Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2018-12-25 | 2018-12-27 →
03:09 mircea_popescu diana_coman fixed indeed, ty.
~ 2 hours 19 minutes ~
05:28 phf diana_coman: << 26Nov-2Dec 54450, 3Dec-9Dec 24809, 10Dec-16Dec 31298 with breakdown i had word count code laying around not wired, it now sits in the stat bar at the top as the (running) word count for the day. << added
05:28 a111 Logged on 2018-12-24 15:58 diana_coman: phf, would it be a big bother to get for me the number of words in the logs for the weeks 26Nov-2Dec, 3Dec-9Dec, 10Dec-16Dec 2018? It's more to satisfy my curiosity on whether the relative sizes match the variation in size of my summaries for those weeks or not.
05:28 a111 Logged on 2018-12-22 17:25 diana_coman: asciilifeform, phf I've signed and mirrored ch6 of ffa:
~ 2 hours 26 minutes ~
07:55 diana_coman phf, thank you!
07:58 diana_coman perhaps unsurprisingly, the relative lengths of logs are not quite enough to predict relative lengths of summaries, ofc; the 10-16 dec summary is a whopping 5.1k compared to 3.7k 26-2Dec despite logs being 31.3k vs 54.4k respectively; anyways, I'm rather relieved it turns out that the summary IS at least shorter than the logs!
08:00 diana_coman -> I'm in 2 minds on it: basically there is a lot to gain from doing it, the way I see it so that's a big pull; onth it can eat up a lot of time and it's not always the easiest of things either
08:00 a111 Logged on 2018-12-25 16:56 mircea_popescu: kinda addictive to write, too, aren't they.
08:02 diana_coman at any rate, the fact that the summaries seem to elicit further discussion and clarification of the original topics is further benefit (I did not expect it / think of it at all initially)
08:08 diana_coman -> my tests show that you can rely on <strong> </strong> for it to show in bold (b, em seem to be eaten); in further infuriating things, <blockquote> works but ONLY if used on separate line (i.e. this is a <blockquote>bbw </blockquote> will do nothing but this is a \n <blockquote>biegw</blockquote
08:08 a111 Logged on 2018-12-25 17:36 mircea_popescu: btw diana_coman can i rely on <b><em><blockquote> working in your comment section ?
08:09 diana_coman this might be to some extent theme-related as well but I'm not too keen on sinking time digging into it really
~ 1 hours 39 minutes ~
09:48 asciilifeform guten morgen, diana_coman phf
09:51 asciilifeform phf: >> wish granted! >> , and i'ma post moar this wk
09:51 a111 Logged on 2018-12-18 11:56 phf: asciilifeform: i saw you posted a highres photo of macivory you found on the internet, but could you perhaps post a couple of nice photos of your current board, where one can see labels on chips and whatever text on the surface
09:51 a111 Logged on 2018-12-25 23:02 asciilifeform: i'ma share a pair of example inputs: (warning: 300MB! each!) .
09:51 asciilifeform ( xray is waiting on the film tho )
09:53 asciilifeform plan with the mega-photo, is that -- when i figure out how to stitch'em -- will make metre-sized poster for wall, to scribble on as i reverse the thing...
10:01 asciilifeform ( nao, if we had a source of ~coherent~ xray, could then replicate that thing! 'if wishes were horses..' )
10:05 asciilifeform flatbed scanner for pcb aint perfect, observe that what it gains in res vs digicam, it loses in depth of field
10:06 asciilifeform prolly ideal photo would be from stitch of N 25megapixel shots with small aperture and machine-cranked slide platform. but i currently dunhave a machine-cranked slide.
10:07 asciilifeform this is re the component-side, naturally. (flatbed is unbeatable for the flat side imho)
10:09 asciilifeform phf: i've also bought a period (msdos-powered!) paltron, will attempt reading the original pals this wk
10:10 * asciilifeform brb,tea
~ 4 hours 32 minutes ~
14:42 mircea_popescu << nice!
14:42 a111 Logged on 2018-12-26 10:28 phf: diana_coman: << 26Nov-2Dec 54450, 3Dec-9Dec 24809, 10Dec-16Dec 31298 with breakdown i had word count code laying around not wired, it now sits in the stat bar at the top as the (running) word count for the day. << added
14:43 mircea_popescu in other stray thoughts : isn't it a wonder the "orange man" and the "guy fawkes" memes aren't merging ?
14:44 mircea_popescu i'd have expected a LOT more orange plasticrap masks.
14:44 asciilifeform who was 'orange man' ?
14:44 mircea_popescu donald trump
14:44 asciilifeform aaa
14:44 mircea_popescu i suppose the bare truth of the matter is that much like bower bird building nest out of what plastic can be found, ustard also, will be fashionable ~out of pre-existing selection~, not otherwise.
14:45 mircea_popescu can't merge because while intellectually meaningful, practically impossible, no mfg base.
14:45 asciilifeform not only this, but worse, the pre-existing selection consists of hollywood (e.g. the guyfawkes meme is not made from the historic personage, but from film 'v for vendetta', where rather different item in turn recycled from older meme)
14:46 mircea_popescu trump also exists from hollywood media for the "orange man" crowd.
14:46 mircea_popescu entirely unrelated to historical anything, much like car advertisings unrelated to car, related to viewer.
14:47 asciilifeform made from junkyardwars. but i dun recall him claiming continuity with historic-anyffin
14:48 mircea_popescu (for the benefit of sluts nicole's age : a meme is not 'an image with text in thick font sprawled over'. a meme is a virus for the brain ; the ur-example of a meme [ie, ~SPEECH~] being discussed in )
14:48 mircea_popescu asciilifeform him who ?
14:48 asciilifeform trump
14:49 mircea_popescu um. trump is an actual physical person, an old guy, son of a magnate, bankrupt a coupla times, very entertaining town fool in the 70s, etc.
14:49 asciilifeform rrright, but was speaking of trump the stage character, as played for ameritard consumption
14:49 asciilifeform rather than the actor playing $role
14:49 mircea_popescu this is a history, whether you know it or not, whether you rubbed shoulders with the chicago outfit back when they were inventing las vegas and the new york set and so on.
14:50 asciilifeform naturally the man -- has a history
14:50 mircea_popescu this historical character, who happened to win a presidential election IN SPITE of the wishes of the media machinery and the expectations of their vat-dwelling retards, was re-interpreted for their minor intellectual needs as "orange man" by the same mechanisms.
14:51 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> in other stray thoughts : isn't it a wonder the "orange man" and the "guy fawkes" memes aren't merging ? << There was some overlap with people wearing gray bodysuits to play NPCs
14:51 BingoBoingo Orange bodysuits when?
14:51 * asciilifeform must admit nao that asciilifeform has not been following in realtime the tard squeals of recent yr of trumpreich, and so cannot comment on 'orange' etc
14:51 mircea_popescu those morons, cuz it's really not worth calling the set people, are ~also~ approximately the barney sandals crowd, and the guy fawkes crowd.
14:52 mircea_popescu and they're known for a strict incapacity to maintain multiple loci of interest. so if indeed orangemanguyfawkes masks would be available, then #orangemanguyfawkes would have 1mn users ; but as they aren't, thereofe #orangeman has 800k users and #guyfawkes 200k users.
14:52 mircea_popescu entirely the same ones, too,
14:53 asciilifeform aand if 'coke' were to merge with 'pepsi', the # of drinkers of phosphoricacid-cum-cornliquishit would remain ~same
14:53 asciilifeform but forsomereason they havent yet
14:53 mircea_popescu exactly my point, right.
14:53 mircea_popescu but there's ~economic interest~ in ~actually maintaining the divide~. not like guyfawkes foundation is out there buying ads.
14:53 asciilifeform cuz faux 'choice' is part of the product.
14:54 mircea_popescu asciilifeform faux choice gotta be maintained. like any other item.
14:54 asciilifeform aha
14:54 mircea_popescu and in this case, i suppose china's maintaining.
14:54 asciilifeform and it's maintained by 'you can buy orange mask or black mask', 'red bottle, or black' etc
14:54 mircea_popescu if one day they discovered orange paint one cent per ton cheaper than w/e sorta-like sickly white man pallor pigment currently in use...
14:55 mircea_popescu asciilifeform all guy fawkes masks i ever saw were evidently same exact item made same exact place.
14:55 asciilifeform naturally, iirc they're a disney catalogue item
14:55 mircea_popescu (the study of masks, btw, is a very large part of anthropology, for very good reasons. not much to study these days, but what can you do.)\
14:55 asciilifeform i saw one in ro, in the back of a parked car
14:55 asciilifeform (exactly 1.)
14:56 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i guarantee you that schmuck had a large debt load to maintain his illusion of being "in civilised world" along with occasional participation at "color revolutions" and various idiotic conversations with similarily inane "friends".
14:56 asciilifeform was my immediate conclusion
14:56 mircea_popescu ie, the orc pantsuit are just as pantsuit as the empire pantsuit.
14:56 asciilifeform cant think of what else an orc could be trying to say (and it was scotchtaped so as to be visible) with that thing.
14:57 asciilifeform prolly belonged to an amstan-like fella of 1 type or another
14:57 asciilifeform y'know the type; prolly runs a 'tor' node, hangs out with Framedragger's chix, etc
14:58 mircea_popescu in romania that's asking too much.
14:58 mircea_popescu possibly runs ubuntu tho. or w/e, android, same thing.
14:58 asciilifeform why, if in lithuania apparently pestilential
14:58 mircea_popescu romanians are tards, what can i tell you
14:58 mircea_popescu (everyone with two neurons to rub together long left)
14:58 asciilifeform it dun exactly require brain
14:59 asciilifeform ( to go around 'let's all anonymous' etc )
14:59 mircea_popescu maybe not to your standards.
15:00 feedbot << Qntra -- Nation Of Africa: Movement Towards Continental "Free Trade" Zone
15:00 asciilifeform in gringolandia these folx helpfully advertise themselves with '1337 h4xx0r' tshirts. but perhaps they dun sell those in orcland.
15:01 asciilifeform iirc phf described the ru variant, with their clone of '2600 magazine' etc
15:05 mircea_popescu it's actually a different demographic. ~these~, the moron you saw in romania, advertise themselves in the us as "having a hobby" in their corporate cv. they go race rc boats every third weekend or somesuch.
15:05 mircea_popescu THAT is the level.
15:05 mircea_popescu romania is a small country, and it is incorrect to identify groups by their rarity. a 10k demographic in romania is NOT "the same" as a 10k demographic in the us ; it's the same as the 100k one.
15:05 mircea_popescu thus therefore, the romanian "vampire" is ~the us mall rat hanging out by hot topic ; not the cosplayer.
15:06 mircea_popescu though there's about as many ro.vampires as us.cosplayers.
15:08 mircea_popescu IsmjdCwcXmaff1rIXotaJ4KAnKE2F0QnDKJBymqXjnwJUdobIy97OUsbooJh6TUcbeIulnvkBqGgHBPmn5XA9HeW+p3h8+5U14DTd9dVh1gDX4EqV2+b1i5hgiqZAionHr5ZWyW5AwCgaEbja3lfarAYOt95uNyrnC0B1NkuhtIikJr0wokdRG0Qmi2NmwrhRJEf7gqHFFbErjQGF2350d5rG1WIX4eNOEAiYArcNfm0vUFiFqdmhcf4CVs8OT7yhMOJYdXnaoltJ/nlALmW9xPTA66izPutqwF4a2ZSrkTDMpIEP/i+KtMoTmnMG0pIDTbrGrQswjW9ZjCcFmPKakDmDpgWzsEiPTeDVKVN0tsY+0XotN7DFEcINg4GZ6q2XCNep0TPKe5ZHb5Le7LCArh8kIXT+x1TrzijEiD+qMEdh
15:08 mircea_popescu oSr2+rn0GBF6djoSBcBdXIcWaUGZ/BgPPOPPEMtoN2MTuTAXn05i2gEkPfBQEhuhew/hWUj8X4adB+at9jp+vsLjC1mL5boOclKpM0d5dYM4q4Qc6pnSJknKW3U0cpRbrUBkkwLdP05d3D8haC9cM4WbFLdBvhep6H/ZG3T9lyVV3Nh1JnoFsoQjx1sgbQ90ZfGOqGZBjYdcdFjPxLJPk9Rs0K/pK3poDx3lrcly65OroncbBw1Pt9MBT5jxyYmzyR9YFO5x1Ce16NaAyDgYdwi2QiJYTzQQi6ObV9/0rSh+r8uOr4q1i1/UNT2ledyur+RvOlHHInmjNFRBOW7MafLN5VlAw/kttk0b3CS0MAodoEwo9v0Q1TCcmmSSLI7bxZc63qhnz4kilECuy7plKeupPwG2FSigv6CMeGw+tTyyu
15:08 mircea_popescu o98jfVs9VrqP18IRn325wgDW86DG65F6HnZD5kgRMH0Cx8iArxPwL+EwCu8J1tq2WXmSBQx/BOOXl1DveJFIaIjk01LNApN7ej9SQ9Hmv/rtHsLtCdrr6op+PxioucBCypFdZTrlX8B8hYhO43W8aLYLawYqeTQ5eJNqm4/wvt7mAUveemG94BB2EEFv9EMrKJema86ziddjS/4EK/wfl9AH+LbPAGaBxdxTzrk5rzuVHEsR4+4UK4n9l7G/A1dFadg80VeLnz0ck5hAv1wauZT5EQzDWQ1NeGpo1dJ+1yuwMkNgeys+YKYlEjNgTmz5HmPWqGe3Qkc0U67A+JChBsDmzye3b6ZWP27Mv0KY1QnbYPm0FRfuvcxfWXCys9HiOOIWUSc8cemRbhqqa2HJDqrOsfI02LAOqQZyWJjBci+DU
15:08 mircea_popescu kcHPKqv4Vh/wXr/joKFYa/Bv70RS24WUUiqsq3Ta50XXY/9/wlOW9zLTx4NGGR2XDbTJXl0XF4LTkQMc8DHw1Fq2b6AxvQRmdjKg= << in other news, reach the core is a fun little game.
15:08 mircea_popescu ow shit. sorry for that, didn't realise it'll be THAT long.
15:09 mod6 :D
15:09 mod6 Tryin' to be me 'eh?
15:09 mod6 How's it goin mircea_popescu & asciilifeform?
15:10 mircea_popescu well, the paste was deliberate, but i'd have deliberated otherwise if i realised it's multiline
15:10 mod6 Ah.
15:10 mircea_popescu mod6 fine, actually, trying to emerge out of xmas food coma.
15:10 asciilifeform wb mod6 !
15:11 mod6 Cool, yeah, I hear ya there. We smoked a ham, was pretty great actually.
15:11 mod6 thx asciilifeform
15:11 mod6 Anyway, I just stopped in as I've been resting, reflecting, doing a spot of work on these forthcoming blog posts over the month.
15:12 mircea_popescu << do i have this right, so the logs were ~43% shorter but this drove a summary ~37% longer ? ie, snr varied by at least a factor of 2.4 ?
15:12 a111 Logged on 2018-12-26 12:58 diana_coman: perhaps unsurprisingly, the relative lengths of logs are not quite enough to predict relative lengths of summaries, ofc; the 10-16 dec summary is a whopping 5.1k compared to 3.7k 26-2Dec despite logs being 31.3k vs 54.4k respectively; anyways, I'm rather relieved it turns out that the summary IS at least shorter than the logs!
15:12 mod6 One is nearly ready, but I'm in need of an actual blog, heheh. So I'm gonna see if I can get wp-mp doing what I want.
15:13 mircea_popescu << i was kinda expecting it all along, tbh.
15:13 a111 Logged on 2018-12-26 13:02 diana_coman: at any rate, the fact that the summaries seem to elicit further discussion and clarification of the original topics is further benefit (I did not expect it / think of it at all initially)
15:13 mod6 BingoBoingo: Can I get a wp-mp @ pizarro when you have some time, feel free to invoice me or whatever is right and proper.
15:13 mircea_popescu mod6 BingoBoingo was saying something about getting a closer to original thing on pizarro
15:14 BingoBoingo I'm about to send the dispatches to current customers
15:14 mod6 Ah ok great!
15:14 BingoBoingo mod6: Do you want one year?
15:14 mod6 Lemme see here...
15:15 mod6 Yes, please. :]
15:16 mod6 Still 0.002 BTC/mo. right?
15:18 mircea_popescu << (spoiler : none worked :p)
15:18 a111 Logged on 2018-12-26 13:08 diana_coman: -> my tests show that you can rely on <strong> </strong> for it to show in bold (b, em seem to be eaten); in further infuriating things, <blockquote> works but ONLY if used on separate line (i.e. this is a <blockquote>bbw </blockquote> will do nothing but this is a \n <blockquote>biegw</blockquote
15:18 BingoBoingo mod6: With an annual subscription you get 10% off per for 0.0216
15:18 mircea_popescu << item used.
15:19 mod6 BingoBoingo: sounds great! Thank you.
15:19 mircea_popescu << honestly, this is a better "decorative artwork" plan than i ~ever~ heard. and i heard girls with nice tits sitting on multi-mn budgets all over "teh civilised world".
15:19 a111 Logged on 2018-12-26 14:53 asciilifeform: plan with the mega-photo, is that -- when i figure out how to stitch'em -- will make metre-sized poster for wall, to scribble on as i reverse the thing...
15:19 * mod6 looks at links
15:20 mircea_popescu so there you go, alf takes the crown for home decorating, becomes the new goodbye girl!
15:20 BingoBoingo !Qlater tell cruciform MP-WP hardening and enhancemenst, please acknowledge receipt
15:20 BingoBoingo !Qlater tell bvt MP-WP hardening and enhancemenst, please acknowledge receipt
15:20 lobbesbot BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded.
15:20 BingoBoingo !Qlater tell mats MP-WP hardening and enhancemenst, please acknowledge receipt
15:20 lobbesbot BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded.
15:20 lobbesbot BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded.
15:20 BingoBoingo !Qlater tell nicoleci MP-WP hardening and enhancemenst, please acknowledge receipt
15:20 lobbesbot BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded.
15:20 mod6 Oh while I'm at it, thanks for helping mats the other day while I was afk. I appreciate it.
15:20 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo you know you can do multiple recipients in the same item, yes ?
15:27 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: yes
15:28 BingoBoingo Any pizzaro shared hosting customers who had me configure your mp-wp let me know if you have not recieved a dispatch
15:28 BingoBoingo mod6: No problem
15:29 mod6 Awesome Sir. I'll check back later then. Thanks all.
15:35 BingoBoingo nicoleci bvt mats cruciform: Addenum to enable the mp-wp uploader
~ 28 minutes ~
16:04 bvt hello. BingoBoingo: applied and tested the changes from your first message, everything works. ty!
16:04 lobbesbot bvt: Sent 43 minutes ago: <BingoBoingo> MP-WP hardening and enhancemenst, please acknowledge receipt
16:05 asciilifeform << lol, it'll hang where the jp hiragana thing previously did ( the latter i have fit-in-head, dunneed nomoar.. )
16:05 a111 Logged on 2018-12-26 20:19 mircea_popescu: << honestly, this is a better "decorative artwork" plan than i ~ever~ heard. and i heard girls with nice tits sitting on multi-mn budgets all over "teh civilised world".
16:07 bvt the result of command from 'enable uploader' message is 'permission denied'. afaik changing owner of a file works only for root.
16:09 asciilifeform << invisible from here. ( prolly in diana_coman's mod queue ? )
16:09 a111 Logged on 2018-12-26 20:18 mircea_popescu: << (spoiler : none worked :p)
16:21 mircea_popescu << for completeness
16:21 mircea_popescu (i did have to fish it out of spam, not right off sure what combination of what exactly triggered it, but anyway)
16:22 mircea_popescu < sauce.
~ 20 minutes ~
16:43 BingoBoingo bvt: Thank you very much
16:43 BingoBoingo bvt: I'll peek in real quick
16:45 BingoBoingo bvt: ran the chown, let me know if there are any issues or if there is anything else I can help with
~ 1 hours 4 minutes ~
17:49 bvt BingoBoingo: thanks, everything works fine
~ 39 minutes ~
18:28 BingoBoingo bvt: Thank you for letting me know.
~ 3 hours 24 minutes ~
21:52 * mircea_popescu opened a thing of imported leberwurst, made one breadslice with dijon mustard, one slice with black pepper and fasskraut, one slice with sliced pickled gerkins.
21:52 mircea_popescu HO-HO-HO!
21:52 asciilifeform nifty.
← 2018-12-25 | 2018-12-27 →