Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2022-03-02 | 2022-03-04 →
00:15 verisimilitude In news relevant to me, this sucks; I hate large corporations.
00:16 verisimilitude I'll need to finally re-download my collection.
00:18 thimbronion verisimilitude: at the moment all I can recall are the memes she shares which are based usually on visually absurd mashups of meme celebrities like The Rock. The Rock as a floret of Broccoli, etc.
00:19 verisimilitude Alright; I was expecting memes, Fortnite, and that manner of thing.
~ 2 hours 51 minutes ~
03:11 bonechewer Ukies ask ICANN to cut off .ru, and RIPE to terminate Russia's BGP link
03:12 bonechewer Encouraging the spread of alternate roots would be good for the world
03:14 bonechewer But I confess I can't quite imagine what things will be like if the internet is no longer fully connected globally at the IP level
03:14 bonechewer That doesn't mean it won't happen, either this war or next one
03:19 crtdaydreams Here's a joke for ya
03:20 crtdaydreams Here's a joke for ya
03:20 crtdaydreams first 1 wrong link
03:21 crtdaydreams eugh couple mistakes
~ 1 hours 44 minutes ~
05:06 asciilifeform << mandatory re subj.
05:06 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-02 22:13:58 bonechewer: But I confess I can't quite imagine what things will be like if the internet is no longer fully connected globally at the IP level
05:09 asciilifeform at some pt ( asciilifeform & others warning folx for ~20y , it aint news ) will be 3 'internets' -- reich's, free world, and ad hoc sneakernet / pirate shortwave snail bridge b/w the 2.
05:13 signpost "omg cybersecurities" oughta be a major driver.
05:15 asciilifeform to date the only brakes on that train was reich's thrust to push its volkischer beobachters on ru et al
05:16 signpost i.e. surely the rufolk will read wapo?
05:16 asciilifeform signpost: not directly wapo, but typically filtered through layer of 'westernized' parrots
05:17 signpost mm, yeah
05:17 mats the internet is already balkanised tho
05:18 asciilifeform the parrots in ru in particular feeling the heat, as of today 15y sentence for parroting reich party line. supposedly.
05:18 mats there's the chinese net, the ru and en net, the kazakhs have shut down theirs and so have the iranians, same in kashmir
05:19 signpost yeah, but one can still hit rutracker from here
05:19 asciilifeform mats: so far these 'weak sauce', simply 'great firewalled' enumerated banned pgs
05:19 asciilifeform rather than 'internet of the future'(tm)(r) whitelist
05:19 mats we're well into the federated phase of internetworking
05:20 mats not sure there's any point to fully firewalling the net like north korea
05:21 asciilifeform mats: it's the logical endgame. but to date the reich efforts have been to prod orcs to (ineptly) cocoon ~selves~
05:21 asciilifeform e.g. atm massive ddos (involving perhaps 1e8+ bots) against just about erry notable ru public www
05:23 signpost imho it's a plausible panic move after a critical infrastructure cyberattack
05:23 signpost stomp token "domestic terrorist" into paste, and cut off external access.
05:24 asciilifeform phunphakt -- as of today, installs of american 'subscription' lulzware in ru 'sorry, yer license expired'
05:24 dulapbot (trilema) 2016-12-05 asciilifeform: in other lulz, very far away, 'Autodesk will stop the sale of perpetual licences of all its software on January 31st, 2017. The purchase of new licences by both new and existing customers will only be available by subscription after that date. ... Why is Autodesk transitioning to subscription licences? Subscription licences offer customers a lower entry price, greater choice of tools and the ability to pay-as-you-g
05:24 asciilifeform the only functioning installs -- warez
05:26 * asciilifeform hasn't a link to any noose piece re subj, learned from humans
05:26 asciilifeform possibly aint 100%, but being phased in piecemeal.
05:27 asciilifeform 'app store' crapolade similarly evaporating.
05:30 * signpost curious what happens the day after putin croaks.
05:30 asciilifeform signpost: same thing as when ivan iv croaked
05:30 asciilifeform 'time of troubles'
05:30 signpost seems unavoidable, and iirc the guy had cancer at least once already.
05:31 asciilifeform to date historic weakness of 'god emperors' -- not 1 ever grew a worthwhile successor
05:31 asciilifeform anyways, re 'autocad' etc. -- the folx crying about this, have only selves to blame.
05:32 asciilifeform is whatcha get for sucking copyrast cock.
05:32 asciilifeform if not today then tomorrow.
05:32 asciilifeform for subscribing to the 'intellectual property'(tm)(r) planetary scamola.
05:32 signpost entertaining that the US moves to explode *all* its institutional trust, though philosophically it makes sense that if it happened to the money, why not everything measured in.
05:33 asciilifeform ( recall how what germany got for its patent portfolio was 2 world wars )
05:33 signpost given yes, USD was itself an intellectual property scamola
05:33 signpost "smart contract" with uncle sam.
05:33 asciilifeform signpost: 'trust' is 'yesterday', today -- subordination.
05:34 asciilifeform ( recently a usg muppet openly mentioned 'china's insubordination' after cn refused to embargo ru )
05:34 signpost well, I bet fallout makes for unique sunsets.
05:35 asciilifeform folx hoping for a quick and picturesque death are likely to be disappointed.
05:35 signpost ah I don't hope for anything, quite content. nobody gets out alive (tm) (r)
05:36 * signpost well aware dying empires can fester for "longer than you can remain solvent^Walive"
05:37 asciilifeform reich made, evidently, a last-ditch attempt to get outta 'festering' and bring back '90s plunder bonanza
05:37 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-28 14:43:20 asciilifeform: verisimilitude: moar interesting is the 'big pic' -- the current war in fact started from 4th crusade, and continues episodically in form of various 'drang nach osten' by impoverished western eureichs, who will not give up dream of 'lebensraum' and delish phree minerals from 'unfairly squatted by orcs' 1/6th of planet3
05:38 asciilifeform if orcs surrender -- will be eaten, and reich gets anuther '90s and anuther ~20y of borrowed time.
05:39 signpost as if by instinct, the girls are already recycling the 90s attire.
05:39 signpost don't know, maybe china has designs on plundering the slavs this time.
05:39 signpost certainly appears so. I wouldn't have taken that handshake.
05:40 asciilifeform atm they've signed on to buy ~errything eureich aint buying
05:40 asciilifeform (with what paying -- nfi)
05:43 asciilifeform if continues on that trajectory, eventually result -- 'eurasian reich'.
05:44 asciilifeform together would need an absolute 0 from rest of planet3.
05:45 * asciilifeform must bbl.
05:45 * signpost afk til tomorrow, gnight
~ 41 minutes ~
06:27 mats pretty good inside baseball
~ 8 hours 9 minutes ~
14:36 asciilifeform mats: 'Interference in American elections. The sponsorship of extremist politics in Europe. War in Ukraine. ... reasserting Russian power while taking control of the economy for themselves, suppressing independent voices' << do you habitually read this sorta reich lul ? leaden stomach and for entomological purposes, or actually buy the claptrap?!
~ 21 minutes ~
14:58 mats i do think all those things happen, yes
15:00 mats do you not?
15:07 mats theres claims in there without named sources, and its a bit loaded, but thats how the game is played
15:12 asciilifeform mats: 'independent voices' lol!!
15:12 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-03 00:16:21 asciilifeform: signpost: not directly wapo, but typically filtered through layer of 'westernized' parrots
15:14 asciilifeform or 'extremist politics' i.e. 'folx daring to contemplate spitting out reich cock'
15:15 mats theres true believers and then theres useful idiots
~ 30 minutes ~
15:46 asciilifeform meanwhile, nomoar orcish rocket engines for usg. 'learn to fly on brooms'(ru minister of space)
15:56 mats like, for example, theres the faction that believes in the ahistorical narrative of alliance with white christians in ru
15:56 asciilifeform which christians, the 1s who trashed constantinopol in '4th crusade' ?
15:56 mats politics makes for strange bedfellows
15:57 asciilifeform (or maybe the 1s who allied with turks in 1850s ? or the ones who tried to rm -rf ru in '41 ? which ?)
16:05 mats the whole white ethnostate thing is a little weird, but i get it, usa was 90% white until the 70s
16:06 mats insofar as 'white' is even real, like 'han' is real
16:07 mats dumb people need a common identity to rally around
16:10 asciilifeform mats: 'white power'(tm)(r) clubs are 100% usg provocateur-powered usefulidjicies
16:10 PeterL lumping people together as "white" is hard to define and not very helpful
16:10 mats theres only so many choices on the census
16:11 PeterL actually, the US census lets you put whatever you want. the past two censuses I put my family down as race: Michigander
16:14 asciilifeform census has 0 to do w/ it, reich operates various 'heil hitler' social clubs as one of the many avail. flavours of pseudointellectual deadend gluetraps for the susceptible
16:14 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-28 14:31:56 signpost: here comes the *chan guy making edgy pro-nazi comments.
16:15 asciilifeform the most successful 1 of these is the infamous ukr ss 'azov'(tm)(r), a costume-accurate reenactment of 1940s collaborationist org
16:22 PeterL for these sorts of people, "yer white if I say you look white, I'll know it when I see it", no need for rigorous classification criteria
16:30 thimbronion I don't get the ethnostate hate. Japan is not that bad.
16:31 asciilifeform thimbronion: it's great if yer already living in 1, otherwise what good it does you.
16:31 dulapbot Logged on 2021-02-21 20:36:08 verisimilitude: It would be nice to live in an ethnostate.
16:31 dulapbot Logged on 2021-02-21 20:36:22 asciilifeform: yea well unless you already do, it aint happening
16:31 PeterL it's fine if it is actually an ethnicity. If you try to lump a bunch of different groups together without understanding who they are, then you run into problems
16:33 * asciilifeform regularly runs into folx who jack off to e.g. jp, iceland, etc. and answers'em 'yes, is great -- cuz you aint there'
16:33 thimbronion It's actually partly why I like Costa Rica - it's more of an ethnostate than say, California.
16:34 asciilifeform as soon as 'you' get there, it aint any longer so 'ethno'. like e.g. today's stockholmabad
16:34 mats whiteness in usa changes depending on which year you live in
16:35 asciilifeform mats: the 'white' usa is aka 'flyoveristan', 'meth land', collectively a kind of ukraine
16:35 mats strictly an exclusive construct based on prevailing immigration waves of the last 5-50 years
16:36 mats Han identity has similarly expanded
16:36 asciilifeform well 'exclusive' in that ~no one wanted to move there, instead folx w/ >roomtemp iq moving strictly out to coasts
16:36 asciilifeform mats: asciilifeform not so familiar w/ cn ethnowank; has rather naive picture of 'raw vs cooked' (barbarian (west) vs civilized (coast))
16:37 asciilifeform also of course that 'white devil' is considered 'nigger' in cn , like in most of asia
16:41 thimbronion asciilifeform: no they're great because you and the people like you don't make up a significant minority of the population
16:45 asciilifeform well until they do, you'll be 'nigger'. and when they do, the thing turns into a sweden.
16:45 asciilifeform recall e.g. signpost's description of texas after the mass californirast migration in recent yrs
16:46 asciilifeform see also.
16:46 dulapbot (trilema) 2019-06-29 asciilifeform: understand, congenital disease of orc, is to envy the western rome, 'where streets are clean, lifts -- unpissed, women -- as on cover of 'playboy''
16:46 billymg what's nice about an ethnostate is the shared values, not the shared skin tone. countries where btc is the legal tender will attract people with shared values, hopefully creating new ideostates
16:46 asciilifeform 'lifts' stay 'unpissed' right until 'you' show up to piss;em
16:47 asciilifeform billymg: how much 'shared values' currently among btc aficionados ?
16:47 dulapbot Logged on 2021-11-19 11:19:42 asciilifeform: signpost: re 'why pest' -- asciilifeform is a btc aficionado of the (nearly extinct, possib.) old school -- would like to live in world where can get paid in uninflating, untaxable coinz, and buy necessities of live in same. doubt that anyone living nao will live to see such thing, but asciilifeform specifically interested in work which could make it at least conceivable.
16:47 billymg asciilifeform: judging by the self-labeld "maximalists" on twitter, quite a few
16:48 billymg anyway, not speaking of feasibility, but more of desireability. i want an ideostate with e.g. the folks in here and similar. don't care about skin color or weekend hobbies
16:49 billymg s/desireability/desirability
16:58 asciilifeform 'ideostates' have moar mixed history, lol
16:59 asciilifeform (and typically req. > a rowboat's worth of folx)
17:00 asciilifeform << asciilifeform approximates count using trb noades.
17:00 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-03 11:47:17 billymg: asciilifeform: judging by the self-labeld "maximalists" on twitter, quite a few
17:01 asciilifeform using billymg's excellent widget, and expanding circle to 'trb-compat', currently seeing 29 after subtracting the bot itself
17:01 billymg asciilifeform: could we be generous and count all trb-compat nodes?
17:01 billymg lol, beat me to it
17:02 asciilifeform of these , asciilifeform runs 2, iirc BingoBoingo also 2-3, mod6 a few, most trb folx operate >1
17:03 billymg you could add a few since occasionally a running node won't respond in the 15 seconds for whatever reason, only to show up in the next poll
17:03 asciilifeform so in the end prolly a dozen folx on this rowboat.
17:03 asciilifeform billymg: possib.
17:03 asciilifeform !w poll
17:03 watchglass Polling 14 nodes...
17:03 watchglass : Alive: (0.081s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=725764
17:03 watchglass : Alive: (0.083s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=725764 (Operator: asciilifeform)
17:03 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.111s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=725764
17:03 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.143s) V=70001 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=725764
17:03 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.095s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=725764 (Operator: asciilifeform)
17:03 watchglass : Alive: (0.145s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=725764 (Operator: whaack)
17:03 watchglass : Alive: (0.143s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=725764
17:03 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.253s) V=88888 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=725764
17:03 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.320s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=725764
17:03 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.609s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=725764
17:03 * asciilifeform ^ knows of 14 variously-reliable noades atm.
17:03 asciilifeform this obv. not incl. merely 'compatibles'
17:04 watchglass : Violated BTC Protocol: Bad header length!
17:04 watchglass : Busy? (No answer in 100 sec.)
17:04 watchglass : Busy? (No answer in 100 sec.)
17:04 watchglass : Busy? (No answer in 100 sec.)
17:06 billymg ^ that last one an example of a node with flakey uptime (or at least responses to polls)
17:06 asciilifeform there's 2-3 where operator evidently wakes up 1ce in 2-3mo
~ 22 minutes ~
17:28 dpb mine is down as often as it is up. cron resets every 7 or 8 minutes, to cope with satelite connection. Will be on fiber soon, lord willing
~ 24 minutes ~
17:53 thimbronion asciilifeform: sadly not being a russian I can't use the n-word, not having an n-word pass, but do you consider the Fujimoris and Bukele to be n****s?
~ 25 minutes ~
18:19 asciilifeform thimbronion: in asciilifeform's pov it's a social rank, not a colour
18:19 thimbronion asciilifeform: yes I believe this is widely understood here
18:20 asciilifeform so dun have much to do with bukele, mugabe, et al
18:21 asciilifeform in related noose, 1 of the 2 ru restaurants in washingtonistan -- trashed by 'ukrs'
18:22 thimbronion Hmm, let me make my point more clear. Bukele, Fujimori are members of tiny minorities in their countries, but not n*****s.
18:23 asciilifeform moar analogous to armenian/j00/etc then
18:25 thimbronion maybe the way to go
18:25 asciilifeform 'commercial minority' historically rather vulnerable.
18:26 asciilifeform tend to be exiled or woodchippered by debtors.
18:27 asciilifeform some folx who 'neither borrower nor lender be' and ready to suitcase at 1st sign of trouble, e.g. ru 'old believers', doing ok.
18:27 asciilifeform but you an' i can't 'go and join', aint how it worx.
18:28 asciilifeform ( see also )
18:28 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-03 11:33:05 asciilifeform: regularly runs into folx who jack off to e.g. jp, iceland, etc. and answers'em 'yes, is great -- cuz you aint there'
18:28 thimbronion lulz - saw already
18:29 asciilifeform (and see also.)
18:29 dulapbot (trilema) 2017-10-31 asciilifeform: whole thing quite resembles the 'silver coin glued to the asphalt' everyone encounters in childhood
18:29 dulapbot (trilema) 2017-10-31 asciilifeform: if it weren't glued, it wouldn't be there.
18:34 thimbronion What's the point of joining anyway?
18:34 thimbronion There's nothing to do for ... a while.
18:35 asciilifeform thimbronion: typically folx want to join some x to get outta some y
18:35 thimbronion asciilifeform and mats live in black neighborhoods or wat?
18:35 asciilifeform thimbronion: 'spanish'
18:36 * thimbronion currently lives in cantonese area
18:36 asciilifeform in cr?!
18:36 thimbronion Sacramento.
18:36 asciilifeform aa
18:37 thimbronion CR neigborhood is same place as MP used to hang out.
18:38 asciilifeform a
18:40 asciilifeform $ticker btc usd
18:41 busybot Current BTC price in USD: $42295.32
18:42 * asciilifeform at this pt in light of recent wankage regards his hypothesis as proven
18:42 dulapbot Logged on 2021-11-22 13:23:33 asciilifeform: ( the lizard strategy is interesting imho: to mask the inflation shelter aspect of btc by artificially pumping it up and 'burying' the rise with paperola)
18:43 thimbronion There are twitter trolls who regularly mock btc as an inflation hedge. I disagree. It's a great hedge if you were hedging in 2013.
18:43 asciilifeform wainot '09 lol
18:43 thimbronion indeed
18:44 thimbronion This fictionaly hedge that they imagine could not actually exist in conjunction with the USD.
18:45 asciilifeform depends what means 'inflation hedge'
18:46 asciilifeform ( see also )
18:46 dulapbot (alethepedia) 2020-10-11 asciilifeform: thimbronion: the altcoinists -- sure . but i was speaking of the fact that the exch rate prolly aint growing another 0 -- or rather, not w/out the dollar price of archaetypical sandwich also growing a zero.
18:47 thimbronion yeah I agree at this point. A hedge is something you wanna get out of at some point. No point in getting out of BTC.
18:47 mats I suspect most people are thinking of (monetary) inflation hedge when they refer to bitcorns as such
18:47 asciilifeform ... also depends on whether you actually at any pt need the dough (and know how to get outta ~50% taxes or whatever local nonsense etc) rather than simply 'feeling rich'
18:47 mats And no, I live in a very nice area, mostly aryans and some asians
18:49 asciilifeform for folx outside usa.reich -- 'nice' typically refers to 'the aboriginal don't often attack', 'shops stock sumthing other than tinned fish', etc
18:51 mats we have hobos that mutter to themselves near the shops and beg the occasional highway off-ramp, but there’s only three or four regulars in my neighborhood
18:51 mats pretty good for california
18:51 asciilifeform there's hardly 1 seriously trafficed intersection in washingtonistan w/out a 'permanent' beggar (tho normally only turn up in good weather)
18:52 asciilifeform at one time were only in the city proper, after '08 or so errywhere
18:52 mats I volunteer at the food bank and it’s nuts just how many pallets get broken open and distributed in a day
18:53 mats The poors in America still have it real good
18:54 asciilifeform debatable, how 'good' to die slowly of diabetes and monsanto instead of regular congo starvation
18:55 mats Ill pay more attention to the brands and ingredients next time but it’s pretty mundane stuff like tomato paste, canned fruit and veg, legumes, rice
18:56 asciilifeform 1 major variation in usa is whether there'sa fresh goodies outdoor market
18:57 mats nothing wrong with cans
18:57 asciilifeform mats: can't imagine you haven't met the folx who try to live on the cans
18:59 mats They’re generally good quality and nutritious
18:59 asciilifeform mhm
18:59 mats Frozen and canned food gets a bad rap
19:00 mats Dumb culture
19:04 thimbronion asciilifeform: watched a documentary series with one episode on a serial killer granny in Sacramento - homeless hanging around same places even back in the 80s/90s, though I do think the tent thing is new.
19:05 * thimbronion recently been eating lots of tinned sardines and oysters.
19:05 asciilifeform thimbronion: around here periodically police bulldoze the tents, they tend to come back
~ 23 minutes ~
19:29 thimbronion asciilifeform: there has been a small tent settlement under the overpass next to my daughter's private school for at least a year now.
19:29 thimbronion Often many equiped with swiveling office chairs with rollers.
19:30 PeterL we don't have that problem here, weather is too cold
~ 55 minutes ~
20:25 verisimilitude Almost every problem I've ever had with e-mail has been caused by gmail, and it sickens me.
20:26 asciilifeform verisimilitude: microshit's behaves similarly (incl., comically, sometimes spamboxing mail from ~microshit itself~)
20:26 verisimilitude Corporations see a public good, a public utility, and their owners think ``Wow, if I utterly destroy that, everyone in the world will be worse off, except for me.''.
20:26 verisimilitude Corporations poison wells to sell bottled water, and it's really hard to find a counterexample.
20:27 asciilifeform verisimilitude: long pre-dates the invention of corporation. 'hydraulic despotism'(tm) per historians
20:27 verisimilitude I'm growing convinced this is all they've ever done.
20:27 asciilifeform see also england's 'enclosures' etc
20:27 asciilifeform all state is based on organized robbery
20:27 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-18 15:27:33 asciilifeform: gregory5: imho this pov dooms author to nonsense right off the bat. the correct model is the 'stationary bandit' one of j.c.scott.
20:28 verisimilitude We don't have much of a bicycle for the mind, but we have plenty of roadblocks for the mind.
20:28 verisimilitude Don't stop there, asciilifeform, all property is usurpation.
20:29 asciilifeform all metabolism is usurpation. iirc had the thrd.
20:29 verisimilitude I don't hate the concept of the state.
20:29 asciilifeform can 'hate' earthquakes, tornadoes similarly, dun do much
20:30 verisimilitude I could whip the ocean, I wouldn't be the first.
20:31 verisimilitude Back to Google, I've noticed something about the ``Googlers'' worth mocking.
20:33 bonechewer re:, EasyDNS founder Mark Jeftovic can't match your "~20yrs", but did predict global internet fragmentation back in 2016
20:33 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-03 00:09:15 asciilifeform: at some pt ( asciilifeform & others warning folx for ~20y , it aint news ) will be 3 'internets' -- reich's, free world, and ad hoc sneakernet / pirate shortwave snail bridge b/w the 2.
20:33 verisimilitude I've seen many discussions in which they clearly need a linked list, but then the ``experienced Googler'' says those are bad, and a vector has ``amortized O(1)'' insertion or such drivel. They get haughty over using just a few data structures.
20:35 verisimilitude Vectors, hash tables, and bloom filters, who needs more?
20:35 bonechewer Although (as befits a DNS guy) he focuses on the DNS root, not routing of packets
20:35 verisimilitude Bloom filters are a nasty little structure that basically work well until they don't, similarly to hash tables.
20:36 verisimilitude I don't see myself no longer renting VERISIMILITUDES.NET or other domains within the decade, bonechewer.
20:37 bonechewer As long as your ICANN-managed domain doesn't threatend the reich, sure, it'll continue to be yours. Leviathan doesn't notice inconsequential gnats buzzing it.
20:38 bonechewer But if you come to the attention of those in power, you'll get the treatment
20:40 bonechewer Just today, in fact, .cz blocked some domains owned by the previous president's former spokesman, for being not harsh enough on Russia
20:40 verisimilitude No, point to The Daily Stormer or Kiwi Farms.
20:40 verisimilitude Both have had DNS issues.
20:44 bonechewer The fact that the Daily Stormer still exists at a .name domain, owned by Verisign no less, tells you all you need to know about their usefulness to the powers that be
20:44 verisimilitude That's one perspective on it.
20:52 verisimilitude Kiwi Farms just laughs at retards and still has major issues just existing.
20:53 verisimilitude Once a refined Pest be available, I intend to show it to the owner, Joshua Moon; I've told him before that trying to have a website in the face of such issues is a losing game, if only due to the protocols.
20:55 bonechewer naah, there will be evolutionary solutions to website censorship before the layers that would be needed to make pest more than just an irc replacement could be built
20:56 bonechewer I'm not smart enough to know what they are, but some sort of distributed hash table thing is a good bet
20:56 verisimilitude His issue is he wants to be accessible to normal people, and show up in Google search results; both are a rigged game.
20:57 PeterL bonechewer: why wait for when we need the tools, wouldn't it be better to build them now?
20:58 bonechewer Normies are starting to notice how rigged Google search results are, and Brendan Eich is there with Brave search
21:00 bonechewer PeterL: of course! People tell me good things about IPFS, too bad there is only a Go implementation
21:01 verisimilitude He encourages his users to use Brave, yes.
21:02 verisimilitude On that note, I enjoy seeing people bemoan how Brave purposefully makes it difficult to distinguish itself from Chrome. Supporting one WWW browser isn't good enough for the cretins, they also want to block the ``bad ones''.
21:04 bonechewer and oh look, the Brave browser supports IPFS URLs
21:05 bonechewer verisimilitude: who do you see wanting to block Brave? got a link?
21:09 verisimilitude
21:14 bonechewer The first and third links are people wanting Brave to announce itself rather than calling itself Chrome as many browsers do, seemingly for reasons to do with their publisher compensation model. The second was some nut back in 2018 moaning about their ad blocking. These seem like isolated cases, not evidence of a trend.
21:17 verisimilitude I couldn't find better examples quickly.
21:19 asciilifeform 'brave' is lulzy scamware -- largely an attempt to push the built-in shitcoin.
21:19 * asciilifeform used for coupla wks, in conjunction w/ traditional 'adblock' the '# ads blocked' counter offered by thing itself was in mere double digits
21:20 bonechewer *shrug* "by their fruits shall ye know them" (tm)-- anything that takes Google's transparently political search engine down a peg is a net positive
21:21 asciilifeform << not tried, given as is 100% bluehairware
21:21 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-03 15:59:44 bonechewer: PeterL: of course! People tell me good things about IPFS, too bad there is only a Go implementation
21:21 dulapbot (trilema) 2016-05-19 Framedragger: asciilifeform: do you have an opinion on IPFS (distributed storage protocol, of sorts)? spoiler: reference implementation is in golang
21:22 bonechewer yeah, if it is a serious protocol it will grow another implementation, or else be replaced with a protocol that has one
21:23 asciilifeform ~decade and to this day strictly bluehair impls. imho says sumthing.
21:24 asciilifeform << here's what'll be 'accessible to normalpeople'.
21:24 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-03 15:56:32 verisimilitude: His issue is he wants to be accessible to normal people, and show up in Google search results; both are a rigged game.
21:32 asciilifeform << any solution that doesn't resolve to 'EVERY reader also mirrors' in fact serves enemy by drawing attention away from actual solutions.
21:32 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-03 15:55:23 bonechewer: naah, there will be evolutionary solutions to website censorship before the layers that would be needed to make pest more than just an irc replacement could be built
21:32 dulapbot Logged on 2021-01-21 16:37:28 asciilifeform: as for encryption -- 99+% of what's 'out there' in the sense of 'readable by plebe armed w/ google' was written specifically to ensure that actual crypto aint there when you in fact do need it.
21:33 asciilifeform ditto any 'solution' lacking a concept of wot and thereby preserving ddosism as a concept.
21:35 asciilifeform << the thing these 'fruits' all have in common is that they ~prop up~ google et al, rather than 'pushing down', by displacing oxygen from even mere possibility of actual solutions.
21:35 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-03 16:20:15 bonechewer: *shrug* "by their fruits shall ye know them" (tm)-- anything that takes Google's transparently political search engine down a peg is a net positive
21:35 asciilifeform ( see also. )
21:37 bonechewer how a competitor to Google props Google up is not clear. In the limit where Brave Search takes 80% of the market share that is now Google's, does that prop up Google? Does Google then prop up Altavista?
21:37 * asciilifeform also has yet to encounter even 1 which doesn't push some form of sslism
21:37 asciilifeform bonechewer: the way crapple propped up (and in fact kept on life support by) microshit in 1990s
21:38 asciilifeform or, if you like, the way 'militias' helped to prop up usg
21:38 dulapbot (trilema) 2017-05-25 asciilifeform: has at this point lost count of the 'fine folx' who offered him 'sure profitz' involving white powders/militias/deathrays across-the-border/across-the-ocean/in-shangri-la/in-shiticonvalley etc etc
21:39 asciilifeform idiot-traps.
21:39 bonechewer The fact that evolutionary changes are lower risk and cheaper than revolutionary ones, and therefore are more common than the latter, is hardly an earthshaking revelation
21:40 asciilifeform bonechewer: 'low risk', 'cheap', and all around great except for the part where it actually does 0 against the folx with 1e9 ddos nodes and ssl masterkeys.
21:41 bonechewer Certainly if Brendan Eich turns out to be an enemy agent, your take would be well-founded; but I credit the guy with sincerity
21:41 asciilifeform see also torware.
21:41 dulapbot Logged on 2021-11-09 03:13:39 cdd: asciilifeform: Been reading this article on your historic gentoo distfiles. I was reading some of the comments, specifically the reply to an "anonymous" user. I think I get what you mean now.
21:41 asciilifeform plenty of vehehery sincere ignoramuses pushing moar vigorously than any paid agent could hope to
21:43 asciilifeform incidentally a usd moneybag is reich agent unless proven (lol) innocent.
21:43 asciilifeform you dun get to keep 'your' usgcorp unless play ball.
21:43 bonechewer The reich tried to cancel Eich and partly succeeded; I think he's out for revenge
21:44 asciilifeform 'revenge while wainot also make some dough pushing a shitcoin' eh lol
21:45 bonechewer If you demand 100% lily-pure ideological purity from fellow travelers, never gonna have a revolution
21:45 asciilifeform bonechewer: dun tell me yer holding breath for 'revolution' lol
21:46 asciilifeform bonechewer: if interested in subj, tho, read up on what was lenin's 'superpower'
21:46 bonechewer In '70s sovok, one standard dissident toast was "to our hopeless cause", as you should well know. But some refused to drink to it.
21:46 asciilifeform aaha, and then all of these folx spread legs wiiiide for usg
21:46 asciilifeform drinkers & nondrinkers together
21:47 billymg !c help
21:47 crawlerbot billymg: my valid commands are: src, uptime, version, help, trb-status
21:47 bonechewer Well, who else did they have to surrender to?
21:47 billymg ok, let's see if this works...
21:47 billymg !c trb-status
21:47 crawlerbot Global TRB Nodes Active in the Last 48hrs: 14
21:47 crawlerbot Canada: 1; Romania: 1; Singapore: 1; Lithuania: 1; France: 1; United States: 8; Norway: 1;
21:47 crawlerbot - Alive, v=99999, h=725785 - last probed: 2m ago - peers returned: 218
21:47 crawlerbot - Alive, v=99999, h=725782 - last probed: 35m ago - peers returned: 78
21:47 crawlerbot - Alive, v=99999, h=725785 - last probed: 2m ago - peers returned: 55
21:47 crawlerbot - Alive, v=88888, h=725782 - last probed: 36m ago - peers returned: 52
21:47 crawlerbot - Alive, v=99999, h=725782 - last probed: 35m ago - peers returned: 51
21:47 crawlerbot - Alive, v=70001, h=725782 - last probed: 35m ago - peers returned: 48
21:47 crawlerbot - Alive, v=99999, h=725782 - last probed: 35m ago - peers returned: 45
21:47 crawlerbot - Alive, v=99999, h=725782 - last probed: 35m ago - peers returned: 44
21:47 crawlerbot - Alive, v=99999, h=725782 - last probed: 35m ago - peers returned: 36
21:47 crawlerbot - Alive, v=99999, h=725785 - last probed: 2m ago - peers returned: 17
21:47 crawlerbot - Alive, v=99999, h=725782 - last probed: 35m ago - peers returned: 17
21:47 crawlerbot - Alive, v=99999, h=725720 - last probed: 35m ago - peers returned: 11
21:47 crawlerbot - Alive, v=99999, h=408671 - last probed: 33m ago - peers returned: None
21:48 billymg needs country rank sorting
21:48 billymg i guess i should list the country beside each node as well
21:50 asciilifeform billymg: nifty
21:50 asciilifeform this strictly trb, or trb-compat. also ?
21:51 billymg asciilifeform: those results are trb only, but could add a command or make it an argument to show trb-compat as well
21:51 billymg this doesn't poll in realtime, just queries the db (hence the 'last-probed')
21:52 bonechewer what makes a noad trb-compatible?
21:52 billymg the country stats are taken from the new time series table, which gets updated every 6 hours in a cron job (which only queries the main table to collect some aggregate stats)
21:53 billymg so could potentially say 14 noads (+1 from last week), but isn't terribly exciting
21:55 billymg bonechewer: it's based on the 'services' field returned in the version message
21:57 billymg bonechewer: asciilifeform wrote the logic for mapping those in his watchglass program
21:57 bonechewer thanks billymg! but what are the practical implications? what is the crux of the incompatibility with other versions?
21:58 bonechewer upstack: as far as "militias" being the same sort of honeypot for idiots as is "tor", of course asciilifeform and I have no disagreement
21:59 bonechewer But if Brave and its shitcoins degrade the enemy's wealth and scope, I will cheer them on while waiting for a revolutionary replacement
21:59 billymg bonechewer: it represents compatibility with tacked-on "soft fork" "features" (from what i understand). so trb, by this definition, the least compatible
22:00 bonechewer note that by contract 'tor' strengthens the enemy (gives the enemy-run exit nodes rich traffic to monitor for phree)
22:00 bonechewer *by contrast
22:01 asciilifeform billymg, bonechewer : not only, but breaks peer list in various ways; often enuff deliberately ignores trb nodes (which dun advertise support for various prb rubbish); throws headersfirstisms, bloomfilterisms, & other garbage which often enuff banned by flagship-build trb noades immed.
22:01 bonechewer and equally 'militias' provide the enemy a useful bogeyman to justify moar tax $$$ and more internal surveillance of those dangerous militia sorts
22:01 asciilifeform bonechewer: aint the only way torism strengthens enemy.
22:01 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-01 12:04:37 asciilifeform: worth noting that the star topologists quite deliberately cultivate this confusion (i.e. b/w p2p wot and gestapo automation). for rather obvious aim of stoking anonytardism.
22:02 * billymg bbl
22:02 asciilifeform (see e.g. thrd)
22:02 dulapbot Logged on 2021-11-08 17:30:31 asciilifeform: << even there what you ~actually~ want is pseudonymity, not anonymity
22:03 bonechewer agreed
22:05 bonechewer as far as DDOS defense, there are good evolutionary steps. IPs are three bucks a month through resellers, and work adequately against multiple Tbps of flood
22:05 bonechewer alas, no Level 7 protection
22:05 asciilifeform bonechewer: 'filtering' does 0 against 1e9 bots.
22:06 asciilifeform (even in principle. how distinguish 'bot' from 'human' ?)
22:06 asciilifeform the entire central-server-talks-to-erry-reader intrinsic model of www is braindamaged.
22:07 asciilifeform not even to mention that 'antiddos vendor' can drop you whenever
22:07 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-28 19:55:00 verisimilitude: I use Namecheap, how wonderful:
22:08 asciilifeform the algorithmically ~correct~ pill is described here.
22:08 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-03 16:32:24 asciilifeform: << any solution that doesn't resolve to 'EVERY reader also mirrors' in fact serves enemy by drawing attention away from actual solutions.
22:08 dulapbot Logged on 2021-11-28 19:37:11 asciilifeform: signpost: somewhat apropos, thought of your lubytron in context of possible pheature: pestron takes a local dir and 'hosts'. peers (and optionally broader pestnet members, e.g. l2/l3) can visit e.g. http://localhost:8000/signpost and see his 'www'.
22:09 asciilifeform loaded a page ? serve it up to yer peers. peer loaded a page? mirror it. and so on, recurse.
22:10 asciilifeform ... and no need to remind asciilifeform that this 'would never' 'catch on' with roomtemp iqs. certainly won't, and certainly drops the attempt to maintain illusion that 'errything is accessible to erryone all of the time'
22:10 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-03 15:53:09 verisimilitude: Once a refined Pest be available, I intend to show it to the owner, Joshua Moon; I've told him before that trying to have a website in the face of such issues is a losing game, if only due to the protocols.
22:10 bonechewer yes, it's exciting and promising-- and will take a long while to build, during which time I'm glad is making effective DDOS so much more expensive
22:11 asciilifeform bonechewer: best ddos pill atm aint even but simply to fucking mirror things
22:11 asciilifeform y'know, like in 1990s.
22:11 asciilifeform nobody cancelled plain old mirroring.
22:12 asciilifeform e.g.
22:12 dulapbot Logged on 2021-06-27 21:38:34 asciilifeform: (ftr my copy was made via 'wget -e robots=off -r --mirror --page-requisites --convert-links --span-hosts --domains' .)
22:12 asciilifeform 1liner.
22:12 asciilifeform if you give a damn about some pg -- mirror.
22:12 bonechewer yes, in a time when e.g. .cz is blocking domains for being insufficiently anti-Russia, some sort of large-scale auto-mirroring would be A++
22:12 asciilifeform if give two damns -- mirror periodically in cron.
22:13 * bonechewer does this for two domains of interest
22:13 bonechewer would love an automated solution to do this for over9000 such, because human attention doesn't scale
22:13 asciilifeform observe, this doesn't req ~any~ new/exotic softs.
22:13 asciilifeform cron + 3ln of perl lol
22:16 PeterL are there even 9000 sites that deserve to be mirrored?
22:16 verisimilitude No.
22:16 asciilifeform subjective neh
22:16 asciilifeform the mirrorer decides what to mirror
22:17 verisimilitude I'd prefer any of you only mirror my website if I were to die any time soon.
22:18 verisimilitude That's for a public mirror, anyway.
22:18 bonechewer sadly one of the websites I mirror is exactly because the author died prematurely
22:18 verisimilitude Anyone who does mirror my website would do well to mirror the Gopher Hole as well, which is generally better.
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