobrekla we just dont understand how the world works
20:13 kakobrekla now mp can retire.
20:13 kakobrekla again.
20:13 ben_vulpes again.
20:13 assbot Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
20:13 ben_vulpes !b 4
20:13 asciilifeform with rectocoin, you won't need to take the cyanide. but you'll probably wish you had.
20:16 kakobrekla <asciilifeform> if you are pwned while using 'brainwallets', simply shows that your brain is defective < no need to test this hypothesis the result is known
20:17 asciilifeform kakobrekla: i do recall.
20:17 asciilifeform kakobrekla: and i still stand by the statement.
20:17 asciilifeform kakobrekla: those will be going to people who run winblows and possibly a webwallet << if these are dear friends, think again before helping to culture a dangerous sense of false security.
20:18 kakobrekla i will not tell them "this is 100% secure"
20:18 asciilifeform (published pcb prints of that product show a microcontroller reprogrammable in-band - that is, via usb.)
20:18 kakobrekla just "its better than bc webwallet"
20:18 asciilifeform i'm not convinced that it is.
20:18 asciilifeform better than webwallet.
20:19 punkman asciilifeform: you got their website and download signed firmware, which is then pushed to device by way of browser plugin
20:19 asciilifeform well, perhaps beats 'your key is safe with cloudhitler' webatron, but not civilian bitcoind
20:19 asciilifeform browser plugin !?!?!
20:19 asciilifeform serious?
20:19 punkman all kinds of madness in there
20:19 asciilifeform link?
20:20 * kakobrekla admits it hasnt gone beyond asking jurov if its simple enough for my mom
20:20 kakobrekla it ? he.
20:20 kakobrekla unless i already melted into the box here
20:20 * kakobrekla checks
20:21 punkman
20:21 assbot Updating your TREZOR’s firmware — TREZOR User Manual 1.0 documentation ... ( )
20:21 asciilifeform lol!
20:21 asciilifeform so not a joke.
20:21 asciilifeform or rather - it is a joke. but on the chumps.
20:22 kakobrekla well ill attach a note, never upgrade.
20:22 punkman they did ship buggy firmware before
20:22 ben_vulpes presumably the upgrade can be forced upon one by nef4ri0s micr0
20:22 asciilifeform that just means luser won't upgrade on his own free will.
20:22 ben_vulpes nevarious*
20:22 ben_vulpes humbug
20:24 asciilifeform the beautifully dark cream-your-pants future of 'shall be delivered' is not attainable until folks learn to remember serious keys (yes, remember. with head.)
20:24 asciilifeform if these are not available, we shall be needing a new 'homo cryptographicus' who can
20:24 asciilifeform just like the folks who can't do written language - fell by the wayside
20:25 kakobrekla myea its worse than it thought this. a well, lucky for them btc has no chargeback!
20:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12825 @ 0.00034947 = 4.482 BTC [-]
20:26 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: helluva dicelist
20:26 asciilifeform apologies to w. blake, but 'some are born to sweet delight,' and some are born to biodiesel pot.
20:27 asciilifeform a dicelist is a list of folks who are to be diced.
20:27 kakobrekla still i kinda think its a tad better than plain webwallet
20:27 asciilifeform !s killfile killed
20:27 assbot 0 results for 'killfile killed' :
20:27 punkman too much fukken code
20:27 assbot Bitcoin TREZOR · GitHub ... ( )
20:27 kakobrekla which are the first ones to go
20:27 asciilifeform !s kill file killed
20:27 assbot 5 results for 'kill file killed' :
20:28 asciilifeform punkman: i am still not able to find a copy of the actual code actually running on the physical device.
20:28 punkman asciilifeform: here
20:28 assbot trezor/trezor-mcu · GitHub ... ( )
20:29 asciilifeform punkman: ty
20:29 * asciilifeform doesn't need this for anything, but wondered if exists
20:30 kakobrekla is there some physical button to enable upgrade ?
20:30 punkman allegedly
20:30 kakobrekla jurov did you upgrade yours?
20:30 asciilifeform kakobrekla: not in the pcb shots i saw. last time i gave a damn.
20:31 punkman I don't get their whole recovery seed, pin codes, password mess
20:32 punkman this doesn't have USB, talks with QR codes only
20:32 assbot Home ... ( )
20:32 asciilifeform punkman: and where are the circuit and firmware source for this one ?
20:32 kakobrekla with scamdroid insides?
20:33 asciilifeform lol apparently
20:34 punkman asciilifeform: doubt they will open source it
20:34 asciilifeform the reason i even bothered to respond to the trezor thing is to share the hypothesis that all of the available products are dumb because the problem they are 'solving' - is dumb.
20:34 asciilifeform this is an iron law
20:34 asciilifeform stupid problem, stupid 'solutions'
20:35 asciilifeform i'll repeat - dedicated gizmo wherein to crunch the bignums - useful. store keys - no thanks.
20:36 kakobrekla well you must store to compute
20:36 asciilifeform sure.
20:36 asciilifeform for a second or two.
20:36 kakobrekla well you can enter your own private key in trezor and null it after done
20:36 kakobrekla in theory.
20:36 asciilifeform ideally would be sram-based, with heated srams for good measure
20:36 asciilifeform with no flashable components of any kind whatsoever therein.
20:37 asciilifeform only output - public key of addrs, and (human-readable) signed tx-es.
20:37 kakobrekla hm what happend to that guy that was last here arguing about random from ram and temp n shit
20:37 asciilifeform no rng needed for this.
20:38 kakobrekla yes but i cant recall what were they doing
20:38 asciilifeform possibly for nonce, you need.
20:38 asciilifeform kakobrekla: they were (or claimed to be) distilling bit flip errors from sram at room temperature
20:39 asciilifeform you can do this now, find an old programmable calculator.
20:39 kakobrekla !s bit flip sram
20:39 assbot 1 results for 'bit flip sram' :
20:39 kakobrekla aha
20:39 asciilifeform not a well-behaved rng by any metric whatsoever.
20:39 kakobrekla there it is
20:40 asciilifeform i bring up sram as concession to the fact that the hypothetical calculator discussed earlier needs a small working memory
20:40 asciilifeform what to make it from - is up to the maker. delay-line spool, if you like.
20:42 kakobrekla aha seems they are selling the product.
20:45 ben_vulpes
20:45 assbot BitKey - Secure Bitcoin Live USB key for offline transactions ... ( )
20:46 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: this appears to be a 'linux live cd' of a kind.
20:46 asciilifeform why interesting?
20:47 ben_vulpes fuel for the fire
20:47 asciilifeform 'Electrum Bitcoin client, incognito chromium, bitaddress, qrcode, zxcvbn. File manager, network and wireless manager. Auto-mounting USB storage support.' << mega-lol
20:48 asciilifeform the 'do-ocracy' does what it does best: does.
20:48 kakobrekla wait whut, they diss usb but support wifi ?
20:48 asciilifeform and usb.
20:48 kakobrekla :D
20:49 adlai why does chromium need to be incognito if it's an offline thingy
20:49 asciilifeform offline lol
20:49 asciilifeform it's a generic usb drive.
20:49 asciilifeform packaging their turdware in this form gives it a 'hardware' perfume.
20:50 adlai "Secure Bitcoin Live USB key for offline transactions" (I didn't click the link, just reacting to the title)
20:50 asciilifeform this is not an uncommon tactic among the lowest of the lowliest sc4mz0rz
20:50 adlai you must really love mycelium entropy
20:50 adlai
20:50 assbot Entropy :: Mycelium ... ( )
20:50 asciilifeform ^ the sram thing
20:51 kakobrekla adlai there are pages of bashing of that thing in logs
20:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60794 @ 0.00034723 = 21.1095 BTC [-] {2}
20:51 asciilifeform pete's article:
20:51 assbot Proof That Mycelium Knows How To Make A Better RNG For Its Entropy Dongle. And Isn't. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( )
20:51 asciilifeform (not sure why he turned that thread into an article, but there it is)
20:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9646 @ 0.0003455 = 3.3327 BTC [-]
20:52 kakobrekla for adlai ?
20:53 * adlai found it already from search.b-a, reading
20:53 kakobrekla fuck that search, it finds too many things!
20:54 adlai ddos it
20:54 kakobrekla trice.
~ 22 minutes ~
21:16 asciilifeform mircea_popescu, other users of 'opera' - which one do you use? the 1990s close-source turd? or the 'new, impr0v3d' idiocy that uses 'webkit' (chrome) rendering engine ?
21:16 asciilifeform *closed
21:17 asciilifeform re: dbus (part ii)
21:17 kakobrekla 'presto' sucks.
21:18 asciilifeform the poettering strategy is not an enigma of any kind.
21:18 asciilifeform they want universal dependence (yes)
21:18 asciilifeform not enough to bake their crap into mainstream linux distos. needs to be in mainstream kernel.
21:18 asciilifeform so the chaps 'building their own' distro are likewise stuck with it.
21:19 adlai maybe my priorities are misplaced, but one huge problem I saw with the whole entropy thingy is... the printer
21:21 kakobrekla well you get a new one without the wifi and when done printing blend it with Blendtec and throw dust in magma
21:21 kakobrekla in 3 different vulcanos, just in case.
21:24 asciilifeform whichever one of you said 'linux is a corpse, and systemd is a fungus growing on it' was correct.
21:24 asciilifeform a living thing - would not tolerate this.
21:25 adlai well, just to go off on a while tear here:
21:25 assbot Terence McKenna on Mushrooms - YouTube ... ( )
21:26 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i have not actually pressed any F key in... uh. months ? << 'midnight commander' naturally. and i have f1-f12 mapped to useful things in 'emacs' as well. unlike (apparently) many emacs users, i don't treat my hands as an object of religious sacrifice.
21:26 adlai amazingly, it looks as though these dongles are NOT encrypting the keys before sending them to the printer, so my fears aren't totally crazy
21:26 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
21:26 asciilifeform my ctrl key is where the gods intended it to be (to the left of 'a') likewise.
21:27 asciilifeform also helps to have f-keys in 'godly' position (to the left of 'ctrl' rather than on top of kbd)
21:27 adlai what about ()
21:28 asciilifeform []
21:28 * adlai has () instead of <>, in dvorak, aka qwerty's WE
21:29 * asciilifeform experimented with dvorak a few times over the years, found that he doesn't enter enough human language text to make the effort worthwhile
21:30 asciilifeform it also doesn't help that most non-'model m' keyboards are not readily (visually) dvorakizable
21:30 asciilifeform (why? the caps on the alphabetic rows are not identically shaped)
21:32 adlai oh you'd actually rearrange the keys?
21:33 * adlai learned dvorak on a rollup keyboard that couldn't be rearranged
21:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42300 @ 0.00034484 = 14.5867 BTC [-] {2}
21:34 adlai the macbook pro I used at my last office job still boots into dvorak and has to manually be switched to qwerty, last I checked
21:43 BingoBoingo !up Grumpy_01
21:43 BingoBoingo Hello Grumpy_01
21:43 decimation re: Opera << i use the webkit based one, probably offers little protection against firefox based attacks
21:45 decimation asciilifeform: yeah I said systemd was a fungus. I agree, I don't see how this kind of thing is tolerable. Politically, I think Linus is up against a wall to some degree, because he knows redhat, inc pays for most of the kernel 'zeks'
21:46 cazalla if you have full blown autism, nintendo run the best events, you don't have say shit or look at anyone to collect the promo items they give away
21:46 decimation lol
21:46 decimation nintendo has pretty much gone downhill since the 'NES'
21:48 decimation cazalla: did you go to "electronica"?
21:48 cazalla decimation, what's that? a clear no btw
21:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18150 @ 0.00034456 = 6.2538 BTC [-]
21:49 decimation << the 'world's biggest' electronics trade fair. probably not consumer or games focused though
21:49 assbot electronica - Electronics trade fair for components, systems and applications ... ( )
21:51 cazalla decimation, why would you ask me if i went there? i don't get it
21:51 decimation well, I guess I assumed you went to some kind of trade show with nintendo present.
21:52 cazalla mats_cd03: too quick to burn bridges is all i'm saying <<< i gave him the opportunity but then he started with the gaw miners, altcoins are legit cause he made money with it
21:53 cazalla decimation, nah it was this
21:53 assbot ... ( )
21:55 cazalla dunno why they even had reps there, gameboy picks up the items automatically over wireless, they could've just left their gameboy on the counter and had customers walk up to it, do a 360 and then walk out the shops
21:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51300 @ 0.00034592 = 17.7457 BTC [+]
21:56 cazalla gameboy app tells me there were 9 people there but i only saw the reps so like i said, it's an autists dream come true
21:57 ben_vulpes is the dosser of the uncloaked still around?
21:58 kakobrekla i can try the waters
21:59 ben_vulpes if you're bored :P
22:03 kakobrekla he is.
22:04 decimation apparently our friend's promise to 'move on' was not to be taken seriously
22:07 ben_vulpes promises by someone out of the wot are to be taken seriously? :P
22:07 kakobrekla ;;gettrust assbot slush
22:07 gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user slush: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 3 via 3 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: Thu Nov 11 10:34:28 2010
22:08 kakobrekla one of the two co-authors of trezor
22:10 kakobrekla apparently thing doesnt jump anymore but spreads bw
22:13 decimation what do you mean kakobrekla?
22:14 kakobrekla as far as i gathered it was ddosing one at a time before ratpoison - it jumped to the last one joining. now it just adds to stack.
22:15 kakobrekla these are my findings from very short time of fiddling with the thing so i may be off.
22:16 adlai why wasn't this one on bitbet?
22:16 assbot ... ( )
22:19 kakobrekla cause you didnt write it?
22:19 kakobrekla idk, wild speculation here
22:22 * adlai types too fast to have written that bet
22:26 ben_vulpes > written about in regards to
22:26 ben_vulpes mhm.
22:27 ben_vulpes salud RagnarsBitch
22:29 kakobrekla Shabnam Ansar i don't understand a lot of stuff you say, nevertheless i read them all... you are just so amazing n my role model
22:29 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
22:29 kakobrekla Dear Shabnam Ansar: galdgtaglkg kglafk alfalfkfkfkfkfka
22:29 decimation amusing: << " As William Levitt himself promised his government patrons, “No man who owns his own house and lot can be a Communist. He has too much to do.” He meant this quite literally." << the nature of modern us 'home ownership'
22:29 assbot ... ( )
22:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6526 @ 0.00034592 = 2.2575 BTC [+]
~ 29 minutes ~
23:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 92800 @ 0.00034443 = 31.9631 BTC [-] {2}
23:19 cazalla
23:19 assbot CoinJar Relocate From Australia To UK, No Longer Charging GST | ... ( )
23:33 pete_dushenski cazalla aus has 10% gst?!
23:33 pete_dushenski oof
23:35 cazalla pete_dushenski, ya didn't know this?
23:35 pete_dushenski hm nope
23:35 cazalla there is talk of raising it due to budget shortfalls despite the government that brough it in promising the legislation would never allow for such a thing to occur
23:35 pete_dushenski is there also province/state tax on top?
23:36 pete_dushenski a yes, typical "cross my heart" shit
23:36 pete_dushenski have to balance bookz!
23:36 cazalla yeah, stamp tax, land tax, fuck you for even being born tax type shit
23:36 pete_dushenski i was reading up on the russian tax code this weekend and it's completely fucking reasonable.
23:37 pete_dushenski for a european country
23:37 decimation cazalla: do you have to pay income tax too?
23:37 cazalla and then your local council strong arms you on top of all that as well
23:37 pete_dushenski decimation show me a country with no income tax that's not in affrica
23:37 cazalla ^^^
23:37 decimation that's hardcore, what are the marginal rates?
23:38 pete_dushenski i now know a few off the top of my head
23:38 decimation some us states charge upwards of 10% 'sales tax'
23:38 cazalla decimation, for individual, see for companies like google, 0
23:38 assbot Individual income tax rates | Australian Taxation Office ... ( )
23:38 pete_dushenski germany's top bracket: 45%
23:38 pete_dushenski us': 40%
23:38 decimation well, those are high income brackets though
23:38 pete_dushenski canada's is 55% (in quebec)
23:38 pete_dushenski russia, get this, 13%
23:39 cazalla defence and welfare are the two biggest costs
23:39 decimation wow 37% over $A 80k?
23:39 decimation that's hardcore
23:39 pete_dushenski russia has other taxes, like vat of 18% and a special welfare tax of 25% on first $14k earned
23:40 decimation pete_dushenski: that's really cheap
23:40 decimation so anyone who isn't 'living on welfare' in australia is a government employee
23:41 decimation I'm okay with a high VAT/GST/sales tax if it comes with no income tax
23:41 cazalla decimation, something like 1 in 5 aussies gets some type of welfare, you can get disability for a sore foot if you are determined
23:41 pete_dushenski that's pretty much what russia has
23:42 decimation cazalla: I assume they all have gov't paid pensions too right
23:42 pete_dushenski anyways, this dovetails into today's article:
23:42 assbot Agency Goes To The Active, Or How Putin Doesn’t Understand How The World Works. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( )
23:42 pete_dushenski rusofiles please to feedback ^
23:43 pete_dushenski keep in mind i'm but a lowly observer... from the clouds
23:43 pete_dushenski basically goes over the many ways putin has figured out capitalism better than almost anyone else.
23:44 pete_dushenski and how to align himself with a religion, and how to politik, and how to generally run a nation state (at least one full of russians)
23:44 cazalla decimation, of course, meanwhile they upped the pension age to 70 from the year 2035, of course, no money for pensions will be available to pay such a thing by then
23:44 decimation well to be fair, putin can live off of massive mineral wealth to some degree
23:45 decimation of course with the price of oil tanking...
23:45 pete_dushenski so the ruble slides with it
23:45 decimation cazalla: that's worse than the us
23:46 pete_dushenski but he's still king of the roost. low debt, plenty of other coal and gas to offset oil, gold
23:46 pete_dushenski decimation but he's definitely in a fortunate position to start with
23:46 decimation actually I was thinking while gasing up my car today... if you add up the fact that usg is funded to a big degree by printed dollars, and that now opec has decided to flood the market with oil to kill off drilling in north america, you realize that you have 'oil printing' vs. 'dollar printing'
23:47 pete_dushenski last one to the bottom loses!
23:47 decimation well, it's hard not to be 'fortunate' when you own like 11% of the world's land
23:47 pete_dushenski canada is in a similar position in the sense of resource wealth
23:47 decimation if he just manages to keep territory, he wins
23:48 pete_dushenski and canada has far more debt, more tax, but more "services"
23:48 pete_dushenski well, canada doesn't have vat, just 5% gst
23:48 pete_dushenski that's it
23:48 decimation well, russia is beating back canada's claims to the arctic, and seemingly doing a good job at it
23:48 pete_dushenski canada can only claim a la obama: with words
23:49 pete_dushenski no powah
23:49 decimation heh yeah. I think they give guns to some of the eskimos too
23:49 pete_dushenski the northwest passage is russia's or china's for the taking
23:50 pete_dushenski lol ya, guns for hunting moose and rabbits
23:50 decimation
23:50 assbot Canadian Rangers: the thin red line patrolling our harshest terrain - Canada - CBC News ... ( )
23:50 decimation lol they have lee-enfields
23:50 pete_dushenski what a moustache!
23:51 pete_dushenski
23:51 assbot The next big court event is in Hong Kong. If we win my legal team will seek $2billion in damages for the unlawful destruction of /hashtag/Megaupload?src=hash
23:52 pete_dushenski speaking of nz, has anyone witnessed the haka live?
23:52 decimation don't get me wrong, lee-enfields are fine guns, but canada has the skills and money to invest in a more modern arctic gun, and apparently they can't afford it or don't want to
23:52 pete_dushenski not "anyone" rather "anyone here"
23:52 decimation I've seen something that is supposed to be like it when I was in hawaii
23:52 pete_dushenski canada doesn't fund it's military excessively
23:53 pete_dushenski like at a luau?
23:53 decimation yeah
23:53 decimation they had 'dances from around greater polynesia'
23:54 pete_dushenski heh pretty neat eh?
23:55 decimation yeah the most unusual part is the tongue-work
23:56 pete_dushenski
23:56 assbot All Blacks vs France mean haka 2011 World cup winners - YouTube ... ( )
23:56 pete_dushenski even the rugbiers get that tongue in there
23:59 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56900 @ 0.00034643 = 19.7119 BTC [+] {3}
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