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← 2018-05-27 | 2018-05-29 →
09:16 deedbot << Qntra - Italy: Pro-EU President Faces Impeachment Over Coalition Killing Veto
09:22 mircea_popescu lol poor italy. first with the nazis, now with the roosevelzis... before that with charles... who's gonna rape them next ?
09:23 BingoBoingo Sudan?
09:24 mircea_popescu lol. for srs.
09:25 mircea_popescu ethiopia. must suck to be the smaller half of all your historical colonies.
09:25 BingoBoingo Still, ahead of Elizabeth's island which is being colonized by its former colonies (the dark ones)
09:39 mircea_popescu aaand in other lulz, today's google search terms on trilema include inter alia "coetera désiderantur" ; "کوس کون تنگ ایرانی "; "밑가슴" ; "gazeteler şok" ; "bitcoin limbaj de programare" aaaand "fizica in viata de zi cu zi".
09:39 mircea_popescu not bad for AN ENGLISH LANGUAGE blog.
09:48 diana_coman eh, wasn't it more ro than en on a wordcount basis?
10:02 mircea_popescu i thought google is all about fresh content!
~ 1 hours 21 minutes ~
11:23 deedbot << ave1 - Building GNAT on MUSL, now always static
11:25 deedbot << Qntra - Protests After English Leader Arrested
~ 26 minutes ~
11:52 deedbot << Bingo Blog - Draft Pizarro ISP "Good Neighbor Policy" Rewrite
11:55 ben_vulpes oh i think that can go
~ 18 minutes ~
12:14 mod6 ben_vulpes: any thoughts re:
12:14 a111 Logged on 2018-05-27 20:04 mod6: jurov: thank's for the Q. I'm fine with liquidation. ben_vulpes, agree/disagree?
12:15 ben_vulpes i don't care to hang on to any forkcoins, no
12:16 mod6 Ok, sounds good.
12:16 mod6 jurov: You may proceed in the sale of the BCH & BTG into BTC. Thanks!
~ 1 hours 58 minutes ~
14:14 mircea_popescu danielpbarron, so on re-reading ; do you in the end dispute the (subsidiary) point that "darwin fish is proof that there will be and can not be any reward for either your effort or your merit in pantsuit empire, and '''proof''' one may attempt to show to the contrary is of the nature of similar '''proof''' offered by any three-card-monte conman" ?
14:15 mircea_popescu will not be and can not be*
~ 23 minutes ~
14:38 danielpbarron our reward is in the life that is to come, in the kingdom of God
~ 21 minutes ~
14:59 mircea_popescu be that as it may.
~ 1 hours 10 minutes ~
16:10 deedbot << Trilema - The girl that had the world ahead of her
~ 37 minutes ~
16:48 mircea_popescu in other lulz,
16:48 mircea_popescu "This series of articles will argue that homosexuals, far from constituting a persecuted minority, are in fact key protagonists of the ruling class and bourgeois ideology."
16:59 mircea_popescu it even includes a sententious reinstatement of lysenko eventually! this is some primo leftism!
17:03 mircea_popescu <<< ehehehe. A FRENCH RENAISSANCE!!!!
17:03 mircea_popescu o god.
~ 2 hours 34 minutes ~
19:38 deedbot << Bingo Blog - Learning Portage Together: Building PHP 5.6 On Arm64 RockChip Gentoo
~ 22 minutes ~
20:00 deedbot << CH - American unrest mitigation: 1990-????
20:13 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo, nice work there!
20:14 lobbes Oh hey. Ty BingoBoingo for that php5.6-on-gentoo-rockchip guide. I will try it out (paging diana_coman)
20:16 * asciilifeform waves
20:16 * asciilifeform eats log
20:17 mircea_popescu o hey, there you are. i was starting to think you got kidnapped!
20:17 asciilifeform naa went to meatspace for a spell
~ 16 minutes ~
20:34 mod6 hi asciilifeform
~ 20 minutes ~
20:55 asciilifeform ohai mod6
20:58 asciilifeform << the shoemaker's favourite tv , allegedly
20:58 a111 Logged on 2018-05-27 18:52 spyked: with telly savalas aka kojak (which was also popular on romanian tv in the early 90s)
20:59 asciilifeform << ha, i had nfi that any of the shitforks were still chugging along
20:59 a111 Logged on 2018-05-27 20:10 mod6: !Q calc 0.00598863 * 35.38714671
21:00 asciilifeform << during the 1st lolfork, i did this for self, and for a friend, prolly time to revv up the relevant tool again ( if anybody ~really~ doesn't feel like doing his own: gpggram asciilifeform, we'll work something out )
21:00 a111 Logged on 2018-05-28 00:09 mircea_popescu: jurov, do you offer sweeping of old bitcoin addies as a service ? might be a decent way to cash some change.
21:01 asciilifeform << i'ma definitely try this in the coming days, ave1
21:01 a111 Logged on 2018-05-28 15:23 deedbot: << ave1 - Building GNAT on MUSL, now always static
21:03 asciilifeform << holyshit, BingoBoingo doing my chores for me! ty BingoBoingo !
21:03 a111 Logged on 2018-05-28 23:38 deedbot: << Bingo Blog - Learning Portage Together: Building PHP 5.6 On Arm64 RockChip Gentoo
21:03 * asciilifeform never tested php on arm64 with own hands, of yet, so did not hit $bug
21:05 asciilifeform << picture what fishing might be like... if fish could speak
21:05 a111 Logged on 2018-05-28 20:10 deedbot: << Trilema - The girl that had the world ahead of her
21:05 asciilifeform 'hook, what hook, and what frying pan? you are a peculiarly long worm'
21:07 mircea_popescu asciilifeform, ideally a bot that just eats a btc address and list of privkeys.
21:07 asciilifeform and autointerfaces to a gox?! or how does it sell
21:08 asciilifeform seems like a mighty flammable mix, to trust to a robot.
21:08 mircea_popescu asciilifeform, look into that nationalist-stalinist dood i fished out. now THAT is some primo extinct species. i had nfi such extreme rarities even existed, in my book the only nationalist-stalinists were stalin himself and ceausescu. not even broz tito. but lo and behold, a french-dwelling irishman!
21:08 asciilifeform aaactually loox like a standard limonov
21:08 mircea_popescu asciilifeform, ideally interfaces with all the goxen.
21:09 asciilifeform what i did not know, is that english-speaking specimens of this, exist
21:09 mircea_popescu nah, limonov is deeply internationalist.
21:09 asciilifeform but ireland is prime country for these, if they do, consider e.g. valera
21:09 mircea_popescu you mean savenko muppet or which ?
21:09 asciilifeform him
21:10 mircea_popescu he's about as nationalist as moldbug.
21:10 mircea_popescu actually... he's about exactly everything moldbug. except older version = better read.
21:10 asciilifeform which limonov did mircea_popescu read, i now gotta ask
21:11 asciilifeform ( today he's a burned out old fart, afaik. but if one reads his prison lit -- yes nationalist )
21:12 mircea_popescu there's also a historian limonov
21:14 asciilifeform 'historian' is definitely not how i'd describe eduard l. ( b. savenko ) d00d
21:17 mircea_popescu no no. what was it... hm.
21:17 mircea_popescu medieval studies, something or the other.
21:17 mircea_popescu this is the previous generation, 80s.
21:18 asciilifeform that one i have nfi about.
21:19 mircea_popescu asciilifeform, << this is the fellow ; but not the item.
21:20 mircea_popescu but definitely him, leningrad school.
21:20 mircea_popescu the book though, was early rus
21:20 asciilifeform aa this is very diff fella than the one asciilifeform sometimes mentions.
21:21 mircea_popescu,%20IU.%20A%22&offset=2&max=2 << here, this is the actual book.
21:22 mircea_popescu anyway, the foggiest of the foggy memories, jesus. but the mind will associate! through a fucking million lines, it will associate.
21:23 asciilifeform btw, the 'true' limonov's masterlulz, was actually translated to english. for aficionados strictly :
21:24 mircea_popescu i thought it was mostly wank published by various french people ~about~ the funny friday fellow that someone imported to his salon.
21:25 mircea_popescu incidentally, ro also has one of these, "check out the genuine afrussican".
21:25 mircea_popescu not all that genuine either, but what can you do.
21:25 asciilifeform naa ^this one is autobio, from his time in usa
21:25 asciilifeform where he, e.g., : 'I am on welfare. I live at your expense, you pay taxes and I don't do a fucking thing. Twice a month I go to the clean, spacious welfare office at 1515 Broadway and receive my checks. I consider myself to be scum, the dregs of society, I have no shame or conscience, therefore my conscience doesn't bother me and I don't plan to look for work, I want to receive your money to the end of my days. And my name is Edichka
21:25 asciilifeform , "Eddie-baby."'
21:25 asciilifeform 'You don't like me? You don't want to pay? It's precious little – $278 a month. You don't want to pay. Then why the fuck did you invite me, entice me here from Russia, along with a horde of Jews? Present your complaints to your own propaganda, it's too effective. That's what's emptying your pockets, not I.'
21:26 mircea_popescu eh...
21:26 asciilifeform 'Who was I over there? What's the difference, what would it change? I hate the past, as I always have, in the name of the present. Well, I was a poet, if you must know, a poet was I, an unofficial, underground poet. That's over forever, and now I am one of yours, I am scum, I'm the one to whom you feed shchi and rotten cheap California wine – $3.59 a gallon – and yet I scorn you. Not all of you, but many. Because you lead dull li
21:26 asciilifeform ves, sell yourselves into the slavery of work, because of your vulgar plaid pants, because you make money and have never seen the world. You're shit!'
21:26 asciilifeform enuff for the l0gz. who wants moar? go, read, weep.
21:26 mircea_popescu the coupla hundred bucks is a problem in the feverish imaginations of campy characters scratching at the windows of the blackface performance.
21:28 asciilifeform ( spoiler: d00d eventually went back to ru, had a beer hall putsch of sorts, jailed, sat, wrote buncha lulz, 1000s of pg of lulz, got out, now fringe politics d00d who walks around with swastica-hammersickle hybrid thing, sums to -- afaik -- 0 )
21:30 mircea_popescu well, "poet", whatever. sorta like going around saying you're a homemaker.
21:30 asciilifeform he was poet like yer dog is a sculptor.
21:30 mircea_popescu what the fuck is that, using the human genome to implement a bird, give or take ?
21:36 asciilifeform the translator sweated, however : 'My girl they will snatch / From the car by the nape / And I will then watch / The men commit rape '
21:37 mircea_popescu yeah, it's uniformly terrible. as it happens i just rewatched the original american psycho.
21:37 mircea_popescu just about the level.
21:37 mircea_popescu "we here in america, colony of europe, think 7th grade schooling is great accomplishment"
21:38 asciilifeform 'Fuck your world where there's no place for me, I thought in despair. If I can't destroy it, at least I'll die a fine death in the attempt, along with others like me. I had no concrete image of how this would come about, but from past experience I knew that he who seeks fate is always provided an opportunity; I would not remain without one.'
21:38 asciilifeform anyway, for the entomologist.
21:38 * asciilifeform will bbl.
21:40 mircea_popescu in the end the summum of concerns boils down to "whose gray-on-white business card is better".
21:43 mod6 i remember the film. only watched it once though, probably around the time it came out.
21:44 mod6 indeed, guy was obsessed with which shade of white his business card was, or something :D
21:46 mircea_popescu well, his principal problem isn't even that ; but rather that there isn't ~anything fucking there~. he'd like to have some sort of relationship with someone, but the problem is that he does not actually encounter anyone capable of it.
21:46 mircea_popescu he's literally the only one not psychotic.
21:47 mod6 I gotta re-watch this now.
21:47 mircea_popescu because you know, obviously, if everyone gets to choose everything that happens to them, then necessarily there's no possibility of human interaction. hence
21:47 a111 Logged on 2015-01-30 05:51 mircea_popescu: which is why i am not ever giving it up. the freedom to threaten is not merely my fundamental, unassailable sovereign property, but moreover essential for the construction of effectual instruments to squash the socialists and their golums.
21:49 mircea_popescu (and obviously the choice will also be illusory, for the fundamental reason explained by qt in reservoir dogs : "if nobody knows anyone they're going to start arguing on scarce resource division ~AND NOT KNOW WHEN TO BACK DOWN~". nobody knows WHY they don't get to go to $exclusiverestaurant when they want to. nor can they know. so there's nothing to talk about.)
21:50 mircea_popescu but anyway, imo american psycho should be watched in tandem with naked city. perfect america sandwich.
21:51 mod6 i've never seen 'naked city'
21:51 * mod6 looks up
21:51 mircea_popescu i reviewed it recently. it's pretty great imo.
21:52 mod6 Ah, I'll dig up your review here.
21:53 mod6 << 1949 film, got it. Cheers!
21:54 mod6 Year my old man was born.
21:54 mircea_popescu a long, long, time ago... but i can still remember...
22:01 mod6 these m00 cow stories are pretty sad, but hilarious at the same time.
22:03 mircea_popescu girls keep betting me they can distinguish the two apart, and then that's the last i hear on the matter.
22:05 mod6 Yeah, last footnote there has it.
~ 1 hours 2 minutes ~
23:08 lobbes aha! I can confirm BingoBoingo's excellent guide works like a charm; php5.6 successfully built in ol' lobbes' rockchip
23:15 mircea_popescu nice!
23:15 mircea_popescu arm php huh
23:25 mod6 nice lobbes
23:29 lobbes now to get it playing nice with mysql..
← 2018-05-27 | 2018-05-29 →