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← 2020-12-03 | 2020-12-05 →
08:06 gregorynyssa http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2020-11-02#1024128 << the computing industry in China is dominated by people who attended university in America and who harbor pro-American sentiments.
08:06 snsabot (asciilifeform) 2020-11-02 asciilifeform: mats: it aint clear to me why 'chinese, national' cpu has to be made at enemy's tmsc.
08:07 gregorynyssa sorry I meant to write that in the other channel.
08:11 gregorynyssa http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/alethepedia/2020-12-02#1001381 << FYI, Duke of Qin (the source of these quotes) and gmachine1729.co
08:11 snsabot Logged on 2020-12-02 14:06:21 asciilifeform: thimbronion: pretty lulzy www. fella agitates for 'return china to cultural roots and isolation' aand doin' it in... english
08:13 gregorynyssa FYI, Duke of Qin (the source of these quotes) and gmachine1729.com are two different people. Duke of Qin settled in America after growing up in Singapore, and intends to naturalize. "gmachine1729" is a second-generation American citizen who moved to China.
08:15 gregorynyssa "gmachine1729" is nearly fluent in Russian and has been an advocate of teaching Russian instead of English as one's second language.
08:16 gregorynyssa here is his other blog which is hosted by Livejournal: http://gmachine1729.livejournal.com/
08:21 gregorynyssa http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/alethepedia/2020-12-02#1001426 << I am friends with a few, yea.
08:21 snsabot Logged on 2020-12-02 16:13:00 thimbronion: gregorynyssa: have you ever met any CCP members?
~ 1 hours 10 minutes ~
09:32 gregorynyssa I know a thing or two about the CCP culture, in case asciilifeform or thimbronion have any questions.
~ 20 minutes ~
09:52 thimbronion gregorynyssa: I think we were speculating about how the people who actually control China (CCP) think vs. Duke of Qin and spandrell.
10:00 gregorynyssa thimbronion: very differently, I can tell you.
10:01 gregorynyssa Duke of Qin doesn't speak for China. he grew up in Singapore and has settled in the USA. soon he will be an American.
10:01 gregorynyssa I need to look into this Spandrell person. hadn't heard of him before.
10:02 thimbronion gregorynyssa: see https://spandrell.com/.
10:02 thimbronion !s spandrell
10:02 lekythion 19 results
10:02 lekythion http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-03
10:02 lekythion tmsr - Log 2016-06-03
10:02 lekythion ...actuallyasciilifeform: *spandrell*_: neato. why'd ya leave?*spandrell*...
10:02 lekythion ...rcea_popescu: *spandrell*_ what's "sucks" mean here ?*spandrell*_: low...
10:02 lekythion ...tea maker ?!*spandrell*_: press a buttonasciilifeform: *spandrell*...
10:02 lekythion http://btcbase.org/log-top-posters?start-date=2016-06-01
10:02 lekythion tmsr
10:02 lekythion top posterssince beginning of month, year, last year 25 71713 143401...
10:02 lekythion ...nicoleci ▏ chonkin ▏ *spandrell*_ ▏ interviewee ▏ aquentson ▏ BigTexasBingo ▏ edivad ▏ TomServo ▏ *spandrell* ▏ amberglint...
10:02 lekythion All results can be found at http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=nbTJ
10:02 gregorynyssa looking at it right now. oh man.. he is part of the HBD circle
10:03 gregorynyssa Bell Curve! Charles Murray! Steve Sailer!!
10:04 gregorynyssa gmachine1729.com also subscribes to that crowd, but unlike Duke of Qin, he has an insider's perspective
10:05 thimbronion gregorynyssa: while I don't disagree with the theory that different groups of people have different IQs on average, I also have to look at how ineffective the hbd crowd has been at accomplishing anything.
10:06 gregorynyssa to clarify, by insider's perspective, I meant regarding Chinese society.
10:07 thimbronion gregorynyssa: and I am also disturbed by the near universal rejection of Bitcoin amongst them. Smells weird.
10:08 gregorynyssa http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/alethepedia/2020-12-04#1001474 << interesting observation. I have a few ideas regarding why that is.
10:08 snsabot Logged on 2020-12-04 10:05:15 thimbronion: gregorynyssa: while I don't disagree with the theory that different groups of people have different IQs on average, I also have to look at how ineffective the hbd crowd has been at accomplishing anything.
10:11 gregorynyssa http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/alethepedia/2020-12-04#1001476 << now that is strange. is Unz Review generally anti-Bitcoin?
10:11 snsabot Logged on 2020-12-04 10:07:32 thimbronion: gregorynyssa: and I am also disturbed by the near universal rejection of Bitcoin amongst them. Smells weird.
10:12 thimbronion gregorynyssa: I can't recall them mentioning Bitcoin once. They must have, I'm sure, but it certainly hasn't been a focus of theirs.
10:13 thimbronion Might be insteresting to add Unz to the search index.
10:15 thimbronion gregorynyssa: In any case, I would be very interested to hear your thoughts on CCP thinking vs. HBD/NRX thinking.
10:16 thimbronion thoughts or observations
10:30 gregorynyssa I think the American HBD crowd has their thinking seriously clouded by Burkean Conservatism.
10:31 gregorynyssa Chinese people are more amenable to some HBD concepts owing to their lack of proximity to religion
10:32 gregorynyssa but they have difficulty connecting with the HBD community as its stands owing to their non-Burkeanism.
10:34 gregorynyssa moreover, the espousal of HBD might be suppressed within China owing to the Chairman's renewal of commitment to Marxist orthodoxy.
10:34 gregorynyssa as you know, Marxist orthodoxy inherently revolves around class-warfare, so discussions of race may be considered a threat.
10:43 gregorynyssa I read some of the postings of this "spandrell" person. reminds me of "mats" if I may say so.
10:43 thimbronion gregorynyssa: spandrell is a white dude though
10:45 gregorynyssa http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/alethepedia/2020-12-04#1001491 << oh? since he quotes Duke of Qin and Steve Hsu, I thought he was part of that Chinese American Unz circle. nevermind.
10:45 snsabot Logged on 2020-12-04 10:43:59 thimbronion: gregorynyssa: spandrell is a white dude though
10:47 thimbronion gregorynyssa: What aspect of HBD is Burkean?
10:50 gregorynyssa granted, the HBD advocates don't use the same arguments as the Reagan Conservatives
10:51 gregorynyssa but they still end up constantly implying things such as: that the possession and cultivation of friendships and
10:51 gregorynyssa family-relationships is inherently virtuous
10:51 gregorynyssa that evil people face inherent difficulties in trying to attain friendships and family-relationships
10:52 gregorynyssa that moral virtue is based on the possession and cultivation of one's senses.
10:54 gregorynyssa Dr Jordan Peterson's teachings, for instance, are simply a reformulation of Conservative principles in terms which Atheists can understand and embrace
10:57 gregorynyssa in the end, the HBD crowd rediscovers the very essence of Conservative thought (but some members of this crowd think
10:58 gregorynyssa it is somehow original to HBD, being highly ignorant of history) and that essence is:
10:58 gregorynyssa that evil, sin, and crime, are not forces in themselves, but mere offshoots of the larger problem of eccentricity.
10:59 thimbronion gregorynyssa: I didn't get that from HBD at all - If I could summarize it it would be: You can't have the benefits of Western Civilization w/o the nations that generated it in the first place.
11:04 gregorynyssa I don't have the sources with me right now, but I have seen plenty of articles arguing that what is unique
11:05 gregorynyssa about Western civilization is precisely that its constituents, owing to their genetics, had sharper senses than other
11:05 gregorynyssa races, a consequence of which was that their relationships with each other were deeper and more genuine
11:07 thimbronion gregorynyssa: Interesting. This is new to me.
11:09 gregorynyssa there was this Race Realist blog called "faith and tradition" or something like that, which basically
11:09 gregorynyssa focused on justifying the very idea through a scriptural basis.
11:10 thimbronion gregorynyssa: What I've read has mostly been observational rather than theoretical. Just case after case of western civ failing to take hold in non-european populations with full access to european literature and science.
11:10 gregorynyssa btw. Spandrell quotes Dr Henry Makow, who is also a Burkean
11:13 gregorynyssa thimbronion: feel free to recommend some books or online articles.
11:13 gregorynyssa I am not that well read with regard to HBD literature, but what I have seen definitely overlapped with the Burkean community.
11:14 thimbronion gregorynyssa: having not read Burke it's quite possible I missed any and all queues.
11:16 thimbronion gregorynyssa: My sources are all second hand, referenced mainly in podcasts like Freedomain radio. He references and interviews several IQ researchers.
11:16 gregorynyssa fyi. Burke himself isn't even that important since his teachings have been refined and updated over the generations
11:18 gregorynyssa major 20th century proponents of Burkeanism: Kirk Russell, William F Buckley, Joseph Sobran, Mortimer Adler
11:18 gregorynyssa Edward Feser, Sir Roger Scruton
11:18 gregorynyssa even CS Lewis, who is basically the theological version of Burke.
11:18 thimbronion gregorynyssa: it's hard for me to muster up the will to read much of it, given how the movement has so spectacularly failed.
11:19 gregorynyssa thimbronion: understandable.
11:19 gregorynyssa but you see, I think the Alt Right will succeed
11:19 gregorynyssa the suppression of the Alt Right is not really a partisan issue, but a generational one
11:19 gregorynyssa it is the last gasp of the aging Baby Boomers who are struggling to stay relevant.
11:20 gregorynyssa Curtis Yarvin
11:20 gregorynyssa expressed similar tho
11:20 gregorynyssa * expressed similar thoughts: https://americanmind.org/features/the-deep-state-vs-the-deep-right/
11:22 gregorynyssa the Alt Right simply needs to bide its time, to wait for the Baby Boomers to fade away
11:23 gregorynyssa correct me if I have grossly misjudged the situation haha..
11:28 thimbronion gregorynyssa: perhaps you are right in one respect - the Boomers have successfully consumed all the capital generated by previous generations, and the only way forward for the next generation if it wishes to survive is to take *reality* into account.
~ 4 hours 5 minutes ~
15:34 gregorynyssa thimbronion: that generation was really fortunate to have grown up in a high-prosperity, low-competition vacuum.
~ 6 hours 21 minutes ~
21:55 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/alethepedia/2020-12-04#1001481 << they're, to a man, former (or, more hilariously -- current!!) goldtards. the kind who emit the most egregious sort of FUD, composed in fact largely of the nonsense they tell themselves to sleep at night
21:55 snsabot Logged on 2020-12-04 10:12:34 thimbronion: gregorynyssa: I can't recall them mentioning Bitcoin once. They must have, I'm sure, but it certainly hasn't been a focus of theirs.
21:55 snsabot (trilema) 2017-12-22 asciilifeform: 'You know it is one thing to think gold has some marvelous store of value because man has no way of inventing more gold or getting it very easily, so it has the advantage of rarity. Believe me, man is capable of somehow creating more bitcoin. … They tell you there are rules and they can't do it. Don't believe them. When there is enough incentive, bad things will happen.'
21:56 asciilifeform this is pestilential among anglotard 'right' / 'alt-right' / etc. folx. to the point that i can't recall ~one~ who did not at some point show symptoms.
21:57 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/alethepedia/2020-12-04#1001504 << from cn pov, they've all the benefits they ~want~.
21:57 snsabot Logged on 2020-12-04 10:59:28 thimbronion: gregorynyssa: I didn't get that from HBD at all - If I could summarize it it would be: You can't have the benefits of Western Civilization w/o the nations that generated it in the first place.
21:57 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/alethepedia/2020-12-04#1001521 << what would 'succeeding' even look like there ?!
21:57 snsabot Logged on 2020-12-04 11:18:44 thimbronion: gregorynyssa: it's hard for me to muster up the will to read much of it, given how the movement has so spectacularly failed.
21:58 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/alethepedia/2020-12-04#1001531 << if the current 20-30yo gen. 'took reality into account', would wagner+cyanide. like in berlin '45. cuz, elementarily, 'musical chairs'. without even so many chairs.
21:58 snsabot Logged on 2020-12-04 11:28:17 thimbronion: gregorynyssa: perhaps you are right in one respect - the Boomers have successfully consumed all the capital generated by previous generations, and the only way forward for the next generation if it wishes to survive is to take *reality* into account.
21:59 asciilifeform ( see e.g. also . )
21:59 snsabot Logged on 2020-10-01 16:16:58 asciilifeform: and naturally can't speak for erryone, but asciilifeform , per Official stats, closer to '5%' than 10 in usa , but does not live in anyffin resembling the setting of film 'home alone' . (but at least not in debt..)
← 2020-12-03 | 2020-12-05 →