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← 2018-06-27 | 2018-06-29 →
01:00 mircea_popescu and now it's archived 4evar too
01:01 mircea_popescu "Welcome to my personal home page. There are many pages on this site, but this one is my own."
01:05 mircea_popescu "A brief page with a few annotations about the Girl Genius web comic, for which a link banner appears to the right, is now on this site." holy shit that's terriblty drawn
01:08 mircea_popescu meanwhile in other great accomplishments of the web era, http://samuel-beckett.net/Waiting_for_Godot_Part1.html
~ 2 hours 45 minutes ~
03:53 mircea_popescu !!up diginet
03:53 deedbot diginet voiced for 30 minutes.
04:04 mircea_popescu meanwhile in nice racks, https://78.media.tumblr.com/90fda146a151e5e04b66b44708dac23f/tumblr_pafmczSCs91tjspdjo1_1280.jpg
~ 23 minutes ~
04:27 mircea_popescu asciilifeform o btw, re http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-31#1610177 : supreme court upheld yest.
04:27 a111 Logged on 2017-01-31 15:10 asciilifeform: and to top off the lulzfest, http://archive.is/jMArA : 'Microsoft Corp said it has been cooperating with the Washington State Attorney General's Office, which is suing in federal court to stop President Donald Trump's order restricting immigration from several Muslim countries.'
~ 4 hours 45 minutes ~
09:12 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: lol!
09:15 asciilifeform speaking of dar-al-islam, asciilifeform had nfi, but the nao-defunkt republic of ichkeria had perhaps the most aggressively oddball national anthem : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXNI0v3o6K0
09:17 asciilifeform ( ^ subj on lolcattube has en+ru sub . https://archive.li/7E9at << txt translation )
09:18 asciilifeform 'We were born at night when the She-wolf whelped / In the morning, under lions’ howl we were given our names / In eagles’ nests our Mothers nursed us ...' etc
~ 1 hours 32 minutes ~
10:51 mod6 mornin'
10:56 BingoBoingo Mornin'
11:06 mod6 waitin for the furnature?
11:07 mircea_popescu asciilifeform you ddin't know this ?! imo one of their principal achievements
11:08 BingoBoingo mod6: Not quite yet. Waiting for the wait for furniture
11:08 mod6 ahh
11:08 mircea_popescu meanwhile in teh basement, https://78.media.tumblr.com/53496b54b17ff35e50e75d9636cce3ff/tumblr_n7gv6bNDdJ1sa6m28o1_1280.jpg
11:17 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: waiwat?! the anthem ?!
11:17 mircea_popescu yes.
11:17 asciilifeform holyfuq
11:18 asciilifeform it is admittedly catchy.
11:18 asciilifeform ( and from orcological pov, attractively-impenetrable, to earthling philologist, language isolate )
11:19 mircea_popescu well i mean... it was kindof a fiume republic neh ?
11:20 mircea_popescu what did they do, the anthem and the moscow theatre invasion.
11:20 mircea_popescu very livresque item altogether.
11:20 asciilifeform iirc they also tried the 'caliphate' thing, with the attendant lulz
11:22 mircea_popescu eh, they're islamic in the sense the us is catholic.
11:22 asciilifeform they did manage to pyrrhicly win the 1st war with ru; erry bit as good orc troops as any, perhaps if cherokees had kalash they could have put up same level of fight.
11:23 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Cherokees didn't put up a fight. They made a show of imitating white culture and meaningfully resisted nothing imposed on them.
11:23 mircea_popescu ^
11:23 asciilifeform hm.
11:23 mircea_popescu you're mabye thinking sioux ?
11:24 asciilifeform possibly
11:24 mircea_popescu iroquis, pushing a point. quite a lot of pushing.
11:24 asciilifeform maybe not even good continent for comparison, prolly maori better example.
11:24 mircea_popescu asciilifeform anyway, i dunno how isolate. "Joƶalla ya marşo" looks exactly like gypsy.
11:25 BingoBoingo Sioux, Apache, fought. Cherokee were one of the five "civilized" tribes that tired to assimilate to verying degrees of rape
11:25 asciilifeform 0, afaik, relation, caucasian lang group is more or less isolate.
11:27 mircea_popescu i have nfi
~ 24 minutes ~
11:51 deedbot http://qntra.net/2018/06/the-great-again-poised-to-grab-courts-by-the-pussy-for-decades/ << Qntra - The Great Again Poised To Grab Courts By The Pussy For Decades
~ 2 hours 7 minutes ~
13:59 asciilifeform meanwhile, in risc-v nonsense circus, https://archive.li/i14bp
14:00 asciilifeform while in other 'open sores' idiocy, https://archive.li/GXp09 >> 'With not being able to deliver a 100% fully free software / libre system, the Librem 5 smartphone will rely upon a secondary processor for dealing with the necessary binary blobs for hardware initialization to keep them out of touch from the U-Boot boot-loader and Linux kernel' << pushed as ~feature~ , didjaknow.
14:01 asciilifeform at least google fwiw didn't try to advertise cr50, similar 'feature'.
14:02 asciilifeform and, from same fishwrap , 'Intel CEO Brian Krzanich has resigned effective immediately. Krzanich is stepping down due to a past consensual relationship with an Intel employee and the company's internal investigation has confirmed a violation of their company non-fraternization policies. '
~ 45 minutes ~
14:48 mod6 It's clearly stated on the Washington monument: ``Im reich ist vergnugen verboten!''
14:48 mod6 duh
~ 40 minutes ~
15:28 mircea_popescu is that german for no nookie ?
15:29 mod6 mas o menos
15:29 mod6 'pleasure'
~ 18 minutes ~
15:48 mod6 I follow the republic log, down through all the sarc; listening to the lords exchaaange.
15:48 mod6 A Ft. Meade summer night, pantsuits passing by; listening to the taps of stingrayyyyyy.
15:50 mod6 *whistling*
15:59 mod6 ben_vulpes: you wanna go to def^H^H^Hfedcon and set up a pizarro booth?
16:11 mircea_popescu mod6 isn;t las vegas actually closer to you ?
16:11 mircea_popescu or did they move it meanwhile
~ 23 minutes ~
16:35 mircea_popescu in any case, speaking of non-fraternization, https://78.media.tumblr.com/c630a84304b5ce12d39e269d62bbbbe4/tumblr_oj9n2fJsZS1uzyugro1_1280.jpg
16:45 asciilifeform mm quality
16:48 asciilifeform mod6: a few yrs ago asciilifeform went ( or rather, was sent ) to a smaller/sadder version of said item, 'shmoocon', you wouldn't believe the sort of snake oil that was sold there
16:48 asciilifeform and the sheer redditude of the attendees
16:49 * asciilifeform never been to the orig vegas 'fedcon' tho
16:50 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-28#1830546 << lol missed this, but nao i'm curious, mircea_popescu , how come the 'wolf men' duncount as islamic ?
16:50 a111 Logged on 2018-06-28 15:22 mircea_popescu: eh, they're islamic in the sense the us is catholic.
16:50 asciilifeform afaik they kept all the good parts.
~ 59 minutes ~
17:50 mod6 <+mircea_popescu> mod6 isn;t las vegas actually closer to you ? << naw, but doesn't matter. im sure that they wouldn't let us set up a booth anyway.
17:53 mod6 anyway, was just a thought to getting the pizarro name out there a bit.
17:53 mod6 bbl
~ 33 minutes ~
18:26 mircea_popescu asciilifeform for the precise reason stated, marginal weirdo cultish folk. why's ukrainian not count as russian ? at least the ukrs have the claim on ~inventing~ it.
18:26 mircea_popescu mod6 why not ? pretty sure all it takes is money. the sure sign of booth not doing anything.
~ 43 minutes ~
19:10 asciilifeform http://archive.is/SvFJ2 << tidbit of lulz , via #p
19:10 asciilifeform 'Today 28 June at approximately 20:20 UTC unknown individuals have gained control of the Github Gentoo organization, and modified the content of repositories...' etc
19:14 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-28#1830546 << lol missed this, but nao i'm curious, mircea_popescu , how come the 'wolf men' duncount as islamic ? << Perros no son halal. Perros son haram!
19:14 a111 Logged on 2018-06-28 15:22 mircea_popescu: eh, they're islamic in the sense the us is catholic.
19:15 BingoBoingo The sleeping surface did indeed arrive.
19:25 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: amusingly enuff , even the troo diehard ukrs are entirely ru-speaking folx, at least when camera aint rolling. and , extra lulzily, ditto the chechens ( witness, their 'all things ru suxxx!' 'official' www linked earlier -- 100% in ru )
19:36 mod6 mircea_popescu: well, after thinking about it a bit, I don't remember seen "booths" like I was thinking of there. was at least 15 years ago though.
19:37 mod6 maybe it's different now. i'll see what I can find out.
~ 30 minutes ~
20:07 mircea_popescu mod6 not that big a deal either way
20:09 mircea_popescu they're not supposed to hurt, no. if they do give it a rest.
20:09 mircea_popescu whoops.
20:09 asciilifeform lol was that meant for the roadconetraining chan ?
20:10 mircea_popescu ima take a mod6 on this one.
20:10 asciilifeform heh
20:15 mircea_popescu asciilifeform so this is it for "public" gentoo then ?
20:15 asciilifeform 'public gentoo' rotted to ~unusability some time ago
20:16 asciilifeform e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-05#1820666 event
20:16 a111 Logged on 2018-06-05 00:46 asciilifeform: i dun recall if i mentioned : as of coupla wks ago, no moar 'emerge portage' on asciilifeform's-ban-masks gentoo boxen : it now ~demands~ gpg2 turd.
20:17 trinque toggled by the rsync-verify use flag, not that I'm excusing it.
20:17 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i considered making a http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2295 -style canned gentoo out of my dulap trad-gentoo, but really would rather switch to trinque's item when it is baked
20:17 trinque oughta be pretty clear gentoo's firmly in satan's hands these days
20:18 asciilifeform when i ditch the last glibctronic gentoos, it won't be a day too soon.
20:18 mircea_popescu word.
20:26 mircea_popescu meanwhile in mechanical pianos, https://78.media.tumblr.com/05a73cca5aae821a63528d7fd2037c5e/tumblr_o0k7c6xTxK1ucpzm3o3_400.gif
~ 1 hours 26 minutes ~
21:53 mircea_popescu and in other great webpage designs, http://riscos.com/
21:54 mircea_popescu "represents a major upgrade of our system and is, as far as we are aware, the only system of it's type that's been developed on RISC OS." << read one line, run into one spelling error. this bodes well for the LOC.
21:55 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: ancient brit item. from bbc acorn, the orig perpetrators of arm arch.
21:55 mircea_popescu aha.
21:55 asciilifeform today in ~same archaeological circlejerk as e.g. 'beos'
21:56 mircea_popescu still in use, though, somehow, as someone actually loaded trilema on one.
21:56 asciilifeform somewhere prolly even amiga still in use.
21:56 mircea_popescu oh, that, definitely.
21:56 mircea_popescu and even macintosh.
21:57 asciilifeform iirc BingoBoingo actually loaded trilema on a '80s mac box
21:57 asciilifeform ( the one with amiga cpu )
21:57 mircea_popescu if anyone still cares, freebsd 6.82%, openbsd 93.17%
21:58 asciilifeform this the bsd split ? or total?!
21:58 mircea_popescu just the bsd.
21:58 mircea_popescu aaaand os x 10.4 (tiger) still exists.
21:58 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: not only still exists, but asciilifeform ( and iirc phf also ) have working examples .
21:58 mircea_popescu irix! amigaos! os/2! etc.
21:59 asciilifeform irix ? got .
21:59 mircea_popescu sun solaris, look at that.
21:59 asciilifeform lol slowaris
21:59 mircea_popescu nono, ~Sun~ Solaris.
21:59 mircea_popescu someone should make Moon Lunaris, be done with esltardation altogether.
22:00 asciilifeform lol sun was actually quasi-respectable at one time
22:00 mircea_popescu yeah, well...
22:00 * asciilifeform still has ancient 'pizza box' sun , from that era
22:02 mircea_popescu meanwhile, in http://trilema.com/2014/daisies/ visuals, https://78.media.tumblr.com/ed702a99d19dea623d40a51381b29ec7/tumblr_my347eqWt61sf41xco1_1280.jpg
22:02 asciilifeform mircea_popescu do you recall your essay where 'more common than anyone admits, chix keep the stuffed bear they frottaged the hell out of at age 12, well into adulthood' or how it went
22:03 asciilifeform gotta wonder if some folx do this re old comp
22:03 mircea_popescu im sure they do.
22:03 asciilifeform 'this os/2 box still runs, why should i change it'
22:03 mircea_popescu i still had my old z80s in a drawer somewhere well into the 3rd millenium
22:03 asciilifeform and i have c64 etc
22:04 asciilifeform drawer not quite same thing as active duty tho
22:04 asciilifeform gotta wonder who still reads from the irix box. prolly some fella who is stuck operating one in some godforsaken corner of heavy industry
22:05 mircea_popescu i suppose one could just doctor the strings.
22:05 asciilifeform could, but who can be arsed.
22:05 mircea_popescu yeah...
22:05 * asciilifeform at one time had box that was suchly configed, to report 'kremvax'
22:06 asciilifeform re irix boxen -- the last pre-intelization machines, e.g. 'octane', 'octane 2', were princely, errything-hotswappable, on rails, copper meshing against emp, redundant cpu/memory/power/etc, prolly eternal.
22:07 mircea_popescu https://github.com/robertdavidgraham/masscan << in other items.
22:07 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: the very same massscan Framedragger used
22:07 asciilifeform y'know, for the ssh surveys
22:07 mircea_popescu ah, it is isn't it.
22:07 mircea_popescu yeah.
22:08 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1807738 etc
22:08 a111 Logged on 2018-05-03 02:41 asciilifeform: Framedragger's 'massscan' proggy does not clog state table tho, it has own peculiar ip stack that goes 'statelessly'
22:08 asciilifeform it is depressing to learn that it lives on shithub tho. prolly not a bad time to grab copy before it evaporates.
22:08 * asciilifeform brb,meat
~ 1 hours 2 minutes ~
23:11 phf http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-28#1830577 << in 2005 or so shmoocon still had vestiges of phrack culture, as has been discussed plenty on here it all finally died sometime 2010
23:11 a111 Logged on 2018-06-28 20:48 asciilifeform: mod6: a few yrs ago asciilifeform went ( or rather, was sent ) to a smaller/sadder version of said item, 'shmoocon', you wouldn't believe the sort of snake oil that was sold there
23:14 phf there was an occasional poc||gtfo speaker doing not necessarily particularly sophisticated, but at least aesthetically pleasing hacks. and of course you could meet oldfags in the hallways. but even back then you could see that the community is being replaced by martin marlinspooks with throngs on millennial sycophants, but at least you could avoid them if you wanted to. i heard that's no longer the case.
23:15 asciilifeform phf: my 1 'shmoocon' trip more or less cured me of the notion of going to any such thing again
23:17 * phf is actually going to HOPE, which was always a parody of a "hacker culture", coming as it is from 2600 circles, but at it's in new york and it's an opportunity to spend time with my new york friends. last time i was at HOPE that was 2010 or so, when the whole theme was g.w.bush as 1984/hitler. at least hope delivers in lulz department. wozniak is going to be there, signing apple ii's or whatever.
23:17 asciilifeform one of these things that had its day in the sun, but nao ~dead..
23:18 asciilifeform lol
23:19 phf HOPE is very new york, it's a bunch of fashionistas pretending like 90s never ended and The Hackers was for real
23:19 asciilifeform gotta wonder if at some point the nostalgia culture will be in turn replaced with nostalgia-for-the-old-nostalgia-culture with each new generation of moar-redditous derps
23:19 asciilifeform and just how tall do these stack.
23:20 asciilifeform phf: soon they'll be pretending that the 10s neverended..
23:21 phf i wonder if some decades are not really destined for a general come back, like the 70s
23:21 asciilifeform and why is their imagination/horizon so weak anyway -- why not instead pretend that 70s neverended and 'wargames' 'was real'
23:24 phf i suspect because the 90s hackers were a lot more mainstream, i mean they had prodigy and orbital, rollerblades and spray painted laptops. i guess wargames is from the time when nerds weren't "cool" at all, though they did have progressive rock, so i guess that counts for something..
23:26 phf https://hope.net//schedule.html for expert entomologists
23:29 phf http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-28#1830593 << famous incident with kuchma, when he called gas burner "газова горілка"
23:29 a111 Logged on 2018-06-28 23:25 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: amusingly enuff , even the troo diehard ukrs are entirely ru-speaking folx, at least when camera aint rolling. and , extra lulzily, ditto the chechens ( witness, their 'all things ru suxxx!' 'official' www linked earlier -- 100% in ru )
23:30 asciilifeform bahahahaha
23:30 phf amusingly enough if you search "газова горілка" there's a bunch of online stores that sell... gas burners!
23:32 phf (the correct word could also be derived from russian, but it's a different root "пальник")
23:45 phf (for the logs, "gas burner" in russian is "gazovaya gorelka". certain russian words have ukr equivalents where the form modification follows a set of somewhat recognizable rules. the president of ukrain not knowing the correct term of "gas burner" in ukranian attempted just such modification transforming "gazovaya gorelka" into "gazova gorilka", which sounds ukranian and "gazova" is correct word, unfortunately for him "gorilka" only ever means "vodka"
23:45 phf in ukranian)
← 2018-06-27 | 2018-06-29 →