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← 2017-05-01 | 2017-05-03 →
00:03 BingoBoingo Beware toyota trucks from regions subject to winter road salting
00:03 deedbot http://qntra.net/2017/05/intel-amt-backdoor-keys-updated-after-initial-trigger-discovered-by-wrong-attackers/ << Qntra - Intel AMT Backdoor Keys Updated After Initial Trigger Discovered By Wrong Attackers
~ 17 minutes ~
00:20 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/bCMFv/?raw=true
00:24 BingoBoingo ty
00:24 mircea_popescu :)
~ 32 minutes ~
00:57 BingoBoingo !~ticker --market all
00:57 jhvh1 BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 1420.61, vol: 8440.46864327 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 1385.0, vol: 7184.81149 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 1558.0, vol: 21317.99741662 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 1211.369796, vol: 8118.75810000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 1410.99, vol: 5414.76249866 | Volume-weighted last average: 1438.87914435
00:59 BingoBoingo <pete_dushenski> BingoBoingo: so powerboats don't seize up or what ? << Yes
00:59 BingoBoingo You'd be suprised the amount of water "Up to 10% ethanol" can absorb
01:00 BingoBoingo Ethanol free gas also very useful for 2-cycle power equipment because carb'd rather than fuel injected (for now)
~ 15 minutes ~
01:16 BingoBoingo Sometimes there are weird exceptions to ethanol free lake gas being great for small motors, some of the 4-cycle hondas have trouble with octane numbers over 89 and the ethanol free lake stuff is the premium 91, 93, or 94 octane
~ 5 hours 23 minutes ~
06:39 asciilifeform https://archive.is/ZX7Fg << in other lulz
06:40 asciilifeform supposedly, 'An FBI translator with a top-secret security clearance traveled to Syria in 2014 and married a key ISIS operative...'
06:50 Framedragger http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-02#1650758 << (ack, of course!)
06:50 a111 Logged on 2017-05-02 01:14 asciilifeform: whether lizard hitler alone, or 10,001 scriptkiddie derps, have the key, is immaterial
~ 17 minutes ~
07:07 Framedragger re. "non-backdoored" CPUs, i wonder if someone considered ibm power systems (powerpc, linux can run baremetal now): https://www-03.ibm.com/systems/power/hardware/s821lc/index.html
07:07 Framedragger !#s ibm power
07:07 a111 4 results for "ibm power", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=ibm%20power
07:08 Framedragger ^ alf seems to have covered (and dismissed), tho
07:08 Framedragger (claims "fully open" stack / firmware)
07:09 Framedragger HN is like "Ah geez. Time to create a competent chip manufacturer. Anyone got a spare US sized military budget?"
~ 36 minutes ~
07:46 asciilifeform for fuckssake
07:46 asciilifeform no ibm.
~ 24 minutes ~
08:11 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-02#1650813 << hn is copying #trilema, years after the fact, and with the full faith and credit of imbecility lent to the pretense that they are not.
08:11 a111 Logged on 2017-05-02 11:09 Framedragger: HN is like "Ah geez. Time to create a competent chip manufacturer. Anyone got a spare US sized military budget?"
08:17 asciilifeform Framedragger: i observed, in old thread (where? not found yet..) that one cheap counter to boobytrapped x86 would be to make an incompatible Gb nic.
08:18 mircea_popescu it's even in the qntra treatment.
08:18 * asciilifeform reads
08:19 Framedragger aha! that'd be something. i mean, still full-on DMA, but yeah, k.
08:19 mircea_popescu Framedragger like in that scene derps love to quote, "what good is a phone mr usg, if you can't talk ?"
08:19 asciilifeform 'Whitelist-only networking may help contain the vulnerability, provided of course that it's not implemented on Cisco equipment.' sounded like it was about lan filtration, so not same idea
08:19 mircea_popescu not exactly undoable, either, but not much of a priority as we don't have yet a tmsr internet spec.
08:20 mircea_popescu asciilifeform the "not on cisco equipment" part == "incompatible nic".
08:20 Framedragger asciilifeform: can also attempt to block specific ports with *external* firewall
08:20 mircea_popescu Framedragger only if the firewall isn't a slut for the same punters.
08:20 Framedragger :)
08:20 Framedragger life is amazing, etc.
08:21 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i was suggesting a simpler thing than 'incompatible with internet' -- 'incompatible with intel's built in bus diddler logic'
08:21 mircea_popescu meanwhile got this noob discovered eulora, is about to explode inwardly.
08:22 asciilifeform Framedragger: if you think they use distinguishable magic packets, think again
08:22 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yes, but just make it incompatible with internet. nic / "router" / whatever item which a) sprays out numbers just like current but b) does all the alf magic routing + encryption + etc.
08:22 mircea_popescu can only use it to talk to same items.
08:22 Framedragger b-b-but they have a list of approved ports and they would only use them approved ports!
08:22 asciilifeform can use anything from sequence # crapola in existing packets, to timing noise
08:23 mircea_popescu can certainly exfiltrate via dns timing etc.
08:23 asciilifeform aha, trivially
08:23 Framedragger mircea_popescu: "mr usg", i lost it
08:23 Framedragger which reminds me, new additions on http://n-gate.com/
08:24 * Framedragger bbl
08:25 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: incidentally: i fully expect the ~next~ generation of intel fritz to use nic-independent trigger (e.g., magic string in memory)
08:26 asciilifeform it is even possible that 'kaby' (latest chip) already has it. hence the burn.
08:26 mircea_popescu aha.
08:27 asciilifeform let the gnu idiots think 'we fixed', etc
08:27 asciilifeform perhaps they'll even make a show of 'here, go ahead, turn off amt'
08:27 mircea_popescu ie, if the current http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-01#1650556 dorks keep at it, by 2025 we'll be buying up the shit of today because it'd be better than the shit of by-then.
08:27 a111 Logged on 2017-05-01 18:41 mircea_popescu: count for 100% just as soon as they stop telling themselves the 0% story to get to the slop like the rest of the pigs.
08:27 mircea_popescu sure as fuck no one in 2009 was willing to buy the 2009 crap.
08:28 asciilifeform 'remember when winblows wasn't baked into mask rom?'
08:29 mircea_popescu aha
08:29 asciilifeform 'buy a phreedomboot box, it lets you change the icon font'
08:30 mircea_popescu this whole "lets you" verbiage about computers, i remember when it started, too.
08:30 mircea_popescu it started once "romanian language" became a thing, they started hawking keyboards for it and "localized ms office" and bullshit.
08:31 mircea_popescu and a whole generation of fucktards who should have been hung instead got into computers.
08:32 mircea_popescu to them it seemed natural to get a govt job and explore what the computer "lets them" do
08:35 mircea_popescu then 15 years later they're having "a conversation" on ~~facebook~~ about things ( http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-29#1649833 ) and expect to be taken seriously, and for their INCREDIBLY offensive tone to pass as socially acceptable. the romanians of facebook, disgusting crawlies that came out of the eggs laid by the "romanians on ms office" repugnant creepies.
08:35 a111 Logged on 2017-04-29 12:43 mircea_popescu: aaand in not-really-news : avalance in retezat (romanian mountain) killed a few kids that were european and world record holders in mountain-related items. ro "our democracy" media railing about how the trainer (also father of one of the victims) "forced his two daughters to break record after record while training in EXTREME CONDITIONS!!!1 ONLY TO SATISFY HIS OWN EGOTISM!!1111"
~ 1 hours 11 minutes ~
09:47 deedbot http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/155893EEF0434D15E6E2CF042B43183CD419297FC91E695C0E97ADED164255B2 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1691...3873 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (Unknown DE NW)
09:47 deedbot http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/155893EEF0434D15E6E2CF042B43183CD419297FC91E695C0E97ADED164255B2 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1433...2427 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (Unknown DE NW)
~ 36 minutes ~
10:23 deedbot http://trilema.com/2017/minigame-smg-april-2017-statement/ << Trilema - MiniGame (S.MG), April 2017 Statement
~ 52 minutes ~
11:16 Framedragger in other news, was checking extant bitcoin (yes, "bitcoin", i hear the scoffing) vps offerings. seems to consist of things like https://libertyvps.net/offshore-hosting which has "offshore" and "our NL datacenter" in same sentence
11:21 Framedragger some kind of list (unchecked): http://cryto.net/~joepie91/bitcoinvps.html
11:28 mircea_popescu words of randos do not have specific meanings.
11:31 Framedragger yesyes, "not in wot" is central nail in coffin against any of these, sure. (nevertheless could be useful for certain isolated efforts, e.g. ip space scanning and so on.)
11:31 Framedragger yesyes, "not in wot" is central nail in coffin against any of these, sure. (nevertheless could be useful for certain isolated efforts, e.g. ip space scanning and so on.)
11:32 Framedragger whoops, dupe
11:32 mircea_popescu you know shinohai had the same problem earlier ?
11:32 mircea_popescu is there some very inept mitm going on ?
11:33 Framedragger i vaguely recall, yes. shinohai you use hashbang, right? fwiw vc's box.cock.li + scaleway (hourly billing) work for vps purposes (but no bitcoin for scaleway)
11:33 Framedragger mircea_popescu: only in the form of air being in the middle between antenna and shitty access point in cafe, in this case heh.
11:34 mircea_popescu http://logs.minigame.bz/2017-05-02.log.html#t14:44:25 << nothing to recall, it just happened
11:34 lobbesbot Logged on 2017-05-02 14:44:25: <shinohai> weird dunno why that posted twice
11:34 Framedragger oh
11:34 Framedragger scary!
11:34 Framedragger (thought it was re vps. hah)
11:35 shinohai yup using hashbang for now, though plans are to move the whole shebang (pun intended) at some point this year.
11:35 shinohai Probably around the time the whoreticulture blog gets stood up.
11:35 * Framedragger not too far off from idea of offering at-irc-fingertips vps to l1. maybe someone is having similar idea, tho? ;)
11:36 Framedragger shinohai: looking forward to that, btw :)
11:36 mircea_popescu well it was sort-of in the logs, at least in general, but it's still a very cool idea very much needed. scriba-based provisioning or what ?
11:37 Framedragger mircea_popescu: yes, something like that. same !!v principle. user gets ssh login. billed (if at all) by the minute, or the likes.
11:38 Framedragger there is a question just how much would people use it. of course, best market research is testing the market itself...
11:39 mircea_popescu could I do something like !$mirror <url> 5 so as to get it to spin up 5 separate instances, load url, unpack it and serve ?
11:39 shinohai I'd certainly be more likely to use irc shell from a tmsr Lord than rando docker service ran by SV weirdos
11:39 Framedragger (also, perhaps a more gradual way of "easing into" tmsr-isp?)
11:39 mircea_popescu then we could just maintain static versions of trilema, qntra and anything else tar-gz'd and ready to go.
11:40 Framedragger mircea_popescu: so the url would contain what, static contents for web serving?
11:40 Framedragger and give back live url?
11:40 mircea_popescu yeah, pile of html say.
11:41 mircea_popescu fast and painless mirrorring is certainly a valid application for your irc'd vps,
11:41 Framedragger easiest way of doing this if it were to return a non-dns-poisoned ip, as in, trilema.com/stuff1.tgz =>
11:41 mircea_popescu sure, ip addressing is fine.
11:42 Framedragger is if*
11:42 mircea_popescu there's really no need for domain names generally, and certainly no actual utility in this application.
11:43 mircea_popescu and this is a bona fide economically useful service, mind you, it'd entirely cut the whole "cloud" business at the knees, seeing how 99% of all the actual value they deliver is ~this, execpt at 100x the financial and 10`000x the administrative cost.
11:43 Framedragger so in this case it'd just be static content hosting, which is minimal on cpu etc.; there could of course also be an option of supplying a (signed, of course) payload, but less clear on definite application.
11:43 mircea_popescu with deedbot payments imminent, it may well take off even
11:43 mircea_popescu Framedragger no. no fucking payload. the web has no business being in state.
11:44 shinohai ^
11:44 shinohai !~later tell BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/7wTey/?raw=true
11:44 jhvh1 shinohai: The operation succeeded.
11:46 Framedragger mircea_popescu: well, while i of course agree in general, i don't agree in particular: i'd certainly find it useful to be able to supply a "curl phuctor stats every 24h, serve here" instruction. or, you know, "submit key", or "comments", or anything else of the sorts.
11:46 * Framedragger moving self to better location
11:48 deedbot http://www.contravex.com/2017/05/02/the-oilers-2017-playoff-run-and-other-municipal-musings-on-the-parking-lot-formerly-known-as-the-city-of-champions/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - The Oilers’ 2017 Playoff Run and other municipal musings on the parking lot formerly known as the City of Champions.
11:49 Framedragger interested to hear what mircea_popescu thinks re latter, tho ^
11:50 mircea_popescu if you're going to actually build uci, go right ahead. all intel servers are at your disposal.
11:50 mircea_popescu btw, that separate means ~separate~. it's ok to advertise a max you can supply, 3 or 15 or w/e it is.
11:50 mircea_popescu and in other teenage interest items, https://68.media.tumblr.com/909efedec17f394a7c236fcb23b89fa9/tumblr_o3209tAfC81tgdz6ro1_1280.jpg
11:51 shinohai Cookys and milk!
11:52 mircea_popescu with an enduring smile!
11:54 trinque put a sheet on your bed god, and get it off the floor
11:55 mircea_popescu that didn't parse
11:56 trinque she's got a bare mattress with a cat on it, looks like
11:57 trinque that's a paddlin.
11:58 mircea_popescu oh
11:58 mircea_popescu maybe that's how cat beds go in princessstan
11:59 shinohai Perhaps her owner got tired of dragging her out from under the bed and removed the frame to ensure compliance.
~ 1 hours ~
12:59 mats asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2015-08-12#1236371 windows will actually scan memory for this
12:59 a111 Logged on 2015-08-12 21:41 ascii_field: 'nstead, a file called "wpbbin.exe" was placed in C:\windows\system32 and executed. That turns out to be a method Microsoft introduced with Windows 8 to allow the BIOS to execute code on boot up (!?!) called "Windows Platform Binary Table (WPBT)". I can find almost NOTHING about this anywhere on the internet except a single document on Microsoft's website (link to the Google Cache since it's a .docx file) and in a random
13:00 mats get the right bytes in memory and windows will execute arbitrary PE file
13:00 mats lenovo used it to persist, iirc
13:01 mats (referencing next-gen fritz convo from earlier this morning)
13:13 mircea_popescu lenovo did use it to persist, i recall the scandal.
~ 32 minutes ~
13:46 deedbot http://qntra.net/2017/05/21-co-opens-spam-as-a-service-service/ << Qntra - 21.co Opens "Spam As A Service" Service
13:48 Framedragger http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-02#1650908 << i assume that here you meant "separate physically", even though the context was a discussion about vps? there could of course be a knob (separate instances, or separate instances on different boxen; the latter attracts a higher cost).
13:48 a111 Logged on 2017-05-02 15:50 mircea_popescu: btw, that separate means ~separate~. it's ok to advertise a max you can supply, 3 or 15 or w/e it is.
13:48 Framedragger (costs could almost-equalise at scale, but until then, it'd be more costly i would think.)
13:50 mircea_popescu why would i want 2 instances on the same box/ip ?
13:54 Framedragger IPs would be different.
13:55 Framedragger well, for purposes other than mirroring (CDN'y purposes), it could be useful. e.g. when i had to spin up 13 vps instances at once, i only cared that they had separate (dedicated) resources and IPs
13:55 Framedragger but i can certainly understand the separate-machine constraint for mirroring etc.
13:56 Framedragger it would, however, require having more than one physical box at-the-ready. which is fine and how providers work anyway, but the matter becomes cost-effective only at some degree of scale, then.
13:57 Framedragger unless of course one finds a provider which can provision physical boxes in a matter of minutes programatically, but the whole thing would then be a bit like a reseller-for-bitcoin, no?
13:58 Framedragger (or, becomes cost-effective if users commit to more extended periods of time; i suppose the thing would have to be flexible re. latter, anyway. i may want to spin something up for testing purposes just for the evening; or, i may want the thing for months+ (with expectation for a discount.))
13:59 * Framedragger need to think more
14:00 Framedragger (ideas and merciless criticism very welcome, as always)
14:03 mircea_popescu !!key serje
14:03 deedbot Not registered.
14:03 mircea_popescu not entirely sure why you want to charge per minute necessarily.
14:04 mircea_popescu anyway, the "different ips" in the sense of, "same box, same c block" is somewhat naive. they're not that different.
14:06 mats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8Vq5NV4Ens << how rolfr reverses a chip
14:06 Framedragger again, yes i understand, but really depends on application/purpose. being able to assign IPs from different c blocks is (eventually) desirable, but may be too steep in the beginning.
14:07 mats and related wiki, https://project5474.org/index.php
14:08 Framedragger re. per minute, i guess i should reach out to consult first eh - this was borne from a solipsistic "me as a customer" consideration: e.g. i want to test out some trb feature across multiple different instances, i need good i/o and memory; monthly costs would not be trivial (for the purpose at hand), so i wish to be charged on smaller timescales.
14:09 Framedragger the latter may only make business sense at some degree of scale, however (unless the per-minute rate is very high...)
14:10 mircea_popescu i guess.
14:11 Framedragger mircea_popescu: i mean, when you're thinking of spinning up those mirrors, you (i now suppose) think in terms of months/weeks, not days or hours or minutes, hm. yeah, i see.
14:11 mircea_popescu !~calc 24 * 60
14:11 jhvh1 mircea_popescu: 24 * 60 = 1440
14:12 mircea_popescu there's three degrees of magnitude between the day and the minute. is that your granularity ?
14:12 mircea_popescu but sure, day works, hour works, i have nfi who would not be interested in a per hour deal because he wants per minute!!11
14:13 Framedragger i was thinking, minute / hour / day (with discounts at each level), which is less coarse in terms of "jumps"
14:13 Framedragger yeah.
14:13 mircea_popescu i guess. really why are you painting this bike shed ?
14:14 Framedragger well, i recall asciilifeform's "nearlyfreespeech" hosting provider which boasts are "very honest" resource cost scheme, something to the degree of seconds, with loyalty (depending on total resource usage) discounts being applied every second (or minute, too) :D but that can be a bit childish.
14:14 Framedragger yeah i need to avoid them sheds.
14:14 mircea_popescu it's outright infantile.
14:15 Framedragger just realised that NFS is nigh-unusable for very-fixed-cost "just tell me how much it'll cost" company/project budgets, lol
14:15 Framedragger s/boasts are/boasts a/
14:16 Framedragger myeah.
14:17 mircea_popescu but it occurs to me cs weenie oriented hookers totally should have a per-second fee scheme.
14:17 mircea_popescu it'd serve the customer base much better.
14:18 Framedragger lol, burn, yah.
14:18 mircea_popescu ideally the way this goes, you call the agency, girl shows up, you spend ten minutes going through legal red tape / reading paperwork boilerplate / filling consent forms whatever. then you pump her a little, there's various gizmos and gadgets measuring things, then you play a little board game on the basis of the measurements for say 20 minutes or so.
14:19 mircea_popescu then you win and your 40 minute lunch break is almost over, everyone's very happy and can go on with their life.
14:20 Framedragger you may have just described japan's "comfort boy/girl" / "girlfriend experience" service offerings (mixed with their "hourly billing" airport sleeping-capsules)
14:21 mircea_popescu i bet you right now there's thousands of depressed dudes in ugly tshirts scattered all over silicon valley who would call a hooker if only a) half hour weren't the shortest quanta available and b) they were petrified they've got no way to amuse a girl for a WHOLE half hour, even if she were slightly retarded.\
14:21 Framedragger actually, their airport hotels should have this. "bob, file a patent!"
14:22 trinque Framedragger do you launder your workday sins in here or what
14:22 trinque "no really VPS is a thing"
14:23 Framedragger i thought there may be a demand for vps. multiple parties indicated such, including mircea_popescu.
14:23 Framedragger how it is done -- another matter. sorry if too much noise.
14:23 trinque I'm just giving you shit.
14:23 trinque the mirrors thing benefits how from virtualization?
14:24 Framedragger damn i forgot the secret sauce, i'll maintain deedbot's l1 mappings in mongo cluster
14:24 mircea_popescu !!key serje
14:24 deedbot http://wot.deedbot.org/6D551D986AA33802D881923520721E1D71B83DB9.asc
14:24 trinque sounds like a wget -R and perhaps rsync job, at the most
14:25 Framedragger trinque: does not require a full machine, cheaper. just that. unless there is an expectation that not only should multiple mirrors of same tarball be on different machines, but that also no two different (from different users, say) tarballs should be hosted on same machine.
14:25 Framedragger if latter constraint, too - then, yeah, meh.
14:25 trinque cheaper how
14:25 Framedragger ah, you mean in the sense that no need to run separate linux, even. sure, maybe
14:26 Framedragger trinque: multiple mirrors (from say different user) can run on same machine. vs. "whole machine dedicated to one mirror"
14:26 trinque I am currently paying some guy in the midwest a grand total of 32 bezzlebucks a month for two boxes that would trounce any VM
14:26 trinque what the fuck those are called directories
14:26 trinque you need a kernel per?
14:26 trinque and some http server to fart 'em out a pipe
14:26 Framedragger nb, do you mind if i ask how much traffic (unless unmetered) you get and whether this is colo (in which case, appreciation costs, too)
14:27 trinque 10tb
14:27 trinque per box
14:27 Framedragger nb...
14:27 trinque !#s joe's datacenter
14:27 a111 5 results for "joe's datacenter", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=joe%27s%20datacenter
14:27 Framedragger coolio
14:27 trinque iirc mod6 or somebody may have picked one up
14:27 Framedragger yeah i remember you mentioning the provider before, cool
14:28 Framedragger i'd rather not host in the u.s., but at the same time i'm not convinced just *how* much actual +ev does a "non-nato" provider give
14:28 mircea_popescu so much slide.
14:29 Framedragger sliding the point? sorry, no intention to do that. i see trinque's point, sure
14:29 trinque Framedragger: the datapoint I gave is in re: "VPS is a thing" not "here host in usglandia"
14:29 Framedragger yeah, okay.
14:29 trinque go a couple generations of hardware back and should be cheap cheap
14:29 mircea_popescu Framedragger how do you go from " a grand total of 32 bezzlebucks" to "e i'm not convinced just *how* much actual +ev does a "non-nato" provider give" ?
14:29 trinque and it'll still kill any VM
14:29 mircea_popescu i mean other than deliberately trying to be annoying.
14:29 * Framedragger pays ~24-30eur/mo. per 16 gb ecc ram xeon box, so should know better
14:30 trinque it'd be worthwhile to reflect on why "no really what I have to do to pay rent has a future"
14:30 Framedragger because it may be more than $32 if it's somewhere else but i MYSELF DEFEAT THIS POINT sorry damnit.
14:30 trinque maybe your way of paying rent has no future. better plan ahead I guess
14:31 trinque just like anybody
14:31 Framedragger yeah. ftr i do not survive or profit from vps. it can be useful sometimes (such as FOR INSTANCE for scanning the damn ipv4, overnight, and not paying for whole month, or for whole box.)
14:31 trinque so then broaden the category to "shit I read on hackernews"
14:31 trinque if not vps
14:32 Framedragger argh
14:32 Framedragger well, i don't have good track record here, so eh
14:32 Framedragger !~later tell gabriel_laddel_p ^ hooker for geeks in lisp, biznis idea
14:32 jhvh1 Framedragger: The operation succeeded.
14:33 trinque anyhow. in other "cheap computers > vps", the pcengines apu2 is now shipping.
14:33 * trinque has one in hand, shall post writeup soon
14:33 trinque making a repeatable gentoo recipe for the fucker
14:35 shinohai Anyone doing bizness involving hookers now owes Baron Titsbare slut tax. >.>
14:46 ben_vulpes dekulakization proceeds apace: http://nwexaminer.com/1393-2
14:48 ben_vulpes historic neighborhood associations responsible for such gems as colonial heights, the entire nw urban area, buckman etc, are now being politely shown the door by "the rent is too damn high"/ex bookstore owner turned city commissioner chloe eudalay in preference to ethnic groups
14:48 mircea_popescu heh
14:49 trinque http://media.shelf-awareness.com/theshelf/2016EditContent/Chloe_Eudaly_102316.jpg << they have a look
14:50 ben_vulpes minimum 45 degree angle
14:50 mircea_popescu the only question being, are you going to burn down city hall / hang chloe by her fallopian tubes ?
14:50 mircea_popescu because if not...
14:50 ben_vulpes no i'm leaving, you think i want anything from this shithole?
14:50 ben_vulpes arts tax? are you kidding me?
14:50 * trinque chants h-town
14:50 ben_vulpes i already left, mircea_popescu.
14:51 ben_vulpes next step is to cross state lines and deprive them of my bezzlars as well.
14:51 mircea_popescu cross state lines into brazil, while at it.
14:51 mats http://blog.quarkslab.com/exploiting-ms16-145-ms-edge-typedarraysort-use-after-free-cve-2016-7288.html neat
14:51 ben_vulpes tulum looks fine
14:51 mircea_popescu mats ahaha
15:05 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes how many trips in two seater does it take to evacuate fambly ?
15:05 ben_vulpes why two seater?
15:06 mircea_popescu i thought you drove some sporty thing
15:06 ben_vulpes yeah there's one of those in the library
15:06 ben_vulpes also have sedan and microtruck
15:06 mircea_popescu ah. and bike!
15:06 ben_vulpes real question is how many fambly members it takes to evacuate fleet
15:06 mircea_popescu lel
15:06 mircea_popescu that's an admiralble problem to have.
15:07 ben_vulpes everyone knows how to work a manual transmission too.
15:08 Framedragger hah, u.s., where knowing how to handle stick is not implied by knowing how to drive :D
15:08 ben_vulpes where having a penis does not make you male either
15:09 ben_vulpes magic land of endocrine disruptors in the water table
15:09 mircea_popescu does microtruck have double clutch ?
15:10 ben_vulpes lol i wish
15:10 ben_vulpes microtruck does not typically need ultra wide gearing
15:10 ben_vulpes but shit damn some day i am going to get back behind the wheel of a unimog
15:13 mircea_popescu pretty cool looking trucks yeah.
15:13 mircea_popescu daimler was it
15:14 ben_vulpes had one of those and one even larger at $summercamp
15:15 ben_vulpes aww, $summercamp
15:15 * ben_vulpes gets misty
15:17 Framedragger !#s hetzner
15:17 a111 40 results for "hetzner", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=hetzner
15:17 Framedragger ben_vulpes: $summercamp as in in school?
15:17 Framedragger (schooltimes, or adulttimes)
15:18 shinohai https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/hillary-clinton-blames-russian-hackers-and-comey-for-2016-election-loss/2017/05/02/e62fef72-2f60-11e7-8674-437ddb6e813e_story.html
15:20 ben_vulpes Framedragger: my parents packed the children of my generation off to desolate islands during the summer to kill things, camp, boat around the archipelago, climb mountains, break each other's fingers etc under the supervision of other, slightly older children and a smattering of 'adults' responsible for taxes and calling medevac from time to time
15:20 ben_vulpes it's a thing. summer camp.
15:21 Framedragger so the films tell me! but this particular description is nostalgia-inducing (where nostalgia may not even have a reference, in my case/context). sounds amazing.
15:21 ben_vulpes oh perhaps you are asking if i meant burning man?
15:22 Framedragger haha :D no. i guess there is that, too. it got even more expensive as of late, didn't it
15:22 mircea_popescu gotta pay for all the special accomodation for dickless bureaucrats trying to pick the peon ranks for fuckable slavegirls while the ac is going full blast.
15:23 Framedragger there must be a more efficient means of doing that... but i guess it needs to sell them the story of "one with the universe" and ecology, too, due to self-deception
15:24 Framedragger administrative overhead!
15:24 mircea_popescu Framedragger the problem is http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-27#1648346
15:24 a111 Logged on 2017-04-27 02:45 mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo it is, the problem with it is that 10% or less of the payola is paid out as bezzle usd ; the remaineder 90% or more is paid out as pats on the back, empty and baseless congratulatory verbiage and generally speaking psychotronic noise.
15:25 mircea_popescu if they actually understood their place in the world somewhat closer to reality, there could be. but as it is they overvalue themselves to such a degree, people are stuck paying for it with pretense.
15:26 mircea_popescu hence all the ~beat them~ references. the only way for it to be more efficient is shedding a healthy 99.9% of the inflation of self worth going around.
15:26 Framedragger (this relates in my had to shinohai's WP article, hillary blaiming russian hackers for election loss. loootsa collateral damage from inflated self-valuation...)
15:27 Framedragger right right, the inflation is cumulative so to speak, and permeates to many places.
15:27 shinohai Hillary lost long before Russian hackers were ever even finished doing recon, tbh
15:38 Framedragger trinque et al.: thanks for (as always) righting me. i have a shitty follow-up that is still bugging me. here it is, condensed: i think there is a service niche (again: i am in no way vested/involved as of now) for offering a shell with limited resources and (say) a bouncer (like hashbang.sh), for "dirt cheap".
15:38 Framedragger you may not use it yourself because, barf, (1) "just get a real thing already", and (2) "i have more things to host, so why should i pay for this AND that, separately". but for someone who only needs bouncer and maybe-sometimes-ssh (writing small bot in vim, connecting it to irc, etc.), it makes sense to pay very-little for a very-little-thing.
15:38 Framedragger it's ~petty in terms of business/margin/etc., but as a tmsr service, it may be useful to have, for some people. can you see how vps (in this fashion) may remain part of world for at least i dunno several more years? apologies if this line of reasoning totes ruins your day.
15:39 mircea_popescu only way to find out is to put it online and see
15:40 Framedragger same. (it's not like i'd quit $job if this is done anyway, so even by trinque's line of reasoning, won't go homeless in 6 months!1)
15:41 Framedragger anyway, material for $blog, etc.
15:41 trinque gonna have to explain to me wtf conflates "I get a weechat and shell" with "need massive shitstack of xen/kvm/strange"
15:41 mircea_popescu cuz he wants to put 500 weechats in one box
15:41 Framedragger not 500, but yeah, stack 'em.
15:42 trinque sure, and what
15:42 Framedragger with no implication that "no you get unique box" in service offering.
15:42 trinque you know people sold shells before this virtualization thing existed
15:42 Framedragger trinque: i'm not constructing a technological argument. i'm saying, actual cost would be dirt cheap, hence for customer it would be dirt cheap.
15:42 Framedragger hmm, lol, yeah, true.
15:43 trinque what the hell does "now I have 300 kernels" in memory buy you but attack space
15:43 Framedragger oh aha, misunderstanding of term (i was the one to abuse it). for me "vps" meant any kind of stack-i-zation of this kind, not necessarily xen/etc.
15:43 trinque how about... users
15:43 trinque and no pretense that they are safe from each other
15:43 * Framedragger opens unix manual, "oh"
15:43 Framedragger hm, yeah.
15:44 Framedragger but yes good point, one needs to carefully think what exactly is to be offered, and then "parallelize" on those exact things, not "generic containers".
15:44 trinque either user separation exists or doesn't, and if doesn't, explain to me how "but yeah and then we take a massive dump where had tiny dried turd" and this is better
15:45 mircea_popescu rowhammer included by reference
15:45 Framedragger i 100% concede, why pretend and bloat. picture wasn't sure in my head before, "vps but uhh more light", maybe it's just unix users lol. damn.
15:46 mircea_popescu nothing wrong with users.
15:47 Framedragger was it hashbang or sth that even set you up with default tmux arrangement where weechat was running with support irc channel open. looked quite neat
15:47 Framedragger (maybe too much hand-holding, but anyway.)
15:47 Framedragger right, thanks, lol.
~ 32 minutes ~
16:20 shinohai Hashbang irc blows because forced ssl
16:22 Framedragger shinohai: jhvh1 is also on hashbang, right? how does hashbang force ssl for *that* one, i wonder? by whitelisting irc ssl port only?
16:24 shinohai No, I mean their *own* irc server (and the phree webspace) forces it. But you are welcome to run other services as you please.
16:25 shinohai jhvh1 almost didn't live there because they did python "upgrade" to 3 and removed 2.7 .... after much bitching and a few bitcents of admin greasing I got it back.
16:26 shinohai ( A long time ago, hashbang was actually a gentoo thing but was then debianized by powers that be )
16:28 Framedragger ahh, i see! k
16:28 Framedragger nice work re greasing!
16:28 Framedragger ridoinculous that it needs doing in the first place of course :(
16:31 shinohai I'm unsure why I even started using the place, besides knowing a person or two there. I always liked sdf better for my shell needs. They only recently started accepting Bitcoin for memberships so I need to renew again, for life this time.
~ 25 minutes ~
16:56 shinohai BWAHAHAHA an FBI translator defected and traveled to Syria to marry the ISIS recruiter she was investigating.
16:56 shinohai DEEP COVER
16:58 ben_vulpes and only got two years when she got home
16:59 ben_vulpes (because of course she came screaming back)
17:05 shinohai "German rapper turned IS recruiter" <<< lulzy
17:18 mircea_popescu heh
~ 17 minutes ~
17:35 Framedragger http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-21#1646948 << just ftr, it does appear that they do, and multiple (not just using "our dc / branded as ovh", but actually theirs), https://www.ovh.co.uk/aboutus/datacentres.xml (just for posterity)
17:35 a111 Logged on 2017-04-21 17:32 mircea_popescu: last i checked ovh did not own the dcs.
~ 55 minutes ~
18:30 mircea_popescu integrated eh ?
18:31 mircea_popescu look at that, simplified corporation with a quarter billion in debts at a 1bn valuation and 300mn revenue.
18:33 Framedragger nb if revenue steadily rising (they're opening a dc in .uk and a dc in .pl, lotsa investment)? :)
18:33 Framedragger (i think lots of .fr co's are "simplified corporations"?)
18:35 shinohai https://twitter.com/ProtonMail/status/859486173558788096 <<< Am monitoring, will Qntra if juicy enuf
18:36 Framedragger mircea_popescu: since you were reading wikipedia anyway, a somewhat-curious read from there, https://forum.ovh.ie/showthread.php/913-Following-the-wikileaks-case (original link now gone/"archived")
18:38 mircea_popescu i was actually reading teh morning star but ok.
18:39 Framedragger whoops sorry, thought i'd stab in dark as that info was on wiki in that order. morning star prolly just copypasted from it. or vice versa, hard to tell these days
18:40 mircea_popescu well, inasmuch as it's a factual matter...
18:41 Framedragger i wonder how exact those revenue figures are, if it's a "simplified corp" (and not publicly traded it seems), but yeah guess so
18:41 Framedragger or hm, it has stock price, so unsure.
18:42 mircea_popescu french space is as per usual a mess.
18:44 Framedragger a friend needed bank account for a french job. got assigned "personal assistant" at bank. now assistant asks to meet every $x weeks, they go for coffee or something. which is maybe great in HNWI world, but she's not "HNW" and just has a normal not-high-paying job. ahh the french
18:44 mircea_popescu is she hot ?
18:44 Framedragger yeah, quite. hah, i see
18:45 mircea_popescu so you take hot girl out for coffee every few weeks. that such a horrid fate ?
18:45 Framedragger not at all, i guess i'm just used to cold and person-less banking (which i actually enjoy tyvm), but yeah i see
18:45 Framedragger can be nice.
18:46 mircea_popescu gotta cover the http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-02#1651075 somehow.
18:46 a111 Logged on 2017-05-02 19:24 mircea_popescu: Framedragger the problem is http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-27#1648346
18:52 BingoBoingo "Long considered the pillar of citizen input for city policy-making, neighborhood associations now seem to take a back seat to groups based on racial and cultural identity, as well as to issue-based groups." << Nice, Portland is inviting the Klan back to the table
19:01 BingoBoingo "especially in light of what’s going on politically across the nation under President Trump." << Then why is the boss hogplanet standing in front on the Trump train? They don't call it a "cattle catcher" without reason
19:05 BingoBoingo "A bookstore owner, self-identified queer person and single mom with a disabled son, Eudaly campaigned heavily on better protections for renters and some form of rent control. The 46-year-old gained momentum as months went on, striking a chord..." << With the City's many other femayo lardbarges on the wrong side of the tracks
19:06 mircea_popescu hey, they got time and aren't easily deterred.
19:07 mircea_popescu in fact, need fork lift to de-terre
19:07 BingoBoingo Why not just blockade metformin and insulin going in to portland?
19:11 ben_vulpes why bother, whole place is going to collapse under its own weight and its dependent poor
19:11 ben_vulpes or sink into the quagmire of flood washout it was built upon come the first tremor of any note
19:13 ben_vulpes metformin and insulin must be free!
19:16 BingoBoingo Wait, you have floods too? The Kaskaskia River is out of its banks and wrecking the shit out of some corn fields
19:17 BingoBoingo Along with Shoal Creek, Beaucoup creek, and Big Muddy River(Not to be confused with the Mississippi river)
19:19 ben_vulpes this'd have been a few tens of thousands of years ago but yes
19:19 BingoBoingo In other recent events: "On Sunday morning, a culvert collapsed underneath the front parking lot of Dunkin’ Donuts and Subway on Rendleman Road in Carbondale, causing the entire lot to sink."
19:20 mircea_popescu since Framedragger got the whole thing going : here's a fine example of "color revolution" material, https://litere.uvt.ro/publicatii/BAS/pdf/no/bas_2005.pdf
19:20 mircea_popescu i expect asciilifeform and no one else would well enjoy it.
19:21 Framedragger wait what is this? :D also 'A Hoax of Hate: Henry Ford and "The International Jew"' ahaha
19:22 mircea_popescu Framedragger a decade ago, some dorks got some money together paid some english speakers to mock romanians' efforts at translating shakespeare, and everything else.
19:22 Framedragger hahahahaaha
19:23 mircea_popescu the mockery itself was not bad, notwithstanding the sad situation of the dorks somewhat in the vein of you know, that fat annoying kid with a hot older sister. "why should i wash, have you seen the boobs on Jane ?!?!"
19:24 mircea_popescu it's a very good catechism of the thing, really. honest toil and honest cunning. very square jawed.
19:25 mircea_popescu besides, who even knows the ancient hick-hock joke anymore ?
19:25 mircea_popescu you'd have to be mp, and to have read at oxford before trafalgar, to know such things.
19:28 Framedragger by following this conjunction and assuming continuity of identity, we trivially deduce mp to be over 200 years old
19:28 mircea_popescu mp is not very sure how old he is.
19:28 Framedragger it's the usual case with self-referential mp-complete systems
19:31 BingoBoingo MP is 8
19:31 mircea_popescu and what is this.
19:31 BingoBoingo You can tell from the pixels!
~ 34 minutes ~
20:06 shinohai ty BingoBoingo
~ 1 hours 37 minutes ~
21:43 shinohai !~ticker --market all
21:43 jhvh1 shinohai: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 1464.38, vol: 9180.20443000 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 1405.0, vol: 6992.17556 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 1583.9, vol: 16774.8043119 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 1246.99855, vol: 10465.64550000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 1474.974, vol: 5285.85252517 | Volume-weighted last average: 1451.45748104
~ 1 hours 50 minutes ~
23:34 mod6 evenin'
23:35 ben_vulpes heya
23:35 mod6 how goes, Sir?
23:38 ben_vulpes pretty damn well, i gotta say
23:39 ben_vulpes plants are growin, babies are babblin, babes are beautiful, my plate is full of things to do, and we're supposed to get 2 solid days of over-eighty weather
23:39 mod6 nice!
23:39 mod6 pretty swell disposition dear sir.
23:41 ben_vulpes zero room to complain
23:41 ben_vulpes oh wait
23:41 mod6 haha
23:41 ben_vulpes my breakfast burrito was slightly off, and my stomach's been gurgling all day
23:41 ben_vulpes there i found something to complain about
23:41 ben_vulpes *phew*
23:41 mod6 got the mcgurgles?
23:42 ben_vulpes well the asparagus and chicken seems to have smoothed everything out, so i guess i can't even really complain about present circumstances!
23:42 mod6 werd.
23:43 ben_vulpes btw girl does stellar asparagus; they're in season and big enough they can both steam on the inside and crisp up on the outside.
23:43 ben_vulpes and yourself?
23:44 mod6 ah, well, was my mom's birthday today. so tough. but other than that...
23:45 mod6 things are looking up. weather is getting nicer.
23:45 mod6 i'm pretty excited about tmsr~ / trb/trbi things upcoming.
23:49 ben_vulpes seems as though there is some "fun" to be had with ada
23:50 * ben_vulpes still sojurning through cpp swamps
23:50 ben_vulpes wrong word; wading more appropriate.
23:51 mod6 yeah, it's a swamp
23:52 mod6 im starting to get into ada things... but i have a lot of problems with `gnatmake`, not sure exactly why.
23:52 mod6 but chalking it up to I don't know what I'm doing quite yet.
23:52 mod6 anyway, stan's ffa is exciting to read through.
23:53 mod6 i can't honestly get it to compile though.
23:53 mod6 so im doing something idiotic im sure.
23:57 mod6 anyway, seems a common theme with me and ada. starting to wonder if my compiler version is fubar or someweird shit.
23:58 mod6 like, simple things such as examples and such, tons of barfing.
23:58 mod6 *shrug*
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