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← 2018-07-24 | 2018-07-26 →
00:00 esthlos hmm, but to be clear, are you saying that what any person is saying on any ~single~ posting is open to interpretation? because this sounds like hermeneutical approach which lead to the protestant uprising and other bla bla
00:00 mircea_popescu (and by "select group" above i meant "group of threads/"ideal objects sorted in trees" more properly speaking. not groups of people. this sadly isn't at all evident from context, but i caught it on re-read. half the time though, it IS "evident" on the basis of cousins six removed)
00:01 mircea_popescu esthlos there's no other approach available besides interpretation. there's no some way to "read the true reading" in the manner you can ingurgitate an apple.
00:02 mircea_popescu protestants can uprise all they want for all the good it'll do them.
00:03 mircea_popescu !#s think in terms of
00:03 a111 115 results for "think in terms of", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=think%20in%20terms%20of
00:04 mircea_popescu omfg only a hundred times explicitly ? wink wink drudge drudge.
00:10 mircea_popescu esthlos you ever read the discussion of the dragonfly's brain ?
00:11 esthlos but surely, a dense subset of these sets are uninteresting? there has to be some mechanism to reduce things to some polynomial blowup. or are things really just beyond our grasp?
00:11 mircea_popescu not dense, but very large. the problem with it is that it's not dense.
00:11 esthlos no, though I love watching those bastards zip around and hunt
00:12 mircea_popescu alright, here : http://trilema.com/2014/the-complexity-of-life-a-triad/#selection-51.0-63.503
00:12 mircea_popescu the thing with that is, people obviously don't fly about the room doing 100 body lengths a second while catching bugs and jumping right out of inept frog's mouth all cool as shit.
00:13 esthlos if set of interesting sets is dense in set of all interpretations, how can we proceed?
00:13 mircea_popescu HOWEVER they do exactly the same in this field of representation. MUCH MORE so, exponentially rather than proportionally when compared to the dragonfly, people sort and select through utterly staggering piles of alternative constructs.
00:13 esthlos yes. didn't you just link an uncle al about this?
00:13 mircea_popescu esthlos the problem is that it's neither dense nor sparse. and i dunno how we can proceed. moreover, i suspect goedel says we can not proceed.
00:14 mircea_popescu i thought alf did.
00:16 esthlos http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1491930
00:16 a111 Logged on 2016-06-28 04:35 asciilifeform: http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/create.htm << obligatory.
00:18 esthlos that we can assemble a semi-coherent reality is only topped by the existence of a semi-coherent reality
00:19 mircea_popescu rather that we manage to will a coherent approximation of reality into existence. because it's what we're doing, yes, and we need all these complex tools to keep it from becoming either self contradictory, disjointed or else derealized.
00:20 esthlos go
00:20 esthlos ^^ ignore
00:21 esthlos not to trivialize, but are you a schopenhauer fan then? or a more broad idealist?
00:22 mircea_popescu im not an idealist at all.
00:22 esthlos ok, seems like I was overindexing on "will"
00:24 mircea_popescu but you do realise that "your wife" is not your wife in the sense your weight is your weight, yes ? you just want her to be -- hopefully both of you.
00:26 esthlos yes, my "wife" wears the white pumps https://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2006/12/if_this_is_one_of_the_sexiest.html
00:26 mircea_popescu lol
00:27 mircea_popescu well, so in that sense "will". we agree on things such as "how things should be" or "this is cool" or "this sucks" w/e in the precise manner.
00:29 esthlos gotcha
00:31 esthlos aw shit it's past bedtime. night
00:37 mircea_popescu tada
~ 13 hours 49 minutes ~
14:27 jurov http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-22#1837291 i don't know either, only found this barf in the log:
14:27 a111 Logged on 2018-07-22 20:37 asciilifeform: currently i'm curious re why jurov's eater barfed
14:27 jurov Jul 22 19:02:37 2018 (10402) Error verifying message: gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
14:27 jurov gpg: decrypt_message failed: Unknown system error
14:28 jurov also there was expired version of your key, but it was expired since 2016, so that shouldn't be the culprit
14:31 asciilifeform jurov: what do you get if you try and verify by hand with that same gpg ? ( and incidentally, which gpg is it )
14:32 jurov it passed
14:32 asciilifeform interesting
14:33 jurov gpg (GnuPG) 2.0.28
14:33 asciilifeform ugh
14:34 jurov well, the server is older that the fatwa aginst gpg2
14:34 asciilifeform also why is decrypt_message even called ? there's no encryption in the loop
14:36 jurov will have to check, maybe --verify calls it too
14:39 jurov oh it calls decrypt to compute the checksum of original unescaped text, prolly something left from the ancient spec
~ 46 minutes ~
15:26 asciilifeform jurov: any gpg bug , even in the sad 2.x , is potentially very interesting. i'd like to learn what happened .
~ 19 minutes ~
15:45 jurov sure. i couldn't reproduce this
~ 4 hours 2 minutes ~
19:48 mod6 evenin'
20:01 mod6 trinque: Question for ya regarding how jurov can make a payment for The Foundation's hosting fees at Pizarro: Is there a way that I can get an outside BTC address to give him that would go directly to my deedbot wallet? I see that I can do `!!deposit amount`, which might work, but it could be days before a payment is made. Is this a problem? Thoughts?
20:07 mod6 ben_vulpes jurov BingoBoingo : I do not believe The Bitcoin Foundation was ever invoiced for colocation services for The Foundation's one machine at Pizarro for the month of June. And thusly, no amount was shown on the Foundation's June 2018 statement.
20:08 mod6 The Bitcoin Foundation will make a payment for June, but I need to determine what the price point was for the month of June. I'm going to dig through the logs to see what I can find, but if anyone can help me out in this capacity please let me know. Thank you.
20:09 * BingoBoingo is indeed alive, been reading apache docs all day
~ 18 minutes ~
20:28 mod6 re price point for June, I can see that this wire was sent on or around June 12th: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-19#1826769
20:28 a111 Logged on 2018-06-19 16:04 deedbot: Invoiced ben_vulpes 0.40847278 << "wire to the Pizarro DC sent 2018-06-12"
20:30 mod6 I have pulled up BTC/USD chart of Bitstamp (no particular reason I picked this exchange) between June 1st and June 30th. I can see that the price was roughly about $6800 per BTC on that day. Unless anyone chimes in very soon about what the actual price point was for the month of June, is anyone opposed to me using this rate?
20:30 mod6 *on that day, June 12th
~ 36 minutes ~
21:07 trinque mod6: that is the way to do that, !!deposit
21:08 trinque and no, the deposit request wont expire or anything, in any amount of time that'd affect you
21:08 trinque (when I start expiring them, will announce)
21:09 mod6 thanks trinque.
21:09 trinque but that feature is entirely intended to be used both for sending your BTC and for receiving it from others
21:09 trinque yw
21:10 mod6 gotcha.
21:19 mod6 mircea_popescu: S.NSA was paid up through June 30th, 2018 for dulap's colocation. We can do another quarter (back dated to July 1st) that will carry S.NSA through September 30th, 2018 for a total of: 0.06251472 BTC (0.02083824 BTC/mo). If this is agreeable, let me know, or if you have any questions.
21:19 mod6 !Qcalc 0.02083824 * 3
21:19 lobbesbot mod6: 0.06251472
21:32 mircea_popescu asciilifeform do we want quarterly or yearly or what ?
21:36 mircea_popescu mod6 really, don't dig through the logs worth more than what the difference is, you know.
21:37 mod6 *nod* was just hoping to find that btc/fiat price. I never did find it. Roughly, I think the price was about $6800 when it would have transpired. But I'll give others a chance to chime on this before I make a June invoice for The Foundation.
~ 55 minutes ~
22:33 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: let's take a 1y
22:36 mod6 !Qcalc 0.02083824 * 12
22:36 lobbesbot mod6: 0.25005888
22:37 mod6 Good with this then through June 30th of 2019? ^
22:39 asciilifeform loox correct
22:39 asciilifeform plox to invoice mircea_popescu ( he is not only chairman but also treasurer )
22:41 mod6 Ok, will do.
22:54 mircea_popescu omg no discount!
22:56 mod6 ah, fair point, i gotta figure out what the discount would be on a year-contract might be.
~ 40 minutes ~
23:37 mod6 Turns out that there is a mark-up, as opposed to a discount for yearly.
23:37 asciilifeform mod6: that makes 0 sense
23:37 mod6 I didn't say it made sense, just that's what was done before.
23:37 asciilifeform mod6: let's do the sensible thing
23:38 mod6 What do you find senseable for a discount?
23:38 mod6 10% off?
23:38 asciilifeform worx
23:39 mod6 !!Qcalc 0.25005888*.9
23:39 mod6 !!Qcalc 0.25005888*0.9
23:40 mod6 0.22505299 BTC sound better mircea_popescu ?
23:41 mircea_popescu defo!
23:42 mod6 ok :]
~ 16 minutes ~
23:58 mod6 !!invoice mircea_popescu 0.22505299 S.NSA colocation (dulap) through June 2019
23:58 deedbot Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/8Mbe2/?raw=true
← 2018-07-24 | 2018-07-26 →