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05:15 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-08#1766927 << needless to say re this that just because you trust someone's signature it doesn't follow that someone's obliged to distribute his patches to you ; this allows him to be paid for his work ; you're also more than welcome to obtain your patches from someone other than their author, provided... you trust their signature ; and obviously the author's STILL not obliged to distribute patc
05:15 a111 Logged on 2018-01-08 02:02 mircea_popescu: 5. client proceeds to build what it can (if set to, and as per signatures again) and present the pile.
05:15 mircea_popescu hes to THAT third party either, meaning, again...
05:16 mircea_popescu this then allows the emergence of software distribution networks, and so on.
~ 4 hours 17 minutes ~
09:33 diana_coman in other gnupg-isms: it uses lcm(p-1, q-1) instead of phi itself, supposedly to make decryption faster but essentially through making the decryption exponent smaller; moreover, this is a sort of buildup on the whole pile of stink because it quite relies on p and q NOT being really random (if they really are random, chances are gcd(p-1, q-1) relatively small and therefore phi and lcm not really all that different anyway)
~ 17 minutes ~
09:51 diana_coman (obv. no comments in the code to know why it uses lcm there, so the supposition above is entirely mine; if anyone sees a different reason for that, let me know)
09:56 asciilifeform diana_coman: are you speaking of the item http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/aQhMA/?raw=true ?
09:57 asciilifeform ( snippet paste is from the classical 1.4.10 )
10:00 asciilifeform and gotta point out, gcd and lcm not the same, gcd(x,y)*lcm(x,y)=x*y (proof left as exercise)
10:01 diana_coman asciilifeform, at key generation really, classical 1.4.10, snippet here: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/GWFnN/?raw=true
10:01 diana_coman asciilifeform, where the fuck did I say gcd and lcm same??
10:01 diana_coman phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
10:02 diana_coman lcm = phi / gcd(p-1, q-1)
10:02 asciilifeform possibly i misread the orig comment, where seemed to be used interchangeably
10:02 diana_coman phi and lcm relatively same, NOT lcm and gcd
10:02 asciilifeform ok there it is.
~ 31 minutes ~
10:34 shinohai !!up btcvixen
10:34 deedbot btcvixen voiced for 30 minutes.
10:34 btcvixen yay
10:34 btcvixen so what do I have to do?
10:34 shinohai Welcome btcvixen .... hafta to lurk until mircea_popescu comes online
10:34 btcvixen what do I Have to decorate on my tits now?
10:34 shinohai He should be here any time now
10:35 shinohai Yeah, he will give you a unique string to write on your tits, take pic/upload/ get paid.
10:35 btcvixen oh neat.
10:35 btcvixen where do I prove I've been naked before?
10:36 shinohai Well in otc you said you were on cam?
10:36 btcvixen yeah
10:36 btcvixen i have cam4 profile, chaturbate profile
10:36 btcvixen pornhub
10:36 shinohai Should be sufficient then
10:37 btcvixen shinohai, can i whore my stuff here?
10:40 apeloyee possible reason for http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-08#1766967 is NIST FIPS 186-4: " The exponent d shall be a positive integer value such that 2^(nlen/2) d < LCM(p–1, q–1)" (http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.186-4.pdf#page=62 )
10:40 a111 Logged on 2018-01-08 14:33 diana_coman: in other gnupg-isms: it uses lcm(p-1, q-1) instead of phi itself, supposedly to make decryption faster but essentially through making the decryption exponent smaller; moreover, this is a sort of buildup on the whole pile of stink because it quite relies on p and q NOT being really random (if they really are random, chances are gcd(p-1, q-1) relatively small and therefore phi and lcm not really all that different anyway)
10:40 apeloyee 2^(nlen/2) < d
10:42 diana_coman "where nlen is the appropriate length for the desired security_strength" - where is this wonder in gnupg anyway
10:42 diana_coman apeloyee, I guess that's the how come lcm, because they said so, yes
10:43 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> basically, technocucks so fucking petrified of their emotions and the structure of power, they will retreat into bikeshedding as a comfortable substitute for sanity. << Could not be more evident than in Microshit/Ubuntu "User Interface must change every major release"
10:45 BingoBoingo !~ticker --market all
10:45 jhvh1 BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 14710.0, vol: 16245.50952799 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 14589.0, vol: 56500.76635817 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 14600.0, vol: 3668.69709413 | Volume-weighted last average: 14615.2522153
10:46 BingoBoingo In other news, datacenter meeting Wednesday morning. And ended up booking the hostel through the end of February.
10:46 shinohai Buena suerte BingoBoingo !
10:50 BingoBoingo ty
10:54 BingoBoingo https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=151521435721902 y https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=151521473321941&w=2
10:58 asciilifeform diana_coman, apeloyee : it does make d smaller. but as far as i can see it doesn't do anything interesting rsatronically
10:59 btcvixen can i link my chaturbate channel here?
10:59 asciilifeform ( it makes a kochtronic (i.e. variable-width) arithmetron exponentiate faster. but answer is same , as far as i can tell, as if it were not done )
10:59 diana_coman asciilifeform, thing is: unlikely to make it much smaller anyway if p and q are chosen randomly, no?
10:59 diana_coman useless at best is how I see it too, yes
10:59 BingoBoingo btcvixen: Probably wouldn't hurt
11:00 asciilifeform diana_coman: it shaves typically 1 bit
11:00 asciilifeform q is odd, p is odd, q-1 - even , p - 1 - even
11:00 diana_coman well yes, gcd at least 2, obv
11:00 asciilifeform their gcd then >=2
11:00 asciilifeform aha
11:01 asciilifeform obv. this sort of misery will not be used in ffatronic rsa.
11:01 btcvixen https://chaturbate.com/p/jadeisrad/?tab=bio twitter - @jadeisradXXX http://www.cam4.com/jadeisrad https://www.camsoda.com/jadeisrad but no one uses camsoda
11:01 btcvixen name is Jade, btw.
11:02 apeloyee but gpg uses CRT, thus shaving a bit off d itself ~doesn't matter. looks like "because said so"
11:02 asciilifeform i suspect that koch was blindly following the schoolbook here.
11:02 asciilifeform though it'd be hilarious if there were a subtle bug in mpi fdiv etc.
11:03 asciilifeform i threw away mpi after attempting a very similar exercise to what diana_coman is doing now, and realizing that i'ma prolly never find all of the mines.
11:03 asciilifeform and finding not-all is as good as finding none.
11:08 shinohai Block: 503136 00000000000000000077bb565be220f1cf03648453ef421b22f516d372ceee21 <<< Gotta mine dem Empty blocks so ppl will move to BCrash!
11:18 asciilifeform https://archive.is/42ejR << in other crackpotteries. maurer's prime cooker.
11:24 asciilifeform http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/mN2NJ/?raw=true << whole thing in 1 .txt , for convenience. includes author's sci.crypt-style philosophizing, which is the linkworthy lul to begin with
~ 15 minutes ~
11:40 hanbot !!up btcvixen
11:40 deedbot btcvixen voiced for 30 minutes.
11:40 hanbot btcvixen> name is Jade, btw. << welcome Jade, where are ya from?
11:41 btcvixen new jersey
11:41 btcvixen shore area :)
11:46 hanbot oh hey, i don't think there's any other jersey talent here atm, i guess you get to be de-facto miss shores. i'm in costa rica, banana area
11:46 hanbot what do you do besides camming?
11:47 btcvixen not much, really hoping to get into motorcycle racing
11:47 btcvixen really the reason i started camming
11:49 mircea_popescu dun dun dun
11:49 hanbot if motorcycle racing plucked most participants from camsites i wager it'd be a lot more interesting, personally ;p
11:51 mircea_popescu hanbot you mean the camhos or the zombies "watching" ?
11:51 hanbot the former, naturally
11:51 mircea_popescu i could see it.
11:52 BingoBoingo Honestly incorporating that into the act could motivate the punters to part with the cash faster
11:52 mircea_popescu btcvixen oh, were you here to tits ?
11:53 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo considering the death of the indiancandy experiment... i expect the pebkac.
11:53 hanbot BingoBoingo totally, camhos and sportsbooks were made for each other, no idea why there's nothing doing atm
11:53 ben_vulpes ohey, btcvixen
11:54 shinohai indiancandy came by as sofiababy last night while I was afk mircea_popescu .... still need a voice for the pr thing ?
11:55 * shinohai does like her for her Brit voice at least ....
11:56 btcvixen hey ben_vulpes
11:56 btcvixen mircea_popescu, yes
11:56 btcvixen I have been patiently waiting here for this, almost in disbelief in what sort of digital harem you've managed to accumulate.
11:56 ben_vulpes btcvixen: didja get bored of the #-otc babbling?
11:56 mircea_popescu shinohai a what now ?
11:57 mircea_popescu btcvixen holy shit you've got like an irc client and everything ? what are you, like a geek ?
11:57 btcvixen lol, i've been spectating it for several years.
11:57 shinohai There was a mention of needing a voiceover for tmsr radio production? I can dig inlogs
11:57 mircea_popescu btcvixen use 4bf34cdf
11:57 btcvixen mircea_popescu, i generated 6600 coins cpu back in 2010, unfortuantely i got raped and spent them on heroin and they were gone by march of 2012 when they were worth $2 a pop
11:58 btcvixen i've been cleaned up since march though, but i really could've used that $100 million
11:58 mircea_popescu the logs thank you for this story.
11:58 btcvixen instead i'm camwhoring.
11:58 mircea_popescu !!key btcvixen
11:58 deedbot http://wot.deedbot.org/11E3DCAED09A98A1837E58C4910CB253AC6DEDE2.asc
11:58 mircea_popescu jeez, look at that even.
11:58 btcvixen I was thinking of writing a book.... entitled "from hashcodes to Heroin: a bitcoin legacy"
11:58 * shinohai imagines gabriel _ladell reading with interest, preparing marriage proposal .....
11:58 mircea_popescu !!rate btcvixen best 100mn heroin story.
11:59 mircea_popescu uh i mean
11:59 mircea_popescu !!rate btcvixen 1 best 100mn heroin story.
11:59 deedbot Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/vt0pj/?raw=true
11:59 btcvixen okay lemme go get a sharpie and my tits lol.
11:59 asciilifeform i'll read, to find out... wtf is a 'hashcode'
11:59 btcvixen oh cool, already got my tits.
11:59 btcvixen ask mircea
12:00 ben_vulpes btcvixen: lol i was gonna ask where you keep 'em
12:00 mircea_popescu yeah asciilifeform you should ask me computing things when you don't know what they are.
12:00 asciilifeform aha!
12:00 mircea_popescu because some can be hard/obscure.
12:00 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: in a wooden holster, opposite from the one with the mauser, naturally
12:01 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: hue, ofc how silly of me
12:01 ben_vulpes these are good logs boys
12:01 btcvixen mircea_popescu, can i throw my twitter or chaturbate there too or just the code?
12:01 mircea_popescu sure
12:01 shinohai Precisely how large are those tits ffs ?
12:02 btcvixen actually i might skip that part since it's hard enough to write numbers mirrored on my own tits
12:02 btcvixen mircea_popescu, case sensitive?
12:02 mircea_popescu either way
12:02 ben_vulpes btcvixen: cannot draw visual palindromes on demand?
12:02 ben_vulpes teh shame
12:03 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes do you also have any questions about computer things i could answer for you ?
12:04 ben_vulpes oooh yeah actually yeah there's this thing called javascript and i can't figure out why it exists, what's up with that
12:04 mircea_popescu ask asciilifeform .
12:04 btcvixen okay
12:04 ben_vulpes hey asciilifeform what's up with javascript?
12:04 * mircea_popescu does a meppy jig
12:04 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: y'mean the scratchings in the sand that pass for script on isle of java ?
12:05 ben_vulpes "eyy, so javascript am i right? eh? anyone? it's like, terrible right?"
12:05 asciilifeform i dunno anyother kind!11!
12:05 mircea_popescu this is because you have to ask me about computing like things asciilifeform
12:05 mircea_popescu here, i wrote a trilema article on it :
12:05 asciilifeform aha, gotta ask mircea_popescu
12:05 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2013/i-dont-no-biari-i-know-a-littel-java/
12:05 mircea_popescu IT IS FROM 2013! ALL THIS WAS FORETOLD
12:05 ben_vulpes heyyyyy mircea_popescu why are programmers so angry
12:06 mircea_popescu cuz they've no crypto for heroin.
12:06 ben_vulpes "we will *not* be shooting up, omfg. we will be *snorting* like civilized adults."
12:06 mircea_popescu why, you like the mononostril look ?
12:06 btcvixen mircea_popescu, https://imgur.com/a/xhfTl
12:07 ben_vulpes NOFACE REEEEEEEE
12:07 btcvixen i can add face my mistake
12:07 mircea_popescu get yer mug in there btcvixen
12:07 btcvixen i have no make up though
12:07 ben_vulpes autism alarms
12:07 mircea_popescu lol so make up. BUT YOU HAVE ONLY HALF HOUR
12:08 asciilifeform um is this another brendafdez
12:09 ben_vulpes your favorite kind, asciilifeform !
12:09 asciilifeform lol
12:10 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-08#1766977 << i don't see the problem with using the actual spec. koch "optimizations" not really useful.
12:10 a111 Logged on 2018-01-08 15:02 diana_coman: phi and lcm relatively same, NOT lcm and gcd
12:10 mircea_popescu asciilifeform what's that mean ?
12:10 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: synthetic chix
12:11 shinohai oh ... oh ....oh
12:11 mircea_popescu as in what, not huge tits ? chromosomally xy ? which ?
12:11 asciilifeform the latter
12:13 mircea_popescu dude theo de radt discussing "Captured"... gimme a fucking break
12:14 trinque BingoBoingo: ey, got a quote back from Latechco on a rack. PM if you want to compare
12:15 mircea_popescu awww, jesus. btcvixen listen! this dun work for "transgender"! what did you think "any human female" meant ?!
12:16 trinque BingoBoingo: not trying to rent the thing for you; just gathering ammo to help.
12:16 mircea_popescu !!up btcvixen
12:16 deedbot btcvixen voiced for 30 minutes.
12:16 btcvixen my id says female though
12:16 btcvixen i can show you that
12:16 btcvixen do you ask for anyone elses vagina/
12:16 btcvixen or do you have special rules for me based on a whisper?
12:16 ben_vulpes fiat id reeeeeeeee
12:17 asciilifeform trinque: i could use this, actually, in re http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-28#1759305
12:17 a111 Logged on 2017-12-28 01:25 asciilifeform: !~later tell BingoBoingo where was that hoster that'll host peculiarly small boxes , that you were using back in the day ? i have a buncha http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-19#1754247 that fit exactly those dimensions
12:17 btcvixen https://i.imgur.com/1P102Wj.png
12:17 ben_vulpes (all you really need to see are the knuckles hue)
12:17 btcvixen You asked for females to show you tits. I am female, I showed you tits. Why are my real tits less legitimate than a female with silicon tits?
12:17 mircea_popescu btcvixen well, if you're curious about procedure, l1 invalidated your claim and you're sol. kinda how things work here.
12:17 asciilifeform ben_vulpes has it; 'whisper' was not prompted by a secret dislike of asciilifeform's of people who start with 'b'
12:17 mircea_popescu but procedural approach isn't worth much in the republic anyway.
12:18 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: first people whose names start with 't' and now 'b'
12:18 asciilifeform lolaha
12:18 ben_vulpes clearly a tigot
12:18 mircea_popescu btcvixen no, the substantive issue is that you are not female ; you would like to be, which is fine, but it doesn't do anything.
12:18 btcvixen but i am female
12:18 mircea_popescu do you understand what "female" means ?
12:18 asciilifeform and i'ma rhinoceros!
12:18 btcvixen i would have been fine if ben_vulpes did not blow up my spot.
12:19 ben_vulpes excuse me?
12:19 mircea_popescu the fact thjat you might've gotten away with fraud doesn't actually change the argument.
12:19 btcvixen it's not fraud, i am who i am.
12:19 btcvixen I am female.
12:19 mircea_popescu no.
12:19 btcvixen shinohai, did you purposefully bring me here to mock me?
12:19 mircea_popescu the claim "i am female" is fraudulent ; you are male and will die male. this is something decided at birth and unalterable.
12:20 btcvixen is this the purpose of your whole little thing?
12:20 mircea_popescu if you are confused on the matter, pick a cell and a chromosome count kid, see if the sex chromosome is xx or xy.
12:20 btcvixen why is it when i am hormonally female i function so much more clearly and feel so much more comfortable
12:20 btcvixen there's XX males and XY females
12:20 btcvixen XXY
12:21 btcvixen just because your personal philosophy doesn't accept who i am as a person doesn't invalidate me or my identity.
12:21 mircea_popescu btcvixen no, actually, nobody gives a shit about the obscure "i am genderconfused" demo either. the purpose is for the ~5bn extand females to earn a penny ; the 50k or whatever overfed white boys with too much tiome on their time isn't foremost on anyone's mind.
12:21 mircea_popescu btcvixen my personal philosophy doesn't enter into any of this.
12:21 btcvixen Yes it does, as my government id says "Sex: F"
12:21 btcvixen and you are denying me what you asked for females
12:21 mircea_popescu your government is about as interesting as one instance of dorks playing monopoly.
12:22 asciilifeform and ihear in europistan you can get 'Sex: martian' nao
12:22 btcvixen where do you get off on this?
12:22 mircea_popescu now -- stop making fraudulent claims, and find something useful to do for yourslef, there's more in the republic than titswriting.
12:22 btcvixen i did what you asked for, why not extend yourself as promised. I told you who I am. I know who I am.
12:22 btcvixen just because you say otherwise doesn't mean anything. You may have money but the one thing you don't have is authority over my identity.
12:22 mircea_popescu if you persist i'll also negrate you.
12:23 btcvixen I know who I am, and any little opinion you have is worthless to me.
12:23 mircea_popescu aite then.
12:23 btcvixen My mind, my strength, and my integrity are worth far more than those 2 bitcents of pittance you offer me.
12:23 shinohai btcvixen: nope, but the heroin story was grand.
12:23 mircea_popescu !!rate btcvixen -1 attempted to scam bitcoin through fraudulent claims.
12:23 deedbot Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/oAkZv/?raw=true
12:23 btcvixen yeah it would have helped... but overall you just seem to be a shallow man that doesn't seem to realize the entire scope of human individuality
12:23 mircea_popescu !!down btcvixen
12:24 asciilifeform this is almost as preeecious as alice_
12:24 ben_vulpes pwahaha
12:24 mircea_popescu the gall, you know.
12:24 ben_vulpes good monday, #trilema! are there any other marginalized characters who want to line up for a stomping?
12:25 trinque lol
12:25 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes incredible what sort of inflexible thinker ends up sucked into the whole "no rly, i r gurl" subculture.
12:25 ben_vulpes the speed at which the immune system kicked in was pretty impressive
12:25 ben_vulpes "do we really hav to do this? IN 201y!?!?!"
12:26 shinohai asciilifeform: did not know until now that Bfernandez was xy
12:26 asciilifeform shinohai: iirc was upfront about it
12:26 trinque I mean.. it was apparent
12:26 asciilifeform some folx are honest
12:26 mircea_popescu somehow "The vaguely amused forum + mp rating is worth WAY the fuck more than whatever self-delusions i nurse, let me put this to use" is apparently inaccessible.
12:26 shinohai I think I only spoke 2-3 times when I first came here with them
12:26 mircea_popescu da fuck anyone could possibly care about anything OTHER than " got hanbot to talk to me and mp rated me"
12:26 shinohai The moar you know
12:27 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: prolly just heard 'ooh there's a chan where some weirdo's handing out phreecoinz'
12:27 * shinohai doesn't think he has ever seen a bfernandez pic
12:27 mircea_popescu shinohai certainly didn't attempt to defraud, the fernandez.
12:28 shinohai Nah, it was my fault I saw over in #otc where was advertising cam links, I linked to article. But is user's responsibility to read
12:28 mircea_popescu asciilifeform you mean in the way "just heard there's weird internet money let me spend it all" ?
12:28 asciilifeform aaha
12:29 mircea_popescu shinohai do a skim over see if there's "transsexual" or w/e mentioned, spare the future tulpas the rude reawakening.
12:29 * mircea_popescu would be very impressed to see one that got this clue running, but does not expect to.
12:29 * shinohai adds this to the list. along with his rejection of Colombian cows in the future ....
12:29 mircea_popescu after all, if brain worked, situation wouldn't exist.
12:29 asciilifeform btw supposedly in usa these 'beauties' with delusions of femality, regularly get themselves savagely beaten/knifed/floating in river , when attempting to act on said delusions with street demographic that takes кто ты по жизни seriously
12:30 shinohai lmao
12:30 trinque that just feeds into the precious cuntlet narrative in head
12:30 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i expect.
12:30 asciilifeform aha, it gets spun into an ohnoez mediacircus with some regularity
12:31 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-08#1767034 << nah, banano is by limon.
12:31 a111 Logged on 2018-01-08 16:46 hanbot: oh hey, i don't think there's any other jersey talent here atm, i guess you get to be de-facto miss shores. i'm in costa rica, banana area
12:32 hanbot fuck me, i'm lost in the fruit salad
12:32 trinque lol
12:33 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: this wasn't always the case, once upon a time the trannies in times square were more likely to knife a less-than-complimentary strolling banker
12:33 mircea_popescu hahah
12:33 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes when was this time, other than in pantsuit alt-history ?
12:33 ben_vulpes at that time though the banker was likely in the square for the trade anyways, and so would know how to talk
12:33 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: 70s
12:33 ben_vulpes when gay men were real men
12:33 mircea_popescu ~only thing the weirdos ever knifed was their own, take the scum manifesto nutjob that iirc was on trilema even
12:34 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes this ~never happened.
12:34 asciilifeform iirc 'scum' was an actual female
12:34 ben_vulpes well look i've got you on one hand and the gay elders who despise my generation on the other, one of you actually lived in new york on the scene in heels before it was cleaned up
12:34 mircea_popescu pre stonewall inn gay men were ~police-beating-dummies, and post well... media whores. this "gay men, real men" thing may be a conflatioin with the west coast biker/leather bdsm gay scene, but
12:35 mircea_popescu more of a mythological rehistory (like the "castles in europe" etc) than factual.
12:35 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes yes, about a third of the whores i shot porn with.
12:36 mircea_popescu aaanyway, i shall go buy more suits and things nao, so we can continue this laters.
~ 31 minutes ~
13:07 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/8P84I/?raw=true
~ 17 minutes ~
13:25 diana_coman !!up Swant
13:25 deedbot Swant voiced for 30 minutes.
13:25 diana_coman lol, from Ikea Swant ?
13:25 Swant Nope just a bad in-joke
13:25 Swant I'm in no way related to ikea xD
13:26 diana_coman so who are you?
13:29 Swant Well I'm just a normal freenode staffer and wanted to check in on what this channel is as it was brought to my attention
13:30 diana_coman Swant, how is that brought to attention? like on a platter or what? btw, there are logs, help yourself
13:31 Swant Yeah I might have to look into those
13:31 Swant But if you have time, please tl;dr; me on the purpose of this channel
13:32 Swant Because from what some other users have told me it's for buying and selling porn...
13:32 diana_coman lmao
13:33 diana_coman Swant, the tl;dr is in the chan's topic, no? Topic for #trilema is: You have reached The Most Serene Republic, the world's only sovereign.
13:34 Swant Well that doesn't really clear it up for me tbf
13:35 Swant I'm looking for the slightly longer tl;dr; then :p
13:36 shinohai I'm curious, was the "porn selling" reported by this particular seller of pron? http://bitcoinstats.com/irc/bitcoin-otc/logs/2018/01/08#l1515415372.0
13:36 asciilifeform Swant: there's a public log, going back years, http://btcbase.org/log
13:36 shinohai If so, wrong chan
13:36 diana_coman trouble is that TMSR doesn't quite fit in tl;dr other than that, so ...it's logs; anyways, there is search function, guess search for porn selling or whatevs
13:41 BingoBoingo Major projects in this channel include hardware TRNGs, OS replacement utilities written in ADA, and other peer to peer and noone else communications tools
13:55 ben_vulpes https://www.zmescience.com/science/oceanography/melting-ice-sea-rise-08012018/ << ocean bottom is deforming but this means that sea level actually rose more than was previously guessed at rising!
14:06 BingoBoingo !!up Swant
14:06 deedbot Swant voiced for 30 minutes.
14:13 ben_vulpes in other self contradictions of life under american socialism, google is facing class action lawsuits from both men and women claiming different kinds of discrimination
14:13 ben_vulpes https://techcrunch.com/2018/01/08/james-damore-just-filed-a-class-action-lawsuit-against-google-saying-it-discriminates-against-white-male-conservatives/ title all really one needs for the day's chuckles
14:13 ben_vulpes (damore, for anyone who forgot, was fired from google for thoughtcrime)
14:15 shinohai Moar google lulz ..... I'm still in stitches over them getting all their bikes yanked, and spending investigation monies into finding out how this could possibly happen.
~ 1 hours 5 minutes ~
15:20 TomServo In other news, A federal judge dismissed all charges against rancher Cliven Bundy, his two sons and another man on Monday.
15:20 TomServo U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro cited "flagrant prosecutorial misconduct" in her decision to dismiss all charges against the Nevada rancher and three others.
15:20 shinohai O.o
15:22 trinque mistrial == avoiding setting precedent eh?
15:22 asciilifeform aaha, pretty handy
15:23 ben_vulpes trinque: what precedent?
15:25 trinque iirc these guys shot back at the feds?
15:26 trinque if so, that. any situation where "shot back and won"
15:27 ben_vulpes i don't see how this isn't a won except in the minds of the feds
15:28 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: no precedent gets set. and since the 'double jeopardy' restriction in usa is as good as gone, the same d00dz can be re-accused and re-tried later by obummer-II or whoever
15:30 shinohai Any students of prb here know what this Lightning shit is? http://archive.is/pLqJN
15:30 asciilifeform shinohai: 'offchain'ism
15:30 asciilifeform snoar
15:30 shinohai More not Bitcoin
~ 2 hours 47 minutes ~
18:17 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-08#1767262 << except, of course, the one that got shot.
18:17 a111 Logged on 2018-01-08 20:20 TomServo: In other news, A federal judge dismissed all charges against rancher Cliven Bundy, his two sons and another man on Monday.
18:18 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-08#1767269 << i would say you're exactly correct. "shooting at usg men is always the right move ; if you do it you'll win ; do not think of this".
18:18 a111 Logged on 2018-01-08 20:26 trinque: if so, that. any situation where "shot back and won"
18:19 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-08#1767272 << replacement of bluematt's original "let's not really fix the peer problem" "solution"
18:19 a111 Logged on 2018-01-08 20:30 shinohai: Any students of prb here know what this Lightning shit is? http://archive.is/pLqJN
18:21 shinohai !#s XMSS
18:21 a111 0 results for "XMSS", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=XMSS
18:26 ben_vulpes in other convergences, one of the 'keybase' faces nominally also 'built' the 'okcupid' thing mike_c now runs
18:26 mircea_popescu hey, the sv circus dun really have that many faces.
18:26 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: canhaz link ?
18:27 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: https://chriscoyne.com/
18:28 mircea_popescu jesus
18:28 asciilifeform lol sparknotes
18:28 mircea_popescu let's make this point plain, as apparently somehow it's not self-evident : acting like a mongoloid does not get you "suave" brownie points. it gets you mongoloid points.
18:28 ben_vulpes > malgorithms
18:28 ben_vulpes apropos
18:29 mircea_popescu there's something wrong with lanky adult failing to understand what the problem with child bikes are.
18:30 asciilifeform face begs for brick.
18:30 asciilifeform harvard face.
18:30 mircea_popescu more like "community college in the general harvard area" but w/e. splitting pubes.
18:31 mircea_popescu !!up pehbot
18:31 deedbot pehbot voiced for 30 minutes.
18:32 mircea_popescu !A .~.~.~.2.4.8X
18:32 pehbot mircea_popescu:
18:32 mircea_popescu !A .~.~.~.2.4.7X
18:32 pehbot mircea_popescu:
18:32 asciilifeform yagottaprintit
18:32 mircea_popescu !A .~.~.~.2.4.7X#
18:32 pehbot mircea_popescu: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002
18:32 mircea_popescu !A .~.~.~.2.4.8X#
18:32 pehbot mircea_popescu: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
18:32 mircea_popescu this is remarkably fast considering what it does!
18:32 asciilifeform 256b
18:33 asciilifeform egyptian modexp is a o(n^3) op
18:33 mircea_popescu myeah. judicious choice, at that.
18:33 asciilifeform ( recall, PeterL verified empirically )
18:33 mircea_popescu !A .~.~.~.115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935.57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819957.2X#
18:33 pehbot mircea_popescu: EGGOG: Pos: 71: Constant Exceeds Bitness!
18:34 asciilifeform ^ hint : goto col 71 and zap forward
18:34 asciilifeform it tells you exactly where
18:34 mircea_popescu asciilifeform is pos 71 actually in any way transformable to pa ha!
18:34 asciilifeform aha.
18:34 mircea_popescu this is pretty well thought out!
18:34 asciilifeform it's a nonforward+nonbackward-looking parser, if you will.
18:35 asciilifeform i.e. '1' actually is just shiftleft-by-4-and-or-with-1
18:35 asciilifeform i.e. 'A' actually is just shiftleft-by-4-and-or-with-A
18:35 asciilifeform etc
18:35 mircea_popescu !~calc 2^256 - 1
18:35 jhvh1 mircea_popescu: 2^256 - 1 = 1.157920892373162E77
18:35 asciilifeform lol!!
18:35 mircea_popescu asciilifeform sooo... not 256 bit then ?
18:35 asciilifeform yes256
18:35 asciilifeform watch
18:35 mircea_popescu what am i missing here ?
18:35 asciilifeform !A .~#
18:35 asciilifeform there you go
18:35 mircea_popescu o damn i forgot.
18:36 pehbot mircea_popescu: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
18:36 mircea_popescu nifty.
18:37 asciilifeform if you read ch4 you'll know all there is to know about it, it's simple, like kalash
18:38 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/patches/ffa_ch4_ffacalc#L194 << from here , to end of ffa_calc.adb, whole mechanism.
18:38 mircea_popescu ya
18:42 BingoBoingo !~ticker --market all
18:42 jhvh1 BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 14978.98, vol: 16664.61012220 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 14900.0, vol: 64596.19423353 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 14904.7, vol: 3924.80854617 | Volume-weighted last average: 14915.6671703
18:47 mircea_popescu !!pay pete_dushenski 0.58441904
18:47 deedbot Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/nzwCy/?raw=true
~ 16 minutes ~
19:03 BingoBoingo If anyone wants to take samples from a roach den http://archive.is/EmGTv
19:06 ben_vulpes lol dafuq is an orderly exit "we will take these mining rigs and give you these yuan good luck fellas"?
19:07 mircea_popescu !!key esthlos
19:07 deedbot http://wot.deedbot.org/EDB93AD2CAB28398010B46D025C71657FDA71DC2.asc
19:07 ben_vulpes assuming anyone knows where the large hashpower actually lives, and it isn't under the protection of whomever granted access to the low-cost-juice already
19:10 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes kinda hard not to know ; sensitive to the same process of discovery as "hydroponic" pot farm
19:11 asciilifeform lol except for the ones disguised as bauxite refineries
19:12 mircea_popescu but there's a) permits required to bauxite refinery which includes inspections and b) trivially ennumerable set.
19:12 asciilifeform !#s china is a bug
19:12 a111 1 result for "china is a bug", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=china%20is%20a%20bug
19:12 asciilifeform and yes.
19:13 mircea_popescu kinda why the ancient http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-13#920246
19:13 a111 Logged on 2014-11-13 21:27 mircea_popescu: assbot: Cloud&Heat is putting servers in homes and offices and the heat from them is free. << o look, one step closer to the bitcoin miner heating tile element.
19:13 ben_vulpes easier at the powerplants too
19:13 mircea_popescu but, human species consisting of ~morons, obviously that STILL wasn't done.
19:13 ben_vulpes easy to hide miners at powerplants, i mean to say
19:13 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes "easy" and "miner" goes trogether about as well as "sexy" and "fat" pair.
19:13 mircea_popescu ie, you need a certain unreal perspective.
19:18 asciilifeform i'll observe that i can't yet buy a conventional-comp-that-is-waterheater either, even though it'd be quite handy ( i already have multi-kW water heater item )
19:18 mircea_popescu you'd expecvt the "watercooling" folk went that way, but neh.
19:18 mircea_popescu tho from an engineering pov this is quite trivial, if you look at how kitted the euro natgas heaters are...
19:19 asciilifeform laughably trivial. units on the market : 0.
19:19 mircea_popescu it'd be ~nothing to preheat the water in comp. but... why think and especially why obey when could instead go wahwahwah special cuntlet.
19:19 mircea_popescu that's what's the bug, "baby you can do anything!!1".
19:20 mircea_popescu habsburg empire was built by the knuth. the ~other~ one.
19:20 mircea_popescu to date there's no other way.
19:20 asciilifeform ahahaha
19:21 mircea_popescu back then, you didn't have (in the sense, you didn't perceive a batshit insane, thoroughly delusional obligation) to explain shit to the plebs.
19:21 mircea_popescu "it puts the cream on or it gets the knuth again" shall be the whole of the law.
19:24 asciilifeform but also back then it was faberge egg (i.e. craftsmanship), rather than industry
19:24 asciilifeform ( recall the 'mass production is a bug' thread )
19:24 mircea_popescu i'd call it industry rather than mass production.
19:24 mircea_popescu the item in "industrial revolution" has ~nothing to do with toyota.
19:25 asciilifeform right, e.g. cannon were mass-produced long before industry (in the mass-marketism sense)
19:25 mircea_popescu quite.
19:25 mircea_popescu they're distinct threads in human civilisation (as opposed to human culture). textile was mass produced long before it was industrialized also.
19:26 mircea_popescu similarily salted fish, grain, women, and a few other staples.
19:26 asciilifeform and it isn't as if it is a total mystery what current-day machinery produced in the ludovic-13 cannon style look like. looks like lockheed et al
19:26 mircea_popescu massmarketization visible from moon, by specific scar tissue around item
19:29 asciilifeform upstack re chinese : not clear why anybody thinks this is not the 17th (or whatver, i lost count) iteration of ck-kpss's algo for snarfing up cheap coinz ('ban', buy, 'unban')
19:29 mircea_popescu eh, ban my foot.
19:29 mircea_popescu all this self-important nonsense. "ban" don't you know.
19:29 asciilifeform they do it >1ce/yr nao
19:29 asciilifeform worx on the weakhands presumably
19:30 mircea_popescu i'm sure.
19:33 asciilifeform hey, if you have a switch that reliably moves the exch rate even slightly down, and when released -- back up -- that there's an engine.
19:33 asciilifeform can do work.
19:33 asciilifeform a sort of hydro plant powered by idjits.
19:34 mircea_popescu powered by your own arse.
19:34 mircea_popescu costs them more to run it than it makes them, but, by all means, please, more of the wahwahwah special cuntlet behaviour, i don't mind.
19:35 mircea_popescu people who were abused in their childhood under the guise of "education" (ie, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-06#1679600 ) fail to realise that... everything is an engine. including repeatedly stepping on a rake in the grass, or geting the plague.
19:35 a111 Logged on 2017-07-06 15:09 mircea_popescu: which is how every god damned kid that was sexually abused through the process of socialist schooling (which is all of them -- education is education, and socialist school is definitionally sexual abuse of all children involved) ends up with the idea that newton sat down TO discover whatever he did (unimportant, really) and THEREFORE he did.
19:36 asciilifeform not clear to me what it costs chinese ck
19:36 asciilifeform all they gotta do is step on fud gas, then unstep
19:39 mircea_popescu well, the fanfics are in the business of credibility, generally.
19:39 mircea_popescu what it costs them is being taken seriously.
19:40 mircea_popescu (contrary to what literary personages like to pretend, there's no hardware hack for this, can parade all the missile trucks they want, it's still a literary phenomenon.)
19:40 asciilifeform ( re ck: oblig https://songstext.ru/tekst-pesni-huj-zabej-tualet-perevod-slova-pesni/ << circa '89! even )
19:40 mircea_popescu a lot has changed since the 80s
19:41 asciilifeform from asciilifeform's admittedly distant perch, loox as if cn knew the seekret of 'eternal '80s'
19:41 asciilifeform but i've nfi.
19:41 mircea_popescu i suspect that secret consists of alf not having looked at anything other than.
19:41 mircea_popescu which can't blame anyone for, it's ~junk anyway.
19:52 deedbot http://thewhet.net/2018/01/the-trilema-article-database-a-toollet/ << The Whet - The Trilema Article Database, a toollet.
19:52 mircea_popescu lmao read "toilet" first pas, was like wutwutWUT
19:53 hanbot lol
19:53 * asciilifeform also!
19:53 BingoBoingo a toilset!
19:54 mircea_popescu hanbot i just looked, it's actually only 8`119. somehow.
19:55 mircea_popescu i confess it FEELS like 100k.
19:55 mircea_popescu but... maybe in time.
19:55 hanbot ohshit, even with all the wikileaks itams?
19:55 mircea_popescu wikileaks not really that big.
19:56 hanbot okay then. diminunizing claims!
19:57 mircea_popescu hanbot looked into the dewey decimal system btw ?
19:59 mod6 evenin
20:00 mircea_popescu how goes mod6
20:00 hanbot mircea_popescu i did not.
20:01 mod6 mircea_popescu: hey, ok! way behind on things, but otherwise good.
20:02 * mod6 catches up on l0gz
20:02 mircea_popescu i'm vaguely curious how useful this'd be, "article X includes 003/101/209/309/402/801/908 !"
20:02 mircea_popescu oh and 918.
20:02 mircea_popescu (geography and travel in south america)
20:02 hanbot mircea_popescu do you see a specific advantage it'd offer?
20:03 hanbot yeah cross-referencing could get...noodly
20:03 mircea_popescu well, to the sort of people who have it preloaded in their heads, it'd offer an advantage of convenience. also perhaps machine-classifiable.
20:05 * mircea_popescu has toyed with the idea of replacing current "Categories" with some kind of dewey-ism.
20:05 mircea_popescu tho it'd get gnarly.
20:05 hanbot also not sure it's sufficiently detailed to handle the occult topics...what is the number for anal torture? but i'll have a looksy anyhow
20:05 mircea_popescu (tbh, i think it's somewhat shameful the item doesn't come preloaded as a default in wordpress ; it SHOULD by rights, that's what fucking culture is about in the first place, offer the classes preloaded ffs.)
20:06 mircea_popescu hanbot it can get pretty fucking 9 digit detailed. i just vaguely remember the general leads
20:06 mircea_popescu and some narrower interest lengthier classes.
20:07 BingoBoingo <hanbot> also not sure it's sufficiently detailed to handle the occult topics...what is the number for anal torture? but i'll have a looksy anyhow << It's there. The time consuming part is the cutter numbers after the .
20:08 hanbot hmm. okay
20:15 mircea_popescu oh, this is actually BingoBoingo 's field huh ?
20:15 asciilifeform in other experimental noose, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-06#1766135 >> -gnatp ( max danger moad ) is ~2x measured speedup.
20:15 a111 Logged on 2018-01-06 23:05 asciilifeform: btw i prolly oughta have mentioned, the timing figures (not only in ch6, but all posted to date) presume that ~all~ bounds-checks remain enabled.
20:15 BingoBoingo Well, years ago
20:16 asciilifeform ( see also https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.6.1/gnat_ugn_unw/Run_002dTime-Checks.html )
20:23 shinohai Just read your post .... nifty work hanbot!
20:33 mod6 asciilifeform: you're gonna do the asm unroll with the bounds checks tho right/
20:34 asciilifeform unroll?
20:35 asciilifeform experiment was in re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-06#1766136 .
20:35 a111 Logged on 2018-01-06 23:05 asciilifeform: if one is satisfied with the nonoverflowability of the array refs , under all possible inputs , it is possible to yank'em. and get order-of-magnitude speedup.
20:36 asciilifeform figure applies to errything. i.e. for any given nontrivial ada proggy, the cost of the checks is about 2x.
20:37 asciilifeform ffa is one of the very few ( i dun expect to see another ) proggies where you can prove bounds. because the array indices do not EVER depend on the inputs.
20:38 asciilifeform ( ffa specifically. in ffa_calc, very obviously they do , in the stack mechanism . however the inner loops, i.e. 99.9999...% of the time is spent, in ffa proper. )
20:39 asciilifeform this being said, whether to build with -gnatp is personal choice of the operator. not mine.
20:39 mod6 i may be mis-remembering this, just thought there was a plan to take the disassembly and produce asm that you would then fabricate possibly?
20:39 mod6 or did i hallucinate that?
20:39 asciilifeform mod6: separate project.
20:39 asciilifeform mod6: in a from-the-ground asming, you dun need to do the ruinously expensive synthetic carryflag thing
20:39 asciilifeform and yes you also get to unroll for particular bitness
20:39 mod6 ahh gotcha.
20:40 mod6 ok
20:41 asciilifeform it is worth to keep in mind that ffa is , to steal from knuth, 'for readers to read first, and for machine to execute second'
20:41 asciilifeform it is a simple guide to the making of sane arithmetron. that can be hand-compiled with reasonable effort to whatever arch.
20:42 asciilifeform without an ada compiler at all.
20:42 asciilifeform mod6: the discussion of disassembly was a separate one, concerning audit of 'wtf actually comes out of this-here gnat'
20:44 mircea_popescu in fact all code is first and foremost literary work. that (some of it) machines can run is about as interesting as which kinds of smoothies flies favour.
20:45 asciilifeform aha. given correct human-readables, you can always make a mechanism. but very muchly not vice-versa
20:45 mircea_popescu quite.
20:49 mod6 werd.
20:53 mircea_popescu also re "epicycles", should prolly link http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-22#1487207 (or the other one, iirc we had a better discussion somewhewre as to how actual clocks were "hacked" over time to catch up with the moving solar function, resulting in these cvasi-organic piles of patches upon patches making the original mechanism barely comprehensible). imo the better example ; anyone who's seen a medieval clock can't help but b
20:53 a111 Logged on 2016-06-22 17:12 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-22#1486970 << you know, the proposition that drugs enhance the mind is not so unlikely from the proposition that hanging polished stones of various colors, dead parrots and other detritus from the weights of a grandfather clock improve its timekeeping accuracy.
20:53 mircea_popescu e impressed by the insanity made manifest.
20:56 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-09#1767465 << this also serves as a better statement of naggum's "free software failed" argument. it is ~worthless to obtain access to insanity mechanized.
20:56 a111 Logged on 2018-01-09 01:45 asciilifeform: aha. given correct human-readables, you can always make a mechanism. but very muchly not vice-versa
20:57 mircea_popescu the point is to force the sort of people who are actually insane out of the production process entirely ; and to keep them out permanently.
20:57 mircea_popescu consider : if microsoft word worked correctly, I WOULDN'T EVEN NEED TO READ ITS CODE. not because "oh, practically no need" but because I WOULD ALREADY KNOW WHAT IT SAID. because there's no other way to say it.
20:58 mircea_popescu it is, after all, a deterministic machine.
20:58 mircea_popescu in short, i don't want to read what sort of code apple wrote ; i want apple to never write any code again as long as any of them live.
20:59 mircea_popescu !#s "not glad he's dead but glad he's gone"
20:59 a111 0 results for "\"not glad he's dead but glad he's gone\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22not%20glad%20he%27s%20dead%20but%20glad%20he%27s%20gone%22
20:59 mircea_popescu o rly ?
~ 1 hours 52 minutes ~
22:51 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-09#1767477 >> https://stallman.org/archives/2011-jul-oct.html#06_October_2011_%28Steve_Jobs%29
22:51 a111 Logged on 2018-01-09 01:59 mircea_popescu: !#s "not glad he's dead but glad he's gone"
22:52 mircea_popescu aha
~ 21 minutes ~
23:13 lobbes http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-09#1767408 << neato hanbot
23:13 a111 Logged on 2018-01-09 00:52 deedbot: http://thewhet.net/2018/01/the-trilema-article-database-a-toollet/ << The Whet - The Trilema Article Database, a toollet.
~ 16 minutes ~
23:29 deedbot http://trilema.com/2018/lucy/ << Trilema - Lucy
← 2018-01-07 | 2018-01-09 →