Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2022-02-11 | 2022-02-13 →
00:00 thimbronion I will likely soon need to host it.
00:00 thimbronion For those not on cuntoo
00:00 asciilifeform the only practical solution to the fungal 'obsoletion' is to host it all. and eventually, yes, in vtree.
00:02 * asciilifeform has a long-term aim of baking sumthing in which can rewrite e.g. '', logotron, etc. and say goodbye to pythonism
00:02 asciilifeform the latter's a rather horrendous kludge if you think about it.
00:03 asciilifeform python even in its heyday was nearly just as much of a carcinoma as perl in '90s.
00:17 crtdaydreams morn
00:17 asciilifeform wb crtdaydreams
00:17 crtdaydreams howdy asciilifeform
00:17 * asciilifeform aboutta walk into meatspace, will answer all q's later
00:18 crtdaydreams Read some logs earlier, I *love* the new licence.
00:18 crtdaydreams \o
~ 1 hours 15 minutes ~
01:34 verisimilitude I enjoyed reading it.
01:34 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-11 15:12:48 asciilifeform: ACHTUNG, panzers: 'The V Public License.'
01:43 verisimilitude ``Just V Yourself.''
01:43 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-11 18:13:06 thimbronion: asciilifeform: consider calling it the GFY license
01:43 verisimilitude This didn't occur to me, but I also don't find it worth explicitly stating in the text.
01:43 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-11 18:42:10 asciilifeform: and quite deliberately prohibits e.g. throwing onto shithub and similar idiocy.
~ 29 minutes ~
02:13 verisimilitude Behold, these researchers have invented both APL and functional programming as described by John Backus.
02:15 crtdaydreams blub
02:18 verisimilitude I like how they use the word ``tensor'' instead of simply ``array''. Too many people nowadays know what arrays are, so using that word would be a problem.
02:21 verisimilitude I'm fairly certain every unary function can be optimized like this, it doesn't matter whether it be array reversal or anything else.
02:21 dulapbot (trilema) 2017-08-15 asciilifeform: by not actually doing the flip-whole-thing bit
02:33 crtdaydreams verisimilitude: aren't tensors differing from arrays in rank? i.e. a tensor is a rank > 3 array?
~ 26 minutes ~
02:59 verisimilitude I don't know.
03:00 verisimilitude APL just calls them arrays.
03:00 crtdaydreams oh.
03:00 verisimilitude APL calls them n-dimensional arrays.
03:00 verisimilitude Still, I'd probably use ``tensor'' if I wanted funding from idiots.
03:01 crtdaydreams Buzzword craze. Yeah, I getcha.
03:01 crtdaydreams Next thing they'll throw in the ambiguous "AI" and "machine learning"
03:03 verisimilitude My next article will cover some new abstract art I've made.
03:03 verisimilitude Guess what the Latin word for ``mistake'' is, crtdaydreams.
03:04 crtdaydreams I only did 10 lessons on Rosetta Stone. No idea.
03:04 verisimilitude It's MENDVM.
03:05 crtdaydreams That actually makes a lot of sense.
03:06 crtdaydreams to "Amend" is derived from the latin root of mistake, with prefix A- denoting inverse.
03:06 verisimilitude I resumed learning Latin in part to avoid going further down a crazed path with English, and yet learning it has still improved skills in both.
03:06 verisimilitude ``Ending is better than mending.''
03:06 crtdaydreams Heh.
03:07 crtdaydreams Still for all practical purposes EOL here.
03:08 verisimilitude What?
03:08 crtdaydreams s/EOL/English Only Language/
03:09 verisimilitude That makes more sense than ``End of Life'', yes.
03:09 verisimilitude I seek to unshackle my mind.
03:09 crtdaydreams That too given a different context.
03:11 crtdaydreams I take it then you don't suffer from any sort of information overload?
03:13 verisimilitude No.
03:14 verisimilitude The endless fountain of errant thought I possess spends most of its time contemplating nonsense.
03:14 verisimilitude Still, all of my learning and interesting work comes from constant obsession.
03:15 verisimilitude I don't like wasting time, such as with taxes, but I wouldn't count that towards ``information overload''.
03:16 crtdaydreams Well, erm here's something you might find interesting
03:17 verisimilitude I refuse to use these APL derivatives.
03:18 crtdaydreams I should define information overload a bit better, but perhaps it's not relevant to you whatsoever.
03:18 verisimilitude I demand the unique symbols.
03:18 verisimilitude Go ahead.
03:21 crtdaydreams Information overload as in a culmination of addiction to certain social medias (youtube or whatever else one might use) and other social inputs pushing the "junk mail" of the 21st century into your mental inbox.
03:22 verisimilitude No, then.
03:22 verisimilitude I don't use any ``social media''.
03:22 crtdaydreams IRC constitutes as social media/medium no?
03:22 verisimilitude It's queer to me whenever I see someone addicted to Youtube.
03:22 verisimilitude No.
03:23 verisimilitude I do waste too much time reading stupid people arguing on the Internet, however.
03:23 crtdaydreams So you've managed to avoid the whole conundrum through sheer wisdom altogether.
03:24 verisimilitude Hacker News is a good example of the stupidity.
03:24 crtdaydreams would've helped you save time by curating it. But it's dead now.
03:24 verisimilitude Read this.
03:25 verisimilitude I know of it.
03:27 crtdaydreams I certainly agree that being too lazy for a schedule does leave plenty of room for free thought.
03:29 crtdaydreams But for action to take place you must first have cultivated a distraction-free environment in when you feel you should write something, you may unhindered.
03:29 asciilifeform << 'social media'(tm)(r) generally refers to pits where one (for most part passively imbibes) the excretions of fungus. rather than ~talking to people~.
03:29 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-11 22:22:53 crtdaydreams: IRC constitutes as social media/medium no?
03:30 crtdaydreams asciilifeform: I'll keep that definition in mind.
03:31 asciilifeform << simple recipe to save evenmoar time : stay outta the pits.
03:31 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-11 22:24:48 crtdaydreams: would've helped you save time by curating it. But it's dead now.
03:31 asciilifeform there's nuffin there worth any time whatsoever.
03:31 * crtdaydreams closes several browser tabs
03:33 verisimilitude Unfortunately, seething at idiots occasionally feels good.
03:33 crtdaydreams I think it might also be pertinent to point out that mebbe addiction shouldn't be confused with habits.
03:33 crtdaydreams brb
03:33 verisimilitude Besides, how am I to keep track of the latest amusing Rust and JavaScript faggotry at which to laugh without Hacker News?
03:34 verisimilitude I almost started, years ago, posting there again, to correct some of the idiots, but I realized I'd be spending all of my time doing that, and so never started.
03:35 verisimilitude It's like watching an ant mound. Whatever they're, they're not people.
03:35 crtdaydreams corporate chimpanzees?
03:35 verisimilitude I don't really look at Reddit, so at least there's that.
03:36 verisimilitude It's more like ``corporate cocksucker cuckolds''.
03:38 crtdaydreams oblig. [insert WSL here]
03:38 verisimilitude What?
03:39 crtdaydreams []WSL]
03:39 crtdaydreams WSL
03:39 verisimilitude Oh, that.
03:40 crtdaydreams Perhaps I should be more verbose in my choice of language.
03:40 crtdaydreams cdd -v
03:40 verisimilitude Yes.
03:40 verisimilitude Say, help me consider something, crtdaydreams.
03:40 crtdaydreams Aye?
03:40 verisimilitude I want to spread my work around more, despite the general futility; give me some suggestions for venues.
03:41 crtdaydreams Well, take some advice on how not to do so by means of Terry Davis. Don't go around spamming forum threads and whatnot.
03:42 crtdaydreams I understand you'd like to avoid mainstream ``social media'' which closes a lot of doors.
03:42 verisimilitude I don't want to join them, but I don't mind my work being on them, although it would be mostly ignored anyway.
03:43 crtdaydreams The best bet would be mailing lists (if anyone uses them anymore) for niche groups, i.e. hackerspaces or topics. Mebbe try setting up an RSS feed?
03:43 crtdaydreams brb
03:45 crtdaydreams bbl, 30~ish min
03:45 verisimilitude I'll also leave for now.
~ 22 minutes ~
04:08 crtdaydreams I reckon if you're serious about spreading your work, try and find some high-profile people within the field of interest of say a particular article. Do a bit of background research on them and email them. First email just inquire about their work and ask some open-ended questions, i.e. "What actions would you recommend for someone following similar footsteps." Establish repor, and within a few emails, drop them a link to the
04:08 crtdaydreams particular article of interest. If you're lucky they'll read it and might post it on one of their social medias with possibly a few thousand active followers.
04:09 crtdaydreams If you're unlucky, they'll drag the mail to trash without reading it and you'll never hear from them again.
04:12 crtdaydreams Alternatively you could take a similar approach but cut right to the quick. A lot of people these days don't have time juggling about email conversations, (though genuine interest is often refreshing) and you'll get ignored. So use due diligence in how you email your recipient.
04:13 shinohai <<< Just post it to /g/ kek
04:13 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-11 22:40:51 verisimilitude: I want to spread my work around more, despite the general futility; give me some suggestions for venues.
04:13 crtdaydreams ^ lul
04:16 crtdaydreams vex: ohai
04:17 vex hey mate. how's things?
04:18 crtdaydreams good. I made *a* curtain today. how about you? manage to get toilet paper?
04:19 vex lol. yeah I've got dunny rag for moons
04:20 crtdaydreams any music recommendations?
04:22 vex ah, i haven't had enough whiskey yet my apprentice
04:24 crtdaydreams better be wild turkey, not that jim beam shit.
04:25 vex td right now.
04:30 crtdaydreams in other news, intel decides to make you pay for iron you already paid for
04:35 crtdaydreams ``You can't just let customers pay for the features they want to add. You have to turn it into a loot box type experience where customers pay for a random feature and hope they get what they want.'' lmfao
04:38 vex in other [] [intel]
04:40 crtdaydreams I don't think this guy understands Moore's Law.
04:41 * crtdaydreams wheeze
04:42 crtdaydreams Oh god this evokes a physical cringe.
04:49 vex It's just some subcontinental English. Mr Intel may use Moore's law as he sees fit
04:50 crtdaydreams Buzzwords: Check
04:50 crtdaydreams Democracy: Check
04:51 crtdaydreams Non-existent roadmap: Check
04:52 crtdaydreams I could nitpick but the future of intel looks grim.
04:53 vex sell me some calls
04:57 crtdaydreams vex: what do you mean?
04:58 vex define grim
04:59 crtdaydreams Not good?
05:04 vex i don't know much about baking silicon, but I can't see intel going away anytime soon
05:08 crtdaydreams I didn't say that it's going to disappear, I wasn't sure how you're interpreting it. I don't meant they're going to die out or something, I mean their products are going to get worse.
05:14 crtdaydreams vex:
05:14 vex well, perhaps our gracious host will find more manhours
05:17 vex I really appreciate the music crt. I should mention that it's not always appropriate in professional setting such as these
05:18 crtdaydreams You're right. Apologies.
05:18 vex no apologies. you do it much better than I do anyway
05:20 crtdaydreams I'll also keep the unrelated chatter down.
05:25 vex you're fine in my book. sometimes reading the logs i see a patch of vex and have to close my eyes
05:26 crtdaydreams heh. sorry, will not happen again.
05:29 vex i'm not a policeman crtdaydreams, do what you like
05:33 crtdaydreams eh... a quote from the Elder Edda; "Moderately wise each one should be, not overwise, for a wise man's heart is seldom glad.
05:34 crtdaydreams I must go, cya mate.
05:34 vex cya mate
~ 21 minutes ~
05:56 vex
~ 26 minutes ~
06:22 vex new york couldn't test the bitfinex hack
06:25 vex doing laundry tho. that's a paddlin'
06:26 vex bloke got bail. wheres' qntra?
06:28 vex it's pretty clear he wouldn't like to speak to journal lists
06:29 vex I'm kinda standing with mats re: usa did it
~ 21 minutes ~
06:50 vex I give some weight to alf's insights tho.
06:53 vex swamp dweller is on record as low tolerance for high clearance
06:53 vex sniffer prolly more attuned than most
~ 32 minutes ~
07:26 vex if you're anywhere near the coast whaack, deffo keep those m2's in enclosures
07:26 vex salt air fucks em otherwise
07:29 vex no such labs could do an external ssd
07:32 vex alf might need to visit the orient. check the factory or whatev er
07:39 vex take gregory
07:46 vex cat hears more than average local
07:48 vex
07:50 vex hack. take the whole set
07:54 vex get a van & shenzen market tour. ner was there a better meetup
07:57 vex can we haz shipping container? yessir
07:57 vex good luck at your local port. have fun
~ 16 minutes ~
08:14 vex
08:19 vex
~ 5 hours 4 minutes ~
13:24 adlai << itym 'rapport'
13:24 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-11 23:08:59 crtdaydreams: I reckon if you're serious about spreading your work, try and find some high-profile people within the field of interest of say a particular article. Do a bit of background research on them and email them. First email just inquire about their work and ask some open-ended questions, i.e. "What actions would you recommend for someone following similar footsteps." Establish repor, and within a few emails, drop
13:25 adlai << are you referring to Elision, and related ideas?
13:25 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-11 22:06:15 verisimilitude: I resumed learning Latin in part to avoid going further down a crazed path with English, and yet learning it has still improved skills in both.
13:35 adlai << either word can describe multidimensional objects; aiui, 'array' is the more implementational word, referring to the actual storage of the numbers (e.g., C array, Pascal array, "a matrix is written as a 2 x 2 array of numbers with parentheses around them", etc), ...
13:35 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-11 21:33:40 crtdaydreams: verisimilitude: aren't tensors differing from arrays in rank? i.e. a tensor is a rank > 3 array?
13:37 adlai ... whereas 'tensor' describes an array of numbers that has certain mathematical properties; the most concise expression I ever found was that a tensor describes physical quantities, whereas numbers are merely artifacts of your choice of units and coordinates.
13:39 adlai so any time you have a bunch of numbers in computer memory, those are not the tensor; those are the description of the tensor, using whatever coordinate system your program is currently working in.
13:41 adlai as for rank: a tensor can have any rank. rank zero tensors are scalars, and rank one tensors are vectors, although they still behave according to the same equations if you change coordinates.
13:42 * adlai wonders what would be a good example of a tensor for someone who has never studied physics or chemistry formally
~ 1 hours 8 minutes ~
14:51 whaack vex: quite near the coast. and i have had an ssd fail randomly, so i'll keep that in note. i know that electronics go to die in CR
~ 1 hours 19 minutes ~
16:10 asciilifeform whaack: wonder what precisely kills'em. ( do you have a hygrometer in yer pad ? )
16:11 whaack asciilifeform: i did have one but i believe it also wasn't working
16:12 asciilifeform chinesium min/max thermo/hygrometers are mebbe 5bux, betcha can get even in cr
16:13 * asciilifeform keeps 1 in erry place where has anyffin electronic
16:15 asciilifeform << old noose. iirc in 2010s they were already selling a crippleware-pentium where needed magick code to unlock cache. (and of course ibm was selling 'call this # and wire dough to enable n-th cpu' mainframes as early as '70s)
16:15 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-11 23:30:27 crtdaydreams: in other news, intel decides to make you pay for iron you already paid for
16:16 asciilifeform e.g. 'raspberry' came w/ crippled gpu that similarly demanded a key
16:16 dulapbot (trilema) 2015-03-06 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: and deliberately pseudo-open architecture (runs linux, sure, but with massive closed blobs required even to boot. and vendor regularly pays media mouthpieces to lie about it; also posts astroturfed comments)
16:17 asciilifeform ... and in various industrial gear this kinda thing is 100% sop.
16:19 shinohai $vwap
16:19 busybot The 24-Hour VWAP for BTC is $ 42092.67 USD
16:19 asciilifeform a++ shinohai , ty
16:19 shinohai o7
~ 21 minutes ~
16:41 whaack !e view-height
16:41 trbexplorer block_height: 722958
16:41 trbexplorer mins_since_last_block: 13
~ 1 hours 22 minutes ~
18:03 whaack rebooting trbexplorer..
18:05 whaack !e view-height
18:05 trbexplorer block_height: 722971
18:05 trbexplorer mins_since_last_block: 7
~ 2 hours 29 minutes ~
20:35 whaack !e view-height
20:35 trbexplorer block_height: 722985
20:35 trbexplorer mins_since_last_block: 4
~ 1 hours 52 minutes ~
22:27 crtdaydreams << Yeh, I do.
22:27 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-12 08:24:04 adlai: << itym 'rapport'
22:29 crtdaydreams << Yeah that makes sense.
22:29 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-12 08:41:38 adlai: as for rank: a tensor can have any rank. rank zero tensors are scalars, and rank one tensors are vectors, although they still behave according to the same equations if you change coordinates.
22:42 crtdaydreams << I only did half a year of grade 11 physics and dropped it because I was failing.
22:42 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-12 08:42:45 adlai: wonders what would be a good example of a tensor for someone who has never studied physics or chemistry formally
22:44 crtdaydreams << Huh. I brought a pi 4B+ a few years ago (never used it 'cept booting a kali distro on it) and never heard about any of that. Haven't had any issues in the few hours of runtime it's actually had.
22:44 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-12 11:16:40 asciilifeform: e.g. 'raspberry' came w/ crippled gpu that similarly demanded a key
~ 22 minutes ~
23:07 scoopbot New article on whaack: Podcast Episode 01 - Ending The Hallucination of the USG
~ 28 minutes ~
23:36 crtdaydreams whaack: interesting podcast, do you mind if I PM you about some questions?
23:42 whaack crtdaydreams: of course not, go right ahead
23:44 whaack and ty
← 2022-02-11 | 2022-02-13 →