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← 2019-05-21 | 2019-05-23 →
01:10 trinque christ on a stick.
~ 23 minutes ~
01:34 feedbot http://qntra.net/2019/05/usg-now-targeting-chinese-toy-maker-dji-over-national-security-concerns/ << Qntra -- USG Now Targeting Chinese Toy Maker DJI Over National Security Concerns
01:34 feedbot http://blog.mod6.net/2019/05/building-trb-on-cuntoo-part-1/ << mod6's Blog -- Building TRB on Cuntoo: Part 1
~ 2 hours 3 minutes ~
03:38 mp_en_viaje in other purely ustardian lulz, https://journal.firsttuesday.us/brokerage-reminder-dont-be-coy-let-hardship-letters-tell-all/19202/ << the "hardship letter"
03:38 mp_en_viaje i expect the form doesn't read anything like "fucker, i'm not digging up your underwater mortgage for you, get the fuck off that horse"
03:40 mp_en_viaje i dunno who the fuck else can be this fucking batshit. "applying to the bank
03:40 mp_en_viaje s loss mitigator" ? wtf, the office of sour losers ?
~ 44 minutes ~
04:25 mp_en_viaje meanwhile in random drama nobody gives a shit about, https://twitter.com/mattyoung/status/1129995793467789312
04:25 mp_en_viaje "women of color", "journalists", AUSTRALIANS, "elections" ... it's almost like new zealand.
04:39 mp_en_viaje in similar news, https://www.nairaland.com/488532/samuel-ladoke-akintola/6 << "So why did Akintola place the call to Zik to warn him about Awo's attempt to deal with two parties? Was it not the same Akintola who went to Bello in the company of Rosiji? So how can we conclude that Awo sent Akintola to negotiate with Bello if Akintola called Zik before getting to Bello and then was in the company of Bello, when Bello called Zik? If what you allege is
04:39 mp_en_viaje true, then I can conclude that Akintola was always working with Zik and Bello to frustrate Awo's ambition."
04:39 mp_en_viaje evidently, daytime soaps not entirely wasted -- various sets of africans in obscure shitholes imagine they're doing politics and such whiteman things thereby.
04:42 hanbot "However, I must add that you have willfully chosen not to incorporate the dynamic nature of polity during the era in discuss."
04:43 mp_en_viaje verrry sorry bop, only discuss curry got!
04:44 hanbot are you willfully sorry?
04:44 mp_en_viaje also chicken curry.
~ 24 minutes ~
05:09 diana_coman lmao; "willful sorry makes chicken curry" or what was it.
05:18 mp_en_viaje hehehe
~ 27 minutes ~
05:46 mp_en_viaje meanwhile for the assange lulz files : http://archive.is/hSZDg#selection-81.318-81.344
05:47 mp_en_viaje lotta people had rather ridiculous notions about the internet, obtained through the usual means.
05:47 a111 Logged on 2018-12-01 21:21 mircea_popescu: "the notion that airplanes could reproduce through laying eggs is merely a naive extension, in the vein of 'object A has properties a and b ; object B shares property a and therefore it is reasonable ~~~on a first approximation~~~ to expect it exhibit proerty b'. nevertheless, artifacts differ from nature in that one fundamental aspect, that they're inefficient, and therefore to achieve same ends end up heavy, and in the case
~ 35 minutes ~
06:23 mp_en_viaje meanwhile in nigeria, http://gratuitescolaire.info/imgs/ec4938526619a44c83e32682f94808bc.jpg
~ 1 hours 9 minutes ~
07:32 stjohn_piano_2 http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914388 << ah ok.
07:32 a111 Logged on 2019-05-17 14:30 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914356 << plz don't bother unless you have one lined up already; i will prolly do it with own hands sooner
07:33 stjohn_piano_2 http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914392 << makes sense.
07:33 a111 Logged on 2019-05-17 14:33 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914355 << schematics + text in e.g. svg vector graphic.
07:34 stjohn_piano_2 http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914395 << from logs + mocky's "why ada", i understand some of the technical merits of ada. however, my perception of the current job market is that trying to make a living at ada leads directly to a hardware sharashka.
07:34 a111 Logged on 2019-05-17 14:35 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914368 << consider ada. ( ffa series imho makes a decent ada tutorial, and so does diana_coman's series )
07:37 stjohn_piano_2 http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914400 << yes, tied to the UK. I'm currently looking for python dev work in Cambridge/Suffolk area.
07:37 a111 Logged on 2019-05-17 14:42 diana_coman: stjohn_piano_2: are you actually tied to the UK? and anyway, what sort of job/where are you looking for one?
07:39 stjohn_piano_2 http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914408 << yes, exactly. sadly, small business was not the right path. i've observed firsthand the final stages of the integration of small businesses into the gov. the regulatory overhead is enormous and ever-growing.
07:39 a111 Logged on 2019-05-17 14:50 diana_coman: moreover, while it is doable (like ~anything else really), it's hard to really see the reason to *choose* to do it when one hasn't yet been sucked into it ; and stjohn_piano_2 strikes me as trying to NOT get sucked into it.
07:41 stjohn_piano_2 i'm now trying to restructure myself into a dev in a field in which remote work can become a viable option.
07:42 stjohn_piano_2 http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914411 & http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914413 << thank you.
07:42 a111 Logged on 2019-05-17 16:42 lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914363 << if you haven't already read, you may be interested in ben_vulpes' classic likbez on v
07:42 a111 Logged on 2019-05-17 16:43 lobbes: also, welcome! may your studies be fruitful
07:42 mp_en_viaje o right, speaking of "most difficult ocr job" : http://trilema.com/2019/romanian-culture-was-rot-since-day-one/#footnote_20_83740
07:43 mp_en_viaje custom slavonic-like alphabet for ro language notation, in use a few decades in 19th century ; all extant matter printed by hand-made (and VERY poorly crafted) blocks, literally no two glyphs are alike
07:43 stjohn_piano_2 http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914414 << interesting.
07:43 a111 Logged on 2019-05-17 17:10 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914364 << this is quite similar to the direct ancestor of v , jurov's trb mailing list system .
07:45 stjohn_piano_2 http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914458 << yes. also, easier to scoop up dice again for next throw.
07:45 a111 Logged on 2019-05-17 22:33 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914441 << this is good q imho. the only reason i can think of for 'throw dice on flat table', is to avoid 'came to rest sharp edge up', which can introduce 'must either throw again, or pick between numbers by hand ' etc
07:58 stjohn_piano_2 i logged and summarised my experience of joining the web of trust (probably of interest mostly to noobs): http://edgecase.net/articles/joining_the_web_of_trust
~ 52 minutes ~
08:51 diana_coman stjohn_piano_2: re ^ , an OTP challenge is a way to check one's identity; hence, deedbot will not send an OTP in response to !!register but WILL send an OTP in response to ~any other command (technically to any command that is a request of *someone* i.e. that requires an identity)
~ 15 minutes ~
09:06 diana_coman also, this http://edgecase.net/pages/how_to_comment_on_edgecase_datafeed is rather anti-comment; why would anyone go through the trouble of creating an account and having their comment "discussed" to talk to you stjohn_piano_2 ?
09:09 diana_coman anyway, since I'm not going to jump through those silly hooks now, I'll leave it here: you can message deedbot/any user privately directly, you don't need to join some channel first; and re newcomers, it's usually safer for themselves to join one of the lords' channels first, really (e.g. #asciilifeform, #trinque, #eulora)
09:15 diana_coman hoops not hooks, lolz.
~ 16 minutes ~
09:32 stjohn_piano_2 http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914932 << aha.
09:32 a111 Logged on 2019-05-22 12:51 diana_coman: stjohn_piano_2: re ^ , an OTP challenge is a way to check one's identity; hence, deedbot will not send an OTP in response to !!register but WILL send an OTP in response to ~any other command (technically to any command that is a request of *someone* i.e. that requires an identity)
09:33 stjohn_piano_2 http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914933 << this is the comment policy for the wider internet.
09:33 a111 Logged on 2019-05-22 13:06 diana_coman: also, this http://edgecase.net/pages/how_to_comment_on_edgecase_datafeed is rather anti-comment; why would anyone go through the trouble of creating an account and having their comment "discussed" to talk to you stjohn_piano_2 ?
09:33 stjohn_piano_2 http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914934 << aha. yes, for the moment, this is how i can handle comments from people in the forum.
09:33 a111 Logged on 2019-05-22 13:09 diana_coman: anyway, since I'm not going to jump through those silly hooks now, I'll leave it here: you can message deedbot/any user privately directly, you don't need to join some channel first; and re newcomers, it's usually safer for themselves to join one of the lords' channels first, really (e.g. #asciilifeform, #trinque, #eulora)
09:34 stjohn_piano_2 i add comments manually to the data at present. in future, i may construct an automated system that can accept signed comments.
09:35 diana_coman stjohn_piano_2: but why such high-bar for what is meant as a public-facing i.e. by definition wider-public-interaction thing anyway?
09:36 stjohn_piano_2 it's certainly public-facing, but i have little interest in interaction with speech that does not come from an established identity of some sort.
09:44 diana_coman well yes, but think of it: you are effectively making it *hard* for people (with established identities so those you say you do want to hear from) to provide feedback to you on the grounds that you don't want to bother with everyone; i.e. you are effectively unloading your work onto those who may be able to/willing to help you; doesn't seem a winning strategy to me.
09:44 diana_coman and note that I would certainly NOT go about providing signed comments wtf
09:51 diana_coman it's the equivalent of "because some people are not worth talking to, you shall show me your passport/ID card every time you want to talk to me (and at every reply even)"
10:00 stjohn_piano_2 i understand your point. i've thought about this quite a bit.
10:00 stjohn_piano_2 your comment has been published. i'm pleased that the comment system worked. yours is the first external comment.
10:01 stjohn_piano_2 there's several threads here. i'll go through them.
10:01 stjohn_piano_2 1) until recently, no comment system existed. it is still experimental and manually driven. i am unsure about its final structure.
10:02 stjohn_piano_2 2) this first-pass at a comments system makes it impossible for people without an identity to speak. established identities can speak, although it is hard, yes.
10:02 stjohn_piano_2 in future, this will become easier for established identities, as i work out how to automate parts of the process.
10:03 asciilifeform stjohn_piano_2: consider mircea_popescu's method of spam control (his is wpistic, but can be ported); or asciilifeform's somewhat simpler pill.
10:03 a111 Logged on 2016-07-03 22:46 mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2009/trilema-anti-spam/#selection-81.0-109.41 < section of interest.
10:03 a111 Logged on 2019-03-30 15:49 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in olds, asciilifeform's 'xor 2 small numbers'+'say fg baud' spam filter seems to be 100% effective (a 1st?!) -- 0 spams in trap since installed ( legit comments , not many , but work -- tho there were never many )
10:05 stjohn_piano_2 3) there may be an approach to signed comments that does not involve the primary key: examples: a) sign with a subordinate key b) validate your current IP for a time period (e.g. a month / year) by decrypting an OTP, like deedbot.
10:06 stjohn_piano_2 asciilifeform: i did consider both. ultimately, i decided to stay with identity-based commenting rather than take a sift-the-noise approach.
10:07 asciilifeform stjohn_piano_2: with how much meat-powered spam was your www plagued, that this seemed like a good idea ?
10:07 stjohn_piano_2 ideally, 0.
10:07 stjohn_piano_2 ah, wait. so far, none, because i never permitted it.
10:07 asciilifeform the typical result of 'heaviweight' spam trap is... the sounds of silence
10:07 mp_en_viaje in other news, europe fucking sucks.
10:08 asciilifeform mp_en_viaje: lol, didja find an unexploded ordnance in the blueberry steak ?
10:08 mp_en_viaje land of small dicked morons! so, they don't import magnum, because hurr durr, economically independent colony, they got their own. then, they don't fucking have durex extra large. because hurr durr.
10:08 mp_en_viaje THEN!!! i end up having all of fucking central europe scoured by my mounted slutlegions, which produces "masculan XXL", a german brand.
10:09 mp_en_viaje IT IS NARROWER THAN A HORSE'S DICK!!!
10:09 mp_en_viaje apparently they think "xxl" means 1 cm width and 25 cm length. cuz totally, my dick comes on a spool or some other european retarded shit
10:10 * asciilifeform always pictured mp_en_viaje with reusable hand-sewn sheepskin , like henry viii had
10:13 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914915 << wasn't re 'with what to earn bread', lol. was re stjohn_piano_2's 'what to learn to be of use here' q.
10:13 a111 Logged on 2019-05-22 11:34 stjohn_piano_2: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914395 << from logs + mocky's "why ada", i understand some of the technical merits of ada. however, my perception of the current job market is that trying to make a living at ada leads directly to a hardware sharashka.
10:13 stjohn_piano_2 asciilifeform: this is not deliberately a spam trap. i had a choice while working: to build an open-access-point to the wider internet, or not to do so. i chose - not.
10:13 mp_en_viaje no, apparently i gotta http://trilema.com/2011/cornul-abundentei-sau-ma-rog/ all over again. because nothing improved in a decade
10:13 stjohn_piano_2 asciilifeform: aha. make sense.
10:13 stjohn_piano_2 makes*
10:13 mp_en_viaje you'd think, you know, with all the fucking immigrants, they'd come to sense.
10:13 mp_en_viaje but no, cuz gotta import fingerpenised arabs.
10:15 asciilifeform stjohn_piano_2: we even have folx who dun have comment eater on their www at all. and iirc danielpbarron has only hand-cranked 'x wrote in re...' comments. but if you have automated comment box, imho the real win is to occasionally hear from intelligent heathens.
10:17 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914917 << outta curiosity, what ties you to uk? afaik pythonism is not confined to uk
10:17 a111 Logged on 2019-05-22 11:37 stjohn_piano_2: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-17#1914400 << yes, tied to the UK. I'm currently looking for python dev work in Cambridge/Suffolk area.
10:18 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914926 << might be interesting to look into how jp does ocr. (iirc they in fact have a working one for hieroglyphs, somehow)
10:18 a111 Logged on 2019-05-22 11:43 mp_en_viaje: custom slavonic-like alphabet for ro language notation, in use a few decades in 19th century ; all extant matter printed by hand-made (and VERY poorly crafted) blocks, literally no two glyphs are alike
10:19 mp_en_viaje incidentally, speaking of http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914907 : the only reasonable construction on something like http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-21#1557757 (and there's A LOT of somethings like) would be "fellow was ordered to do something patently illegal, decided to stockpile documentary evidence".
10:19 a111 Logged on 2019-05-22 09:46 mp_en_viaje: meanwhile for the assange lulz files : http://archive.is/hSZDg#selection-81.318-81.344
10:19 a111 Logged on 2016-10-21 14:07 asciilifeform: (for folks who have not heard of this show trial - harold martin worked at nsa-tao and was arrested for, supposedly, taking the contents home by the crate.)
10:21 asciilifeform mp_en_viaje: i.e. d00d was piling it up to show at nuremberg ? conceivable
10:21 mp_en_viaje yuppers.
10:21 asciilifeform tho hilariously, imho, naive
10:21 stjohn_piano_2 http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914978 << aha. well, currently, if intelligent heathen really wants to tell me his thoughts, he can create an account.
10:21 a111 Logged on 2019-05-22 14:15 asciilifeform: stjohn_piano_2: we even have folx who dun have comment eater on their www at all. and iirc danielpbarron has only hand-cranked 'x wrote in re...' comments. but if you have automated comment box, imho the real win is to occasionally hear from intelligent heathens.
10:21 mp_en_viaje exactly.
10:22 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform, all civilised life is hilariously naive.
10:23 stjohn_piano_2 http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914979 << i am not self-supporting. live with parents, focus on recovery and retraining self.
10:23 a111 Logged on 2019-05-22 14:17 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914917 << outta curiosity, what ties you to uk? afaik pythonism is not confined to uk
10:23 mp_en_viaje follow the logic tho -- highly qualified tech did not get there through being gregarious or politically capable ; because his work is not readily replicable by the people who were gregarious and politically able, he is likely to be ordered things by them, which statistically will be illegal sometimes, and he is not likely to suddenly grow the missing parts and fix their stupid. so... red stapler exit.
10:24 asciilifeform mp_en_viaje: admits gradations. e.g. http://www.loper-os.org/wp-content/fb/godsurge.png , might appear at nuremberg. martin's pile , went with him to crematorium, and i can't picture how this was surprise to him
10:24 mp_en_viaje sure.
10:24 mp_en_viaje people more often do things to sate a gnawing perceived necessity to do something, than because they actually figured out a plan.
10:26 asciilifeform this is so, and is how 'postal' generally worx
10:26 mp_en_viaje indeed.
10:26 asciilifeform !#s for piglet
10:26 a111 14 results for "for piglet", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=for%20piglet
10:30 mp_en_viaje http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914947 << amusingly enough, trilema deals with a commentary flow i'd say about the square of the people trying to solve the problem of dealing with comment flow, and yet i dun have their problems.
10:30 a111 Logged on 2019-05-22 13:51 diana_coman: it's the equivalent of "because some people are not worth talking to, you shall show me your passport/ID card every time you want to talk to me (and at every reply even)"
10:31 asciilifeform mp_en_viaje: i vaguely suspect that at this point, the other haroldmartins, entirely aware of the yellow dots, have burned their piles
10:32 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform, seems unlikely. the sort of fellow never surrenders, there's this deeply inborn sentiment of invulnerability burning deep in the technomoron. more likely, they're taking it as a "challenge accepted", came up with who knows what ratty, nigger-rigged paliatives.
10:33 asciilifeform if these folx had 'deep sense of invulnerability', they'd be posting it to net, neh?
10:33 mp_en_viaje people keep heewing and hawing about "stem fields" and "intelligence". but neither correlates with reality. intelligence is immaterial, and the only meaningful definition of "stem fields" is after the fact -- "those fields which tend to attract technomorons, defined as those 5 yos who do not play well with others and think themselves invulnerable"
10:34 mp_en_viaje there's nothing substantial about physics or math that make them any other way. it just so happens, for reasons entirely unrelated to math, that the sort of 5yo that will grow up into a technomoron will rather deal with math. had he preferred, for similar, purely subjective reasons, bricklaying or kite flying, THESE would be "advanced" and "require intelligence" and blablabla "stem"
10:34 asciilifeform mp_en_viaje: was martin in fact a diplomaed 'techmoron' ? or simply bureaucrat
10:34 asciilifeform iirc he was a generic paper-pusher
10:35 mp_en_viaje he is the sort of guy who doesn't fuck a lot of women, doesn't speak a lot of languages, doesn't like reading things he doesn't know how to interpret and spends a lot of time fucking intricately with garbage.
10:35 mp_en_viaje ie, "engineer".
10:35 mp_en_viaje but there's nothing about ~engineering~ that warrants the association.
10:36 mp_en_viaje you can tell, within an hour or (very often) less, by observing 5yos, whether they'll grow up to be "intelligent" or on the contrary, lawyers.
10:38 asciilifeform iirc recent years' crops of reich.lawyers aren't esp. distinguishable from reich.engineers et al, also 'a lot of time fucking intricately with garbage' and the cultural level of sewer rat
10:38 mp_en_viaje yes, most people become nothing.
10:39 mp_en_viaje but at the root of the becoming, in those who do become something, is the problem of perceived vulnerability. there's no such thing as "introvert" or "extrovert", simply, some kids are afraid, and thus seek outside ; some kids are too dumb to be afraid, and thus spend a lot of time in intricacy.
10:42 mp_en_viaje and yes, the welfare state has produced a lot of really dumb engineers, through the simple process of making a lot of parents comfortable. their kids become engineers not because anything to do with either engineering or intelligence -- but simply because that's the sort of thing kids with an invulnerability delusion do.
10:42 mp_en_viaje which is how artefacts like that moron "security expert" who suspected colleagues of conspiring to alter her solitaire highscores are born. remember her /
10:43 asciilifeform i suspect a simpler http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-18#1615386 mechanism
10:43 a111 Logged on 2017-02-18 22:29 asciilifeform: '... what was once dedication is replaced by greed and sometimes sheer need as the motivation to enter the field.'
10:43 mp_en_viaje nobody needs anything.
10:43 asciilifeform the same folx today 'go to engineer school' as became shoemakers in earlier times.
10:43 mp_en_viaje quite -- the ones who didn't make soldiers.
10:44 mp_en_viaje "Mai tot orașul fu mistuit de foc. Cazacii luară din Moldova 26 000 cai, 600 fete tinere."
10:44 asciilifeform somebody gotta make boots for soldier.
10:44 mp_en_viaje here, have some more : Un martor de față descrie astfel răzbunarea românilor asupra bieților locuitori ai Rusciucului: „Multă jale se făcu în ziua aceea și plângerile se înălțau până la ceruri. Toți s-au încărcat cu avere din destul, robi și roabe și-au luat cu prisos; nimica n-a scăpat din mâna lor. Gingașele turcoaice mult răsfățate, ce stau în veci închise, să le fi văzut atunci goale, desculțe, tăvălindu-se î
10:44 mp_en_viaje n zăpadă, unele târâte de par, altele de mână; nu era ostaș care să nu ducă vro turcoaică."
10:45 mp_en_viaje this is the glorybook of romanian history, "at some point in 1600, romanians suddenly and inexplicably stopped taking it up the ass, instead of 1ton of gold/year sent rape & pillage party to istanbul, got within 10 miles of city walls."
10:46 mp_en_viaje so yes, the kids that didn't make soldiers, made ploughsmen. often, the exact same kids.
10:47 mp_en_viaje http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914957 << understand the problem -- if someone wishes to sign something, they're probably making a deed, which they'll publish on their own castle walls and on the republican deedpost. they
10:47 a111 Logged on 2019-05-22 14:05 stjohn_piano_2: 3) there may be an approach to signed comments that does not involve the primary key: examples: a) sign with a subordinate key b) validate your current IP for a time period (e.g. a month / year) by decrypting an OTP, like deedbot.
10:47 asciilifeform soldier sometimes get home. ( in old ru empire -- after 20ys . ) then -- back to plough
10:47 mp_en_viaje re very unlikely to sign anything for ~your~ convenience.
10:48 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform, naw, "go back home" means veteran gets land, comes with young cunt and serfs.
10:48 asciilifeform that'd be a roman, eh
10:48 asciilifeform how long this went.
10:48 mp_en_viaje that'd be a soldier.
10:49 mp_en_viaje long time. they were still doing it during venice (note that at the time merchant was how you said soldier)
10:49 mp_en_viaje judging by the recent charlie sheen lulz, still going now.
10:50 mp_en_viaje though admittedly most soldiers don't know what to ask of the cunts.
10:52 mp_en_viaje http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914993 << recovery from what ?
10:52 a111 Logged on 2019-05-22 14:23 stjohn_piano_2: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1914979 << i am not self-supporting. live with parents, focus on recovery and retraining self.
10:53 asciilifeform rome -- a++ soldiering. 'while supplies lasted' (of easy pickings.) but will note that central event of 20th c was that time when ~all of europistan went to go soldierin' , to get their 'land and young cunt serfs', and instead of lands and serfs ended up having arse handed to'em by ploughsmen , and went home to rebuild berlin, budapest, etc with 1 hand and 1 leg while learning to recite marx and lenin in translation
10:55 mp_en_viaje yes well.
10:55 mp_en_viaje came pretty close tho.
10:55 asciilifeform 'sometimes sandwich eats you instead' or how it went.
10:56 mp_en_viaje you will definitely notice how my vulnerability/invulnerability divide well underscores, both the situation of zee invaders (why did they invade ?) and of the invaded.
10:58 mp_en_viaje i'm not, after all, saying whether the invulnerability delusion's reality-adequate or reality-inadequate. like all illusions, it proceeds irrespective of such considerations.
10:59 asciilifeform in this scheme, recall the lulzdetails of how (in actuality, not his 'retcon') solzhenitsin ended up on all-expenses vacation
10:59 mp_en_viaje but to bring this full circle -- the stockpiling fellows did not burn their stash, irrespective of what happened, what they were told happened, etc, because, fundamentally, they do not think reality applies to them. because if they had thought that, they'd never have been in their current position -- not for 20 years, not for 20 weeks, in point of fact not even for a week of their schooling. aged 5 they'd have opted off this path.
10:59 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform, aha.
11:00 * asciilifeform brb,tea
~ 23 minutes ~
11:24 diana_coman http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915018 -> uhm, how do you define introvert/extrovert? possibly I'm too dumb to be afraid, dunno.
11:24 a111 Logged on 2019-05-22 14:39 mp_en_viaje: but at the root of the becoming, in those who do become something, is the problem of perceived vulnerability. there's no such thing as "introvert" or "extrovert", simply, some kids are afraid, and thus seek outside ; some kids are too dumb to be afraid, and thus spend a lot of time in intricacy.
11:24 mp_en_viaje i don't define, it's human behaviour, what define.
11:25 diana_coman well ok, how do you distinguish then?
11:25 mp_en_viaje walk into a packed metro train, pull out a machine gun, hold everyone hostage for a few hours. at the end of the hours, some people in there will know everyone's names, and some other people there will know how many of everythings there were -- windows, cig butts on the floor, etc.
11:26 mp_en_viaje while walking down the street, walk up to someone coming the other way and suddenly slap them hard. some will cry, some will yell.
11:27 diana_coman fine but I don't see what that has to do with introvert vs extrovert
11:27 mp_en_viaje intelligence has naight to do with this, however defined (leaving aside how it can't be defined) ; this divide correlates better with reals/humanities than any other.
11:27 diana_coman and no, nothing to do with intelligence either, sure
11:27 mp_en_viaje diana_coman, i did say " there's no such thing as "introvert" or "extrovert"" as my only reference to the terms.
11:28 diana_coman I suspect there is, but - as usual, I should say - not what it's nowadays "meant" by the terms; pretty much the usual capture-words-and-rend-them-meaningless as with love and everything else; a misnomer at best.
11:28 diana_coman because no, there is certainly no correlation "maths -> introverts" or any such nonsense
11:30 mp_en_viaje if there is, i don't see how it'd be defined outside of the invulnerability divide.
11:32 diana_coman I don't quite grasp this invulnerability divide; to me it looks equally well "doesn't give a damn if gets killed" i.e. not "thinks himself invulnerable" but "thinks himself disposable"
11:33 mp_en_viaje perhaps better phrased as "associates no meaning to existence"
11:34 diana_coman not even sure how exactly do you distinguish between the two; this pile of X is more important than me; sure, X might be garbage but then perhaps obvious only later.
11:35 mp_en_viaje well, you distinguish by prediction. "this bunch of lawyers will 100% change their behaviour on the slightest whiff of '''guidance''' ; this bunch of engineers will NEVER change their behaviour, no matter the fuck what happens".
11:37 diana_coman i.e. this bunch will do as told, this bunch won't do as told? are they manageable or aren't they?
11:38 mp_en_viaje not really, nobody's manageable, the former examtake.
11:38 mp_en_viaje this bunch will talk to girls, this bunch won't talk to girls.
11:38 mp_en_viaje they have comparable nuptiality rates anyway
11:39 diana_coman quite; part of why I don't get it: the former examtake so it's not like they are actually any more reality-anchored as far as I can see
11:40 diana_coman the former examtake, the latter focus on the wrong exam
11:40 mp_en_viaje well, it's a misstated question, "who's the more bear-aware, he who says there's no bear or he who says that bear's a cat"
11:40 mp_en_viaje technically you could say the negative statement requires less bearness to manufacture.
11:43 diana_coman so the afraid divide would be this sort of technicality? it's not that some are afraid so seek outside while others are too dumb to be afraid and focus on intricacy but rather that both are afraid but some deal with it by different pretending?
11:43 mp_en_viaje well yes.
11:43 mp_en_viaje illusion is illusion, question is which comes naturally.
11:44 diana_coman uhm; why is one un-natural, I don't get it.
11:44 mp_en_viaje well, a person will pick something.
11:45 mp_en_viaje whatever they pick, they get better at.
11:45 diana_coman yes, but both choices are as natural as they get
11:45 mp_en_viaje you familiar with the theory saying that the one deciding factor of a young researcher's lifetime field of study is "what provides results first" ?
11:45 mp_en_viaje yes, in and of themselves, of course they are. all natural numbers are equally natural as such. just, nobody tends to ever pick 11103048503480534588333
11:45 diana_coman among other piles of nonsense, I've heard this one too, yess
11:45 mp_en_viaje 7 however...
11:46 mp_en_viaje anyway, kid picks one, gets better at it, keeps picking it again and again and there you go, "personality"
11:46 diana_coman well, that sounds like "this choice is easier to make hence we'll call it natural", is that what you mean?
11:46 mp_en_viaje "just as innate as homosexuality" "butt ofcourse"
11:47 mp_en_viaje diana_coman, i just mean "comes natural to x".
11:48 diana_coman as long as it's all about "words", it just about amounts to that in all cases, yes; it can't amount to anything else anyway, since it's always something else, as convenient basically.
11:49 mp_en_viaje i didn't parse that!
11:51 diana_coman it seems to me that it all gets mired into the current use of "personality" and "stem" and "introvert" to mean nothing at all/anything that is convenient; essentially I don't think they are what is currently claimed (intelligent -> stem!!! or whatever other nonsense) but I don't think that there is nothing real otherwise, either (rather: I don't know).
11:53 diana_coman as with the deciding factor for young researcher's lifetime: it is even true for current "research" , sure but...
11:53 diana_coman it has to do with current "research" ended up being, not with actual deciding factors for research
11:54 mp_en_viaje i dunno it gets mired in anything ; obviously if one uses copernican model to discuss ptolemaic astronomy one will end up with a lot of ptolemaic astronomy discussion. doesn't invalidate the heliocentric system tho.
11:54 mp_en_viaje let's see if we can make some statements out of which that can be discussed individually.
11:55 feedbot http://trilema.com/2019/i-give-you-something-new/ << Trilema -- I give you... Something New!
11:55 diana_coman I suppose I don't grok what the equivalent of the heliocentric system is here, precisely.
11:55 * diana_coman listens
12:00 mp_en_viaje 1. there is no such thing as intelligence ; 2. the humanities-divinities divide, however redefined (whether you call divinities "natural sciences" or "peri-physeios" or "stem" or whatever else) do not translate a difference in degree of brain function, but merely different patterns of behaviour ;
12:00 mp_en_viaje 3. there is no such thing as "a personality" ; 4. what passes for any individual human's personality is the result of a markov process : certain strategies, once made, increase the choosers' skill, thereby increasing the probability of the same strategies being deployed in the future. thus, properly speaking, a list of strategy-skilllevel would completely describe (in the sense of predictability) the individual
12:00 mp_en_viaje 5. the strategies in question are few enough to be readily enumerable ; 6. chief among them, the strategy in dealing with the subjective-objective disparity : either deny the meaning of the objective (which is how you get "scientists") or else pretend subjectivity is meaningful (which is how you get "scholars").
12:02 mp_en_viaje in order to learn a foreign language, you must first and foremost lie to yourself : by pretending others can make sense to you.
12:02 mp_en_viaje in order to discover radioactivity, you must first and foremost lie to yourself : by pretending a rock could never kill you.
12:03 * diana_coman is reading
12:04 asciilifeform mp_en_viaje: in order to cross street and buy a bag of potato, 'must first lie to yourself and believe that..' a garbage truck with defective brakes could never kill you
12:05 asciilifeform dun seem all that specific.
12:05 asciilifeform 1-4 seem like restatement of old man skinner.
12:05 mp_en_viaje i somehow fail to see the problem.
12:06 asciilifeform there aint necessarily 'problem'. the described theory doesn't immediately contradict observables. but where predictive ?
12:06 mp_en_viaje for instance http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915006
12:06 a111 Logged on 2019-05-22 14:32 mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, seems unlikely. the sort of fellow never surrenders, there's this deeply inborn sentiment of invulnerability burning deep in the technomoron. more likely, they're taking it as a "challenge accepted", came up with who knows what ratty, nigger-rigged paliatives.
12:07 asciilifeform erryone is walking around with 'sense of invulnerability' in this sense tho. incl. the squirrel crossing road.
12:07 mp_en_viaje kinda how the whole theory ended up even stated, by pulling on "why" thread of that prediction.
12:08 mp_en_viaje squirrel, eys. animals, as oft discussed here, make for some excellent scientists. both your raccoons and my jar-captive mouse etc.
12:09 asciilifeform housefly even better 'scientist' them, can buzz in glass jar for days after mouse expires
12:10 diana_coman mp_en_viaje: hm, the "personality/intelligence" part was to my mind related to *how much better does one get at x strategy if they pick it once vs at y strategy if they pick it once" i.e. sure, everyone gets better at whatever they pick but not at the same rate
12:10 mp_en_viaje meanwhile otaku... not scientist.
12:10 mp_en_viaje diana_coman, agreed, not at the same rate.
12:10 mp_en_viaje though in general, the same individual would get better at any strategy they'd happen to pick at ~same rate.
12:11 asciilifeform incidentally the smarts and persistence of raccoon , i suspect , are much overblown. at 1 time i had two traps set next to 1 another, and 4 out of 5 specimens ended up springing ~both~, 1 with each hand
12:11 mp_en_viaje this is where that naggumism re "random element in everyone's life" comes in : chance plays a role specifically because circumstance may seem to randomly favour some strategies.
12:14 diana_coman hm, you are basically saying that there is only a... quality/speed of learning of the individual that applies equally to any choice they make i.e. there is no difference more specific than that?
12:14 mp_en_viaje in other lulz, Teresa H. Shea, last mentioned in 2014 (for siphoning usg money through husban's inqtel) now "working" for raytheon.
12:14 asciilifeform ( there was a fascinating film clip i once saw, where raccoon was shot in the spine, in such a way that only bottom half paralyzed; and he happily attempted to eat own spilled guts. i could not help but remember rms and his 'toe jam'... )
12:14 mp_en_viaje diana_coman, pretty much.
12:16 diana_coman or coming at it from the other side that those choices (deny meaning of objective or pretend subjective has meaning to keep it within the model) do not have any significant difference of requirements
12:18 mp_en_viaje they do not -- being illusionary, all that's required is the subject's mind.
12:22 mp_en_viaje take this woman -- she "moved" from bethesda, md to ashton heights, va, to die. before that, from ellicott to bethesda, to "work" (from "govt" to "public sector"). before that she lived in urbana, went to school. neither intelligence nor personality are to any degree involved -- she just did what she knew how to do.
12:22 mp_en_viaje it's an universal situation.
12:22 diana_coman myeah, but that was I thought the starting point of the "differences" precisely that the requirements on the subject's mind are different i.e. that it's not just a matter of overall flexibility of the mind or whatevers but rather some more specific characteristics
12:23 mp_en_viaje i am well persuaded it's a matter of chance.
12:24 * diana_coman files this under the "I don't yet know what it is; work in progress."
12:26 diana_coman I do agree though that past behaviour is very indicative of future behaviour for people in general so in this sense yes, predictive.
12:27 mp_en_viaje also explains the empirical support (such as it is) of the "you can do anything" crowd.
12:28 mp_en_viaje "if you've made 50 skill points in 20 years, ~any skill tree loadout worth 50 points total would be ~equally achievable for you"
12:29 asciilifeform simply variant of soy sausage. 'you can [pretend to self] to do anything' is elementarily true. doesn't have much to do with the q of who can or cannot ~factually~ do sumthing.
12:29 mp_en_viaje no, i meant factually.
12:33 asciilifeform mp_en_viaje's hypothesis, like other 'freudisms', is 1 of those 'simple and clean' items that stands for just so long as you throw out the contradictory inputs. e.g. folx like that same newton, heaviside, tesla, etc who in so far as anyone knows, couldn't even get their cocks to stand on demand, yet still somehow added up to something, despite not fitting mp_en_viaje's [conception of ubermensch][http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915
12:33 a111 Logged on 2013-04-26 20:53 truffles: im focused on other times so its not a big deal
12:33 asciilifeform 012]
12:33 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915012 grr
12:33 a111 Logged on 2019-05-22 14:35 mp_en_viaje: he is the sort of guy who doesn't fuck a lot of women, doesn't speak a lot of languages, doesn't like reading things he doesn't know how to interpret and spends a lot of time fucking intricately with garbage.
12:34 mp_en_viaje how's this related ?
12:34 diana_coman except what is achievable is always a matter of what one can+has to pay for the achievement rather than the "worth" of the achievement so that worth 50 points total sounds dubious; sure, you can make progress in any direction you choose but that's about it
12:34 mp_en_viaje diana_coman, well, what did you have in mind re achievement ?
12:36 asciilifeform mp_en_viaje: related in that it's a restatement of ye olde 'errybody who aint an exact replica of mircea_popescu is a tard and oughta slice lengthwise' leitmotif, imho.
12:37 mp_en_viaje because you asked me about martin fellow ?
12:37 asciilifeform specifically in re http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915018 .
12:37 a111 Logged on 2019-05-22 14:39 mp_en_viaje: but at the root of the becoming, in those who do become something, is the problem of perceived vulnerability. there's no such thing as "introvert" or "extrovert", simply, some kids are afraid, and thus seek outside ; some kids are too dumb to be afraid, and thus spend a lot of time in intricacy.
12:37 diana_coman mp_en_viaje: do this clearly defined X here; something defined externally to the subject since "you can do anything" aka nothing to do with "you" as there is no difference between one you or another
12:38 mp_en_viaje i have like dozen+ articles dealing with the converse strategy, all them fetlife lulz etc, you know. i'm fair and balanced!
12:38 mp_en_viaje diana_coman, there's a group of people / cult that keep pushing this angle whereby kids can learn any skill or trade they want, and all that bla bla. there is ~some~ empirical support for their theory, tjough not nearly as much as they like to pretend.
12:40 asciilifeform sovok was the ultimate test ground for this notion. take 9000 childrens and force'em from age 4 to chess, ballet, etc. and found that indeed from 1000, 1-2 will perform on world class. but certainly at no point was there 'erry child' delusion entertained.
12:41 diana_coman mp_en_viaje: you mean as a direct application of the previous one gets better at same rate no matter what choice they make?
12:41 mp_en_viaje ~anything you want~. part of the saving grace of the ustardian formulation is that 6yos generally don't seek sex, etc. people tend to want things they can represent.
12:42 diana_coman perhaps better stated as "anything you actually need"
12:42 mp_en_viaje diana_coman, i'm saying that the guy who is within the top 1% mathematicians could also have been within the top 0.5-2% historians, dancers or public women, and that what exact words you use don't matter, because much before any substantial skill or craft there's the 5yo's set of choices.
12:43 asciilifeform if brain of kid was infinitely plastic, as implied in the 'no such thing as talent' item, sovok would have eaten the 'civilized' world for lunch, like the neanderthals are thought to have been eaten by modern man. but for some reason nodice.
12:43 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform, nowhere in this is a promise of "make better people"
12:44 mp_en_viaje brain of kid ~is~ infinitely plastic, in the simple sense that kid who tries avoidant and keeps trying avoidant will grow up to be an excellent goth, whose poetry nobody understands ; had it tried opposite strategy would have been EQUALLY excellent cheerleader, whose sluttiness nobody understands.
12:47 diana_coman and before the 5yo's set of choices there is nothing but chance?
12:47 diana_coman ultimately everything is chance I suppose so in this sense yes
12:48 mp_en_viaje something happens, right ? kid's gotta do something, not outwardly, but inwardly. put a label on the newly acquired sack of chaos. which label does his mind's hand reach for ?
12:48 diana_coman does it reach at random though?
12:48 mp_en_viaje i'd say which is chance. step 1 of the markov process, even balanced, why not. for all the diff it makes, might as well be.
12:48 asciilifeform somehow, where the 9000 children and trainer with heavy spiked club, and reduced element of chance to the strictly biological, still 1-2 champs and not 9000.
12:49 mp_en_viaje then successive steps change the situation, what was chosen before is both more likely to "work" (as the kid has re-defined working) and to be chosen.
12:49 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform, strictly biological amply plentiful anyway.
12:50 asciilifeform mp_en_viaje: indeed, and afaik to the point where the rest seems like hardly necessary hypothesis
12:50 mp_en_viaje hm ?
12:52 asciilifeform the idea that it matters what happens to 6yo in the wild. entirely possib that all the interesting dice were rolled long before kid can even speak.
12:52 mp_en_viaje doesn't seem likely
12:52 mp_en_viaje if it were the case, then there'd be no such things as the doctor-turned-art-critic etc.
12:57 asciilifeform afaik changes of profession in adulthood where result was 'world class' are few/nonexistent
12:58 mp_en_viaje i know a bunch.
12:59 asciilifeform if they're art experts, i'ma have to take mp_en_viaje's word, asciilifeform is not equipped to evaluate 'world class'
12:59 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform, didn't your favourite chemist take up literature ?
13:00 asciilifeform lol which 1
13:00 mp_en_viaje http://trilema.com/2018/lets-read-together-uncle-al-schwartz-hexadecimal-dependency/#selection-41.1-45.1
13:00 asciilifeform schwartz ? i think he took up... whiskey
13:01 asciilifeform ( fella was 'literator', of a sort, from childhood, incidentally. like e.g. knuth (didjaknow) )
13:03 asciilifeform thinking about it, i dun think i ever met what could be described as a thinking fella, who didn't write at least into a desk
13:08 mp_en_viaje or picked onions or set his vcr.
13:23 asciilifeform lol iirc schwartz himself had a piece on 'those who did not set vcr'
13:24 asciilifeform ( recall btw when one could apply similar 'litmus' to pc folx ? 'why didntcha set yer bios clock!' )
13:25 asciilifeform variety of offered answers was astonishing. but i dun think i met 1 who was honest and replied 'my hands grow from arse'
~ 55 minutes ~
14:20 feedbot http://qntra.net/2019/05/us-airforce-and-journalist-suffer-cyber-attacks-conducted-by-us-navy-jag/ << Qntra -- US Airforce And Journalist Suffer Cyber Attacks Conducted By US Navy JAG
~ 48 minutes ~
15:08 lobbes http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-19#1914718 << I will definitely read, and am still interested in eventually visiting. Though I will say after reading the various threads re:escape from last week I have a lot more clarity on wtf I should be doing in the shorter-term. I may have to wait a bit before a Uruguay trip
15:08 a111 Logged on 2019-05-19 22:17 BingoBoingo to the blogging desk to assemble more Uruguay perspectives with lobbes and whaack showing interest in visiting the place.
15:08 lobbes Long-story short, I woke up one morning and came to the realization that I have not been saving and am headed towards ye olde http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1875979; panicked, etc. Then I cooled it for a second and continued reading, came across http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-19#1914702 and realized that me running to xyz without any idea of what I'd *do* is not any better than what I'm doing now.
15:08 a111 Logged on 2018-11-29 17:10 Mocky: in truth i do feel like idjit for being old man without the brains to have saved anything. i don't even have a workshop full of shit like asciilifeform
15:08 a111 Logged on 2019-05-19 03:09 trinque: not telling you not to leave, nor where to live. just remember that you need to have something you *do* wherever you go.
15:09 lobbes (i.e. the approach vs flee dilemma of problem solving)
15:09 a111 Logged on 2018-10-16 03:30 mircea_popescu: this should be approached rather thjan fled from
15:09 lobbes Whether I like it or not, I am currently in a http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-19#1914704 situation. Problem is that while I have been measuring, I have not been stealing enough nor have I set any time horizon for escape. It is now clear to me that I must remedy this before I can really do anything else.
15:09 a111 Logged on 2019-05-19 05:46 mp_en_viaje: this is the cornerstone of survival : the adversative relationship. as long as you know you're there to steal, you measure how much you steal, and you get out on some sort of time horizon, you may survive.
15:13 mp_en_viaje http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915196 << if it helps you any, imo (as well as in the opinion of ~all successful merchants of the original most serene republic, along with ALL other successful merchants, up to and including the phanarioti Ἰωάννης Γεώργιος Καρατζάς), "saving" is a misnomer. you may expend a ~SMALL~ fraction of your income. not save a small fraction thereof. living on 1-2-3% of what you make, aged 20 to 30
15:13 a111 Logged on 2019-05-22 19:08 lobbes: Long-story short, I woke up one morning and came to the realization that I have not been saving and am headed towards ye olde http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1875979; panicked, etc. Then I cooled it for a second and continued reading, came across http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-19#1914702 and realized that me running to xyz without any idea of what I'd *do* is not any better than what I'm doing now.
15:13 mp_en_viaje , is the ticket.
15:16 asciilifeform with the obv. caveat
15:16 a111 Logged on 2016-04-01 17:24 mircea_popescu: saving never worked.
15:18 asciilifeform ( incidentally, given as there's a pete_dushenski thread in there -- loox like his www has been stone-dead for coupla wks nao )
15:24 asciilifeform there was a time when plebe could 'compound' for 30+yrs , and leave a small fortune that buys a http://btcbase.org/log/2015-09-07#1265005 for each of 3 sons. but this was a historical anomaly imho.
15:24 a111 Logged on 2019-05-17 22:19 asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: guess what else they taught in ameri-hs (e.g. 'if you put in 100 $ , yr later can have 105' , and other meanwhile-retracted 'communism by 1980' promiseisms )
15:24 a111 Logged on 2015-09-07 04:00 mircea_popescu: in the 50s a bank CLERK lived in roughly what alf thinks palatial.
15:28 asciilifeform btw in ye olde sovok, coupla million frugal orcs saved up what was by any rights small fortunes. 100% evaporated in '90s. cuz 'currency realigned', on top of 'oh, you own your flat? so cute! how about it now costs you $maxint to pay our 'security service' here , if you dun want tadjiks moving into it next week' etc
15:29 asciilifeform iirc mp_en_viaje had a piece re how 'not even beelzebub can save the passive from the active' or how did it go.
15:33 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> ( incidentally, given as there's a pete_dushenski thread in there -- loox like his www has been stone-dead for coupla wks nao ) << It recently started loading for me again
15:33 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: i see a 403.
15:33 BingoBoingo I see that he just posted a new poast
15:34 BingoBoingo Though his site loaded slowly in pieces
15:34 asciilifeform interestingly, loads from dulap
15:35 asciilifeform he must've banned my usual ip block
15:36 asciilifeform i look at his site erry coupla months. e.g. curious whether anyone bought his gold-plated fg.
15:39 asciilifeform in other noose, finally fucking 100% correct peh colourizer (coded by O(...) runtime of command) etc.
15:40 feedbot http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/091-decalog.html << The Tar Pit -- Decalog
15:41 mp_en_viaje http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915221 << nice!
15:41 a111 Logged on 2019-05-22 19:39 asciilifeform: in other noose, finally fucking 100% correct peh colourizer (coded by O(...) runtime of command) etc.
15:42 asciilifeform http://www.loper-os.org/pub/peh_colour_sample.jpg << demo.
15:44 mp_en_viaje spyked, some very sad http://trilema.com/2017/the-world-has-changed/ shit right there.
15:51 asciilifeform ( for nitpickers : the last comment is a lie, screenshit is from uncorrected ancient draft )
16:03 asciilifeform summary of colours: O(bitness) (i.e. the cheapest) ops are marked in green; super-linear but subquadratic ops (e.g. *, S) -- brown; the most expensive ops (e.g. MX), and ones with potentially 'infinite' cost (e.g. ?) , red; ops which affect control flow ( : , various Q ) are inverted-red ; ops which affect registers -- purple; constants - black; function defs/invocations -- blue/reverseblue respectively. errything else i think self-e
16:03 asciilifeform xplanatory.
16:03 asciilifeform scheme is designed to be reasonably printer-friendly, fwiw.
16:04 asciilifeform (i.e. still loox readable on b&w , and nothing 'screamingly' garish imho )
16:07 asciilifeform if anyone really loathes the given colours, nao is the time to speak, i'd prefer not to change these going forward.
16:08 * asciilifeform gently prods mp_en_viaje , the 1 fella i know to have mutant eye
16:09 * asciilifeform bbl:teatime
~ 26 minutes ~
16:36 diana_coman asciilifeform: nice; colours look ok to me.
16:45 lobbes same; looks ok to my eyes
16:58 asciilifeform the colours, note, are not strictly decorative, idea is that they will slightly make easier the job of reader in estimating the cpu cost ( and following the control flow ) of a given proggy
17:01 asciilifeform ( hey mp_en_viaje , which 1 of the knob settings in e.g. https://www.color-blindness.com/coblis-color-blindness-simulator/ were you ? )
17:05 lobbes http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915203 << this does help, ty. And I guess at the root of it all is http://trilema.com/2013/regarding-money/#selection-107.66-107.411, of which a takeaway may be "don't render yourself lame"..
17:05 a111 Logged on 2019-05-22 19:13 mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915196 << if it helps you any, imo (as well as in the opinion of ~all successful merchants of the original most serene republic, along with ALL other successful merchants, up to and including the phanarioti Ἰωάννης Γεώργιος Καρατζάς), "saving" is a misnomer. you may expend a ~SMALL~ fraction of your income. not save a small fraction thereof. living on 1-2-3% of what you make, aged 20 to 30
17:07 lobbes asciilifeform: that's a pretty nifty color-blindness simulator. I'ma have to save for later (I work with someone who is colorblind in meatspace; never sure what is infuriating to his eye)
17:08 asciilifeform lobbes: i randomly pulled it off the net. at one time i had a lcd with built-in one, but sadly retired it coupla yrs ago
17:09 asciilifeform iirc e.g. 'gimp' also has knob for this, but couldn't recall immediately where
~ 27 minutes ~
17:36 lobbes http://www.thetarpit.org/posts/y05/090-tmsr-work-ii.html#selection-197.31-205.258 << I wager there's a good chance you'll publish a genesis of tbnl/hunchentoot before I eat through mod_lisp, but I agree: as pieces emerge, we can sync up, regrind as needed, etc.
17:36 lobbes As it stands I have two full pages of hand-written notes with various c and apache-stack likbez, and that was just so I could understand up to line 152 of https://github.com/mbattyani/mod_lisp/blob/master/mod_lisp2.c (only 900 or so lines left to eat). I most likely will publish these notes as a blog post once all is said and done
17:36 * lobbes bbl, meat
17:38 feedbot http://qntra.net/2019/05/british-firm-arm-breaking-contracts-with-huawei/ << Qntra -- British Firm ARM Breaking Contracts With Huawei
~ 40 minutes ~
18:19 asciilifeform 'The ban also appeared to apply to ARM China, the China-based company in which ARM Holdings owns a 49% stake' << lol!
18:20 BingoBoingo I dunno if the "US sanctions" wank is going to survive 2025
18:20 asciilifeform usg : 'and naao, to prove that yer a loyal cockeater, lop off left arm' uk : 'will do'
18:21 asciilifeform 'They’re not going to be able to easily replace these parts with new, in-house designs - the semiconductor industry in China is nascent.' << rly nao
18:27 BingoBoingo I don't see why they'd do anything other than rebrand and stop paying licenses
18:29 BingoBoingo Note ARM can't stop shipping chips because they can't fab.
18:30 BingoBoingo The question is how long will it take the white worms to realize their "license" revenue isn't going to keep them fat anymore
18:31 BingoBoingo In other news, there was a general strike for a few hours today. Other than parade fucking with traffic the impact was ~0
~ 24 minutes ~
18:56 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: whole huawei episode seems rather like a replay of the 1980s 'ohnoez, mustn't sell pdp11 to warsaw pact' lulz
18:57 BingoBoingo Except Warsaw Pact and US economies didn't interact in quite this way
18:58 asciilifeform not quite ~this~, naturally, but -- interacted. idjit sovok brass could've, e.g., left usg 100% without titanium any day of the week. ( but didn't , just had to have that delish usd.. )
18:59 asciilifeform funnily enuff they're ~still~ shipping it.
19:04 mp_en_viaje http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915233 << i dun see a problem.
19:04 a111 Logged on 2019-05-22 20:08 asciilifeform gently prods mp_en_viaje , the 1 fella i know to have mutant eye
19:04 asciilifeform aite then
19:06 asciilifeform i could've sworn that mp_en_viaje once said he had mutated blue/green cone or what was it.
19:07 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform, a weaker case of deuteranomaly than there displayed with an even weaker case of protanomaly.
19:07 asciilifeform aa
19:08 asciilifeform if all of the colours still look distinct, then for this purpose suffices.
19:12 mp_en_viaje as long as you don't have me distinguish plain yellow from crude green you're fine
19:12 asciilifeform no yellows, lol, they give headache
19:12 mp_en_viaje you know ?
19:13 mp_en_viaje imo this good rule of thumb in professional colorization anyway. if you're so badly stuck you need yellow/green border, time to think of adding pedals instead.
19:14 * asciilifeform is not a professional colorizer, but has done this kinda thing before, and knows the obvious rakes that get stepped on
19:14 mp_en_viaje aite.
19:15 mp_en_viaje anyway, the mutantism is that i apparently see like parrots, ie, well into uv spectrum.
19:16 asciilifeform funnily enuff i also
19:16 asciilifeform ( it dun come in esp. handy, on most days, tho )
19:16 mp_en_viaje it's fucking terrible, an yclub with "cool" black lights is instabanned
19:17 asciilifeform for asciilifeform at least was pretty simple fix, he wears specs and always has'em coated with uv absorber whenever gets new pair made
19:17 mp_en_viaje bane of my fucking existence, the leds. twenty years ago i could safely go on greyhound trip around. not anymore -- every two bit blue collar driver thinks the best way to improve his life is add some 10 cent uv leds randomly aroundm.
19:18 mp_en_viaje i don't wear glasses. i still got most of my 60/20 vision from youth!
19:18 asciilifeform a++
19:18 asciilifeform asciilifeform's brother fwiw similar
19:19 mp_en_viaje coulda made great sniper in a diff time.
19:19 asciilifeform some folx have iron eye, stands up to focal length abuse without any complaint
19:28 mp_en_viaje http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-22#1915252 << duh.
19:28 a111 Logged on 2019-05-22 22:27 BingoBoingo: I don't see why they'd do anything other than rebrand and stop paying licenses
19:31 asciilifeform near as i can tell, arm inc. is exactly microshit, i.e. somehow charging megabux for 'license' to use their megatonne of bugridden cisc ??? pileashit
19:31 asciilifeform the real puzzler is why chinese paid for as long as they did
19:32 asciilifeform ( esp. given that all patents on, e.g., mips, expired 20+yrs ago )
19:40 mp_en_viaje so they could eat the market.
19:41 mp_en_viaje why did petrus play the servant for as long as he did ?
19:42 asciilifeform i guess could. nao time for lenin's ' who said 'a', must also say 'b' ', or how it went.
19:43 asciilifeform i expect time for china to say 'b'..
19:44 mp_en_viaje seems to be saying.
~ 18 minutes ~
20:03 BingoBoingo I mean its not like China has their MIPS alternative anywhere visible
20:03 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: they had the 'dragon' thing, aka 'rms laptop' 'loongson'. afaik folded.
20:04 BingoBoingo Well, what could have went into that would have not gone into eating the market
20:04 BingoBoingo Huawei switches and routers however have some rather beefy MIPS chips
20:09 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: afaik all reich designs. near as i can tell, china succumbed to the old sovok disease, where 'let's make reich-compat. chips so that we can use warez'
20:12 BingoBoingo Huawei already owns the high end fondleslab pNohe market outside the US. Not like they can't use owning the market to shift what the warez is.
20:13 asciilifeform chinese ~could~ learn to write proggies themselves, but for some reason afaik no signs of this yet.
20:14 * asciilifeform has had the misfortune of reading some of their attempts. ~same flavour as 'india coad' generally.
~ 17 minutes ~
20:31 BingoBoingo And how does that materially differ from Google?
~ 2 hours 3 minutes ~
22:35 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: google has dozen or so people who can sorta write.
22:35 asciilifeform if china does, it's a deep seekrit.
22:36 asciilifeform ( fwiw they're all imported orc hands )
22:36 asciilifeform google's, that is.
22:38 asciilifeform we've seen this film before, sovok also had the notion 'software, eh, unimportant, let the буржуи write it an' we'll crib'
22:47 asciilifeform those empty blocks they mine, is as clear a symptom as any.
~ 21 minutes ~
23:08 BingoBoingo Shame Mandarin as a single language appears potentially more crippling than English on an individual level (on a population level, very organized).
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